delwrites · 6 hours
HI HI james is my pookie rn too and I'm craving fics so !!!!
consider. James with a really studious kinda reader (I'm thinking Ravenclaw but house doesn't have to be specified), academic rivals to lovers? like reader gets the best scores in most subjects but just can't manage to beat James in transfigurations? perhaps one day they find themselves struggling so much they just HAVE to ask him for help (as much as they hate to admit it) and they realize he's actually not as insufferable as they thought he'd be... then study sessions (cough dates cough) get more frequent and I think you can imagine where this is heading
hope you understand what I'm trying to say ^_^ you don't have to write this if you're struggling or don't feel like it but thanks in advance if you do 💋💋
an- i have to be honest, i didn’t write this alone… @koishua posted a list of prompts for academic rivals and i used a few, big shoutout to them thank you so much, they helped a bunch <3 this request was amazing, thanks babe!
James Potter loved to get on your nerves.
The smug bastard had seen how good you were in all your subjects, so he just loved to hold your greatest shame over your head; transfigurations. That bitch.
His annoying attitude paired with his holier-than-thou perspective vexed you to no end. But what irritated you the most was how genuinely gifted he was, when you could barely understand the simplest of spells. It was unlike you, and he knew it, and gosh he loved to rub your face in it. You dreaded every upcoming test, and no matter how hard you studied, it made no difference when it came to putting the theory into practice. You hated him and his smug fucking face.
His smug, handsome face. 
Before you had spoken to him, you almost could’ve sworn your heart jumped in your chest a little. Before he had opened his fat gob, you’d almost thought you actually found him sufferable. Oh how wrong you’d been. 
“Exam coming up, sweetheart. I can’t wait to rub my superiority in your face, again!” You rolled your eyes as James took his respective seat next to you. Regrettably, you’d allowed him to be your seatmate, the first day of lessons your eyes following him as he smoothly slid down on the shared desk next to you. You didn’t realise, at the time, just what you were getting yourself in for.
“Oh shut it, Potter, this time is the time I get you back, just you wait.” You spat his name out with as much venom as you could fathom, before he let out a surprisingly loud laugh at your words.
“Please, oh I’d love to see that!” The bastard. You’d show him, you just had to.
The next day was the first time where this pointless rivalry had faltered, it almost made you like him. Almost. You were sick, in bed all day with a flu that was going around. It was hardly anything serious, you weren’t exactly bedridden, but you didn’t want to pass it on to any of your respective classmates (although you wouldn’t mind poisoning a certain one). 
It was late afternoon, just after last period, when a certain displeasing bespectacled boy was at your dorm room door, rasping a melodious knock that tore a groan from your throat. 
“Come in!” He peeked his head around the door, a cheery expression faltering at your state, before coming back tenfold, a detail you missed having your arm thrown over your eyes. 
“You had no right to get sick!” He all but whined. You looked at him incredulously, baffled by his sudden outburst.
“Who am I supposed to annoy now?” 
“Well I didn’t mean to get sick!” You reply, exasperated by his antics, and the annoying tone his voice was piercing your brain with.
He smirked at you, happy you still had your argumentative nature with him, even in your state, before handing you a bundle of parchment.
“Uh, here.” He gives you a lopsided grin, best he could muster for you right now, before clasping his hands behind his back, rocking himself back and forth from the balls to the heels of his feet.
Upon reading the parchment, you instantly knew what he’d done. You furrowed your brows upon glancing over his notes (in aggravatingly nice handwriting, might you add).
“What, and the joke is they’re all wrong or something?” you say, clearly irritated, waiting for him to get to the point, hit you with the punchline. 
“No! No, I just, um, want my win to be a fair one, you know? Can’t have you falling behind, can we?” By this point, his feet had planted firmly beside your bed, hand going up to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I, uh, used my best handwriting and everything. I know you always complain about how ‘illegible’ it is so I, y’know, wanted to make sure you could read them…” he says, his hand then gesturing to the aforementioned papers in your grasp. All you could do was stare at them, trying to figure out his real intentions. James Potter wouldn’t just do something nice for you, would he?
Upon your silence, his brain scrambles to fill it, “You can read it, right?”. You feel a smile fighting onto your face, a genuine, stupid smile trying to unabashedly show itself. 
“Uh, yeah, yeah I can read it, idiot. Um seriously, I- thank you?”
“Wow, don’t have to sound so genuine.”
“No, James, seriously, it, um, it means a lot…” your eyes stick onto the post at the end of your bed, your duvet suddenly feeling suffocatingly warm. 
James can’t help but feel stunned at your use of his actual name. It felt silly, but he could feel your resolve crashing down before him, it made his own rear its head into the room, before he heard your door open, signalling his departure.
“Right, well I’ll, uh, see you later.” He gives you his best grin, teeth and all, before scooting past your friend to go back to his friends, a confusing blush covering his cheeks. Shit.
Your next lesson back, you couldn’t help but feel your anger tenfold. You had read over his notes and, for fucks sake, they were amazing. You already had a better understanding of the subject just after two, maybe three sides of parchment. I mean wow, what a dickhead. A super smart, super hot dickhead. You took your spot next to him, not daring to give him a glance.
“Woah, you’re awfully quiet. Finally realise I’m so much better than you at this?” He turns to you, smug smirk on his lips that you just wanna smack (kiss) off his stupid face. You turn to him as well, so suddenly that he almost flinches. 
“Teach me.” 
It certainly wasn’t what he was expecting you to say, but if it led to you here, now, like this, then boy was he glad. You were sitting practically thigh to thigh in the library after school, you requesting his help right up until dinner (or however much of it you could take until then). 
After around two hours of his help, you hated to say that you were already seeing improvement on your behalf. You’d never seen him so serious, not shy to crack jokes of course, but you could tell he was genuinely trying to help you. There were points where you couldn’t help but get distracted, watching his hands run over the pages, using them to further drive his points home, not shying away from the proximity like you desperately wanted him to. Every time you asked him to repeat himself, he’d poke your side, asking if he’s going too fast for you (not quite as teasingly as you’d expect him to, though), before repeating himself in a way that he deemed would make things more clear for you. It’s his fault, anyway. If he hadn’t been so close, so touchy, you wouldn’t get distracted in the first place. Hell, you could practically feel his breath on your neck. Despicable. You could only pray he couldn’t feel your heart rate speeding up, body temperature rising. If he knew the reason for your getting distracted, he sure as hell wasn’t showing it, at least having the decency of saving you the embarrassment. 
It all came to an end (sadly) when Remus came into the library, looking for a particular book and finding more than he bargained for. A smirk overcame his face, before walking over to you both, bending next to James’ ear to mutter a quick “Sirius has been looking for you,” and leaving you both to your devices as he continued scouring the library for his book, discreetly eyeing you both up. 
“Thanks again for, y’know, everything.” You say awkwardly, wringing your hands together in a manner which had his eyebrows creasing, lips in a straight line before sucking in a sharp breath, replying with a genuine, “Hey, I get it. Having a reputation to uphold and what-not, it can be a lot…” You just nod, eyeing up his face for any indication of him not meaning what he was saying, sniffing out any traces of a potential trap. 
“No really, you make a great teacher.” You beam up at him, the closeness of him making your breath catch in your throat, faces so close you could almost…
“I am brilliant, aren’t I?” Moment ruined. 
You let out a genuine (albeit, surprised) laugh in his face before gathering your ink and quill, putting all the parchment used into your bag and holding out a hand to him. 
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queersouthasian · 5 months
If I see one person saying shit like "Babe deserved it, he was always harsh with charlie” (no he wasn't, the only times he was harsh were the times he was manipulated by way's bitchass self and thought Charlie was going to betray him, makes sense he has spent majority of his life being betrayed, but Charlie never did and never will, every lie he says is FOR BABE, he unnecessary never lies, and everytime babe thought charlie lied against him, he got the reassurance that Charlie would never and with time Charlie has build this trust, he never gave up even when babe misunderstood 'cause he knows how much babe went through so he makes sure babe knows that his lie was to save him, it's always to save him and that relaxes babe, Charlie could become so much more than just a lover to babe because he took his time to build that safe space and trust between them even if the situation didn't let them) I would start swinging.
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pathetic-sapphic · 9 months
Thank you for doing my request! Your write wonderfully. And of course it’s ok that you do it for the male characters! U don’t need permission from me this is your account and your writing, you do what you want :) and also if you’re gonna do it can you add Grayson to the list? Tysmm 🤍
Arcane men with a S/O who has anxiety
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VIKTOR likes to use the slow and gentle approach when helping you during harder times. He understands what it's like to have doubts and feel as if all eyes are on you, just waiting for you to make the wrong move or fail. He will ground you by gently taking hold of your hand and kissing the back of it, whispering how everything is going to be alright and that he is right next to you. If he sees you panicking and your breathing getting heavier, he will lead you outside to get some fresh air. Viktor will sit next to you on a bench, winding his arm around you and drawing soft circles along the length of your spine until you've calmed down. Overall, he is a very gentle and patient lover who will be there for you no matter what, always reassuring you and helping you regain your peace. Viktor is forever your safe space.
''There we go, darling. It's okay, just breathe. No no, do not apologize, there is no place I'd rather be than right here next to you. Trust me. You know I'd never lie to you. Remember how many times have you stood by my side whenever I felt panicked or lacked faith in myself? Exactly, so now I'm going to do the same thing for you. I love you and I want to help you, I want to be your safe space. Now, just take my hand and tell me what's bothering you. I'll always be here to listen, sweetheart.''
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Let's be honest for a bit, JAYCE is a himbo through and through, meaning that it might take a while for him to pick up on your anxious tendencies. He might even mistake your nervous fidgeting for excitement which definitely doesn't help your situation. You're going to have to tell him outright what you're struggling with, but once you do, he is your biggest supporter. Jayce is good with words and he is hopelessly in love with you so he is quick to beat down any feeling of self-doubt you might feel. He is basically your rock, always standing by your side and letting you lean on him whenever you need it. Jayce is like a loyal puppy, always following you and making sure you have whatever your heart might wish, he basically treats you like royalty. He is at your beck and call, ready to help you out or just hold you whenever you feel bad or your anxiety gets the best of you.
''What's wrong, babe? Come here, sit on my lap, and tell me what happened. Oh, baby, I wish you told me earlier you struggled with all this, I would have been able to help you sooner then. Tell you what, whenever you feel like that again, feel free to seek me out and I'll help you feel better in no time! Don't be ridiculous, you're much more important than my job, I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for all of your support during all these years. Now, let me do the same for you and be your support, alright? Good, I love you so much, babe.''
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By being a leader at such a young age and carrying such a heavy burden, EKKO is well aware of how hard it can be to try and mask any doubts or insecurities you may have. He could always rely on you whenever things got too hard and now he wants to be there for you too. Once you reveal all the things that have been plaguing you for a while, he pulls you into a long, tight hug. His heart hurts just by thinking about all the things you had to go through on your own. How many nights have you spent crying yourself to sleep while he unknowingly slumbered away next to you? He decided that it ultimately doesn't matter because it'll never happen again. He knows you'd feel bad or as if you're bothering him by confiding in him about your worries but he reassures you that you could never be a burden to him. What would truly bother him is his beloved suffering in silence while he is unaware of all the hardships they're going through.
''Oh, firefly, why didn't you tell me you've been struggling so much? I could have been there for you and helped you! It doesn't matter, it's not your fault, just don't do it anymore, okay? You are never a burden to me, don't you dare think that. You deal with just as much trouble as I do and even if you didn't, that still doesn't mean you can't rely on me when you need it. I'm here for you, babe, and I want you to look for me and tell me whenever you're not feeling well. I'll always make time for you.''
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VANDER is often very busy so you might think you can hide your troubles from him since most of the time he is either off running the Last Drop or taking care of his kids. However, he is a very observant and intelligent man, not to mention a very caring one so he quickly picks up on your sour mood. He will invite you to a storage room behind the bar, asking Benzo to take over for a bit. Vander will sit next to you on a squeaky old couch and take your hands into his, laying them upon his lap. Carefully, he will ask you what's got you so upset lately and once the floodgates open, he wastes no time in pulling you into his embrace. He will kiss the top of your head and rub his big hands along your back, cursing himself for letting it get this bad. Vander calms you down and comforts you, making you promise him that you'll make sure to communicate your feelings to him in the future. He hates seeing you cry and is ready to do whatever it takes to make a smile reappear on your pretty face.
