#Ad Aglaophotis
primeemeraldheiress · 2 months
Any chance you're ever coming back to Ad aglaophotis? I got back on my batfam bullshit and just reread them, then headed to your tumblr for the snippets of upcoming work I remembered and thought it was at least worth an ask. If not, no worries, it's a delight to have what we do!  
Yeah, qute possibly!
Feel free to prompt something you wanna see. With the exception of the first couple of fics, the rest of the series was based on prompts of one kind or another.
Unfortunately, my hyperfocused has waned and what writing I've been doing has been for my dnd campaign and characters. But if you send me a prompt for a verse that grabs me, I can always get sucked back in. 😊
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rin-the-shadow · 5 years
Need to ramble about episode 22
And when I say ramble, I do mean with little side tangents here and there. Spoilers below the cut. 
So as you might have figured out from previous posts, reblogs, and questionable parodies, I have very aggressively mixed feelings about episode 22 of Dororo, with a variety of different things bugging me about it.
One is how fast things deteriorated post-episode 19. The way things had been going up until that point, and up until Dororo’s near-drowning, it’s hard for me to buy that they would have gotten to the point they were in episode 22 that fast. I can buy the freakout at the end of episode 20 because it’s in the moment, but the area that makes it harder to swallow is the aura suddenly going completely red around the heart without so much as a warning beforehand from Biwamaru, who has, for the most part, been fairly consistent with commenting on it before.
Still, we’ve got the explanation that something is happening with the last demon, which could potentially explain it, if now that it’s not being held back by the Goddess of Mercy, it’s able to exercise a degree of influence. Sure, why not.
But aside from the way the pacing feels like it suddenly realized it had four episodes left and floored the accelerator, it also feels like the writers are trying really hard to sell this “oh no he might become a demon” plot point, but with less and less communication about it from Dororo--who, to be fair, is only eight--ten-ish, but has also had no problem point-blank saying “if you do that, you’re acting like a demon” before. I can understand him struggling to articulate, but at the same time, it also feels a little like the writers are slamming a clamp down on communication in areas that it would be kind of important.
The main issue I’m having is the sudden shift to “stab anything in my path while riding a flaming demon horse” mode. Hyakkimaru has been established with a capacity towards ruthless pragmatism before. He’s been established as reacting strongly emotionally in the moment, but he’s been able to work back from it relatively quickly once the moment’s passed. Even when he slaughters the samurai who murdered Mio and the kids in episode 6, it’s still a pretty fast turnaround once Dororo interferes, and it isn’t like any of them weren’t directly involved or like he goes hunting other samurai after the fact.
This most recent thing felt like senseless carnage extended over a majority of the episode. And frankly, it feels like it’s the writers trying to push “oh noes he’s going to become a demon, maybe he should have just sat back and happily let the demons eat him before.” Which, I will be pissed if that’s what it ends up saying. As Dark_FalconZ had stated in their post about it, it feels excessively cruel for Hyakkimaru’s character. And again, with what I spent a majority of series episodes watching of him, it feels like a really sudden swerve. 
There’s a very large part of me that hopes the following episodes have a damn good explanation for it, because at this point, I don’t buy it. I don’t buy it as anything other than writers desperately feeling that they need angst and stakes and whatever.
At the same time, I also have to remind myself that at this point in Princess Tutu, which features a ballerina helping a prince restore the pieces of his fragmented heart and started off comparatively lighthearted before getting dark, the prince was a demon bird actively trying to feed people to the raven, because the raven’s blood was tainting one of his heart shards, and it wasn’t like that didn’t get better. (It also had a similarly lighthearted and silly episode 19 before everything went to crap and he started molting feathers before becoming a demon bird, so there’s that.) Like, it’s not the same show, but a part of me wants to hold on to the similar tone things in hopes that we might get some relief.
As for things I have aggressively mixed feelings on, I’d like to mention Tahomaru’s reaction when Mutsu tried to sacrifice herself. On one hand, sure, you don’t want your friend to do that, understandable. On the other, sacrificing one person for the good of the many sure doesn’t sound so great when it’s someone who actually matters to you, now, does it? And with Mutsu being a willing sacrifice as well, the situation was a little different.
Like, I don’t want them to die. I’m actually opposed to character death except when it is in some way fulfilling to their character arc, with a prime example, for me at least, actually being Tahomaru’s arc in the game Blood Will Tell, where his loyalty to his father drives him to fight Hyakkimaru initially, but then (ironically because he doesn’t have the information about the deal) backs off once he realizes he’s hunting demons, with the warning to stay out of his way. His loyalty drives him to stop his father from killing an unconscious Hyakkimaru inside a temple, recognizing that Daigo isn’t acting like himself. He comes to the conclusion that the demons influencing his father are what’s making him not himself, and resolves to help Hyakkimaru and Dororo with the hope of purging his father of their influence, ultimately throwing himself between Dororo and the disembodied demons in order to prevent their corrupting him.
And ultimately, his becoming a Fiend and being cut down in Dororo’s place is what allows Daigo to shake off the remainder of the Fiends’ influence, meaning his death accomplishes what he had set out to do. If he’d been killed off right after his own boss fight, even during the Kyubi boss fight? Not so much.
