#2nd age elven armor
tatterdemallionsails · 11 months
San Diego Comic-Con, 2003. Twenty years ago. Where the hell did the time go?
Anyway, a group of us worked for the better part of a year to build the 2nd Age elven armor from the Fellowship of the Ring prolong. And then some friends brought their Orc costumes, and we choreographed a short fight sequence. We took the best workmanship award (and most beautiful, which was a kick in the ass!) at the masquerade.
I did the sculpt of the helmet, some parts of the shield, worked on forming the armor, and did a LOT of painting.
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Our fearless leader about to brain our friend Matt
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Wish I had better pics of these.😭
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We just had to put ourselves into that swordline since WETA had that huge mural made for their display booth. I remember a lot of people took pictures, but I've never found any online shares.
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I do miss this...but not the sore (OMG SORE!!!) feet by convention end.🤣
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paperanddice · 10 months
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Alseids are graceful, smaller cousins to the more common centaur. Their lower body is that of a woodland deer and their upper bodies have smaller and far more slender proportions than a centaur's. Male alseids also grow antlers, with the horns branching approximately every 10 years until they've lived for a century. Further branches are possible, but are a deeply spiritual event, one which only occurs rarely and is highly celebrated when it does. Alseids believe it is a blessing from the forest, and thus far no one has a more proven explanation. These horns are never used for combat, and any damage to one is a humiliating error or grave insult.
Currently only a few alseid populations are known, and all exist within deep forests. These populations all have a deeply spiritual connection to their forest, knowing it better than any and able to maneuver it without leaving a single track behind. Most act as defenders of their home, whether guiding lost travellers back out or slaughtering trespassers who cut down a single tree. Each herd shares a similar basis for their rules and traditions with personal variations and exceptions. Meeting one group may give an intruder some understanding of how another will act, but differing rules may result in deadly misunderstandings.
Most alseid communities respect druids and rangers deeply, and their leaders favor such traditions. Often the leader of a larger alseid community will be a prince with 11 or more points to their antlers, representing blessings from the forest to lead. At this point, no alseid with 14 or more points to their horns are known of.
Originally from the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Alseid Warrior Creature 0 CN Medium Beast Perception +7; low-light vision Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan Skills Nature +7, Stealth +5, Survival +7 Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int -1, Wis +3, Cha -1 Woodfriend The alseid always gains the benefits of Cover Tracks in forest surroundings, even while moving at full speed. It also always knows true north. Items leather armor, shortbow (20 arrows) spear AC 14; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 HP 14 Speed 35 feet Melee spear +5, Damage 1d6+1 piercing Ranged shortbow +7 (deadly d10, range increment 60 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6 Ranged spear +7 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d6+1 piercing
Alseid Grovekeeper Creature 5 CN Medium Beast Perception +15; low-light vision Languages Common, Druidic, Elven, Sylvan Skills Diplomacy +11, Nature +15, Stealth +13, Survival +15 Str +3, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +6, Cha +4 Woodfriend The alseid always gains the benefits of Cover Tracks in forest surroundings, even while moving at full speed. It also always knows true north. Items leather armor, staff AC 22; Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +15 HP 70 Speed 35 feet Melee staff +12 (two-handed d8), Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoning Melee shillelagh +13 (two-handed d8), Damage 2d4+3, or 3d4+3 against aberrations, extraplanar creatures, or undead Primal Prepared Spells DC 23, attack +15 ; 3rd dispel magic, lightning bolt; 2nd animal messenger, heat metal, restoration; 1st create water, pass without trace, shillelagh; cantrips (3rd) guidance, light, produce flame, tanglefoot Druid Order Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 23 , 3rd goodberry
13th Age
Alseid Warrior  1st level troop [humanoid]  Initiative: +4 Spear +6 vs. AC - 5 damage. Natural Even Hit: The alseid can pop free from the target. R: Shortbow +5 vs. AC (one nearby enemy, or one far away enemy at -2 atk) - 4 damage. Woodfriend: The DC to track or hunt the alseid in a forest increases by +5. AC 17 PD 14 MD 11 HP 28
Alseid Grovekeeper  2nd level caster [humanoid]  Initiative: +5 Shillelagh +8 vs. AC - 7 damage. Natural 16+: The target pops free from the grovekeeper. R: Call Lightning +7 vs. PD (1d2 nearby or far away enemies in a group) - 4 lightning damage. Natural 14+: The target can’t use interrupt actions or make opportunity attacks until the end of its next turn. C: Faerie Fire +7 vs. PD (1d4 nearby enemies in a group) - The target takes a -2 penalty to AC and PD (save ends). Natural 16+: The target must succeed on two saves to end the effect. Woodfriend: The DC to track or hunt the grovekeeper in a forest increases by +5. AC 17 PD 13 MD 16 HP 32
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
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Image by Brian Despain, © Wizards of the Coast. Accessed at the Monster Manual II Art Gallery here
[The thri-kreen was never meant to be a PC race. At least, not originally. They originally appeared in the AD&D Monster Manual II with 6 Hit Dice and a load of special abilities. In Dark Sun, thri-kreen player characters didn’t get all of these abilities all at once, but were partitioned out over the first six levels. The ones with racial HD were called “tohr-kreen”... which then got retconned when 6 HD thri- and tohr-kreen both existed separately later in 2nd edition. The tohr-kreen were forgotten for a long while. 3e made thri-kreen a race with 2 HD and used their level adjustment system. I certainly played a thri-kreen character that abused the heck out of the Multiweapon Fighting chain. 4e toned them down to be a bit more in tune with the player powers of the rest of their Dark Sun races, and 5e went back to the AD&D 1e model, where they are just monsters, not player characters at all.