''Come here, darlin'. It's okay, I've got you now, you can cry as much as you like. I'm sorry I didn't notice how bad you've been feeling sooner. It must've been so hard for you, my love. Shh, don't apologize, it's not your fault that you're feeling this way. We all feel like that sometimes and I'll always be here for you whenever it happens, alright? I love you so much, my darlin', now let me see that beautiful smile. There it is, it's like the sun is shinning right at me. You are my sunshine and I won't let anyone dim your light or take away your warmth, got that?''
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SILCO can be surprisingly kind behind closed doors. It's no secret that he has a soft spot for you and will treat you as a priority, along with his daughter of course. He quickly picks up on your fidgety and nervous form but trusts you to confide in him when you're ready. When that doesn't happen and he notices your state getting worse with the days passing by, he invites you to his office. He will make you sit in his lap and explain your troubles to him while he tentatively listens and clings to your every word. Once you're finished, Silco will gently cup your face and lift it so your eyes meet his. He will tell you how proud he is of you and how grateful he is for your trust. Next, he will reassure you that your troubles are never an issue to him and that you always have a safe space in his office. Whatever you may need, whatever your heart may wish, he is ready to grant it as long as it means it will return that beautiful smile to your lovely face. He dedicates the rest of the evening to making sure you're feeling relaxed and well-rested, banishing any negative thoughts out of your pretty little head. He may be a criminal mastermind, but to you, he is your kind and gentle boyfriend, always ready to serve you and dedicate his time and effort towards assuring your comfort and happiness.
''Come here, darling. Yes, sit right here and look at me. Please? There you are. Now, are you ready to tell me what has been bothering you so much lately? Lying is futile, my dear, do you think I haven't noticed how fidgety and distant you've been for the past few days? I just thought I'd give you time to approach me and confide in me. Seeing as that hasn't happened yet, I am now giving you an opportunity to explain what has been going on inside that pretty little head. I see, I wished you'd told me all that sooner, it would have saved you the trouble and suffering, beloved. No matter, I'm here now and I am aware of your situation, thank you for trusting me with this, I know it can be hard to talk about such things. Now, how about we take a bath and have dinner together, hm? It'll help you relax and take your mind to a hopefully more pleasant place. Perfect, wait for me in the bathroom, I'll be with you in a minute, my dear.''
a/n: i will add grayson in a separate post for arcane milfs :)
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Meet Me Halfway
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AN: Whewww buckle up!
Synopsis: He's a hopeless romantic, but you can't for the life of you understand why he won't commit. He's attached to you and doesn't want to be around anyone else. Doubts start to creep into your mind and now you're left feeling like you aren't good enough.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Requested by: @kentuckyboyharlow 🥰
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“That’s my good girl, you better take this shit and act like you want it.” Jack said while hovering above you while you were in the midst of getting your back blown out by him for the sixth time this week.
All it took was a few new outfits from Givenchy and three pairs of Louboutins to have you at his mercy.
But this was the usual thing.
You definitely didn’t need him, there was no doubt in your mind surrounding that.
But you wanted him.
You were successful in your own right having graduated from the top of your class at Harvard and following in your parents footsteps of being a business owner. You had always had an eye for fashion, so that was your go to. High end boutiques that you owned which could only be found in Paris, London, New York, Tampa, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. 
The two of you met when he had ventured into one of your boutiques when you had happened to be there and he was infatuated by you from the first glance. 
And everyone was able to tell. 
This entire friends with benefits situation had been going on for a year and a half, and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, it was now starting to bother you.
Bottom line is that you knew that you deserved better, but you wanted for the better to come from him.
As far fetched as that idea was. 
Jack would tell you all the time how he longed to be in a relationship with someone that would see him for the person that he was and not just what his job entailed.
Well, that was you.
He would admit that you were one of the few people who still treated him like a person and separated him from what his job description entailed. 
He would go to you about everything and sometimes more often than not, you would know things before even his best friend Urban did.
Jack would always tell you how much he trusted you and how much he valued having you in his life, however it didn’t quite feel like it sometimes.
Being that you signed an NDA, there really was no one that you could talk to about your relationship issues and didn’t want the risk of you accidentally letting his name slip from your lips when you were addressing the topic. 
So, you suffered in silence.
But, you honestly didn’t know how much longer you could take. 
Jack literally did everything for you that a boyfriend would do in a relationship, there just wasn’t a title to go along with it. 
As you were both coming down from your high, Jack took the opportunity to pepper kisses all along your skin, before finally reaching your face and kissing the side of your mouth before pressing his lips to yours. 
He slowly slipped out of you making you wince before laying down next to you on his back and pulling you on top of him.
Jack noticed that you had been unusually quiet for the past three days.
He bought the gifts in hope that it would put you in a better mood, but truth be told nothing had changed.
That’s when the thought of him losing you crept into his mind no matter how much he tried to block it out.
You meant a lot to him and when an opportunity arose for him to tell you, he took it.
He loved you and was in love with you but probably would never say it to your face. He was scared that he would either run you off or mess up a good thing and that was honestly the last thing that he wanted to do.
You were his safe place and his safe haven. 
“Babe, why are you so quiet? Did something happen? You haven’t been yourself for these past few days.”
“I’m fine, I promise.” You answered, not bothering to pick your head up from his chest to look at him and you knew that he was going to continue to push until he got an answer that he was satisfied with.
“You know better than to lie to me. You can tell me anything. I want to help you fix what’s wrong if I can.”
Oh, he definitely could,alright, if he would just admit his feelings and stop being scared all the time.
That was the only reason that you could think of as to why he hasn’t said anything to you yet.
“Can we just drop it? It’s not something that I want to think about right now. You asked me to come see you and I did and that’s all I want to focus on before I have to fly back home.”
“We can drop it for now, but before you leave I want an answer.”
“It’s nothing, just work things.”
“That’s bullshit and you know by now that I can see right through you.”
“Damn, we on government basis now?” Jack asked as he looked down at you and the two of you finally made eye contact.
You were quiet and simply looked at him. 
When he didn’t get an answer from you all he did was sigh before kissing the top of your head.
“Fine, I’ll let it go for now. Maybe it’ll take your mind off things when we go to see my parents and Clay later.”
“I thought you said that we weren’t leaving this bed when I got here?”
“Well more or less. We’ve been going at it for six days anyway, one night away won’t hurt. And they miss you anyway. I told them that you were coming and they got excited.”
This obviously wasn’t the first time that you had met Jack’s parents. You actually knew them really well. He always introduced you as his friend when meeting someone new and every time Maggie saw you she would ask if her oldest had asked for you to be his girlfriend yet.
Because she honestly didn’t know what the hold up was either.
She would always tell you the way that Jack talked about you and how he would literally light up and get excited. He didn’t do that with anyone else.
Not to mention that when the two of you met, he literally cut off everyone that to him would be seen as a distraction and would take his attention off of you.
You were the shiny new toy that he was infatuated by and as many times as you wanted to walk away from the situation, he kept reeling you back in. 
“So, what do you think of the house?” Jack asked you quickly changing the subject before you had an opportunity to say no.
You had been the first person that he confided in about wanting to buy a house and he wanted for you to go house hunting with him in Louisville, however, your schedule just didn’t allow it. But you promised him you would come and see it as soon as you could.
When he made the purchase, he immediately flew you out to see it, hence, why you were there now.
He still had some decorating to do for him to get it exactly how he wanted it, but the basics were there.
You were the first person to step foot in it besides him and the realtor and you admit that you loved that he confided in you so much because he valued your opinion on different things.
“I like it, it suits you.”
“I got an extra key made for you too.” Jack said while reaching over to the bedside table to grab it and then placing it in your hands.
“No, I want you to have it. You’re my person and if at any time you need me, you know that I’ll be here and there’s no need to hesitate. I’m always going to be here for you no matter what. If you want to hop on a plane in the middle of the night to come see me, then you can. You keep me grounded and the last thing that I would ever want to do is lose you.”
“Okay.” You said as you reached over to put it to the side of you making a mental note to put it on your keys later.
“Can I be real with you for a minute?” Jack asked you and you simply nodded your head.
“Of course you can, I’m never going to tell you no.”
And truth be told that’s what your problem was, never being able to tell him no.
“I just think about how I can’t wait to settle down and have kids. I highly doubt that I’m going to meet my wife in a club somewhere, but you never know I guess. I want for them to want for nothing and that’s why I work so hard now.”
Luckily you weren’t facing Jack as he told you this because you immediately rolled your eyes.
He always did this shit and made you feel as if you were just a placeholder even if that wasn't his intention. Keeping his wife’s spot warm for when he actually did meet her and then what? He would probably kick you to the curb and would probably have to give him the house key back.
When that happened, you planned on cutting him off for good.
And you weren’t going to run back to him no matter how hard that it might end up being.
Because how in the world would you be able to compete with somebody’s wife?
“I don’t know if that’s what I want in life or if that’s the type of life for me.” You quietly answered and Jack did a double take.
Honestly, you wanted for it to be with him, but the thought of that went out the window a long time ago. 
What Jack wouldn’t admit to your face is that the only person he saw that future with was you.
“Since when? From the moment we met you said that you always wanted a family.”
“Well things can change.” You replied while shrugging. 
“Any man would be lucky to have you and he wouldn’t want for nothing because of how amazing of a person you are. Anyone is able to see that. Especially me."
“I.. just don’t know if I’m cut out to be someone’s wife.”
“You’re definitely more than capable. Just look at the way you take care and do things for me.”
You so badly wanted at that moment to get up and walk out the door and never speak to him again, but of course it wasn’t that easy.
You were too far in and down bad and you knew it. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Jack placed another kiss to your temple and this time you couldn't help but to smile.
“Now let me eat you out before we have to get ready.”
It was now around 8 PM and Maggie had cornered you with a glass of red wine for you to update her about everything that had been going on in your life in the backyard since she ordered out for dinner not having the energy to cook anything.
I guess it was fair seeing as the last time you saw her was a month ago.
You truly adored his parents and looked up to them as they were yours right along with Clay.
“Okay miss lady, spill it!” Maggie said while sitting next to you and handing you the wine.
“Nothing is really going on!” You said while laughing and taking a small sip.
“Nothing? Nothing at all? Including with my oldest child?” 
“Definitely nothing there. We’re friends, that’s all.”
“But the way that he looks at you tells me otherwise. I know that look because that is how Brian looks at me.”
“Mama Maggie….”
“What?! I’m just saying! I know what love looks like when I see it and I definitely see it between the two of you no matter how much either of you wants to deny it, Mama knows best.”
“I’m not saying that you’re wrong but….”
“But what?”
“I just don’t think I’m the perfect fit for him.”
“And that is utter bullshit, excuse my French. You two fit together like two puzzle pieces and not the ones that you have to force together.”
“We’re friends and the last thing I want to do is ruin that.”
“But my question is, what if you don’t ruin it and it turns into something more? Then what? You’re never going to know unless you try.”
Just then Jack made his way over to the two of you and Maggie simply eyed him.
“You two were just talking about me, weren’t you?” He asked while looking between both of you.
“Oh, just telling Y/N how I’m waiting for you to ask her on a proper date. Nothing more or nothing less.”
“MOM!” Jack exclaimed while turning beet red and all you could do was stifle a laugh.
“What? What’d I say? You obviously want me to be honest with you right?”
“I… I should have never asked. Anyway, Y/N, you ready?”
“But we’re only one glass in, don’t tell me you’re stealing her from me already.”
“She has an early flight mom, so yes I am stealing her from you.”
“Fine, Y/N, just remember what I told you and don’t take so long to come back and see me.”
“I promise I won’t.”
The two of you simply rode in silence back to his house and once there, you immediately went upstairs to begin packing.
“Hey, you okay? I seriously want you to tell me what’s wrong. I didn’t forget.” Jack asked while coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on your cheek.
"I promise I'm okay. I just don't want you to worry about me.'
"But I always worry about you. Can't help it. If it was left up to me, you would be around me all the time."
"I know I would." You said while laughing and Jack turned you around so that you were now facing him.
He was simply looking at you with that famous smile of his and you could feel your face starting to get hot.
"Oh my gosh, stop!"
"Stop what? I didn't even do anything!"
"You're staring at me!'
"Well I can't help it if my girl is extremely gorgeous." Jack said while leaning down to kiss you and you eagerly kissed him back.
"Can't you stay for one more day?' He quietly asked and you immediately sighed.
"You know I can't."
"Yes you can, you're the CEO and can do whatever you want."
"You had me for a week already."
"And truth be told I need another one. Come on babe, please." Jack said while trying to subtly reach behind you in order to close your suitcase to put it back in his closet.
"I haven't seen you for an entire month. Everyone was suffering just ask Urb."
"Fine, one more day."
"Good, because I already went in your phone and changed your flight so this would have been real awkward if you had said no."
