isjasz · 1 year
Following that bread boys post i present to you: The entire omori au doodle saga that i completely forgot to post here
AU and design were by @cherrysherin and @/MilKyWayAG ‘s posts on twitter !! (Which is the reason why you can see me constantly switching designs/people bc i was rotating between their 2 AUs before i finally settled on milky’s LOL)
⚠️Contain spoilers for omori ofc!! (If you can connect the dots)
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Obligatory clarification: grian and scar are housemates
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ditzybat · 2 months
Jason prowled deeper into the tower, it was a struggle to get the speedy kid down, but after multiple tranquilizers (that could put a rhino into cardiac arrest) the kid finally managed to knock out.
He went over his monologue speech in his head, scanning his eyes over this, honest-to-god, pig-stye of a room (seriously, wasn't this supposed to be the meticulously organized Robin? Jason could barely see the floor before him). Finally, gazing out one of the large window panes, on the phone, was his target in his robin costume - sans the mask.
Tim mumbled a tired goodbye into the phone, seemingly exasperated by the phone call, he picked up on the words 'Bruce' and sneered from beneath his mask.
"You sleep in that thing or something Timmy? That's pathetic" Jason growls out from his place from the threshold of the room.
For his part, Tim spins around with a flutter of his ridiculous cape and a twitch of his muscles "Hood, I-"
Jason lurches forward, beginning his speech, counting the sequence of events like he used to in drama class.
"I was raised on the streets of Gotham." 1. Taking off his hood. "Trying to survive." 2. Tearing his clothes to reveal his homemade Robin getup, "Until Bruce took me in." 3. Cornering the brat, only a step or two away in arm's reach - good, "I trained -"
One thing Jason did not account for was Tim to make the first move and interupt his origin story speech, stabbing the side of his neck.
"Did you seriously just fucking stab me with a hello kitty knife?"
Tim has the gall to flush, "I told Cassie and Bart to stop tampering with my equipment, it's unprofessional! I bet Kon put them up to this!" he squaked, Jason reaches up and takes the knife from his neck, putting pressure onto the wound, and examining it.
"You could've hit an artery!" Tim gives a frog blink and sleepily grunts.
"Damn, which side is the artery on again? I don't really know my lefts and rights, I'm ambedixtrious."
"Do you mean dyslexic?"
"No I'm bisexual." Tim looks genuinely confused, a pout forming on his features as he squinted at nothing like he was trying to figure out an especially difficult puzzle.
Jason, with the pit madness slowly receding from his vision, starts to become a little more concerned.
"Kid, when was the last time you slept?"
"It's Thursday."
Jason sighs and picks up his jacket, slipping his pants over the tights and scaly shorts. "I'm going to stitch myself up, then I'm going to make you eat something - you're so itty bitty, like an 8 year old with a six pack - then you're going to take a nice long nap while I wait for B to come and I'll lecture him on the importance of keeping his Robin's alive and healthy."
Tim yawns and nods his head, sinking into his cape so he's just a bobbing head in the shadows.
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pixlokita · 5 months
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Bunny Besties 🐰 VE! Cassie meets glitchtrapped Greg
Art trade collab with @cookieruma29 💖 she did the lovely colors and shading 👏✨
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fisheito · 6 months
finally listening to the h-scene audio after 1.5 years on mute
yakumo: gasps and whimpers in the whiniest brokenest way me:
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raccoon-poi · 9 months
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no dan.... please.... (follow up from my precious hunchfucks art)
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zrllosyn-art · 8 months
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theinfinitedivides · 6 months
so you're telling me he beat him up choked him out stepped on him called him a traitor/used derogatory language and Ji Yong came out of that with the sole determination to 1. prove him wrong and 2. get this man to f*ck him. he's having the time of his life while he's about to pass out on the ground he's laughing hysterically copycat boyfriend has to be playing security camera to make sure daddy cop doesn't kill him is it the lack of oxygen to the brain or is it the bisexuality in general
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r7iverett · 9 months
Rewatching TPC episodes because I can, on episode 5 rn and noticed smth
Near the beginning (just over a minute and a half) of the episode I noticed a detail and idk if I’m the only one who didn’t notice the first time
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The hug between Iris and Pentellow before Iris teleports em is actually quite wholesome!!
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lemonade-luvr · 2 months
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sorry to the viewers if this looks mentally ill
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shout out to the homeschool coop near my house that put on a play about saint joan of arc i could not hear what any of the children were saying but YOU GO KIDS
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woundedheartwithin · 9 months
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Just a couple of boyfriends doin things together
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rainbow-burst · 2 months
Pb choices books are still bad but doesn't mean I don't love a cheesy ass love story
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moodbroads · 3 months
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(made in heroforge btw aint no way i can 3d model bruh) a book reader has ATLEAST 1 dnd oc /j
uhh yeah anyways say hi to my kickass orc-gremlin gurliepop swag grandma that i will never use cuz i have no clue how dnd works :') ft: puppy dog ears cuz they glitched and i loved it so much that i kept it
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vlaakithswill-a · 6 months
∗ 1oo from istvan
nonverbal prompts. sender  has  just  died ,  receiver  finds  out . @oflolth
lae'zel has learned of grief. not by rote, for there was nothing in the scripture of duty to tell her why her heart still beat without a purpose after the lich queen’s betrayal. 
perhaps this should be a smaller grief. a few short moments are nothing to the unbearable loss of eternity. it matters not. the body that was once him lies before her. it is an indignity. she wants to destroy what remains as much as she wants to revere it, to clutch it to her and allow nothing near. no more is she to breathe his living scent; no more to feel the gravel of his voice, her hand to his chest; no more to hear him speak her name. no more of tender grievances. 
her hand travels from her breastbone to the column of her throat, the scrabbling gesture of a poisoned woman. the grief cannot make its home in her. it is too great, and she is forged only of blood and muscle. it was a self-inflicted dishonesty to ever think herself forged of steel.
she falls to her knees. she can hardly draw breath, can make no sound save a low, keening growl of pain. the stars observe, ambivalent.
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concussed-to-pieces · 2 years
Okay so I lied about the bonus chapter, I just can't seem to get it to work. However, villain!Mirio is an interesting concept and I plan to explore it, so you guys still have something to look forward to!
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nezpaper · 2 years
Day 3: au day [@jaspvid-week]
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