wreckedhoney · 3 months
pleas e i want to wrtite a marie/forrest three part longfic after this one but i have so much shit to do offline as in maybes a 2year long project after buzzkill is done that i know if i do another one it won't be done in so muching long bc i'd be working on it in bwteen other projects and how much reception tbqh would it get at tha t point but man it's rly the kind of dynamic that warrants a good fuckingimean story. romance. friendship. whatever
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
on the other side.
Valencia, hello. I'm here again. here, I brought you some lavenders. I know you love them.
... I have been... isekai'd...? yes, isekai'd to another dimension. that is, hell. yes, hell, strange as it sounds. there are plenty of demons and while it was quite scary, I believe I fended myself well enough.
there's a certain demon who's caught my eye. his name is mammon. he's quite stubborn and at times, a little silly, but I enjoy his presence nonetheless.
I know you haven't passed. I know that you're still here, somewhere in this world- not world, even, this universe- universes? another dimension, perhaps.
I don't know, but wherever you are, I hope you're happy, and I hope you know that I'm happy.
... say, didn't you say you wanted to get married in your 30's? ... maybe you got your wish by now. you've always been strangely accurate with your wishes.
our stars... they may never align as they used to, 14, 15 years ago, but know that I love you, and that I miss you, everyday.
I miss you.
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kisses4kaia · 9 months
in my feelings - tommy shelby
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summary; you hate tommy shelby. tommy shelby hates you. from the way he walks to the way he talks, you hate him. and from the same things, he hates you, too. infinitely. imagine your dread when you are put in a position where you are forced to gain thomas’ help.
warnings; smut, angst, enemies to lovers, angry sex, rough sex, piv, and all around dirty fucking filthhhh, oh yeah and a shit tom of cursing☺️
a/n; angsty enemy’s to lovers with tommy shelby?? me thinks yes
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as your father tells you that he has to sell the farm you grew up on, the soil that held so many memories, the land that raised you to be the woman you are today, your heart broke into a million pieces.
because, see, without the land, there would be no places for your horses or other beloved animals to go, meaning you would have to sell them, too.
when the tears began taking a seemingly permanent residency in your eyes, he pulls you into a hug. “no, no, there has to be another way!”
and as the tears stained your fathers coat, he spoke. “there is one thing,”
and that is exactly how you got here. sat across from your mortal enemy since your schoolgirl days, tommy shelby, in his office.
he had that stupid, smug, annoyingly hot, smirk on his face.
“so, you’re telling me, that you need to marry me,” he practically laughed in your face.
“i don’t need to marry you, the farm does. if we get married, then a portion of your income goes to my family. and then, after saving enough, if everything goes right, we can get divorced and we never have to speak again.” you explained.
he nodded. “okay. say i do accept this outrageous proposal, what’s in it for me?”
you figured he may ask that. “my late mothers brother is the chief of police in birmingham. i can make a few calls, get them on your payroll, only without the pay.”
“but i am paying, aren’t i?” he furrowed his eyebrows and nodded once, making a statement more than a question.
he’s a smart man, so you figured he may say that, too. and here came the most humiliating part.
with a sigh, you spoke. “as my husband, you can… have me whenever you want,” you memorized what you were going to say earlier when it came to this, and only spoke from that script.
your voice was low, static, the humiliation of having any emotion in your voice would be too unbearable.
you honestly couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth and apparently, neither could tommy.
you weren’t so bothered by the prospect of fucking thomas, as much as you hated to admit it. it was just knowing that he would definitely hold it over you to the worlds end.
“you’re so desperate to save this farm, that you would let me fuck you whenever i want, however i want? if i pay you? you do realize that’s the definition of whoring?” he was genuinely amused at your proposition.
you scoffed, in disbelief kf his immaturity. “yes, i do realize, thomas. and yes, i really am desperate,”
he seemed to be in thought for a moment before speaking. “and what makes you think i want to fuck you? you’re really so narcissistic?”
you genuinely laughed at this. “you’re one to talk about narcissistic. and you’ll fuck just about anything that moves, i can’t imagine i’d be much of an exception,”
thomas chuckled lowly at this, his face seemingly challenging you. you wouldn’t let yourself be bullied, so you straightened your posture and finally asked. “so?” your voice was flat, almost disinterested.
he stared at your face for a few moments, like he was trying to break past your stoned demeanor.
“alright. we have a deal.” he confirmed. you nodded, fighting back happy tears.
as he held his hand out to shake, you glanced at it once with a silent decline.
“what, you’re ok with letting me fuck you like a whore whenever i want but you don’t want to shake my hand?” he stood, and because you wouldn’t let him have power over you- ironically enough- you stood, too.
“i didn’t realize you were so sensitive, shelby,” you spoke up.
“and i didn’t realize you were so headstrong, shelby,” he enunciated the last word, letting the epiphany set in for you.
oh god, you were going to be a shelby. for at least a few months, you were going to be a shelby.
you tried to make peace with the fact, but the it was just gnawing at you that all of this was plain unfair.
nonetheless, you shook his hand.
“what’s she doing here?” arthur’s thick accent sounded throughout the room.
tommy decided it’d be best for you to be there when he informed his family of the arrangement.
“well, brother. that is because she is my soon-to-be wife,” he cut straight to the chase and your eyes widened at his directness
polly nearly spat out her tea, john bursted out laughing, and the whole room was generally in an uproar.
ada, too, was puzzled, but quickly sedated the energy in the room with a loud “shut the fuck up and listen to the man!”
you were sat on a chair next to thomas’ standing body, not speaking.
“you two are getting married? you two? has hell frozen over? can pigs now fly?” john joked, but was serious in his disbelief. and he was right to. it wasn’t a secret that…
it all started in year nine. tommy was a 10th year and obnoxiously ‘cool’. he would hang out with the secondary school boys, sleep with their sisters, and torture anyone who’d let him, and most people did.
he was smart, but so were you, and you would not let him.
you were the only 9th year at the top of a predominantly year 10 class, tommy being a close second.
see, the shelby boy wasn’t used to anybody being better than him in any sense, but you made him get used to it.
he couldn’t stand you. from your way-too-short plaid skirts, to the way your hand would shoot up at every question asked.
he hated how he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you in class when you had your hair tied up in a pretty ponytail, gnawing on the eraser of your pencil, your eyebrows twisting in confusion when you couldn’t figure out an answer on a test.
just looking so innocent.
and most of all, he hated the nights he spent with his hand wrapped around his aching cock, whispering your name to himself like a prayer until he came hot strings of cum all over his heavy chest.
tommy rolled his eyes at his family’s immaturity. “it’s an arrangement. she needs money, and her uncle is the chief of police. we can take the coppers off our payroll,”
he left out a small detail but you weren’t complaining.
“after a few months, we’ll get a divorce and we can forget we ever crossed paths.” you spoke for the first time in the meeting.
the transaction seemed simple enough to most people in the room, and they all seemed to accept it.
“anyone have a problem with it? speak now or forever hold your peace,” he called out to the room, waiting for a potential objection.
and one never came. “alright, family meeting adjourned,” tommy waved everyone out of the room.
the weeks leading up to the wedding felt like they went on forever.
polly dragged you by your wrist to what seemed like a million different modistes and boutiques, dress shops and spas.
it was exhausting, but in bad there is good.
ada became your closest friend. she was the only person who knew about the other condition to you and tommy’s matrimony.
you were friends even as schoolgirls, despite you and thomas’ disdain for each other.
and now she was your best friend, and you felt inclined to make her your maid of honor.
the hours before the wedding were the worst of it. at least six women were in the room at all time, scrutinizing you to the moon and to saturn. they studied and judged every crevice and line on your face and body.
after being poked and prodded at for forever, it was finally time to walk down the aisle and see your soon-to-be husband.
you were in an over the top, yet elegant gown, the purest color of white you’d ever seen, with a sheer veil covering your face.
you did look quite beautiful, you thought as you looked in the mirror. but you couldn’t help but begin to cry.
you cried because you thought the day you’d see yourself in white would be under much different circumstances. you wanted to marry someone you loved, and for that someone to love you, too. and lord knows, thomas shelby did not love you.
even despite your own feelings for him.
ada came up from behind you in the floor mirror and rested her head upon your shoulder. “you look beautiful,” she spoke, noticing, yet disregarding your tears.
