#11th doctor x oc
fizzyxcustard · 1 year
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: Eleventh Doctor x OC
Warnings: Angst, insecurity, sadness, smut, first person POV
Summary: Sarah has been travelling with the Doctor and has fallen madly in love with the Time Lord. Will their feelings finally get the better of them?
Comments/Notes: I wrote this fic around 2014/15 and it is currently up on my AO3 page for reading, but I thought I would try it here and see how it goes. This is part 1 of 5, in a series called 'Cup of Tea and Jammie Dodgers'.
Currently I am keeping the tag list for this series completely separate from my main Follow Forever tag list, so if you'd like to be added to this tag list for Doctor Who, please let me know.
I hope you like the fic. As always, like, reblog and comment if you enjoy. If you wish to be added to any of my tag lists, let me know.
It didn’t matter how many times I tried to convince myself that he could love someone like me, I knew he never would. I was a mere human, nothing special, nothing fantastic. A man like him deserved an exotic woman from a distant planet who could match him mentally with her expertise in time travel and higher than average IQ. I couldn’t deliver on any of that. I was just a mediocre, run of the mill woman from central England.
The Doctor had come into my life quite by accident. He’d been the one to pick me up from a dark place and took me to the stars – literally. Over the time we’d travelled together in the TARDIS, he’d spoke of his previous companions and all of them seemed to have something to offer. But I just couldn’t see at all what had called him to take me to other worlds. Maybe I should have asked him as it was something I’d never brought myself to ask.
The last two or three days I’d tried my best to keep myself to myself while I let this confusion in my head unfold. Each day I’d retire quite early to the library or pool and so far he hadn’t really noticed. He was his usual self: bouncy, child-like, but always had that all too familiar sadness sitting behind his eyes. I’d only seen him cry once, but he’d smiled through the tears, pretending that he was being silly. But, to me, he’d never be silly. He was the most amazing man I’d ever known, and I’m sure everyone else that had met him thought exactly the same. So...why would I be any different?
The TARDIS, so far, had been big enough for me to hide. But not anymore. I was sat beside the pool, listening to my own thoughts, when I heard a gentle calling of my name. And there he was, stood in the doorway. When I first met him he hadn’t been the kind of man I’d have fallen for; he was boyish in his appearance with floppy hair, continuous hand gestures and a mad bowtie. Behind that and he was so much more. He was freedom, hope and a reason to live life expectantly. Since stepping on board the TARDIS, I woke up awaiting the wonder of a new world or the echoes of someone’s forgotten past.
He placed a freshly brewed cup of tea and a packet of Jammie Dodgers on the table beside me. His shoes squeaked on the tiles as he spun on his heel and sat on the edge of the recliner next to me.
“You don’t look dressed for swimming,” he said softly, looking at my attire of jeans and blouse.
“You never know what I might have hiding under here,” I laughed, looking down at my blouse, but as soon as I’d let the words fall off my lips, I realised my stupidity. I’d never been one to talk provocatively, no matter how hard I tried.
The Doctor let his expression gradually turn to a sad smile as he seemingly forgot my comment. Maybe he hadn’t seen the innuendo of it.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” he asked. “I had noticed even though you always tell me I don’t seem to notice anything.”
I sighed and shifted awkwardly in my seat. I wanted to tell him so badly how I felt. Every time I caught sight of him and I felt the butterflies set up residence in my stomach. I’d always been so guarded when it came to men and allowing myself to fall for them. There were still old scars inside me which hadn’t quite healed over completely. One of these scars was due to an old fiancée who had fallen out of love with me. He’d grown distant from me, finding more happiness in the company of others until he broke the relationship off. Maybe he hadn’t been the one so to speak, but he made me feel like I fit in with everyone else. With him and I could tell everyone that someone loved me. I could be like all my old co-workers and ex-school friends who I accidentally bumped into on the street. With the Doctor...oh, it was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. Unknowingly, he’d taken me from that need to be ordinary and like everyone else, transforming me into something else. I was different now. I travelled through time and space with a mad man in a blue box. What was normal about that?
How could I just let everything spill out? I suddenly felt hot and flustered. I needed to run.
I got up from my seat quickly, ignoring his protests for me to come back. The tears began to fall down my cheeks and a lump rose in my throat.
Suddenly I felt his hand around my arm and I was turned quickly, although not forcefully.
I looked into his eyes, those deep set eyes that had become so beautiful to me. Gradually I backed up against the wall, but he stepped forward, keeping the distance between us minimal.
My heart thundered in my chest and I looked down, unable to keep eye contact. “You’re playing with me,” I said sternly. “Stop it!”
“Somehow I believe you’re the better one at teasing,” he replied. His eyes had grown darker with something I couldn’t, in that moment, admit to seeing there. I just couldn’t admit it to myself that he might possibly feel something for me.
Then he raised his hand and cupped my cheek, his thumb gently rubbing away the one tear that had clung there. “My dearest Sarah,” he whispered. “You just don’t see it. None of it. You think beauty lies in the constellations, nebulas and galaxies. But I see all of that when I look in your eyes.”
“You chose me to travel with you, but why? Everyone else that you’ve had as a companion has had more about them...”
“Shhhh,” he said, growing agitated. “There’s a reason for each one of you passing through those doors. The TARDIS knows who I need, and she chose you for me, Sarah.”
How could he speak to me like this when he was married to River Song? Did Time Lords have a twisted idea of marriage and then sneak off with concubines? He was confusing me, and I think he sensed that.
“Doctor, you’re married to River. Why do you think I’ve kept away from you?” I asked, moving aside and out of the door. “How can I stand in front of the man I love day after day and know nothing can ever come of it? I age and die, you regenerate. It’s as though life enjoys playing sick games with you.”
I dashed down the corridor, trying to find my way back towards my room, but each and every time I attempted to get away, I kept coming back to the entrance to the pool. The Doctor stood there with his arms crossed.
“You know how the TARDIS works, Sarah. Don’t keep running away. You need to face up to problems in your life rather than keep running,” he told me.
“Oh, you’re a fine one to say that to me seeing as you took me from home!” I shouted. “You run from your past every day, Doctor. And you stand there preaching to me about it.”
I could see the frustration growing on his face and with no other words spoken he approached me quickly, and kissed me.
I tried to pull away but he had his hands on my cheeks, keeping me against him. As his lips moved, I knew I couldn’t keep the running routine up. He weakened me and I stood there completely defenceless, responding to his kiss. My arms wound around his waist and I groaned beneath our locked lips.
Gradually we parted, our breaths heightened.
He smiled at me and then pressed his forehead against mine. “Never think you’re unimportant. Never!”
The Doctor excused himself from my company a short time later, promising to come and see me once he’d taken care of some calculations and such in the main console room.
I took a quick swim and then had a shower, washing all of the chlorine out of my hair. But all the way through I couldn’t take my mind off the Doctor. Smiles kept coming out of nowhere and I must have looked like a lunatic to anyone watching. However, I knew I needed to learn of his intentions. Where would any kind of relationship go from here? Or would it be nigh on impossible. For today I needed to forget it all and just enjoy the moment. Living in the moment for the sheer fun of it was something I’d never been able to do. My mind had always been locked on the future, stressing about the what ifs and maybes of life.
After the shower, I returned to my room only to find that the single bed which was against the wall had now turned into a double, centred amongst the simple furnishings.
What on earth was the TARDIS doing? I’d been told countless times how she needed to be sure of a person and only allowed those on board who were important and integral to the Doctor’s travels. What was the reason behind my presence?
I stepped further into the room and slipped a hand down onto the crisp, white bed sheets. A tingle shot up my back making me shiver. The Doctor... and me...in this bed.
The door shut behind me and as I turned I saw him. His tweed jacket was missing and his shirt sleeves were rolled up.
“Been busy?” I asked.
“Not as busy as I’d like to be,” he replied. “I think you’ll make sure I have my work cut out for me.”
One thing I knew was for certain: if I made love to him here, tonight, things would never be the same for me. I couldn’t let this be a one night stand. My heart was his, completely. But was his heart mine?
“Doctor,” I whispered. “I can’t.”
He smiled at me. “I know you enough by now to know why. Truth is, I know I’m married to River, but my heart...or hearts,” he began. He stopped and chuckled. “My hearts aren’t there. I care for River but not in the same way I care for you. In my last regeneration, I felt this way for someone else.”
“Rose?” I asked. I knew it was her. Sometimes the way he spoke about her made everything so clear. She’d been his first love. He’d speak about other companions from his last regeneration like Martha and Donna, but the regret and sadness wasn’t present in his voice like when he mentioned Rose. His previous companions from this regeneration, Amy and her husband, Rory, had been his best friends, sharing in so many of his trials and triumphs. Where I fit in, I didn’t quite know.
“But...I’m different, Sarah. In this form I have my memories, but the feelings disappear...some of them.”
“You said that you left a clone of yourself with Rose so she’d never be without you. How am I supposed to walk away from all of this without you? And I mean you as you are now.”
“Isn’t it better to taste love once even if it’s not meant to last, than never taste it at all?” he asked me.
All reason and control left me and I leaned up to kiss him.
My hands wound up in his hair as his drifted down me, causing goose bumps to rise on my skin. I couldn’t help but let out a groan, momentarily feeling embarrassment, but that soon dissipated as I found myself being disrobed.
His lips inspected me carefully, inch by inch as we made sure no more clothing could get in the way. And shortly after, we lay amongst the fresh covers. He was leaning over me, kissing my neck passionately. I’d never seen him so primal and unrestricted.
I couldn’t help but arch my back as his lips travelled down my body, until he came to my inner thigh and it was then that I called out into the air.
“I don’t want to wait anymore,” I said, trying to get the words out coherently between the feelings which were bombarding me.
He never spoke but instead began kissing back upward, seemingly not missing an inch. And as his face came in front of mine, I took his lips back against mine but felt him enter me at the same time in one swift movement. On instinct and in shock I groaned under the kiss, and then he reciprocated.
We began to thrust against one another, matching one another’s movements and as we did, he took my hands in his. I could feel the ascension to my orgasm beginning and it became so quick the harder we pulsed into one another, until finally, I felt that last turbulent wave hit me. Whilst the orgasm pulsed through me, the Doctor groaned against my neck, signalling his release.
Breathlessly, he withdrew and lay beside me.
We let our breaths come back to normal before the Doctor reached over and began tickling me. Instantly I laughed, pulling away, but he came almost on top of me, attacking me with his hands. My insides hurt as I laughed over and over, until I found a way to get at him.
I lunged forwards, still giggling and began tickling him back in retaliation. His laughter filled the room until we settled down to sleep.
I woke to find that the space next to me had become vacant and the Doctor’s clothes had disappeared. Sighing, I got up, re-dressed and decided to take a walk down to the console room. Maybe he was in there, hovering over leavers and gauges...as per usual.
This time the TARDIS allowed me to walk smoothly into the console room, where I found him. I stayed by the door, watching him grinning like a happy child and hopping around the system, chattering away. Now that I’d experienced what it was like to not only travel with the Doctor, but allow him in, I knew I’d never be the same again.
Doctor Who tag list: @asgardianhobbit98 @bookworm-with-coffee
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saiilorstars · 9 months
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When you lost all trust, don't worry. Someone is always by your side and that's your shadow.
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​"Doctor, you might have to face it. That woman  — Grier — might be gone," Amy said cautiously while the Doctor pensively stared down at the console. Neither Amy nor Rory dared to go around the console to stand beside him, not yet. He was too upset. 
The Doctor raised his head, eyes following the Time Rotor go up and down. "She lost everything; her family, her home, her actual world. She got pulled into our world and I dragged her into my problems. She saved me from the Daleks, Amy. From there on, my enemies learned about her. What happened to her now was because of me. I didn’t find her in time and now look where she is?”
“But you’ve said it yourself, you can’t change the past for anything or anyone,” Amy said, growing slightly panicked the more she considered the implications of her own words. Rory too. “You-you said it could have catastrophic consequences.” 
“Doctor, this is your number one rule,” Rory said, “How far are you willing to go for a woman who’s already established she’s tried to kill you on multiple occasions and would do it again.”
The Doctor didn’t face either of his companions when he answered, and he answered almost immediately after Rory had asked the question. There was nothing to think about. There was never anything to think about when it came to Grier. “To hell and back, Rory.” Grier didn’t know it, but he would burn anything and anyone who got in his way. He would find Grier before her future was sealed. 
The Doctor would do everything in his hands to "save" Grier Cromwell, even if it cost him his last life.
Excerpt from Grier’s fic: A Moment in Time
Grier’s Masterlist
taglist: @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon​​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​ ​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​​​​ @gloryekaterina​​​​​ @foxesandmagic​​​​​​  @lenonizi​​​​​ @kmc1989​
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Doctor Who OC: Estelle Williams
Estelle Williams was many things. She was a wannabe fantasy author, a somewhat reluctant college student, the daughter to two amazingly kind parents (and the annoying younger sister to an equally annoying older brother), and she also thinks that she might be having a quarter-life-crisis. Her daily routine of getting up, going to college, maybe working a shift at the small cafe next door, then coming back home, was starting to wear thin on her. And the same faces and people she kept seeing around her tiny hometown every single day would be enough to eventually drive anyone up the wall. Estelle felt as though her life was at a bit of a standstill, the joy she used to get from writing stories was also beginning to disappear, and worst of all, her nightmares were back. It was obvious that something was needed in the young woman's life to bring her out of the rut that she had found herself in. But she wasn't expecting that thing to be a bowtie-wearing madman with a blue police box, who also happened to be the childhood imaginary friend of her future sister-in-law. What Estelle also didn't expect, was that she would end up travelling across time and space with this man, saving people, meeting different monsters and alien races, going to places that she could never have imagined, running a lot, and most of all, falling in love with said bowtie-wearing madman. What could possibly go wrong?
Faceclaim: Saoirse Ronan
Love Interest: Eleventh Doctor, Clara Oswald
Personality: Hyperactive. Talkative. Passionate. Curious. Eager. Impatient. Compassionate. Smart. Pigheaded
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Taglist: @eddysocs @megandaisy9 @carmens-garden @arrthurpendragon @misshiraeth98 @starlit-epiphany @daughter-of-melpomene
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lz-didyounotice · 3 months
Baking weekends : The surprise
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Those gifs do not belong to me.
Heyyyyy! How are you lots ? As promised, here comes another episode of the baking week ends ! This follows up the event of "An hymne to love", as well as the last espisode, "Kiss the cook".
