happilychee · 5 months
songs I associate with fairy tail characters but it gets more and more random pt.2
zeref dragneel -> fairytale by alexander rybak
LISTEN I KNOW THIS ONE IS BASIC. but sometimes basic is best. zeref loves mavis and ultimately it's what kills both of them :,))
sting eucliffe -> livin' la vida loca
yes I'm including sting again bc he's babygirl. he so flirts with guys at the bar and drives them crazy. he stops by an inn during a mission and becomes the life of the party with his sweet charm. ironically, if you flirt back with the blonde and you really mean it, he'll turn to putty in your hands.
erza scarlet -> I am not a woman, I'm a god by halsey
erza is so. so. she's this song because everyone else deifies her. "I am not a martyr, I'm a problem. I am not a legend, I'm a fraud." erza isn't perfect, but she's aware of her reputation and that makes her act a certain way. she doesn't feel as free to express herself, and the amount of praise she gets for her fighting prowess often makes her feel like a soldier.
lucy heartfilia -> akasaka sad by rina sawayama
another lucy one, as a treat. "cuz I'm a sucker, sucker, so I suffer. akasaka sad, just like my father." specifically about lucy's complicated relationship with her parents (mostly her dad). there's so much distance and time between them, but she can never fully recover from the effects her childhood has on her. part of her will always be a sad, crying little girl in the corner of the library, hiding from her father.
alzack connell -> disko boy by shantel
specifically when he's pining after bisca. bisca is outgoing and fun and friendly and she loves to dance. alzack is shyer and prefers quieter, more personal activities like reading or drawing. he's never liked having the spotlight on him, but the way bisca lights up when he asks her to dance makes the embarrassment fade away, replaced by fuzzy warmth.
gray fullbuster -> dodomu by kalush (feat. skofka)
gray is soooooo ukrainian to me. he would shred on the dance floor doing gopak. also dodomu is about never forgetting where home is, and gray never forgets about ur, lyon, or deliora. even though fairy tail is his family and his home, he always remembers and honors where he came from by making traditional dishes and wearing traditional clothing. gray in a vyshyvanka and sharovary??? on the floor rn.
jenny realight -> bijin by chanmina
it just. fits. u can't expect jenny as a model to not have thoughts on how women are treated because of their looks. she will scream the last lines of bijin because it's cathartic.
lisanna strauss -> maggots by ashnikko
I think lisanna has a lot of pent up rage. she's had her life and identity reinvented so many times, she cannot be normal. she usually lets her anger out during missions with juvia and gajeel and lily or during sparring matches with mira (elfman refuses to fight her, understandably.) still, if you piss lisanna off, she will verbally tear you a new one. you didn't know such horrible words existed until lisanna cursed you out with them.
laxus dreyar -> kotik by alexander rybak
yes, another alexander rybak song. this one only makes sense if u put it in the perspective of laxus searching for an exceed. then it's hilarious.
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I'm not sure about that, Portal has proven to sweep very well (see GLaDOS winning the first showdown), but then again Magolor has proven to be quite a good sweeper himself. The final should prove very interesting if it is Wheatley and Magolor.
Anyways, take this message as you will!
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verfound · 9 months
WIP Wednesday: 09.13.23
So uh...about that Six Sentence Sunday...anyone actually remember that Selkie AU from like three years ago? 😂
For the past year, ever since the accident, Kagami had gone down to the beach below the cliffs every day.  Some days she stayed there longer than others, walking along the pebble-strewn beach with her bare feet in the lapping waves.  Sometimes she took Gabriel with her, especially if it was one of the days the seals had come up to the rocks.  She would spend hours down there on those days, Gabriel giggling from her lap as the seals played on the rocks.
Adrien hadn’t liked it at first.  He still didn’t know how he felt about it.  The sea had already tried to claim her once, and he worried sometimes that her draw to the beach was just the sea trying to claim her again.
He had only once tried to keep her from the beach.  She had grown hysterical, pounding on the manor doors as tears streamed down her face and guttural cries tried to leave her throat.  It was the closest to speech she had come since the accident, those ragged barks, and they had terrified him.  When he had finally been able to pry her from the door and Nathalie had been able to open it, she had thrown him aside and sprinted as fast as she could towards the beach.