So I had a lot of history to choose from. I wanted to make them PCs, but that required toning them down significantly from their 3e levels. I created feats that help them get more towards that value, but still not entirely. PFRPG is much stingier with multiple attacks than 3.x was, and a PC race with five attacks from the get-go is right out. A lot of their mechanical flavor has already been swiped by Pathfinder races (the kasatha got the deserts and four arms; the trox got the big bugginess and natural attacks), so I wanted to make sure they were differentiated. I consulted with my friend @bowelfly​ for what they thought were vital to the feel of a thri-kreen, as they are a connoisseur of bug people.]
Thri-kreen CR ½ CN Monstrous Humanoid (kreen) This humanoid mantis is a dusty yellow color. It has four arms, but two seem to be its primary ones. It wears little clothing and carries multiple strange weapons.
The thri-kreen are sometimes called “mantis warriors”, as this describes both their physical appearance and their cultural values. Thri-kreen are nomadic hunters, and combine keen loyalty with a fierce need for competition. Members of a clan would hardly consider betraying one another, but they jockey constantly for position, and fights to the death are not unheard of to obtain a leadership role from a leader considered past their prime. They are skilled and patient hunters, moving frequently to avoid depleting prey items or causing undue ecological stress. Thri-kreen mate for life, and the care of the young is shared between all members of the clan. They grow to adulthood quickly, being mature within 5 years of age, and are considered ancient if they live to the age of 35. Thri-kreen often decorate their chitin exoskeletons with etchings and paints, the latter only for special occasions.
Thri-kreen prefer to attack from ambush, using their ability to change color to hide and their remarkable leaping ability to spring to the attack. The weapons of a thri-kreen are among their only possessions, and are thus well cared for. The primary melee weapon used by thri-kreen is a two-headed, crescent-bladed polearm called a gythka (treat as an orc double axe). As ranged weapons they use oversized shuriken known as chatkcha (treat as a starknife). Unusually, armor is only worn by the boldest and most confident thri-kreen, as it interferes with their camouflage abilities.
Thri-kreen advance by character class. Most of them choose classes with a full base attack bonus, like fighter, ranger or brawler. Their spellcasters are typically psychics, especially with the lore or self-perfection disciplines. Those that cast divine spells are usually druids—they do not trust gods, which they cannot see or taste, as opposed to natural forces which they can.
Thri-kreen as Player Characters Thri-kreen do not have racial Hit Dice, and advance by character class. A thri-kreen character has the following attributes
+2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Cha Thri-kreen are nimble and tough, but have alien minds and emotions. Monstrous Humanoid Thri-kreens are not subject to spells and effects that target humanoids only Medium Size A thri-kreen gains no benefits or penalties from its size Low-light vision +1 natural armor Normal Speed Bite A thri-kreen gains a bite attack as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d4 points of damage Chameleon Skin (Ex) A thri-kreen can change the color of its carapace to match its environment. It gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth checks if it is wearing no armor and only light clothing. If wearing light armor, or clothing that covers the body, it gains a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks. If wearing medium or heavy armor, it gains no bonus. Master Leaper (Ex) A thri-kreen gains a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump. It takes no penalty to Acrobatics checks made to jump without taking a running start. If it does take a running start, it doubles the distance covered. Secondary Arms (Ex) The secondary arms of a thri-kreen cannot be used to wield weapons or shields, but can be used to draw or stow small objects as a swift action. They can be used to provide somatic components even if both hands are full. Weapon Familiarity (Ex) A thri-kreen treats starknives as a simple weapon, and treats orc double axes as a martial weapon. Languages Thri-kreen start play speaking Kreen. A thri-kreen with an Intelligence bonus may choose from the following languages: Common, Dwarf, Elven, Gnoll, Halfling, Sylvan.
Statistics for a sample thri-kreen character, and feats for thri-kreen characters, under the cut
Thri-kreen ranger 1           CR 1/2 XP 200 CN Medium monstrous humanoid (kreen) Init +3; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5 Defense AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 natural) hp 12 (1d10+2) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee double axe +3 (1d8+3/19-20), bite -2 (1d4+1) or double axe +1 (1d8+2/x3), double axe +1 (1d8+1/x3), bite -2 (1d4+1) or bite +3 (1d4+3) Ranged starknife +4 (1d6+2/x3) Special Attacks favored enemy (magical beasts +2) Statistics Str 15, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6 Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16 Feats Two-Weapon Fighting Skills Acrobatics +4 (+8 when jumping), Climb +6, Heal +5, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +5, Stealth +11, Survival +5 (+6 following tracks); Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Stealth Languages Kreen SQ chameleon skin, mighty leap, track +1, secondary arms, weapon familiarity, wild empathy -1 Ecology Environment warm deserts and plains Organization solitary, pair, gang (3-6), patrol (7-12 plus 1 leader of 3rd level) or clan (13-40 plus 50% noncombatants, plus 1-3 leaders of 3rd-7th level) Treasure NPC gear (double axe, two starknives, other treasure)
Thri-kreen Feats A thri-kreen’s body and mind can develop in unexpected ways over the course of their lives, enhancing their natural abilities. Thri-kreen may choose from the following feats
Chitinous Claws (Combat Feat) Your fingers end in sharp claws instead of dull points. Prerequisites Improved Unarmed Strike, kreen subtype Benefit: Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage, as you choose.
