#Abril answers asks
the-red-butterfly · 2 months
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Ah! Perfect! Thank you. I had one more space in my Sanji spread hehe
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someone-named-adel · 2 months
I swear to God I don't want to have children-
I swear... 😭
Anyways, The title of this is:
“For every action you take, there will be a consequence.”
This is, What I would say, one of the fluffiest things I've ever done
(This writing contains only Donatello x Reader, this takes place before the first writing)
Donatello let out an annoyed groan, his brow furrowed and he crossed his arms, looking like he was about to throw a tantrum.
He barely knew how to deal with his emotions in his normal state, but now that he was a baby, he felt like he was like a time bomb that would explode at the slightest mishap.
It didn't help that he couldn't be as productive as before.
Not with MC and Abril monitoring him and his brothers.
He let out a sigh, and began to mentally recite solutions to cope with his situation.
Some steps that he knew very well began to be heard from the distance, slowly, the person who owned those steps stood next to Donatello, looking at him with, what he could assume, It was worry and a little suspicion.
"Is something wrong, little Don?"
It was MC who, while they was asking him, they crouching down a little so they could see the face of Baby Donatello from a better angle.
Baby Donatello looked at they with a pout, his face twitching a little more at the innocent question.
The last thing he wanted was to explode in front of MC.
Even though MC asked him if there was something wrong, he didn't answer, preferring to simply turn around and start walking in the direction of his lab.
MC, not wanting to let Baby Donatello lock himself in his lab for hours like he did the last time he was frustrated about something, they walked behind him, three paces away to keep a distance from him.
Baby Donatello, knowing that MC was going to be insistent, and already having the idea stuck in his head that it was going to be a long day, abruptly stopped his gait, causing MC to stop their steps too, obviously keeping their distance, and turned his body to face MC.
"Oh, seriusly!?"
"Stop following me!" Baby Donatello shouted in frustration, clenching his hands into fists.
MC stared at him for a few seconds, his calm expression contrasting with Baby Donatello's frustrated and angry expression.
Without changing their expression, MC said in a straightforward manner "No."
Obviously their answer made Baby Donatello's mood worse.
Turning around in frustration, Baby Donatello continued walking, only this time, more faster than before.
As soon as he reached the laboratory, he wanted to close the doors quickly to prevent MC from entering.
Unfortunately, MC already knew what Baby Donatello was going to do (since it was not the first time that as a baby and in his normal state, Donatello would close the door of his laboratory without letting anyone in for quite a while), and was faster than him, entering before the doors closed.
Despite that detail, Baby Donatello ignored MC and went straight to a corner, which contained a couple of blankets, pillows and a small mattress, big enough for a child no older than 10 years old.
With heaviness, Baby Donatello walked straight to that place, and just threw himself on the mattress, rolling a little and covering himself like a burrito with the blankets lying on the spot.
With light, almost silent steps, MC approached the small makeshift resting space they had set up on the third day of the four turtle brothers' transformation into babies.
With a quiet sigh, MC sat down on the ground at a moderate distance from that specific spot, not wishing to disturb Baby Donatello so much with his presence.
"Get out" Baby Donatello said as he buried himself a little deeper into the blankets.
Silently, MC got up, but, instead of leaving, they simply walked to the side of the mattress, moved one or another carelessly thrown cable coming from the many machines of the lab belonging to the turtle in purple, and plugged in a small lamp, which had a pattern of stars and moons on it, there was even one or another rocket.
"Get out" Donatello repeat.
"..." MC pretended not to hear him beg for them to leave., and continued with their own things.
The light from the lamp was soft, not bright enough to clearly illuminate the entire room, but not dim enough to illuminate nothing but itself.
With every move MC made, Baby Donatello buried himself slightly deeper and deeper into his blankets, as if he wanted to simply disappear into them.
Still in silence, and trying to make as little noise as possible, MC took out a small box of matches, which they had recently bought, in their pocket to replace the empty one in the kitchen, and lit a lavender-scented incense.
They made sure that it was at a considerable distance so that the smell would not be too strong for little Donatello.
Resting the incense on one of the lab's machines, and making sure that the machine's material was not flammable, MC returned to their original place near the small corner where Baby Donatello seemed to want to disappear.
"Will you still not tell me anything?" MC asked in a whisper, leaning their back against the wall, legs together and resting one of their elbows on their knee.
"..." Baby Donatello stayed silent
A few minutes passed in complete silence before MC spoke again.
"It's okay, you don't have to tell me what's going on if you don't want to" they mentioned in a sympathetic voice, as if they knew that no matter how hard they tried to push Baby Donatello, they wasn't going to get anywhere.
Seconds passed, and slowly a movement was felt within the blankets in which Baby Donatello was wrapped.
Small hiccups were heard, and slowly a small green and purple figure was glimpsed beneath the blankets.
"MC?" Baby Donatello called they, in a broken whisper, as if he was afraid to break the silence of the place with his voice.
"Yes?" MC replied calmly.
"Why... Why are you still here?" That question caught MC a little off guard, who leaned slightly closer to the, still, lump under the blankets.
"Please, could you explain yourself better, Don?" MC said in a soft voice.
"Why... Why don't you leave when my brothers.... When I demand you to leave?"
"..." MC didn't know what to answer.
"Why do you insist on staying?" Donatello muttered.
"Because I want to, it's my duty" replied MC, who didn't really understand that the question didn't refer to whatever MC was thinking at that moment.
"Scoff... You're only here because it's your duty?" Donatello Said in a faintly frustrated tone, feeling unsatisfied with the answer.
"Yeah, when April introduced me to you and your family, I knew it was my duty, as your new friend, to, at least be there for you when you feel you're about to fall" MC, hesitantly, crawled over, slowly, to the lump under the blankets.
"About to fall?" Baby Donatello asked, not understanding MC's words.
"Yes, when you fall into an abyss," MC started to recite "what you want, is at least one helping hand to help you not to be swallowed up completely" MC, slowly, reached out their hand until their fingertips touched the edge of the small mattress.
