#1976 American cup
shade713 · 10 months
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Bart: “…and that’s how I met your mother.”
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yourdailyqueer · 8 months
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Molly Cameron
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: N/A
DOB: 28 August 1976
Ethnicity: White - American
Occupation: Prof cyclo-cross athlete, activist
Note: First openly transgender athlete to compete in a (Men's Category) UCI Cyclo-cross World Cup
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facts-i-just-made-up · 5 months
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The Ancient Cup Of Garth-Gog-Gamog
At the center of a treacherous island in the center of an impassible swamp in the center of a forbidden forest at the northmost tip of Britain lies the ancient cup of Garth-Gog-Gamog.
A direct inspiration for Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings,” legend has it that the cup was forged by the demon ruler Garth-Gog-Gamog in the time before time existed. Whoever drinks from the cup is said to gain the powers of Garth-Gog-Gamog herself, including the power to summon demons, the power to control insects, the power to cause earthquakes, and the power to always win at Scrabble.
Because of its power, the cup was hidden away for over 6,000 years by order of Britain’s then-prime-minister Tony Blair. The cup was only rediscovered in 1976 when three American wanderers stumbled upon it by accident. Only two of the group returned, the third is said to have drunk from the unholy cup and was never heard from again. Rumors abound that they became the new demon lord who will end the universe, or that they were deemed not-evil-enough and died on the spot, or that he is in fact ongoing GOP atrocity Donald Trump, who has never lost a Scrabble game despite his total lack of spelling ability and ineptitude at following simple rules.
If the last hypothesis is true, it would be only the second time the GOP has selected an ancient demon lord as its candidate, the first being Lethnor, Imp of Thunder in 1980, who lost the nomination to Ronald Reagan by 2 votes. Lethnor, Imp of Thunder currently hosts The Lethnor Hour on late night CBS.
(original pic source)
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foryouwereinmysong · 10 months
Do you think John and Paul ever saw each other again after ‘76? Or even talked on the phone? I know Paul says they did but every so often doubt creeps in and I start wondering if Paul isn’t just making up stories to convince himself that they were still friends. Your thoughts?
Thank you for the ask! It made me look back at John's last interviews and some of Paul's earliest after the murder. I don't think Paul made up the phone calls, because he has been consistent in talking about them since the early 80s. In his interviews shortly after John's death he talks about it quite detailed and I don't think he would make something like this up. For other speculations about their last meeting I found this great blogspot post: https://mccartnet.blogspot.com/2012/04/when-was-lennon-and-mccartneys-last.html
What I do wonder is, if they maybe saw each other for the last time in 1978. John mentions in 1980 he thinks that the "turning Paul away incident" was like 2 years ago and Geoffrey Giuliano claims that John, Yoko, Paul and Linda went to see the movie "Pretty Baby" together, which was released in April 1978. (The lost Lennon diaries) - but people say he's not a reliable source... But maybe John didn't turn Paul away the day after the SNL evening (24th of April 1976), but after the movie night? But then again Sean was already a toddler in 1978...
WELL if somebody did more research on this, I would love to know, but I'll end it here, because I think in the end there won't be a really satisfying answer. And maybe the important part is that the love they had for each other never went away either way.
(Newsweek, 1982, by Jim Miller)  Q: "Did you see much of him before he died?"
PAUL: "I saw him quite a bit. Always, the problem was talking business. Whenever we got into business, we got into an argument. It wasn't a pleasant framework for a relationship. When Sean (John and Yoko's son) was first born, I visited him a few times at the Dakota (Lennon's apartment house in New York). And then it had gone snotty. I used to turn up without calling him. One time, he got annoyed with me. He said, 'Well, look, man... Why do you just keep turning up here and surprise us? Why don't you just call first?' And I took that the wrong way. After that, I don't think I did see him. I phoned a few times. As long as we were talking about family, about life, it was good. The last time I spoke to him, I got off the phone and it felt like old friends again. I've talked to Yoko since then, and she's said to me, 'You know, he really was quite fond of you.' I think we were pretty close. But, sometimes, with brothers, you argue. They can be the most intense arguments, too."
(Playboy, 1984, by Joan Goodman) PLAYBOY: "Do you remember your last conversation with John?"
PAUL: "Yes. That is a nice thing, a consoling factor for me, because I do feel it was sad that we never actually sat down and straightened our differences out. But fortunately for me, the last phone conversation I ever had with him was really great, and we didn't have any kind of blowup. It could have easily been one of the other phone calls, when we blew up at each other and slammed the phone down."
PLAYBOY: "Do you remember what you talked about?"
PAUL: "It was just a very happy conversation about his family, my family. Enjoying his life very much; Sean was a very big part of it. And thinking about getting on with his career. I remember he said, 'Oh, God, I'm like Aunt Mimi, padding round here in me dressing gown' ...robe, as he called it, cuz he was picking up the American vernacular... 'feeding the cats in me robe and cooking and putting a cup of tea on. This housewife wants a career!' It was that time for him. He was about to launch Double Fantasy."
(Playboy, September 1980, by David Sheff) PLAYBOY: "Aside from the millions you've been offered for a reunion concert, how did you feel about producer Lorne Michaels' generous offer of $3200 for appearing together on 'Saturday Night Live' a few years ago?"
LENNON: "Oh, yeah. Paul and I were together watching that show. He was visiting us at our place in the Dakota. We were watching it and almost went down to the studio, just as a gag. We nearly got into a cab, but we were actually too tired."
PLAYBOY: "How did you and Paul happen to be watching TV together?"
LENNON: "That was a period when Paul just kept turning up at our door with a guitar. I would let him in, but finally I said to him, 'Please call before you come over. It's not 1956 and turning up at the door isn't the same anymore. You know, just give me a ring.' He was upset by that, but I didn't mean it badly. I just meant that I was taking care of a baby all day and some guy turns up at the door... But, anyway, back on that night, he and Linda walked in and he and I were just sitting there, watching the show, and we went, 'Ha-ha, wouldn't it be funny if we went down?' but we didn't."
PLAYBOY: "Was that the last time you saw Paul?"
LENNON: "Yes, but I didn't mean it like that." (Newsweek, 29th of September 1980, by Barbara Graustark) Q: "Paul McCartney's theory is that you became a recluse because you'd done everything - but be yourself."
JOHN: "What the hell does that mean? Paul didn't know what I was doing - he was as curious as everyone else. It's ten years since I really communicated with him. I know as much about him as he does about me, which is zilch. About two years ago, he turned up at the door. I said, 'Look, do you mind ringin' first? I've just had a hard day with the baby. I'm worn out and you're walkin' in with a damn guitar!"