"What!? I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"See if you moved down here, I could see you every day and not have to miss you so much all the time."
"Now, Jackman.."
"Hey, it was just a thought!" 
Even though you promised Jack to stay another day, you still packed the majority of your things away so that it would be easier to get ready to leave and hopefully be at the airport on time. Jack had helped you finish and the two of you began to have a movie marathon before you fell asleep. 
Jack was still wide awake and peering down at you while you were asleep on his chest.
His thoughts were running rampant and he knew that you deserved better than this.
But truth be told, he was terrified.
Terrified of his feelings that he had for you.
He didn't really know why, seeing as he knew you like the back of his hand and he knew that you wouldn’t hurt him, but that thought still had residence in the back of his mind.
The biggest thing he had to separate is the fact that you weren't her.
The two of you had absolutely nothing in common and when Jack met you, it was like a breath of fresh air.
You were focused, had your goals, dreams, and aspirations set and he honestly wanted nothing more than to see you win and be by your side through all of it.
But what he didn't plan on was falling in love with you head first.
He wanted to tell you, he really did.
But the last thing he ever wanted to do was disappoint you or vice versa, you disappoint him.
However, the way that you showed him that you cared let him know that he wanted you in his life for the long run.
It was only a matter of time until you got fed up and he didn't know what he would do when that happened.
Just a little while longer and he'll tell you.
The wife that he would always mention that he wanted was you.
He saw a future with you and no one else.
Now all he needed was the courage to tell you.
You had been back home for about a week and a half and had been extremely busy getting new designs ready for fall. You admit that you hadn’t been answering your phone much or talking to Jack on a daily basis like you usually did, so it didn’t surprise you when your phone started ringing with his specific ringtone attached to it. 
"Hello?" You answered when you had finally found your phone that was buried underneath multiple fabrics that you were using for the dress you were designing.
"Babe! What took you so long to answer your phone!?"
"I'm working, Jackman. I need to work in order to buy things."
"My girl doesn't need to work when she knows I got her. Anything you ask me for, I get it without a second thought."
"I- cut it out."
"Just saying, but anyway, I got your assistant to clear your schedule for this weekend. Actually the whole week." 
"What the!?!? JACK!"
"My baby needs a much deserved break and I'm spending the entire week spoiling her. You'll thank me later."
"Where are we going?"
"Meet me on the tarmac at 6 am on Saturday to find out. Oh and bring that purple lingerie set that I like."
"What? I don't have a set that's purple." You answered, trying to think of all of the sets you had in your head.
"Yes you do since I got it delivered to your house earlier. It'll be waiting for you when you get there."
"What am I going to do with you?" You asked him while shaking your head.
"Nothing. Been stuck with me this long. And you know you can't get rid of me that easily."
"Jackman, get off my phone and let me finish so I can go home."
"So, is that a yes? That you'll go with me?"
"Well I didn't tell you no, did I?"
As promised it was around 5:45 in the morning when you pulled up to the airport to see Jack already waiting for you.
You had barely gotten any sleep the night before between how excited you were, how much you missed him, and worrying about finishing the designs for your boutique.
Once the car came to a complete stop, the driver opened the door for you and while he was getting your bags out of the trunk to load onto the plane, you ran full force into Jack with him catching you and your legs immediately went around his waist.
“Did someone miss me?” He curiously asked while kissing the top of your head.
“Ehh, I mean I guess I missed you.” You responded as he placed you back down on your feet and began to play with your braids. 
“Wait, you guess? After all that I went through to plan this shit for you? YOU GUESS?”
“Of course I missed you J, now where are we going?” You asked as you began to climb the steps of the private jet with him right behind you. 
“Did you bring what I asked you to bring?” Jack asked while eyeing you as the two of you were now seated next to each other.
“If it’s the purple lingerie set that we’re talking about, I’m actually wearing it right now.”
“Good girl. You’ll see when we get there.”
The two of you were now in Paris near the Eiffel tower having a candlelit dinner for your next to last night in Paris and you were in absolute awe of how much he went through to be able to do this for you and were thankful that he takes initiative to be able to spend as much time with you as he possibly can. 
Tonight had to be the night that he was going to do it.
It only made sense right?
He had to ask you to be his girlfriend at this point, because nothing else would make sense.
Him flying you to Paris?
Having dinner near the Eiffel tower?
Putting you in one of the most expensive hotels in the city?
And not to mention him fucking your brains out ever since the two of you touched down with no end in sight. 
The purple lingerie set definitely came in handy. 
I mean this was one hell of a first date if it could be considered one, but you were definitely convinced that it was.
“J, thank you for this.” You said while sipping on your red wine and he simply looked up at you and smiled.
“Anything for my girl, you know that. I know that this is one of your favorite places in the world and I remember you telling me how you really never get a chance to enjoy it because usually when you come here, you’re working so I decided to bring you when I knew for a fact you wouldn’t be working at all. Only work you’re allowed to put in is on this dick.”
“Way to ruin the mood, Jackman.”
“What?! I was just saying! And do you know that I don’t let anyone call me Jackman, but you? Besides my mom of course, but I just love the way my name sounds when you say it.”
“Really? I didn’t know that.”
“Well, yeah. You’re special to me.” Jack replied while shrugging and turning red at the same time. 
“And you’ve definitely shown that to me this week, and all the time really now that I think about it.”
“And I wanted to ask you something.”
“Of course, anything.” You answered as your heart started to race.
This had to be it, it just had to be. 
“I just don’t know how you’re going to take it.” Jack said while scratching the back of his neck, clearly nervous.
“Babe, just ask me.”
“Would you be in charge of designing my wardrobe when I go on tour?”
“Wait, what?”
“Only because I know you have so much to do already, but I wanted you to come on tour with me! I can’t go that long without seeing you or having you near me.”
“Oh.” You said in defeat and now decided to pick up your fork and play with your dessert and trying not to break down in tears in front of him.
“Just think about it, baby. No pressure, but I would love to have you with me. And you already know how much PG adores you.”
“I’ll think about it.” You quietly said and Jack immediately noticed a change in your demeanor.
“Okay, just let me know. Oh and one more thing.”
Jack simply pulled out a box that had Cartier written on it and placed it in front of you and all you did was stare at it.
“What are you waiting for baby? Go ahead and open it.”
You did as you were told and slowly opened it up to see that it was a bracelet.
But not just any bracelet.
It was THE bracelet that you had told Jack you had wanted, but never got around to actually buying it yourself.
“Do you like it? Here let me put it on for you.” He said while taking it from you to help you put it on.
It was taking everything in you in that moment to not rip it off and throw it into his face.
“You’re my person, Y/N, and don’t you ever forget that. You ready to get out of here?”
You forced a small smile and quickly nodded.
You needed to get away from him.
As soon as possible. 
This had gone on long enough and you were tired of feeling like you weren’t good enough for him.
The ride back to the hotel was awkwardly silent and Jack knew that there was something wrong, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint what it could actually be. 
He finally cornered you in the master bedroom of the suite that you two were staying in and wanted an answer.
“Babe? What’s wrong? Something’s off.”
“You just wouldn’t understand.”
“Why wouldn’t I understand? Where is this coming from?”
“Jack,  drop it and I mean it.”
“Something is wrong with my girl and I’m not dropping it until she tells me why.” He answered before turning you around to face him.
All you did was look down and Jack quickly put his finger under your chin for you to look up at him.
“I’m tired of not being good enough.” You quietly whispered not being able to hold it in any longer.
“What? What do you mean? Good enough for who? You are more than enough.”
“Obviously not for you.”
Jack wasn’t expecting that for an answer and was now looking at you confused.
“For me?”
“Don’t play dumb because I do not have the patience for it tonight.” You said while turning around and continuing to pack your bag.
“I’m not playing dumb, but why would you say that?!”
“Jackman, you literally do everything as if we’re in a relationship. Down to the gifts, you buying me a car no matter how much I wanted for you to return it, you fuck me whenever you feel like it, fly me out to wherever you are in the world and you literally just gave me a key to your house. And now apparently instead of flying me to Paris in order for you to ask me to be your girlfriend, I get a bracelet and you asking for me to go on tour with you instead. All while still not being able to call myself your girlfriend. You just take and take and take from me and I allow it! I follow you anywhere like a lost puppy! You don’t see any problem with that?”
“Where is this coming from because the last time I checked, you were okay with it.”
“When was the last time you checked? Because I honestly don’t ever remember you asking me.”
“And you’re just saying something now? We’ve known each other for almost TWO years!”
“And that’s all you have to say? You constantly make me feel like I’m not good enough and that I’m a placeholder for your actual wife because you even said it yourself.”
“Y/N.. just I can’t have a girlfriend right now.”
“But you can have me, who is basically your girlfriend without the title? I’VE MET YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR GRANDPARENTS. WHO DOES THAT FOR SOMEONE WHO THEY DON’T PLAN  ON BEING WITH?!”
“And now you don’t even have an answer because you never intended on making me your girlfriend in the first place. Even if you led me to believe that you were. You cut everyone off for me and it’s like for what? You might as well call them back because whatever this is, it’s over and done with. You’re not going to play me anymore.”
“No one is even playing you! You knew this shit from the beginning and how it would be!”
“Jack, you don’t have to worry about me so here’s your key back. And do me a favor. Don’t call me for the rest of your life and I hope that you find your wife wherever she may be.”
“Y/N… you don’t mean that. You…. don’t do this.”
“You don’t love me so why do you even care if I walk out of your life?”
“BUT NOT THE WAY THAT I FUCKING LOVE YOU SO I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT! I’M DONE, I’M DONE WITH THIS SHIT! I DESERVE BETTER!” You were now crying and Jack was trying to embrace you, but you immediately pushed him away.
“No, I’m not getting roped back in so don’t even touch me.”
“Y/N, you’re crying.”
“Y/N, I just need more time. We’ll do this, we’ll do it all. Be in a relationship and everyone will know about it.”
You simply wiped your eyes with the back of your hand even though they were still steadily streaming down your face.
“No, don’t try to save face now and try to make it right. I meant it when I said I was done. Don’t give me any handouts. I want someone to love me for me and love me outloud and not be afraid to show it. I have never seen someone so scared of commitment like you are. I’m not innocent in this either, however, I realized that I deserve more.” You said as you closed your suitcase and was making your way towards the door.
“You lived without me for 22 years. I’m sure you’ll find a way to fill the void.”
“Y/N please. I don’t know what I’m going to do if you walk out that door and never talk to me again.” Jack pleaded with you with actual tears in his eyes.
“You’re Jack Harlow. You’ll find another bitch to keep your bed warm at night.”
“But she won’t be you!”
“And you’re damn right about that. Maybe now I can actually look for my husband, wherever he may be.”
“Let’s just sleep on this and we’ll talk about it again in the morning.” Jack said while trying to come closer to you but you immediately backed up. 
“Jack, I made myself pretty clear. The answer is no.”
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moonswolfie · 8 months
HQ!! Boys with a poet S/O
hey hey hey guess who's back with a super self indulgent piece of shit fic (i am joking, this is my humour)
also let's just say the reader does not write about cute lightearted things (but if you'd like to see a version where the reader writes cute stuff lmk!!)
so, yk TW for implied mental turmoil and an overall angsty hurt/comfort mood for these
Characters featured: Oikawa, Akaashi, Kageyama, Bokuto, Iwa chan
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OIKAWA honestly wouldn't believe that those poems were written by you at first. When you excitedly gave him some of your poems to read, he thought they would be cutesy love poems dedicated to him and only him, not this. "What...? Are they bad?" You seemed worried at his wide-eyed expression. "Baby, are you ...okay?" He asked out of the blue, the genuine worry in his tone knocking the wind out of you. "Hahaha, it feels so weird hearing you say that...!" You tried your best to not let any more laughter escape you. "What?! Am I not allowed to be a good boyfriend now?!" He was offended by your reaction, slightly clutching the poems in his hands. "No, it's just... unusual to see you this concerned about me." You said with a half-smile. You had gotten so used to Oikawa's light-hearted flirty attitude, that you sort of forgot just what kind of person he is. "Just what do you think of me?" He sighed, suddenly pulling you in for a hug. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" All you did was nod, feeling relieved that he understands.
AKAASHI 's eyes would widen gradually as he read the contents of your poem. You gave him 5, but he already feels horrible, and he's only on the first one. He almost doesn't want to believe you wrote this. He becomes worried about you, doing a deep analysis on your poem since he wants to understand every part before approaching you with his worries. The next day when you greet him happily, he simply hugs you. "I'm sorry for not noticing..." is all he says, and though it takes you a bit to understand what he means, you feel overwhelmingly relieved he isn't judging you for what happened. "It's okay, I didn't tell you, you couldn't have known..." you assured him, knowing your boyfriend's tendency to overthink, he would beat himself up if you said nothing. "Next time, please please tell me about things like this. I can't stand the thought of you suffering alone." He squeezed you tighter.