He had found her later, asleep on the rocks with an older seal curled around her.  Stormy gray eyes had watched him as he’d approached.  He’d never been one to ascribe human attributes to beasts, but he would have sworn that seal had glared at him with nothing but loathing.  He had chased it off and carried Kagami back to the manor, and she hadn’t woken until late the next day.
Kagami liked the seals.  She liked the beach.  She liked the sea.
He didn’t remember her ever being particularly fond of those things before.
When he had asked the physician’s opinion, he hadn’t had any good answers for him.  It was part of the trauma, probably.  But shouldn’t being shipwrecked make her want to stay away from the sea?  Not always.  And the seals?  Maybe a seal saved her.  She doesn’t remember that night, Lord Agreste.
It had been months since the Matriarch had come to the beach, but when she burst from the waves in a spray of salt to land heavily on the rocks she immediately had their attention.  The beach had been a cacophony of agitated barks, Rose arriving shortly before to discover the human missing - her mate arriving not long after that, barking at Rose to come back, don’t run off like that, have you learned nothing???
The barking stopped with Anarka’s arrival, an eerie silence falling over the pebbles and sands as all heads turned towards her.
Her deep barks echoed over the rocks, her stormy eyes watching them all sternly.
What be the meaning of this? she demanded, turning her large gray head towards her daughters.  Rose, ye cannae -
She was here! Rose barked, slapping her flippers against the rocks.  She was here, and they let her go!  They’ve lost her again!
Lost who? Anarka asked, her eyes narrowing.  A younger seal approached, hesitant.
It had been months.
None of them had thought…
A…a human, he said, shifting anxiously under that imposing stare.  From the house above.  She…she has been coming to our beach for some time now.  It is why no one shifts here anymore.
Anarka’s eyes flashed in the low light.
A human?
No humans ever came here.
She was no human! Rose spat, the bark mangled with her snarls.  She was…!  It was…!
And she collapsed against her mate, sobbing, unable to think the words when the bitter hope was still so damnably fragile.
The others quickly relayed the tale, as Juleka had rocked her mate to sleep.  About the strange human girl that had started coming to their beach.  About the human child she often brought with her, and the blond male - her mate, they believed - who watched from the path and always swept her away if she came too close.  How they had avoided shifting whenever she was present, unsure and untrusting of her reaction to their kind.
How Rose had tackled her without a thought to any of this, shifting right on top of the poor girl, only to have her faint on her.  How Rose had ordered them to keep watch over her, but how her mate had ultimately come to retrieve her before they could return.
Why did Rose accost this poor girl? Anarka demanded.  Her keen eyes did not miss the nervous looks the others had shared.
She…we are not certain, Mother, the cow nearest her answered hesitantly.  But we suspect…
It was clear what they suspected, when the poor thing came barreling towards them late the next day.
They had all heard the commotion from the house, even down by the water.  The banging.  The ragged barks echoing from high above.  An attempt at their language, it seemed, one torn from a throat that had seemed to forget its tongue.  A sense of unease had settled over the bob, low yips and mutterings rising over the sound of shuffling flippers.
“Kagami!” a desperate voice echoed high above.  “Kagami, please!  Come back!”
They heard her before they saw her, the gravel and sand from the path skittering down the hill ahead of frantic feet.  The shouts dying out behind her - “Don’t tell me to let her go - I can’t…!” - as more of those horrible, ragged barks drew closer.
Until she stumbled onto the beach.
Until she saw the Matriarch there, tall and imposing and strong on the rocks.
…until her expression had crumpled, her mouth moving wordlessly as she tried to choke out a word - a name - with sounds that wouldn’t come.
Anarka would know that name anywhere, though.
Ma, the lips moved, even if there was no voice to speak it.
The sealkin had parted like a wave as she stumbled towards her on legs shakier than a newly-shifted pup’s, but she had barely crossed the beach when they were giving out on her and she was crumbling towards the pebbled sand.  Anarka moved then, letting out an anxious bark as she shifted and ran towards her, her coat falling forgotten on the rocks behind.
They had all seen the human girl from the house over the years.  Watched from a distance as she grew, as she came to stay with the son of the cruel man with the white hair and hard eyes.
And perhaps, from a distance, the human had looked the same, if a bit thinner.  Her hair had always been just as short, if a bit neater.  She had never come close enough to tell the color of her eyes, though even from a distance they had always looked darker.
The lady of the house had never come to the beach before.
They had only ever seen her from a distance.
