#( eternally gay without relief. ) ▍ out of character
lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
What your favourite Eternals character says about you
Based only on my opinions.
Ikaris: you love Richard Madden, or you love characters who are fucked up and do bad things but for understandable reasons. Or both.
Ajak: Milf lover, team mom edition. You either think she's a mom friend or you think she's just as to blame for everything but you like morally ambiguous characters so it's okay.
Gilgamesh: you're obsessed with the "it's rotten work"/"not to me. not if it's you." quote. You want someone who loves you through all hardships and/or you relate to the role of being a caretaker for your loved ones.
Thena: the same as Gilgamesh and you love Angelina Jolie and badass women. You are also a softie (hidden or not) and might be touch starved.
Phastos: you have the biggest brain cells. That's right, you have more than one! You hate the mcu fandom but you're still here for some reason. You were usually the one in the group project who did most of the work and put in the most effort, even if everyone else was competent and did their own work. You have suffered burnout.
Makkari: You're also a collector of many, many things. You probably ship drukkari and/or wish she was seen more outside of her relationship with Druig. They wouldn't have been able to find Tiamut without her and you think she deserves more appreciation!
Kingo: You love purple. You want to watch his movies. You love characters who appear selfish and but also care deeply for the people they love. You love Tony Stark (and for the same reasons you love Kingo), but if you don't, you think Kingo is like him but done better. Your strongest trait is understanding other people's decisions even when you don't agree with them, and you value people who have beliefs they stand by but won't hurt people over.
Sprite: Comic relief characters who finally get to explore their dark side or personal issues are your favourite. You might have abandonment issues or struggle with your self-image. You feel like no one knows your real self. You love chaotic little bastards. You love those "shout out to [character type] Gotta be one of my favourite genders" memes.
Sersi: You love soft, good, kind characters more than anything. You have a hard time making decisions. You were the one in the group project who always did a good job and put the effort in but never wanted to be in charge or give the presentation but would step up if needed (alternatively, you were usually the one in charge and you always really appreciated these types of group members). You might be a little touch starved.
Druig: you're a basic bitch. I'm sorry but it's true. You're also a loki fan.
Ben and Jack Stoss: You're also a Phastos fan, and you want to see a lot more of him and his family in both the MCU and in the fandom. You hate the fandom for ignoring this perfect family and the first gay kiss in the MCU.
Karun: you have the biggest brain cell. Damn, you wish you'd gotten to see his eternals documentary.
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zhartha · 4 years
Hey guys!
I know I’m no longer active here ( the Zen muse has been dead ;0; but you can catch me on discord nonetheless @ Indecisive#6701   ) BUT I’m popping in to ask for some retweets on a #transcrowdfund post!
I’ve got some pretty expensive stuff coming up, so retweets/donations will help a lot! I also have video commissions open!
The tweet!!
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northlight14 · 3 years
Gettin’ bi
(Title inspired by the song “Gettin’ bi” from the show “crazy ex girlfriend”)
Description: Really, all Roman wanted was some time to relax after a long week. But, of coarse, his brother Remus has to come and crash his binge watching session. 
TW: caps, cursing, let me know if I need to add anything else
Ships: platonic creativity twins, implied roceit
Genre: human au, high school au (kinda, it’s mentioned they go to high school but that’s it)
Prompt: bisexual (prompt given by @pridewrite2021
(Mild spoilers for the show crazy ex girlfriend!! Also if you haven’t seen it, go watch it because it’s soo good and not as sexist as the title makes it sound! You don’t really need to have seen the show tho to read this)
It had been a long week. Roman had been having to balance home work, art coursework AND practicing for the school show. Not to mention how many arguments he’d gotten into with Virgil about lighting of said show. But now it was finally Friday night and he could breathe. 
Roman went straight to change out of his regular clothes and into his silk red pajamas, the material feeling soft against his skin. He then switched off his bedroom light, making the room as dark as possible, flopped onto his bed and switched on his TV to Netflix. He looked through each of the shows on his list that he’d been meaning to watch before changing to his ‘watch again’ list to binge ‘Crazy Ex Girlfriend’ for the 5th time. What? Roman knew what he liked. 