KAGEYAMA is confused. Reading and understanding poems was never his strong suit, but yours are especially confusing to him. You laughed a little at his concentration face, and he handed you your poem back, still confused. "What does this even mean...?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Ahaha, don't worry about it too much... I wrote it like that on purpose." You made your poem vague and messy on purpouse, something you knew Kageyama probably couldn't understand properly. Awkward silence filled the room, and Kageyama silently hugged you all of a sudden. "I don't get why, but I got the random urge to hug you just now..." he mumbled silently, squeezing you in his grip. He must have noticed the sadness behind your voice and just doesn't know how to properly comfort you. "You said that out loud, Tobio." You smiled. "Shit..."
BOKUTO 's smile drops suddenly as he reads your poem. When he found you writing it, he insisted that he must read it no matter what. But what in the world was this? Why were you writing about all this sad stuff? "Babe...." his hands trembled slightly as he looked at you while you were smiling as you usually do. "Why would you say that about yourself?" He was very very saddened right now, and you weren't sure who's going to end up comforting who. You felt your bones being crushed in his impulsive hug. "It isn't true!! You're literally the best person I know!! So don't you dare say that again!!" He put his forearm over his eyes, tears stinging at his eyes. He has to be strong for you, he can't cry now. "Kou-" "I've decided! From today on, you're getting complimented every day!! No excuses!!" He looked very determined.
IWAIZUMI understood the content of your poems very well. And it angered him. Why didn't you tell him this happened?! "Idiot." He let the word escape his lips, clutching the paper in his hands. "You should have told me. I would have protected you." He looked to you. You weren't scared since you knew that your boyfriend was genuinely concerned right now, and that was just his way of expressing it. "Dammit, why do you always insist on keeping your problems to yourself..." he pulled you to his side, looking ahead. "I'll tell you next time..." you looked down to the ground. "You better. Or I'll beat you up." He huffed, but you saw the relief flashing in his eyes. He didn't really show it, but somehow, you could tell his heart sank when he read it.
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I'm okay :)
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My Dear Wife - Lloyd Hansen Series
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Character: Lloyd Hansen x Rich!Female Reader
Words Count: 3200
Summary: Our reader was safe from the hostage situation, and she got her answer for all her problems. But did she make the right choice being married to a lunatic sociopath? 
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 (Extra Story)
A/N: This is the continuous chapter from 3 Billion Divorce. <<<Check it out if you haven't read it. 
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Thank you so much for reblogging the first chapter. 💕💕
I want to write the aftermath of the day Lloyd came to the reader's office with the divorce paper. 
But I feel the story would be better when both characters get to know each other. 
I would appreciate any comments and feedback you can give me. Please tell me if you have any ideas and feedback for part 3. 
Don't be shy if you want to be tagged for part 3. 😄💕
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In the family, there will always be an evil uncle, aunt, or cousin who says hurtful things. Their bullet would be:
"Why are you still single?"
"How much is your salary?"
"When will you get married?"
"My son/daughter just got promoted or bought a new apartment."
They will say anything to make their family better than anyone else. 
The only choice is to ignore them and not return for another family gathering. 
But with you, it's a different case. You wished they would say hurtful things rather than try to get rid of you. 
They have shown you their true colors after your grandfather's funeral. 
Their first act was you woke up at a mental hospital with the note that you're delusional. 
You ran away and sued the hospital. 
They even use your friend to spike your drinks. Since that day, you lost your friend, and you never took a sip that was being offered to you. 
You almost got killed on the airplane, but the pilot didn't want to risk his life, so he told you the truth. 
You can't even stay at your own house. Cause assassins always break in to get you while you're asleep.
That's just some of the cases. 
After the suffering, you've been facing all these years. 
It's time to get revenge. 
You got an instant husband who is an expert at handling problems.
After your secretary sent the money, Lloyd untied the rope around your hands. What a paranoid man; he didn't trust you until he got the money. 
"Mr. Hansen, where is my bodyguard?" You couldn’t stop worrying about Jimmy after the car crash. You didn’t know what happened to him. 
He is still sitting and reading the contract. "Aren't we supposed to be husband and wife? Call me Lloyd, or hubby, or babe. Take your pick."
Lloyd wants to tease you and is curious about your response.
You’re not amused with his jokes, "Lloyd, I want my bodyguard to be alive and healthy."
Oh well, you’re not in the mood for jokes. He snapped his finger to his soldier to come forward. The soldier speaks softly, almost whispering, "Her bodyguard lost too much blood."
Lloyd clenched the soldier's collar, forced him to bend, and pointed his gun. "I don't care, treat him. If he needs to bathe in blood, so be it. Or do you want to pay the penalty of 3 billion?"
"No sir." The soldier shook his head and started to run. 
He put down the contract and clapped his hands. "Good news sweetheart, your bodyguard is resting. He got dehydrated."
"So what does my precious wife want me to do?" 
He strolls towards you. "Do you want to finish them as quickly as possible or slowly by torturing them?"
"The second choice."
"I thought you wanted them gone."
You scoffed. "They will lose their will to live when they see me become the head of the company."
Lloyd felt a shiver when you said that. He likes it when you sound desperate but bossy at the same time.
"I need to ask you, are you sure you want to pay me that much money? I could give you a discount if you want."
You shook your head. "It doesn't matter to me as long as I'm alive."
You walk around him while your eyes stay focused, looking at his blue eyes. "I see how you work, kind of spontaneous but deadly. You immediately betrayed my relative after I offered you more money."
Suddenly you stopped and smirked, "That means you're not afraid or just don't give a shit. I need a fearless man who is also a lunatic at the same time."
"Besides, I'm worth more than 40 million dollars."
He felt shiver again, and now his heart was beating loudly. He doesn't understand why.
Lloyd's hands cover his face. "Stop, stop, I'm blushing because of your compliment."
"We could write this into our marriage vows."
You rolled your eyes. "By the way, is there any room that I could use? I want to rest."
Lloyd smirked, "Oh honey, I haven't decorated the bedroom for our wedding night."
You sighed heavily, your finger running through your hair."Lloyd, Right now, your wife is exhausted, 4 hours ago, I thought I would die. I have no energy to banter with your joke."
"Okay princess." Lloyd raised his hands; he knew it was time to stop teasing you. "My man will take you to your bedroom. By the way, my room is next to yours. If you feel lonely, just knock." He winked at you. 
You rolled your eyes. "Ooh, and I want to have breakfast tomorrow. Black coffee and egg Benedict."
‘GASP!' Everyone inside the house was astonished at how brave you were giving orders to their boss. 
"Don't tell me 1 billion is not enough to get me proper food?"
You shook your head. 
Lloyd looked at you.
You didn't know the last time someone gave him an order, that person got thrown into the sea. 
This is the first time a guest has ordered breakfast in his mansion. To be exact, a former hostage became an honorary guest in his house. 
At the stairs, you look down at him. "Don't make me regret investing in you, Lloyd." 
His jaw twitched, but he stared at your back without replying. 
He never tries to prove himself. But to you, he has too. He doesn't want to disappoint you since you gave him so much money.
God, he loved a challenge.
He snapped his fingers to call the servants, "Tell our chef to give his best for tomorrow."
After you closed the door behind you, you finally took a breath. 
Honestly, you didn’t plan to sleep, but after you find the answer to your problem, you feel somewhat relieved, and the fatigue you've been holding in for four years finally releases and drains your energy. 
It’s a funny world; you feel safer sleeping in a house full of guns. Everyone here wears weapons like accessories. 
While you are resting on the second floor, everyone is working since Lloyd orders his IT team to start looking at your family. 
It will take a while to get the info; while waiting, Lloyd took a cigarette to the terrace. He took a deep puff and exhaled smoke as he looked at the garden. 
He thought he could finish this job easily. But now it’s more complicated. 
‘BZZT’ The sudden vibrating phone woke Lloyd from his deep thoughts. He grins when he sees the caller.
"There's a new job for you." That British accent sounds annoyed, probably caused by Susan's nagging.
"Can't. I'm busy."
"I thought you'd done with the last mission."
"That one is done. This one is different."
"What is it?"
"I got married."
"You're… not… laughing. Are you serious? With who?"
"Y/N L/N."
Lloyd moved his ears away from the phone because Carmichael cursed too loudly.
"L/N? Don't tell me she's from the conglomerate family L/N & Co?"
"I heard she will be appointed as the leader next year. Lloyd, you lucky bastard."
"Thanks man. Hey, can you send all the files of the L/N family?"
"Sure. Consider this as a wedding gift from me."
That phone call was short but helpful. The best part is Carmichael didn't ask questions and was ready to help him. 
In a few minutes, Lloyd received the files. It seems like the CIA has been sniffing around. Everything is here. 
Your grandfather has eight kids, but after your father died, that left seven kids. 5 aunts and two uncles, that’s how many opponents you have to deal with.
The fight is different with your uncle and aunts because they don’t mind getting their hands dirty as long as they achieve their goals.
The files have dirt ready to use if the agency wants to blackmail your family. Your uncles embezzled the company money; there are also some cases of sexual harassment.
Your aunts do money laundry using their art gallery and boutique shops. Their husbands are politicians, it's obvious they received a bribed.
He got the info and everything he needed, and next, he opened your files. 
Only your father chose to be low profile. He handles car manufacturers. He’s good at his job, and the car he designed improved. Your mother is just an ordinary housewife. Your family is quite normal than other relatives. 
But the normal life is gone when your two uncles fail a mega project and humiliate the family business. It made your grandfather mad. 
Your grandfather chose your father as the next successor, but before the official announcement, your parents died in a car accident. 
It is still a mystery where the driver went missing. 
There’s a big question mark on the files. A big chance the one who hired the assassins is in your family. 
Your grandfather took you in, and you became a prodigy under his wings. Everyone knew you would be the next successor. 
After high school, you decided to study abroad, not in an Ivy League university your grandfather told you to attend. This is the first time you disobey him. 
He only participated in your graduation and asked you to get a master's at Harvard. 
Lloyd chuckled about the fact you went to the same university “No shit, she's a fellow alumnus.”
This time you did what he asked. While getting a master, your work in the company as an intern. It was difficult, but you learned a lot. 
The way you work in business also improved; your grandfather often asks your opinion to find solutions. The interaction between you both made others jealous. 
There’s also a hospital record of a car and ski accident. All the evidence showed all the equipment was broken on purpose.
"Such a heartless family." Lloyd shook his head; after he dug deeper, he realized your family is more complicated than he thought. Money is more important than blood. 
After finding out what happened, there’s an uneasy feeling knowing you’re alone right now.
Lloyd went into your room to check in; he knew this house security was top-notch, but it doesn’t hurt to check. He could talk to you until you fell asleep if you were still awake. 
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When he went in, he saw you sleeping peacefully. 
You were wrapped in a white blanket like a burrito. He looked at you, defenseless like a bunny. 
He leaned down a bit before sitting at the side of the bed; you didn’t even notice. You must be exhausted.
He can’t imagine if he were in your position—four years of running and hiding. Surviving without any military background is quite impressive.
Lloyd knew his job was to protect you and stay professional, but right now, he couldn't help feeling protective towards you; he wanted to get all your relatives to the basement and torture them to death. 
“Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt. I swear in the name of 3 billion dollars." He whispered before leaving the room.
Usually, he doesn’t care if his client is satisfied with how he does his work. But with you, he wants to see you smiling and proud at his job. 
The next day,
The sun was beaming through her blinds, causing you to stir. It’s been a long time since you’ve awakened from a deep sleep. You felt refreshed.
“Rise and shine.” 
Your body jumped; you didn’t realize someone else was in the room. 
There he is, already in his best outfit. He dresses like he wants to go hunting. In contrast, you look like a mess. There’s nothing underneath the blanket since they didn’t provide you with any spare clothes.
You clenched your blanket when he walked towards you. His right knee rests on the bed while you move backward, but he moves faster. You flinched without realizing it. 
As a woman, you know he has a beautiful body at first glance. Even his perfume smells nice. Too bad he’s a lunatic.
While you were lost in thoughts, he swept you with the blanket into his arms, cradled you to his chest, and carried you out of bed.
“Ah! What are you…?!”
Lloyd smirked; he found it amusing to see you caught off guard. “Didn’t you ask for breakfast?”