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homomenhommes · 6 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more  December 1
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Today is World AIDS Day! What will you do to be involved?
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1886 – Rex Stout (d.1975) was an American writer noted for his detective fiction. Stout is best known as the creator of the larger-than-life fictional detective Nero Wolfe. Wolfe's assistant Archie Goodwin recorded the cases of the detective genius from 1934 (Fer-de-Lance) to 1975 (A Family Affair), for a total of 33 novels and even more short stories.
It's a mistake to assume there is any direct relationship between the subject matter of a novelist and the novelist himself, especially since imagination is the fundamental resource of the writer, but ... before he turned to the detective novel in 1934, Rex Stout wrote an ambiguously Gay Western in which the married hero is attracted to his assistant. The notion, though psychologically plausible, is certainly unique to the Western adventure yarn of the period and suggests an equally unusual relationship between two men that was to prove central to Stout's work over the next four decades. What exactly is the nature of the friendship, if it can be called that, between Nero Wolfe, Stout's famous detective hero, and his live-in assistant, Archie Goodwin?
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1922 – Richard Walters, who wrote under the pen name Sweet Lips, (d.2010) was a longtime Bay Area Reporter columnist who started writing for the paper when it was founded in 1971.Sweet Lips was born in Illinois. He eventually moved to San Francisco in the 1950s. Sweet Lips had been an only child.
Sweet Lips and the late B.A.R. founding publisher Bob Ross were roommates when Sweet Lips started his self-described gossip column.
Thomas E. Horn, the B.A.R.'s current publisher, called Sweet Lips "the Herb Caen of the LGBT community from the 1960s on," referring to the late, longtime San Francisco Chronicle columnist.
For years, Sweet Lips wrote about people, bars, and events in San Francisco's Polk and Tenderloin areas. He worked in a few of the bars in the area.
"When the Polkstrasse was the center of gay life in San Francisco, Lips knew every bartender, every club owner, most of the patrons, all of the cute boys, and, thus, most of the gossip of the community," said Horn in an e-mail.
"He will always be a seminal part of gay history in San Francisco," Horn added.
Sweet Lips reportedly was one of the people responsible for raising the money to start Operation Concern, which was founded in 1974 as a men's mental health services agency. At the time, homosexuality was still considered a mental illness. In 1976, 18th Street Services was formed to provide substance abuse services. In 1995 the two agencies merged into New Leaf: Services for Our Community.
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1955 – Olivier Rouyer, born in Nancy, France, is a retired football striker from France. He earned seventeen international caps (two goals) for the French national team during the late 1970s and early 1980s. A player of AS Nancy, he was a member of the French team in the 1978 FIFA World Cup. He coached Nancy from 1991-1994.
Rouyer came out as gay in 2008 after leaving the team.
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1970 – Matt Sanchez is a journalist, who has worked for Fox News and other organizations. He previously served as a Marine reservist and was involved in a controversy about access to campus for military recruiters at Columbia University. In March 2007, Sanchez was awarded the first "Jeane Kirkpatrick Academic Freedom Award" at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
In the early 90s, Sanchez performed in gay pornographic films as Pierre LaBranche and Rod Majors. In 2003, Sanchez joined the United States Marine Corps and was trained as a refrigeration mechanic with the rank of corporal. On March 16, 2007, John Hoellwarth, a staff writer for Military Times Media Group, reported that Sanchez was the subject of a Marine Corps inquiry about his appearances in gay pornographic videos and related allegations. Of concern was whether "Sanchez had enlisted prior to the end of his film career," "if Reserve Marines were prohibited from doing porn when not in a drilling status," and "how the current 'don't ask, don't tell' policy might apply.
On March 2, 2007, Sanchez was awarded the Jeane Kirkpatrick Academic Freedom Award at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). A featured speaker at the conference, Ann Coulter, made controversial remarks at the event, indirectly referring to presidential candidate John Edwards as a "faggot". In an article for Salon.com, Sanchez discussed how a photograph of him taken at the conference with Coulter brought him to the attention of bloggers, one of whom recognized him as a former pornographic gay film star. In the same article, Sanchez stated that bloggers had compared him to Rich Merritt, author of Secrets of a Gay Marine Porn Star, and Jeff Gannon, a conservative journalist who was outed as a gay escort.
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as Rod Majors
In a 2007 interview, Sanchez commented that "I don't like porn, it reduces the mind, flattens the soul" and that he considers his pornographic career an identity outgrown.
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1981 – The Worldwide Church of God published "The Plain Truth," which speculated that the illnesses being diagnosed in gay men were God's penalty for promiscuity.
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1715 – An Oxford University student notes in his diary that sodomy was very common there. "It is dangerous sending a young man who is beautiful to Oxford."
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1927 – A California appellate court upholds the sodomy conviction of a man after a private investigator hid under his bed to catch him in consensual sexual relations with his partner.
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1974 – The Greek letter lambda was officially declared the international symbol for gay and lesbian rights by the International Gay Rights Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland. The lambda was selected as a symbol by the Gay Activists Alliance of New York in 1970.
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wikiuntamed · 5 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Thursday, 4th January
Welcome, welkom, ようこそ (yōkoso), fàilte 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 4th January through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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4th January 2023 🗓️ : Death - Rosi Mittermaier Rosi Mittermaier, German alpine skier and Olympic champion (b. 1950) "Rosa Anna Katharina Mittermaier-Neureuther (German: [ˈʁozi ˈmɪtɐˌmaɪ̯ɐ] ; 5 August 1950 – 4 January 2023) was a German alpine skier. She was the overall World Cup champion in 1976 and a double gold medalist at the 1976 Winter Olympics.Mittermaier competed in alpine skiing from 1967 to 1976, retiring..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by blu-news.org
4th January 2019 🗓️ : Death - Harold Brown (Secretary of Defense) Harold Brown, 14th United States Secretary of Defense (b. 1927) "Harold Brown (September 19, 1927 – January 4, 2019) was an American nuclear physicist who served as United States Secretary of Defense from 1977 to 1981, under President Jimmy Carter. Previously, in the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson administrations, he held the posts of Director of Defense..."
