#(I don’t know the caterpillar’s name yet lol)
spewpurr · 1 year
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Collection of SMG4 incorrect quotes cuz these are fun yippee ok here we go
most of them are smg34 cuz i have issues lmao
SMG3: Are you an F5 key? Because that ass is refreshing.
SMG4: Are you a software update? because not right now.
SMG4: The stars are so beautiful...
SMG3: They're just giant balls of gas.
SMG4: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
SMG3: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
SMG4: Oh...
SMG4: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
SMG3: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
SMG4: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers?
SMG3: Peonies, why?
SMG3: Were you going to get me flowers?
SMG4: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
SMG3: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
SMG4: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
SMG3: But you’re always acting stupid?
SMG4: ...
SMG4: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
SMG4: That was so hot, SMG3.
SMG3: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
SMG4: I'm so in love with you.
SMG3: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
SMG4: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
SMG3: That one. I want that one.
Cop: What are your names?
Mario: Don't tell them, Meggy.
Cop, writing: Meggy...
Mario: Crap.
Meggy: Nice going, Mario.
Meggy: Uh oh.
Meggy: Could you be any more annoying?
Mario: Yes.
Meggy: Do we have any orange juice left?
Mario: *pours the remaining juice into their cup*
Mario: Sorry, we’re all out.
SMG4: I really like Eminem.
Mario: I prefer skittles.
SMG3: They are talking about the rapper.
Mario: Why would they eat the wrapper?
SMG4: So when are we gonna tell them?
SMG3: Just give them a minute.
Mario: *Pulling on a door that clearly says push.*
SMG4: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Meggy: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Mario: Aww, what's your dog's name?
SMG3: Eggdog.
Mario, yelling to SMG4: TRY EGGDOG!
SMG4, on the computer: DIDN'T WORK!
Mario: What's your favorite number?
Meggy: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Mario?
Mario: No.
SMG4: I do!
Meggy: I know, SMG4.
SMG4: I’m sad.
Meggy: I know, SMG4.
k thats about it for now lol
got the incorrect quotes from this, i wasn't creative enough to think of these
feel free to use any of these for whatever random bs y'all make lol
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bestworstcase · 1 year
clearly the wonderland stuff has hit critical mass because it’s 6 AM and i’m lying here wide awake trying to line up thoughts in order of which ones i want to write out most except i keep bumping into more SO LIKE. send help i am losing my grip
- kernel of a thought i’ve been gnawing on for a while now that there’s a pattern to the wonderland allusion that i can’t quite put my finger on yet. but it’s like—there’s a sort of temporal wobbliness to what and when that feels like it might be something but also just continual swirling it all around D4, D6 and D7, looping in the aaiw stuff and the red queen by constructing new associations (the queen of hearts was the red king, the duchess’s baby becomes the jabberwalker, the cat leads to hatter leads to hatta, the caterpillar lives in the forest where ruby loses her ‘name’, the beach is the garden is the pool of tears is the island for hunting the snark (<- are the mice the bellman’s crew lol. what are they hunting) and like the connecting thread here is mirrored pairs, the tweedles and hatter/hatta and the immanent reflection of the self in mirror-written jabberwocky, with the cat emerging as both the cheshire cat and humpty dumpty to the jabberwalker’s poetry (<- which draws another circle around neo and the jabberwalker in that the cat belongs to the duchess and the duchess is fanatically concerned with meaning in a way that sits kitty-corner to humpty dumpty’s determination not to let denotative meaning get in his way) and then there’s this undergirding idea of ascension and like—never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them otherwise. the you you wanted to be when you were still you. it’s a matter of perspective, i’m afraid. & they want to get to the tree but can’t but the intertextual layer of the narrative has them oscillating back and forth between primarily D6 and D7; they are so close to winning the game but they can’t see the forest for the tree—and the tree functions like looking glass gardens and perhaps more saliently like the red queen, in that alice wants to meet the red queen but cannot find her until she turns about-face and walks away. (“her tree” huh.) (the blacksmith is the tree is the queen; all the ways about here belong to her and, of course, a cat can look at a king. or a queen.)
- the speaker, the subject, the jabberwock; the knight, jaune, the jabberwalker? (<- also occurring to me suddenly that the reason the only critters from the first stanza not present in the marketplace are the raths is, the duchess’s baby turns into a pig—and a rath is a sort of green pig—and neo is both lost and driven by wrath—and her constructs have recently gained the ability to outgribe.)
- in light of the jabberwalker being the story’s [unwritten, unfinished] ending i am feeling SOME TYPE OF WAY about specifically houston!worst day of my life bc like. man. “once upon a time/i knew who i was/some of it was true.” “i feel as if i’m caught between/what i say and what i mean” “could there be someone else to blame/for why it always feels the same/inside this woman i became” MAN.
- actually yeah no no more equivocating someone on the writing team saw this musical during the houston run. i don’t care who i don’t care to confirm i just know in my heart where all the brainworms live. what’s your title/what’s your purpose :)
- c o r n w i n k l e
- laughing hysterically forever about what this implies about ozlem OH YOU MEANT DIVORCED DIVORCED. LOL. LMAO
- ahem.
- wonderland—more precisely hunting of the snark—has a particular invocation of the rule of three (anything said thrice is true) and given the obvious fun rwby could have with an idea like that i’m wondering if we’ll see it repeated in the ever after in some capacity, whether as a literal narrative rule within the ever after or thematically. it occurs to me that it might have done already; “i am a huntress” is repeated thrice before crashing into ruby’s existential dread and uncertainty (<- the beaver loses count and mathematical panic ensues, which incidentally is also the part of the poem where the jubjub bird appears and, further incidentally for the bees people in the audience, is also the bonding moment in which the friendship between the butcher and the beaver becomes so homoerotic that there’s academic discourse about whether the beaver might actually be female, so make of that what you will.)
- the lively carpenter is not the blacksmith so Question Mark. the thing is the walrus and the carpenter is the tweedles’ poem so its inclusion fits the 4/6/7 focus and it connects to both the forest without names and the red king directly, and perhaps to the jabberwalker in the more roundabout sense that where jabberwocky is a poem about slaying a creature the walrus and the carpenter is about people behaving monstrously. who’s the carpenter and what are the oysters
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foragergnome · 3 years
Something with wirt and greg pre-unknown, kinda showing how their relationship changed before and after the series
Summary: Wirt asks his little half-brother, Greg, for advice, and unexpectedly receives the answer he was looking for.
I was so excited when I got this request! i love looking into Wirt and Greg's brother relationship, and have many headcanons about their family. in this, Greg's last name is Petley and Wirt's last name is Lee. just a little fun fact LOL
Word Count: 1,282
you can find this on ao3 here!!
    With a frustrated grunt, yet another crumpled piece of paper was thrown to the ground.
It had been several attempts, a hopeless endeavor that would seemingly last for ages until Wirt found the right string of words that would make its way onto the paper. He knew that the weight of his mother’s requests is what seemed to create this writer’s block, for it lingered in his head in a way that created a pallor among his face, a grimace of realization. If it weren’t for knowing that he had a little brother to babysit tonight, he knew his creativity would flow freely and pour from the interior of his perpetual mind. It was a simple thought, of course, that allowed the dread to fall heavy on his shoulders, and remain there for seemingly eternity. 
    The teenager would like to say he got along with his brother, and tried very hard to-- but his mind seemed to forbade this from happening. He had always thought about how one-sided his family seemed. It had already wormed itself into his head that Gregory had both of his parents, and Wirt only had one. It was an envy that made the older brother loathe himself, which in turn seemed to create a loathing for Greg. And for good reason, he had thought. Greg’s father practically ruined his life. And by bearing a child with Wirt’s mother, the anger had begun to be directed towards both of the Petleys that had made their way into his life without question. It was a selfish thing to think about, and yet, Wirt could not help himself. He blamed his own father for these thoughts, who had left them so long ago. Yes, there was so much accusation in Wirt’s mind, so much self-loathing, that it burned itself into his brain. 
    He sat back in his chair, thinking over the repressed anger and words that he wished he could tell his mother. Yet he knew he could never muster up the courage to do so, and knew of the punishment that would make its way into his already horrible teenager life. 
    And knowing that his mother and step-father practically disregarded both boys, especially Wirt, he was to pause and mull over his anger in his mind until his heart pounded furiously and he wished he were busy to keep himself occupied. So perhaps it wasn’t Gregory that made him mad, rather the parents that raised the both of them, and yet focused more on their work than their little six-year-old son.
    Wirt kept this in his mind as he rose from his chair, left the room, and departed down the stairs where he found himself in the kitchen. The house was comfortably quiet, and it seemed to calm him down. He filled a tea kettle with water, and set it on the stove to boil. His mind turned to elsewhere; The project that was due at the end of the week had proved to be troubling to him. Perhaps he should find someone to help him with it. The first person to come to mind was Sara. Oh, how he wished he could be with Sara at that moment. She was a very cool person-- so chill, and so laid-back. She didn't give a hoot about what other people thought of her… which is why Wirt admired her so much. If only she saw him the same way….
    "Hi home!" 
    Greg's words made him jump, jarring through his daydream so unexpectedly that he almost knocked over the kettle on the stove. His head whipped around to see his brother, appearing in the doorway. The small child practically brightened upon realizing Wirt was home.
    "Hi Wirt!"
    Wirt didn't smile, but he let out a soft breath. "Hi, Greg," he mumbled.
    "Oh, are you making hot chocolate?" He pulled his stool out from beneath the counter, and stepped up onto it so he could see the kettle on the stove, beginning to simmer and breathe with the gathering heat.
    "Tea, but I can make you some hot chocolate, if you want." 
    "Ok. Thanks, Wirty-o!"
    Wirt grimaced. "Don't call me that."
    "Aye aye, cap'n!" Greg gave a small, fake salute, and then stepped down from the stool. He kicked it out of the way, leaving room for a long, uncomfortable pause of silence that Wirt could not stand. It reminded him of the awkward silence between him and their Mom, when she was upset with him after a long, unforgiving day. Perhaps this pause was his fault.