He carried you to the dining room and put you near his chair. In a few minutes, people appear, their hands carrying a food tray. They put down the food, and there it is. 
You could smell good coffee in a glass, not instant coffee like you always made, and egg benedict. The food looks beautiful. You’ve always wanted to have an aesthetic breakfast. 
You touch the coffee cup, enjoying the warmth in your hand. Lloyd thought you were scared. “There’s no poison in it.”
“I know.” You bring the cup to your lips” I remembered your vows.” You want to giggle, but you hide it by sipping the coffee.
Lloyd burst into laughter. It turned out you were awake. You keep surprising him. He felt like he had achieved something when he saw you enjoying breakfast. 
Suddenly one of the servants knocked on the door. "Sir, they're here."
"Great, let them in."
After he gives permission, you see a group walking into the room. Each of them has a different style.
You have so many questions; Lloyd said, "You are my honor guest. And you deserve the best treatment. I got the best hair stylist, and fashion expert to treat you."
Lloyd smiled generously. "This is my first gift to you."
"After you're done, there will be another surprise waiting for you." He said before leaving.
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After the makeover is done, you feel like you are being reborn. It’s been a long time since you got pampered like this. You got to admit he did a great job. 
Before you go down the stairs, you see the silhouette you’ve wished to see. 
“Jimmy.” You ran down to hug him. 
“You're okay. I'm so glad.” Jimmy sighed, relieved; then he talked in his serious voice, "I know we're desperate but not this desperate to make a deal with him."
The moment he woke up, he punched one of the soldiers. No wonder why the car chasing is too much. It was Hansen Security who got hired. He heard about the company. They are famous as gruesome and heartless mercenaries. They will use every method to finish their job.
He was confused, and even though the soldier got hit, he wasn't mad. It turns out you made a deal with their boss. The money you offered was insane. But to you, money is not the issue. 
"I care for you like my own kid. I don’t want you to get hurt."
You want to cry when he says that. You've known him since your grandfather was still alive. He's a man of loyalty, and you're grateful for that. 
"This is why I made a deal with him. I don't want to lose you. Even though we're not related by blood. But to me you're family.”
Jimmy sighed again because you were right. There's nothing else you can do. 
“Ehem, pardon me for interrupt. But boss wants to see you both.” 
The soldier guides both of you to the room. He opened it with a passcode. When the door opened, you were awed by how many screens were inside and computers.
“Sir, the honored guest is here.”
Lloyd was looking at the screen when he turned around and became quiet when he saw you. The stylist he hired did a great job. You look different... in a good way. 
He cleared his throat. “I want to show you something.”
You saw the screen behind him. 
“Before we start planning to made your relative suffer, there’s another thing you should know.”
A picture of a news article and a photo of a wrecked car is shown. 
“Car accident that happened 19 years ago."
Your body flinched when you saw the pictures. It's a taboo topic. Nobody around you will try to open the Pandora box.
But this man… just opens the source of your trauma. 
Jimmy was ready to destroy the hardware if you asked him to. Because this is your nightmare.
On the other hand, Lloyd discovers new facial expressions from you. He likes looking at you as being weak. Lloyd wants to punish you a little bit. He still holds a grudge when you humiliated him last night.
 "I found the missing driver.”
“They made it look like an accident. But I found the driver and the person who hired him."
"Who?!!" You've been looking for the answer but always found a dead end. 
"The eldest child from your 3rd aunt's family."
Your cousin? That most spoiled person you've ever known? 
You remembered another cousin making fun of him, saying he needed a nanny to wipe his ass until he was ten. He couldn't even pass every test unless his parents bribed the schools. 
You heard he worked as a notary, but he was stupid. The land he handled for a mega project doesn't have a permit. While the investors had put their money. For sure, they sued him.
He came to your grandfather, begging and crying for help. 
He was the last person you could ever think of. 
"Your aunt and her husband get rid of all the traces."
Lloyd's words hit you like blows to the chest, and each of them made you lose breath. You always want to know the truth, but the pain is too much. You struggle to stand on your own feet. 
"Yeah…, there's …no way…. he can work ….alone."
Lloyd noticed you start panting, your eyes not focusing anymore on the screen. 
"What about…my other… family? Do they… know?" 
"All of them are working together. " 
"Urgh." The pain in your chest became unbearable. So their condolences at your parents' funeral are an act of pity? And your grandfather? 
That's when you realized. 
Oh, God.
Your grandfather knew the TRUTH. That's why he chose you as the successor to forgive his children. 
Your vision becomes blurry, your legs wobble, and it feels like the floor is moving. 
Lloyd moved fast when he noticed you couldn't stand on your feet. He caught you before you fell. 
Your hand clenched his shirt to make him bend down. Your face and his were so close that you could feel his breath. 
You saw his expression, he was not worried, but you could feel he was amused seeing your reaction. This bastard does this on purpose cause yesterday you embarrassed him.
There’s no way you would cry in front of this psycho. 
"Forgot… what I said….last night. I want them…gone."
Lloyd smirked. His hand removed yours that was holding his shirt. He touched your knuckles and kissed them gently. "As you wish my dear wife."
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A/N: What do you guys think about this chapter? If you have any ideas for part 3, please tell me. It will be helpful. 
Don't be shy if you want to be tagged for part 3. 😄💕
This chapter is from Lloyd Hansen's Series - 3 Billion Divorce.
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Extra Story
Tag list :
@jasminxts @alchemxx @imsolatetothegame @thorinsmistress @bree-lyrie @another-tblr-fangirl @buckysteveloki-me @motivation-idontknowher @cherrybubblebullet @supraveng @avery199 @evansce1 @ridingthehotmessexpress @hoely-maria @katymae12344 ara-theo @rebeccapineapple @spikeluv84
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gavisfanta · 4 months
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last part 😭😭
lmk if you guys want more insta posts
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rain and anna 💖
tagged: annalewandowska
liked by yourinsta, frenkiedejong and 619,626 others.
yourinsta ❤️
mikkykiemeney missing you at the games ❤️
annalewadowska missing you lots!
frenkiedejong 😍
mikkykiemeney ❤️
user726 nah too sweet
user62 good game frenkie!!!
user1029 i love how we havent seen Y/n interact with anyone for about a year and then she comes back under mikkys post
user119 its too adorable
user910 maybe because theyre family
user8190 I'm just worried that her and pedri broke up
user5193 nah me too
user002 everything says that they broke up, move on dude
siramartinezc 😍❤️
mikkykiemeney ❤️
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babysitting with mikky ✅️
tagged: pedri, mikkykiemeney
liked by yourinsta, mikkykiemeney and 537,819 others.
mikkykiemeney funniest babysitting of my life
annalewandowska i agree
user9710 you two are so prettyyyyy
user552 I love the fit ❤️
madridxx Hala Madriddd
user91022 shut the fuck up
user113 no need to spread hate dude.
user019 I was there too!!!!
user227 tell pedri to come back from injury
user813 might have to tell that y/n
user0122 true
user006 who are you guys babysitting?
user8103 ?
user729 am I the only one who noticed that she tagged pedri
barcel19 maybe just an accident
ynamor919 maybe its his 🤷🏼‍♀️
miamor6 yeah definitely
user729 i was like hold onnn.....
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doesn't matter the loss, we stay blau grana.
Visca Barça
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 1,720,662 others.
pedri te amo hermosa ❤️
yourinsta Te amo por siempre
user628 awww
user910 thank god they're still together
user539 frrrrr
user819 comeback of the year
user667 FRR
user551 I'm so glad they didn't break up
joaofelix79 still see no blue hair y/n
yourinsta gah dahmn it's been a year
joaofelix79 i wont forget...
pedri me neither...
user445 you know after the clasico loss joao and pedri shouldn't be joking around but they are...
user601 you should rather focus on keeping pedri healthy
user0193 so rude for no reason..
user28 she isn't the one who got him injured dude
user729 shut the fuck up
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proof that I'm alive
tagged: pedri
liked by pedri, frenkiedejong and 1,273,628 others.
mikkykiemeney 😍
yourinsta ❤️
user7628 okay but didnt she post those pictures before????
user810 omg youre right
user992 yeah like ages ago
frenkiedejong ❤️
yourinsta ❤️
user920 SHES BACK?????
user662 missed you babes
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Pedri and his girlfriend are reportedly still dating, after she dissapeared for almost a year and neither pedri nor pedris friends or family wanted to talk about her, it was clear that they broke up.
However today Y/n posted a picture of the stadium during the el clásico in which Barcelona suffered their first loss of the season against real madrid at home.
Fans immediately picked up on the idea of two of them still dating or rather dating again.
Two hours after she published the post Pedri left a comment, in which he said "te amo hermosa ❤️"
It's confirmed that they're still dating!
liked by user6289 and 28,910 others.
marcel92 👏😍
barcaa1899 Pedri gets the hoessss
user829 stfu
user1193 shes not a hoe
user001 why does everyone love Y/n so much suddenly
user17 I was thinking the same...
user991 She's iconic
user019 okay but Pedri on that pic 😍
user911 girl youre too real
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missed my loves ❤️
liked by mikkykiemeney, pedri, annalewandowska and 1,773,920 others.
pedri my two girls ❤️
yourinsta ❤️
user910 SORRY?
mikkykiemeney You ate with that fit
yourinsta HAHA thank youuu I had the best stylist @pedri
pedri what can I say
joaofelix79 why didn't you suggest blue hair
yourinsta please leave me alone
user917 HAHAHA
annalewandowska missed you during the games, I'm so glad youre back!! 😍❤️
yourinsta I missed you too!!! ❤️
pablogavi Great support I saw you cheering from the pitch
yourinsta I was cheering for pedri tho not for you
user729 Ate and left no crumbs.
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getting ready... 😉
liked by joaofelix79, yourinsta and 1,621,187 others.
yourinsta muy guapo ❤️
pedri gracias hermosa ❤️
joaofelix79 ou ou ou...
pablogavi 😍🤭
pedri gracias hermanito
comments on this post have been limited.
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para siempre 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️
tagged: yourinsta
liked by pablogavi, yourinsta and 2,628,919 others.
yourinsta para siempre ❤️
pedri ❤️
comments on this post have been limited.
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post wedding...
now back to my old life 😍
tagged: pedri
liked by pedri, pablogavi and 2,802,001 others.
pedri ❤️ (pinned)
yourinsta ❤️
pablogavi wish you all the best!!!
yourinsta thank you ❤️
user820 nahh too sweet
user772 wait hold on what
ynamor AAAAA WHAT??
user192 I cant believe it
user736 REAL
user991 NAH WHAT
user662 wish you two all the best
user729 dont tell me she disappeared because she was pregnant...
user917 is everyone gonna ignore the thrid slide?????
user114 cuties
ynamor AAAA
user028 bro is still screaming
user916 dont tell me they have a kid.........
user1537 girl I'm in love with your dress
joaofelix79 wish you three all the best 😉
yourinsta thank you Joao ❤️
mikkykiemeney they grow up so fast... 😭❤️
yourinsta aww come on ❤️
frenkiedejong i swear you were just 5 yesterday
yourinsta crazy how time works 🤯🤯
fcbarcelona We wish you two all the best and much of luck! 👏❤️
ferrantorres Good luck you two ❤️
pedri thanks hermano 🤝🏻❤️
lamineyamal good luck 🤝🏻
yourinsta thank youu
pedri thanks mate
user701 i love how pedri turned british
user6927 FRRR
frenkiedejong might have to beat pedri up if he fucks up 😁
pedri i wont, promise
frenkiedejong hope so for you
user829 I've legit never seen frenkie mad
user227 fr he just seems so pure all the time
user881 WHAT A BABY??
110 notes · View notes
muertawrites · 2 years
eddie munson and food
this man lives on cup noodles and cereal. he doesn't know what a vegetable is and thinks black pepper is a fancy spice. the most complicated things he knows how to make are grilled cheese and kraft dinner (she says like she's not american), and those are rare. if you can cook or like to cook, though, he'll eat whatever you serve him - he's really not as picky as he seems.
grocery shopping with him is always an adventure. it's almost like shopping with a kid; if he had his way, your weekly meals would consist of doritos and pizza rolls. you're constantly having to tell him to put things back, keeping an eye on the cart to make sure he doesn't sneak in as much junk food as he can. he's also super chaotic in a grocery store - hanging off the end of the cart while you push it, drumming his knuckles on everything he passes, kicking random boxes off the shelves to see if he can catch them before they hit the floor.
"can you be chill for like five seconds?" you plead as a fifth box of instant mashed potatoes smacks down at his feet.
"no. absolutely not."
asking him to get things for you to keep him occupied is also a disaster.