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Image by United States Department of Defense
4th January 2013 🗓️ : Event - Kawit shooting A gunman kills eight people in a house-to-house rampage in Kawit, Cavite, Philippines. "The Kawit shooting was a mass murder that occurred in barangay Tabon 1 in Kawit, Philippines, on January 4, 2013. 41-year-old Ronald Baquiran Bae killed at least seven people and a dog and wounded twelve other people with a semiautomatic pistol, before he was shot and killed by police. Another man,..."
4th January 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Danilo Hondo Danilo Hondo, German cyclist "Danilo Hondo (born 4 January 1974) is a German former professional road bicycle racer. He won the German National Road Race in 2002. He competed in the men's team pursuit at the 1996 Summer Olympics.He was banned from professional cycling and then later won his appeal to return to the sport. From..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Rolf Kaiser, Bochum, Germany
4th January 1924 🗓️ : Death - Alfred Grünfeld Alfred Grünfeld, Austrian pianist and composer (b. 1852) "Alfred Grünfeld (4 July 1852 in Prague – 4 January 1924 in Vienna) was an Austrian pianist and composer. ..."
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Image by Erwin Raupp
4th January 1821 🗓️ : Death - Elizabeth Ann Seton Elizabeth Ann Seton, American nun and saint (b. 1774) "Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton (August 28, 1774 – January 4, 1821) was a Catholic religious sister in the United States and an educator, known as a founder of the country's parochial school system. After her death, she became the first person born in what would become the United States to be canonized..."
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Image by Amabilia Filicchi
4th January 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Ferréol of Uzès "Saint Ferréol (Ferreolus) of Uzès (530 – January 4, 581 AD) was bishop of Uzès and possibly bishop of Nîmes (Catholic Encyclopedia "Nîmes") (553-581). His Feast Day is January 4. He was born in Narbonne, apparently a grandson of Cloderic of the Ripuarian Franks. Bishops in Merovingian Gaul were..."
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breha · 2 years
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hometown blues // a century of sounds about and out of new orleans for louis de pointe du lac to throw out and then dig out of the trash ten minutes later
01. wolverine blues jelly roll morton (1923) 02. out of nowhere king oliver (1926) 03. basin street blues louis armstrong (1928) 04. new orleans hop scop blues bessie smith (1930) 05. i’m putting all my eggs in one basket the boswell sisters (1932) 06. on the sunny side of the street louis armstrong (1934) 07. you always hurt the one you love bunk johnson (1944) 08. do you know what it means to miss new orleans? billie holiday (1947) 09. tipitina professor longhair (1953) 10. summertime / sometimes i feel like a motherless child mahalia jackson (1956) 11. bourbon street blues louis prima (1959) 12. walking to new orleans fats domino (1960) 13. pagan love song sweet emma barrett (1963) 14. big chief professor longhair (1964) 15. second line duke ellington (1970) 16. soul sister allen toussaint (1972) 17. what’cha say the meters (1974) 18. put out the light james booker (1976) 19. night people lee dorsey (1978) 20. brother john / iko iko the neville brothers (1981) 21. st. louis blues preservation hall jazz band (1982) 22. ma tit fille buckwheat zydeco (1987) 23. and the band played on wynton marsalis (1993) 24. spaceship relationship dr. john (1994) 25. i’ll be glad when you’re dead treme brass band (1995) 26. way down yonder in new orleans harry connick, jr (2001) 27. treme song john boutté (2003) 28. crazy bout my boifriend sissy nobby (2010) 29. dangerous big freedia (2014) 30. american tune allen toussaint (2016) 31. it ain’t no use trombone shorty (2017) 32. movement 11’ jon batiste (2021) 33. communion in my cup tank and the bangas, the ton3s (2022)
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freifraufischer · 2 years
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Let’s talk about the Scamerican Cup... 
Or more broadly let’s talk about the history of this competition and where it fits into the wider history of the sport.  The American Cup started in 1976 as a kind of competition known as a International Invitational.  International Invitationals were meets organized by a national federation in which they invited gymnasts based on world rankings from whatever the most recent World Championship.  There were many many international invitationals, for instance Champions All in Great Britain, the Chinuchi Cup in Japan, as well as the American Cup are some of the now defunct examples.  It was understood that an international invitational may put a thumb on the scale for a local gymnasts but since your own federation is likely running the same thing next month there wasn’t a lot of complaining in the 1970s and 1980s.  
Slowly a lot over the old invitationals were folded into FIG competition series and gained more legitimacy for example the France International, the DTB Cup (originally the West German invitational), the Cottbus Cup (originally the East German invitational).  But some places resisted giving the FIG control.  Perhaps you preferred the be able to set a different format (like the Swiss Cup) or you wanted to invite more (or fewer) gymnasts.  Maybe you want to be able to mix juniors and seniors.  Or maybe you want to control the judging.
The US Gymnastics Federation (and later USAG) wasn’t the only federation to resist turning their competitions over to the FIG but there were two things that made the American Cup different.  It was more widely televised and because it was televised in the United States more video of those competitions have survived.  We can see the sketchy results in the American cup that we can’t in say the Hungarian invitational where video didn’t survive.  The American Cup for a long part of it’s history was scamy but it was no more or less scamy than it’s counter parts all over the world.
In the 1990s the American Cup had attractions and drawbacks.  It was a meet with one of the largest prize purses available in the sport, it was on television (and after 1996 on podium and very few competitions were on podium at the time).  My sense of watching all the American Cups was that as it lasted longer and the other competitions like it faded or transformed into FIG meets the quality of it’s international field shrank (if your national federation no longer has a sketchy invitational there is no you scratch my back I scratch yours benefit of sending your gymnasts overseas to lose), and USAG continued to see it as their private promotional tool but you can also feel Marta Karolyi’s finger prints as well.  In the 1980s and the 1990s the Americans respected a 2 per country limit after qualifying, but suddenly in the 2000s you would get 4 American gymnasts competing in a field with a handful of foreign gymnasts.  In 2009, one of the last non FIG sponsored American Cups the US entered Jordyn Wieber, a junior that wouldn’t even be eligible to compete senior for 2 years.  She won, should she have?  You can debate the gymnastics there but you can’t debate that field wasn’t amazing and hyping that victory looks deeply silly.  FIG grew increasingly embarrassed by the shady antics of one of the sports most televised meets and pressured USAG to finally fold the American Cup into the world cup series.
