raios-e-trovoadas · 6 months
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uhohitsdorian · 1 year
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Doodle dump time!
[Image: a collection of greyscale doodles, as follows:
1) A portrait of the artist, lying on the floor with an existential expression as their face and hands begin to melt into a puddle. On the wall above them is a simple calendar with two shaded days marked, two weeks apart from each other. I was trying to capture the feeling of realising your D&D is not today but in a week from now, or alternatively missing a game that’s long finished/been on hiatus.
2) Cato, a chubby drow with an irritated expression on his face, having been woken from rest on a false alarm. His narrow eyes are narrowed yet further than usual, and his arms are folded over his chest. His hair is full of curl rollers and he’s wearing a sheer robe with a fluffy, feathery trim, the very picture of sophisticated decadence interrupted.
3) A work-in-progress from a larger piece, depicting Solace, a very short, gaunt drow, with downward-pointing ears, leant on his gnarled walking cane and staring ahead with a look of resolute nihilism from beneath his choppy hair. His foot on the side away from the cane is turned far outwards from its knee, in a way that it looks like it ought not to be able or comfortable to. He wears a peaked cap and a sharp cape coat with brocade fastenings, and warily clutches a battered journal in his free hand.
4) A very simple little cartoon of the artist knelt down with a ring box, on the verge of tears, proposing to mononykus: a small, feathery dinosaur that looks somewhat like an owl crossed with an anteater (modelled after its appearance in Prehistoric Planet, in which I fell in love with it). Beneath it is small text in brackets that reads “I am going to put it on her one big claw”, referring to the ring. Mononykus, with long, narrow tongue extended, looks indifferent to the whole affair. (Disclaimer: this is a joke about how quickly I was taken with and utterly delighted by this animal upon learning of its existence. I am not attracted romantically to dinosaurs.)
5) A headshot of the artist, with a small moustache drawn on and lines down from either side of the mouth like a nutcracker’s hinged jaw, in a peaked cap with an anchor emblem. (I was going for sort of a Toy Soldier-type sona, and I know mine looks very similar to its inspiration, but I can’t help that I look like that and these kinds of service uniforms have a lot of common design elements. This character would be maybe a clockwork lightkeeper.)
6) A drawing of my grandparents: a bent-over, ancient, serene-looking man with two watches on each wrist, and an elderly woman with curly hair and beady eyes, wearing a large chunky necklace and waving.
7) A very simplified drawing of my sorclock, Piper, wielding their meteor hammer. They are drawn as little more than a triangle and a quadrilateral with arms and dotted eyes, and a few lines for their characteristic hair, with two ellipses for the ends of the hammer, rotating too fast to be seen.
8) Solace, in his peaked cap and coat, laying face-down in the snow, given up. All that can be seen from under his hat are his pointed ears, and tufts of hair in every direction. Behind him are a few telltale footprints, marking his path, and fat, blurred snowflakes fall across the whole of the image.
End ID.]
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unutulduksblog · 2 years
Aslında herşeye son vermenin de bir yolu var ama bazen insan bişeylerin düzelecene ümit etmek istiyor.
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du-allesandere · 6 months
Tag 2
Call 17:08 - 11 Min.
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salsflore · 8 months
mikachi fic #02 (lie) except it kind of reads like those sad facebook posts where after a couple argues, one of them dies and then the other regrets it. but um its ok
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its never usually this quiet between them.
though they were laying beside each other as usual, with neither really saying anything to suggest some sort of unhappiness, there was an air of malaise that was hard to miss, and even harder for ajax to ignore.
so he opts to confront it directly.
“are you okay?” he’s trying to be lighthearted in the way that he approaches it, to cover up his own feeling of awkwardness. “not still mad at me, are you?”
finding no point in lying about it, mika just shakes her head, choosing to be as vague as possible with her answer. at least, until he questions her further. “n - no, i’m not. i’m just... thinking about some stuff, i guess.”
partially relieved, ajax relaxes a bit better, enough to inch a little closer. “okay, fine— if not that, then.. what’s wrong?” he turns to face her, who’s looking up at the ceiling.
“i just get worried sometimes.” mika admits, and though she’s a bit embarrassed to do so, she rather this than lie. “when you’re away, doing whatever. about your safety and — um, i don’t really know how to say it, but i hate that i can’t like, guarantee anything, y’know.”
“oh, mika.” he pauses, wondering if that was really all there was to it. he knows she’s trying not to delve too deeply into it, but he just can’t help but want to pry. ajax reaches for her hand, holding it in both of his. “you... worry for nothing. so long as you’re still here, and with me, i’ll come back to you. always.”
