#A bit salty that I'm only thinking of this now and not last year when there was like five Shakespeare Horror journals
themidnightcircusshow · 10 months
You make one joke and suddenly you can't stop thinking of a gothic retelling of the Lancasters
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
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summary: five years ago he left you. left you alone with nothing but memories of your love. so how dare he come back now?
contents: 1.5k words, fem!omaticaya reader, angst, swearing
authors note: AHHHH first chapter i'm so excited to post this guys!! thankuu to all my mooties that helped me brew this series
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Nothing could ever surmount to the despair you felt that day. The day he looked into your weeping eyes, looked right into your aching soul, and told you he was leaving.
Leaving. You begged him to take you with him. Pleaded with his pained expression to let you stay with him. To take you with him. To walk every journey together.
But he didn’t. He shook his head, pursing his lips that have kissed you for the last time. Crossing his arms that embraced you for the last time. He said no. One simple word that crushed your entire self.
“It won’t be safe, I can’t take you from the forest, this is your home.” No. No he was your home! He was your everything. The last face you look at when you say goodnight to the day left behind you. The one you would run to, so you could tell him everything good and bad. The man you imagined your entire life to be with.
That same man who was running from his home, to never return back to you.
You pleaded with him, crashing onto your knees, wrapping your arms around his torso. Crying into him as you begged to accompany him. How could he leave you? How could he have the heart to tear out yours.
“Y/N…let go.” His deep voice ring deep in your ears. You knew he was talking about your physical grip on him. But it felt so much deeper. Let go. Let go of us. Let go of everything we ever were. Let go of me.
You shook your head desperately, hands still clinging to his body. The rough soil beneath you cutting into your knees but no cut would ever be as deep as the one he had laid into your soul.
It was as if the hands he took to pry your frail body off him were the daggers that were slicing up your heart. Leaving wounds so deep they would never heal. How could you ever heal from this?
You looked up at him, tears letting his cheeks dampen, his face showing nothing but grief as he met your hurt eyes.
“I have to go…Y/N you know I have to.” You did. You knew you had no say in this. Your words were insignificant to begin with.
His figure crouched down in front of you. Wiping the salty tears that stained your cheeks. He saw the way your chin quivered as he caressed your beautiful face.
A salty, sweet kiss was the last one you ever shared with him. A kiss you both cried into, gripping onto each other knowing it was the last time. It was bittersweet. To share a moment so close together only to be ripped apart.
All that connected you both was memories. Memories that now serve you nothing but hurt.
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Five years had passed. Five dreadful years.
You were now a 20 year old woman. Adorned with your bow and the physique of a fit warrior. Though no amount of time could ever heal the cuts he left so deep in you.
For the first year, you were nothing but a shell. Never eating, never sleeping. You simply existed. Which was a chore to do without him.
You wished nothing but to stop existing. To stop experiencing every bit of sadness, every bit of grief. To stop mourning the loss of the only man you could ever love.
Tears were your most worn accessory, no one ever daring to tell you they looked bad. Too scared to send you spiralling even more than you already had.
Though, those times you spent rocking in your hammock. Looking at the stars that lit up the night sky, those cuts that ran deep within you, the cuts that caused so pain. They started to seep.
Started to seep blood red rage.
How could he ever have left you? Was he so selfish to not think of the effect this would have on you? Did he simply not care?
How was the one time he decided to act selfishly be the time wounded the one who loved him most? To be so selfish, to claim he would be keeping you safe.
Safe to what? The sky-people that reigned free through your planet. Constantly on the verge of war to aliens that had no consideration for your people. Just like he had no consideration for your heart.
You wanted to hate him. You wanted to hate him so bad, that every memory of him would fade into a blood red image of evil. That every memory would turn into a disgusting thought of a disgusting man.
You wanted to hate him with every fibre in your body. But you couldn’t.
Maybe that’s when everything stopped looking so blood red. When everything dulled out. Nothing mattered, he would never come back.
So with a tainted heart and an aching soul, you accepted that you would never experience the love of your mate every again. Never feel his touch, hear his voice, smell his scent, taste his kisses. You would never be with him.
That’s were Va’tep entered into your life. Barging into your knocked down walls and building a crappy foundation.
Va’tep, Tarsem’s younger brother. One year your elder. A fierce warrior, a man who refused to lose, a man who claimed what was his. And to him, you were his.
Your parents always longed for status. To be high up in the clan. You were their golden ticket, finding your way into the heart of Toruk Makto’s eldest son. They rejoiced in your heart’s residence, rejoiced in the fact that you fulfilled their one wish. They were your number one advocate. Pushing you to train for your rite of passage ever since you became closer with the boy. They worked every inch of their being towards the union between the pair of you.
But the hard work washed away as fast as the waterfall plunged.
Washing away all your dreams, your happiness, your meaning. It washed away your parent’s status, Va’tep being the life guard that pulls them out of the strong currents.
Nothing could ever amount to him though. Your heart resided with someone else as your body laid with his. You felt yourself fill with shame every time you shared a touch. A shiver of disgust running down your entire body. Breaking the vow of your love towards the boy who broke you.
“Where’s your head at beautiful?” That was what he called you. Beautiful. His voice would never be as sweet as his. Never send the right shivers through you.
Va’tep’s calloused hands caressed your cheek, so rough it felt as if he was dragging you with his touch. Everything he did was rough. Rough like the soil you pleaded on.
Maybe this was Eywa laughing in your face. Giving you a man so opposite to the man you craved so desperately. Even after 5 years, Eywa would never let you forget those memories.
Shrugging his hands off your body, he let out a low hiss. One that showed his offence towards your actions. A hiss so quiet, it would only be heard if you cared. But you didn’t. Something else was clouding your mind, taking your attention away from him. And it wasn’t just your past lover.
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You made your way towards the growing crowd of people that formed around the entrance of High Camp. Va’tep’s calls after you were silenced by the gasps and whispers of your people that were creating confusion that bubbled in your stomach.
Pushing yourself to the front of the crowd, definitely stepping on the feet of others. You looked for the source of the commotion. Ears perking up and eyes squinting to find the one thing people were gawking at.
Though now as you look towards the source, you wish you minded your business. Everything was coming back. Every emotion, every curse, every thought, every tear. They all fell on top of you, crushing your soul as you let out a small whimper in fear.
The source was making its way towards you. No. No. NO. This can’t happen. This cannot be happening. Feet stumbling as you paced backwards, avoiding looking straight ahead.
Dread filled your entire being. Filling it from your toes until it felt as if it would spill out of you, gurgling in the pits of your stomach. No. No. NO.
Crashing into the back of a person, you were forced to halt your escape. Frozen in shock as you looked at the man who had broken your heart and given it back to you.
Lips quivering, tears pooling in your eyes. He reached his hands towards you. How could he come back? Why was he back? This is all some sort of sick dream. A nightmare.
“My beautiful girl.” His voice was deeper, still so sweet it would cause a cavity. It enticed you. You had been without his voice for so long.
So long…because he left you. Because he was cruel and selfish.
Shaking your head profusely, just like you did that dreaded day. Your hands shook as you pointed at him, an accusatory finger aimed at him as your mind swirled.
“I’m here now.” He should have never left, he should have NEVER left. What a sick fuck. To come back expecting open arms when all you wanted was to never have your arms leave him. “Beautiful? What is it?”
“I am not your beautiful, Neteyam.”
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tags: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @oceanstar19 @sharkybabe9
thankyou sm for reading lovelies!! reblogs + replies sososososo appreciated ilysm ily ily
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strongheartneteyam · 10 months
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[ all credits of the Neteyam pic go to the incredibly talented @cinetrix ♡]
Champagne Problems
Part 2
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!human!reader
CW: neteyam is a simp for reader, black cat gf/golden retriever bf "trope", a whole lot of angst, beach party, use of alcohol, some romantic comedy vibes, neteyam acting a bit cocky lol, reader is a tiny bit of a meanie towards neteyam, sexual language, sexual content, reader is a bit antisocial, flirting, emotionally unavailable bc of trauma reader, unrequited love (neteyam is the one having the unrequited feelings), sexual tension, commitment issues, exophilia, size kink, interspecies relationship, bad words. Hit me up to lemme know if I forgot something ahaha
Reader is slightly older than Neteyam, for only 2 years.
Neteyam and Reader (AI Art)
Do you guys remember the story inspired by Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift that I promised like ages ago? Well... The first part is here? 🤓 A lot of people seemed to be excited to read this when I posted that sneak peak. Hope you guys like it! kiss kiss 💗
Slightly proofread.
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Part 1 : Say Yes to Heaven
If you dance, I'll dance
And if you don't, I'll dance anyway
Give peace a chance
Let the fear you have fall away
I've got my eye on you
Say yes to Heaven, say yes to me
Say Yes To Heaven (Lana Del Rey)
"It's not like you're not gonna break me in half if we try to get down and dirty." You laugh a bit too much, the alcohol invading your brain slowly, making you care less and less about behaving in a "socially acceptable" way. Though you wondered if your not-a-bit-elegant-honesty mattered at all to Neteyam Sully, the na'vi boy sitting in the maroon leather couch, by your side, his huge size making the couch look ridiculously small. He was na'vi, after all. Totally different culture. The na'vi were way more upfront about their real thoughts and feelings.
Neteyam had been talking loudly, almost yelling, at your ear for the past 40 minutes, trying to make his voice sound louder than the party's music, so you could hear him try to convince you to hook up with him. As if the loud uplifting songs that echoed in the salty air of that Metkayina beach were not enough to bug your tired head, now you had Neteyam helping your headache get worse.
"That doesn't mean you can't let me take you home. Or even let me make you my mate, eventually, if we end up falling in love while we fuck under the starry sky. You might like laying with me in my hammock and letting me pleasure you more than you think. Maybe you'll want to be my girl once you get a taste of this na'vi spice" He was joking around with you while flirting.
His thick, muscular but still fleshy thighs were spread on the sofa way too much to your liking. It was almost like he was trying to show you how masculine or desirable - some bullshit like that - he was. You know, that kind of thing a lot of guys usually do when trying to seduce you.
You knew Neteyam was aware he was handsome, that his body was attractive. He had always had girls - na'vi and human - all over him since he was a teen, drooling over his beauty.
But if he thought his loverboy flirting that must have worked so easily with just way too many girls before was gonna work that easily with you, he was mistaken.
Okay, you had to admit he was being pretty insistent, though. Neteyam had been there for almost an hour already. You did not understand what was making him insist that much on you if you had an armor as impenetrable as the one of a human warrior of the Middle Ages, back on Earth. And those armors were really hard to get under.
"Listen" you took a last big sip of your champagne and put the glass cup on the wooden table next to the sofa "When you gonna give up, honey? It's not gonna work. I'm not hooking up with you." You looked him in the eyes.
Goddamn, were his orbs big compared to the ones of a human. 
They were beautiful, though.
Damn, (y/n)! Focus, girl!
"I'm known among my people for being disciplined, focused and getting what I want because I fight hard for it. You're my focus now, tawtute." (human) I'm not giving up on you. You're like my Ikran. You're wild and hard to get but I'll conquer you, sevin tawtute." (pretty human) "On the first try."
"Cocky much?" You smirked and shook your head in disapproval "No, but, seriously, Neteyam, are you out of your mind? Have you forgotten about tsaheylu? I don't have a neurological queue, babe. I know I have many braids in my hair," You pointed out your hairstyle "but they're all regular human braids. None of them have little tendrils on its tip. Sorry, Neteyam. We're Romeo and Juliet. And Juliet doesn't even love Romeo in this story. You're deemed to heartbreak." You said, like you could not care less about his attempts to win you over, sipping on your sparkling champagne, that went down your throat comfortably, making you feel cozy and safe. It wasn't gonna work, anyway.
You liked champagne a bit too much... you had to admit it was very possible that you had a bit of a drinking problem. Alcohol made you feel warm inside. In an emotional way too. It felt like someone was hugging you, when you would not let many real people hug you because you just were not exactly enthusiastic about having physical contact with just anyone. You only let your closest friends and some family members, like your little sister, hug you. 
Some people would often call you "cold" and say that you acted "like a queen, above everyone else", behind your back, but that could not be further from the truth. You actually hated how low your actual self steem was.
"Why don't you look at Munì?" You mentioned the curvy, tall, blue eyed Metkayina girl who clearly had a mad crush on Neteyam. She was incredibly pretty. Nobody could deny that. "She has been drooling over you ever since you got here. Give the poor girl a chance. She's such a cutie. If I liked girls, I'd easily do her. Look at those beautiful, long, toned legs. Look at her wide hips. Damn, she's yummy!" you were drinking too much, your honesty getting way too out there.
"I don't want her. I want you." He spoke, like he really meant it. "My hammock will be hanged between those two big trees you like to collect fruits from. I'll be waiting for you, if you want to meet me."
With that last line being said, Neteyam got up from the sofa and walked away, swiftly finding his younger brother Lo'ak and tapping on his back, like men usually do. Both brothers started what looked like an interesting conversation.
You were left alone wondering how Neteyam could say those words and walk away so nonchalantly. 
"Phew! I thought he'd never leave, girlie." Adeline screamed, coming closer to you.
She was your best friend. You guys knew way too much about each other, but that only drove you closer and made you two have a beautiful bond that felt unbreakable. She was one of the few people in the world you trusted with many of your secrets. But not even she knew everything about you. Yes, talk about trust issues…
"God, I was about to call his sister to take him away! Kiri is much more chill and quiet compared to her siblings. She's a sweetheart." You said, finally letting your guard down and being able to relax your body language, laying back on the couch and resting your bare feet on the wooden dark brown table in front of you
You cursed yourself while you walked towards Neteyam's big light brown hammock, hanged between two big beautiful trees that reminded you of the Palm Trees that used to exist on Planet Earth.
Why were you doing that, anyway?
"Tawtute! You came." Neteyam smiled, relief all over his face 
You sighed.
"Yeah, but I'm still wondering why I did."
"Ouch!" He put his huge four fingered hand on his chest and frowned, like he was in pain
You rolled your eyes at him.
"Stop that, silly." Crossing your arms, you walked towards the big tropical tree in front of his hammock but still a little far
"Hey! Where are you going?" Neteyam almost screamed as you were already further away from him than you should be if you were actually gonna have sex with him
It was like you were running away from and showing up to the "job" at the same time. Go figure out.
You rested your back against that large tree, feeling the rough edges of the wood harassing your skin.
Neteyam was already almost there where you were. His long na'vi legs helped him walk faster than you anticipated.
Neteyam got next to you. You felt a little fear but a bit of excitement, simultaneously, when you realized your head only reached his hip.
Fuck, he was a giant next to you… why the hell did that turn you on?
"Are you afraid of me, yawntutsyìp?" (little loved one) Neteyam said in a lewd, low voice as you looked at him, feeling like a pathetic little ant looking up at a human
Was that how ants felt?
"No, silly, I'm not." You looked away from him and tried to focus on the way the eclipse had beautiful violet and blue tones
That almost worked. If it wasn't for Neteyam using his huge alien hand to stroke your hair softly.
"You're so pretty, tawtute." You could feel his gaze directed at you, you could feel his heat burning your skin. The desire he felt for you was almost freaking tangible. 
You kept your eyes on the stars.
"You're not gonna look at me, yawntutsyìp? Lemme see those pretty eyes, hmm?" Fuck, he was turning you on so much, your pussy felt good already and there was a tight knot forming in your lower belly. How did he do that to you with so little effort?
You looked up at Neteyam's face, your neck hurting. You did not expect to see a big bulge under his navy blue loincloth, though. Neteyam was so huge you could not help staring and your face totally betrayed your surprise.
"C'mon, I wanna feel your tiny body on mine." He paused and his big blue hand traced your collarbone and your shoulders "You're so small, tawtute… Hmmm…" he let out something between a moan and a growl "So soft too." Neteyam squeezed your arm, feeling your soft human flesh against his slender fingers "I love how different from na'vi girls you are. I'm so lucky to have you all to myself tonight."
Your breath was now labored and your pussy was soaked. Your poor panties were all wet.
"I'm dying to squeeze those titties. They look incredibly soft. But I won't do anything that intimate before you say "yes" first, yawntutsyìp."
@yeosxxx (u asked to be tagged in all my writings so I'm tagging u here hehe)
Comments are very welcome. I love all of you who take time to read my writings ♡ Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart. If you wanna be added to the taglist, just leave a comment down below <3
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drunk-on-dk · 1 year
With Somebody Else | Kim Mingyu (m)
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✦pairing: fwb!Mingyu x fem!reader
✦genre: SMUT (minors DNI) fluff? angst? fwb feels yenno
✦wc: ~3.0 and some change
✦summary: No longer being able to go back and forth with Mingyu, you decide to seek out somebody else.