Ironically the year that the American Cup is most remembered for being scammy is actually after it became a FIG World Cup event.  In 2011 World Champion Aliya Mustafina of Russia was invited and when she arrived she found that USAG wanted her to share a hotel room with a random gymnast from a country she didn’t even share a language with.  The Russian delegation also said that the quality of hotel for the American gymnasts was much better than for everyone else (and the 2011 American Cup was held in Jacksonville, Florida a city I know not to have amazing hotels so I can only imagine what they were given).  After an injury to a British gymnast the Americans substituted in Weiber, who had just turned senior but shouldn’t have been eligable for the competition because the FIG AA World Cup Series was based on World Championship results from the previous year.  And then there was the scoring.  Which was interesting.
As a result of the Russian complaints they avoided the competition for much of the rest of it’s existence and many fans know the 2011 American Cup as THE Scamerican Cup.  It’s last event was in 2020 as part of the FIG AA World Cup Series but with USAG in bankruptcy it’s generally believed that the meet was seen as too expensive and was quietly discontinued.  It’s worth saying that AA World Cups weren’t particularly popular with many federations.  The meets were expensive to put on and had a very small field of athletes while apparatus events have fields that are an order of magnitude bigger.
I thought I’d post some of my favorite examples of the scamiest moments of the American Cup outside of the 2011 example.
1983 (start the video at 13.28).  Natalia Yurchenko was the winner of the 1982 World Cup AA (pre 1990s The World Cup was a single competition and roughly equivalent in status to the World Championships).  There was something fishy with the uneven bars.  She was hitting her butt on the low bar (as you could do in pre 1985 bars) and had requested to raise the bars which the American organizers denied.  It resulted in this ... 
Yurchenko didn’t have this problem anywhere else that season and would win the World Championship that year.  The 1983 American Cup would go on to be won by Mary Lou Retton.  She and Bela Karolyi would use this competition to claim that that she had beaten Yurchenko before the 1984 Olympic boycott.
1987 (start at 22.20 for Phillips, 27.28 for Strazheva).  Soviet gymnast Olga Strazheva, often considered one of the greatest floor workers of all time lost the American Cup to Kristie Phillips by .025 of a point.  Strazheva recieved a 9.7 for her floor.  Phillips a 9.775.
2002 (start at 1.03.36 for Schwikert, 1.09.05 for Kupets).  Sometimes the person robbed wasn’t even a foreign gymnast.  In 2002 Tasha Schwikert was a star of American gymnastics, the reigning national champion and an Olympian.  Courtney Kupets was a brand new senior who would lose the American Cup to Schwikert by .094  Schwikert had a disastrous floor routine scoring an 8.775.  Mysteriously Kupets who was up right after her needed 9.307 to win.  She got a 9.212.
But I tend to think of one of the American Cups greatest crimes having nothing to do with scoring.  It was whoever decided to spell Oksana Chusovitina’s name like this in 1996
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The interesting thing about the copy of No Excuse to Lose that I got at the chandlery in Greenport is that it’s a reprint from 1987 to cash in on the celebrations, but the covers are the only thing actually updated (a photo of Conner in Stars & Stripes gear and the back cover summary “The Man Who Brought Home the America’s Cup Tells How and Why He Wins Races”), the book itself seems to be the original 1978 text. The book only goes up to the 1977 America’s Cup, and thus does not cover any later editions or the 1980 Olympics boycott.
This makes the book seem weaker to me, and probably to 1987 audiences as well— the book lays out Conner’s philosophies and strategies as-of 1978, but to someone who knows what happened afterwards, it’s hard not to wonder “And how did he react to having those philosophies challenged or contradicted later on?”
For example, when Conner says he doesn’t enjoy sailing unless it’s to race, and always wants to be in the top event of the year, how did he react to not being able to take part in the 1980 Olympics after the United States boycotted them?
Conner’s approach to competition overall is conservative*, focused on following known paradigms as well as possible rather than innovating, and his advice to young sailors is to do the same. But the approach of the Australia II syndicate that defeated him in 1983 was very much the opposite, and Michael Levitt and Barbara Lloyd’s book Upset has a paragraph something like “Liberty was a very good 12-Metre yacht, but Australia II was something beyond that, a ‘12.5’ or ‘13-Metre’.” How, we naturally wonder, did Conner react to seeing his philosophy so dramatically disproved? Did he reassess his approach? (Working with NASA on hull “riblets” would suggest he DID warm to trying new technological innovations.)
*Tactically conservative, that is. Conner’s sexist and homophobic comments during the 1990s editions of the America’s Cup certainly seem to have been socially conservative, but as there is no mention of female athletes here, that never comes up. The only (very faint) hint of any sociopolitics in No Excuse To Lose is Conner saying he wanted to prove to “the Eastern Establishment” that California “Wasn’t just full of hippies”, with “hippies” and “good sailors” implicitly presented as contrasting— something Bernard Moitessier probably would have disputed. What is somewhat surprising, given how much Conner appealed to American patriotism in later America’s Cup campaigns, is his description of the Soviet Olympic sailor Valentin Mankin as a respected friend and colleague. Their competition in the 1976 Olympics is not presented with a Cold War angle, and any such political context is not even mentioned.
The frustrating thing about this book in its reprint form, then, is the simple question “No Excuse to Lose— so what does it mean that you DID lose? Did that lead you to change your approach for the 1987 competition, and if so, how?” Surely, this must have been a top question in most readers’ minds in 1987, but they won’t find an answer here.
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ftpmovement · 2 years
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Assata Shakur 4th of July Message
Nineteen Seventy Six, the year of this countries bicentennial and the flags fly high and the politicians roar and the bugles blow and Ray Charles sings praise of Amerika. And while MGM projects red, white and blue rainbows in the sky and Ideal is making Betsy Ross dolls and Seventh Avenue is belting out red, white and blue evening gowns every capitalist from here too California is getting into the act.
They are peddling Buy-centenial cups and coins and bells and belt buckles, churning out red, white and blue lampshades and ice cream and napkins and nooses. It's all one big happy carnival, a red, white and blue circus.
But do we buy the buy-centenial? What does it mean to Black people, to Chicanos to Puerto Ricans? What does it mean to poor people, to working people, to oppressed people?
What does it mean to Cherokee and Crow and Apache and Navajo and Sioux? What does it mean to the victims of Amerika? What do we have to celebrate? Should we celebrate George Washington who sold a slave for a keg of whiskey? Shall we celebrate the signers of the Declaration of Independence who referred to Native Americans are "Merciless Indian Savages" while murdering them and ripping off their land?
Shall we celebrate Wounded Knee, Watergate and Birmingham? Shall we celebrate Orangeburg, Attica, Kent State, Dred Scott, McCarthyism, Ludlow and Hayes? Shall we celebrate the lynchings, the concentration camps, and the wars and the greed? Shall we celebrate the bought elections, the FBI, the CIA, big brother, the big stick, burning crosses and the dollar diplomat?
