#(while also being able to. eat. and live their lives. and not lose their rights and livelihood to AI horseshit. y’know. the basics.)
novelconcepts · 10 months
I just. How are the studios not fucking embarrassed yet? How are they not just wallowing in awareness that they are the baddies? I understand wealth separates a man from his common sense and, uh, soul, but. How are you looking at a bunch of artists who are asking for basically the bare minimum, going “yeah, no, I need my yachts”, and you’re NOT aware how pathetic you look? The biggest loser energy in the world.
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lunamugetsu · 4 months
Danny is a house husband.
That's it, that's all it is.
As the years went on. Danny retired from being a superhero. There was no need for Phantom when the GIW were dealt with and all the ghosts were under control.
Now what's left for him to do but to just sit back, relax, and finally be able to live his life.
Sam and Tucker on the other hand....
Well, they had plenty of pent up rage, wits, and chaos inside their mind to become villains.
But they had one rule.
Never bring work home and to never involve Danny in any of their supervillain business.
Okay that's technically two rules, but they're kind of synonymous especially since Danny has been taking care of their house while also entertaining himself with trying new hobbies.
Tucker and Sam both make sure that they never bring any of their villainy home to Danny, because all they want is for Danny to enjoy his happy hero retirement.
And Danny in turn, doesn't bat an eye when watching the news and seeing that there were magical plants that were attacking sites that oil companies were digging or that somehow Lex Luthor had lost five hundred million dollars and had somehow leaked records showing he was building weapons of mass destruction.
He also doesn't bat an eye when he sees that Tucker had brought home a telescope that definitely looks like it came from some fancy lab because hey, Tucker was making him an observatory so he can look at the stars and planets. While also how they were able to make a great gaming pc with computer parts that are definitely not sold in stores, because hey at least the newest update of Doomed wasn't lagging.
Or that Sam comes home with various plants and animals that are definitely not from planet earth, but hey the three headed wolf-lizard-eagle- hybrid thing (that Danny has affectionately named Fluffy) is pretty great at keeping the pests away from his vegetable garden and likes to eat any of Danny's new food creations and is a great playmate for Cujo.
So you can imagine how the Justice League thinks when dealing with the pair of new villains: Upload (Tucker) and Sam (I could not think of a villain name that would suit her, so it's up to you what you think her villain name would be)
And how they were currently wreaking havoc in the city either by cyber warfare with robots or by magic plant monster or a Frankenstein of both approaches. The heroes had all evacuated the civilians from the battle zone and are currently fighting a losing battle. When they've been effectively captured and restrained by the two. Right before the villains could go into a monologue, they hear a person clearing their throat.
Everybody looks to see a 25 year old man wearing a sweater vest (he made it himself, thank you very much) currently holding onto the leash of a giant glowing green dog and some kind of giant animal hybrid. The man's arms were crossed and was currently not sporting a very happy look on his face.
Tucker and Sam (looking at Danny with hesitant smiles): Hi honey.
Danny (frowning): you missed our anniversary dinner.
Tucker and Sam both pale as they quickly realized what the date and time was.
The league all watch as Sam and Tucker immediately start apologizing to the man that just walked into a battle zone.
Danny (still frowning): Hmph! I guess since you two didn't want dinner you can go back to your little fight. Don't expect me to make you any lunches for the next month, and since you two are having so much fun here, you'll be sleeping by yourselves for the next couple weeks.
The league all watch as they were let go as Sam and Tucker yell as they run after Danny yelling apologies as he was walking away from them.
This is not the last they see of Danny.
When Danny is displeased with either of his partners, he'll invite a hero over to have lunch of afternoon tea.
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Thinking about Astarion having to deal with his reclaimed mortality once the initial euphoria of it is wearing off: 
When he’s startled from sleep, woken by his own racing heartbeat. 
Him jumping at the movement in the corner of his eye, only to find it’s just his own reflection staring right back at him, puzzled, before he watches his cheeks redden with embarrassment. 
The sun slowly losing its appeal as time goes on because Astarion keeps getting nasty sunburns after days spent outside, trying to make up for centuries confined to darkness. Whenever he comes home with itching skin and drenched in sweat, he finds himself almost missing hiding in the shadows. 
The odd sensation of feeling more and less at the same time: while some of his senses are now dulled to better suit mortality, others feel heightened to the point of sensory overload—a gust of wind feels like fire licking at his skin and he gets so very anxious whenever he loses Tav in the crowd, unable to distinguish them by the once divine scent of their blood any longer. 
Since he has a reliant supply of his own blood pumping through his veins now, he’s feeling aroused so much easier and more often than not at quite inconvenient times. He enjoyed having sex with Tav before, but now that he’s mortal again, he finds that he’s having to overthink intimacy once again—where his desires used to be driven by burning hunger, lust now feels like a pleasant, more natural bodily reaction. Having to seriously consider contraceptive measures, should his partner be able to get pregnant, is also a rather novel experience for him.  
Bathing still feels as good as before, at least. But where he spent hours in the bathroom out of pointless vanity then, Astarion now has to wash himself because his body would stink of sweat and, well, life otherwise. It will be years before he openly excuses himself for having to use the bathroom whenever nature calls.
And food—food would be the hardest to adjust to. It takes a lot of trial and error to find something that pleases his virgin taste buds (although he swears there’re some odd pieces of memories flashing in front of his eyes whenever he's snacking on wild strawberries or awfully sweet citron tarts). He ends up acquiring a taste for raw cookie dough, shredded cheese and sardines, eating little else for the next two years or so. To everyone's astonishment, he's gotten food poisoning only once or twice.
Astarion is no stranger to pain or injury, but he’s appalled by how long it takes to recover from the most minor cuts and bruises. It’s a well-kept secret between him and Tav that his first common cold had him convinced he was dying for a fortnight straight. 
Crying is much easier now, too.
Ironically, it’s mortality that forces Astarion to strive for more permanent, detail-oriented plans for the future. Now that life is finite, he wants to use the time he has wisely. He might keep travelling the realms until he breathes his last, or settle down, eventually. He might learn a new profession or accumulate some wealth in less honest ways. Maybe, one day, he wants to have a family, heirs to whatever he decides to make his own. 
Once Astarion has come to terms with being a mortal elf again, he realises living is not just about a beating heart. Living is about having endless possibilities but limited time. Choices and decisions that lead to only one thing: death. 
Now that Astarion is living again, he finally understands that death is just another part of the journey.
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rassicas · 10 months
In the splatoon fanbase, there are many misconceptions surrounding the relationship between inklings and water. without fail whenever I mention something related to the topic I'll get replies of "actually the canon is [some popular but incorrect theory]" "no they can do this and this canonically [it's actually a headcanon]" "no its really [something NOA made up]"
so to briefly go over The Facts:
Inklings canonically die when submerged in water. And yes, getting "splatted" is them dying for real, respawning is also an in-universe thing that has existed for at least 2000 years and not just a game mechanic. While the dying in water thing originally came from a game mechanic, it has been repeatedly stated that they incorporated this into the inkling's biology. The water weakness is not because of the water itself being toxic. The reason is based in osmosis. in the process of their evolution, Inklings (and octolings) changed a lot, and one of these changes was the ability to transform between a humanoid and swim form. Doing this transformation requires skin that is a thin, semi permeable membrane [this kind of skin is a trait found in real life molluscs]. The evolutionary trade off is that, because of how semi permeable their skin is, the ink inside of their bodies will bleed out when in contact with another liquid. This is the answer given directly by the series' creator. Kind of like how a slug will die if you sprinkle salt on it (for a reason that's almost the same as the inklings), but ultimately needs salt in its diet through the food it eats to live, inklings do drink water and other liquids. Its also not like they touch water and immediately explode, it seems they can wash their hands in it and dip their feet in it and be fine. Some people think the water weakness is stupid, personally i think its reasonable because Inkling biology is already weird as hell and of how ridiculously advantageous it is to be an ink-based cephalopod. the ink gives them the ability to jump absurdly long distances and cheat death to an extent. they're not losing much by not being able to dunk themselves in water. Anyway point is it sucks that all the relevant canon information on this is one of those japan only things/exclusive to developer interviews and pretty much every time it's brought up in English the localizers make shit up. I plan to make a video about this one of these days, but with how 'controversial' the topic is, and how many little details and connected concepts there are, I've been holding it off because I want to do it right. there's also some specific details that are unclear that I've been hoping would be clarified in the artbook or a dev interview but haven't, I might just have to go for it at this point. for the time being, i hope this post helps clear up a few things!
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worldlxvlys · 4 months
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matt sturniolo x singer! reader
warnings: smutttt, p in v, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, grinding
a/n: hope you enjoyyyy <33
“thank you guys so much for all the support and coming out here tonight” i said into the microphone.
the audience members replied with deafening applause and cheers.
i laughed into the microphone, still soaking in this unreal experience.
i had gotten about halfway through my set, and now was just taking a quick breather.
“i also wanted to give a huge thank you to my best friends, for always being there for me and constantly showering me with love and support” i said as i glanced over to the triplets.
best friends. well, two of them were my best friends. matt, however, was more than that to me.
we were dating, but we hadn’t told the fans yet, not wanting to deal with the hate that would most likely come with it.
but the fans aren’t dumb.
due to their insane attention to details, they were easily able to pick up on the feelings that matt and i had for one another. they just didn’t know that we’ve acted on them.
once i put out my first album of songs, titled chemistry, the fans quickly realized i was with someone. they had their suspicions, but i never confirmed that it was about matt.
most of the tracks on the album were love songs that i wrote over the years. they weren’t even necessarily for matt, i just wrote them whenever i was overwhelmed by my feelings for him and needed a way to get them out.
song writing helped me to process my feelings, and it just so happens that matt takes up almost every thought in my brain.
“i wouldn’t have made it this far without you guys and i’ll never truly be able to put into words how grateful i am” i said while looking at the boys in the VIP section.
in response, nick smiled and blew kisses while recording the interaction, like a proud mom at their child’s performace; chris did an awkward happy dance and screamed “we love you!” , and matt sat there with a lovesick look on his face and a shit-eating grin.
after a few more, we got to my favorite song on the setlist.
“this next song, literally just came out and is already doing so well, and i thank you for that” i was met with more applause.
after introducing the song, the first few chords played and then stopped, teasing the audience.
they went wild. after a few seconds, the intro really started to play.
i been knowing you for long enough
damn, i need you right now
she looks so good. her outfit was tight, fitting her in all the right places and accentuating her curves.
you can take your time, don’t have to rush
this might take us a while
she sounds incredible live. her voice is smooth as she effortlessly slides through the runs, never missing a note.
i left all the doors unlocked and you said you’re on your way
when you get here don’t you say a word, got no time to play
she might genuinely be a siren, luring me in with her seductive, yet somehow sweet and innocent-sounding voice. her tone is crystal clear and it almost makes me want to cry.
we can go all the time
we can move fast, then rewind
when you put your body on mine
and collide, collide
she starts to sway her hips to the beat, and i genuinely think i might lose it.
wanna see your body on mine
and collide, collide
her skin is coated with a light layer of sweat, making her body glisten under the lights. she looks like a goddess.
baby it’s all yours if you want me,
all yours if you want me
she looked directly at me when she sang this line, and the feeling of the intense eye contact went straight to my dick.
put it down if you want me tonight
she smirked lightly, no doubt enjoying how red my face was turning. she knows what she’s doing.
she made her way through the song, continuing to tease me. she would slowly run a hand down her body or lean forward to sing to the crowd, giving me a perfect view of her breasts.
god, they look like they’re gonna fall out of her top.
when she got to the bridge, i swear the sound of her voice alone almost made my eyes roll back.
i know that this is love when we touch boy
you got my heart
and can’t nobody make me feel like you do
boy like you do
the fact that there was so much tension between us, despite being so far away was driving me crazy.
it could be one of those nights
where we don’t turn off the lights
wanna see your body on mine and collide, collide
i could listen to the sound of her voice for the rest of my life.
i love it when she talks, when she laughs, when she sings, when she moans.
i swear when she hits certain notes, it almost sounds like she’s moaning. but no one else knows that, because i’m the only one who pulls those sounds from her pretty mouth.
those pretty lips, always soft and glossy, perfect for kissing.
by this point, my dick was throbbing as it pressed against my jeans.
said it’s all yours if you want me,
all yours if you want me
put it down if you want me
let’s collide
her head fell back as she finished the last note, basking in the endless amounts of applause she received.
her neck looks so pretty, i need to kiss it.
she looks up at me again, moving her tongue across her teeth.
yeah, she’s definitely doing this on purpose.
the further she got through her setlist, the more turned on i was.
her tits bounced when she jumped around during her upbeat songs.
at one point, she was full-on twerking. she threw her ass in a circle, her skirt riding up the slightest bit. i fully thought i was going to cum in my pants.
after she finished the last song, she began to adjust her skirt while she gave her closing speech. when she moved her hand, i saw the waistband of her panties peek through.
waistband, if you could even call it that. it became evident that she was wearing a g-string under her skirt.
i completely zoned out of what she was saying, too focused on all of the filthy thoughts that began to flood my mind.
before i knew it, there was another round of applause before she walked off of the stage.
suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket.
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after a few minutes, i heard a knock on my dressing room door.
i opened the door to reveal matt and i quickly pulled him in before closing and locking the door.
“hi baby” i whispered.
“hi my love” he said before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.
“you did amazing, baby. and you sound better and better every time you sing”
i looked down bashfully, the corner of my lips turning up into a grin. “thanks”
he placed his finger under my chin, pushing it up to look at him.
“ you shy now, baby? didn’t seem like it when you were shaking your ass on that stage”
i glanced at his lips before looking back up at his eyes.
“you liked that, baby?” i asked as i turned around, moving my hair over my shoulder.
i began to grind on him, moving my ass on his hard dick.
“fuck yes, baby. shittt” he groaned as one of his hands wrapped around my waist, the other moving to grab my boob through my top.
the hand that was around my waist moved under my panties, gently rubbing my clit.
“fuckkkk matt” i sighed out, my head pressing against the door.
his breathing got heavy as he rutted his hips against my ass, pushing his face into the crook of my neck.
“talk to me baby, please. gotta here that pretty voice” he choked out as his voice got slightly higher in pitch.
“ yeah baby? like the way my ass feels against your bulge? want me to twerk on you?” before he could answer, i bent over slightly.
my skirt inched up, exposing my ass and making his fully erect cock dig into it.
“fuck! you can’t do that, baby. i’m gonna cum”
“take these off for me” i said, pulling on his jeans.
he quickly complied, unbuckling his belt and pulling them off while i turned around to face him.
he swiftly picked me up, bringing me over to a vanity and placing me down on top of it.
my back was pressed up against the mirror, which was cool against my burning skin.
he brought his lips to mine in a hot, desperate kiss.
his hands crept under my skirt, pulling my panties off without breaking the kiss.
he smoothly pocketed them before collecting my wetness with his finger, using it as a lubricant to push his digit inside of me.
“shit, matt” i moaned out as he fucked me with his finger.
i reached down between us, stroking his length through his boxers.
he added another finger, stretching me out.
“oh my god, matt. so fucking good” my eyebrows furrowed as i leaned my forehead against his.
“gotta make sure my princess is nice and stretched, never wanna hurt you” he spoke between grunts.
i moved my fingers to the waistband of his boxers, tugging them down and watching his dick slap his stomach.
his tip was red and covered in pre-cum.
he removed his fingers from my aching pussy while i pumped him a few times, before guiding him inside of me.
we both groaned at the feeling of my walls squeezing him as i took him inch by inch.
he gave me a minute to adjust before thrusting into me deep and hard.
i screamed his name, probably loud enough for anyone outside of the room to hear.
“yes baby, lemme hear that gorgeous voice. god, i love hearing you say my name”
matt pushed his hips up into mine with full force, his hands on my waist to hold me steady.
“you feel so good wrapped around me like this baby. you’re so good” he whispered.
he pushed me into the mirror with each thrust, producing a loud thud each time it hit the wall.
the vanity shook under me as he kept up his relentless pace.
matt took my legs and hooked them over his shoulder, continuing to ram into me.
i felt my orgasm approaching, and i grabbed onto matt’s biceps, needing something to hold onto.
“matt matt matt, i’m gonna cum!” i yelled frantically.
“me too, give it to me baby. wanna feel you dripping down my cock” his words sent me over the edge.
with a final cry i released all over him, while he filled me up.
he thrusted a few more times, helping us ride out our highs before pulling out.
“god damn” i whispered out as we watched our juices spill out of me.
“you’re so fucking amazing” he said as he cleaned us up.
after we got dressed and made our appearances look somewhat presentable we stepped out of the dressing room.
“where are your brothers?” i asked with furrowed brows.
i pulled out my phone and saw a text from nick.
we’re going outside to wait. we can hear you freaky fucks from across the venue.
matt and i looked at each other and bursted out laughing.
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sturnspepsi @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @rheaakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @sturns-posts @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf
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heexseung · 8 months
꒰ 🥂 ꒱ ┄ ❛ dark academia ;puppy ❜
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* pairing: vampire!jake x werewolf!reader
* tags: smut, female!reader, dom/sub dynamics, peer pressure, misunderstood bad boy jake, exhibitionism, female masturbation, getting caught, fingering, handjob, slight puppy play, puppy!jake, maid!jake, jake being a good boy
* summary: somehow your pack forces you to make a bet with them; fuck Jake Sim in a week or pay for their food for the whole week.
* word count: 9.5k
* a/n: hey loves !! it's been a while, i only hope that you're all doing well 💓 this repost is way overdue, i hope you'll enjoy it regardless 🦭 also, if you haven't already, go listen to tempest 👀 they have bops !!!
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Supposedly, hanging out with your pack should be comforting and fun but that's not always the case for you. It's not that you dislike hanging out with them, it's just that most of the time, they can get very annoying, not for you but for the people around you; they get noisy so they kind of disturb the peaceful atmosphere and you're not very fond of that. You just don't want to annoy anybody.
Even now as you sit with them in a beautifully decorated cafe, they're being noisy, talking and laughing about whatever it is they're talking about — you barely pay attention to their conversations anyway. Most of the time, they just gossip and it doesn't interest you so you take no part in it. Taking a sip from your favourite drink, you then swirl the paper straw around the glass, wondering when you'll be able to go home.
"What do you think, Y/N cara?" Luna sits across from you, her question catches you by surprise. You look at her in confusion as she snuggles up against her mate, Alfie, hugging his muscular arm.
"Sorry?" You say.
She just rolls her eyes in response, not even surprised that you weren't paying attention. Owein who's sitting beside you, simply snickers and say, "Luna cara, you should know by now that Y/N cara doesn't care about our conversations." He sighs dramatically, "Nobody knows what she's thinking."
Lovette, sitting beside him, slowly nods in acknowledgement and takes a bite of her chicken sandwich.
"Forget about that cara," Felan tells Luna, who has now completely averted her focus towards what truly matters: her veggie sandwich. He then turns towards you with a worried look and continues, "Y/N cara, you are not eating?"
Giving him a small smile, you reply, "No, caro. You can have my share."
"But cara, you have to eat!" He protests.
"Wait, now that you mentioned it, Y/N cara hasn't been eating with us, right?" Alfie asks, now worried as well.
Truthfully, he's right. Nowadays, when you hang out with your pack, you lose your appetite. You're not sure why.
"Exactly!" Felan exclaims.
Right as he says that, Lovette gasps and slams her hand on the table. Her usually bright and cheerful expression turns to anger as she hisses, "Did someone call you fat?"