So I don’t want them to die, especially in a pointless shock death or an “oooooh, look how far Hyakki and Taho have fallen!” moment, but I do have a hard time not raising a brow a little bit that we were all “needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one, but only if the one isn’t someone who matters to me.” 
That said, I actually wish the whole “We can’t sacrifice one person if it’s actually someone who matters to me!” had been touched on earlier. Episode 22 is a bit too late to bring that up and actually have it go anywhere, and if it had happened sooner, it’s something that could have given the character (and the writers) opportunity to explore and see where it leads. And I’m kind of interested in seeing that. But it’s not going to happen because there’s fricking two episodes left in the series.
At the same time, I’m also aware that I’m a little prickly about the plot right now because of how things were handled in Avengers: Endgame, and Infinity War before it, and Madoka Magica: Rebellion before that, and so there is a part of me that worries this will be the same. On the other hand, I have a hard time thinking they’ll go that route, based on previous adaptations (particularly the movie and the game). Turning your protagonist into a monster on the 50th anniversary of the series strikes me as a bit in poor taste, but at the same time, I’ve read enough comics to know that writers don’t always think about that sort of thing. But I’m still hoping that it’s just me being prickly and overreacting, and that they won’t do the thing I’m dreading on their own fricking 50th anniversary.
I would like to remain...dubiously optimistic about the conclusion (and hey, maybe Jukai and Biwa carry aglaophotis somewhere), and I would like to think the writers are simply setting us up to expect worse than we’ll get. The fact that I haven’t been able to find any episode preview for 23 does raise a brow, but then that could also go either way. I would like to remain optimistic. But I also think I needed to ramble a bit in order to do so.
If you’ve somehow managed to read through to the end of this with my rambly nervy writing, then thank you for that. I have a tendency to overexplain while adding a bunch of extra metaphors/comparisons, and then overexplain those, and it gets worse when I get nervous. With these already being a bunch of relatively disorganized thoughts about the latest episode....
Again, thank you if you’ve somehow made it to the end of this with any part of it making any sense. If you’ve got your own two cents, I’d be interested to hear them.
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cassidydanvers · 7 years
Cassie Come Home (2) || Solo
In the days following the sighting there hadn’t been any sign of her other self anywhere. Life carried on as normal, it had to, albeit a little on standby. So, when two A.M rolled around and her twelve hour shift was over she started the journey back to her apartment, while it was still her apartment, and the comfort of her bed.
Trying to be quiet was proving tough. Every little sound seemed to bounce around the space and increase tenfold. Cassie cussed under her breath as she knocked into one of the flowerpots one of her neighbors had added to the hall and it clattered and rolled along the floor. Picking it up and setting it right she was sure there would be a few angry neighbors to contend with tomorrow so to avoid making it worse she padded as quietly as she could to her apartment door. She took her keys out to open the door and leaned against the back of it once she was safely locked inside with a small sigh of relief.  
After dropping her keys into the bowl by the door she shrugged off her jacket and moved to turn her Hi-Fi to whichever radio station was still playing this late. She turned the dial just high enough for some background noise to help her sleep and to keep her mind from wandering to places and thoughts she’d worked hard to keep down during the day. It wasn’t fool proof, but it at least stopped them from resurfacing in technicolour clarity. The tuner eventually settled on some late night easy listening and Cassie paced to her bedroom and fumbled against the spot on the wall to switch on her bedroom light then headed back out to the small kitchen attached to her living room and ran the faucet to get a glass of water quickly before bed.
The air in the apartment felt weird her,  head felt light and she  wondered if she was having the start of a migraine. Her grip seemed to slip and she felt the glass fall out from her hands but didn’t hear it smash. In fact, she didn’t hear anything. Cassie closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose and opened them again to a completely new place. The rug she’d been standing on was replaced with hardwood flooring under her sneakers. A cold breeze cut through the darkness in front of her save for what looked like the inside of a church. A podium was built up in the front of the room on some sort of stage. Squinting into the darkness she could make out a balcony or a gallery circling around the upper level lined with pews. No, not a church. Since when did churches have packing crates piled everywhere and cabinets full of antiques and whatever the hell else those things in the jars were? To top it off someone had drawn an incomplete circle in chalk on the floor. Feeling disoriented she took a moment to shake it off and give her brain time to register that she’d fallen asleep, hoping she would wake up by the foot of her bed as usual. When she opened them again there was no such luck.
When she turned around to go back into where her living room should have been there was instead a grey toned wall lined with pictures and plaques. Above the door she’d just come out from there was a sign for the gavel room, she was in the auction house.  How she had ended up there of all places in the middle of the night she didn’t know. In another room there was some sort of music playing,something  maudlin and wistful as it echoed around the empty space around her. In the darkness Cassie squinted again as her eyes adjusted and could just about make out some light from the outside a little farther from where she was stood and hoped it was her way out. Her sneakers didn’t carry much noise. The building was eerily silent as the music grew louder as she moved towards it.