There is no liberty, no justice, no freedom in Amerika. In 1776, Black people were slaves. In 1976, we are still slaves, enslaved by a racist system where the haves control everything and the have nots have to beg just to work. In 1776, this country was founded by the landed aristocracy who sought mainly to protect their interests. And in 1976 this country is still in the hands of a rich few who thrive off the misery of the many. No, we must not buy their bicentennial. Only a fool celebrates his own oppression.
There is a saying, "When your child cries and is hungry and you have no food to feed him, sing him to sleep". And so when inflation is raging, when taxes are soaring, when schools are closing, when corruption and unemployment are rampant and when over 70% of the people in this country are dissatisfied with the government, the rulers of this country creates a bicentennial lullaby. They have the wealth but rather than share it they try to pacify us with patriotism and pagentry. 'let them eat apple pie" they snicker. "Let them wear the color of the blood we make them shed" of the racism we manipulate them with and the misery and grief we make them suffer".
We have nothing to celebrate. Let the Rockefellers and the DuPonts and the Fords and the Mellon's celebrate. It is their bicentennial. Let them drape themselves with a red, white and blue shroud and wail the last desperate bellows of a dying bull. But let us hear a different drummer.
Let us issue a new declaration, a people's declaration. Let us work towards a second revolution, a revolution of the have nots, of the oppressed and the powerless. And let us work, let us organize, let us struggle so that a hundred years from now, our children will have something real to celebrate.
In solidarity and struggle,
Assata Shakur
Middlesex County Jail
June 29th, 1976
Join our Patreon Community and assist us in putting the finishing touches on our documentary Organizing Is the New Cool https://www.patreon.com/OITNC/
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
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Todd Krakow
Founder of TKC, Todd Krakow Capital
Todd Krakow is an American Hedge Fund Manager. He is the founder of TKC, Todd Krakow Capital, a Manhattan hedge fund.
Born: July 14, 1976, Hermosa Beach, Ca Net Worth: 3.2 Billions (2016) Education: MBA from the Wharton School
Hedge Fund Rising Stars: Todd Krakow…/profile.htm Todd Krakow is an American Hedge Fund Manager. He is the founder of TKC, Todd Krakow Capital, a Manhattan hedge fund. Krakow earned an MBA from the Wharton School. He went on to head the Asia Office Manufacturers…
Todd Krakow’s TKC Capital Discloses Biotech Position https://Todd_Krakow/biotech/article/…/E439894727929442.htm Todd Krakow Capital’s strong positions in the biotech sector has many of his competitors betting against him, but TKC remains bullish…
Krakow Warns: Hedge Funds Falling to Earth https://Krakow_number/fortune/index/…/Todd_Krakow.htm Head of the wildly successful Todd Krakow Capital, it isn’t surprising that billionaire Todd Krakow has a reason to smile. What is surprising is how frequently he does so while discussing constant criticism from his competitors…
Krakow Sees Opportunities in China https://FinancialJournalNewspaper/China/TFJ/…/article/…/Todd_Krakow.htm Todd Krakow bolstered his long position in the Chinese tech market despite constant onslaught from his competitors…
Todd Krakow’s TKC pursues Bio-Tech https://FinancialJournalNewspaper/…/Krakow/…/bio_tech.htm Insider reports point to billionaire hedge fund manager, Todd Krakow, taking increasingly long positions in the “boom-or-bust” high tech market.
Krakow Talks Tech Plays https://FinancialJournalNewspaper/…/Krakow/…/tech_play.htm Todd Krakow sat down with multiple Wall Street publications to discuss his future investments in technology…
Krakow’s Keys to Success https://23.43.343.22./article…/Todd_Krakow/…/keys_to_success.htm “A cup of Earl Gray first thing in the morning,” Todd Krakow said, beginning what would prove to be a fruitful discussion. “I know that’s not typical financial advice, but finding a routine that centers you at the beginning of each day is absolutely key.”
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Krakow Media Presence
10/1/2015 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  3 |  5 11/1/2015 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  2 |  3 |  6 |  4 |  6 12/1/2015 |  2 |  2 |  4 |  3 |  4 |  8 |  3 |  5  1/1/2016 |  4 |  3 |  5 |  5 |  4 |  9 |  5 |  4  2/1/2016 |  8 | 10 | 15 |  6 |  5 | 10 |  4 |  7  3/1/2016 | 12 | 14 | 18 |  8 |  6 | 11 |  4 |  5  4/1/2016 | 16 | 18 | 22 | 10 |  7 | 11 |  4 |  7  5/1/2016 | 18 | 24 | 28 | 11 |  7 | 13 |  4 |  8  6/1/2016 | 22 | 25 | 28 | 13 |  8 | 14 |  4 |  9  7/1/2016 | 27 | 29 | 35 | 13 | 10 | 15 |  5 | 10  8/1/2016 | 31 |    |    | 15 |    |    |    |     9/1/2016 |    |    |    | 16 |    |    |  8 |    10/1/2016 |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    11/1/2016 |    |    |    |    | 67 | 78 |    |    12/1/2016 |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |     1/1/2017 |    | 67 |    | 90 |    |    |    |     2/1/2016 |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |     3/1/2017 |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |     4/1/2017 |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |   
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Officials out of Guangdong Province, China’s key manufacturing region, pledge to investigate data reports from multiple sectors after the release of satellite images that allege discrepancies in factory site outputs.
The satellite images, culled from AR Metrics by an anonymous source, supposedly show drastic differences between the reported production numbers of multiple tech company’s Guangdong facilities and the actual yield. If this is true, the economic data gathered from China’s sites in the area would, in fact, mean these numbers would be much lower than previously stated.
These images caused several officials to call for a top to bottom investigation of fraudulent reporting in other sections as well, including household income, GDP, and revenue. Growth figures, which plummeted this year, could have been propped up by this misreporting, culminating in the mysterious and precipitous drop in figures.
Similar reports of data discrepancy has been especially highlighted in the Guangdong region, where multiple tech production sites captured by these satellites report revenues to the county of 865 million yuan (around $130 million) in 2015, around 130% more than the actual numbers. Guangdong’s GDP rise two years ago, reported at
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don-lichterman · 2 years
NASCAR's Dubious 1977 Showcase of Women Drivers
NASCAR’s Dubious 1977 Showcase of Women Drivers
Janet Guthrie prepares for the 1976 Firecracker 400.Photo: AP (AP) In 1977, three women lined up to take the green flag at the NASCAR Cup Series’ Firecracker 400, a race held at Daytona International Speedway. American open-wheel veteran Janet Guthrie, Formula One driver Lella Lombardi, and endurance racer Christine Beckers were invited to compete as a way to highlight international female…
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angerissue · 2 years
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Anonymous asked... Your Bruce Banner is BRILLIANT. Click here to send me something!
