#Alkaline Series
formulawolff · 3 days
xiii. show the world - t.w.
pairing: female!driver x toto wolff
word count: 2.7k
warnings: cursing, angst, lots of angst to be completely honest, pining, age gap relationship, toto being down bad per usual, two idiots in love but won't admit it, yadayadayada
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“be honest with me. are you seeing someone?”
daniel brings a wine glass to his lips, tilting it back as you sit across from him, your fork clattering against the table. heat radiates off of your cheeks, flourishing into your neck as your eyes snap away from his intense stare. 
the sun was starting to set over the water, casting a tangerine glow across its surface. fluffy clouds float along, the sky bursting with lavender, fuschia, and cerulean hues. yachts drifted along, their lights beginning to glimmer as the sky grew dimmer and dimmer. on your left, it was almost like the city was given its first breath of night life, locals strolling along the streets, their conversations and the growl of engines as they zoomed along the streets merely white noise. 
it was truly a breathtaking view, distracting you for just a moment, taking your focus away from the conversation at hand.
yet, you remember he’s awaiting your answer, arms folded across his chest, brows knit together. scrambling to formulate some sort of response, you gnaw on the inside of your cheek, shoulders slumping. 
“what if i told you i was?”
“hmm,” daniel hums, downing the rest of his wine, “then i would say good for you, i guess.”
“oh come on,” your regain your composure, frustration brewing in the pit of your stomach, “i thought we consensually agreed that we wouldn’t explore a relationship because we needed to keep things professional.”
“i did that because that’s what you wanted,” daniel swivels his head, glancing out at the water, “i never agreed to that. i only respected your wishes because that was what you wanted. i never wanted that. i wanted you.”
“but you never told me,” you protest, absentmindedly picking at your ratatouille, “that night in jeddah, i vividly remember you telling me that you never acted on your feelings because you knew that it was one-sided.”
daniel huffs, shaking his head, “i didn’t think i would’ve had to spell it out for you. i was under the impression you knew that i had feelings for you. and actually, i thought you reciprocated those same feelings. thank you for reminding me of the cold hard truth. i feel so much better about this. thanks for that.”
“you’re not being very mature about this. what happened to staying emotionally mature about the matter?”
“i was doing that until i heard from alex that you were dating someone,” daniel retorts, his tone seething with fiery anger, “you couldn’t just tell me yourself? also, how long were you going to keep that from me? were you just not going to mention it until i found out?”
“i didn’t think it was important,” you shrug, shrinking in your seat as pairs of eyes sear into you, the stares becoming more and more prominent as daniel’s voice carries throughout the patio.
“starting a relationship with someone isn’t important?”
“daniel,” you hiss, desperately wishing you were wearing a cap or some sunglasses, “people are starting to stare.”
“okay and?” he cocks his head, “i don’t give a fuck. you have no fucking idea how heartbroken i’ve been these last few weeks. i feel like my entire world has been turned upside down. meanwhile you’re frolicking around with some douchebag from st. louis. obviously the dick is must have you in a chokehold because you’ve been a completely different person.” 
“daniel, please,” the notes in your tone raise an octave as your lower lip trembles, “stop, please. people are listening. can we talk about this some other time–”
“well luckily for you,” daniel inhales sharply, rising to his feet, “i don’t want to discuss it any further. i’m done here. see you around, america’s princess.”
tossing his napkin on the table, the australian snatches the keys to his rental, muttering under his breath. you remain at the table, people resuming back to their previous conversations as the waitress comes by, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
“is everything all right, madame?” 
“i just need the check please,” you mumble, tears threatening to spill over as you reach for your purse, “i’ll pay for it all. i am so sorry about that.
“no worries madame,” the waitress chirps, “would you care for a free dessert for your troubles?”
you know what? free dessert didn’t seem too bad after all. 