“thank you,” you sniffled. “it will all be okay. i spoke to tommy, he’ll treat you well, i promise,”
her words provided some much needed console to you. “thank you, addy. i wouldn’t have made it had you not been with me. thank you, and love you,” you turned to look at her face.
she just smiled and hugged you. “in less than an hour, we’ll officially be sisters. that should prove some motivation to get your ass down that aisle!” she exclaimed, already tugging on your arm to leave the room and enter the chapel.
you laughed and allowed her to pull you away, long since forgotten your woe.
“with the power invested in me, i now pronounce you man and wife. you may now kiss the bride!” the priest announced, signaling for you and tommy to get off of your knees and kiss.
as you both rose to your feet, thomas brought his face to yours in a seemingly disinterested kiss, it almost seemed practiced.
it caught you off guard, and caused a deep sadness in your belly, but you shut it down as ada, polly, esme, and all of the female shelby’s came to congratulate you.
you and your new husband were dragged outside to the car, destined for tommy’s estate, where festivities would begin.
the drive was short, and your patience was thinning, as you just wanted this all to be over.
you knew you were in for a long night as people began flooding into your new home.
and like every shelby-hosted event ever, an all-out rager-like party commenced.
thomas would not speak to you. unless, of course, somebody who was none the wiser to your contract would mention how in-love the two of you seemed. then he could not stop smiling at you, holding your waist tight, even sometimes kissing you.
you had never wanted to die more.
you must have drunk atleast eight glasses of champagne by the end of the night, just trying to get through it.
and that is how you spent the rest of the evening. you got through the first dance, you got through the kind old women talking about what an attractive couple you both made, and you got through seeing tommy flirt with other women at his own fucking wedding.
and at last, it finally came time for the party to end. you practically shoved people out of your door, ready to sleep in your no-doubtedly own bedroom.
you knew it was an arrangement, it was a tale as old as time, and yet you still couldn’t help but feel disappointed. nothing went the way you wanted, nothing. and at the end, all you had to show for it was a farm. it was actually kind of hilarious.
a maid hurriedly showed you where you’d be sleeping, and as you walked into the room, you realized it was indeed thomas’, with the way papers were stern all over the desk and the whiskey on the tray beside the bed.
she was gone before you could turn and ask any questions.
you groaned and sat down on the settee across the room from the bed, your dress making it impossible to see your feet as you tried to remove your heels.
your hair was next, pulling the many pins out of the intricate hairstyle.
you were almost out of this nightmare of a dress, before your zipper got stuck. “fuck,” you groaned.
“couldn’t wait for me before you started undressing?” your heard thomas’ deep voice from the door. he was teasing you, obviously, but you really weren’t in the mood for it.
“thomas, i’m tired. you try spending 8 hours in a dress of this size, then see if you want to tease me for trying to get out of it as soon as i can,” you quickly snapped back, and also quickly getting frustrated with the zipper.
he seemed to understand that you were not be messed with at the moment, so all he did was approach you, turn you around by your shoulders, and tug the zipper down until the dress pooled at your feet.
you hurriedly stepped out of it and sighed, feeling like the weight of the world was off of your shoulders.
“thank you, thomas,” you said contently, rubbing your shoulders, not realizing your compromising position.
you were half naked, only covered by your meticulously created and tailored white lingerie, and knee-high white socks.
apparently, thomas’ eyes could not force themselves to your face, because even as you realized his gawking and called him out for being so materialistic, he wasn’t seeming to follow what you were saying.
instead, all he did was walk over to you, place his hands on your waist like his life depended on it, and kissed you deeply, the kind of kissed you yearned for at the alter.
you almost got lost in it, before all the horrible memories of this past night came flooding in. you quickly pushed him away and slapped him right across his perfect cheekbones.
“fuck was that for?” he’s asked as if he was taken aback, yet made no effort to move away from you.
you scoffed with a laugh, but nothing was funny. “you know, i would be surprised had i not known you,”
“what are you talking about?” he seemed as though he was getting mad at you being mad, which you caught and fueled your anger further.
you got up in his face, sticking your finger in his chest and spoke condescendingly to him.
“you know, you could at least wait until after the fucking wedding to start to begin practically sticking your dick in every woman you see!”
“we never agreed on loyalty! that wasn’t part of our arrangement!” his voice began to increase in volume as well.
you glued your eyes to his piercingly blue ones and leaned closer to him. “i hate you, thomas shelby.” you whispered, yet your tone was anything but gentle.
“yeah? well, you can bet i hate you more,” he stood straighter, his height forcing to you look up at him.
the two of you stood there, waiting to see who would break eye contact first. he did, looking down at your lips, but just as quickly, he was right back onto your eyes.
“fuck it,” his thick accent almost growled, grabbing your face and smashing his lips unto yours.
this one was different from the one earlier. that one was a feigned love, a lust. this one was angry, hateful, and sultry.
oh, how you hated him, however his aggression intrigued you, making you kiss back even harder, forcing your tongue into his mouth.
your lips stayed connected as tommy walked you back to his desk.
your tongues fought for dominance and only disconnected for air. he fumbled with his belt before sliding off his jacket and removing his shirt.
he roughly pulled down your panties and unclipped your bra with one hand.
“jump,” he muttered into your mouth. you do so and he catches you, preceding to sit you on the desktop.
tommy runs his middle finger down your slit, collecting the embarrassing amount of wetness from you.
he chucked lowly before gripping your hips and lining his cock up with your entrance. “hate me, huh? i don’t think this cunt quite agrees with you,” he teased, but you were quick to rebuttal.
“i don’t think your dick agrees with your supposed hatred for me, either,” and you were right, his cock was painfully hard.
he suddenly decides he’s tired of teasing and pushes his full cock into you, bottoming out when he feels his tip prod at your gummy wall.
a choked gasp was emitted from you, and it sounded like heaven to thomas. he groaned as he pulled out almost all the way, then slammed into you again.
his speed is relentless, showing no mercy for your unprepared pussy. as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t deny how good it felt.
you wrapped you legs around his hips and tangled your hands in his hair before whispering in his ear, “i fucking hate you, hate you so fucking much,”
his growls were animalistic as his thrusts became more determined. “fuck you,” tommy gritted, right before a long since held in moan fell from his lips.
as much as you hated to admit it, you found your orgasm building in your stomach, the heat becoming unbearable.
“oh, shit, i’m gonna cum, oh my god,” you moaned loudly, your pussy tightening around him.
your release came to you in a hot white flash, your back arching impossibly more, your chest pressing against his, and you were on the very edge of the desk now.
a string of curse words and moans flowed from your lips like chords from a song tommy never wanted to end.
you whined at the sensitivity of your cunt, tommy not ever slowing down. “sh, sh, shhh. i know, i know, doll. i’m almost there, just hold on a little longer,”
soon, his hips met yours in one final, deep, long, thrust as he released bands of warm hot cum into you.
“fuck me, y/n,” he let out an exasperated laugh as he pulled out of you, watching the both of yours ecstasy pour from your abused hole.
“i believe i just did, thomas.”
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kagakuoniryu · 4 months
Part 2 of the alastor x reader I written when I wasn't feeling well at all
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Summary : a new guest you knew from your past life arrive at the hotel, she was that one person who bullied you throigh high school, but she mooks too angelic to be guilty
Code : E/n (ennemy/name)
Tags : fem reader, etablished relationship, angst for the most part, there will maybe be a part 2, mentions of bullying, reader is TRAUMATIZED, english is not my first language, may have some inaccuracy about the show since I'm just projecting, and of course probably ooc characters
After that talk in alastor's room, you hardly left yours limiting contact with everyone...
Well, mostly everyone, nifty still passed by everyday to clean up a bit and chase the boug, you were thankful for it, she didn't treated you differently, she was the same sadistic, boys driven, bug hater lady you met, and you could talk her ears off
"Niff ? What do you think about E/n ?" You started warily, you never openly talked to her about it surprisinly until now
"Oh I hate her !"
Shocked you asked her to go on ; E/n, hated ? The E/n you knew...Well...she presented to others ?!
"Why is that ? Did something went wrong ? Did she hurt you ?!"
"She always interrupt my dead roack show ! She says it's weird and disgusting ! She even killed a roach before I could and that is an heinous crime"
You gulped, noting mentally that to stay in nifty's good side, you better let her kill the roaches herself
"But...isn't it weird how everyone like her ? And how they think she's genuinely nice ? Even alastor likes her !"