Effective Limbs (Combat Feat) You have trained your secondary limbs until they are as strong as ordinary arms Prerequisites Str 17+, base attack bonus +6, kreen subtype Benefit You may use your secondary limbs to wield weapons, hold shields and do anything else a limb can do.
Improved Chameleon Skin You have great control over your ability to change color Prerequisites Wis 13+, character level 3rd, kreen subtype Benefit Your racial bonus to Stealth checks when unarmored increases to +8. When wearing light armor or covering clothing, it decreases to +4.
Improved Venomous Bite (Combat Feat) You can produce paralytic enzymes at an incredible rate Prerequisites Con 15+, base attack +9, kreen subtype, Venomous Bite Benefit You may use the poison from your  Venomous Bite feat a number of times per day equal to your level + your Constitution modifier.
Tohr-Kreen Casting You can tap into the magic of the mantis nobles Prerequisites Intelligence 13+, character level 5th, kreen subtype Benefit You gain the following spell-like abilities. 3/day—mage hand; 1/day—blur, invisibility. You use your Hit Dice as your caster level, and your Intelligence modifier for concentration checks.
Venomous Bite (Combat Feat) You can produce paralytic enzymes in your saliva Prerequisites Con 13+, base attack +4, kreen subtype Benefits You may choose to inflict poison on a creature you hit with your bite attack a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier Kreen Poison; bite—injury; save 10 + ½ Hit Dice + Constitution modifier; duration 1/round for 2 rounds; effect 1d4 Dex damage; cure 1 save.
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sparrows-aria · 5 years
Momor Ignis - DND-esque OC
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Thought I’d share my lad Momor, the profile was originally made with the dnd profile maker on dndbeyond so that’s why parts seem copy-pasty. Threw in his stats too bc why not? Our style of dnd is different to actual bc none of us know what we’re doing at all lmao, so if anything seems weird, that would be why. Cosplay is by me, 1st and 3rd art by me, 2nd was drawn by trans-rictor on tumblr/spoorks on instagram
Name: Momor Ignis
Age: 25
Hair: Silvery-grey wavy medium length hair
Skin: Baby Blue (with hints of silver)
Eyes: Silver
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 138 pounds
Gender: Genderfluid (he/him-they/them-she/her), also fluctuates depending on shift
Personality traits:
-He is tolerant of other faiths and respects the worship of other gods.
-He sees omens in every event/action. The gods try to speak to us, we just need to listen.
-Change. We must help bring about the changes the gods are constantly working in the world. (Chaotic)
-Charity. He always tries to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)
-Everything He does is for the commun people.
-He will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded him a heretic and cast him out.
-Once he picks a goal, he becomes obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in his life.
-His piety sometimes leads him to blindly trust those that profess faith in his god.
Organisations: the temple of Sehanine & the faithful five (?)
Allies: Percy & Alicio Bly, Blaire, Bjorn the Knee-Knibbler, Saph Ignis-Silverflint (his daughter), Elio Bly-Ignis (his son?), Elan & Serin, Salvene Silverflint (‘Allies’), Eodum...
Enemies: Father Simmons (for casting him out as a ‘heretic’) & Asmodeus (because he’s evil)
-He’s a mum friend.
-He wears his hair up most of the time (often in a half-bun).
-He’s good at dancing, and is fairly flexible.
-He can do some martial arts.
-He has a talking phoenix as a companion.
-He’s dating Percy & Alicio.
-He carries a bible (the teachings of Sehanine), a set of tarot cards & a healer’s kit.
-As a shapeshifter, he shifts between multiple personalities, who all act on their own as they’ve built up consciences, sort of like alters except he doesn’t have DID.
-Likes messing with Percy & Alicio, is friends with Blaire especially since she’s half shapeshifter too, silghtly scared and disgusted by Bjorn.
Backstory: Momor was born into the temple of Sehanine. Ever since he was small, him & his parents (Emilio & Alice) were harassed by Father Simmons (a higher-up in the temple) & his peers (for being tieflings/half-changeling/half-nymph). But they had done no wrong, so they could not be kicked out. His parents ‘mysteriously’ disappeared when he was 12, and he grew up after that in the orphanage (run by father Simmons & his wife). He didn’t live the best childhood, but when he was 18 he gained access to the funds/house inscribed in his parents will. Desperate to kick him out, Father Simmons blamed a nefarious crime on him and got him exiled. He met Salvene Silverflint owner of one of the most famous club’s in the world, who took him in, he started dating him and became a famous sex worker essentially. Luckily not many people have seen his normal self, so he isn’t recognised as himsefl very often. He had some bad falling-outs with Salvene leading to him, running away. He later on met Percy, Alicio, Eodum, and then Elio. Discovered he HAD A CHILD six years ago, that he didn’t know about. Now he travels the world with his party, helping people, and his goal is still to find proof that he wasn’t the culprit that Father Simmons framed him to be.