    Greg climbed onto the chair at the small island in the center of the kitchen, grunting as he kicked his feet up and onto the seat. He drummed both fingers on the table surface. "So," he said, "Do you want to go to the funny pet store later? The one with the parrots?"
    "Uhh… not today, Greg." 
    "Oh. Ok."
    There was another pause of silence, and Wirt took that moment to daydream again. He thought for a moment, depressing thoughts, until he couldn't stand the silence any longer. He then finally mustered up the courage to talk. "Greg, how would you tell someone that you liked them?" He asked, and then turned to face his brother, leaning against the counter.
    The little boy blew out a small breath in thought. "I would give them a caterpillar." He responded.
    Wirt grimaced. He wasn't sure if Sara even liked bugs or insects or anything of the sort."Other than that," he said, and turned back around to take the kettle off of the stove. He knew how much Greg didn't like the loud sound.
    "I would sing them a song!" 
    Wirt thought this over, though he let out a frustrated sigh. He wasn't much of a singer-- he wasn't terrible, but it wasn't something he did very often. And he wasn't confident enough to bust out into song. He picked up the kettle, and poured the water into two mugs-- one with hot cocoa powder, and the other with a tea bag: vanilla black tea, to be precise. 
    "You play an instrument, don't you? You can play a song!" Greg suggested, as Wirt handed him his mug.
    Wirt nearly dropped his own mug. Of course! Clarinet! Why didn't he think of that before? His mind began to run, and he set down his mug so fast that tea sloshed to and fro. "Greg, you're a genius!" Yes, that was it. He could sit down, and record himself playing clarinet. And then, something else hit him: the mindless poetry about Sara scattered across his floor in crumpled messes. Clarinet and poetry. Two things he was especially good at, or so he thought at the time, and two things he was actually comfortable doing. Now he just needed a way to record it….
    Greg had smiled from ear to ear, clearly pleased that he gained a compliment from the brother that usually tried his hardest to avoid him. "I get that a lot," he assured, "But now we have to go frog-hunting together, to make up for my genesis idea." 
    "Genius," Wirt corrected, and then huffed, "Ok, fine. I promise I'll go frog-hunting with you. Later. Not right now. Before the cold weather comes." 
    "Deal!" Greg was quick to hop up in his chair, and reach forward to shake Wirt's hand with both of his-- like what he saw those business guys do in those cartoons. Then, he looked at the hot chocolate in front of him. "Umm… can you also put marshmallows on top of that deal, actually?"
    Wirt reluctantly agreed, but only because he loved his brother at that moment. Perhaps his life wasn't ruined, after all.
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
All your fic ideas sound so good!!!!!!!
A Siege in Paris: Okay, the name sounds familiar, but who is Armand D’Argencourt? And why/how would he bring Paris into the dark ages? 😱
Bluebird of Happiness: I would love to see more of Duusu and Marinette together! I loved “A Declaration of Love.” Ooooh would this be a double Miraculous option? Like, Marinette has the Peacock, but Fu doesn’t know that, so he gives her another Miraculous too? Chaos ensues as she has to deal with two kwamis and 2 hero identities? That would be fun!
Chasing a Butterfly: Ahhhhh I want another Butterfly!Marinette fic too! I feel like this could be a good Lukanette one - Marinette could be more withdrawn and shy and Luka hears her song despite that and knows she is just a caterpillar waiting to be a beautiful butterfly. But then, as a hero, he is wary of the new butterfly heroine. So we could see your take on the kinda love square sans Adrien lol
Claws Sunk In: I’m surprised (but intrigued) with this one! It sounds like a set up for a Chlonette fic, but I thought I remembered you saying that you didn’t want to ship them because Chloe was Marinette’s bully. Would this be a different set up for that? Or is Chlonette a no-go here too? Maybe just platonic?
Copycat: I’m always down for more Felix action! I love the way you write him, but I can’t really read Grumpy Cat because I get too sad about the ending. 😭😅 So, I would love a Felix fic from you that doesn’t involve….well. The ending of Grumpy Cat. 😂
Dodged a Beetle: It seems I’m in the minority here, but this is probably my least favorite. Probably because I dislike Lila so much. I would also hate to see Marinette wrapped around Lila’s finger. But the premise is super interesting though! I never would have thought of it! You’re right that Lila has a lot of potential. I just more see it as potential for bad lol. 😂
Never Met Fu: (Can I also just say I love these plays on words?) Ooooh this one sounds like you could improve on Fu a lot! And it would give you the option of adding heroes to the team that Fu approves of and Ladybug doesn’t know about! Ladybug wouldn’t be the one ha ding out the Miraculouses!
Unbound: I need more deets on this one ASAP. Alternate universe opens up? Magic goes haywire? Body swapping? WHAT’S GOING ON?! 😂
The Gamble of Renard Leroux: Can it be??? An OC INSERT STORY?! I never thought I’d see the day! No one else seems to like to write OC insert stories! I’d love to see your take on it. Or would it be Felix coming in with the Fox? Or maybe Alya or even Lila?
Okay, I think I covered all your ideas lol. Thank you so much for sharing them! I’m already looking forward to….we’ll, basically all of them. 😂😂😂
ASiP: Armand D'Argencourt was Darkblade and was running for mayor. No Andre taking the position, its open to be claimed. And he's got some villainy vibes to him, and a familial history that he can continue as his ancestor (also known as Darkblade) used to rule Paris.
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BoH: I am going to go with no as this is meant to be a Peafowl!Marinette centered idea. I don't even know if the Butterfly would be misused as we don't have the details and history of the Agrestes and how they get them. Only for sure is that Emilie is still around so no Gabriel trying to misuse it to revive her. They could misuse it for nefarious reasons, or maybe they don't have anything if they got the Peafowl first and that clued them in on the existence of miraculous. I'm hoping the ep Gabriel Agreste will give some answers, ideally...
CaB: eeeeh we'll see. I haven't decided on a pairing just yet. More focused on trying to figure out the story direction and what to do about lead heroes.
CSI: this is definitely not a Chlonette fic. This is more along the lines of Scarlet Lady au of Chleo at the start getting one of the two most powerful and Marinette's her partner.
Copycat: well its a good thing that this isn't a Grumpy Cat rewrite.
DaB: yeah it can be dicey depending on where it goes. Only thing I can reassure you is that Marinette's not going to be wrapped around Lila's finger. Though she will be regarded as a friend and that means she'll have a lot of tolerance for things that she shouldn't.
NMF: not going to go as your picturing. outside the ending, it's going to be more of a timeskip fic.
Unbound: when LB cleanses an akuma, she severs HM's connection with the victim, and purifies them, turning what's negative positive and turns them back to normal. When Cat does it, it just servers that connection and the victim still has that power and now no item or butterfly to cleanse and HM has no means to control them. They are an absolute wildcard.
TGoRL: ...ish. kinda but not really? Only thing for sure is that Marinette shall have a wily friend coming to her aide. Lila beware and readers, brace for some Alya salt.
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Survey #323
“dehumanized upon a shell  /  we came to bleed it dry  /  obsessed with divine wealth  /  divide and multiply”
Have you ever drawn on someone’s face while they were sleeping? No. Would you scuba dive in shark infested waters if you had the chance? No thanks. What is your favorite slow song? There are so many, but one of the slowest and most beloved of mine is "Obstacles" by Syd Matters. It gives me goosebumps without fail. It's one song I know I want at my hypothetical wedding. If there were aliens on earth, would you be afraid? I mean, yeah. I'd want to know their intentions. If your best friend died, would you be able to speak at their funeral? It'd be extremely difficult, but if I had any say in it, I absolutely would. Do you enjoy going through old pictures? Sometimes. Other times it causes too much pain, depending on the pictures, of course. Do you tend to have a lot of drama in your life? Definitely not. My life is painfully uneventful. When’s the last time someone was disappointed in you? I don't know. Do you have a house phone? No. Which fast food place do you eat at the most? McDonald's. Have you ever met someone on the Internet in real life? Yep. What’s your favorite color to wear? Black. Do you like being in pictures? No. Do you travel a lot? Essentially never, even though I'd love to. Do you play any sports? No. Do you like pickles? Yesssss. How many times have you been kicked out of a store? Never. Is there things you’ve told someone that you’ve NEVER told anyone else? Probably. When was the last time you had alcohol? My birthday dinner last month. Are you one to often make typos? No, except when I'm texting. I have autocorrect on for a reason. On a hot day, would you rather prefer ice cream or a popsicle? Ice cream. Have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything? Yes, but I just didn't want to drink anymore at one point. I'm far from a lightweight, apparently. Have you played cards recently? No. Is there a band you like with amazing music but a bad vocalist? Mother Mother immediately comes to mind, but not the main singer; he's great. The woman who occasionally joins in is fucking horrendous. Like, it hurts my ears. Is there a certain song you like to headbang to? I don't and never have really headbanged, surprisingly. It's a sure-fire way to make me dizzy. Anything you might be giving up on soon? I hope not... Sometimes I feel like it's time with photography, but I just. Can't. Have you ever captured a moth? I've raised a caterpillar into one before, then of course let it go. Is there a band/artist who has strange lyrics but you love them anyway? Otep, noteably. When was the last time you wore earrings? It's been a long time. How many pairs of heels do you own? I don't think I have any. When was the last time you changed your picture on Facebook? Uhhhh it's been at the very least a month, but I know more. Would you consider yourself to be physically strong? Absolutely not, especially my legs. I struggle to fucking walk because they're so weak. Have you ever painted a piece of furniture? Yes, actually. I helped Jason paint his shelf black. Do you have a really fat cat? No, we never have. We've always been good about keeping our pets at a healthy weight. Do your initials spell a word? No. When was the last time you went to a playground? A year or so ago when I was taking pictures of someone's son, as well as just general family photos. That same family just had another baby the other day. Have you ever made a business card for yourself? No. Do you have a favorite curse word in a different language? No. Are there any recipes you have memorized? No. Do you know your multipication times tables? Lol not most of them, no... It's been way too long. Do you have a favorite font on the computer? Of the basic ones, probably Garamond. Are you good at creating logos? *shrugs* I've only ever really made my photography watermarks, and I only JUST made one I like pretty well. How about catch phrases? I don't make those. Have you ever been severely burned? Not severely, no. Did you ever dream that you had a baby? I've actually had numerous dreams where I was pregnant, but I don't THINK I've had one where the baby was born yet. Do you or anyone you know have a rabbit? No. What was the weirdest thing you ever saw cross the road? Hm, nothing too weird, I think. Last song you got stuck in your head? "ALTÆR" by 3TEETH. Last song you listened to? ^ Favorite movie quote? I don't know. Maybe Rafiki's quote about the past hurting, but you should take that opportunity to learn. Favorite lyric? That is impossible. There are so, so very many that just like slather me in goosebumps. What magazine are you an avid reader to? None. Have you ever gone a full day without interacting with another person? I have. How many relationships have you been in that lasted less than a year? Four. Have you ever been significantly more physically fit than you are now? Man, take me the hell back to my WiiFit days. I was pretty damn fit. The last time I did it, it was seriously alarming how much I struggled doing things that were once pretty effortless. When growing up, did you parents keep the house very tidy? "Very" seems a bit too much, but Mom definitely kept it in order. How many watches do you own? None. Should teenagers be allowed to have their cell phones with them in class? Yes. Emergencies happen. Do you have any gay relatives? Yes; my mom has a cousin who's gay. Have you unfollowed, deleted, or blocked anyone on social media recently? Not recently, no. If so, what was the reason? ^ What’s the biggest financial mistake you’ve ever made? Oh, y'know, dropping out of college three fucking times. Once I pay my own bills and I truly understand finances, that's going to fucking wreck me. Do you like metal music? