blazing-spectre · 8 months
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Commission for @undead-potatoes of their Tav, Jay, and Gale :3 It was such a joy to work on!
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arolesbianism · 3 months
hello gamers minor life update I have been doing Real bad lately so I will likely continue to be very inactive, but hey on the bright side I have been fleshing out some eternal gales lore I reworked a while back and I can happily say that Dodie no longer completely contradicts the very nature of reality in eternal gales and the fog tower™ officially has a real reason to exist again so hell yeah to that
#rat rambles#eternal gales#oc posting#this is a piece of lore I technically updated a while ago but I mostly just relocated dodie home to a different piece of worldbuilding#but now Im fleshing things out a bit more and Im so glad that I set myself up such an easy way to jump ship on the old stuff#it also makes my life easier because it means that I have an actual reason for mase to be the first person dodie encounters in person#also an actual reason to trap him at first sorry dude it adds to the suspense#longggggg story short dodie lives in the universe's core of sorts#its where all the other characters are transported to at the beginning of the story due to other stuff#I already had it as a thing that the core attempts to replicate the casts home and food and such to help maintain them#but the fog tower™ had its core echo in place since forever basically#mostly because the narrator wanted to get dodie a home set up in the core instead of having to find a way to house her in notmal society#now the tower wasnt exactly meant to be found but it still had to be real enough to actually get echoed so it was real enough to be found#hense why mase's family lives in the lower half of it#the top half is fully reserved for setting up stuff to be echoed to dodie's tower#this is mostly handled my cup aka dodie's long distance mom figure#but most of that stuff was done before dodie was properly created and as such cup had to fight for their life to figure out how to best get#this child growing up in fucked up situations as happy and stable as they could with limited budget and time#they were also dealing with doing a lot of this behind the backs of mase's parents as the two wanted them to provide just the bare basics#despite this cup managed to sneak in a shit ton more video tapes than they were supposed to and attempted to cover as much as possible#ofc dodie still ended up incredibly unstable and fucked up anways but she still loves her long distance video mom dearly#up til she was like 12 or so those tapes were the only way she could see and hear another person#but yeah in the echoed version the lower half of the tower is mostly consumed by plantlife and the such#hense why dodie avoids the area like the plague she has hashtag issues regarding plants#oh yeah Ive also been thinking abt fydd a lot lately#I have been slowly developing a bit of a side plot for him in my head that Im not 100% sure Im going to commit to but Im mivrowaving it#basically I was thinking abt each of the human casts sort of quote unquote domains are#by that I mean the whole reason they get drawn to the universe core is because theyre all sorta connected to universe functions#fydd is one of the weird ones because his place in the system is the basic software ig would be the best way to put it?#hes connected to the very base of the system that the rest of the functions are built into
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littlejuicebox · 3 months
I don’t know if I’ve really sat down and explained this at all and I doubt anyone actually cares but this is my blog and I say random stuff so here’s my little headcanon of my Astarionverse.
Midwinter Carol Astarion and Dadstarion are the same Astarion with the same OC/Tav.
They chose differently at vital points and this is how the timelines diverged, usual sci-fi stuff, you get it.
In MWC, Astarion calls his love interest Ani. Her first name is Eirianwen. But her LAST NAME is Ar’Tel’Tavas (loosely translated in Elvish this is something like “of the woodlands”) AKA Tav. You will see in the fic at some point people calling her Tav or other versions of this. MWC Astarion is the only person that gets away with calling her Ani.
But in Dadstarion-verse he’s always called her Tav, the name we all know and love, and never really Eirianwen/Ani apart from convos we can assume the reader never sees. And tbh it’s a reader insert so I don’t go TOO much into her looks, race, or class, but in my MIND Tav = Ani here.
See how that works?
In the first installation of MWC, Ascended Astarion sees the lives he would’ve had if he chose differently at some vital points. One of the lives he sees is the Dadstarion-verse. He sees Gale and pregnant wifey bearing the twins! I’ve shown this before but I’ll attach the screenshots again for fun.