“oui, s’il vous plait.”
at your response, the waitress’ lips curve into a wide grin, “tu es le bienvenu.”
letting out a shaky breath, you wipe away a tear, pulling your phone out of your purse. swallowing the lump in your throat, you message the one person you needed most.
i hope things are going well on your end tonight. is there any chance you can come by my hotel room, or i swing by yours? it would be later tonight. i want my sexy, smoochable, handsome boyfriend. :’((((( 
the moment you send the message, three little bubbles appear, signaling that he had received it, and was crafting a reply.
i take it the dinner didn’t go well? what happened, meine liebe? ich vermisse dich auch. 
wrinkling your nose, you highlight the text, tapping the copy option. thumb gliding across the screen, you click on the google translate app, pasting it into the textbox. 
what happened, my love? i miss you too. 
i can explain more later. you type, are you busy? 
never too busy for you. remember, we’re in monaco. i own a place here. 😘 you can just come by whenever you need. i’m at home. do you need the address?
yes please. i’ll be there as soon as possible. 
i can’t wait to see your beautiful face. here’s the address. i’ll be waiting impatiently. 
the second you type his address in your phone, the waitress comes by your table, a box in one hand, billfold in the other. placing the box on the table, you anticipate her to do the same with the check. yet, she doesn’t keeping it in her grasp. 
“madame, your meals have been taken care. a gentleman called, inquiring if he could foot the bill. he stated he did not want you to worry about anything else this evening. is that all right?”
your heart flutters, “did he say a name, by chance?”
“no madame,” the waitress flashes you a quaint smile, “again, i am so sorry if your evening has been ruined in any sort of way. i hope the dessert helps in some fashion!”
“thank you,” you reciprocate the gesture, “and again, thank you for the dessert.”
“it is no problem,” the waitress dips her head, “have a great evening, madame!”
rising to your feet, you push in your chair, ensuring that you don’t forget the plain white box that was placed on the table. carrying it under your arm, you pull up your maps app, feeling a grin form.
maybe tonight will not end as poorly as it began. 
you could thank toto wolff for that.
ever since miami, you felt as if the weight of the world was off your shoulders. the stress was alleviated, dissolving almost completely. you could go about your day without that ever-present thought in the back of your mind, gnawing away at you. 
however, there were more mountains to climb. more obstacles to face. 
you had yet to sit down with james, alex, or anyone else really, to discuss your decision to depart from williams at the end of the 2024 season. 
toto was the only one who knew. 
and for the time being, you were okay with that. 
but you were running out of time. the days were soaring by. you would blink and suddenly it would be time to board that flight. it would be time to get behind the wheel, adrenaline coursing through your veins. it would be time to step on that podium, raising that gleaming trophy above your head, your team roaring below. 
with four grand prixs wins, three of which were back-to-back, you were unstopabble. 
a force to be reckoned with. 
max tried to catch you, he really did. 
but you were too fast, fueled by the thrill of victory. 
it was intoxicating, sending an electric, exhilarating buzz throughout your entire being every time you breezed across that finish line.
and with a man like toto by your side, how could you possibly lose? 
with the monaco grand prix on the docket for the weekend, you were preparing for a challenging race. the circuit was extremely tight, the track interweaving through the buildings and sights the city. it was an infamous track, known for its rich history and well, the accidents. 
additionally, there was little to no room for overtakes. so if you wanted to be on that podium on sunday, you had to execute a stellar qualifying lap. with that added pressure, you were a little apprehensive for what was to come. 
yet, you couldn’t let that anxiety creep in. you had to maintain your composure. it was crucial that you kept a calm, cool outlook on the race. 
and as you found yourself at that massive gate, pressing the button to your left, you couldn’t help but feel peace of mind. 
you could thank toto wolff for that as well. 
with every moment spent with the team principal, you couldn’t help but shake this aching, nagging feeling. 
it was a pure, innocent feeling. one that filled you to the brim with bliss, a cozy warmth blossoming in your chest, your heart swelling with joy. one that had you beaming from ear to ear, your once gloomy days now shining with this golden, rich light. 
you were in love with him. 
hopelessly in love, your whole heart resting in his tender hands. 
you couldn’t tell him that though. you couldn’t bring yourself to. 
at least, not yet. 
“all right,” james’ sucks in a breath, his head swiveling from side to side, taking in the commotion all around. 
“are you ready?” 
“come on,” you wave a hand, “you know the drill. i was born ready.” 
“i know,” the team principal’s lips twitch as he fights a smile, “but this is a pretty significant race. there’s a lot of history and heartbreak on this track.” 
“are you saying that you don’t think i can win?” you tease, your voice muffled slightly by the thick exterior of the helmet, “james, i can do this. believe me, i can do this.” 