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah. If so, what sub-genres of metal do you like the best? Heavy and symphonic. Who was the last person you sincerely thanked? My mom for bringing home lunch recently. Have you ever been in a relationship where there was a large difference in maturity levels? No. What’s the longest you’ve ever stayed as a guest at someone’s house? Maybe like a month when I was technically homeless? How bad was your acne when you were a teenager? It was preeeetty rough. Do you like strawberry shortcake? No. What’s the last you got out of the freezer? A microwavable breakfast bowl. Do you go on the computer or watch TV more? Guess. Explain why you are single: Because I'm a very, very underdeveloped "adult" that has very little clue what she's doing. At my age, I and any potential partner should want someone with direction. What feature do you usually get most complimented on? My hair. Has anyone ever accused you of being gay? Well, I'm bi. I had this weird therapist once in middle school though who asked if I was a lesbian... Idk why she did? What Facebook groups have you found the most helpful? I'm in an advanced ball python husbandry group, and while a lot of people there are utter, degrading elitists, they do have valuable information. Did you name all of your stuffed animals and dolls? I sure did as a kid. What would you have your bridesmaids wear? Probably black dresses, and I think it'd be really cool if I were to marry a woman, the bridesmaids wear checkered Converses colored into a rainbow pattern, or something like that. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? I think Alaska, if it was a good time to see the Northern Lights. Are you sick right now? No, thankfully. Do you feel loved? Yes. Do you like your butt? Why or why not? God no. I have such a flat ass. Are you ashamed of your faith? I'm assuming by this you mean religion, in which case, I don't have one and am not ashamed of that. Has anyone ever tried to force their beliefs on you? Yes. Have you ever personally been a victim of homophobia? Again, I'm bisexual. I have never had a personal act of homophobia inflicted upon me, though. Have you ever been accused of being homophobic? Yes, because I was for most of my life. Fucking repulsive to remember. "Repulsive" is much too gentle a word, but yeah. It is so, so embarrassing to recall myself ever believing it was wrong because my then-religion said no-no. Do you think you’d be happier if you had a pet? I have two pets. I would be so, so lonely without any. :/ I've had pets my entire life. Who was the last person you went on a date with? Sara. How long has it been since that last time you went on a date? Like two or so years. Do you think babies are cute? They can be, but I usually don't find them all that cute, honestly. Especially newborns/very young infants. They're usually hideous. My youngest niece is actually the only newborn that I remember seeing that I thought was absolultely precious. What is your favorite style of pants? Ripped skinny jeans. Were you ever hospitalized as a little kid? No. Who was the last person who broke your heart? Jason. ^Do you still miss this person? I'm sure I always will to some degree. Do you have someone to talk to and share your secrets with? Sara more than anyone, but Mom, too. Is there someone you feel extra shy around? Just men in general. Have you been hurt more by friend break-ups or romantic break-ups? Romantic. Closest living thing to you? My snake's terrarium is against the opposite wall. She's in her hide. Would you rather drown or burn alive? Drown. You go unconscious first, so. And I'd assume it to be faster than burning alive. Also me no like hot. :'''( Who is the last person you got really pissed off with? My stepmother posted some ignorant bullshit on Facebook about how people blow out of proportion our "supposed" environmental crisis. I nearly deleted her right then and there. I take that shit seriously. Most of her beliefs drive me insane, honestly, but she's a wonderful person at heart, so I just bit my tongue. Who was the last member of the opposite sex you laid in a bed with? Girt. What type of sushi do you like to eat? Never tried it, don't want to. Was the last person you kissed physically attractive? Yes. Do you have any flowers in your room? No. Do you know anyone that owns horses? Yes. Well, I took pictures for her family, anyway. Do you know anyone who has road rage? Who? Jesus, yes. My little sister. Is your mom a big health freak or your dad? Or neither? Neither are "big" health freaks, especially not Dad when you consider he smokes and knows it'll be what kills him. My mom is diabetic though, so she's reasonably careful. Do you know anyone who wants to be the president one day? No. What kinds of chips are in the cupboards? We don't have any. Ma tries to keep snacks out of the house for both hers and my sake. If you were going out with your celebrity crush, what would you wear? OH BOY idk. I'd probably spend days planning the "perfect" thing. Do you have any friends who have naturally red hair? I do. Have you ever cried when a teacher retired? Yep, my band teacher. He was incredibly loved by literally everyone. Do you have your mom’s or dad’s eyes? Neither's. They both have brown eyes. What’s the best date movie? We gonna have a problem if you don't watch The Notebook w/ me if I have it on lmao. How long has your current best friend been your best friend? Many years now. (: Do you swear and yell while playing video games? I might swear under my breath, but I don't yell. Would you rather name your daughter Andrea or Eva? Andrea. If you were adopted, would you want to know? Yes. Do you know anyone who has grossly skinny eyebrows? I couldn't care less about someone's eyebrows. Do your pets chase after bugs? Oh yes, Roman certainly does. When’s the last time you were so excited you couldn’t sleep? Why? Hmmm... this actually happened recently, but I don't remember why... What is your mom’s favorite movie? I don't know, actually. I think it's some romance one. What TV family reminds you of your own family? None, really. Do you know anyone who always looks perfect? Who? One of my best high school friends Alon was like... just always pristinely beautiful, it seemed like. I haven't seen many pictures of her lately, but I'm sure that hasn't changed. Has anyone you know ever pulled the fire alarm in school, joking around? I think so once, yes. Who was the main character in the last book you read? A dragon named Sunny. Who are the last people you saw kiss? On the lips, I'm sure it woulda been my sister and her husband. Would you rather look at clouds or stars? Clouds, I think. Well, it would depend on their design, I guess, and time of day. When you get married, who will be the maid of honor/best man? Probably my mom. Does your best friend get along with their parents? She has a wonderful relationship with them. Have you ever been in a wedding? What were you? I was the fat, hideous, crying bridesmaid. ;x; Are you purposely hiding something from someone? No. What’s the most intimate thing you’ve discussed with a stranger? My suicide attempt with doctors. What, if anything, do you substitute for fries? I always get fries. Have you ever been in a building that was on fire? No. Are you in an argument with anyone right now? No. Have you ever written a poem for someone? Yes. Who’s the last person who cussed you out in anger? My grandmother. Who is the person you are closest to that you’ve meet online? Sara. Have you friended your parents on FB? Mom, yes. Dad doesn't have one. What’s the last tourist area you visited? Chicago. Mice or roaches? Mice are precious, meanwhile I hate roaches. Did you give or get any Valentines this year? No. Well, Mom bought me and my sisters each a delicious candy apple, if that counts? What’s your homepage? Google. Is there anyone whose grave you visit? No.
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I love your ke analysis. I don't know if someone already asked u this, but i wondered if you think that Eve, in some ways, is in love with Villanelle. And do you think that if they'll ever have sex, Villanelle will get bored and get over her?
*villanelle voice* EVEEE?! oh she is even though she can’t and won’t admit it in the most typical way but when are these two idiots ever typical. remember that eve is a woman who’s entire early-forties existence before v was implied as relatively predictable — “i basically married my dad.” while i have no doubt there’s always been a dark ribbon of hunger running through eve’s life that we haven’t been privy to fully comprehend yet that only just started to fully unearth itself, the sheer weight of these upheavals and changes that v served as catalyst is not something i can imagine one just accepting and admitting to in less than a few months time let alone it being wrapped and tied to a woman who is an international assassin, who everyone in eve’s life is telling her is incapable of feeling anything, who murdered her best friend and manipulated her into killing a man. phew. but they are inexorably tethered, for better or worse. listen to the differences in the two “no’s” she utters in relation to v telling eve she loves her (vehement) vs. saying eve is in love with her (softer, more unsure)…the delivery difference of those lines is quite stark, thank you queen sandra. not to mention how eve independently committed to v in deeper ways than we could’ve known in first watching that scene with carolyn in 2x08 — knowing what v was capable of in the face of standing up to her and embracing it nonetheless. it’s all so tragically romantic it makes my organs ache.
anon my brain litchurarlly melts thinking about v and eve having sex liiikke can you imagine just how intense their first time would be? the fusion of anger, frustration, desperation, passion, and sheer obstinance these two share …. i will say though that doesn’t mean i think that hours of mindblowing sex would magically resolve all of the obstacles in their way (though i’d like to see it shshshshhhhh) related to their own individual perceptions of what the other means to them and what they mean to the other. right now those lines have not intersected and while the sex would be beyoooond, ultimately it wouldn’t be enough if their intentions and expectations aren’t aligned. which brings me to the possibility of v getting bored of eve which — at this current point in time — i do think so, yes, she could eventually. however one thing i want to make clear is that her boredom would not be a direct effect of finally having sex with eve nor is it the same as getting over eve which would be impossible for v.