It was easy to make mistakes, from a distance.
But this one…this one, they should have known.  Even out of her skin.  Especially out of her skin.
“Ye worthless lot…” Anarka hissed as she held the girl closer, rocked over her as a keening cry, a garbled sound, tried to leave her throat.  “When were ye planning on telling us?  How long would ye have us suffer?”
They should have recognized one of their own.
They should have recognized Marinette.
The girl was hysterical, unable to form words as she whimpered and clung to Anarka’s bare shoulders, rough nails scratching as they slipped along the sea-wet skin.  It wasn’t long before she had cried herself to sleep, and Anarka carried her back to the rocks.
…she…she has a mate, one of the younger cows said, looking anxiously towards the house above.
“O course she does,” Anarka bit, wrapping her skin around Marinette to keep her warm as she shivered in her arms.  “Mad with grief, he is, and ye lot let her stay…”
No, Mother, a human mate, the cow said, coming closer.  The blond man.  From the house.  He…he comes for her.  Takes her back.  Takes her home.  She…she is…are you certain?
Marinette’s eyes had always been brighter, her hair longer.  Smooth.  Silky.  Not the dull, hacked-to-bits mess currently trying to grow out on her head.  But the last any of them had seen, she’d been sinking to the depths, tangled in the wreckage of a human ship.  Who could know what else her poor girl had been through?  What cruel things those blasted humans had done in a attempt to keep her hostage?
…but sure enough, the blond came shortly after.  Anarka slipped back into her skin and watched as he approached, startled to find his…his…his what?  What could he possibly think their Marinette was to him?
She belonged to another.
She belonged to them.
She was sealkin, one of their own, and he was nothing but a rotten human, a filthy thief taking hostage of something that had never belonged to him.
He had set his jaw in a hard line, and not a moment later he was rushing towards the rocks like a madman, shouting and waving his arms as he told her to go, get, leave Kagami alone!
That was not the name of the girl he scooped up from the rocks, the girl he bent to press his lips to her cool forehead as she slept on.  The girl who leaned into him, whimpering as tears streaked down grimy cheeks and a small, too-human hand fisted in his billowing white shirt.
Anarka watched them go, her heart breaking anew in her breast as she was forced to watch her daughter be taken from her again.
Ma… Rose called, her voice so soft and quiet - so scared - in her head.  But Anarka could barely hear her over the echoes of those barks, those voiceless cries, playing over and over in her head.  As that blond gully-raker walked farther and farther away, until he disappeared around the bend in the path and up the cliffs, taking with him…
The head of the Matriarch tipped back, her mouth opening wide as an aching, desperate howl echoed uselessly across the waves.
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asc-rp · 9 days
Did 3 for Ashton/Hoodie, just like you:
Dez: Know why I called you in here?
Ashton: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic.
Dez: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally?
Ashton: Wait, what's going on? Are we all talking about how hot Dez is? Because Dez is a straight up sexual fox riding a red-hot nuclear bombshell right toward the yowza plaza in the heart of Babe City, Assachusetts, U S A. The last A just stands for more ass.
Dez: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
Hoodie: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Hoodie: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness—
Dez: Hi.
Hoodie: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Hoodie: As top in this relationship, I think we should-
Dez: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Dez: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Hoodie: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Dez: ...
Dez: You mean ring bearER, right?
Hoodie: ...
Dez: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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eirenical · 1 year
A Roller Coaster of a life and a respite in Rain Village
One of Zhang Qiling's courtyard chats with the protagonist, Time Raiders mobile game
So I finally got Xiaoge as a companion and one of his very first moves was to UTTERLY BREAK MY HEART. *sobs aggressively*
Transcription and thoughts behind the cut... soon? OTZ
Coming soon, guys. Sorry!
(Also omg a TIMER COASTER?? ROLLER Coaster. OTZ)
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the-anomaly-painter · 3 months
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Here’s a ghost for ya!! :D
- @the-ghost-painter
(Sorry had to use my main so you would get the pic :D)
They reach out to touch it- But as soon as they do...
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This ghost has been Espasmatitized!
Oh- Oops. The conversion should not be painful, but still... Regardless, thank you for the ghost! We appreciate the gift!!
