#.Rua 🦄
crystalkleure · 2 years
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Fucking love it when Ukyo’s face is just like
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trangtahico · 11 months
🦄Trong video này Tahico sẽ đưa ra các nguyên nhân dẫn đến tình trạng máy rửa xe cao áp xì nhớt sau một thời gian sử dụng!
️🛒Chi tiết: https://tahico.com/thay-dau-may-rua-xe-don-gian/
#Tahicoequipment #mayruaxexinhot #loimayruaxe #mayruaxecaoap
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dorovibez · 1 year
A New Artist On The Scene.
(I Thought I Was)
I worked on communication during all of my life: radio, newspapers, events, website creation, copywriting and so on.
Then Life gave me the opportunity to move from Italy to Brazil and, because I wasn't mastering the language, I decided to improve my skills in photography (that was already a great passion).
So I attended a Fashion Photography Master at the John Kaverdash Academy in Milan and some other Workshops.
Instead of fashion, I started working in Interior Photography (at a low level) but, after a while, I found out that taking photos for others was fulfilling my stomach but it wasn't fulfilling my Soul.
In 2016 I was invested by the first creative wave and I realized some photography and painting projects.
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I thought I was a fancy artist, ready for the fancy galleries of my town, but I quickly discovered that most of the galleries were not real galleries... they only rent walls for pseudo artists with a little money in their pocket.
Yes, I admit, in 2016 I was just a pseudo artist.
So I had to eat humble pie and I chose a low-low profile by presenting some low-cost print at the neighborhood collective gallery.
(I thought I was a cheap artist).
Zero Sale!!!
I then had the opportunity to expose some fine art prints in a friend's bar and I sold just one for 20 USD.
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I did my math and I realized that it would be impossible to live by art and I went back to a normal job, as an Italian teacher.
(I thought I was NOT an artist)
Then, the pandemic.
I lost 80% of my earnings in a week. 
Life put me at a crossroads. 
And I chose the hard way...
I chose to jump out of my comfort zone and follow the call of my Soul.
I had to leave the house where I lived, I had to sell all my equipment and quickly I started living in the street. 
I slept many nights on a bench near the gallery "Alma da Rua" (Soul of the Street) at the Beco do Batman (Batman's Alley)  and other spots in Vila Madalena, São Paulo.
After a couple of month i have been rescued with the help of my family that supported me with a little money.
In the last two years I have lived as a nomad and invested all of my energy to transform myself into a real Artist.
As São Paulo is a world reference in street art, I also start playing with spray by tagging the walls of this megalopolis.
Now I am ready to declare myself an Artist.
I don't know if i can be called a street artist, what is certain is that the street will always remain inside me, in my invisible scars.
What is certain is that I am a fucking warrior.
A Warrior Of Beauty.
🦄 🔥 🌈 💜 🙏🏽
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bebemoon · 2 years
AYZRULES paper dolls . 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮'𝓼 𝓭𝓪𝔂, @ayzrules​~ ♡
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moncler 8 richard quinn rtw autumn 2o2o
loewe rtw spring 2o22
dion lee rtw autumn 2o21
byblos rtw spring 2o19
thierry mugler couture spring 1998
gucci rtw autumn 2o17
christopher kane rtw autumn 2oo7
christopher kane rtw spring 2o14
angel chen rtw autumn 2o21
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E S P A Ç O é o que não falta nesta bolsa. Cabe um 🦄 dentro. Se tu é daquelas que leva a casa dentro da bolsa pq vai que precise, esse modelo é perfeito pra ti! 😉 ✨Clica na tag da foto para ver o valor, fotos e descrição do site. Vem conferir! Só 1 peça de cada. Cola na gente que é sucesso! 😉 #bolsapreta . Compre pelo site ou visite-nos na loja física. Rua Manoel da Silva Pacheco, 526 em frente a Decortintas - Camaquã- R/S . www.bergamoda.com.br Enviamos para todo o Brasil. . . .sigam ⤵ @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial . . #chensonbrasil #chensonbolsas #followme #swag #musthave #fashion #brasil #photooftheday #picoftheday #glamour #glam #handbag #bolsa #bolsas #instacool #instagood #bergamoda #verniz #espaço #brilho #carteirafeminina #bolsafeminina #bergamodabolsas #bergamodaacessorios #comfystyle #março (em BergaModa Bolsas e Acessórios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CanOXavp-gu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ilyf-dear · 5 years
[17:24, 12/8/2016] Gabi ✨🌹👘💞💎🦄🍕: Me apaixonar pra você aconteceu de forma tão natural que não sei te dizer quando começou a acontecer, mas sei que foi o seu jeito que acabou me encantando e só fui perceber que te amava em meio ao nosso primeiro caos. O tempo passou, a cada dia os meus sentimentos por você cresciam mais e mais. Eu era a pessoa desacreditada do amor e você quebrou minhas barreiras, me provou que ele existe, que é lindo, que é algo muito maior do que eu poderia imaginar, me mostrou a felicidade ao lado de quem se ama.