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the reasons i think she could get bored of eve at this point in time is that because, as i mentioned before, part of her perception of eve is built upon a matchstick foundation of her idealization of normality. while v may crave for some version of it it ultimately is something she doesn’t completely understand what it entails to have and maintain and deep down will want in the long term. we also know she’s completely bored of a more supposed ‘free’ life where she can buy and travel and kill but still feels ‘nothing.’ i also don’t see eve being content with that existence, nor with her former one as much as she may try to fall back upon it. while we understandably think first and foremost about the possibilities of v getting bored of eve there’s also the very real possibility of eve getting bored of v, esp if we’re taking seriously villanelle’s ‘we are the same’ and viewing konstantin’s assessment of the hungry caterpillar as it relates to not only v but eve as well. from eve’s very introduction we got the sense of restlessness within her. how unsatisfied she seemed even in describing her earlier days in her first ‘interview’ with carolyn in the empty restaurant. similarly eve is in the process or already has systematically destroyed her close relationships, has manipulated, lied and so forth in the name of personal pursuits and in discovering these deeper parts of herself. we know they can only find it in each other but will there ever be a respective point of fulfillment for eve and v? what does that look like?
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i think what it comes down to with them both is that while boredom seems like a huge roadblock to them finding some sort of medium, to me any ‘success’ in establishing something is less about somehow ‘avoiding’ or ‘removing’ it but rather how do they factor that INto their own version of normal. is it forever leaving elaborate gifts of the bloody and not so bloody kind? is it forever chasing each other around the world? when even the show doesn’t know the endgame and are discovering it as they go, it’s certainly hard to theorize…. but it’s also exciting. they truly aren’t like any other couple.
that brings me to v ever ‘getting over’ eve and to me that’s an emphatic no. not by a long shot. in this scenario boredom does not necessarily equate getting over someone especially when it comes to eve and how irrevocably she has changed v (and vice versa). villanelle has met her match in eve and those emotions that jc herself said that in s3 we’ll see more of that have been unearthed bc of eve that v has pushed down for so long are not something she can detach from eve, though she may try. between that and their physical dual scars, they’re bound.
while i don’t have a step-by-step guide for how this could realistically pan out as there’s still so much we don’t know about them and this show is wildly unpredictable in the best way to me, at least, it all goes back to what i said before of them needing to recode and redefine what normal means individually and between each other — to continue their self-actualization, in other words. ultimately the hope is fulfilling their respective needs without trying to mold and control it for the other. we saw v attempt something along these lines with her learning from her past experience with anna and her husband and actively deciding to not kill niko even though no doubt that would’ve been the fastest point A to B route in getting eve in her mind (we’ll save the whole framing niko for gemma’s murder for another time lol). she may not fully understand it but she understands it enough to know that it would have lasting consequences for her and eve. “but eve would never forgive me if i hurt you, niko. would she?” the delivery of that line, thank you queen jodie.
i probs presented more questions than answers… but this show ya know smh. what do you think? would love to know your thoughts and thanks for the q’s.
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doctorporkchop02 · 4 years
So I've been looking through the Incinerated ruins and Fallout forest description and I have a question. What are Robbins! and Maglets?
Oh, those are original enemies that Chara is going to be encountering through out their journey. (I feel like I've been saying that ALOT lately.)
Anyway, Magmets are like Fire Bug Monsters that love to swim around and jump out of Lava pools that are in Incinerate Ruins, almost like it's a swimming pool.
Think of them... like Podoboos from Mario. Now I'm actually still deciding on what exactly Magmets should be. At first they were more Podoboo than Bugs. Actually I wanted them like kinda look like the enemy "Pep" from Mario and Luigi; Bowser's Inside Story. (Specifically the Speed Pep. Also sorry for the crappy camera. Lol)
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Their name, "Magmets", were originally supposed to be an uncreative combination of the words, Magma and Midgets, cuz the were really small enemies that wanted to jump out reach for a hug, but were constantly surrounded by a ball of fire around their body.
But then I felt like Undertale doesn't really have that much flying enemies so I had the idea of making bugs like caterpillars, beetles, or maggots. Where eventually they'll turn into more majestic fully grown bugs that look like Butterflies or something like that in later areas, kinda like Moldsmall and Moldbygg.
So I could still keep the name but it's like a combination of Magma and Maggots... but I don't know, I don't think this concept can really work well since I'm pretty sure Maggots can't fly... but I had an idea of possibly making them piranhas since Undertale didn't have Enemies in the water... ermm lava... either... I don't know, I'll think of something for these little guys.
Now for Robbins, these enemies are much easier to explain. Robbins are obnoxious bird monsters that live in Fall-Out Forest, and are Birds that love to steal stuff (Specifically Gold or shiny stuff) from unsuspecting monsters that walk around the forest. They're obnoxious stubborn too, they won't leave you alone until they get SOMETHING out of you and then they just fly away.
But lately they seem to be gettng more hostile towards kids with stripped shirts for unknown reasons, and even more weird, they actually retreat BEFORE getting to steal something from you and they attack in groups of two or three, which is also weird because Robbins are greedy and would attack if other Robbins try to come in and steal an item from another Robbin or it's victim... kinda out of character for them. It's almost like there is someone bigger telling them what to do, and they are not a fan of kids with stripped shirts.
Don't worry though, they seem to not go anywhere else besides Fall-Out Forest so... I guess that A plus, not a great plus, but a plus. So if you're ever planning on going through Fall-Out Forest, then you better be read to defend yourself or be really good at dodging...
Oh shoot I haven't really described them yet, okay so Robbins are almost identical to actual Robbins except they always have this weird black fur spot on them that are like burglar masks... yeah not very creative I know but, I can try to improve them to be more creative looking... wait I haven't even shown off their designs yet... I'll do that later actually.
(Also their names are even less creative then Magmets and their names are literally a combination of Robin and Robbing... they need a better name too. I know)
So yeah, here is what is basically a mini essay on TWO regular (and uncreative) monsters that Chara would encounter. And that's just two, I'm planning on making more monsters but don't worry, Monsters that you encounter in Undertale can still be encounteredingly encountered in Pigster's Underswap.
I apologize for rambling again but yeah, I hope you guys like these ideas, if you have things I should change or any other cool ideas for enemies, just let me know.
I hope you guys have an awesome rest of your day/night.
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cyoza · 4 years
I was not going to post on here and I tried like 5 times but for some reason the ao3 link isn’t showing up in the tags sand I’m feeling very frustrated so I’m just going to upload the first chapter on here and then the rest of the chapters will be on ao3 because it took me forever last time to get all the chapters together here 
I’m going to post the link to my ao3 at the end and see if it works this time but its literally giving me a headache lol 
In his 3 years as a protective agent of the CIA, Dick Grayson had never once slept past his alarm. However, he’d never felt the urge stronger than he did that morning. Even with the blaring siren of his alarm sounding, he’d lay staring at the ceiling for the few minutes he could spare wishing he could hit the snooze button. 
For the next 6 months. 
Dick had been very lucky in his 5 year career, shadowing various important but interesting diplomats and thus learning a lot more than the average person about the world and often top secret information. But it seemed like his luck had run out. For he was to spend the next 6 months babysitting some spoiled, pampered princess. 
Kory Anders had definitely built up a reputation for herself - and not necessarily a good one. From his research, he had found multiple articles that described her short temper, recklessness and honestly almost careless attitude towards dating; a new man or woman on her arm every month. It didn’t help that she was an actual princess which meant that guarding her was going to be a bigger pain in the ass than usual. When it came to Royals, they would feel more comfortable with their own services as well as CIA protection which made it all the more difficult to get the job done. Safe to say there was no real part of him looking forward to the task. 
But Dick got up anyway, clicking off both his phone alarm and battery back up along the way. He got ready in a daze, cruising on autopilot until he stood in front of the mirror adjacent to his front door. White shirt crisp and immaculate as usual, dark navy tie placed perfectly at the centre, all pulled together with a sharp angled black blazer. 
A picture of a model agent. 
Bruce Wayne would be proud. 
Dick watched as his eyes narrowed automatically at the thought but he forced himself to relax; he didn’t need anymore tension in his body today and thinking about his adoptive father wasn’t going to help.  
So he grabbed his keys and made his way to work, again not really present for the journey but the dread that settled in him as he pulled into the parking lot forcibly ejected him out of his reverie and back to reality. 
He tried to ignore it, doing the best he could to seem like his charismatic but professional self as he made it through security. Saying hello to Joe as he x-rayed his bag and commenting on Max’s new hair do as she scanned through his fingerprints and ID before making his way through the halls to the DS’s office. 
He paused facing the heavy mahogany door, bracing himself before knocking. 
‘Come in,’ was the gruff reply. 
Dick let out a sigh before entering, shutting the door softly behind him and making his way to stand by the double burgundy leather arm chairs opposite the mahogany desk. 
Directorate of Support Officer Charles ‘Chip’ Wenthem looked every bit the stereotypical middle-aged officer was to be expected to look. Thick grey caterpillar moustache with a matching buzzcut and permanently stress induced protruding coronary in the neck. 
‘Ah Grayson, good you’re here. The Royal Family will be here any minute. I know this isn’t the best assignment but I want you to put your best foot forward, alright? We really need this to go well.’ 
‘Of course, sir. Looking forward to doing the best I can for my country as always.’ He lied, giving him a tense but polite smile that neither reassured nor reinforced his statement. Yet neither of them mentioned anything, knowing the job would get done either way to an exemplary standard anyway. 