NSFW warnings under the cut, minors do not read, 18+ only
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✦warnings: no specific pronouns used, but reader has female anatomy; pet names (baby); switch?Mingyu; switch?reader; unprotected sex (safety first pls); gyu has a big dick; grinding; mingyu loves praise; a bit of tears; mentions of alcohol
✦a/n: this was a quick lil thing i wrote up because somebody else by the 1975 has resurfaced in my life and that song is what led me to this. I hope you all enjoy! I tried a lil bit of a different writing style, so I'm hoping it still paces ok. As always I appreciate all feedback, likes, comments, and reblogs <3
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Mingyu should have been relieved when he found out you were seeing somebody else for the first time. In fact, he thought it was a lie when Seungcheol filled him in on the details that you’ve been dating someone for the past couple of weeks. However, something ached deep down in Mingyu’s chest upon hearing the news, a fake smile falling onto his features and watching the amber liquid swirl around half-melted ice cubes.
Seungcheol’s knowing gaze was enough to break down Mingyu’s walls. “I just can’t picture Y/N with somebody else.”
Meanwhile, you were desperate to break the string that tied you to Mingyu like a tetherball. Unfortunately, it was like a slow tear, with you fraying away at the other end of the string, and finally cutting yourself loose. It was too complicated, Mingyu didn’t want to pursue dating for fear that it would ruin the dynamic of the friend group, but you honestly couldn’t handle anything less than dating at this point. Mingyu was a kind, loving guy, but his lack of commitment frightened you, thus leading you to finally cut your ties as friends with benefits.
It was difficult, at least to say, as you were stuck with Mingyu regardless of how hard you tried to distance yourself. You saw him at Seungcheol’s pre-games, heard about how he made the final kill shot on the video game Seokmin was playing, scrolled past his recent Instagram post, and he just generally clouded your mind, remembering sweet things he’s done for you all these years as a friend.
You knew what you had to do, you had to start seeing other people, and you could no longer go to Mingyu with wishful thinking that you both were something more than just friends with benefits.
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Mingyu didn’t believe you when you declared that you couldn’t see him like this again for the first time. He didn’t believe you when you said you two could only be friends. Not when he had you like this, legs wrapped tightly around his waist and cock nuzzled deep inside you.
He refused to believe you, not at all, continuing to thrust slowly into you and nibbling on your tender skin. “You don’t mean that one bit, baby. I know you love this cock.”
You weren’t sure you believed your words either, but Mingyu’s words hit you right where it hurts. You did love his cock, but you weren’t sure that was just it. Suddenly, friends with benefits became way too complicated and overwhelming for you. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks, Mingyu being sure to kiss them away as he repeatedly hit that one spot deep inside of you that had you clenching tightly around him.
“Fuck, I do love your cock,” you moan out, admitting the very least for now, and trying to make the best of what you assume will be the last.
Mingyu’s lips capture yours, tasting slightly salty from the way he picked up your tears with gentle kisses. Mingyu groans into you as your nails dig into his skin, losing himself in the way your walls throb around him as he picks up his pace. He can’t stop kissing you, relentlessly fucking into you as your walls suck him in deeper, loving the way you whimper and moan into his mouth.
He knows you’re close, he knows your body better than anyone else does or ever will, and he’s confident of that. This is exactly why he doesn’t believe you, not believing that you two could ever go back to just being friends. Not when you both make each other feel this good.
Mingyu is calculated, a large hand running down your body until it finds its way to your clit and his rough thumb rubbing at your swollen clit. He knows you’ll finish like this, pulling away from the kiss to watch your face twist in pleasure, taking note of your slightly raw cheeks from your crying. You're still so beautiful, even when you're a mess beneath him.
He’s correct that you were nearing your finish, watching you come undone underneath him as he follows suit, releasing his hot cum inside of you as you both moan and groan in ecstasy.
You both fell asleep in each other’s arms that night, but Mingyu didn’t wake up with you beside him in the morning like he normally does. Maybe there was some truth in your words, but Mingyu didn’t believe you had it in you to hold out for long. Mingyu knew you’d come back to him eventually.
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It was annoying – infuriating actually – how you hadn’t looked up once from your phone, Mingyu wanted to wipe that stupid, cute smile off your face. He wondered if it annoyed your friends as well, how immersed you were with your phone that you couldn’t even enjoy the conversations taking place around you.
He realized it didn’t bother anyone except him, especially when Seokmin cooed upon noticing how flustered you seemed from a text message, “Looks like Y/N has the hots for someone finally.”
Mingyu had to suppress the jealously that bubbled up from deep down inside of him, hating the way his heart stammered at the adorable blush and shy smile that adorned your features.
Why couldn’t he do that? Why didn’t he make you that flustered? Why were you sticking to your words? Why were you seeing other people? And why is he just a friend to you again? Was it that simple for you?
Mingyu found himself kicking you gently underneath the table, yearning to touch you somehow as he has been missing it for quite some time now. You looked up from your phone for the first time in a while, your sparkling eyes catching his with a small smile that slowly became a scowl.
“What do you want, Gyu?” You mouthed from across the table, stubbornly taking a sip of your drink to avoid his gaze and knowing that you need to avoid him at all costs.
“Come get some air outside with me,” he’s pouting, and you can’t help but oblige. Even though you’re weak for him, you can’t ignore him since he is still technically one of your best friends.
You should have known that following him outside would have been a bad idea. The second Mingyu had you pressed up against the cool brick wall, whispering sweet nothings with his gentle tone should have had you running back inside the bar to your friends.
“Mingyu,” you pant out, his hot breath leaving a trail of goosebumps down your neck and his hands begin to gently roam your waist. “We can’t do this, I told you we can’t be anything more than friends.”
“You know that’s not true,” he breathes out after pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your jaw. “You can’t tell me you don’t want me as bad as I want you.”
He’s right, you can’t deny the way your hips keen into his, but you also can’t deny that your date is supposed to be picking you up from this bar any minute now. “Mingyu, I can’t, the person I’ve been seeing is on their way to come to get me, and you just have to respect my choices.”
Mingyu is like a kicked puppy, pulling away from you instantly with a look of betrayal, “You’re seriously seeing somebody else?”
“Yes, Gyu,” you sigh out, running a hand through your hair, not feeling prepared at all to have another conversation about lacking the commitment you need from him. “You know exactly why I’m seeing someone else.”
Those words stung Mingyu for the rest of the night. He did know why; he hated that he couldn’t give you what you wanted in the first place and hated that he couldn’t give you the sense of security that you needed. Mingyu didn’t understand why he couldn’t in the first place, he’d love to date you and would love to treat you the way you deserve. Nothing stung more than your words than watching you leave the bar after bidding everyone goodbye, giddy to be picked up by your date. Mingyu couldn’t help the way his hand lingered on your waist a little too long, and you yourself seemed a bit hesitant to leave Mingyu’s grasp as you left.
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Mingyu absolutely disliked seeing you around with your new fling. He hated when you’d bring them with to game nights or when you’d simply post a story at a café with them.
He absolutely despised when he had to sit around you two, listening to your melodious giggles and watching you lean in to whisper in their ear. Mingyu just wished he could tell you to never bring them around again because seriously, in comparison to him, he could 100% treat you better and he’d prove it if he could now.
Mingyu would attempt to sneak you away, his charm always winning you over, and he was usually successful in his attempts. He didn’t care if he looked like a dick to your date, he only cared about having you alone and being the one who made you smile.
Sometimes things would feel like they were back to normal, and you two would end up shamelessly flirting, which was always in the background of your friendship even before you two started hooking up. He’d find himself leaning into you, and he could swear that you’d lean towards him too, your lips almost like magnets as you’re pulled towards one another.
However, that moment would be ruined when you’d be swept away by your date once again. All Mingyu could do was watch you disappear into the crowd, feeling like he’s lost all chances at ever truly having you.
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Mingyu wasn’t sure what he was expecting when you showed up at his door late one night, storming right past him and welcoming yourself into his apartment before he could even question why you were there.
He couldn’t even get a word out, your hands had already grabbed the sides of his face and you wasted no time pulling him into a hungry kiss, full of passion and desire that you’d been suppressing for God knows how long.
No one fucked you the way Mingyu could. No one knew you the way Mingyu could. No one treated you the way Mingyu could.
Mingyu melted into you, arms wrapping greedily around you as if he never wanted to let you go ever again. In all honesty, he had started losing hope, truly starting to believe that you would stay true to your word of staying just friends.
However, tonight proved him none the wiser, you seemed desperate for him, pushing his tall frame that towered over you all the way to his bedroom. Frantically undressing yourself, Mingyu followed along and pulled off his own clothing as you stripped down to the bare minimum.
Mingyu released a sigh at seeing you in your full glory again, hands reaching out to caress your curves, but pouting when you shove his hands away.
“You’re going to take what I give you,” you command, pinning down his hands and straddling his thighs on his bed, “and you’re not going to complain once, or I’ll take my ass to someone else.”
Mingyu nods desperately, hips grinding up so that his erection can rub against your hot cunt. He almost lets out a whine, immediately noticing how wet you are already, and needing to feel the inside of you as soon as possible, or else he might burst. Tsking at him, you rise slightly as if to warn him, but you quickly drop back down on him, running his length through your folds and letting out a moan from the pleasure of having him this close to you again.
“God, Gyu,” you coo, holding his hands above his head and feeling dizzy at the way he bites down on his lip, your slick gliding against him as you grind down on his length, jumping slightly as the tip of his head brushes your clit. “You were right, I fucking love your cock, and I need it so bad.”
“You can have it, baby,” Mingyu groans, muscles tensing as you restrain him and needily grind against him. He could easily overpower you, but he loves when you lead like this. “Use me, make yourself cum on my cock.”
Your body shivers on top of him, and Mingyu can’t restrain himself from latching his lips on your pebbled nipples, basking in the way you writhe above him, and how your wetness makes you glide so easily over him.
You can’t wait any longer, one hand reaching down as another hand travels to his chest to balance yourself. You guide his length into your folds, your walls taking in his familiar length, even though he’s still too big to take in one go.
Mingyu lets you take your time, his hands tightly grip your hips, loving the way the plump flesh ripples from how harshly his fingers dig into your skin.  Simultaneously, you both let out a moan when you take him in completely, the tip of his head nuzzled deep inside of you as your walls pulse around him.
He attempts to buck up into you, but you hold him down, reminding him what you said earlier, “you’ll take what I give you, Gyu.”
Mingyu obeys, even when you begin to tease him with your hands running up his chest, cheeky fingers pinching at his nipples, and your tongue leaving a hot trail up to his neck. You do all this while rolling your hips against him, letting your walls adjust to his size as you nip and kiss at his skin until your lips finally reattach to his.
Mingyu can no longer keep his hands to himself, taking fistfuls of your ass, squeezing the muscle, and guiding you as you ride him. As much as you’d like to stay in control, you love the slight twinge of pain from his tight grip on you, and the pleasure that comes along with the friction of his length moving in and out of your tight pussy.
The kiss is messy as you continue to ride him, his teeth biting at your bottom lip and moaning when he grazes that spot inside of you that only he can reach. “Fuck, only you can fuck me like this, love everything about you.”
It’s a slight confession that you’ll regret in hindsight, but you don’t miss the way he matches your movements as you ride him, starry eyes staring up at you as you begin to lean back. Mingyu is convinced he’s in love himself, but he couldn’t admit that just now. In the meantime, he soaks in the way you lean back, chest on display for him as you hold onto his knees and continue to ride him expertly.
He swears you’re beautiful just like this (even though you’re beautiful all the time, admittedly). He would have never imagined that his best friend could take him so well, fuck him so well, and make his stomach flutter and head rush like how you do.
Mingyu almost loses it when you pull his body up to yours, the push of your chest against his and the feeling of your skin making him impossibly harder inside of you. You use his shoulders as support, bouncing up and down on his cock and letting his lips work at your skin.
You can tell he’s close, from the bead of sweat that runs down his chest, from the way he throbs inside of you, and from the pathetic whiney moan that escapes his lips. His hands become desperate, palming at your skin wherever he can grab and make you moan. You continue to breathe out praises to him, letting him know that you couldn’t ever get enough of his cock, that it’s perfect for you, and that he’s such a good toy.
Mingyu cums inside of you from all the praise, unable to hold back the hot ropes that fill you as your walls clench impossibly tighter around him. Watching and hearing him lose himself so pathetically beneath you has you finishing with him, your body shaking with his as he fills you deep inside. You both shiver upon lifting from him, watching the cum drip from your folds as you hold yourself above him, Mingyu dropping a finger down to your core to collect himself and pump it back in between your swollen folds.
Mingyu doesn’t let you go that night, hands roaming your body and lips constantly reconnecting with yours until you both fall asleep in each other’s arms.
That next morning Mingyu was relieved to find you next to him. Mingyu couldn’t hide the smirk on his face when you rolled over to cuddle closer to him, knowing that you couldn’t ever hold out from him no matter what.
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Seungcheol had kept a close eye on you two these past couple of months, knowing exactly when you and Mingyu had started hooking up, knowing exactly when things got weird (hence the dating), and exactly when you two were back at it. He was sick of you two skirting around everyone, eyeing you both suspiciously as Mingyu shyly flirted with you at the bar.
Seungcheol almost felt bad for the poor guy, knowing he just needed the push to ask you out for real, and knowing that Mingyu was helplessly head over heels for you. Mingyu was alarmed when Seungcheol firmly placed a hand on his shoulder, pulling him away from you for the first time that night.
Leaning toward Mingyu, Seungcheol whispered a warning in his ear, “I swear to god, if you don’t ask Y/N out by next weekend, I’ll beat your ass for making it weird for all of us here.”
Mingyu couldn’t stop the toothy smile that took over his features, sending a wink Seungcheol’s way, “believe me, I’m working on it. There will be no more ‘somebody else’ by next weekend.”
Making sure to stick to his word, Mingyu no longer let anybody else into your heart other than him.
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thisisourlovestory · 5 months
Safe and Sound
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Finnick Odair x reader soulmate AU
Summary: you are a victor from district 4. The Quarter Quell has just been announced. How will you cope with the turn of events coming your way.
Word count- 2.8k
Notes: Happy New Year! Hope you enjoy this one. My phone deleted half of it so I had to rewrite it but that worked in my favour and I think it’s better than it was
Chapter 3
The next morning I was awoken by knocking at my door. Assuming it to be Lysander I ignored it and took my sweet time getting ready, taking a long shower under burning water, brushing my teeth vigorously, loosely clipping back the front strands of my hair and slipping on a pale blue dress from the wardrobe in the wall before making my way to the dining area. I followed the smell of freshly cooked bacon and pancakes, my mouth watering as I sat down and took a few pancakes, stacking them up, cutting a slab of butter that melted as soon as I dropped it on top, drizzling sticky sweet syrup over them and layering bacon on top. I grabbed a fork and dug into my towering pillar of food, the salty bacon contrasting with the sugary syrup. I polished it off in no time at all and reached for the piles of jewel like fruits, stacked in tiny ceramic bowls in the centre of the table. I had just bit into a slice of watermelon, pink juice dripping down the corner of my mouth, when Mags walked in with Lysander who flaunted a garish purple and gold striped suit and he began to speak as loudly as ever as I quickly wiped my chin.
“Good morning!” My head hit the table.
“Goodness Y/N, did you not get enough sleep last night?” He asked, looking at me with slight concern.
“I'm fine thank you for asking,” I answered, “Just woke up a bit too early.” I rubbed my head, smiling sheepishly and his gaze softened.
“That simply won't do!” He exclaimed, “We need you to be on top form for when you’re in the arena.”
“Lysander.” I called out softly, interrupting what was sure to be a long tirade. “I… I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for my outburst yesterday. I don't know what I was thinking. I suppose, well I suppose I was just a little overwhelmed by all this. I hope you can forgive me. “ I twisted a strand of my hair in my fingers and he took the bait immediately. I could almost see what he was thinking. Such a kind girl, she must be terrified, very sweet of her to apologise. His eyes gained a look of sympathy as he raised a hand to his heart and walked over to me.