"baby, we need lettuce."
"... yeah?"
"you brought me spinach."
"it's green and leafy. it's lettuce."
he thinks the fact that you can make things from scratch, no matter what it is or how simple the process, is magic. he'll lean over the counter and just watch you cook, never absorbing anything but always amazed by your ability. even if you can only make something as elaborate as spaghetti with canned sauce, it's like a gourmet meal to him.
if there are any comfort or ethnic foods you make often, he wants to hear all about them; they're also his favorites, purely because they're yours and he loves listening to you talk about them.
for the hispanic babes: he's mesmerized by tortillas. will hover in the kitchen just to watch you make them.
"so that's how you're so friggin strong. rolling those things out and making them your bitch."
"you flip those things with your hands? babe, that's so fuckin metal!"
(i love making tortillas from scratch store bought tortillas ain't shit)
he's a habitual stealer of your food - anything you have, he'll sneak a bite or a sip of it, no matter what he has to eat. once he finishes his fries, he'll take a couple of yours. he regularly leans over your shoulder to drink from your straw. if he comes home and you're already eating dinner, he'll grab a fork or a spoon and poke it into your dish instead of getting his own; chinese and indian food are common in your house because of this.
was surprised to find out there was more than one kind of cheese.
his favorite thing to cook for you is butter noodles. if you're feeling lazy or are a little short on cash, he'll pop open two packs of instant ramen and slather the plain noodles in butter and black pepper. bone apple teeth.
you help him make baked goods for his side business. he loves everything you bake (if you bake), and whether you like to partake in the ganja or not, he appreciates you taking the extra time to add it to his favorite recipes.
(this is just me projecting) it actually started because you don't smoke. you're sensitive to pot and get really bad paranoia and anxiety, even from a contact high. eddie, being the loving and protective man he is, refuses to smoke in the house / apartment / trailer / whatever because of this. you felt bad in winter when he had to suffer the cold, so you did a little research and figured out how to baste some of his stash in butter to add to cookies and brownies. he proposed to you after taking the first bite (and was actually kind of serious about it).
he started sharing your special baked goods with some of his more well-liked clients just because he was so proud of you and wanted to show off your skill, but they became super popular. now you make batches just for him to sell from time to time; they're regularly gone within a day.
hates fish; it makes him nauseous. big fan of red licorice.
likes to feed you. instead of offering you things to try, he'll hold his hand or fork / spoon up to your lips for you to bite from. gets a little turned on when his fingers "accidentally" slip into your mouth. loves it when you lick things off his fingers.
will sometimes belch in your face just to gross you out and annoy you. he thinks the way you scrunch your face up when he does it is cute. always kisses your nose immediately after. he's a little shit.
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atarathegreat · 6 months
I'll See You Again
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"You know when to step back." Kenny didn't turn to look at you as he spoke. One more lap and Manjiro would be in the pit for a quick work up, and Kenny and his guys couldn't work right if you were in the way. You knew that, and you knew when to get out of the way, so it was obvious that Kenny wasn't asking a question but making the statement so you knew time was coming up. There was no response from you, didn't need to be since you were both already aware of your ability to read the situation. Millions of eyes were on him, watching him race his bike around the track for another go. In the past there was a fear buried in your heart that he would get hurt, but he hadn't suffered so much as a broken bone.
You should've known it would catch up to him. The screams of the crowd as you rush forward, not caring about the bikes that could hit you as the other drivers ignore what's happening.
Kenny and the team hurried forward as Manjiro pulled in, a bright smile on his handsome face as pulled his helmet off. "Babe! Kenny brought you down here again?" Oh's and Ah's sounded from the stadium as he picked you up and spun you around. He loved to show you off, to make sure everyone knew that you had him. His fangirls weren't so pleased, but he wasn't concerned about it. You meant everything to Manjiro and he wanted the world to know.
"He did! He caught me before I could get to my seat." He loved the way you spoke, the way you smiled. He made sure you knew everyday. "Good, I'm glad I got to see you for a moment." Manjiro gave you a quick kiss before returning to his bike.
Where had your shoes gone? Doesn't matter. You're hurrying to him, faster than the medics.
You stepped back next to Kenny, "He's doing amazing today."
"He is." Kenny nodded once, "Manjiro knows how to control the bike, I have no concerns for him."
That was before he hit the round, before the other biker bumped into him and sent him into the concrete wall. Before he didn't get up and became unresponsive, before you jumped the barrier and took off so fast you lost your shoes.
"Manjiro!" Your screams don't sound like your own, your body doesn't feel like yours, "Manjiro!"
With the medics behind you, you slam your knees into the ground next to him. "Manji!" Are those your hands pulling his helmet off? Kenny is right next to you, making quick work of the track suit. "Too much clothing here!" He yells over your screams. Kenny grabs a hold of your head, "Stop screaming! Help me get him out of this for the ambulance!"
Screams turn to sobs as you help Ken tug Manjiro's arms through the track suit. You cry and beg for him to respond to you, to open his eyes even for a moment. But he doesn't. Manjiro doesn't even twitch an eyebrow at your voice, not even when Kenny slaps his face hard. "Kenny, do something!" You yell, jerking on the taller man beside you, "Please! Anything!"
"Enough, Y/n!" Kenny snaps at you, "There is nothing we can do! The ambulance is coming and Mikey isn't waking up! All we can do is wait for help!" The way he says it, the absolute helplessness in his words breaks you. Everything crashes down and the next few hours pass in a blur.
Doctors pass by you, nurses still trying to convince you to move away from his body. Hours of sitting and staring blankly, reddened eyes and a sore throat and you still refuse to believe he's gone. Kenny sits beside you, head in his hands as he grieves in his own way.
Your voice makes him look up, and the sight kills him. The way your hand is practically glued to his childhood friends arm and the dead look in your eyes, he hates it.
"The doctor said it was because he hit his head too hard." You look over to him, "But he had his helmet on..."
Kenny stands and places a hand on your shoulder, "Helmets aren't always fool proof. Especially in races when anything can happen, racers can hit harder than a normal wreck on the highways."
Your life, your future, your everything is laying on that bed in front of you. Dead and gone. So many plans getting married, having kids, and making a home together, they've all gone down the drain in a span of hours because of an incident while racing.
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swallowedbyfandom · 2 months
Watching Penelope grieving James is a special kind of torture. He has never had the strength to watch Pen cry, even as children her tears always sent him into a panic. On the one hand, as her oldest and dearest friend, he wants to shelter her and her babes in his arms until her heart hurts a little less. On the other hand he is so desperately, hopelessly, and devoutly in love with her that any comfort he offers her makes him feel like an opportunistic cad.
His heart is so heavy with guilt because as much as it hurts him to see her suffer, his foolish selfish heart, also cannot help the ember of hope that someday she may learn to love him again. God, what sort of person thinks like that? He cared for James, even considered him a dear respected friend. He always admired how James put Pen first. That he chose her then took on God, Queen and Country to have her. James was a man of remarkable convictions and fierce loyalty. God, Agatha and Thomas will never know how great a man their father was, they will not even have memories of him as a cold comfort. He must look for the letter James sent him with the birth announcement waxing poetic about how extraordinary little Agatha was. He will have set it aside for safe keeping to save it for her.
Penelope is not recovered enough to travel to Scotland and with almost all the Bridgerton ladies pregnant Pen opts to hold the Memorial for James in Kent. Colin sits with the rest of their family with Agatha asleep in his arms in the packed church and watches in awe as Penelope stands unfaltering at the alter a picture of regal devastation. He is reminded once more that Pen is the same girl that held the whole of society in the palm of her tiny hand at 17. The power Lady Whistledown possessed over words as a young girl is even more finely honed as a woman in grief. Standing in the ashes of her happily ever after Penelope captivates once more with the moving eulogy she delivers about her husband. Colin can see that even Cressida Cowper is moved to tears. If that is not a sign of Pen's immense talent, he doesn't know what is. He was unaware that harpy even had tear ducts.
He watches his mother and Fran hold Pen's trembling hands throughout the rest of the service. He has no idea how she remains so stoic as he can see in her eyes how fragile her control is currently. Disgustingly, he knows half the people at the memorial service are there to gawk at Lady Whistledown rather than to pay their respects to James Debling husband, father, and Earl. He hates how these degenerates have turned Jame's memorial into a spectacle. James deserved better, so does his family.
He knows Pen will crumble on the carriage ride back to Aubrey hall. She will never give the Ton the satisfaction of witnessing her tears no matter the circumstances. She is so gloriously strong that way. His family close ranks around Pen and Agatha during the receiving line and the entire morning thereafter.
Watching Portia Featherington shame gawkers who attempt to approach Pen is a welcome surprise. He knows Portia has never forgiven Penelope for the Whistledown enterprise, not even when Pen less graciously pointed out that if not for her income they would have ended up on the streets. A sympathetic nod is exchanged between Portia and Pen then nothing more.
He spends that evening at his father's graveside mourning for James, Pen, Aggie, Thomas, and himself. He promises himself that he will be patient. He will set his desires aside and just be her friend, her support. He will have a lifetime to love her but first he owes it to her to help her find joy again without expectations. He knows mother and Hyacinth are planning to stay down in Scotland for the next year to help Pen and to spend time with Fran and the baby. He will likely join them, he will speak with mother to see what would be best.
He watches Pen's resilience grow as she scratches and craws her way through debilitating grief and exhaustion to play doting mother and aunt for the children during the day only to succumb to her loss at night. She gets better at it, not that the grief lessens but she learns to function around it. She is with mother at Francesca’s side in the delivery room a pillar of bossy support and love. John Penn Stirling is born on 20 February 1818 at Aubrey Hall to the joy of all.
Colin knows once Fran heals and little John hits 3 months the Stirling and Debling families will head back to Scotland. That will allow mother enough time for Kate and Daphne to give birth. He wants nothing more than to keep the Debling family safe and secure on his family’s estate but he knows Pen will be headed back to Scotland to care for James’ mother and aunt.
Watching Pen tearfully part from his siblings, nieces, and nephews is terrible but watching his siblings part from Agatha and Thomas is gut wrenching. Anthony will never admit it but Agatha is his favorite, she can often be found climbing up into his lap to cuddle and nap. It is hilarious to see the fearsome Viscount Bridgerton seated at the head of the family table attempting to be stern with a tiny blond cherub passed out on him. His siblings almost always plop Aggie into his arms when he is getting frustrated with them, because they know her adorable dimples and her lisped attempts to say Anthony's name always turn him into a pile of mush. No matter how often he has heard Pen bemoaning his siblings for weaponizing her daughter he always catches the humor in her eyes at the sight.
8 months after James' passing shorty after settling into Scotland for the year Colin receives a letter via lawyer from James.
01 September 1815
You may be the only other person in the world who understands the honor and the privilege it is to love and be loved in return by Penelope Featherington. She is special our Penelope, I knew from the first moment she smiled at me. I looked into her eyes and thought I have been waiting for you all my life.
It took me 27 years to find Penelope, there was not a force on earth that could have kept her from me once I found her. I was prepared to do battle with you for her hand while I was courting her, but you never realized you were in love with her.
It was our astute Penelope, who cleared up the confusion for me. She told me that you both have spent a decade with your lives so intertwined with one another that it was difficult to see where one began and the other ended. That while you had love for her you had not the experience to understand what that love was. She told me she didn't want to spend her life waiting for you to go out and gain experience in the hopes that you would come back to her. She wanted to live her life to the fullest. She said you were her first love but timing was never your strong suit.
She wanted to build a future with me, travel, have half a dozen children and grow old with me. How could I do anything other than fulfill her wishes? I thank God every day that, that extraordinary woman found it in her heart to make room for our love to grow. Everyone believes Penelope's gift is words but I believe it is her empathy and her ability to love that makes her so incredible.
If you have received his letter then I am dead. I hope I got to give Penelope more than a handful of years together.Do not let her heart go to waste, Colin.Protect her, do not let her stop living, help her heal, and then man up and give that remarkable woman we both love all she deserves. If we have children together love them for me, please.
James Debling
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honey-on-your-tongue · 10 months
Hi babe! This is not an order but options you can choose from! (I wanted to do this because I find it fun to do it?), and here is one of the most common! As always and is from Jake! (I love that man to death)
-doggy style
Readers who see this account can also vote! I hope you are having a nice day I LUV YOU BABE 💕🌹💕
Okay I am absolutely 10000% convinced that EVERY position with Jake is just 😩😩😩 There's no way to go wrong when it comes to him fucking you.
Missionary? Jake loves it. He adores watching your face while he pumps you hard and rough.