Part of me wants to flip it and show Dadstarion the life HE would’ve had, had he chosen differently, and show him the MWC-verse.
Just a funny little thing in my mind. 😊
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mumms-the-word · 1 month
so, funny story
when I was trying to get a picture of ascended Gale that I liked for my fic about, well, him ascending, I decided to speedrun the last half of act 3 in my Dani saves. I knew if I just launched from the morphic pool save I had and went to the end, Gale would reject godhood, because Dani was like “I don’t need the stars I love you as you are” AS SHE SHOULD and he was so smitten that even trying to be like “but power?” at the last minute would result in him being like “haha no are you crazy I’m a better man now” AS HE SHOULD
so I had to go with an earlier save
and in that save I decided I would just encourage him to go with godhood and skip very quickly through conversations and skip all the stuff I had to do to run to the morphic pool. we’re talking ZOOMZOOM through act 3 to the epilogue, sorry Wyll, sorry Shadowheart, there will be no Ansur or House of Grief, like bitch we didn't even talk to Raphael or crash his house we had to GO
I didn’t zoomzoom through Gale’s confrontation of Mystra because tbh god-path Gale’s spat with her in the Tabernacle scene is worth a watch, it’s very cathartic (and I think she explains things better when he’s mad at her but I digress)
but essentially the plan was to do the boat scene with Gale, go yell at Mystra, kill Orin, bop over to the brain, give it a good smack, boom epilogue
Problem: I hadn’t encountered Sarevok yet, so I couldn’t make it to Orin
now, Sarevok isn’t a super tough fight but he’s a pain and I was in a rush. so the quickest way to get the amulet of Bhaal was to…well, become an unholy assassin and kill Valeria
(Which I hate Valeria so like on the one hand, cathartic, on the other, Dani would never and Gale was AGHAST)
(Side note #2: he did immediately follow up the mention of him not approving by saying that Dani’s eyes were capable of tenderness while she was still covered in blood from the unholy assassin baptism so…………yeah)
anyways now that we’re unholy assassins (sorry Gale) we bop over to Orin. I’ve got this all planned: we’ll just blow her up.
well, no, we won’t because when Orin jumped over to where Karlach was waiting with 8 barrels of smokepowder and runepowder bomb, Orin still had 2 unstoppables, and I, like a FOOL, didn’t think to use Gale’s turn to cast magic missile to get rid of them, because I’m thinking “these barrels are going to all explode, that’s multiple hits, it’ll be fine”
reader it was not fine
I blew up the barrels and you how much damage Orin had received?
8 smokepowder barrels and a runepowder bomb took one ONE UNSTOPPABLE. BITCH WAS STILL INVINCIBLE.
and then she killed Karlach dead dead and it all went downhill from there and we all died I was out of saves so I had to reload back to the boat scene with Gale
thus began Dani’s villain era
we go yell at Mystra, we go stabbity stab Valeria (Astarion ends up in the baptism because, idk, reasons, but good for him), we bop over to Orin, we fight Orin the old fashioned way (aka with magic missiles and cloud kill and stuff), and then Dani steals her armor and turns it black and puts it on and I’m like “wait a minute she’s looking, like, really hawt”
so I put Gale in Gortash’s fit and then we went and dominated the world
temporarily of course because I did need my epilogue but like look at her
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of course I was going to let her dominate the brain for a bit
so we did
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and anyway I guess the lesson is let your ocs become villains together for a minute??
anyways thanks for reading please enjoy my two OOC villain babies kissing like ten feet from Orin’s dead body I guess
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what if we kissed inside the lord murder’s temple
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weaveandwood · 29 days
Hi there! I saw ur reblog of that oc ask post and am dropping in to ask you about ur little guys(aka ocs lol) do you have a favorite? What would be ur oldest of that you would be alright with sharing? Do any of them have a odd/out there hobby?