Upon hearing that, Luna also gasps in shock, thinking, how dare they body shame my friend! Anger is apparent in Felan's face, his eyebrows furrow and his eyes narrow at the bare thought of someone being rude to you. Meanwhile, Owein has his mouth open in shock at the audacity of some people.
Before you could say anything, Lovette continues, "Who are they?" She leans in closer to you and narrows her eyes. "We'll ruin their lives."
"Now hold on, cara. Let's not jump to conclusions." Alfie tries to calm down the situation but his voice is overshadowed by yours.
"No, no. That's not it," you quickly say, hoping that they won't suddenly start making assumptions and going overboard.
"Then you can eat, cara," Owein says with a smile. With an open hand, he gestures towards the plate of delicious sandwiches at the middle of the table and asks you, "Chicken or veggie?"
When you hesitate to answer him, he continues with a confused look, "Or do you want egg? You like egg, no?"
Felan excitedly jumps in, "Yes! They sell egg benedict here!"
Usually, the mention of egg benedict would have you feeling enthusiastic and giddy but as much as you love the delectable dish, you're just not hungry right now. You don't want to eat either... but if you don't eat, they might make a fuss out of it.
Actually, their care towards you surprises you. You didn't expect them to care whether you ate or not. You're thankful that they care for you a lot, even noticing that you haven't been eating with them much lately, but now you kind of feel forced to eat when you don't really want to. 
But it's fine, you tell yourself. They have my best interest at heart.
Giving your pack a small smile, you grab a chicken sandwich and say, "Ah, it's okay. I'll just eat the chicken sandwich, it looks good anyway."
"That's the spirit, cara!" Owein happily exclaims and goes back to drinking his iced coffee.
It seems that your action causes everyone to settle down since they all seem visibly more relaxed now. A moment of comfortable silence later, Owein puts his hand on the table and speaks up, "Anyway, back to the news!" He quickly turns towards Lovette. "I cannot believe they did that right in the dorms. I honestly thought he would be a goody-two-shoes like at least he won't do it at the dorms but he did, damn. I was wrong."
As you take a bite from your sandwich, you hear Lovette's serious voice. "Caro, me too. Honestly, I kinda don't believe this bullshit like do people honestly think I would believe Lee Heeseung and that human fucked in the dorms like- that doesn't make sense to me."
Luna jumps in, "But they did! Everyone could hear them!"
Before Lovette could say anything, Alfie starts speaking, "Honestly, cara, everyone has a slut side. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised." He then gives a knowing look to Luna that she returns, which makes everyone scowl and groan, including you.
"Keep it private, for Gods' sake," Felan says, rolling his eyes as Lovette fake barfs.
Owein rests his head on his hand and sighs in frustration. What he says next is unknown to you because you're already zoning everyone out; again, you're not interested in these kinds of conversations. Taking another bite of your sandwich, you start thinking about what you want to do when you get home.
Loud laughter echoes throughout the cafe and as usual, your pack attracts a lot of attention from the other customers. You pray to the Gods that your pack won't disturb anybody too much like last time; you really don't want to get kicked out.
Suddenly, you hear Lovette calling your name. You look at her with a confused expression and then look around at your pack; they're all quiet and curiously looking at you, waiting for your answer.
They all just groan and give out exasperated sighs in response. A short moment later, Alfie kindly explains what Lovette had asked of you while rolling his eyes, "She's asking about your last fuck."
Ugh, not again.
Your annoyed expression makes them laugh.
"Let's guess, let's guess!" Lovette says excitedly. "Wait, let me go first! Okay, hm…" She squints her eyes as she thinks. "Two days ago?"
Luna quickly jumps in after her, "I think it was last month." She turns to look at you and says, "You seem very sex-deprived, cara."
"What do you mean sex-deprived?" You look at her judgingly.
"She's right, you know." Owein nods and then takes a sip of his drink.
"Are you kidding me?" You ask in disbelief.
"I mean, you wouldn't be like this if you weren't sex-deprived." Luna shrugs and takes a sip of her drink.
Lovette nods and whispers, "That makes sense."
They exchange agreements while Alfie just laughs and comments, "If you're sex-deprived, you can always ask Felan to help you out."
You sigh and shake your head at their antics while Felan simply shrugs. Felan is a good person, at least you think so. He's been the most caring towards everyone in the pack and likes to help everyone out, even sex-wise, so it's not a surprise to you when Alfie brings it up. Not to mention the fact that you actually had sex with him before anyway. But right now, sex is the last thing on your mind. You're just not interested in it.
It takes you a while to realise that they're still waiting for your answer. When you do realise it, you sigh in exasperation and quickly make something up. "It was two week ago or so."
"Two weeks?!" They all stare at you in disbelief, stopping whatever it is they're doing.
Taking a sip of your drink, you reply nonchalantly, not letting their reaction faze you, "What? What's wrong with that?"
Luna gives an exasperated sigh, Owein just shakes his head while Lovette crosses her arms. Felan and Alfie don't react that much to your words. Your pack just looks at you in disapproval. There's even a bit of pity in their stare.
Feeling annoyed, you defend yourself, "I'm just not in the mood for sex these days. If I want sex then I'll have sex but for now, I don't want it. I just want to chill."
They just stay dead silent as they share glances with each other. You can tell that they obviously don't believe you by the way they look at you. Somehow, it annoys you more and you impulsively continue, "Look, I can fuck anyone I want in our university, I just don't want to."
Their eyes light up right after you say that. They share surprise and mischievous looks with each other; bright eyes, raised eyebrows, smirks or teasing smiles. Soon, Luna speaks up to break the silence. With a teasing tone, she asks, "Are you gonna prove it to us?"
Before you could say anything, Owein excitedly jumps in, "Prove it to us, cara."
Alfie tries to calm down the situation but is quickly interrupted by Lovette. "Oh, my Gods! How about you try to fuck Jake Sim?!"
Are you kidding me?
Owein and Luna both gasp at her words. Immediately, they both start talking at the same time. Alfie starts talking too, again trying to get everyone to settle down. Lovette tries her best to hear everyone but fails, given by her confused look. Meanwhile, Felan is just silently chewing on his sandwich.
This situation is making you stressed and as much as you love your pack, it's obvious that they can be a handful sometimes. By the time you're able to comprehend what everyone's saying, they've already settled on a bet.
Clapping her hand, Luna stands up and excitedly exclaims, "So it's official! Our lovely Y/N cara is gonna fuck Jake Sim!"
"Wait, what?" You ask, confused.
Lovette stands up as well, raising her drink up. "To our lovely Y/N cara!"
"It's a bet! You have a week, cara!" Owein says to you, his glass already clinking with Luna's. "Or else, you're paying for our food for the whole week."
And soon, every one of your friends is doing the same and cheering for you — once again disrupting the peaceful atmosphere of the cafe. You can feel some people getting annoyed at you and your pack, even the employees; you feel a bit bad about it, more so when you realise that you don't really want to partake in this stupid bet in the first place. But everyone's just celebrating and having fun and you don't want to ruin the mood.
Sighing defeatedly, you reluctantly agree to the bet anyway.
It turns out that fucking Jake Sim isn't as easy as you thought it would be. Hell, it's even hard to find him on your campus, you've actually never seen this guy face to face. He must be in a completely different section of the university. It kind of annoys you since you only have a few days to fuck him or else you're paying your pack's meals for a whole week — and paying for one meal for yourself is already fucking expensive.
At first, you thought they'd just forget about it but they keep reminding you daily about it. They keep bringing it up, asking "hey, have you fucked him yet", it's driving you insane. Just yesterday, they made you pay for their drinks while eating lunch together because you still haven't been able to fuck him.
Of course, you could just lie… but that's kinda fucked up. Plus, you're pretty sure you're gonna get exposed for lying anyway and your pack doesn't tolerate lying. Always being truthful to each other is one of your pack's policies.
Hence, you've now resorted to asking people around about him. At first, you got nothing but with a little bit of persistence and determination, you've managed to get some valuable information and now you're standing right outside one of his classes, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed as you wait for his class to finish.
It doesn't take long and a few minutes later, you see people start leaving the class. You briefly look at each person one by one and eventually, after almost everyone has already left, you finally see him — Jake Sim, dressed in mostly black except for his soft green T-shirt, leaving the classroom with his hands in his pockets and his backpack on one shoulder.
At the sight of him, your breath catches in your throat — my Gods, he's fucking gorgeous.
It's not an exaggeration when people say vampires are so attractive but this man just takes it to a whole other level. He has an extremely handsome face; cute and hot at the same time and albeit his body is covered up, you can somehow easily guess what it looks like underneath — a gorgeous sexy body just waiting to be marked up. You could see your teeth biting his neck, him moaning into you, his fingers in your hair and suddenly you just can't help but think to yourself, you actually wouldn't mind fucking him. Perhaps your friends were helping you out?
Clearing your throat and snapping out of your thoughts, you realise that you're being inappropriate and highly so.
Also, he's looking at you.
And you notice him looking at you. That's when he quickly turns and walks away from you. But there's no way in hell you're letting him get away so easily, not after all the work you've put into finding him. With a grin, you approach him as he walks to the elevator.
However, before you could say anything, he's already talking, "If you're here for that reason then don't bother, my answer is no."
Is he talking to you?
You look around to make sure. Seeing that there's no one here except you two, you wonder how'd he get to know about your intentions. But then you realise that your pack gossips a lot and they gossip with other people too so they probably slipped it out somehow.
After realising that, you slightly nod in understanding. So he doesn't want to fuck. Are you surprised? No. Will you give up? That's also a no, so you ask him with a sweet voice, "Okay, how about I buy you dinner first?"
Surprisingly, he chuckles in response — his laugh deep and rich, it makes your heart flutter. You both stop walking when you're standing right in front of the elevator. Pushing the down button, he turns towards you and says, "I'm rich."
Fuck, you forgot about that.
"I mean, yeah but it's still nice to have someone treat you, no?"
Fuck, how is this going to work?
Honestly, it's fine if he doesn't want to fuck — okay, it's a bummer but what else can you do? No means no. But what sucks is that you have to pay for your pack's meal for a whole week and Gods know how expensive it is, given by the fact that you eat together almost all the time.
Desperate to save your money, you plead with him, "Look, can't you help me out? We don't have to fuck, we can just say we did it?"
Your words cause him to sigh in frustration. As he runs his hand through his hair, his eyebrows furrow and he starts frowning. "No. I don't want more dumb rumours spreading about me," he says in a melancholic tone, "You and your friends have already done enough. Besides, why would I ever help you out?"
Before you can reply, you hear your friends' laughter from across the hallway. Fuck, why are they here? And how did they find you?
Turning towards the sound, you see Lovette and Owein approach you two, their playful smiles evident as they get closer. Mumbling a curse under your breath because you know they're gonna fuck things up for you, you quickly press the down button. But alas, the elevator isn't going to reach you before they do.
You cringe a bit when you hear Lovette's cheerful voice near you, "Y/N cara! Oh, it's Jake."
"Oh!" Owein looks surprisedly at you. "So you guys gonna fuck or something?"
Oh no, here it is.
Turning towards them, you give them a please don't fuck my chances up look. Jake ignores them and you, he's just focusing all his attention at the elevator doors and hope that it'll quickly arrive. Looking at your apprehensive expression, Owein pouts while Lovette gives him an awkward look.
As if he's blind towards the awkward and tense situation, Owein says, "So... that's a no?"
Lovette lightly jabs him at his side and comments brightly, "Well, that's fine! But it looks like you're paying for our meals the whole week then!"
She may be trying to ease the situation but unfortunately, it's not working. If anything, she's making the situation worse just like you imagined it would be because now it's apparent that Jake is not taking you using him for a bet kindly; he looks pissed. Although he already knew about it, there was still some part of him that just hopes it's not true; turns out, it is true.
"Damn... and here I thought you'd give our friend a much-deserved fuck," Owein says with a pout.
"No, thank you," Jake annoyedly replies. "I'd rather die."
His words make you and your friends' mouths fall open in shock. You're offended but you're not that offended, more shocked. Your friends, however, seem more offended than you which is both endearing and concerning at the same time.
Not letting his comment slip by, Lovette looks at him in disgust and says, "Excuse me?"
Owein narrows his eyes at Jake with a scowl. "Wow, you're such an asshole."
Somehow that hit a nerve in Jake. His hands turn into tight fists and even though he tries to look unbothered, his eyebrows furrow and his eyes look like they could kill.
"Hmph." Lovette rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Guess the rumours are true after all."
You mean the lies you made, Jake wanted to say. But instead, he bites his cheek, keeping quiet. The elevator's almost here anyway. It's better to stay quiet. Besides, if he starts a fight, he's sure that he'll start getting rumours about him being in the mafia.
"Come on, cara. He's not worth it," Owein looks at him disapprovingly, holding his hand out for you to take. "Jake, you should eat some makeup. Maybe then you can be pretty on the inside too."
Oh Gods, no.
The air around you four gets heavy as he says those words. You just look at him in disbelief, a bit angry at his unnecessary words and rude attitude. You understand that he's just trying to defend you but it's obvious that his words make Jake upset, Lovette's too, and it's something that you can sense even without explicitly looking at him right now.
Before you could tell them to calm down, Lovette jumps in, "Don't be bitter, Jake. Maybe if you were a better person."
That's when they both start laughing, only agitating you and Jake, making the air tenser. You're getting annoyed; they're going too far. What Jake said has not hurt you at all, it shocked you but that's it. You could care less about what he thinks about you. There's no need to be extremely defensive over this. Plus, they're ruining your chances. There's a part of you that can't help but wonder if they're doing this purposely, wanting to see you fail.
Meanwhile, Jake is just so pissed off. He doesn't understand how they have the audacity to tell him to be a better person when they're out here gossiping and spreading harmful and hurtful rumours about everyone. Unfortunately, the elevator's still not here yet and they haven't stopped taunting him either.
"But this is actually surprising Jake, I thought you'd immediately fuck anybody at every chance you get," Owein retorts and laughs.
"What if you're actually a virgin?" Lovette questions. "Is that why-"
Feeling extremely annoyed, you cut her off. "Can you guys stop talking shit?" Your tone sounds intimidating and everyone is just surprised and silent for a while after you say that, Jake being the most surprised. He didn't expect you to stop your friends like that.
Eventually, what breaks the tense silence is the sound of the elevator ring. As the doors open, you quickly grab his arm and pull him into the elevator, leaving your friends behind before they could talk any more shit.
"Don't follow us," you sternly tell them as you push the close button.
They don't. They just stand there, looking at each other in shock and feeling awkward as the doors close. Jake pushes the ground button and as the elevator move, you quickly say to him, "Sorry, I-"
He coldly cuts you off, "I don't care. I want nothing to do with you or your friends."
You have no idea what to say to him so the rest of the elevator ride is silent and awkward while you think of how you can salvage this situation. Honestly, you're surprised that he hasn't blown up at you; if you're him, you probably would've slapped someone by now. You contemplate on just giving up and getting a part-time job to pay for your pack's meals but... you're not one to give up easily, there must be a way.
You hear the familiar ring again and then, as the doors open, you hear him say a soft thanks. It catches you off guard. As you turn to look at him, he quickly moves out of the elevator before the doors are even fully open.
There's no way you're letting him slip out of your fingers so you quicken your pace to catch up with him. Once close enough, you grab his arm again.
"I'll treat you, what do you want?" You ask him as he lets you drag him to the nearest cafe.
"No thank you, I don't need you to do that."
"Just let me treat you," you sternly say to him.
He stops in his tracks to look at you straight in the eye and tells you sternly, "We're not gonna have sex."
You open your mouth to say something but he quickly continues, "No, you can't say that we did either."
Sighing, you look at him, hoping that he wasn't being serious but by the look of his face, there's no denying that he is. He frees his arm from your grip and narrows his eyes at you. "Look, I hate you and your friends. After what you've done to me and to many other people here, why would you think that I'd ever help you out? Much less have sex with you."
His words only bring you confusion. What have you ever done to him? You never even associated yourself with him. You know of his existence but that's it. This is the first time you've seen him. Maybe he's misunderstanding something? And your friends aren't bad people — sure, they like to gossip a lot but that's just harmless gossip, right? Why would it heavily impact someone's life?
"I'm going. Don't follow me. And I don't want to see you anymore so don't try to find me either."
And with that, he quickly leaves the scene, leaving you standing there alone and confused as to why he hates you so much. You quickly get over it though.
Since your plan to fuck Jake Sim went bust, you've decided to not harass Jake and instead, go with plan b which is getting a part-time job to pay for your pack's meal. It's not so bad, to be honest; you've managed to get hired at a sex toy store and it's only gonna be like a month until you quit. All you have to do is take care of the store — which doesn't sound bad at all… at least, not now.
Why sex toy store? 
Because why not? It sounds fun. Plus, you're no stranger when it comes to adult toys; you actually have a collection locked in your drawer albeit not many. That, and the fact that this is the only place far away from your campus that's hiring. You don't want your friends finding out where you work, they may cause trouble for you.
But something's weird; at the exact place where the store is supposed to be at… is a cafe? You've checked multiple times. This is the address you were given. Maybe the store is inside the cafe?
Cautiously, you walk into the cosy cafe. The first thing that catches your attention is the delicious smell of freshly baked bread and coffee. Ugh, that smells so good. It makes you want to buy something but that's not what you're here for. You look around and take in its decoration — it's very nature-themed but also has a modern twist to it. The colour palette consists of mostly white, brown and green with a few extra colours like yellow, red and blue which makes the cafe look more colourful.
There are a few customers here but not that many; understandable since it's 10am, way past breakfast and way before lunch hour.
One weird thing is the workers' uniforms… regardless of gender, they're all wearing maid outfits; the frilly black and white dress type. Is this a maid cafe? You can't help but think as you make your way to the counter. So far, you don't see any sex toys being sold, just food and drinks.
When you reach the counter which thankfully has no customers waiting in line, you greet the cashier with a small smile, "Hi."
The cashier greets you cheerfully, "Hello! Welcome to Cups of Joy! How may I help you today?"
"Hello, um… Do you sell things other than… food and drinks?" You carefully ask them, hoping that there's actually a sex toy store here and that you didn't just waste your money on the bus trip here.
A look of understanding appears on their face and they reply, "Oh, you want to see the 18+ section?"
"Oh my Gods, yes please." You sigh in relief and laugh. "I'm supposed to work here starting today."
"Oh… you're the new worker! Hold on for a moment please, I'm gonna call the boss for a second. Please take a seat!" They gesture at the empty table a few feet away from you and then proceed to call someone, "Jake, can you please take my place for a few minutes while I get the boss?"
Hold up- Jake? It couldn't possibly be the same one, right?
But then you hear his voice, "Okay, Cal!"
Holy shit.
And there he is, coming straight out of the kitchen with a maid outfit on — it's frilly, it's flowy, it's short, it looks soft and it looks so cute and hot on him. It's nearly impossible to stop inappropriate thoughts from appearing after seeing him in that, not to mention that it shows off his muscular thighs and arms — what the fuck? He's also wearing a cute dog ears headband; you want to scream. You can't help but stare at him in shock, mouth open as he walks out the kitchen doors. It feels like you're in some kind of fever dream.
It doesn't take Jake five seconds to notice you and when he does, he stops in his tracks, a horrified expression evident on his face which quickly turns to anger in just a few seconds. He quickly walks up to you and grabs your wrist, pulling you with him to somewhere private — as private as an open cafe can be.
When you two arrive at an empty corner where there's no customers or staff present, he leans into you and whispers angrily, almost hissing at you, "What are you doing here?"
