bitchronan · 10 months
alex: why does henry never respond to my selfies from bed? they’re hilarious
henry when alex sends him a selfie from bed:
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autumnslance · 2 months
This is probably the most complete as well as one of the better quality uploads of the 1.x quest "Futures Perfect" that I've seen.
The Path Companion was a partner for the WoL, someone to make and give commentary during the storyline. They were customizable like a retainer; you chose their race/gender (of the available 1.0 options), class, and personality type. They were also Ala Mhigan originally, with a (variable) relative in the Resistance.
The WoL is defended, and spoken to at the end, by their starter city archon (this is during the Circle of Knowing/Path of the Twelve era, as the Scions were formed by combining the organizations after the Calamity).
This is also the introduction of Gaius van Baelsar as an imperial enemy; going forward there were scenes that include him shooting Cid for being angry and insulting, and also talking to WoL about how Gaius disagrees with Nael van Darnus's plans and the Meteor Project. But here, he crushes the Resistance's operation and gets into a fight with the archons--that only ends when he calls in an airstrike, sending WoL into a brief Echo vision before returning home to get medical aid for their companion.
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spidermaninlove · 1 year
Tom confirming 1.0!
"I fixed my girlfriend's door once"
TZ at Home Depot during 1.0
In December 2019, Tom said, "I fixed a friend's door once"
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chronicallykiki · 8 months
1.0 Kiki
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I'm using my old PC while I'm at my mum's, and I found my 1.0 screenshot folder.
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friendsdontlieokay · 7 months
If I only have one night I'd spend it with you And if I only get one life I wanna live it with you
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Е́ꙅтендид Сири́лик ѣ́лфъбет фор И́нглиш Юз - Вэржън 1.0
Extended Cyrillic alphabet for English use - Version 1.0
Hi, I'm Max. Whoever reads this (thank you!) might have noticed that my blog is currently a complete, confusing mess, which I promise is not intentional. My intention with this project was to create an alphabet that could be used for multiple languages, including but not limited to English, Spanish, my native Portuguese, and of course, Russian, however that's way beyond whatever a potential audience for the blog would even be interested in for the most part. As such, I am making this list of characters and phonemic examples which may be more useful than the previous tactic of throwing a complete list of letters at you and hoping you know which ones you'll want or need to know. You will notice some new decisions that are different from the ones I made before, these were made after much consideration of what has been useful and practical for me, both in my own physical writing and while using a few of the many available Church Slavonic keyboards on my cellphone and computer. Enjoy!
P.S.: As a basis, I've generally used the Shavian alphabet, which has a list of phonemes George Bernard Shaw thought needed to be distinguished through letters. I did take the liberty of slashing most diphthongs, except for those that occur most frequently.
P.P.S.: Sidenote, if you want to evaluate if a letter might have been a good choice or not, try writing the words provided as examples using this alphabet.
This was the hardest part, any corrections and suggestions are welcome :)
А as in Art
Э as in Under
Ѣ as in Axe
Ъ as the E in The
Е as in Enter
/e/ /ɛ/
И as in Inner
/i/ /ɪ/
О as in Option
/o/ /ɔ/
У as in the oo in Good
/u/ /ʊ/
Vowel length is marked through use of a macron (ex: “ooze” becomes “у꙼з”) or by simply doubling the vowel letter (ууз), as convenient.
Є as the the A in Maid
Ю as the U in Use
Ѧ as in Ice
Ꙋ as the O in Social
/oʊ/ /ow/
This was the easiest part, if you disagree with me you should simply explode :) /s
In all seriousness, it was pretty hard to decide how to present the consonants, and some choices did have to be made (гуудба́і, һ :( ), but in the end this is what seemed best:
Пп as in Peer, Бб as in Bright, Тт as in Trust, Дд as in Dream, Кк as in Care, Гг as in Good, Ꙅ as in NecKS, Ꙃ as in egGS, Фф as in Ferry, Вв as in Veil, Ѳѳ as in THistle or THat.