"And everyone likes alastor until they he shows his nature !" With that nifty finally stabbed that roach she was after
"You...have a good point...she's showing them what they want to gain what she wants...but...what does she wants...?"
"I don't know ! I have a lot of cleaning to do ! Goodbye !"
"Wait nifty !"
And the door was closed, you sighed, well...it was good for as long as it lasted you guessed...you needed a plan, but you couldn't think clearly in this hotel...you couldn't go to Rosie too...she ADORED E/n and they had their regular tea party...crashing to your friends place weren't use at all, one they adored her, two, it was still the hotel and three, since your words with angel you kinda ghosted them all, thinking they couldn't hurt yiu if you ghosted them before that ; your fiancee radio station maybe ? No, too obvious, and he spend all his goddamn time up there...and he isn't the exact definition of "privacy"...you thought for a second about mimzy, but that girl hated your guts for no reason...or well...maybe because alastor humiliated her last time...
Finally, a bell rang in your head ; alastor ! That's your solution ! He gave you a spare key of his actual house outside of the hotel, and he barely goes there since he is in his tower during the day and at the hotel at night !
Picking minimal stuff, just a few clothes, a notepad and a pencil, even leaving your proposal ring behind, not wznting to be distracted by alastor himself you rushed outside, surprising everyone in the lobby until you came crashing down into alastor
"My, my, my dear, someone here is in a rush"
"Uh yeah...I needed fresh air, you know, the old stuff, figured I could go camping ?"
Alastor's gaze darkened as he looked at your ring finger, well, lack of ring on your ring finger
"And does camping prevent you from wearing you ring ? Or perhaps you youngster has a different definitiln of camping that back in my day, because decades ago, men could hunt even with they wedding ring, and yet you can't sleep with it on ?"
"I just wanted some alone time, calm down al' if anything, send a shadow my way kf you don't trust me, I know you don't anyway for a few weeks now"
Without letting him finish you left the hotel, you almost feel pity to charlie, she'll have a very pissy alastor in her hands until you come back
Arriving at alastor's home you let yourself in, now you needed to brainstorm !
One hour...
Two hours...
Three hours...
Three hours and about 3 cups of tea in...you have little next to nothing for an idea...how the hell are you gonna show this pest real face ?! You needed a real confrontation with her, but she'll never gave it to you, and if she did, she would have a backup plan, just like when you were alive...alive...
That's it !
One of your imps friend that owe you one could go to the living world ! He could retrieve your phone and you could prove your point !
Getting everything ready, and after many days, the phone in your hands, you plugged it in for it to charge and once at 100 % your rushed to the hotel
"Guys ! I got my phone back I-"
Entering the hotel, they were all playing a board game together, not caring about where you went...but you've been gone for at least a good week or two now...did you mattered so little ?
"O-oh...Y/n...you're here ! We...uh...were playing monopoly ! You...wanna join us ?"
Charlie tried akwardly, chukling nervously at your empty expression
"No, I was happy to prove my point, but I guess it's no use, she is better than me anyway, charlie, I guess you can take an other sinner in...I quit the hotel..."
You missed the way her eyes showed her heartbreak at this sight of you, giving up, she really failed you this time ; as you went upstair to make your bags, the boarding game night was ruined, and alastor teleported right into your room
"Hello ma chère (my dear), may I know where you're planning on going ?"
"I don't know al, far ? You all won it, always pushing me to the side, y'all fucking won it"
"I believe such swearing isn't proper in a ladie's mout-"
"Well for once I'll fucking swear if I'll fucking please al ! Because none of you wwants to believes in me ! You knew me long her and you choose her ! Just...go and date her ! It's her speciality to just date whoever has been with me before anyway..."
"What do you mean...? Y/n...?"
No terms of endearment there, that was rare for alastor, even before you both started dating he was affectionnate and using pet names, he always does with women, just a way to make them feel appreciated
"What do you mean 'what do I mean' you didn't knew how my ex boyfriend cheated on me with her and that's why we stopped being friends ?!"
"No, actually...she told us the other way around, that she found her perfect someone...and that you tried to seduce him and flirt with him and when he exposed you you bullied her"
"Bullied her ?! She made my life hell before getting down here ! After I blocked her everywhere she used our common friend she turned against me or even her sister's social media to stalk me down !"
"Well, my dear, I do want to believes you, you know I love you, but I can't without proper proof"
Taking your phone's out of your pocket, and guiding alastor because of his obvious lack of modern technology skills, you showed him your call journal from that time, the recording, the screenshots, everything that proved you were in your right mind
"Well...my beloved, it seems I owe you an apology, with her honey words it seems I lowered my guard and lacked dicernment, could you forgive me ?"
Alastor put in hand gently on your cheek, lifting your face, you nuzzled against his hand before hugging him tight
"Apology accepted...and thank you...thank you so much for listening, even if it costed you to use modern technology"
"As long as you delete that picture I took by accident"
"I'll make it my wallpaper~"
"I'll rip this thing piece by piece"
Going downstairs with alastor was a relief, like a gentleman he offered his arms for you to hold onto as charlie jumped on you
"I'm SOOOO sorry to have neglected your feeling Y/n please !! I didn't mean to ! You were a good friend of all of us and would all feel awful if you were to really leave !!" She started, before being interrupted by alastor
"Well, my dear charlie, it seems someone is still leaving, but not our dear Y/n, someone who's suprisingly not that keen on getting redeemed it seems"
You saw E/n visibly tense as alastor grabs her rather forcefully
"Could you PLEASE tell all the others persons present here what happened between you and my lovely Y/n over here back when you were alive"
"I...I already told you didn't I...? She bullied me ! Y/n is just a mean bully and I always felt uneasy around her" E/n tried to defend herself, nervously sweating
"Really, care to explain this ? My dear best friend" you showed one of the most incriminating piece you had on your phone to the others, making their eyes go wide, and all fell into pieces, E/n wasn't trying to redeem, she was trying to ruin your life, all over again
She felt that for some reasons, many years ago, you were better than her, and that she needed what you had, by any mean and any ways, instead of finding her own hapiness she wanted to steal yours
Vaggie and alastor both kicked her out, charlie tried to say maybe she could be redeemed, but when alastor said that if he saw that girl put a foot near the hotel again he would turn her into jambalaya for everyone to eat...she was feeling rather discouraged
But that was okay, one bad sinners couldn't stray her from her dream ! Everyone in the hotel also apologized in their own way for not believing you and putting back through all your traumas all over again, and of course you forgave them
Alastor also made you a special contract this night, you could pet his ears, all night long, if the next day you didn't told the others about it
And of course you took the deal
Well, I don't know if this one was longer or shorter than the previous part, I went along with the random imp going back on earth as an easter egg of helluva boss and also because I was stuck in my story !
It's nice to have a catharsis like this to be honest, I don't know if I'll write request or just silly story in one or multiple parts for hazbin hotel you can still send some in if yoj feel like it, just know that I'd be delighted to write for alastor again, he's my all time fav of the show
I hope you enjoyed it !!!
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
I feel like Ran’s wife acting like that is because she thinks she no longer deserve him, she feels crushed and not worthy for his husband bec kf what Mikey did to her but she cant say it because of the fear it may be true. But of couse, ITS NOT TRUE. Ran only ever want her to be okay.
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How you gon' see the plot before the plot is even plotted?
Hand Her Over (Part 5): Ran Haitani/Rindou Haitani/Sanzu Haruchiyo x Fem!Reader
wc: 2.4k
tw: NSFW baybeeeee (and angst)
Hand Her Over Megapost
Sanzu Haruchiyo
Sanzu holds his phone in his hands, scrolling through pictures of you before... before Mikey.
Why can't he remember the way things used to be?
Why does he need a photo to jog his memory?
Why does he allow you to walk out of his home with that rancid perfume on your skin and that sway in your hips as you go to visit Mikey?
Sanzu stands, trying not to "wait up" like you told him not to.
"Don't wait up for me."
Sanzu tosses his phone onto the table and leans back, groaning in anguish. "Don't wait up for me." He mimics your voice poorly, trying to cast a negative light on your actions and gather the feelings of hatred in his shriveled, Grinch-like heart. But he can't. Not when he knows you'll be back home soon and need tender care, like a bath or someone to listen to you about your ailments.
"What am I doing?" he wonders out loud, running his hands through his pink hair.