Seeing a small green three-fingered hand slowly creeping closer to their own hand, MC, very carefully, and slowly, continued speaking.
"I'm not a warrior, I'm not strong, I don't know about medicine, I don't know about advanced sciences, I don't know how to comfort someone, or even listen to them in the most appropriate way, but, I do the best I can."
When the two hands finally touched the other, MC turned their hand over, and, with their other hand, brought them together, making Baby Donatello's hand between theirs.
Slowly, Donatello came out of the blankets, sitting down in front of MC, his mask was soaked and somewhat wrinkled, a sign that he had, indeed, been crying.
And the tears weren't going to stop, they were just going to come out more slowly.
"I can't promise to always be with you, but I can promise that no matter what happens, I will always be there, for you" MC raised one of their hands to wipe away the tears running down Donatello's face.
"Can I take your mask off?" MC asked, "if you don't want to, it's okay" they added softly, trying not to push the, very emotional, little boy in front of them.
In a way, seeing Donatello so vulnerable, reminded they of when they themselves cried and silently turned away from the other people when they're young.
Donatello, though hesitant, nodded slowly at MC's request.
MC gently pulled away the hand that was still holding Donatello's, and, calmly, untied the knot of Donatello's mask, setting it aside on the mattress.
"You promise..."
"Promise to stay, with us?" Donatello looked into their eyes, his tears that were getting thinner and thinner, came out thicker again, as if it hurt him to even ask that.
"Sure, why wouldn't it?" MC replied, stroking one of Donatello's tear-soaked cheeks.
"There are a thousand reasons of why you should leave" Donatello said, in a whisper.
"(One of those is that you're not safe with us)" Donatello thought briefly.
"And yet I haven't" MC said, as they continued to caress Donatello's cheek.
Donatello looked at MC, his eyes were red from crying, his gaze was a little dull, perhaps due to mental exhaustion and the accumulated stress of the last few days.
In the most innocent tone one could expect from a small child, Donatello, feeling a little more vulnerable than normal (as if he weren't already), asked with a hint of innocent hope.
"Will you stay?"
MC, who couldn't really imagine how tormented and exhausted Donatello was at that very moment to make such a request, responded firmly: "Yes."
Despite MC's almost immediate response, Donatello couldn't help but remain doubtful.
"Even though we're considered monsters?"
"Even though we're not normal?"
"Oh, dear Donatello, no one is normal, it's just that some are unwilling to accept it."
"That doesn't answer my question" Baby Donatello pouted, tears again, they were falling slower and slower.
A small snort left MC's lips at Baby Donatello's comment.
"Yes, I'd stay with you even if it means I'll have to sacrifice my already almost non-existent hours of sleep" MC tried to joke to lighten the mood, which they felt they was able to accomplish when they heard a "snort" from Donatello.
"Don't let your words be forgotten today" Baby Donatello said in a warning tone , sounding serious about it, as if he feared MC would regret in the future, or right then and there, their words.
"Oh dear, I will not forget my words" MC said with a smile slowly growing on their face.
They extended one of their pinkies in front of Baby Donatello.
Donatello looked at they, a little confused.
"With this, I promise not to regret my words, no matter how hard the future may be, and in return, you promise to be more open with your feelings towards others, deal?"
Donatello, slowly recovering from that explosion of emotions, nodded slightly, and, cautiously, entangled, what would be his pinky, with that of MC
"Pinky promise" MC said, their smile barely contained.
Phew, My eyes hurt from editing this so much.
Anyways, I think, with this my mind is going to be dry for a few days, all my inspiration Was sucked.
Bye 🐢
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hoodharlow · 1 year
2. The NDA
AN: I completely forgot about this series and that's one me 😭😭😭
Requested? No
Warnings: talks about fwb, NDAs, and smut/smutty ending
Word Count: exactly 2,100 words lol
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The following morning, Jack woke up to an empty bed, but not an empty room. Xóchitl was sitting in front of her desk typing away on her MacBook with a large binder on her lap. She was freshly showered in a white Stanford crew neck sweater and black gym shorts. 
“Morning,” she said, grabbing a pastel highlighter from her pencil bag. 
“How long was I out?” he groaned, sitting up to stretch. 
“Uh, we finished a little bit before three and it’s almost nine…so like six hours?” Xóchitl said, placing her binder on her desk. She turned around on her chair to face him. 
“How long have you been up?” he asked, slipping on his boxers that somehow ended up on top of the lamp shade.
“A few hours, my body naturally wakes up at six no matter how many hours I sleep the night before.” she said. She pointed at the door next to the open closet. “The bathroom is there if you wanna shower or whatever.”  
“Cool.” he said, not sure what else to add.
Xóchitl took the hint and went back to her work. She knew she shouldn't have expected much from Jack. After all, he is a celebrity that probably hooked up with fans at every place he performed at. She eyed him through her mirror as he quickly grabbed his clothes before going into the bathroom. It was obvious he was buying some time for her initiate something, but she already did her part and let him fuck her.
He was fixing his watch when Xóchitl’s bedroom door opened. 
“Bitch! Guess–” Abril closed her mouth at the sight of Jack. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was interrupting.” 
She closed the door behind her. Xóchitl’s phone pinged seconds after, most likely texts from her wondering why Jack was in her bedroom.
“I should get going,” he trailed off. 
“Okay,” Xóchitl said returning to her binder, “do you need me to walk you out?”
“No, I remember the way.” 
“Alright, bye.” she smiled at him.
He nodded, slowly opening the door, expecting her to stop him. But she didn’t. He made his way down the hallway and heard hushed voices coming from the kitchen. It was Xóchitl's friend group all sitting on the kitchen island with takeout containers. He gave them a nod and exited the apartment. The second the door closed, he heard squeals and followed by her name being said. He made his way down the building and spotted the SUV his manager sent to pick him up. 
