#500' high
vox-anglosphere · 2 years
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Canada's newest & highest footbridge is not for the faint of heart
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doodleswithangie · 1 month
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[Image description: Fanart of a scene from Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 14. The Bad Kids and The Rat Grinders square up in the middle of the school cafeteria. Alt text provided and copied under the cut. End ID]
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Image one: The Bad Kids and The Rat Grinders square up in the middle of the school cafeteria. Above their heads is written, "The Bad Kids vs The Rat Grinders."
Image two: From left to right - Adaine readies her magically glowing hand, Gorgug cracks his knuckles, Fig pages Colin Counterspell on her earpiece, Riz hisses, and Fabian steadies Kristen as she smirks down at Kipperlilly.
Image three: From left to right - Kipperlilly glares up at Kristen, Buddy looks on worriedly, Oisin has a hand on Kipperlilly's shoulder as he tries to intervene, Mary Anne has a deadpan stare, Ruben poses moodily, and Ivy smirks behind Oisin.
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scalematey · 1 month
the idea that, using CHRONOMANCY, arthur aguefort prerecorded a whole stadium full of illusory arthur agueforts with chest paint for the bad kids AND a congratulatory post-hoc message for being the first students to beat the last stand is so so deeply funny. bad kids break a record from the dawn of time and he’s not even going to put his vacation on hold to be around for it. world’s most principal of all time
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fabian is such a sweetie and he will not convince me otherwise. genuinely there’s no reason for him to make up with gertie bc the rest of them have enough good standing with her to work with her, he fully did that for kristen. the way he approached it too, wasn’t like “oh im gonna get her off my back so we can deal with the honey thing” no it was pure good soul lou wilson shining through fabian going “hey if there’s even a BUMP on this road to love for my friend because of me? i’m repaving the entire fucking street lets go”
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spookberry · 6 months
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overwhelmed with love for Sunny Madison so i had to draw her 6 times
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cantallegory · 1 year
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I love how they draw confucius JUST LOOK AT HIM he's so silly
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Can you put him in the Roblox disaster house please
Happy Home, Natural Disaster Survival
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linotte-miller · 19 days
Headcanon: Sukuna absolutely believes Hello Kitty is some kind of Cursed Spirit, and any time you try to convince him otherwise, he assumes you're just fucking with him. You'd really like to take him to the Sanrio store? But you're also pretty sure that lots of people will die when that happens.
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theveryworstthing · 2 months
it's 1:30 am and after a month of peacefully enduring Interesting Times, trying to set up a new laptop is turning me into the joker.
every day i am spending money and having problems.
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xiexielians · 9 months
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@animangacreators challenge 19: comedy genre
Funniest character: Tamaki Suoh
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scalematey · 2 months
god like. the funniest thing about adaine abernant to me is that she is sooooo petty. she is so deeply capable of being a mean bitch. she used to be chronically anxious but she’s medicated now and that was the only thing holding her back from being born a hater and dying a hater. she loves her friends and the supportive environment that her new family gives her but this is also the same character who at fifteen years old (deservedly) told an incel he sucked multiple times over to his face and sent her sister who sucks to elf prison
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aelwyn is the cunty neurodivergent rep we need. the look on her face when kristen is actually upset/hurt and she immediately backtracks- oh shit, i thought we were playing! we were joking! don’t friends bully each other? how else is affection expressed but through violence?
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abbacchiosbelt · 4 months
Jjba Bruno prompt #24 with interrogation :)
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You're already shaking with nerves before you step into Bruno Buccellati's office. You'd only met him a scant few times after your family had come pleading to Passione for protection — and each time had unnerved you. His unnerving gaze seemed to hover on you when you were in his presence. You'd never willingly choose to stand in front of his office's doorstep, but a summons there by Bruno himself had forced your hand. Your family made it more than clear that saying 'no' wasn't a possibility.
Behind you sits some of his crew, their eyes burning into your back as you stand silently, your hand raised to knock. Your muscles refuse to let you move, and a bead of sweat begins to roll down the back of your neck. If you weren't sure your family would be punished for your disobedience, you'd turn tail and run as fast as you could.