TL; DR: parents killed, he was priest however mean priest blamed him for crime he didn’t commit, so he ran away and became a famous sex worker, had a kid that he didn’t know about till 6 years later, and ran away from that and then met his current partners, THEN discovered his child.
Background: Acolyte, he has spent his life in the service of a temple to a specific god or pantheon gods. He acts as an intermediary between the realm of the holy & the mortal world, performing sacred rites and offering sacrifices in order to conduct worshipers into the presence of the divine.
He also has ties to temples dedicated to Sehanine, and can seek assitance from there.
Skills proficiencies: Insight, Religion
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Elven... A lot not only does he speak the languages his other forms speak but he also loves learning new ones
Faith: Sehanine (unaligned goddess of illusion, love and the moon, seasonal goddess of autumn and patron of elves)
Alignment: Chaotic Good (He acts as his conscience directs, with little regard for what others expect.)
Lifestyle: Comfortable (He can afford nicer clothing and can easily maintain his equipment. He lives in a small cottage in a middle-class neighbourhood/a private room at a fine inn. He associates with members, skilled tradespeople and military officers.)
Class: Cleric (Life Domain) - Basic info
-Armor: Light/medium armor, shields
-Saving throws: Wisdom, Charisma
-Skills: Medicine, Persuasion
Strength: 8, modifier -1
Dexterity: 11, modifier +1
Constitution: 9, modifier 0
Intelligence: 15, modifier +2
Wisdom: 14, modifier +1
Charisma: 16, modifier +2
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frivery · 3 years
I'm almost caught up on the birthday prompts! Today we are doing a two-for-one deal because Wrendal and Saranus both have a lot of stuff going on I want to hold onto for the moment. Wrendal's 2nd Birthday was on May the 5th, Saranus' 2nd Birthday was on May the 6th. Happy birthday to both of my dwarves! ^^
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The exile picked at his hands as he gave a glare of warning to the mercenary group he had been paired with. He knew those looks, the questioning eyes, knew what they were thinking and he wasn’t interested in indulging them. Are you a Dwarf? They would ask, or What did you do to get exiled? Neither of those questions did he want to answer, so Wrendal ‘casually’ rested his hands on the hilt of his sword. A look of warning to all who dared to meet his gaze was enough to have them returning their interests to their own matters. He wasn’t a long-term partner with this company, he didn’t care what they thought of him.
“Excuse me, Wrendal was it?” the commanding but polite voice of the captain, she was an impressively built woman who was impossibly tall. Normally, when he saw a muscular and tall woman he assumed them to be orc but she was taller than anyone he had ever heard get called an orc and her skin had a deep purple undertone… not to mention the tail. He was pretty sure orcs didn’t have those but he could be wrong. She was almost as tall as a goliath, but he knew what those people looked like well enough to know that, whatever she was, she wasn’t that.
“Yes, that’s correct. Exile will also work just as well.” he responded in an almost agreeable manner, raising his head slightly to look up at the heavily armored woman. She was almost wearing as much armor as he was… almost.
“Am I to assume that you read the missive I had sent to you… or that you had someone read it to you?” Mallory continued, it was not an uncommon belief that exiles could not read their mercantile common. He could just fine but it wasn’t something he really went about advertising.
“Yes, I read it. To Great Honor or Death.”
“Good, while I have you for a moment I was wondering if I could ask you a question. I prefer to know the backgrounds of the people I am working with-”
“The crime I committed to be exiled was one of honor, I have less blood on my hands than the majority of the sellswords you currently have on the mission.” He hated that question, and he didn’t want to go into the details of what he had done to be cast out. To be stripped of his honor, his family, his right to be a Dwarf.
“I’ll admit, that is good to know, but I actually was wanting to get your insight about another Exile we have in our company.” Wrendal frowned at her words, crossing his arms over his heavy chest plate.
“There is another?”
“Yes, I should introduce the two of you. He’s… surprisingly popular.” with that, Mallory began to usher him through the various campsites of the collected mercenary companies that were waiting for the mission to start. He had been aware of them being there, of the multiple campsites, but he had been completely disinterested in visiting any of them. He had the company he was working with, he didn’t need to know the rest. Guided into a more worn camp, the green-exile glanced around the clearing.
“Oh, there he is now.” his bright eyes followed her gesture, allowing his gaze to fall upon a man standing in front of a bonfire and cracking jokes with the rest of the company. A ginger-haired dwarf with a thick brown wolf-hide cloak that was fastened around his armor at his neck, chest, and waist. Based upon how worn and weathered the armor looked he had to assume that even before his exile this man was a warrior, the scale mail an aged smooth shape. A black scarf wrapped around the man’s throat, pressing into his square jaw and showing off his short beard. Not like anything a dwarf would consider fashionable, it was what a human might call an overgrown goatee. The man’s family tattoos, as mostly hidden as they were, were bright and golden in color, leading him to believe that before this man had stained his family name that they had been a bloodline of great honor. A shame they ended up with such a man, so eager to ignore the intent of an exiling, to pretend to be human. Even his face tattoos were covered in war-paint, leaving the other remaining marks of family on the occasional glimpse of his neck and on the hand he was forced to keep bare.
Wrendal scowled, eyes narrowing and retracting away from the scene like he had just tasted something horribly foul. Eleven marks, deep and bright in color like a poisonous frog in warning. The movement of him pulling away from his inspection of the man seemed to have drawn his attention, the criminal raising his fire eyes from the group and spotting Wrendal and Mallory. The man quickly excused himself from the company around the pit, approaching the duo.
