#(but not used to like... actual genuine attention thats just for me and that isnt kinda... idk- you give me things? so i give bak?)
waterfallofspace · 4 months
don't know how to format this post so welcome to waterfall is craving things and she doesn't know if it's more h-rny or lonely so enjoy a little snippet of what is playing on loop in my mind~
Person A: tshhieew!
Person B: Bless you, poor little thing~
Person A: I'm- eshh'iew! tschh- kngt'shhew! I'm not little!
Person B: Even if you aren't, your sneezes sure are~
Person A, blushing: No they're- eh'tnshiew! aeshh'iee!
Person B, with a smirk: What a poor, sneezy little thing~
#waterfallsnzarios#waterfalltalks#i guess??? idk man waterfallcraves is more accurate#just B taunting them and A being such a little blushy mess by the end#knowing that they ARE little but even if they arent! the sneezes are! they cant fight that!#not like they can fight being little either buutttt~ ;3#yes im picturing c/huuya but gotta be honest not seeing d/azai as the other#perhaps in a private little bedroom... away from prying eyes and ears...#or perhaps this is just something I crave okay i just- lil with lil snz auhegughguh#im a sucker for a kitten snz and i am! feeling things so welcome to this randomness that does NOT have a point~#(and yes okay maybe id like to be on either side of this BUT! shut up! i do not!)#(using this as a blog again- starting to get more and more used the idea that like... maybe i DO want attention???)#(always knew i craved attention but like.... always used to it being the kind of attention that i GIVE to others and maybe i get something)#(but not used to like... actual genuine attention thats just for me and that isnt kinda... idk- you give me things? so i give bak?)#(gonna be so honest!! i do not feel cute! most of the time! and usually thats okay! i like being a lil chaos gremlin :3)#(buuuuuut recently been having more friends call me cute and idk!!! maybe its not the worst thing to get to be a lil soft sometimes~)#(ANYWAYS blog post over im so sorry to anyone who read these tagssssss but here is a lil snzario that hopefully makes up for it!!)
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classpectpokerap · 1 year
karkat goes through some changes
tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG]. TT: It's come to my attention that you've been having some difficulties with Karkat. TG: "oh hey dave" TG: "how are you doing" TG: "good good yeah i know its been ages but ive got a question for you" TG: "hows karkat doing" TT: My apologies. TT: If you'd like to restart the conversation, but frontloaded with pleasantries, we can do that immediately. TG: nah jigs already up TG: theres a suspiciously empty bag and cat just fucking headbutting everything in existence TG: the elephant in the room is eyeing me flapping its monstrous goddamn ears blinking its sad eyes TG: walking around crunching the bones of the dead horse that ive been beating TT: Dave. TG: yo TT: Are you okay? TG: hell of a fucking question TG: i mean TG: im doing fine TG: im coping TG: its not like im the one in the relationship who woke up three feet taller and more intimidating overnight TG: with literally no clothes that fit TG: and an unrecognizable goddamn complexion TG: you know that blush palette kanaya got us that one time is basically junk now TG: we were so excited to literally never use it but now its become mandatory TG: the thrill of ignoring a gift is all evaporated TG: at least we still have that fucking popcorn maker that june got us rotting away in a cupboard somewhere TT: Dave. TG: im extremely normal about this
TG: its not every day your boyfriend of five years grows into a giant troll monster TG: leaving behind a molted skin of his days of being a regular troll monster TG: that one was TG: genuinely extremely fucking unpleasant to discover TT: I can only imagine. TT: Kanaya's more-or-less confirmed to never be able to molt again, thanks to her immortality. TT: Waking up next to, essentially, the skinned corpse of your boyfriend, while an adult with his face is crying next to you, seems incredibly distressing. TG: yeah TG: it uh TG: we didnt actually realize what the fuck was in the bed until a few hours after karkats first "oh god im like your human professor hulk" cry TG: what the fuck was the deal with professor hulk by the way TG: like why was he in the movie TG: did they just not have the budget to shoot mark ruffalos unaltered face TG: every film the guys in has a budget for ruffalo shielding an audience exposed to a noncgi ruffalo is well and truly fucked TT: Dave. TG: im fine
TG: its fine TG: its just TG: kind of a big fucking deal TG: mostly for him TG: i think hes the first mutant to pupate into adulthood for literally more than the timespan of two universes TG: its like getting run over by the puberty truck and somehow ending up with muscles out of it TG: the same kind of injury logic that created handsome squidward TT: Mm. TT: I figured something like that would be the case, emotionally. TG: as always you are the genius of our time TT: I have one more question. TT: Do you need Kanaya and I to come over to make more clothes for him? TG: wow TG: thats genuinely a really nice offer TG: yeah come over whenever TG: karkats been tarzanning it for a little too long TG: not that the primal look isnt fantastic at times but uh TG: well lets just say theres only so much i can handle at once TT: We'll be right over. tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG].
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meatsex · 3 months
This may be odd to say. But it is clear (to me!!) that you care about the sauce boss a lot in your art and find a lot of comfort in who he is. The way you draw his eyes & hair specifically really calls to your attention to detail that's present in all of your art. It doesn't come across as parasocial in the slightest either - you just genuinely like what he does and play with the idea of the dude and aren't weird about his personal life. Idk maybe I'm not making sense but it's nice to see.
Also, your art really does reflect the same type of feelings as Sachiko Kaneoya's captures, in my opinion. Your use of line work and shadows also speaks to the ukiyo-e prints of the Edo period of Japan, though I'm not sure if that's intentional!! Specifically, the Takiyasha the Witch print is what the shadowing reminds me of.
Lastly, the dedication to your projects and work as a whole is so impressive. I've been here for a while following your art and watching the progress has been so cool. Your colors have become a little more cohesive and pull pieces together - they always have, but the grasp on color theory is clear there. Seeing that you're going to college to pursue what you put so much work into is the dream and I really hope it works out!!