He clicked onto a random episode before huddling into his white duvet and red and yellow pillows. A few episodes passed, Roman singing along to all the songs having memorised them by now.
‘I really needed this’ Roman thought as the next episode began to play.
Then, as if on que, his brother Remus burst through his door, the light from the hallway blinding Roman.
“Hey dipshit! What we watchin’?” Remus said, jumping onto Romans bed, crushing his legs in the process.
“Ow! Remus!” Roman squawked, pulling his legs away.
“Don’t be a puss.” Remus laughed, nudging his brother in the side and yanking the blanket over towards him.
“Remus!” Roman said, trying and failing to steal his blanket back.
“Sorry Ro-bro, it’s mine now. So, what we watchin?” He asked again.
Resigning himself to the fact that Remus wasn’t going to leave, he answered rather defeatedly, “Crazy Ex Girlfriend.”
“That again? Wait, was that you singing the songs again?! I thought a cat was getting mauled somewhere or something!” Remus laughed as Roman made an offended gasp before hitting his brother in the head with one of his pillows.
“Shut up!”
They were able to get though a few minutes of the episode without too much of an issue. Emphasis on the too much because Roman has a beautiful singing voice thank you very much and those aren’t even the right lyrics Remus and you know it!
That was until a very specific scene started to play.
‘Shit.’ Roman thought. ‘Are we up to this bit already?’
Roman watched very quietly as the character Darryl began to call his co-workers into his office, his back going (ironically) very straight and his discomfort hanging thick in the air.
‘What the heckity heck five abs and one pec am I supposed to do here?’ Roman thought in panic as Darryl began to sing the iconic song ‘Gettin bi’ as he came out to his co-workers. It was one of Romans personal favourites in the series considering he was also bisexual. But also considering no one apart from a few close friends knew that, this was approaching dangerous territory.
‘If I don’t sing this song, that’ll look suspicious!’ Roman thought. ‘But if I do, there’s a very high chance I’ll get too into it and out myself! How the heck to straight people react to this?!’
He eventually opted to humming it slightly, making a comment about how he “doesn’t really know the words to this one,” despite it being on his playlist. Roman then dared a glance at his brother, who was watching the show unbothered. He couldn’t help but wonder what Remus was thinking. Sure, Remus had never said anything homophobic in the past but Roman had met some of his friends and they weren’t exactly the most pleasant of people.
‘Well, most of them.’ Roman thought, blushing slightly as he thought of Janus, Remus’ best friend, before shaking the thought away.
“It’s pretty cool they have so much diversity in this show.” Remus said casually, tossing popcorn into his mouth. (Wait, when did Remus get popcorn?) “I mean, most shows completely ignore bisexual people existing but this guy gets a whole ass song about it.”
Roman couldn’t help the warm, comforting feeling in his chest. “You think?” He said, carefully.
“Well, yeah. Me and one of my friends who’s bi was talking about this yesterday. In shows and movies, they always act like a character can only be either straight or gay but that’s so stupid. They can be bi or pan or poly or omni. They’re just uncreative and erasing a bunch of people.” Remus said, tossing a sweet into his mouth. (Wait, when did Remus get sweets? What the fuck?!)
Roman honestly felt like he could cry. “So you don’t think it’s, like, made up or whatever. Or a phase?” Remus looked at him judgingly.
“Well, obviously not.” He said as if Roman was stupid. “Why, do-oof” Remus was cut off by Roman tackling him into a hug. And yep, Roman was definitely crying now. Remus just seemed to freeze like a deer in headlights.
“Roman, what the hell?” Roman moved away from Remus, frantically whipping tears from his eyes. “Uh...Roman? You alright?”
“I’m...um.” Roman began to choke on the words he was so close to speaking. ‘Am I really about to do this?’ “I’m bisexual.” He quickly said, eyes averting Remus’.
There was a beat.
It surely must have been just a few seconds but God did it feel like an eternity. Roman looked at Remus, waiting for him to say something. Anything.