Hi thank you so much for asking about my little guys! I honestly only have one, and that's Auroria, my OC/Tav for BG3. I have never been interested in creating my own character before April of this year, and now she has a backstory, her in-game story, a fanfic that runs concurrently filling in the missing pieces, and a post-game fanfic and life and stuff. All in 2 months 😅
A little about her if you're new here or just passing through:
Auroria (called Ora by her friends) is a half-elf ranger. She's an ex-High Forest Scout who quit after her best friend was killed on a mission gone wrong, and she blamed herself for it. She was a nomad for 5 years before the events of the game. While going through the game, she fell in love with Gale of Waterdeep and accepted both his proposal of marriage and to live in Waterdeep with him. Things didn't go well (city life and routine are not compatible with her) and she left him. Over a year later their paths crossed again at the Midwinter Festival, and over a series of six years (six festivals), they reconnected, realized their feelings were still there, and got married. They have a beautiful life where Gale is a professor at the local academy and Ora is an adventurer. When she's home, they live in a small cabin that is deep in the woods near the city and is enchanted to be invisible to everyone but the two of them.
I love her so much even though I put her through emotional hell. Like I would die for her and fight anyone who thinks she isn't the best.
As for an odd/out there hobby... Her favorite thing to do when she's off on adventures is try to identify at least 4 different types of birds the first day at her destination. She has a journal to track and crudely draw them. Rangers will be rangers!
Here she is she's so cute:
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thegoldheartmonk · 3 months
I noticed that other blogs tend to have a little info page for their TAV'S and I thought that sounded fun.
Note; So far all my TAV's are based on my actual OC's. So if you are coming from a different blog... that's why some of these names are familiar lol.
Will edit periodically
My main TAV, and the one this blog is named after. Was once engaged, but their Fiance, Tobias, died. Leaving them in a spiraling cycle of grief.
Half-Wood Elf
Way of the Open Hand, Monk
Background | Charlatan |
(TBH I depict them a lot more with an Acolyte background in comics/drawings, since before I started their playthrough I was expecting to take a whole different route)
Gender: Non-binary (Agender specifically) | They/Them
Sexuality: Definitely somewhere on that AroAce spectrum, (maybe demi?)
Age: 36
Love Interest: Gale
Main Story position: Used some tadpoles, didn't fully evolve, Started friendly with Emperor.
Status?: Finished my first playthrough with them, currently on my second.
Goals/Story; Move on from their lost.
Playlist, aka the most confusing mix of songs you will hear all day:
Still in Act 1! Currently finished recruiting all main companion! Think of it as a AU where instead of Tobias dying, it was Ruiz who died instead.
Oath of Vengeance, Paladin
Background | Noble
Gender: Cis Male | He/Him
Sexuality: Queer, (Preference for Masculine presenting people)
Age: 37
Potential Love interest: Wyll
Status: Begininng of Act 1
Goals/Story: Maybe try Oathbreaker path? Possibly use the Astral Tadpole this time. Gonna do Gale's ascension ending. Currently debating doing Astarion's ascension as well.
Save file made, still on Nactuloid. My first Dark Urge playthrough.
Fighter (No subclass yet) | Multiclass to Bard?
Background | Haunted One
Gender: Trans Male | He/Him
Sexuality: Pan
Age: ehhhhhhhhhh complicated
Potential Love Interest: Karlach
Status: Made, not yet played.
Goals/Story: Try to be redeemed. AVOID USING TADPOLES. We going to war with the emperor babyyyyyyy. Figure out what is actually happening maybe.
Save file made, Still on Nactuloid
Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline)
Background | Noble
Gender: Cis Male | He/Him
Sexuality: Uncertain
Age: Early 20's
Potential Love Interest: Lae'zel
Status: Made, not yet played
Goals: Not too sure, made him on a whim cuz I wanted to play around more with the customizer :)
(I think I'll try doing some silly actions. That should be fun. He's so unserious.)