‘Glad to hear it, son. Now, as explained in the dossier, you’ll be guarding the Princess Kory Anders of Tamaran along with her personal protection services named Faddei Adeliyi. You’ve done this enough times that I don’t need to hold your hand, Grayson, but proceed with caution. The Tamaranians keep to themselves so we don’t know much about them for a background on customs. Follow their lead and watch yourself. You’re one of my best agents and I don’t want you to get kicked off this case for something stupid, alright?’ 
Dick suddenly felt the tension he’d tried very hard to suppress return to his body at full force. Chip was a good DS but it was times like this that he felt his patience with him was paper thin. 10 years of experience in law enforcement with 5 of them in covert operations just to have him speak to him like he was a teenager fresh out the force on his first mission. Dick bit back his frustration and gave him another tight smile but before he could speak again, there was a knock at the door prior to Chip’s mousy assistant poking his head through. 
‘Um, sir, we have the Tamaranean Royal family through security and here to see you.’ Arthur spoke quietly, shifting his eyes rapidly between Chip and the floor. Even after 2 years working here, Arthur was still terrified of every single thing; it was a wonder how he even got the job. 
‘Send them in.’ Chip waved his hand in confirmation sending Arthur’s head back around the door before he came back to swing it wide open again. 
Dick had seen beautiful people in his life as he seemed to always fall into their orbit unintentionally. But they all paled in comparison to the people who walked in the room in those next 5 minutes. The man who walked in after Arthur could only be described as ethereal. Towering taller than any other person Dick had come into contact with, it wasn’t his height that commanded the attention in the room nor was it his transfixing good looks. His shoulder length dark locs framed his face and corresponded with his gruff beard, which were both laced through with grey and emphasised the high slant of his cheekbones. It was his eyes, however, that drew the attention to the face, a gleaming brilliant gold that seemed luminescent even in the poorly lit office. But it was neither of these things that person would be enthralled by. Rather the aura around him was so authoritative and regal that it demanded an attention that you never wanted to withdraw. He seemed to glide as he walked into the room, his mulberry chiffon-like robe swishing around him as if there was a breeze that existed only for him. Dick could only assume he was the King, especially with the thin intricately woven golden crown he wore, pinning back some of his locs. 
Even the guards that trailed behind him were some of the most stunning guards he’d ever seen, despite them dimming in comparison to the King. A man and a woman, again taller than the average person and again dressed in a similar shade of mauve to the King but more combat appropriate. Dick felt his knowledge of gender binary being challenged as he observed them both, the woman’s head shaved with a complex design tattooed across the expanse and the man with equally elaborate braids running across his scalp and trailing down his back. He had never felt more inferior in his life, even with Bruce Wayne as a father. 
Dick’s attention was brought back to Chip as he made his way around the desk to greet them. 
‘Your Majesty King Myand’r, welcome to the US. It is our utmost pleasure to be able to host you on your stay here.’ Chip had never sounded or looked more nervous in his life, this interaction clearly having the same effect on him as it was having on Dick. 
‘Thank you..Charles, is it?’ He questioned, moving forward to extend a hand which ‘Charles’ anxiously but gratefully accepted. ‘And you must be Dick.’ He turned to Dick and stretched out a hand toward him too. 
‘Yes, Your Majesty.’ Dick hoped his voice sounded strong and stable but he made sure that his handshake was, uncharacteristically wanting to exert himself, as futile as he felt it was. 
‘So you’re the one protecting my daughter. Then let me introduce, my eldest daughter - Princess Koriand’r.’
King Myand’r stepped aside and it felt like all the breath had been punched out of Dick’s lungs. He had seen pictures, of course, but as beautiful as she was in them, they all felt like insults compared to the real thing. Dick didn’t know where to look first, completely overwhelmed by her presence. She seemed to be a head shorter than her father so she still dwarfed everyone in the room and it didn’t help that the vivid scarlet curls that sat atop her head gave her added inches that she really didn’t need. The crimson coils seemed to halo her face in a heart shape, her cheekbones high and sharp like her father’s and just like her father, her eyes were transfixing. Bright and shimmering, they mimicked his luminosity but hers were an emerald green that paralleled the jewels themselves. They were only emphasised by the glittery gold eyeshadow she wore, her pouty full lips also painted with a dark maroon. 
Dick knew he was being rude but he couldn’t help but look at her. It was difficult to look away, especially when she also wasn’t wearing very much. As relatively warm as it was in Virginia in September, it definitely didn’t warrant the outfit she wore, or lack thereof. Again she wore a varying shade of purple to her counterparts, but this time it covered way less. Clothed in a light cotton skirt he could barely call a skirt, it reached the floor but the two high slits travelling up her legs all the way to her hips left very little to the imagination so her legs seemed to go on forever which were only highlighted by the 5 inch gold gladiator sandals she was wearing. Her midriff was also bare, the top she was wearing covering her breasts and not very much else, wrapping around them with two tiny trivial spaghetti straps holding the fabric up. 
Dick felt like he had been staring at her for a lifetime but it was probably only 10 seconds, so he cleared his throat and stepped forward to greet her. 
‘Princess Koriand’r, hello. My name is Dick Grayson, I’ll be forming part of your protective team while you are here in the US. It is very nice to meet you and it’s an honour to be guarding you.’ Dick stepped forward to extend a hand to her but was taken aback when she merely rolled her eyes to the side and ignored his outreached hand to fold her arms. 
Dick looked frantically between the King and Chip dropping his hand and worried that he’d made a faux pas and offended her within a minute of meeting her. But he had merely taken the cue from her father with a handshake. Maybe it was different for different genders? Perhaps he was supposed to curtsey or bow? 
‘You must excuse my daughter, Mr Grayson, she is proving difficult to convince that she does in fact need your services. She is quite headstrong which is a trait we admire in our country as it shows strength. But in times like this, we could possibly do without it.’ He explained before gesturing to his daughter.
‘You don’t need to talk about me like I’m not here, Father.’
Dick reeled hearing her voice; it was rich and melodic and suited her perfectly. 
‘Well, Koriand’r, start acting like you are here and maybe I won’t have to,’ the King retorted. 
‘I don’t see why we have to be here at all. I am a trained warrior, there is no way that I could benefit from having these feeble h-’ 
‘Koriand’r, that’s enough!’ He cut her off sharply, eyes suddenly blazing. ‘It is time to stop acting like a child and act like you are next in line for the throne, for X’hal’s sake. The CIA were kind enough to extend their services to us while we are here and we were grateful to accept. You shall greet Mr Grayson here appropriately and behave yourself whilst you are under his care.’ 
Dick could see the fury building under her guise as her father admonished her, obviously wanting to argue when her body abruptly relaxed. She swung her head to face Dick, a wide, sultry smile on her face before making her way to stop a few inches in front of him, hips swaying enticingly as she strolled over. He only hoped his swirling mind wasn’t evident and his professional facade was still in place as he inhaled her sweet rosy scent. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he tried to keep control of himself and not let himself be party to whatever game she was trying to play.
‘Hello, Mr Grayson, it’s a pleasure. I can only thank you for your service and I look forward to being under your care.’ She purred, lifting her hand towards him. 
Oh, these 6 months were going to be longer than expected. 
Further chapters: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21785914
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hongtyong · 5 years
Predicting ATEEZ's Trailers and Solo Concept photos
(as of 09/30/2019) (predictions and roles may not be accurate, but this is my entire opinion on their newest look)
(let's also support their comeback that's coming on October the 8th!)
1) Hongjoong (role: The White Rabbit)
He was holding an object like he was holding in Wave. But Yunho had the same object in Say My Name and Illusion.
It may be a compass, directing and leading to the treasure. Or it could be a watch like the White Rabbit has. Is he late? Or in other words, is he too late to get the treasure?
2) Seonghwa (role: Queen of Hearts)
The lit match appeared in the Illusion MV, then appeared again in his trailer. Then there's a tunnel. Just like in the movie, Alice fell in the rabbit hole. Where exactly is Seonghwa going?
3) Yunho (role: The Caterpillar)
This appeared in my dream the other night. Even though in the films the caterpiller smokes. However, there is smoke surrounding him just like the smoke surrounding Hongjoong in the Say My Name MV.
Remember the words from SMN: "My past is burning up now"
It is more than likely that someone is trying to burn his memory making him forget what he is suppose to do.
4) Yeosang (role: Alice, the main character)
He was trapped what looked like a crystallized box. He got tattletale by Jongho by knowing the truth about the darker ATEEZ.
He has the key. Is he finally free? What is he plan to do? Will he fight?
SMN: "We don't want no trouble. Just moving forward."
Pirate King: "Please hold my hand."
From the words of actress Mia Wasikowska on her role as Alice. "So I had kept that feeling about Alice, a kind of haunting feeling."
5) San (role: the White Queen)
This is from the words from actress Anne Hathaway on describing her character in the 2010 film.
“She comes from the same gene pool as the Red Queen. She really likes the dark side, but she's so scared of going too far into it that she's made everything appear very light and happy. But she's living in that place out of fear that she won't be able to control herself."
How does it explain the room full of broken mirrors surrounding San? And why did he saw Dark!Yeosang in the mirror instead of himself? Is he going to help him escape?
6) Wooyoung (role: the Knave of Hearts)
"This was foreshadowed by the fact that the word "knave" means an untrustworthy person" .Hence Wooyoung not being trusting.
"arrogant and tricky" -> captivating but yet manipulative at the same time.
SMN: "Yes sir, I answer to your call."
In the 2010 film, the Knave of Hearts was also a personal assassin to the Queen of Hearts. Who exactly is he trying to get? Is he trying to get Alice (Yeosang)?
7) Mingi (role: Card Servants)
Dreamt about this one, but it was short.
It looked like he was protecting something. What was he protecting? Or, who is he protecting from? Is he protecting "something" from someone dangerous? Or, is he hiding?
8) Jongho (role: the Cheshire Cat)
(A/N: This is the dream I had so, yeah lol)
Okay. I had an odd dream, right after I slept after Seonghwa's trailer (I slept at 5am).
It was about Jongho and I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation me, and my friends had.
I dreamt what his trailer would look like. But I could be very wrong the moment that drops. My prediction may not be accurate.
