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"Mɪᴛᴄʜᴇʟʟ Esᴛᴀᴛᴇs" - Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
Divders (In each Chapter) by @firefly-graphics & @cafekitsune
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Hello! This is the Masterlist page for my 17-part Ewanverse Series titled: Mitchell Apartments! This series includes 11 of Ewan's most prominent characters and does take place in the modern world!
Summary: You manage to finally get an apartment, the rent isn't cheap and you know you'll have to overwork yourself to afford it but you have no other choice. You can't go home and you can't afford to go anywhere else. It's quiet and lonely in the beginning but you soon make some connections with the other tenants, and you manage to get yourself into some trouble too.
Can you survive living in this new area? Or will you be packing up and moving before the year's up? What could go wrong? They just want to be friendly.
Fandom(s): House of The Dragon, Salad Days, Grantchester, The Halycon, Fire, World on Fire, Saltburn, The Las Kingdom, Trigger Point, High Life, and Doctors
Warnings: These fics will include dubcon, manipulation, & violence More specific warnings will be added to individual chapters! 18+ only fic!
If you wish to be added to the taglist please comment on this!
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Chapter 1: "Moving In"
Chapter 2: "Bitter" (Will x Reader)
Chapter 3: "Babysitter" (03/16)
Chapter 4: "Gentle" (Jack x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 5: "Confident" (Billy Washington x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 6: "Trouble in Paradise" (TBD)
Chapter 7: "Filthy" (Abraham x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 8: "Good Boy" (Osferth x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 9: "New Beginning" (TBD)
Chapter 10: "Date Night" (Tom Bennett x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 11: "Good Neighbor" (Aemond Targaryen x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 12: "Pop Quiz" (TBD)
Chapter 13: "Flustered" (Billy Taylor x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 14: "Nerd" (Micheal Gavey x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 15: "Laundry" (TBD)
Chapter 16: "Easy Money" (Genyen x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 17: "Rent" (Ettore x Reader) (TBD)
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A/N: If not mentioned in chapters I wish to reiterate something. All characters that partake in any sexual content (even fluff) are 18+. No one is underage. If you as a reader are underage I beg of you to not read this! If I knew how to sniff you guys out and block you I would.
If you decide to not listen to me please understand you are responsible for your own consumption. No Parents should be attempting to get my account taken down because of your choices!
PLEASE READ: I would also like to say. These stories are not meant to be taken any specific way. I say this because I worry how people will react to her sleeping with ALL of her neighbors. This was honestly just for funsies and if I see any serious slut shaming comments you're getting blocked.
Honourable Mentions: @thought--bubble Jess is honestly the whole reason I started writing in the first place! Her Kitty Cat Series inspired me to write my own Ettore fic which has led me here today. Thank you Jess for feeding my delusions and being a source of inspiration!
MaximumWill (NSFW! LINKS) Patreon & Soundgasm You guys may think this is odd...but I gotta credit him. I do not believe he has Tumblr but I have linked to his patreon. He is an 18+ audio maker...(if you know what I mean 😏🍆) He is the inspiration for the Micheal Chapter with this audio & the inspiration for this ENTIRE series + the Ettore chapter with this audio. (Please do not judge me...Im already ashamed🫠🫣)
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yanderefairyangel · 7 months
I think it's very funny how I hear so many people say "if only we could have a game with Engage's gameplay with 3H's level of writing we could have a perfect game" because we already had a FE game with 3H's level of writing long before 3H came out... and that's Fates.
I kid you not. 3H and Fates have the exact same writing flaws when it comes to the story and the worldbuilding. And that's that it was waaay too ambitious for its own good.
I mean, Fates orginal script was literaly so big it was massive novel trimmered down for video game format as for 3H's well...
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10 freaking thousand years of worldbuilding for a video game story.
See the problem ??? That's something you do for a novel not a video game !!!
The main reason why stories in video games tries to stay simple is because they are aware of the medium they are dealing with !!! Fates and 3H are both game that are very, very long. Do you have any idea how long they would be if they went fully into developping all of the worldbuilding and lore they were supposed to have ?
That's the problem with big worldbuilding. As ambitious as it is it comes with the downside of requiring a lot of screen time to make every bits of it story relevant in a way or another and to flesh it out well. Do Fates and 3H do it well ? Well, Fates is a tought subject seeing how the localization removed a lot of its worldbuilding and created incoherences and inconsistencies on top of that, but we do see that in the original there were some of them not that developped such as the 12 dragons having only 3 at least that are very plot relevant : Hydra, the Rainbow sage and Moro. You don't learn a lot about 3 more of them, the Ancestor of the tribe we do meet in Fates and the one that shared their blood with the Royals, but there is still some stuff missing and that could have been developped more. And this problem Fates had, 3H had this too, but multiplied by 4 because of 4 routes. And the Hopes recton. And I know Hopes takes place in an alternate timeline but some of the change are way to weird to attribute it just to Shez's survival. Like, the complete shitf of personality from Dimitri's uncle : in Houses he is supposed to be a useless lecher, in Hopes he is a depressed Claudius trying to kill Dima.... what happened exactly ?
What those game tried to do was waaay too big. They have the exact same problem in the story and lore. They also have the same strengh as in a strong cast with good characterization. And if I consider 3H's stories to be weaker then the 3 stories in Fates, I think the 3H''s cast had a stronger characterization compared to the Fates one.
Again, I can salute the ambition, but if we encourage the devs to follow that direction, we are basically begging them for half finished story with improper lore and worldbuilding.
A good worldbuilding isn't a gigantinc epileptic. It's one that is consistent, well used in the plot and despite of his tenght is rich enough. Take Pandora hearts. It's worldbuilding is small. Literaly. We only know the name of 2 city, Sablier and Reveil. We don't even know the name of the country we are in ! All that we can recognize is that the character are dressed in the 19 century victorian era seetings and have English name. But the country has 0 name. You can look, it's called and I quote the material world only to distinguish it from the Abyss !!! Even the characters comming from another country such as Isla Yura or the Duc Barma's family, characterized by their red hair and special clothing, we never learn which country they come from not the name ! And that is perfectly FINE. Because learning the name would eventually change nothing. Not having the name removes nothing from the story because PH focus only on those setting in a way that matters for the plot. Reveil being the capital of their country only matters to localize Gil's appartement and the Pandora's base. Sablier matters because it's at the core of the plot, the only historical aspect that matters is the tragedy of 100 years ago. All the other important place such as the Abyss, the monster, the chains, the system of contractor etc all of this is detailed in a way that is not thousand of data but only the essential to keep the plot moving foward so the story feels focus and only has some elements to flesh out rather then 1000000. And even then, Sensei still managed to improve that with the VNC worldbuilding that is much richer but that still is focused and that focus comes from how she is using a size that fit for the medium she writes for !! And the PH lore is still rcih in references, metatextuality and wink wink to Alice in Wonderland
And the main reason why I think Awakening and Engage had stronger stories then these 2 game was because they knew what they were doing. And by that they knew what they were : video games. Think about it 2 seconds.
Awakening was written as a random regular video game script. Fates became a novel. 3H had an over 10 thousand years woth of lore chronicle going on. Engage was written as a random regular video game stories keeping with a traditional RPG vein.
And out of the 3 Engage is the most consistant. It's not without its flaws, but it objectively does better because it knows the format it has. It knows it is a video game. You can't expect a video game to be has rich and have the same writing as a novel. Each medium as it's own rules : that's why when manga or novel can adapted on screen, the screewriters as to adapt it to the medium he is dealing with. Because it's not the same medium, it has different rules, different challenges etc. If a video game adapts a novel, you can't expect it to be as much in depth because a video game is supposed to be shorter then a novel. Same for a manga. Same for a movie.
Engage and Awakening knew their size. They knew what they were doing and avoided being so big. Because even if the 3H writers had kept in check all of the ten thousand years of lore they wrote, nothing would change the fact that they don't have the time to flesh that out in that game. The data doesn't allow it. The timing doesn't either.
Another example. Recently, Goody two shoes came out. And despite it being a prequel to Pocket Mirror, it has a very good story and a simple one with a few very important characters and enough lack of information for it to be a mystery and not just something that was left as is without proper developpement. And that's because it knew what it was and stick with it : being a prequel to Pocket Mirror.
Engage and Awakening, while not perfect, also stick with what they were : video game stories. Fates and 3H were more then that because they have enough of information to be literal novels. If you compare Engage to the manga, you'll noticed that the manga get to expend more on a lot of things and again it's all because of the medium. If Engage had a serialization as novel, it would be the same, more dense. If Engage had an anime, same. The same story will have different management of its ressources depending on the medium you are writing it for. Fates was written like it was a novel when it was supposed to be a video game. Same thing for 3H.
When the fandom says they want a story or writing on the same level of 3H they don't think about how a lot of 3H's flaws comes from the very core of the project, the size not fitting the medium or try to handwave it as "a game can be ambitious" but the problem is that 3H and Fates biggest flaws WERE their ambitions. The more your project is ambitious, the more it requires you time and effort and date for it. So when it doesn't suit a video game format because of the several restrictions, you know your project will end up feeling incomplete. The writers of 3H themselves said it. 3H is the smaller picture of a bigger one.... so how many Foldan game do we need to have the FULL picture ??? Knowing that Fire Emblem's settings keeps changing, 2 are clearly not enough.
Again, it's the aesthetic of depth that speaks. The fandom loves big stuff. And while 3H's worldbuilding isn't an empty shell, it has way too many elements to flesh them out entirely leaving holes that aren't of the level of mystery or ambuiguity, but of half cooked. However, fandom LOVES HOLES, it adores void so each time they'll spot one they will try to fill it imagine something bigger then it could have been implanted within the canon. Because it's more interesting to them then whatever IS could have actually written. And it shows that the aesthetic plays into this because 3h and Fates have the EXACT SAME LEVEL OF WORLBUILDING and it follows Seisen's too. 12 important figures ? Check ! Weird wonkery of blood givins special power to an elite of favored people? Check ! Lizard like creature revered as deities ? Check ! Magical weapons only some people can wield ? check ! The list goes on. But for some reasons people acts as if Fates had no lore (that's wrong, you can even check what the FE wiki says on that matter) because it doesn't have the same aesthetic as 3H despite all the common points these 2 games have.
And even if they decided to do 3H but less big, I don't think it would work because 3H's story also ended up being relying on its size and it would have worked had it had more lore... but that's the thing ! it already had TOO MUCH lore for a random video game and it was over 400 hour long and no matter how many DLC they would have released they just can't dwell into all of this ! Might as well create a new franchise entirely focused on the world of Foldan !!!
So really, be careful what you wish, because if you keep making believe to the devs that what they did with 3H was the way to go even though it's clearly disadvantaged by the size and the format of the medium, they will never manage to improve what was flawed in 3H. And that's mainly because what was flawed in 3H was that it needed more then it did when it already did something gargantuan which imo is the evidence that the level writing of 3H doesn't work on a video game. At all.
Again, take Goody two shoes. It had little going on but it explore it to its fullest resulting in very simple story with little stuff yet very rich and full of emotion and its simplicty made it work very efficientely. That's good writting. Not throwing in very big stuff and struggling to finish it, but managing to exploit to the fullest even the smallest thing to create a rich experience. Something that manages to be rich even though simple is what's actually impressive. That's the route to follow for a good game story.
So you wanna know what IS should do ? Follow what they did for Engage but simply improve what in Engage was flawed. Because Engage has the right size for a video game format and even if you think they would have expanded on more, the additions are so easy to spot that you can see it's not level of 3H big, but simply some polishing, maybe some chapter added, but not something as astronomically tall as Fates or 3H since those game had the problem of not going more in depth with the lore, requiring more lore to something that was already too big and too long for a video game. And again, I am not saying they can't take anything from 3H cause 3H does a lot of good things notably regarding the characterization, such as the idea of personal paralogue for the characters. That's great. This should come back. But when it comes to the story itself... gneee... nope. No. 3H's ambitions and tenght is way too close to to the core of the project yet it's the main thing that hold it backs and lead it to slip so often.
Imo the perfect FE story would be able to managed to combine simplicity and ambitions since the more simple story could feel like it needed more, but that's the same problem with the much more ambitious project. The writers of IS should try to find a balance between the two to fix that issue, but I don't think 3H has this balance
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jennilah · 13 days
What's your favourite saw movie? And how would you rank all of the saw movies?