‘I’m just a poor Wayfaring stranger….’ the voice was distorted and drawling as it crackled from a speaker in the darkness….’Travelling through this world below…’ The whole thing felt unsettling, the words she could make out gurgled and warped, ‘there is no sicknessss…no toil no dangerrr…’
As she got closer to the exit the track started to skip and loop while Cassie headed towards where she could see the streetlights reflected in the glass just ahead. To her right there was the strong smell of  what seemed like burning lilies and something chemical that itched the back of her throat and stung her eyes which could just make out a figure cross from one door to another in the distance. What followed was the sound of objects crashing to the ground or scraping against the floor at speed. Before she got arrested for breaking and entering she decided now was a good time to get the hell out.
The music jarred and repeated the same line over and over again increasing in speed, ‘…I’m going there no more to roam-no more to roam-to roam-roam-roam….’followed by a shrill screech from the speakers then silence. Someone moved out into the corridor in front of her. Cassie could make out the long straggling strands of hair on the back of someone’s head and the unnatural grey hue of their skin and clothing as they seemed unaware of her presence. Until it turned around to face her. Seeing its face she could see that in life it had been a woman. Her skin looked taut against her skeletal frame with sunken white eyes looking out towards her and a look on her face that was twisted into a hideous permanent sneer from what remained of her face that hadn’t been eaten away. She tilted her head at an unnatural angle and grinned wide with every discoloured tooth in her mouth as she advanced towards her.
The dead woman was moving with alarming speed through solid walls and the furniture dotted along the hallway. Cassie turned heel and twisted into a sprint without looking back as the dead woman flickered and reappeared closer and closer in the time it took to blink. If she didn’t haul ass she was going to catch up. A door creaked open a little ahead. ‘In here, move’ she heard someone hiss as the figure neared. As soon as Cassie was close enough an arm shot out from inside the door and grabbed onto hers, pulling her inside. Before she could react the hand wound round the crook of her arm and pulled her backwards into the room proper. Out of fear and instinct Cassie lashed out bringing her elbow back with as much force as she could and twisted with her free arm and was about to take off when something loud crashed down outside followed by a wave of similar sounds getting closer and closer.
Her would-be assailant hadn’t put up so much as a whimper and instead had her hands up. ‘It’s me, it’s me,’ someone wheezed, doubled over, ‘Jesus Laura,’ a familiar voice griped, ‘what the fuck,’ she hissed and straightened.
Cassie recognised the same red shirt she’d saw herself wearing, now a little worse for wear and worn by a now pale faced mirror of herself. All the questions she had saved up for this moment fell away as she stared at herself in a state of disbelief that was mirrored in the other woman, the other her. Cassie was finally the one who spoke first. ‘What the hell is this?’
‘Exorcism, first and last,’ she wheezed. ‘She’s too far gone, there’s nothing human left. Never saw anything like- I wouldn’t, but Laura needed somebody who could see the bitch so- and I don’t even know where she is. So now I’m stuck in a closet talking to myself,’ a bubble of hysterical laughter escaped her. She seemed to remember something and scattered some sort of dried herbs along the line of the door. Cassie ran a hand through the top of her hair to think while the other Cassie spoke again.
‘Okay,’ she let out a breath to settle her nerves, ‘I need you help me.’
‘what-what do you want me to-‘
‘Light this in the fourth corner, in the storage room,’ she tossed Cassie a purple lighter and what looked like a clump of flowers, grass and kindling bundled and tied up. As though she read Cassie’s mind she answered, ‘it’s just some St John’s Wart, little Angelica, Aglaophoti mix’ she stopped, ‘drives them away and pisses them off. I need to get that thing out there into the penalty box back in the gavel room. You do that I can draw it towards me, just don’t get me killed.’
She stopped and looked at Cassie properly and looked her up and down, ‘where’s your?’ she raised her arm, on her wrist was a thin cord wrapped around it with a silver piece of jewelry attached. Cassie had no idea what she was talking about and gave her a bewildered look. The other woman’s eyes widened, ‘shit, do you know anything?’
‘I really am a freak,’ was all she could manage. ‘I’m a freak who hunts ghosts.’
‘Here,’ her other self rolled her eyes and pressed a bag of course salt into her hand and wiped a hand over a cut in her hairline that she had just noticed and took some things out from a bag at her feet.
Cassie held up the clear plastic bag to get a better look. Regular table salt, like the kind she’s used, or threatened to use, at the diner. ‘This actually works?’
‘Sometimes,’ that reply didn’t fill Cassie with confidence. She watched as her other self took chalk, salt, and some leaves in a ziplock bag out before closing it up and slinging it over her shoulder and looked back up at her to reply. ‘Keeps them away for a few hours. It’ll buy you time if things go south. Ready?’
‘I-not really,’ Cassie stuffed the salt bag into her pocket and glanced at the door, thinking about what was waiting on the other side. ‘So, I just light this,’ she held up the bundle, ‘then what?’     
‘Then it gets stuck here and I can close the circle. I-we do that and I just need to find Laura so she can finish this shit. Then you tell me how to get back to Ashkent for good,’
‘I thought you knew, I thought-the guy that came out of the fire,’ she dropped her hands down to her sides, ‘I thought that was why you came back, to switch back.’ 
‘Okay one thing at a time, we deal with this then we talk all this other crap. Figure something out. Let’s just get this over with.’ Taking a few moments to psyche themselves up they gave each other a nod of encouragement and stepped back out to go their separate ways. For now.