“It's quite alright dear, no need for apologies. I completely understand you must be feeling absolutely terrified of all this. You did such a kind thing volunteering for Miss Cresta, so selfless, dear and I’m sure she appreciates it very much.” I nodded, going back to my food, and he clapped. “Now that's all sorted out, we need a plan for you.” He looked me up and down, assessing me as Mags grinned into her bowl at the look on my face. “I'm thinking we play the innocent card, the fact you were so young when you won will help with that a lot. You are one of the youngest in the games this year after all. We simply must also use the fact that you are a true performer and ballet is such a beautiful art form indeed so,” he turned to Mags, “I propose we paint her as an angel.”
I choked on a piece of watermelon, the apprehension on my face giving way to horror. Mags patted me gently on the back and I straightened in my seat, sending a grateful smile her way as Lysander continued, lost in his own world.
“Of course only your stylist can decide this but I’m fairly certain I can put in a word and if they didn't already have the same idea after watching the reaping then I'll eat my hat.” I eyed the purple monstrosity on his head and imagined it being stuffed into his mouth, wondering if maybe that would be the thing that would finally shut him up. I wanted to scream at him, tell him that I was no angel and he was a monster for finding some kind of pleasure in this, deciding what part I should play as I die. Instead I just smiled slightly and lowered my head to stop him from seeing the tears in my eyes. At that second Finnick walked in and Lysander's attention was immediately drawn to him. I sat silently as he practically interrogated him, asking how he was feeling, if he thought he could win. The answers were short, not letting anything interesting slip but giving enough to satisfy Lysander and fool him into thinking he was basically his new best friend. I zoned out part way through Lysanders rant about what the Gamemakers would throw at us this year- as if we hadn't all been thinking about it since they were announced. Suddenly, I was brought back to reality by the sound of my name.
“Y/N, Y/N.” I blinked and my gaze shifted to Lysander.
“Sorry.” I muttered
“Quite alright dear, you must be tired if you didn't get enough sleep. We're going to watch the games you were both in, for reference.” My mind didn't register the words and I simply nodded before I realised what he had said and my eyes widened in shock.
We watched Finnicks first, since he won before me. From the reaping all the way through to the crowning ceremony. He was confident in the interviews, dressed in the most impeccable suit and tie, clearly designed to show off his beauty, laughing at Caesar Flickerman's comments and responding with his own witty quips, not just a pretty face at all. Then utterly deadly in the arena. For the first few days he had lain low, not much excitement but enough to keep sponsors interested. Then he got the trident, the most expensive gift ever seen, and it was over. District 4 was fishing after all, and it seemed Finnick Odair was born to wield the trident. He captured tribute after tribute in a net and killed them all, offering no mercy. And finally the last cannon went off announcing him the winner. Fourteen years old and he had won, the youngest victor, the most handsome victor, the Capitol darling. Finnick Odair. If he was that good back then, I had no doubt he would be extraordinary now. He had it all as well, the looks which first made the Capitol love him, he was intelligent, and undoubtedly one of the best fighters that would be going into the arena. Mags and I sat there speechless as Lysander congratulated Finnick endlessly.
“And how you used that trident, extraordinary! I don't believe you'll struggle in these games now that you've had ten years to practise.” I could only think of how young he'd been, how he'd been forced to grow up so quickly after, how he'd won- but what was the cost?
Then my games were switched on; I saw myself going through it all over again. The walk up to the stage after my name was called, all eyes on me. The chariot ride where they had dressed me up as a mermaid, all shimmering fabrics and a golden crown. The interview, where Caesar asked me questions about my life back home and I answered quietly, barely audible, playing the sweet little girl as I danced for them momentarily. The arena, my frightened face as the boy from 10 died in front of me, running and hiding. Then a cut to as I made my first kills, I saw the light leave their eyes as the blood left their bodies. Another cut, to the chase and confrontation with Arion, the second the knife left my hand I closed my eyes and the thud as it hit him echoed in my ears.
They showed the crowning ceremony last, I stood calmly on the dais with my hands clasped in front of my body. I had been made to wear a white dress that fell to my knees and had a red bow tied around it. The same red adorned the pins in my hair, shaped like roses, and the single gem hanging from a silver chain around my neck. The significance was not lost on me, young as I was. I had killed three people in the arena so I wore three pieces of red. One for each of them, the crimson colour their blood on my hands. President Snow walked up slowly and placed the golden laurels on my head. He looked down at me, a small smile on his face as I gazed up at him, he whispered something that only I could hear. Words that left me pale and confused, words that could have been good but in the circumstances only sounded like the promise of a life of pain. His mouth moved on the screen and I read his lips.
“The Capitol will love you.” He stepped away and proclaimed me their victor. And it struck me how I looked so tiny compared to him and everyone around me, as the Capitol roared with applause and my big eyes stared out over them, disbelieving and uncertain before the tape ended leaving the compartment in silence.
I shoved my seat back, the legs screeching on the floor, and stood up quickly. Everyone turned to face me as I stayed still for a second.
“Y/N.” Lysander began but I cut him off.
“No, I just, I need to, I can't.” My brain was jumbled, old memories being dragged to the surface unwillingly. So I turned and I ran.
I sprinted along the train, pushing doors open as I ran through the compartments. Avoxes jumped out of my way as I barreled past them, looking at me in curiosity. I came to the end of the train and held my hands in front of me to push through the doors. I crashed through them and fell into the railing. I gripped onto the cold metal as if it was the only thing keeping me in reality, the wind rushed past me and my hair floated in front of me, strands whipping in the cold air. I could barely see, tears blurring my vision and hair covering my face. I took a shuddering breath, letting the cold air flood my lungs, and I broke. I cried and cried and cried. Letting out everything that I had kept bottled up for seven years. I had cried before, that day on the cliffs, that was for the games, for the fact that it was happening all over again for so many people across Panem. But this. This was for me. For every pain I had endured since I won, the evenings spent dancing and singing under lights focused solely on me, the fear of making a mistake stopping me from enjoying it fully, the nights spent alone, unable to sleep because of the nightmares, the days spent wandering around like a lost soul, wondering if it would ever be better than what it was.
So I cried for myself, in one selfish moment I allowed myself to only care about myself. Tears dripped down my face, droplets falling on the railing for what felt like forever. Eventually my throat grew raw and my eyes seemed to run out of tears to cry. I dropped my head forwards into my hands and my eyes glazed over with the memories I had suppressed.
I was no longer on the train headed to the Capitol. I was in the arena. Perched on an icy tree branch, pressed against the tree trunk to keep from slipping off. Hidden by the frozen leaves in the white fluffy clothing they had given us to wear. A tribute ran underneath my hiding spot, running away from something, two others followed chasing him. I immediately recognised them as career tributes, this was all just a game of cat and mouse to them. And they caught him. I shoved a piece of cloth in my mouth to stop myself from letting out any noise that would give myself away and clapped my hands over my ears to block out the noise of his screaming in pain and crying out for help from someone as they ripped into him, their laughter echoing in the otherwise silent forest. A warning that they were on the hunt and if you valued your life you would get out of there as soon as possible.
I had stayed in that tree for the first few days until I was eventually forced to move when the gamemakers released mutts into the arena. Great big slobbering beasts that lumbered along harmlessly until someone tried to kill one. Then all hell had broken loose as they chased tributes up trees and then hurled themselves unrelentingly at them, bringing them down and mauling them beyond recognition. They brought about the deaths of five tributes before they just disappeared, presumably called back out after doing their job.
I snapped out of my daze as I felt someone standing next to me. My gaze cleared as I pushed the memories back into a locked box in my mind. I didn’t need to look to know who it was, the mark on my wrist burning and on instinct I pulled my sleeve down and took a small step to the side to lessen the sting. It eased immediately from the small distance between us and faded to a dull throbbing. Finnick said nothing at my movement and we just looked out over the passing countryside, rolling green fields, trees that touched the sky and vast lakes stretching beyond the horizon. We stayed like that, peaceful, just taking it all in until he finally broke the silence.
“You were so young.”
I smiled bitterly, resting my chin on my open palm propped up on the railing.
“We all were but we had no choice. They just want to watch their games. And they don’t care if innocent children die so they can have them.” I laughed slightly. “Then they get the one that lives.” I shook my head, my fingers tightening on the rail, the cold metal biting into my skin. “They get to kill us then they get to keep us.” I turned around, leaning backwards onto the railing and looked up, watching the clouds move slowly away in the blue sea of the sky. Then the Capitol came into view, towering buildings taking up the skyline, marring it with grey,
“I'm going to go back in,” Finnick said, following my line of vision, “You should as well.” With that he stepped back into the train, not sparing a second glance as I watched him walk through a set of doors and out of sight. I relaxed as he left and stayed in my position, head tilted skywards, eyes closed until I felt tiny drops of water on my face. I opened my eyes to see rain falling, a light drizzle but enough to dampen my clothes and hair, I laughed slightly and walked inside, the warmth hitting me in a blast. I hadn't realised how cold I'd been before but the heat warmed me and my clothes quickly dried off. I looked over my shoulder as I walked through the doors that slid open, the rain pattering on the windows lightly, a last glimpse of normality.
I quickly made my way through the train, hearing Lysander screeching at unfortunate avoxes to find me as if I was missing and he had no idea where to find me. I stepped into the compartment to see him looking frazzled, he immediately caught sight of me standing unsurely at the edge of the room and gave a dramatic sigh of relief.
“Not to worry everyone she's here.” The train jolted to a stop. “We have arrived.” Lysander practically squealed and eyed me.” Dear, you should just fluff out your hair a bit, and try to look happy for the cameras.” I nod my head once and plaster a smile on my face. He nodded in approval.
We made our way to the doors. Finnick and I stood either side of Lysander and Mags was just behind us. I can see people through the windows already, screaming and shouting with excitement.
“Now everyone, remember this is the first time they will see you so make sure to leave a good impression. That means smile and wave, blow a few kisses if you have to.” Lysander told us, focusing his words mostly on me. A bell rang and he quickly turned around to me, perfecting everything he could see wrong, the tiniest hair out of place, my sleeves at different lengths and pushing my cheeks into a smile. Facing forward just in time as the doors slid open and we stepped out into the masses.
@nekee-lilac02 @hinata7346 @bambikitten @the-lonely-abyss @mxacegrey @m-maxie-ie @not-aya @camatchoum @maw1dk @avoxrising @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @somdreamy @thehairington86 @millzluvrs @val-writesstuff @erindiggory @reader-bookling123 @elisa20beth @maxinehufflepuffprincess @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @mystargirl-interlude @ponkaniee @missunicorn @purplelavin @user123453226780536 @littleanubis21
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Sweet & Salty
I'm feeling a bit sad today so wanted some comfort... Sebastian x (afab) reader, Stardew Valley, Fluffity fluff Warnings: Mention of recreational drug use
It’s been a day. You’d sat down heavily on your porch steps, trying to keep the tears at bay. You should probably go mope in your bed, instead of staring at the land that is causing you so much distress. Despite your carefully placed scarecrow, you must’ve miscalculated the distance because the crows have still had a go at your most recent plantings and that’s hard-earned money down the drain - again. You’ve been here two months now and, surely, by now you should know better. The farm has been somewhat transformed since you arrived - a mass of weeds, stone and dead branches - but it’s nowhere near how you remember it in your grandpa’s heyday. He would’ve never made such a rudimentary error in his scarecrow placement.
Some of the fences around your crop patches have started to erode too – it won’t be long until they need replaced, but you’re trying to save up your wood supplies to put in a coop from Robyn. You desperately want to add chickens to the farm as eggs would be steady income – or at least you reckon – but you also don’t want them pecking at your crops alongside the crows, so having a fence seems important too. Your endless to-do list swirls around your head again. Why’s everything so hard?
It's not just your failings on the farm on your mind, but also your lack at making any real friends around here. Shane glared at you this morning as he headed off to work. That’s not unusual, despite your best efforts of a smile and a friendly greeting. Then Haley looked you up and down, judging your dirty dungarees. You’d only popped into town to get some seeds from Pierre’s. It didn’t make sense to get changed… Elliott is sweet but locked away in his cabin most of the time, Emily in her own little world… Sebastian, Sam and Abigail have invited you to play pool with them, but they’re such a tight-knit group and you always feel like you’re missing out on the joke, especially when you were partnered up with Sebastian. He’d been teaching you how to hold the cue correctly, leaning over you, his breath tickling your ear. Sam and Abigail kept nudging each other and whispering, but you couldn’t catch what about and it was clear Sebastian was becoming irritated. You’d begun to think they were making fun of your abysmal pool skills.
Ugh. Your emotions are a rollercoaster and the twisting pain in your stomach reminds you why – stupid period. It emerged with a vengeance this morning. It had stopped in your last months of JoJo Corp. There was no chance you were pregnant, your last intimate relationship fizzling out a year previously, though you’d taken tests just to be sure. The doctor in Zuzu City said you were stressed, burnt out… that it would return once you were feeling better in yourself. So why had it returned now, of all times? You feel more stressed and burnt out than ever before, regretting ever moving here. Why did you think you could become a farmer…?!
The barrier finally breaks and you let out a sob, hugging your knees.
To your shame, there’s a scuffing footstep and your heart stops as you look up, worried who’s seen your breakdown.
“Sebastian?” You sniff. You’re tempted to rub the tears from your cheeks but maybe he hasn’t noticed in the evening light. The black-haired man is standing there looking sheepish, a brown paper bag from Pierre’s clutched in his hands.
“Er, hey…” He’s not meeting your eyes. Poor boy probably wants to run. “Sorry, I… I was just leaving Sam’s and I didn’t want to go through town and see everyone, so I thought I’d take the scenic route back home through your farm…”
“Oh.” You mumble, waving him on. “That’s okay. Go ahead.”
He takes a step as if to go on his way, but then hesitates. “Are… Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah,” you plaster a smile on, which you’re sure makes you look ridiculous as the stupid tears are still flowing. “I’m just being silly. Don’t let me keep you.”
He stares at you for a moment, before a sympathetic smile graces his lips. “You’re a terrible liar, you know?”
“I’m not ly- Ow!” You flinch as your stomach cramps terribly and you squeeze your arms around it, hoping in some way it might alleviate the pain.
Sebastian is suddenly at your side – the paper bag from Pierre’s dropped to the ground. He’s kneeling down on the first porch step with a frown on his face. “Whoa, are you hurt? I can get Harvey…” His hand hovers over your arm,
“No, honestly, I’m fine…” You try and wave him off again with one hand, the other arm still wrapped around your stomach.
He stares at you, a raised eyebrow. He seems to be putting the clues together – the wincing, clutching your stomach, the tears… He nods, making up his mind and gets to his feet, picking up the discarded bag from Pierre’s as he does so.
“Come on, let’s get you inside.” He offers you his free hand.
“Thank you, but I’ll be okay. You get on home…”
“Farmer, I know I’m probably not the person you want to see right now, but let me help you out, okay? I can’t go home and just leave crying on your porch.” He waves his offered hand again. You look at Sebastian, hesitantly. He looks genuine, at least, but there’s something a little off about him tonight… Heck, you’ve already made a fool of yourself enough, so what’s one more thing?
This time you accept his hand and he easily pulls you to your feet and leads you up to your door. He opens it – you’d easily adapted to the habit of leaving the front door unlocked since moving to Pelican Valley.
You go to open your mouth, to tell Sebastian thank you, but he can go now. You’re inside, you’ll go to bed and pretend this never happened.
“Sit down.” He orders, pointing at your bed. “You like hot chocolate, right?” You wonder how he knows that, how he knows you have a stash. Had you mentioned it at the saloon before? “I’ll make you a cup.”
“But you don’t know where…”
“I’ll find it. Sit!” He pushes you gently towards the bed and you do sit, keeping a wary eye. To be honest, it is quite easy to find your cups and kettle. Robyn had advertised an extension to you but you don’t even want to think about the price and the materials needed. For now – perhaps even for the rest of your life - you’ve got a cupboard filled with crockery and silverware. The fire’s roaring away, you’re thankful you’d lit it earlier to try and make it cosy ahead of going to bed later on. The cabin always had a slight chill at night. Sebastian retrieves a mug and spoon, scooping the hot chocolate powder into the mug, fills the kettle with water from the jug you keep besides the cupboard, before taking it over to the fire to heat.
“Do you have a hot water bottle?” He asks over his shoulder.
“Hot water bottle.” He enunciates.
“Y-yeah, I think it’s under my bed. Let me…” Before you can bend down, he drops to his knees and Sebastian is now crawling under the bedframe to retrieve it. You pull your legs up off the floor to the bed, not sure what to say.
He reverses back out, holding the fluffy hot water bottle in the air triumphantly, and gets back to his feet. “Finally, where do you keep the snacks?”
“I don’t have any. Sorry, I wasn’t really expecting to entertain.”
“Not for me,” a chuckle – it sounds a little odd coming from him - “..for you!”
