#2023 Israel–Hamas War
mapsontheweb · 6 months
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Gaza City has basically been flattened and Southern Gaza is now under heavy bombing.
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bikerlovertexas · 6 months
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angrybell · 4 months
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
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cavalierzee · 2 months
Israeli Occupation Burn 94-Year-Old Palestinian Grandmother Alive
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screamingfromuz · 8 months
Why do you still call yourself a pro-Palestinian Zionist?
I assume you’ve seen for yourself the forty minutes worth of footage of what Hamas did, Gazans cheering them on?
Those animals deserve death.
Yes. Because the moment I stop, the moment I give up on this very possible alliance between Israeli and Palestinians, I will lose.
And losing will destroy me. This is the hill I stand on, and I will keep standing on it as long as I can. I will continue to support the right for self determination of both my people and of the Palestinians, my brethren. I will continue to support a peaceful solution. I will not concede and let neither Hamas or the right wing extremists win.
I do avoid the videos to my own sanity, but I have read the descriptions. I knew about the cheering from the first day, and it didn't stop me then and would not stop me now. You know that there are people on my side cheering for the death of Palestinians? people who celebrate their deaths?
How can I, knowing those people exist, expect any Palestinian to reach their hand to me if I do not do the same? If I am to generalize and declare all Palestinians the same, how can I ask them to not do the same to me? What gives me the right to put others on a higher moral standard that I uphold myself to?
If a hand is able to reach to me through all this hate, what right do I have to not reach my hand in response? what right do I have to not grab that hand and hold this person? how can I in good faith give up on this chance?
I am and will stay both pro-Palestinian and a Zionist, because this is the only way I can live to my ideals. Because the moment I stop, I have personally failed.
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kropotkindersurprise · 8 months
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October 7, 2023 - Palestinian freedom fighters take out weapons of the Israeli occupation using drones. [video]/[video]
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secular-jew · 3 months
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
How hospitality and a little Arabic saved a couple’s life
A  little light in the darkness: how an elderly couple managed to keep five terrorists talking until the two were rescued by the Israeli security forces. The Times of Israel reports (with thanks: Michal):
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Rachel Edry: kept five terrorists talking for 13 hours
When Hamas terrorists invaded the home of Rachel Edry in Ofakim amid the brutal onslaught from the Gaza Strip on Saturday, she treated them in the way that came most naturally to her: politely.
The terrorists spent 15 hours until early Sunday morning in the home of Edry and her husband David, a couple in their seventies from Ofakim.
During that time, Rachel Edry, who was born in what is now Iran, served the terrorist treats, joked with them in rudimentary Arabic and even sang with them a Hebrew-language song by Lior Narkis they knew from the radio.
This semblance of hospitality may have saved the couple’s lives.
At 3 a.m. on Sunday, a police force broke into the duplex after hours of negotiations, killing all five terrorists and reuniting the couple, completely unharmed, with their daughter and two sons, both police officers who participated in the rescue operation.
Read article in full
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mapsontheweb · 7 months
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Map of airstrikes' damage in Gaza, as of 10th of November.
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bikerlovertexas · 4 months
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angrybell · 6 months
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head-post · 7 months
US House votes to censure Rashida Tlaib for “falsehoods” about Israel
The House voted on Tuesday to censure Democratic House Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, the only Palestinian American in Congress.
House members voted 234-188 to censure Tlaib, a punishment level below expulsion from the House. The three-term congresswoman has long been criticised for her views on the Middle East conflict.
Republican House member Rich McCormick of the state of Georgia offered to censure Tlaib in response to what he called the promotion of anti-Semitic rhetoric, stating that his counterpart “levied unbelievable falsehoods about our greatest ally, Israel, and the attack on October 7.”
Along with other Democrats backing her, Tlaib defended her views, claiming that she “will not be silenced and I will not let you distort my words.” She added that her criticism of Israel has always been directed against its government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Read more HERE
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cavalierzee · 6 months
Palestinian “Subhumans” (Untermensch)
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Israel’s Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem calls for burying detained Palestinian civilians ALIVE with D-9 military bulldozers, calling Palestinians “Nazis”, “Subhuman” & “Ants”. “They are not human beings & not human animals, they are subhuman and that is how they should be treated.”
The men are thought to have been arrested in Beit Lahia, in the far north of the Gaza Strip.
Amalek is in reference to a biblical verse, which has also been referenced recently by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling for the extermination of every man, woman and child, and their livestock, belonging to an ancient enemy of the Jewish people. 
Several far-right Israelis and ultranationalists have in the past referred to Palestinians as modern-day Amalekites, in what commentators have deemed as genocidal language used to justify the killing of Palestinians.
Source: MiddleEastEye.com
Untermensch ‘underman’, ‘sub-man’, ‘subhuman’;  Untermenschen) is a Nazi term for non-Aryan people they deemed as inferior. (Wikipedia)
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news4dzhozhar · 6 months
This has never been about hostages. The IDF doesn't care who it kills
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