6kate1bishop6 · 11 months
ao3 is literally down at the worst possible moment of my life (a regular monday afternoon where nothing is wrong)
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youareprobablywrong · 7 months
Some thoughts on propotionality
I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to understand how Israel's response is proportional. My own view is that it is not. Not least of which because at the time of writing this more than 11,000 people in Gaza have been killed, which includes more than 5,000 children. Almost half of housing units have been destroyed. This is unacceptable. The total cost to rebuild is already more than 85% of Gaza's annual GDP - in 44 days. But one thing that I've seen in the growing narrative changes is the frequent reminder that the Oct. 7th, 2023 Hamas attacks were like that of Sep. 11th, 2001 terror attacks. Except that the Hamas attacks on Israel were, in fact, 15 times worse when we consider population differences. 1,500 people dying in a population of a little over 9-million is a much larger per capita death rate than that of 3,000 in a population of 285-million. But absent from this discourse is Gaza's experiences. Over the last 15 years (between 2008 and 2022), Israel has experienced the equivalent of 0.93 9/11 equivalencies per year, or a total of 12 in the last 15-years predating the 10/7 attacks. Gaza, on the other hand, has experienced an average of 49 per year, or 302 in a 15 year period.
In the last 44 days, the amount of human life expended in Gaza by the hands of Israeli forces is tantamount to a 9/11 scale event 11 times a day. This has happened 503 times in 44 days.
Jews have a right to exist, and a right to self-determination. But so do Arabs, Palestinians, and Gazans. What Hamas did was barbaric. But what Israel is doing now is disproportionate, wanton, and inconsistent with any legitimate sense of self-defense.
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shape · 3 months
Left in Darkness – Die Linke, der Islamismus und die Frage der globalen Solidarität
Podiumsdiskussion mit: Ferda Berse, Sozialwissenschaftlerin Dastan Jasim, Politikwissenschaftlerin
Moderation: Amina Aziz, Journalistin, Autorin
25. Januar 2024, Kiezraum, Berlin
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remembertheplunge · 8 months
Memory is like a journal who's words have largely faded
The following quotes are taken from Ann Wilson Schaef's book "Meditations for living in Balance" from the October 7 page:
“Memory is the diary we all carry about with us.”  Mary H. Waldrip
“Every person we touch unconsciously carries a “diary” within. Our behaviors are the scribes of that diary.” Anne Wilson Schaef
My margin note to the above:
Saturday October 7, 2023
“Memory is like a journal who’s words have largely faded. Memory is a house of mirrors.”
(Antidote: don’t rely on your memory. Keep a written journal.)
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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inthiseternalmoment · 8 months
Today felt like a different Chicago
Had pho and boba like we normally would but Argyle and the journey home was so strange, as if the Chicago we were in was not our original Chicago?
We had some great pho at Pho 777 today and then had boba at Uní Uní afterwards.
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Aprille got these nuggets that looked like PR and Hateruma
It was weird, there was so much happening at Argyle today that made it seems like we were in some alternate timeline. There was a crime scene, Pho 777 had moved to a building a block over across the street, and the old Argyle stop was being completely demolished.
The strangeness continued with the journey home being packed with people that felt as if they were not from Chicago. The way they walked on the streets and rode the L, it was as if today was a “national visit Chicago day”. It was so strange.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was for the marathon tomorrow, but honestly this seemed stranger than that. Like maybe something is happening with my reality where I ended up entering some warped space with people who were born yesterday? I don’t know. Maybe this day will make sense looking back on it in life review or something.
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nytconnections · 8 months
Connections Puzzle #118 🟦🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩
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pokeprism · 8 months
what's a art medium that you wanted to work in? I.E: videogames, tv, movies, comics, novels, billboards ect...
Yo, what a question!
Of the ones you listed, the top three would be comics, video games, and animation, preferably for a web series. And an honorable mention goes to table top games.
I've made animations and comics before, and also attempted to make TTGs of my own, though I have yet to have my work be used in a video game/video game demo...
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ariana-the-cat · 8 months
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screamingfromuz · 8 months
ok, you little shit heads, the fact that the Palestinian live under horrible conditions is not an excuse for the mass kidnapping and targeting civilians.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
and it goes both ways, the assault that has been perpetuated against Israeli citizens does not make the suffering of Palestinian civilians justified.
so, you little shit, practice your fucking humanity and allow the horrors exist without comparing or justifying them!
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eretzyisrael · 25 days
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shape · 6 months
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ringsidedishes · 8 months
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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Gx 2023
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candyje11yfish · 3 months
I DID IT😭😭😭after 5 months i finally finished all 10 seasons of adventure time!!! ..and cried all over my pancakes
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secular-jew · 3 months
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