“For me?” He’s acting so weird.
But he’s not listening, already rummaging around the brown bag from Pierre’s. He walks over to the sofa and empties the contents besides you – there’s a couple of packs of chips, cookies and candy. “Ta-da!”
You look at the assembled junk food and back up at the black-haired man, noticing his blood-shot eyes.
“You’re high.”
Sebastian laughs again, rubbing the back of his head. “Guilty. Is that a problem?”
“No, it just… explains a lot.” You wince again as the kettle on the fire whistles. Sebastian grabs the mitt you keep nearby for that exact purpose and places it on his hand, removing the kettle from the fire and placing it down on the hearth. Methodically, he pours some hot water in the hot water bottle, tightening the cap, before pouring some in in the cup he retrieved, stirring the hot chocolate powder until it dissolves. Once he seems happy with his work, he brings the two over to you on the bed.
“Okay, since you worked out my thing, it’s my turn. Time of the month, right?” He flops down next to you on the bed, ripping open a bag of chips. “My sympathies.” It feels surreal as he holds the bag towards you and you take a handful – maybe junk food would make you feel better, and the warmth of the hot water bottle is soothing too now against your sore tummy.
The only sound for a few moments is the rustle of the chip package and the crunching of said chips. You take a sip of hot chocolate, probably a weird combination at that moment in time, but it’s working.
“Mm?” You’ve caught him with his mouth full.
“How are you so good at this?”
“Erm…” He swallows. “Well, I guess cos I have a sister and a mom… and a friend named Abigail.” He replies in a teasing tone. “Maru and Abi usually just get super pissy though. Mom’s the crier.” Sebastian leans forward and grabs the blanket off the end of your bed, throwing it over the both of your laps in a smooth motion. Who knew he could turn into a right chatterbox? “Wanna watch some TV?” He picks up the remote control and turns it on without waiting for a response, flipping through the channels. “Do you have a preference? Nothing deters Abi from horror, Mom and Maru go chick-flick mad…”
You burst into tears again.
“Whoa, okay, no TV! That’s fair too.”
“N-no, it’s n-not that.” You let out a shuddering breath. “Why are you being so nice?”
“Because we’re friends…?”
“No, everyone hates me here.” You know you’re being irrational now, but the floodgates have well and truly opened.
“Come on, you know that’s not exactly true.” His face looks serious now.
“It is. I don’t know what I was thinking – I worked in customer support, why did I think I could farm the land? I’m going to be broke by the end of winter if I lose another batch of crops and this town is so tight-knit that they’re never going to like me being here.”
“I like you being here.”
“No, you’re just saying that because you feel sorry for me.” You go to take another handful of chips, but he snatches the bag out of your reach indignantly.
“I am not.”
“You are.” You clip back.
Sebastian lets out a huff in frustration and he acts before he can even consider the consequences. He puts a hand on the side of your face, turning it slightly and presses a gentle kiss on your lips for a moment or two, immediately causing your tears to cease.
“Would I kiss you if I didn’t like you?”
“I…” You don’t have any words.
He swipes his tongue over his lips. “Mm, salty. That’s not how I expected our first kiss to go, I’ll be honest.”
“Our first kiss?” Your face is on fire. It has to be on fire, why else would it feel so hot?
“Yeah, well, I told you I like you, didn’t I?” He grins, before it drops. “Though I’ve just realized that you probably don’t like me like that, I’m high, and now I’ve made this a hundred times wor-…”
You cut him off, caressing his lips with your own for a moment.
“No. I like you too.”
“Well, that’s that settled, then, isn’t it?” He leans back, a smug look on his face before he grabs the packet of candy. “Shall we see what a sweet kiss tastes like next?”
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi I'm also running an event for x reader fics to celebrate 200 followers, so please check it out and send in your requests.
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afreakingdork · 1 month
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Yeah, I'm not taking this sitting down. Man, I really am not trying to have beef out here, but I refuse to have my good fucking name tarnished. To make a public post about me? Yeah, I'm going to share my side. The facts are as such:
I approached wolf on 12/20/23 about a NSFW commission inspired by one of their works. It would feature my sona and an aged up Donnie. As they mentioned, our initial conversation was good. We went back and forth during the sketch phase and I requested quite a lot of edits. I asked if I could pay them for these corrections.
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it was right after this that wolf asked about Donnie's battle shell since it wasn't illustrated.
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After this message, I did not hear back from wolf after 2/9/24 until I sent them a follow-up message 3/27/24
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I did not hear back from wolf until today 5/6/24.
Now I cannot share the images of the art I received because it is NSFW, but I can tell you that the grey from my sona's body appeared to be missing. The ears of my sona were grey, but the body only looked yellow. Donnie was missing his purple arm marks, and his knee pads were still the same only now they were colored in black along with his mask. From here I will just send the conversation in its entirety.
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For reference, this was the reference sheet they had.
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I was then sent two pieces where the grey on my sona was very obvious and Donnie's markings were now present with the following text.
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Now again, I wish I could show you the pieces, but I can't. I was offered a 50% refund for my troubles, but I was not interested in taking it because wolf had already done all the work.
I will say that I was extremely frustrated with the whole affair so the next part I will admit was a bit salty because while corrections had been made, I wasn't able to give any input so there were still mistakes in my sona's colors (specifically the underside of the tail was yellow instead of white and my grey arm had one side yellow) and Donnie's mask was still black. The following is our last correspondence on my blog.
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This would have been the end of it for me. Except, I did not get the email. I waited in hopes it would come in, but none did. Since I was blocked I was forced to reach out from one of my side blogs @thisgoesouttoyoubaby which feel free to check. it's my reblog sideblog that I use to send my bestie memes. It dates back YEARS and is not used for spam.
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As you can see I was blocked here.
Now I have been refreshing my email feed waiting. I know emails can take time, but I have no way to confirm if I'm getting my work because I was immediately blocked on thisgoesouttoyou with no response.
So I used another sideblog, this time @plowingon which you can again, freely search, its not a spam blog, but a blog I once made to record the live of my old german shepherd I had years ago when he was getting older.
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And wouldn't you know it, I got my first email from wolf at
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Coincidentally, only after I sent my last message to them.
Now I'm not interested in hurting wolf's reputation. I think you should still commission them if you'd like. I still am a fan of their art. I have no ill will, but fuck if I will stand by as someone tells me that I won't pay an artist. I never even said i wouldn't pay. I was just frustrated because they wouldn't follow their own three correction rule. They allowed me no recourse, and then they were petty before I could even confirm that I received the email.
Could I have been nicer?
Of course.
Could I have been more clear?
But there is no world in which I tried to gaslight anyone. I pride myself on my honesty. I was not shy when paying them. I sent payment before we even began. I offered to pay them more and acknowledged I was a needy customer halfway through. So I apologize for this long post, but I wanted to make sure all of this was visible because how dare you call me a scammer, wolf.
You disappoint me.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Yoo, can I request sub!wild w/ reader? i was thinking like reader could just be teasing him by sucking on his neck, marking him up, ykyk and he's below them desperately trying to grind up against them. bonus points if he comes untouched >:)
have a good day!! or night!! or evening!!!!
You have a good day as well, anon! You absolutely can request that. I mean my favorite boy, being a big ol' sub? Sign me the F U C K up. This is also kind of an apology since my last Wild bit kind of, admittedly, wasn't up to my own standards. It was rushed and not as polished as I normally like. It was deleted twice and I was just over it at that point but that's no excuse. Anyway, I hope this makes up for it, Darling!
And you know I'm going for those bonus points.
Smut, so 18+, MDNI.
Smut CW: Wild is a subby baby boy, you edge him a little, he busts a little prematurely with no touching (BONUS POINTS), and you know me. He cries just a little.
His Home
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The difference in the way people treated him varied. It varied a lot. It ranged from people taking one look at his scars and treating him like some form of monster that had escaped from it's cage to people automatically bowing to his every whim-- deeming him some form of warrior who had faced battles far past their comprehension. Some people tried to hide their whispers behind cupped hands and side glances while others outwardly made their disgust known.
It was just the way it was.
At least in his Hyrule, however, he had a safe haven. A home. A place he could go to, to hide and recollect himself enough that dealing with the public was palatable once more. The civilians of his Hyrule knew he was the Hero, yes, but that didn't stop them. They still talked about how he had failed. How he was a century too late. How it didn't matter what he did, because they had grown accustomed to the Calamity. That he had done it for his own pride when that wasn't the case at all. Of course, he knew why he did it. He did it to avenge the fallen champions. He did it to free Flora, who had been fighting non-stop for a hundred years. He did it to ensure his home remained safe and sound.
Because you were his home. You were his sanctuary. You were the one to collect him into your arms and hold him close, gently whispering soft comforts into his ear, the one who was humming a half-remembered lullaby to sooth his nightmares. You remained a stone pillar of patience and comfort for him to follow. Like a beacon calling him to his Goddess.
Then he was dragged away from his home. He went kicking and screaming, make no doubt about it, but it didn't stop that Fraud from pulling him away. He was dropped with his sword brothers, which was...fine (Fine was a good word for it). But they weren't you. They had nothing on you. They could dream of being half of the comfort you were.
That wasn't even the worst of it, however. No, the worst was the face that he had now lost his safety blanket. His one hold over his own crumbling sanity was eons away and the only way he could even hope to reach them was through luck alone and Hylia's filthy grace.
Neither of which he would bet any amount of rupees on. If he were a betting man, that was. But he wasn't.
He wouldn't bet anything on making it back to you in a timely manner.
But life had a way of surprising him, he supposed, as he blinked bleary eyes open only to find familiar surroundings. The stale smell of the forest, the cool feeling of dew and dirt under his palms, even the drifty breeze flowing through his hair. It was all enough to remind him that while he wasn't quite home just yet he was close. Closer than he had been in so long.
He could practically taste you on his tongue already, the salty tang of your sweat; hear the lustrous harmony of all the sounds he could pluck from you. Just thinking about the heat of your skin under his palms, smooth and unmarred unlike his own, had him buzzing with epinephrine. He was sure even the others could pin something was different with him as the minute they entered Hateno they had wandered off to the inn and allowed him to wander off. Which was perfectly fine with him.
He had it all planned out as well. He'd get home, scoop you into his arms tight enough you would never doubt his love for you. His absolute devotion to your being. How nothing, not even time itself, could separate the two of you. Nothing could keep him from you.
Then he'd pepper an absolute flurry of kisses all over your face, neck, anywhere he could reach, just to hear your giggles ring out in pure glee. Feel your arms wrap around his own neck, fighting to return the affection only for him to make the action nearly impossible. How could he break apart from you long enough?
Of course, he would, only to press your lips together in a heart stopping kiss. Just so you could steal his very breath from his lungs. And he'd let it happen. Just to make you happy.
It didn't happen. The reason you and him paired so well together was because you surprised him at every turn. At any given point you could turn him onto his head and throw him for a loop. And he lived for it. The excitement and the rush of following you into unknown waters. It was so addicting.
This was all proven when instead of him trapping you in his arms, you pounced first-- as if waiting for him by the door. You didn't even give him the chance to act before wrapping your arms around his neck, crashing your lips together in a flurry of desire and fondness. Distance does make the heart grown fonder or something, he didn't know. His brain had began the shut-down process, too overwhelmed on emotions and a lack of blood.
When you dragged him to the stairs leading to the loft, positively filthy promises leaving your lips making him stutter. His heart was in his throat, pumping wildly in an effort to make up for all of his blood rushing to his cock-- which stirred to life in his pants.
He hadn't even known he was so pent up until you were pinning him to the bed, hips a familiar weight against his as you dragged your clothed core over his own. It was like being hurdled into the deep end within seconds as something hot and fiery and untampered roared to life in his veins.
His hips bucked wildly, aching for some sort of friction that he desperately needed. He would take anything you gave him, of course, but couldn't you take mercy on his poor, tattered soul? He would slaughter Ganon a million times over should you just lower yourself a bit more. Just give him a little more, please.
The feelings of your lips on his neck had him jolting as his own hands latched onto your hips in a positively bruising grip. Teeth gently nipping at skin before your molten tongue was lapping at the indents, soothing the slight sting. It was all so erotic, positively prurient, and he could barely contain himself. He knew he was whining. High keens full of begging and pleading pleas. He knew he was whimpering. Bordering on too overstimulated to actually do anything, but not stimulated enough to actually burst. It all felt tight and frustrating, with salty tears pooling in the corners of his eyes.
"Wildflower, please-" He cried out, nails clawing up your back as you moved from the hickey you had previously been working on to an unmarked patch of skin. You hummed against him before gently snapping your teeth on the skin again.
It was too much, but not enough. Just enough to keep him right there, but not enough to teeter over, not yet. At least you seemed to take into account his plea, humming in consideration against his skin before pulling off with a positively lewd pop. You weight settled onto his lap, at long last, before you were returning to your previous endeavor.
It only too one roll.
One roll of your hips, plump and perfect, with just enough weight to stoke his cock in just the right way. One salacious rock of your lower body, pushing against his own in a rush of lust and heat. One roll to have him absolutely shattering underneath of you.
Just the push he needed to have him jutting up into you, in an embarrassingly juvenile move, crying out in pure ecstasy with fat tears finally rolling his cheeks. It was an uncomfortable feeling to be reminded of how tightly wound up he was, but to be reminded of how tightly around your finger he was wound? It was pure bliss. To know that he was yours in such a way that you didn't even have to touch him to have him coming undone was salacious enough to have him remaining hard.
To know that you were such a comfort to him, his home, to have him this `devout to you was enough to have him restarting his entire being as fast as he possibly could if only to pin your stunned form beneath him.
He had to show his faith somehow, didn't he?
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bokettochild · 6 months
Okay, so I'm writing things from Sky's perspective for the first time in what feels like years (maybe it has been years? the last notable Sky POV I can remember is from Feathered which I finished I year and a half ago) and I have thoughts!
Legend is not the person who resents the goddesses. My boy is literally besties with Din and Nayru, probably Farore too. Who knows about his thoughts on Hylia honestly, but you know who is salty about Hylia? Sky. Sky is so salty about Hylia. The goddesses toyed with him and Zelda like puppets with no cares for how it would destroy them, only that it would turn out how they want. Hylia is the definition of "end justifies the means" in Sky's mind, and he resents her for it.
Sky does not appreciate anyone making any implications that he is dating Hylia, in love with Hylia, or anything of the sort. My man will throw down with anyone who tries to say that Zelda is Hylia. They are two different people, thank you very much! His brothers are not him, and Hylia' incarnations are not her.
Sky finds relief in the Chain because he is not the only hero anymore. On skyloft, he's now an important person, a hero and not just a knight. He did not sign up for this, he's fresh out of school and he is overwhelmed by the expectations and responsibilities that come from being the hero. Being with the chain is a relief because they're all heroes too.
Sky is experiencing burn-out. The sleepiness? Yeah, that's the burn out, Gifted kid burn-out maybe, maybe just exhaustion from the expectations on him, but it's burn out. he's glad no one gets on him for it now. The others laugh at it a bit, but no one thinks he's lazy and it's nice to be allowed to have his rest without consequences now.
Sky is more used to talking to Fi than anyone else, so he's developed certain ticks and cues that he used on Fi to express things (like asking her to stop talking or to redirect her when he wa suncomfortable), but which don't translate as well to talking to Hylians. Most of this is because it involves fidgeting with his sword, not an acceptable method of communication between friends.
To continue the above, Legend, who also talks to Fi, DOES catch some of the ticks because he uses them too. Different, yes, but they're both pretty similar on that front (to the point it's nostalgic for Fi when she talks to Legend because he reminds her of Sky). Does this mean that they understand certain cues the others don't even notice? Yes. They don't even realize they're doing it but it's part of how they've learned to get along already; because they use similar communication styles that no one else does so it adds a whole different level of easier communication between them.
Sky has trouble with communication with Time specifically. he's wary about discussing some topics (their adventures, the goddesses, his sword) but also just struggles to read Time in general.
Sky admires Twilight's connection with Epona and views their dynamic the same way he would a fellow knight and their loftwing.
Sky is a bundle of unresolved and unprocessed issues that he hides under soft smiles and copious amounts of affection.
That's all for now, but yeah. Sky's got more depth than I'd initially thought and my gosh this boy has so many emotions? So many issues too, I don't know if he'll be recognizable compared to the sweet sleepyhead I usually write him as, but I kinda like him being more... mature? Aware? I like him being like a real young adult still finding his feet in the world :)
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billthedrake · 1 year
Story idea by and collaboration with top son Turner ([email protected]).