“don’t you trust me?” he kisses it gently, an act of reassurance. “i’ll return everytime.”
she blushes a light pink, though still has her own doubts. mika sits up, but he continues to hold onto her hand. “i mean, yeah, but... its not just that.”
“i hate... that there’s so much i still don’t know about you. all those things you’re involved in, the things you’re getting up to. i - i mean, i’m not dying to know about it or anything, but sometimes i just wish you weren’t—”
he interrupts, “hey, hey, it’s fine, i know. and i’m sorry, i wish i could be more open about those things too,” ajax moves closer, “but its, um, complicated. i think it’d be best for you to not be involved anyways. at least, not any further than dating a harbinger.” he slips in a joke in hopes of lightening the mood, but it doesn’t seem to uplift her much.
still a little gloomy, mika sighs. “...can i ask you something?” and he squeezes her hand as a ‘yes’, slightly nervous in his anticipation.
“am i your first priority?”
its a selfish question, she thinks, knows, but she can’t help herself from wondering, and when he hesitates to reply, that’s enough of an answer on its own. “nevermind, i guess its kinda stupid i even ask.”
“i know that when it comes down to it, you’ll always hold the tsaritsa’s aspirations above all else, won’t you?”
“forget it, its not your fault.” she assures, not really having it in herself to be mad at him right now either. the last thing she wanted to do was upset him too. “but i don’t want to continue this conversation anymore, at least not right now. so if you don’t mind..” slipping out of childe’s grasp, she gets up and out of bed.
“wait, where are you going?”
wanting to clear up what was probably his immediate concern, mika swats her hand. “i just need some time to myself.”
“okay.” childe, though reassured, can’t help but sigh, realizing he can’t rebut what they already both know to be the truth, and can only watch as she leaves.
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TAGLIST ✧ @moonlitdeerr @byakuyas-darling-backup @lovinglin @violetsareblue-selfships @forevergarden @gorouwife @pretty-shining-star @lost-in-azalea-forest @littlestpetship @yumelamb @pudding-shrine
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bpdamandayoung · 6 months
w łeb sobie pierdolnę i się skończy dzień dziecka kurwa. dnia spokoju mieć nie mogę
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ciochinaflorin · 2 years
173. FRICA 6. CONȘTIENTIZAREA PERSONALĂ [1 Samuel 21.11–13 I Psalmul 34.4]
173. FRICA 6. CONȘTIENTIZAREA PERSONALĂ [1 Samuel 21.11–13 I Psalmul 34.4]
173. FRICA 6. CONȘTIENTIZAREA PERSONALĂ I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : I Samuel 21 : 11 – 13 I Psalmul 34 : 4 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 22 Iunie 2022 I Pentru a scăpa de frică pot lua decizia de-a o înfrunta direct ! Dar în cazul prezentului studiu vom aminti două aspecte foarte importante : 1. în primul rând, în fiecare dintre cele trei cazuri menționate anterior, Dumnezeu a…
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langitawaan · 5 months
Bahwa, bersedia menjadi teman hidupmu adalah keputusan paling berani yang ku buat pada tahun 2023.
Baru setengah tahun, masih sebentar, kalau kata orang; masih baru dan hangat. Betul.
Masih, masih dan masih.
Padahal sebenarnya, mempelajarimu adalah pelajaran seumur hidup—mata pelajaran yang tidak akan bosan untuk ku ulangi setiap hari :).
Rumah, 21.11 | 06 Januari 2024.
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tatakaeeren · 6 months
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Happy Birthday Gino! 💖 [21.11]
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beccel · 1 year
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Happy birthday pic for the 'GabeNath Book Club and Art Club' discord server 🍀 21.11. 🍀
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liam-93-productions · 6 months
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Liam today in Florida (x, x) - 21.11
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dailytomlinson · 6 months
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Louis will be headlining the Super Bloom Festival in Munich on September 8th, 2024 - 21.11
You can get tickets here
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andromedanisa · 1 year
Kepingan yang belum ditemukan.
aku paham bagaimana khawatirnya dirimu saat hidup tidak berjalan seperti apa yang kamu harapkan, tidak berjalan seperti apa yang kamu ingin, dan tidak berjalan sesuai apa yang ingin kamu lakukan. aku mengerti bagaimana rasanya harap yang patah sebab banyak hal yang membuatmu kecewa.