“there’s a lot at stake here,” he places a hand on the top of your head, patting it, “just remember, whatever happens, i believe in you. always.” 
i believe in you. always. 
your lower lip trembles, and in that moment, you want to confess right there. you almost blurt out the words that had been lingering on your tongue for weeks now. 
james, after this race, we need to to talk. 
however, you don’t. you simply nod, drumming your hands against the steering wheel, “i’ll make you guys proud, i promise.”
“oh, you already do,” his eyes glimmer, bursting with pride, “you’ve made us so fucking proud these last few weeks. and you know what? i know you’re going to continue to make williams racing proud. i can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us.” 
that conversation was going to absolutely destroy you, splitting your heart into two. 
you couldn’t think about that, though. 
the race was about to start. 
on the grid, you were behind charles leclerc and oscar piastri. it wasn’t terrible positioning, but with the limited space, you knew that getting ahead would be nearly impossible. it would be a miracle if you were able to cross that finish line in first place. 
yet, you were more than willing to take the risks involved to get to that position. 
all you needed was a little bit of luck. 
which, these days, it seemed like you were full of it. like you were carrying a four leaf clover in your pocket at all times. 
as rays of sunshine filter through the clouds, a gold streak of light dances in your peripheral vision. 
nestled on your wrist was the charm bracelet toto had gifted you that fateful night in jeddah. the charm gleams, reminding you of two things. 
one, your very first grand prix victory.  
two, that he was always with you. 
perhaps he was that good luck charm you were desperately searching for.
maybe. just maybe. 
in about seventy-eight laps, you would have that answer. 
“and she has done the impossible! she has shattered yet another record! miss america has won monaco! she has won her fifth grand prix!” 
“fuck yes!” you shout, “we won! we won monaco!” 
“brilliant fucking job,” james’ voice trembles, thready with excitement, “bloody good job!” 
euphoria crashes over you like a tidal wave, leaving you speechless as it sucks the air out of your lungs. burying your head in your hands, your shoulders shake as you sob. 
never, in your wildest dreams would you have expected to have made it this far. 
never would you even imagined racing as a little girl, let alone racing at this caliber. 
and winning races? five of them?
little you, cheesing with her toothy five-year-old smile, standing next to a kart, helmet under her arm, wouldn’t have ever dreamed of this moment. 
you had improved miles upon miles from the driver you were last season. you made history. time and time again. you had shattered records, obliterating barriers in the world of formula one racing as a twenty-two year old woman. 
and fuck, you weren’t even done yet. 
you still had a world title to chase after. 
“holy shit. holy shit. holy motherfucking shit.” 
stepping out of the car, your heart races, your team nearly sprinting to congratulate you. picking out james, you flash him a thumbs up. the crowd raves, whooping, whistling, and hollering your newfound nickname. 
“miss america! miss america! miss america!” 
cameras appear out of thin air, recording as you step down, james and alex swathing you with their embrace. alex rattles your helmet, james’ grin shining bright as the cameras flash. 
“what a bloody brilliant day!” james shouts, a glossy sheen over his eyes, “what a fucking day!” 
“what place did you finish, alex?” your voice rises above the noise, “what did you get?” 
“ninth!” he chirps, “two drivers in the top ten? that’s a pretty fucking good day!” 
“a very fucking good day,” laughter rises in your chest, spilling out, “fuck, that nearly took everything out of me!” 
“well you better shape up,” alex pats your back, “because you have a podium that’s calling your name.” 
as the team gathers, making their way to the finish line, your heart yearns for one thing. well, one person. 
pursing your lips, your eyes scan through the garages, attempting to make out the mercedes paddock. yet, there is too much movement in your line of sight as the crew members assemble, circling around their respective drivers. 
the euphoria lingers as your step onto the podium, the crowd below applauding. there are shouts that rise above the clapping, yet you can barely make them out. 
surveying the mass, your heart skips a beat as you locate him. 
his eyes lock with yours, pure, radiant adoration painted across his features. 
that’s my girl. he mouths, dimples apparent with every word. 
a few strands of hair flutter in his face, the top button of his shirt un-done, the fabric slightly wrinkled from the chaos of race day. 
yet, he was as gorgeous as ever. 
as charles and oscar pop open the champagne, you hesitate, fingers trembling as they wrap around the neck of the bottle.
you know what? 
fuck this. 