Before you can move, the door in front of you swings open. You see Bruno seated behind his desk, and he beckons you forward with the crook of his finger. The question of how the door opened if he was sitting behind his desk was only a fleeting thought. You enter quickly and the door shuts seemingly by itself. Flustered already, you huff out a surprised noise, and you hear a low chuckle across the room.
He was amused by how nervous you were. Heat creeps up your neck as you swallow the verbal jab you wanted to throw at him. You hated Passione, and that extended to the man in front of you. It didn't matter that you'd heard good things about him from nearly everyone in the neighborhood - you refused to trust someone who aligned themselves with the mafia.
You finally come to stand in front of his desk. Though he was seated, it felt as if Bruno towered over you. His presence made the fight or flight instinct in your brain flare to life, and it was all you could do to not reconsider your earlier plan of running away.
"I assumed I wouldn't need to explain why I called you here today." Bruno offers no pleasantries as he immediately begins whatever it was he had planned to say to you. He doesn't give you time to reply, folding his arms on the table as he leans forward and continues to speak. "That blank look on your face when you stood at the door told me I was wrong."
You shift, uncomfortable. How did he know what you looked like when you were standing out there? Before you can question him, he gives you a look that keeps your mouth shut.
"Come here." Bruno gestures to his side of the desk, and you swallow thickly. What did he want? You follow his words, cringing inwardly at how easily you gave in to him. You hadn't even been able to choke out any words. He gives you an expectant look when you round his desk to stand before him. “No, not there, in my lap.”
You grimace, unable to stop yourself, and he smiles. "You really are naive. Your family didn't tell you what kind of deal they made, did they?"
You're pushed by an unknown force into Bruno's lap, awkwardly splayed across his legs. Your heart skitters in your chest, anxiety and fear clawing its way into your nervous system. It was all too much in such a short period of time when you hadn't even known why you were here in the first place.
You're held steady in Bruno's lap even though his arms remain on either side of the chair he sits in, his lips curled into a smile that made your skin crawl. "I suppose I shouldn't keep it from you any longer. When I told your parents of my interest in you, they jumped to find a way to make me happy." He pauses, letting his words sink in. "Today was the day we agreed you'd come into my possession, and in return, they'd get a hefty discount on their future fees."
"Wh-what? What the hell are you talking about?" You finally manage to find your voice, adrenaline surging. "You're lying. Just tell me how much my family owes, and I'll pay it."
Bruno begins to laugh, throwing his head back as if you'd told the funniest joke he'd heard in years. You don't know how to respond, wordlessly sitting on his lap until he finally stops.
"Sorry, sorry." He starts. "It's just, you really have no idea, do you? Your family owes multiple generations of debt. It didn't start with your family, but your parents were more than happy to pay their share by way of... well, you. And I told them I'd consider beginning to chip into their remaining debt if you behaved. I suppose they were too cowardly to tell you what they'd done before sending you to me."
Bruno sneers, as if they were the only ones making poor moralistic choices in the situation.
The pit in your stomach that had been growing before you'd walked into Bruno's office practically feels like a black hole now. You want to hold on to something, to grasp at something tangible, but any movement would put you closer to Bruno than you already were.
"Don't worry about them," Bruno interprets your silence as acceptance, unwilling to consider you'd feel any other way. "We'll make a new family. Together."
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cantallegory · 1 year
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I hope this makes sense
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fuzzy-robot · 1 year
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Okay, no, the most baffling throwaway line in the Monster High movie was when they implied Saint Joan of Arc is an undead monster in this universe and therefore either 1.) this universe's Joan of Arc came back from the dead after being martyred and is therefore some kind of zombie or 2.) Catholicism is objectively True and Real and also Joan of Arc literally transcended humanity and and has become akin to a minor god by the power of Real Jesus Christ, and for categorizational purposes that's basically the same as like, a mummy or a sasquatch
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harveylikestoart · 1 year
Hello :) do you take requests? Would you be willing to draw-
Teen-High-Binder Transmasc Normal? :D
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Transed rights!
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