Everyone should know how the Cheshire Cat would appear on the tree branch. (Well, it appearing in many ways really)
It could be me and my nonsense dream. But I dreamt that Jongho was sitting in a tree branch, but it wasn't a tree branch. I couldn't see it because it was really blurry by the time I got close to it. (The branch may be the one from the Say My Name MV)
I believe that's what I saw, but it got really distorted and blurry whenever I get close. As if he's trying to lure someone in?
Cause you know how he told on Yeosang to Wooyoung and Hongjoong hence Yeosang being trapped.
In the 1951 film, the Cheshire Cat is mischievous and loves to mess with Alice and misdirecting Alice instead of going where she actually needed to be. But in the 2010 film, the Cheshire Cat is helpful on a few occasions.
Will Jongho help Yeosang escape? Or will he guide him in the wrong direction?
this is entirely my thoughts and opinion about ateez and their roles. also. pay very close attention to hongjoong, wooyoung, and yeosang in this comeback. in fact. pay attention to everyone.
in the words of the Cheshire cat: “We’re all mad here.”
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Have you ever had surgery?    nope
Have you ever donated blood?   can’t
Have you ever been in handcuffs?   no not yet
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How many dogs do you have?    just one
Who do you want to meet in heaven after Jesus/God/saints/virgin Mary?   my brother
Are you bipolar?    I have BPD
Who was the last person to pick you up in the air? my gf
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret what would you do?   money as I wouldn’t risk fucking everything up even more at this point lol
Have you ever played naked twister?    I never played ANY twister
Who last grabbed your ass?   M. What’s an interesting fact about you that not many people know?  Tim Walker is my favorite fashion photographer - not that anyone’s interested in this fact
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Do you do anything embarrassing when no one is home? sing
Are you in your pajamas at the moment? no longer
Have you ever spent the night in a tent? few
How important is it for a significant other to be good with kids? I don’t want to have kids so...
Have you ever had an ultrasound performed on you? What was it for? many times, several reasons
Have you ever written fan fiction for anything? nah
Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside? whatever
When was the last time you saw the person you last kissed? days ago
Have you ever played laser tag? I’d like to
Do you have any twins in your family? yep
Have you ever kissed someone that had a tattoo? noooo
What was/is going to be the first song at your wedding? t.a.t.u. - all the things she said XD
What is the one thing that you need to do in order to die happy? sigh...
Do you consider yourself mainstream? I like SW but nothing else mainstream comes to my mind 
What is one moment you wish you could have taken a picture of? uh oh can’t decide
When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen? just listen unless “singing” in my mind counts too 
Have you ever been hospitalized?    couple of times
Have you ever had a moment with someone you like that seemed like a movie moment?    lmfao 
What do you think your life will be like at your parents’ age?    I won’t live that long
Do/did you have to wear a uniform to your high school?   middle school and I liked it
Do you like writing? How often do you write?    I rarely write even tho I like to, I have no motivation and can’t focus, I want everything to be perfect so I overthink a lot and procrastinate my progress
Do you think its obnoxious when people drive down the street with their stereos all the way up blasting the kind of music you loathe?  listening to music loud in a car is dangerous, no matter if I like the music or not but when it’s additionally offensive? ugh...
Title of the last song you listened to on repeat? Animals - Maroon 5
What are you listening to now? look above
Have you ever had oral sex?   ewww, no thx
Christmas is coming. who are you buying gifts for?    parents, partner, sister and niece
if you had to change one, would you rather change your hair or your eyes?  hair
Do you wash your hair or your body first when taking a shower?    hair
Have you ever thought your cousin was hot?
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Have you gotten a hickey before? don’t, it can kill you - srsly, I probably should stop biting others :(
Have you ever had a dream that you married someone? dream about a wedding? hmm... I don’t recall that happening
What were the last two things you purchased for yourself?   fingerless gloves - two pairs - grey and black because I bought mustard before and came back for more 
Is your tongue pierced?    hell no
What do you remember from sex ed class when you were younger? they told us tampons will make us lose virginity and we should breed constantly to not get cancer ^^” but besides that we had boobs to squeeze and I didn’t touch that shit
Are caterpillars more cute or disgusting?    cute
Do you like green apples?    blergh, green are the worst
Would you have sex before marriage/engagement?  oh well...
Have you ever 69′ed? no way, sorry
Would you rather be a boy or girl?    being a boy would probably be easier 
The last time you were upset, who was to blame?   no comment
If someone dislikes you, what is most likely to be the reason?   ... what’s there to like ha ha ha
What’s your favorite fantasy creature?   griffins but I prefer those which have 4 paws instead of bird legs in the front
Have you ever witnessed a birth in person?    luckily not, that would be traumatic
Are you using your real name on Facebook? for now I am
Would you be fired if your boss saw your Facebook page? hope it won’t be a problem when I get a job someday
Would you ever be willing to take a lie detector test? I’m scared my borderline personality disorder or smth will fuck it up so better not, it’s fun/interesting though, especially if you try to check if it will catch your own lie to know if you’re good at this :D
How old is the oldest person you’ve had sexual relations with? my age
Has a partner ever accused you of cheating, when you actually didn’t?
I dated somebody who was accusing me of cheating all the damn time, I couldn’t use the toilet, which is even funnier when you know I’m an asexual pfft
If your hair is long, would you ever think about having it cut short or, if it’s short, would you like to grow it long?   I have no patience for this, too lazy for that, long hair is uncomfy
How many people have you turned down when they asked you out?   believe it or not but pretty big as for me group of ppl asked me
Do you like snakes?    they’re cool
How would you feel about traveling abroad alone?    anxious af
Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room?    I would be confused myself :o
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purplesurveys · 4 years
All About the Letter C
Please List! (at least one)
Animals I Like: Chimpanzees, cows, clownfish (Nemo!), crabs.
Foods I Like: Chicken wings, carbonara, cordon bleu, corndogs, chili con carne, cheesecake, cheeseburgers, cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, calzones, churros... and also crabs, oops.
I Know Someone Who’s (jobs) Chef! My dad is one. I also know a chemist, choir member...I know a couple of people who work in the call center industry but they aren’t call center agents.
I Wouldn’t Mind Visiting: Chicago, Cambodia, Cairo, Colorado, and Calgary because I would love to see the original house of the Hart family. Sometimes I Feel: Calm or chaotic. No in between.
Music I Listen To: Cro-Mags, Coldplay, Chance the Rapper.
Movies I’ve Seen: Carol, Cinderella, Charade, The Children’s Hour, Citizen Kane, Carrie, Cabin in the Woods, Camp Rock, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Comet.
Names I Like: Caroline, Charlotte, Cheyenne, Claire, Cassandra.
And now, onto the random questions!
What is your favorite color? I’d say it’s pastel pink. Almost all my school supplies in college used to be pink.
What is your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip and nothing else. I mean I’d eat other cookies too (as long as they don’t have raisins), but nothing does it for me like chocolate chip does.
What kinds of clothes do you wear? What’s your style? Until quite recently it used to be a bit minimalist and modern. I wasn’t flashy with my pieces and I preferred blacks and whites with plain designs, and my style got compared a lot to Audrey Hepburn. In my last year of university something just kinda sparked in me and I realized I didn’t wanna look too plain for my entire college life, so I made an effort to buy more colorful tops, be more expansive with the bottoms I’d get, and just bought so many more printed rompers, jumpsuits, tank tops, etc. I think my style has transformed from modern to basic Instagram girl more than anything else, but I’m ok with that label because I know I look good with the clothes I own anyway lol.
Last time you cried, and why? I stumbled upon a video on Facebook - it was a segment from Masterchef Australia and it focused on an Asian contestant who was telling his story about how his parents hustled hard to successfully operate a restaurant, but that it got forcibly shut down when Australian immigration got a hold of his parents.
Do you still own any CD’s? Yes, I never threw any of them out. They’d be nice ~artifacts to show my kids haha and besides, they all still work perfectly well and a number of them even came with mini-booklets with photos of the artist, lyrics, and thank you notes.
How many cousins do you have? I have 11 first cousins, but the number just gets soooo much higher from there.
What’s your favorite type of cereal? I don’t really eat cereal because I don’t like the mushy texture and because milk makes me feel bad anyway, but I do enjoy Cookie Crisp.
Do you prefer crayons or colored pencils? Colored pencils.
Which is creepiest - caterpillars, cicadas, crickets, centipedes, or cockroaches? Cockroaches and centipedes, eugh.
Who do you care about the most? My best friends, close friends, and Kimi.
How do you take your coffee? Iced caramel macchiato when I’m out, warm 3-in-1 coffee when I’m at home.
What kind of a car do you drive? I have a Mitsubishi Mirage, but I haven’t driven it in months.
Would you rather play chess, checkers, or croquet? I don’t play any of these and none of them interest me.
Are you Catholic or a Christian? All Catholics are Christian, so I’m technically both given that I was raised Catholic. I detached myself from the religion when I was 10 when I realized its followers – at least the ones where I’m from – are hypocrites; but legally I’m still Catholic, unfortunately.
Who is your current crush? Gabie.
What’s your favorite type of candy? Sour tape and gummy candies. Not really into super sweet candies since I find them irritating to my throat, like chocolate bars or caramel.
What’s your favorite card game to play? My high school group used to often play a certain card game and it gave me a lot of fond memories, but I no longer remember the name or the mechanics lol.
What’s your least favorite chore? Folding clothes because they hurt my back, and I particularly don’t like folding clothes that aren’t mine. Even though I know they’re clean, it still makes me squirm hahaha.
How much time do you spend on the computer? I’d say 5-6 hours max. I don’t use the laptop as much these days because I don’t have any schoolwork left to do anymore, and other than that I’m also slowly running out of things to do on the internet.
What would you like to do as a career? Something in communications, media, or marketing. I’m not sure yet.
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iwannawritepls · 4 years
Writing Update 01
So, hi, this is a thing I thought I would decide to do seeing as I don’t actually talk about writing on here and yet my blog’s name implies that i do indeed write.