Anyway... Hope you enjoy !
Warning : there's a lot of fluff, mention of making out in the tardis. English is not my first language.
The grocery store seemed to be way too full for a Saturday morning. Paying for the few articles you had in your basket, you got out, frantically searching for your car. There was so little time until the doctor and Clara came back from another of their adventures.
Driving as fast as the law allowed you, you pulled up to your small cottage, sprinting toward your house, paper bags in hand. Your coat was quickly put on a hanger as your shoes went flying in the entry. 
Washing your hands conscientiously, you tried to get your plan straight one more time, making sure nothing was missing. 
You had wanted to surprise the Doctor for a long while now. Back when Amy and Rorry were still traveling with you, a brilliant idea had come to you in the form of a red recipe book. The cover was old and titled with circles and other intricate designs you soon realized, was Gallifreyan. Having seen the notes the doctor tended to leave in the console room for repairs the Tardis needed, it was only ever so obvious.
For the sake of this recipe, you had to go to small markets while on another planet, wanting to find every single ingredient of what the doctor had stated to be his favorite dessert back home. Finally opening the book, you couldn’t help yourself, and shed a tear as you saw the numerous yellow sticky notes on every page, annotations left by Donna, your previous self older sister.
"How can I be sure he ain't as rotten as the last one?" 
Donna was upset to be keeped from such an important part of your life. If you were honest, you were sad to not be able to share it, but it was either that or losing her once more.
On that day, you had asked for her help, but she wanted to know more about that brilliant 
stranger you said changed you in better ways.
"Do you reckon I would be baking for him if he weren't important?"
"Cor blimey, you two had been goin’ out for bleedin’ three years, and I still never met the bloke!"
“I told you he traveled an awful lot.” you let out passing by the radio and changing the station.
“Just spill it if he's scared of meeting mom.” She let out with a small laugh. You could only do the same, bumping her with your hip as you did so.
You missed her dearly, her and her sassy comebacks. Since your new “Regeneration” you haven't been able to see her. What would she even say ? She didn’t know this version of you, you didn’t even look the same, and putting her life at risk would be irresponsible. You had just hopped that may be one day you would meet her once more. 
Putting up some energetic music, you wore your apron and got to work, sleeves put up to the elbow. The adventure only truly started now, something you waited so long to put up.
The doctor and Clara had been off all day, the brunette insisting on going a little longer, still waiting for your signal. The timelord was starting to be suspicious of Claras behavior, wondering what got his companion so energized for such a long adventure, he even was starting to wonder if she wasn’t a clone trying to keep him from earth longer than normal. 
But like the over-excited traveler he was, he couldn’t put down the offer, for all he knew, he was expected back at your cottage by the end of afternoon. Today was a busy day for you, and even if he wanted to have taken you with them, you insisted for them to spend some time together. It saddened him of course, none the less he understood today wasn’t a good day to go off with her.
Right now, the doctor was admiring a beautiful fez he had found within the small shop he and Clara came across, visiting a brand new planet. Soon enough he felt his shoulder being tapped on by the said girl, a tired smile visibly drawing itself on her lips. Asking the doctor to take her home, Clara had just closed her phone, saving it in her back pocket.  
After buying the fez, he seemed proud as he pushed the levers on the console. Rocking his new hat, Clara only could wonder if he would ever come across one without having to put it on. Even if she didn’t dream of seeing him less happy, she wanted the surprise that awaited him back home would light him up even brighter. 
With the Brunette back at her apartment, the doctor had no patience in waiting some more and launched the Tardis. Soon, his foot touched the vast landing of grass, still illuminated as the sun slowly hid behind the clouds.
Without any hesitation, his hand found the ringing bell of the small cottage, his heart pounding harder and harder as the seconds got by. 
Passing your head by the now unlocked window, the doctor seemed to ignite, happy to finally be back. “Darling, the door is open! Come on in!” Your hair was a mess, your glasses hanging from around your neck, beautifully portrayed by the light of the setting sun highlighting your figure. Smiling at you, the doctor entered the house, coming practically 10 seconds later face to face with you. “Well, welcome home Sweetheart”.
“I told you to not cheat! close those beautiful eyes before I smack you.”
The doctor was too curious to wait for the surprise you had put up for him. And right now, all he wanted was to take a tiny peak. But knowing how serious you could be about those things, he didn’t jocked around long before closing his eyes.
Soon you entered the room, a beautiful cake in your hands. Its sunny color, outshining the yellow of your apron. Slowing placing the cake before the Doctor. You gently brushed his shoulder. “Doctor, you can open them… ”
Finally letting go of his face, the man thought he was dreaming. Before him stood something that was supposed to be long gone, never to be seen again. And as he admired the wonderful pâtisserie, he couldn’t help but notice it wasn't just any Gallifreyan cake; it was a homemade one. 
Both his hearts skipped a beat as he realized the significance of the gesture. Turning to his wife with a mixture of surprise and gratitude, he couldn't help but smile.
"Did you...?" he started, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
You couldn’t help but beamed with pride when you saw the love in his eyes. "Yes, Doctor. I thought since you couldn't go back to Gallifrey yet, I'd bring a little piece of it to you."
The Doctor's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he looked at the cake, overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of your gesture. At this moment, all he could think of was how much he loved you, and how much you meant.
Taking a deep breath to steady his emotions, the Doctor rose from his chair, wrapping both arms around you, burying his head in the crook of your neck, trying to hide his tears as they got out of control. Pulling you into a tight yet comforting hug, all he could muster was a soft “Thank you” thick with all the love he could let out. "This... means more to me than you could ever know."
Your hand was now passing on his back, soothing him as much as you could. Your other tangled itself with his soft hair as you stood there for another minute. You never wanted this embrace to end. But as you pulled slightly away, you could only see how much the doctor truly meant every word.
With a gentle smile, you reached down, your hand slowly cradling his cheek as you leaned in softly, closing the distance between them. Your breath mingled, warm yet sweet as your lips brushed together in a soft yet passionate kiss. But as you parted, the doctor only tried to reach for your lips, making you snort softly at the surprised look on his face.
“I do believe we still have to taste the cake, now don’t we?”
“I- … yes”
“We will continue… this after…-”
And to say you had outdone yourself was an understatement. You would have expected it to taste funny with the numerous strange ingredients you had to add. It was heavenly, and by the doctor's face, you could only tell he was enjoying every second of it.
“Is it any good ?” Serving yourself another portion.
"Blimey, love! This... this is fantastic! Haven't had a nibble like this in eons... It's not just good, it's utterly brilliant! Delicious doesn't even begin to describe it!" He answered, still trying to shove more cake in his mouth.
Your cheeks flared up, genuinely happy, and proud you had done such good work. In the beginning, you feared it wouldn’t have the same taste as the one that existed back home, and you felt relieved that the doctor could recognize a fond memory in it.
It was safe to say, the cake did not survive long enough. You and the doctor, now cuddling in the softness of the Tardis covers.  
After the cake had been devoured, you had to have a turn. The thankful kisses you gave one another, turned into a heated session of making out against the tardis console, his fingerprints still lingering on your inner thighs. And just like that it was you and him against the world once more. 
His fingers passed through your short ginger hair as a comfortable silence installed itself. You looked up at him and could tell he had some questions about the whole surprise.
“You have a lot of questions don’t you ?”
“I always do…”
“Ask away then, I know you’re curious.”
Shifting slightly closer, the doctor leaned onto his elbow, making his face right above you. “How long did this take you ?”
Your hand reaching out for his jaw, you pulled a small but sad grin. “I started trying back when Amy was still traveling with us. Unfortunately, I died shortly after so… been planning longer than our wedding. ” 
The doctor laughed slightly with you, remembering the chaotic moment. “And the recipe? Where did you find it? The Tardis database is still written in Gallifreyan as far as I’m aware of- ”
“No such trouble when you have learned to read it.”
“Why so surprised? Did you think I would traverse the universe for eons and not try to embrace your culture? What sort of wife would I be ?”
And just when he thought he couldn’t love you more, he did. His hearts swelled with pride as he looked into your eyes. Caressing your cheek, he kissed your forehead, brushing away some strands of hair still in the way.
“You truly are remarkable (Y/N).....”
“It goes both ways my Bowtie maniac.”
And as the sun rose again on the Tardis, the two lovers intertwined once more, laying one against another as close as you could, afraid time might slip by and take you both apart.
You couldn’t have dreamed of a better outcome.
Bonus : 
“I knew Clara was up to something!” Complained the time lord only now realizing why his companion was so indecisive about where to land.
“Only figured now she had to keep you busy while I was baking?”
“That’s an awful trickery-”
“As far as I’m aware, if you hadn't been off, you wouldn’t have this wonderful fez of yours, now would you ?” Turning around him you swiftly took the red hat off his head, putting it on your own.
“Oi, mine-” He quickly tried to retrieve it, but knowing you it could be easy or involve a lot of running.
Dodging his hand, you took the opportunity to run off in the Tardis corridors singing “Nope, mine now!” as you ran across the control room.
“(Y/N)! ” The doctor was slightly panicked but it was just a matter of time before all of it evolved into laughter. 
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chodoyodes · 2 months
Remember that outfit swap you did for Nine and Eleven back in November? (well I did)
How would their respective companions react to their new looks?
Also, what is your favorite class to play in DnD?
I do remember the post in question
Here are the reactions I cooked up haha
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As for my fav dnd class, it’s gotta be warlock, I have a current warlock character who is STUPIDLY min maxed and powerful but he’s only 16, super fun time
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He’s recently sold his soul to his patron though so that’s not great
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b0tis · 2 years
isn't it funny how. it was all "matt smith funny big chin weird-looking guy haha" and then bam. the show hit. and now look at y'all. simping.
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deanwinchesterlady · 11 months
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001-lvr · 2 years
“Where’s my stepdaughter?”
(11th doctor x River song + daughter!oc)
A/N: i know it’s almost impossible for the doctor to have a daughter but this is a fanfic so it doesn’t matter🤗 + part 2 will be very very soon
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summary: after the death of Amy and Rory, both the doctor and his 14 year old daughter, Athena were left heartbroken. Out of instinct and fear, The doctor kicks athena out of the tardis, not realising the dangers of doing so.
Athena was sitting on the swing chair under the floor of the tardis, trying to focus on the book she was reading. Her dad hadn’t said a word to her all day, not really speaking to her after Amy and Rorys death. Which she understood, she didn’t think she’d talk much if she was in his position either. Athena was the last of the doctors children, and the youngest. By far. She had two hearts, like the doctor. Yet she didn’t call herself a time lord, maybe in the future. But for now, she was just a kid. She knew she could never compare to them. Her mother was unknown, to be fair, doctor himself couldn’t really remember either. It must’ve been a random woman from a planet he visited years ago. Even without having a biological mother, she always had river. She loved river, river treated her as if she was her own.
She knew what her dad had been through, she knew he’d never be the same after Amy and Rory’s death. She wouldn’t be either. She loved Amy and Rory just as much as the doctor did, she was mourning too. Yet, the doctor couldn’t see that. The only thing he could think of was how he lost them, and how he was going to lose Athena next, if he didn’t act quickly. He thought he knew what he had to do, so he did what his brain told him to do. He walked down the stairs of the tardis, and saw his 14 year old daughter sitting on the chair reading a book. He was sure that he’d be on the brink of tears, if he was able to cry. She was the only child he had left, and he was going to let her go. But he told himself that it was for her safety. Everyone who accompanied him on his travels through all of time and space, they all either died, or left. And he had a terrible feeling that Athena would die if she carried on staying with him. The doctor sucked in a breath, and said what he felt he needed to. “Athena.” He said, trying to keep the most nonchalant tone of voice he could. Athena’s eyes snapped up from her book and her deep brown eyes met his, and he looked away. He couldn’t look her in the eyes, not with the news he was about to drop on her. “You need to leave. Don’t ask questions, don’t argue against it, just get what you need to, and go.” He said, turning away from her and taking a deep breath. Athena’s heart dropped. “I need to leave?”
“What did I say about questions?” The doctor snapped, not being able to handle hearing the slight crack in her voice. “You’re not making any sense. I need to leave? Leave where? Where do I go?” She asked, standing up from the swinging seat. The doctor huffed and started packing her stuff for her. “Anywhere. I’ll land the tardis in the present day. And you will go. And you will not see me again.” He said, this time building just the right amount of courage to look Athena dead in the eyes. He watched as her eyes welled with tears, how her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as her hand tightened around her book. “But you’re all I have.” Athena said quietly, not being able to get her voice any stronger or louder. She was completely heartbroken. That’s when the doctor knew the damage was done. “It doesn’t matter now, does it? Because you’re going.” He pointed a finger at her and went back up the stairs, trying to land the tardis. The tardis didn’t like that, she refused to land. She knew very well that the doctor isn’t thinking straight, and what he’s about to do will be one of the biggest regrets in his whole 900+ years of his life. The doctor gave all of his strength to land the tardis, and despite her refusal, he managed to land it anyway. He opened the doors to the tardis and waited.
Eventually, Athena came up the stairs. Backpack on her back, tear tracks on her face. She didn’t say goodbye to the doctor, both of them hated goodbyes. The doctor couldn’t look at her. The guilt wasn’t eating away at him yet, but it was certainly there. Even though she didn’t say goodbye to her dad, she did say goodbye to the tardis. “Goodbye, sweet girl.” She whispered to the tardis, and the tardis gave a small cry in response. Athena heard the doors shut as she walked out, and she heard the whooooshh, wooooshh of the tardis leaving. She sat right where the tardis was, and she waited. Silently hoping her dad would come back for her.
back in the tardis…
The doctor sat in the swingy chair, the one his daughter was sat in not even 10 minutes ago. The tardis felt so empty without her books lying around. Without the sound of her laughter as she got to the funny parts in her book. He knew that the doctor 5 months ago would be absolutely furious. Kicking his own daughter out of the tardis? That’s insane! He knew that when she was just a baby, he vowed to her that he would protect her from anything and everything. How he would show her the stars, take her to every planet there was. He still remembers the day he and River found the little girl outside of the parked tardis.
14 years ago
The Doctor and River were walking back to the tardis after seeing a Christmas pantomime, they were laughing the whole way back. As they found themselves outside of the tardis, River looked down to see a baby, no older than a few days old. The baby wasn’t crying, she was looking up at both River and The Doctor with big, curious eyes. Full of hope. Full of wonder.