I pulled off Austin’s crotch, tasting his salty cum on my tongue. This was a quickie, but we both felt excited to be sneaking a fast blowjob in after my evening session.
I had to get home for dinner and was already cutting it close with time. But I had to bring something up. "Can I ask you a personal question, Austin?" I ventured.
"Sure," he replied as he pulled his sweats back over his now satisfied genitals.
I nodded then continued, "Well... you're a very good looking young man. And you're into older men. I'm just wondering why you're single."
His eyes met mine in a challenge. “Long story short. I only top. When older guys are into younger men it's usually the other way around."
"I see," I said. I didn't know all that was entailed with gay lingo, but I had a pretty intuitive sense of what a top was. "I don't think I'm ready for that, Austin. Sorry."
He nodded, accepting my answer. But his voice got husky. “Just you sucking my dick gets me off, Mr. D. Big time.” He leaned back in my front car seat. “You’ve gotten some real skills.” I could tell he was trying to decide if I'd had any experience the last few weeks.
"I had to google 'how to suck dick'," I admitted.
He smiled. I could tell he wanted to stay and talk some more. “All right, Scott... I know you gotta head off. See you Friday?”
“Yep,” I said, reaching down to arrange my erection in my trousers. I hoped Kelly would be up for sex tonight.
We changed our sessions to either the very first of the day or the very last. I couldn't decide what I preferred more. But when Scott came over to my place around 6:00AM, I always had a thick piece of morning wood for him. As well as a fresh pot of coffee.
He'd regularly wear a suit, especially now that fall was transitioning to winter and business casual days were fewer. He'd sit on my couch and I'd let him slowly worship my cock as I stroked his short silvery hair.
He'd gotten a lot more skilled and was now comfortable deep throating me, though he preferred slightly shallower, more rapid suck strokes where he could provide the right amount of suction.
The sensations were incredible but it was the psychological part that always got me going. "Fuck," I growled. "You're too good to me, man."
"Yeah?" Scott hissed, his voice heavy with spit as he pulled back and stroked my saliva-wet dong in his fist. "I like spoiling you, buddy."
Scott Delahunt had gotten a lot more comfortable with this part, too. Being verbal, saying things that would turn me on. Openly acknowledging his desire to service me. He let go of my prick and ran his hands up my hamstrings to cup my strong ass. Then he leveraged his head to take me back in.
God, this was insane. Deep throat bobs up and down my rod as he was still in suit and tie.
"I'm cumming, Mr. D!" I hissed. "Oh fuck, I'm cumming."
He moaned around my cock excitedly. Wanting my sperm. I felt light headed as I gave it to him. "Jesus fucking Christ,"" I growled. My legs buckled a little bit and I finally had to pull out when Scott's sucking grew too intense. "Easy... fuck!"
Scott laughed. "I take it you liked that, buddy."
I ran my hand through his hair. "You have no idea," I hissed. I loved how this 51-year-old man ate up my praise. Even more than in the gym. It was like sex and working out were his two mid-life passions.
"You wanna stroke off?" I asked. Anytime Scott asked me to suck him, I would. Sometimes I'd take the initiative to go down on him, too. I enjoyed giving him the kind of blowjob his wife didn't. But increasingly I encouraged him to stroke after swallowing my cum, or while sucking me. Scott teased me at first for my control issues but eventually admitted he got off on getting me off.
"Yah," he answered now, and I let my dong hang half hard inches from his face. He was jerking fast now, working that spike with his fist as he focused on my cock, only occasionally looking up at my naked body or my face. "Can I taste it again?" He muttered.
I pressed the tip against his mouth and felt his lips draw me in. He knew better than to do a full fellatio, but he just held me against his tongue, my cock softening but still full. That was the trigger. His body tensed and he spurted into his hand. I gently patted the back of his head.
"Nice," I hissed, then pulled back.
I always set aside some towels for him to wipe down while I went to pour him a coffee. Depending how long he sucked me, we usually had 10 minutes to talk, and we enjoyed that post-sex time, too.
"It's your birthday next week, right?" Scott asked as he sauntered into my kitchen area.
"Yep," I replied. "Wednesday."
He gave me a smirk and said as he reached into his suit pocket. "I was gonna wait to give this to you."
He pulled out a small envelope. Too small for a birthday card, and I'd barely taken it in my hand when I realized what it was.
"Is this what I think it is?" I asked, amused and excited both.
"Box seats," he said with an excitement of his own as he read my reaction to the Titans tickets I was pulling out. "And I booked two nights at the Renaissance."
"Jesus, Scott," I said. "That's too much."
My words didn't offend him. "I like treating you, buddy. At least you show me some appreciation when I do."
Something about his honesty made me relent. "All right. As long as you let me do something big for your birthday." I knew then and there that I'd be saving up for something special for the man.
"Deal. Only you're gonna have to wait till February for that."
I picked up Austin just around four on Saturday. He was going out with his buddies the night before to celebrate his birthday, and my intention wasn't to monopolize his weekend. Besides, I had some household stuff to work on and get done. I worried Kelly would be upset that I was spending my weekend in the city. But as fate would have it, she'd gone to New York to visit our daughter who was taking the train from her college to meet my wife.
"So..." Austin asked as we checked into the room. It wasn't a suite, but it was a nice room and this time I'd gone for the king bed. "Are you going to tell me why I had to bring nice clothes?"
I told him the name of the restaurant I'd booked. "Tomorrow will be a burgers and nachos kind of day... I wanted to treat you somewhere nice tonight."
He kind of shook his head, maybe like he thought I was showing off for him. But he just unzipped his garment bag. "If it means I get to see you in a suit, it'll be worth it," he said.
"More of a sport coat," I clarified, pulling out my attire for the evening and hanging it up in the closet. I turned to face him. "What do you say going out for a pre-dinner drink?"
He stepped up to me and placed his hands on my chest. "You think maybe the birthday boy could get a blowjob first?" he asked.
"He could..." I answered. "But if you wanna wait, I have a surprise that will be worth your while."
"Yeah?" he asked excitedly. Already his hands were moving up and down my zip-sweater in a seductive gesture. "What is it?"
"What kind of surprise would that be?" I chuckled.
"Does it involve you in just a sport coat?" he teased.
I shook my head. "That really is a turn on for you, isn't it?" I asked.
He nodded. Not embarrassed, but with a playful horniness in his eyes. "One of many. But it's also about the man in the clothes."
With that, Austin leaned in and kissed me.
"I missed that." We actually said it at the same time, which made us laugh.
I ran my hands up his side. He had been wearing a Tennessee sweatshirt under his puffy winter coat. I could feel the hard brawn beneath it. Austin was jacked when I started training with him, but he was always working on his body and had gotten even more muscular over the last year and a half.
I gripped his lats and winked at him. "I'd love to see what this hot muscle body looks like all dressed up."
We each got dressed for dinner, barely able to take our eyes off one another. And we clearly, silently enjoyed showing off the boners in our underwear as we stripped down. I had never been self-conscious or concerned about my cock size. Austin's big dick made me worried at first how I measured up, and maybe there's the inevitable comparison when it's two guys. But Austin seemed genuinely into me, into my cock. "I don't want another me, Scott," he’d say. "You're fucking perfect."
So I enjoyed showing it off to him now, showing how hard my prick could get in my briefs before I slipped on the navy wool trousers over them.
And I enjoyed watching Austin pull his pressed dress shirt over that bare, ripped chest muscle.
"I'm afraid I don't have a lot of Sunday best clothes," he apologized, as he slipped his blue blazer on. "I've bulked up some since I last wore this," he laughed.
Indeed, while blazers usually had a looser fit, this was snug. Not obscenely, or like a schoolboy who'd outgrown his clothes. But on the verge of that. I stepped up and smoothed out the shoulders of the blazer. "Maybe this weekend we can go shopping for a new sportcoat for you," I said, stepping back.
Austin actually blushed. "Come on, Scott," he objected. "Already... this weekend is so much."
"It would be my pleasure," I asserted. "Every young man needs a nice suit and a nice coat in his closet. I know you're a sweats and workout gear kind of guy, but you never know when you'll need one."
He looked at me. "You like spoiling me, don't you?"
I nodded, feeling a little chastised. "Guess I do."
He gave me a wry grin. "It's cool. I probably should object more," he laughed.
I gave it some thought. "I guess I'm a people pleaser. Kind of my personality."
"In the bedroom too?" he teased.
Something about Austin made me feel comfortable about opening up. "Especially," I smiled. "Even with women... I love the foreplay, love getting a woman off."
He smirked. "You sure a pre dinner BJ isn't in order?"
"Sure I'm sure," I shot back. "Trust me on this, Austin. It'll be worth the wait."
He nodded, giving me that naughty smirk as he reached down to cup his crotch. "Counting on it, sir," he said.
I was worried dinner would be too romantic a vibe, but I think we both appreciated the quiet of the venue and the space between tables. We talked about sex some in hushed voices, but mostly it was more serious conversation topics.
"You hear from your parents for your birthday?" I asked.
Austin shrugged. "Yeah, my mom calls me bright and early every birthday and sends me a care package... I keep thinking I'll outgrow that, but it's a nice tradition."
"Your dad?" I asked.
"I got a text," he said sullenly.
"Sorry, buddy," I said.
He seemed resigned. "It is what it is. I guess I've not been the easiest son to get along with."
"Bullshit," I interjected, which made Austin smile.
He seemed to think something over then flashed one of his killer smiles as he ran his finger along his beer glass. "You probably didn't sign on to hear about all my issues with my Dad."
I nudged his ankle beneath the table with my shoe. "I love learning more about you, Austin," I said. "Every part of you."
He gulped. I knew he very much liked that idea. "This is pretty intense for an affair, Scott," he said.
I'd been thinking about this, too. A lot. "I think of you as more than an affair," I said quietly. "I just feel bad you have to take second fiddle to my marriage."
His blue-gray eyes seemed excited and emotional at once. "I don't feel second fiddle, Scott. For real. I'm just enjoying our connection." He lowered his voice. "I, um, I guess I have some specific turns ons, different from other guys, and you drive me crazy."
"The older thing?" I ventured.
"For starters," he said. "I'm really into successful men. I guess it's that power thing," he laughed. He flashed his eyes back up at mine. "That weird you out?"
"I don't know if I fully get it," I admitted. "But like I say, I love hearing what makes Austin Samuel White tick."
He smiled then added. "You know, I don't know your middle name."
"Preston," I replied.
"Anyone ever call you that?" he asked.
"No," I said. "And you better not either."
We enjoyed the relaxed pace of dinner. I asked Austin if he wanted to go out after, but he walked with his hands in his winter coat pocket and shook his head. "I've been real patient, Scott," he said.
"Ready for your surprise?" I teased. Loving how excited he was.
"Been ready for three hours now," he mock grumbled.
I took a look around to make sure no one was in ear shot. "So," I started in a quiet voice. "I know you like to top."
He almost stopped in his tracks. In any case he was genuinely surprised. "Fuck! You mean?"
I nodded, loving his reaction. "You think you can show me the ropes?" I felt vulnerable, but also thrilled to be taking this step. I'd been giving it a lot of thought, and I'll admit to getting turned on by the fantasy. Whether reality would match was another question.
"Can I...!" he hissed. Then, "You're a virgin right?"
I nodded. "Fraid so."
He patted my shoulder and kind of held on some as we walked. "Happy fucking birthday to me, huh?" he hissed.
I laughed. "Happy 25th, buddy."
I began to get nervous when we got back to the room and hung up our coat and blazer. Austin picked up on it. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a soft kiss. "It'll be great, Scott," he said in a sultry version of his gym-bro voice. "Your turn to trust me."
I nodded. I wanted to do this. For Austin, but also for myself. I'd already learned so much about myself sexually with this young man. I wanted to see if I liked this.
"I read online," I admitted. "And got some stuff to prepare."
"You did now, did you?" he replied. Amused. "Well don't let me stop you." Reading my face he asked. "Would it help if I went down to the bar for the next half hour?"
"Maybe," I admitted.
"All right," he whispered.
By the time he came back, I was freshly showered and face down on the bed, lube on the side. I'd had to read about which one to get, too. I'd never done anal, with a guy or a woman... the closest I'd got was porn stories and videos about men penetrating women in the ass.
I didn't know exactly how guys did it, though I'd watched some gay porn recently too. I didn't know what position Austin liked. But as I heard the key card reader click and Austin walked in, I heard the approval in his voice.
"Nice," he said. Already he was unbuttoning his dress shirt and kicking off his dress shoes. "You look so fucking hot, Mr. D."
I was about to say something about how he was partly responsible for my looks, as my trainer, but instead I looked back and smiled. "Just go easy, OK?"
"Yah," he grunted as he pulled out his belt and undid his trousers. He wasted little time stepping out of them, no longer careful to fold them or hang them up. He was just as quickly peeling those boxer briefs down to show off his cock. I couldn't believe I was about to take something that big. "I had to hide my hardon at the bar," he laughed.
His hands ran along my calves then he got up on the bed and crouched forward. I don't know why I wasn't expecting a rim job, but sure enough Austin's strong hands pried my ass cheeks apart and then dove in.
"Holy fuck!" I gasped. This was a novel sensation for me, almost ticklish, but it felt REALLY good. My prick throbbed against the bedsheets. I found myself involuntarily pushing my ass back into Austin's face. That excited him and he gave my cheek a light slap and drilled his tongue deeper.
I tried to minimize contact with the bed sheets, since I didn't to cum from the stimulation. Instead I rode the circuit between my cock and my ass. Maybe I wouldn't enjoy being fucked, but I sure as hell was enjoying this.
Austin was enjoying it, too. Eating me out like he'd been dreaming of feasting on my hole. His desire for me fed my ego and turned me on.
"God, fuck," he hissed as he pulled back and then stretched his muscled ex-jock body across mine to reach for the lube. "I could do that all night," he hissed.
"I won't stop you buddy," I growled.
He laughed. I heard the lube cap flip and then a squirt. Then I felt his finger press against my ring. "So, you never did this with any of your fraternity buddies?" He asked. Applying more pressure. I was nervous, but his tongue had felt good and the stimulation of his finger wasn't so different.
"No," I said. "Never."
"You ever want to?" he asked. His finger popped in. About an inch, then slowly more. It was OK.
I shook my head. "Not until you," I admitted.
"That's hot," he hissed. He slowly fingered me, then spoke again. "Going in with a second, OK?" It wasn't a question though but just a heads up. Already finger number two was slipping in beside his lubed index finger.
Somehow the thicker penetration felt better. Less like a prostate exam and more with a pleasant fullness. Austin pressed in deep and hit something inside of me. Maybe this was like a prostate exam. Yeah, here I was a 51 year old man and getting an anatomy lesson quick.
"Just imagine my dick there," he asserted. Not overstimulating my inner spot but definitely working just at the edge of it.
"You wanna put it in me?" I asked. Still afraid, but physically I wanted to feel this. Feel what Austin was describing.
"I've been wanting to for almost two years now," he said with a deep lust. "Maybe longer if I'm honest."
He pulled back his fingers and lubed his cock. Then he got in place. Not plunging in, but teasing my relaxing hole with his cock head to get me excited. It was doing the trick but so was feeling his toned, jacked body on top of mine, his strong legs against my inner thighs. It was sensual and roughly sexual at the same time.
"I don't see any rubbers," he said. "You OK with that?"
I blushed. I hadn't even thought of that and felt dumb.
Austin leaned down and kissed between my shoulder blades. "I've been tested and I'm safe, Mr. D. If you wanna..."
I could hear the desire and hope in his voice. "Yeah," I assented.
Just like that his bare cock entered me. He braced his hand on my shoulder. I thought at first it was to support his upper body, but I realized it was to reassure me through the penetration. The first couple of inches weren't bad, but somewhere inside I tightened up.
"You got this, Mr. D," he whispered. "You're doing great."
His reassurance and his patience worked. I wanted this to be good for Austin. Hell, I wanted it to be great. He'd given me so much happiness over the course of a few months, and I wanted to repay it. But it worked when I stopped trying too hard. When I let his hips and his glute strength take charge.
It was like he was waiting for that right moment, for the tightness to abate. Then he plowed right in.
"Oh FUCK!" he cried, no longer a whisper. "There goes your cherry, Scott."
My cock had softened some, but it was rock hard now and pressing against the sheets once more. I gave small thrusts of my hips to increase the feeling as well as work Austin's big dick in my guts.
He took that as a signal. He pulled out and just as quickly thrust in. I was no longer simply getting penetrated, I was getting fucked. The physical part of it took me by surprise, but there was also the feeling of this young athletic man on top of me, pumping away for his pleasure. Not rough, but with a real power to his fucking that felt primal and wonderful.