‘Oh God this was a mistake! He hates you! He’s going to out you to mom and dad and-‘
Remus smirked. “Yeah, and the skys blue, grass is green and snakes have two dicks. What else is new?” Remus laughed.
“I...what?” Roman said, not entirely sure what to say to that, especially that last comment.
“I already knew you weren’t straight, you dork.” Remus smiled, nudging Roman in the shoulder.
“You...what?” Remus just laughed.
“Roman, you’re literally a theatre kid. Plus, anyone with eyes can see you drooling over Janus every time I bring him over.” Roman felt his entire face go red at that. Then he felt a twisting sense of horror in his gut.
“Do mom and dad know?!” He asked, slightly panicked.
“Probably not but I won’t tell them if you’re not ready.” Roman sighed in relief at that.
The two then turned back to the TV. The song had finished and the episode was continuing. Roman felt...strange. Almost as if it wasn’t him who had just come out.
“I’m really proud of you, you know.” Remus said, not taking his eyes off the screen with a small smile on his lips. Roman felt his heart light up, almost like a massive weight had been lifted from his chest.
That was until Remus playfully punched him in the arm.
“Ow! Remus!”
“What? That’s how I show affection!”
This quickly turned into a wrestling match.
Roman was glad things hadn’t changed that much, at least.
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For those who want to listen to the song: here
I’m not saying this was an excuse for me to tell everyone to go watch crazy ex but like...I’m not denying it either😅
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
For the character ask meme, obviously I have to ask Lucille (or Edith!)
Oh no I have suddenly developed an ocular affliction that causes me to read the word "or" as "and"
What a strange and unfortunate-
Edith Cushing
First impression: My first impressions of this movie are kind of hazy in my memory now, because it's been six years but also because all I really recall is how much I loved it. Like, you know those movies where you leave the theatre and you just feel Changed(TM)? CPeak was definitely one of those, even if my Fandom Spiral for it was delayed.
I do remember thinking, "oh thank god, a Victorian female lead who's strong and independent and compelling without giving the impression that the director secretly hates 19th-century women." That definitely hasn't changed.
Impression now: MY STONE-COLD BADASS BUTTERFLY GODDESS. I love Edith so much. I want to write her more, and I have some stories coming up which will give me that opportunity. She's imaginative but no-nonsense, a keen appreciator of beauty but eminently practical. Edith is the eternal "sir, this is a Wendy's," and the epitome of "do no harm, but take no shit." Also her wardrobe is excellent.
Favorite moment: Any time she's talking about her book. It's so relatable and she's so determined to make her dream come true. Characters do talk to you, and I wonder, if she ever found an earlier copy of the text she'd stashed away somewhere, what Cavendish would make of himself now.
Idea for a story: Edith is secretly gay and marries Thomas just to get to Lucille. That's it; that's my next multi-chapter fanfic. Coming eventually to an AO3 near you!
Unpopular opinion: I don't think she was pregnant at the end of the movie. Or if she was, I imagine long-term chronic cyanide poisoning would make her miscarry. I also don't think she ever saw Thomas' ghost again, but I do think she held onto the land around Allerdale Hall and reopened the mines- half to fulfill his dream as a last gift and half because it never hurts to have another source of income. I doubt she ever went back into the house, though.
Favorite relationship: Canon? With her father. I love the scenes where they interact, because it's clear how much they love each other and understand each other as people. We love a healthy fictional parent-child relationship in this house.
Fandom? I am currently the woman in that math meme, except trying to figure out how to morally break Edith in just the right way that she'd fall for Lucille. Without being totally unrecognizable as herself.
Favorite headcanon: It's not exactly headcanon, but Del Toro said Edith dislikes Christmas in her character bio, and I imagine that's because of just how many parties an upper-class American Christmas in the 1890s-early 1900s would involve. Maybe she can get out of going to some, but she's Carter's hostess, and since he enjoys "social frivolity" as much as she doesn't...I imagine she breathes a sigh of relief when January 7th comes around and she can finally just spend evenings by the fire with her manuscript and a cup of chocolate.
Lucille Sharpe
First impression: If Murder Bad Why Evil Lady Hot?