River gaped at the baby, picking her up, and seeing a note that was under her.
‘She’s yours.’
That’s all the note said. Doctor swore he could faint, his? He hadn’t had a child since before the Time War. He still remembered their screams, all the childrens screams. Screams as fire engulfed them, as bullets pierced their skin. Suddenly, he felt tears in his eyes as river handed him the baby. His baby. He bit his lip harshly to stop the tears from escaping his eyes. He opened the tardis door and took the child in. He sat down and held her close to his chest, still in pure shock. “Athena. Goddess of war. Goddess of handicraft. Goddess of reason.” River said, melting at the sight of the bundle of joy that was falling asleep in the doctors arms. Doctor nodded, “Athena.”
The doctor kissed Athena’s forehead, “Athena, I swear to protect you from everyone and everything. I’ll show you the stars, every single one. Every planet. Anything in the universe that you could possibly imagine. You’ll be so loved, so so, loved.” He whispered, taking her tiny hand in his. He smiled as he felt her hand wrap around his finger.
His heart felt full, he felt complete. For the first time in years, he felt alive. He had been around for hundreds of years, but he started to live the day Athena was born. The light in his life, the only star he needed.
Present day
The doctor got a horrible feeling in his chest, it felt like a bad chest infection, or heartburn. It was like a piece of string was tightening around his heart. It felt like the bad type of butterflies. The butterflies you get when you realise something you wish you realised sooner. The butterflies you get when you’re worried. He got those butterflies when he realised he broke that promise he made to his own daughter.
But he knew (thought) she would be no safer with him.
Still, he listened to his heart this time rather than his brain, and he traveled back to where he left Athena. The Tardis complied happily.
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Athena was sat on the patch of grass for hours, picking bits of grass from the ground. Just as she put her head in her hands, she felt arms lift her off of the ground she was sitting on, the arms were rough. She had no time to react, she was knocked out almost immediately.
She woke up a few hours later with a throbbing pain in her head, and when she checked her surroundings, she was definitely not in England. She was also definitely not in 2012.
oh god.
She was in New York. 1940’s New York.
She tried to stand up, but the strong restraints tied around her arms and legs wouldn’t let her. She didn’t even know who took her, she was confused as to why somebody would take her anyway. She wasn’t anything important, she hadn’t done anything significant. She wasn’t a significant person. She was just Athena. Who would do this? What would do this? And why? Did they want something from her? Did they want to kill her? Millions of questions raced through her head at supersonic speed, not giving her chance to give her own questions much thought.
She knew she probably shouldn’t speak, letting whoever kidnapped her know that she was awake could just put her at more risk. Instead, she pretended to stay unconscious. However, she couldn’t help but wonder if her dad was going to come and get her. If he was going to save the day, as usual. Maybe not anymore. Not after what happened with Amy and Rory. Maybe he forgot about her already.
She decided that whatever was going to happen from there on out, she was going to allow it to happen. No point on changing things up now, she has no reason to. There’s nothing in the word for her, every opportunity was out there, in space. With the stars, exploring planets, going on silly adventures. Going on silly adventures with the doctor, and river.
Maybe if she ended up dying here, she would see Amy and Rory again.
“wait for me.” She whispered, still pretending to be unconscious.
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The doctor landed right where he left Athena, he hoped and prayed that she’d be there. When the tardis had fully parked, he walked out. When he didn’t see her, his heart rate picked up drastically. He walked around the tardis and around the area, he didn’t see her anywhere. Not even a trace of her. He knew Athena wouldn’t go far, he knew that she’d probably wait for him. She wasn’t anywhere to be seen. The thing that really made him panic, was her book on the floor. One of the pages were ripped out. It said ‘Manhattan. 1940.’ From that, he knew that someone had taken her. Probably to get back at him. But that was cold, even to his standards, that was cold. The person who wrote that knew very well that the doctor couldn’t get to Manhattan in the 1940’s.
To him, she was already dead. He thought there could be no way she was dead. Just the thought of her screaming in pain, screaming for his help made his blood boil and his stomach churn. The thought of Athena having to die alone, or having to die at all. That made him feel the worst. He stumbled back into his tardis, her book in his hand, legs like jelly. He collapsed onto the floor, back to his tardis doors. He screamed, he didn’t just cry. He screamed. It was full of nothing but pure agony. He got up and threw whatever he could all over his tardis. He pulled at his hair, repeatedly hit his head. He knew it was his fault, purely his fault. He was the reason she was abducted. The reason she was dead.
He eventually stopped himself from completely trashing his tardis. He got a notification on his screen, and his tired, pain filled eyes looked up at it to see a message from river, giving him a location to go to and open his tardis doors for her. He wiped his eyes and got up, starting his tardis, and going to the location he was told to go to. He turned his tardis sideways and opened the doors, hearing river jump in to the pool. Knowing river was here only made him more upset, he knew he had to break the news to her. He then went to another location, and parked the tardis for the night. He again collapsed, staring nimbly at the ceiling of the tardis. He didn’t even look at river as she walked out to him, drying her hair. She had noticed that Athena wasn’t there, and seeing the doctor in such a state was worrying her.
“Where’s my stepdaughter?”
River asked, confusion laced in her voice. There it was, the question he hoped he could avoid. He looked at river, tears brimming his eyes once again. “I lost her.” He croaked, a fresh wave of tears coming down his cheeks. There was nothing worse than the pain of your child going missing, or worse, being killed. For no reason whatsoever. Athena was the most innocent child ever. Her imagination could run for miles, she always drew pictures of him based on what he told her about his travels. Athena was the purest child in the universe and she was the last person that would ever deserve death, or any harm caused to her. Rivers heart dropped to her feet. It was very rare she saw the doctor cry, and when she did, it was only him shedding a tear. Never this. “Lost her? How could you lose her?! She’s usually good at not listening to you and not wandering off, although I hate that about her.” She grumbled, and looked back up at the doctor. “Still, what do you mean by lost her?” She asked cautiously, not really sure if she wanted to know the answer. The doctor huffed, finding it hard to breathe. It felt suffocating, he felt like there was no more air left in the tardis, he felt as if his lungs were being filled to the brim with water. “She’s dead, river.” He said numbly, but waterworks we’re still there.
And just like that, Rivers world went quiet. Only the doctors words were on repeat in her mind, echoing. Dead? No she wasn’t. She wasn’t the type of person to die. Not her Athena. River shook her head, disbelief written all over her face. “And you know that, how exactly?” She said, praying that the doctor didn’t know for sure.
She was in luck.
“Well, I wouldn’t say I know for sure. But I went back to where I left her, and I found no sign of her. Only her book, with a note that said she was in Manhattan. Not just Manhattan, but in the 40’s. And you and I both know we can’t get there. She’s probably already dead.” The doctor whispered sorrowfully, he couldn’t look his wife in the eyes. Rivers head cocked to the side. “Where you left her? What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked, slight venom laced in her already stern (but soft) tone. The doctors bloodshot eyes widened, realising that now he had to inform her on his huge mistake.
When he did, he didn’t get a response from her straight away. Just multiple slaps. Then, he did get a response. “You idiot! Oh, you fool! She’s missing because of you!” She yelled right in his face, and he yelled right back. “What did you expect me to do?! I lose two very important people in my life and you expect me to just get on with things?! With me, Athena would’ve died anyway! Everyone does! Everyone always, always leaves me! And I was sick of that. I was sick of being so selfish. I was sick of them being so gullible. I take them to a couple of planets and they’re happy to die for me! Stupid. I’ve watched my other children die right in front of my eyes. I have watched universes freeze and creations burn! I have seen things you wouldn’t believe! I have lost things you will never understand!” The doctor shouted as his guilt had him in a tight embrace, slowly eating away at him. “And I can’t do that anymore. I should have never taken Amy. Or Rory. I should’ve never tried to play hero. Not when I’m in a battle with myself.” The doctor shook his head, leaning over the tardis controls. River had tears of her own streaming down her face as she watched she man she loved fall apart right in front of her. “Oh sweetie,” she whispered. The doctor looked up at her, a drained expression on his face. “What? What, river? I don’t want your pity, I don’t want your sympathy or your empathy.” He mumbled, leaning his head on his arm.
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“Yes, the Tardis may not be able to go back there but guess what can?” She said, her classic smirk on her face.
“What?” The doctor asked, taking his head off of his arm and turning to look at river.
“The vortex manipulator, not so cheap and nasty now, is it?” She said with the smirk still on her face. The doctors eyes were wide open at this point, the tears drying on his face. “River, you genius!” He shouted as he grabbed her face and kissed all over it. “You genius!” He shouted again.
“Now, are you going to carry on wasting time or are we going to save our daughter?” River said, ushering him to stop the childish act he was doing.
“Right, sorry.”
And with that, they used the vortex manipulator to actually travel to Manhattan 1940.
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Andromeda Estany Song, daughter of The Doctor and Professor River Song. She was born on Darillium but when the sun had risen she was brought back in time to be raised by younger versions of her parents from the past, there was only one problem: they didn't know that she existed yet.
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the-doctor-3000 · 11 months
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 {Doctor Who Fanfic}
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Chapter 3: The Forest of Fear
The Doctor was sitting, and muttering furiously as he worked at his bonds. Emma, on the meantime, tried to remain calm as she looked around for anything that could release her and the others from their bonds.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, It’s all my fault. I'm desperately sorry. . . ." said the Doctor.
"Oh, don't blame yourself, Grandfather."
"Even so. . ." Emma started, still looking around. "It happened now. We cannot change that. So instead of apologizing and blaming yourself, I say help us to leave." She noticed something. "Look at those, look at them. . ."
A skull lied next to them with a hole smashed in at the top of its head. Ian noticed it as well and said, "Yes, they're all the same. They've been split wide open. . . ."
Ian started using one of the many small rocks on the floor to try and saw away at Barbara's binds. Susan crawled over to him, carrying another rock. "I've found another piece with a rough edge. . ."
He eased off with a sigh of relief and took the rock. "Oh, thank you." He tried it on Barbara's bonds, then groaned and tossed it aside. "Oh, it's no good! It keeps crumbling. . ."
"Oh, it's hopeless. Hopeless. Even if we do get free, we shall never move that stone."
Emma remained quiet for a couple of minutes before she realized something. "Where. . . There's air coming in here from somewhere."
Ian took her words into account and begun scanning the cave with his eyes."Miss Jones is right!"
"Yes, there is! I can feel it on my face!" said Barbara excitedly and Emma stood up and went to help the two.
"It may only be a small opening. Don't count on it. . . ."
The Doctor scoffed, "Oh, you obviously are."
The tips of Emma's ears grew hot and glared at the Time Lord. "You are the smartest being in the universe! But it's beyond me that you don't know that even the slightest bit of hope is better than none! So I suggest you to stop criticising us and do something! Help us all to get out of here." She tried Barbara's bonds, then threw the rock away with an angry huff. "Blast it!"
"Oh, the stone's no good!!" Ian said, also frustrated.
"Well don't give up, you two. Please." Barbara said.
After a pause he responded, "All right."
He and Emma started searching the ground again.
"No, no, don't waste time. Try those bones. They may. . . t-they're sharper, perhaps." the Doctor said.
"That's a good idea."
"Oh Grandfather, I knew you'd think of something!" Susan praised her grandfather.
Emma gave him an odd look. "We just wasted precious time on trying with the rock, why didn't you that sooner?!"
"Oh, I didn't think you'd have cared." he said, feigning guilt. "This is, after all, a dream to you. Why do you care if you wasted time when this isn't real to you?"
There was another pause. The Doctor was taunting her but Emma did not think much of it and said, "Good point."
The Doctor sighed, "We must all take it in turns and try and cut his hands free."
"But surely we should get the girls. . ." said Ian.
"No, no, no, we've got to free you first! You're the strongest, and you may have to defend us." The Doctor, using a fragment of bone, was starting to make progress on Ian's binds. He stopped, panting. He handed the fragment to Susan. "Susan, you have a go. My arms are tired."
Susan nodded. "All right."
She started on the binds as the Doctor lied back with a groan. "And don't think of failure."
"What?" Barbara asked him.
"Well, try to remember, if you can, how you and the others got here. Concentrate on that please."
"Yes, yes, I'll try." She blinked and realized something. "You're, you’re trying to help me."
"Yes. Well, fear makes companions of all of us, Miss Wright."
"I never once thought you were afraid."
"Fear is with all of us, and always will be. Just like that other sensation that lives with it."
"What's that?"
"Oh, your companion referred to it. Hope. Hope, Miss Wright."
Sometime later Barbara was working at the cords on Ian's hands now. The younger girls were trying to bite theirs off. Theirs gazes fell upon a hollow in the cave wall - Susan cried out in alarm and Emma yelped. Some bushes and twigs in the hollow were moving, with a shadow visible within. With a grunt of effort, the Old Mother pushed aside the small portcullis of branches that had covered her secret entrance.
She stared at the five. You. . . .will not. . .make fire. I will set you free, if you will go away and not make fire. Fire will bring trouble and death to the tribe."
The Doctor nodded. "There will be no fire."
Suddenly, grunting sounds came from outside. The five travellers were freed from their bindings, Susan last of all.
"Hurry. Hurry!! You must go across the top and into the trees. . ."
The five climbed through the secret entrance, Emma helped Susan out.
Through the dark forest maze, the group ran toward the TARDIS and safety. Barbara was in the lead, with Susan, Emma and Ian following and the Doctor bringing up the rear. But the old male was losing breath, and he sagged against a tree.
"Stop. . . stop. . . just a minute. . . let me get my. . . ." the Doctor breathed heavily.
"We can't stop here!" said Ian.
"Just a moment. . . ."
"Look, we've got to go further on."
"I know, I know that but I must get breathe. . . I must breathe. . ."
"Try, try! I shall have to carry you."
"Oh, there's no need for that! Don't be so childish - I'm not senile - just let me get my breath for a moment. . . ."
Susan moved to take the Doctor's arm over her own and helped him on his way. "Oh, Grandfather, come on. . ."
"Yes. . . I'm not so young, you know. . . . ."
"I know."
As they started on, a very nervous Barbara got by Ian and Emma. "Are you sure this is the right way?"
Ian nodded. "Yes, I think so."
Barbara's voice started shaking. "I can't remember. I. . .I simply can't remember. . . ."
She broke down, sobbing on Ian's chest. He pat her back reassuringly. Emma gave her a small comforting smile, "Oh, Miss Wright, it's going to be alright! We're free! That's something, right?"