I had to raise my hips up, to keep my dick from being overstimulated. That worked for a half minute, then Austin's thrusting powered me to the mattress as his kisses along my neck grew fervent and his chest went flush against my back muscle. He was getting real close.
Not as close as me though. Once my dick pressed against the bed again, it all came together. Austin covering from behind, his breath and voice and sex grunts, the cock filling incredibly full and doing a number on my internal gland, the fiction against my prick. My response to his own pleasure above me and knowing I was making him happy. I gripped the sheets and let out a deep cry. I was having the hardest cum of my life.
"Fuck yes, Mr. D. Go for it. Come on my fucking cock!" Austin hissed, his own hips a blur as he pounded me off and worked up his own head of steam. Twenty seconds after my ejaculation I heard his roar and felt his body get rigid on top of me.
"God yeah," he cooed. "Sweet."
We slowed our mating to a stop. As he slowly pulled out, I swiveled my head to meet him for a kiss. He then sat up in the bed and I had to admire how impressive his dick was, still throbbing and wet with lube and cum. Lazily he reached out to stroke my arm as I turned my exhausted body to face him.
"I think you liked that, Mr. D," he grinned.
"I know I liked that," I assured him. Not embarrassed by the fact like I thought I'd be. "I had no idea."
"That mean I'm gonna get more tail from you?" he asked. Cocky a little but genuinely curious.
I nodded. "Yeah, Austin. I'm pretty sure you will. I'm glad you liked your birthday present."
He smiled. "The absolute fucking best, Scott." He reached over to grip the back of my neck to pull me into a deep, soft kiss.
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cookinguptales · 1 year
time to shill for Big Salt!!!
Okay, so like I said in my last post, I recently became a ~Vitassium Ambassador~, which is a fancy way of saying that I shilled for this company for free for so long that now they're paying me to do it.
In salt. Much like a deer.
Vitassium is SaltStick's line of products specifically for POTS, EDS, Cystic Fibrosis, Vasovagal Syncope, and other forms of autonomic dysfunction. Essentially speaking, SaltStick has been making electrolyte products for years, and when they realized that a lot of their patients buying them were doing it for medical reasons, they started doing research into creating products specifically for that purpose. And that's how the Vitassium line was born.
Vitassium generally has more salt and less magnesium/calcium/potassium than SaltStick's other electrolyte products, which is good if you need a lot of salt and you don't want to take too high a dose of the rest. Personally, I tend to use a mixture of both of their lines so I can get a little calcium/magnesium boost sometimes but more salt other times. (The amount of potassium is fairly similar in both lines, with a little more in the SaltStick line.)
Either way, it has a lot less sugar than Liquid IV, which I get sick off of due to sugar sensitivities. Like... *googles* 11g of sugar in Liquid IV vs. 2g of sugar in Vitassium, with the same amount of salt in each serving. I have to be pretty careful about my sugar intake, and I suppose I can't speak for everyone, but my stomach handles Vitassium a lot better than most of the other alternatives on the market.
So I've been using it for several years now and I'm really happy with their products! Like -- I may now officially be a shill for Big Salt, but I don't plan on lying or exaggerating anything here. I use their products every day, and sometimes that's the only way I can manage to take a shower.
(My fellow POTS/EDS-sufferers know, the shower struggle is real. lmao)
Anyway, they just sent me one of everything in their Vitassium line. They didn't actually ask me to show it off, but I'm doing it anyway because this is my blog and I cannot be stopped.
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From left to right, we have a bottle of their electrolyte capsules (these are sugar-free extended-release salt pills with a bit of potassium added), both flavors of their electrolyte fastchews (chewable electrolyte candies that provide quick relief... think salty sweettarts), a cute bottle full of packets of their electrolyte drink mix, sample packs of the fastchews, and some stickers.
Personally, I mostly use the fastchews. I've tried salt capsules in the past and had some stomach upset, but now that they sent these to me for free, I guess I'll try them out again. The fastchews are basically sour candy full of salt lmao. (They also have about 2g of sugar per serving, just like the drink mix.) They really are effective, though, so I tend to take them as needed throughout the day.
I usually just keep a bottle of them in my purse, but the sample size bags are resealable and fit well in pockets, bags, etc. I'm happy that they sent me some little sample bags because now I can refill them, haha.
I used to just buy the normal SaltStick fastchews, and my go-to flavors in that line are orange, wild berry, and lemon-lime! I haven't tried the mango because I'm allergic, the peach is okay if very sour, the coconut pineapple is a nice piña colada taste but a little sweet for me, and I really hate the watermelon ones!
(Look, I promised to be honest with you. lmao)
The Vitassium fastchews are newer, and they only come in two flavors so far. I always buy the fruit punch because I despise artificial grape flavor. They just gave me a bunch of grape ones, so I tried them. Good for what they are, but I still hate grape.
(Do any of my chronically ill followers want these? lmk)
The drink mix is the newest Vitassium product! I like it quite a bit; the relief is quicker when you drink it vs. eat it, and speaking as someone who generally hates drink mixes, the flavor is pretty good.
I've tried both the fruit punch and the pink lemonade, and I think I prefer the pink lemonade. The flavor suits the salt a little better, imo, and I think weirdly it mixes a little better?
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I usually buy the drink mix in the canisters because it's cheaper that way and produces less waste (the canister pictured there is one I already had) but the packets are very handy to keep in your bag. They're easy to tear open and even when you tear off the whole top, the opening is small enough that it pours smoothly into small-necked bottles. I like to put some ice in mine and shake it up.
(Side note: Vitassium has specifically designed all their packaging to be as easy to open and use as possible because they know that so many of their customers have arthritis, EDS, and other connective tissue disorders. Which, as someone with EDS, I truly appreciate.)
Finally, one thing I genuinely like about Vitassium is that they try to make their products as accessible as possible for their customers who use them for medical reasons. They have something called the Vitassium Club, which allows registered users who have a medical condition to get 25% off all their electrolyte products. You don't have to get a doctor's note or anything like that, just send in a quick online form and wait for them to change the status of your account.
That brings the cost of the product down considerably for the people who need it most, which is good because honestly? Electrolyte boosters add up fast when you need to consume that much salt every day.
Uhhhh, I think that's everything for now! If you have any questions, lmk! I'm fairly passionate about this kind of thing because when I was first diagnosed with POTS/EDS like... god, 15 years ago now, they didn't have anything like this. I remember struggling to develop a diet that worked for me with no one to teach me and honestly? That fucking sucked. I don't want anyone to be in that position.
So now here in 2023, I'm happy to pass on any chronic illness-related tips I have. Like drink Vitassium! And add salt while you're cooking, not at the end! The flavor will be less strong that way! And a packet of sugar-free hot cocoa mix will often have as much sodium in it as a bag of chips!
Stay salty, friends. 🧂💜😎
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foxes-that-run · 7 months
Zayn said he wouldn’t buy the record when he heard Perfect (so salty!). Harry's emotions varied performing it in its short 27 performance run from Oct-Dec when 1D ended. These 2 stand out:
November 20 2015, rather than sing the Bridge Harry said to the crowd "if you think it's so funny you can sing it".
3 days later at the AMAs he rolls his eyes and looks ready to walk out, the camera cuts to a kid who seems to agree. (Bridge is 2:40).
It was only performed 6 more times, in Carpool Karaoke (10:30) Harry stops singing for parts and the song cuts before the bridge, at the Jingle ball he looks away and the last time was new years.
Or this concert he put the mike into the crowd, someone stole the microphone and licked it.
Safe to say he regretted that bridge, it's savage to them both.
Perfect ties with Fools Gold for the title of the Haylor song with the most writers, at 7. While Fools Gold has all 5 of the band, Bunetta and Ryan. Harry and Louis are the only band members who worked on Perfect with Bunetta, Ryan and 3 others:
Jesse Shatkin, (cowrote Sia's Chandelier)
Jacob Kasher (Maroon 5 collaborator), and
Mozella (cowrote Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball and Fools Gold.)
To me, Perfect has more media grabbing pop-song than Harry Styles. HS’s best 1D work was with teams of 3 or 4 writers. In fact, Bunetta said Olivia came out in 45 minutes while overworking another "less good" MITAM song.
Bunetta also told Rolling Stone about Perfect:
"That one took a long time, just because it was written over a couple different continents. It started as one thing and ended up where it is."
MITAM was made in the summer of 2015. To have been written in a couple of continents and with USA based writers it was probably either side of the BBMAs. It could have been started 'as one thing' in April in South Africa before the BBMAs other songs that reference Style including Two Ghosts started early in the year. The "ended up where it is" with those writers would be after the BBMAs, when they got back to the USA from July. This would be at the end of the album and he was singing it daily within 3 months.
Similarity to Taylors songs
It has the same chord progressions as Style and is also very similar to out of the woods as this video on Twitter shows. He called it a love song in the made in the AM interview (6 mins) and that it wasn’t literal in another. I do love this James Cordon bit and I love his Taylor smile so much.
[Verse 1: Louis] I might never be your knight in shinin' armour I might never be the one you take home to mother And I might never be the one who brings you flowers But I can be the one, be the one tonight
Grapejuice, has the perfect (get it) call back to this verse, along with 'Red' and 'Pay for it' and I love him for it:
"I was on my way to buy some flowers for you (ooh) / Thought that we could hide away in a corner of the heath / There's never been someone who's so perfect for me / But I got over it and I said / "Give me somethin' old and red" / I pay for it more than I did back then"
[Pre-Chorus: Liam] When I first saw you from across the room I could tell that you were curious, oh, yeah Girl, I hope you're sure what you're looking for 'Cause I'm not good at making promises
Promises come up again in Woman "Promises are broken like a stitches is", which is interesting if both Woman and part of Perfect are written after the 2015 BBMAs.
‘Know what you are looking for’ is interesting. In "Say don't go" and the 1989 TV Vaults in general Taylor did not get what she was looking for. At 23, dating a 19 year old Taylor told us she didn’t get wavy she needed. Her most recent ex, JG was 29. (yes - JG was the age Harry is now! Imagine if he did that) So I kind of stand by this line.
The start refers to the night they met. Which neither has ever confirmed, I think it was in 2011 (see timeline) Many look at the coat he tries on in the music video, which matches both his Up All Night Tour outfit (from December 2011) and the 2012 Kids Choice Awards. The awards are fun though. The Up All Night DVD also has it.
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[Verse 2: Niall] I might never be the hands you put your heart in Or the arms that hold you any time you want them But that don't mean that we can't live here in the moment 'Cause I can be the one you love from time to time
Urgh I choose to attribute 'love from time to time' to one of the 6 other people writing this. To me this line always sounds like a boy-band heartthrob priority playing out in the writers room. No wonder it took time and HS1 to overcome this.
However, this does speak to a theme of them not being available to each other because of their careers and 1D punishing schedule. If I could fly's "I'm missing half of me when we're apart" and Half the World Aways " So you're not my girlfriend / Don't pretend that makes us nothing / Tell me you don't miss this feeling" speaks more honestly to the interplay of his band image, schedules and priorities which Taylor referred to Suburban Legends.
[Chorus: Harry, All] But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms And if you like having secret little rendezvous If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do Then, baby, I'm perfect Baby, I'm perfect for you And if you like midnight driving with the windows down And if you like goin' places we can't even pronounce If you like to do whatever you've been dreamin' about Then, baby, you're perfect Baby, you're perfect So let's start right now
Here are Haylor themes we know and love, Driving at midnight (Style, HYGTG, Wish You Would) generally going from a high schooler to superstar overnight (placed they can’t pronounce like Cannes), and hidden love/hiding (I Know Places, Slut!)
[Bridge: Harry] And if you like cameras flashin' every time we go out Oh, yeah And if you're looking for someone to write your breakup songs about Then baby, I'm perfect And baby, we're perfect
The camera’s flashing is good imagery and his voice brings to life how personally challenging it was for them both in a way I Know Places didn't with very few words. Taylor also refers to this imagery in Is it over now?
But the break up songs is a low blow and I assume the part he regretted to the point of not wanting to sing it. In a later interview Harry said:
“The only time you really think, ’is this song too personal?’ is if you think about, ‘is this going to be really annoying for the other person?’ Because I do [care],” he finished.
Which I think the break up song line would have been very annoying.
If you made it through that reward yourself with Grapejuice at Wembley 🍇
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dre6ming · 1 year
The delicate beginning rush
Chapter XIV - Falling in Love
Masterlist <chapters 1->13 here>
Instagram photo dump masterlist
Imagines Masterlist
To be added to my tag list click HERE
Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/actress fem reader
Warning: age gap (10 years) , smut 18+ minors dni, oral(f receiving), fingering, hand job, cursing, angst, mentions of bad parents, mentions of drinking, angst fluff … hope that’s all
Plot: waking up with Austin after the Cannes Film Festival, spending a nice day cuddled up with him
Word count: 6200
Disclaimer: everything fake!
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"I think I've fallen in love with you" was the last thing I heard before falling back asleep in Austin's arms. And it's the first thing I think about when I open my eyes this morning. I can hear Austin snoring softly sleeping. Without making too much noise I turn to face him, but he has his back to me, so I can't see he's face, I can only see the motion of his muscles flexing while he's breathing. I know in my heart I also love him, I felt it yesterday and I think I've been feeling it for far longer, but still there's doubt in my heart that he feels that way for me. I'm sure he cares for me, but love?
Closing my eyes, I decide I'm not going to catch any more sleep so I might as well go take a shower and get ready for my day. I make my way to the bathroom on my tippy toes, taking with me, my bag of toiletries. I hope the water running doesn't wake Austin up, I'm sure he needs the rest, just as much as I need to clear my head. Washing my skin and hair, happy to take all the products from last night out of my hair, my thoughts travel far.
Coming back into the room, warped up in a towel, I look over at Austin, who's still soundless asleep, now resting on his back with a hand on his chest. I watch him sleep, noticing his left hand itching to my empty side of the bed. He grabs at the sheets with his eyes still closed, but the rise and fall of his chest is changed, indicating that he's waking up. Austin's eyes open slowly, as he gets used to the light, widening when they focus on the empty left side of the bed. "(Y/n)?!" The panic in his voice, burns my heart and I make quick steps over to the bed. "I'm here, Austin, hey." He's quick to grab my hand and pull me towards him, causing me to fall on top of him with a giggle. "Morning!" He says, his voice cracking with sleep, while he snuggles his face into my neck. "Morning." I reply happily and he starts kissing all over my face, his morning scruff tickling my cheeks.
"You smell so good!" Austin says, grabbing my waist, feeling the towel covering my body, sparing a quick look down at me, groaning. "So gorgeous." He whispers, wrapping his arms around me. I lay my head on his chest over his heart, closing my eyes. "Did you mean it?" I ask, twisting his chest hairs between my fingers. I'm able to hear his heart speed up in his chest and it's comforting to know I'm not the only one with a sensitive heart. "That you're gorgeous? Yes baby, always!" Austin says confused.
"Not that, what you said last night, did you mean it?" He gets quiet and that worries me, what if I imagined it? What if that was just a product of my imagination going crazy because of the day I had. I want to see his face right now, but I also don't want to move, afraid it would awake some kind of nuclear reaction. Being so close to him right now starts feeling a bit claustrophobic and I need out, so I start to move out of his arms, only for him to tighten his grip on me. "I did..." he starts saying only to stop sighing. I'm holding my breath anticipating the "but" that follows the beginning of that, knowing it'll shatter my heart and what I had feared from the beginning was going to happen. Somewhere between his dreaded quietness and my overthinking, hot salty tears flow down my cheeks, landing on his naked chest, where my head lays. I keep my eyes wide open, looking at the window on my right, the city of Cannes being showered in warm sunlight.
Austin's hands ball into fists behind my back and I feel him breathing harder. My own lungs burn from the fact that I've deprived them of oxygen and the first breath I take turns into a painful sob, that wakes me up and I trash in his arms, dislodging myself from him, or at least trying as his arms don't let down on the force with which he's holding me. "Baby, please, calm down!" Austin tries to reason, but I feel the bile in my throat and I feel dizzy, needing out of his hug. "Can't breathe." Is all I can muster out, his arms unlocking from around me automatically, but his hands cup my face forcing me to look at him. "(Y/n) I meant every word I said last night, I think you are the best thing to ever happen to me and I think I've fallen in love with you." Tears run out of Austin's eyes down the side of his face and onto the soft fabric of the pillow. My heart is pounding and it almost hurts form how fast it's going. "You do?" I ask, my voice breaking with a sob.