That had to have been one of the most bizarre hookups he ever had. No girl has ever been so nonchalant with him. Xóchitl didn’t offer him a cup of coffee or anything. He was fairly positive that they didn’t cuddle after they finished round five. 
“Hey,” he mumbled when he got in the car.
“That’s all you have to say? You were MIA for several hours.” Neelam said sternly. 
“Nee, you know damn well he was getting his dick wet. You see those scratches on his arms.” Urban pointed out. 
Jack took a seat in the back of the SUV and stayed quiet while Neelam and Chris went over his schedule for the next few months. He had a few months off from doing shows and TV appearances and was going to be in Oakland and film a show for Peacock. 
His mind trailed off to Xóchitl. He still couldn’t wrap it around his head that she dismissed him. He was fairly positive that when her friends ask her about him, she’s going to give them a vague answer. It really shouldn’t bother him, but it did. He needed to see her again, but he didn’t want to seem like a stalker and just show up at her place without an excuse.
“Jack,” Chris called him.
“Did the person you slept with sign an NDA or should I have someone drop one off for them?” he asked him in a quiet tone.
A lightbulb went off in Jack's head. “No, she didn’t.” 
Abril looked disapprovingly at Xóchitl. She and Aaliyah collectively agreed that Xóchitl fumbled her bag by not getting Jack’s number. She rolled her eyes and turned back to the stove as she flipped over some bistek she was cooking for dinner. 
After Jack left, she went to Target and Trader Joe’s to distract herself from  the night before. When she came back from buying unnecessary throw pillows from Target and frozen croissants from Trader Joe’s, she spent the rest of the day holed up in her room avoiding her roommate and their other best friend. 
"You're really just going to act like you didn't hook up with one of the most known rappers?" Abril asked Xóchitl.
"Yes. It was a one time thing and I don’t–” Xóchitl was interrupted by the intercom buzzer. She walked over to it and answered. "Yes?"
"Hey, it's Jack from last night. I, uh, have something to talk about in private with you." Jack's voice filled the apartment. 
"One-time thing you say?" Abril teased. 
Xóchitl rolled her eyes and buzzed Jack in. She finished plating her food as there was a knock on the front door. She smoothed her clothes out and went to open the door. 
"Hi?" She greeted him.
"Can I come in?" Jack asked. 
"Yeah," Xóchitl nodded. She opened the door wider for him to enter. She noticed that he had a folder.
She guided him to the kitchen. Thankfully Abril retreated to her room so they could talk privately in there. Jack took a seat on a stool.  
"Are you hungry? I was about to eat." She motioned to her plate. It was bistek with espagueti verde. 
"I'm good, thank you." Jack said. "I was at a work dinner earlier." 
"Anything to drink? I have water, juice, coffee, soda, or I can make tea." She offered.
"I'll take some water." He said, fidgeting with the folder.
Xóchitl grabbed two water bottles from the fridge and handed him one. She sat across from him in the kitchen island. She began eating and let him gather his thoughts. 
"Uh, I don't know how to approach this without sounding like a dick." Jack said, breaking the silence. 
"Then just say it." She said, twirling some spaghetti. 
"I need you to sign an NDA." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. 
"Oh okay." She set her plate in the sink and grabbed a pen from a drawer her and Abril had for miscellaneous items. "Hand it over."
Jack slipped the folder to her. She opened it and read it over. He scratched his beard. "It's nothing personal. It's the protocol the label does." He explained. 
"You don’t have to explain. You’re famous, obviously you need to look out for yourself and your reputation." She said, not looking up from the documents. Once she thoroughly read the documents, she signed the designated lines and handed them back. "Is that all or did you need something else?"
"I actually have a proposition for you." 
"For?" She asked, bringing back her plate to her.
"Us." He said.
 Xóchitl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “What do you mean ‘us’?” 
“You can’t deny last night’s sex was mind blowingly good.” Jack began. “I’m gonna be here for the next few months filming something, so I’m not asking for anything serious.”
“What are you asking exactly?” she asked.
“That we become some sort of friends with benefits.” He said. He paused for a second. “Before you say no–”
“I’m down.” Xóchitl shrugged.
“Wait, really?” Jack said a little too excited.
“It’ll be just sex. There’s no need to sugar coat it.” she said, twirling the last of her spaghetti. She reached for a notebook and opened it to the fresh page. “We should establish some ground rules and if it makes you comfortable I can get my friends and their partners to sign some NDAs.” 
“Uh, yeah, I’ll get my managers to do the paperwork.” He reached for the notebook and pen. “For ground rules I think the first is that we keep it a secret, hence the NDAs. We should share our schedules so we know when not to interrupt, and that way we can keep it organized.” 
“I agree.” Xóchilt got up and went to her room, returning a few seconds later with her iPad. She pulled up the Google Calendar app and switched to the email she used for her non-academic accounts she used for social media, shopping, food delivery, ride shares, and streaming accounts. “Do you have an email that you use but can’t be traced to you?”
“Don’t laugh at it though,” he mumbled as he typed it onto her iPad. “In my defense, I’ve had it since middle school when I had to sign up for facebook.”
“I’m not judging you.” she giggled. She leaned over to him to read his email. “Okay maybe a little.”
“Anyways going back to our rules–”
“Can we hook up here? I feel more comfortable if we do it in my place." She cut him.
“Okay,” Jack nodded, writing it on the notebook. “What about protection?”
“Well we didn’t use any last night, but I swear I’m on birth control. I’m also clean since I haven’t had sex in years.” 
“See this arrangement is more for you than it is for me.” he said in a playful tone. “But if we happen to hook up with someone else we use protection with them.” 
“And we let the other know for sexual safety.” Xóchitl added on. 
They finished drafting their friends with benefits contract half an hour later. They also color coded the Google Calendar, organizing when they would have free time in between Jack’s filming schedules and Xóchilt’s classes and her volunteering. 
“I think this is pretty good.” Jack nodded reading over their list. “I’ll have my team do all the paperwork and come back to get you to sign them.” 
“Sounds good.” Xóchitl said. She leaned over him and scratched a word, fixing the spelling. “You misspelled that word.” 