"I believe you're right, yes. . ." Emma thought that she wasn't going to say anything else and started walking forward until. . . "Emma?" She stopped at the sound of her name and looked over her shoulder to Barbara. "Do you. . . Do you happen to know if we make it or not?"
The noirette thought about it for a moment and replied, "Considering that this show has been running for nearly sixty years, I believe that we'll make it!"
That brought some comfort to Barbara and she calmed back down. Still holding on to her, Ian started back after the Doctor and Susan and Emma - but an echoing bellow stopped the two schoolteachers cold. They forced themselves to go onward.
Some time went by and our travellers were dirty, sweaty, and exhausted. Yet still they forced themselves through the thickets. And their pace was growing more uncertain.
"I'm sure I remember this place. . . but we didn't come round it. We went across it." said Susan.
"Yes, th-th-there was a sort of trail. . . ." said Barbara.
"If that's true, we must be quite near the ship.' said Ian and he turned to the male Time Lord. "How are you feeling?"
He simply waved him away. "Oh, I'm all right. Don't keep looking upon me as the weakest state of the. . ."
Barbara suddenly stopped, gasping in terror. Ian grabbed her, looking where she was looking. "What‘s the matter?"
"I don’t know. I don’t know. Something over there, in the bushes. . ."
The Doctor was trying to hide his own fright. "Oh, what nonsense!"
"The bushes moved! I saw them! I saw them! Oh, we're never going to get out of this awful place! Never, never, never. . ."
Ian hugged her, trying to calm her down.
Susan turned to the Doctor, "What do you think she could have seen, Grandfather?"
"No! Sheer nonsense, child. Imagination."
". . .no we won't. We're going to get back to the ship, and then we'll be safe." Ian said to Barbara who was sobbing.
"Oh Ian, what's happening to us?"
"Look, Barbara! We got out of the cave, didn't we?"
A growl rumbled through the forest but nobody seemed to have heard or they were far too tired to concern themselves with this. Emma was rubbing her legs as an attempt to stay warm. It was a bad time for her to wear shorts.
"I’m so cold." said Susan who was also trying to warm herself.
Emma, knowing that she would probably regret it, sighed as she removed her hoodie and gave it to Susan. "Here, this will do for now." And she was right, she already regretted her choice. Not only was she wearing shorts but also a sleeveless shirt. The hoodie was the only thing that was keeping her warm from her waist and up. "Just-- Just, if you can, make sure my stuff won't fall out the pocket. 'Kay?"
Susan accepted the hoodie gratefully with a weak smile. "Thank you, Emma." She held the younger girl's coat and helped her put the hoodie on. Then she gave her the coat. She asked her if it was alright. Susan nodded, "Yes. Thanks."
Mopping his head with a handkerchief and slightly ignoring the conversation between his granddaughter and the strange female, he said. "Oh, I'm hot with all this exertion."
"We'll rest for a couple of minutes." said Ian.
"Oh, good. Is there any chance of them following us?" asked Susan.
"I expect so./Certainly." both the Doctor and Emma said simultaneously.
"Yes. That's why I don't want to stop here too long." said Ian.
"Do you think I want to?" said the Doctor.
"No. We'll change the order - you and Susan go in front, Barbara, Emma and I will bring up the rear. Susan seems to remember the way better than any of us."
The Doctor snorted. "You seem to have elected yourself leader of this little party."
"There isn't time to vote on it."
"Just as long as so you understand that I won't follow your orders blindly. . ."
"If there were only two of us, you could find your own way back to the ship!"
"Aren’t you are a tiresome young man!"
"And you're a stubborn old man! But you will lead, the girls in between, and I'll bring up the rear because that's the safest way! Barbara was probably right. I thought I heard something when we stopped back there."
"Oh, sheer imagination."
"Why are you so confident about it!?"
"Cause I won't allow myself to be frightened out of my wits by mere shadows. That's all!"
"Oh alright!"
He stormed away from Ian and back to the three huddled women who were sat on the ground. Ian followed. Susan put her hands into Emma's hoodie and felt the items which were in the pocket. A part of her wanted to take them out and see what they were but she thought it'd be best if she didn't. Though she planned on asking Emma later about it. Speaking of Emma, Susan looked at the female in question.
She blurted out, "Emma?" She looked at her and hummed in acknowledgement. "Why do you still believe that you are dreaming?"
She did not respond. Not at first at least. "It just doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, as I said, this is a television show. . . It can't be, well, real. I grew up watching the series. Well. . . The 2005 one and on but still." Susan pinched her on the arm. Emma winced and rubbed the place where she had been pinched. "Ouch!" She looked at Susan with wide eyes. "What was that for?"
"Sorry, but some humans say that if you pinch yourself when you're dreaming then you wake up."
"It hurts!"
"If it were a dream would it hurt?"
Emma opened her mouth to respond but realization dawned on her and she closed it with a distraught look. She looked down at her hands, she rubbed her legs, and did not speak again. What could she even say? 
Many things were going through her head, but she had to sort them out later. When they weren't in this situation. 
An hour passed and the travellers were still resting. Chesterton was the first one to get to his feet. "I think we'd better get going. Doctor, will you lead?"
The Doctor, still fanning himself with the handkerchief, got up. "Yes, yes yes yes."
"Come on, Barbara." He helped her up but as they started onward, Brabara stumbled and fell with a groan upon a bush. Right in front of the blood-splattered warthog. She screamed at the sight and Ian helped her to her knees, and held her. "Barbara, Barbara. . ."
Susan touched the creature gingerly. "A dead animal."
"It's just been killed. And by a larger animal too!" said the Doctor.
The rustling of branches alerted Ian and Emma. Ian turned to the group, "Shhh. That must be them. They've followed us - quick, quick, over there!" The party rushed across the path and out of sight. A few moments later, Za and Hur appeared. The travellers were perched behind a tree, watching the two cautious tribes-people. "Keep down, and not a sound. . ."
Za and Hur turned in a complete circle, scanning the shrubbery for any sign of the four strangers. The sound of a growl could be heard. Hur squinted at something and started forward but Za stopped her. "Wait! There is danger. I will go."
Hefting his axe, he started in the direction Hur had indicated. He moved slowly, toward a rustling bush that suddenly moved. Both tribes-people screamed as the creature pounced on him. The party watched in horror as the sounds of struggle and terror reached them. They climbed as one to their feet..
"Quick, now's our chance! Let's get away! Run!"
"We cannot just let them die!" Emma protested. "We have to help them."
"Miss Jones, this is not the time---"
Barbara grabbed at Ian. "I agree with Miss Jones. I don't care what they've done!!"
"Barbara!" Hur was sobbing nearby. "Barbara, Miss Jones, come on!"
She shook her head violently. "I think he's dead. . .there isn't any danger."
"Barbara! For heaven’s sake!"
Emma helped Barbara to rip free of Ian and they ran towards the cavepeople, Ian lunged after the two female.
"I'm going too. . ." Susan said but the Doctor tried to hold her back.
"Susan, you stay here with me. . ."
"No, Grandfather, we can't le. . ."
"Silence, we're going back to the ship!"
She also pushed herself towards the wounded tribesman.
"What are you doing!? They must be out of their minds!!"
The battle was over, and the creature had retreated back into the wood. Za was lying prone, moaning, his chest criss-crossed with jagged claw wounds. Hur was hunched over him, howling sounds of grief. She reacted as Ian approached, knife in hand. "No, keep away!"
"Let me look at him."
"I am your friend, you understand? Friend. I want to help you."
Hur looked uncertain. "Friend. . . .?"
"I want water."
"Water. . ."
"Go and fetch some water for his wounds." said Emma as she knelt beside Ian.
Hur paused for a moment, she decided and pointed behind her. "Water is there."
"Please, show me." said Barbara. She turned to Ian. "Give me your handkerchief."
He got his handkerchief out. "There you are."
Barbara took it and led Hur with her out of view. Ian and Emma opened the caveman's furs wider to take a better look at the wounds. The Doctor still stood by their hiding spot. A pleading look from Susan finally brought him up to the rest of the party. Hur and Barbara returned with the now wet handkerchief.
"Is he all right...?" asked Susan in worry.
"I think so." said Ian.
Emma pulled the stone axe out of Za's hand. The stone blade was noticeably missing. "He must have buried his axe-head in the animal." She took the handkerchief from Barbara. She looked at Ian. "I'll give it back, Mr. Chesterton."
He nodded and Emma squeezed it over Za's chest, dripping water down on the wounds. Barbara had wet down her own handkerchief and used it on Za's forehead.
"Water comes out of the skin!" Hur said in amazement.
Ian laughed. "Yes." Emma wiped away at the chest wounds. "I think most of this is the animal's blood."
"Oh, good." said Susan.
"There's a scar on the side of his head. . ." Barbara said.
"Well, we've lost our chance of getting away." Ian said, then, amused, he turned to Barbara. "Your flat must be littered with stray cats and dogs. . ."
"They are human beings, Ian."
He touched a raw spot, making Za moan loudly. The two schoolteachers and Emma tried to keep him still as Hur whimpered. The Doctor stepped forward. "What exactly do you think you're doing?"
"Have you got any antiseptic in the ship?"
Susan nodded. "Yes, lots."
"One minute ago, we were trying desperately to get away from these savages---" said the Doctor, only to be interrupted by Ian.
"All right. Now we're helping them. You're a doctor, do something!"
He scoffed. "I'm not a doctor of medicine."
Susan piped in, "Grandfather, we can make friends with them.
"Oh don't be ridiculous, child!"
Emma and Barbara were fuming with rage. The latter was about to speak but the former was far angrier that she beat her to it. "Will you stop that?! Why do you treat everybody and everything as something less important than yourself!?"
"You're trying to say that everything you do is reasonable and everything I do is inhuman. But I'm afraid your judgement's at fault here, Miss Jones. Not mine."
"I can't believe it." scoffed Emma with a dry laugh and looked into his eyes as she continued. "I am not saying what we do is logical. Me, Mr. Chesterton and Miss Wright are just doing what is humane. This is humanity! You--- You have two hearts! What's the point in having them if you can't show a little compassion?!"
Ian and Barbara froze at the news. Wait, two hearts? The Doctor was momentarily stunned by her response, his breath shaking a little but he quickly collected himself and said rather coldly, "Haven't you realised if these two people can follow these, or any of these people can follow us, the whole tribe might descend upon us at any moment?"
"The tribe is asleep!" Hur said.
"And what about the old woman who cut our bonds, hmm? You understand?"
Hur thought about it but couldn't add it up. She looked at Ian in confusion. He responded.  "He's right. We're too exposed here." He got up "We'll make a stretcher and carry him."
"You're not going to take him back to the ship?" asked the Doctor, appalled.
Ian took off his coat. "Take your coat off, Barbara. Susan, Emma, try to find me two poles. Long ones, fairly straight."
"The old woman won't give us away. She helped us." said Barbara to the Doctor.
"You think so? They have logic and reason, have they? Can't you see their minds change as rapidly as night and day? She's probably telling the whole tribe at this very moment!"
The efforts to construct a makeshift stretcher continued, but. . . "It's not going to work like this. . ." said Ian.
Susan got up and took off her own coat. Bundling it up into a pillow, she started to put it under Za's head. Hur jumped at her. "Noooo! He is mine!"
Susan jumped back, yelping. She huddled near Emma. "I was only trying to help!!"
"It's alright Susan." Emma said as she gave her a reassuring smile. "You did good." She looked at Hur. "She just doesn't understand that. She is, uh, jealous of you."
"I don't understand what you are doing! You are like a. . .like a mother to the child. Why do you not kill??" asked Hur, sounding rather demanding.
"How can we explain to her? She doesn't understand kindness, friendship. . ." Ian said.
"We will make him well again. We will teach you how to make fire. In return, you show us the way back to. . ..to our cave." said Barbara to Hur, slowly and gently.
Hur was uncertain. She looked down at Za and he spoke very weakly, "Listen to them. They do not kill. . ."
She thought again. Ian decided not to wait for the answer. "Come on, let's get on with this stretcher. Let's try the sleeves inside. . . .that's it. . ."
"Water" Za's voice was hoarse as he spoe.
Hur murmured in the affirmative to him. She got up, only to face the haughty stare of the Doctor. Matching the stare, she went on toward the pool.
"How about giving us a hand, Doctor?" asked Ian who noticed the stare.
The Doctor turned his back on the party. Susan said, "He's always like this if he doesn't get his own way."
Unseen from the rest of the party, a faint smile whispered across the Doctor's face. He turned to face the party again.
"Well, the old woman won't give us away. And now that we've got these two on our side, we should get back to the ship." said Emma though she did not sound certain.
The Doctor knelt down and picked up Za's stone knife but Ian grabbed the Doctor's wrist. "Get your hand off me!"
"What are you doing?"
"W-well, I-I-I was going to get him to draw our way back to the TARDIS."
Glaring suspiciously at the Doctor, Ian let go of him. "We've been too long as it is. Is the stretcher ready?"
"Yes." said Barbara.
"All right." He turned to the Doctor. "You take one end of it."
"You don't expect me to carry him, do you?"
"Do you want the women to do the job for you?"
Snarling, he replied. "Oh, very well!!"
The party gathered around Za. "Right, move him over very carefully. . ." Za groaned as they turned him. Hur cried out in sympathy. "Now, back again, gently. . ."
"Carefully. . ." said Barbara.
They deposited him on the stretcher, using one of the furs to wrap him in.
"Good, good. Right, now Susan, Emma, you get in front with her."
The party had finally reached the end of the forest. They were now in the desert and the sky was now as dark as ink. 
"Hold the branches back, girls.
The two pushed away the last of the tree branches, to a welcome sight which caused Emma to grin widely in relief. The two girls cheered, "The TARDIS! There's the TARDIS!"
Suddenly, several of the tribe rise from places of concealment, their spears ready.
"Back! Get back!" Ian warned them
They turned to face Kal and several cavemen at his side. Barbara screamed.
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eunxhan · 1 month
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❝ ❝ Pain is how I show love. Pain is what makes me feel close to you. ❞ ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
Ꮺ Disclaimer — I do not condone any type of yandere behavior in real life so please do not replicate. I only write it for the sake of entertainment.
Wanna know more about them ? ⨾ Feel free to ask or request me! My Mandates that contains rules, make sure to read it before requesting.