I love saw 4 [I know alot of people hate it, but I adore Daniel rigg, therefore it's my comfort movie]
omg what a difficult question LOL but i have attempted to rank them for myself before..
funny, my ranking now is completely different from my first impressions
anyway get ready for another signature long, way overthought answer filled w series spoilers
disclaimer, being low on the list here doesn't mean i dislike the film, actually. there are none I truly dislike, its just I love the top ones so much that it simply pushes every other down
i was just gonna describe my top 3 and then vaguely rank the rest but i think ill describe all of them. so, in LOOSE order of fave to least fave (def not set in stone)
Saw VI: has my favorite scenes with my favorite character, the FBI plot is thrilling, William Easton's game is one of the best, every trap is memorable to iconic, technical things like the cinematography and lighting and set design is mwah chefs kiss. And, its one of the most satisfying films in terms of finally getting answers to mysteries that have been teased for 3 movies straight, and finally seeing Hoffman get his comeuppance. The last moments of that film are some of the hypest shit. I put this one on when I need to see my man and im craving peak soap opera vibes but in all the best ways
Saw X: As much as I love the investigation plotline, I love how this one takes a step back and you truly get to be with John and Amanda all movie, they got to really spend time on the emotion and heart of the film, and again, it has some of the most memorable and exciting sets and traps, as well as some of my favorite player characters. Cecelia, my queen. it also has i think one of my favorite finale scenes of all of them, where we get to see John in a trap himself!!! and the hello Zepp moment being just. perfection. 👌 I put this one on when I want my Saw-watching experience to feel like a sporting event from thrill and great subtle humor, but i also need to be in the mood for the emotional beats bc they hit pretty hard
Saw II: I will sing this film's praises whenever I can. Its a fantastic sequel and I will tell u why. Aside from Saw X this is practically the one other film where John actually gets a spotlight and he eats up every scene. This fuckin guy. One of the funniest films to rewatch after knowing the signature Saw twists- this dude drops so many foreshadowing comments its honestly impressive and comedic. The nerve gas house is also one of my favorite games, and I love seeing Amanda get a spotlight too. You also get a taste for what the franchise has in store when it comes to the camp and soap opera plotline, so as long as you're into that, its one of the most fun Saw films. I watch this one when I want a more lighthearted Saw experience where it really feels like John and Amanda are up to mischief
Saw V: A little on the slower side, I actually appreciate that this one is mostly about providing much-needed answers and backstory. If you hate Hoffman, I get why this one could be a slog, but I adore him so I'm fine. As for Strahm, this one really shocked me. I thought he was gonna be a one-movie type deal just be killed off at the very start, but he SHOCKED me. U get to watch someone survive a trap, a RIGGED one no less, and go from kind of a cocky asshole to the baddest bitch on the scene. He singlehandedly figured out Hoffman's deal and took it upon himself to stop him, procedure be damned. I was rooting for him so hard, man. I also really like the Fatal Five. And the Glass Coffin. Listen, it's pretty obvious why I'll put this one on.
Saw: The OG. What more is there to say. It's original, it's exciting, it redefined a genre whether you wish it did or not, it's got the craziest early 2000's flare, it's got mystery, it's got drama, it's got it all. I put this one on when I want to go back to our ✨roots✨
Saw IV: Initially this was probably my least favorite but now that I can tell Hoffman and Strahm apart, now that I adore both of those characters, now that I know the plot like the back of my hand so I'm not confused by the copious flashbacks and general lack of answers given and new questions asked, I love it just like the others. Rigg is also one of my favorite game-players, he's just so good and wants to save his friends, watching him mentally toil over everything is really exciting. The traps are also fun. And every Strahm scene. (also this movie is filled with really hot men and lots of fanservice for Jennas like me to enjoy, and enjoy even more with shipping goggles on)
Saw III: This one I love for the progression of Amanda and John's complicated dynamic and lore but I also can't rewatch it often because it's so damn sad, and gross. This one is probably the grossest one between the multiple vomit moments and pig vat. Ugh. But, every Amanda scene, my god. My precious girl. I want to scoop her into my arms. I love her so much. This one I've only watched twice, Im due for another stoned midnight rewatch soon.
Saw 3D: They can't make me hate you. I haven't rewatched this one yet, but I'll rewatch moments for a laugh. I like the potential- all the ideas they had, like the original film callbacks and bringing back Lawrence as an apprentice and finally showing someone dying in the damn RBT, and even the furthering of Hoffman's mental downfall which I'd argue started in 5, were intriguing on paper, but the execution was a bit awkward. I like Hoffman's rampage though. Hoffmanator, my problematic fave, really playing into my love for slashers there
Spiral: this was a Scream movie. but, I like Scream. ill rewatch it one day when im in a specific mood i think. maybe
Jigsaw: meh. dont hate it but i have no desire to rewatch. i do think Logan coming back would be the funniest shit ever
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 4 Part 1
JP Spoilers under the cut
I was tired and sleepy when I typed this, so expect a lot of mistakes.
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???: “Damn it, he’s alive!”
Mai: "-----!"
Before I realized it, several villagers had gathered.
(Did I hear that wrong?)
Mai: "Everyone, the bandits have already been driven out of the village."
Mai: "Look, the girl survived, too."
Villagers: "............."
The cold, unrelenting gazes seemed to be directed not at me but at the kids.
Boy: "B-Big sis..."
(Ugh, this disgusting atmosphere again. It's the same as when the boy asked for help.)
Somehow, I felt like I had to step forward to hide the two kids behind my back.
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Kicho: "Oi, Mai."
Mai: "What? Why are you guys looking at us like that?"
Old woman: "It's because you did something unnecessary."
A scowling old woman came out from among the villagers and spoke flatly.
Mai: "Unnecessary?"
Old woman: "Yes. Didn't you hear me? I told you that "thing" doesn't need to be here."
Girl: "Oh..."
(By 'thing', does she mean this girl?)
Mai: "No matter how much you want to say it, you can't say it like that."
Old woman: “You outsiders talk so high and mighty.”
Old woman: “It's because of them that this village got attacked. Twins bring nothing but bad luck.”
Kicho: “-----!”
Mai: “B-Bad luck?”
Old woman: “That’s right. It’s disgusting to see them come out of their mother’s belly all at once.”
Old woman: “How can a beast in human form be normal? I won’t be surprised if someday the village disappears because of them.”
Mai: “Wait! You have no basis for saying something so awful!”
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They looked at me coldly, forcing me to shove my rebuttal back down my throat.
(Everyone believes what this old hag says.)
(Because even that time...)
Village chief: "It's all that guy's fault."
Village chief: "The crops aren't growing well, and the village has been set on fire by bandits. I wonder what kind of disaster he will bring next."
---------Flashback Ends---------
(All the villagers shun these kids.)
Villager 1: “I wish they would’ve died like that.”
One of the villagers whispered, making the other villagers fuss one after the other.
Villager 2: “He’s right. We might’ve been saved, but she just had to do that.”
Villager 3: “Hey, the house is still burning, right? Why don’t we just lock them up there?”
Villager 4: “We don’t have a choice, do we? It’s their fault for coming out on their own.”
(Wait, what the hell are they saying?)
I could feel something unseen, something dark, rising in the group, moving closer and closer to a conclusion that should never be reached.
Village chief: "Everyone is right. Let's kill them here."
Mai: "----!"
(We can't stay here. We have to leave now!)
I grabbed the kids by the hand and was about to run, when一
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Kicho: "Don't screw with me!"
Mai: “Kicho!?”
With a sharp scream that cut through the air, Kicho pointed something at the villagers.
Villager 1: "Eeeek!"
Kicho: "They bring nothing but bad luck? Beasts in human form? What do you think you're doing with their precious life?"
Kicho: "Don't you dare f*ck with me!"
(Crap, the trigger!)
Mai: "S-Stop!"
I quickly grabbed his arm as he became agitated.
(I've never seen him so emotional.)
(I feel like I have to stop him somehow.)
Mai: "Calm down, and please put the gun down!"
Kicho: "Why should I stop? And why are you taking their side?"
Mai: "I’m not. But you look like you're in pain."
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Kicho: "What?"
Mai: "I'm angry too. I don't want to protect those people at all, but more than that, I don't want you to take their lives while you're suffering like this."
Kicho: "............."
He fell silent in front of the frightened villagers and slowly lowered his hand, holding the pistol.
Mai: "Let's get out of here."
Village chief: "U-Um."
Mai: "I apologize for doing something UNNECESSARY, but I don't think I did anything wrong."
(I can't blame Kicho for getting mad.)
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After that, Kicho and I put the kids on our horses and left the village.
The sunny sky was now full of dark clouds that seemed to reflect my heart, and shortly after that, it started to rain.
Mai: "I'm back."
Kicho: "How is it?"
Mai: "It's okay. Thank you for getting me a new kimono."
Kicho: "It's no big deal. I don't want you wearing a burned kimono at a business meeting."
Kicho: "Besides, you'll catch a cold if you stay wet."
He offered me a cup of freshly brewed tea as he said so.
Mai: "Thanks."
As I accepted the teacup, I looked toward the shoji, where I could hear the sound of the heavy rain.
(I'm glad we found this place.)
After leaving the village, we went to an inn in a town a short distance away to take shelter from the rain.
Of course, we brought the kids with us, but they’re not here now.
Mai: “Did you meet her safely?”
Kicho: “Yeah, she came to the inn just a few minutes ago. They’re staying at another place tonight and will leave tomorrow.”
Mai: “I see. That’s good.”
(I wonder what they’ll do now that they leave the village.)
(Although I didn’t expect their mother to be here in this town.)
From what I heard, they lived with their mother, and their father was no longer in the picture.
However, they were always mistreated in that village, making it difficult for them to get enough food.
So their mother had no choice but to come to this town, and it was during that time that today’s incident happened.
(I’m glad we got them out safely, though.)
My relief was short-lived, as I felt the pain in my chest again.
(I still feel bad when I remember what happened in that village.)
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Kicho: “Mai, I have something to say.”
Mai: “S-Sure, what is it?”
Kicho: “About tonight. I checked with the innkeeper, and she said there are no more rooms available.”
(Does that mean we’re going to spend the whole night together?)
Mai: “In addition to that, it’s raining.”
As soon as I become aware of it, things end up getting awkward.
Kicho: “Don’t worry. I’ll find another place to stay.”
Mai: “Eh? What about the monitoring?”
Kicho: “I’ll ask one of the innkeepers here to help, so I’ll know right away if you go out suspiciously.”
He put the teacup on the tray and stood up quickly.
I also hurriedly put down my teacup and grabbed his sleeve as he was about to leave.
Mai: “Wait! That doesn’t mean you can just do this.”
Mai: “I’ll leave here. You go ahead and rest.”
Kicho: “At this hour? With zero visibility? It’s gonna be dangerous for a woman to be out there alone.”
Mai: “But I can’t let you go outside.”
Kicho: “That’s what I’m saying to you, too.”
Kicho: “Do you understand what will happen if we don’t back down from each other?”
Mai: “Yep, just now. But I’m not gonna give in.”
When I stubbornly insisted, Kicho sat down on the tatami again in dismay.
Kicho: “You’re stubborn. I can see in your face that you’re acting so awkwardly.”
Mai: “Ugh, but...”
Kicho: “I know. It’s useless to keep arguing like this, so I’ll give in for now.”
Mai: “Thank you. That saved me from feeling guilty.”
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Kicho: “You’re stubborn in a weird way.”
Mai: “Really? But I just couldn’t give in.”
Mai: “It’s raining, so if you walk outside, you’ll get soaked again.”
(Like when you rescued the kids earlier.)
Mai: “You were also pale after you rescued us earlier.”
Kicho: “That time, huh?”
After a short pause, he replied grimly.
Although it was a bit dark, I could see that Kicho looked tired right now.
Mai: “Are you sick?”
Kicho: “Don’t worry, I’m not sick.”
Kicho: “It’s just because I got wet.”
Mai: “Because you got wet?”
Kicho: “You know that wormholes appear during a storm.”
Kicho: “When I got wet earlier, I remembered the moment I was transported back to that period.”
(I remember him saying that the future was a hellish world.)