“hey!” charles calls out as you step down from the platform, “where are you going?”
there’s a brief moment of confusion from the crowd, a few gasps ringing out as you shoulder your way down the stairs, muttering numerous apologies as you accidentally elbow several people along the way. 
there was only one thing on your mind as you nudged your way through the throng of people gathered beneath the podium. although your skin burned beneath your suit, sweat clinging to every part of you, there was this tugging sensation at your heart. it urged you to keep going. to keep searching. 
you were face-to-face now, his brow furrowing with concern, arms folded across his chest as you take another step forward. 
“what are you–"
that’s when toto wolff found your lips colliding with his, the entire world crumbling away as he found himself lost in you.
taglist: @k3ira13 @prettiest-at-the-party @martwll @annewithaneofthegreengable @zoeyjadetice2010  @sinners-98-world @laura-naruto-fan1998 @nebarious @joalslibrary @swifth0lic @statuewoman @strangegirl974 @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @m-1234 @whoisss @msbyjackal @annaaepf1 @paigelouise @bborra @bblouifford @upsteadsstuff @omgsuperstarg @younxii @toldyouitwasamelodrama @kravitzwhore @persona1lies @pucksandpower
as always, if i forgot to add you, or if you would like to be added to the taglist, let me know! thank you all for the endless support and love for this series! y'all are the sweetest! <3
252 notes · View notes
angelsanarchy · 5 months
Alkaline- R!Euronymous x Y/n Series
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1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34
104 notes · View notes
makncheese12 · 1 year
Alkaline pt. 2
Part 1,
A/N: shadows: “privacy? Never heard of her😒”
Is that a blossoming friendship between Doberman and pitpull/golden retriever i see?
It’s a little short cause I just wanted to introduce some new things before it started getting juicy🫢
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
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-nine years before-
“This ain’t necessary.”
“It’s ‘is not’ or ‘isn’t’.” The older man replies without looking up from his book. “And if you are to learn how to control you mental state much better than you must go.”
You were to go to the Cave of Lilith, a place claimed by the elders who were to help you control your abilities.
Your mother had not wanted it but after your multiple outburst through the years she had reluctantly agreed, how grateful she would be she had.
Your eyes snap toward the man with a scowl, his slick back hair shining as the moon reflects off of it. No hair - gray or black - dared to move out of place with the gel that lay in it. His dark eyes move across the pages in a fluid motion, his bushy eyebrows creased in concentration.
“I’s don’t see the point, my mental state is perfectly fine.” You mumble slouching in the seat as a loud neigh from one of the horses sounds through the air. He was growing frustrated with your choice of speech.
“Your term of ‘perfectly fine’ must be different from mine,” his eyes leave his book and lock with yours in a glare. “Especially if every time you get upset you destroy things with your little friends.”
“Ain’t theys fault for havin’ feelin’s.” You shoot back without hesitation, the shadows growing impatient with the man as you do.
His eyes never leave yours, his intense stare making you feel small. A scolding would have been much preferred.
He always had a way to shut you up with one of his looks, the way he stares into you as if you are not truly there could be terrifying at times. But not today. No, you felt a feeling you had been feeling often recently; it made your hands shake, your blood boil and your body turn cold.
It was not pleasant and you could not help but let a little spill over at a time every time someone made you feel the feeling.
“And soon those feelings will turn to something you will fear, the lingering dangers in the shadows will no longer be your friends.” A threat. You had learned he was telling more and more of those as your days went on.
It only made the feeling grow inside you. Who was he to threaten you?
“I’s ain’t afraid of no dark!” Your voice comes out as a growl, the feeling bubbling over little by little and it made you feel a little better. But it was better when you could break things and yell. He did not like it though, anger always grew in his face every time as it was right now.
“Then you are a fool!” He shouts, silence over taking the entire forest around you and even the steps of the horses became quieter.
The voices also quieted down, their instigations and taunts became non-existent and turn into quiet murmurs of distrust and fear.
“If you think for a second there won’t be something in the shadows that won’t threaten your life and take it, then you are far from right.” His chest rises and falls, both of your patience had always run thin though yours seemed to always be quicker than his which only pushed his.
“You may be part of the darkness now but that does not mean there are not others who are as well, willing to do things you aren’t and take what they want.” He states allowing his voice to soften along with his features.
The feeling was growing stronger, this time it was bubbling over on all sides; clawing at your rib cages as if they were cell bars, aching to tear the older man limb from limb for his light threats.