The storage room was close by, just across the hall. Cassie pushed the door open and darted to the end of the room. She took the lighter and the bundle and tried to get it to light. As if on cue a shiver ran up her spine and down her arms. She didn’t need to look to know that the dead woman was there. Something hit against her back and smashed on impact as a volley of objects were tossed in her direction. A statue teetered and wobbled but she kept going as something else smashed into her side and soaked into the grey fabric of her shirt.
‘Get bent,’ Cassie hissed in pain, anger flashing to the forefront and struck her thumb against the clicker and the lighter sparked one or twice before puttering out the first two attempts. As the dead woman made to snake a lamp cord along the floor Cassie reached into her pocket and threw a handful of salt in her direction which she recoiled back from and fled. Third time was the charm and she started to light the bundle and set it down on the floor. As the putrid smoke plumed from the bundle and travelled in the air she felt the lighter slip from her hands and the floor and space around her shift. She didn’t have time to warn herself.She was pulled back to Ashkent where the pale blue light of dawn leaked through the windows of her apartment.
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
Birds in a Cage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qPgnXv
by EmeraldHeiress
“Shut it!” She hissed. “It’s not fucking funny!”
“No,” he affirmed, “but you’re adorable.”
“I,” she started with quiet dignity, “am a dangerous international criminal. I am not adorable.”
“You’re hiding in a blanket because you got arrested for indecent exposure.”
Words: 1043, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Ad Aglaophotis
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Slade Wilson, Tim Drake
Relationships: Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
Additional Tags: Female Jason Todd, Omega Jason Todd, Alpha Slade Wilson, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, jail cell, Fluff and Humor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qPgnXv
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GUrCTA
by EmeraldHeiress
“Why?” Dick asked, his voice low with threat, locking eyes with hers in challenge, “Why do you smell like Deathstroke, Little Wing?”
Words: 2950, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Ad Aglaophotis
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake
Relationships: Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain
Additional Tags: Omega Jason Todd, Female Jason Todd, a/b/o dynamics, Explicit Language, Venting of Feelings, Bruce Wayne is a Bad Parent, Pack Dynamics, Bruce and Dick Bashing, Other Bats are Love, Dick is Being a Dick, Jay is Not Having It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kinda, Alpha Dick Grayson, Alpha Bruce Wayne, Alpha Cassandra Cain, Omega Stephanie Brown, Beta Tim Drake, References to Family Abandonment
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GUrCTA
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primeemeraldheiress · 3 years
Hey y'all!
@omegajasontoddweek is running awards!
Tumblr media
I thought, you know, that it might be a good time to trot out a something of a masterlist of my OJT works. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
If I Told You
Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
“Ukhai!” Came a wail from the top of a stacked pile of crates. The pup’s voice was filled with fear and exhaustion.
“We don’t even know what he’s saying.” Nightwing whispered furiously. “He’s snapping at anyone that comes near and he won’t come down. I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s a League word.” Jason said as he joined them. “It means, roughly, ‘lead omega that is not mated to pack alpha’.”
“But we don’t have a pack omega.” Tim groaned. Jason snorted softly.
Strive for Stature (Transmutation)
Jason & Damian
His knees brushed something under the desk, causing it to crinkle. Reaching under, Damian pulled out a piece of paper that had been taped underneath. His heart jumped as he smoothed it out and read the message inscribed on it League script.
Coordinates, a time, and a reminder not to be seen.
As if he needed such an admonishment. He was almost insulted.
None So Devotional
Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Bruce didn’t need the blood on the blade — the tissue — to tell him that it was his pup under that helmet. He could smell him. The scent of tea on the wind, crisp mint and honey. Barely dampened by the rain. It was older. Mature. Omega.
Underneath, though, a new darker note. Something… twisted.
More than Blood - Warriorverse
Damian Wayne & Jason Todd
Damian stepped out of the shadows and into the alley. The boy scrambled to get to his feet, hand clenching convulsively around the tire iron. Blackwing’s eyes flicked to the Batmobile half a block away. He could see two tires missing and felt the edges of his mouth twitch.
Father was going to be pissed.
Debts Be Paid - Warriorverse
Damian Wayne & Jason Todd
The fate of Jason Todd is the same throughout the multiverse.
Most Mad and Moonly
Female Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne - E
“Leave!” It was almost a whimper as she pointed to the door.
“Jay.” The alpha’s voice was low.
She trembled. “B. Get out.”
Yet, she made no move to make him. That alone said more than anything else about what she wanted. That alone told him more than anything else about how she felt.
“You hid this.” Bruce was displeased. That his pack — his Jay — would hide such a thing from him.
The Corner of Divinity
Jason Todd/Slade Wilson - E
He stared, heart in his throat. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. The heavy tang of blood was thick in the air and his feet felt like lead. He couldn’t move. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to. Whatever he’d expected to find, it wasn’t this.
Deathstroke’s lips twisted in a smirk. “I hoped you would show.”
“How could I resist?” Jason drawled, grateful his helmet hid his voice and for the scent blocking patches on his neck. “It was such an artfully worded invitation.”
Tidings of the Soul
Jason Todd & Dick Grayson
As Fine As Spider Silk
Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Talia al Ghul
Jason receives a gift from Talia on Mother's Day.