He glanced down to her lips then back to soft brown eyes. He gently cupped her cheek and slowly pulled her to him. His lips were about to touch hers, but Xóchitl pulled away. 
She smiled innocently. “No sex, until it’s legally binding.”
After three days, Jack and Xóchitl were finally able to get all their NDAs and contracts sorted out. That also meant they had three days worth of sex to catch up on. The second she signed the documents, Jack was carrying her to her room. 
Xóchitl’s face was buried in the mattress as Jack pounded into her. He had one leg bent over the bed and another firmly planted on the ground as he took her from behind. He gripped her hips with one hand while the other went back down to her clit. 
“Oh fuck,” Xóchitl cried as she came for the nth time that evening. 
Jack pulled out of her and gently tossed her to the center of her bed. He climbed into bed and continued where he left off. His thrusts got rougher and more precise. Jack buried his face in her neck, kissing her sweet spot. Her quiet praises filled the room, egging him on. She quietly whimpered his name, lazily meeting his thrusts before her orgasm took over. Jack’s orgasm followed soon after. He moaned her name and pushed himself deep inside Xóchitl, spilling every last drop in her. After they caught their breath, Jack pulled out of her and hugged her from behind. 
“Can I eat you out?” Jack asked, kissing shoulder. 
Xóchitl buried her face in her pillow. 
“Now you wanna get shy on me? Not after I fucked you senseless the last two hours.” he teased reaching in between her legs and swiping some of their release on his fingers. He moaned in her ear 
“You really like that?” she asked him quietly. They had this talk when they first hooked up, but it truly baffled Xóchitl that Jack liked going down on her. 
She rolled over so she was facing him. 
“Eating you out? Oh course I do, why wouldn’t I?” He asked curiously. He pulled her blanket over them, noting the small goosebumps in her arms. “And before you go off saying ‘most guys don’t’, you should know by now I like eating you out.” 
“Can you show me how much you like it?” Xóchitl asked him softly. “I’m a hands-on learner.”
Jack smirked before gently pushing her down on her bed and got to work.
Taglist: @cherryxcreme ​ ​​ @heavyhitterheaux ​ ​​ @carma-fanficaddict ​ ​​ @youngharleezy ​ ​​ @youngharleezyxo ​ @babyharleezy ​ ​​ @that-90s-girllll ​ ​​ @alinaharlow ​ ​​ @whywontyoulovemecami ​ ​​​​ @meyocoko ​ ​​ @harlowcomehome ​ ​​ @nattinatalia ​ ​​ @webinurcloset ​ ​​ @gassyandsassy1 ​ ​​ @jackharloww ​ @awhore4moree ​ @noescapricho-essentimiento ​ @a-moment-captured ​ ​ ​@neon-lights-and-glitter @purecinnamonextract
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sakuhina · 5 months
Hi! Do you know any books in English about the Estado Novo Dictatorship and the subsequent 25 Abril Revolution?
Anon you asked this like months ago sorry I'm only answering this now, are you still here.
(Sorted alphabetically)
Estado Novo:
Fado and Fátima: Salazar’s Portugal in US Film Fiction
From the Armed Struggle against the Dictatorship to the Socialist Revolution: The Narrative Restraints to Lethal Violence among Radical Left Organisations in Portugal
Under the Sky (documentary about Jewish refugees in Portugal during WWII, audio is in English but subtitles in Portuguese)
Meeting Salazar: Irish dignitaries and diplomats in Portugal, 1942—1960
Home Bound: The Construct of Femininity in the Estado Novo
Memory of Resistance and the Resistance of Memory: An Analysis of the Construction of Corporatism in the First Years of the Portuguese Estado Novo
NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe (Chapter 9: The secret war in Portugal)
On student movements in the decay of the Estado Novo
Portugal, Jewish Refugees, and the Holocaust
Re-reading the Photographic Archive: The Propagandistic Staging of the Portuguese Estado Novo in the Braga District
Salazar: A Political Biography
Salazar, The Dictator Who Refused To Die
Saloio Women: An Analysis of Informal and Formal Political and Economic Roles of Portuguese Peasant Women
Sixties Radicalism and Social Movement Activism - The War Against The War: Violence And Anticolonialism In The Final Years Of The Estado Novo
Territorializing Maoism: Dictatorship, War, and Anticolonialism in the Portuguese “Long Sixties”
The Memory of the Portuguese First Republic throughout the Twentieth Century
The Opposition to the 'New State' and the British Attitude at the end of the Second World War: Hope and Disillusion
The Portuguese Armed Forces and the Revolution
To Talk or Not to Talk: Silence, Torture, and Politics in the Portuguese Dictatorship of Estado Novo
Women's Organizations and Imperial Ideology under the Estado Novo
Ghosts of war: China’s relations with Portugal in the post-war period, 1945–9*
Wartime Macau: Under the Japanese Shadow*
Colonial War:
Amílcar Cabral's writings in English
Evading the War: Deserters and Draft Evaders from the Portuguese Army during the Colonial War
Killing Hope U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War (Mentions the CIA's role in the Colonial War + subsequent involvements in Africa during their civil wars)
Modern African Wars (2): Angola and Mozambique 1961-74
Portugal’s African Wars: Angola, Guinea-Bissao, Mozambique
Portugal's Guerrilla Wars in Africa
Samora Machel Speaks, Mozambique Speaks
The Retornados from the Portuguese Colonies in Africa
The United States and Portuguese Decolonization
25 de Abril / Carnation Revolution:
Another Country (documentary about the revolution seen first-hand by foreign journalists, available in solidaritycinema)
From the Armed Struggle against the Dictatorship to the Socialist Revolution
Out of the Shadows: Portugal from Revolution to the Present Day
Portugal, the impossible revolution?
Revolução (small video from 1975 with images and speeches from the time)
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Portugal (documentary, quality is a bit bad)
These are all the articles, documentaries and ebooks I have in English, but I have plenty more in Portuguese if anyone wants. Some of these are not *necessarily* what you asked but eh. Do note I haven't read all of these. Let me know if any of the links don't work!