[17:33, 12/8/2016] Gabi ✨🌹👘💞💎🦄🍕: Nós conseguimos brigar várias por ano, na maioria das vezes por bobagem. Nos afastamos, ficamos longe por um tempo e quando voltamos.. Em tão pouco tempo parece que não aconteceu nada e conversa é leve, se desenvolve sem maiores problemas, falamos uma com a outra sem parar sobre tudo e todos.
[17:38, 12/8/2016] Gabi ✨🌹👘💞💎🦄🍕: Quando penso em você e no futuro percebo como te quero nele. Com você sendo uma bela velhinha de cabelos azuis ao vento, a mais aventureira de todas, e eu sendo a teimosa que se preocupa com cada passo seu... Independente das circunstâncias, na chuva, na rua, na fazenda ou numa casinha de sapê. Porque eu amo a garota dos mais belos olhos e, como ela me disse uma vez, quando vamos juntas vamos bem.
[17:39, 12/8/2016] Gabi ✨🌹👘💞💎🦄🍕: Agora, acha que fui clara o suficiente?
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crystalkleure · 2 years
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I’ve been bored at night.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
Xhaka collects friends with four-letter names.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
Sword Flames – Sword Flames, the fire-themed team – simply must have an ice guy on it at all times. At least one. This is apparently not negotiable. Quon leaves and is replaced by Ukyo posthaste.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
I’m always a sucker for characters who will flip off their own team and side with someone else on an issue when they feel their team is genuinely in the wrong.
Not even necessarily in some grandiose “realizing they’re on the wrong side entirely and switching over to the other team” way. Bluntly disagreeing with them over mundane shit wholly outside of whatever reason they’re allied in the first place is fantastic, too. Like, “What? You think I’m obligated to back you up when you shout at the waitress like a Karen just because I am on the same sportsball team as you? No sir lol you are being a penis. Shut up. I am so sorry ma’am.”
Just Because I Am Allied With You On One Front, Or Even If I Actually Consider You My Friend, Does Not Mean I Will Blindly Agree With You On Everything Ever All The Time. If I Catch You Being An Asswipe I WILL Object And Stop You. Etc.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
so i was playing pla and got ganged up on by 3 geodudes, which proceeded to plow through most of my team. wasn't until too late that i realized the only pokémon i had left was a drifloon...which was immune to all their attacks 😭😭😭
i'm still pretty early in the game and my team's constantly changing at this point, so i have no Concrete Idea Of Who I Actually Have lmao
Oh man, I've been playing PLA for awhile and don't remember much about the earlier parts myself now, but I have Elder Player Wisdom I can impart:
Complete Pokedex entries for any Pokemon you think you might like to have a shiny of!! As in, complete ALL of the research tasks, don't just stop at Research Level 10, because a fully fleshed-out dex entry like dramatically boosts the shiny encounter odds for that Pokemon. I recommend putting in the effort for Shinx, Starly, Drifloon, and possibly Zubat and/or Golbat, because those are Pokemon you will see a LOT throughout the game, so the likelihood of finding a shiny one just during the course of a normal playthrough when you've maxed the dex entry out as early as possible is probably REALLY good.