"I was going to ask you the same thing," a voice asks behind him. Sanzu turns around and looks right into his own eyes. Except he's blonde, has longer hair, and is somewhat less... open. He can tell by the way he slouches against the sofa back.
"We," the apparition replies, raising his brows.
"We." Sanzu rubs his eyes, but the vision won't go away.
"We're going crazy," Now-Sanzu whispers to Past-Sanzu. The vision doesn't reply, though. He just places his hands in his pockets. "What should I... we... do?"
"What do we want to do?" Sanzu blinks rapidly, trying to think of something. Anything.
"We do what we've always done."
"And be who we've always been?" The question falls flat, and Sanzu shakes his head. Be a cuck? No. That wasn't in the plan. "Mikey's taken everything from us."
"No," Now-Sanzu retorts, standing. "Mikey gave us a lot to live for."
"An empty house?" Past-Sanzu wonders, taking his face mask off. "These fucking scars?" Now-Sanzu flinches. "And our wife is his wife now."
"That's not true--"
"And you let it happen." The sneer on Past-Sanzu's face makes Now-Sanzu flinch. "You're a coward."
"Then we're both cowards." Now-Sanzu points a finger into Past-Sanzu's chest, and for a second, Sanzu dares himself to flick his own hand away.
But then he hears a car pulling up in the driveway.
"Here she comes," Past-Sanzu whispers, then glares at himself with contempt. "You're up."
Sanzu walks away from himself to get the door, turns around, sees his past self is now gone, and then turns back around to make sure the door is opened before you walk through.
"How was the evening?" he asks you, and you hold out a gloved hand carefully.
"Another evening spent with Manjiro," you mutter, sighing. "I need a warm bath."
"Of course," Sanzu replies, watching you disappear into the kitchen. Past-Sanzu reappears, squints, and shakes his head before mouthing:
Ran Haitani
Ran is gentle with you.
"I love you," he whispers tenderly, holding you against him as the candles flicker in the bedroom. It's sensual, it's what he needs, it's... quiet. Ran kisses down your bare shoulder, inhaling the sweet scent of your skin with pleasure.
"I need you." His hands cup your soft flesh, touching everywhere with quick, feather-light brushes of skin. The teal silk slip you're wearing makes Ran melt, and he can't help but run his lips over your fingertips, your hand, your forearms.
Who is he without you?
"Can I make love to you?" he asks simply, brushing your hair away from your face. You nod slowly, taking your time to lift up the edge of your slip. You didn't have to - Ran could have easily lifted it and taken you right then and there - but letting you take control is more important to him right now.
Ran waits until you're ready to push down the waistband of his sleep pants and fish out his waiting cock with gentle fingers. Any harder, and he might burst after four months of waiting.
Ran slips a finger into your cunt and finds it's not as wet as he wishes it were. No matter. He'd help you as much as he could.
"Hey, baby," Ran whispers against your ear. "Lie back on the bed for me." You obey silently, shifting your hips to the edge of the bed and allowing Ran to adjust your legs over his shoulders.
"Tell me if you want me to stop," Ran urges you, placing one of your hands on his head. "Just yank my hair." Please don't yank my hair.
You nod again, and he lowers his mouth onto your core. "Mmmmm..." The throaty groan Ran emits rumbles through his chest as his mouth fills with the taste of your warm pussy. He tongues your slit carefully, trying to pay attention to your hand on his head and his task at the same time. He alternates between licking your cunt and tonguing your clit, trying his best to be as gentle as possible.
Easy, easy... When you don't emit a single sound, Ran stops and looks up at you, but your hand pushes him back down. Still good. The music in the air fades into the back of his mind as Ran continues his tender exploration. It's not too much, and it's not too little. Everything's just right. You taste like heaven, and Ran can feel you getting wetter by the minute. It's only a matter of time...
You don't warn him or give any indication you're about to cum, but Ran doesn't mind. When you're wet enough for him, he stands, moving your legs around his hips.
"You ready for me, sweetheart?" Your nod is the only thing that makes him inch closer and press his cockhead against your slit. When he presses in, you huff a little bit, placing your hands on his chest. "Sorry," Ran breathes, anchoring his feet into the carpet. "Sorry."
Your hands slip lower after a while, and Ran presses into you a little more, easing his cockhead into you fully. You don't protest, and so Ran leans over your body, cradling your head in his hands. He takes each motion carefully, slowly, until he's gotten close to being fully inside of you.
"That's it," he whispers into your ear hotly. "Just like that." Ran's hips move back and forth, rocking only a little bit. And once your legs spread open, welcoming his full length into you without resistance, Ran heaves a long sigh. "Shit," he murmurs, trying not to cum. He squeezes his eyes shut and picks up his speed a fraction, pumping in and out of you easily.
"You're so wet..." The phrase has been uttered hundreds of times before, but right now, it feels like the first time. "Baby, you feel so good."
It's been so long since he's been inside of you, and Ran feels like he's about to unravel like a loose ball of yarn. But he keeps himself together, running his hands over your flesh and back up to your wrists. Without thinking, he places them above your head and continues to work himself in and out of you, rolling his hips back and forth without ceasing.
When he finally looks down at you, past his lidded gaze, he sees you staring back up at him, transfixed. "Oh, baby," he purrs, running his free hand between the valley of your breasts and down to your stomach. "You take my breath away."
You pull him closer with your legs, and Ran is fully inside of you, held there by your strength. He leans over and kisses your full lips, taking a second to nip the bottom lip before kissing down your neck on both sides.
"Want to flip over?" Ran wonders, but you shake your head. He keeps pumping instead, barely leaving your pussy for a fraction of a second before sinking back into you. Your eyes lid even more, and Ran feels the familiar tug of an orgasm pull at his balls.
"You're gonna make me cum if you keep looking at me like that," he warns and pulls out of you, his cock bobbing angrily in protest. "Flip onto your stomach." You obey his request, and Ran slips back into you, making you cry out and arch your back deep and low for him. Ran places a single hand on your back, and the other finds its way onto the sheets beside your head.
The lewd smacks of flesh drive Ran wild, and his body responds by making him go deaf to anything other than the sounds of your lovemaking. "Y/n, I love you so much; I can't stand it--"
Ran loses himself, driving any rational thought or concern deep into the cavern of his mind. He can't focus, not right now. Not when--
Your hand, thin and shaking, grabs onto the hand that's beside your head. Your fingernails dig into his skin, and Ran snaps back into his body. He very nearly orgasms despite this, but one thing stops the entire show.
You're crying.
Ran pulls out of you, his dick impossibly soft, and he flips you over to see your tear-streaked face. "I'm sorry," he blurts, hurrying to grab your pillow and a blanket to cover you with. "Oh, god, I'm sorry." He swaddles you in cloth and pulls you close, rocking you back and forth. "I went too hard, I--" Ran chokes. "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry."
"No," you hiccup, pressing your hands against your face. "No." Ran's stunned.
"Why--" You manage one word at a time, each one finding a place in your mouth. "Why... do... you... love me... still?"
Ran feels the blood rush from his face. He can't figure out what to say, so he just holds you until it comes to him.
"I've always loved you," he murmurs. "I didn't know I'd ever stop loving you."
"But... Mikey..."
"I handled that," Ran replies, his tone firm. "He's not going to hurt you ever again."
"He said--"
"Whatever he told you was a lie." Ran cradles your cheek in one hand. "It was a lie. I'm not going anywhere. I'm never going anywhere." You nod slowly, resting your face on his chest.
"They'll have to drag me out of here by my hair before I leave you."
Rindou Haitani
The couch is uncomfortable. Rindou shifts on the piece of furniture and places his hands in his lap, but that doesn't alleviate the absolute misery his backside is enduring.
"Mr. Haitani," the therapist begins, her pen coming to a standstill on the notepad. "I know you have some things you want to say. Would you like to share them?"
Rindou opens his mouth, inhaling a bit to speak the words he'd been rehearsing all morning. But should he say the? would they be the right things to say? He closes his mouth, trying not to look at you in a show of helplessness.
But he's helpless.
"I'm sorry," he breathes. "I wasn't there for you when you needed me. And my not being there caused you so much pain. I--" Rindou chokes on his words, trying to get them out without shedding a single tear. "You were so scared, and I failed to protect you. I understand if you want a divorce."
Rindou doesn't expect to hear a soft hitch of air, but for some reason, even as he's focused on his fingers, it gives him some hope that you've heard him.