Where the Journey Always Leads
Jason Todd/Dick Grayson
A touch of anxiety twisted low in his gut. It was his first time running with Selina again after returning. He knew word would travel quickly of Stray’s reappearance at Catwoman’s side. There was no way they weren’t going to run into the Bat tonight.
Suspending Gravity - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson - E
She froze once she entered the living room on the way. Slade Wilson, in all the glory of his Deathstroke armor, was stretched out on her couch, watching her. His heady alpha scent of gunmetal and cedarwood wafted over her. What the fuck was he doing here and how did she miss that when she came in?
Vertigo - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“Why?” Dick asked, voice low with threat as he locked eyes with hers in challenge, “Why do you smell like Deathstroke, Little Wing?”
Brace For It (This Means War) - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“You really want to hope that the distress signal went to the Bats.” She whispered hoarsely, malice sparkling in her eyes beside the agony. “Because my mate was scheduled to be back in town tonight and if he’s within 50 miles the signal gets sent to him instead.”
A feral grin stretched across her mouth, blood staining her teeth. “How lucky are you feeling tonight, Roman?”
Hit the Window - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“Todd!” He barked again, eyeing the scarily still pile of fabric. There was no response. He stepped closer and whined, pitched to draw the attention of caregivers. There was a twitch from the pile but no further movement. This was bad. For an omega to ignore the call of a pup in need...
Let You Wash Away - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“You almost died!” Stephanie snapped. “That’s hardly fine!”
Jay waved a hand flippantly, “Least I’d be out of your hair.” Cass gasped. Stephanie narrowed her eyes and Jay’s stomach dropped. Shit.
Phoenix Among Feathers - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
Jay paced back and forth across the room. Frustration and frenetic energy seeped from her frame as she glared at the phone on the breakfast bar. She didn’t really have much of a choice. She knew she was going to have to make the call.
Baby, I'll Rule - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
She took it hesitantly. “Where did this even come from?”
Slade turned towards the mirror and focused on his tie, “Oh, you know. Around.”
The omega delicately arched a brow and looked at him. He studiously focused on getting his Eldredge knot just right… coincidently avoiding her gaze. “Funny.” Jay remarked. “I didn’t think Coronam Creations did anything other than custom work.”
Birds in a Cage - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“Shut it!” She hissed. “It’s not fucking funny!”
“No,” he affirmed, “but you’re adorable.”
“I,” she started with quiet dignity, “am a dangerous international criminal. I am not adorable.”
“You’re hiding in a blanket because you got arrested for indecent exposure.”
A Built-in Remedy - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“Trust me?”
She tensed. That was not a question that bode well for her.
Most alphas would be pissed that she hadn’t immediately acquiesced. Hers just ran a soothing hand up her side. “I’m about to ask you to walk into a very uncomfortable situation where you’re going to be asked to do something you’re not going to like.”
Tear Down the Kingdom - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“What do you mean he’s disappeared?” A feral snarl tore itself from her throat.
“Hood…” The voice on the line soothed, “Calm down. Slade’s the best. He knows what he’s doing.”
“He was investigating a meta trafficking ring.” Her voice all growl. “Don’t tell me to calm down!” She moved across the room and snagged an earpiece, quickly connecting it, before pulling a bag out of the closet. “Tell me everything.”
It's Kinda Crazy (This Life) - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
“I have a contract.“
He saw her fingers tighten around her book; heard her jaw clench as she tried to control her automatic reaction. After a moment, she answered. “Oh? How long will you be gone?“
“About three weeks.”
"I s-see.“ She stuttered over the word, eyes glued to the pages of her book.
He paused before… “Come with me."
Heartbeats Like Drumbeats (Hear Me Roar) - Ad Aglaophotis
Female Jason Todd/Slade Wilson - E
“Deathstroke. Fancy meeting you here.”
He smirked at the Robin - where had his helmet gone? - and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Quite the surprise, I’m sure.”
“Quite!” She grinned brightly, ignoring the twist in her stomach. “I’ll just… get out of your hair!” Moving to duck around him, he shifted to block her path.
“Going so soon?” He leaned in and his scent washed over her; a tantalizing mix of gunmetal, cedarwood and something uniquely alpha. Jay breathed in deeply and nearly purred.
Vive La Reine
Female Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne - E
As his thoughts turned to Jay he moved toward her room, suddenly needing to check on her. He pushed the door open and leaned on the frame, looking in on her. Something in the air… Bruce took a deep breath and almost groaned. It smelled amazing.
A Gaze Too Long
Female Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Female Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
“Baby, are you sure—”
She growled, “It’s this or starve!”
He sighed. “Did you decide on a street name, Jay?”
Shrugging on her hoodie she nodded. “Just call me Red.”
For Eternity
Female Jason Todd/Talia al Ghul
She was so cold. It was so dark. Her body trembled. Were her eyes open? She couldn’t tell.
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primeemeraldheiress · 3 years
Hey! so I saw you reblogged something about being okay with snippet requests from WIP? If you're still okay with it, can you share something from the Hit The Window Fix It? If not then feel free to disregard this message!
I am always down for snippet requests and inquiries about my WIPs! I haven’t gotten an AA request in so fucking long, have a whole goddamn scene. It’s a little rough -- still a WIP -- but enjoy.