Hey, I also do commissions! While I don't have many examples of BG3 stuff yet, I am wanting to do some, so if you want commission me to draw a companion or TAV, let me know!
Artistree or you can contact me about using PayPal.
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roleplayfinder · 3 years
Looking for +18
-Oc x oc wonderland theme. Had old rper on Instagram who did wonderland as agents or so. Main was Connor or c something? For my Alice. But if know who I mean or think we could do it somehow.
-Friendship, enemies wise for oc x oc fantasy. I want to try my first oc characters in role plays again. But just so know they are taken. Well.. my main ones. Ishi, Seth, Yuuki, Hotaru, Gale, etc. but some ocs aren’t tho.
Ishi is queen of heaven. I’ll here and there add the mains partners if needed and involved but hopefully it be ok.
Ex BFF gave up on rp and being my BFF again. 🙄 last year being rude over ntn. So. Cause since known her for like almost ten years. Rather not start over on my main ocs. So I’ll use the partners sometimes aka who she rped as. Ishi husband who king of hell is Damian. Seth fiancé is Astrid. Yuuki BF is Angel. Hotaru man is Jay. And gale woman is Raven. Oh and side main kinda main. Daichi is mine and Lily aka yadada.
So if wanna do some angst, friendship, enemies stuff of fantasy/supernatural etc stuff. Be super cool!
-BnHA I want to roleplay with a Bakugou rper! And a zawa, Eri, Mirio , etc. I’ll be Ura and oc etc.
-PPG x RRB I want to role play with a Brick etc. -3-
-Negima like roleplay? But with my female wizard oc who I’ll make who could be Negi daughter. Mother unknown. So contracts modern time :) be same kissing for it. But! Males and females both as contracts. List of partners be endless! So yah. But she’ll be 16. No big adult stuff till 18 kinda. She’ll get her fathers sneeze tho sometimes! So watch out everyone.
-Gakuen Alice. I wanna roleplay as Mikan. We start off at end of tsubasa senpai sister manga to get the get back Hotaru etc. here n there Natsume and Mikan moments I’ll die for please.
-Atla lok. If past related in atla. Kinda. When gang adults ! I will be Aang kinda best I can. Mai. And toph.
Lok. I be Kaen my oc. Makos lover. Princess Misa. Iroh sister. And Azula oldest daughter Aza. And few other ocs if needed. I’ll try if need to be a canon also.
-amphibia kinda but our own ocs? Like maybe future pass Ann Sasha and Marcy.
Sorry long and grammar problems due to typing fast on tablet. If interested please message me and tell me what one and what you would like in rp. If I can help you.
Thanks xoxo 💋
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acioo · 4 years
this is my semi regular plea for ppl to join noxtms ! i play dwaco malfoy , susan bones , & my oc , nellie diggory ! esp come bring nellies twin wc ( under the cut ). we all have a lot of laughs from “ orphans drink free “ at the three broomsticks to the love triangle btwn ron , voldemort , n draco ( i am kidding . but ud know the lore if u were in nox xoxo ). come bring my oCS TWIN i WILL beg. nellies super cute , cedrics younger sib. their mom is an oc carrow who i have a bio for that you can read here & nellie’s intro is here. dw i’m gr8 as well i DID in fact get an ask that said & i quote “  Usually a canon character's OC little sibling sucks, but Nellie is GRAND! “