Сс as in Sure, Зз as in Zoom, Шш as in Shall, Жж as in aZure, Чч as in CHeck, Ꙉꙉ as in Judge, НГнг* as in thiNG, Хх as in Help, Іі as in maY, Ѵѵ as in Work
Лл as in Luck, Рр as in Realm, Мм as in Much, Нн as in Name
* НГ is a tricky bitch. You might ask yourself, why would you use a digraph as a single letter? And the answer is I don't want to! A ligature of these two exists in Unicode! But the Gboard Old Church Slavonic keyboard, which I'm using for the moment, doesn't have it :(. This does highlight the problem of different keyboards not having it as part of their system, so if you want to use them as a ligature or as separate letters, it's fine.
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captainkurosolaire · 7 months
Profile ~ Judas Caesar
☼ Roots ☼
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話 "Wind against your back and a stab to the very fate's front." 話 - Full Name: Judas Caesar - Namesday: 3rd Umbral Moon of the 30th Sun - Blood Type: A - Patron Sign: Halone, The Fury. - Gender: Male - Nationality: Island-Born, "Aldeia" - Age: 31 Summers - Height: 6 Fulms 1 Ilms - Weight: 220 Ponze - Build: Athletic Muscular / Lean / Proportional - Voice: ~ (Ref) - Debut Chapter: Passion's Twist - Ancestry: Royal Bloodline - Race:  Hyur: Midlander - Clan: Aldeian - Crew Role: First Crewmate
✯ Core✯
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- Alignment: Story-Dependent - Sexuality: Bi - Marital Status: Single - (10) - Personality Traits: Hardworking, Strategic, Reserved, Diplomatic, Deceptive, Disciplined, Inscrutable, Earnest, Conscientious, Caring. - (0-6) - Most Potent Qualities: Strategic, Reserved, Disciplined, Inscrutable, Stoic, Deceptive. - Quirks : Overly Tense, Gets to the Point, Workaholic, Has a Burdensome Goal. Former Betrayer. Questionably Trustworthy. - Weaknesses: Stressed. Anxious. Nearly Impossible to read; Poker Face. Quite serious to a fault. Will work himself to death. Or suffer deprivation. Terrible luck. Distant at First. Sleep Acne, Night Terrors. - Appearance: Striking golden-locks, and sapphire hues, strapping in every-sense a royal model from a glimpse appearance, being quite dashing and pretty often serves against him being unusual in piracy, most can identify he's worth-something; if nothing else a slave or potential blackmail. Even when he's most-rugged and unkempt he's got few blemishes or mismanaged pores. He's exquisitely blessed as if sculpted by the favor of some Goddess. Often adorns himself with little to no-jewelry outside large earrings as memento for when got his ears-pierced alongside his childhood sister in bonding. He dresses primarily like everyday fellow-rogue. Gloves are a must to have donned and always wears sleeved-apparel, he's no-preference on color of attire, but does fancy tight-clothing that are snug against his frame that compliment his build. - Scars: Distinguished Left-Eye Scar, Chest Scar (Faded) - Tattoos: (Left-Hand) Strange Crest. - Piercings: Ears - Primary Residence: Worldly Finder - Wealth: Decent Enough, (Doesn't have claim of Inheritance currently.) - Achievements: Survived near Death from Eternal Sona Flower while also vanquishing the Voidsent dwelling within the Relic; that invades attempts to corrupt the host. Overwhelming it with his sheer ambitious willpower (humanoid spirit). Cowardly Escaped his Home Providence at the behest of his Sister and Mother becoming ensnared and damned by the tyrannical King. Took under an alias known as Parabellum and terrorized as a Slaving-Captain. Until brought to his sense by Solaire. Judas is very gifted at manipulation and portraying himself as another identity quite easily to an unrecognizable-degree, frightening-so. Performs exceptionally well under high-tense situations. Won three champion-cups in Jousting Junior tournaments. - Influence: Runaway Prince of Aldeia First and earliest, Crewmate of the Goldbrand since Captain's reign. - 5 Foods: Lobster, Peppers, Bread, Meatloaf, Stews. - 5 Drinks: Beer, Water, Lemonade, Wine, Ale. - Profession: Diplomatic, Jury-Rigger, Ambassador, Cleaner, Orderly, Negotiator, Delegating, Athletics, Theatrics, Espionage, Manipulation, Planning, Calculating, Analytics, Academic, Horseback Riding. - Hobbies: Juggling, Ballroom Dancing, Organist, Pianist, Calisthenics, Fencing, Acting, Espionage, Puzzles, Hingashi Checkers, Ishgardian Chess, Memory Games. - Experiences: Survivor, Decipher (Maps/Scrolls), EOD Specialist, Planner, Diplomat, Noble, Rogue, Smuggling, Slaving, Strategist, Piracy, Thievery, Espionage. - Favorite Color: Royal Blue - Language: Eorzean Fluently - Prior Mentors: Father, Mother, Older Sister, Kingdom Retainer, Various Instructors.