“Captain, everything alright? The boys and I were just, uh, taking bets as to who would impress you the most during our next hunt.” the overly casual, fake friendly, voice that this man had the gall to use disgusted the green-exile to no end. How dare he think he had the right to speak like that around him.
“Yes, I just wanted to introduce you to Wrendal. He is the trap specialist that I hired on to help us with this mission.”
“Wrendal, aye? Nice to, uh, meet you. Been a while since I’ve seen one of us around.” the man said in a conversational tone that did nothing to soften the glower on Wrendal’s face.
“One of us?” he repeated back, spitting poison on his voice at the implication that they were anything alike. “You and I have as much in common as a crow does with a putrid Bog fish.”
“Oh, okay, ouch, alright then. That’s how it’s gonna be, huh?” the ginger raised his hands in a placating manner, but his fire eyes were suddenly sharp and one side of his mouth twisted dangerous, like a dog baring its teeth before the bite.
“Excuse me very much, but I asked for your insight, not your attitude.” Mallory stepped between them in a pointed manner, obvious in posture that she would defend this criminal from him if need be. Hand placed threateningly on the hilt of her blade and head raised. Not that he would attack the other exile, though he would if he could, the code didn’t allow for him to take matters into his own hands like that.
“Insight, Captain?” the outlaw asked, hands still raised as he gave her an odd look.
“I need to know the history of all of my company, I thought Wrendal could shed some light on the situation.” she responded simply, Wrendal continuing to scowl at the ginger-haired exile.
“From how nearly neon those exile marks are in color I have to assume he did something truly disgusting, like poisoning the well of another town or taking advantage of the sick.” he was seething that such a man had the gall to compare them. “Was burning the village down not enough for you?” there was really no way to know for sure what it was that an exile with elven marks had done but the elven was saved specifically for the most horrid of creatures with no chance of redemption… and the way his eyes flashed and pupils dilated at the mention of fire told Wrendal he had been spot on.
“You have no idea what you are talking about.” the criminal said irritably.
“.... you’re the one they call Saranus, aren’t you? The Butcher.” Wrendal narrowed his eyes at the man, he had heard of a dwarf who had burned, raided, pillaged several goliath settlements…. And when there were no more of the giants to be fought he got bored and turned his insatiable rage against his own people. The amount of blood he had spilled was immeasurable.
“So, you do know him.” Mallory stated with wary eyes, confirming Wrendal’s guess as true.
“You…. I don’t know what you are but you are not, nor have you ever been, a dwarf. You have zero idea of what honor or restraint are.” he couldn’t be more disgusted, the man now cooley looking at him with the eyes of a predator.
“I prefer revolutionist… believe what the council spews about me or don’t. It won’t make a difference out here. The fact that you have four marks while I have eleven doesn't matter, these people aren’t dwarves and they don’t know the difference. Out here, in this place, we are both exiles.” Saranus’ voice deepened several octaves, suddenly sounding every bit the part of the raider creature he had been made out to be.
“Pardon me, Captain.” a brief bow but he didn’t wait to be dismissed as he left. Disgusting, disgraceful, Wrendal sneered as he turned away from the fire with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I… had not expected you to be so volatile.” she commented to him, placing her hand on his shoulder and beginning to quietly guide him back to the company he had been placed with. “I’ll have to enstate a rule saying you two aren’t allowed to be alone together without supervision.” she added, seemingly to herself, but Wrendal bristled at the words.
“You doubt my honor?”
“No, but I don’t want to play a game of he-said she-said later so it’s for the best we keep things… monitored.”
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creativerogues · 7 years
Druid: Circle of the Hierophant V1.1
The Circle of the Hierophant learns to perfect the blending of elemental and primal magic.
One feeds into the other, and their fusion energizes a great cycle through which these druids can transcend common mortality and become something greater.
Fire and wind, earth and water are theirs to command.
The elements serve these druids as they carve their name into history.
As you progress up the ladder of knowledge, exposure to elemental power slowly changes you; your mortality is stripped away until you become something akin to the primordials of old.
Elemental Insight
At 2nd level, your understanding about reality and its characteristics seems to transcend the normal limits and opens your mind to new possibilities.
You increase your Wisdom score and one other ability score by 1.
Additionally, you are able to speak, read, and write Primordial fluently.
Elemental Upsurge
Starting at 2nd level, you learn to unravel and entwine the primal and elemental magics.
You can augment your attacks to deal elemental damage onto creatures.
You have a pool of energy represented by a number of d6s equal to your druid level.
When you roll damage for a spell or melee attack, you can increase that damage by spending dice from the pool.
You can spend a number of dice equal to half your druid level or less.
Roll the spent dice and add them to the damage as either acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic or thunder damage (Player's Choice).
If you kill one or more hostile creatures with a spell or melee attack which has been augmented in this way, you or an ally of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you regains 2 hit points per die spent to increase the attack’s damage.
You regain the expended dice when you finish a long rest.
Elemental Transcendence
At 6th level, elemental power eliminates your weaknesses and girds you against age and infirmity.
You gain resistance to disease and poison damage.