The first thing she noticed was that she was warm. While that, itself, was not unusual — she kept the temperature of her apartment up and enough blankets on hand to compensate for her inability to retain heat — it was bone deep warmth. The kind she hadn’t felt since Mama kept her in the nest at night. 
She was tucked into the largest source of heat, the rise and fall of the chest under her head soothing. She couldn’t remember ever being so relaxed. Another little furnace was at her back, arms wrapped around her middle, breath synced to hers. 
What the ever loving fuck? She drowsily wondered. The only thing that kept her from startling fully awake and bolting was the cloud of comforting and familiar scents that enveloped her. Nothing was registering right. She knew she was safe but not why she felt that way. Her instincts were happy but boxes weren’t being checked in the right order or at all.
It should worry her. 
But it didn’t. 
One scent was particularly strong. Overwhelming. One that meant protection. How long had it been since she’d felt this safe?
She couldn’t even remember.
Was she purring?
“Daddy.” The word slipped passed her lips before she registered it. Yes. That was right. Dad. An answering rumble came from the chest underneath her and arms tightened around her. She slowly opened her eyes against the morning sun. Bruce. Another box ticked.
Blue eyes met teal. “Jay. You’re awake. How are you feeling?” Genuine concern laced his voice. For some reason, that raised alarm bells in her mind.
“What the fuck is going on?” She asked groggily, voice hoarse.
“-tt- Just answer the question, ukhai.” Muffled. A forehead pressed against her spine, knees tucked into the small of her back. Ukhai. League. That was a pack word. She didn’t have a pack. She hadn’t been accepted back. She hadn’t… She… She had been scented.
That’s why the smell of home was so overpowering. Bruce, Damian, Alfred. All of them had scented her. Bruce had scented her. 
Tears pricked at the back of her eyelids and Bruce shifted swiftly underneath her, sitting up. 
“Jay, what’s wrong?”
She shook her head, unable to speak past the lump in her throat. She wasn’t sure she could explain anyway. It was more than being pack again. It was relief at being home. It was the feeling of safety wrapped around her. (She had the notion that if she wasn’t on heavy suppressants, she’d be quickly going into heat.) It was the release of the ball of fear and anxiety that hadn’t left her stomach in years. Her pack alpha encircled her in his arms and rumbled in comfort.
“Father?” Damian’s voice was alarmed. She wanted to turn and comfort him but Bruce just added him to the hug. 
“It’s okay, Damian. Jay’s just a little overwhelmed right now.”
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primeemeraldheiress · 3 years
I loved that snippet from the Hit the Window fixit!!! so good!! Can we see something from the angsty version too please?
Fuck yeah you can
Cut for content. Heed the tags, folks
Spikes of pain jabbed into her brain every time she tried to move. Her entire body was sore, like she’d run a damn marathon. She tried to open her eyes but could only whimper when the light seared into them. 
What had happened? She shouldn’t feel like this.
Jay tried to think.
She remembered spending the first two days of her heat in bed, scrounging what she could from her practically bare cupboards. (It wasn’t much.) She remembered giving in and ordering from the closet place, making sure that her gun was conspicuously in sight when she opened the door.
Fuck, why hadn’t she just waited it out? It’s not like going hungry was new to her. She was getting soft. Weak.
Her door had been kicked in a few hours after that. By men that knew what they were doing; who they were after. Men that weren’t surprised to be almost immediately fired on. 
The greasy looking delivery man must have seen something - her helmet. In a flash, she remembered that it had been in pieces on the coffee table before her heat had hit. She’d been doing some maintenance. It had been scattered but someone, with a good enough look and a bit of mental gymnastics, could have recognized it.
Who knows what happened to it. She vaguely remembered sending one of Mask’s men through the table. The circuit boards were probably in pieces. 
Mask. Black Mask. Roman Sionis. That was who had come through that door. With four men. Looking for revenge. Looking to rip her throat out.
Until they’d had her on her knees and he’d seen her face.
“You know, I’d thought for sure the Hood was hiding a dog face under that contraption.” He’d told his men. “But she’s downright foxy.”
“Fuck you!” Jay spat, venomous.
Idly, he struck her across the face and watched her a moment as she recovered. “Oh no. I think, darling, fuck you.” 
“Just kill me and get it over with!” She growled, trying - and failing - to keep the fear from her scent. 
“Don’t like the idea, do you?” Roman taunted, “Scares you.” He stated with relish. “You’d rather I just kill you.” He smirked and turned to his men. “Robbie, tape up the windows. We’re gonna be here awhile.”
Jay shuddered, pushing away the memories of what happened next. It was disjointed - painful - anyway it didn’t tell her anything about where she was. What else was -
“You’re mine, now, princess.” 
“No.” Jay breathed. Please let it be a nightmare and not a memory. She heard a door open and flinched. Oh god. No. She tried to move and whimpered; in too much pain. Her stomach dropped as Roman’s oily voice washed over her.
“Oh, princess. You’re awake.”
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primeemeraldheiress · 4 years
Super delayed, but "Wings Won’t Spread" for that wip titles meme? 💜
Oh, well, that’s the Ad Aglaophotis angstfest version... Hasn’t been edited so please excuse the rough writing.