I'm so sorry for how long this is and if it's weird, absolutely don't feel the need to respond especially since you can't shorten the post and I can't get it under a readmore. I also understand that having an anonymous person do a mini-tour and discussion of your art could be uhh possibly odd. If anything, keep being cool and doing what you love!!! It's awesome!!!!
hey, thank you for such a nice indepth message and analysis on my work, i promise it really isnt weird or at the very least any weirder than other messages ive got LOL
thank you for appreciating my art of vincent, i usually mention this but a lot of times i mostly draw inspired by his music rather than him as an internet personality which is why i end up making these edgy pieces but in general he does mean a lot to me in the most normal appreciate way possible both as a musician and as a streamer, i try not to streamline the way i draw him too much so im glad the small details are noticeable
i can confirm i get inspired (and always have been honesly) by kaneoya sachiko's works if it wasnt obvious enough but i am also happy to hear that i can give off a similar vibe, not because i want to give off the exact specific vibes of her artwork but rather some of similar tones and types; as for the other thing that actually isnt on purpose, id have to look into artwork from that period but thats one hell of a compliment tbh
im really happy to hear that you have been around for a while, i cannot know since when but either way it means a lot that someone would take the time to not just point out my improvement but also to just stay around because they like what i do, i personally feel like ive improved especially in colors like you mentioned but its always better and helpful to hear it from someone else too, i hope that with college i can become better at art too
in any case thank you again for taking the time to send such a positive thought-out message, i dont want to repeat in-depth but it really is and it means the world to me that you took the time to send it and i promise its not weird at all
Tumblr media
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sasukemexican · 7 days
Ok this is random again but I need to confess. I never liked sasuke and his character but that is because I was overall frustrated with kishimoto's writing of his own characters, however my opinion of a character tends to sway dramatically if i hear reasons from a huge fan of said character so i thought to ask you: why is he your favorite? what do you like about him? is there any particular sentiment that made your url a reality ( this isnt meant to be rude but im genuinely curious !!!)
YESSS HIHIHI not liking sasuke largely because of kishis pisspoor writing is very valid. when i get my hands on that mf it'll be over for him!! so i don't blame you for that at all lol
with that being said i refuse to acknowledge Boruto sasuke because thats just not the same person. and i dont mean character development or anything i mean that is straight up a different person! so i wont even get into that lol anyway
sasuke has always been my favorite to some extent- i have an older brother who would make me watch Naruto with him and while i wasn't interested in the show i thought sasuke was sooo cute! ive always loved the emo ones lmao
but then i became a fan of the show and actually paid attention to his character and i think its safe to say that hes a big source of catharsis for me? if that makes sense? mainly because of his relationship with itachi. again i have an older brother and the parallels between us are quite strong (he didn't kill anyone or anything like that 😭) just the way sasuke feels about him and how he was The main source of anger and love and how these emotions easily blur together..betrayal..heartbreak (not romantically ofc) ugh.. sasuke lets me explore these hard to deal with emotions so for that he will always be special to me <- guy who needs therapy
also the extreme ways sasuke deals with these hard feelings himself are something i admire no matter how unhealthy and self destructive they are. sasuke is not afraid to pour his all into something. his one track mind is very frustrating but at the same time something i just cant help but admire! he is an extremely dedicated and motivated character and it makes me insane. i also love how hard he tries to appear stoic and put together but little cracks show just how emotional he is. you cant fool me gay boy i see you for the sensitive lil wuss that you are!!!
essentially sasuke is a big 'he just like me fr' character for me which is embarrassing but its too late for shame now!
this probably won't do anything to change your mind lol that is ok 😌
oh! also sasuke is mexican because i am and i like giving my favorite characters my ethnicity teehee. but also the set up of his clan is veryy much like a small mexican village if that makes sense it reminds me of the one im from :3 and his intense feelings are also very latino of him lol his shouting..sir there is no need to shout! but there he goes shouting away
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aristotels · 4 months
Of course all problems and inequalities are direct consequence of modernity and in the past those who are now considered undesirable were considered divine and definitely weren't treated even worse and didn't have access to anything that resembles accomodations. Let's bring those times back!
In Ancient Rome specifically there was no hospitalisation, yes, but also people who were considered mad couldn't make financial and legal operations on their own at all and couldn't be citizens, and were considered pariahs by their communities. This is not to say that you are wrong because you picked the wrong time to see as "when things were better", it's that just because what causes problems now is capitalism doesn't mean that before it people were always kind and caring, everything is much older.
(Or that removing the money would fix everything on its own, for that matter)
are you literally so stupid to fail to see my point
the point isnt "LOOK WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US" the point is that fears and delusions depend on the society youre brought up in; and also sorry that a 5 sentences tumblr post didnt go into history of medical malpractice, it was a lighthearted post made by someone with those very issues
yeah, if i lived then, then id have a different delusion more fit to those times - but it would not resemble my current paranoia or nightmares of being drugged or talked to the way ive had medical staff talk to me bc those things are specific to our society.
