#Admin talks
afra-blueraz · 4 months
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I was talking to my cousin about Yui's recent merches and told her that Yui is Rejet's favorite heroine. Because they are paying attention to her more than ever.
Now look at this. Daisuke Iwasaki published her wedding dress in his Twitter account. Congratulations DL community. Our heroine is Daisuke's favorite too 🥺💘. We won.
Somehow I feel that Rejet employees decided to make up for the terrible life they gave Yui.
I can imagine that 13 boys are waiting for her in background. But nah baby. It's my turn. She is my wife. Just mine 😝.
My Queen I love you ❤️💘.
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callmeklair · 7 months
Yui deserves better ♡
//I'm really sorry for my language because I'm pissed right now.
I woke up and accidentally opened wattpad, so I was like aight I'll check some fics of other fandoms I'm in... then I came across a DL fic with Yui as a spoiled brat and "bitch" like the hate!??? I seriously don't get it!
you hate yui? okay, keep your opinions to yourself. BUT dragging her down and messing with her character just to make your own character shine is stooping low.
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LIKE WHAT BLUNTLY!??? even if her character wasn't very open in anime, she wasn't anything like "spoiled." I can't even bring myself to read such stories because they disgust me. but I still went through the first chapter because I wanted to see comments. you know what made me surprised?!? okay the author might have been young at that time because the story came out in 2017 or maybe they were not young? who knows. but these stupid comments! 2 years ago— idk if people do this to either get in the author's good book or just dumb dumb. Like it's just the first chapter and all it has was Seiji saying the OC "you remember my daughter, your greatest friend, Yui?" and people went full on fucking hate by calling her a bitch in the comments!??? LIKE atleast let her make an appearance and get mischaracterized by such a lovely author :D
Like i thought we got over it a few years ago that Yui is actually one of the best FLs and character out there. if you don't then I suggest you read Dark fate, the writers have actually given her character a good depth.
You are free to write Oc x diaboys story, there is no issue but degrading Yui's character and mischaracterizing her because of why not is so stupid. You don't like her? then don't add her in your story.
Stop spreading Yui hate through stories and mischaracterizing her. People writing such stories just want to create delusional reasons to hate on her because they know it themselves that there is nothing to hate on Yui through games and even anime!
(let's ignore LE, all the characters were messed up which were developed so nicely in DF, because of writers. they didn't even spare Yui)
I have so much to say, and want to go on and on about this because I have many other fics to point out for such behaviour, but i don't wanna spoil my mood furthermore as I just woke up and it's stupid 5 a.m.
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I had this weird idea that uuuhhhh... maybe Kirby absorbs more than just the abilities of the helpers?? Maybe some of their traits too???
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rumblemodels · 8 months
Can we get just the spoon from a Kadabra or Alakazam?
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is there any reason you could possibly want this
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circusmilkk · 9 months
whenevr u post ur drawings of any of mike’ system ( specifically svetlana ) I genuinely get so happy imrunning around in circles
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i dont rlly draw or post stuff like this but i needed a break from drawing total drama 4 a sec
i got like quite a few of messages like this in my inbox n i cant reply to them all cus it will get repetitive n i dont want 2 clog ppls tls O_o but i js wanna say tysm 4 liking the shit i post hehe !! i have a lot of fun making them (especially the redesigns n whatnot :3)
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shuyui-nether · 7 months
// I came back from work and heard the worst news of my life. Afra fainted at her work today due to stress and pressure.
Please pray for Afra's health.
She had this problem before, but it was not so serious that she was admitted to the hospital, and as I heard, Afra should be hospitalized for at least 3 days.
I was very shocked. Afra is generally very serious about the smallest things and worries spontaneously, but I don't know what caused her so much stress and pressure that she fainted.
As her cousin, I ask you to pray for her health. Afra is the closest person in my life. I don't have any siblings, she was always closer to me than a sister and she was always kind to me. I can't bear her suffering at all and I am really worried about her.
Please pray for her health. I am very worried about her. I hope she gets well soon and this does not happen to anyone 😔.
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arttrampbelle · 8 months
Look i know yesterday was international lesbian visibility day. But imma say it today.
Remember to have bi x lesbian solidarity in your pride and love ALL wlw and sapphic groups(this including trans,nb,and all queer sapphic folk. Not just one part. Or the parts that you like,understand,or fit into) or I'll cut yer kneecaps. Kaaaaay. 💖🌸💋
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myaspdnpdnotes · 2 years
Them: Can you explain why you did this?
Me: Okay. *explains*
Them: wow you’re so defensive and argumentative!
Me: ????
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Hold on... that's a cobra demon!!
Which. Which ring is it from. Because we don't know of any hellborn reptile demons, and the closest we have are Envians, who are aquatic creatures. Are there any aquatic cobras. Or can Envians just be whatever cold-blooded animal. We haven't seen one hellborn snake since Striker, especially not in the Wrath ring, but could this prove that Striker may indeed be half snake? That would make more sense than him being a shark hybrid, at least
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afra-blueraz · 7 months
I was playing Reiji's route and I really wanted to say this. Let's all praise Yui for being the best in her studies and grades.
Even though she lives in such difficult conditions and is physically and sexually harassed every day, she still tries her best in her studies and performs better than all her classmates.
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Source: Reiji Sakamaki MB route
Translation by: @/dialovers-translations
At this moment, I wanted to punch Reiji. Because I feel that Reiji ripped it out of jealousy, not out of desperation. Because I feel that Yui's score is even better than Reiji's XD .
To be honest, if I lived in the conditions of Yui, I wouldn't even have the ability to study despite my anemia and physical weakness and.... what if I get an excellent grade and be better than all the students.