(I wonder if there was something so shocking back there that just remembering it makes him feel like this.)
(I don’t know any of the details, but一)
Mai: “Yet, you covered yourself with water and jumped into the fire.”
Mai: “I really appreciate that.”
Kicho: “Don’t thank me. You did the same thing.”
Kicho: “You jumped into the fire to save her, even though you were scared.”
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Kicho: “Besides, I’m sure the words you said saved their hearts, too.”
Mai: “What?”
Kicho: “Have you forgotten? You told them back there that no life deserves to die.”
(Oh, that?)
Mai: “I said that to convince myself, so it’s not that big of a deal that I saved them.”
Kicho: “It doesn’t matter what the true meaning is. Words only make sense when they reach someone.”
Kicho: “It is up to the receiver to decide what it will represent.”
(He’s right.)
Mai: “Then, I hope I helped those kids even a little.”
Kicho: “Yeah. Anyway, what you did today is not something anyone can do.”
Mai: “I can’t believe it either. Ever since I came here, crazy things keep on happening.”
(But at that time, I was so confused and desperate that I didn’t know what was going on.)
(I was anxious more than anything else.)
Kicho: “Are you anxious?”
Mai: “Is it that obvious in my voice?”
Kicho: “No. But you looked like one. Much worse than what I saw in that burning house.”
Kicho: “Are you thinking about your original time?”
Mai: “A little, but it’s okay.”
Kicho: “.............”
Suddenly, silence fell in the cozy room.
And as if choosing his words, Kicho dropped his gaze and looked at me again.
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Kicho: “I have a few questions.”
Mai: “What is it? I can answer a lot of questions about the future.”
Kicho: “I see. Then I want to hear about your life back in the future.”
Mai: “What?”
Kicho: “I’m interested in what kind of life you had.”
Kicho: “Can you tell me your story?”
(My own story.)
(I never thought he’d ask me that.)
Kicho stared and waited for me to speak as I gaped at him with my mouth hanging open.
(People often ask that question in job interviews. It’s hard to talk about life, but yes, there was a time when I thought about it.)
Mai: “My life was quite normal, but I had a dream I was more passionate about than the others.”
Kicho: “You mean your dream back in the future?”
Mai: “Yes. I wanted to be a designer.”
Kicho: “A designer, huh?”
He repeated my words without changing his expression, looking like he already knew what the profession was.
Mai: “It’s been my dream since I was a little girl, but it’s not been an easy road.”
Mai: “I worked, studied hard, and tried my best to find a new job, but when I finally got a job for a small fashion brand, I got sent back to this era.”
Kicho: “So it hasn’t come true yet?”
Mai: "Yes. I was one step away from it."
Mai: "I have no way to leave, so I'm just wondering what I should do. Hahaha."
I squeeze out a dry laugh to cover up what could've been a serious conversation.
Kicho: "..............."
He didn't laugh along with me and just squinted his eyes to criticize me for doing so.
Mai: "Anyway, my life has been neither good nor bad."
Mai: "I haven’t given up on my dream, but I think it’s time to face reality because everything I’ve built up over the years is back to square one."
Mai: "I need to make sense of my existence here to survive."
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Kicho: "I see."
Kicho: "Then, I'll change the question. Why did you want to be a designer?"
Mai: "Well, because the first clothes I designed made people happy."
Mai: "I was happy back then that it made me want to make it my job."
Kicho: "But there will be many opportunities to get those feelings if you live."
Kicho: "So why did you find so much joy in it that you decided to make it your life's path?"
Mai: "Um..."
I was at a loss for words when he suddenly asked me that because I had never put into words the happiness I felt at that time.
(Why, huh? Because it made me happy.)
(I completed something I made for someone.)
Mai: "Oh..."
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foxes-that-run · 8 months
Canyon moon
When introducing Canyon Moon in the one night only performance harry said was written at Tom (kid harpoon) and Jenny’s house L.A. in January 2018. Jenny in the song is Tom’s wife and Harry dedicated it to her:
Longing for home and domestic life
The lyrics refer to Jenny and Tom’s settled life with kids as a dream when compared to leaving his beloved to tour:
“Sky never looked so blue So hard to leave it That's what I always do So I keep thinking back to A time under the canyon moon The world's happy waiting Doors yellow, broken, blue I heard Jenny saying "Go get the kids from school" And I keep thinking back to A time under the canyon moon I'll be gone too long from you”
Remembering lyrics
Harry talks about sharing love of music and not remember lyrics which reminds us of his temper trap tattoo. After the bridge the song ends with ‘looking back’ because the relationship didn’t survive his journey. :
“I'm going, oh, I'm going I'm going, oh, I'm going home Quick pause in conversation She plays songs I've never heard An old lover's hippie music Pretends not to know the words And I keep thinking back to A time under the canyon moon”
To Rolling Stone Harry spoke about the influence of Joni Michell’s Blue for Canyon Moon: “he and Kid Harpoon tracked down Joellen Lapidus, the woman who built Mitchell’s dulcimer for Blue. She not only made one for Harry, she gave him and Kid Harpoon their first dulcimer lesson at her house.”
Between 3-4 March 2012 Taylor Swift wrote "Nothing New" for Red. She'd just learned to play the Appalachian dulcimer because that's what her hero Joni Mitchell played on Blue. Swift penned this song on a flight from Perth using the instrument, inspired by Mitchell's "A Case Of You." Thank you @mynkno
Laurel Canyon, Joni Mitchell
The canyon is likely Laurel Canyon where Joni Mitchell lived while dating Graham Nash. At the height of their fame in the 70’s Joni and Nash had a strong attraction, broke up and wrote many songs about the heartbreak, including Blue.
California has a similar meaning to Canyon Moon. Joni sings of being weary from travelling in Europe after breaking up with Nash, longing for home in California and includes hoping he will take her as she is ‘strung out on another man’ (breaks my heart every time)
Harry owned a Hollywood Hills house near laurel Canyon, from 2016 which was for sale when he wrote this. The song was written at Toms house ‘around the corner’.
TS also owned a house in the area 2012-2018 which he visited before leaving to tour and she sold the year this was written (to buy another in LA).
In his interview with Zane Lowe about the album at 38:45 in Harry talks about his relationship with California changing and it never being home.
Canyon moon is bittersweet about a relationship with someone who has a shared love of music, harry gives two outcomes:
The reference to Joni and Nash are a couple who are driven to succeed as famous musicians. Passion and leaving LA to tour were challenges and the relationship ended, as happened in the relationship he is looking back on,
The reference to Jenny show a different path, Harry is daydreaming about having stayed in LA and having domestic bliss with someone who shares his love of music.
The song is about what could have been and missing the relationship rather than place.
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a-night-like--this · 1 year
The Cure photographer Paul Cox: “Robert Smith is a normal bloke – but he has a presence”
Cox tells us about his new photo book 'The Cure "Stills"', years of working with the band, and recent correspondence with Smith
By Andrew Trendell | 6th January 2023
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The Cure's Robert Smith shot by Paul Cox
Photographer Paul Cox, who has released a new book of his images of The Cure, has spoken to NME about his experience of working with the band and his correspondence with frontman Robert Smith over the years.
The Cure, who recently completed a lengthy UK and European tour with a string of acclaimed shows at London’s Wembley Arena, are expected to release the long overdue ‘Songs Of A Lost World’ – the group’s first new album since 2008’s ‘4:13 Dream’.
To give patient fans something to digest in the mean time, Cox recently released The Cure “Stills” – a book documenting his long visual relationship with the band since he first started shooting them for a magazine session back in 1980, before soon taking photos of them during a Top Of The Pops performance. Their shoots together would often start in the early afternoon and go on until the early hours of the morning.
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The Cure on ‘Top Of The Pops’ in 1980, shot by Paul Cox
“I was quite young, and they came across a little bit intimidating – but interesting; and that was always the thing,” Cox told NME about their first meeting. “You get a little bit of a vibe off people. From that one little session I just kept pestering them and got to shoot them more and more.”
Cox continued: “Robert is a very down to earth person – a normal bloke – but he has a presence when he walks into a room. He knows what he wants and nothing is going to stand in the way of how he presents himself. He won’t do interviews for the sake of it, he won’t do pictures for the sake of it; there always has to be a reason and he’ll put his all into it.
“Working with him over the years, he always puts a lot of effort in. That’s not him trying overly hard but just knowing what needs to be done and projecting himself in a certain way. He’s just great to photograph and a real character.”
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The Cure’s Robert Smith shot by Paul Cox
Despite Smith’s image as one of rock’s most iconic figures, Cox doubled down on his reputation as “a normal bloke”.
“I’ve always wondered what it would be like inside Robert Smith’s house, but I think it would be fairly normal!” he said. “I can imagine him putting a shelf up. He’ll do things himself. When we were doing the book, I first asked his permission out of courtesy, then he ended up curating it. It took so bloody long because of various things happening and people dying and whatnot. It took five years to do this book when it could have taken six months.
“Anyway, while we were putting the book together he was actually moving house at one point. He didn’t get people in to do it for him. At one point he told me, ‘Oh, this is the 10th trip I’ve done in a van!’”
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The Cure, shot by Paul Cox
As for what his photographs reveal about the band, Cox said that The Cure “haven’t changed at all really”.
“You see their fashion changing slightly like when they went for the suits for a bit in the ‘80s, but generally Robert Smith in particular hasn’t changed at all – the big hair, the red lips, the eyeliner, his commitment. How many bands have survived as long as them? Not many.
“The members dip in and out, but I would imagine that [Smith] is really hard work to work with, but he’s just so driven.”
Cox went on to say that he “didn’t know” if he’d ever work with The Cure again, or if the band would be likely to do many more photo shoots.
“In the kindest way, they don’t need to promote themselves pictorially,” Cox argued. “They are what they are and can get by with a little drawing. Photography and what photos are used for have changed and now taking new photos is kind of unnecessary most of the time.”
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The Cure, shot by Paul Cox
Smith has repeatedly teased the band’s upcoming record to NME as a dark, “merciless, relentless” piece, inspired by a period of great loss following the passing of several family members, and in a similar spirit to their 1989 gothic art-rock masterpiece ‘Disintegration’.
Quizzed on if he had any inside knowledge on ‘Songs Of A Lost World’, Cox replied: “No, not at all! Haven’t they been working on a couple of albums? I know one was supposed to come out back in the autumn, but I can understand why it didn’t. Sometimes you won’t hear from him for three months at a time, then he’ll come back with shitloads all at once! A lot of personal things have happened in his life over the last few years, and he just puts his priorities in the right place.”
The Cure “Stills” by Paul Cox is out now. Visit here for more information.
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The Cure “Stills” – by Paul Cox
Speaking about the book in a statement, Smith said: “The ‘look’ of the various incarnations of The Cure, through many different periods, is inextricably linked to Paul’s pictures; his vision, expertise and patience played a huge part in portraying us, not just as we wanted to be, but as we really were.
“An excellent photographer, and an excellent man… and a very good job he wasn’t put off by the very weird job that was The Cure on top of the pops in 1980!”
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aperrywilliams · 1 year
We Could Try (Part 7): Holding On (Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credits to the creator!)
Author Masterlist / Clueless (prequel)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: Valerie and Reader were kidnapped by the unsub. They need to keep strong if they want to survive. Is (Y/N)'s training enough to ensure her and Valerie's safety?
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Angst. Case's description. A hostage situation with blows, cuts, and blood is described—CM usual stuff. If I forgot something, let me know.
A/N: Hi there! Another chapter is here! A lot of angst in this one. What do you think will happen with Reader and Valerie?
When (Y/N) woke up, she immediately felt an intense pain in the back of her head. Fluttering her eyes open, she could barely see anything. It was dark and cold. She was on the floor with her back against a concrete post. Wiggling her hands, she noticed she was tied up.
Wait. Was she alone? Where is Valerie?
As a cue, (Y/N) heard a groan coming from the opposite side of the room.
"Valerie? Are you okay?"
The question could be wishful thinking, but if (Y/N) could hear a response, it was something.
“(Y/N)? I'm here. He tied me to a post. I can't free my hands," Valerie described. The sound of chains told (Y/N) they were in the same situation.
"Are you hurt?"
"I don't think so. He gave me something to pass out, though," Valerie pointed with worry.