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Sorry for taking so long to respond to this! I've been going back and forth on what to say, because it was so nice to see this in my inbox, and I wanted to reply properly. I'm not an innately confident writer, and because of the chilly reception that adaptations like this usually get on tumblr, there are often occasions where I wonder if I'm writing Bruce well. Sometimes my assurance disappears. But messages like yours are super encouraging, so thank you.
I've been writing for a long time. I've had one or two things published, but nothing substantial, and certainly not novellas or novels. I remember when I first took a real interest in writing stories, and my characters were absolutely terrible, haha. My first original character was based on a book for young readers about dragons (who could assume human form) and people. In this book, there was a teen girl who had dragon wings. I can't remember the name of the book, but I used like 90% of the character's traits for my first OC, and I didn't really put much thought into it beyond this. Call it a product of me being ten years old, but the OC was goofy and corny, and my writing was beyond dramatic, holy smokes... But at least it formed a great foundation for what not to do, moving forward.
When I was in high school, I took an immediate liking to English class. Digging into media and writing essays was very enjoyable for me! Some of the material felt too simplistic, like a deeper meaning couldn't be derived from it, but I still really loved looking for metaphors and nuance in different texts, and devising different ways to present my findings, and sometimes bullshit them from scratch. I jumped headfirst into AP English soon after that. I particularly remember the assignments for Kafka's "The Metamorphosis", and Swift's "A Modest Proposal", which were pretty strange and surreal texts, but they were fascinating!
(That is the kind of literature I love to encounter. Things that are "out there", that make you think, that have something to say about certain topics, and that leave a lasting impression.)
During this time, I picked up a few other OCs, including some that were inspired by my lucid dreams and the film "Avatar" (2008). I also loved analyzing and discussing films that I'd watched, and I became more and more interested in "character study bait" films, including "Hunger" (2008), "Taxi Driver" (1976), and "American Psycho" (2000). The more focus that a film had on a character, the more I liked exploring it and looking for details. "Breaking Bad" was absolutely captivating to me because of all the colour palette and script choices. And certain characters jumped out at me as well, such as Jesse Pinkman, Wikus Van De Merwe, Tony Stark, and Jake Sulley, who all received varying amounts of attention in fics.
Bruce Banner was another character who really stood out, when I finally decided to give him a chance. My first exposure to him was "The Incredible Hulk" (2008), and even after that single film and its somewhat anemic script, I noticed there was a lot going on with him, and I wanted to explore it. It helped that he was a science fiction character too, because that is my favourite genre, and that I'd always been a sucker for werewolf and monster tropes. I hadn't even gotten into the comics yet or learned about his family life (that happened shortly before I graduated), but I was already so invested in him! And it snowballed from there.
I think it's the combination of my keen interest in Bruce and my love for analysis that has resulted in this portrayal. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I like to think he's still recognizable, and he is very much the same character. He was simply given different options from canon, and he's developed accordingly. But he's never wandered too far from his roots. Everything about this portrayal can be traced back to something I've seen, somewhere, in canon.
I'm also deeply proud of my decision to make this portrayal exceptionally self-aware about the psychology of trauma. I put a very heavy emphasis on how trauma informs someone's decisions throughout their life, which canon has rarely bothered to dissect (the comics on occasion, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe only like, once). I've said it before, but Bruce is often depicted and handwaved as "yet another superhero" and is often dumped into the "superhero genre", which is conflated with formulaic, flashy popcorn flicks. I try to write him deeper than that, and more well-rounded. I've never been a fan of shying away from gritty, dark, or personal shit, because it can often be very revealing and insightful, especially for a character like Bruce. I also feel like this makes him a more accessible character to someone who doesn't necessarily like the MCU or Marvel. If all of the "bam, pow, superheroes and capes and high stakes" stuff takes a break, and the painfully human aspects can shine through more, it humanizes him that much more. I think that's part of the reason the television show and Ruffalo's performance in "The Avengers" was so well-received.
(But this is all just my opinion.)
So thanks again, anonymous! I'm really happy to hear you like the direction I've taken him.
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I have many other messages in my inbox, including some old ask memes. I'm slowly working through them. Thanks for your patience, everyone.