(Also you can still have your rights denied for being mentally ill today as well?????? what happened to free britney??? And like My family doctor once literally suggested to my dad to involountary check me into psych ward which was smth my psychiatrist at the time was very much trying to avoid because he KNEW how dehumanizing that is, he spent more than sn hour trying to figure out if my visions of suicide were actual suicide risk or intrusive thoughts; telling me later that he was willing to gamble such a huge risk and responsibility he would have to take in case i actually did smth to myself - just to keep me out of the hospital stay because he worked there and SAW how dehumanizing it is. because getting in the ward here doesnt mean youre done when youre out, this shit affects FUCKLOAD of things in your life!)
are you really trying to be like "LETS TAKE AWAY ACCOMODATIONS FROM PEOPLE WHO SUFFER WOOW GOOD JOB" in my inbox rn btw considering that i am literally schizophrenic w some other mental illnesses, and that i take fucking meds upon meds for it, including antipsychotics??????? and i am also very grateful for those aids, but even with meds my condition will never be resolved and its severity very much depends on the people/society around me. my delusions while living in croatia might differ from someone who lives in the usa.
i literally have no patience or attention or care or anything to argue with you rn, if you wanna discuss political or economical or marxist or whatever theory in my inbox go ahead, but i am NOT arguing about my own fucking lived experience and having you speak to me this way, in an incredibly entitled and dismissive way. its late and im going to bed. i genuinely dont care for your "ummmmm ekshually capitalism is noot thaaat bad-" shit while i keep having episodes on the daily in a big part due to fuckin capitalism. losing my other job is putting me through stress because i have no money, but it also eased up certain aspects of my illness because i dont have to hit hardcore fucking deadlines every week.
p.s. who the fuck is talking about money not existing. if you are gonna bring that up within communist theory and up for a serious discussion thats a whole other thing, but moneyless and stateless society doesnt just rest on tadaaah no money, like theres a reason marx wrote books n essays on that shit and why daddy engels sent him checks. and even in ideal communist world we would still have mental illnesses, but i am absolutely positive that my thoughts would differ than the current ones and that they would probably be less severe. and also why is this implying that communism wont have like the fuckin medication
i usually take care to carefully reply to asks and try to actually give a serious opinion but i gen dont care if i sound incoherent rn, this legit pissed me off
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juni-ravenhall · 1 year
sso's candle, and jumping into the ai bubble for publicity and investment
so yasmin told me to write about this bc not everyone might realise it. its a bit of a long topic so prepare. for legal reasons this is all my personal opinion :3
first off - the sso candle doesnt actually have anything to do with ai. i just wanna get that out of the way. i will come back to this later.
the sso candle ai promotional event is 2 things to me. one is, "probably someone at the company knew someone at the other company bc why else would this specific random collab ever happen" (and theyre not even a candle company? its a perfume company?)
but the other thing which is the main thing, is that we've entered the ai boom, or ai economic bubble. before this there was a crypto bubble, there's sort of been a mobile bubble, and we have the old classic dotcom bubble. summary of tech bubble is, a new shiny thing in tech makes ppl go OOOH!! I WILL THROW MY INVESTMENT MONEY AT THAT!! I BETTER HURRY AND NOT MISS THE TRAIN!! IM GOING TO GET FILTHY RICH BY INVESTING IN THE FUTURE!!! and many of these ppl dont actually understand the tech, and can therefore be exploited by startups or new projects targetting these investors, by just saying "we use the shiny thing that is the future and will make people rich".
just like the dotcom and crypto bubbles, everything that has "ai" in it is currently getting lots of attention both from media and from investors. things that are about "ai" are currently like "wow! youre using modern tech and this is the future!" and for all those ppl who dont know that much about ai or tech, or tech ppl who are easily influenced, it makes companies look cool and modern and forward if they include that current shiny thing.
what does sse achieve by making promotional vids and posts about an ai candle? attention from media and potential investors. the playerbase doesnt care. their target audience arent ppl who generally care much about ai, or even support its usage in creative fields.
they also count on that the playerbase wont be mad enough about it bc most players dont rly care or understand. which is prob going to be an accurate prediction. so they dont especially lose on it unless theres a genuine uproar, but even then, theres a lot of space in "genuine uproar" that still results in "no such thing as bad publicity".
so, thats my perspective on why sse did the ai candle thing. publicity for investors and the industry and media. it helps both sse and the little weird "ai" (side eyes) scent company who both get ai bubble points here. its completely unrelated to what players want or care about (and as many have said, players actually do want to buy things from sse - like plushies and other merch).
now to the last point. the candle isn't even ai, and it's really just an ai boom trending word thing for attention.
some ppl on ssoblr dont really understand what ai is or how it works, or how its already been in use for a long time. im not really gonna explain all of that but i do ask you to like... watch a video or read a wikipedia article or something and please educate yourself on what ai is and isnt. anyway,
supposedly this company feeds pictures into whatever ai model theyre supposedly using. the ai supposedly spits out things like "sunshine :) dirt :) chupacabra :)" from the customers phone pics and then actual perfumers mix blends based on what the ai supposedly told them from the pics.
idk if ur catching on here but, there are trained perfumers here who have seen the customers' pics with their own human eyes. they humanly blend scents based on the content of pics theyve humanly seen. (unless all perfumers at the company are also blind and the ai is their only way to find out whats in the pics, and if so, power to them, ofc.) and, at best, an ai has supposedly told them some generic image analysis terms, which are unlikely to be very helpful to the art of scent design.
there is absolutely nothing the supposed ai is actually doing here. theres no reason for it to be here. it contributes nothing to the process. exceeeeeppppttttt..... clicks!!!! articles. videos. wow! crazy ai scents! wow! ai horse candle!! thats crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so future!!!!!!!!!!
the scent company is a classic tech bubble startup (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they dont even use ai (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they want a quick buck for looking like a modern futuristic business to the FOMO investors who fall for this every single time theres new shiny tech (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). and sse collabs with them for pretty much the same reason (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion).
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 7 months
18 & 20 for the ask game. i need to hear how this hypothetical drama would unfold
you picked the GOODIES
18.) what aspect of the story would get you #canceled on twitter?
this is a toughie is the thing. while im not one of those creators thats terrified of being offensive or problematic, i also dont pay that much attention to elements of work that might offend. im more interested in being genuine and trusting my message rather than relishing in having #problematique content.
that being said i think a lot of people would not like that sicely isnt a g*ld st*r lesbian or that lucerne doesnt use labels, bc twitter is really hung up on what characters "really" are or what stories "really" mean.
i think theyd also do that thing where theyd be like ugh look at these children currently in abusive situations why are they not acting 100% perfectly, the author clearly has no idea what theyre doing with portraying abuse, this is just torture porn and fetishizing ptsd/osddid. bc theres no way that the things that happen in CW could ever happen to people, bc abuse happens to other people and never in anything i might have to interact with.