Before you could even reply, he continues, "I told you I don't want to have sex with you, I don't even want to see you anymore. Why are you following me? Are you a stalker? Do you not understand that I-"
You cut him off by placing your hand on his mouth. It catches him off guard and that's when you take the chance to explain yourself, "Listen, I didn't know you even worked here. I'm only here because I'm working part-time, it's only for a month so don't get the wrong idea."
He pulls your hand off him. "Yeah, right. As if I'd actually believe you."
"It's the truth," you say to him, annoyed.
He leans closer into you, probably an attempt to intimidate you which isn't really working, and says in a threatening voice, "I swear if you tell anybody about this-"
"About what? You wearing a pretty maid outfit?" You smirk.
"Shut it," he hisses at you as his ears and cheeks slowly turn red.
"You look hot in it by the way," you tease him. Taking a step back, you look at him up and down. Shaking your head at how hot he looks and how much you can't stop thinking about how he'd look like when he's lying down on your bed and begging to cum, you ask him with your eyebrow raised, "Is this an everyday thing or a special occasion?"
He rolls his eyes. "No, it's only weekly. And I'm only covering for someone's shift today," he says defensively as he crosses his arms and averts his gaze away from you, too aware of your eyes on him. Somehow it doesn't make him feel uncomfortable, it just makes him feel… weird... but not a bad kind of weird. He also feels a bit embarrassed. Clearing his throat, he tries to push the unfamiliar feelings down.
"Aw, so I won't see you in this again?" You touch the frilly skirt, feeling the soft cotton fabric in between your fingers. Your finger accidentally brushes against his thigh, just a little bit, he doesn't even notice it but it's enough to make you want to touch more of him.
"No. Never. Not even in your dreams, not ever. You won't even see me here anymore because you're leaving. Now."
He moves to grab your arm again but before he could kick you out, he stops in his tracks when he looks behind you, his eyes wide. You turn around to see your employer standing right behind you, supporting a soft smile. She has a very magnetic aura to her, a bit intimidating but deep down, you know that she's very nice.
"Hello, Miss Jo," you sweetly greet her, giving her a smile.
"Hello, love," she softly says, "I see you've met our lovely puppy. Come, let's get you started."
Then she turns around and starts walking. You turn to Jake and give him a triumphant look and a shrug, see, I wasn't lying. And then you follow your employer before you lose sight of her, leaving an annoyed Jake behind.
Just as you had guessed, the sex toy store is actually inside the cafe. Long story short, Miss Jo led you to a hallway at the right side of the cafe and in that hallway, there are two washrooms on the right side, both with gender-neutral toilet symbols on them and a door at the end of the hallway is where the store is at.
After giving you a small tour of the shop, you started your training with her and it went by smoothly. Miss Jo told you all the basic information; how to greet customers, how to help them with certain stuff, how to handle certain situations, how to package sold toys neatly and secretively, etc. Time goes by quickly and before you know it, it's already your break time and you decide to freshen up in the washroom.
Although the store is a decent size, you still feel the need to get out of here. Maybe it's because of the fact that there are no windows… or the fact that the door stays locked unless someone calls from the intercom and tells you a customer is coming… or even the fact that there are only two people here; you and Miss Jo — when you brought it up to her, she only told you that it's usually only one person here.
Exiting the shop, you make your way to one of the washrooms. Thankfully, there's no one in the hallway and better yet; there's no one in the washrooms either so you don't have to wait to go into one. Choosing the one closest to you, you walk in, close the door and start washing your hands.
It's pretty silent right now except for the sound of the water running. Lunch hour has long gone by so you bet that the cafe is pretty chill right now. Once you're done washing your hands, you take a good look at yourself in the mirror. To be honest, you don't quite like what you're seeing right now; not because you don't like your appearance — no, you know you're stunning regardless of what people say. It's just that now after taking a good look at yourself, you actually do kind of look sex-deprived. So they might've been right after all. 
But the thing is that it's not something a regular person would see... but if it's a werewolf like you, they're gonna notice it if they take a good look at you. And this annoys you. Maybe you can get off before you head back to work? You'll be quick and it's not a problem if no one finds out. Plus, you'll look fresh right after.
You just don't want to go back outside and look like this; one of your kind will notice,  you're sure of it — after all, your friends did. You don't want them to be uncomfortable or worse: pity you. So you've made up your mind. Just this one time and it'll be quick. 
As a catalyst, you know exactly who you're gonna get off to — yup, that guy. The guy who won't leave your mind, he never left your mind when you first met and he definitely never left your mind now, not after you saw him in that outfit. Gods, you just want to ruin him, what's wrong with you? You swear you're not like this to other people.
Bringing down your pants and panties to your knees, not fully taking them off, you sit down on the toilet seat and make yourself comfortable. You decide to slouch and spread your legs since you have better access that way. Not wasting another second, you start rubbing your index and middle finger against your pussy. Closing your eyes, your focus on the pressure and feeling of your fingers on your inner labia.
While doing so, you start to imagine what it'd be like to actually have sex with Jake. You bet that underneath his rough exterior, he'd be a really good boy for you, willing to do whatever it takes to please you. He just seems like that. Or perhaps he's more of a brat and likes to tease and defy you, challenging you to make him submit to you. Either way, you don't mind. You're good with both.
His lips are so full and gorgeous, you could kiss and bite them all day. Imagine how pretty he'd look when his mouth is swollen from kissing you, kissing your body, after eating you out. You wonder if he has the skills to get you off with his mouth; he must have, no? A man who looks that attractive must have some experience. He probably has the skills to get you off with his hand too.
Gods, and his hands — his huge, pretty, manly hands. Just imagining how they'd feel on your body almost makes you moan. It would feel way better with his fingers on you instead of your own.
And his delicious body would just look so gorgeous underneath you. You imagine him in that dress and what he'd look like when he's all fucked up; eyes shut tight, face red, mouth open and panting. He'd look at you as if he's begging you to touch him and you would, he'd shudder at your every touch, flinch when your mouth starts sucking on his neck, buck into your pussy and moan ever so loudly at the pleasure.
Damn him.
You think you've truly lost it, you really do. How are you so affected by this man? To the point that you're literally getting off in the washroom thinking about fucking him. Your hand is wet with your juices now and you slide a finger inside your pussy, trying to keep your moans in — not sure if you succeed or fail — while your thumb stimulates your clit. Meanwhile, your other hand starts playing with your nipple underneath your shirt.
You bet you could make him beg for you just by rubbing his tip against your entrance. He seems like such a good boy, willing to take whatever you give him. Your pussy clenches around your finger at the thought. Imagine if it was his dick inside you instead. It would fit inside you so well and so good. You'd feel so tight around him and he'd whimper in your ear as you start moving up and down his dick, fucking him into oblivion. 
Just as you were about to get close, the door suddenly opens — you jump in response.
Fuck, you forgot to lock it.
You're more pissed off than anything, to be honest. Opening your eyes, you're surprised and blessed by the sight of Jake just standing there, hand on the doorknob, eyes wide open, taking in the full view of your legs spread wide and your wet pussy for him.
If it was someone else, this would be embarrassing but since it's him, this just makes you even more aroused.
"If you're not gonna help me out then leave," you say to him, continuing your actions right in front of him. Looking at him straight in the eye, you part your lips with your fingers to give him a good view. His eyes are focused on your pussy as you slowly insert another finger in and throw your head back, letting out a moan.
With your eyes closed and your fingers moving inside you, you hear the door close. Assuming that he left, you continue on with your administrations, trying to reach your high before your employer thinks that you've been gone for way too long.
To your surprise, he didn't leave — you realise that when you feel his hands on your thighs. Jumping at the contact, you open your eyes only to find him leaning and staring intensely back at you. His lips tremble a bit as he panickingly whispers to you, trying to keep his voice as low as possible, "What are you doing?"
"What do you think? I'm trying to get off," you annoyedly whisper back to him.
He leans in closer to you, so close that there's barely any space between you two, so close that you can feel his breath hot on your face. With the same panicked tone, he whispers, "But you can't do that here! What if you get caught?"
Rolling your eyes, you reply, "I'm not gonna get caught because it'll be quick."
"I just caught you!" Again with the panic. You don't even know why he's being like this; it's none of his business anyway. He can just leave and pretend he didn't see anything.
Realising that you're wasting your time, you try to continue your actions, hoping that he'll be so unbothered and leave you alone. But as soon your hand starts moving again, he grabs your wrist, stopping you and quickly says, "No, you-"
Cutting him off, you snap at him, "Why are you even here?"
Somehow that shuts him up and suddenly, he can't meet your eyes anymore. He awkwardly looks to his left, his ears turning pink as his grip on your thigh unconsciously tightens.
Eventually, he answers you ever so slowly and softly, "I... I heard my name."
At his words, you don't know whether to laugh or be mortified. You didn't even realise you were moaning his name. Not only had he caught you masturbating red-handed but he also caught you masturbating to him. Unfortunately, there's no one else to blame for this situation other than you — after all, you're the one who forgot to lock the door. Before you can say anything, he continues with a blush on his face, looking down at your wet pussy on display and then back at your face, "Were you...?"
His eyes look so innocent, you don't know how they look that innocent when you literally just masturbated right in front of him. 
And you both know the answer to that question, it's quite obvious. After a short moment of silence, his grip on your wrist softens and he eventually lets go of you. You sigh and lean back against the toilet seat with your eyes closed, pushing down the feeling of embarrassment. Honestly, it wouldn't be that bad if he was actually into you but alas, he isn't. He's made it clear that he wants nothing to do with you.
At least, that's what you thought. He manages to surprise you when he softly asks you then and there, as if he’s being impulsive, "Should I... help you out?"
It's shocking to hear that from him. A long moment of silence washes over you two as you digest his words. Is he actually asking to help you out? You just can't believe it. Didn't he said that he'd rather die than have sex with you just a few days ago? 
Thus, you end up staring at him for a while until he gets embarrassed and quickly says, "N-nevermind, I'll be going-"
He moves to leave you be but you manage to hold onto his hand. "No!"
At the volume of your voice, he panickingly hushes you and puts his hand over your mouth. After he senses that you've calmed down, he removes his hand and looks away from you.
"You wanna help me out, pup?"
He slowly nods at you, having some confidence to make eye contact with you again. You can hear his heartbeat quicken. You don't know what's gotten into him to suddenly change his mind about you but you're not gonna waste any moment finding out. Pushing your wet fingers to his lips, your core clenches at nothing when his tongue comes out to start licking your fingers clean, his eyes fluttering close.
What a sight to see; a pretty boy in a maid outfit and puppy ears licking your soaked hands clean.
"Aren't you such a good pretty boy?"
He tries to keep his whimpers in at your praise, not wanting to make too much noise and attract any attention. After your fingers are all clean, he holds your hand and pulls it away from his mouth.
With a stern voice and look, he whispers to you, "You're not gonna tell anyone about this, okay?"
Nodding at him, you couldn't care less. You just want to quickly get off. Grabbing his hand, you move it to your wet pussy, encouraging him to touch you. Your breath hitches at the feeling of his hand softly and slowly caressing your pussy, as if he's exploring every inch. It's kind of romantic in a way but right now, you want to get off quick. Not a big fan of his slow movements, you whisper to him, "Make it quick, I gotta go back to work soon."
"Swear you're not gonna tell anyone?" His breathing is heavy against your ears as he starts rubbing his fingers against your core.
"Yes," you hiss as his thumb starts stimulating your clit. Gripping onto the seat, you start lifting your hips and grind into his hand, wanting to catch your high as quick as possible.
"Okay," he softly whispers. His hands start to move roughly against your pussy; he's obviously trying to get you off quickly but it's too rough to feel good. Thus, you grab his hand and manoeuvre it into a position that you think is good. Telling him to keep his hand still, you use his hand as if it was a toy.
Pushing two of his fingers into your entrance, you bite your lip to conceal a moan. Jake, however, can't help but release a whimper at how tight you feel around him. He knows you told him to keep his hand still but he can't help it; he needs to explore your pussy so he moves his fingers, rubbing his fingertips against your walls. It makes you shudder — he's lucky that it feels good or else you would've reprimanded him for disobeying you.
It takes you a while for you to compose yourself and when you do, you tell him to thrust his fingers in and out of your pussy. He complies with a faint whimper and starts moving, hoping the pace isn't too fast. After every thrust, he makes sure to curl his fingers and rub his fingertips on whatever they're at. His fingers feel so good that it makes you moan so much, Jake has to put his other hand on your mouth to silence you.
Soon, you're reaching your climax. Your hands that were gripping the seat are now playing with your boobs underneath your shirt, hoping that the stimulation will give you a boost to reaching your release. And it does, fortunately. With a thrust from Jake's fingers and a tight grip on your boobs, you finally achieve your climax, letting out a long loud moan as you cum on his fingers.
Jake shushes you again, afraid that your moans can be heard from people. He slows down his movements while you bask in your climax, his breathing hot and heavy on your ear. At some point his dick got hard and it's uncomfortable, he's just noticing it now. He wonders what he should do about it. 
When you finally get your senses back, you're still panting as you pull his hand out of you. Leaning against the seat, you take your time in composing yourself. Not gonna lie, that's one of the best orgasms you've ever had. But then again, you haven’t really had a lot of sex, you just say you do to appease your friends. You look at the man in front of you, his face is red, his hand is covered with your juices and his dick is straining against his underwear underneath his skirt. For being so good to you, he deserves a treat, no?
"Wait," you whisper to him. Getting some tissue paper, you quickly clean yourself up. He moves away from you as you do so, giving you some space but he's still looking at you. 
To be honest, he cannot believe he had just done that — helped you get off. He starts to feel a bit embarrassed at himself. There's a bit of regret that he feels but he can't deny that he enjoyed it way more than he should. He only came here to check if someone needs help since he heard his name being called, he didn't think he'd caught you masturbating to him, moreover kind of having sex with you.
Despite his better self, he can't deny that a part of him feels flattered that you were getting off to him; he doesn't know why but he can't deny that he doesn't mind you doing so. In fact, he might even like it. He wonders if this is the first time you did so, what kind of thoughts you had of him, how you'd touch yourself to him. He didn't think he was that attractive to anybody, especially to you.
He wants to-
Quickly snapping out of his thoughts, he tells himself that he still doesn't like you and that this is just a one time thing. It's not gonna happen again, he thinks. 
You've finally got yourself cleaned up and pulled your pants back up. Now you're just staring at him, making him feel nervous and awkward. He scratches the back of his head and asks, "Um... do we... go now?"
With a smirk, you look at him and reply, "What? You don't want your reward?"
Jake's eyes grow wide at your words. What reward?
Before he could guess, you already have your hands pressing against his hard-on. He moans as your grip on his dick tightens. Quickly covering his mouth with his hand, he involuntarily bucks into you, his other hand goes to steady himself by grabbing onto you.
"Now, now." With a devilish grin, you pull his hands away from his mouth and continue, "That's no fun. Plus, no one's near anyway."
He swallows his saliva as your hands start pulling down his underwear and letting it fall to the ground, leaving his dick and ass exposed underneath his frilly skirt. He steps out of them, not wanting to trip just in case.
It's a good move on his part because now you can easily move him. Grabbing his hips, you move him a couple steps backward. Then, you turn him around so that he's facing the mirror and counter. You then bend him right over the counter — which surprised him a lot. He turns back to look at you after his torso hits the cold counter, but not before hissing at how the coldness of the counter feels against his skin through the dress.
"What are you doing?" 
Lifting his skirt up to his hips to expose his ass, you grope it so tight that it makes him moan; he has to cover his mouth with his hand again. You tsk at him when he does that. Bending over and pressing your body against his so that he can hear your voice in his ear, you whisper to him, "Keep your hands away from your mouth." Surprisingly, he obeys you without question, putting his hands onto the counter. You continue, "Also, a puppy is only capable of barking, you know."
He looks confusedly at you for a moment before you command him, "Bark."
A moment of silence goes by as he just looks at you with wide eyes over his shoulder. It feels a bit embarrassing to bark but eventually, he does so anyway, albeit softly.
Technically, that's not really a bark but you let it slide since it sounds better. You spit onto your hands and start playing with his dick, using one hand to stimulate with his leaking tip while the other strokes up and down his length. The sensation, albeit soft, still feels good and relaxing to him, it makes him bury his face into his arms on the counter as he shyly thrusts into your hand, silently hoping you'll go faster.
"Good boy. Now if you want me to go faster, keep on going, puppy."
When you tease and play him like this, he just can't help himself; he wolfs for you again. And true to your words, you go faster. He moans into his arms, his knees start to buckle under your stimulations. He wonders if you'd go faster if he did it again, and so he wolfs again... and again... and again, his voice getting more and more erotic as time goes by and you're literally going as fast as you can. It's only been like a minute or so and he's already a mess in your hands. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that the door is still unlocked and decide to comment on it. With a teasing tone, you say into his ear, "Puppy~ Look up." 
It makes him whimper. Obediently, he lifts his head up and looks in the mirror. The sight of his face makes him embarrassed and if he's being honest, it also turns him on more; seeing him with his face full of pleasure, being a puppy for you as you play with him however you like. Your touch is starting to feel too much for him to handle.
"You didn't lock the door, pup. Do you want to get caught like this? Bent over the counter with your ass in the air? Like a puppy in heat? Rutting all over my hand like this, hm?"
Your words just make him whine and thrust more into your hand. Truthfully, he's too dizzy to think properly, all he knows right now is how good your hand feels around him and all he can do is whine, whimper and pant right now. You tighten your grip on his dick and he almost chokes at the sensation. 
"Tongue out, pup."
He's really not in a position to disobey you — it's like his body is on autopilot; whatever you tell him to do, he automatically does it. Looking at himself with his tongue out, he can't help but feel embarrassed that he's even doing this. But somehow, it feels so good to him. He’ll deny it if anyone asks but he actually likes being teased and treated this way. And based on the trembling of his legs, you can tell that he's close. 
"Wanna cum, pup?"
Another whine from him. Usually, you're the type to drag it on and ruin him first before you'd ever give him his release — but right now, you got a job to get to so you let him cum anyway despite it only being like a couple minutes. Honestly, you're surprised at how quick and easy you can get him to cum and submit to you. Guess you’re right about him being obedient. "Go ahead, baby boy."
And he finally reaches his climax after a couple of thrusts into your hand. He looks so pretty like this; all ruined and a mess, face red, eyes zoned out, mouth open wide as he lets out a moan so loud that you're the one covering his mouth this time. Some of his cum got on the counter while most drip to the floor. You have to hold him still for a short moment to make sure he doesn't fall. When he’s able to properly stand on his own again, you go to the toilet seat to grab some tissue paper.
By the time you turn back at him, he's already got his head buried in his arms again. You move to start cleaning him up but as your hand touches his dick again, he flinches and quickly spins himself around to face you. With his face beet red and eyes refusing to meet yours, he quickly takes the tissues from your hand and whispers, "I-it's okay, I can clean myself up. You- you can go now."
You look at him in confusion and say, "Are you sure?" 
He nods and reassures you, "Y-yeah." He then turns arounds, his back now facing you and he shyly starts cleaning himself, his skirt now covering his dick, hiding it and his perky ass from your view. 
It takes you a while to realise that he's just embarrassed. You lightly chuckle at his antics. Leaning close to his ear, which he surprisingly lets you do since he doesn’t move away when he feels you near him, you then whisper to him, "You're cute." 
"Shut it," he hisses at you. Mustering the leftover confidence he has, he turns to look at you in the eye and whispers to you sternly, "This is a one time thing only. Don't you even think about telling your friends about this — and I still don't like you." 
Rolling your eyes, you reassure him, "Yeah, yeah, I got it." 