So, without further ado,,,here’s writing update 01 :)
Currently I have 1 novel on the go and 1 novella but I’ll probably only talk about the novella here for the time being because the novel...well I wrote about 30k words for camp NaNo and so I'm taking a but of a hiatus from it (it sits at about 75k words).
So, the novella’s working title is The Name we Cannot Say which I actually like a lot so I might just keep it as that. its currently 22,239 words and I'm editing the chapters as I go.
I have 9 chapters called
Crescent moon
Gutter Water
Green Room
Piano Forte
Atlas Moth
Enter Stage Right
Water, Water, Wine, Water
Blood Letting
Crazy, Crazy Devil
I'm not going to bother going through it all, but this was a huge rewrite of a novel I had planned out about two years ago. However, upon realising that there was too much plot and too many plot holes – I let it drop. Then about a month ago I had the spark of an idea shoot into my head and so this is where we are now.
Gosh, so what’s it about? Well uh…my guys made a deal with the devil (though the question of whether or not they’re just really deluded is also one you can ask) and they’ve been on the run from the devil (which might or might not exist) ever since and only now is their past is catching up with them and boyyyy they aren’t ready for this.
I'm currently ‘editing’ (see: really just adding to) the sixth chapter and then once I’ve edited chapter eight, I can actually write chapter nine. With how things are going I hope to be done editing by Wednesday latest and then finished writing it by the end of the month without initial edits.
I underwrite heavily so when I go back through, I end up adding more because the scene has gone by too quickly which makes me big sad but we’re here now so f in the chat.
Here’s some experts if you’re interested:
It wasn’t the kind that came all at once, it was the kind of rain that made you feel damp but completely dry at the same time, collecting until it eventually soaked you to the bone without you realising it. He supposed it was how frogs would feel if they could put into words how it was to be boiled, not quite realising it but knowing that the enclosed space the they were being cooked in was somewhere they shouldn’t be. Basil supposed all five of them were frogs being boiled alive then, because even though the town was nice, it wasn’t where they were supposed to be, and that sense permeated everything.
Basil is extra and we love that for him. He’s also a huge ass and needs to be punched (they all need to be punched tbf) 
I just realised that I never gave my boys’ names out so real quick: Basil, Albert (kinda its complicated), Enoch, Valentine and William. This and it’s set in kinda Victorian England but also not really (that’s also complicated)
A thief was expected to steal and get away with it. A married woman was expected to become a machine constantly pumping out screaming, writhing children that would grow to become thieves or young married women or disappointments. There wasn’t anything else to be.
You might think this is a kitchen joke, but it really isn’t, my guy just has some thoughts about society.
There were the whispers of dawn hanging in the air and the smell of alcohol hung on him as if it were a necklace, wine and whiskey and gin and beer all beaded down his throat and in his veins.
This is so bad and ahjkdhfa but take it
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(Picture by Gabriela Tamara Cycman (I got it from Unsplash)) 
The reply was even more hesitant, if the question was a butterfly’s slow breaking from its cage, then the answer was the caterpillars slower yet crafting of it. Words cautious and precise but encompassing all the same. The last whisper before the change, the final string before the slow melting and reforming of something entirely new. Whether they became Narcissus’ butterfly or Prometheus’ moth – no matter, it would effectively kill them no matter what.
I was so proud when I wrote this lol, it’s so extra - this one is from Atlas Moth (which is the moth that looks like it’s got a snake on it’s wings) so I thought the mentioning of other Greek mythological figures would add to the ~aesthetic~
Blood swelled on his tongue and he couldn’t tell if the spices that danced between the iron was still running in between his cells or if it was still lingering on his taste buds. A cruel reminder that ecstasy was long forgotten, dissolved into the stomach of the things that had previously been clandestine.
We back to Enoch, he might seem like the main character but he’s really not. I realised I put a lot more focused on him during chapters three, five and six with Albert having chapters nine eight and four. Will has chapter four, Basil has chapter one, two and five and Valentine only had some of chapter six to himself. But dw he’ll get page time too.
That’s all I have right now because the other chapters aren’t up to scratch. Really Atlas Moth is my favourite because the writing got super #deep and descriptive but y’know that’s how it goes some days.
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Some random midnight thoughts on Arthur:
How does his eyebrows/lashes have more volume than mine ? Granted, I have trichotillomania, but that’s besides the point.
Did Artie happen to enjoy the flavour of his own blood? Just the taste alone could have triggered the senses and exposed him as a vampire with that revealing smile. We also have clear evidence of alternative supernatural quirks when he seemed to betray his lycanthrope ancestry with « Werewolf and go wild ». By all means, my dear. The moon beckons.
The question lingering through all our quaking loins: How big is his shoe size ? Yet more blatant evidence given by his clown profession. Clowns wear abnormally big shoes and we’re all aware of the analogy between big feet and trouser snakes (shh, the children...). If not Carnival or Joker, Arthur certainly exudes BDE with his relatively large dress shoe size.
Which leads us to the dichotomy illustrated by himself and his Joker persona. Namely, regarding the scene where that wayward hand slips beneath the waistband. We know that Artie wears briefs but can we say the same for Joker ? Perhaps, initially, he continues to wear tighty-whities, but imagine, as time passes, progressively becoming acclimated to this more confident alter ego, he decides to ultimately eschew underwear entirely, opting for a commando approach. Despite his slight build, I’m partial to him finally gaining sense to realise how restricting the fabric is in any case.
When will those fuzzy caterpillars on his brow finally burgeon to beautiful butterflies ? Who is he trying to fool ? lol
If he is a vampire, it should only stand to reason that his snaggletooth duplicates to represent fangs. Don’t know how effective that would be with the bluntness but at least he’d look adorable while sinking his teeth into your neck. (dw, i too wonder about my sanity)
Would Arthur entertain the idea of BDSM (Business Development, Sales & Marketing)?
Are those Wall Street himbos getting what they fucking deserve in the chthonic afterlife ?
Will Carnival ever get that lap dance he was promised after singlehandedly upstaging all the other dancers at Chippendales ?
Stay tuned.
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My Decision: Thoughts, Theories, and Some Changes to how I do Things from here
Ok...so here it is. I’ve decided to keep F/O-ing Aaravos. What happened in season 3 wasn’t unexpected. The creators hinted numerous times about his role in season 3, and I knew something was coming. I just wasn’t sure how to process my feelings on it.
Warning: If you care about spoilers, don’t read any further. Spoilers for season 3 of The Dragon Prince is below.
I came to the conclusion it wasn’t that he did bad things...but who toward. That being Viren. The villain of the show. I like Viren as a character still, and I guess now I see what Jason Simpson (his VA) in an interview was saying. He likes Viren as the complicated villain he is...but if he wasn’t just joking around, he doesn’t feel the same about Aaravos. At least this season.
I think it’s because those that genuinely like Viren’s character (not agreeing with his actions, but not disliking him as a character) will have a harder time with the scenes where Aaravos is doing something to him. Like the webbed up eye so he could see Aaravos’ ghostly apparition or the scene where the caterpillar emerged from Viren’s mouth but much longer and larger...and then continued to change in the final episode. As well as the many times he used clever wordplay on Viren to steer his thoughts into bigger plans...plans I think Viren would have had already, but until he became king he didn’t have the power to go through with it and was still in the habit of not overstepping his boundaries.
Viren is capable of lying and could be lying to himself about what he wants from Xadia. He just got power, he doesn’t want to lose it over a risky decision...but Aaravos knows what Viren is like, and uses that to his advantage.
If you like Viren’s character...you’ll probably have a hard time still liking Aaravos in those scenes. Because Viren IS the bad guy...and Aaravos IS manipulating him slowly but surely. It still isn’t clear what this means, or why...but I’m sticking to my belief Aaravos’ role isn’t as a villain, but he is an antagonist. There’s a difference between the two.
The show creators say mixed things on him. In their Tweets we get quite a bit of subtle but ominous warnings...and a confession his design was an attack on the fandom, from Aaron Ehasz (show co-creator) as a joke. Then Ehasz repeatedly says throughout several interviews that Aaravos is very complicated, and has said once that Aaravos is “disliked, that’s not the same as bad.” This being in response to Justin Richmond (the other co-creator) saying “and obviously he’s bad enough they literally tried erasing him from the {history} books.” Ehasz’ exact response being “he’s complicated” and Richmond saying “he’s interesting enough they tried erasing him from the books.” Ending in the above line from Ehasz of “he’s disliked. That’s not the same as bad.”
He was making a clear distinction between the two words, probably anticipating the suspicions from the fans hearing or reading the interview of his (Aaravos’) place in the story. This doesn’t make him good either...canonically I can’t call Aaravos “good” in any sense right now. Except good at being sassy and a show-off. lol
But I won’t put him fully in the villain category. Sol Regem was willing to kill the future King of the Dragons and an elf of Xadia if they didn’t let him kill the human with them either way. Yet he’s in all the promotional posters for some reason as well as the prologue opening. That part, of course, is made more clear in the first episode of season 3, though. He was flying toward the Dark Mage from the prologue in episode 1 of season 1. Then flying blindly as his face was burning after the confrontation.
He’s clearly also important to the plot...but I can’t call him ‘bad’. Not great...but not a villain.
The last bit of evidence is Aaravos’ actual name. It’s of Danish and Arabic origin and means “between light and dark, not good or bad.” Every other name has been spot-on:
Callum-Dove King: He’s a Sky Mage, and the Skywing elves are strongly influenced by bird themes, much like Moonshadows have strong ninja themes and the Startouch...is literally covered in stars and wearing a constellation on his clothes. Callum is a Sky mage, doves are birds, and he’s working toward a peaceful future. Doves are a symbol of peace.
Ezran-Helper: Look how helpful he was this season especially!
Viren-Leader of heroes: Uh...ok I don’t know WHAT heroes...but he is a good leader. Say what you will about his character, he has leadership skills. Aaravos didn’t have to teach him that stuff.
Claudia-Lame: Ok this is a bit harsh...but it is the ‘crippled’ lame. She’s...not doing well now. She isn’t physically crippled, but mentally and emotionally she is pretty badly wounded.
Ziard-Wizard: He’s a Dark Mage. A wizard. Spot on.