Ꮺ Euna's Note ⨾ I'm still currently working on them (working on other ocs, that contains with more women/nb/agender) and I'm considering whether or not I should change some of the characters' Pronouns and gender because it seems like I overused with this one. I'm still learning about my own community (LGBTQ) and if anyone's interested about giving a different gender, I'll be happy to learn about it! 💕
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•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
PATIENT | @/Legsthatcantwalk
VH ♬ Viktor [ARCANE]
He/Him | Panromantic
February 26th | Pisces | INTJ
Obsessive | Paranoid | Unaccountable
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
❝ You're the only one that can heal my wounds. ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
OWNER | @/thelordofthemanor
VH ♬ Cypher [Valorant]
OWNER!YAN x BUTLER!RDR | Late 40s | Cis Male
He/Him | Demiromantic
January 25th | Aquarius | INTP
Greedy | Domineering | Cruel
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
❝ Be grateful you've got me. Who else would take care
of such a useless thing like you? ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
ARTIST'S MUSE | @/LotusMuse
VH ♬ Mizuki [Kamisama Kiss]
MUSE!YAN x ARTIST!RDR | 24 | Trans Male
He/Him | Panromantic
July 11th | Aries | ESFJ
Clingy | Dependent | Narcissistic
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
❝ I love how you see me in a different light... A light I never saw before I met you. I'm fascinated by my beauty in your works, and I'm fascinated by you. ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
PATHETIC | @/Darlington
VH ♬ Nolan Vice [Wild Card]
PATHETIC!YAN x TOXIC!RDR | 23 | Nonbinary
They/Them | Panromantic
November 14th | Scorpio | ISFP
Impulsive | Selfish | Reckless
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
❝ Now, you know it's cruel to play with other people's feelings, don't you? ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
DIEHARD | @/lovedoll
VH ♬ Brett Hand [Inside Job]
FAN!YAN x COSPLAYER!RDR | 20 | Trans Male
He/They | Panromantic
December 15th | Sagittarius | ISTP
Cowardly | Shameless | Obnoxious
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
❝ My, you're breathtaking. Your beauty needs to be cherished. ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
PERFECTION | @/withdarling
VH ♬ Yoosung Kim [Mystic Messenger]
He/They | Panromantic
August 25th | Virgo | ENTP
Controlling | Gaslight | Hypocritical
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
❝ There is no one who's more loyal than me! I'm tied to you, just like you are to me. ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
GUARDED | @/guarddog
VH ♬ Narrator [The Stanley parable]
GUARD!YAN x CRIMINAL!RDR | Late 40s | Male
He/Him | Biromantic
April 14th | Aries | ISFJ
Disruptive | Impatient | Secretive
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
❝ C'mon, my love, we both know who's in charge here. ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
Ꮺ ⨾ AMOROUS — Yanderes with super natural characteristics.
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
WITCH | @/myshopkeeper
VH ♬ enma/winter [Reverse:222]
He/Him | Panromantic
September 27th | Libra | INFP
Gullible | Indifferent | Vain
❝ You're engrained into my being. Like a tree's roots, you take hold of my heart ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
PRIEST | @/comittedsins
VH ♬ Will Graham [Hannibal]
PRIEST!YAN x ANGEL!RDR | 27 | Cis male
He/Him | sexuality will change as the story progress
January 6th | Capricorn | INTP
Defensive | Cautious | Stubborn
❝ I'll break every single rule just to be with you. ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
JEWEL | @/jeweler
VH ♬ Prophet [COD—Black Ops]
He/Him | Panromantic
January 13th | Aquarius | ESFJ
Sarcastic | Flirtatious | Intolerant
❝ The first time my eyes grazed your form, I knew what it meant to be utterly and ardently in love. ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
NAGA | @/sharpfangs
VH ♬ Scar [LionKing]
NAGA!YAN x CROW!RDR | mid 20s | Male
He/Him | Demiromantic
May 15th | Taurus | ISFJ
Envy | Mournful | Destructive
❝ You have so much freedom, I want to take you down. Because of you, I know the bitterness of envy. ❞
•◦✦────•◦ᘡᘞ •◦────✦◦•◦•
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26 notes · View notes
saiilorstars · 11 months
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• Previous Chapters • Sequel to Falling in Temptation • Avalon’s Masterlist
• 11th doctor x ofc
taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​​​​ @arrthurpendragon​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​ ​ @gloryekaterina​​​​​​​​​​​​ @lenonizi​​​​ @foxesandmagic​​​​​
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
Disclaimer: This chapter’s plotline is from Doctor Who’s comic stories. Most of the dialogue is directly written from the comic. The plot is NOT mine.
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"I cannot believe I am doing this," Avalon walked tiredly into the TARDIS, tossing her nurse's hat directly at the Doctor. It hit his cheek in the midst of his research on the monitor. "You owe me big time for making me do this!"
The Doctor picked up the nurse's hat off the floor and dusted it off with his fingers. "I think you look positively adorable." His remark was received with a deep frown. "Absolutely sexy?"
Avalon rolled her eyes. Clearly, no kind of compliment would lighten her mood. She detested the stupid nurse costume she was in and much more that she was working as a nurse in a retirement home. "I am a traveler, a mediocre writer—"
The Doctor scowled at the lowball self insult. "Avalon!"
"'—but I am not a nurse!" Avalon finished with a heavy huff. "Why can't we go pick up my grandfather who is an actual certified nurse!?" She stomped her way to the console up to the Doctor, demanding to hear a good answer from him.
"We already started this undercover mission," the Doctor pointed out, "And your grandparents are busy. Besides, I thought this could be a fun trip for the both of us."
Avalon's eyes narrowed. "How is this fun when I'm pretending to be a nurse in a retirement home where you're pretty sure people are being murdered?"
"It's interesting at the very least," the Doctor settled for his new description. "C'mon Ava, you've already been there three days and you've done a beautiful job blending in. Now I'll come in tomorrow and do my part to investigate."
"You mean go straight to the director and tell her what you think you know about her?"
"Absolutely!" The Doctor set the nurse hat back on Avalon's head, an admittedly difficult task given her unruly curls were being extra resistant. Avalon mentioned it took half a dozen pins to keep the hat in place.
Avalon swatted his hands away, effectively making the hat fall to the floor again. "I will do any other kind of UC job but not as a nurse. I don't like it."
"Next time," the Doctor promised her. She grumbled. "How about I draw you a nice bath?" His hands threaded down Avalon's hair. "I can get you those sweet lavender scented soaps and shampoos you love so much?"
"You mean the ones you love so much?" Avalon raised an eyebrow.
The Doctor smiled ever so innocently. "Me? I don't recall, but if you really need my help—"
Avalon's brow furrowed. "I didn't say I needed your help—"
"—then I will of course assist you however I can," the Doctor finished with an even wider smile, more like a grin.
Avalon wouldn't even pretend to be by these antics anymore. After a couple decades, she got too tired. "Yeah, alright," she shrugged.
The Doctor beamed. That had been far too easy!
"But I will need a massage, and a face mask..." Avalon started listing her demands as she headed for the corridors, the Doctor right on her trail.
"Anything you want, love," the Doctor promised, grabbing Avalon by the waist for a moment to kiss the crook of her neck. She smiled to herself. He was much too easy to work.
~ 0 ~
The next morning, Avalon begrudgingly returned to the retirement home just like they planned. This was a ludicrous plan from the start given that it had not been their intention to get involved in the first place. But that's what happens when you're time traveling with your birth mother for "bring your daughter to work" day.
They had stumbled across a much older River Song — she wasn't even in prison anymore! She was Dr. River Song, archaeologist, and she and her team were excavating bodies 200 years from now of the very retirement home Avalon was now walking the hallways of. The issue turned out to be that every coffin was empty which meant that the patients dying right around these days were not being buried. It was a mystery that the Doctor couldn't let go of. So here they were, investigating on their own.
Avalon learned fast that she was not made to be a nurse like her grandfather. It was simply not her vocation. She had little patience for difficult people, she did not like to clean bedrooms, and she didn't like her boss either. At least when it comes to writing, I'm my own boss. However, there was one thing that made the place bearable and Avalon was heading right there.
She met the face of her favorite patient in the entire retirement home and immediately smiled. "Good morning Arthur! I brought you a cup of tea!"
The older man was lying on his bed and watching Avalon's every move. His thick eyebrows knitted together as his eyes squinted.
Avalon walked up to his bedside with a tray in hand. "It's me, Arthur. Nurse Reynolds? Avalon?"
"I'm sorry," Arthur awkwardly smiled back. "Nurse Reynolds…" The recognition glinted in his eyes after a moment and it was then that Avalon set the tray on the bed stand.
"It's alright," Avalon assured him, picking up the cup of tea from the tray. "Believe me, I know a thing or two about losing memories." She presented Arthur with the cup of tea. "No pressure, honest."
"You?" Arthur chuckled lightly. "But you're so young. Your memory's got to be in top shape."
Avalon set her hands on her hips for a moment. "Oh, you would not believe me but I am older than I look."
"Really?" Arthur leveled her with a disbelieving look.
Avalon nodded. "Aha!" She turned away, making her way up to the windows and opening the blinds to let the sunlight in. "I'm nearing 50 now. Had I been a normal human, I would've been wrinkly by now."
"Is that where you're from, then?" Arthur took a sip of his tea.
"I hadn't told you that?" Avalon watched the children below, all playing much too loudly for her taste.
"Uh, maybe you did, but I can't really remember," Arthur smiled apologetically.
"That's alright," Avalon dismissed it. "God, did you get some good sleep with those kids? They're so loud and it's not even nine!"
"I don't mind," Arthur said, "It's good to hear their laughter and games. It can get so quiet here sometimes."
"What—I'm not chatty enough?" Avalon swayed back to the bed. "I feel like I talk your ears off!"
Out of all the patients Avalon had met in the past days, she liked Arthur the best. He was such a sweet gentleman who suffered a form of dementia. He didn't have any family nor friends but he was still so talkative. He was the only patient who had thought to ask Avalon about herself. Everyone else tended to grumble.
"I like it," Arthur nodded, "It's been so long since somebody talked to me. Nobody visits me — well, nobody visits anyone here."
"Yes, I've noticed that," Avalon mumbled under her breath. Three days she had worked at the retirement and not once had she seen a visitor. There were plenty of patients here that would warrant at least one visitor, but nobody had showed up.
"What story do you have for me today?" Arthur curiously asked her.
Avalon's smile returned, a sweet one. She may have also told him several of her written stories as well as her adventures. It passed the long hours for both of them, and Arthur seemed to like them.
"I, uh, I had a bit of a quarrel with my husband," Avalon said, reaching to press Arthur's blanket down. "He's a bit childish, remember?"
Arthur nodded. His tea was half gone already. "He's a traveler, right?"
"Yes, we both are," Avalon reminded him, "I just chose to have a job for a bit...try to, um, set some roots." That was normal, right? She had no idea. Lately, she didn't really know what she wanted to do with her life besides traveling.
She was set on being a writer, at least on some level, but the idea of school was still troubling her. She was never indecisive about anything and yet this one thing bugged her for decades now. The pressure was just there — to do something — with her life. It seemed like Amy and Rory were finally learning how to do that, even Lena now. Avalon now faced a reality she didn't think would ever come: her family was okay, and safe, and now she could do whatever she wanted. It was an odd feeling this way, truthfully. Avalon didn't know what to do with it.
"Is he on a trip right now?" Arthur's question drew Avalon out of her thoughts.
"He was...he's supposed to be in today, actually," she said, "Going to pick me up." This all sounded so blatantly normal that it felt so weird for Avalon. She couldn't imagine having a regular job and having the Doctor waiting outside to "pick her up" after her shift. She almost laughed.
"What's his name, again? I think I forgot…" Arthur attempted to place his cup on the bed stand.
Avalon hurried to take it from him and do it herself. "No, I didn't tell you that. He's a, uh, a doctor. I think you'd be entertained with him."
"My Elsie was the same," Arthur said reminiscently.
"Your wife, right?" Avalon stepped away and put her hands behind her back.
Arthur nodded. "She was a light in every room. She told the best jokes." Avalon smiled at him. "Lost her to cancer years ago."
"I'm so sorry," Avalon sighed. "It must have been so terrible…"
"It was. I don't wish that kind of pain on anyone…" Arthur flashed Avalon a small smile, "Especially good, sweet people like you."
Avalon chuckled. "Well, thank you. Although, don't be fooled again, I'm not that sweet. My husband actually tells me that I have a nasty temper."
"Even then, I'm sure he would miss it greatly if you were gone," Arthur said, pointing a finger at Avalon. "And you would miss his childish ways if he were gone."
"Oh…" Avalon brought a hand to her chest, feeling it constrict at the mere idea of losing the Doctor, "No, I can't even talk about something like that. If I were to ever lose my husband, I think I would die myself."
"Unfortunately, those who remain suffer worse because we're still here...and they're not."
Avalon nodded slightly.
"Nurse Reynolds!" A gruff female nurse called from the open doorway, ignoring the way that Avalon flinched. "If you're quite finished you have duties to perform!"
Avalon could barely hold onto her tongue. She hated Nurse Frost. The name suited her perfectly.
"Of course," Avalon said through gritted teeth. "I will be right there."
"Now," Frost corrected.
Avalon looked at Arthur apologetically. "I'll be back later, Arthur. Would that be alright?"
"Of course," Arthur nodded, "Go, go. I'll be here, waiting for my story."
Avalon promised that she would come up with another story for him in the afternoon. She would follow Nurse Frost out and tend to the other patients, just like she had for the past 3 days.
~ 0 ~
It took very little to get into the retirement home. The Doctor knew it would've probably been easier to get Avalon like this as well but he was guilty of wanting to see her in that hot nurse outfit...and to get deeper information from the inside of course.
He treaded the hallway carefully, keeping an eye open for anything plain strange. Most of the doors on his sides were closed but the few that happened to be opened didn't allow for much view of the patients. Avalon said most patients tended to stay in bed and that seemed about right because there had only been a handful of patients walking the gardens outside.
It was almost as if they were encouraged to stay in their rooms, on their beds…waiting for something…
"Hello there," he startled the woman sitting in the office. She looked up from her dark rimmed glasses and scrutinized the unknown visitor. The Doctor could practically read the woman's thoughts: 'A visitor!?'. He was a novelty not because he was an alien but because he was visiting. That alone waved red flags.
"The name's John Smith…" the Doctor strode into the office waving the psychic paper around. "How are you!?"