Unfortunately (Y/N) couldn't say the same. Turpin knocked her out with the back of his gun, and (Y/N) fell to the floor. She didn't know if he drugged her, but the sour taste on her tongue made her suspect he did.
"They will know where we are, right?" Valerie questioned after some minutes of silence. That question lingered in (Y/N) 's mind.
Where were they? How much time has passed? Of the darkness surrounding them, she figured out it was night already. Probably Turpin changed location. But where?
"I guess they will," (Y/N) mumbled. But her main concern wasn't if the team could track them or not; it was if they would be on time.
Time. Something she would have to buy somehow.
The team gathered in the precinct with nothing. They realized Conrad wasn't the unsub, and neither was Garner. But something with them was off. The connection to the victims couldn't be a mere coincidence.
"Where is (Y/N)?" Spencer asked when he stepped into the meeting room and didn't see (Y/N) or Valerie. Green frowned.
"They haven't returned from Turpin's house," he pointed. Emily dialed (Y/N) 's number to verify her location. Nothing. Straight to voicemail. Green tried with Valerie's. Same result.
It was odd. Nobody believed (Y/N) and Valerie would enjoy spending time together, so it was only common sense that they would return as soon as possible.
Spencer was anxious, and the rest started to feel the same way. Anything could have happened. Not that (Y/N) really pushed Valerie from the car, did she?
"Could they have found something?" Emily wondered. Calling Garcia, they demanded more information about Turpin. In the meantime, Rossi, Luke, and Tara headed to Turpin's house.
When Garcia called back, things didn't enhance; quite the opposite.
"Guys. I don't know what this means, but I found something." 
The announcement told them that something was wrong.
The suspicions were confirmed when Penelope revealed details of Turpin's life that could unease anyone. The team saw all the red flags the same way (Y/N) realized she was in front of the unsub.
How could they have missed it? How could anyone have suspected Turpin before?
When Rossi called, telling neither (Y/N) nor Valerie nor Turpin were there, the alarms barreled right in their ears.
Spencer wanted to punch someone, and Green was the perfect candidate.
"How can you have a man like that consulting? Did nobody notice anything irregular about him before?!"
Green looked at Spencer in annoyance. He wouldn't take responsibility for the potential loss of an agent and a doctor during an ongoing investigation.
"The police never had reason to doubt Dr. Turpin. Neither did you until now," Green added defensively.
It may be a poor justification, but it didn't absolve the team from the blame.
"Now we are responsible?!" Spencer barked.
Before the situation could escalate, Emily intervened.
"Hey! There's no use doing what you're doing. I know it's frustrating for everyone, but our priority now is to find Agent (Y/L/N) and Dr. Smith before Turpin can harm them."
Spencer ran his hands through his hair. This was a nightmare. What were the chances of something like this happening? He just prayed that (Y/N) was okay. That also applied to Valerie. Not because there was any particular concern on Spencer's part for Valerie, but because he knew both of them: an untrained Valerie could do worse in a hostage situation, and (Y/N) would take the consequences in alas to protect her. Spencer knew (Y/N) 's work ethic was stronger than any issue she could have with someone. Valerie, in this circumstance.
What would be Turpin's plan? (Y/N) wondered. So far, he has spent two years killing people without getting caught. And now it was clear he would be in the eye of the storm with an FBI agent and a doctor missing.
Did he think he would get rid of them and commit the perfect crime?
(Y/N) reviewed Turpin's profile. Experienced, methodical, a lot of self-confidence, constantly increasing the risk. What would be his end game? He might have been trying to get more media coverage now that the police had linked the murders. Be that as it may, the chances of getting out alive were slim. Turpin would not back down from the threat of arrest. It was more important to him to be remembered as someone who defied the authorities and was not intimidated by them. Nor was he a suicide who would end his life to avoid being arrested. The same FBI would have to kill him so that he would remain in history as one of the greatest murderers of recent times.
Creaking footsteps on a wooden staircase brought (Y/N) out of her thoughts. After hearing a switch flick, a faint light illuminated the room. That gave (Y/N) the confirmation they were indeed in a basement. Narrowing her eyes and looking to her left, she located Valerie tied up the same way she was. Both women looked at each other, trying to conceal the fear of what could happen.
Seconds later, Dr. Turpin was in front of (Y/N), a smug smile on his face.
"Agent (Y/L/N), I would like to apologize for the rudeness I used to convince you to come here," the man spoke, crouching to see if (Y/N) was indeed awake.
"I guess I didn't have many options, did I? "(Y/N) muttered, knowing that to buy time, she had to make herself an attractive target for Turpin.
It was risky anyway because just one misstep was enough, and the man could kill her in two seconds.
Turpin chuckled, standing and looking at (Y/N) with amusement.
"No. You didn't. That's true. You are a clever girl. It's a shame that I have to kill you anyway."
Intimidate. Shows superiority and control. Makes clear he has already decided your destiny, and your life is insignificant. A narcissist with a God complex. Misogynic?
(Y/N) examined all of Turpin's features in her head to find any weaknesses.
"Because I bet you didn't expect to come face to face with the killer you've been after for over a year," Turpin pointed, grabbing his gun from his belt and inspecting it in such detail as if he needed to be sure it was perfect for him to use it.
"That's is how you consider yourself? A killer?"
(Y/N) tried not to show much of her emotions seeing the gun in his hands. She was trained for this. She needed to stay calm.
"That's what I heard. People can't be wrong, right?"
Turpin used sarcasm to point out his difference from the rest of the world. (Y/N) noticed how his body showed annoyance and disgust.
"It depends. Maybe people judged you wrong. Myself included." (Y/N) tried to play humbled; maybe he could see in her someone to lecture. That could buy some time.
"Come on, agent (Y/L/N). I read the profile you made. I know what you're thinking. And the 'be a friend' or 'show empathy' strategy won't work with me."
He wants to show he knows about police work. Using the same terms and making clear he won't be fooled. Anticipation. He needs to anticipate.
"You read my profile? Why?"
"Curiosity. I wanted to know what kind of lies you could say about us."
(Y/N) analyzed his words: some unsubs tend to speak in a plural (we/us), others in a singular (I/me). That does not necessarily have to do with the number of people involved in the illicit. It often indicates whether the motivations are purely personal or related to a collective claim. Turpin's God complex wasn't linked only to him. It was a group he wanted to vindicate.
"So they are lies?"
"They are. You don't know nothing," Turpin huffed.
"Why you don't tell me more about it?"
The man frowned this time. He realized (Y/N) was trying to get him talking. Without warning, he hit her face with his gun butt. The blow was so strong that (Y/N) 's body landed on the ground. The chains that kept her hands tied to the pillar behind her shook, making a loud noise. Valerie, who was watching the scene in tense silence, couldn't help the shocked gasp that left her lips.
"Enough! You don't get to tell me what to do. Do you hear me?!"
(Y/N) felt dizzy and couldn't move. A whistle settled in her ear, and she could barely hear Turpin's words. She only nodded in agreement so she didn't have to endure another hit. (Y/N) knew she had pressed too soon.
Turpin hummed, satisfied with his doing: (Y/N) bleeding on the floor, and Valerie with a shocked look. After flashing a smirk at Valerie to increase her fear, he perched the gun on his belt and left the room.
Once Turpin shut the door and locked it, (Y/N) groaned from the pain. She felt the blood pouring from her mouth. 
Her bet inclined for a broken tooth.
"What were you doing? You made him mad. He could have killed you!" Valerie whisper-shouted.
"Testing probabilities," (Y/N) mumbled, recovering part of her senses.
'So, you can get an alfa-narcissistic showing non-narcissistic behavior even when he's in a natural setting in front of another alfa subject?' (Y/N) asked in disbelief. Spencer's mouth opened slowly. (Y/N) knew that was his tell of a big rant coming.
'I read an article detailing research with treatment and control groups in two settings: college students and prisoners. They chose a narcissistic alpha and put him to develop an argument with a group that mixed alphas and non-alphas. In college students - a favorable environment - empathic attitudes rose by 40% when a non-alpha pointed to the narcissist's superiority and 60% when an alpha did. In the inmates - an unfavorable environment - empathic attitudes rose 20% with non-alphas and 40% with alphas in the group,' Spencer explained as they were walking from the metro station to their apartment. (Y/N) smiled, seeing him talking with such enthusiasm.
'So if you show genuine interest in the narcissist, it is possible to appeal to them through learning,' (Y/N) concluded, and Spencer beamed.
'Exactly! You become a potential worth of their attention,' Spencer pointed out.
Still in her dizziness (Y/N) 's brain conjured that image of Spencer. Smiling and with sparkling eyes. It was the moment (Y/N) knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.
"Jeez. It's like listening to Spencer talking. I don't know if that helps right now," Valerie puffed. The familiarity didn't go unnoticed.
Unbelievable how so many things happened after that day. It could be forever ago, but for (Y/N), it's still one of her favorite memories.
JJ found Spencer in an empty office. He was pacing from one corner to another, running his hands through his hair. Looking at JJ on the threshold, Spencer's pace stopped. He knew why she was there. After the outburst with Green, Prentiss sent him to cool down. Now Emily sent JJ to check on him.
"She was right all the time. And now she could die at the hands of that same psychopath. It's not fair."
His shaky voice only added distress to the scene. Spencer felt useless, and that feeling was eating him alive.
JJ wanted, by all means, to try to say something to help him. But she knew about this job, and so did Spencer. Lying to him was not an option.
"We're doing our best, Spencer. And (Y/N) is a trained agent; she knows the risks and will try to keep Turpin at bay."
That was true. It wouldn't be the first time (Y/N) found herself in a hostage situation. Spencer knew how cold-blooded she could be, but this was different. Neither she nor he was in their best setting, especially with Valerie in the middle.
"I know. But for how long? I like to think Turpin hasn't hurt them yet, but how long? And I'm here, unable to do my job. How can I be worthy of her if I can't even keep her safe?"
Spencer knew that time was pressing, and he needed to put effort into locating (Y/N) and Valerie, but neither his body nor his mind was cooperating. The mere fear that everything was lost paralyzed him.
JJ approached and put a comforting hand on Spencer's shoulder.
"Don't say that. (Y/N) knows you would do anything for her. It's true things between you both have been weird lately, but I'm sure you can make it through."
"There are so many things I want to tell her, JJ. I just want a chance," Spencer sniffled.
"Hold on to that wish and help us, Spence. We need you to get to find her," JJ whispered encouragingly. 
She learned that if Spencer could focus, they had a better chance of getting closer to Turpin's whereabouts faster. Spencer comprehended better than anyone the profile that (Y/N) built and the evidence of the last cases.
For his part, Spencer knew that JJ was right. He was selfish in focusing on his misery when he could be doing something to help. He owed it to (Y/N).
Luke entered the office suddenly.
"Guys, Garcia is calling, and it looks like she has news."
Spencer and JJ looked at each other and got up quickly to follow Luke into the meeting room. Once with the rest of the team, Prentiss signaled to Penelope that she could report her findings.
"Okay, after very nasty research, I found something that may help. Conrad and Garner have had secret meetings with Turpin in recent months. These have been on properties tied to Conrad and Garner but through their in-laws. This means that they are not followable by their last names. Dr. Turpin has not been in any of them for more than an hour, allowing him to move quickly from different parts of the city."
"Could be (Y/N) and Valerie in one of those properties?" Rossi pressed.
"Not likely," Spencer mused. "Based on (Y/N) 's profile, he would be keen to choose a place with meaning. Conrad and Garner are only the suppliers and apprentices."
"But none of the properties tied to Turpin seems to fit. And it would be reckless to use them if he knows we already identify him," Tara argued.
"Wait a minute," Emily piped. "This guy has been moving between States. There is nothing close to a comfort zone in the geographical profile."
Spencer's eyes widened with realization.
"The trophies! That's what it is!" Spencer shouted, moving to the board where the map was.
"What? What is it, Reid?" Luke interjected.
"Turpin's signature is the marked trail on the bodies. But what he takes? None of the victims had lost items," Spencer remarked, showing the pics taken from the dumpsites.
"Then it is something that he does, not what he takes," Rossi added, following Spencer's train of thought.
"The locations. He kills them in an important location for the victims. That is what he takes: the happy places of the victims he kills. That could explain why the disposal sites were so random. The place's meaning is something only the victim could understand," Spencer ranted. The team started to put the pieces together.