20.) your ocverse just got a movie trilogy a la hunger games style. how have they horribly mangled your message/theme so that the movies are now a showcase of what the original was condemning?
This ones also a toughie actually bc a large part in why the hunger games movies contributed to showcasing what the original work condemned is because the media circus and bloodsports as vapid entertainment were directly being condemned in the original and #Media isnt really a huge part of carousel waltz. i think in order to really turn carousel waltz on its head youd have to be simultaneously very victim-blamey to the children but also prop up the adults as the ones who must "save them", bc children cant do anything on their own and cant be trusted to have legitimate grievances with the adults in their lives. flattening midas into either a villain who never cared about the people he abused or apologizing for him as a well-meaning patriarch who was just led astray and by proxy flattening the abuse into depictions more palatable to the wider consumer audience would do it i think.
but i dont know if it being a movie trilogy would necessarily cause those changes to occur-- movies are visual and sequential like comics but usually have to be 2 hours or less and are overwhelmingly held hostage at the whims of distributors, executive boards, investors, etc. so the influences it would have over carousel waltz would be along those lines. i think that with the time crunch it'd probably be really easy to make the story less subtle, and to have to hammer home points. certain characters necessarily would not have as much screentime and focus in a movie trilogy, which i think WOULD contribute to being an example of what im trying to condemn, and a movie might inadvertently say that some abused children are just collateral damage and we can move past them, some abused children dont have interiority or anything to draw attention to them, some abused children are more important or worth rescuing more. its also very important to me that most of the carousel waltz kids r not white, and that the grownups are, but casting would probably whitewash them or try to make the story colorblind instead of keeping in how midas' abuse takes advantage of his identity of whiteness over them. combine this w the idea that there needs to be adults to save these kids and u get a white savior araceli. if this concept makes you want to gnaw your leg off at the ankle to get the shackle off, that just means youre still human! try to hold onto that feeling.
since magical girl isnt a big genre in the west theyd try to reflavor it as some other thing like superheroes or a dnd party or something. or theyd want to age up the kids so the bad things happen to a more acceptable age group bc the idea that kids might have bad things happen to them is a scary thought so theyd completely miss the point abt it being a story abt child abuse and now its a buncha late teens-early 20s bullshit.
im actually debating how much swearing i want in carousel waltz (it was really hard writing guardians dilemma without zizi swearing) but executives would only let me have one fuck and would not let anthea call anyone a cocksucker :(
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kozykricket · 8 months
god i love mimikyu so much i …
its like, the most adorable precious creature pefectly contrasted with creepy and terrifying lore
and like, they fall into the 2 groups of “omg pikachu im such a big fan… i wish i got as much attention as you…” (insecurities, copying others, not having a true sense of confidence in self uniqueness, borrowing from others… feel like we can all relate to that a bit, some more than others. sometimes ive tried to directly mimic others only to realize ultimately that im cool how i am, as Me, and i can… still integrate others’ aspects into me without being a carbon copy,
because people are like katamari damacy balls, we pick up stuff like that. but we dont need to replace ourselves, because we’re just as cool as those pikachus, unique af)
and then theres team rocket mimikyu whos like God I Hate This Rat , Die!! to pikachu constantly
which is like, honestly cool cus it has such PERSONALITY being so unhinged…
but ultimately mimikyu is a good lesson in appreciating yourself, instead of wearing a costume to try and emulate others 1:1
that maybe people actually just love you for who you are,
(although, mimikyus try at a pikachu costume is adorable af…)
i just. i have a lot of feelings on like, how i can relate to imposter syndrome, how its… good to be unique, but also isnt bad to “copy” from time to time… because worrying about if youre copying someone is bad, because we are like the people wround us and thats a cool thing
just dont feel that you NEED to be like other people that u see as cooler
also its genuinely a great mon in so many other ways
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tu-es-gegg · 3 months
28 , 32 and 1!
28. Favorite animation(s)
(i have so fuckign much holy shit)
32. Drop a lore hot take🔥 (Or cold take🧊 who cares)
i can try to name a few
idk if this is a hot take, lmao i think the presidential elections arc were kinda mid in retrospect (this one is kinda hard to discuss because of yknow) but like, at the time it was ok it was enjoyable and there were some good additions to the server because of the end result, but like idk the election debates themselves weren't really fun for me to watch because theres a lot of yelling and ofc irl political theories and influences got roped in because thats just kinda what happens, and thus people there also fought abt it, also like half the candidates say outright they hate the federation and are running for president to WORK with teh federation so like that's not going to go great so idk what was going on, its weird because dsmp elections i liked but ig at the time theyre weren't taken as much seriously, and the stakes in the elections were not focused on politcal bureaucratic gains and more of personal stakes for a nation itself. idk when i look back at the elections and try to watch back then in 2023, even from gegg perspective i only could stand to rewatch the dinner and everyone hanging out, the actual presidential debates i couldnt BEAR at all. also elq wtf were you going to do with charlie please explain
also i dont understand why doied exists like the only other precursor to that is abuleoier somehow on the island and also having a past with being in prison adn such, but like i was so confused when he appeared like what. i love roier's lore i loved the tape streams, i just wish there was more prep to that, the namemc spoilering and the messages were really clever but i wanted at least SOME hints before doied jsut.... appeared.