"It's hard," the therapist begins. "To heal after a betrayal. I've seen many clients who have tried to heal their marriages after infidelity or abuse. And not many of them survive." Rindou glances up at the woman, and she looks right back at him with unwavering brown orbs. "But you two have something the others don't have."
For a moment, Rindou thinks she's going to launch into a fantasy-driven drivel about the power of love, but when the woman speaks again, Rindou's thoughts cease.
"You two are victims. And not of each other." She holds up a finger. "There's one person who is to blame for this."
Me, Rindou thinks, hanging his head again.
"And yet, that person is not even in this room." Rindou's heart stops. "Talk to me about him, Mr. Haitani. Tell me what Manjiro is like."
"He's an evil bastard," Rindou spews, and the taste of bile rises in his throat. "I'd kill him if I could."
"That's fair," the therapist whispers. "What about Manjiro makes him an evil bastard, as you say?"
"Where do I begin?" Rindou wonders, raising his head to look at the woman.
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The car ride back to the house is deathly quiet. When you speak, Rindou jumps a little, but your voice is eerily soft.
"I didn't know he treated you like that." The steering wheel has had enough abuse, Rindou muses and relaxes his grip. "He abused you."
"All of us," Rindou replies as calmly as he can. "He abuses all of us for the pure enjoyment of it."
"What will you do?" The question isn't new to Rindou, nor does it strike him with some grand revelation. It just makes him sad.
"I don't know," he admits, defeated. "I've thought about everything. Running, fighting, staying in his good graces to protect you. I... I don't know what to do. He takes whatever he wants, y/n, and I can't stop him."
Your hand reaches out to touch his arm, which sends shivers down Rindou's spine.
"You'll know what to do when the time is right," you breathe. Rindou nods, focusing on traffic as hard as he can. The other part of him wants to crush you against his chest and hold you until his arms fall off. But he settles for the feeling of your fingers resting against his arm.
"I don't hate you," you admitted in the therapy session. "I just hate what he's made you into."
"And is that the real him?" the therapist wonders, her eyes cutting between the two of you.
"No. The Rindou I married is soft, sweet, and gentle. Not this emotionless shell of a human."
"I'm not emotionless," Rindou retorts, but his tone is flat, like a lifeless robot.
"When you're around the others, you are."
Rindou considers that you might be right as he tucks you into bed. He's been like a protector for the past month: kissing your cheeks before bed, tucking you into bed with gentle fingers, turning out the light for you - or keeping it on when you wake up from a nightmare. He doesn't sleep in the bed anymore but has a pallet right outside of the bedroom door with his gun tucked neatly under it.
They would have to kill him to get to you now.
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hyunjinhoee · 2 years
Feel My Love
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hellooo i hope you all are doing well and enjoy this oneshot as well :))
Hyunjin x Fem!reader
Warnings: angst; smut; porn with plot; slightly sad at the beginning; heavy makeout; very little of spit play; hickeys(fem receiving); oral(fem receiving); finger sucking; breeding; happy ending; softdom!hyunjin; sub!reader
Wc: 2.6k
You were thinking about him again. Hwang Hyunjin, the one person you promised to move on from the day you had left that wasted city of yours in search of a new beginning away from everything related to your past. But now after 3 years, you were back at this place, back to thinking about him.
You walked over to the window, slightly leaning on the glass sill as you reflected on your dull surroundings. You had always hated Seoul with its resonant lights and crowded architecture. It was a place that encouraged your tendency to feel sad and gloomy.
But then you saw something in a distance, or rather someone. It was him. His long dark hair tucked behind his ear as he seemed to be walking towards the direction of your building
An unintentional shaky breath left your lips as drew the curtains of your window. You shouldn’t have come back.
You flinched as the bell rang announcing his arrive. You stared at your reflection, nervously licking your lips, settling your hair trying to slow the time in order to gather your guts to face him
You finally twisted the door knob opening the door slowly meeting his gaze and suddenly you felt eighteen again and then you realised you were still in love with him as much as you were back then
“Thought you never wanted to come back” Of course, he had to start it with a petty taunt, “Hello to you too” You scoff closing the door as Hyunjin guides himself to your living room. “Do you want something to eat?” You walk into your kitchen noticing Hyunjin admiring a painting hanging on your wall. It was your father’s last painting.
“I’m sorry for your dad” Hyunjin continued to admire the piece of art making you remember how much love he shared for the same thing as you father. “Do you still paint?” You asked, “Why wouldn’t I?” He finally moved on from the painting walking towards you as you started to feel stupid about your question. Art was the only thing which made Hyunjin, Hyunjin.
“Do you want anything to eat?” You went back to your previous question avoiding any start of conversation which would make you remembered your past, “Yeah, you” You keep back your smile at his childish answer, “Sorry but that’s not on the menu” You finally look at him. He had those dreamy dark honey eyes always filled with some type of curiosity, “Well that’s sad” He pouted as you shook your head, “Still a fucking child”, “Still running away from everything” and there’s that. He just had to bring it up. You felt a shiver of irritation run over you as you rolled your eyes once again
“Hwang if you’re here to fight then please just leave”, You try to keep your voice low, “Sorry but I try to face my problems rather than just fucking leaving and avoiding them” and that was enough to spark the cracker
“I don’t fucking care about your fucking problems or however the fuck you deal with them–”
“Of course you don’t care, you never did, neither our relationship- no wait that’s the last thing because you didn’t even fucking care to show up at your dad’s funeral so of course I would not be even in your list kf priority” Hyunjin spat out and you never felt a stronger urge to just slap him
“I wanted to just to do something for myself cause fuck you and him. Throwing a bunch of random colours on a canvas wasn’t going to take me anywhere.” You knew you shouldn’t have used those words but you had to get it out. You had been selfish and yes the guilt of hurting him did cost you a lot but just thinking about love won’t provide you your basic needs and your dad and him both failed to understand that.
However you did not expect Hyunjin to nestle his head between your neck and shoulder as he held you by your waist. Due to you wearing an off shoulder top, his warm tears came in direct contact with your skin sending a shiver of goose bumps as you slowly stroked his hair
Hyunjin, as long as you remembered him, was rare to cry. There were days when he would be just sad, not wanting to talk but him breaking down meant something really extreme happened.
“Why wouldn’t you ever fucking talk to me?” his voice was heavy as he continued to sob, “Baby, I just didn’t know how to explain it you” hearing the name falling out of your lips, you noticed how Hyunjin’s hold became a bit tighter
“Why’d you come back then?” hearing the hurt in his voice lead your tears to roll down, “Because you weren’t there with me”. The grip on your waist loosened as Hyunjin took a step back. The loss of warmth of his body made you frowned wanting to be in his touch again
“All of this just for you to leave again” Hyunjin scoffed as you took a step closer to him intertwining your fingers with his, “If I wanted to leave again, I wouldn’t have come back” your voice was a whisper, with a slight convincing tone.
“I missed you” his lips falling on yours, his fingers leaving yours to wrap around your waist pulling your body closer. A small smile tugged on your lips at how impatiently Hyunjin’s hands moved on your body, his kiss getting deeper and messier
Not breaking the kiss, you both stumbled up to your bedroom falling onto the soft mattress, Hyunjin on top of you, still not ready to leave your lips
It had been long since anyone had loved you like this. You tried fooling around once but just gave up after a few minutes cause your mind could not think of anyone but him and now since your body finally got the touch it ached for, the revival of your feelings just added in more to the pleasure because you knew this wasn’t just lust.. it was so much more
Hyunjin’s lips moved down tattooing kisses down till your chest marking you once again. You always associated his love for love bites to his love for painting– how he loved to paint every blank canvas he could find-
Sliding off your top along with your bra, Hyunjin took a moment to just admire your body before losing himself in it.
“always so fucking beautiful”
You blushed at the praise as he went back to please you, worshipping every part of your body, from his lips enveloping around your boobs to his fingers teasing your clothed clit- he was everything you needed to feel
“Hyunie please” a whine escaped your lips as you entangled your fingers in his hair, “please what, angel?” his voice sounded a bit deeper as he slowly towered above you his lips brushing against yours, his hair tickling your cheeks
“fuck me” you whispered, “be loud”, his breath mixed with yours as you repeat your words a bit louder but shaky
“good girl” Hyunjin pecked your lips before moving down to your core, his lips curving into a smirk, satisfied with how he still had such an effect on you and your body
Your back arched at the sudden contact of his lips on your folds as he slowly started licking strips capturing your wetness on his tongue making up for all those years you had spent without him
The pleasure continued to build inside you as his pace increased but just when you were about to come undone- your core lost the contact of his mouth, a whine of frustration leaving from your lips
“oh so now you want everything to be in your favour” Hyunjin chuckled at your state, slowly unbuckling his jeans
“please, please” you whispered giving him what you knew he wanted. He loved to have you under him, beg for him, just overall want him to make you feel his love
Slowly pushing him into you, a moan from both of you at the same time made you both break into a small laughter. You loved this with him. You loved everything with him.