❤ Relations❤
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☝ Allies: (Major Supporters / Family / Friends) Wild Crew TBA ☟ Antagonists: (Rivals - Enemies) Aldeian King - Primary Antagonist Crewmate's Dream & Loyalty Mission: Reclaim his birthplace and siege a near impenetrable castle fortress from a 8th Warlord of the Seas, Tyrannical Devil King. Relationship w/ Captain: (OOC Commentary) Captain serves as sort of a Merlin to a young Arthur to Judas. Searching to guide ferry him to an unfathomable enchanting place but with many perils and difficulty. Judas betrayed Captain in belief of aiding and strengthening him being one of the First people Captain really valued and loved, to turn against him, but Captain was at the time-spinning, losing sight, becoming directionless, acting reckless, if someone tried to stay and be led by that, it's just being condemned with slavery, awaiting pointless death and countless ire of peers. It was easier to betray and cause a mutiny and put-out that fire. There's a chance, Captain could've survived the ordeal and learn from it, forcefully. They've a violently strong-platonic relationship that is more intense than most romances. The former-transgressions always cracks their bridge as-if walking on thin-ice, making them second-guess each-other, things, goals. Trust is the hardest thing to heal, earn-back, forgiveness is not an overnight thing. Both of them made a young-vow-bond to another that cannot be factored out. Judas swears he'll be the wind to Captain's sails, back. While Captain assured he'll be the one who ferries Judas back home and reclaim its Sunlight gathering enough might and influence to overcome the daunting impossible journey they've together. Mount: Mix-Breed Stallion named Griffin. Pets: N/A (Unless count the Black Cat -,-)
❀ Prowess❀
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Job: Battle Architect
Judas's Moveset
Wind Aspect: Manipulates air for various usages. His wind control is extremely limited in dry climates only able to use his inner aether. If under too much strain, or sleep-deprived his ability to formulate or spin the wind into his favor can backfire or slack. Most wind-maneuvers he operates, will wound him with recoil-damage, having to bind himself to the same fate. Flight: Using his wind-magic, can fly, levitate, glide to a degree but at the accost of intense concentration, focus, and stamina. He must be well-nourished and healthy, otherwise could plummet to his death. Current-Change: Can localize the change of wind towards his favor or direction freely. If the breeze is coming from the West, he can change it to the East, locally, etc. Insinuation: By funneling wind build up in often scoundrel favored tight-clothing and apparel he wears, Judas can trap air and save it, or balloon himself before blows to absorb impacts, or use that build-up like a leaf-blower to unleash powerful torrent-gusts. Kamikaze Attachment: A particular aetherial made wire that comes laced from his heart linked between an advisory. He can detonate this between them. Activating this lethal-technique, is extremely life-threatening and at the very-most, will cut about Five Years off his lifespan. Howling Dirks: Gyrating-high pressured razor-winds he can hurl projectiles (knives) at velocities that are equivalent to high-pressured bullets. Tornado Fists: Can form intense wind around his fists to forearms, that will rip at his own skin; until bone, but allow him to deliver devastating blows. Duplication: Instantly forges identical knives-sized objects or smaller up to one-three but only per a day. Due to his Crest often concealed underneath gloves. Thread Control: Uses specially near-invisible wires to fight with, creating trip-wires, bindings, that can be enhanced, altered or bend using his wind-aspect. Pick-Up-Delivery: Manifesting wind he can make small-vortex bulbs, that will haul items, projectiles, fallen weaponry scattered and from a battlefield he can disperse things to comrades or