ELEANOR “NELLIE” DIGGORY ( naomi scott ) is looking for NELLIE’S TWIN SIBLING who resembles AVAN JOGIA, LIZA KOSHY, KELLY GALE, ALIA BHATT / ANY ½ WHITE & ½ INDIAN FC and should be TWENTY-TWO. applicants do have to contact BLOSSOM to talk over the details before applying.   (   so, this is for nellie’s twin sibling ! they are the middle child, btwn golden child cedric & family disappointment nellie. they’re twenty-two, an aries, born on march 31st. a year younger than the golden trio, three years younger than cedric. so i lov,, angst sm. nellie spent their childhood loving cedric the ever mediator in the family bc nellie was always getting into huge fights w amos diggory aka the father. their mums name is natalie & she is a v nice lady. their mom is the eldest carrow sibling !!! older sib to twins amycus & alecto. read more abt the fam dynamic in nellie’s intro & tl on her blog. as for their personality / interests / what else, it’s rly up to you. cedric & nellie are both hufflepuffs BUT hestia and flora are slytherins SO itd be cool if the twin was too & nellie’s a metamorphmagus - AS for that, if they’re identical twins then it’s possible for them to be a metamorphmagus too, but not necessary. if they’re fraternal twins, it’d be improbable for them to be a metamorphmagus as well, way more likely for them to have like a kid who is. i think it’d be nice for them to be a sort of in between the two of them , bc nellie & cedric are pretty much foils when it comes to family dynamic - tho personality-wise, at their cores, not very different. there’s a big solidarity btwn the siblings, mostly bred from nellie’s constant fighting w their parents bc they can’t manage to be a nice , normal child. im rly down for ANYTHING when it comes to dynamic. give me a sibling that resented nellie for stealing so much attention. give me a sibling that was next to nellie in terms of giving their parents headaches. give me a sib who fell in more w like the darker side of the carrow name. as for their name, i don’t really have a set sort of criteria, but i’d be great if it sounded good with siblings eleanor & cedric - so for the first name, something more old sounding. here are some examples of names i almost named nellie for ref ( dont feel confined to them, ofc ): amelie, adeline/a, beatrice, aurora, maxwell, declan, silas, jackson, bailey, lane. no need for anything thats “ twin - y “ or anything. for their middle name ,  itd be smth a bit more Out There and unconventional but not Too unconventional u know ( nellie’s is delia ; natalie gave all them middle names, amos did first names ). some options i looked up: bee, florian, calla, bowie. theres so much that can be done with this & it’d be SO fun. i want you to message just to iron out the details & make sure the name & stuff works out, but i’m rly super open to ideas.   )
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hollowsentinel · 7 years
My OCs and Stuff
I've sat on this for too long. It's incomplete, but it's here. If anyone sees this and wants a peek into my head, ask about these peeps/ideas/places before I forget them.
My OCs
I have another list to promote my non-cishet OCs too. There's also a tag.
Rebecca Heller: my firstborn, transgirl (?), lives with her "uncle," makes magical bone cannons and practices swordplay
Vincent Azor: the aforementioned "uncle," vampire, old, technically owns an inn built by a crossroads, good shot with his pistol
Linora Azor: sister to Vincent, deceased?
Richard: nightmare, leader of the Black Knights/Brigade of Zavax, friendly?
Roger: badass, lieutenant to Richard, serious?