Impression now: I want to suit up in full body armor and give her a hug. She's such a mess, and she's a mess that you can't help feeling sympathy for. Obviously she does so much that's awful and horrifying, and none of it is justified (except killing her parents- they had it coming). But god...there's just SO MUCH below the surface to analyze and poke around in. That's what makes her so fascinating to write.
...also If Murder Bad Why Evil Lady Hot?
Favorite moment: It's not my favorite, but it's a moment I have many questions about. The part in the park where she tries to dissuade Thomas from going after Edith. Why did she do that? Was she objecting to Edith's youth because she actually has some scruples left? Was it just about her own insecurities in the face of a Sweet Young Thing(TM) who Thomas already seems way too interested in? Was it a slightly petulant complaint that Edith's company would be unbearably tiresome for even a few months?
I feel like the answer could say a lot about her as a person. If only we knew it.
Idea for a story: How long do you have? I'm writing a hurt/comfort fic right now about Thomas bringing her home from the asylum and the immediate aftermath thereof, so that's definitely an idea to explore.
Unpopular opinion: I think her relationship with Thomas is more or less consensual. Or at least, I don't think the fact that his eyes were closed when Edith caught them together means what the fandom seems to think it means (that he was uncomfortable). Like. He was kissing her shoulder and actively pulling her closer to him. His eyes may have been closed, but the body language doesn't exactly say "just getting through it" to me.
The power dynamic is undoubtedly screwed up, especially since they were 13 and 11 when everything started (according to Del Toro) and Lucille is not above laying on the guilt trips about everything she's done for him (according to the novelization). So it's still not a HEALTHY relationship, even besides the codependence and the fact that they're siblings. But I don't think Lucille is outright forcing Thomas to have sex with her, or ever has.
Favorite relationship: Canon- I mean. She has one non-murder-motivated relationship in canon, so...I find the Sharpe siblings somewhat endearing because I think, ultimately, they really do love each other. I bet she has a favorite among Thomas' automata, and I bet she could listen to him talk about his inventions for hours.
Fandom- I don't have to math meme this one. Lucille likes having Her People, to love and possess. Lucille likes women. Lucille thinks Edith is beautiful. Lucille has absolutely no scruples about pursuing what she wants, if she can allow herself to want it. This theme has been lovingly explored by fans many times over, and it never gets old to me.
Favorite headcanon: Lucille is an aesthete at heart. You can't tell me a woman who does housework in silk-velvet and owns that nightgown/robe set isn't hell-bent on beauty even at the expense of practicality. Gods help anyone who tried to offer decorating advice if they ever had gotten the house fixed up- she'd lovingly plan every single room herself, and accept no advice or criticism from anyone. (Except possibly Thomas, but I doubt even him.)
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zhartha · 5 years
Hey! I’m coming in to tell you today I got my first T shot! Also some pills for my vitamin d deficiency al;sdjka
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zhartha · 5 years
Don’t forget! Zenyatta loves you!
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zhartha · 5 years
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I just ... spammed my friend with asks Give a <3 if you want Zen in your inbox!
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zhartha · 5 years
Zenyatta and Genji.
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zhartha · 5 years
look, i don’t care what you think, but zenyatta definitely wears Hawaiian shirts and you can kill me on this hill
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zhartha · 5 years
Zen is just ... so damn PERFECT
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zhartha · 5 years
Please take a moment to appreciate Bastions little lego butt!!
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zhartha · 5 years
i have thought about a very specific AU for Sigma and Zen, who would like to hear it
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zhartha · 5 years
Things human!Zen can and will do as a child:
Hide beneath the robes of his fellow Shambali. He’s 4 years old and that is where he lives ; please avoid tripping on the child.
Bringing in bugs and small rodents to show Mondatta, because bugs and small rodents enjoy his company and do not struggle. 
He squeals a lot - every second - it’s a happy little giggle!
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zhartha · 5 years
I, uh , forgot I made this
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zhartha · 5 years
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I may not be active but  Give me a like if you want Zen in your inbox! Halloween themed!
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zhartha · 5 years
yes hello if a hanzo ( or a genji ) would like to deliver me a thread where zen cooks for them, I would not be upset
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