Many of the dumpsites were near buildings that must have been important to the victims: the church where the first victim made her first communion, the school where the second victim met her husband, and the building where the third victim wanted to buy an apartment. And so on.
But now the team was at a new crossroads: where did Turpin take Valerie and (Y/N) when neither of them lived or had lived in New York?
What could be out there that would serve as a location in this case? They would have to think quickly about options as time was running out.
The basement's darkness made it impossible to tell if it was day or night, but (Y/N) managed to see some light through a small crack in the wall. It was an indication that made her think it was daytime. How many hours had they been in that place? (Y/N) estimated at least two full days. She could feel the dried blood caked on her face and the bruises on her arms and feet. Nothing could be done to soothe her body's aching, so she focused on any idea of what to do to not die in that basement.
A muffled sniffle distracted (Y/N) from her thoughts. 
"We are going to die here, right?" Valerie asked, now looking in (Y/N) 's direction.
"I hope not. We need to keep calm, though. To save energy for whatever would come next." (Y/N) was sincere; it was better to be straight so Valerie could understand the situation. Even if she wasn't in law enforcement, Valerie knew a few things that could be useful in this situation.
"Why are you being considerate to me? You just could drop me under the bus with this guy. Telling him to kill me first or not talk to me at all," Valerie asked. She wasn't naive and knew the displeasure she brought to (Y/N).
"No one deserves something like this, not even you," (Y/N) pointed, contorting a bit to relax some of her muscles. Valerie chuckled bitterly. After some quiet minutes, she spoke again.
"I know I did my part in it, but he never told me why he distanced himself from you at the beginning. And I never questioned, although if I think about it, it doesn't make sense."
(Y/N) looked at her suspiciously. Was she really asking about her relationship with Spencer?
"I don't think I should be talking to you about that. Not considering what happened," (Y/N) replied curtly. Valerie nodded.
"I know. I'm the last person you would talk to about that. It's just that - I don't know. I see how he looks at you and how protective he becomes when it's about you. It's hard to think he considered not to love you at some point."
(Y/N) didn't say anything, but deep inside, she knew that questioning very well. She spent nights without sleep trying to decipher why Spencer opted to push her away. The time spent in prison was a huge stressor for Spencer, but she thought they were making progress. On those nights (Y/N) mulled the idea of not being enough for him. Valerie in the picture was like a confirmation of her fears.
Now, none of that mattered. Things might not end well for her and Valerie. (Y/N) clearly saw the irony of the situation.
As the basement door opened, (Y/N) didn't have to look to know it was Turpin and that there would be less talking and more pain this time.
"Let me tell you, I didn't expect to be in this situation yet, but I'm pretty glad. I thought the FBI was better prepared and would put the pieces together faster. But hey, here we are. Do you still think I'm an overbearing narcissist looking for recognition?"
Turpin opened a briefcase and placed various medical instruments on a rolling table as he spoke. (Y/N) kept quiet, hoping Turpin would want to brag more.
"With you, I will have to give my best. I must take care of my reputation. What do you say, agent (Y/L/N)? Are you ready to bleed a little more? Are you prepared to see how your life flashes before your eyes? Maybe I'm even doing you a favor."
(Y/N) internally debated how much emotion it would be okay to show. She didn't want to look completely hopeless, something Turpin would truly enjoy, but she also didn't want to look too calm to ignite his anger.
"Why to bother with me, Dr. Turpin? I'm nobody," (Y/N) muttered. Turpin chuckled.
"Really? Successful FBI agent with an ascending career in the Boston department? I'm sure you think you're better than anyone," Turpin mocked, waving a sharp knife in front of (Y/N)'s face.
"I could do better. I'm not as good as I seem." 
This was the move that (Y/N) could use to show interest in Turpin's teachings.
Turpin frowned and looked at (Y/N) carefully. He knew enough about psychology to be suspicious of (Y/N)'s words.
"Is that so? Won't you try to play the hero like FBI agents usually do?" Turpin asked, glancing from her to Valerie. (Y/N)'s stomach wrenched, knowing what his words implied.
"I have no advantage or guarantee in doing so. Here you are the one in charge. You set the rules, and my belonging to the FBI cannot do anything about it."
Turpin just laughed. He was going to test his theory. Grabbing his knife, he walked over to Valerie. She barely dared to breathe. Of the hours they had spent in that cellar, Turpin had hardly paid any attention to her. Now Valerie felt that she would have preferred it stayed that way. Seeing Turpin's eyes with dilated pupils and his Machiavellian smile made her quiver.
"Don't be scared, doctor Smith; you know what an experiment is. Only this time you will be the guinea pig," he announced before hitting her with his fist. Valerie cried out as she felt the blow in her face. (Y/N) cringed, seeing the blood pooling from Valerie's mouth.
"You don't need to test us. We are indeed at your mercy!" (Y/N) argued, knowing that Turpin didn't think to stop.
"Oh yeah? I know that. I'm just proving how vane your words are," he said, landing another blow at Valerie, who, this time, let her body fall to the ground, groaning in pain and begging Turpin to stop. But he didn't and kept asserting blows to Valerie, alternating with cuts in her arms and legs.
(Y/N)'s breathing quickened, and she didn't know what to do to stop him. Her instinct told (Y/N) that Turpin should turn his attention to her, though she knew what that meant. At least she felt trained to hold on a little longer, not so Valerie.
"You bastard. Why don't you try to mess with someone who doesn't be this vulnerable, uh? Fucking coward! Like all your other victims. Always choosing the weakest ones to make it easier for you, right? You wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't!" (Y/N) yelled. And that made the desired effect. Turpin stopped and turned to see (Y/N). A wicked grin on his face.
"Oh, it's that so?" He said, now approaching. (Y/N) gulped.
"Yes. Maybe I'm weak and not as good as I should, but at least not a scumb like you!"
"Shut up! Nobody calls me like that! You bitch!" Turpin barked, hitting her with his foot on her ribs. (Y/N) cried for the impact.
"Am I lying? I can't even defend myself tied up," (Y/N) mumbled, tasting the fresh blood in her mouth.
Turpin's blood was now boiling, and (Y/N) knew what was coming. He knelt, removing the chains that kept (Y/N) tied to the post. But as soon as he did that, he struck her in the ribs again, making any attempt to defend herself against him futile.
"Come on! fight back!" Turpin yelled as he landed more blows on her body. This time nothing was going to stop him, not even Valerie's screams. (Y/N)'s body felt numb, and she couldn't even say a word anymore. What little energy was left was running out, and her mind became foggy.
As if hitting her weren't enough, Turpin also inflicted cuts on various parts of her body while laughing wildly.
"If you haven't thought of it before, it's time to go to your happy place before you take your last breath," Turpin panted as he continued torturing her.
In the distance (Y/N) could hear Valerie's cries begging Turpin to have some mercy. Turpin's words also drifted away as the seconds passed.
My happy place. My happy place. (Y/N) repeated in her head while she envisioned one of her most treasured memories: the moment Spencer confessed he loved her, and she told him she felt the same.
Oh, Spencer. The love of her life. The man with whom she shared such precious time. So many things she wanted to tell him, but all signs pointed she would never have the chance. Time was running out, and her life was slipping away with every blow, cut, and stab Turpin gave her.
It was better to let herself go and stay in the happy place forever.
Spencer Reid’s Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @maltamurdock @disaster-in-waiting @pebble-has-a-mirgraine @anamiad00msday @chlochlosworld @milivanili99 @thebloomingeagle @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk
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two and a half years ago (👀) I posted a list of headcanons right around when I started playing around with the ideas in my fallout WIP
I've decided they ( 1 + 2 ) need to be updated and added to especially after Death Shroud gave me so many great ideas/things I want to steal. Added break to save you dash my loves <3
I will keep adding to this lmao
Post #1 Revisions
Post #2 Revisions
Death Shroud Stuff I'm Kidnapping
Misc Stuff From Asks, Mods, and My Brain (AKA THE LONGEST SECTION)
From #1 (Link Here)
We are keeping chair bound Murphy
I may or may not be recanting my gangly tall 'n thin Hancock HC. I oscillate wildly between wanting him to be Eldritch God™ tall and "gimme uppies! :3" short. He may end up being both. His height will be whatever is funniest for the bit.
oh yeah Sarah Lyons got merc-ed B)
We are still kicking with Kellogg in Nicky's skull but with the added angsty-ness brought in by Death Shroud. Oh the plot! Oh how it hurts so good! Kellogg wanting to find someway to punish the SoleSu(s) and Nick for picking through his memories? Ugh! Give me it all.
We are cutting Billy and the Fridge. I don't want to deal with the nightmare plot holes it will bring up and Quincy will already have enough BS. Plus the more I think about it the less I like the whole quest and its placement. Fuck! Maybe he'll be referenced in Publick Occurrences? I don't care! We're loosey goosey bay-be!
- 10. can stay. I have no issues with them and nothing funny to add
From #2 (Link Here)
Now I can bring up my beloved Vault-Tec Rep. Him in the Death Shroud? Perfect. Beautiful. Stunning. I no longer have to call him Paul Eiding as a very direct nod to his VO. Our Beloved David Dwecker is married to Sheffield and they have a house in Sanctuary filled with Nuka-Cola memorabilia (for Sheffield) and collectable plates (the kind grandmothers display for our lovely Rep). They have a little sitting area set up in the carport where they hangout, smoke, and dance together to Diamond City Radio. I need this for my mental health okay?
Shaun being Autistic is something I really want to explore. I truly forget who I first saw say this but it is not an original idea by any means. I also think the poor thing would have some level of trauma from everything so exploring that is gonna be fun! (no it will not oh my god I'm going to dredge up all my childhood issues.)
OHHHH CHRISTMAS. YULETIDE. FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS. I find the "Seth Patrick" bit SO funny in Death Shroud so that is staying but also I feel like the feast of St. Nicholas got jokingly flipped into a celebration of Nick Valentine (Same with Valentine's Day) and people are beginning to forget the correct version. Nick tolerates it with an eye roll and a wry joke about people needing to read their history books but secretly finds the whole thing funny. Ellie has a santa suit for Nick to don during "his" holiday. Also the school children in Diamond City send Nick "Valentines" on valentines day and he displays them on his corkboard.
Music. My god the Johnny Guitar bit had me by the throat during Death Shroud. Expand those music libraries! Before you know it I'm gonna give Travis a rolling ladder attached to bookcases upon bookcases of records and holotapes. I want to hear people complain about how many Andrews Sisters records survived and God why won't Travis stop playing them!
The Flavor of Goodneighbor needs to be so complex. Like a good pasta sauce. I better be so overcome by the layers and smells and textures. Better Goodneighbor and Better Third Rail are really good starts but I'm expanding the shit out of both of them I think. I want to feel like Goodneighbor truly is dangerous to be in. Being able to cross most of the town in one sprint burst isn't cutting it Bethany Esda! Make it truly baffling how Hancock knows so much about the happenings in his town.
- 8. are about the BoS and I stand by them. You will get to meet my Lone Wanderer and learn about the hierarchies a little better. I redesigned the Orders and added one I think? I have to re-sort those notes lmao. Also the piloting thing is like MAJORLY important to me because the frequency of vertibird crashes in game pissed me off to no end.
From Death Shroud (@chadfallout76podcast THANK YOU)
Danse is just... Like That now. I can't wait to explore his character before and after Blind Betrayal especially because he will not be leaving the Brotherhood and he will still be Like That. [spoiler warning ;) for my story lol] I can't wait for the beautiful moments that will be born of it.
I actually kind of love some of the plot points in Death Shroud like the Mob Family wars? Staying 100%. Same with Ma and Boss Lombardo and some of the other families.
As is Charlie but I refuse to let him die. I got very attached to Charlie and his death was so perfect but this time he gets to stay alive dammit.
Magnolia sending Magnolia flowers with her letters? Genius
Vault-Tec Rep (David my beloved) being the saddest, wettest cat of a man imaginable when he's in Goodneighbor? Also fucking genius.
"Fish-lips" Malone being part of the same family as Skinny has me so excited for more mob family bullshit.
Ruffino's and the Black Rose is being transplanted somewhere and maybe might be near the Combat Zone. New den of sin anyone?