Your physiological age is reduced by 1d6 + 6 years (no lower than the age of maturity for your race), restoring the appropriate amount of youth and vigor.
Additionally, once per short rest, you can speed your recovery by placing your body into a state of suspended animation.
While in suspended animation, you are unconscious, and you regain 10 hit points for every 10 minutes of rest.
Your suspended animation ends at the end of a short rest or when you choose to end it.
Elemental Transmogrification
At 10th level, your mastery over elemental power reaches a point at which you can transform yourself into an elemental creature.
When you do, your flesh and possessions merge to become an enormous being of pure air, earth, fire, or water…
You can expend two uses of your wild shape at the same time to transform into an air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, or water elemental.
You assume the form of a elemental.
You push any creature adjacent to you up to 10 feet to make room for your transformation.
Your equipment becomes part of your elemental form.
You continue to gain the benefits or penalties of the equipment you wear and carry and can use the properties and powers of any magic items that you wear or carry.
Elemental Ascension
At 14th level, you begin to attain a perfect mastery over the elements and can call upon their power whenever you choose.
When you expend two uses of your wild shape to transform into an elemental, you may choose two elemental forms, instead of one, and gain the benefits from both.
You gain the Traits and Actions of both elemental forms, though your own ability scores, hit points and movement speed remain unchanged.
You attain the elemental’s armor class (whichever is lower) and gain any resistances and immunities that elemental may have.
In addition, the first time each day you drop below 1 hit point, you regain a number of hit points equal to your druid level.
A Half-Elven Druid of the Hierophant spends 2 uses of her Wild Shape to transform into two elemental forms, she chooses both the Air and Fire Elemental Forms.
When she transforms, she gains the Traits Fire Form, Illumination and Water Susceptibility from the Fire Elemental Form, and the Trait Air Form from the Air Elemental Form.
She also gains the Actions of Slam and Whirlwind from the Air Elemental Form, as well as the Multiattack and Touch attacks of the Fire Elemental form.
Her movement speed of 30ft. remains, and she gains no new speeds from her elemental forms, her ability scores also remain and do not change.
Her armor class changes to the lowest armor class of the two elemental forms she has chosen (AC 13), but she gains the resistances to Lightning; Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Non-magical Weapons from both her elemental forms.
When transformed, she also gains immunity to Fire and Poison damage. 
Her current hit points and total hit point maximum also remain unchanged.
This is the latest Version of the Homebrew Druid Archetype I created,  Circle of the Hierophant.
After taking Feedback, I noticed a lot of people said they got confused reading Elemental Ascension and how it worked, so I hope this re-written version is easier to read and understand.
I also got a lot of messages asking if there could be an ability to replace ‘Circle Forms’ which allowed you to deal Elemental Damage, such as Cold, Fire, Thunder and Lightning, whether it be added to a spell or to a melee attack, for use when in Wild Shape.
Version 1.1, I believe, is a better, more easy to read and understand version.
But, of course, it still needs improvements...
So Leave a Comment, Re-Blog with your Critiques, and Send Us a Message with your Thoughts and Feelings about this Homebrew Archetype!
Tell us if you like Circle Forms or Elemental Upsurge more?, Do you think a d6 Elemental damage is enough or too much? Do you like the new Format of Elemental Ascension?
And we’ll see version 1.2 soon!
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Druid: Circle of the Hierophant V1.1
The Circle of the Hierophant learns to perfect the blending of elemental and primal magic.
One feeds into the other, and their fusion energizes a great cycle through which these druids can transcend common mortality and become something greater.
Fire and wind, earth and water are theirs to command.
The elements serve these druids as they carve their name into history.
As you progress up the ladder of knowledge, exposure to elemental power slowly changes you; your mortality is stripped away until you become something akin to the primordials of old.
Elemental Insight
At 2nd level, your understanding about reality and its characteristics seems to transcend the normal limits and opens your mind to new possibilities.
You increase your Wisdom score and one other ability score by 1.
Additionally, you are able to speak, read, and write Primordial fluently.
Elemental Upsurge
Starting at 2nd level, you learn to unravel and entwine the primal and elemental magics.
You can augment your attacks to deal elemental damage onto creatures.
You have a pool of energy represented by a number of d6s equal to your druid level.
When you roll damage for a spell or melee attack, you can increase that damage by spending dice from the pool.
You can spend a number of dice equal to half your druid level or less.
Roll the spent dice and add them to the damage as either acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic or thunder damage (Player’s Choice).
If you kill one or more hostile creatures with a spell or melee attack which has been augmented in this way, you or an ally of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you regains 2 hit points per die spent to increase the attack’s damage.
You regain the expended dice when you finish a long rest.
Elemental Transcendence
At 6th level, elemental power eliminates your weaknesses and girds you against age and infirmity.
You gain resistance to disease and poison damage.
Your physiological age is reduced by 1d6 + 6 years (no lower than the age of maturity for your race), restoring the appropriate amount of youth and vigor.
Additionally, once per short rest, you can speed your recovery by placing your body into a state of suspended animation.
While in suspended animation, you are unconscious, and you regain 10 hit points for every 10 minutes of rest.
Your suspended animation ends at the end of a short rest or when you choose to end it.
Elemental Transmogrification
At 10th level, your mastery over elemental power reaches a point at which you can transform yourself into an elemental creature.