"Good." He turns away from you and continues, "We'll pretend we don't even know each other." 
"Fine by me," you say to him. It's a bit of a bummer though; he's extremely sexy and he just gave you one of the best orgasms you ever had. His fingers somehow feel like they're meant to touch you and you vice versa. You're not sure if you'd be willing to let this be a one time thing. 
"I'll get going?" You ask him, wanting some reassurance that he'll be alright without you.
"Please," he says as he carefully squats down, trying to clean all remnants of your activities together. As you stare at him on his hands and knees, you can't help but think about how easy it would be to hike his skirt up again, how easy it would be to pin him to the ground and ruin him again and again and how easy he would submit himself to you. 
And that's when you've made up your mind. 
As you take a look at your appearance in the mirror, you make yourself look presentable again and then exit the washroom, leaving Jake alone with his thoughts. One thing’s for sure: this is not the last time you'll both do this and you're gonna make sure of that.
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sexydoffyman · 7 months
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John Price
genre: smut
A/N: I'm starting to question why are there people still waiting for this, considering my unannounced 1-week breaks.
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Your country was at war. Everyone was panicking, trying to get the hell out of there as soon as possible. Companies were crashing, and people started losing their jobs. People were desperate for even a little bit of money.
You knew you couldn't turn a blind eye to the situation when the war broke out. Everyone thought it would be a one-week thing. No one knew how wrong they were. Fortunately, you found a job right after the announcement.
Sure, this job was described as "unethical" or "dirty", but it got the job done. You had a place to live and food to eat. You understood that the job was risky. And sometimes, some dudes really went far beyond your comfort zone. Well... sometimes is an understatement. It got to the point where dudes not breaking the ground rules was a rarity.
Even tho these things happened, sometimes you knew that during an attack, you'd be most likely spared or even protected. No one would want to lose a sex worker in such a situation.
Your customers were mostly military men and cops. Sometimes, you'd even find yourself a drug dealer. Good news has been spread about the British army joining the war and allying with your country. That also meant that the foreigners would be more inclined to pay more.
One day, you met this particular military man. He was always walking around the building as they had received some intel on the enemy soldiers. You met him in a hallway. You wanted to buy a candy bar. You were exhausted after your last customer.
But just as you walked up to the automat you realised you had no money on you. You sat on the floor in front of the automat and groaned in frustration.
Suddenly, you heard some beeps and thuds inside of the automat. You looked up and saw a man staring down at you with a soft smile. He was handing you a candy bar. You recognised him by the hat he always wore. You took it, still kind of disoriented, as he nodded and walked away.
You stood up quickly and yelled out a "Thank you!" He only waved at you as he kept walking down the hall. You kept bumping into him more and more. You always smiled at him, and he smiled back at you. It was a nice, friendly interaction.
As time went on, the stress took a huge toll on him. He was tired, and he wasn't able to focus. And with all of the weight on his shoulders he decided that he would think rationally and slept with someone.
But finding anyone who would be dtf in this horrible time would be hard. So he decided the second best thing he could come up with.
You heard a knock on your door. You got up, taking all of your strength to smile as you opened the door. You really weren't expecting him to show up. He didn't say a word he just handed you a stack of money. It was like three times more than you usually got.
You smiled at him, this time the smile being more genuine. You invited him in and closed the door behind you. He put the money on a small table that was in the room. You went to ask him if he wanted anything specific, but he already picked you up.
He knew what he wanted and felt a little embarrassed that he had to take such measures. He gently put you on the bed and put your legs on his hips. He closed his eyes and kissed you softly. You kissed him back and waited for what was about to come. You knew he was a military man. And from your experience, it was the military men that usually took advantage of you.
You could already feel the bulge in his pants. He pulled your pants off while still kissing you. He then took his own. He didn't waste a second and slipped into you. You were surprised by the stretch. He was huge, and he was aware of it. He didn't want to hurt such a sweet thing.
He pushed in gently and started to move his hips. You usually hated the sex, but this time it was different. He was sensual. It felt almost loving. You whined a bit. He felt the stress wash off him as he listened to your sounds.
He didn't have to be rough to make you go crazy. He caressed your cheeks and peppered you with kisses. He felt himself get close. He got a little more talkative. "You feel so good, sweetheart." "Just like that, darling." The nicknames he gave you made you shiver. You felt the knot in your stomach snap.
Your back arched as you made a sweet sound. The thought of making you cum made Price feel things he couldn't describe. He pulled out and finished into his hand. You laid on your back as he put you down gently. He took a tissue and cleaned his hand with it.
He didn't understand how much of a sweetheart he was to you. He just thought about the time he saw you so exhausted. He put a few extra dollars on the table and left.
You walked up to the table and chuckled, knowing he'd be there for a couple more months and that he couldn't resist you.
You just had to teach him that he's not obliged to pay that much. (He still pays you huge amounts of money.)
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i-thirsty-boi · 11 months
Platonic Yandere Jake and Neytiri X Fem Human Child Reader
~A/N: A bit late for the trio of things I planned to post, but here it is! The only bit of plot I will put up here is that the reader is Tommy's daughter, so Jake's niece. And not many physical traits described besides you being small.
CW: yandere behavior (platonic), mild description of character death, mild description of violence, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior
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-You had been only 4 years old when your dad died. And because of that, you had been put into the care of your uncle Jake. 
-You loved your uncle, but he was sad about your dad passing too, so he hadn’t been fun in a while. But you understood, you were sad about your Daddy being gone too. Your new activity with your uncle was sitting on his lap in his chair. 
-Pretty soon, it was time to go to the other planet, and uncle Jake was going too. You had already been approved to go with your Dad, and it was planned for you to get an ‘implant’ in your nose and mouth to be able to breathe right because they didn’t want to make an oxygen mask small enough for you. 
-You went onto the ship, running around and talking to all the people you would be living with. Grace was your favorite of the scientists, she was so nice and patient with you. 
-But at the end of the day, you were back with your uncle, in his lap. You cuddled into him as you sunk into a nap. 
-And Jake had been having a realization. The realization that you were the last thing he had of his family. You had already been precious to him, but now he couldn’t afford to lose you, he’s sure it would kill him. 
-He hugged you to himself tightly as he rested his chin on top of your head. He also had a quiet conversation with Grace about you. He didn’t want to disturb you. 
-Around the time dinner was ready, you began to stir, and Jake kissed the top of your head before wheeling over to the dining area. This would be the last actual meal before everyone went into cryosleep. 
-You peacefully ate your food while still in your uncle’s lap. Then went into the cryopod right next to his, ready to wake up in a new place. 
-You woke up to your uncle looking down at you. It seemed like you were the last one to wake up. And your face was sore. 
-You complained to him about it, groaning while burying your face in his chest. 
-Jake just rubbed your back while cooing at you. He said he could get you some painkillers for the soreness. But that it was from the implants being put in, and that it was why you were the last one to wake up. 
-You just nodded while clinging onto him, smooshing your face to his chest. Not paying attention to the movement of his wheelchair under you. 
-Jake had wheeled you into the dining area and made you a simple sandwich, along with getting some painkillers for you to take with the meal. He locked himself into place at a table and turned you to face the food more. He was happy that he could get you to eat and take the medicine, hopefully you’ll feel better soon. 
-As he was hanging out with the scientists, you had started to perk up. He still held you close, eventually asking if you felt better, getting a positive answer too. He just smiled and kissed your head. 
-It had been a few weeks of settling in and setting all of the equipment up before they were ready to get everyone in their avatar. In that time, Jake had successfully talked someone into making a baby sling to put you in while he was outside. 
He had successfully gotten into his avatar, tested it out, and gotten to change into regular clothes before going back to you so they could go outside. He saw you in an adorable, and tiny, version of the outfit he was wearing, just with shorts. He picked you up and cradled you close, finally able to walk around with you. This felt like a blessing. 
He went to join the rest of the group, grabbing the sling on his way. He went up to Grace to help him strap you to himself. She tied the sling around him before slipping you into it on his back, facing forward. You squirmed for a bit before settling down, still pouting. Jake just chuckled before telling you that this planet was dangerous and you would be safer like this. You still pouted, but said ‘okay’. He patted your head before moving on. 
He was walking through the forest with everyone when he got distracted by something. You turned your head in the same direction as your uncle, squinting into the forest around you. He looked over to the rest of the group, who didn’t look like they would be moving for a while, before walking towards the sound you both heard. He had been walking for a little bit before coming into a small clearing. He turned in a circle before huffing and turning back towards where he came from, patting your head in the meantime. 
Though he stopped dead in his tracks as he heard growling coming from behind him. It was a massive creature with six legs and terrifying teeth. As soon as it made the slightest move towards him, he took off running. Luckily you weren’t bouncing too much since the sling was surprisingly secure. He continued sprinting until he came across a cliff with what looked like water at the bottom. He had to make a choice, and it was very easy to make as he heard the thing getting closer to you guys, fast. 
He jumped off of the cliff. 
-As he was falling he pulled you out of the wrap, pulling you to his chest before you two hit the water. He plugged your nose for you right before you both went under. 
-He swam, what he thought, was up as soon as he stopped descending in the water. He took a deep breath as soon as you two resurfaced, flopping onto his back while still holding you. 
-As soon as he regained his bearings, he asked you if you were okay. You just said ‘yeah’ before dropping your head back onto him. He laid his hand on your back while he continued taking deep breaths. 
-Pretty soon he had recovered enough to stand up, taking you with him. This time, he just held you in his arms as he moved through the forest, putting his jacket around you to hopefully keep you from getting too cold. 
-He found another clearing to sit down in for a while. Leaning back against a log to let you rest upright, and hopefully sleep for a little bit. 
-Sadly, he was mistaken as another animal came into the clearing and started growling at you guys.  He just sighed, because of course this happens to you two. 
-He didn’t get the chance to think much of it before a native jumped out from the forest with a bow and killed the animal. Saying what looked like a prayer over the body. 
-He jumped up to follow her as she walked back into the forest. He kept trying to talk to her, but she kept ignoring him. He eventually got her to turn around, but she just started lecturing him. He covered your ears as she started insulting him. 
-That drew her attention to you, and she hissed at you. He bared his teeth at her and held you closer. He said that she shouldn’t do that to a child. 
-Her ears went back before she looked up and stopped talking. 
He looked at where she was looking and saw many floating white things coming towards you two. He took a step back before one landed on his shoulder, then yours. You didn’t react, he saw you had fallen asleep while he was following the woman. They continued to land on the two of you until all of his torso was covered, along with your whole body. As soon as they were all situated, they flew away. He looked back at them as they all disappeared into the forest. 
He looked back at the woman in front of him, who was looking at the two of you in awe. He just raised a brow at her before she grabbed his free arm and dragged him with her. He just asked where they were going as he started voluntarily following her again. He didn’t get to get an answer before something went around his ankles and he fell off of the log they were moving along. 
-He wrapped himself around you as he fell, taking the impact for you. He looked up as multiple male navi came towards him on Pandoran horses. 
-He didn’t get a chance to speak before the woman dropped down in front of him and started speaking in navi to the apparent leader of the group. She gestured to them multiple times, he could only assume she was defending them. 
-He felt you grip his shirt, so he used his free hand to rub your back. 
-They had apparently come to some sort of agreement because she came back over to them and said they would all go to the clan together. 
-He followed the group for a while before coming to an absolutely massive tree, going through an archway among the roots of the tree. 
-He went until he stopped in the middle of all the people, at the front of the clan apparently. Then a man with more intricate accessories than the rest came in front of him. He briefly looked down at you to check if you were still asleep. You were. 
-He kissed the top of your head before the man started speaking at him. Then to the woman who saved you two. 
-He asked what he was saying, and she said that her father was deciding whether to kill them or not. He just furrowed his brows and held you closer to him. The man noticed and huffed at him before another navi showed up. 
-She had come down from the tree in front of him, making the whole crowd go silent. She walked around him, poking and prodding here and there, before pricking him and tasting the blood. She said that eywa had given her a sign that he and his niece were to be given a chance to learn. 
-He thanked her and hugged you close before resting his chin on the top of your head. 
The woman came back over to him and told him he would have to change into the clothes of the people. He was taken to a tent and given just a loincloth and some bracelets. He handed you over to her, telling her to take care of you, before going into the tent and changing as quickly as he possibly could. It had taken him a minute to figure out how to put on the loincloth, but he was out of the tent very quickly, taking you back into his arms as soon as he was close enough. The woman huffed and crossed her arms before leading him over to a log to sit down. She got up briefly to get some food for the two of you, which he took from her while gently shaking you awake. You blinked before looking up at him then around you. You just huffed before shifting yourself to sit sideways on his legs. 
Jake just chuckled before opening the leaf and unveiling the food he was given by the woman. You leaned over it, sniffing, then reached for some of it. You hesitantly ate the bit you pinched off, and looked pained while chewing it. But you quickly went back for more of it, so Jake assumed it tasted good. He ate a bit of it, having the same series of reactions as you, but ultimately deciding it tasted really good, just different. The two of you quickly finish off the food given to you, Jake using the leaf to wipe off your face then licking his own fingers clean, you doing the same after seeing him do it. 
The whole time Neytiri had been watching them with narrowed eyes. She kind of understood why eywa had recognised these sky people. They were very weird to her, but also sweet. They had been focused on each other the whole time, and she was very happy when she had gotten to hold you. She was on the log right next to them, but not involved somehow. 
-She scooted closer to you two, then asked what your names were. She was formally introduced to you two, and gave you two her name in return. You smiled up at her and told her she had a pretty name. 
-You got a beaming smile in return. 
-Neytiri started a conversation with you two while she was finishing her food. She was having a surprisingly good time talking to them. And she was excited for the training she would give them too. 
-Pretty soon it was time to go to sleep, though you were already a step ahead of everyone else, having conked out before Neytiri even finished eating. 
-Neytiri guided you guys up to some of the empty hammocks, and watched Jake carefully lower himself into one with you laying on his chest. She huffed before laying in the one right beside his, ready for the next day’s lessons. 
-Jake woke up in the link pod, already missing you but excited to share your experience with the others. 
-He enthusiastically shared what happened with Grace and the others, getting positive feedback from it. Though he was sad that he would truly have to wait until the morning to see you again. 
-He ate dinner, did his video log, then went to sleep. He will have an eventful day tomorrow, he’s sure. 
-He woke up in his avatar to you poking his cheek. He playfully bit your fingers to hear you squeal. He grabbed a hold of you and carefully got back out of the hammock. Seeing Neytiri doing the same. 
-He got guided back to the logs to eat breakfast with Neytiri and another man from the night before. He got introduced to him, his name was Tsu’tey. 
-He got an extra big leaf again, and shared the meal with you. You were still groggy as well, even if you technically woke up before him. He still had a conversation with the two over your head as the two of you ate. 
-Neytiri said that she should take you to change into more appropriate clothes as well before the training starts. Jake was very reluctant to let go of you, but ended up handing you over to Neytiri and watching her walk off with you in her arms. 
Tsu’tey had given him a weird look and asked him why he was so protective of you. Jake sighed and told him that you were his twin brother’s daughter, and that you were put in his care after Tommy died. Tsu’tey gave a surprisingly understanding look before saying that you seemed very happy with Jake. And Jake just smiled before looking back in the direction you were taken in to see if you were coming back yet. 
-When he saw you in the navi clothing, he was a little bit unsure of you having that much skin exposed in case you fell. But knew it would’ve happened as soon as your other clothes had gotten dirty at the latest. 
-Neytiri looked pretty pleased with herself. She had chosen a good combo for you, completed with accessories as well. 
-She huffed again as you squirmed to get down when you were close to your uncle. But she set you down anyway. 
Once you were free, you ran to your uncle as fast as your little legs could take you. You didn’t even get to collide with him before he was picking you up and kissing all over your cheeks. You giggled at him before he set you back in his lap. He told you that you looked very cute in your new clothes, which earned him a very pleased smile from you. The two others that were watching just had small smiles at the sweet moment between you two. 
Jake eventually asked where his stuff was taken. They told him the tsahik had it with her, and he requested to go get it before the training. They took him to the tsahik’s hut, and he went to his stuff just to get the baby wrap before going back over to the two navi. 
-They looked at him weird as he was tying it around himself, but quickly understood its purpose as he slid you into it on his back. 
-You were facing the same way as him, and were resting your chin on his shoulder. He turned to look at you, before blowing a raspberry on your cheek which had you giggling up a storm. 
-Neytiri was silently cooing at you, while Tsu’tey huffed at the display. 
-It didn’t take long for him to rejoin the small group and set off for his first lessons. Which were apparently with the pandora horses, then some navi language lessons. 
-Upon being faced with the direhorse, he realized it may be a bad idea to keep you strapped to him for this activity. 
-So, he pulled you out of the wrap and untied it. He was considering telling you to sit against a tree before Neytiri came up and took you into her arms, taking the wrap as well. 
-She looked at the wrap before tying it to herself how she had seen Jake do it. When she was done she put you into it, on her front facing her. She looked down at you before going off to the side of the direhorse and giving him some instruction. 
-She and you then moved to the side to watch Jake make attempts to get onto the direhorse, which took him multiple minutes. Once he eventually got on it, he then attempted to connect his braid with it, which also took longer than expected. Neytiri gave him some more instructions once more, which made the direhorse race off and eventually throw him off of it. 
-You squirmed towards where he fell, but Neytiri just used a hand to rub your back and told you he would be fine, and that this was typical for people that are learning. You just sighed before resting your head on her chest. 
-She kept her hand on your back as Jake kept at it until he got the hang of it, which only took about 2 hours. 
You were getting restless from being trapped in the wrap all morning. You ran from your uncle trying to hug you because, according to you, he was ‘stinky and yucky’. He eventually caught you and hugged you, making you squeal and slap at him. Neytiri eventually suggested taking you to a small lake to bathe before having some lunch before the language lessons. So, Jake carried you while following Neytiri to the lake to bathe you and himself. 
It didn’t take long to make it there, and you were immediately wiggling to be put down. As soon as your feet touched the ground, you took off running and jumped into the water. And you were immediately giggling and swimming around once you came back to the surface. The two adults were smiling at you before taking off their extra accessories before jumping into the water themselves. They both chased after you in the water, Neytiri getting to you first and lightly tossing you into the air before putting you back into the water. You were all smiles as the two of them took turns playing with you while getting clean. They took longer than usual bathing, but couldn’t be bothered to care because of the fun you were having. 
-After you were all clean, you all went back to the heart of the clan to have a light lunch before the language lessons. 
-You all got some fruits and leftover meat from breakfast before sitting on a log to eat. You ate and talked, getting attention from both of the adults with you. You faintly wondered if this was what it felt like to have a mom and a dad. It felt nice. You leaned on Neytiri as Jake handed you another small piece of fruit. 
-You happily ate all of the food they gave you, but eventually hopped off of the log and whined at them to get going for the lessons. 
-Both of them just chuckled before getting up and walking to a clearing while each held one of your hands. You also took the opportunity to swing between them because of how tall and strong they were. 
-You had been having so much fun on this planet, even if there were some scary parts so far. 
-You were, surprisingly, not bored during the lesson and picked up the language pretty quickly. Jake put more effort into it because of how into it you were. 
-Though maybe he also wanted to impress Neytiri. He thought she was beautiful. A wonderful woman. 
-He wanted to impress her, but even that came behind taking care of you. 
-It had been two months of more lessons, and Jake doing more video logs to document the findings he was making on the navi. But he was more concerned with the changes he was seeing while he was navi. 
-He had been getting a lot more affection than normal from you, and saw Neytiri letting her walls down around him. He was making breakthroughs with both of you and he couldn’t be happier. 