He adores the way your eyes roll back into your head, the way you'll bite your lip when his cock presses against your g-spot, the way your eyelashes get wet with tears when he fucks you too much until you're drowning in pleasure.
He also adores how you squirm underneath him, your hips jerking up in search of more. He likes to tease you, slowing his pace just before you come, making you try to fuck yourself on him.
He'll laugh, mock you, “Aw, what's wrong, girl? Is something the matter?”
He's not normally a sadist but sometimes, when he sees that look of painful desperation in your eyes, he can't help but want to see you suffer a little more.
He always ends up letting you come until you're fucked dumb. He'll keep fucking you until he's spilt his load deep in your cunt, and he's quick to pull out only to watch his thick seed drip out.
Cowboy? Well, when he first discovered it was a thing, he was eager to try it with you. He explained it to you patiently, and when you agreed, it took him no time to get started.
When he slid inside of you and discovered how much tighter you felt and how much more you seemed to feel his every inch, he immediately decided it was one of his favorite positions.
Although he likes to go slow and drag your pleasure out in this position since he knows you feel his cock even more, it's also your go-to position for quickies. He'll go rough, fast, the pleasure almost too intense to bear.
It guarantees both of you an intense, quick release, which is perfect for when you're on borrowed time.
That doesn't keep him from fucking you deep and slow in this position when your schedules allow for it. After all, there's nothing more that Jake likes than seeing your body tremble as you take every single inch of him.
Doggy style? Fuck, this is undoubtedly one of Jake's top positions.
Especially when he's full of that primal, animalistic lust that overcomes his entire being. Placing you on all fours and fucking you hard from behind is his favorite way to unwind after a long day.
It always ends with your face against the floor, your back arched almost to its limit, your cunt puffy and raw from his merciless thrusts.
He likes to pull your hair, his fingers tangled in it, while his other hand splays over your ass. He'll spank you just to watch your ass jiggle, and he'll leave his handprint on the sensitive flesh.
When he's in this sort of mood, he fucks you over and over, coming inside of you again and again until his load is spilling out of you, coating his cock and dripping down your shaky thighs.
This position is also the first one that comes to mind when he's jerking off to the thought of you. There's nothing that works for him like the image of you giving your body to him in such a primal way.
(And because I had to) Cowgirl? Jake love love love love loves this.
He adores watching you on top of him, straddling his hips. He'll bury his face between your breasts, sucking and nibbling on your nipples. He likes to hold onto your hips, leading your movements on his cock.
He likes looking up at you, admiring your body in all its naked glory, his every nerve attent to your movements and your sounds and your scent and the way you feel on him.
He normally prefers this position when the sex is soft and slow, be it because he feels fluffy or because it's a lazy, hours-long session where the goal isn't really to find release, but just to be intimate.
He'll pull you down to him, kissing your jaw, your neck, leaving hickeys across your collarbone.
And it's in these tender moments when he feels it best to constantly remind you, “I love you, baby. I love you so much, my girl.”
After, when you're both spend, he'll keep you on his cock, holding you against his chest, cuddling you close, still quietly saying, “I love you, baby. I love you.”
All in all, regardless of the position Jake has you in, he never fails to satisfy you, and he never forgets to show you how absolutely in love with you he is.
@kamcrazy123 @yagirlheree @sweetllamaparadise @neytirishottie @crazy4books1 @letsloveimagines
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this eventual turn will kill me *donna from 9/12/22 here, it killed me*
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
HEEL!Dominik Mysterio x fem!reader SFW & NSFW HCs
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*kayfabe compliant... kinda. you'll see. i also use the name rey bc he's not as prominent in this* ^gif by @itjazzbicch^
💛 no matter what alignment he was, he would do everything in his power to never let it bleed into your relationship. anything that happened on the shows and in the ring were hung up at the door when it was just the two of you
💛 truth be told, dominik was very nervous as to how you were going to react. he doesn't spoil much because he likes to surprise you but when it came to turning on his father and someone that was considered family, he was worried it would affect your relationship
💛 what you didn't tell him is that you spoke to his father already. you knew you could go to rey, and angie for that matter, about this. they answered your questions on if this could mess with your relationship, if you could be dragged into things, if it changes anything between you and them. they both understood why you would be nervous but assured you that you two truly have something strong so this was not going to bother your love
💛 when he returned back to where he left you at the arena in cardiff, you explained how you understood that it's not real. it's all for story and every great wrestler needs to be a bad guy every now and then. that took the weight from his shoulders and threw it into the ocean
💛 the only thing that really worried you (besides his safety) was "can we still post cute things about each other?" the answer is yes
💛 he was still your dominik, just a little edgier
💛 plus, it had many, many perks:
💛 his confidence grew hanging out with the likes of The Judgment Day, filled with dominant personalities. more confident not just in the ring, but in the bedroom
💛 he became brave enough to leave marks on you in visible areas/harder to cover up. before, you were like two highschoolers sneaking around to avoid getting caught
💛 once he settled on putting his fists out for their little group pose, showing his finger tattoos that spelled out 'Mysterio', you suddenly became more attracted to his hands
💛 you became obsessed with the way he'd grip your hips when he took you from behind. spanking your ass or your thighs. when he smacks your cheek a little to keep you focused; make sure you weren't too fucked out... yet. when he'd stick his thumb in your mouth to keep you from alerting hotel neighbors. any time his hand was on the side of your neck for a kiss or when he grips your throat to watch your eyes roll back in pleasure. one hand gripping your thigh, holding your legs apart while the other was three fingers knuckle deep in you, bringing you closer and closer
💛 the way he spoke had you melting as well. you've found yourself wondering if his voice somehow got deeper. the way he would look at you with those sweet brown eyes that you adored so, while he spoke unspeakable things to you
💛 "holy shit niñita, i could fuck you all day and your pussy would still be so tight. is that what you want? your tight little cunt stuffed with my cock all day?" he whispered in your ear while throwing your legs over his shoulders, hitting even deeper. a small 'please' left your lips in between moans but he decided to make you suffer a tiny bit more. "what was that? i couldn't hear you over your pathetic moaning."
💛 you now will do almost anything to keep this bad boy side around as long as possible~
lovely taglist babes (comment to be added @josiewrites @rubyred1980 @xkennyxomegax @wwenhlimagines @ecarroll1978 @plentyoffandoms @auburnwrites @heavymetalgirl420 @cesarosbalor @rzmichaelslover @itjazzbicch
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0lshadyl0 · 1 year
How would Yandere Sabo (and shanks ) react if their darling show interest in another person?(im ok with Drabble or HCs or just your thoughts on the matter ) (How would their react if their show interest in male or even a female interest ?) 🥰
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Babe, have you woken up on the wrong side of the bed and chosen violence as the solution to all the problems of your day? do you want to watch the world burn? they are both jealous people, and it's a bad idea to show interest in someone other than them, because they're both the type of yandere who, if need be, will take down the competition, most of all Shanks, at least Sabo is merciful enough to give a second chance, a painful second chance, Shanks in return… you're not going to see that sword come cutting you in half
Sabo is violently jealous, not with his darling, but of Darling's love interest. That poor wretch, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, will experience what it is like not to be able to walk for a few months, yes, that's his star move apart from breaking your skull (and honestly it's better not to walk for a while or be paralyzed than lose your whole life) just imagine:
A poor man or woman in a dark alley, on a cold moonless night, scared, clothes torn until they were practically naked, covered in bruises, an occasional tooth missing, eyes swollen with an unpleasant color, knees bent awkwardly unnatural as they try to beg for mercy from that strange figure that has been beating them for hours
"Clemency?, I'm being merciful to you right now with this, what she asked of me was much worse, but, if you survive tonight, disappear and never be near y/n again because if so, She will realize that I did not do the favor as she wanted"
Oh yeah, for all the love interests you have, in their minds, you are the bad guy, a witch who can't see anyone happy or is jealous of someone else's beauty or success. Sabo is just a man in love that indeed you manipulated to hurt other people since he is strong and has influences
In short, you are the worst
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In the case of Shanks, there are no second chances, if your love interest is a man, leave him for dead, you show interest in that person one day and the next he has already suffered a tragic accident
Although it also depends on his mood, Shanks isn't a bad person after all, and he usually doesn't resort to violence as easily as other people would, but when he makes a decision, he makes sure it's permanent
You also have to take into account other factors of who your love interest is, it definitely cannot be any of his crew since absolutely everyone, even the most stupid of them, knows that you are the captain’s woman, so no one will try to get your attention and in the unfortunate case that they do, they will try to avoid you or treat you badly so that you lose interest; This is one of the few scenarios where Shanks and the rest of the crew accept that you are not treated with respect, that is, the crew appreciate you, but you are putting the life of a nakama at risk, please be more aware and just look at the captain
If your love interest is not part of his crew, is not someone of importance, and is a man, Shanks can go two routes, if he is feeling in a good mood, he will simply make that person unattractive, not only to you but also for the whole world, Shanks will make one or some of his subordinates take care of that person, how? you may ask, I don't have the answer, but let's say that some limbs of the body are missing and now your love interest looks a bit… disfigured, honestly, it's kind of sad to see
The second route is the classic disappear your love interest from your sight and kill him, there is not much to imagine there, his body will end up buried on any random island (because Shanks has principles) or it will be thrown into the sea to be eaten of some marine king and all this behind your back
"How strange, yesterday I met a very nice man on this island, but today I can't find him anywhere" you sigh a little disappointed for not seeing the young man who had caught your attention
"Seriously? It's a shame y/n, who wouldn't want to see a woman as attractive as you again" says Shanks as he continued to drink from his bottle of liquor, sitting on top of a barrel, located exactly above where the body of the man you were pining for at that moment lay buried lifeless "but don't worry, you still have your beloved captain to give you all the attention a pretty young woman like you needs" he winks at you to let out a laugh which makes you laugh since it is contagious since he is very charismatic
Well, I was telling you that in the case of Sabo, regardless of gender, your love interest will suffer a terrible beating and blame you for the rest of their life since you are the cause of their misery; with Shanks, it is different, after all, he has a weakness for women, especially if they are young and beautiful
Do not be confused or angry, obviously, you are the number one in his heart, the one who will become his woman, his official wife, and the mother of his future children, but he is not blind, if that girl caught your interest, wouldn't she catch his interest too?
Here are three options that I'll quickly explain because there isn't much to say in these situations and the post is getting long (seriously, why can't I make short posts?):
Option one – Polyamorous relationship as your love interest is not a man, which means that she does not have the natural way to impregnate you, she is not a threat to him and his goals, she is a blessing in disguise, now he has not one but two beautiful young and fertile women, in this scenario he would let you go and pursue your crush, but obviously he will do the same
Let's be honest, as pretty and nice as you are, you could be Boa Hancock with the personality of Nico Robin, you're no match for Shanks, your love interest will fall at the feet of the charismatically sexy redhead and be his girlfriend you will have no choice but to enter into a relationship with him if you also want to be with your crush
at least the threesomes will be amazing, Shanks will give them both a lot of love (and cum) and wait for both of them to get pregnant at the same time, so their children will have someone to grow up with
Option two – Lesbianism does not triumph today in this scenario we can say that your love interest, despite meeting the requirements of being young, attractive, and fertile, her personality is not to the taste of the redhead, (it could probably be because she spoke bad of you or you were not as interesting to her as she was to you and she communicated it to Shanks in a way that he did not end up liking), more importantly, your love interest is not interested in other women, rather sees them as competition
So Shanks, respecting your love interest's sexual orientations, which definitely makes getting rid of her easier, he'll either help monetarily to get her out of your sight or get her a partner of her liking, whichever It ends in, you will not have the girl you like, better settle with your captain
Option Three – What are those chains for? Easy, fast, and simple, she meets the requirements of what he likes, but either her personality is disgusting, or she probably talks bad about you or she doesn't like you or maybe she likes you too, but she doesn't plan on sharing you with the captain, much less accepting his seed in her womb and having children with him, and Shanks isn't feeling generous in that scenario because of her response
So the Yonkou makes the most reasonable decision he can make while in a bad mood, knock her out, and let his entire crew take advantage of her (those who want to, I know my dear Benn is a decent, principled man, who likes mutual consent and will only give his dick to nice girls who deserve it) then chains her up and sells her for a cheap price (because he won't even give her the privilege of being a high-class slave which is why she was gang raped for several weeks) to the human auction house in the Sabaody Archipelago
And you, you never realized what happened, yesterday you talked to her, and today she is gone
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camecita · 2 years
This is mostly self indulgent... cause I. REALLY. NEED. IT.
I miss so much eating some actual meat instead of some ass punny sausage.