Roman smirked as they pulled up to the mansion. He was looking forward to seeing Hood be meek tonight. He’d been surprised when one of his new business partners invited him to such a high class gala but he wasn’t going to turn down a chance to be seen with the wealthy elite… or to see his uppity omega put in her place by more than himself.
He slipped a finger under the plain black collar around her neck and dragged her up to him and into a brutal kiss. She glowered at him in disgust and fixed her lipstick before exiting the car behind him. 
He saw her take a steadying breath beside him and smirked. This was going to be amusing. At least she was pretty to look at, in the simple emerald green gown he’d forced her to wear. She covered her shoulders with black shawl. 
He strode forward, forcing her to walk quickly to keep up. He was surprised at how well she was doing in the heels. He wouldn’t have expected the Red Hood to have any experience with them outside when he made her wear them.
She stayed a pace behind him and to his right as they entered the house, which he thought was odd but didn’t comment. Whatever. He immediately went to greet Lawerance Gardner, thanking him for the invitation. It really was a beautiful home. Oh, he should help himself to the buffet? Thank you, he will. Nah, please don’t mind his companion. She’s no one important. Just a fluff piece. Yes, she is beautiful, isn’t she?
Roman smirked when he noticed that Red kept her head down. A little humility was a good thing to see in her for once. She was usually all fire and arrogance.
Suddenly, he heard a shout. 
Red flinched. She muttered an emphatic curse. He turned. 
“Jay Wayne, I thought you were dead!”
Heads turned all over the room. A beautiful blonde woman in a blue evening gown was approaching them. No, her. Red.
Red raised her head and changed right before his eyes, “Is this where I quip about rumors of my death, Isabella?” She drolled, a spark of resignation in her eyes. Her whole bearing suddenly screaming aristocracy.
Asks from HERE.
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primeemeraldheiress · 4 years
"Fly with You" and "Wings won't Open" are such an interesting combination ... can we get a snippet from both?
So both of those are AUs of my Ad Aglaophotis series. As mentioned earlier, Wings Won’t Spread is the tear-it-down angstfest version. Fly With You is the Bruce Fix-It! Wings Won’t Spread goes AU at Phoenix Among Feathers. Jay doesn’t call Tim and things go downhill from there. Fly With You goes AU at Hit the Window. Bruce has Damian’s phone when Cass calls.
From the same scene as the WWS snippet earlier:
Jay’s heart leapt to her throat as soon as she heard her name. She knew this was going to happen but she hoped - God, she’d hoped - that she could avoid it. 
No such luck.
Of all the people to recognize her, it had to be Isabella. Darling Isabella. Her best friend, outside of the masks. They were thick as thieves at all these social events as kids. Isabella could read her nearly as well as the damned Bat, unless she was blanked or intentionally trying to fool her. 
As they gained distance from Roman, she was horrified to discover her eyes pricking. But Isabella’s hand was warm on her arm, careful and gentle. It soothed some of the riot of emotions building in her chest.
Jay had seen her spot the bruises. Roman was not gentle. 
How do you explain to your childhood best friend that she’s right but she’s also so very fucking wrong about the situation you know she’s decided it is in her head?
How do you explain your death?
She was suddenly pulled into an empty room and onto an empty settee. Jay blinked. Had she really been that lost in thought to miss it when they’d moved into the guest wing? Warm hands cradled her face and Isabella’s concerned honey eyes stared into hers. 
“Jay, what do you need?”
“Why,” The word caught in her throat, “nothing, Bell. I’m fine.” She stretched a brittle smile across her face.
“Jay Petra Wayne,” the blonde growled, infusing her voice with alpha undertones, “do not bullshit me right now. You show up here, after six years of me thinking you were dead, as a goddamned concubine to some mafioso wannabe, and expect me to believe that this is some kind of choice?”
Well, when you put it like that. Jay winced.
“What. Do. You. Need?” She demanded.
“There’s nothing-” Jay’s voice cracked. Shit. The pricking of her eyes was back. “Nothing you can do.” She swallowed. “Nothing to be done. It is what it is.”
“What happened, Jay? What was up with the funeral? The apparently fake death?”
“I don’t-” she started, and swallowed. “I don’t know.” Truthfully. She didn’t know what to tell her. She sure as fuck couldn’t tell her she was actually dead. “I can’t-I don’t- Bella, I-” She blinked and the tears began to escape her lashes. 
“Oh, Jay.” Slender arms wrapped around her, holding her close as she cried. “Oh sweetheart. Did you get taken? Was it traffickers?” A flash of Fyodor’s smirking face. Talia lecturing about how her body was a weapon. She shuddered. It was close enough.
“Oh, my Jay.” The alpha crooned, rocking her as she cried. Weeks of pent up horror and humiliation came bubbling to the surface. “It’s okay.” Isabella held her as she cried for several minutes. “It’s alright, my darling. We’ll do what we can, okay?”
“He bit me, Bella.” Jay laughed bitterly, carefully wiping her eyes. “There’s nothing to be done. I’m his. That’s all there is.”
And Fly With Me:
He looked to the bed. To the frighteningly still bundle of blankets. Real fear gripped his heart. Please. Please. Let him be in time to fix this. 
“Jay?” He called gently. His voice was rough and chest tight with worry but he kept it low. No one wanted to startle an omega in her nest. Even a weak and sick one.
