#2p north italy
1p2p-heta-imagines · 8 months
Can you do the domestic lives the 2p axis and allies want too?
2p N. Italy will be the one working, he just wants his S/O to have a relaxed life and he makes enough money for them to do that. He absolutely refuses having kids, he doesn’t want to potentially mess them up.
2p S. Italy is happy to be more of a househusband, he’s used to looking after people so it’s second nature to him, he’d love a child or two to have running around, he thinks they’re adorable.
2p Germany would prefer to be a househusband than work, he’s not the best at holding down a job anyway. For children, it’s a mixed bag, he loves kids but he hates raising them.
2p Japan is happy being a househusband, he doesn’t really like to go out at all so working is awful to him. He doesn’t want kids at all, he just can’t deal with children or their antics.
2p America would prefer to be the one working but he struggles to find employment so he knows it likely won’t end up that way, they’ll probably both work. As for children, he’s very hesitant, the idea scares him.
2p England would prefer 50/50, he doesn’t want them to do all the housework but he doesn’t want them to be the only one working either. He’s happy to split it up because that’s fair to him. He’d love a big family.
2p Canada is another that prefers the work be 50/50. He likes to do housework, he likes to work, it fills up time. When it comes to children, he’s hesitant because of how he was as a kid but the idea of a child is appealing.
2p France says he hates kids but he always takes care of them so he’d secretly like one of his own. Househusband nor working is that good to him, he just doesn’t have the motivation to do either.
2p China is unbothered: he’s fine to be the sole worker, he’s fine to stay at home, he’s fine if they both work, he really just goes with whatever they want. He’s taken care of enough children in his life to not want more.
2p Russia prefers to work, mostly because he likes the predictability and the routine of work. As for children, he’s not the biggest fan of children, nor does he have any idea how to raise them.
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1p2p-heta-suggestives · 5 months
2p’s preference on creamers or squirters?
(You didn’t specify which 2ps so I just did the main 10, feel free to send in another ask if you’d like to see anyone specific 🖤)
• 2p S. Italy
• 2p France
• 2p Russia
• 2p Germany
• 2p Japan
• 2p England
• 2p China
No preference/doesn’t care:
• 2p N. Italy
• 2p America
• 2p Canada
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fairylenka · 13 days
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[2p フェリ菊] With ♡: Oliver
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ceriseroyale · 2 years
With Blood:
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Without blood:
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This man lives rent free in head and I can't get him out 😔
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pocketyami · 11 months
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aphtrashqueen · 1 year
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Italian Brothers
Deviantart link in caption for Credits! (2022 works!)
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sanguedinondrago · 8 months
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: 2P Hetalia Ensemble Additional Tags: Ucronia, Uchrony, Da efp con amore, Italiano, Arranged Marriage, Cold War, kind of, what if, tags will be updates accordingly ships included Series: Part 1 of Through the looking glass and what the hetalians found there, Part 4 of Da Efp con amore Summary:
Un mondo in cui la Guerra fredda non è andata come è andata. 1.Evviva gli sposi: "Letto matrimoniale... Presto si sarebbe sposato, voleva dire che avrebbe condiviso il letto con altre sei persone? Avrebbero dovuto... Consumare?" 2.Buon vino, tavola lunga : America ponderò qualche minuto sul se chiedere la domanda che voleva fare o meno, prima di dirsi che non c'era nulla di male. "Hey Italy, non è che hai una cannuccia?" disse proprio quando la musica si abbassò di volume per qualche attimo, proprio al momento giusto per far si che tutti e tutte sentissero quello che aveva detto. 3. Al sole di aprile li rimpiangerai: 11 aprile 1971. A seguito degli accordi di Glasgow, l'esercito britannico viene smantellato e le isole Britanniche vengono poste sotto protettorato della Francia - Federazione Europea a partire dal 1993. Qualunque base americana su territorio britannico deve essere evacuata entro un mese.
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kinyuibutcooler · 2 months
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 15 days
2p axis's main love languages?
2p N. Italy: Quality time and gift giving. He prefers to lavish his S/O with time and gifts - even if it's just sitting in a room with them while they each do different thing. Gifts can range from anything, from expensive to self-made items he thought they'd like.
2p S. Italy: Physical touch and words of affirmation, he absolutely adores both of them. He's a very touchy person, always has been, and it's his main way to show people he loves them. His S/O can always expect random texts of him completing them or checking up.
2p Germany: Physical touch and acts of service, he is ecstatic about physical affection, he adores it. He also always wants to help them, even if it's just making a snack or tying their shoes for them, whatever he can help them.
2p Japan: Quality time and acts of service, he doesn't spend much time around others so quality time is seen as special to him. As for acts of service, he just likes to make their life easier in any way that he possibly can.
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What would happen if the s/o of the 2p axis gave them their consent to do whatever they want with her, such as their darkest or most perverse fantasies.
2p N. Italy, if given full control, immediately wants to bring out his knives. He's always really worried about people getting scared off because he suggests it, but they've given full consent for ANYTHING and he's taking advatage of that. He's not that into sex, itself, but the idea of hurting someone and having them fully at his mercy really does something for him. He won't damage them badly, but he makes it known that, at any point, he could, especially if they're tied up and can't move, it's the power that he enjoys.
2p S. Italy is not all that dark when it comes to his fantasies, especially not compared to the others. He just wants to be overstimulated/overstimulate his partner in a semi-public place (E.g. changing room, bathroom stall, etc) whilst being degraded and forced to look at himself at it all happening. That’s as perverse/dark as he gets. He loves the thrill of being caught, imagining what the person who caught them would do, things of that nature. In reality, he’d die inside if someone caught them and profusely apologise (if he’s not overstimulated to the point he can’t think).
2p Germany is a little different to the rest, he’d mostly want them doing things to him. He’s EXTREMELY masochistic, almost to a worrying point. Being a nation means dying is nothing to him, he knows he’ll wake up later and be fine and he takes that to his advantage. They can do whatever they want so long as it hurts him (and he gets to cum). Hit him with a chair for all he cares, edge him until he’s seeing stars, choke him until he passes out, give him some new scars, whatever. It’s fully in his partner’s hands.
2p Japan is extremely sadistic. He won’t hurt them too, he knows they’re just a human, after all. That doesn’t mean he’s not going to break a little skin, at least. He just wants to tie them up and edge them until they’re most likely crying. It’ll go on for hours, him degrading them and spanking them any time they make some kind of noise as he rips yet another orgasm away from them right when they were about to cum. He thinks it’s hilarious. Maybe if they’re good, he’ll let them suck his dick.
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mustela28nivalis · 1 month
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wise-weasel · 3 months
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pocketyami · 11 months
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aphtrashqueen · 1 year
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♡ Phone Wallpapers  ♡
Made this for my own phone, I love these boys to death! 
Deviantart link in caption for Credits! (2022 works!)
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asknorth2pitaly · 1 year
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[I know, I know- OMG YAMI ISN'T DEAD?!?! Nope, sadly, I am still alive. I might revive the Italy and 2P Italy ask blogs, depending on my schedule! For now, though, here's a doodle of Luci because he's so damn cute god I love him sm] -Mun Yami
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tyiaunia-harris · 1 year
Happy birthday, Italy 🇮🇹 🎁🎊🎈🎉🥳🎂
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