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dan6085 · 8 days
Women’s volleyball has seen numerous teams achieve greatness over the decades, marked by their stellar performances in various international championships. Here’s a list of the top 20 women’s volleyball teams of all time, along with details of their top players and championships won:
1. **Brazil**
- **Top Players:** Fofão (Hélia Souza), Fabiana Claudino, Jaqueline Carvalho, Sheilla Castro
- **Championships:** Olympic Gold (2008, 2012), World Grand Prix (12 titles)
2. **United States**
- **Top Players:** Kerri Walsh Jennings, Misty May-Treanor (Beach), Logan Tom, Foluke Akinradewo
- **Championships:** Olympic Gold (2020), World Championship (2014), World Cup (2015)
3. **China**
- **Top Players:** Lang Ping, Zhu Ting, Feng Kun, Yang Fangxu
- **Championships:** Olympic Gold (1984, 2004, 2016), World Championship (1982, 1986), World Cup (5 titles)
4. **Cuba**
- **Top Players:** Mireya Luis, Regla Torres, Ana Fernández, Magaly Carvajal
- **Championships:** Olympic Gold (1992, 1996, 2000), World Championship (1978, 1994, 1998), World Cup (1989, 1991, 1995)
5. **Soviet Union/Russia**
- **Top Players:** Inna Ryskal, Lyudmila Buldakova, Gamova Ekaterina, Lyubov Sokolova
- **Championships:** Olympic Gold (1968, 1972, 1980), World Championship (1952, 1956, 1960, 1970, 1990), World Cup (1973, 1999)
6. **Japan**
- **Top Players:** Saori Kimura, Yoshie Takeshita, Yuko Arakida, Kumi Nakada
- **Championships:** Olympic Gold (1964, 1976), World Championship (1962, 1967, 1974), World Cup (1977)
7. **Italy**
- **Top Players:** Francesca Piccinini, Paola Egonu, Eleonora Lo Bianco, Cristina Chirichella
- **Championships:** World Championship (2002), European Championship (2007, 2009), World Cup (2007, 2011)
8. **South Korea**
- **Top Players:** Kim Yeon-koung, Lee Hyo-hee, Yang Hyo-jin
- **Championships:** Asian Championship (1967, 1975, 1979), Asian Games (1994)
9. **Serbia**
- **Top Players:** Maja Ognjenović, Tijana Bošković, Brankica Mihajlović
- **Championships:** World Championship (2018), European Championship (2011, 2017, 2019, 2021)
10. **Netherlands**
- **Top Players:** Manon Flier, Robin de Kruijf, Lonneke Slöetjes
- **Championships:** European Championship (1995, 2017), World Grand Prix (2007)
11. **Dominican Republic**
- **Top Players:** Bethania De La Cruz, Prisilla Rivera, Brenda Castillo
- **Championships:** Pan American Games (2003, 2019), NORCECA Championship (2009, 2019)
12. **Turkey**
- **Top Players:** Neslihan Demir, Eda Erdem, Meryem Boz
- **Championships:** European League (2005, 2014), Mediterranean Games (2005, 2009)
13. **Germany (East Germany/West Germany/Unified)**
- **Top Players:** Angelina Grün, Christiane Fürst, Margareta Kozuch
- **Championships:** European Championship (1983, 1987), World Grand Prix (2002)
14. **Poland**
- **Top Players:** Malgorzata Glinka, Katarzyna Skowrońska, Dorota Świeniewicz
- **Championships:** European Championship (2003, 2005), World Championship (1952, 1956 - Bronze)
15. **Thailand**
- **Top Players:** Wilavan Apinyapong, Pleumjit Thinkaow, Nootsara Tomkom
- **Championships:** Asian Championship (2009, 2013), SEA Games (14 titles)
16. **Peru**
- **Top Players:** Cecilia Tait, Gabriela Pérez del Solar, Natalia Málaga
- **Championships:** South American Championship (12 titles), Pan American Games (1967), Olympic Silver (1988)
17. **Argentina**
- **Top Players:** Yamila Nizetich, Emilce Sosa, Leticia Boscacci
- **Championships:** Pan American Cup (2008, 2019), South American Championship (1997 - Silver, 1999 - Silver)
18. **Puerto Rico**
- **Top Players:** Aury Cruz, Karina Ocasio, Daly Santana
- **Championships:** NORCECA Championship (2009 - Bronze, 2013 - Bronze), Pan American Cup (2009 - Silver)
19. **Bulgaria**
- **Top Players:** Antonina Zetova, Elitsa Vasileva, Eva Yaneva
- **Championships:** European Championship (1981 - Gold, 1979 - Silver), World Championship (1970 - Silver)
20. **Czech Republic/Czechoslovakia**
- **Top Players:** Milena Foltýnová, Eva Štípková, Helena Havelková
- **Championships:** European Championship (1955, 1958), World Championship (1952 - Silver, 1956 - Silver)
These teams have left an indelible mark on the history of women’s volleyball through their exceptional performances and numerous championship titles. They have produced some of the sport’s most legendary players, contributing significantly to the game's global growth and popularity.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Events 4.27 (after 1970)
1974 – 109 people are killed in a plane crash near Pulkovo Airport. 1976 – Thirty-seven people are killed when American Airlines Flight 625 crashes at Cyril E. King Airport in Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. 1978 – John Ehrlichman, a former aide to U.S. President Richard Nixon, is released from the Federal Correctional Institution, Safford, Arizona, after serving 18 months for Watergate-related crimes. 1978 – The Saur Revolution begins in Afghanistan, ending the following morning with the murder of Afghan President Mohammed Daoud Khan and the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. 1978 – Willow Island disaster: In the deadliest construction accident in United States history, 51 construction workers are killed when a cooling tower under construction collapses at the Pleasants Power Station in Willow Island, West Virginia. 1986 – The city of Pripyat and surrounding areas are evacuated due to Chernobyl disaster. 1987 – The U.S. Department of Justice bars Austrian President Kurt Waldheim (and his wife, Elisabeth, who had also been a Nazi) from entering the US, charging that he had aided in the deportations and executions of thousands of Jews and others as a German Army officer during World War II. 1989 – The April 27 demonstrations, student-led protests responding to the April 26 Editorial, during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. 1992 – The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, comprising Serbia and Montenegro, is proclaimed. 1992 – Betty Boothroyd becomes the first woman to be elected Speaker of the British House of Commons in its 700-year history. 1992 – The Russian Federation and 12 other former Soviet republics become members of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. 1993 – Most of the Zambia national football team lose their lives in a plane crash off Libreville, Gabon en route to Dakar, Senegal to play a 1994 FIFA World Cup qualifying match against Senegal. 1994 – South African general election: The first democratic general election in South Africa, in which black citizens could vote. The Interim Constitution comes into force. 2005 – Airbus A380 aircraft has its maiden test flight. 2006 – Construction begins on the Freedom Tower (later renamed One World Trade Center) in New York City. 2007 – Estonian authorities remove the Bronze Soldier, a Soviet Red Army war memorial in Tallinn, amid political controversy with Russia. 2007 – Israeli archaeologists discover the tomb of Herod the Great south of Jerusalem. 2011 – The 2011 Super Outbreak devastates parts of the Southeastern United States, especially the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee. Two hundred five tornadoes touched down on April 27 alone, killing more than 300 and injuring hundreds more. 2012 – At least four explosions hit the Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk with at least 27 people injured. 2018 – The Panmunjom Declaration is signed between North and South Korea, officially declaring their intentions to end the Korean conflict.