-You had been actively dividing your attention between your uncle and Neytiri, because you were honestly starting to see them as your mom and dad, because they had been taking these roles for the entire time you had been with the clan. 
-And you felt like they thought the same with how much they’ve been doting on you. And you’ve been soaking it up the whole time. 
-Also during the times where you had been napping throughout the day, Jake and Neytiri had gotten a lot closer too. They had even bonded just by caring for you together. They looked at each other in a different light. 
And it was one night of them bringing you back to the hammocks to sleep that changed everything for them. Neytiri had been the one carrying you back after they had been working on the language lessons then playing around with you until it was time to go to sleep. As you made it to the point where she had to hand you off to Jake so he could hold you in his hammock, and as she was moving you, you said “Night night Mama.” Neytiri was so shocked and overjoyed that she started crying while holding you closer to her. Jake had heard what you said and smiled before getting closer and rubbing your back. You were still very sleepy, but reached for him while calling him ‘Papa’. He also started crying and couldn’t stop himself from hugging both of you at once. 
You were smiling in your sleep while soaking up the attention from them once again. 
-Jake woke up in the link pod already smiling and on the verge of tears. He was just so happy. 
-Grace came up to him, very concerned for him. She frantically asked what was wrong. 
-Jake just continued to shed tears before saying, “She did it. She called me her dad!” He started sobbing while hugging Grace tightly. 
-She laughed before hugging him back, putting him back in his wheelchair right after. She brought him over to the other scientists and said they needed to celebrate the new father amongst them. Everyone cheered before having a big dinner together to celebrate. 
-Jake had been completely forgetting about the RDA while with the navi, because they made him happier than their acceptance ever did. He acknowledged that they had given him a mission, but chose to not necessarily comply with it. 
-He then realized that since he had the trust of the people, he could warn them of the impending attack from the RDA. He felt it was the right thing to do. 
-He brought it up with Neytiri first, while you were napping in her lap after lunch. He told her that, in his human body, he had heard of the planned attack the night before. She looked at him with wide eyes before hugging you closer to her. 
-She asked what they should do. And Jake sighed before saying that her father needed to know so that the warriors could stop them before they destroyed the hometree. 
-Neytiri just firmly nodded before saying that they should go tell him now, so that they had enough time to plan their own attack. 
-Jake said he also needed to let his closest friends at the labs know what’s happening, so that they could make sure he could stay in that body during the attack. Neytiri teared up while nodding again. 
-They both quickly made their way back to the village to talk to Eytukan. Neytiri told Jake that they should leave you with Mo’at while discussing these matters, and he very reluctantly agreed. 
Once you were dropped off with the assurances that you would be well taken care of, they made their way to the olo’eyktan. On the way, they came across Tsu’tey and began dragging him with them. He protested but Neytiri just hissed at him while continuing to drag him by the arm. Once they made it to him, Neytiri demanded that everyone besides the four of them leave. Her father was confused, but didn’t protest when seeing the serious look on his daughter’s face. 
It didn’t take long for the hut to empty out. And Neytiri just immediately said what was wrong. Tsu’tey and Eytukan were floored by the news, but immediately started asking questions. Jake stepped in and told them everything he knew from his time as a human recently. They all listened intently, before coming up with a plan to be ready to fight before the humans were. They knew they would show up in a week, and they would be ready. 
-The omatikaya had been preparing all week. Along with the closest people to Jake in the labs. 
-Jake had been going back and forth with Neytiri, and even Tsu’tey, to make a temporary shack for the avatars and link pods with the clan. They had even moved as many things there as they could without the RDA soldiers noticing. 
-They had even gotten Grace to reunite with the clan because of it, making her and all of the children happy. 
-The night before the attack was supposed to happen, they had moved everything else over to the shack that they hadn’t already. 
-And in the cover of the night, the clan set off on all of their available creatures and launched a great attack on the human buildings. Trudy dropped bombs on the buildings to open them up for the people’s arrows. 
-Many of the soldiers woke up and started to fight back, but didn’t last long enough against the forces against them. 
-They fought hard for the entire night before they stopped seeing movement in all of the buildings. But it wasn’t the end of it. There was an explosive flying back at them, making the warriors take a retreat for the progress made. They whooped as they went back to the clan, confident they could beat any of the remaining humans to the ground should they become a problem for them. 
-Jake and Neytiri had gotten even closer as they kept taking care of you together in the roles of your mom and dad. And you were enjoying it just as much as them. 
-They had left you with Grace for the night while Neytiri took Jake to the spirit tree. She asked him some pointed questions before admitting their feelings for one another. 
-Things happened and they had officially bonded and mated before eywa. Committing to each other, and acknowledging their commitment to you. They were your parents, and now they were officially together. 
-Though in the morning, there was a small fight between Jake and Tsu’tey, which Neytiri intervened in before the matter was settled. And Neytiri accepted that she was giving up her chance to be tsahik to be with Jake. 
And you yourself didn’t know what was happening, but still went to hug your parents after the fighting stopped. Which they both reciprocated with enthusiasm, before explaining the reason the fight started. That Neytiri was supposed to be with Tsu’tey for responsibilities, but chose to be with Jake instead. You accepted that easily before excitedly asking them if they were really together now. You got enthusiastic cheek kisses while they confirmed. You giggled while hugging them tighter, excited to officially have parents. 
And the both of them pulled you closer and soaked in the moment. Happy to continue as an official family. 
-It had been another month and the clan hadn’t heard anything from the remaining humans yet, but knew they should expect something at some point. 
-Jake was out hunting with the other men of the clan and Neytiri was taking you for a walk in the forest to spend time with you while gathering fruit for the communal dinner that would happen. 
-She had a large basket that was half full at that point and you were bouncing along beside her while looking at the fruits in the trees around you two. 
-She had lifted you up to grab one of the fruits when she heard rustling from beside the two of you. She immediately froze and silently moved to set you down while pulling out the knife she had on her. You had noticed what she was doing and shrunk in on yourself while backing toward one of the trees beside you. 
-Neytiri had been scanning the forest around you two before spotting one of the smaller predators creeping up behind you. She waited with baited breath as it got closer before lunging and striking it with her knife just before it could touch you. 
-You shrieked as it went down right behind you. Tears came to your eyes as Neytiri said a prayer over its body before coming back over to check on you. 
-She was kneeled in front of you, turning you back and forth to check you over when she noticed a small cut, made by a claw no doubt, on the back of your arm. She immediately gasped before clutching you close to her, grabbing the half full basket of fruit, and running back to the village to bring you to her mother. 
-Almost everyone’s heads turned when she frantically ran through the village and to the tsahik’s hut. As soon as her mother was in sight she called out to her while setting down the basket before sitting down in front of her mother with you in her lap. 
-Mo’at was already at attention before her daughter sat down. She didn’t see any obvious problem with you other than some teary eyes, but knelt down in front of you two anyway. Neytiri looked panicked while showing her mother the cut on your arm while telling her what had happened. 
-Mo’at just sighed and shook her head at her daughter before saying you were probably more scared than anything and it would heal quickly. 
-Neytiri sighed while hugging you close as her mother cleaned your arm before putting a healing paste on it before wrapping a leaf around it. Then told her she could take it off of your arm the next day, as the cut should be scabbed by then. 
-Neytiri thanked her mother before taking you and the basket back to the rest of the people, the men that went on the hunt coming back just in time. 
-She had sat down in a circle of other women that had gathered to cut up the fruit they gathered. She spotted Jake amongst the men, and as soon as he saw the leaf on your arm he started running over. 
-He knelt down next to you and looked you over while asking what happened. And you told him the whole story, happy to tell him that your mommy saved you. He sighed before pulling you into his arms and kissing your head. 
-You looked between the both of them confused, but settled into their arms anyway. 
-And throughout the rest of the night, both of them hovered over you and coddled you. 
-It had been another month of the same coddling and smothering, and you loved your parents but wished you could go play with the other kids in the village. You didn’t understand why they wouldn’t let you join in on the games they played. 
-They were both really protective of you. And even more so when one of the warriors flew over the human buildings and noticed some serious movement in them, which got reported to the olo’eyktan right away. 
-They knew they would have to fight again, and they were ready. They just worried about how it would affect you. They couldn’t let anything happen to them or you. 
-They won the battle, but losses happened anyway. Unfortunately, Trudy didn’t make it. Everyone attended the funeral. 
-You understood what that meant, having dealt with this with your father too. 
-After the battle though, everyone in the labs had to do some major thinking on what would happen to their avatars since they didn’t have any backup batteries for the linkpods anymore. 
-They decided they would go to the tsahik for advice. 
-They made the journey to the spirit tree, and received their answer. They would have to walk through the eye of eywa, and return their soul to the avatar body. It seemed like a tough task. 
-They notified the clan, and received nothing but support. So, they picked a night to do the transfers. 
-They laid everyone on the ground at the roots of the tree, and the ritual started. The entire clan connected to the tree as well, and Mo’at began the chants needed. It was very nerve wracking, but it surprisingly worked for everyone. Jake, Grace, Norm, and Max could now live on Pandora amongst the people without worrying about oxygen masks. 
-You ran up and hugged all of them once they stood up, getting squished into the hug by your mom and dad. 
-And afterwards the entire clan had a big celebration for its new members. Everyone was happy to be together, and with their enemy seemingly gone. 
-Though you had drifted off to sleep in your new grandmother’s arms before the night was even over. Mo’at figured she would be babysitting for the night so her daughter and Jake could spend the night together as a celebration of his new body. 
-Though she guessed wrong as her daughter and Jake came up to her to grab you and make their way over to the new hammock they got with you. Mo’at just shook her head before going back over to her husband. 
-Meanwhile, Jake and Neytiri had acquired their own bigger hammock like the smaller families in the clan have. And they brought you into it with them to sleep together as a family for the first night with Jake in his avatar body full time. 
To be continued…  
Taglist: @eywas-heir , @doggyteam2028 , @zeeader , @onlyreadz , @ratchetprime211
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maleyanderecafe · 10 months
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Mushroom Oasis (Visual Novel)
Created by: DeersphereStudios
Genre: Romance/Horror
Mushroom Oasis is very cute, and I love Mychael's design a love (I'm a huge sucker for good monster design). @deerspherestudios always seems to make pretty nice games with cute characters and it was really nice to be able to hang out with Mychael! The artwork in it is also very pretty and cozy, much like Mychael himself.
The story starts out with the MC losing their cat, and has become worried about their disappearance. After being unable to look for them, they desperately look into the forest near their house. After wandering for a very long time, they end up stepping in a fairy circle, where they pass out due to the spores after finding their cat's collar.
Waking up in a cabin, they are tended by someone with messy hair. The two of them talk for a while, with the guy revealing himself to be named Mychael. The MC finds Mychael's appearance to be a little bit odd given the horns, his green skin and his pointed ears. The MC tries to ask Mychael where their cat is, showing them a picture of her, but Mycheal doesn't seem to know. Mychael seems touched that the MC is willing to go out of their way to find their cat, and is happy to make conversation with him. While the MC tries to go home, Mycheal seems to convince them using his spores that they should stay. Mycheal brings the MC to the kitchen and offers them food.
If the MC refuses and leaves, Mycheal will reluctantly let them, but as they walk, they end up falling to the forest's influence, passing out. The end is Mycheal walking sadly to see the body of the MC taken by the mushrooms in the ground next to their cat.
If they agree, Mycheal will cook them something and the MC eats it eagerly. The two talk about why Mycheal lives in the woods until the MC accidentally drops their mug on the floor... which Mycheal catches with his tail, later revealing his four eyes. This can lead the MC to either freak out or stay calm.
If the MC decides to calm down, Mycheal will become bashful hiding behind his plate, telling the MC that he'd be willing to hide his eyes if they'd prefer. The MC drinks the tea, and reassures Mycheal about his appearance. Mycheal insists on having the MC stay for the night.
If the MC freaks out, they will try to escape. Mycheal tries to get them to calm down. They can either attempt to take the sewing needles as a defense or leave them.
Leaving them will cause Mycheal to grab the MC forcefully and use his spores to brainwash them into calming down. He cries a bit, sad that he won't be able to love the "real" MC but is willing to play along with the sedated and brainwashed version of them. The MC is then brainwashed into believing that they've been with Mycheal all of their life as Mycheal plays along with this state.
Taking the needles will cause Mycheal to release spores to get the MC to calm down, however, if the MC does attack him, the needles are stabbed into his heart causing him to fall down bleeding. As Mycheal dies on the floor, he talks about how happy he was that the MC was there with him before dying. The MC feels regret.
I gotta say that this artwork is way, WAY too pretty, from the backgrounds to the characters, it's just really cozy and it's great. I love Mychael's design since I love looking at unique monster designs and it's pretty cool seeing a mushroom based monster character. His four eyes are just so expressive, and he has cute expressions. The creator really has to pull on the heartstrings on the ending where he dies though, don't they.
As a yandere, Mychael is pretty interesting because he is pretty much doing the right thing in forcing the MC to stay with him. As we see in the bad endings, if the MC does end up leaving Mychael's cabin, then they end up being taken by the forest much like their cat, so subduing the MC using his spores is probably the best he can do to make sure that they don't leave, even if it's likely out of selfishness as well since he is pretty lonely. The spores do raise up the question of how powerful his mind control is, as we see that sometimes the MC can break out of it, while in others, such as the ending where the MC is braindead, they can pretty much completely erase their memory. It might come down to how much is released in the air or even what kinds are released. It's possible it might come from his eyes as well, since they turn into a sort of pink hypnotic state. Mind control in yandere stories is an interesting topic to get into since it goes into the idea of if the yandere is okay with an MC that doesn't really have a free will anymore and the amount of angst if they do ever snap out of it. Mychael is a curious creature since I'm not sure we know where he came from or if he's the only one of his kind. My theory is that he's some sort of mutation with the forest (since he's able to sort of tell when the forest "takes" someone and is unaffected by it or at least knows how to avoid it) and possibly was chased out by humans at some point as well (thus his complex about his appearance) so he's forced into isolation. Or I'm completely wrong since there can be a lot of reasons why he isolates himself so much. Also, his blushing sprite? Adorable, I love it.
Overall, a pretty cute demo. I like how it's introduced with the MC running after their cat which I feel is pretty different from how other VNs I've played initially introduce their MC. I'm curious to see how Mycheal will develop as a yandere as the story goes on.
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angelfoxx · 1 year
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┊ ➶ 。˚ ° “COULD I…HELP YOU?”
… in which the genshin hybrids maybe, possibly let you help with their heats/ruts
FEATURING: gorou, tighnari, & yae miko.
WARNINGS: afab reader; do you consider eating yae out at the shrine sacrilege because if so then uh. um. scratches my neck awkwardly
NOTE/S: hey! i’m new and i eat requests UP. if u enjoy my work, pls leave a request and i’ll see if i can do it!
✧ He tries not to mention it to you. Key word; tries. More often than not he’s dealt with his…biological problems…during combat, and when you are leading an entire rebellion, getting off probably isn’t your top concern. Is it annoying? Yes. Does it make him irritable and short-tempered and want to commit violent crimes against the nation? Also yes. He goes absolutely apeshit insane during the worst of his cycle and chances are if you happen to be on the front lines with him you’ll see him lose his goddamn mind because while he may be a very high-ranking general he is also a bitch to the biological system and, archons, the frustration he has to otherwise ignore gets fueled into his job. he commits war crimes against the state
✧ That is, of course, until you. You are now a new factor in his life and considering that you’re not only fighting beside him but also more often than not sleeping over in his tent, bringing him food after he returns to camp, or doing who-knows-what-else, you’re bound to find out one way or another. His leading fear is that you’ll have a rather rude awakening to his issue after arriving at his tent a little too late and finding him trying to sleep, trying, because he doesn’t get much of that anymore between war and also hormones, but he’s afraid you’ll be a little too late and instead of him sleeping you’ll find him halfway curled over himself with his tortured dick slick in his hands and fierce red bleeding over his face as he tries to sate the carnal urge seething in his loins.
✧ He eventually tells you, sort of; he brings you in well before his cycle starts and tells you, as calmly as he can manage, that you should stay away from his tent because the coming week is going to be hard for him. You misunderstand, initially, and immediately start reassuring him that if the resistance is running low on supplies or rations or defenses you’ll go out no problem to provide assistance. This then leads to him having to explain that no, this isn’t anything to do with the resistance, it’s a…it’s a biological problem, and it makes me…frustrated, it frustrates me, and I don’t think I could live with myself if you got caught in the crossfire. He’s really trying not to stumble over his words — this is incredibly embarrassing, incredibly, like, tail-trying-to-tuck embarrassing — but he’s doing his best, and what more could you ask?
✧ You’re not stupid. Biological problems making him frustrated to the point of not being able to see you? He’s dancing around the whole core of the thing and so you half-laugh and look at him and his slumping ears and semi-tucked tail and rose-tinted cheeks and ask him, point blank, if he’s trying to explain rut. He seems almost scandalized by you putting it so simply, but with a whiny groan and guiltily-closing eyes he nods and affirms your suspicions. Now he’s trying to excuse himself; it’s not a big deal, I’ll be fine, I just…it would be best for you to stay away, stay away while I’m dealing with it, but you’re not having it. Obviously, he’s used to dealing with his primal side on his own, but now he has you; perhaps your clear-thinking, never-having-dealt-with-a-rut conscience is what makes you wait for him to finish rushing through his panicked monologue before you step forward, take his hand in yours, and ask if it would be a better idea for him to just…get it out of his system. You know, for the efforts of the resistance and all. It can’t be good to have General Top Dog Gorou not completely focused on the fight, right? So maybe he should just…you know, let you spend the night this coming week and just let his biological problem run its course. You know, for the resistance.
At this point, you aren’t sure whether the damp spot under your cheek is from spit or tears. You can’t exactly check either; it’s like your muscles aren’t listening to you anymore. They’re so rigid it hurts, so stiff you can’t move unless you want to lose what little composure you have left. You’re hot, so hot; despite being clothed in what are now torn-up, ragged shreds of fabric, you feel stifled, overheated; it’s not coming from your surroundings, but rather, your gut, from somewhere deep in your gut, the same place that’s making every muscle go stiff and your legs practically vibrate and your eyes roll back and oh, please, the same place that Gorou keeps hitting, blunt tip spearing up against and hammering into overdrive.
The thought swirls hazily in your head for half a second before you feel hard, slick length pull out of you, bump heavily against the back of your thigh before you hear a shuffle and then a hot tongue is prodding at your sobbing hole, carving searing lines through the thick glaze of spit, pre, and arousal coating the hot space between your legs and flooding over to the insides of your thighs. It’s been like this for so long, so long — you’ve lost track of time. You force a rolled-back eye to come forward; you gaze blearily at the ceiling of the tent, try to find the glow of the moon but it’s no use, not when everything is blurred together with tears and the world feels like it’s spinning and—
Gorou whines between your legs, laps up the arousal your cunt is all but drooling out by this point. His face is glued to you; a broken, absent consideration for whatever little things he’s got in here crosses through your mind as you hear the telltale whisk of fur on tent.