“You’re wrong.” You reply, gaze hardening the voices growing loud and the lamp on your carriage seems to dim around you both making the driver shiver as he tried to ignore you both.
The man simply raises his eye brows, eyes switching from your face and your hands that seemed to shake far more violently than what he was used to.
“How so?” He asks, challenging you in a way they shadows didn’t like. “You don’t think there are people stronger than you? People who can consume you like a mosquito does blood? You think you can defend yourself against hundred year old demons and devils?“
“I know so.” His gaze hardens at the double voice that seemed to over power your own, his stiff body become much stiffer and his jaw clenching.
“Tell me,” he starts and your fingers begin to twitch uncontrollably. “Do you think you’re stronger than me?” He was no longer talking to you specifically.
“I do.” He hums in response, body and gaze still hard as you stare at him unblinking. He suddenly leans forward to match the height of your eyes.
“I might just have to consume you myself then, we can’t have you rampaging around like an animal.” The threat makes you completely boil over, the cover toppling over and everything comes out all at once.
“I’d like to see you try, motherfucker!” You growl but before anything else could happen your body shakes aggressively forcing you to fall into the man who quickly pulls you closer.
“Shh..” he whispers as your body continues to shake, black roots forming throughout your skin like the plague. The shadows begin to howl, the sudden feelings coursing through them as well as they cry out for you. “Calm yourself, mea umbra.”
He begins rocking you like a newborn, hoping to stop its cries and sooth it into peace. But this was far from rocking a new born, he was rocking an uncontrollable and angry child that had power only an adult should have.
How unfair. It was unfair how you didn’t get to live before being forced into this. How your small body had to take on pain you should have been given a chance to train before taking on. How you had to endure the monster growing inside you. Yes, more than unfair.
As your body began to go from shaking to the occasional twitch, the shadows to began to calm down. The only sign of them was the whispers and low groans.
The man glances down to you, your eyebrows knitted together and your body stiffer than his. Your skin was getting paler and the dark circles under your eyes grew. you looked dead. A sight no grandfather should have to or want to see.
His eyes then travel to your hands that still shook violently and his frown deepened. The tips of your fingers were pulling in the dark roots formed around your body as you calmed down, it would be a permanent sign of the monster inside you. Reminding you everyday that it was still there and would always be.
You can’t help the twitching of your fingers as you stare into the mirror, eyes scanning over your body. Scars liter across the pale skin, few from small little things through out your childhood but most from the that part of your childhood inside Cave of Lilith.
The elders had tried their best to contain the monstrous being inside you but that didn’t stop it from getting you at moments of vulnerability.
But those were the small ones, when you did things it didn’t like it would scratch at you like a cat wanting to be fed but never went farther than that.
The deep ones; the ones you couldn’t stand were the ones from him. The youngest elder who thought himself to be the strongest because of his youth, pathetic.
He had taught you his own ‘obedience’ through pain. You always remembered him telling you it was tough love, that he had cared for your improvement with your shadows. Lies in the form of lies, more reasons not to trust anyone.
Though he was the reason for how in control you are now, you could never forgive him for the damage he had caused
A cold hand touches yours and you flinch lightly before looking down to see the dark one hovering over your own.
You look toward the dark figure that had its held tilting, next to it was another looking over his shoulder. You smile lightly before letting your hand fall from the long scar down to your side before examining the room. One sat perching on the toilet seat, another sitting to your right on the counter, one peeking over the shower curtain and the last one staring at the door, taking the liberty to stand guard and scare any off if they enter.
You let out a chuckle before feeling another set of fingers hook under your bra and you lift your arms up to let them pull it over your head.
It was routine, this was your first group of shadows when you left. The ones who came in without fear to help you through your times of healing, the ones you trusted more than anything. The ones who stayed in the loneliest of times.
It was like your own small little council. They had their own personalities and opinions as well, it was hard to figure out at first but you began to notice subtle differences. One was far shyer than the rest and one was much meaner and liked to get physical.
Not only was it their personalities, it was also their shapes. They may not have been human but they still existed to you.
You let them finish undress you before stepping into the shower, even then could you feel the gaze of the one who was still looking over top the curtains.
“I won’t do it.” You say as you step into your mothers room to see her finishing getting ready. “Do what, dear?” She asks looking through her mirror and toward you as she finishes up her make up.