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Capítulo 1: Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos, a una nueva entrega de arqueología nipona, vista desde un punto de vista filosófico, una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos qué empezamos. — Seguramente, todos nos hacemos las mismas preguntas cuando se nos pregunta determinados temas de historia y de arqueología. ¿Quiénes eran nuestros antepasados y por qué llegaron a este determinado lugar y no a x? ¿De qué medios disponían para lograr determinadas hazañas históricas? En nuestro caso nos centraremos en dos preguntas determinadas ¿Quiénes fueron los primeros pobladores del archipiélago japonés? Y de ver cómo dicha idea ha llegado a nuestros días sin una respuesta clara, ya que tanto arqueólogos, historiadores, antropólogos, entre otros, han intentado dar una posible respuesta a una de las mayores incógnitas de la historia de la arqueología japonesa. — ¿Cuándo surgió la arqueología japonesa propiamente dicha? La historia de Japón es un tanto complicada, debido a que la ciencia propiamente dicha no nace hasta finales del siglo XIX, para ser más exactos 12 de abril 1877 ¿Cuándo surgen las sociedades arqueológicas, antropológicas y el laboratorio de antropología en Tokio? Además, tuvieron mucha influencia de gente tanto de Europa como de Estados Unidos, ya que tenían una gran influencia para aquel momento y mencionaremos algunos y a uno de los arqueólogos más destacados del mundo japonés. — ¿Cuándo surgen las sociedades arqueológicas, antropológicas y el laboratorio de antropología en Tokio? Para responder a dicha pregunta: A partir de 1880,vino un proceso gradual de institucionalización a la arqueología, generando un nuevo marco académico y universitario: Dando lugar al nacimiento de la Sociedad Antropológica de Tōkyō 1884, se creó el Laboratorio de Antropología en la Universidad de Tōkyō 1888,la fundación de la Sociedad Arqueológica se fundó en Japón en 1895. — Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana.
Chapter 1: Welcome, Japanesearchaeologicalists, to a new installment of Japanese archaeology, seen from a philosophical point of view. Having said that, get comfortable and let's begin. — Surely, we all ask ourselves the same questions when we are asked certain topics in history and archeology. Who were our ancestors and why did they arrive at this certain place and not x? What means did they have to achieve certain historical feats? In our case we will focus on two specific questions: Who were the first settlers of the Japanese archipelago? And to see how this idea has reached our days without a clear answer, since archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, among others, have tried to give a possible answer to one of the biggest unknowns in the history of Japanese archaeology. — When did Japanese archeology itself emerge? The history of Japan is somewhat complicated, because science itself was not born until the end of the 19th century, to be more exact April 12, 1877 When did the archaeological and anthropological societies and the anthropology laboratory emerge in Tokyo? In addition, they had a lot of influence from people from both Europe and the United States, since they had a great influence at that time and we will mention some of them and one of the most prominent archaeologists in the Japanese world. — When did the archaeological and anthropological societies and the anthropology laboratory emerge in Tokyo? To answer this question: Starting in 1880, a gradual process of institutionalization of archeology came, generating a new academic and university framework: Giving rise to the birth of the Tōkyō Anthropological Society 1884, the Anthropology Laboratory was created at the University from Tōkyō 1888, the foundation of the Archaeological Society was founded in Japan in 1895. — I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a good week.
第1章: 日本の考古学者の皆さん、哲学的観点から見た新しい日本考古学へようこそ。 — 確かに、歴史や考古学の特定のトピックを尋ねられたとき、私たちは皆同じ質問をするでしょう。 私たちの祖先は誰でしたか、そしてなぜ彼らは x ではなくこの特定の場所に到着したのでしょうか? 彼らは特定の歴史的偉業を達成するためにどのような手段を必要としたのでしょうか? 私たちの場合は、2 つの具体的な質問に焦点を当てます。日本列島の最初の入植者は誰ですか? そして、考古学者、歴史家、人類学者などが、日本の考古学史上最大の未知の一つに可能な答えを与えようとして以来、この考えが明確な答えがないまま、どのようにして現代に至ったのかを見てみましょう。 — 日本の考古学自体はいつ頃から生まれたのでしょうか? 日本の歴史はやや複雑です。科学そのものが誕生したのは 19 世紀末、より正確には 1877 年 4 月 12 日です。考古学人類学協会と人類学研究所が東京に誕生したのはいつですか? さらに、彼らは当時大きな影響力を持っていたため、ヨーロッパとアメリカの両方の人々から多くの影響を受けていました。彼らの一部と日本の世界で最も著名な考古学者の一人についても言及します。 — 東京に考古人類学会や人類学研究室が誕生したのはいつですか? この質問に答えるには、1880 年から考古学の制度化が段階的に進み、新しい学問と大学の枠組みが生まれました。1884 年に東京人類学会が誕生し、1888 年に東京で人類学研究室が大学に設立されました。考古学協会の財団は 1895 年に日本で設立されました。 — 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の投稿でお会いしましょう。良い一週間をお過ごしください
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valpogossip · 3 months
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You lot sure have be busy the last month. If I was of lesser mind or simply someone with something better to do, I would have resigned myself to my silence and let you all carry on. But business pays. And unfortunately for you, it's yours that pays me, and you're all not going to believe this.
In unsurprising news, Milani Lennox and Alba Ochoa are still playing the most long running game of tag I've ever seen. But a new player has entered the villa, miss Mallory Jade Watson who thinks Al should just leave Milani to freeze and keep the door to themselves. A wildcard who doesn't mind stirring up a little chaos, I'm excited to see where it leads. Milani and Al haven't spoken in awhile... maybe Mallory really was the perfect solution.
Speaking of people who should probably call it quits but it's much more entertaining if they don't: Leon Amos and Salem West hook up after a squabble at a party where it's rumored that Leon may have also met one Charity Tavarez and regrets not giving out his number? Can anyone confirm that for us? Either way, we're sure Salem would be delighted to hear about it.