uhhh the bobby death should not have been counted its obvious there was lag at the time and other egg deaths because of lag was also not counted, i cant rememebr exactly what happened for them to come to the conclusion of the death but god bobby did not deserve to die, damn you telmex
AND ALSO I WILL SAY THIS, QSLIME WAS AT LEAST A GOOD ENOUGH FATHER TO FLIPPA, MAYBE NOT A GREAT INFLUENCE, he wasn't the best at first is the thing, like yes he did instigate fights and cause a bit of an unstable household because of his very temperamental attitude but when nearing the later parts, he learned the swing of things of being a good enough parent, like he paid attention to flippa's needs, the difficult part of it was communication because at the time they couldnt communicate without the preset signs, instead of the free use of jsut text, it was only later she started using sign for slime, she did with mariana but not yet charlie as much at that point, plus i think there were some issues of flippa understanding charlie just generally (which is fair even i dont understand him), ITS THE THING OF LIKE, he kinda was fumbling at first but flippa genuinely was happy and taken care of by both parents. its was unfortunate that was cut short because of the thing. most part is jsut a bad influence in terms of being selfish and possibly spreading that to flippa but honestly i wish she stuck aroudn logner so i could see that happen GOD;;;; it frustrates me because qslime's path to being a good parent IS RIGHT THERE but when trying to try again he's scared of fuckign up liek everyone tells him and liek that reminder of his mistakes isnt helping him in the slightest to actually trying again, GOD GOD:;;;;
1. Favorite theory and least favorite theory (If you have one)
ok i like the theory that the federation made the codes in teh first place and then tried to cover up but they came back to get the islanders out any which way they can, then leading to my theory that codeflippa was a real egg at one point because of how the resistance describe her in that one report, not a faulty vode but a faulty egg , so i have reason to beieve she was an egg merged with a code in order to have a stable form the way she is. also that theory that at some point the eye guy started to corrupt codes themselves which is why some codes went rogue against orders from the resistance.
uhhhhh least favourite, idk i dont have any theories i dont like much, mostly because they are kinda convincing, i think i saw maybe a theory abt ll the islanders were experiments from the federation, maybe some select few have fistory but i dont think ALL of them
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welcometocapitalism · 5 months
im worried that my previous ask is way too aggressive and might make you feel defensive and thats not helpful at all so i just want to explain that im so angry because it breaks my heart to see other people being violently harassed into submission just for saying something that isnt a popular opinion. you are quite literally being gaslit by a bunch of strangers who desperately dont want to have to think that hard about the material consequences of their own behaviors.
they are simplifying the issue in order to make you look unreasonable so that they can completely dismiss your opinion while giving you no way to defend yourself without making yourself look worse. its manipulative and coercive and vile. they have tricked you into condemning your own behavior and reinforcing that self doubt that THEY planted in you in the first place.
they are convincing you that you have to police yourself otherwise they will do it for you and they arent going to be nice about it.
they intentionally misunderstood what you were saying so that they could ignore the point you were making and thus avoid taking responsibility for their personal role in our capitalist society.
they are operating on this us vs them mindset of "good people" vs "bad people" and they think that they are a "good person" and that you are trying to maliciously assert that theyre actually a "bad person." its fascist behavior. they dont want to acknowledge their place in the web of life because then they have to be more careful about how they act and they simply do not want to. they think its their god given right to not have to do anything thats difficult and reflecting on how you are influenced by the oppressive systems you live in is not just difficult but uncomfortable!
you are forcing people to confront some very very uncomfortable truths about themselves and they are reacting the only way they know how: by lashing out at the people around them.
it is a reflection on THEM not YOU. their reaction doesnt say anything about you or the opinion you stated and everything about the experiences and expectations and knowledge that inform the way they think about the world around them.
i just dont feel comfortable standing by and watching this happen to someone else. so i dont know what it means to you but, i completely agree with your original point and i am more than happy to defend it if you dont feel comfortable doing so. i know how scary it can be to face down a mob of people who you know might turn to violence if you dont comply and i know most people dont find it as easy to take harassment as i do. i am more than willing to fight the fight if you cant.
idk just. be kinder to yourself. you cant let these people get to you. i knows it so fucking hard. its so so fucking hard. but you dont have to do it alone.
i hope youre okay.
hey fren, I've seen it all but I'm sorry I'm not gonna respond to all that, I'm very thankful for your kind thoughts and words but it's kinda a bit much 😅
just know we're on the very same track about the whole thing. It's absolutely hilarious what some people wrote to me about an already reworded opinion on pillows, and i can genuinely just laugh about that
this entire thread turned so badly into satire with so many layers that it could almost be considered an artistic expression. after all, this is the internet, which was kinda the original ordeal of the post, and I took it and made it 1000% funnier by writing too quickly and then people came and made it 10000% funnier by becoming embarrassingly entrenched in some random ass online discourse
I like to half jokingly call this kind of behavior 'internet sickness', since as you also noted you can find this kind of behavior all over the internet. people see an entire universe full of people that seemingly get the attention they don't, but humans are fueled with attention, so sometimes you see someone do literally anything for that tiny tad of attention, even if they don't mean it. this may sound familiar from the way I word my posts sometimes, because as I made clear as day, I'm not better than that sometimes.