Obviously I'm not going to attempt to pull apart the fabric of reality in-canon but my god Death Shroud was fun <3
Some new Misc HCs
Diamond City is bigger and more populated, kind of in the same vein as the Goodneighbor HC. I haven't found a mod layout I like so I might end up redesigning it (Please kill me)
This is an old one from an ask! Hancock will help work the bar at the Third Rail occasionally. He's a notorious show off and his cocktails are mainly just straight liquor but he entertains the hell out of people when he dives over the bar to take orders and bother Whitechapel Charlie. There are major losses on nights he bartends due to the fact he forgets (sometimes purposefully) to take payment. Regulars know to put the cash in the tip jar so Whitechapel can collect it at the end of the night.
Another thing I'm keeping from an ancient ask, Danse wants kids. Badly. And the crushing blow of being sterile really fucks with him for a while. but he eventually comes to terms with it. He's also still touchy (as in he's always touching his partner) per that ask because I think that's cute.
I'm just going through old asks now lmao. Nick and Ellie dance together like the true father-daughter pair they are
I forgot who drew this but I once saw someone pair Sturges and Ellie together and that is the cutest damn thing so it stays.
MacReady got the Lone Wanderer's Grognak magazine as a gift for letting them into Little Lamplight and it's one of his prized possessions.
Macready and the Lone Wanderer's reunion is very cute my dudes.
More general slice of life stuff like fishing on the mainland and boats, more things to do in general, transportation, cool amputees, and other shit listed in this post I reblogged YEARS ago
OH Travis and Scarlett get married <3
Danny Sullivan skips town after taking the fun way down from the mayor's office and travels with some cross country caravans before coming back to work in Diamond City. YES HE LIVES!
Holy fuck i forgot I had this mod but the Institute projects the sky up on their ugly concrete dome because this mod fucks hard
Just the general vibe of raiders employing children and stringing more dead mutilated bodies about. There are mods for that and let me tell you they make the raider camps horrifying. No I will not be linking them. But they are available on Nexus should you want them.
Okay I'm changing the layout of everything apparently: Including but not limited to the Railroad HQ, The Prydwen, Vault 111, etc. Fuck game design I guess lmao. I like XFreakish's Railroad Redone and NordKitten's A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul for in game and basically plan to build off of them.
The asks: Hancock bartending, Danse wanting kids and being into physical affection, Nick and Ellie Dancing + MacReady and the LW's Grognak (same ask)
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“Hammer to fall” theory
“Hammer to fall” is a song by Queen which is about accepting that death is something you can’t fight or escape. “Waiting for the hammer to fall” basically translates to “Waiting for death to get us” because it will. And that’s not a bad thing but it’s simply a part of life.
This song is actually used in a scene in Stranger Things. In Season 2 episode 6 “The spy” Dustin needs help from Steve because of d’art and on the drive to Dustin’s house “Hammer to fall” plays on the car’s stereo:
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[i can only screenshot the subtitles so I had to edit the picture in]
It seems very insignificant. We only hear a couple of words and then the music descends pretty quickly as Steve asks Dustin if he’s sure that d’art isn’t just a lizard.
But there’s one line that kinda threw me off and so I’ve been lookin into the lyrics a little more and I feel like “hammer to fall” might’ve actually been supposed to be foreshadowing for specifically the last scene in s4 and possibly for things that will happen in s5
[although we don’t know that ofc but I’m just theorizing]
Let me elaborate
First off: the fact that the song revolves around waiting for death to get us kinda correlates with Henry’s speech about how people live their lives with no purpose other than to die in the end.
And now let’s look at some of the lyrics:
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“Here we stand or here we fall / history don’t care at all”
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->Hawkins is where it all started and Hawkins will be where it all ends. Some will survive and some will die there. And when the final battle will ensue their history of fighting the Upside Down won’t really matter. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve fought it before because the final battle will be ten times worse.
“Lady Mercy won’t be home tonight”
-> the battle is going to be merciless! They won’t get an easy way out! They probably won’t all survive! Vecna is going to be cruel to them like he’s not been before!
“We’re just waiting for the hammer to fall”
-> the end of season 4 marks the moment the characters know that it’s time to await death again!
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“In the shadow of a mushroom cloud”
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-> According to the official script of s4’s final scene, they’re awaiting death in the shadow of a mushroom cloud.
“What the hell are we fighting for? / just surrender and it won’t hurt at all”
-> This is a nod to how Vecna is mercy killing his victims. They shouldn’t fight it because Vecna is putting an end to their suffering. It won’t hurt if they just surrender! And I feel like this could also be foreshadowing to how Vecna might try to get specifically Will to surrender to him next season.
-> We also have this:
the song “Never surrender” is actually a song about never giving up but the specific lyrics they chose for this scene are kinda depressing. Mike is also singing along so the meaning applies to him. We also get another making out scene later in the same episode with the song “Can’t fight this feeling” and since both songs are used in the same context it’s safe to say that there’s a connection. Mike has a hard time fighting his feelings for Will / fighting the fact that he’s gay but he can never surrender to his feelings because he’ll get abandoned by everyone if he does. He will get hurt if he does. Therefore “Just surrender and it won’t hurt at all” might be foreshadowing the fact that when Mike stops fighting his feelings and just surrenders to them instead in s5, things will actually change for the better. It won’t hurt at all because he’ll realize that he’s so loved, that there’s so much love in his life!
-> The connection to Mike could also foreshadow that Mike will be targeted by Vecna because of the fact that he can never surrender to his feelings. He’s lost and on his own with his problems which makes him an easy target. Now the question is if it’s also foreshadowing the fact that Mike will surrender to Vecna cause it won’t hurt at all.
“Lock the door […] / baby now your struggle’s all in vain”
-> this line also reminded me of Mike. It reminded me specifically of how Mike locked the closet door by giving his monologue to El which therefore made his struggling throughout the season end in vain!
-> and for s5 Mike’s struggle with his sexuality and also his struggle with his mental health are all in vain, his arc doesn’t lead anywhere, there’s no payoff IF he does surrender to Vecna. And I feel like this might be foreshadowing that we get a fake death for Mike next season. We’ll think his arc is all in vain but we’ll actually get the payoff in the end because Mike didn’t actually die.
“It’s gonna fall”
-> people are going to die and Hawkins is going to fall!
-> Mike is going to have a fake death
-> we also have this:
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Argyle is talking about how Surfer boy pizza will overthrow Domino’s but Mike is also in the shot so a lot of people have already created the theory that it’s connected to Mike and probably means that Mike and El’s relationship will break apart. That’s it. The dominoes are not gonna fall like in a chain reaction, the domino on the Domino’s logo is gonna fall apart!
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The Domino’s logo used to look like the one on the left when stranger things takes place but all throughout the writing of stranger things [so obviously also during the writing of s4] the Domino’s logo looks like the one on the right. See how there’s one blue and one red domino now? And the blue [Mike’s color] has two dots in it while the red one [El’s color] has only one dot. The domino resembles the love triangle! The two in the blue one are Mike and Will and the one in the red is El! It shows that Mike and Will have already emotionally chosen each other but when the domino is finally gonna fall apart, meaning Mike and El will break up and the red part of the domino will separate from the blue part, Mike and Will will have officially and openly chosen each other while El has chosen independence!
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And it’s gonna happen! [“it’s gonna fall”]
“[…] waiting for the hammer to fall / […] one more time ”
-> one last season, one last battle, one more time waiting for death to get them!
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hangarsliquides · 11 months
saw ranking i binged them all again
one > six > two > four > five > three > spiral > jigsaw > 3d
saw 1 at the top. the forerunner. the patient zero, james wan played god and saw was his Light. i had to pay my respects to it and also Adam Stanheight is in it, one of the best characters period. living breathing memorable quote machine. the most cohesive one, one of the better law enforcement plots, the ending... i don't have to talk about it, we all know how iconic it is. i'll just say leigh whannell's scream still sends chills up my spine.
saw 6 had the best spectacle, best traps, great cinematography, also amanda's in it. the last bang for the franchise before the next three movies after it didn't reach anywhere near its caliber, let alone like... saw 5's caliber. the ending is iconic. i'm disappointed that william didn't survive and it would have been interesting for him to be the only main game subject to live ( i'm indirectly declaring saw 3d non-canon). but rodrick heffley did kill a man so atleast i can walk away with this tidbit of information to share to unknowing fools who never saw this franchise. the scene with THE HOFFMANATOR and the voice descrambler was the most fucking stressed i felt during a movie since i saw rob zombie's halloween 2 i was fucking Sick. even though I knew what was going to happen. bravo greutert
saw 2 was a better follow-up than some ppl give it credit for even though it's also the one where the participants get a little stupider. addison's trap was such a perfect example of this, but can i be mad at it? no. because the first time i saw it i guffawed so loudly. im pretty sure my friends are scared of my sick sense of humor. anyways this is the only film where we get to see john kramer in action where he's not in a flashback or immobilized state, and he's a glorious cunt to watch. my deeply self-delusional serial killer blorbo. donnie wahlberg is so fun to watch. he's so angry. all the nerve gas house participants are also pretty fun to watch even though they're all blank slates with one max personality trait i love them. obi tate i will never forget you and your 5 minutes of screentime... love you honey...
saw 4 is funnier than people give it credit for. a lot of this series is, actually. legendary transitions. eric matthews befriends a little rat friend. introduces THE HOFFMANATOR properly. rigg's addiction to going through doors. every bizarre twist in the last fifteen minutes. an entire potential arc from the last movie getting cut short abruptly by strahm shooting one of the worst characters in the franchise to death. i would pick this for a movie night with the boys
saw 5 has also plenty of funny moments. the fatal five's game becomes a really mean comedy with how they simply refuse to work together as a team. even though it was glaringly obvious from the tapes that they were supposed to. mallick's actor overplays his part and its magnificent. more THE HOFFMANATOR action. strahm performs a tracheotomy on himself to escape a trap and he sounds funny for the rest of the film.
saw 3 was carried by bahar soomekh and especially shawnee smith Period. jeff completely drags it down. otherwise it'll be higher. justice for amanda young and allison kerry. i think i would have connected with saw 4 more in a genuine way if kerry was being tested.
spiral, similarly to saw 3, has chris rock dragging down everything. he feels like a pretty stiff actor. luckily he's more bearable to watch than jeff or bobby. that said, having the bousmaniac back at the helm brought back some of the extremely bizarre editing choices that fuel this series' trademark humor. the shaking camera shot that looks like it was made by a rookie in sony vegas pro... chef's kiss mwah.
jigsaw is legitimately bad. weak cast of characters which these movies always have but this cast is weaker than usual. i don't remember anything about halloran and logan except corrupt cop and ex military jiggy apprentice respectively. i dont remember what kind of personality eleanor has. i don't tgink i was paying attention to this half the time except for the barn game which also wasn't super good
saw 3d... the opening trap (misogynistic implications aside), the horsepower trap and THE HOFFMANATOR were the only Really good moments. the new gibson guy is one of the best actors which i mean that he's one of the worst actors. bizarre lines, even more bizarre delivery. the bobby plotline is the worst main game bar none and the only one in the series i would genuinely call torture porn. i can take away some element of humor from jeff being slow ass motherfucker but not this. the traps aren't intriguing enough. the trap involving a woman having to not make a peep at all is so Subtle. and joyce did NOT deserve that. i still don't know how to feel about gordon being an accomplice... i don't know how to make it make sense for his character and his development...
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2bhankfan · 1 year
 Hey Guys , Today tobpic; 2bhank
I will assume everything anything in the main series, Project Nexus 1 and 2, and anything Krinkels has said is canon. ONE IMPORTANT NOTE: Krinkels has stated “Relationships aren’t really a thing in Nevada” but that’s stupid, and this is the same man that keeps making Sanford and Deimos make out and be valentines day posters etc. etc. even if it’s for fan service I don’t really care and I don’t think anyone else does. Anything I talk about will be referencing canon, with some speculative thoughts.