himself. Proficiency: Wires, Daggers, Swords, Explosives, Poison, Hand to Hand, Lances. Signature: Demon Trap: Judas attempts to build a spider-web overtime using his wires and will throw around feints, facade attacks, dodging, fighting extremely cowardly. Allowing his opponent to even deliver-blows if necessary until his masterpiece art is crafted. Once his opponent is ensnared, he'll swing wires laced from fingertips, unleashing various cuts all over the opponent from his wires. If that doesn't finish them. He'll send-wind currents through his own wires, should any be still hooked into his opponent, he can drain their very-blood due to the multiple-cuts, from his opponent in a extremely-lethal finish until they're deprived of all their blood, oxygen, life, power. ~ Finishers ~ Limit Break One: N/A Limit Break Two: N/A Limit Break Three: N/A
⚝ Equipment ⚝
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Main Arms: Aetheric-Fiber-String-Wires, Steel-Woven Wires, Small-Knives, Poison Coated Wires, Living Detonation Wire. Pouch Containers: Small vials of various poisons. First Aid Kit Small Pouch of Gil (25k) Heirloom Lipstick Multiple Knives/Dirks concealed on his person. (6)
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forevermytom · 2 years
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1.01 Pilot
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etrosgate · 1 year
FFXIV 1.0 Transcripts
Though the game may be gone, the narrative of the original iteration of ffxiv is still worth looking into! However, the cutscenes on youtube can be rough to follow for some, what with its tiny font and how difficult it can be to determine if something is an echo flashback. So here's where you can read just the text of 1.0!
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The Lore Map is the main hub of things, with all the quests in order. Main Scenario is the basegame msq, and Rise of the Seventh Umbral Era are the patch msq.
When you click on a quest, it'll bring you to a page with just the journal entries, so to read the actual quest dialogue, you'll likely have to look for and click:
"Lore & Dialogue: Loremonger: [quest name]"
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"Spoiler Warning: Click here for additional details about this story line"
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NOTE: the quest Into The Dark unfortunately redirects to the endwalker quest of the same name, so i tracked down the correct one for you
Into the Dark (Only the Griandia iteration has a transcript)
btw. You technically only Need to read one of the city origin stories, but i recommend reading all of them anyway (they're LEAGUES better than the ones in ARR). But if you really only want to read one, you should probably pick Ul'dah's. It's Minfilia's backstory, and has largely remained canon and relevant to modern ffxiv.
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ashwithdavibez · 7 months
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Version 1.0
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kittycornercomic · 2 years
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autumnslance · 2 months
send LOST for a scene from my muse's past in which they felt lost, literally or figuratively {Zaine}
He was supposed to protect her.
Zaine's axe and armor, Evienne's spells and social acumen. They were a matched set of opposites, a team that had traversed the realm for months now. That's how it worked.
On reflection, he really hadn't known her that long; less than a year. Yet everything they had gone through made it feel much longer, or at least more intense. They had shared their histories, their hopes, more than a few secrets.
Never a bed, though; as much as he'd come to love her, it was not in that way. And she was still mourning the loss of her spouse, besides. So fierce friends and comrades they were.
...They had been.
Zaine was going to tear Gaius van Baelsar into pieces.
"Hey," Yda said, wandering over to sit with him.