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 3.18
Anniversary of the Oil Expropriation (Mexico)
Austria Asteroid Day
Awkward Moments Day
Bindus Diena (The Day the Bears Wake from Hibernation; Ancient Latvia)
Carnival of Body Music
Casey Jones Day
Cheikh Al Maarouf Day (Comoros)
Colonel Day (Battlestar Galactica)
Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (Australia)
Day of Internal Troops (Belarus)
De Molay Day
Electric Razor Day
Flag Day (Aruba)
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
Gallipoli Memorial Day (Turkey)
Global Recycling Day
Grandparents' & Grandchildren's Day (Michigan)
International Day of Revolutionary Political Prisoners
Maidenhead Fern Day (French Republic)
Make Peace with Your Parents Day
Marien Ngouabi Day (Republic of the Congo)
Men’s and Soldiers Day (Mongolia)
My Whole Self Day (UK)
National Anthem and Flag Day (Aruba)
National Biodiesel Day
National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day
National Day of Remembrance for COVID-19 Victims (Italy)
National Farm Rescuer Day
National Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day
National Public Defender Day
National Supreme Sacrifice Day
Oil Expropriation Day (Mexico)
Ordnance Factory Day (India)
Paris Commune Anniversary Day
Phoebe, Moon of Saturn Day
Saint Throw-Up Day
Stab e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh)
Sheelah's Day (a.k.a. Sheela Na Gig; Australia, Canada, Ireland)
Sheikh Al Maalouf Day (Comoros)
Sheep and Goats Separation Day
South Carolina Day (South Carolina)
Space Walk Day
Sparky the Fire Dog Day
Supreme Sacrifice Day (Congo)
Take Down Tobacco Day
Teacher’s Day (Syria)
Transit Driver Appreciation Day
Trisomy 18 Awareness Day
World Eagle Day
World Juvenile Arthritis Day
World Young Rheumatic Diseases Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Jambon Day (Ireland)
National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
National Sloppy Joe Day
Oatmeal Cookie Day
St. Broccoli Day
3rd Monday in March
Act Happy Day [3rd Monday]
Benito Juarez Fiestas Patrias (Mexico) [3rd Monday]
Dangerous Dan's Annual Coffee Cup Washing Day [3rd Monday]
Dribble to Work Day [3rd Monday]
Labor Day (Christmas Island) [3rd or 4th Monday]
Wellderly Day [3rd Monday]
World Folk Tale and Fable Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 18 (3rd Week)
Act Happy Week (thru 3.24) [begins 3rd Monday]
Global Money Week [thru 3.24]
International Teach Music Week (thru 3.24) [begins 3rd Monday]
Independence & Related Days
Aruba (from Netherlands; 1976)
Panay Liberation Day (Philippines)
Festivals Beginning March 18, 2024
AKFCF Convention (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 3.22]
American Meat Conference (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 3.20]
Bar & Restaurant Expo (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 3.20]
Culpepper Downtown Restaurant Week (Culpepper, Virginia) [thru 3.24]
IDFA Women’s Summit (Washington, DC) [thru 3.20]
World Tea Expo (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 3.20]
Feast Days
Adam Elsheimer (Artology)
Alexander of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Anselm of Lucca (Christian; Saint)
Asklepieia (Ancient Greece)
Barney Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Breasil of Hy-Breasal (Celtic Book of Days)
Cyril of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Edward of the West Saxons (Anglican Church)
Edward the Martyr (a.k.a. Edward, King of England; Christian; Saint)
Exorcist Day (Make the Spirits Disappear; Pastafarian)
Fridianus (a.k.a. Fridian; Christian; Saint)
Goddess of Fertility Day
Hrethmonath (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
John Updike (Writerism; Humanism; Saint)
Oide Matsuri (Departure Festival; Shinto; Japan)
Philo Zilfinger (Muppetism)
Salvator of Horta (Christian; Saint)
Sheela-na-gig (Irish Pagan Fertility Goddess)
Sheep and Goats (Separation) Day (Shamanism)
Socrates (Positivist; Saint)
Usajingu Reitaisai (Shinto; Japan)
Vodka Day (Pastafarian)
Waqf al Arafa (Islam)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Great Lent begins [1st Monday in Lent; Orthodox Christian] (a.k.a. …
Ash Monday
Blue Monday
Clean Monday (Greece)
Collop Monday
Green Monday (Cyprus)
Hall Monday
Kathara Deftera
Merry Monday
Monday of Lent
Pure Monday
Rose Monday
Shrove Monday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unlucky 18th (Philippines) [1 of 3]
Alexander’s Ragtime Band published (Song; 1911)
Allegiant (Film; 2016)
The Bronze (Film; 2016)
Cedar Rapids (Film; 2011)
The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown (Novel; 2003)
D.O.A. (Film; 1988)
Dominick and Eugene (Film; 1988)
Flora (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1948)
Getz/Gilberto, by Stan Getz and João Gilberto (Album; 1964)
Happy and Lucky (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
The House Builder-Upper (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
Ice Princess (Film; 2005)
The Lincoln Lawyer (Film; 2011)
The Lost Dream (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1949)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Film; 1976)
Mickey’s Mellerdrammer (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Milagro Beanfield War (Film; 1988)
Naked Gun 33-1/3: The Final Insult (Film; 1994)
Paul (Film; 2011)
Pee Wee’s Big Holiday (Film; 2016)
Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Minor, by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Piano Concerto; 1927)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Disneyland Ride; 1967)
The Poet and Peasant (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1946)
Rio Bravo (Film; 1960)
Sanditon, by Jane Austen (Unfinished Novel; 1817) [Last Day She Wrote It]
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty James Thurber (Short Stories; 1939)
The Spine of Night (Animated Film; 2021)
Steamboy (Anime Film; 2005)
Strangled Eggs (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
The Suicide Sheik (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1929)
Wanted: No Master, featuring Count Screwloose and J.R. the Wonder Dog (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
The Well of Loneliness, by Radclyffe Hall (Novel; 1928)
Whatever and Ever Amen, by Ben Folds Five (Album; 1997)
White Riot, by The Clash (Song; 1977)
Today’s Name Days
Cyrill, Edward, Sibylle (Austria)
Ćiril, Edo, Eduard, Spasoje (Croatia)
Eduard (Czech Republic)
Alexander (Denmark)
Edi, Eduard, Eedi, Eedo, Eedu (Estonia)
Edvard, Eetu (Finland)
Cyrille (France)
Edward, Cyrill, Sibylle (Germany)
Edward (Greece)
Ede, Sándor (Hungary)
Cirillo, Salvatore (Italy)
Adelīna, Ilona, Razna, Sartite (Latvia)
Anzelmas, Eimutė, Eimutis, Sibilė (Lithuania)
Aleksander, Edvard, Sander (Norway)
Aleksander, Anzelm, Boguchwał, Cyryl, Edward, Narcyz, Narcyza, Salwator (Poland)
Chiril (Romania)
Eduard (Slovakia)
Cirilo, Eduardo (Spain)
Edmund, Edvard (Sweden)
Cyril, Cyrilla, Grover, Salvador, Salvatore, Sibyl, Sybil, Sybilla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 78 of 2024; 288 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 9 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 8 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 8 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 18 Green; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 5 March 2024
Moon: 65%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Xenocrates]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 89 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 29 of 30)
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