The woman barely had a moment to look at the psychic paper before the Doctor stuffed it in his inside pocket. Next thing she knew, the Time Lord was taking a seat on her desk. "Excuse me–" she started, but the Doctor went ahead with his facade.
"And you're clearly the woman in charge of this place! Miss Bruce, isn't it?"
"I—" the woman blinked, "Yes, how do you know that?"
The Doctor pointed to the plaque sitting on the desk.
Miss Bruce flushed. "Right, right. Um, what exactly are you doing here?"
"Doing some investigation of course!" the Doctor hopped off the desk and started pacing in the office. "Because, tell me, bodies disappearing, people vanishing mysterioualy in the night – ring any bells?"
Miss Bruce's face fell grim. A deep crease marked her forehead.
"Wait!" the Doctor exclaimed, his hands flying in front of him, "I know exactly what you're going to say! You have no idea what I'm talking about and deny all knowledge, right?"
Miss Bruce was beginning to hate him by the minute.
"Which means, Miss Bruce, either you're extremely unobservant or you're the one who's trying to cover it up. Let's see, residents going missing from right under your nose – embarrassing! So what do you do?" the Doctor pretended to hum as he feigned thought of all the options Miss Bruce could have in the situation. "You arrange with the local undertakers to bury empty coffins in the churchyard down the road. No one need ever know what's really going on."
"I don't—"
"You're probably wondering how I know all this," the Doctor nodded to himself, bringing his hands behind his back, "Because I was there when one of the coffins was dug up by archaeologists! Well, my mother-in-law but that's another story for another day! But you should know that she was not happy and truth be told, neither was her daughter – my wife – because she was writing an article on it. Had to stop the whole thing."
It had not boded well for anybody in the group when the coffins turned out empty. River Song was finally getting to bring Avalon to some of her "work" and that happened to include one nefarious location that was about to be dug up. The Doctor felt bad for introducing the idea in the first place and see it go horribly wrong. Avalon had no article to submit to the university and because she had always written stories for them, she felt twice as bad. And when Avalon felt bad, the Doctor felt worse.
"So, you see, I've done some thinking, Miss Bruce," the Doctor 'tskd' at the woman who was still blinking widely at him, "And here's my other suppositions about this place. You only take in residents who don't have any friends nor relatives so that when their bodies eventually disappear, there's no one to miss them and most importantly to report them missing. Here's the good news, though," he leaned his hands on the desk, reaching forward until he was face to face with Miss Bruce, "I don't think you're responsible for the disappearances, just the cover up, because if you were responsible for the disappearances, you would've thrown me out by now."
In truth, miss Bruce was like a frozen statue and an unhappy one at that. She let out a heavy sigh, confirming everything the Doctor had just said. "Something else you want to add?"
The Doctor shrugged. "Two things. One: I'll be taking a walk and talk with some of the residents. Two: have you been allowing children into the grounds?"
That was the first time Miss Bruce appeared startled, almost offended. "You're clearly insane, Doctor Smith. There are no children on the premises. It's like you said, I don't admit any resident with families or friends."
~ 0 ~
Avalon followed Nurse Frost into an empty bedroom. If Avalon remembered correctly, it belonged to a patient named Margaret Webster. She was a sweet old woman but she barely talked. She had a fascination with stuffed birds that creeped Avalon out.
"Margaret passed away in her sleep last night," Nurse Frost informed as she turned the lights of the room on, "We need to clear it up for the next patient."
"What – but she passed away last night," Avalon blinked, staying right by the doorway while Nurse Frost started taking the sheets off the bed. "Shouldn't there be, I don't know, studies going on? Like the medical kind to make sure no foul play happened?"
Nurse Frost snorted. "What 'foul play', Reynolds? She passed away. These people here are very old, it happens."
"Still, where's her body?"
"The undertakers have already collected her mortal remains."
"Already?" Avalon made a face. "That's beyond quick!"
Nurse Frost flapped the sheet hard, gesturing for Avalon to come help already. The ginger reluctantly did.
"That isn't your concern nor your job! You're supposed to tidy away the effects of the decease—"
"For the family?"
"She had no family! When you're done here, refresh the sheets. This bed will have a new occupant by this evening!"
"This evening?" Avalon whispered to herself. It truly was beyond fast for a senior center.
"Stop repeating everything I say into a question!" Nurse Frost snapped, throwing the sheet down on the bed for Avalon to take. "And get to it already!" She headed for the door.
"Whatever you say, Cruella De'Vil," Avalon muttered with a roll of her eyes. With a sigh, she started taking in all the personal objects in the room, putting them neatly into boxes. She was slightly quicker with the stuffed birds so she wouldn't have to look at them nor feel their presence.
She stopped by a portrait of a young girl with long ponytails. Judging by the face, Avalon presumed it was Margaret as a child. "You look straight off the 1950s magazines," she chuckled to herself. She turned to bring the frame to the boxes when she came face to face with the same girl…in person. Avalon gasped deeply and let the frame in her hands fall.
The girl was stoic for a moment, not even the thud of the frame pulled her eyes off Avalon. The redhead, on the other hand, was breathing heavily.
"H-how are you here?"
The girl didn't response. Instead, she turned around and walked out the room.
"H-hey! Come back!" Avalon went after her. The girl walked pretty fast, forcing Avalon to pick up her pae as well. "Little girl! Seriously!" The girl made a turn on the corner and just as Avalon did the same, she crashed into Nurse Frost. "Woah!"
"What are you doing here?" Nurse Frost demanded.
"I was just – the girl – where's the girl!?" Avalon peered around Nurse Frost in search of the girl but she had disappeared.
"What are you talking about?" Nurse Frost looked at Avalon like she was crazy.
"The-the girl!" Avalon exclaimed, gesturing behind Nurse Frost. Of course, when the woman looked over her shoulder there was nothing there. Avalon was pointing at thin air.
Stop playing games!" Nurse Frost snapped. "We have a lot of work to do!"
"But I—!"
Nurse Frost seized Avalon's wrist and pulled her in the opposite direction. Avalon kept craning her neck as much as it allowed to see if she could spot the girl again. It truly was like the air had swallowed her up.
~ 0 ~
It took the Doctor a short half hour to find a patient to converse with. He was about the only one who wouldn't give the Doctor suspicious looks. It was always nice talking to someone inviting.
"A police box! That takes me back!" the elderly man gazed appreciatively at the TARDIS parked in the outer parts of the center's gardens. "I haven't seen one of these things in over 40 years! I used to be a bobby myself, just after the war…"
"Arthur, you were telling me about this boy with no face…" the Doctor gently reminded the man. It was the second time he had to nudge the conversations back to the prime topic. Arthur's mind sometimes went.
"Doctor, one of the other residents, a friend of mine, Bert, he said he saw the boy and then he died the next night!" Arthur said, letting out a shudder. "So if I'm seeing the boy now, it means that I'm next!"
"Nonsense," the Doctor waved it off, "You'll be around for a long while yet…probably. Now tell me about these children. You said they've only recently started coming here?"
Because off in the distance, there was a group of singing children dancing around the trees.
"Yes, but they don't like to get too close and…there's something wrong about them…" Arthur admitted.
"Yeah," the Doctor agreed, "Their clothes for starters." The children were dressed as if they belonged to an earlier time period, perhaps the 50s if he had to be more accurate. "And no mobile phones or ipods. Just a bat and ball. Odd!"
The Doctor fixed his jacket up before approaching the group of children. As soon as they spotted him getting close, one girl with long pigtails grabbed a younger boy beside her and stepped in front of him.
"Oi Mister! What do you want?" the girl demanded.
The Doctor put on his best smile. "I'd just like to know who you are and why you're here."
"Can't say," the little boy said as he came around the girl, "Grown ups mustn't find out or they'll put a stop to our games!"
"Will they?" the Doctor went along with the boy's game, whatever it was.
"But don't worry, Arthur," the girl smiled at the older man, "You have nothing to fear. You'll be coming to play with us soon." The words had the opposite effect on poor Arthur. He stumbled back a few steps.
The Doctor didn't like the words either. He straightened up and quickly led Arthur away from the children. The elderly man seemed to be having chest pain.
"It's just indigestion," Arthur said, though clutching his chest contradicted his statement, "It comes and goes…"
As they neared the TARDIS, Avalon came running towards them. "Oh my God! There's a girl – I saw her! But that Nurse—" she growled abruptly. "Nurse Frost – she didn't see the girl so she didn't let me follow her! But there's a girl!"
"Well hello there, Nurse Reynolds!" the Doctor waved a hand, "I sense that you saw something strange?"
Avalon deadpanned him. Her hands fell on her hips. "I don't appreciate your sarcasm. I had to roll up sheets of a deceased older lady, so watch it or the next thing I roll up will be your dead body in a sheet!"
The Doctor just smiled in the face of a threat. "That's my wife, Arthur. Isn't she lovely?"
Arthur looked at Avalon — who seemed ready to seethe — and asked her if that was truly her husband.
"Unfortunately, yes," Avalon replied. "He thinks he's so funny but dead people can't be funny."
"Oh, calm down, Avalon," said the Doctor, "You'll be relieved to know that Nurse Frost can't see the child because there's a perception filter on the children."
"Not feeling very relieved here," Avalon said flatly. "And 'alien tech'?"
"Exactly. It's shielding the children and probably their hiding place as well, it's amazing what some people won't notice."
"You don't say. Well, I guess it's like the laundry closet," Avalon said, "People just walk by that room all the time. I hate doing laundry so I do the same thing but at least I can see it."
The Doctor smirked all of a sudden. "I really love you, wife."
"That's great but what did I do?"
"Let's go see that laundry room!"
"What – I don't want to do laundry!" Avalon groaned.
~ 0 ~
Avalon led both the Doctor and Arthur down the hallway towards the laundry room. She slowed her pace, however, when she saw Arthur was walking slower than normal.
"Arthur, really, if you're not feeling well, I can take you back to your room," she said, "Really. The Doctor can go on his own."
"Not a chance, Avalon," Arthur said sternly, "I haven't had this much excitement in years!"
Avalon chuckled. "Well, I can't argue with that sentiment. I'm a girl who loves excitement too. And adrenaline. Lots of it."
"Is that why your stories are simply the best?"
"Hm, if only you knew, Arthur," the Doctor started, "Most of those stories actually happened."
"What?" Arthur blinked. "That can't be!"
Avalon smirked over her shoulder. "Yeah, I don't behave so well sometimes."
"Sometimes!?" the Doctor snorted.
"Oh shush, you're not that better than me!"
The Doctor rolled his eyes. He had plenty more to say but they reached the laundry room Avalon talked about. Using the sonic, he led the way inside and found not a laundry room but a huge spaceship-esque room instead.
"Woah…" Avalon breathed in at the sight, eyes wide and matching Arthur's as they both took in the sight, "Had I known this was inside, I would've gone in this laundry room a long time ago. Wouldn't mind washing clothes here."
The Doctor gave her a light push from behind, and exchanged smirks.
Arthur wandered towards one of the walls and noted the weblike structure going across it. There were large pods holding small creatures inside. "This looks like a nest..."
Avalon's head flipped in his direction and frowned. "It does. Doctor, why is there an alien nest hidden in the laundry room?"
"It's not a laundry room, dear," the Doctor said, "It's a nest."
"Yes, but why? And for what?"
"For me," went a new voice, and a gruff one at that.
The trio turned around to find Nurse Frost herself standing in front of them. A second later, the Nurse Frost was morphing into a huge, spiky alien creature with tentacles. "Analysis: you are a threat to the surrogates! All threats must be eliminated!"
"Uh, yeah," the Doctor put his sonic away fast, "We need to run! Now!"
"My husband, ever so smart!" Avalon shot him a mock glare.
"Oh, shut up and run!"
The pair started running back for the door but Avalon looked back to see Arthur struggling to move with them.
"Doctor!" she called and returned to Arthur.
"Engaging defensive weaponry!" the creature declared.
Red lasers shot forwards. Avalon covered her head as energy began striking around them. When she was able to lower her arms, she saw Arthur had collapsed on the floor.
"No!" she ran the remaining length and slid on the floor beside him. "Arthur!?" She checked for his heartbeat and was horrified to find none. "Doctor! He's dead!"
"Avalon, move away!" the Doctor exclaimed, trying to make a run towards her. The lasers were much too close to hitting her.
Avalon shook her head fervently. "No, no, no! Arthur!" She fell back from an electric force that enveloped Arthur's body. "NO!"
A dark haired boy was shooting the electrical current towards Arthur.
"Stop that!" Avalon demanded from the boy. Arthur's body was disappearing before her eyes. "I said STOP!" She scrambled to get up, intending on taking the boy herself when the Doctor arrived to pull her away. "No! No! Stop him! Look what he's doing!"
"I'm sorry but we can't touch him!" the Doctor had a tight hold around Avalon's waist. "He's gone, Avalon!"
"Literally!" Avalon cried as Arthur's body disappeared.
The little boy straightened up and marched up to the pair.
The Doctor set Avalon on her feet and stepped in front of her. "Alright now, you can stop," he warned the boy.
But the boy stopped in front of them then turned to face the creature. "Stop," it commanded, "The Doctor and Avalon are my friends."
"Well…that's unexpected," the Doctor blinked. Avalon wiped the tears from her face and stared at the boy, puzzled.
The creature froze in its tracks. "Doctor, Avalon – designated non-hostile," he repeated.
"You-you're in charge of that thing?" Avalon sniffed. "How the…you're a…I am so confused and tired…"
The Doctor reached over and rubbed her back comfortingly. She really needed her rest.
The boy turned around as did the creature, and smiled at Avalon. "It's me, Avalon. Arthur."
Avalon's eyes widened, as did the Doctor's. They both looked at each other, neither one sure whether to believe the boy.
"No, he was — you're just a—" Avalon rubbed the side of her head. "No, no, you're joking. You can't be Arthur."
The Doctor continued to study the boy and his uncertain self-examination. 'Arthur' kept looking at his hands and then put one over his head, eyes looking up as much as he could.
"Why am I so short now?" he asked.
"Oh dear," the Doctor breathed. It was Arthur, but he had no idea how he'd become a child. "Erm, that's...that's Arthur," he told Avalon.
"On the bright side, he's not dead."
The Doctor winced. "Yeah, alright." He cleared his throat and turned to the creature. "If we're non-hostile, then you can start giving us some answers. What's your function?"