So bright..
I want that cookie..
“The skirt.” You mumble and throw the black uniform down onto her bed. “You cannot make me.”
It was a nuisance. In order to pass through the shadows you would have to have perfectly fit clothes that were not flowy. Not to mention this was not your style.
You had your other reasons as well but you wouldn’t dare mention them to your mother, she already had enough on her plate dealing with you as it was.
She sighs quietly before a breathy chuckle leaves her and you can’t help but feel your frown deepen.
“I figured,” she mumbles before closing her clear tub of lipstick and standing up straight. “But it was worth a try.” She stares toward the uniform longingly before stepping into her own closet.
“Here you are.” She says pulling out a fresh pair of black dress pants. You let out a sigh of relief and you take them before rushing off toward her bathroom.
“So, have you met anyone yet?” She asks, clearly standing outside the bathroom door making you huff out as you pull your shirt over your head.
“Yes, Yoko.” You reply and you can only imagine to hard eye roll she would do. “Anyone other than your roommate?”
You pause for a moment, thinking of telling her about your encounter with Wednesday while sneaking out past curfew. Then you remember this your mother you were speaking of. She would want you to do the things normal teenagers did. Smoke weed, sneak out, do drugs, drink, have sex. She just wanted you to have a little normalcy.
“I met a girl at three in the morning.” The drawn out ‘ooh’ sound outside the door makes you roll your eyes. “A girl? Was she cute?” She was now pressing her face into the crack of the door. Sometimes you weren’t sure if you were the teenager.
“She was..” you think of your words for a moment. “Attractive, yes.” You reply and grimace at the squeal let out by your mother.
“Don’t you just always know what you want!” She giggles, voice fading as she walks away and you can’t help the blush on your face from growing.
You had only briefly met her, to say that you wanted her was over the top. “Must you always assume every person I meet I like?” You huff out ignoring the quiet giggles both the shadows and your mother give you.
You mumble quietly to the voices as you walk the halls, eyes scanning the faces of every student you pass. Most had already been staring but as soon as you look they would glance away, wide eyed and walk the other direction.
How lovely.
Perhaps it would be like this for the rest of your time here. Students making a point to avoid you and sticking to their own cliques you would no where near fit into.
It was probably for the better, if they had made a single mistake the shadows would not tolerate them much, that’s the reason you preferred to be alone. You should be the only one subjected to the insanity that comes with them.
Your body comes into contact with a very hard surface making you stumble slightly into a wall before being steadied by the invisible hands that quickly remove themselves.
Your eyes snap to the cause to see a wide and red eyed boy who stares at you unrelenting. He was clearly intoxicated off marijuana, at least it looked like it.
A Gorgon, you had assumed from the hat and the way his hair seemed to move under it. A possible threat if left unattended.
“Whoa..” he drags the word out as he continues to stare, eyes scanning over you as if you were some sort of alien he had never seen before.
A smile forms on his face as he points his finger and shakes it lightly. “Your Yoko’s roommate, that shadow chick.”
You stare at him for a moment, eyes scanning over him once before deciding to nod. His appearance was completely harmless unless he took his beanie off but that was not something you were too worried about.
His smile grows and he steps toward making you take a smaller step back.
“Can you make me?” He asks referring to your ability to make shadow figures on will. You continue to stare for a moment before quickly turning on your heels and walking off.
He follows, quickly matching you pace and you can’t help but let a small groan out. “So, like,” you can already tell his vocabulary was lacking. “I’m guessing that’s a no?”
You don’t respond and keep walking. “I figured, what’s your name?”
How could he have not known your name but Wednesday did? Was he an idiot or just not part of the conversation. You guessed the first part.
“Y/N.” You simply say picking up the pace only for him to do the same. “Cool,” he says while nodding slowly, too slowly.
“I’m Ajax.” He finishes as he bumps his fist against another students. “A pleasure.” You reply in a direction you don’t know. You forgot how large the place actually was and how easily you could get lost. You had tried using your shadows but they took it upon themselves not to cooperate.
How frustrating.
“What’s your first class?” He asks and you clench your jaw. What great timing he had. You would have to get him to tell you if the shadows wouldn’t. You raise the paper for him to take without faltering you steps as he scans over it.
“Oh shit!” He calls out and a large smile forms on his face. “We have the same class.” He cheers and suck through your teeth and nose as giggles are heard from all around you.