His thumbs work on wiping my tears away, as he blinks fast, trying to clear his own eyes of tears. "I-" he takes a sharp breath, licking his lips. "I know how that can freak you out, because, but.."
"Aus..." I glue my forehead to his, closing my eyes and trying to control my breathing. Austin seems to be trying the same, but his whole body is shaking and I know he's having a panic attack right now. My hands move from his chest to his face, smoothing over the tears that keep coming out of his tightly shut eyes. "My Austin, my sweet Austin." I say softly to him, moving to put my lips on his, tasting both of our tears.
"I'm a bit freaked out, but I'm not going anywhere.." I speak with my lips against his, enjoying the feeling of his soft plush lips. "You aren't?" He sniffs, pulling back to open his eyes and look at me. And now it all makes sense, he wasn't holding back form admitting to what I had asked because he wanted to take it back, but because he was scared I would freak out and leave. "I'm not!" I shake my head, giggling at the thought of how stupid our fears actually are. "I think I've fallen in love with you too." His pupils dilate and his Egyptian blue eyes glimmer. "You have?" Through his insecure tone I can still hear inflections of cockiness and that fills me with joy, that he's coming back to his bubbly personality.
Biting my lip to hold my smile from getting ridiculously big, I nod my head. "Who do you think I was singing to last night, dummy?" He chuckles, his smile full on display now, his hands relaxed and running up and down my back, over the thin towel covering me. "I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how much I loved you singing. I was crying the entire time, you were enchanting (y/n)." Austin brushes back my still wet hair, his hand resting at the base of my neck, feeling for my pulse with his fingers. My heart picks up, heat covering my whole body as I'm sure I look like a blushing mess. "You and Baz really kept it from me, was this that surprise you were talking about back in March?" Smiling, I nod, playing with his hair, enjoying the soft texture of his blond locks. "Incredible, truly!" He says shaking his head in disbelief, his smile never fading.
Suddenly his hands grab my waist and in a swift move he rolls us over, this way he ends up on top of me. I squeak surprised, quickly breaking down into laughter, picking my wet hair out of my face. Austin holds his weight up with his arms placed on either side of my head. Tenderly he rubs our noses together, placing a quick kiss to my lips, before peppering my whole face in wet open mouthed kisses. "Aus, that's enough, baby." I laugh, fake pushing against his chest. His lips cover mine once again, swallowing my laughter. I bring my hands to his back, feeling the muscles flex with each move he makes, dragging my nails along his back. "Mhmm" he hums against my mouth, moving his velvet plump lips along mine. Austin's fingers absentmindedly play with my hair, as one sneaky hand of his makes its way to my hip, then further down to the hem of the towel I'm wearing. He pulls back to breathe, teasing the skin on my right thigh with the pads of his calloused fingers, causing goosebumps all over. I'm a writhing mess underneath him.
"I'm so thankful to whoever made the sitting charts for the Met." He chuckles, kissing under my jaw, licking a stripe along the edge of my face until he reaches that one spot under my ear that has me going crazy. His lips soft and warm, start sucking and licking that spot until I'm nothing but a whimpering mess, bringing my hands up to thread through his hair. "We were gonna meet anyway, it was meant to be." I sigh, closing my eyes to relish into the feeling of his mouth devouring my neck. I feel him shrugging his shoulders. His right hand fully grabs my thigh, fingers sneaking under the towel to brush the flaming skin. I tense under his touch, rubbing my thighs together, feeling aroused. "It was" he agrees in one breath, dragging his lips down my neck and over my collarbone, his teeth grazing my skin.
"Austin.." I moan, with my head thrown back, my finger pulling at his hair. Austin bites the skin right above where the towel starts, licking the now slightly red skin. I twitch in his embrace, lifting my right leg up a bit, inching his hand to go higher, but he keeps it in place, only digging his strong fingers further into my flesh. "Baby, I want to do something for you." Austin says, pulling back and propping himself up on his forearms. His chest heaves with each breath he takes and I bring one hand out of his hair, down to his chest, to feel the tickling sensation of his chest hair against the palm of my hand. "What is it?" I ask, drawing my brows together, curious to see what he wants to do for me.
Austin blushes and suddenly he looks shy, biting his lips. "I want to eat you out, can I?" His eyes burn into my soul. Eat me out? He, what does he? He can't be suggesting! Is he? My eyes widen as realization hits me and I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment. "Do you know what I mean?" He asks, caressing my forehead, moving away some strands of hair. I swallow thickly, nodding my head. "Are you s-sure?" I stutter, my heart pushing to jump out of my chest and my mind spinning with desire and lust. His pupils grow wider, leaving his irises just thin blue circles. "If you are, yes, you don't have to say yes baby, ok? I love you!" Those last words make my breath hitch in my chest. My whole world spinning.
My mouth hangs open, unspoken words stuck on the tip of my tongue. "Baby? You ok?" I catch a glimpse of myself in Austin's eyes, I look terrified, so I can only imagine he thinks I'm terrified of him. "I- yes, I'm ok-" I pause licking my lips, clearing my throat. "I love you too." I admit breathless, running my fingers over his lips, which stretch out in a huge smile. I smile back and he brings his head down to kiss me, but he does it so fast, that our teeth cling together and we momentarily pull away to giggle at his impatience. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I deepen the kiss, his mouth working over mine, as he sucks on my bottom lip briefly. "I want you to do it." I tell him, rubbing my thighs together, feeling the sleek gathering in between them.
Austin groans against my mouth, biting my lip, causing me to gasp into the kiss. "Can I take this off?" He asks, pulling slightly at the towel. "Yes." His fingers work on unraveling the material from around me, his eyes looking over me hungrily. I tremble in response, so incredibly aroused, every small touch feeling monumental.  He kisses a trail down my neck, then over my chest, reaching the space between my breasts. Slowly he inches closer to one of my boobs, taking the hard nipple in his hot mouth, swirling his rough tongue over the sensitive bud. The moan that comes out of my mouth is so loud and indecent, I almost feel self conscious about it, but Austin smiles against my boob, sucking harder on my nipple, using one of his hands to knead the other, twisting my free nipple in between his fingers. "Austin." I sigh, lifting my hips off the mattress, impatiently. He lets go of my breast with a pop, blowing cold air on the skin damp with his saliva. "Fuck." I tremor, pushing my chest up. "My sweet baby, so hot and beautiful, all for me."
Austin continues his kissing, traveling further down, my hands leaving his hair to grab at the sheets. I lift my head to look down at him, his eyes watching me, as he makes his way to my navel. My skin feels like it's on fire as he settles between my legs, opening them and looking at me. Austin doesn't stop where I thought he would, instead he goes to kiss his way down from my knee near to where I burn for him. He's teasing me, going to show the same attention to my other leg, finally, after nibbling at the skin around my core, he places my legs over his shoulders, pausing before making contact with my dripping pussy. "So wet for me, always so good. I love you so much!"
"I loveeeee..." all words are lost on me as he licks a stripe along my slit and I moan, arching my back off the bed, writhing into him. The moment his plump lips kiss my clit, the fire in my belly roars, sending my hips flying and a whimper escaping my lips. I feel him smile against me, delighted with my response. Austin knows exactly what his doing, sucking on my clit, flattening his tongue against it drawing circles over my sensitive bud. "Austin!" I cry unable to contain myself, returning one of my hands to his hair and pulling him closer to me. My hips move out of control against his face so he rests a hand over my belly to keep me in place. Austin's tongue flits over my clit, building the heat inside of me, as he runs it expertly through my folds, sometimes lightly, sometimes with more pressure, coaxing me right where he wants me. Moving down his tongue teases my entrance, circling it as his nose bumps into my clit, teasing it.
I cry out for him, fisting the sheets harder, closing my legs around his head, trapping him in. Austin hums pleased, moving his head from side to side. The pleasure coils tighter and tighter, but he senses it and he's not letting me get there just yet, leaning back making me whine in dismay. Propping myself up to look at him, Austin looks so sexy, cheeks flushed red, lips swollen from all the kissing and sucking, his mouth sleek with my arousal. Smiling smugly at me, he uses two fingers to spread me open, the cool air coming in contact with my flaming core, causing me to wince. "Can I put a finger in?" He asks, his voice low, one of his fingers already circling around my hole. "Yes, Austin please!" I gasp, throwing my head back as his finger enters me slowly, feeling at my velvety walls. "So tight for me. My darling love!" Austin mumbles before diving right in, sucking my clit, curling his finger, brushing that one spot inside me, that has me seeing stars. "Don't stop Aus, please, fuck." I thread my fingers through his hair, pushing my heels into his back, holding him as close to me as possible. Austin hums against me, sending vibrations through me and keeping the movement of his finger steady, the knot in my stomach snaps. Pleasure washes over me in waves, my whole body trembling, I moan with my head thrown back, screwing my eyes shut, seeing white behind my closed lids.
Austin keeps pumping his finger in and out of me, watching me come down from the blissful depths of my orgasm, my walls tightening around his sleek finger. When my breathing becomes somewhat normal and I flutter my eyes open, he takes the finger out of me, making me gasp at the loss. Smiling proudly, Austin brings his finger up to his lips, sucking it clean. I look at him in awe, he looks like a Greek god, a sheen of sweat covering his built body. "Sweet like honey!" He admits, coming to lay in bed next to me, covering us with the covers so I won't be cold. "How was that?" Austin asks pulling me into his chest, hugging me close to him.
"So good" I say blushing and hiding my face into his shoulder, making him chuckle. I move my legs under the covers, feeling a bit chilly, trying to warm up and accidentally bumping my knee into his crotch. Austin takes a deep breath, brushing back some of his hair. "You ok?" I ask, lifting myself up to look over his face, searching for the truth. Austin looks like a deer caught in the headlights, his cheeks turning crimson. "It's fine baby, don't worry about it." He says, trying to pull me back to lay in his chest.
I give in and lay back down, still wondering what's got him bothered and why he won't tell me. He said not to worry about it, but how can I not worry when something is definitely wrong. After wrecking my brain for an explanation, it finally hits me. Austin made sure I felt good twice already, once last night and once now, but I didn't return the favor. Biting my lip and keeping my breath even, I move one of my hands down, finally reaching his crotch and cupping his hard on, over his pajama pants. "Baby, you don't have to-" I give him a little squeeze, feeling him twitch under my touch. Austin's words get cut off by a guttural groan. "I want to, you made me cum, twice, I want to return the favor." I look up at him, batting my lashes at him, moving my hand up and down his cock over his pants. Austin shudders under my touch, his eyes fluttering close for a moment.
"I don't want you to think you have to do anything baby, ok? I love y-you, oh fuck!" He throws his head back, his hips thrusting in my hand. I kiss his chest all the way up to his jaw, sucking the skin under his ear, making him tremble. Short breaths come out of his mouth, his arms wrapping around me, holding me flush to him, skin on skin. "I want to make you feel good Aus!" I whisper in his ear, threading my free hand through his hair, scratching his scalp. He leans into my touch, moaning. "Fuck baby, don't stop, ok? I'm close!" Smiling I bring him in for a kiss, my lips dancing over his, making my own heart skip a beat. I keep moving my hand over him, squeezing slightly, his hips moving off the mattress to meet my hand. "Are you going to cum for me, baby?" I ask pulling back to enjoy my view, Austin with his head thrown back, whimpers and curses spilling out of his mouth. My eyes take in his beauty, loving the way his chest moves frantic with each shallow breath he takes. His Adam's Apple bops as he swallows thickly and I lick my lips, unable to resist and kissing his neck. "Yes baby, please, shit, I love you so much!" My heart flutters in my chest and I do my best licking, sucking and biting his neck, looking at the marks forming there, marks which show his mine. "Cum for me Austin!" I praise him and he groans, tightening his arms around me, tensing up. I feel him twitching under my hand.
When I feel him softening under my hand, I lift it up to his chest, twirling around his blond chest hair. A small chuckle escapes his lips and he looks down at me, with droopy eyes. "I love you!" He says, cupping my face, to bring me in for a kiss.
"I'll go take a shower, order something for breakfast, hm?" He speaks, touching our noses together. "Ok, baby, anything you want?" I ask, getting out of his arms and walking over to my suitcase case, bending down to grab a new pair of underwear and putting it on. I slide an old oversized t-shirt over my head and grab a pair of leggings to put on as well. When I turn back to face the bed, I can't hold back my laughter. Austin sits there, his arms folded under his head, watching me with a stupid smile on his face. "You know they should make clothes illegal." Laughing I put my leggings on, crawling back in bed to peck his lips, before turning to grab the hotel phone from the nightstand. "But then everyone would be able to see me naked, is that what you want?" I ask innocently, knowing his jealousy will take over.
"No, ok you have a point." He says, moving the covers off and getting out of bed, stretching. "Get whatever you want, I'll have the same." He says, coming to give me a quick kiss on the forehead, then moving to the bathroom to take a shower. I call the room service and order us some breakfast and coffee, then looking out the window at the beautiful weather I decide to do something I've been scared of doing for months now. I pick my phone up from the nightstand and walk out onto the balcony, sitting down on one of the chairs.
Calling is not an option, cause I don't know what time is in Nevada right now or if she's at work or sleeping so texting is the better option. But when I pull up her contact and start writing my message, nothing sounds good, nothing sounds right or enough. My finger linger over the screen, tapping random buttons and writing gibberish, then deleting everything. It shouldn't be the hard to text your mom, it really shouldn't. With a sigh, I give up and call the only person I know will answer no matter what. I put the phone up to my ear, counting the time between each ring,  not long after the ringing stops and in comes silence, Timothee speaks.
"(Y/n) sœur, how are you? I've see the news, congratulations, you sounded beautiful. I'm only a tiny bit bitter about you keeping it a secret from me, but eh I guess I get it." Timmy says in his usual cheerful manner, managing to bring me some joy, but my heart still hangs heavy in my chest. Drawing a breath in, I smooth the skin over my forehead. "What's wrong?" He immediately asks alarmed by my quietness. "Nothing, n-noting's wrong." I say, trying to sound convincing, but I know I'm an open book, despite being a good actress. "Are you still in Cannes?" Timmy goes to ask and I nod, but remember he can't see me. "Yeah, it's actually so beautiful here, think I might stay a little longer." I shrug my shoulders, playing with my slowly drying hair. "What did Butler think of your singing? Did he know about it?"
Timmy asking about Austin gets my heart going, keeping this secret from him is not ideal and I hope I'll soon feel comfortable with telling him about us. Maybe when I get back to New York, I could tell him all about me and Austin. "He didn't know and I think he liked it, I didn't really get a chance to speak with him, he was here with his girlfriend anyway.." I pick at my nails, biting the inside of my cheek, trying not to think to hard about that last part. "Tell me about it, I saw them making out all over social media, they look delightful to be around." I hate to admit that I've also seen those pictures and clips, but I know they mean nothing, they are both acting. I know I might sound foolish to believe so, but in almost every picture you can see Alex, Kaia's real boyfriend, looking at them, struggling to seem unfazed by their acting. Of course it brings a jolt of pain to my chest, but in the end we are actors and some day I'll be his girlfriend for everyone to know and still I'll have to probably watch him act in love, just as he'll have to watch me. It's the price we pay with our job, but I know it in my soul that I mean something for him and she doesn't, as mean as that might sound.
"Something's wrong. Tell me, sister if you don't I'll be on the next flight to Cannes." Panic bubbles in me so I'm quick to clear up that I'm ok, coming back to the original reason for my call. "I want to get back into contact with mom and dad." I bite my nails, prompting my phone between my head and my shoulder, wiping my sweat palms on my thighs. "Ok, honey that's fine, have you tried already?"
"No, I'm scared, dad hasn't talked to me since after the divorce, I, part of me is scared maybe he drank himself to death or something, but they call you if that happens, right? They call you if your dad dies!" I rant, my voice shaking with emotion. "Yes, they do and I'm sure your dad is fine, honey you can't picture the worst-"
I sniff, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. "My therapist says that I can't process why he's ghosted me so my brain is just making up the only valid reason, because I'm his daughter, why wouldn't he want to talk to me anymore?" My voice raises a bit, but I quickly remember where I am and quiet it down. "Honey I-" Timmy tries to intervene
"And then there's my mom, who moved the fuck out, because of a better paying job, the fuck, like I don't make enough money! Oh no wait, I don't, because I don't have a real job and therefore no income or future." I throw my hands around, angry. "(Y/n) I don't think you should try and contact them just yet, you were doing so good, everyday we spoke and you sounded alive. Now you call me and sœur, you sound dark, I want you to come home, I have the next 2 months free, I'll move in, how does that sound?" Timmy offers, visibly scared by my turmoil. I sigh, taking a deep breath, trying not to think about Austin, who's probably back in the room, listening to me. "Ok, yes, I'll leave tomorrow, um Roxanne is already there, she flew home with Simba and William, so just wait for me, it'll be a party of three." I giggle, trying to hide my shaking voice, playing with the hem of my shirt. "You've got it, expect us at the airport and before you say it, I'm driving." I laugh, feeling cheer creep up on my, coming back to my once good mood. "Ok, frère J'attends (brother I'm waiting). I love you, Timothee." Growing up in the industry with Timothee by my side was extremely helpful, he helped shape who I am now as a performer and as a business woman. Every step of the way he was there to hold my hand and I was there for him as best as I could, he's truly the brother I never had. "I love you too sœur, I'll see you soon."