Fifer: mage and displacer beast
Mallory: mage and locker-mimic
Kevin: earth-etched, unblessed, practiced structured magic via an enchanted bronze plate, lives with a vampiric symphony member and witchy DJ
Damian: metalworker, later mechanic, son of a witch, once hunted by his "mirror image," survived by kissing and sexing her
Mira: the half-identical mirror image (?), can do tricks with mirrors, tastes like citrus
Matthieu Marchand: also Molten Myth, studies unconventional magic and metallury, spent his teenage years surviving alone in a nonsensical world of sugar, spice, and things trying to kill him, a squire of the Earthen Order
Grindstone: grandfather to Myth, knight of the Earthen Order, badass
“Ninth Lord”: "deceased" knight of the Earthen Order, demon, enjoys escaping hell for brief periods and enjoying romantic literature
Persistent Beast: known as Liam; old, practically immortal, dangerous, ravenous, famous for surviving ridiculous executions; generally terrified of external/uncontrolled sources of heat
"Pop-up Nightmare: known as Jack; famous for brief appearances throughout the ages, often considered a myth, very shy and unassuming
Porcelain Fade: known as Laina; actually a frail girl, known as a famous sex worker (her "double") that gathered a strong following that raised her from her work, her best friends are a realized figment of her imagination and a guy that should be killing her
Ruos Illinde, Pinnacle Hunter: the only hunter that threatens Liam, too gay to die, her girlfriend accidentally mangled her voice, unusually immortal for a human
“Demonolgist-gunner”: son of a witch, dragged to magic college by his friend, hard worker, poor magical prowess, has an independent magic system that lets him summon his weapons
Manager Death: pretty chill, overworked, in charge of all death (human, non-human, deific, and so on), has delegated many tasks to individuals he has waived death from
Sickly Death: a lady from another setting, good friends with Lady Luck, is wished ill by many and so is ill
Knottam Portan: a reaper employed by Manager Death, the "longest-lived" human reaper in Death's employ, lives in an apartment with humans out of the know, sleeps irregularly with the demands of his dayjob and his reaping duties
Lady Death: the crush of Elliah's soul? laid-back, timeless
Nate, Priest of the Abandoned: a table-top gamer that found, saved, and restored a statue of Lady Luck (with his friends), he goes on to enable all forgotten/abandon gods to continue existing and keeping them all company
Entropy: friend to Knottam, pretty chill, can totally end the existence of anything given enough time, likes to travel and experience new things
Elliah “Casper” Redden: sneaky, a reincarnation of Wrath, regularly murders people to keep control of himself
Ethan Moore: kinda popular, gets saved by Elliah and learns how to survive from him, goes on to co-found/lead a crew of students and friends through a warzone
Siet “Hailey” Lenas: saves a bunch of people from danger by avoiding conflicts, sets a lynch mob on Elliah, joins him shortly thereafter, generally pacifistic, adds exception as she learns to get along (and convinces Elliah and Ethan to chill out more in turn)
Lazar Kensley/Laus of Dust: a down-trodden gamer whose exploits decide the fate of a nation; Lazar is his "Earth" name, Laus is his "Lirc" name
Charlie "Barker": Lazar's friend, plays furry Vikings in their game and lives their ideals, aspiring veterinarian
Ikail: a master archer, quiet friend of Lazar
Haniel of Dust: something of a desert spirit, chief leader of the Lirc, adopted Lazar/Laus as her little brother, has a musical whip
Kezal: a master rider, hates Lazar once he is tied to her nation's fate
Sorec: goddess of the Lirc, ex-princess of a neighboring kingdom
Kirituania: DEFUNCT? lesser goddess of the Lirc?
Draskul Aer: DEFUNCT? a rare significant man among the Lirc; drove monsters that the Lirc were unable to effectively combat to near extinction
“King of Coal/Flesh”: a French girl that has sat upon the Hearth's Throne for far too long
“King of Flame/Blood”: a boy steeped in the traditions of pyravol
“King of Bone/Ash”: another girl that pushes the limits of her art
Senai Orathi: overseer of the most complicated world, ex-thief, confined to his new home
Cinneyi: goddess of family and proactive protection, has a crush on "Creator"
Kreyji: goddess of family and reactive protection, Cinneyi's sister
Rafe Lorienne: cleric of Cinneyi and necromancer by her request
"Creator": Senai's predecessor and assumed to be the creator of the most complicated world
Seriqad: the last of his people, attuned to the spirit of death, has red eyes that he regularly disfigures to hide his heritage, a sort of lich
Arhias: a paladin sent to hunt Seriqad, befriends him over the course of a lifetime instead
Nuemin Tilus: the biggest jerk, born to a rich family, has a little sister that he regularly harassed/abused
Mint Nuelle: friend of Dodger, later hunts down draft dodgers, pioneers the use of soulfire bonds as torture tools
Dodger Stone: soulfire adept, illusionist, murders Nuemin and steals his identity
Aster Xilhu: succubus that binds herself to Dodger as his familiar
Lillian: prodigy diviner, one of the few that challenges Dodger to do better, practices demon summoning and related taboo magics
"Demon Bro": Lillian's brother and a demon of some renown
Esri Lyrrhn: excellent mage, excels in indirect combat, works as head of security and secondary chief administrator at Iolech (?)