Untukmu ku tuliskan sebuah nasihat, "hidup memang demikian. Kala kamu menemukan sebuah kebahagiaan maka kamu akan bertemu dengan sebuah kesedihan. Bertemu dengan kegagalan, lalu kegagalan lagi, lalu bertemu dengan kegagalan lagi. Sedih ya? Marah? Atau kecewa? Jangan ya. Kamu tidak sendirian kok. Diluar sana, ada banyak manusia bahkan sebelum kamu lahir yang ujiannya terasa sangat melelahkan. Namun mereka tetap berjuang, berupaya meski tertatih, meski perlahan. Jadi demikian juga dengan dirimu ya. Allaah dengan Maha Baiknya, tidak akan pernah meninggalkan hambaNya yang meminta pertolonganNya, tidak akan pernah meninggalkannya dalam keadaan tidak ada petunjuk untuknya. Maka jangan dulu menyerah. Teruslah memupuk prasangka baik kepada Allaah dengan caramu. Berdoa, meminta dengan tulus, atau bahkan dengan menangis. Sebab doa yang kau panjatkan kepadaNya, tak akan kembali dalam keadaan kosong, tak akan kembali dalam keadaan sia-sia. ia butuh waktu dalam pengabulannya, maka bersabarlah kamu dengan sabar yang baik. Sebagaimana bersabarnya Nabi Yunus alaihisallam didalam perut ikan paus. Yang terus memupuk doa dan memohon pertolongan Allaah agar selalu ditolong.
Jika belum kamu temukan kepingan yang hilang dari dirimu hari ini, bisa jadi kau akan menemukan kepingan itu esok hari. Diri kita di semesta yang luas ini tidak akan pernah tahu bukan? Sebab manusia hanya diminta untuk sabar dan sholat ketika ia menemukan sebuah jalan buntu. Hanya dengan sabar dan sholatlah pertolongan Allaah itu akan datang. Jagalah hatimu agar tetap utuh berharap kepada Allaah saja.
Allaah Maha Tahu seberapa sesak dadamu, seberapa berat langkahmu untuk mencari jalan keluar itu. Allaah Maha Tahu, sayang. Tahu sekali perihal luka yang kau sembunyikan, perihal tangis yang kau tahan, bahkan perihal remuk redam ya hatimu. Allaah tahu sekalipun kamu menyembunyikannya begitu rapat dari dunia. Tidak luput satu inch pun dari sisiNya.
Kepingan yang belum kamu temukan saat ini, semoga kelak kamu temukan ia dalam keadaan sangat kamu syukuri dan membuatmu merasa cukup dengan semuanya dalam menjalani kehidupan di dunia yang begitu melelahkan ini.
Langit malam sebelum Ramadhan || 21.11
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salsflore · 8 months
i had this thingy from my notes so i added onto it and stuff but didn’t really finish it ♪ i wanted to post it anyways :3
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its moments like these that he cherished the most — the quite, intimate ones where they’re cozied up together to settle down after yet another long day. it had became somewhat of a routine for them. sometimes, during particularly difficult days, this routine of theirs became the only thing childe could bring himself to look forward to.
not like he’d ever admit that, though..
“ajax..” her hands reach to cup his face, cold to the touch in a way that reminds him of home.
while caught off guard by the use of his name, he refrains from saying anything about it and leans into her touch, his hands going over hers. “yeah?”
“i just realized you have such pretty eyes.”
childe gives a bashful smile and feels a blush creep onto his cheeks, so he looks – but doesn’t pull – away. he laughs, a little awkwardly, and squeezes her hands gently. “ah, you think so?”
“yeah!” she hums, leaning in to place a kiss on his forehead. they were so captivatingly blue, yet so lifeless, devoid of innocence. still, they were one of her many favorite things about him.
“huh..you’re not usually this nice to me,” childe notes, “don’t tell me– there’s something you want, isn’t there?” he gathers the courage to face her again, though he’s still a little red in the face.
“c’mon, not everything i do has to have an ulterior motive behind it.” mika reassures, caressing his cheek with her thumb. “but since you seem to like it so much ~ maybe i could try to compliment you more often?”
“well! so long as it remains genuine,” he exhales, beginning to play around with her hair. “then i suppose you’re more than welcome to boost my ego some more.”
“will i get anything in return?” she questions, and childe frowns, replying with: “is my presence not enough of a reward for you?”
“...not really, i think a kiss would be better.”
“fine. then..” childe leans in to close the distance between them, tucking her hair behind her ear before kissing her forehead. he decides its not enough, and swipes a kiss off her lips afterward. “enough?”
“not quite ~ but that’ll suffice for now.”
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louisupdates · 1 year
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via Robert Harvey’s Instagram story (21.11)
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