Not so much a couple news, but a something ( the debate on booty call or situationship is still happening ) is brewing between Dante Dominguez-Herrera and Omar Osei. With the conversations back and forth between them it's hard to believe they got to the point where numbers were exchanged, but I suppose everyone loves a good guilty pleasure hate hookup.
Have you all ever noticed that we have so many couples who aren't couples? Let's talk about Charlie Hastings and Aviva Roux. No, I'm sorry. Charlie Hastings and Iris Monroe. No, god, I'm sorry. Charlie Hastings and Elisa Maribal? Ugh, my head hurts ! Officially, unofficially Charlie has been ' seeing ' Iris while romancing Aviva? While having a past with Elisa? Now this is how you move in silence, he could teach Enzo a thing or two.
Here's something bittersweet for you: Aivryn Lee Johnston is down inexplicably bad for Orion Singh and Abril Valdivia may just be just as down inexplicably bad for Aivryn ): and Luna ): and possibly Mallory ): the closet is made of glass at this point. But we support you Abril! Be who you are, for your pride.
Drew Crane seems to be battling with something even spookier than the state of his refrigerator: an EX... something Luna Domginuez-Herrera never told him about. The introduction of one Enzo Pernas ( my new favorite ). He may not know much about most things, but he knows how to play mind games. One mention of Luna's government name had Drew consulting a variety of councils left and right. Never did quite get an answer that was good though..
While I'll give Enzo credit where credit is due, it seems he didn't have the patience for the long game. Constantly trying to communicate with this ex... something through spotify, twitter, and telepathy for all we know ( much to Victor Alvarado's dismay ). And when none of those worked, he turned directly to texting. A drunken 'I miss you' that went ignored. Instead Luna responded with a very pressing question.
I don't know about you, but responding to an 'I miss you text' to ask about Aliya Bahri, is wild isn't ? But don't worry, it wasn't jealousy, it was pure, unadulterated nosiness ( a trait we respect around her ). See her sister, Esme Dominguez-Herrera, appears to have something of a thing for Aliya. Or maybe it's another story Luna made up ( they tend to do that a lot, don't they ). So Luna wanted to know if there was anything between Enzo and Aliya, and well. Aliya didn't like that Luna asked if she had a crush on anyone. Dramatic? Sure. Entertaining? ABSOLUTELY. And since Aliya didn't like it, Enzo didn't like it, and Esme didn't like it.
It was a hard month for Luna, because that's not even the only text squabble she got into. Another blast from the past ( is it hard for you all to keep up ? it's hard for Esme ), Bryce Archer, approached her to congratulate them on their new single release... to which they started an argument over something only the two of them seem to know. Don't be shy, share with the rest of the class!
We shouldn't just point and laugh at Luna, it's been a hard month for Esme too ! Between the scandal of her two boyfriends ( potentially a third with how many of you have a close eye on her and Victor, nosy nosy ), she decided to apologize to Arlo Hwang and that went TERRIBLY. He left her on read. Left on read by a streamer? I'd never show my face again. She's so brave. Still, even though he didn't answer it. It seems Arlo is battling with some unresolved feelings of his own. Must not be battling that hard though considering how down bad he is for Leia Munoz Silva on main. But I guess we'll just wait and see.
We hope that's enough to hold you over until next month. And if I missed anything, don't hesitate to send in a little tip to us via our anon box.
Here's some things we're keeping a close eye on for next month:
What's going on between Oliver Alaya and Max Esquivel-Isidora ? Besties ? Or roommates ? What's going on between Parker Ford and Sariyah Carter? Does Esme have competition? Speaking of Sariyah, what happened with her and Jia Gramaglia ? Leon and Charity are speaking again, and we can't wait to see where that leads. We know Leon knows where the nearest bedrooms are at all times. Can Omar and Rafael Cisneros keep their jobs?
And to Adem, Askel, Birdie, Chaisai, Daria, Jamie, Jules, Kaia, Liberty, Matty, Minnie, Nasrin, Nikhil, Rania, and Solana; we're always watching and waiting.
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5up3r · 2 months
OC Questionnaire
I've never done one of these before, so thank you for the tag @agirlandherquill!
My questions are:
● What is your favourite type of weapon?
● Who is your favourite person?
● Why should you be trusted?
Here the answers: What is your favourite type of weapon? Lion: "That thief, on his bike. And a civilian. You have 2.5 seconds to act, you can't afford casualties: Firearms."
Who is your favourite person? Lion: "My wife, Yaz, and my daughter, Abril. They're the most important people in my life. Yaz understands me and what I've been through. If I'm thankful for anything, it's her. Abril has helped me see the world in a different light, and that's why I'll make sure she has a safer future. Every time I leave that door, I am asking that my work does not bring undesirable people to knock on that same door."
Why should you be trusted? Lion: "Why? An officer's job is to protect the innocent. The law says it, they explain it to you at the police academy. Why not? The world is complicated."
• I really had fun writing this! •ᴗ•
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sollucets · 9 months
hi!! 3, 8, 12, 22 for the game -mk <3
3. who or what inspires your gifs?
first kanaphan. next qu-- well. i mean. it kind of is really like that; i like to gif firstkhao because i love them, and the same for like my obsessive watching of dangerous romance for view (she was again barely in this one. i hate it here) & my consistent giffing of jennie in only friends because i adore her.
on a less simple level.... i like parallels like any good gifmaker ought to, but most of the time my gifs just come from an intense LOOK AT THAT urge. you guys you HAVE to see this
8. my favorite gif i've made
ooouhhh. i think....... one of these two
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i'm really fond of getting their fingers to frame the 'a' of heart, it hink it looks really nice, and i like the golden glow gradient; as for the second one, i handmade those star sparkles in both the text and the sky and it was. kind of difficult and i think it turned out looking very nice!!!