"Hey," he replied, taking a deep breath and sitting up. "You doing all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. How--"
"How about Papalymo? And Thancred?"
She frowned. "They're all right, Zaine. Everyone is."
Not everyone.
Before he could say more, she stuck her finger against his lips. "How are you?" she demanded to know, glimpses of her blue eyes through the mask showing her own sadness and resolve. She removed her finger.
Zaine slumped. "I keep feeling like I did everything wrong. Missed something, forgot something. If I'd been a little more on guard--and I know, I know that's not how it works, I know you all rushed cuz you only found out too late, but I--" He rested his head in his hands, clutching his hair.
"I feel like 'it's not your fault' won't help, huh?"
He huffed out a bitter laugh. "No." They were silent for a moment. "I know he targeted her as a caster, as a threat. Even if I had been in her place, even if I had been on guard. And I know...Evienne chose this, same as the rest of us, but it...Gods, this hurts."
"Of course it does," Yda replied softly. "It will for a long while."
He sat back now, leaning on the wall behind him, Yda watching. "If I knew anything of Eorzean etiquette as a boy, I forgot it. Evienne, though...she had impeccable manners. And took it upon herself to teach me better. My rough soldier ways grated on her lady's sensibilities." He smiled thinly. "I don't think I'd have made half as good an impression on all those people without her. And nevermind how many of her own heroics have been overlooked. It's not fair."
"A lot of things aren't," Yda said. "Minfilia's speaking to her sister, and her son. He's so little."
"Yeah," Zaine said. "Not much older than my sister was, when we lost our father. This kid's lost both his parents now and I don't...I feel like I should say something, but what? 'I was your mum's partner but failed to protect her from a Garlean bullet'?"
"Zaine, you can't say that."
"No, of course not, I just," he pinched his nose, trying to stay the renewed feeling of prickling heat in his eyes, threatening another deluge. "I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. She would know; that's what she was good at! It's all her clever words and maneuvering that's made me seem a hero; people think I know what I'm doing, but I don't. And there's still so much happening, no time to sit here and wallow, but Sisters help me, I don't know how I'm going to do it without her!"
The tears fell despite his attempts; guilt and shame as much as grief pouring from him. Yda was silent, simply holding his hand, squeezing tightly, a reminder he had more friends and allies, more people to help, to rely on.
Just not his companion.
((As the 1.0 WoL, Zaine traveled around with a Path Companion, who I decided was a prim & proper elezen conjurer named Evienne. There is, however, a famous scene where Gaius shoots the Path Companion, and then fights Thancred, Y'shtola, Papalymo, and Yda. In Zaine's continuity, his Path Companion dies from the injuries inflicted in that incident.))
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ask-pidgeon-kingdom · 1 month
Lore 1.0
The Kingdom of Pidgeon (pronounced pidge-ee-on) is a fictional micronation without permanent borders due to the lack of practice in land-ownership.
Current population: 1
Language: No official language.
Flag: The royal stamp of Pidgeon.
History: The origin of the kingdom is due to the result of pigeon abandonment throughout recent human history. These animals were kept by humans as pets, companions, messengers - even food! - for at least hundreds of years. There exists a rare human experience, coinciding with these animals, for those who found themselves to be identically ungoverned and abandoned. These were the original citizens of the Pidgeon. Without an identity or home, the people and animals wandered for years, creating networks of support for one-another in a world that suddenly wanted to forget them. Despite this, they remained hopeful and kind to the world around them. A true Pidgeonite is truthful and peaceful, never abusing the land or living creatures around them.
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twoquad · 10 months
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Starting work on the garage synth dungeon.
10.5 square metres of space! An embarrassment of riches! Underlay!
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voidsentprinces · 2 years
12 years ago...
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theowldogsguy · 6 months
The Time We Found a Glitch, Part 1
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For time reference, this was around the time that ToF had recently come out.
Yes, the ball creature is important. No, you cannot jump while holding it.
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