"Designation. Vorlax regeneration drone. Function: to provide replacement bodies for infantry terminally compromised in conflict," the creature dutifully responded.
"Doctor – English, please?" Avalon said impatiently. Why couldn't one of their 'enemies' be simple and clear?
"It creates clones that absorb people's consciousnesses at the moment of death. It's brilliant, actually!"
"I don't know if that's the word I'd use for this," Avalon said, "It's not exactly asking for consent, is it?" Her eyes then fixated on the creature. "Technically speaking, Arthur is dead but his consciousness was copied and placed in a clone. Yeah, it's cheating death."
"Well," the Doctor fixed the collars of his jacket, "Can't really say anything there, can I?"
Avalon sighed. "No, I guess not." Her eyes flickered to the creature as well. "So why the hell are you posing as a nurse anyways?"
"Compromised by enemy fire. Teleport drive malfunction. Upon arrival in foreign terrain, activated camouflage protocol."
"And you decided being a bitchy nurse was the way to go?"
"Avalon," the Doctor said. He whipped out his sonic again and used it on the creature.
"And now, neither will you," the Doctor said gleefully. A bright light was taking over the creature from within. "I've repaired the Vorlax's teleport. Programmed it with a new destination and started the countdown for departure!"
"Where's it going to!?" Avalon asked.
"I'm sending it to an uninhabited garden world! Somewhere it can't cause any trouble!"
"Now wait a minute!" Avalon hurried in front of the Doctor, arms open wide on her sides. "That thing about consent – it should involve the rest of the residents! They should have the chance to choose what they want to happen to them and their home!"
"But – Avalon!" the Doctor groaned. He hated when she made sense. He stopped the process and lowered his sonic. "What do you want to do? Ask everybody?"
"Yes, why not?" Avalon raised an eyebrow at him. "Don't they deserve to make the choice? The choice that the others didn't get to make?"
The Doctor bobbed his head. "Yeah, I guess so."
"You should!" huffed Avalon. "Given the fact that you can regenerate, you should've thought about this first."
"You can allegedly regenerate too," the Doctor pointed out solely for the argument's sake. He never wanted to see his wife regenerate. "Alright, fine, let's gather them up and ask."
Avalon grinned and dropped her arms on her sides.
~ 0 ~
As soon as they left the now dozens of children in the new uninhabited planet, Avalon and the Doctor returned to the TARDIS for a much needed rest. Avalon was ecstatic that everyone in the nursing home had decided to run away and become children again – they were going to live a new life! That they chose! She of course took special interest in what little Arthur was going to do now. She might check up on him later in the future.
Much later in the evening, now in the TARDIS, Avalon bobbed her head in front of the bathroom mirror. Her voluminous red curls bounced with her. They were damp from her shower.
"Do you think if I regenerated, I could turn into a, I don't know, a teenager?" She walked into the bedroom and rolled her eyes at the sight of the Doctor lying on their bed, carelessly tossing his sonic into the air relentlessly.
"Why on Earth would you ever want to go back to being a teenager?" the Doctor shuddered. "Talk about awkward!"
"I don't know, maybe to see if this time things worked out in my favor?" shrugged Avalon. "That would be a good story, actually."
The Doctor caught his sonic and pointed it at Avalon, his face dead serious when he warned her: "You better not try to regenerate for the sake of a story."
Avalon smirked. "Don't tell me what to do, Fairy Tale Man. I might just do the opposite now."
The Doctor didn't like that joke on any level. He sat upright, putting his sonic away. "I mean it, Avalon. Your regeneration isn't exactly a stabilized thing. We don't know if you actually can regenerate, alright?"
Avalon shrugged again. "I'd have to find out at some point in my life. How long can you live in one body?" She walked up to the bed, climbing over it to sit beside the Doctor.
With a sigh, the Doctor answered her. "Your first body is always different. You live to a very old age – there's no exact number – but it can be your longest body if you take care of it."
"What about the last one?" Avalon asked quietly.
The Doctor's head lowered. "Like the first one. You can live long as long as you take care of it."
"Really? You're not just telling me that?"
Avalon scooted closer to the Doctor, bringing one arm over his shoulder and leaning her chin on top. "Good, because when you go…I go too."
"Don't," the Doctor warned her again.
"Well, what would you do if I died? Or if I just couldn't regenerate?"
"I'd die with you, but…that's different," the Doctor said, prompting a hard scoff from Avalon.
The Doctor sighed. He moved his shoulder until Avalon pulled her arm from him. "You really want to know?"
"If there's an actual answer behind that other than hypocrisy? Yes, I do," Avalon said, sitting on her knees and promptly waiting for said explanation.
"Fine," the Doctor shifted his body to face Avalon, "If you were to die – which you won't – then I'd have nothing again. I've lived for a very long time, Ava. I know what it's like to be truly alone for ages. The darkness that rears its head around is one that I don't want to face again, not when I've lived such wonderful, amazing years with you."
As touched as Avalon was, and she was, she couldn't fathom the idea of letting him simply die with her. It actually hurt her heart to even think about it. "But you could still have centuries to live after, to find somebody new!"
The Doctor shook his head. "I wouldn't. I know I wouldn't because I've already been everywhere before you. I know what's out there and I'm not interested. But if I were to die, I'd want to you to keep going. You haven't seen a quarter of what I've seen already. You haven't lived like I have. I don't want you to waste your precious years – your regenerations – on me because you deserve to live your years. Centuries. You're an aspiring writer, a traveler, and you have too much to look forward to."
Avalon smiled softly at him. "I appreciate the sentiment but what makes you think that I'd want to do any of that stuff if you're not around?"
"You'd have to," the Doctor said simply, "Because your family wouldn't let you do anything else." He reached for her body, tugging her closer until he brought her down on the bed beside her. He interlaced their hands between them. "That's the difference. For better or for worse, that's it."
"Well, it sucks then because it's not fair," Avalon said, shaking her head, "I'm 50 years old…"
"And I'm 1400, talk about an age gap," the Doctor smiled at her. "But see? You've got so much to do, with or without me."
"I choose with you," Avalon said cleverly, snuggling up to him. She simply couldn't imagine a world where she didn't live with her husband.
It just couldn't happen.
A few hours ago.
All the new children waved happily at the TARDIS as it disappeared. One brunette girl with pigtails especially liked the dematerialization process.
"It's like magic, huh Arthur?" She looked around for her friend but didn't see him right away. "Arthur?"
The TARDIS had completely disappeared now.
The same girl started looking around more carefully as the other children walked away from the area. "Arthur? Arthur, where are you!?" It was like Arthur had disappeared into thin air. "ARTHUR!"
From a distance, a girl with long black hair smirked. Chiyoko loved seeing history unfold itself. One more to check off the list.
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lady-bess · 4 months
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LadyBess' Masterlist 📖
Hello, and welcome to my Masterlist! Grab a snack, two fingers of whiskey, and take a look at what I've got to offer! 🥃
I write predominantly for Pedro Pascal characters at the moment, but this is a multi-fandom blog, so characters in and out of the 'Pedro-verse' are featured here too!
My works are often 18+ and each fic comes with its own content tags and warning. Minors, please DNI ✨
For ease of navigation, I have used a Traffic Light System to rate these works 🚦
💚 Green is for General/Teen rated content 🧡 Orange is for more Mature works 💋 Red is for anything rated Explicit
My writing is mainly reader-insert content, but I have a mix of Female, AFAB, and Gender Neutral (GN) reader inserts 💜
Not all of these works are on Tumblr yet, but feel free to check out my A03 profile for all works!
Please enjoy, and come back regularly to see what's new!
Current Series: Fallout (Jack Daniels x F!Reader) Recent One-Shot release: Trust (Din Djarin x F!Reader)
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"Petals" - Jack Daniels x F!OC (Tumblr Ask/Prompt) "Something Sweet" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Departure" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "After Hours" - Jack Daniels x GN!Reader (A03) "Fright" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Swing" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "The Perfect Fit" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Homeward Bound" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "Restless" - young!Jack Daniels x F!Reader "The Lodger" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "Dessert" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Chasing The Sun" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Afternoon Intrusions" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "A Lesson Learned" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Closing Time" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Bound" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Disciplinary" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Jack-mas Christmas Drabbles" - Jack Daniels x AFAB/ F!Reader (A03) "Fallout" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader
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"Birthday Wishes" - Joel Miller x F!Reader "The Headache" - Joel Miller x GN!Reader (A03) "Foolish" - Joel Miller x F!Reader
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"Getting In A Pickle" - Javier Peña x F!Reader "Take A Seat" - Javier Peña x F!Reader "Hot Nights in Colombia" - Javier Peña x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Monday Morning" - Javier Peña x F!Reader (A03) - collaboration with @joels-darlin 💕
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"Drive Me Wild" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03) "Return To Me" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03) "Longing" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03) "Sundress" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03)
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"Birthday Boy" - Javi G x F!Reader (A03) "Behave Yourself" - Javi G x AFAB!Reader (No pronouns used)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Heist" - Javi G x F!Reader - COMING SOON
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"Three's A Crowd" - Jack Daniels x Joel Miller x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Just A Date" - Multiple Pedro Character fic x GN!Reader "Mutually Beneficial" - Javier Peña x Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03)
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Much loved characters, but so far only 1-2 fics to their name 💜
"Understanding" - Marcus Pike x F!Reader (A03) "Now You See Me" - Marcus Pike x F!Reader (A03) "Clean Up" - Max Phillips x F!Reader (A03) "Hypercharged In Hyperspace" - Din Djarin x F!Reader (A03) "Trust" - Din Djarin x F!Reader "Rookie Mistake" - Tim Rockford x F!Reader
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"A Brand New Start" - Agent Ortega x F!Reader (A03)
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"Salvation" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x Clara Oswald (A03) "Run" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x F!Reader (A03) "Rose Petals Blossom" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x Rose Tyler (A03) "Precious Moments With You" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Paint The Town Red" - Ginger Ale (Kingsman) x F!Reader
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27 notes · View notes
lz-didyounotice · 3 months
11th doctor Mission : Save the king
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This gif do not belong to me.
Heyy! This fic is a little longer then the last one. Wanted to do a propper adventure for the doctor and Clara to follow. This one is also cought in a time paradox. You will be presented as Jeanne du Berry, Favorite of the King Louis XV. I inspired myself with the plot of "The girl in the fireplace". Hope you enjoy !
Warning : Could be concidered Angst at the end, with a preestablished relationship. Mention of prostitution. As always, english is not my frist language.
“Jeanne du Berry '' was one of the most beautiful women the 18th century had ever seen. From Lorraine to Paris, her beauty was jealous of many, as she attracted all eyes wherever she went. A tall and skinny figure, adorning wonderful pale skin. Her blue eyes looked so innocent, yet she knew how to make use of her charms. Her Long brown hair bleeding into blond as she walked amongst the sun.
She was also known as the favorite of the king, the one who had been part of his most desired dreams by the ladies of the court. Yet, by his side, she never wanted to change who she was and try to be another woman with the numerous étiquettes she was supposed to follow. It wasn’t her place to be. All she wanted was to love the king, make him laugh, let him know he deserved to be treated like a normal individual, to let his title aside when he was by hers. To love him for who he was, and not what he was supposed to be.
After the death of the previous queen, Jeanne rose to power. The king’s daughters all wanted to see her fall, to see her lying in the dirt like the prostitute she was. A whore who had no right to be by their father's side. 
Fortunately enough, Jeanne had what it took to ignore the pretentious princesses all too worried about their reputation to care for their father's feelings. And despite giving her best to be kind around her, something was lurking. Wanting her to be a part of something bigger. A piece of machinery well wired who needed guidance in the more gruesome ways.
As she entered her quarters, the king's valet was waiting for her. 
"Sa Majesté souhaite que vous l’honoriez de votre présence ce soir pour le bal..."
(His Majesty wishes you to honor him with your presence tonight for the ball...)
"Faites-lui savoir que je me présenterais avec joie à ses côtés."
(Let him know that I would gladly present myself at his side.)
As the doors of a blue police booth opened, a little brunette had taken a look outside, outstanded by the beautiful scenery. 
The doctor hadn’t lied. Versailles was beautiful at this time of the year. In her dark blue dress, she also looked magnificent, a candy to the eye some would say. Her hair, up in a simple updo, refusing to wear one of those tall and overly done wigs (She had tried to before, but it was too itchy to even keep. Plus, if she needed to run, it would be a disaster). 
As she turned around, she fell eye to eye with the doctor trying to activate the chameleon system of the Tardis. For the occasion, he had put on a magnificent Blue-tailed coat, with an intricate chemise, adorned with a waistcoat of a darker shade of blue. He hadn’t put a wig on either and preferred to hide it with a magnificent officer hat. 
“Doctor, Hurry up, I don’t think we should be late for such an event! ”
“There is only so much I can do Clara !” Said the doctor trying to make the Tardis invisible.
“There seems to be something preventing her from disappearing… A force field or something of the sort. Which is weird since I closed the last one. ” He continued, still searching for the issue.
“Last one ?”
“Yes, well it wasn’t quite a force field, more of a time portal. Had a wonderful night with Madame de Pompadour on the occasion. Wonderful woman I might add.” He said while finally resolving their little camouflage problems. “Ah ha!”
“We may go now ?“ Pressed Clara, still waiting by the door.
“Yes !”
The Ballroom was extraordinarily beautiful. Filled with too many of the richest people in the country. If she was being honest, Clara found it rather charming, yet felt a little uncomfortable around so many gorgeous women and men. 
Elbows locked with the doctors, the assembly awaited for the king to arrive, rearranging themself as he was announced. 
“Sa majesté le roi !”
As dictated the etiquette, Clara and the doctor bowed before him and returned to position once he had passed. The brunette found it rather hilarious, trying to retain a smile as she graced the floor. Checking for the doctor's eyes, she found him deep in thought, as if he had seen something he had wished to unsee. 
But before long another person was announced. 
“Madame la Comtesse du Barry !”
And here she was, the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She wasn't wearing any fancy wigs, her hair let down on her shoulders, decorated with white and long feathers. Her dress was assorted to the cream-white coat the king was adorning. Her trail seemed to be as long as the ballroom as she gently walked towards him.
Once before the king, she presented herself, but as she did so, her eyes couldn't quit his, making the others start chattering, breaking the silence that once stood in the room. And as she did it two other times, Clara looked at the doctor, confused by what was happening before her. 