You’re leaning your hips back, ready this time when he mounts back up behind you. Both hands grope around your hips, claw at the seams of your thighs and finally find purchase quite literally on the hill of your pelvis. His chest lays up on your back; he’s burning up, skin on fire as his canines latch onto your ear and his breath threatens to burn your cheek. He doesn’t speak; he can’t, you don’t think, vocabulary reduced to a handful of pants, moans, and breathy half-words, slurred “m’gon, m’gonna, hol’n” as his stiff cockhead prods through your slit and nudges back into the sopping warmth of your cunt. Something clatters to the floor; if the rhythmic, quickening thump of his tail furiously hitting the floor in tandem with his pistoning hips, he’s close, again. How many times had he already? Four? Five, maybe? He’s still going at it as hard as he had in the start; the only indicator that his stamina is lessening is how sloppy he’s getting with his motions. He’s constantly groping around for a hold on your slick skin despite having found one immediately when this all first started; his breathing has steadily grown more labored, and you can feel saliva soaking down your neck as his teeth find purchase beside your nape and he bites down, some last effort to anchor himself as his hips twitch and a fresh rope of heat spills out against that spot deep in your gut.
✧ Much unlike the aforementioned general, his methods of dealing with his rut are…indulgent. He knows better than anyone what the rut is and why it does what it does and how to best work with it. The other researches know this; they know that sometimes, for no apparent reason at all, he writes up a whole patrol schedule for the next several days and sends himself out on the further ones; he’ll disappear for days at a time, often excusing himself with reasoning along the lines of studying the forest over a period of days to ensure that the Withering isn’t rearing its head, or that he wants to record the state of certain formerly-affected plants over a longer section of time. Both are rather normal reasons to be excused for so long; plus, Collei’s got home base under control, and his absences aren’t necessarily unusual. So, it works.
✧ If you pry enough — but wait, Tighnari, we might need you, we’ve got this thing we’re doing…how long will you be gone for? — he’ll explain it to you, and he’ll do so rather eloquently which is wild considering that he’s really just talking about how he gets ridiculously, unbearably horny for a week or so at a time and fucks his hands several dozen times over. He explains it scientifically, simply, and comfortably; he’s casual about what he’s talking about and maybe that’s why you have to do a double take and, as he’s walking out to check on Collei and make sure she’s got things covered, you sort of sputter and turn around and ask if he’s going into rut. He just pauses, looks over his shoulder, and blinks — you feel kind of stupid when he just looks at you and dubiously goes “yes?” Somehow, despite him being the one who’s literally distancing himself so he can masturbate in peace, you feel awkward and exposed. In any case, he just walks away, very casually, to check in on Collei, leaving you to realize that oh, oh, that’s…oh.
✧ When you stop him the night before he leaves — he’s packing a satchel of whatever he needs, you’d guess — you’re the one who’s shifting on your feet and hot in the face as you ask if he needs any help. He just blinks at you, asks what you mean, and flicks an ear when you open your mouth to answer and stammer out something about helping to carry something to his temporary campsite. He says he appreciates the offer but he’s got it managed just fine; plus, he adds, you don’t want to be around someone under (what he calls) animalistic instinct. You don’t quite know how to say that uh, well, haha, funny you say that, because I kind of do, and so you just say you’re worried about him going off on his own. He laughs — he finds that quite endearing — and tells you he’ll be fine. He tells you to go get some sleep; if it’ll make you feel better, he’ll bring you some spoils from the jungle when he gets back, so you can look forward to his return for reasons other than the obvious.
✧ Which, of course, doesn’t work. He disappears the next morning, as expected, but thanks to literally scouting the whole fucking jungle a good bit of adventurer’s expertise you stumble across his camp. Camp, consisting of a hollowed-out tree stump and the starts of a nest constructed from underbrush and reeds. It doesn’t take long to find the fox himself; upon seeing you he’s quick to jump into scolding, to which you literally have to cut him off and say that no, no, you know why he’s here and you’ll leave but also you meant it if he wanted help, like you really meant it, and…
Hands balled into fists, crushing willowy reed-stems in your grasp; to say you’re being drilled into is an understatement. The world had smelled initially like the jungle — damp soil, wild flowers, sweet wood — but now it smells hot, rough, almost wild.
And it’s all because of him.
Breath coming in short, thick half-pant, half-grunts, Tighnari’s chasing refuge from the need exploding through his system; it’s evident in the tendons defined down his neck, the blueish veins starting to stick up under his skin, the sheen of sweat painting his skin a glossy golden-cream. His face tips back; quivering under him, you watch as he groans into the hot, enclosed air of his carved-out camp, watch as he swallows, hard, as if to calm himself down.
Fat chance of that, you manage to think, lifting your head just a little to try a glance at your hips. Your prostrate hips, flat against the jungle floor, legs split apart to leave room for the sharp-eyed hybrid overhead to thrust up into you.
“Is this what you wanted?” His voice is surprisingly steady, considering how hard his hips are rutting and how aggressive the slap of skin on skin has gotten. His voice is aimed down at you; he’s looking down, now, watching your expression change with sardonic eyes. Both tall ears sit almost-flat against his head; he finds you funny, right now, funny even though you’re the one he’s been so desperately fucking into. “Helping me move my stuff, huh?”
You open your mouth to answer and can’t. He knows damn well what you’d meant; he knew it then, too, when he said he’d be just fine on his own. A test to see how far you’d go, perhaps, and one that you’d succeeded. Going on a wild hunt through a jungle to go find him is certainly something, he thinks — and what kind of thanks would it be if he didn’t let you give this whole bitch thing a whirl?
Your breathing breaks as his pace grows quicker; he never falters, not even when you grab on around the small of his back snd dig your nails into the smooth planes of his back. “Gonna,” you gasp, almost voiceless; “gonna, gonna, ‘Nari, gonna…”
Black fur curls against your ankle and trails up your thigh. He finds it funny, how quick you are to break under him; but oh, silly you. Silly, silly you. One round…that won’t do. But you know that, don’t you? That’s why you came out here; to ruin yourself, or to let him ruin you. Isn’t it?
✧ If you think anyone is gonna know shit when this woman deals with a heat cycle then you’re wrong. Wrong. Yes, it is very frustrating and yes, she’s well aware of that feeling being there and yes, archons, she’s very poignantly aware that you, her little admirer — she’s poignantly aware that whenever you’re around she finds that feeling getting a little stronger and a little harder to ignore because maybe, maybe she’s a little…a little interested in you, and maybe those comments that sound flirty but you’ve always just chalked up to her being her mean a little more than she lets on, but…no, no. She won’t tell you that. It would be embarrassing and also weird; even Ei doesn’t know about it, and Ei knows most things. She knows her rosy-haired, sly-eyed familiar has taken a liking to you, and she’s mentioned it in brief teasing every now and again — in Ei’s mind, she should really just tell you because human life is short and eternity is damn long — but what she doesn’t know is that hr same rosy-haired, sly-eyed familiar finds somewhere, anywhere — hell, half the time it’s at the shrine where she won’t be bothered — and fucks herself with her hand and pretends it’s you, pretends, and she feels more than slightly foul afterward because she’s doing it at a sacred shrine but archons, screw it, she needs to take care of this or she’ll provoke Ei into another bad decision with her attitude.
✧ Speaking of which; it’s after another casual wander through Inazuma with Ei that you head up to visit her foxy familiar. Much unlike the many times you’ve seen her here before, she’s not in front of that sacred tree; no, she’s staring off into the fenced-off pond, and she looks very far away, like her head’s not all here. Upon calling for her, she seems to come back; she finds your eyes, offers you a charming little smile, and shuffles over as if to make room for you despite her current spot already being separated from the main crowd. Internally, she’s cursing herself for how her heart beats a little harder against her ribs and how the warmth between her legs starts to spread up into her gut, twists around her rationale and puts her world in a haze. Being in the depths of a heat cycle, specifically around you, has her almost scattered; she hears all of your questions well after you ask them and she answers even more delayed than that and so maybe that’s why you’re suddenly so close, trying to get closer to her face with your expression wrought and eyes worried as you ask if she’s feeling alright.
✧ She should push you away. She should, really, because you’re so warm, and you smell so nice and sweet and you look so pretty and untouched and — no, no, she should push you away, but she can’t. She’ll hide it under some smooth, late remark — I’m feeling fine; is this just an excuse to get closer to me? — but the little voice in her head is screaming at her to grab you by the nape and drag you off to a quiet, hidden corner and wreck you because you’re hers, hers, her sweet thing, hers…
✧ You don’t look alright. Have you been sleeping enough? Oh, ever-so-innocent, ever-so-sweet you, concerned suddenly that maybe the thin mountain air has gotten her sick as you press your palm to her forehead to see and — you’re burning up, you’re actually burning up, we need…do you have medicine? I’m not sure if familiars carry medicine, but we can head down to the village…no, no, I’ll head down, you stay here and I’ll bring something back for you, or…
✧ She finally manages a no. No, she doesn’t need medicine; trying to manage to keep her voice from dropping, she gives you the simple explanation of this happens sometimes and medicine won’t do anything about it, and you’re kind of confused because does she mean her period? do fox familiars get periods? when fox familiars get periods do they suddenly burn up like they’ve got a bad fever? but then you realize fox and oh, oh, you think you get it now. It must be evident on your face; oh, you say, face going hot, oh, sorry, I…do you need anything? I can leave you alone — sorry, I didn’t know, this is probably a bad time… but she’s just looking at you, now, and you don’t quite know what to do before you feel hot fingers wrap around your wrist and nails poke your skin. She’s trying to keep up the act; are you asking to help? she manages, suave tone just slightly shaky, and you’re sort of left sitting there dealing with the moral question of whether or not fucking the Electro Archon’s familiar is something you’ll get tit-sword’d for but ultimately, looking at slightly-heaving Miko with her eyes almost glowing and her skin starting to burn yours and oh, is that a blush you’re seeing? you decide that maybe getting tit-sword’d is worth it.
For being such a smooth talker, Yae Miko is awfully messy when it comes to sex. At least, this kind of sex. The sex where she’s dragged you rather hurriedly and rather unceremoniously behind one of the buildings atop the shrine, practically shoved you up against the wooden wall and swallowed any complaints or remarks you may have had about the manner between her lips. Dominant, yes — but messy. Messy, in the way her mouth can’t seem to stay on yours and instead slips off, wets the corners of your mouth and down under your jaw when you try and fail to gasp for breath. Messy, in the way that her hands are immediately moving; one raking down your spine, the other digging into your nape, and then both to your sides, and then one up under your blouse to tear apart the buttons and get a handful of your chest. Messy, in the way that despite her heat being at its worst, especially being neglected for so long, she insists on marking you; you don’t know if the Shogun’s eyes see the shrine but oh, oh, you hope they don’t, because you’re pinned to a wall with her familiar licking and biting and sucking on the soft spots under your jaw so hard that you’re heaving and debating on whether or not it’s okay to wrap your arms behind her head and draw her deeper into you because it feels like fire, it feels like fire on your throat…
“On your knees,” she purrs shakily, breath hot on your neck. “On your knees, get on your knees…you said you’d help me, didn’t you? Be good…listen to me, listen…”
And so, you do. And, really, you shouldn’t be surprised but oh, the way she watches you drop weakly to your knees, land softly in the grass with the wooden wall burning up your back — it’s too much, it’s too much, and your eyes have gone drunken before she can even start to move her clothes, move the pretty white silk out of the way and she’s lowering herself, too, but she really doesn’t have to. She doesn’t have to, because you’re drunk on desire and maybe that’s what gives you the confidence to touch her, wrap a shaky hand around her thigh and stretch up, duck under her dress guys im so sorry it might be a kimono but i actually do not know and i dont want to use the wrong terminology and sound dumb please help and…oh, she smells so sweet, so warm and sweet and—
She swears she sees stars. The long, pitched-tailed moan she lets out is evidence of it; nails scrape along your nape as you tongue at the heat burning fiercely between her thighs, taste thick, sugared arousal on your tongue and groan as you lap for more. She gives you no instructions, no limits, and so you just go all in; you wrap an arm around her waist to steady yourself as you let go of her thigh, reach up with your now-free hand and spread slick, soaked folds apart to get on the source. Her breathing is labored; you can feel her pulse stuttering when the tip of your tongue finds her pulsing cunt, pushes in only to get tightened on. Something warm and soft brushes the hand behind her back; you’ve seen the ghost of her tail a few times but it sure as fuck feels real now, beating against her thigh as you latch onto the sweet well between her thighs and practically drink the effect of her heat as it dribbles down your chin. Heaven, you’re in heaven, and oh, archons, so is she; the wooden wall behind you groans as she shifts, assumably to rest her weight against it as her thighs steady against your head and close you off to the outside world.
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prettieinpink · 6 months
Hi lanny! Could you provide a guide on how to get into working out? 💗💖
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hi lele 💝☀️ hope this guide helps you w your journey!!
The first step to working out is setting goals related to exercise, not physical appearance. Avoid things like fat loss, muscle gain, smaller waist, bigger glutes and so on. 
While you can make this a separate goal, the reason why I don’t want you to associate it with exercise is that we then allow the way our body looks to dictate whether we believe the exercise we’re doing is good enough. 
Exercise and body aesthetics are two different things. Exercise is a means of nourishing our body, soul and mind, while body aesthetics is how ‘good’ our body looks. 
On that topic, I want you to stop focusing on your physical appearance when starting to exercise and I want you to start implementing a new mindset shift about your body. Instead of seeing your body as something to look at, appreciate it for what it can do. 
For example, your hands create meals, hug your loved ones and help you with essential tasks. Your legs help you to get around, especially to your favourite places. Your stomach helps with digesting all the yummy food you eat. 
Some goal ideas:
Lift 15kg+ 
Be able to do a plank for more than 5 minutes
Learn how to do a push-up
Be able to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 
Gain more stamina and exercise for longer 
Moving on, set a time each day in which you prioritise exercise. This can be for however long you want and the times can vary daily. 
So, during this period, you are not allowed to do anything else other than exercise. It doesn’t even have to be a specific exercise either, if you’re feeling lazy and laps walking around the house is what feels best, do it. 
However, avoid obsessing over working out and losing yourself to exercise. This kills motivation, in exercise starts to feel like another obligation in the day and not a privilege. 
Now, you have to choose what exercise is right for you. I don’t believe you’re limited to one exercise, if you want you can have more than 1. 
Gym – Perfect for a mix of strength and cardio, however not the best option if you want to exercise for free.
Yoga – Tones muscles while also being a mindful experience. Low low-impact, but recommend doing it after cardio. 
Cycling – Tones the legs and the glutes, but cycling may not be the best idea depending on where you live. 
running/jogging – Strengthens muscles and bones, however, if you don’t have flat areas, may not be the best idea. 
Pilates – Improves flexibility and tone, while still being low impact (still may be challenging).
Weightlifting – Makes you stronger and boosts your metabolism, best done at the gym. 
There are plenty of ways to exercise that I haven’t mentioned here, but these are just ideas so you can research the ones that suit you best.
I recommend talking to a doctor if you haven’t done exercise in a long time, as that can open up the possibility of injury. 
Then, once we have our goals, times and what we’re doing, we need to exercise. Implementing exercise in your life is best done slowly. 
Start with simple, and smaller versions of workouts, even if you think you can do more. Do this for about a week, then try to extend yourself with something harder. If it is too hard, don’t be afraid to go back a step. 
Make it fun, create a motivating exercise playlist or watch your favourite TV show while doing it. 
However, the main thing about exercising is that every day you are not always going to feel like it, but that is when we have to discipline ourselves, talk to the mirror and say; ‘Me exercising is a privilege, I get to nourish my body because I love and respect it so much’. 
This was the best way I disciplined myself into working out. Treating it like a privilege and something that is very benefical, rather than a painstakingly challenging activity.
Or, instead, you can visualise what you would look and feel like if you continue like this for the next 5 years.
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undead-supernova · 1 month
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Right Here, Right Now
Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11
plot: corroded coffin's eddie munson agrees to an interview for the first time in three years, alongside a new album that is most definitely about you.
Pairings: modernrockstar!Eddie x fem!popstar!Reader (curvy!reader, bisexual!reader)
Warnings: talks of familial death, depressing lyricism, angst
wc: 4.1k
note: I also wrote all of the lyrics in this chapter and made the images above of the album's cover and tracklist. I feel so proud of how much my hard work is paying off. DON'T USE THESE LYRICS ANYWHERE ELSE THANK YEW
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Just one more mile.
You could do it. No, really, you could.
Tour really was coming up in the next six months and you had to build up your stamina now or else you weren’t going to survive. Things really were better now, though. You’d gotten rid of your personal trainer and switched to someone who did not suggest that you stop eating. It seemed like Sophia was a better fit anyways. If anything, she told you to eat more.
So here you were, on your poor attempt at a night run.
And you promised yourself that you wouldn’t think about him and how his album was dropping any day now.
Definitely, definitely not.
It was nearly midnight anyways, a few out from the witching hour but that’s not how it went for you. If anything, you were cursed with the threat of midnight being the worst hour of each day. It was like some switch flicked on and you were a mess of a woman, splayed out in bed and thinking. Furiously scribbling in a notebook as you lost to the thoughts in your head. Curled up in a ball in the shower, the white noise perfect for your never-ending thinking.
And who could forget sitting in your kitchen with a bowl of Kraft mac and cheese. Don’t forget the thinking.
Thinking about Eddie. His voice. The way he was willing to give you more than you deserved without any rhyme or reason. How desperate you felt to reconnect, to apologize profusely and beg for some semblance of forgiveness.
And now you were here, trying to outrun your problems while watching the headlights passing the windowpane.
Tried to stop thinking about how at any moment, Eddie could show up and you’d fall into his arms without any question. You’d tell him it didn’t matter. None of it did. And he’d say he wasn’t mad anymore and that he missed you and then you’d go on living like you once did.
Before you could lose yourself to wishing on headlights, a notification popped up on your phone.
         Spotify exclusive: Listen to Corroded Coffin’s new album now!
Without any warning, you lost your footing on the treadmill and fell backwards. Hit your head on the floor, stunned. Let the pain throb in your head for only a few seconds before you dragged your body upright and clicked on the album.
Your eyes scanned the track list, heart pumping incessantly as a bead of blood rushed down your forehead. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Quickly, you threw yourself into the shower to wash off before grabbing headphones and padding into your walk-in closet. Situated yourself in the back corner, your body fitting snuggly in isolation. 
And as you pressed that green play button, your grief washed over you at every line you called your favorite.
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Welcome Home
         “Dad’s disappearing acts and the award-winning smile 
         saying ‘sure, I’ll be comin’ back’
         Well, I guess we’re both suckers for a little hope every once in a while
         And, mom, is that why you stayed? Waited up praying, decaying all alone
         Just so one day, you’d be able to say, ‘Welcome home’.”
         “How could you ever fight a fever? God dammit, she’s more than a flame
         Got her pinning me down, locked inside her heat wave
         Sweat dripping, flesh gripping, I melt from her gaze
         Just one more round, promise I’ll behave
         Come on, darling, why don’t you set me ablaze?”
The Cost
         “I ruined all the plans that hadn’t been made
         Loving you as the bellbirds erupted in a haunted chorus
         Rosy pink clouds turned into showers of blood and hate
         I’m trying, baby, I’m trying to find a way out for us
         But isn’t that the cost, darling? 
         Isn’t that the price of being with me?”
         “We’re the only ones walking through the neighborhood
         Sweetheart, don’t you think I know how to hide?
         I’d never speak it, but I’d buy every house if I could
         Marry you in secret, raise our kids benevolent and kind.”
Rose Petals (Interlude)
         “Take a boy-turned-man, crucifying himself at your altar
         Convince him your devoted infatuation will never falter
         Paint his skies a vibrant pink then turn him into sheet metal
         Leave him bleeding out, fractured, scattered like rose petals.”