When you do, your flesh and possessions merge to become an enormous being of pure air, earth, fire, or water…
You can expend two uses of your wild shape at the same time to transform into an air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, or water elemental.
You assume the form of a elemental.
You push any creature adjacent to you up to 10 feet to make room for your transformation.
Your equipment becomes part of your elemental form.
You continue to gain the benefits or penalties of the equipment you wear and carry and can use the properties and powers of any magic items that you wear or carry.
Elemental Ascension
At 14th level, you begin to attain a perfect mastery over the elements and can call upon their power whenever you choose.
When you expend two uses of your wild shape to transform into an elemental, you may choose two elemental forms, instead of one, and gain the benefits from both.
You gain the Traits and Actions of both elemental forms, though your own ability scores, hit points and movement speed remain unchanged.
You attain the elemental’s armor class (whichever is lower) and gain any resistances and immunities that elemental may have.
In addition, the first time each day you drop below 1 hit point, you regain a number of hit points equal to your druid level.
A Half-Elven Druid of the Hierophant spends 2 uses of her Wild Shape to transform into two elemental forms, she chooses both the Air and Fire Elemental Forms.
When she transforms, she gains the Traits Fire Form, Illumination and Water Susceptibility from the Fire Elemental Form, and the Trait Air Form from the Air Elemental Form.
She also gains the Actions of Slam and Whirlwind from the Air Elemental Form, as well as the Multiattack and Touch attacks of the Fire Elemental form.
Her movement speed of 30ft. remains, and she gains no new speeds from her elemental forms, her ability scores also remain and do not change.
Her armor class changes to the lowest armor class of the two elemental forms she has chosen (AC 13), but she gains the resistances to Lightning; Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Non-magical Weapons from both her elemental forms.
When transformed, she also gains immunity to Fire and Poison damage. 
Her current hit points and total hit point maximum also remain unchanged.
This is the latest Version of the Homebrew Druid Archetype I created, Circle of the Hierophant.
I’d love to hear you thoughts and your critique of this archetype.
//I like the dice mechanic of Elemental Upsurge. I almost wish there was more that could be done with it. Perhaps the Elemental Transcendence could be changed out for more, unique uses for your Upsurge dice more akin to a Sorcerer’s Metamagic abilities. I also don’t really like the Transcendence ability as it is, since it essentially lets you regain 60 HP every rest, meaning that a DM will need to break through 60 HP plus whatever wild shape forms you take plus your regular HP to kill you, which seems unlikely. Instead, why not let your Upsurge dice be used for healing?
//If you don’t want to delve into the Upsurge dice, maybe reduce the healing by half. Otherwise, I think you’ve sort of accomplished what you wanted with an elemental-focused tank-druid.
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Sword Art Online OC. Yana Antonov
Real Life Information Name: Yana Antonov Nicknames Bohdana, Yohdanov, Ana, Bohdonov. Age: 18(when she shows up in GGO) 19 when she meets Kirito and his crew at the Café Gender: Female Nationality: Ukrainian Native American Were you a Beta-Tester?: no Personality: Yana can be funny,cool and quick witted at times. Strong Willed, tough and proves to be hardheaded at times with those she works with because of her selfless and stubborn nature and willingness to stand up and speak her mind especially when she needed to save a kid. Sometimes a bit snarky and sarcastic at times. She is loving to those who are close to her although she isn't really one for hugging but she nudges them. Has a minor to mild form of PTSD due to being almost raped by her father and her parents being killed and also during a military mission she went on. Going on missions like that can do this but whenever this happens she just calms herself and she is still and remains motionless in which her eyes glaze over half lidded and dark until it's over. That's how she deals with it. Doesn't happen frequently on missions but when it takes over or when it's a certain moment that triggers it she’ll hide or when she has a companion with her she’ll lean onto them. She's not easily angered but when it happens stay on her good side some people have been on the receiving end of that especially bad guys. They get shot multiple times. Trauma and insanity come into play and when she's experiencing insanity or whatever she’ll get this emotionless look in her eye. Capable of being cold and distant, and also capable in leaving a person to die. She falls into depression once and a while. Description: Hairstyle in ALO is a bob with an undercut. One side swept to the right eye. Black sports from the roots and fades into burgundy. Or just a dark burgundy and fades into a lighter burgundy. Hairstyle in real life is an Easy Bedhead. Sometimes wears it up or has it in a messy bun. Once she had worn ringlets or cornrows on both sides of her head and on the top of her head just in a ponytail that laid back against her head when she was on a mission in irl. Hairstyle in GGO is Motoko’s hairstyle from Ghost in the Shell. Albeit longer. She's slim bodied with medium sized breasts. She has a scar on her right eyebrow. Casual wear:usually jeans with tears and sleeveless tops such as white and black. shoes are converses. Whenever she wants to go all out and fashion like she'll wear a beanie, jogger pants and whatnot. On missions she's even more stylish. She has a tattoo on her back on her left shoulder. They are wings( two or three roses lay behind the wings) that have a bullet just slightly below. Two dragons intertwine just slightly below the tip of the bullet their mouths are open as if