Admittedly, I also suppose not all of the angry asks and comments would have been so hostile if tumblr would show late reposts with their comments on an original post more clearly, which isn't so easy. This is why I pinned yet another polarizing post about it with a comment about the situation 🤭 some people would rather click to start another shitstorm than click to find out there's no reason for them to freak out. But often in the internet people don't freak out of hostility, but because they realize (but refuse to accept) they identify with something about the cause in some way, so that would be a positive thing I suppose. It's up to each of us individually to grow from that.
i don't get hard feelings about these people, and genuinely as a former Twitter user I'm kinda used to it. it's just an annoyance at some point, but I suppose it's also the attention I was looking for 💁
After all, I get to post this lyrical masterpiece once more in a well fitting context
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luffythinker · 1 year
I feel like Bakugo has a love language but he isnt quite sure what it is even if it is evident to everyone else
His love language is kind gestures of doing things for others and his lover
Bakugo will not only go out of his way to do things not asked of him even so to ignore your "you don't have to" and correction of "I said it would be nice if somebody did that, i didnt mean you had to do it"
He does these things because he values the person hes doing this for lover or otherwise and hes like thw only one who does it the most besides Deku and thats probably who he gets it from and he doesnt even know he's like Deku in that aespect and it's kinda funny
He gave Kirishima that money, he made the class happy when they were sad by making Kaminari make a fool of himself which he knows that makes them laugh he pays attention to small details he may not have known Urarakas name in the sports festival but he made sure he gave her a good fight not just for him but for her too
Bakugo is too smart to let people manipulate him in the since of when his classmates tease him like "oooo that's probably too hard for Bakugo to do" knowing this will make him do it is him actually manipulating them into giving him a outer reason to help them his personality doesn't allow him to help just cause he wants to sometimes so he needs that "OH SO YOU THINK I CANT DO IT?" So he doesn't look like hes actually just doing it cause he wants to
Cause hes the one who voices his opinion first like if his classmates are having a conversation he'll add in a "oh, that's easy for me" hes included himself in the conversation causing them to ask him to help them and hes going to say no and they are going to tease him and he is going to change his answer
Bakugo makes life complex for no reason and I love him for that
Bakugo does a lot of things and that is his love language he doesnt see for some reason, hes like the absolute best guy in the most readable but jacked up looking font to ever exist
And with his lover he would she be aggressively kind saying "I bought you this cause the shampoo you use makes you stink" and the translation is "I saw you ran out of shampoo so I bought you some more"
Like fixtdyfugigigiyi why cant you just do it normally XD bless his strange heart
I don't even have an excuse for myself I just genuinely forgot to check my asks and this one's been sitting here for months, not sure if u still want a reply but let's go!!
"His love language is kind gestures of doing things for others and his lover"
I love that, for me i think it's a bit more like he is just a good listener, unlike what one might think even though he pretends to be annoyed he actually listens to everything his friends tell him, so he retain a lot of information and is able to just to things for his friends and partner because he gets what they might want or need
"Bakugo makes life complex for no reason and I love him for that"
This is my new favorite way to describe him thank you for this anon, because omg he definitely does!!! He can't let people think his nice cause god forbid someone would say that about him, so he just... aggressively does nice things to the point where the lines between nice and angry are very blurred
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zipndots · 5 months
Saw the tags.
Here's an invitation to scream about the way people treat having a car/driver's license.
oh look at you, enabler you <33 (i literally moved to my pc so i can type this out just a smidge faster and more effectively. pardon any mistakes)
when my sibling was around my age, even a little younger, it got its permit. cool, right? soon enough my big sibling would be able to take me to school and get us food, i thought. its total driving time in its life is around. 4 hours? and thats me being generous.
fast forward ~8 years and im here with 4 hours of driving time under my own belt, hell, even my own car, because my sibling is physically disabled and i wanted to be able to help. thing is, i get so sick and dizzy behind the wheel out of anxiety that i literally cant go on an actual road without crying my eyes out and having a panic attack.
turns out my sibling was like that too, and thats why it had to stop trying.
my own reasoning to justify this anxiety and this sheer dread is because nobody can actually drive on the road here. i probably know the rules and laws of driving in my state (usamerican, sorry) than the majority of people licensed to drive here. you see people with bald tires flying down the highway at 80mph in blizzard conditions, half the time without their headlights, and no turn signal (either out of sheer laziness or because it is broken). do you know how many people on the road are willingly operating a 2 ton hunk of metal so irresponsibly? too many. too fuckin many. i, as a pedestrian, have accepted the fact that despite having right of way across a street that isnt even busy, will more than likely be run over on a normal day because nobody pays attention to their surroundings.
im constantly hounded by my own mother, who says she understands my feelings and anxieties around driving, on when im going to finally start driving and why i keep avoiding it etc etc etc. she doesnt want to teach me because it scares her. my dad doesnt want to teach me because he doesnt have the time (fair, hes a really busy man). my sibling literally cant walk half the time let alone drive. anyone else i dont trust to be in a car with without holding the "oh shit" handle because theyre impatient, irresponsible, and dont even know how to drive safely themselves.
i cant get a job where im living right now. i just recently learned i have some really bad asthma and that paired with dry air, intense weather (below zero temps in winter, above 100 in summer), and going uphill prevents me from commuting to anywhere close. there was a bus stop once upon a time, but they apparently got rid of it in the route, but never bothered to actually get rid of the stop, so the closest bus stops in either direction are uphill and over a mile away, and i genuinely just dont have the right metabolism to endure that.
every time i mention that to somebody, they always, without fail, say "why dont you just drive?" oh, gee, i dont know, probably the fact that i dont feel safe in something that can easily crush me, next to people operating the same machines unsafely and irresponsibly, and have seen first-hand how bad user error can destroy many peoples lives? combined with the fact that i simply prefer being a pedestrian?
the US is so abysmal when it comes to road safety and accessible sidewalks that its almost so funny it makes me want to cry. i feel disgusting having to use a ride share app or call a taxi and waste 40 bucks on a 20 minute ride because either there isnt a safe bus route/walkway or the route that takes me there via bus takes over three hours, taking up the majority of my day. efficient and safe transport here is so fucking awful and of course they wont fund any improvement on it because they dont see a profit to it. because of cars.
i dont even know how to end this rant. im just pissed off more and want to burn down my local government buildings.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
i guess. one of my genuine questions is (also bc i dont read or watch supppprr many things) can someone pls give some examples of western fantasy/sci-fi/nonrealism etc series which,,, are Both culturally diverse but aren't to be labled problamatic in one form or another?