“Here, I’ll take you.” He says grabbing your arm to drag you in the direction of your first class.
He continues to talk the entire way and all you can do is either nod or shake your when he asks you a question. Were all people like this here? You had hoped not.
Just as your about to enter a room two people step in front of you, one a tall lanky boy with a short pony tail tied right behind his head while the other was a boy with bright eyes and swept back hair. A siren, you assumed.
“Hey Ajax,” the taller one says before his eyes travel to you. “Whose this?” He asks with a raised eyebrow before looking back up to Ajax.
You feel Ajax tense and his grip on your jacket tightens, a sign not to like the boy in front of you both. Or so you thought.
“This is Y/N,” he starts and you feel his arm raise and wrap around your shoulder. “My new best friend.”
So close..
Don’t touch!
He’s warm..
Smells nice..
Your head slowly turns up to look at the boy, his eyes narrowed and a smug look rest on his face with the small pouty smirk.
You had just been pulled into a childish dispute and there would be no escape. You didn’t even know the boy other than the fact that he liked to talk.
The boy raises his eyebrow and looks at you with a questioning gaze. “This is your new best friend?” You take the question as an insult as he looks you up and down with a look you couldn’t decipher and decide to play along.
“Jealous?” You simply ask as you step closer Ajax whose pout turned into a smirk quickly. “Yeah, jealous?” He repeats as you cross your arms.
The boy narrows his eyes at you for a moment while the boy next to him looks between the three of you.
“How about we just c-“ the taller boy quickly shuts him up by wrapping his arm around the shoulder of the boy and glares toward Ajax.
“No, because Kent is my new best friend.” Ajax let’s put an exaggerated gasp and opens his mouth wide. Oh, the chaos how you loved it. You had just started a rivalry and feud and you couldn’t help but enjoy it entirely.
“Yeah? Well you can sit by your new best friend and I’ll sit by mine.” Ajax retorts before dragging you forward and pushing past the boys shoulder.
You allow him to stomp you through the room and notice your mother talking to a group of siren girls before looking up to meet your eyes.
You send her a pleasing look as she gives you a questioning. She considers, for a moment, before smiling knowingly and going back to the girls.
You’re brought to a table and watch as Ajax slumps himself into his seat and decide to take the seat next to him.
You watch him glare at the lanky boy and ‘Kent’, making sure to send a smirk to them both. You couldn’t help yourself, it was all so amusing and you might as well get comfortable if your going to be here a while.
“Hi Ajax!” A loud voice calls out causing your eyes to snap toward a girl smiling brightly, dyed haired tips and colorful makeup as she steps toward him. How disturbing.
You also notice Wednesday walking behind her, with the same face she had on a few nights ago. Perhaps it was frozen there.
The blondes eyes travel to you and you see the way the face falls and small glare sets in stone. “Whose this?” She asks but you could tell she already knew as she stayed on Ajax’s side of the table.
“Y/N,” he starts before he once again glares toward the table the two were sitting. “My new best friend.” He makes sure to emphasize the last part loudly for the two to hear.
“I thought you were close friends with Xavier,” Wednesday states as she looks down toward Ajax who allows the blonde to slid into his lap as one arm crosses his chest. “Were you not?”
“We were! Until he decided to ditch me on Saturday to go to his little artist hut or whatever!” Ajax says, nose scrunching up as Xavier continues speaking to Kent.
“Awe, I would have hung out with you.” The blonde says as she leads Ajax’s face to look at her, the glare was now gone and a smile set into place as he stared up at the girl who leaned down for a kiss.
A disgusted look takes over your own face, the sight absolutely horrifying especially in public. You look up to Wednesday who seemed to have the same look before looking down toward you.
“Are you going to save me from my torment or just stand there?” You ask, desperate to get away from the couple, no longer finding being his ‘best friend’ amusing. She simply tilts her head slightly before glancing up toward the two showing an intense about of PDA and decided then and there.
“And miss seeing you suffer under the hands of a feebleminded boy? How foolish of you to think so.” She says with a simple raise of her eyebrow and you can’t help the small chuckle that rest in your chest.
“You are an evil one, aren’t you?” You asks and her raised eye brow raises higher, a faint smirk resting on her face. One most people wouldn’t notice but you did and it caused gentle punches to hit your rib cage and chest plate. The shadows moved around faster at the new feeling you were getting, they were overwhelmed and so were you. What was it?