about to swallow 3 separate balls of light. The fourth one is halved. (Again, be descriptive! Include body type, outfit, hairstyles, any accessories, tattoos, scars, and piercings he/she may have.) Background/Bio: Yohdanov didn't have the greatest upbringing growing up. Her parents were low financially, but they did love her as best as they could. Her sister died at the age of 3 by an unnamed disease. She had an alcoholic father to deal with and sometimes her parents spat. Her father made sure not to abuse her or hurt her in anyway but he did hit on her and her mom a couple times while drunk and he once tried to rape Yana but her mother knocked him out that day. Her father didn't have a great relationship with his workers. Eventually it got so bad Yana resorted to her room sometimes spying on her parents misfits and crying alone. One day as she and and her parents were walking home they bumped into 3 of her father's coworkers. The man in the front took out a gun and shot her father down and her mother. She went to live with her aunt for a short while but her aunt suffered a stroke leaving a grief stricken little girl alone, that's when she was took in by a man who was apart of this organization at the age of 9. The man treated her like a father and at the age of 12 she took a job as a spy eventually turning into a detective and a hitman (assassin). All those years later she goes into GGO to find information about this drug lord who plays a big part in a mass murder and eventually bumping into Kirito, getting his help and meeting his crew. Eye Color: Chestnut brown Hair Color: Brunette Black Weight: 120- 130 Ibs Height: 5’5 Real Life Relationships: (Repeat as many times as you need/want!) Name: Aliec Cohen (Male) pronounced Alec Name: Kate Dunway (Female) Relationship to your character: (friends) How they met: (Add just a little detail if needed.) Needed for missions and whatnot. Became close friends. Gun Gale Online Information ScreenName: Yohdanov Level: 197 201 when she meets Kiritos crew (she plays it whenever she has off time or has time to spare) Squadron: Yes and No she usually plays solo sometimes(Is your character a part of a Squadron? If so list the name and type of Squadron it is.) Armor Head: sometimes whenever her hoodie is down she’ll wear black (maybe purple) tinted shades Neck: no Shoulders: No Chest: Crop Top is black with an with a built in zipper hoodie (purple or grey with golden seam designs on the edges) that attaches at the collar. The hoodie has an eagle's’ beak. Zipper stops midway between her boobs. Long sleeved ending is pointed like a witches glove. Right sleeve is raggedly cut shortly just inches below the elbow. 2nd Option is (badass) trench coat or long coat. (Selene outfit from Underworld so you get the gist it's a little changed up though so I'll explain later) Whenever she's hanging out black Halter top with blue jeans and storm blue converses. Or black sleeveless shirt. Hands: Fingerless biker gloves. 2nd option none. Rings: no Waist: Punk Rocker silver chain slung to the side. 2nd op. Legs: Black Punk rocker jeans or just torn up black or dark blue jeans. 2nd op. Feet: Icon 1000 elsinore boots (black leather) Trinkets: (Does your character have any 'lucky' trinkets that they carry? Max is 2) list later Weapons Main Hand: M7 SMG(Double wielding whenever she comes into the scene like a badass) and a rare assault rifle that I'll name later. Off Hand: Dagger, Estoc, Throwing Knives (she doesn't use them all the time). Beretta 92FS handgun Stats (I unfortunately don't know what the maximum amount is, so I'll go with what one of you did; which is 100. Base stats; 10-15 range.) Agility: 91(Affects fire speed and evasion Vitality: MAX Dexterity: 94(Affects accuracy) Strength: 95(Affects carrying capacity and the ability to wield certain guns) Luck: 90(Affects drop rate of items) Skills (List the skills and extra skills that your character knows here, and a brief explanation of how well they can do the skill.) ALFHEIM Online Information Race: Hybrid between Spriggan and Salamander. (Hybrid? Because why the fuck not.) Level: 87 Guild: No Armor Head: Golden ear cuffs Neck: Purple labradorite necklace (Is your character wearing any necklace type objects?) Shoulders: Left Dragonrider Shoulder guard Chest: An opened circled holtered chest that's a burgundy colored dress that has multiple open circles that hugs the torso and has one legged leggings for the left leg. intil it flows to the ankles and reveals one leg. Hands: on the left that goes up to the elbow it is laced. Right is just Fingerless and solid. (Arm- Ukrainian styled arm ring) Rings: Purity Ring shaped like two dragons intertwining both with mouths open holding a silken bluestone. Waist: Belt Legs: one legged Leggings (that's apart of the dress)that cover the left leg Feet: leather foot guards. Right one twirls around. 2nd op is high heels or elven boots Trinkets: No Weapons Main Hand: -Boletaria’s Greatbow (appearance is of the Dragonslayers Greatbow from Dark Souls, name is is a nice little homage to Demon Souls) Her second option in a weapon that she got by defeating a boss, which she only used once or twice. Used whenever the group were in danger and she had to get to a higher place. (Formed out of magic fire)(maybe). -Maidens Lada (sword)(Lada is an Ukrainian Goddess meaning love,marriage, summer and beauty.) -Malevolent Siren(longsword) Off Hand: Anor’s Carver (Anor londo reference) a carved dagger that is covered in runes and elvish designs Skills (List the Extra skills that your character knows here, and a brief explanation of how well they can do the skill.) Dual Wielding and others I'll list later Spells Illusion Musketeer Wall of Embers (used this once because she was trapped) Illusion immolation Archers Wit (the ability to run faster) Wall run Shapeshifting into fire or turning into fire the ability to travel with it and reform herself Illusion Metamorphosis: Flame Atronach, Gleam Eyes, (List the spells/abilities that your character knows here.)
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