There was no response.
He carefully walked around the bed to crouch closest to the mound of cloth and pup. 
“Jay!” It twitched. The vice loosened in his chest and he could breathe a little easier. He pitched his voice low and added a thread of alpha rumble. 
“Come on, Jaylass, let me see your face.”
A short low whine came from the blankets. He reached out and gently began to untangle them. Keeping up a litany of soft words, meant to keep the distressed pup calm. 
He’d forgotten she was just twenty. Barely an adult. Not even fully grown, according to biology. Just a pup. Still a pup. A pup that made a mistake. How much of that was influenced by distorted pack bonds and touch deprivation? Shit, he was so blind sometimes. Cassandra was right.
“It’s okay, Jaylass. I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
Asks from HERE.
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primeemeraldheiress · 4 years
You have not stopped me yet XD so.... how about gift?
I know what you’re angling for and you’re not getting more of it. 😏😂 So how about “present” instead? I’ll even give you a snippet to make up for it.
Bruce rapped heavily on the door to Jay’s apartment, sighing. What was he doing here? She didn’t want anything to do with him and frankly, he was furious with her. 
It was a cold anger: pushed aside to bury but still present. She had hurt the pups. He may never be able to forgive her for that. The daughter he had known, had raised, had loved would never have done such a thing.
He frowned. There had been no answer or sound of movement from within. Carefully, he disarmed her traps and picked the lock to the apartment. A wave of Jay’s warm Earl Grey tea scent washed over him as he opened the door, tainted heavily with sickness and despair. He nearly tripped in surprise. 
Instincts rose in his chest like fire and warred within him. Instinct to protect and and do battle with whatever harmed his pup, his Jaybird; instinct to seek out and care for his daughter, make her better. It took his breath away. Oh, Jay.
He took a few deep breaths, steadying himself and controlling his impulses. He shut the front door and hesitantly followed the scent to where he knew the bedroom was. Opening the bedroom door, he was hit with another wave. The pain and loneliness he could read staggered him. He took a moment to look around the room, taking in the discarded laundry, the takeout containers, the mattress directly on the floor… 
This wasn’t like Jay. His meticulously clean Jay that kept her room nearly spotless. His Jay that took careful care of her things, to never damage them or make them wear out too quickly. His Jay that knew the value of everything, even (or perhaps especially) time.
He’d been blind.
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primeemeraldheiress · 4 years
Can we see the confrontation between Diana, Clark, and Bruce after the events of it’s kinda crazy (this life)?
Yes, eventually. I'm burnt out on AA right now but when I'm up to writing it again, I've got something like two or three one shots planned to finish out the series and that's one of them. 😁💕
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primeemeraldheiress · 4 years
Shamelessly stealing what you said about being easy to bribe. Do you have any WIP that show Slade realizing that he's interested in Jason, you know, beyond the physical?
I do not. Sorry! Though I’ll probably write Slade’s dubious and invasive courting methods for Ad Aglaophotis eventually which will include introspection into his attraction both mental and physical for Jay. I don’t even know when I’ll get around to it though.
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primeemeraldheiress · 4 years
Will you be doing a continuance of your Ad Aglaophotis series for Fem!Jay week? I really love the series!
Likely not. I am super busy right now and I’m struggling to get anything outside of my work for my internship done and even that’s a fight. The creativity is not flowing. Hopefully once my internship is over in a couple of weeks, everything will reset and I’ll have some ideas but tbh right now I don’t even have a single plan for fic outside of my Zine fics and what I had started before the summer. 
Someone help. I need a vacation. Lmao.
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primeemeraldheiress · 4 years
I love your Ad Aglaophotis verse🥰, I've read and reread it five times in two days, because shit if it's not perfection, but if you don't mind me asking, are you going to add more shots to the series? I'm particularly interested in Uncle Clark and Aunt Diana's talk with Bruce about what they discovered, but I don't know if you're going to continue with that.
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I’m sorry I haven’t answered your absolutely lovely comment yet. I’m trying to cram in some school work. It definitely got screenshotted and went into my Compliments folder, though. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
I almost dropped you a line yesterday when I saw you mowing through the AA links but I didn’t want to presume.
I absolutely intend on adding at least two more one-shots to AA but I’m a little burnt out on it at the moment and focussing on other projects. 
I also have an au two of them of the series that I eventually intend on posting!
You’re always welcome to message me with questions. I’m ridiculously easy to talk into giving away snippets of plot and projects in DMs. Especially about AA! I’m super flattered you like it so much! 5 times in the last 2 days? 
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Anyway, I’m so happy to hear from you! Thanks for messaging!
~ Em
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primeemeraldheiress · 4 years
40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers - I would like to ask 11 and 18, if It this fine with you ^^
Hi Kae!
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
It’s definitely a passion! I love writing!
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
I use notes when what I’m writing calls for it. They mostly consist of bits of scenes that I write as they occur to me and any little things that I need to remember. I have a few sets of notes that have timelines in them, mostly to keep track of ages in relation to each other and the stories they are/do/will tell. Nothing so formal as an outline or a worksheet. 
Ad Aglaophotis has the most notes out of everything right now. I have three separate note files for that series.
Thanks for the ask!
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