As Good As Dead
         “What’s more cliché than a man saying he’d die without your love
         At least if I had an open vein, I’d feel something better than being numb
         ‘There’s no such thing as fate’ my thoughts screamed so fucking loud
         But there was comfort in blind faith, that ill-fated crowd
         Had a grip on your throat. Shit, maybe it always has
         But now that I’m as good as dead, I can’t help my bitter laugh.”
A Mirage of Lovers
         “There sat Elizabeth and Al,
         on the front porch of their first house
         Blind with momentary affection
         And I swear when I looked at you,
         I thought you were a lasting confection
         But I swear there’s a mirage of lovers
         Blurring in its reflection.”
         “It’s all there in my head, all in disarray
         A cesspool of memories, a desperation for change
         Fought for my life, thought it was so I could see you
         Mother, I know that you’re not here, I’m still trying to heal
         But please tell me now that love has always been real
         Yet I wonder if you ever believed it yourself."
         “Al loved a nice Hotwire
         Pull ‘em apart, let them fray, twist ‘em till they go insane
         And, yeah, I guess everyone I love is the same.”
Fallen Hero (Interlude)
         “Every time I pick up a pen
         It’s destined to dry out
         And I refuse to go outside, refuse to call my friends
         What’s the point when they’ll never understand?
         I’ll leave myself behind just to have a pinch of hope
         But I come back down from daydreams covered in blood
         Just gotta learn to change, learn to change
         Learn to accept being the fallen hero."
         “There’s beauty in the ways of intangibility 
         Like the touch of a woman in blushing gardens far away
         The curve of her hips blooming in shades of futility
         Laughter billowing like smoke lingering in the archway
         And there’s places she will never be able to evade
         A bouquet, a veil, a lover lying await in the shade.”
Out of My Hands
         “If I could hear your knock, brought back by my revery
         Each rap, each tap still committed to my memory
         But that’s up to you, darling, it’s all up to you
         And it’s the end I’m stalling, just for you
         And I love you, baby. I love you
         I hope you know I always will
         Even if it’s out of my hands.”
         “There’s a new family in the trailer, I really wish I could believe it
         'Cause once I thought we'd buckle under the weight of all that labor
         No more scrounging up pennies for another first-aid kit
         And you’re not here, Wayne. No, you’re not here.”
         “Give me back my lighter, any excuse to see you
         Let it flicker, sit by the flame from sunrise ’til noon
         Come running back, consider your exile foregone
         I choose you in the low glow of dusk, love you ‘til dawn.”
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Makeup starting to smudge, an outrageously expensive crop top and skirt still on, you threw off your pumps and let your aching feet lead you to the kitchen. Your black, white, and neon orange plaid outfit reflected vibrantly off the refrigerator light as you decided instead to make crescent rolls. Why the fuck not? 
You were absolutely exhausted. Sleep hadn’t been an option for you in the last twenty-four hours, what with Corroded Coffin’s album keeping you awake and the promo you’d done all day. When you’d finally arrived back to your small California home, you were irritated and in desperate need of some food.
However, as the oven began to preheat, your jumbled thoughts kept piling on top of one another. The fog was too loud for you, having to rush to your living room to grab one of your many notebooks and pens. Sat at the island and just journaled.
It was hard enough knowing that Eddie had written all of that for you. About you. The disappointment, the self-loathing. The guilt of not feeling good enough. Searching through the past mistakes of his parents to make sense of the way you fell apart. As if that was the inevitable ending to any story he was destined to begin.
You felt sick.
And even though you ate every single crescent roll, your words just sunk into the page. You could’ve sworn a third of the notebook itself was smeared in grease and flakes and the intense shame rising in your chest. It was everything you’d hated about the last six months and more, all the goddamn childish emotions and wails of what was fair and what wasn’t. As if this hadn’t been your decision in the first place.
Enough was enough when you finished your plate.
“Okay,” you mumbled to yourself before letting out a sound of frustration. “Distraction. Now.”
Grabbing your laptop, you threw yourself on your couch and logged onto YouTube. Maybe you’d watch a deep dive on an amusement park. Catch up on some commentary. Look up that one video of baby sloths talking that usually had you crying from affection.
But there on the front page was an interview with Corroded Coffin on the new album. There’d already been over a million views despite being posted that morning. Something pooled in your abdomen as you saw the thumbnail, all the members posing together.
And you knew you shouldn’t.
But fuck it, what’s a little more salt to your never-ending wounds?
As you clicked on the video, some interviewer you hadn’t heard of popped up smiling before he spoke.
“Hi, my name is Marcus Sanderson and today I’m interviewing one of the most successful metal bands in recent history, Corroded Coffin. They have been hitting commercial success lately, after their incredible album, Fire Shroud, held electronic influences which have begun to redefine and evolve the genre for the modern age.
"Their most recent album, Elizabeth & Al, has only propelled them forward. I was given the rare opportunity to talk to Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, Grant, and Ronnie about not only their writing and producing process, but their personal lives. 
“First, we’ll open up with a cover of one of the band’s favorite songs of all time, ‘Solitude’ by Black Sabbath.”
It cut to the band and you couldn’t help a frustrated whine leaving your mouth at seeing him again. And, Jesus Christ, Eddie was fit like a daydream, donning a black Guns N’ Roses t-shirt with dark jeans and a long-sleeved plaid shirt tied at the waist. A shiny leather jacket, some custom-made Converse with Corroded Coffin across the bottom. Rings and bracelets galore, an obsidian choker hanging low on his neck. Black eyeliner that had wings along his lower lash line. 
You didn’t think you’d ever felt so fucking weak for him.
He stood without his guitar for once, his full attention on his singing. Jeff, Gareth, Grant, and Ronnie were all decked out too, makeup mirroring Eddie’s. All looking refreshed and well-rested. You noticed there was someone else there in the background playing the flute and as they started the song with a gentle solo, it sounded ethereal.
         “My name, it means nothing. My fortune is less
         My future is shrouded in dark wilderness.”
Eddie avoided the camera, eyes darting around the room. You could see his fingers shaking, white-knuckled around the microphone despite the stability of the stand. 
         “Sunshine is far away, clouds linger on
         Everything I possessed, now they are gone
         They are gone.”
Absentmindedly chewing on your lip, you couldn't help but let it sink in. This wasn't just the band's favorite Black Sabbath song—this was Eddie's. He'd told you how the song ripped him apart. How he'd rather die than to ever relate to it personally.
         “Oh, where can I go to and what can I do?
         Nothing can please me, only thoughts are of you
         You just left when I begged you to stay.”
He leaned back as he began to change the notes of the lyrics, his voice building into a belt. Like it was a wail, like he was the most furious man alive.
         “I’ve not stopped crying since you went away
         You went away…” 
The instrumental sounded, the flute having its own solo. Extending the moment, extending the devastation that was demolishing your soul.
Eddie was crying now, wiping the corners of his eyes in the background. Smearing his eyeliner like he didn't care, nose tinged pink through the makeup. And when he came back to the mic, you could see the pain sitting in his eyes. All glassy, all excruciatingly fragile.
         “The world is a lonely place, you’re on your own
         Guess I will go home, sit down and mourn
         Crying and thinking is all that I do
         Memories I have remind me of you
         Of you.”
The footage blurred, fading before cutting to Eddie sitting alone in a chair with the interviewer opposite him. Like they were in a house, all casual and at ease.
“We’re starting off by talking to the front man, Eddie Munson,” Marcus said to the camera, smiling before turning his attention back to Eddie. “It’s nice to see you, man. You look great.”
Eddie chuckled. “Great to be back.”
Marcus nodded. “That cover of ‘Solitude’ was incredible, by the way.”
You could see some color flood into Eddie’s cheeks. “Ah, thanks. Thank you.”
“Do you feel like you’ve been in a period of solitude?”
“Uh, to be honest, kinda. I know people are, like, freaking out just ‘cause I haven’t been in public.”
“Where’ve you been?”
“Just making sure I’m focused on the work,” He gestured to himself before mimicking a pushing motion “and not on the external stuff, you know?”
“As we all should. Would you tell me a bit about your new album? Personally, I’m curious as to why you specifically named it Elizabeth & Al.”
“Yeah, uh, those are my parents’ names. My mom passed away when I was a kid and my dad…well, he wasn’t the best. But I just couldn’t stop thinking about what happens when two people who love each other just end up falling apart. Like, you just feel like you’re as good as dead, you know? And I wondered if my parents had that sort of crash and burn before she died.
“I don’t talk about it much, but my dad had a lot of issues with addiction and gambling and crime after my mom died. I didn’t grow up with the generic parent bleep. It was more like I was his friend than a son and sometimes I was a business partner. And, I don’t know, I grew up thinking that love could’ve been so simple if he gave just a little bit of effort. But I still thought he and my mom had a simple love.”
“I’m guessing they didn’t.”
Eddie let out a shaky laugh. “Yeah, no. My dad was never really good at maintaining, like, any kind of control. And it’s so weird ‘cause all he ever did was try to have control over things. But it was self-sabotage, I think. He was never in control over his life. It felt so predestined.”
“What about your mom?”
He shrugged. “I’m not really sure. I think she just wanted love. Like, grasping for that shred of love that he provided every once in a while. ‘Cause it’s not like my dad was incapable of love. Just incapable of giving her everything. Maybe I’m projecting now, but you know what I mean.”
“So, is this album from the perspective of your parents?”
“Not exactly,” Eddie said, shaking his head. “They’re kinda just the reflection, you know? Like what I say on ‘A Mirage of Lovers’. Our parents end up being a kind of mirror we hold up to ourselves. And I think it’s up to us to decide if we’ll continue that cycle or not—especially in the face of heartbreak and loss. ‘Cause you can easily sit there and accuse yourself of being like your father or your mother. But ultimately, you’re just you. You’re not your parents.”
“And you wrote all of this within the last six months, correct?”
“Yeah, it was weird. Like, I just couldn’t stop writing. I was in such a dark place and the only thing I did was sit and write. And the band is so bleeping incredible. I showed them what I was thinking, and they were super, super receptive to it. And we got to work and got it done faster than anything else we’ve made.”
Marcus smiled, something genuine and real, shaking his head in disbelief. “That timeline really does shock me, just because it’s so seamless. There’s all these tiny details and every song just flows into one another.”
“Thanks, man. That means a lot. We kinda thought that having all the songs connect was sorta like, um, a stream of consciousness, essentially.” He started gesturing with his hands and you knew he was getting more comfortable. It almost made you smile. “Like, these thoughts all run together in a big loop. Like having one of those corkboards with all the evidence and red strings, you know? All of it just ends up running together and there’s no concrete answer. It just is.
“And, man. Jeff, Gareth, Grant, and Ronnie are just the best. They know me better than almost anyone and they seemed to automatically get what they needed to do. Just, like, boom, boom, boom. One after the other, we just got everything right. No one else helped produce this album and I think it shows just how much we’ve learned and evolved over our careers.” 
You felt something freeze inside you when the interviewer mentioned your name.
Eddie tried his best to seem unaffected, but you knew he was starting to squirm. You could see the top of his knee as it bounced.
“Are you two still together?” Marcus asked. “What’s the story there?”
Eddie’s eyes wandered the room, probably trying to calculate the best way to go. You selfishly wanted him to say nothing about the breakup, to refuse to confirm that it was truly over. 
He cleared his throat before scratching his temple. 
“My relationship with her is private and just between us. It always has. But I guess since I finally have a chance to say whatever I want to say, I want to make it very clear that the way the media has treated her has been just disgusting and unwarranted. She is not some plastic, shiny doll for everyone to point and laugh at."
Eddie then straightened his posture as he looked straight into the camera. "Oh, and let me be clear. If you’re sitting there talking about her bleeping body, then you are a piece of bleeping bleep and I hope you burn in hell.”  
Just like that, Marcus Sanderson moved on, the shot cutting away to a shot of the rest of the band sitting on a couch. But you weren’t listening anymore. Your head was swirling with a concoction of disbelief and epiphanies. Something…clicked.
Because you’d never had a partner mention you on a public scale. Never had a partner willing to scream your love from the top of the world and still retain privacy. Never had someone so willing to defend you despite your faults. Despite your arguments and downfalls.
And you were realizing that you…had done none of that for Eddie.
You’d sat there, in a dreamy haze because Eddie gave you everything he had. But had you really done any of those things back? Had you given him an ounce of what he gave you? 
You thought back to the AMAs, when you walked around your answers. Nearly yelled at him for standing up for you. Dropped his hand when he wanted to tell you how proud he was. Hell, you even broke up with him because of what other people said. He thought you wanted nothing from him, that you weren’t interested anymore. 
You never even said you loved him to his face.
You treated him exactly the way all your past partners treated you.
Eddie Munson had given you his world and you’d given him a fraction.
“I fucked up,” you whispered before you really processed what was happening. “I FUCKED UP!” you screeched, scrambling to stand up and check your phone. 
Immediately dropped it, watching it slide under the couch.
“FUCK!” you screamed again.
Dropping to your knees and enduring the carpet burn, you reached down and felt around for your phone. But you froze as you felt something else, something smaller in size. Pulled it out, recognizing Eddie’s lighter immediately. 
You flicked the lighter on, only encountering sparks the first two times. But when you watched it transform into a flame, something in your chest began to ache. It was the kindling of a once-wet fireplace, the first stroke of fire you’d felt in months. Teardrops fell freely down your chest as you found the will to fight.
Fight for what you knew you could never live without.
Fight for Eddie.
Give me back my lighter, any excuse to see you
Come running back, consider your exile foregone
Without any thought, you stuffed it into your top, found your phone, and popped up to search for some socks. Barely registered the color before yanking them on. You didn’t care how dressed up you were or how oily your face felt. How exhausted your body was or the residue of a crescent roll sticking to the side of your mouth.
You had to get to wherever Eddie was, and you had to get there now. If you didn’t talk to him tonight, you didn’t know if you’d make it to daylight.
But where was he?
The thought made you pause, hands shaking as you thought.
And before the panic could completely consume you, you called the one person who seemed to know everything.
“Woah, hello there.”
“Hey, long time no see. Where you been?”
“Jeff, I’m sorry, but I really need you to tell me if Eddie is in California right now.”
“Uh, yeah, he is.” You tugged your white Keds on, breathing a sigh of relief. “He’s been holed up in his place for the last few days. Why?”
“I just need to talk to him,” you said, nearly out of breath as you started sprinting to the garage. “I need to talk to him.”
“Ever thought about calling?”
Jeff’s laughter rang through the receiver. “You’re crazy, girl. I’ll give you that one.” A huff left your nose as you climbed into your car. “You gonna tell him you’re in love with him?”
“Yeah, yeah I am.”
“Are you mad at me?” you asked, dreading any answer he’d give.
“Not at all. Just don’t leave him hanging this time, okay? He hasn’t been okay in a really long time.”
“Neither have I. I’m hoping to fix this and let it stay fixed.”
“Go get your man.”
As the garage door lifted, you noticed the pouring rain.
Of course it started fucking storming within the last hour and a half you’d been home. Of fucking course.
“Bye, Jeff,” you said quickly.
“Bye, girl!”
As you filed out of your driveway, a black SUV was already pulling out behind you. The protection was part of the job. You knew this. But sometimes, you just wanted to tell Scott that you had shit to do on your own.
But there was no time for this.
You just continued to drive, letting the soft hum of “The Long And Winding Road” by The Beatles lead you right back to the very place you knew you belonged.
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“Scott,” James acknowledged.
It felt like a showdown, Scott stepping in front of you at the gates. As soon as you’d arrived, you’d been prevented from pulling into the driveway. And it was James who’d crossed his arms over his dauntingly ripped chest, staring you down like you’d committed a crime.
You couldn’t blame him.
“What’s the situation?”
You tried not to roll your eyes. “I need to talk to Eddie.”
“It’s two in the morning. Kid finally fell asleep for once.”
“Let her in, James,” Scott said. “They’re people. Just let them figure it out on their own without us.”
“I really want to fix this,” you explained, earning a lifted eyebrow from James. “He’s everything to me and I know I screwed up. I know that. But I want to at least try to mend this. I’m a fucking idiot. Just…please.” Your eyes began to water. “Please let me try.”
James gave you a hard stare for what felt like ten minutes. Like he was assessing the risk. 
But then he opened the gate, stepping to the side. 
“Thank you,” you breathed, rushing past him to the door.
You knocked quite rapidly, your heartbeat matching the pace. Heard it pulse in your ears. Teetered on each foot as the adrenaline continued to catapult you further into madness. Waiting and waiting and waiting until— 
There he was, barely visible in the glow of the front porch light, eyes squinting. Messy curls frizzing, wearing a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. No accessories, no socks on his feet.
It seemed like he finally registered it was you when he straightened his posture. Eddie gazed down at your body and back up again, eyes widening with every passing second. 
“Hey,” you finally whispered.
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bless @strangergraphics for always having the sickest dividers.
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unimo · 1 month
Random Lawrence Headcanons 🌱
He can read or watch something very obscure and graphic and not lose his appetite.
Doesn’t really even have an appetite most of the time (due to being a lil dead) and gets stoned in order to eat.
His family used to go on vacations and he’d purposely stay home so he could watch over the house. (aka enjoy some alone time and be himself)
At the end of long stressful days he probably hides underneath his blankets and silently sobs into his pillow. (gets high after to block out the pain)
Was probably nice and sociable when he was a kid, talking about his interests but got made fun of and ignored because of it. Over time he learned the hard truths of the world and shut himself out and stopped. (may or may not have been lectured by his parents for it too)
He would’ve probably enjoyed ceramics class in school, enjoying the feeling and smell of the clay between his fingers as he shapes and mends the material to form.
He was probably also pretty smart for his age when he was younger, took a liking to dinosaurs and biology type concepts. Just one of those kids that would sit in the back of the room to read or skip recess to go to the library. (gifted kid burn out)
When he goes into the woods sometimes he just cries unexpectedly, all of his bottled up emotions just start to spill out. Life gets to be too much sometimes, he has a lot of regret and frustration towards himself because of his actions. He’s comforted by the trees and flora around him when he’s done.
He has a lot of resentment for his parents, and they have resentment towards him for not trying to conform. They probably would’ve wanted him to interact with his family during reunions, but he would avoid them like the plague. He decided to stay in his room with the door locked and headphones on, not coming out till they were gone and felt comfortable enough to.
Would keep a little terrarium in his room when he was younger living with his parents, probably where his little plant obsession started.
Makes homemade hygiene and cosmetic products from his plants and stuff, outsources when he feels up for it.
He probably thrifts for his clothes sometimes or buys cheap to save money.
Has a scent kink, usually for the hair or other body smells from someone he likes can turn him on.
His moods affects the way he views intimacy sometimes. He’ll give himself a hard time after being affectionate, mad at himself for “giving in” and feeling vulnerable to someone. If he’s in a different mood, he’s frustrated that he doesn’t give MORE affection and can’t express his emotions right. He flip flops between trusting and able, to avoiding and feeling vulnerable. There’s an ironic war in his mind he fights with constantly.
Has gotten bad trips while high on different substances because of the guilt he has from killing, it haunts him and he’s aware that what he’s done was wrong. When he’s tripping by himself those pangs of guilt come back tenfold and taunt his hallucinations. He’s still addicted to the drugs so it’s hard to stop using them even after those experiences.
The type who doesn’t know he actively likes something or someone until something happens to it/them and it’s too late.