Ending the call, I place the phone on the table, bringing my knees to my chest, curling into the chair. I wanted to stay longer, here with Austin, but he probably will have to leave soon enough also. The balcony door opens and Austin peaks his head out, giving me his best smile. "Food id here, want me to bring it here and eat?" That idea sounds amazing, seeing the beautiful weather, but this hotel is notoriously known for hosting celebrities, so I expect paparazzi out there, ready to snap a picture of us. "I think it's better we eat inside, someone could take a picture." I explain getting up and pushing through the door past Austin, who seems rather disappointed in my answer. "One day, soon, we won't have to hide." He says hugging me from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder. I lean into his touch, exposing my neck to him and he takes the opportunity to place wet kisses over my pulse, reaching my jaw, then the shell of my ear. "By the way I love the hickeys you gave me baby, I'm sure my makeup artist will have a blast covering them." I snort getting out of his arms and sitting down pouring some coffee for myself.
Austin sits down in front of me, pouring some coffee for himself, taking a sip and immediately crinkling his nose in disgust. "(Y/n) this is horrible." I try my coffee and spit it right out, agreeing it tastes horrible. "I asked no sugar and no cream, but I guess they forgot and put sugar anyway or maybe my French isn't that great." Eating some of the eggs to make the bad taste go away. "You speak French?" Austin asks surprised. "Yeah, but not that well, I'm still learning." I shrug my shoulders, eating some more, offering him my bacon, since I don't like it.
Later we find ourselves cuddled up in bed, with me snuggled close on his side, my head laying on his chest. I listen to the sound of his heart, soaking in this moment of peace. "I'm going to fly out tomorrow, I already had my assistant book me a flight for tomorrow at 1pm." I sigh, breathing in Austin's scent, praying it would get lodged in my brain. His hand runs up and down my back, pulling me even closer to him. "Ok baby, we leave for the Japan premiere the day after tomorrow, so we won't miss much time together." He tries to assure me, probably reading my mind, knowing I'm beating myself up for leaving so soon. "I brought my crochet supplies, do you have it with you?" Austin asks referring to small blanket made of his hand made hearts.
Chuckling I get up from the bed, going over to my bag to retrieve the blanket, holding it up for him to see. "I sleep with it, except of course when I have you to hold." I admit, blushing, crawling back in bed. "I miss you a lot too!" He whispers, kissing my cheek and getting up to get his supplies, to add to the blanket, it really amazes me that he took to this hobby of mine and that he's actually consistent with it. As he sits back down, starting to connect the new hearts he made, one for each day we were apart. That's probably the only bad part of this gift, that the more hearts he makes it means the more time we've spent apart. "I love making these for you, it helps me disconnect and take a moment to myself every day, but I hate that they count the days I can't touch you." Austin speaks, working on putting together the blanket, adding two months worth of hearts. I guess that's another thing I love about him, the fact that without talking out loud we seem to be always on that same page. "I was thinking the same."
Picking up my phone I snap a picture of him and when he notices, he turns his head to the camera, smiling for the picture. I giggle and turn the camera around to take a photo of the both of us. Austin puts down his crochet project and grabs me, faking biting my cheek, making me scream with joy. "I love you!" He says turning my face to ghost his lips over mine, then smiling for another picture he smooshes our faces together, causing us both to laugh loudly. "I love you too!" I don't think I've ever felt my heart flutter when saying words, but every time I say I love him, that happens and it's the best feeling in the whole world.
We fool in front of the camera for another moment and then I let him get back to his crocheting and I pick up my ukulele, playing softly in the background. "So where are the little goofballs? I really wanted to snuggle up to William." Austin fake pouts, adding the last stitches to the blanket which now got a bit bigger. "Oh Roxanne flew home with them." He knows she came to stay with me a few days after he left, back when he visited me a little over two months ago.
Austin cuts off the extra yarn, showing me the now complete blanket, which grew considerably. He bought some more yarn in a light shade of green, which ironically works with the blue and purple I got him, when I taught him how to do this. "I love it." I say, taking it and hugging it close to my chest, leaning forward to place a kiss on his lips. "I want to meet your friends, I mean-" Austin pauses licking his lips. "I heard you talking with Timothee and I'm sure you didn't feel good only telling him half the truth. I just want you to know, that I'm ok with you telling Timmy and Roxy about us if you feel ready." He tells me, rubbing slow circles over my knee, trying to assure me that he's not forcing me to do anything. "I want to tell them, I think I might, I want you to meet them too, plus you'll start filming with Timmy soon and I don't want it to be awkward or have him find out by accident." I was planning to use Timmy as a motive to visit Budapest so I could see Austin while he's filming Dune, but that would mean that I'd have to sneak around and it's one thing to hide from the public, but hiding form Timmy feels like betraying him. "Ok, you take your time." Austin pats my thigh, taking the ukulele from next to me. "So I just play this like a normal guitar?" He asks, trying to play, but unfortunately making some not so good sounds come out of the instrument.
I smile shaking my head and walking on my keens to sit on his right. I place my hands over his and show him how to hold his fingers. "Here, now, strum it like you would a normal guitar." I show him how to pinch the strings, the music filling the room. "Maybe it's the way you say my name. Maybe it's the way you play your game" I sing, dropping my hands from his, letting him play on his own. "But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you. But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you" he keeps playing and I bring one of my hands it to his hair, to brush through the messy blond locks. Austin hums and then looking me in the eyes he starts singing. "And I've heard of a love that comes, once in a lifetime, and I'm pretty sure you are that love of mine." His low baritone sends shivers down my spine and I can't help, latching myself onto him and kissing him hungrily.
I pull back smiling like a fool, biting my lip. "Keep singing!" I ask and so he does, singing for me, with his beautiful low voice, sounding heavenly, like he always does when he sings for me. I look at him tilting my head, my smile never fading and I know in my heart I made a good choice. My sweet sweet Austin.
Tags: @galaxygirl453 @rainydayz101 @samaraannhan20 @marlowmode @myradiaz @areuirish @micaelainthe60s @homebodybirkin2003 @pennyroyalcreep @purejasmine @strokesofstokes @lanasfloridakiloss @denised916 @kibumslatina @macey234 @melodixs-blog @shantellescrivener @chewiethecatus @guacala @fangirl125reader @father-of-2cats @elvisfan @lucid315 @melodixs-blog @ilovehobi101
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yoshihashismattebum · 3 months
9 People I'd Like to Get to Know Better
Thanks @sycamoretrees for the tag!
Last song: I'm going to cheat and go for a whole album. I've been really enjoying Where's My Utopia? by Yard Act recently: deceptively clever stream-of-consciousness lyrics that walk the line between wry irony and passionate sincerity, all set to post-punk beats that you can dance to. (Shout-out to HELLMODE by Jeff Rosenstock and Sorry for the Late Reply by Sløtface too – both brilliant albums as well)
And while I'm breaking the rules, I might as well mention my wrestling playlist that I've been working on! It's a really eclectic mix of songs that remind me of various different things in wrestling – feuds, characters, general vibes etc. It's not finished yet (I'd like to organise it thematically and write some annotations to explain my thinking behind the choices), but maybe you'll find something on there you like!
Favourite colour: it's a tie between blue and purple (especially lilac). Also currently enjoying the yellow-green of the new leaves that are appearing at this time of year!
Currently watching: wrestling, surprise surprise. I'm just about keeping up with AEW and completely failing to keep up with NJPW. Other than that, I've not really been in a big TV/film mood recently. Although I did see Dune Part 2 the other week, which I thought was fantastic. My partner and I have also become slightly addicted to watching Gab Smolders play Nancy Drew games on YouTube.
Spicy/savoury/sweet/(sour)/(salty)/[umami]: since @sycamoretrees set a precedent of adding options, I'm going to go with another write-in candidate: my beloved umami. I am a Marmite fiend and will eat just about anything if it has soy sauce/miso/strong cheese etc in it. I enjoy pretty much all of the above tastes though, especially when combined in interesting ways. If I had to choose between the original options, I probably lean towards savoury; I have extremely strong opinions on crisps.
Relationship status: I've been with my partner for almost 11 years now :) (While I'm here, go check out her fantastic art and tabletop RPG writing at @mortphilippa! Obviously I'm biased, but she's super talented!)
Too many to mention them all, but here's a selection:
Wrestling (of course): as well as my usual AEW & NJPW, I've watched some CMLL recently, which has been fun. I also recently reached new levels of nerd by emulating King of Colosseum 2, a Japanese wrestling game from 2004, on PC. It's good! Holds up well!
Tabletop role-playing games – an ever-present obsession for me. I've just wrapped up a 4+ year D&D campaign that I was GMing, which is an odd feeling, but I'm so proud of the story we told together. I'm also currently GMing/writing stuff for Cy_Borg, Liminal Horror and Brindlewood Bay, among others! There are tons more I want to run though – too many games, not enough time! (I am always up for conversations about TTRPGs by the way – I could talk forever about them! Hit me up if you wanna chat!)
Puzzle games: more of a recent obsession. I continue to do the Wordle every day, but I've recently been enjoying Connections (sorting words into categories), Heardle Decades (identifying songs from the intros), and Squeezy (a weird game about fitting letters into other words). I'm also going through a bit of a point-and-click adventure phase. Really enjoying Unavowed by Dave Gilbert currently. I'm not usually an urban fantasy fan, so it's a testament to how good the writing is that I'm loving it as much as I am.
Spring flowers: spring has well and truly sprung here in the UK, and I am loving all of the flowers that are popping up everywhere! There's nothing that brings me joy quite like going for a walk and doing some plant-spotting (I'm trying to get better at identifying plants this year! I'm mostly reliant on Google Lens and a bit of inherited knowledge from my Grandma currently)
Oops, that was A Lot! Enough about me. Time to tag some other people! (Only if you feel like it though! Absolutely zero pressure)
IRL friends (I know you all very well already, but I always love hearing what you're up to 💙): @thewaythroughthewoods, @thepenultimaterolo and @mortphilippa (and @unpairedbracket if you fancy it!)
Some Tumblr people wot seem cool (sorry if we've not interacted much – I've not been on Tumblr a lot recently and I'm bad at starting conversations!): @norfkid, @sybilius, @dansedan, @unlikelywrestlingfan, @punkrockpariah
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taegularities · 7 months
and for that.. cmi jungkook! If there’s a last thing you want to say to oc (lets say when they’re old and grey), what is it?
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"there was a time when you took me here, so i could see the real stars. look how they haven't changed," you say, squinting, fighting the weak eyesight to inhale all of the night sky. "but we have, haven't we?"
"i don't think you'll ever change to me."
maybe he's right. since the twilight of your days, he's remained the same, too. as you sit on your bench on a delicate spring day, you think back to the sunsets you've seen with him so far.
at the beach. over wide fields. through the open window.
you've surely woven a masterpiece of a life together; it used to be far worse. but the two of you have indeed not changed. in fact, you don't even need to be here. the stars in his eyes are still the same, too.
a wrinkly hand reaches out to yours, enveloping your pale skin to lift it to his lips. there's a tenderness in his touch you never quite got used to. the words he uttered always carried the same beauty as stardust, drenched in understanding, affection and gentleness.
like now.
"sometimes i still don't understand," he whispers, "how a mind can be so constant. sometimes i see you eating the same favourite snack you loved so long ago, or talking about the stories to me that you wrote when i first fell for you. how are you so constant?"
"how are you?" you nudge his shoulder; he flashes the smirk you know, though weaker now. a thumb rubs the back of your hand – an old habit, too. "how do sad movies still make you cry?"
"i'm not a monster. and i only cry about movies." pause. "and you."
"me, yes?"
"you. out of sadness, out of joy."
he blinks slowly, his movements matching the pace. he gulps and licks his lips, producing saliva, and then looks into your eyes with a stare you know from years and years ago.
god. was it just yesterday that you fell in love? that you waded through heartbreak, found solace in each other, fought the universe and built a home not in your four walls, but in each other, too.
he still paints the same gorgeous lines on the canvas. still floods you with the same colours; you've left the grey world far, far behind.
"i wish we could stay here a bit longer, angel," he mutters, hiding your hand in both of his. "i want to see more sunrises with you. whatever the hell happens, i hope you're still there in a hundred years, okay? might sound very stupid, but. i'll make sure to find you again."
you're tearing up. you tear up all the time these days.
you understand what he meant when he said you were the salty liquid collecting in his waterline. out of sadness, out of joy. out of comfort.
"tae would be calling you cheesy. in fact, i do, too," you whisper, leaning in until your shoulders and knees touch. "then again, i'll be mad if you don't, kook. find me, i mean."
"munchkin, do i ever lie?" he beams, smile reaching wide. shit, he looks so young again. "thank you. for the life you gave, and keep giving me while i'm alive. just… one more thing, okay?"
you already know. so you guess, "you want me to stay with you?"
the nod is gentle. the sparkles in his pupils similar to the ones above. a lifetime echoes in them when he confirms–
a/n: ah lol, i'm actually crying? this took a while bc i kept sobbing wtf :') not the last thing he says to her, but one of the last for sure <3 i miss them so much too… doing my absolute best with the next part, love <3
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thecasualauthor · 3 months
@jilymicrofics March Prompts Day Seven: Enraged
(yes i'm aware it's a bit of a stretch but I needed to get this out of my system.)
Yeah so I rewatched all the Pirates of the Carribbean movies and this was the result.
@kay-elle-cee you told me to tag you in this so here you go!
Read below the cut!
James stands at the water’s edge, staring out at the waves. At the ship he’s now bound to. At the ocean he’s now cursed to serve. 
Lily watches him, heart in her throat, dreading the moment he’s to walk into the surf. She walks up slowly beside him, feeling the sand between her bare toes. She threads her fingers through his when she reaches his side, resting her head on his shoulder.
“It’s nearly sunset.” 
James’ voice is barely a whisper, but Lily hears it. He turns to face her, searching her expression. How many times has he looked at her in this way? Like she's his entire world, like she's everything? She can't imagine a life without him, and not for the first time, rage courses through her at the sea goddess who's cursed him.
Ten years. He's going to be gone for ten years.
The thought goes through her like physical pain, and Lily chokes back tears.
“James,” she whispers, and James squeezes her hand.
“I know,” he says, and his voice carries every ounce of sadness and devastation that she feels. Lily swallows hard and places her hand on his chest.
It's like the sea beating against the cliffs is calling him. Where are you? It seems to ask, Your place is here. The waves crash over the lighthouse, and Lily only barely feels the spray of the ocean on her legs, barely registers the breeze traveling through her red hair. “It's always been you," she whispers. "Always.
“I know,” James whispers. “I know, Lily.”
She rests her forehead against his, brings her hands to either side of his neck. James holds her by the waist, and they stay there for a moment, breathing heavily, neither of them wanting to let go, savoring every single moment that passes by far too quickly. Then, as if he can’t stand it any longer, James turns and heads for the ocean. Out of sheer panic, Lily grasps his hand, only to feel it slide out of her grip. She stands there, reaching for him as he walks down the beach. 
For a split second she stares at him, and– she can’t let him go just like that. That can’t be the last thing she remembers about him for the next ten years. 
The cry comes out strangled, raspy, and James turns only to intercept her, gathering her in his arms and kissing her fiercely. Time seems to stand still. The salty breeze from the ocean, the rhythmic crashing of the waves, and the distant cries of seagulls all fade into the background. Lily clings to James, savoring the taste of his lips, the warmth of his embrace, trying to imprint the memory on her soul. I love you, she thinks desperately, trying to convey each word through the kiss, because he has to know. Has to know how much she loves him.
When they finally break apart, they stare at each other, and James gives her a sad smile. 
“Wait for me, Evans,” he murmurs. Lily nods.
And then he’s gone. 
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