I wanna yell Yui is a genius. She is the best student in her class and always tries her best in everything.
It's so sweet that Yui tries not to disappoint anyone. And Reiji acts like a strict father, which is really cruel. Man at least praise her for her efforts and being first in her class. The teacher was proud of her, why are you so cruel 😭😭😭?
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ask-hobie-brown · 3 months
hi guys asks will actually be closed until 6th march cause both admins got exams 💔💔 see you then ! thank you for all the love btw i think we hit 100 followers but im not sure if we posted about it so thank you !!!!!!!! — 📼
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beastly-boy · 11 months
I've noticed that most Beasts casted for the stage production never know what to do with their bodies. Like... They just play people in a costume. We need dudes who used to be Wolf Kids growing up playing this role. Behave like a fuckin animal or something don't just stand there fiddling with your cape the whole time.
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tmnt-crossover-polls · 10 months
🎉Official announcement time 🎉
TMNT crossover polls are officially over
For now ...
Our amazing winners are 🥁🥁🥁
Two shades of blue by the wonderful @sad-leon
Ghost in the shell by the amazing @amevello-blue @bluepeachstudios
As for the future of the crossover polls and this account, there won't be a new competition soon
The schools will to start and I don't know if I i can poll master this until next summer which i WILL try to trust me
So for now I'll introduce you to the poll project I'm gonna be working on till then :))
Give a little look at @tmnt-tear-polls and keep an eye out for that.
I'm NOT abandoning this account so feel free to tag me with propaganda (?) Or just random crossover stuff and I'll gladly reblog them
If you wanna keep in touch with all the crossover polls friends we have our discord server and we're keeping it active ^^
And of course there's my main blog @tired-o-fighter and i always love to chat with anyone that feels like it
A special thank you to @crownedcrowrow @hibiscusbiue @super-weed-ninja and @ninjastar-ace who helped me a ton and moderated the discord server and supported me when i seriously needed a help
A huge thank you to coral and @rottmntpeepawpolls who inspired this poll and is an absolute awsome person who by rebloging this account made the competition happen
I'm gonna go get emotional now and think about every amazing experience we had during the polls
Poll Master tired out 🫡
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fandomflotilla · 8 months
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See I don’t really see it that way? Because if I know the term right, Tsundere implies they’re into each other from the get-go and the anger is just an excuse to get to know each other.
For Alabastards their ship dynamic is default White Knight, only instead of developing a mutually respectful relationship, they instead diverge into a more toxic direction.
They genuinely do not like each other for basically most of the time up till their hatefucking and a good chunk of time after.
Jaune got off on the wrong foot with Weiss, so she’s just constantly lambasting him.
And Jaune eventually got fed up with Weiss giving him shit even after he stopped propositioning here.
I’m thinking he gets mad at her after seeing her be mean to Ruby. Ruby obviously forgives weiss basically immediately, but Jaune had already went “fuck this shit.” And cussed a bitch out.
And they realized as they were arguing that
a) both of them have ludicrously thick skin because of family/hate crimes and 7 sisters, respectively so it’s nigh impossible to get them actually angry if there’s no malice behind their words
b) they’re pretty much always going to be in close proximity because Ruby and Jaune genuinely love hanging out together, and their teams get along incredibly well
And c) it’s really, REALLY fun to rile the other up.
The rest of their teams are fucking baffled by how seeing each other just turns them into complete assholes, even with all the character development. But also they work incredibly well together when they have a common goal?
Eventually it’s less they hate each other and more they just got used to sniping at each other.
…wait…fuck, I suppose in the end it is kinda two tsunderes who are into each other. Lol
Idk. The vibe still feels different to me? More like belligerent sexual tension than tsundere vibes. Where it’s not that they both secretly love each other and they use anger to cover for it, but it’s more they both love making the other angry/worked up. More hatefuck than reluctant/embarrassed date.
Someone made a lovely comment on one of these posts that mentioned “The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s apathy.” And those two are anything but apathetic to the other.
…also I’m debating adding other ships/assholes into the Alabastards type AU’s. Low key wanna do one where Ruby demonstrates why she’s best friends with both of them, and one where Pyrrha fucking roasts someone. I’ll have to be careful tho otherwise I’m gonna indulge in my polyshipping tendencies and someone is going to get in the middle of an Alabastards sandwich.
Though tbh it’s not really a full AU or anything, so I’m always open to ideas if people want to have them! Feel free to add some in the notes below!
(Also, guys, if you want me to respond to you directly, please submit an ask or reblog the question. This is a sideblog and I can’t answer replies like in the screenshot without exposing my main.)
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gh0st-busted · 1 month
Me: God, I wish there were more Ghostbusters RP accounts on Tumblr
*Several Afterlife/Frozen Empire RP accounts pop up on Tumblr*
Me: ...Thanks God. You're being kind of a bitch today.
(This is not an Afterlife/FE hate post, it's just.... Really hard to interact with Afterlife/FE rpers when my only accounts are 80s Elliot and Egon, two people who SHOULD NOT BE THERE. Love y'all. Will always follow an Afterlife/FE account when I see them. I just don't know what to say to you people.)
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dia-souls · 2 months
Soo.. when yall doing requests again? 😇 patiently waiting down bad for yall reactions/request 😭🫶
Thank you for your follow up. Many questions like this have been asked and we are sorry that we could not answer them sooner.
As you know, the admins are in the exam season and they are all very busy, that's why our activity has decreased recently. After the exams, the summer vacations will start and we will gladly start our activities again and the ask box will open again. Also, the projects of fanfics, novels and new CDs will start soon. So thank you for waiting for us.
we love you ❤️. @crazyasffr
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