Generally their situation is so ... strange to me ?!?? I’ve really looked for ways they could be heterosexual I have but nothing they do makes sense to me. Hank is trustworthy enough of Doc to live with him (and more importantly, Doc is able to live with Hank and survive,) Doc is close enough with Hank to have known Hank’s “soft side”, curiously “considering how much he stitches him up” meaning they’ve both spent a decent amount of time together and that Doc does... something medical? with him. more on that soon
Let’s lay out some basic character traits. Hank is a murder machine, entirely defined by his violent behavior. He’s easily irritable (Killing Boombox Guy for having annoying music?) and always looking for a reason to slit someone’s throat (”Yeah? Because between you and me, I was hoping it would come to this.”) They don’t yield very well to being good with people, described as uncooperative and seems to be much more antisocial as the only characters in the entire series that don’t outright hate him are Sanford, Deimos, and Doc.
Doc is a calm and collected professional working as S.Q.’s communications and possible shadow leader. He takes a lot of care in his words to get all the details laid out to give you simple commands to follow and play out whatever mission you’re assigned however you can, as long as the job gets done and done well. His professional facade comes off as soon as he’s alone or with people he trusts, such as Deimos. He’s more of a crude arrogant asshole, signing himself off with “Big D(issenter)” and swearing “God damn it, Deimos.” He jokes the same as the rest, probably thanks to his background in the AAHW.
First thing that caught my attention was the house they both lived in, I made a chart you can refer to as well. (Edit: In the middle of making this post and looking at twitch clips, This fucking comes up, so money can’t be a motivating factor for anything he does.)
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So, an Ex-AAHW agent invites the single man his operation was against to live in his home, and somehow that man agrees. Hank, if he was after something like his house, could just easily kill him and take it for himself but it seems Doc provides something that Hank can’t get all for himself, he needs Doc. It’s likely that most of the reasons he began living with Doc were circumstantial, from Madness Combat 4 and earlier Hank would of been able to revive (and even stitch himself back together?) himself without Doc’s help, he isn’t getting paid to stay, and there are no other canon known reasons as to why Hank would even trust Doc enough to live with him. I genuinely cannot wrap my head around this, PLEASE add your thoughts if you have any. Sadly I don't think there's even enough information on Doc in general to get any more than "He thinks Hank's revival ability is whipass and wants to check it out."
Hank's trust in Doc might imply a deeper relationship, like history with the other before coming to live with him. Doc is able to get Hank to do a LOT of different things, contracts to suppressing his violent tendencies to living in his damn house.
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(A note reading,
"Hank, Pretty please
1, Rescue Noobs
2, Acquire hardware
3, Destroy Nexus
4, Proceed")
The first image is purely speculation, but considering the language used ("Rescue noobs") as well as Sanford & Deimos' only known alliance to be with S.Q. and Doc working as the shadow leader/communications for jobs like these, it is pretty safe to assume Doc was the one who wrote this message to Hank.
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In Project Nexus 2, he asks him to do the same thing as he did in Project Nexus 1 (The timeline for this series is a little weird, so that's for another post) and even ends up giving him the rocket launcher he asked for during the SOMEWHERE IN NEVADA flashback. There is atleast somewhat of a mutual relationship with this, Doc gives him all the tools and a goal while Hank gets to kill anything to his hearts desire.
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(Doc stopping Hank from pulling out his sword and stabbing Jebediah by only raising a hand.)
The second image shows that Hank, faced with the man who'd killed him twice, was about to kill him only to stop himself when Doc raised his hand to him. His natural response to most situations is to simply murder, shown in both Madness 6 and 9.5, and most of the characters have trouble dealing with that trait including the Employers. Doc, however, is the only character we've seen able to control and reason with these urges while others have failed pretty miserably leading to SOMEONE'S death.
It's incredibly odd to me how Hank's personality switches up entirely in every case he's interacting with Doc, where he goes from an unstoppable murder machine to a decently-mannered soldier who allows himself to be vulnerable. He isn't even getting paid.
I'll make a second part for Doc / 2bdamned , but this is what I have for Hank rn. I might edit this later as well.
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Rate your favorite ND female characters
Hey question asker! Thanks for asking. It's been long since somebody asked me. I never thought about this question because I solely love Kurt Hummel only with Blaine, Puck, Mike and such. I actually have no ranking for girls as well as boys. But let's see.
In order to get myself away from less trouble, let me rank it in s1-3 and then s4-s6
1.Tina Cohen Queen Chang
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She has more plus for me than minus. I am not saying because I am an asian myself but she takes the cake. She sings well(underrated girl), she dances well(they put her in grp A:Better dancers in "Ice Ice Baby") and she is an unsung hero: sewing costumes for and members. She accepted many things without a say. I can feel her emotions.
2.Mercedes Jones
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She is a less problematic character. Her smile is just out of the world. She just wonna sing and succeed in her life. I am glad she didn't end up with anybody because she showed me that it's okay to be without a partner. Sometimes, solitude let's you achieve more. I am subjective about her voice but Human nature is my favourite. Her duo with Kurt lit up my screen in early seasons. I didn't like her in Troubletones. It brought worst of everybody.
3. Quinn Fabray
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This is somewhat unpopular now. But I prefer her. She started as a normal high school cheerleading head with head weight and had almost everything she wanted. But once she got pregnant, the harsh reality of life hit her life rock. She was pulled down many times after a development but she was a work in process. She learnt that there was life after high school. And she sticking with nd in s3 after Troubletone was formed warmed my heart.
Also, she is one of my favourite voices. She"?'s got stage presence.
I am going to kill myself for ranking these people after this. They had good moments but I disliked them some times.
4. Santana Lopez
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She is really ,"darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream". She is Charming, hot (yes, I'll admit) but she was a little Satan. But I survived the NYC plot because of Kurt and her. Until that famous funny girl fight came.
Her rants were okay sometimes, but it got worse in later seasons. She started to rant just because she wanted too. But she was a better friend. She is one of the people who will be like," I can roast my friends like barbeque but I can only roast."
And anybody who says Kurt cried for unnecessary reasons, think of this girl who cried for cutting tanning privileges and for calling out she was mean.
Her voice is subjective too for me.
5. Lauren Zizes
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She was nice addition to nd when Kurt left. Plus, Ashley Fink has good comedic timing and is charming. I love her attitude where she didn't give 2 shit about what other people said but she lowkey was a bully too.
Her voice isn't for singing but she is entertaining.
6.Rachel Berry
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Her whole character started as somebody who will do anything to achiever her cake. I didn't care about her most of the times but she she really got on my nerves in later seasons. I felt like slapping her multiple times. She doesn't want to listen to anybody, she sent a person to a crack house just because she was threatened, she threw many people under the bus for no reason. She is one of the worse dancers too.
She was annoying downright at nyada and successses were served in her plate. I know she was work g hard but she had to let her work speak, not her mouth. I still can't digest that Rachel kept pestering Carmen when Kurt waited patiently. He did go to Carmen for second chance, but at least he did his first audition better, and he took effort to make a video tape if him singing another song(wake me up before you go go in acoustic version is pretty questionable though).
I was so happy that her tv pilot failed and she became slightly better. Also confusing your boyfriend about his career when he was already confused just so he could be with you?Nope for me.
I do t know how people love her and hate Kurt.
Her songs are totally subjective .
7. Brittany S. Pierce
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I don't like her for some reason. She was bland for me. Not interesting. And I don't care for Brittana. Also she posted a sex tape of herself and girlfriend and got away. She kept dating people, she didn't have a stable mind on loving people. Also, her lines were sometimes hilarious but they were insulting.
9. Sugar Motta
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Sugar Motta was... There. That's it. She was just a cash cow. She was funny sometimes but she is not for me.
Now for s4-s6
1. Unique Addams
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The love child of Kurt and Mercedes. I liked her among later season nd members. She is a diva but she didn't throw people under her bus. Much like Kurt. I like her voice. I didn't like her catfishing but she was ok.
2. Tina Cohen Chang
Her explanation suits her too and I agree her on being bossy because putting up with a glee club for 3 seasons and when it's her senior year, she gotta enjoy and have her privilege. Her crush on Blaine was creepy but I understand. That's it.
3. Madison Mccarthy
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She was an adorable munchkin. She was a supportive twin, I liked her energy. Wish we got her more.
4. Jane Hayward
Unfortunately Tumblr doesn't allow more than 10 pics.
I didn't care about her. She was okay.
5. Marley Rose
She was nice. She had great voice. She had sympathetic story. But I have nothing special about her
6. Kitty Wilde.
She was annoying to an extent. But she was better in s6.
That's it, folks. I had a nerve wrecking fun type. Thank you for making me think.
And oh, you can expect my 3rd Valentine one shot by tomorrow :)
See you then. I don't mean to trigger anybody. These are my personal opinion.
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What is Home? Chapter 3
Masterpost Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4
TW: Implied abuse, implied neglect, bugs mentioned
Age(s): Virgil (17)
As the weeks went by Roman and Remus did everything they could to make sure they stayed on Janus’s good side. They followed Janus’s rules, did chores, and kept their fighting to an absolute minimum. The two of them seemed to always be walking on eggshells in the house, something they did more out of paranoia instead of absolute necessity.
This was something Janus found both interesting and upsetting. As the days continued to pass, she couldn’t help but wonder just how bad the twin’s parents were. She couldn’t imagine what made the two teenagers so scared and nervous to make even the smallest of mistakes.
Of course, she never voiced her questions since she didn’t want to upset her guests or potentially trigger them. She quickly learned that the two teens weren’t exactly mentally stable. The two of them were extremely awkward with food, only eating an actual meal once throughout the whole week they stayed with Janus. The twins rarely slept, evident by the fact that they seemed extremely tired most of the time. They would often get irrationally angry and agitated, thankfully they never got aggressive but it did seem as the two never learned how to deal with extreme emotions.
The more Janus learned about the siblings, the more she felt sorry for them. She wished she could get them the help they clearly needed, but at the same time there wasn't much she could really do.
At the end of the day, she has only known Roman for a week and this is the first time she’s met Remus in person. She doesn’t really have a right to involve herself in their personal lives. All she could really do was try and subtly suggest for the twins to get help.
This was something the twins actually caught on to but neither of them thought much of Janus’s advice. They both knew they weren’t mentally healthy, it was something they realized a long time ago since they were obviously very different from the kids they grew up with. They just didn’t believe they needed help. I mean, the two of them have survived this far without the help or support of adults, so did they really need help?
At the end of the day, it didn’t matter. The two of them had other stuff to worry about, especially as the week came to an end.
The siblings had spent the week attempting to find jobs and an apartment. They eventually managed to find a cheap apartment that seemed relatively average with the help of Janus.
So on Saturday, the day before they left, Roman and Remus packed up their stuff. They spend most of the day with Janus, who they consider a good friend now.
The next day they thank the long haired teen once more before starting to drive to their new home.
“I wonder if our apartment will actually look like the pictures we saw,” Roman comments.
Their brother chuckles, “It probably won’t. I think the price seems a little too good to be true but eh, beggars can’t be choosers. Plus, we can’t really afford anything better so we’ll just have to make do.”
Roman nods, “I suppose you're right. I just hope it won’t be infested with bugs. I hate bugs so much.”
“There probably will be bugs, but I don’t think it’ll be infested if that makes you feel any better,” the older twin says with a shrug.
The shorter of the two siblings shudders and lets out a whine before looking at the sky. The 16-year-old has had a crippling fear of bugs for the longest time now. Something that probably comes from the dirty environment they grew up in.
The rest of the ride the two of them mostly hum along to the songs on the radio. They share a couple of words here and there but they mostly just let a comfortable silence fall between them. This is a huge step in their lives. They can finally prove wrong all the doubt and opposition they faced as kids. They’re finally experiencing true freedom. In a few minutes they’ll reach a home that they have full control of. So they took advantage of the silence to come to terms that their dreams are finally beginning to become a reality.
They arrive at the apartment complex and get their bags out of the trunk of their car. They walk to the door of their apartment and for a second the two of them just stand there. They stare at the door, both of them mentally preparing to walk in.
“Ready?” Remus asks quietly as he unlocks the door and waits to turn the door knob.
Roman takes a deep breath before nodding, “Yeah.”
With that the older teen opens the door. The two of them make no attempts to walk in, instead the two of them just slowly look at what they can see. After a minute or two, Roman takes the first step forward.
They put their backpack down by the door and start to slowly look around the small apartment. It wasn’t much but it was enough. It’s a one bedroom apartment with one bathroom and a kitchen that is connected to the living room.
After the teens finish looking around, they begin to move their bags into the bedroom, then they go to the living room and sit on the couch.