Hel: bitchy model that gets sucked up by Alskur
Mercy: useless nerd that gets sucked up by Alskur
Lecil: tendril-morph, works as security and sells baked goods on the side
Tamara: Maria Eschil Loew, librarian, chief practicioner of dangerous magic; lives with Lecil
Jonathan Sieffas: went to art school and studied to be a construct technician as a secondary option, abandoned both when his girlfriend was murdered by exorcists, became an exorcist
Kjekerva Austre: Kayla, sentient pair of panties made by an accomplished, pro-sex mage
Jay: AKA "J:\\", a digital avatar? something of a killswitch in a digital setting where everyone and everything is data, programming, artificial intelligence, etc
Charlie: AKA "C:\\" (?), a dick in the same setting as Jay
Delia: internal intelligence agent, Yinnic, totally an assassin, totally botched her murder-suicide of a suspected defector/spy, racist as shit?
Anise: talented ship security, Yinnic, recruited as muscle in a long-term stealth op, was totally used as incentive to try to get other recruits in
Kino: daughter of an ex-intelligence agent, Dekar, skilled marksman
Janeo: daughter of an ex-intelligence agent, Dekar, skilled infiltrator
Osric: hopeful radio operator/technician, Yinnic, conscripted as a tank operator, learned to act as a spy as a matter of survival
Seamus: a prototype Yinnic supersoldier, really nice guy, really tough guy, was totally bait for hopeful recruits
Chelsea: the only "regular" soldier going out on the stealth op, Yinnic, fell hook, line, and sinker for Anise and Seamus
Ollie: also Olivia/Oliver, genderfluid space fighter pilot or some such, kind of badass, kind of nerdy, very good at zero-G combat, low self-worth (and takes full advantage of that to do crazy shit)
Laika: friend of Ollie, smuggler, trader, and captain of a stealth vessel
Jesse Albrecht: a horror game critic/guide-maker, director of the Cabinet Corps
Desmond Locke: prophetic (?) game-designer, owner of the Locke-r Arcade, was totally a cool kid back in high school and ran an arcade out of his locker at the time
Beverly Vigor/Ainsley Flow: "librarian" for a small selection of restricted books that travels and connects to larger collections willy-nilly
Gunman Gamma/Old God Kiirkxin: technically an old spirit, has many titles and names, would like to forget some of them, somewhat chill, lost all of his followers to a plague, isn't over their deaths centuries later, older than the flow of time (and can recognize weird things because he's not bound by time), later depicted as nubby horned and white haired
Xion & Teo/Seijin: intertwined souls, Gamma's champion and spring, can totally rewrite timelines
"Phoenix": a fire god/spirit that crushes on Gamma, regularly dies and comes back
"Invincible Mountain": rival to Gamma (Relentless Gale), rules over a massive mountain city
Zershaln: life portioner/thief and advisor
Esukal: life granter/puppeteer and priestess
Yequln: life ender/warden and tailor
Prosper: executioner of the Gravel Guard, actually pretty chill and unlikely to execute anyone
Juuha: ascended demon
Tyler Hoffman: judge, jury, warden, and servant of an alien, fan of cartoon wherein alien is depicted, smith, kind of a wizard eventually, dies and comes back to life several times, kind of unkillable
Thomas Baker: programmer, works alongside mythical creatures, has no idea until after he bluffs a gang and inadvertently "burns" his veil, sees everyone amd everything as what they are, has to put effort into seeing their disguises
Hunter Hunter Halsey: modern day monster hunter, does more diplomacy than hunting, has about as much sexual intercourse as verbal intercourse at some point, dressed/trained old-fashioned at patron's request
"Patron": a vampire hunted by time mages
Nolan: a Dreamer that is "acutely aware of all threats", intended, actionable, possible, and acted
Faye Scoria: national criminal, can summon/control fire
Scum: one of the Covenant, regenerates in a parasitic manner, hive-minded over their lives, but tends toward using one vessel
Bitch: one of the Covenant, usually Major Bitch as per their military rank (and something of a joke)