Also you can totally battle/catch alphas [and any mon tbh] that are WAY above your level. Unless this has been patched by now.
Step 1: Engage Creature In Battle. First one or two of your mons will just be sacrificial lambs, they will get knocked out.
Step 2: You can move around during battles in PLA. Take advantage of this by running around Directly Behind your target Pokemon in between turns.
Step 3: Run from the battle
Step 4: You are still positioned directly behind the beast. Very Quickly, throw another mon at its back and backstrike-stun it. You'll be able to move once before it shakes it off, and deal a little damage in that turn. Before it gets over the shock of being tapped on the shoulder by a small wooden ball, repeat steps 2-4 again. And just keep doing it until you've whittled its HP down enough to either knock it out or try to catch it. [Even if it's a super high level, I think you can successfully throw balls at it outside of battle anyway if you stun it first with like balls of mud or something.]
I SO wish I had known about that early on 😩 Easy EXP and potential early alpha captures...ah...
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crystalkleure · 2 years
Ahh, the intersection of DID and AVPD.
I have something I need to do, that Avoidant Brain perceives as Dangerous and thus wants to avoid. Need to have a conversation that could very easily turn sour and hostile, need to perform a task that will likely be physically painful because of shitty chronically ill body, need to say or show a thing that Might Not Be Liked and it’s a personally important thing to me so Rejection Of The Thing would feel like Rejection Of An Integral Part Of ME...But The Task Needs To Be Done. So I sit down to steel my nerves and do the task...And I get so stressed out by the Impending Doing Of The Task that I freeze and physically cannot move. It is a MONUMENTAL effort to move my body to force it to Do The Task, it feels like I am trying to will myself to put a gun to my own head and pull the trigger. It is terrifying.
And suddenly it’s two days later. And the thing evidently did not get done.
Avoidant Brain wants to avoid the Perceived-As-Potentially-Dangerous [BUT NECESSARY] Thing so bad that Dissociative Brain kicks in to fucking Protect Me From Attempting To Do The Viscerally-Perceived-As-Harmful Thing To Myself. It switches me out with somebody else and they don’t remember what I was just trying to do, so they of course don’t try to do it.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
Dissociative Disorder Problem™ I never see anyone else mention but I’ll bet is a common thing that is Not Exclusive To Just Me:
>Successfully distract self from a physical discomfort/pain because there’s nothing I can currently do to alleviate it, so there’s nothing to be done but just try to ignore it >Stress Moment™ >A bunch of people get spontaneously shoved up towards the front as the brain tries to figure out Who’s The Best Guy To Deal With The Problem >Every single goddamn one of them, as they are orienting themselves and trying to take in what’s going on, start noticing and “!”-ing at the fucking pain I’d just worked so hard to finally forget about. I am now Noticing The Pain x4.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
I enjoy having an excuse to wear allergy masks forever and hide my mouth, because people are fucking constantly misinterpreting my facial expressions. Usually as aggressive, rude/condescending/cruel, or somehow shifty when they’re not. So the less people can see of my face, the better.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
It really is something else when an alter of mine literally sees something before I do. I mean, we have the same field of vision, we’re using the same eyes [well, eye], but they NOTICE something in that field of vision before I do. And then that alter hollers to get my attention about it. Which, unfailingly, confuses me for a second and then surprises me when yes, exactly what they are saying is completely true and I had no idea that that was a thing that was in our line of sight until they told me. But yep, There It Sure Is.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
>Me, trying to play a puzzle game: “...There's nowhere for this piece to go here”
>Aram, directly in my ear [I did not know he was awake]: “YES THERE IS >:D” *Points out where the thing goes*
Very unexpected and very enthusiastic shout. Thank you, sir.
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