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dating elijah mikaelson
elijah mikaelson x human!fem!reader | request
tags: fluff, mentions of sex but nothing explicit
word count: ~1.4k
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⊱ him introducing you to his family one-by-one, because he knows they’re a handful
rebekah immediately loves you but makes you swear you won’t break his heart. promises her family will be loyal if you are to them
kol is kol when he meets you - a bit flirty and picking on his brother. it’s not long before he treats you like a sister, though
it’s harder to gain klaus’ trust, but once he knows you’re not a spy to take down his family, he learns to love you. admits he’s glad his brother found someone that makes him happy
⊱ always being invited to family dinners. soon, you don’t even need an invite; they expect that you’ll be there, and will pout all night if you’re unable to come
⊱ going to every party and event with elijah, wearing dresses he’s bought you and matching them with his ties
⊱ speaking of which, him always buying you things. mostly dresses and expensive jewelry, but also anything else that catches his eye
⊱ and if there’s not event for you to attend to wear one of these dresses, he hosts his own private dances for just the two of you in the mansion’s ballroom
teaches you elaborate dance styles from all different decades, and has music to match any time period
at the end of the night, will take you outside princess-style to look at the stars from the balcony
standing in silence with his arms wrapped around you until you get cold, to which he’d then wrap his jacket around your shoulders or bring you back inside
or, you’ll go on walks through the garden and have long talks about anything and everything
⊱ long walks through gardens in the daytime, too, where he picks you flowers
⊱ always showing subtle displays of affection, whether in public or not. holding hands, kissing your cheek, keeping a hand around your waist
⊱ he’s extremely protective and won’t hesitate to take a life to save yours
⊱ will also put himself in harms’ way for you, but then refuses to let you heal him
“just a little bit, baby, come on,” you hold your wrist out to him
“i can’t risk hurting you”
eventually, you’re able to coax him into drinking just enough to help him stand, but that’s it. he heals you back immediately even if you don’t need it
⊱ finding little messages and love letters everywhere. in your coat pockets, under your pillow, in the place of a bookmark. his writing is poetic and straight from the heart
⊱  but while you love the romantic side, you like to keep him on his toes, too
a little bit of child-like behavior never hurt anyone
you’ve scared him several times by hiding behind doors and popping out as he passes. once, you even got a curse word out of him
you’ve also convinced him to join you in the pool on several occasions, with or without being fully clothed (only at night, of course)
sometimes, you’ll go outside together, away from the city, and explore the woods. you always come back feeling more at peace and definitely more in love
⊱ while on the topic of love, you’re the first to confess it, but he knows he’s loved you long before either of you say the words
you say it while you were cuddling one night. he doesn’t know how to reply, but you tell him it’s okay to say nothing
he wants so badly to tell you the truth about how he feels, but is too afraid that the minute he utters them, something would happen to you
but then he tells rebekah about what had happened and she berates him for it
“you obviously love her, you’ve got to tell her! you can’t live in fear, elijah, you have to go for what you want in this world. if you lose her, it may be too late. besides, our enemies aren’t the only thing that could take her from you. what if she’s worried right now that she made a big mistake in confessing that? what if she runs?”
rebekah makes so many good points, and the fear of what he had done (or rather hadn’t done) begins to eat away at him. but he doesn’t want to rush admitting it, though, so he prepares a night for just the two of you
he cooks a whole dinner and decorates the ballroom. he even buys you a new dress for the occasion, then gives a time to meet him at there
convinces rebekah to take her siblings out of the house for it. gets klaus easily, but kol will not stop teasing him for it. elijah ends up making a deal with davina to get him to go away. he trades an embarrassing baby story for the girl to keep him out of the house for the night, which she gladly accepts
finally, after his siblings are out, he greets you at the door with a kiss on the hand, then the cheek
he works up the courage during dinner conversation, and then at last, during a slow, romantic waltz, utters the words he’s wanted to tell you all this time
he doesn’t stop there, though. he makes sure to tell you everything you make him feel, everything he wants to have with you, how much he really loves you
the night is cut short as you take him upstairs by the hand to take advantage of your time alone
⊱ your first time together happened long before any confessions of love, but each time you did after was so much more special than the time before it
⊱ your first time, he was incredibly gentle, not wanting to hurt you
you are, after all, human
he was terrified of causing any pain, because he knows he’s a hundred times stronger, especially in times he’s chasing his lust for you
eventually he learned you could handle him, though, and let himself give in just a little bit. only because you convinced him you wanted it
⊱ the first time he was rough was when he was pissed off about an irresponsible decision klaus made, and you provided yourself as an anger for his outlet
⊱ he’s always dominant with you, but this was a whole new level, and you loved it ⊱ sometime after that, you admitted how much you loved it, and he started to realize you aren’t as innocent as you look
⊱ slowly started exploring more, but he always made you repeat the safeword before doing anything, just to remind you it’s there
⊱ always puts you first and would much rather pleasure you than have any attention paid to himself
you still make sure to please him, though, even if he’s nearly begging you to just let him do all the work
little does he know, the begging just makes you want to defy him more
⊱ slow and romantic happens about equally as hot and rough does
tries his best to balance the two, but he would rather be slow as much as possible. he wants you to feel how much he loves you at least once a week.
⊱ will let you be dominant sometimes, but only after you’ve had a day where you need to feel in control, or after he’s had a day where he needs to feel taken care of
secretly loves being submissive to you but could never do it on a regular basis
⊱ does not take aftercare lightly, no matter the case
cleans you up with a bath, or hot rag if you refuse to get out of bed
applies creams and lotions to your body as necessary
kisses your skin or massages anywhere that you feel a little pain or discomfort
⊱ you usually convince him to cuddle with you afterwards
it was odd to him at first, but soon learned to love and value it
sometimes you’ll fall asleep together. you both love waking up in each other’s arms and sharing a kiss first thing in the morning
⊱ after a couple months, you spend the night with him almost always. eventually, you move in with him and his siblings, too
him making coffee and breakfast for you all
his siblings making fun of his messy hair on mornings after rougher nights
⊱ dating until he can’t stand it anymore and needs to marry you
⊱ living the rest of your lives together; always and forever
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reputationmunson · 1 year
In This Together | Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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Summary: The beginning of your journey through parenthood with Eddie
Content: pregnancy fic (reader finds out she’s pregnant), mentions of nausea and throwing up, fluff, use of y/n
Word Count: 1.9K
a/n: so this is the first part “series” and if you have any requests/things you would like to read for this please let me know and i will be more than happy to oblige!
For the past week, life has been throwing you punches left and right. 
On your way home from work one night, your car decided that in the middle of a thunderstorm would be the perfect time to break down. Luckily, your mechanic husband came to the rescue. Unluckily, he ordered chinese takeout for dinner to cheer you up, which led to you getting food poisoning. 
You’ve had to call off of work for the past five days due to being ill. Somehow, Eddie must’ve skipped on the side dish of foodborne illness because he never ended up getting sick. 
Eddie has been picking up a few extra shifts this week because you were so stressed about missing work and the effect that would have on your paycheck. Honestly, money hasn’t been much of an issue lately, but he insisted on working so his chance for a promotion would increase. 
You’ve been an emotional wreck without him lately. Every time he leaves you feel like he’s going off to war and you have no idea when he’ll return. He thinks it’s adorable while you think you’re going insane. Sometimes throughout the day you’ll spray his cologne, even though the scent has been making you a bit queasy for some reason. 
You haven’t been able to keep any food down, so you decided to give your mom a call and ask for her special soup recipe. She always made it when a friend or family member was sick and you swear it has healing powers. 
“Hi, mom. it’s me” you say, voice hoarse from all the throwing up. 
“Hi, sweetie. you sound awful, is everything okay?” 
Tears immediately fill your eyes when she asks. Your period must be coming soon because your emotions have been all over the place.
“Not really. I’ve had food poisoning and I can’t keep anything down, so I just wanted the recipe for your soup” 
“Oh, honey. Is Eddie there to make it for you?”
“N-no. he’s working like all the time recently because he’s up for a promotion and I just miss him so much that I think I'm losing my mind and I'm also starving but the thought of eating anything makes me want to puke '' you sob. 
“y/n, are you pregnant?” 
“what? no i’m not preg-” your voice drifts as realization hits you. You missed your period last month, but chalked it up to stress and this month is halfway over and you still haven’t gotten it. 
“y/n? are you there?” 
“y-yeah i’m here. I just, um, I think I need to sit down.” 
“I’m coming over, honey. don’t worry everything will be okay” 
In shock, you hang up the phone without saying another word. Could you really be pregnant? I mean, let’s be honest you and Eddie go at it like rabbits, so it shouldn’t be a surprise, but it is. 
You and Eddie have discussed having kids on many occasions, but you both agreed to wait until the time was right. You wanted to move into a bigger house, nothing too fancy that you’d be paying off for the rest of your lives, but one big enough for your little rascals to run around. All you ever both wanted was a house filled with love and laughter, no matter how big or small. 
After anxiously sitting in silence, your mom walks through the door with handfuls of grocery bags and she looks just about as frazzled as you do. 
“yep. you’re pregnant.” is the first thing she says and you groan. “how do you know? Are you secretly psychic or something?” 
“all mothers are psychic, you’ll find that out very soon. So, I bought all the fixins for my soup, three pregnancy tests, and a gallon of water. Drink up, i’ll start cooking”
You pour yourself a glass of water and chug until there isn’t a drop left in the cup. 
“I can’t believe I’m gonna be a grandma! Between Eddie’s hair and your eyes, this baby is going to be beautiful.” 
“Alright, I’ll go take the tests but please don’t get your hopes up” 
In reality, you had your hopes up too. The thought of having a baby that was a mix of you and Eddie was the most amazing thing you could ever think of. You hoped they’d have his eyes, which if your kid is anything like their dad, they will use those big, brown eyes against you.
Maybe this hypothetical baby will even have a passion for music and Eddie can teach them how to play guitar. You can see it now. Your baby wouldn’t even be a year old before Eddie tried to form a family band. 
“Don’t look at the first test until you take the other two!” your mother shouts as you disappear into the bathroom. 
You take a deep breath to calm yourself after you're done and the anticipation is killing you. This plastic stick is holding the answer to your future and you still had two more to take before you could find out. 
Almost a gallon of water and three pregnancy tests later, the pink sticks lay face down on the bathroom sink counter. 
“Will you look for me? I can’t do it” 
“Let’s do it together, okay? This is a wonderful experience” your mom squeezes your hand and you try to gather yourself. 
On the count of three, you each pick one up and you gasp when you turn it around. 
Two pink lines
Two. Pink. Lines
“It’s positive!” you shriek, anxiety replaced with glee. “Are they all positive?” you scan over all three and they show the same result.
You start to cry again, but this time it’s happy tears. Like the tears you cried when Eddie told you he loved you for the first time, then again when he got down on one knee, and also when he vowed to love you for the rest of his life no matter what, a promise he’s yet to break and you are confident he never will. 
Your mom also begins to cry tears of joy while giving  a hug. She was right, this is a wonderful experience. 
When the thought crossed your mind during the phone call earlier, you were horrified. Now, you realize there’s nothing to be scared of. You’re having a baby with the man you love more than anything. 
“When are you going to tell him? I don’t know how long I can keep this in!” she exclaims 
“I’m telling him tonight I don’t think I can wait longer than that. But, please don’t say anything to anyone until we’re ready” 
“I won’t. Now, tell me how you’re gonna tell him!” 
Once your mom left, you decided to make yourself more presentable and set up a nice dinner for when Eddie got home. He would be home any minute and you were oozing with excitement. 
The table was set, soup was on the stove, and you had put the tests in a gift bag with some tissue paper. 
You had no worries about Eddie reacting badly to this news and not only did that soothe your nerves, it also reaffirmed that being with him was the best decision you ever made. 
You hear his vehicle pull into the driveway and you scurry over to the door, ready to greet him the second he walks in. 
“Eddie!” you squeal, throwing your arms around his neck right when he comes inside. “hey, baby” he arms wrap around your waist and pulls you into him. “How are you feeling?” he pulls back slightly to put his hand on your forehead to check if you have a temperature. 
“So much better now that you’re home” you nuzzle into him and bask in the feeling of his presence. “Sweetheart, you didn’t have to make dinner. you’re sick” he pouts and you can’t resist the urge to kiss him. He tastes like spearmint gum with a hint of the chapstick you force him to wear because his lips are too pretty to be chapped. 
“My mom came over and made it, actually. she says hi, by the way” you lead him over to the couch and sit down. “Her special soup? fuck yeah” he says and you giggle at the enthusiasm. 
“So, I was gonna wait until dinner but I have a present for you” you say, giddily. “A present for lil ol’ me? oh you didn’t have to, darlin’” he says in a fake southern accent. “Stay here, you goof” 
You return to the living room, gift bag in hand and a big smile on your face. Eddie hasn’t seen your smile much since you got “food poisoning” and it’s the best present he can think of. For now, at least. 
“Don’t just stare at me! Open it!” you excitedly demand as you stand in front of him where he’s sat on the couch. 
“you’re just so goddamn pretty. i missed that smile” fuck, you love him so much. If you weren’t so nauseous and in anticipation for him to find out you're pregnant you’d take him to the bedroom and show him just how much you appreciate him. 
“Eddie, I love you, but if you don’t open it right now I’ll make sure to never smile again” you threaten and try not to smile, but you can’t help it. After all these years, you still feel the same way you did on your first date with him. Absolutely lovesick. 
“Jeez, no need for threats, Mrs. Munson” he teases and you playfully roll your eyes. 
He tears through the tissue paper like it’s christmas morning and stops in his tracks once he looks in the bag. 
“Is this?” He pulls out each test and stares intently at each one. “Are you?” He looks up at you with wide eyes and apparently he’s lost the ability to form a sentence. “yeah. we’re having a baby” and here come the waterworks again. Damn hormones. 
His hand rests on your stomach and you cover his hand with your own. “Are you okay with that?” you whisper and he stands up, hand still on your belly. “I’m - fuck- I thought I’d be scared shitless when this day came, but I’m not. Are you okay with this?” 
“I’m a little scared when I think of things like how we’re gonna have to move eventually and ya know, the whole childbirth part that’s probably gonna rip me to shreds, but I’m happy. Really happy” 
“Me too and I think I’m gonna get that promotion to manager, which comes with a huge raise. We’ve been saving up for this since we got married, babe. We’re gonna be fine, okay?”
“I’m gonna get huge” you whine and he chuckles then presses a kiss to your forehead.
“I know. think about how big your tits are gonna get” he jokes. “Eddie! this is supposed to be sentimental!” you chide with a laugh. “But, seriously. Are you still gonna love me when I'm all swollen and grumpy? or when I make you get me ice cream at two in the morning?” 
“First of all, you already make me get you ice cream at two in the morning. Second, you’re carrying our baby. If anything, I'm going to love you even more” he promises and pulls you into a loving hug. 
“Is it okay that I’m somewhat terrified?” you ask, words a little muffled from your face being buried in his chest. 
“I am too, but we’re in this together, yeah?” he assures you.
“yeah. together”
my baby fever has been through the roof lately i can’t wait to write more of these :)))
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lostonmyroad · 2 months
Moments That I Want Tattooed On My Forehead From S-Classes That I Raised Chapters 50-70
As always, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!! Future chapters may be referenced!!!
The insane amount of lore dropped in these chapters wow
Chapters 50-60
help its genuinely still so funny to see yoojin in the early chapters going: “all i have to do is complete this one (1) task and then i can live like a slacker” before he gives up (cries in cale henituse)
everyone referring to yoojin as “monster daddy” and asking him to raise their children is amazing. no notes 
ARRIVAL OF THE KING SUNG HYUNJAE!!! He's a bastard he's amazing he's always on my mind
"...no matter how amazing Sung Hyunjae might be, he wouldn't be able to notice it easily. He wouldn't press his nose against my body and smell me, like my idiot brother had, would he" um. ok??? yoojin's completely normal though process
sung hyunjae essentially telling yoojin “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you want to go apeshit” within 5 minutes of their first real conversation
i forgot shj gives him a pair of earrings!! (and a bone for Peace)
yoojin’s disguise to get to the f rank dungeon being a fucking sun protection hat…it’s giving marvel baseball cap and sunglasses…and he has this because he used to stage one man protests??? sir what were you protesting against
oh that’s right the dungeons will appear at a faster rate because “time was only reversed for yoojin” oops
Chirpie makes its debut!!
yoojin trying to hide where he got chirpie from “i found it in the hallway”. king if yoohyun wasn’t suspicious of you already that would do it
yoohyun yeeting Peace and mama yoojin scolding him
chef myungwoo :))
bleh bug dungeon. i’m with you yoojin that was disgusting
yoojin not wanting to use Last Repayment :((
Riette makes an entrance! do you think riette demonstrated girl power when she abused her brother until he became an s rank
yoojin thinking about how he had raised yoohyun and was so happy about sending him to college…saving money for his tuition…and just losing interest in riette :((
yoojin saves bak hayool!!
this is where we see peak yoojin mafia behavior. unhinged. but justified revenge?? this is why i don’t understand fan interpretations where he’s like a wallflower like this man has murdered multiple people quite violently 
chapter 60 is just so much. like. i cant even describe. yoojin you need so much therapy
the way he sees people’s last memories before they die ugh…
yoojin playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers fr
him calling his friend who doesn’t remember him bc of the regression and telling them to live a happy life always gets me ufffff i wish we got to meet this character
Chapters 60-70
Yoojin and the Awakening center — a tragedy in the making. Pre-regression trauma galore
The Association rears its ugly head!!! Yoojin has an authority figure problem (but it’s completely justified)
love how chill Yoojin is about Chirpie. random F rank monster that’s cute as hell that’s eating Peace's weight in magic stones and was born from an error in the system??? ehh no big deal it’s my pet now and i’ll kill for it
love the absolutely random detail about seok hayan’s pineapple earrings. thank you geunseo you know what the people want
yoojin funding public research!! hero of the people and my heart
yerim refusing to praise yoohyun and myeongwoo to their faces hahahaha. all of them petty as hell
yoojin still trying to protect myungwoo i love them
yoojin: *is keeping secrets from yoohyun and putting himself in danger*
also yoojin: why is yoohyun being cold with me
everyone’s giving yoojin flowers today lmfao
sung hyunjae you’re everything to me. you’re so bizzare. the bouquet??? showing up in a 2-seater car?? bullying seok simyeong??
Shj reminding Yoojin to wear his seatbelt because he's an F rank HDJEKXIDKD
oh yoojin. “who’d want to place themselves through hardships on purpose” like SIR are u that un self aware
yerim listening to this bullshit, eyes falling out of her head: i’m literally going to crazy murder you with yoohyun
the dungeon ppl have the actual worst timing. yoohyun is going to McFreaking lose it
yoojin and yoohyun finally work things out we love to see it :))
chapter 65 starts the explanation of the 50 s ranks requirement!!! water droplet is going through it
so much is just casually dropped in this chapter like. yoohyun is a born s rank! the dungeon ppl are manually inputting things for yoojin! the world might end! anyways!
yoojin having such strong mom energy that the dungeon people forgot he was a dude
one of the moments ever when yoohyun and Peace burn down the dungeon in worry and yoojin’s just there like. ah. shit. my bad i fucked up there a little
grown up Peace my beloved
chapter 67 yoohyun my beloved. you are so crazy. “hold still while i chop off your arm and fake your dear so i can keep you safe” 
the han brothers finally having a real conversation. yoojin i love you but you really needed to do this sooner
Newcomer joins the battle
Chirpie turnin on the TV by itself and yoojin praising it like every proud parent ever
more monsters!!!
unicorns (white + black bc yoojin is terrible at naming) + gryphon (named Blue)
yoojin’s training method of using himself as a human chew toy is traumatizing for everyone around him.
same hyuna i would also be taking 10939392 photos
Peace and Blue WWE match. flex on em Peace
yoojin: wow myeongwoo is hot now
i love the monster shenanigans
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