Hyunjin started to pick up a pace, a string of curses leaving your lips as you slowly started to lose yourself in him. “Doing so well, baby” his speed increased even more, his finger brushing against your lips as you opened your mouth swirling your tongue around his rings as he pushed his fingers deeper into your mouth, a drool of spit running down your chin
Only if he could take a picture of you like this. So messed up yet still being the most beautiful girl he had ever known. He would’ve love to paint you like this- relieving the exact moment everytime he would look at that painting. He would surely try to convince you later.
“Baby, I am so fucking close” your voice was barely audible as your head fell back. “Then fucking cum” Hyunjin’s eyes were closed, his hair sticking to his face as he started going deeper, his dick twitching as you clenched around him
A sigh left his lips as you fell back onto the mattress, him filling you up. Hyunjin’s body rested on yours with him being still inside you
“Let’s stay like this for a while”
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six-eyed-samurai · 2 months
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Set in the Kimetsu Academy AU. Funny enough this is not angst. Fem reader.
In this world, you find your soulmate not by a red string or a name tattooed on your person, but rather a symbolic little picture imprinted on your shoulder that symbolised something special between you and your soulmate.
The world has seen the ordinary sort (a coffee cup for a cafe meet cute, a book for a library study session), with some unique types (a cross to represent a hospital visit)...but surely no one else on earth save for one Genya Shinazugawa had one of a grave.
It was a plain, unexceptional thing really. Just a simple brown casket underneath thin lines of grass and soil and a tombstone standing sentry over it.
Yet how could it NOT symbolise anything not related to death?
Did it mean he'd die before meeting his soulmate? Did it mean whoever they were, were already dead? Did it mean they were both going to die upon meeting? God, it drove him crazy.
And fearful.
Which was why Genya had long sworn off finding his soulmate. They were both clearly better off never meeting.
So he contented himself with dating around people occasionally who had yet to meet their soulmates. Sure, he knew it wouldn't last long, until they met their one and only at least, but it was fun while it did and at any rate it kept his mind off his own dark, depressing mark.
It still hurt though. Hurt to watch everyone, family and friends and colleagues - hell, even enemies - get together with their soulmates.
Inosuke and Aoi going out after she tripped on his loose shoe he lost running to class identical to the one on her arm and smacked him for it. Iguro-san and Mitsuri-chan shyly confessing their undying love when they pieced together his mark was an old pizza box and hers was a Bunsen burner and test tubes. Kanao and Tanjiro got together after their dropped wallet mix up and discovering the missing halves of their coins literally.
For fxxk's sake, even that Agatsuma kid and Nezuko started dating when they saw the lightning and the loaf of bread on each other's shoulders.
It was really making him feel...slightly left out.
But getting together with his soulmate was a bad idea. So for years Genya could've won a Grammy award for his acting like it was fine, that he never did actually want to meet his soulmate.
Until stupid, lovable HER waltzed back into his life.
He vaguely remembered her from his childhood, but when they both started talking it was like he had known her all his life. Even the gloomy way of how both of them had first met - at some services for a relative of hers and a great god aunt of his - did nothing to dampen their childhood recap chatter.
Was it her charming, if not idiotic humor? Was it the way she complimented him so naturally? Was it the way she just stared at him across the ground and smiled when he turned around?
Whatever it was...she was really making it hard for him to keep to his promise.
"Hey, Genya?"
God. This was it. No, no, no...
"Hmm, yeah?"
"There's something I want to tell you...We've been really good friends for a while now. I was thinking...something more?"
Genya groaned into his pillow and banged his head against his bed while an irritated Sanemi sat at the other end with a disbelieving expression and handa in the midst face palming himself and bringing it down on his little brother's skull in despair and rage.
"GENYA, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? I'M FXXKING TIRED KF SEEING BOTH YOUR PUPPY EYES AND MOONING!” Sanemi bellowed, then took a deep breath to calm himself and wake his already asleep siblings. “Dammit, what did she say?"
"She was so nice about it, that's the problem!!! She even said we could still be friends if I was fine with it but I just feel even more guilty! WHY ARE GIRLS JUST SO - UGHHH."
"Genya, is this about your soulmate mark thing again?" Sanemi sighed, suddenly serious, and yanked his brother up. "You do know plenty of people don't wind up with their soulmate right, stupid idiot? It doesn't decide everything."
"Yeah, but what if she finds her soulmate and they're a better match? She showed me her mark once - something like a black umbrella lying in a puddle."
"Black umbrella?" Sanemi frowned (well, even more so than before) and leaned back. "Well, well, you don't see that many of that colour around. What are the odds of him finding her soulmate?"
"You found yours! Besides, it's really common, it's the sort of umbrella you bring to a funeral."
"Funeral? Damn, kinda like yours huh, tough luck - hang on a second."
"Yeah?" Genya peeked from the mound of pillows in surprise.
"Tell me how you guys met again." Sanemi snapped his fingers impatiently. “Get on with it, dumbass, I'm not gonna sit here all night listening to you moan about being a wimp.”
"We were at dad's funeral, remember? Her dad was his drinking buddy or something. I dropped the umbrella I was carrying and since it was raining it nearly blew off but she caught it-"
His mouth dropped open when Sanemi let out a loud groan and slapped the mattress. "What?"
"Genya. Funeral. Your mark is a coffin. You guys met at a funeral. You dropped your umbrella. She caught it for you. Her mark is an umbrella. Any bells RINGING YET, YOU GODDAMNED FOOL?"
"...oh god."
Sanemi barely had time to shout after Genya with the speed he was barging out of the room and running off. "DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU GET HER, OR I'LL LOCK YOU OUT!”
It wasn't that hard to find her house, having been there so many times. Genya tore through the storm and down the streets like it was nothing but a leisurely walk in the park, barely avoiding slipping on the puddles, until he arrived in front of the garden you and him had spent so many days messing around in. She was standing so obviously, miserably in the pouring rain holding the umbrella like he did so many years ago, a quiet moment from the accepting facade she had thrown up before.
Something about just watching that made him regret every single dead he had had before. She was a beautiful, serene, sorrowful painting.
And he'd be a fool to auction such a treasure like that off.
He called her name, once, twice, panting and desperate.
She whipped around almost at once. "Who - Genya-kun? Genya-kun! You'll catch a cold!"
She rushed forward at once to cover his dripping wet self with her umbrella, concern written - scrawled - over her features.
"Doesn't matter - look - uh -" Genya faltered, then took a deep breath. "I said no because I was afraid you weren't my soulmate. Or if you were... let's just say my mark wasn't the most auspicious. I was...scared of what would happen, so it was worse."
"Is that - is that it? Genya-kun, I - I don't - you know I don't care - care about the marks -"
"No, listen, please. Then I talked it over with Aniki and he kinda made me realize some things."
"Oh - uh - yeah? What?"
"That the grave on my shoulder was because I met you at a funeral, that I love you mark or not and...that yes, I want to be something more."
"We - we can be more than more. We'll be most - I - I promise!"
She held her umbrella over him all those years ago.
Now both of them threw it away to laugh and dance in the rain as newfound lovers.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Omega reader x bonten
Angst kind kf
(name) rarely argued with his mates, the pack usually handled situations with communication and patience.
That was until they came home drunk, (name) coming to help them only to get yelled at "god you're so fucking annoying! Whiny fucking Omega"
The alphas all grumbled their drunken grievances and insults to the poor Omega, they never really got drunk around (name) the men not wanting to have (name) deal with that but tonight (name) learned Bonten were mean drunks.
"Sorry..." (Name) mumbled before briskly walking to the guest bedroom, not wanting to further upset his mates and began building a nest out of spare linens and bedding before crying himself to sleep.
The words his mates said to him hurt so badly, his Omega thinking he was being rejected by his mates and he didn't know what to do.
