buckymorelikefuckme · 10 months
headcanon: 3
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fic where reader is brought in for questioning after a heist where the thief stole something of very high value and the cop, bucky, shows cctv footage of reader making brief eye contact with the suspect in the museum, a tall, blond man with impressively wide shoulders.
“you’ve brought me here bc i just so happened to look at a man that you think committed a crime? is that what i’m gathering?” you ask incredulously after he shows you the video clip.
“no,” bucky says impatiently, “we wanted to question you on whether or not you know him. you were seen in the same areas of the museum at the same time, multiple times.”
reader huffs a disbelieving laugh. “it’s a museum! i’m sure i passed by several people repeatedly. why does that automatically mean i know him specifically?”
“bc he didn’t make eye contact with anyone else. he made a point to not look anyone in the eye. except you.”
bucky stares you down, eyes narrowed and accusing.
“i’m making an awful lot of eye contact with you right now. does that make you a potential accessory as well?” you ask sarcastically, condescendingly.
bucky releases a harsh, frustrated breath through his nose. “you don’t recognize him at all?” he questions instead of bothering to answer you.
you take a moment to reply, if only to piss him off even more. “no,” you finally say, simple yet concise.
“fine. you’re free to go.”
“have a good day, detective,” you say as you stand and walk passed him.
later, as you enter your home, you go through the motions of toeing off your shoes and settling your purse and keys on the side table by the door. you barely make it two steps into your kitchen when you’re grabbed from behind in a strong hold, an arm wrapped tightly around your waist, the other across your shoulders.
“be good and don’t scream.”
you tilt your head back so you can meet the bright blue eyes of your captor and smirk. “but you like it when i scream.”
steve’s grin spread slow. “that’s true,” he confesses.
you turn around in his embrace, smoothing your palms up his torso until you can wrap your arms around his neck, playing with the blond hairs tickling your fingers.
“i take it everything went well?” he wonders with an arched brow.
your smile turns smug. “of course it did.”
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