“So, what should we do now? It’s not like we have a lot of things to unpack,” Roman asks as they lean back on the couch.
Remus shrugs, “Well we can look around a bit. I mean, might as well get to know the complex we’ll be living in for a while. Then once we get back we can finish putting our clothes and stuff away.”
The younger twin agrees and the two of them walk out of their new apartment. As they walk around the three story building, they see some of the neighbors. They exchange greetings with some of them, but for the most part they talk among themselves.
After checking out the entire complex, they go outside and decide to look at the surrounding buildings. They see a couple of small restaurants around that the two of them might want to check out on a later day. They also notice a playground close by, where a handful of kids are playing at. The two watch with a small sense of longing. They don’t stare for long however since they don’t want to come off as creepy and they both go back to the apartments when they notice not much else is around.
As both of them walk to their door, they notice a relatively tall, pale male opening the door of the apartment to the left of theirs.
“Hey, you!” The taller twin calls out to the stranger loudly.
The other male flinches and looks over at the siblings, “Um, yes?” He speaks in a shaky and quiet tone.
Remus smiles widely, “My name is Perseus!” He points to his younger sibling, “And this is my twin Theseus! We’re your new neighbors!”
Obviously, those aren’t their real names. The two of them know that if they truly want to be successful in running away, they can’t just use their real names since it’s too dangerous. So, before they left their home the two of them picked out some new names.
“Perseus and Theseus? Those are some interesting names,” the other teen notes.
Roman shrugs, “Our parents really like Greek mythology. Anyway, what’s your name?” They attempt to change the topic.
Their neighbor seems to think over the decision of if he should tell the twins his name.
“Virgil,” he mumbles after making up their mind.
“Oooh! That’s a really pretty name!” The shortest of the three teens comments joyfully, “Really unique too!”
Virgil blushes slightly and looks down, “Oh, thanks. Uh, how old are you both?”
“We’re 16,” the older of the curly haired teens responds, “I’m older by like an hour though!”
The freckled male nods, “Oh, we’re similar ages then. I’m 17.”
The twins nod.
“Anyway,” Virgil leans back on his door frame and starts playing with the strings of his hoodie, “What are you both doing in these awful apartments?”
Roman and Remus go quiet. Both of them should have probably expected to be hit with this type of question sooner or later. Yet, here they are completely caught off guard by the simple question.
“Well, since we are still teens we needed a cheap place to live,” Remus eventually begins to explain. “This was one of the cheaper places we could find. We could ask you the same question though.”
The 17-year-old chuckles wryly, “I’m kinda in the same boat as you two. My parents unexpectedly kicked me out so I had to find a quick cheap place to live.”
Roman frowns, “You were kicked out? That must have sucked, I’m sorry.”
Virgil shakes his head, “Meh, it’s fine. It’s in the past. Plus, I need a cheap place to live so that I can earn money and eventually move somewhere better.”
“That’s a good idea,” Remus mumbles to Roman. “We should do that once we get a job and stuff.”
“You both are unemployed?”
The darker of the twins nods, “We’re currently job fishing.”
The other thinks for a bit before saying, “Well, I have an aunt that owns a clothing store here and she could use more employees. If you want I can give you guys the information to have an interview with her.”
“Yes!” They say simultaneously with bright smiles on their faces.
Virgil laughs and he gives both of them the needed information. After that, the three of them speak for a few more minutes before eventually saying goodnight to each other.
Roman and Remus walk to their room and put their clothes away before going to bed. Both of them excited to see what tomorrow has in store for them.
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libertyreads · 2 years
August TBR--
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The goals for my reading this month are to slow down and to read some of the bigger books I’ve got my eye on. That shouldn’t be hard as I’m starting a new job this first week of August. As well, I have three rereads for the month which should be fun. Let’s get into the books:
1. The Passage by Justin Cronin (Kindle)-- This book explores what happens when a top secret government experiment goes horribly wrong. We follow FBI agent Brad Wolgast as he and six-year-old orphan Amy Harper Bellafonte try to survive an unprecedented catastrophe.
2. Lumberjanes Vol. 20: End of Summer by Shannon Watters-- This is the final volume of the Lumberjanes comic series which makes me absolutely devastated. In this series, we follow the girls of the Roanoke cabin at Miss Qiunzilla Thiskwin Penniqiqiul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hard-Core Lady-Types as they face down fantastical beasts and earn merit badges. This series has been up and down for me, but through it all I’ve loved these girls so much.
3. All of Us Villains by Amanda Foody and Christine Lynn Herman-- This one will be a reread for me before the next book in the series comes out at the end of the month. Every Blood Moon the seven families of Ilvernath name a champion to compete in a tournament to the death. Winning provides the family with exclusive control over a secret wellspring of high magick.
4. Tiamat’s Wrath by James S. A. Corey-- Book number 8 in the Expanse series which means two things: one) we’re getting close to the end and two) I’m going to have a real difficult time explaining this series to you. The Expanse explores the universe hundreds of years from now when travel from Earth to Saturn is a simple matter of exchanging credits. But as humans have explored further and further into the cosmos, politics have gotten trickier and trickier. Add into that murder mysteries and alien discoveries and you’ve got the Expanse. God I hope that was vague enough.
5. The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes-- Another reread in anticipation of a new release. In the first book we watch Avery Grambs as she learned that a billionaire in Texas she’s never met has left her his billions in cash, property, and businesses. She must survive a year at Hawthorne House in order to inherit. As long as one of the Hawthorne’s there don’t kill her first. Book two continues to have as many fun riddles and games as the first. Plus a decent amount of character development.
6. Auberon by James S. A. Corey (Kindle)-- The 15th work in The Expanse series (oh my god, really?) and a novella. “Auberon explores a new and alien world with the age-old dangers humanity has carried with it into the stars.” At least according to GoodReads since I have no idea how to discuss anything in The Expanse anymore now that we’re getting closer to the end.
7. Prisoner of Azkaban.
8. Hard Reboot by Django Wexler (Kindle)-- I will admit to being drawn to this novella based on two things: one) that cover though, and two) giant mech arena battles. What more do you need? Oh, you need a synopsis? Okay. Kas is a junior researcher on a fact-finding mission to old Earth when a con-artist tricks her into wagering a large sum of money on the outcome of a manned robot arena battle. She quickly becomes drawn into the seedy underworld of old Earth politics and state-sponsored battle-droid prizefights.
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threehours-aday · 16 days
sleep (or lack thereof)
by this point i am proud to declare that i've survived the last 35 hours on just 1.5 hours of sleep, and i've got a few things to say.
the good things that happened:
i actually finished two of my assignments, which will both be turned in this thursday before lunch.
i watched four episodes of house.
i wrote 500 words for a new fic.
i submitted my application for uni on time.
the bad things that happened:
my intermittent tremors are back. couldn't even hold my chopsticks properly at dinner.
my legs feels funny.
my chronic cramps dialled itself up a few levels. i don't know how much longer i can prop myself up without alerting my parents.
my eyes are as dry as the sahara, and my eyesight has gotten impossibly worse.
frequent lapses of concentration is making it hard to... well, focus.
i've crashed into a wall/furniture thrice.
the conclusion:
go to bed, people. especially at night. or you're gonna get dried, pimple-ridden skin and a hungry belly. all-nighters tend to do just that.
don't stay up longer than 24 hours at once. don't abuse caffeine to force yourself awake. don't drink over 500 ml of cafe/black tea in one sitting (3-5 hours).
the burst of creativity comes at around hour 4, which is when your caffeine (if you take any) start to work. it will stay for no more than four hours. which means after eight hours, you're just a zombie. and if your timing's bad (like mine), you'll probably mess up your day too.
and that's it!
p/s: really don't recommend this. i simply wanted to experiment so i can project on my characters, it's not healthy and certainly not productive at all.
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happy-out · 1 month
not plato's rave anon but, if you're already talking about odd juxtapositions, i'm going to take this opportunity to bring up something i remember you once saying on twitter and ask how on earth you came to be both a banjo player and a techno raver
my banjo playing is inherited from my irish family. it just seems to be that if a relative plays a trad instrument, one will get put in your hands once you're old enough to hold it. either that or you grab it. my first was actually a tin whistle. i know... who gives a kid one of them. by all accounts i sounded like that recorder version of my heart will go on. i then started playing banjo, which bled into fiddle because both have 4 strings. i started playing the concertina because i found them just too ridiculous to not have a go. guitar and piano were started because not only were they natural sidesteps from what i could already play, i also needed party tricks that were actually cool in the eyes of anyone who isn't irish and 77 years old. i can play all six, and can rattle a tune out of a couple others that for some reason i haven't ever owned. my parents had me in the local céilí band scene as a kid. but then i grew up to realise it's way more fun to just play for pints in the irish pubs. i can sometimes be found playing in the irish centre as well but people in there know my family so i have to behave
my musical alter ego... she has cdjs and a bunch of other stuff needed for making electronic music but for some reason serious imposter syndrome kicks in whenever she touches it
i don't know if my visit from the doof fairy is typical for those my age (born in the late 90s) because i was very exposed to the music of kids ten years older than me, who themselves grew up exposed to the music of older siblings. i would guess me and my fellow 25 year olds born in the north west of england all ultimately went on the same journey (though might not have necessarily ended up in the same place) but that my introduction came at an earlier age and was a whole era of music that some other 25 year old might not have experienced as much more than a spotify throwback playlist being listened to in the 2020's? but obviously, when i say i 'experienced' it, i mean it in the six year old kid bouncing sense. i was definitely not licking my eyeballs in cream. that place stopped being a weekly club night in 2007. i was sadly all of nine years old. by the time i was old enough to go to the one-off events, the place was already closed properly - same as nation and the fiveone and paradox and even pleasure rooms. i was born just a few years too late to ever live the superclub era in liverpool. it was literal rubble before i had chance to try my fake IDs. the closest i've ever come to being inside cream is looking at the back wall mural that's now visible in the car park of the soulless shitheap built on top of what was that venue and nation and pleasure rooms. paradox became a sports direct *death*. i can however say that i've had nights at the fiveone. but that's only because it reopened last year after somehow surviving almost a decade of being a derelict squat. i can't imagine the experience comes close to the heyday times. but i did at least get the music of these places even if i didn't get the heyday sweaty bouncing
as for my actual electronic journey... the whole world heard the house and trance of cream, who wouldn't have started there if happening to be on the doorstep? the place was an institution. i've heard it said that cream was to electronic what the beatles were to rock n roll. it's probably way more nuanced than that but still. cream's music was what those around me listened to. i also have very vivid memories of young me lurking on the older kids when they were listening to local radio's friday & saturday dance nights - many of which were broadcast live from fiveone and paradox. they were lee butler's shows, who was a big player in the scouse house scene (or donk, whatever you want to call it). that being a mix of uk hard house and 90s happy hardcore. if you're from nw england and into electronic music, chances are you had a scouse house phase or at least encountered it. such an insular little genre that never left the local area. it's dead for a reason lol. but nostalgia is one hell of a drug and i will still bounce. i imagine everyone who didn't grow up to be a snob would. we did all grow up though (with the exception of lee butler and his gang who reopened fiveone to keep spinning their donks). the natural pipeline from scouse house was bcd project/rezonance q or you jumped straight to ultrabeat. and if you listened to ultrabeat's stuff, you were probably also listening to all the other mainstream chart electronic music of the early 2000s. casada and such like. you probably had all the clubland and floorfillers and ministry of sound compilation albums and you probably dragged your ma into town to buy you the ultimate nrg compilation albums too, all of which you blared in the school bathrooms. and when you were finally old enough to do the rite of passage that is creamfields, you probably borrowed wellies and tent and headed off to have your mind blown by the realisation that a whole bunch of genres exist without any donks whatsoever. 2015 was my first creamfields. that was really the first time i was ever exposed to techno. i wouldn't say it was the end of my house and trance era (there is too much overlap anyway) but i do tend to gravitate towards the untz untz now. although weirdly, i could say that i'm still rooted to my kid self - because i listen to camelphat, and one half of camelphat is, believe it or not, mike di scala, who was once of bcd project/rezonance q and ultrabeat, and before that was of the scouse house scene. when camelphat started doing live shows, they actually wore masks to distance themselves from their scouse house-and-adjacent origin because it had become something of a meme. like i said, we all grew up and found or made different(better) music
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