When morning came, they all had hangovers that they could feel in their teeth as they groggily got out of bed before registering that (name) had not gone to bed with them and assuming the Omega was making breakfast or using the restroom.
"God what happened last night..." Kakucho said with a groan, the men slowly piling into the livingroom with hardly any memories of last night only to find no (name).
"Where is he? Baby?" Ran called out to receive no answer, none of them aware that their Omega was frightened of them.
They never yelled at him or said cruel things to him like that in fact no one really has been cruel to the Omega in that way.
He genuinely never expected his mates drunken or not to say such terrible things to him, their words meant the world to him so he genuinely took it to heart and was scared to piss them off further.
What if they didn't want him anymore?
Oh his heart couldn't handle that.
So he kept quiet in the closet, snuggled deep into his nest as his alphas looked for him desperately.
Because he was scared of his alphas.
The Alphas were panicking as they desperately searched for their sweet mate until the scent of fear and hearbreak hit their nose, wafting from the guest room that mainly collected dust and the men tried to think of why he was so distressed when memories of last night came back... Oh god.
"I can't believe we said such shit to him" Koko said as the alphas instantly felt hurt in their heart, pull of their mating bond stinging as the Omega had obviously began crying once more, soft sniffles and crying could be heard from the room they stood infront of.
The door was slightly ajar, allowing them to quietly walk in and pumping out soothing pharamones to try and coax the Omega out, the men not quite sure what to do.
They never really had to do this before.
(Name) did not react like that, scent more stressed as he cried harder "(name) baby... We're sorry" Ran said as he gently opened the closet door and he would rather a punch in the face instead of his mates distressed and hearbroken scent and cries "I will be good alpha, please don't hate me!" He cried out, his Omega taking over as he obviously spent the night overthinking and his over imaginative brain came to the conclusion that they didn't want or love him anymore.
The men knew he was always slightly insecure about himself, the men having to go to brothels to check their properties and coming home smelling of horny omegas and sex eventually planted a small seed of doubt in (name)s head and last night made the poor Omega feel like his fears were confirmed.
Why else would they say things like that?
"Nonononono baby, you're such a good Omega! We love you so much!"
"We were being idiots baby" Mochi said softly and (name) hugged himself "why say things?!"
"We were stupid and didn't mean it, we were bad alphas to you baby... We are so sorry" kakucho said and Mikey came to the edge of the nest "come out (name), were so sorry" the fact that Mikey was apologizing spoke volumes as he was notoriously prideful and to apologize...
...he really felt shitty then.
"We love you so so much..."
"Why did you say it then?"
"We were drunk and it was no excuse, please let us fix this"
"We won't ever drink again!"
"S-such cruel things..."
"We now baby... Please let us make it up to you"
(Name) sniffled and slowly came out but the men could tell there was a wall between them, he was tense and his scent didn't change at all.
They really messed up and didn't know what to do.
The day was spent with crooning and scenting as they tried everything to make (name) feel better and ordering foods that (name) loved and basically make (name) feel like more of a prince than usual.
They felt like absolute shit and even Sanzu agreed that if they do ever drink, they stay at the headquarters.
Never were they going to put their sweet mate through this again.
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ladykf-writes · 8 months
Work Title: Waltzing Through Time
Pairing: Reeve Tuesti / Genesis Rhapsodos
Ship name: ReGen
CH count at this moment: 12.5 chapters (aka half way through CH13)
Word count at this moment: 27K
Vibe: happy ever after fluffy romance, may eventually grow a plot about how things have changed because of the soulmate mechanic; hurt/comfort also planned for later chapters. Angst is possible, but angst with a happy ending is promised.
The fic meanders. It's about their life together, first and foremost, and how the world events effect that. It is vastly canon divergent based off of the soulmate mechanic alone.
These are 100% soulmarks, unlike DW where there's different kinds of soulmates. As with DW, though, all orientations and types of relationships will be respected and a large part of them will be represented.
HIGHLY based off shared headcanons and discussions between Traxits and I - paging @case-of-traxits - this is 100% an indulgent gift piece, to both of us, really.
Plans for NaNo next month? This fluffer.
(Yeah no I totally feel another 50K is waiting for this. We're just getting started.)
Plans to start posting? After I get past this current section. Somewhere in the next few chapters, I think.
Looking forward to sharing with you! Thanks for taking a peek!
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catboyhizashi · 11 months
My freshly collected thoughts about season two of good omens. (Not spoiler free!!)
First off, the negatives bc I need to talk about why I loved this season but before that, oh man.
I think you can really feel a decline in the quality of the dialog. Of course the characters were still fun and the banter works but I just feel like it was much simpler? Not everywhere, but there were some scenes where I did specifically noticed it. I also felt like the pacing was....irritating. The last episode ended up being jam-packed with so many things and some early episodes felt like they were dragged out, without any story happening. I missed some form of look back at the story from season one, it felt a bit disconnected but then again years have passed so it didn't bother me that much. Now the ending. My first reaction was why the hell was it necessary?? My prediction to this season was that through the parallel of Maggie and Nina our sweet sweet ineffable husbands would realize that oh!! they're also in love. I won't go into too much detail about what I thought would happen bc basically none of it came true lmao but I really did think we'd get them a happy although complicated ending. In the last scene, Aziraphale did feel like he regressed right back into his season 1, early season self. I'm not saying his decision and actions feel completely disconnected from his overall character but their arc this season was so sweet, they really showed how much they relied on each other (carved it out for ourselves and everything). And in this context I feel like he wouldn't have abandoned Crowley like that. And I know Aziraphale holds so many complicated feelings towards heaven, they just felt so much closer than that. But alas. The angst is beautifully painful, I have to admit.
Now the good part!
I am so happy we got to see pre-fall Crowley :") (he is never beating the babygirl allegations). Also I cannot believe their meetcute was the creation of our universe 😭. The historical flashbacks own my heart, I was very happy we got so many of them. Especially the Job part, it gave so much more context to their relationship and to me put a lot of what we see even in season one in a new and exciting perspective. They acted so incredibly married the whole season 😔 Crowley taking care of the bookshop, giving him the car, CROWLEY SMILING ABOUT NINA AND MAGGIE ??? he was so adorable. The fact that Aziraphale knows how much it means to Crowley to look after him????? All of these things just made the ending more painful but they were very well done. You also can't analyze this season without talking about the acting. John Hamm was amazing, memory loss Gabriel was so funny I wish he had a little more room to play with this situation but we obviously can't have everything. David and Michael were amazing per usual. Their dynamic is so incredible, the way they use a certain voice for these characters, the little mannerisms and facial expressions I loved in season one absolutely return and are maybe turned up to a 150% and I loved every minute of it. You can really tell that they wanted us to feel how well these two idiots work together, and just how much they care about one another. Their flashbacks and the way they talk to each other still makes me smile, and gives you that sort kf warm feeling. Like it'd be nice to be around them.
To summarize, I'm not completely happy with how this season played out and some of the creative decisions are foggy to me but it got me right back at 2019, being excited and emotional. I missed this show so much, I love these characters so much and I cannot wait to see where season 3 takes us. (BC THERE WILL BE A SEASON 3 STREAM IT PEOPLE STREAM. IT.)
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sweet-honey-fruit · 2 years
Hello there! I haven't been here for a while, but I was wondering if it's okay to share an idea with you. If not, then feel free to ignore. Oh, and it's not a request!
So my idea was a Genshin sagau, where the reader actually created the world, but they aren't a god. Maybe they used a magic device or book, but when they created the world for some reason (idk yet either) they lost said device and fell asleep for a looong time.
So when they woke up, it was the time when the travellers already arrived. So the reader starts to learn what happend while they were asleep and decides to defeat Celestia (bc of Kan'riah[how do I write this?] and bc kf the fact that they're technically shouldn't be ruling Teyvat isntead of the reader), but then again: the reader lost the device, so technically they're just a human.
So they start wandering the world to find the device and help the traveller to find their twin, bc it should be the readers responsibility to help them.
Another thing I was thinking about: in this idea I like to imagine that the reader isn't overpoweres like on most sagaus, and isn't actually dumb, bc come one, they were smart enough to create a complex world with a lot of misteries.
Oh sorry, I didn't wanted this to bis this long, I just had this idea in my head a long time and wanted to write it down. Please let me know what you think of it, but if you don't want to, then don't have to!
Ps.: Have a nice day, and remember to drink a lot of water!
HEAR ME OUT I personally am not a fan of SAGAU, it just isn't my cup of tea.