like pls, i rly am curious. because generally novels and such while they tell a story in another universe or time, they are a critique and allegory for current things happening irl or that have happened irl. theyre inherently grounded in whats happening here
and yes, there is nonfiction/fantast/scifi/etc which is written from outside of the west or filmed from outside of the west and i think thats rly cool and i think those sort of media should be more widespread and commonly known and gain more attention and in the context of films and series and such given more of an opportunity to be adapted. this is the age old discussion around representation - its better to just get more diverse ppl in general to write things than have the same ppl write abt them more. fully agree
but im asking specifically largely in the context of western literature and media and such. when its fantasy, or scifi, or some combination of something, it is most often grounded in a)broadly focusing on things happening irl b)historical contexts (on the topic of dune, its set where and how it is bc the story is an allegory for and critisue of american and russian imperialism in a series of islamic countries). for a lot of them bc theyre made in the west, the most heavy infleunce is a western one - weather current western society or like western medieval histories. this shows in lore building, in costume design, in characters, in sets and designs and the world and a million other things
.but at the same time, people want representation. people want to see character and places which arent just that, right? people want to see a diversity of cultures and people?
... but then, many times whenever a place/culture/people are introduced which are clearly based on/infleunced by certain regions of the world or ppls (as the others are themselves clearly based on some western societies), people say this is inherently cultural appropriation. of designs, of language, of beliefs of this and that. even in the cases where i haven't seen ppl say its stereotyped or its harmful or orientalist or etc, its still cultural appropriation bc its showing things clearly infleunced by nonwestern cultures..... ... but then. im sorry this is what trips me up. if this is Inherently cultural appropriation and Inherently bad,,,, than,,, how do you have represention? how do you have a fantasy world which then isnt an entire globe or globes of western european cultures essentislly? because saying "well just invent wholly new things for everyone!!!" doesnt rly work. everything we create like that is inherently bound by a series of things no matter how hard we try to be "original" - and especially if youre trying to make it more grounded in reality that just.. doesnt work. these things inherently are using whichever western language as the set language, and a series of cultural and historical things to draw from...... so........ is it better to just,,, have a diverse cast but with no unique or other cultural infleunces at all, and just shove them all in a clearly western-based fantasy? but then ppl dont like that either... and if english and such and western infleunces can exist, why is it that it must inherently be bad or problamatic or stealing to adapt other cultures, places, regions, languages into that? to try to show and adapt at least to an extent the actual diversity of the world..?
and im really really not saying that there do not exist genuinely offensive and harmful and stereotyped and orientalist and noble savage and villainous and everything else ways that this has been done in. thats not what im saying at all, bc there have been and are and its an issue... im speaking and asking,,, more broadly. bc ive seen this be said plenty more broadly abt the adaptation of cultures in any way rly
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werebutch · 1 year
tell us more abt these ocs
Omg hiiii okay so this project started as a way for me to goof around with writing while working on a different more serious project.. so take that as you will…. It follows three main characters through their lives during capitalism’s slow fall, but mostly focuses on the relationships the characters have with each other and their sense of identity.
Atlas is a werewolf, fits the trope well by being quiet and angry and bloodthirsty. He started as me wanting to make a “cringy” oc for fun but i got really attached. He struggles with his sense of self, morals, view on Christianity and the way he was raised. He’s pessimistic and sarcastic but can also be extremely loving and loyal, depending. A large focus later in the story is atlas’s absolute attachment to his lover seraph, which does more harm than good. He and scotch are bffs/lovers btw
Seraph is human, but they’ve definitely stuck to the theme of their original concept, atlas’s guardian angel. They’re pretty much the complete opposite of him, like a shaky chihuahua. On the outside anyway. Seraph is obsessed with managing how people see them, they do an insane amount of micromanaging to stay this kind of symbol of purity to the public. Obviously this isnt a complete mask, they’re still a nervous wreck, compassionate, creative, but they’re also prideful, selfish, and revengeful. They struggle with Christianity as well as self image, their relationships, and facing the consequences of their actions.
Scotch is my special little guy. He’s a human who’s fixated on making music and being a star etc etc. despite his age he has not grown up at all since high school, but thats not all bad i guess. Hes super genuine, very outgoing and charismatic. A big focus for him is his relationship with atlas and eloise, which is complicated and kind of tears him apart (#situationship). Scotch is impulsive and very emotionally unstable, and pays more attention to others’ needs than his own. He struggles with identity, love, family, and accepting help from people.