But soon enough, the chatter was silenced by the music starting, a soft yet charming baroque rhythm playing in the assembly. And as the crowd arranged to dance, The Comtesse had in mind something rather scandalous for both her and Her Majesty. Taking his hand in hers, she accompanied him to the middle of the ballroom and started dancing with him. As everyone stopped to look at them, the Doctor couldn’t stop himself from seeing something he would have wanted to avoid.
All he could see was the golden bracelet around her right wrist, a piece of jewelry he knew wasn’t what it seemed. A shimmer perhaps? Whoever was dancing with the King wasn’t the real woman, a copycat at best, and looking at most of the guests, some wore the same one, hiding it under exaggerated sleeves. 
“Doctor? Is something wrong…?”
“Very wrong…” Catching the girl's hand, he went to one of the hallways, trying to drown out the noise as he thought of a plan. “I guess I know now why I had so much trouble with the Tardis. We might have some uninvited guests… and a portal inside the castle.” He let out flapping his hands about.
“Why would someone want to invade Versailles in the 18th century? ”
“Lots of reasons…! An alien could easily overthrow someone else to get what he wants from it, by preparing a future terrain… Now, what I don’t understand is why choosing the favorite of the king and not the king himself.”
“Maybe he is the next target…? ”
“They would have already done it. Or-” Then it occurred to him that the king had been gone for months before the ball. Giving enough time for those who wanted to hurt him to take place within the court. “Or it was easier to blend in…” He turned toward Clara, excited by his breakthrough, but the frown on Clara's face made him get on track.
Being attached to her bed was not really how she expected her reunion with the king. Her arms stretched too far for her to reach her feet tied to the end of the bed, unable to move. She was stuck and worried sick. Worried for her son, worried for the king- 
The room which seemed so calm and charming was now giving her chills as she knew she would soon be killed by those imposters. All of them had left her alone, wanting to partake in the king's murder. The silence was slowly killing her. She had tried to cry for help, but the music seemed too loud for someone to hear. 
Tired of her luck, she took a deep breath one last time and called, her vocal cords trying to hold as she begged to be let out of this situation. 
And soon enough commotion  was noticed by the woman, making her cry once more. Begging whoever was in the hallway to walk into the room. A weird whirring noise was heard, then the lock gave out, leading the door to open.
Before her, stood a tall youthful young man, with unruly brown hair, sticking up in some places. Behind him, a beautiful woman, seemingly the same age as him, wearing a magnificent blue dress. 
“Excuse me, sir…, do you happen to know how to get me out of those bindings ?”
“Please do not Sir… Just call me the Doctor. ” The man said while coming closer to the headboard. Using his sonic screwdriver manages to get her out of the metallic bindings.
“ The Doctor? What a particular name… Is it your occupation or is it a title ?”
“More of a title.”
“What a pity, your hands seem adept at such handy work.” Said Jeanne as her own were finally freed. Soon enough she was off the bed, standing before the two travelers. “Regrettably, there’s no time for discourse, for my liege is threatened with poison by one of those deceitful fellows. One has assumed my likeness, and I dread I may be implicated in the scheme.”
“We may be of assistance!“
“I would have expected as such.”
“Those individuals as you call them, what do you know of them ?” Asked clara, stepping beside the doctor.
"From what I saw, they resemble humans with crystal antlers protruding from their foreheads. Lacking noses, they still appeared capable of breathing. One among them spoke of a civil conflict back in their homeland, mentioning something termed 'the hour of joy,' if memory serves."
“Ow! How stupid could I be! Of course!” Said the Doctor, slapping his forehead frustrated he had let such information sleep through. “ To flee the war they had to have a way out. That’s why there is a time vortex opened. They want to kill the king so it would be easier to find a new home for their people in one of the most influential countries of her century.”
“Doctor? Do we have a plan ?”
“Need to find the portal and send them somewhere other than here.”
“How do we do that ?”
“Simple” The doctor confirmed while scanning the room. “As expected. Jeanne, has there been any renovation in your room while the king was away ?”
“A painting of the king had been installed in my room…”
“Clever! Now could you show me where that would be ?”
Not losing any time, Jeanne convail them in a small room, adjacent to the bed. A rather large library awaited behind. In the middle of the room, was a soft red sofa, invaded by all sorts of books and before it stood a medium painting of the king.
Putting out his sonic, the doctor took it upon himself to jump on a chair and try to open what was hiding the portrait. “Here you are” As the painting got off the wall, a mix of wires had been discovered, a large panel hidden behind.
After reversing its polarity, the doctor finally was able to close the portal. Making whoever wanted to enter it appear on another planet that wasn’t Earth. Now, all they had to do was to get the imposters back to their ship.
Jeanne was confused, yet still grateful for the help of the doctor. The ball was still going, and the final moments were to arrive soon, her dear king would be taken away. With a loud bang, the doors at the end of each hall opened, leaving the Comtesse now the center of attention. 
She entered furious, still in the dress she had on this morning. Her corset was killing her, but running to get to the scene was not an option. The doctor had told her about the shimmers. How certain of the guests could also be traitors. But all you could think of was getting this imposter off her lover. 
“My liege! I fear I am not the one you are holding in your arms!” Jeanne was still running toward him, not caring about the looks the other guests were giving her. 
The music had stopped, and panic seemed to ensue as everyone saw double. Thanks to the doctor the situation was taken care of. Explaining what was happening to the king, it wasn’t long after he was out of the fake Jeanne's arms, trying to get back to his favorite. Still connected to their ship, the individual fled. The doctor promised them a safer and harmless way out. Welcoming them to an inhabited planet where they could thrive again.
In the end, everything went well, no one was hurt, and the king was saved. He had even tried to get compensation for the help the doctor had offered. But he had refused, claiming it was just another Saturday for him.
Jeanne had followed the doctor and Clara back to the Tardis, wanting to know more about the two time travelers. It was irrational, yet she seemed to be attracted to this incredibly gentleman. Clara had gone ahead, entering the Tardis while the Comtesse stayed to discuss with the timelord.
“So, tell me. Am I to ever see you again?”
“We weren’t to meet in the first place.“ Let out the doctor.
"That is regrettable. I would have desired to learn more about you."
“You can always ask.”
"Can you be truthful? Your eyes betray a distant presence. Why must it be so melancholic?" Looking into his eyes, all she could see was dread, something old that still lingered.
“An old friend of mine had been missing. I searched everywhere, but I’ll find her at some point.”
"If she holds such significance to you, perhaps she is nearer than you anticipate."
“How could she be ?”
"I suppose destiny plays a role? And it's undeniable that you're attractive; I wouldn't fault her for desiring your return."
The doctor couldn't help himself but look at her. Something was screaming at him to look closer into it, to try and understand, but shoving a sonic screwdriver into someone’s face wasn’t a good approach.
“Have we met before ?”
"I don't believe we have. But something suggests it won't be the final occasion either."
“How can you be so sure ?” The Doctor said while trying to find out why he was so attracted to her.
"Life unfolds in mysterious manners. So do I. To my knowledge, no one is born twice."
“I can guess of a few species that can.”
“You're the Bowtie maniac, you should be the one who knows.”
The doctor looked as if he had seen a ghost. “I’m not -(A bow tie maniac)”. In the whole universe, there was only one person who called him this, that he accepted it from. Locking eyes with hers, all he could see was how old they seemed, how much they lived, despite seeming so young. But it made sense. After all (Y/N) had told him about certain past lives. Never giving a name to not disturb time paradoxes that weren’t meant to be. She did mention having had a peculiar life in the 18th century, falling in love with the king. But never would he have guessed for you to have been born as Jeanne de Becu. La Comtesse du Barry.
“Madame! Le roi vous attend !” They heard being called. The Valet of the king interrupted the many questions that had yet to be asked, but it was better to not know and let destiny be what it had done best. Reunite one another.
Jeanne felt there was something more and she wanted to know. But it would ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it? Caressing his confused face with her right hand, she smiled at him. A simple smile, that made his hearts flutter. 
"I suppose this is merely a 'farewell,' Doctor. I'll see you when the time arrives, my Bowtie Maniac." And as her hand left his cheek, he felt his hearts hurt, being left once more by the woman he loved the most in the entire universe.
Bonus : 
The Tardis felt silent, sad even. The tension was too much for Clara, and she couldn’t help herself from asking what was going on. Why was he looking so distraught, and was being so quiet as he brought her home?
“Who was she ?”
“Jeanne du Berry? Favorite of the King. A more pleasant way to say concubine. She was born in a monastery. But she became a lady in waiting, then worked in a brothel. She got the visit of a rich noble from the court that presented her to the king. It was love at first sight.”
“And to you ?”
“I didn’t know her by that name. At least never heard her mentioning it as one of her previous incarnations. She never wanted me to know.”
“Why would she hide it ?”
“Paradoxes. If I had known, I might never have wanted to meet the younger version of herself. Avoid it even.”
“What happened to her ?”
“I lost her” Seeing the sad face of Clara, the Doctor still wanted to see her smile, and stop worrying about what went through his head. “But I’m sure we will meet again. Travel together once more like we always did. I’m sure you two would love each other.” Finally let out the doctor full of hope.
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fairy-writes · 22 days
fairy's fics for gaza
hello everyone! i'm not sure anyone would even be interested or care about this but i'm OPENING REQUESTS for @ficsforgaza !! by tossing my hat into the ring, i hope to help raise money and interest for this cause!
keep in mind i'll maybe close my requests if i get overwhelmed or can't fulfill a request. i am setting the donation limit for $5 for 500 words. ofc this is subject to change (e.g. you want a shorter or longer request)
how this works!
you (the reader): send me A DIRECT MESSAGE (not an ask pls, those are reserved for regular requests) asking for a request. i will start working on your request once you've provided proof to me (with any personal info removed) of your donation to a VETTED FUNDRAISER. DO NOT SEND ME THE MONEY
me (the writer): once i have vetted the fundraiser (there is a list to choose from HERE), i will begin work on your request. keep in mind i have other projects to get done (e.g. original stories, other requests still in my inbox, etc.) so it won't be published right away.
LIST OF FANDOMS/PEOPLE I'LL WRITE FOR (these are all x reader):
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vi, Vander, Caitlyn Kiramman, Mel Medarda
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Saigiku Jouno, Suehiro Tecchou
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortis, Dominique de Sade
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira, Akaza, Kokushibo, Douma, Kibutsuji Muzan, Kamado Tanjiro (aged up), Agatsuma Zenitsu (aged up), Hashibira Inosuke (aged up)
Doctor Who: The Doctor (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Jack Harkness, River Song
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed, Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Envy, Alex Louis Armstrong, Olivier Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB), Alphonse Elric (post-FMAB), Ling Yao (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji (aged up), Fushiguro Megumi (aged up)
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu
i write specifically SFW. no NSFW or dark content here folks. though there are plenty of participating authors who write either dark content or NSFW!
all writing is gender neutral but can be customized to a female!reader
absolutely no exclusionists welcome. that includes anyone who is or condones racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, aphobia, ableism, islamophobia, antisemitism, or anything similar.
things that WON'T be written: nsfw/smut/spice (implied or otherwise), abusive relationships, yandere, self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, mental disorders, incest, character x character, character x oc
if you have any further questions please let me know!! i've never done something like this and it's very probable i've left something unclear lol.
feel free to check out the BLOG for more information! they also have a FAQ here!
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musesofhororr · 8 months
Tumblr media
" I'm scared to close my eyes, I'm scared to open them. "
Many spooky/horror muses.
All muses & the mun are of age.
21 +
Starter Call !
Affiliated With ; @maskedspector @will-iam-graham @vulpineobedience @illustrious-beauty @frederickchill
Rules & Muses below ;
Rules ;
please do NOT rush me with replies as most of y'all know i have MANY accounts xD
2. all muses are 21+
3. because this is a horror/spooky rp blog there will be gore, sexual themes and other things that will be 18 + themes.
4. Yes i do write smut but I WILL NOT WRITE WITH ANYONE UNDER AGE!
5. Whenever you send in a meme please say who it's for, for i will have many muses on here. if you don't i will assume that you are leaving it up to me.
6. i am open to shipping with anyone, for i am a shipping ho. xD but please DO NOT force a ship on me.
7. we are all here because we love to write so please DO NOT cause any drama. i am well passed that age in my life && i'm not about it. xD
8. i am OC friendly! So please message me whenever! <3
9. have fun! any questions please message me !
The muses;
AHS ; Lana Winters FC ; Sarah Paulson, Mary Eunice FC ; Lily Rabe, Cordelia Goode FC ; Sarah Paulson, Misty Day FC ; Lily Rabe
Bates Motel ; Norma Bates FC ; Vera Farmiga
Bram Stoker's Dracula ; Mina Harker FC ; Winona Ryder
Charmed ; Prue Halliwell FC ; Shannen Doherty
Dracula { 2013 } ; Dracula FC ; Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Lucy Westenra FC ; Katie McGrath, Lady Jayne Wetherby FC ; Victoria Smurfit
Doctor Who ; River Song FC ; Alex Kingston, 11th Doctor FC ; Matt Smith, 16th Doctor FC ; Cate Blanchett
The Fall of House Usher ; Verna FC ; Carla Gugino
The Fall ; Stella Gibson FC ; Gillian Anderson
The Silence of the Lambs; Hannibal Lecter FC ; Mads Mikkelsen, Bedelia Du Maurier { VERY HEAD CANON } FC ; Gillian Anderson, Clarice Starling FC ; Jodie Foster.
The Haunting of Hill House ; Olivia Crain FC ; Carla Gugino, Theo Crain FC ; Kate Siegel, Nell Crain FC ; Victoria Pedretti
The Haunting of Bly Manor ; Dani Clayton FC ; Victoria Pedretti
Merlin ; Morgana Pendragon FC ; Katie Mcgrath
Penny Dreadful ; Vanessa Ives FC ; Eva Green
Resident Evil ; Lady Dimitrescu FC ; Lana Parrilla
Silent Hill ; Lisa Garland FC ; NOT SURE YET
True Blood ; Sookie Stackhouse FC ; Anna Paquin, Pam FC ; Kristin Bauer Van Straten, Sophie-Anne FC ; Evan Rachel Wood
Van Helsing ; Anna Valerious FC ; Kate Beckinsale
The X-Files ; Dana Scully FC; Gillian Anderson, Fox Mulder FC ; David Duchovny
Xena Warrior Princess ; Xena FC ; Lucy Lawless, Gabrielle FC ; Renee O'Connor, Callisto FC ; Hudson Leick
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