But this? THIS????
I fucking LOVE this
Could you imagine if the reader teamed up with the Tsaritsa to take down Celestia, so they had to take the gods gnosis' while trying to find the book--
The angst, the drama, I love it
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thatfuckinjester · 4 months
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ao3feed-birdflash · 5 months
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i-want-my-iwtv · 2 years
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@annabellioncourt tagged moi to do nine films! This was harder to do than I thought, editing them down. As an extra challenge, I didn’t let myself choose any that Annie did 😉. These are films/TV I love and love recommending to others, and if you like one or more of them, chances are we’ll get along ✨ In no particular order (other than wanting IWTV in the middle):
Only Lovers Left Alive - Tom Hiddleston is a Nicki/Louis hybrid, I love him, I love the dynamic between him and the other vampires, I kinda love how fragile these vampires are, and they have unique gifts. Very slice of life.
What We Do in the Shadows - also love the TV series, but if I had to choose?? IDK I NEED BOTH but only giving it one slot, so the original takes precedence, I love Vladislav. 
Jennifer’s Body - UNF I love this. I don’t love the official posters, but I really like this VHS fanwork by CratereanDesigns on Etsy.
Let the Right One In - the 2008 original!
Interview with the Vampire, of course. And I do not think it’s the Best Movie of All Time, it’s just one of my personal faves and a comfort food for me 💗
30 Days of Night - the delicious ANGST, ah my heart. I don’t love the poster, oh well. 
Good Omens - I didn’t read the book so if it’s unfaithful in any way, doesn’t bother me! I loved this series, psyched for season 2.
Better Call Saul - I know, not a film. I love it too much, and if GO is on here, then TV can be on here. 
And here I end with the impossible choice of favorite animated movie, and there are a LOT of them, but I have to choose one! What’s more important, beauty, story, music? Beauty and the Beast (1991) still holds up, after all these years. It might not be as technically proficient as Wall-E (another fave of mine) but it’s well acted, strong story, good soundtrack. I think what I love most is the bantering and courtship of Belle and the Beast, it’s so genuine and earned. IDK, call me a baby, I love it. 
Tagging those I haven’t seen do it yet, and I'm also sorry if I'm wrong and just missed your post, no pressure at all to do this, of course!:
@codenamecesare, @vamp4rebatscave, @xxhellonursexx, @good-evening-kiss, @eliestela, @0junemeatcleaver0, @wicked-felina, @cygnaut, @thevampirelestat, @tealightcandles1794, @monstersinthecosmos, @emileesaurus, @terryfphanatics, @loki-wants-an-army,  @sarahpaulsonsclown,  @theworidentire, @hekateinhell, @the-apostates-martyr, @amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance, @vampiricmusicaltheatre, @radiatorfromspace, @kf-tea, @headfrst4halos, @mymillenniumpuzzle, @amelthebravennian, @carolusofmycastle, @auburnandamberangel, @elisaintime, @obsessional-ram, @nodominion, @compressedconstellations, @calamity-cain
(Tumblr didn’t allow the tag on some ppl so I’m putting you all in the tags below)
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atherix · 1 year
YOU WANT A GLIMPSE, IM GONNA RANT SO MUCH RIGHT NOW Because I've spammed my friend so much and they need a break from that SO HERE I AM
Typing this all out again is gonna take forever tho. 
So first order of business,
EXCUSE ME, WHAT. I really need to reread midnight.. I just know there's going to to ANGST. Like, I'm gonna cry
Amd this all happened while I was in the middle of draeing (still working on it)
What if mumbos daughter was turned? Then a number of things could sprout off from that.
1) she could have been manipulated into thinking her parents abandoned her
2) she could have grown resentful because Noone came to save her
3) she may not even remember her parents
Then like, the coven thst mumbo was turned to, what if his daughter was turned by the same coven, and they were just separated the whole time so... when he remembers (BECAUSE OF CUB STUFF) they go to thst coven to get rid of it AND SHES THERE
what jf she tries to kill him and then mumbo realizes who she is
Wait, if she was ruenned as a kid, she would still be a kid right! Is she forever a child! WAIT MORE THOUGHTS,
if she was tuned as a child and stays a child forever, does her brain still develop? Does she mentaly grow up?
If his kids are alive they are very traumatized *cough- just like everyone in this series- coughcough
---what if his daughter remembers the braiding hair stuff.
Because my brain has a hold on the hair brading thoughts but that's another thing entirely that I could rant about for hours as well
What if mumbos daughter was turned jnto a cove  and she never excaped?
Ohh the emotions mumbo will feel when he sees them again (if this is even happening)
Sad ,confused, happy, grief, anger
If anyone hurt his kid he would go on a murdering spree
I swear if BLONDIE shows up, I'll step thought my phone screen and beat her up, I will.
Tubbo have siblings??? And then I have mumbo family thought too. Soo Many because for the past 2ish days all I've been able to think about is that
And like how braiding hair is culturally important to scar and emotionally significant to mumbo, like
My heart
Amd them how mumbo probably loved to dress his kids up all fancy, like him.
And then because his first family all died (or so we were lead to beleive) he's over protective of the one he has now so letting tubbo leave not only went against his vampire instinct but also his own fears,, probably,,,
And like how he couldn't see the good he had done in boatem until grian and scar were like DUDE, LOOK, YOURE AMAZINF OK, LOLK HERES THE HISTORY BOOKS TO PROVE IT
And then how the mimics looked like his kid
He never got the chance to talk it out or process it that much before scars flux and then he remembers stuff just to forget again because PLOT
And then also___ when grjan got kidnapped, mumbo was probably so terrified thst he'd loose another part kf his family, LIKE
Qnd I know another way to get mumbo to wear a dress,
His daughter would want to play dress up or something and he'd dress up with her and have a princess tea party if she wanted that.
I just- yeah, I can't
That ask make my brain go WOOOOOOOO
A lot of this is just reaches into the dark, but yeah. Aqaaaa. Mmm words :)
All very good thoughts and no questions that I can answer hehe :) OKAY BUT THE FACT YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS AND SOMEONE BRINGS IT UP LMAO
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alyszaen · 1 year
HEYOO ITS (used to be shy + silent reader but i had an avatar change cause why not) DELLA
anyhow this is regarding the pists i read on ur pahe. Aly, please dont listen to them, you’re amazing at what you do and i love the way you write write beautifully and pirtray emotions and know exactly what will happen and its so smooth
I actually got to know you through your yang jeongin frabble and like i (burst out) kind of cried, from there i started reading your angst drabbles like ‘damn you should uosd more fics like woah’ and then i saw i could message you but im a coward (😅🫶🏼)
Then I got to know you write for Aprk Ichi and that got me more interested
YOU HAVE NO IDEA ON HOW MANY TKMES I OPENE YOUR PAGE HOPING DOODLE WAS TELEASED cause curcle yraingle square left me heartbroken
My point is, it’s understandable to feel sad due to a hate ckmmenter. A boat only sinks when eater comes in, and you will feel sad if you mund some jobless hater out there
Also personal message to the hater, like dude how do you have yhe time to read all if her fics, re read it to find the nonexistent mistakes and then have time to create a blog and post it on her list? Like bro i can literally see ur poor jealous face cause shes earni g more than u ever have and will
Aly, il this is random and i don’t usually comment but i cant see one of my fave writers sad, so ih ore the jobless monkeys and focus on the things you have (me and skz ofc along with minnie anon)
Moral of the story is… im always there to support you, though I never show if, and I am sorry for that, but please don’t feel demotivated just cause kf one hater, ilysm and i hope you know that people wait for your updates like crazy
That avatar >>>
Ahhhh I really love my angst drabbles honestly! I think the emotions come across well in them. So it's even nicer to hear that it actually made you cry (even if that sounds a little evil on my end lol).
Nah because Chichi is my CHILD. SHE IS MY DAUGHTER AND I WILL PROTECT HER WITH MY LIFE! Also if it helps you, Chiskz themselves had no idea how and when I was going to finish the trilogy haha. I was being really secretive hehehe
The butt had me giggling. We stan a butt. Lino would approve.
Ahhh you're right. I am really trying not to let it get to me. Usually single messages like that don't, but it was so many hate-comments just today. I think it kind of overwhelmed me honestly. I am doing better now, though. <3
Genuinely thanks for sending this. It means a lot to be reminded of the sweet people I have around. <3
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