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kirby had made a deal with andrew of all people, well aj as they knew him. it was a deal for him to keep a secret of theirs that they decided to blurt out without even thinking as they usually did but this one was a bit too big of a secret for them to just leave it in the hands of someone else to blab about.
shaking on the deal didn't help because kirby was always a man of their word and something like that they refused to break, call it morals? if they even had any left. andrew had promised to make their life a living hell if they didn't follow through with the deal by the next time they saw each other and though they were curious what he meant by that, they also didn't want to find out. surprisingly he hadn't followed through with that threat despite not having the item, however kirby knew it was also the faire at the time and there wasn't exactly an easy way for andrew to get on them about it without someone overhearing.
it wasn't cause they didn't want too, they hadn't had the time. until now. while they sat in a booth at the diner like they always were, they watched vincent from afar, watching him be distracted by louis flirting him which was honestly a little funny to them. it was being handed to them on a silver platter it felt like, they didn't have to come up with a distraction themselves and when vincent finally left from behind the counter with louis in tow they figured that was their chance.
kirby got up from the booth and headed in the direction of the bathroom, 'accidentally' bumping into vincent in the process. "shit sorry, didn't mean to run into you." they sounded genuine at least but they had other intentions in mind. both were distracted so it was easy to swipe his keys from his pocket and smiled at him, going to the bathroom like originally intended.
now locked inside the bathroom they searched the key ring for the one that resembled a house key and took it off, shoving that one in their pocket and held the ring in the hand now as they left to hopefully run into vincent again which as if on que was coming back towards them. kirby bumped into him again to slip it back into his pocket, grabbing onto his arm this time with a smirk. "we gotta stop running into each other like this."
they both chuckled and vincent went on his way, kirby going back to their booth to finish off their fries before putting some ration cards on the table to leave and head towards the soda shop. seeing that andrew was at work was good cause then they didn't have to track him down so they sat at a bar stool, waving him over to order a vanilla shake.
kirby waited for him to bring the shake over, pulling out a ration card and the key and put it underneath the card before sliding it over the counter towards him. "pleasure doing business with you." they told him with a wink and sipped at their shake, finishing it not long after and went on their way.
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superbattrash · 2 years
for the wip game.. the pretty boy one!! >:3c
hi grem, lovely to see you, as always. I'll just let the original ask speak for itself here:
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...okay no, I have a few notes. here's my ideas so far because I'm an idiot and can't decide on anything: either a) clark is somehow poisoned by kryptonite-y substance that makes him act slightly drunk and he just full on calls bruce the prettiest boy or b) clark teases bruce about being a pretty boy and bruce trying to NOT be a pretty boy next time they meet. he fails miserably OR c) there's some slip of the tongue kinda situation and clark wants to bite his off while bruce wishes it has never existed so he didn't have to be in this mess and-
um. yeah. thanks for playing...? :'3
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Did Scott actually tell Allison what happened, or are we just gonna keep glossing over that??
Cause I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HER REACTION IS. Because I need her to stop being mad at Derek for what happened to her mom, because he was literally SAVING SCOTT'S LIFE.
In other concerns, wtf is up with Lydia?? Like, she has clearly not been okay since the end of Season 1, but, like, what's wrong with her?
I hate this show. XD
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tihgnari · 2 years
Rereading past chapters and Ayato was really down bad for Y/N.
exactly like ??? man was on a whole spell he was a Simp w a capital S HAHAH
so think about that and ask yourself whether or not he actually has the guts to marry someone else
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geckked · 20 days
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canon labru interaction
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1alchemistart · 1 month
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doing my duty of drawing skeleton falin
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Me: "I don't often cook but I'm going to quick look through my mom's recipe cards and see if I can find that specific recipe"
Me, 15 minutes later, sobbing: "Love is stored in handwritten recipe cards"
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gorjee-art · 1 month
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gotta teach the youth of the hardships in life
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ifartconfetti · 3 months
Hello neurodivergent people. I was wondering if I'm just weird or it is common to not being able to learn certain motoric skills at the same time as my peers and learned them MUCH later
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larissa-the-scribe · 4 months
guys I had this realization the other day that Redwall works really well for reading aloud, and kinda half-remembered something about the author reading to kids? So I looked it up to see if I had made a connection.
And it turns out, yes, actually, because he read aloud to kids at a school for the blind. But all the books they gave him to read were depressing. So he wrote Redwall, a story about heroism and courage and making it through struggles, and filled it with so many sensory, visual details so he could give them something better and I just-- that's so wholesome-- help
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