Genres: Fluff (i guess), mostly comfort, modern au kind of.
Characters: Childe, Pantalone, Diluc & Ayato. (Yas just my fave rich boys)
Summary: Due the bad payment of your job and the increasing bills reader has suffer some issues about getting their stuff for the fridge. (Yeah thats me) To the point to even lose some weight.
Disclaimers: i dont own any of the art here(the fisrt banner)
TW: my native lenguage isnt english so there might be some misspelling, characters may be ooc, established relationships, more tba.
Notice me if i need to add some TW i dont know much about them.
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He is so clingy, so he noticed asap.
"Have you lost some weight?" The way his arms encircled you was feeling different from the previous months, you just evaded that question, it was so embarrassing telling him that you cant even afford a real meal per day. And he notices that too, but doesn't press the matter much.
But is when he is resting in your lap and feels how your thighs are thinner.
No!! anything but his precious thighs.
"Babe... are you feeling Okey?" He composed himself, his stern look was telling you how concerned he was.
It took you various seconds swimming in his deep blue eyes to broke in front of him and taking out all your strugglings.
"Its just... its been so hard to get some food in the fridge, sorry, thats why I've been keeping you away from my home too" yeah so embarrassing.
"Babe, you dont need to be sorry 'bout that" his hand is caressing your cheek.
"You know you can count on me for anything" the way he's treating you is with so much respect, he noticed how hard was for you to admit about your financial situation. Even when he jokes around a lot and tease you about almost everything he doesn't cross the line in this situation.
"Do you want some take out?" He's determinated to get back his favourites thighs again.
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He is a very observant person, so he notice the moment when your clothes is loosing up around your body.
"Darling, have you been doing work out?" If thats the case, well damn he wants to see your toned body now. But when your response is ambiguous his reaction is tending to suspicious.
He is very observant, he notices to how your eating has been diminishing (cause your stomach is getting more and more little, yeah cause that happens when you go on a diet)
Now that makes him worry. He confronts you directly but at his cunning and meticulous way.
Struggling with your words you explain your financial situation.
Oh he understands so well, he has been through some similar issues.
His eyes and smile are so tender, his hands on your shoulders are warm and caring.
"Its Okey darling, thats nothing you must be ashamed of"
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Diluc can be dense in so much regarding relationships, it took him a lot to realize his feelings for you and yours for him.
But nothing can escape his eyes, those little things about you, and mostly everything that has something to do with your well being. He can notices, he must notices when something is wrong.
"Dove have you been eating well?" His eyes held so much worry, like a lost puppy or something. And keeping secrets aways from him was practically impossible (in fact its impossible with any other of the men in this list).
With head low you explain how difficult has been to keep up with the bills and buying the essentials for the fridge. And like it if the most common thing in the world he just said.
"You know? I can help you with that" he didn't say it with means to offend you, you know he can be a little bold with his statements.
"I know Lulú, but i dont want to drag you down with my problems"
"You'll never drag me down, I'd be more than pleased to help you out with anything my dove" his soft lips form a little and gorgeous smile, a rarest one. Just let him spoil you.
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This man is so hot likes to spoil his little partner, so when you refuse to go for another round of sweets or junk food he just go like.
What, why are you refusing my affection?? Why are you refusing the food?!?!
"Dear whats wrong?" He's about to drill the answers out without you noticing.
Ashamed of yourself you just spill the beans.
He IS really concerned, how could he didn't notice before?!
"Dear we've been through many issues by now, you can always count on me with this kind of issues" yes because for him any of the other guys, money wasn't a problem.
"What about living together?" His idea was helping you by making the rent and the other services more affordable for you and he also wants you 24/7.
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rinbowaman · 1 year
maybe hee babying yn or yn babying him when one of them is sick or in the bad mood or something along those lines, i think it would be cute ^^
awwww this one is so cute.
"What's wrong?" his calm voice asks, as you laid in his bed, curled up.
The pain was too great for you to handle, the cramps would not disappear no matter how much medicine you took for it.
'God...I hate this time of the month....so annoying.'
You remark to yourself as you began your menstrual cycle.
Adorning your body with sweat bottoms and a loose fitting t-shirt, you laid and suffered in a moment of silence. Peeved, hungry, and annoyed with everything, you gently spoke out to him as he walks up to you.
"Nothing, just not feeling well."
He noted. It was strange, yesterday you were completly fine. Then this morning, when he woke up, you had appeared to shut yourself out somewhat. While you still appeared loving and bid him a good day, you opted to stay and call in sick from attending classes, which normally was something that you wouldn't do at all for something so minor. Yet, from time to time, some months were worse than others, this just happened to be one of them.
"Babe...I think i should spend a few nights in my dorm room."
"What? Why?" his eyes widened as his voice slightly piqued.
"I'm just....I'm hurting."
"I can see that. My poor baby, is there anything you need? Did you take your medicine?" He inquires, as he sat next to your laying form, with your back turned towards him as you laid on your side, cradling your stomach.
"I did."
He pats your back, leans over to get a look at your face. He reaches over and checks your temperature on your forehead.
"Hmm...good, it doesn't seem like you have a fever." He remarks.
"Did you eat something bad?" he inquired.
"N-no....I just."
"What is it baby? Do you need to go to the hospital?" he asks as he rubs your back.
"No....I just need to rest...it hurts." feeling the cramps kicking in brutally, you couldn't bear to refrain from announcing the pain.
'God...it hurts....' you mentally note.
"Babe? What's going on?" His eyes started to appear overly concerned.
Before, for the entire time you were together, the stress of school work, and the events with Samuel along with Vicky transferring schools had caused you enough stress to where you had skipped or delayed having your menstrual cycle. Even when it did come in, it was light and lasted merely for a couple of days. Not to mention, you weren't living with him inside his frat room, making this the first time him being present during your worst moment in life.
"Nothing...i'm fine. Just give me a few days to rest. " you remark as you close your eyes.
"A few days?" he inquires somewhat confused.
Sighing, he straightens his seated posture for a moment and gazes down on the floor. Having growing up with only a brother, and no sisters, it didn't hit his mind immediately. Even having the girlfriends in his past, including Vicky, who all were nowhere as close bonded as you were with him, thus leaving him the dark when it came to realizing the signs of the monthly struggles a woman goes through.
Sitting, puzzled, and trying to figure out what you possibly could be sick from, he stares at the ground and zones out as he tries to figure out how to fix the situation.
You note his pensive state. Finding it somewhat adorable and comical as he sat, with his eyes covered as always by the bill of his cap, and his eyes and nose appearing aloof as he tries to figure out what you were sick from.
"Baby...." you softly speak out.
"I"m fine. dont worry okay?"
"I just dont know what you could be sick from."
"I"m not...really sick. I just...mmm..."
"Then what?"
"Heeseung...its shark week."
".........." confused as he side eyes the floor to his strong side, the pensive state reflects in his face.
"Come again?" he asks somewhat confused and concerned that you had become dillusional, thus speaking nonsense.
".....It's....that time of the month for me....." you speak out softly as you turn your gaze away and close your eyes. Not even having the strength to feel embarrassed as the pain was kicking in once more.
His eyes widen as he watches you tight your wrap around your stomach.
"Why didn't you say something sooner? Y/N?" He immediately begins to spoon you.
"He-Heeseung...." you furrow your brows as the pain kicks in once more.
Now he knows. After recalling the one moment where he and Vicky had a terrible fight when they began dating, her temperament had changed, yet she was more snappy than how you appeared to be. He recalled having a conversation with his mother who outlined the details of a woman's misfortunate each month, while also outlining the duties that her son should carry out, should he truly care and love the woman that is subdued to their monthly curse.
Though he dated Vicky, and all his other girlfriends, he never cared enough to be there for them as he was willing for you.
"What do you need? Do you need be to get you anything?" he asks.
"Are you....craving for something sweet?" He genuinely asks, recalling his mother's conversation.
"N-no thank you...i just need to rest."
He nods. You drift off to sleep shortly after as he continues to cradle you, and strokes your hips.
You wake up a couple hours later, turning around in the bed, you felt an abundance of warmth around you.
Taking note of what it was, you saw that you were swallowed by a large heating blanket. It was soft and the warmth it provided felt like heaven.
You hear typing beyond the headboard, knowing it was Heeseung seated at his desk on the other side grading papers as his professors assistant.
Sitting up, he hears the shuffling noise you make. He quickly gets up and walks over, still with his jeans, long sleeve and his hat on, as if he was about to go somewhere.
"How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" He grabs your hands and strokes the back of your palms.
"...I'm fine. Did you get this?" you ask inquiring about the heated blanket.
"Yeah." he merely answers in a near whisper as he licks his lips and stares at your hands.
"thank you. It feels nice." you remark.
Standing up, he goes over towards his closet. Opening it, you take note on how the floor of it was covered with bottled water, snacks, juice, and even canned fruit. He grabs a bottle water and walks back over. Handing it to you, he speaks.
"I did some shopping while you slept. Do you need anything? I think i got everything that you need, but if i missed something, let me know." He hands you the bottle water, but not before twisting the cap off for you.
You felt a slight vibration next to you, it was his phone. Seeing a message from a number you recognize, you tap on it to see the conversation.
It was a chat he had with your mother. It seemed he felt comfortable to reach out to her since he had just met her and your father a few days ago when you all had dinner together.
Looking at the chat, you saw that Heeseung had asked your mother for guidance on what type of items that he should get for you, in which your mother delightfully responded with emoji's and heartfelt messages outlining items that would help. The last line from your mother read,
"She likes pastries alot :) "
Quickly turning your gaze forward as you hear him walking back to you, you come face to face as he stands before you with a plate filled with pastries.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 days
Once again referring to the Battle of the Bastards episode:
Sansa’s major point in getting Jon to agree to fight for Winterfell was getting Rickon back. But then she admits they don’t have a chance in getting him back. Was Sansa ‘heartless’ or ‘cold’ for being able to “mentally detach from Rickon’s survival[?]”
It took me quite a while to understand (I’m very slow lol), but in you’re previous answer, you’re basically saying Sansa’s point was that Ramsey is not the typical enemy Jon’s faced before and that Jon was not being cautious enough. So therefore the battle plans Jon and his team (?) had made would only predictably work if they had more men. Is that right 😖?
And when you say “Jon never thought to take advantage of her insight[,]” what are some other ways Jon could’ve acted using Sansa’s advice?
(post referenced)
Hello again!
1 - Are we cold and heartless when we acknowledge facts we cannot ignore? Or is it that she wasn't proactively tearing out her hair and grieving for him, when there was a great deal more at stake for all of them and it depended on their ability to focus? Sansa spent all of her captivity deferring her emotions to a later and more convenient date in order to focus on playing a role to survive. It's a hardwon skill. It doesn't mean she doesn't feel at all.
You could make an argument that she was manipulative in using Rickon's safety as an argument to convince Jon to fight, when she could guess there was no hope. Possibly she felt justified because by that point Ramsay was threatening all of the wildlings ("man, woman and babe"), as well. Even in that conversation she is trying to insist that Jon open his eyes to the reality of the threat. ("We don't know that [he has Rickon]." - "Yes, we do.") It's very possible that Sansa herself was partly in denial about Rickon until Ramsay presented them with Shaggy's head, or maybe she always knew. But this was the best opportunity she had to convince Jon to use his Stark heritage to rally the Northern lords, which was much easier for him than for Sansa alone, and she is using it for more than just herself at this point. Tormund was instantly on board. All Jon needed was a push, and Sansa had the means. It worked.
2 - Yes, that's what I had meant!
3 - He could have at any point asked her what she thought. She probably trusted him to make an opening for that while they were planning for battle that night. They never even looked at her.
If you watch the scene, you have three people who have just met Ramsay for the first time entirely ignoring Sansa in the background, as if she never mattered in the lead-up to this moment. Worse, they are discussing battle strategy that is clearly depending on a general education on the subject (the "pincer move" bit where they drag out how haha-funny it is that Tormund doesn't know the term. Are you telling me Tormy had more value to contribute to this plan than Sansa?) and basically patting each other on the back about how clever Jon is for planning to trap Ramsay with a clever little trick and making him angry to goad him into making a mistake.
(You know, the thing that Ramsay will successfully do to Jon.)
Smaaaart Jon, haha. Night-night! What a great leader. He's suffers so beautifully but he's doing his bestest.
You can practically see Sansa's mind go "That's it?" She openly admits to Jon that she has no training in battle strategy, but clearly she was expecting more from them and just realized it's not coming. They really are that confident, they really do think they are up to the task, and it's dawning on her that all their work will end in slaughter.
Hence, her confronting Jon, and it doesn't get better from there.
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