Sol Regem-Sun King: They literally say his name meaning...SUN KING. He was a king of the dragons once and is an Archdragon of the Sun.
Zubeia-Beauty, grace any of those. She really fits that name. She is beautiful.
Avizandum-Reserve Judgement: I interpret that to mean on Aaravos. He locked him in the place behind the mirror because he isn’t sure how to deal with him yet before Viren and Harrow slay him (Avizandum.) Aaravos is literally in 300 year jail time right now, and Avizandum was still deciding if he should execute him or not for whatever he did.
That or he’s reserving judgment on humans, which is why he defends the border instead. We might find out eventually...cause that is still a mystery. Why is the king of the dragons guarding the boarder 24/7? I get he was basically the ruler of all of Xadia...but it’s still an odd choice.
Anyway, Aaravos. Names clearly mean things in this show. I think his is the hint that he seems bad right now, but he isn’t. He isn’t good, but he isn’t bad. I don’t know how they’ll pull that off...but I’ll be impressed if they do.
There was also still more evidence on a theory I have that he’s telling the story is true as well. In the prologue, he calls Avizandum by his human-given name: Thunder. He says “the humans called him Thunder. For when he spoke his voice shook the earth and the sky.” In the episode we learn what happened to Avizandum, Aaravos is the one to say the name, but Viren doesn’t recognize it.
Viren is the one that tells Aaravos what they called Avizandum. Which was “Thunder.” If Aaravos isn’t an omniscient narrator and has been imprisoned for 300 years or so...how would he know this in the prologue if he didn’t in that scene? Coupled with the opening sequence of his hands uncurling a map, the lighting and desk surface or the shade of blue of his skin being nothing like in his prison. I could be wrong, and while I’d be disappointed to be...oh well.
What I’m saying is...Aaravos lives to tell the story if my theory is right. Which means he isn’t bad enough the writers have to kill him or something else...I don’t know how they’ll do it if it’s true, but I will be quite interested to see it.
Aside from the Sunfire elves in Lux Area, who I don’t think deserved what happened, his actions are all for a purpose related to what’s happening...but if we knew his perspective maybe it would seem less like a random evil act, which contradicts him being complex if it was just a show of his power and how ruthless he can be. Because from our perspective there wasn’t a reason to kill the Sun Queen other than “look how evil he is! Oooh!” Which doesn’t go along with the information we’ve been given so far. There’s more to this scene, I’m sure. Though it could just be that he killed her so she couldn’t reveal what he whispered in her ear...which was also a strange move. See? He’s complicated and there are still a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his actions. Aside from that, the only one Aaravos has done much of anything to is Viren. Anything kind of graphic and sort of gross (at least with the caterpillar.) Who is again...the Bad Guy.
So all that to say...yes, I’m going to keep him as an f/o. But in doing so I’m ignoring the show canon on this blog. As in I won’t be trying to work my S/I into the narrative as much anymore for the time being. I’m going to treat the blog similar to how @justafictionalthing​ where I don’t worry about canon or accuracy to the character’s personality in the source material to a T. I still love the show, don’t misunderstand. I’m going to watch it to the end of the saga, whatever happens...but on this blog, for the time being, I’m treating it like the Aaravos here and the canon are separate.
My Aaravos, the interpretation on this blog, is aware of his source material. If anyone’s read Inkheart, think of it like that. Fictional character comes out of their source material but still exists in the story itself as well. I might make a little story or something explaining this, but that’s the angle I’m going for in all future Takeovers and commentary.
I don’t dislike his canon portrayal, I know he’s more than what we saw...but for the blog it just doesn’t work right now. My S/I would never be ok with what he’s been doing...and keeping it hidden from her goes into some risky territory... I like that kind of stuff if there’s a happy ending payoff, but for the overall blog and my way of selfshipping, which has turned more “I’m actually with this character, not just writing myself in their story,” it doesn’t work.
TL;DR: I don’t hate or even dislike canon!Aaravos, but he doesn’t work well with what I want on this blog. I’m still with him, but the version you guys have gotten to know on this blog. Sassy but friendly and knowledgeable, and now separated from his source material almost Inkheart-style.
I’m too attached to who he is now from relationship development to drop this. I still like his canon self, but he’s changed a lot on this blog. If you don’t like that, watch the show for the ‘true’ Aaravos experience. Nothing but soft and sassy here for now. With some dark stuff if I’m in the mood for it.
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the conversation between eve and konstantin in 2x03 is easily one of my favorite exchanges in the entire series so far. these two people, not adversaries but also not quite allies, with one singular person ultimately tying them together. sandra and kim owned this shit. of course the following are all just my thoughts, others may see this differently, but what stood out to me is konstantin’s gross underestimating the level of eve and villanelle’s connection. sure, he’s saying a good deal of these things selfishly motivated in hopes of he and villanelle going freelance without eve and mi6 breathing down their necks (and yes i think he was planning it since he was recovered by mi6 he’s a smart dude lol) and the rest of what he says is based on his understanding of villanelle’s previous relationships including his own. however one major way he underestimates eve — even villanelle to a point — is that what he’s describing of villanelle is actually something we see eve do(ne) or head towards in following events in the episode. they are far more similar than he knows; konstantin is simultaneously describing eve’s path in so many terms and a great deal of what we see further in is how eve and villanelle’s parallel paths are truly starting to overlap and cross in so many ways even beyond the near physical missed connections.
not to mention the key information konstantin hasn’t been privy too yet and that is eve stabbing villanelle. so much is about context and here sit these two people, the ones who care about villanelle the most, an mi6 agent and a former handler.... but the roles are far murkier than first appearances. konstantin deeply cares for villanelle, i have no doubt, but he’s ultimately fine with using villanelle for professional gain while supposedly abandoning his family (for now). on the other side of the pond we see eve systematically abusing and destroying those same professional avenues in the name of personal gain. it isn’t something konstantin sees and even eve completely recognizes. at least this point in time.
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oh this line. THIS LINEEEE. what i love about it is that eve is saying it to dismiss konstantin and also unconsciously ends up singling herself out as a main differential to everyone else he references. no, eve hasn’t given up on villanelle and the extent to which i still don’t think we’ve really seen which is both frightening and arousing lol in all the ways that make sense and the ways they shouldn’t. 2x03 cements their mutual refusal to give up on each other — they’re obsessively, destructively relentless.
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these previous relationships are complicated but for the sake of this post what’s interesting about anna from the perspective of villanelle, even though the full extent of their dynamics is still somewhat of an enigma, anna gave up on her. with nadia she really didn’t measure up to the game which transitions nicely to konstantin who understood it and both he and villanelle ultimately prioritize self-preservation. pour one out for the She’ll Love You To Death(TM) squad.
i still believe at the end of the day villanelle wouldn’t completely put eve before herself, BUT BUT.... we see villanelle risk a whole lot more for eve than we’ve seen before. not just her job but even her own life, more so than when she was in the good graces of the twelve. i believe villanelle knew how precarious her situation was as soon as she saw that VOHLVOH and of course when raymond strangled her, even before konstantin spelled it out for her in no uncertain terms about raymond’s particular role in putting out assassins to pasture. however similar to eve, villanelle was comfortable in living in a semi-denial state and sticking with the twelve.
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just like eve playing happy homemaker and cooking niko what looked like ground up finding nemo, i’m sure there’s a level of comfort and stability in staying with villanelle in staying with the twelve and what she knows and what she thinks she’s always done best. i wrote some things here examining villanelle’s idea of freedom and control which ties into that idea. the past few days for villanelle have been upturning, to say the least, and in addition to being jealous of eve’s potential wandering eye towards the the ghost, it’s also the slightest hint that someone might be better than her at what’s given her a life’s purpose. 
it really is about “making space” for themselves and how those spaces are inextricably carved in each other for the other — if we talk about the apple as a symbol as temptation we can also think of it as one of knowledge. of possibility, of autonomy, of an existence beyond what is comfortable and safe in all its messy glory. funny how the hungry caterpillar starts its process with the apple cronch cronch. we see eve and villanelle completely push their boundaries to get closer to one another, much farther than before.
eve knowingly risks her relationship with carolyn, extorts one of the most important key witnesses mi6 might’ve had in konstantin, not to mention compromising his family by giving him their location. and kenny! my twink kid “i thought you were different.” going back to the beginning and konstantin’s line “you still have something worth having, don’t let her take it” one can’t help but start to see the similarities in eve’s relationships — a means to an end. and niko? an immediate, pleasant enough, boring distraction. sound familiar to a s1 distraction? *cue national anthem*
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villanelle making those calls to the school to presumably have niko fired or arrested, giving gemma tips on getting niko’s attention, disguising herself to integrate herself further into eve’s personal world — this is villanelle’s love language. the manipulation, which is a form of her hatred of niko, is manageable and something she excels at. no doubt she believes she’s doing eve a favor, much like bill “he was slowing you down” pargrave and anna’s husband. when mi6 comes storming into the hotel and villanelle sees eve she knows that they can continue to play this game if she joined up with konstantin. that laugh behind the hotel door? villanelle re-invigorated and downright horny. she realizes there really is no viable option for her to continue this dance with eve in staying with the twelve which shows how “burrowed in” eve is with villanelle and vice versa. 
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this is also why this self-realization eve has with kenny is so so so so incredible and important after villanelle and konstantin escape. she’s absolutely run out of professional excuses, there’s nothing left but the extremely personal. this is why the fact that eve and villanelle will have to come to terms with this obsession when they work together under professional guises to find the ghost is hilarious and that shit’s gonna be so tasty.... what will they bring out of one another when the outside playbook has been shifted? GOD i can’t wait.
i mean really it’s all about the potential, right? the inhale / exhale / nursing dual wounds synchronization a sign of their romantic-sexual-intellectual connection but also of respective epiphanies about their true motivations and inherent prospect the other represents — they’re actively fighting against the world, burning bridges and salting the earth for one another and that is something that no one expected. will eve get eaten up by villanelle? will villanelle be eaten up by eve? or maybe.......? i’d like to think the possibilities between these two are endless.
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