The actual sequence in which everything takes place is constantly changing, im kind of just playing with it until something sticks. These characters have gone through insane changes LMFAO.. so yes im not exactly ready to explain the exact plot.. but i have a good handle on my main guys:3
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selfundiagnosed · 10 months
everyone says theyre having prophecies with glaring discretion and elusiveness. sounds big and important. im just having sensory perceptions of something thats gonna happen to me or near me in about 30 minutes. like smelling a dead animal half a mile down the path im walking. I’ll find it if i walk for 45 more minutes if i dont have to stop and investigate the current surroundings for whatever dead thing is here. Its not here… YET. Youre just given a small warning to prime your gut. A lil heads up. Hey get ready for something that will upset you deeply. I feel like youre all having religious and profound revelations bestowed upon you saying “im having prophecies” meanwhile my nose ears skin and tongue time skip up to an hour to put the idea in my head that something deeply upsetting is gonna happen to me so it doesnt catch me sideways and abruptly ruin my day. wait maybe thats what youre all experiencjng too when you say youre having prophecies? it does kind of feel like youre responsible watching the seeds get sowed into the soil and not being able to dig them out. in a weird way i think i could understand them being deemed prophecies. But idk to me theyre visions not prophecies and I know theres no discerning discrepancies between those two words but to me they convey two different types of experiences. In MY head. Every word & its synonyms mean EXTREMELY specific things to me that seldom reflect the reality of the linguistic nuance and discussions around it LOL its like made up in my head. visions and prophecies and premonitions all mean distinctly different things TO ME!!! and probably no one else. idk. I dont have people i can talk to about these experiences. They happen so much but i know it sounds like im so mentally ill. i just wish it WAS in my head and it never happened but they always come true no matter what. But if it is a byproduct of my mental illness why is my mental illness predicting the future I just don’t understand its not like coincidences its a near-daily thing at this point its just rapidly gotten more and more frequent the more ive paid attention to the details. i know other people experience this shit and i firmly believe everyone is capable of this i just cant like backtrack anymore like it used to be once in a blue moon growing up every few months to every few weeks and the more experience i harbor as i grow up the more frequent theyve become i just never paid attention to it before i just thought oh wow 8th wonder of the world : human intuition and splicing past traumas to current circumstances but now its fucking freaky and idk how to find support groups for this shit. And IDK if its all jokey memey to you guys on tumblr and the prophetic visions and dreams posts are a joke or if it isnt AND impedes you guys to this degree idfk but i would like to find a forum or support group or some sort of confirmation that i am not like alone in this experience and what you think of it.. i just dont know if im experiencing mental illness (in which i’ll say: genuinely study the symptom of being a psychic and sensing the future ASAP because holy shit thats an insane mental illness symptom and could be used by the cia or something LOL) or if i can talk to someone older than me with more experience who deals with this too. i hate it sooo much either my anxieties command reality way too frequently or im predicting the future! thats not in my head dude! its ACTUALLY continuing to happen to me over and over and over. like i know my anxiety is misfiring crazier than it ever has in my life & thst im obsessing over colors and shapes and numbers but i just cant entertain the idea this is in my head when it happens to me every other day, almost every day. i just smell shit coming from a mile away, literally & figuratively lol
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Im finally watching The Owl House instead of just seeing spoilers on Tumblr so Im gonna live-post my reactions cuz Holy shit do I have some things to say right now-
1. Camila sounds nothing like I imagined
3. Eda sounds nothing like I thought????
4. Luz… baby… you didn’t see the door with a giant eye and- ya know what- not worth it
5. Why is Eda not sus about a human? I am definitely missing something
6. Is Alex Hirsch the voice for the guard?
7. Why hand come off?????
8. Luz is self aware. This is good.
9. HOOTY??????? THE FUCK????
10. Luz! Don’t just grab people and creatures!
11. Wait- have I been mispronouncing Luz’ name? I thought it was Luhz not Looz
12. Eda! Blackmail and manipulation isn’t cool!
13. by the way both Earth and Boiling Isles conforming places are so disgusting like the fuck
14. Luz I love you and im concerned by your lax reaction to this new world
15. the warden is disgusting
16. h- thats not how physics work??? how are the doors opening???
17. Eda you’re great for protecting the child first
18. Luz is so cool for rebellion tho
Done! I think Im gonna rewatch each episode again when I don’t pay attention enough so I can write these. Hard to remember my questions if I pay attention too hard but ya know I wanna express how I feel too
1. wait these people are overreacting sometimes. the snakes and spiders? yeah absolutely valid to run. The sausages and eyelids???? Y’all overreacting. I mean the wasted food sucks but like its obviously just sausages guys. The eyelid thing is just something at least one kid does every year and its gross but not scream and run worthy. These people are so rude. At least the principal and Camila are concerned about Luz cuz of her seemingly not recognizing what is and isnt real vs just being dicks about her hobbies. It could be much worse in that way. Also Camila worrying about Luz’ lack of friends is good, too. Some kids do fine alone, but most really do need a support system other than family.
(ugh why is the next line down here thats so annoying)
2. Boiling Isles is like- lawless??? Clearly the warden gets away with his crazy arrests (kinda like Warden from Danny Phantom) cuz he’s just a dick. Like how is the guy selling person-eating icecream allowed but a fanfic writer isnt???? Like this is all clearly a reference to queerness cuz like fanfic doesn’t bother anyone else unless you see it out whilst that icecream could absolutely hurt some random civilian. The shit queer people used to and still get in trouble for with no valid reason- this also could be referencing race as well cuz it is disgusting how many POC are arrested or hurt due to plain racism rather than justice by law.
3. oh my godex I have been saying Luz’ name wrong! I thought it was Luhz! Is it Looz cuz its short for Lucida? Also the fact Eda thinks she’s clever for a human makes me worry everyone in Boiling Isles will think Luz is dumb just because of her species which is hella speciest and yeah im worried
4. ): giraffes are cool. Eda why
5. I kinda hate Hooty not gonna lie. Also ??? Eda why you leave your stuff outside ???
6. I just realized that the Conformitorium may actually be a proper prison that just has too many lax laws. Also how tf did does Luz open and close the door????
7. Luz’ willingness to just trust Eda is concerning. Also the BK crown is funny. Eda is a softie
8. oh the doors are opened normally itd just hurt ouch. Is the scene of them falling done by that Baxter dude cuz its kinda smooth af
9. I really hope Luz’ speech means something to kids and teens. It feels cringely bad to me but im also literally 20 so its not meant for me
10. Luz… you cant just offer up your services for ANYTHING! Standards! Boundaries! Her age is showing here. (what is her age? is she like 12?)
11. That photo thing is absolutely real. Some people think its a dramatic movie thing but Ive done it genuinely. Who had the sleeping bag? Eda or Luz? Also love her phone case. Cannot imagine sleeping without a blanket.
Properly done this time! I think I’ll watch the next one once through then ask questions though cuz this took far too long. Ill remember the questions eventually.
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