Bud: one of the Covenant, not Buddy
Jill, the All-seeing Witch: Ruos' runaway girlfriend and substitute horror hunter
Lacey: stripper, has a retired intelligence agent as a brother, leader/creator of the Escort Service (kind of a gang, kind of a bodyguard business, kind of a prostitution ring)
Trevor: skittish ex-conscript with an erased service record, kind of remembers overlapping timelines of the span wherein he was shelled in trenches, sees his week-long stint as several months
Zachary: AKA Beta, Bee, or Plan B, supers' supportive vigilante, experienced mountain climber, college kid, eventually joins their ranks after an incident
Shan: may become defunct, a Dreamer that creates shadows of people that he can command, they have limited operating range, owns the Midnight Lounge
Hikaru: martial street performer
Jill, Shadow Demon: the demon that Hikaru plays at
"Jane Doe": big, caffeine addict, smells of the sea, "brick-like," an unexpected OC, but a fast favorite after a few key events and chats
Zavax: country of necromancers
The Void: the place of men and beasts unfit for mortal realms
The Overworld: current home of Senai Orathi and other "gods"
Alskur: the city of arms and armor; the desire of the nal'orose
Yinnia: nerds have their own country and send conscripts to war in mechs
Dekar: bullies have their own country and go to war with greedy nerds
"Gear Mall": high-tech skaters have their own city-state where everyone skates; they are literally the biggest mall
The Dreamers: a bunch of people that dropped into inexplicable comas, shared a dream, and gained supernatural powers
Horror Hunters: a loose association of monster hunters
Oschn Clan: more a band of like-minded horror hunters that specialize in dueling other hunters to learn their techniques than a proper clan
Guillotine: a guild of player-killers run by a group of criminals
The Covenant: usually "of Blood", sometimes "of Dust", composed of many near-human people that never truly die (but they totally die a lot)
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zulies-doodles · 7 years
Did I see somethin' about Superheroes? What kinda AU is it? Because anything with superheroes is my JAM, I love hearin' about that stuff!
It’s not an au, i just have a bunch of ocs which belong in a superhero type universe. Kinda like marvel and Dc, except the characters and universe are all mine. I actually have way more ocs within this universe that i haven’t posted yet and i have plenty of storylines in my head.
Basically the oc I focus on most in this universe is Arianna Gale aka “Electra” cause she’s my most fleshed out and oldest oc in this universe.
If you have any questions feel free to ask! I love talking about my superhero ocs ouo
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witchofinterest · 4 years
Questions About Creating Your OCs: 3, 14, 19 for Jude Drew
Thank you!
3. So I have a board on my Pinterest called writing stuff (I wasn’t a very good writer when I made it okay?) and I have a section on names in it. I generally refer to that when naming characters (unless I need a specific letter or theme). So I went on the older names list I have, bc I wanted her name to blend in with classic Nancy Drew characters. I found Judith, and I like the nickname Jude so I went with it! Also I liked the idea of her sister calling her Judy moody as a nickname. It was between something else, and I’m pretty sure the other option was Dorothy aka gale (I was in it for the references okay?). Yeah, anyway I like her name! (And I know you do too!)
14. 2 things I must keep in mind. I actually forgot one of them when i last write her, but I think it’s okay bc it was short. 1. Jude has schizophrenia, and that alters her perception. 2. Jude has just lost her mom (though I might change this, we’ll see)
19. Favorite fact about Jude is that she’s just a total nerd, and unapologetically loves things for “children”. Magic tree house book, cartoons, even easy mazes (“sometimes I wanna solve something easy Nancy!”)
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