12. fonts you like using
i love this question because picking a font gives me a goddamn migraine every single time and i've barely repeated any at all OTL
the fonts in my heartliming gifs just above us are siabella script and faminela; some of my favorite personal fonts are garnet capitals inline & abril fatface. i also like 'afterglow', which i've used for two sets now. i also really like the script font i used in my akk hollow moon set, which is called "stay dreaming"
22. what is your biggest improvement?
i answered this for antania just now with 'figuring out layer masks' so i guess i'll add another; i can use channel mixer & color balance much better now! i've sort of been learning to de-color / untint? i guess? you know what i mean my shots much better over the last couple months (only friends...... [shakes fist]) and those are a big part of it even if channel mixer is still a little bit arcane to me sometimes
thank you for asking dear mk <3
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birthbyfantasy · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 115 characters
#and i answer 'you are asking me? the one who has everything covered by posters? it's not a matter of 'looking good'
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333 notas. Fecha de publicación: 11 de abril de 2022
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372 notas. Fecha de publicación: 11 de abril de 2022
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805 notas. Fecha de publicación: 14 de julio de 2022
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1043 notas. Fecha de publicación: 14 de julio de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
Okay so today I learned, that, besides my design getting stolen, which I’m pretty much used to it by now, it was used for a design for a swimsuit for the olympics of last year.
Of course, no credit whatsoever :)
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Link to article with the pictures
Original link to my drawing on redbubble
This is just so upsetting as an independent small creator
“ designed by Mexican brand Gilling Activewear “ My ass
1360 notas. Fecha de publicación: 2 de junio de 2022
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lunaencantada · 2 years
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He compartido 1242 publicaciones este 2022
¡Son 1242 más que en 2021! <- relax man this blog didn't exist last year lol
69 publicaciones originales (6 %)
1173 reblogueos (94 %)
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@lvnamuraart <- this is embarasing ups
He etiquetado 740 publicaciones en 2022
Solo el 40 % de mis publicaciones no incluye ninguna etiqueta
#bruno madrigal: 252 publicaciones
#pepa madrigal: 157 publicaciones
#julieta madrigal: 121 publicaciones
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#madrigal triplets: 50 publicaciones
#encanto: 49 publicaciones
#camilo madrigal: 43 publicaciones
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the tall bruno i know had a lot of makeup for the eyes and i had a crisis because............... some people don't have natural eye bags??
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
Did you know that in spanish we have many expressions with milk? I don't think it's a thing in Colombia, maybe only here in Spain, but forgive me for taking the opportunity to do a silly comic.
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115 notas. Fecha de publicación: 25 de julio de 2022
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New storyboards by Ryan Green!
There are a lot of scenes with Luisa, but I'm biased, these two……….
121 notas. Fecha de publicación: 27 de junio de 2022
Headcanon about Julieta: her magic is in the act of giving the food to someone
Following my last drawing, I want to talk a little about my headcanon. As I said, I don't think her healing magic *is* her cooking. Why would she spend her days in the town waiting for the people to come to her? She could, Idk, send any of the kids, or just set the table with the food and go on with her day.
We have the townspeople...
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132 notas. Fecha de publicación: 21 de abril de 2022
Also, speaking of the Encanto's merch, why did they decide to do a generic jaguar plush when they could do one with Mirabel's style!!!!
I mean!! Super generic, the safe move, boring (I'm sorry Parce!!):
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That's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life:
146 notas. Fecha de publicación: 29 de abril de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
I don't know about you, but I fear the day that we have a canon sexuality for Bruno because whatever it is, some people will be angry.
I see a lot of people with OCs that are ladies, so I suspect that they want Bruno to like girls. Then you have people who watch him and read his story as the gay uncle whose name the family don't speak, so, achillean. And I think the option of aro and/or ace is popular too? And right now everyone is having a great time with their headcanons, everything is valid.
But Jared Bush doesn't want to answer anything about this topic. He is doing that with the things they want to explore in the future. And yeah, I can imagine the grandkids asking why he is single. They'll make a canon story about that. And some people will be disappointed or angry.
My worst fear? I'm ok with everything, but I guess I can't trust Disney (talking about the company, not the people actually making the movie and trying their best).
I would love Bruno being aro/ace. I crave asexual representation. The A spectrum is so big, they can try so many options (I usually think about him like an ace with a tentative interest in romance). But. Can I trust them to do a nice representation? And, can I trust the fandom who see him as alosexual to be ok with it? Because, I don't want to think bad, but I watched so many dramas in other fandoms... I'm not ready to read more shit about us. I can't do that anymore, I'm tired.
Bruno being gay? Amazing. I love the idea. Beloved character being achillean, nice. But we are talking about Disney. Every year we have a new "the first openly gay person in a disney movie!!!" and is always a background character saying one line or kissing their partner really fast, super easy to cut if they need it. I don't know about the situation in other countries, but here in Spain there is a group of people who are trying to boycott Lightyear because Oh No TwO wOmEn KiSsEd. Encanto is SUPER popular. Bruno is very popular. Some people will be so angry if he is gay. Would Disney risk their public opinion for this? Uuuh.
And if he is hetero or at least they show him having interest in women... It's ok! The movie is not about LGBTQ+ experiences, I don't expect Disney to try more representations after using the "latino representation card" (Too much for them, they'll cry). And we’ll have more opportunities with the rest of the family if we are lucky. But if they go with "he wanted but everyone was wary of him, so Bruno couldn't find a girl" ..... I'll die if the incel community find him relatable or something like that 💀 Or... Imagine if they use Bruno being neurodivergent as the excuse of why no woman wanted to marry him, because he is "strange". More 💀💀
So yeah, I don't know. I'm happy right now. Everyone is having fun. You can read/write about any option or ignore the topic completely. But some day...
176 notas. Fecha de publicación: 28 de junio de 2022
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the-red-butterfly · 2 months
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From movie 6!
Fantastic! He is so gorgeous ✨
Thanks for both screen caps! (both of them hehe) <3
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queerbenched · 2 years
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Maior tag: 137 caracteres
#jxjsjjdjd big news about that edit i privated(?) it bc hxjxjxjdjdn it's not bono there and i particularly hate the other dude now😭😭😭😭
Meus principais posts em 2022:
reporter: about W13, thoughts?
lewis: and prayers.
791 notas - publicadas em 23 de abril de 2022
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as much as i love purple and black, yellow is my history.
829 notas - publicadas em 18 de março de 2022
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lewis would rock on those.
830 notas - publicadas em 14 de janeiro de 2022
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😭😭😭 this is too funny
1.355 notas - publicadas em 20 de março de 2022
Meu post nº 1 de 2022
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gay people do not lose🙏
1.653 notas - publicadas em 10 de julho de 2022
Veja a sua Retrospectiva 2022 →
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hoodharlow · 1 year
Thew ay I was gonna not answer this bc I just finsihed part 2 of your fic ily
Xóchitl wanted to know who was the genius that decided to close off the neighborhood where she worked. There was some show being filmed and needed some of the shops. She didn't mind it at first; it's not the first time people have closed off the streets. She even had a system to get to and from work without dealing with the hectic crew set-up. What got her was that her favorite restaurant in the area was closed. She'd been looking forward to it, and didn't even pack extra snacks. Now she had to settle for some overpriced wannabe Panera like restaurant. 
When it was her turn to order, she ordered a sandwich and mac & cheese. She went to fill up her cup with Dr. Pepper. 
"Never pegged you as a Dr. Pepper drinker." A familiar voice said from behind. 
Jack pressed himself onto her as he filled a cup with iced tea. 
"What are you doing here?" Xóchitl asked. 
He knew where she worked. He had driven over a few times during her lunch break for a quickie. 
"We're filming here today." He said, taking a sip.
"So you're the reason why I can't have my gnocchi bread bowl." She pouted. 
Jack laughed, "What?" 
"My favorite restaurant was closed because of your little show." 
"I'm sorry." He said, leaning down to kiss her neck. One of his arms wrapped around her waist. "I'll make it up to you tonight." 
"Oh, about that. Abril and Harry are hosting a study group thing at our place. It was going to be originally at Harry's but his frat bros are doing something. Rain check?" She offered. 
"Or you could come over." He shrugged. Xóchitl opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off, "We don't have to hook up. I'm guessing you have 800 pages to read like always, so you can study there." 
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metalenciaa · 5 days
Abril de Chile. Me urge que retomemos contacto.
Dame una señal de vida por favor
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helene-tolden · 2 months
🇫🇷 Café Gaudi Avril 2024. Jour 2. Gêné.
Définition : 1. Éprouver de la gêne, de la difficulté à se mouvoir : Être gêné dans un pardessus trop étroit. 2. Éprouver un malaise psychologique, moral, être emprunté ; manifester ce malaise, être contraint : Être gêné en société.
Quelle a été la dernière fois où vous vous êtes senti(e)s gêné(e)s en société ?
De mon côté, je ne connais aucune autre émotion que de me sentir gênée en société car je ne me sens plus à l'aise dès qu'il y a plus de 5 personnes avec moi dans une pièce. Ça m'est arrivé à la Mairie lors de mon propre mariage, en 2014. Mais le plus drôle, c'est que ça m'arrive à chaque fois que je tiens à un stand pour exposer afin de vendre mon fanzine ou mon album BD. La foule de visiteurs me met mal à l'aise et c'est toujours stressant d'échanger avec les visiteurs, surtout ceux qui espèrent que vous aurez les réponses à toutes les questions d'orientation scolaires pour leur enfant qui adore le dessin ou la BD.
Depuis le temps, je crois que je devrais demander des brochures aux écoles régionales !
🇬🇧 Café Gaudi April 2024. Day 2. Embarrassed.
Definition: 1. Experiencing discomfort, difficulty moving: Being embarrassed in an overcoat that is too tight. 2. Experiencing psychological and moral discomfort, being borrowed; manifest this discomfort, be constrained: Be embarrassed in society.
When was the last time you felt embarrassed in society?
For my part, I know no other emotion than feeling embarrassed in society because I no longer feel comfortable when there are more than 5 people with me in a room. It happened to me at the Town Hall during my own wedding, in 2014. But the funny thing is that it happens to me every time I have a stand to exhibit in order to sell my fanzine or my comic album . The crowd of visitors makes me uncomfortable and it's always stressful to interact with visitors, especially those who hope that you will have the answers to all the educational guidance questions for their child who loves drawing or BD.
Since then, I think I should ask the regional schools for brochures!
🇪🇦 Café Gaudí Abril 2024. Día 2. Avergonzado.
Definición: 1. Experimentar malestar, dificultad para moverse: Sentirse avergonzado por un abrigo demasiado ajustado. 2. Experimentar malestar psicológico y moral, estar prestado; manifestar este malestar, ser constreñido: Sentirse avergonzado en la sociedad.
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te sentiste avergonzado en sociedad?
Por mi parte, no conozco otra emoción que sentirme avergonzada en sociedad porque ya no me siento cómoda cuando hay más de 5 personas conmigo en una habitación. A mí me pasó en el Ayuntamiento durante mi propia boda, en 2014. Pero lo curioso es que me pasa cada vez que tengo un stand que exponer para vender mi fanzine o mi álbum de cómics. La multitud de visitantes me incomoda y siempre es estresante interactuar con los visitantes, especialmente aquellos que esperan tener las respuestas a todas las preguntas de orientación educativa para su hijo que ama el dibujo o BD.
Desde entonces, creo que debería pedir folletos a las escuelas regionales.
#gêné #embarrased #tolden #avergonzado #fanzine #cafegaudi #grangaudi #toldendegrangaudi #tolden_ln #artchallenge2024 #adrawingaday #aprilartchallenge
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mythiicsims · 8 months
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“Scared of everybody around you dying?” Abril asked.
A sideways glare was the only answer Harlow offered.
“My wife—she’s human.”
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