She turned on her heels and made her way to an open table you had assumed the girl in Ajax’s lap would take next to her. Perhaps your mother was right.
Your eyes travel to the front of the classroom to see your mother already staring with a mischievous smile set on her face and a knowing look as she glances between you two. How truly unfortunate, you will not hear the end of it later you can already tell.
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a-s-levynn · 5 months
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"It's too late for me now, I am altered / There is something beneath" A Series of Small Offerings - III/7 - day27
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sagarkasi · 6 months
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
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Name: Salt Mushroom
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy 3
Everybody remembers when Super Mario Galaxy 3 launched worldwide for the Wii's immensely popular successor, the Nintendo Wii Too, blowing all of our collective minds with its flawless combination of the inviting and memorable atmosphere of the first entry in the series with the incredible 3D platforming of its immediate predecessor. But let's be honest, we've all seen Super Mario Galaxy 3 at the top of enough "Greatest Games of All Time" listicles by now. Today we're going to take a much more focused look at just one element which helped to make Galaxy 3 one of the greatest 3D platformers of all time, and one which hardly warrants such a lengthy introduction: the Salt Mushroom!
This item first appears somewhat late in the game, in the Briny Mine Galaxy mission Salt Mario Finds the Cure. You land on a small planetoid with some Gearmos who explain to you that the mine's been overrun with weird monsters! With a boost from a Launch Star, you propel yourself into a pipe, which takes you straight into the depths of the Briny Mine itself.
Sure enough, there's weird monsters all over the place! Excargot, to be precise! These heavily armored, tank-treaded snail creatures try to charge at Mario, leaving trails of slippery slime everywhere! But jump out of the way, and they'll go flying into the wall, causing the shell-like armor on their backs to shutter open, exposing the slimy pink skin inside. What's that? Why haven't I included an image of Excargot, an extraordinarily weird Mario enemy? Well, I mean, we've all seen it. It would be pretty redundant to show a picture, then, wouldn't it? Hm? Now you want to know why I've explained everything in such gratuitous detail thus far? I think you need to keep your voice down.
Anyway, if you try to attack this glaring weak spot with a stomp or a spin, Mario simply bounces off! Clearly, a power-up is in order. Collect the nearby ? Coin to summon the Salt Mushroom, and collect it to become...
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Salt Mario!!! With his newfound powers of star-spin-propelled salt-flinging, Mario can handily defeat the Excargot, and even walk with ease across their slime (and even across ice later on in the ever-iconic Slick Street Galaxy). But that's not all! The more time Mario spends as Salt Mario, the more his Hydration Meter decreases! His movement gradually becomes more sluggish, his jump height becoming shorter and weaker, all the while delivering his voice lines with that trademark Salt Mario hoarseness, and loudly rasping his parched lips when left idle, desperately pleading for water.
Of course, we all know that there is no water anywhere in the two levels where the Salt Mushroom is found, and we all know the grisly fate that awaits our plucky plumber when his Hydration Meter finally runs out. We've all seen it! Dozens of times! Hundreds, even! I think I speak for everyone when I say I could watch it happen forever and ever, and never stop laughing!
Needless to say, Salt Mario was a huge hit with fans, and Miyamoto has even cited the Salt Mushroom as his all-time favorite power-up. Some could say the Salt Mushroom has eclipsed even Mario himself in popularity, and many consider it to be the new face of the franchise! I mean, it's a hard claim to deny when we're three entries deep in the Salt Mushroom Rally series (yes, I'm counting Salt Mushroom Rally: Alkaline Abscondence as a discrete title from Salt Mushroom Rally: Alkaline Abscondence Deluxe, I'm not arguing with you about this). And with that, much like Mario's Hydration Meter, my material has finally run dry. You know what Mario would say in this situation? Of course you do! Say it with me, everybody! "HHHHHKKH, KHKKHHHHHHHHH, HHHHKKKKHKK!!!"
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neoarchipelago · 11 months
Hello, I don't know if you're taking requests but I loved your bunny and werewolf price fic. Could you maybe do werewolf könig and bunny reader? 👉🏾👈🏾 I'd love you forever. Thank you!
A/N: I'm just... Going to... Scouch over here.. shh...We've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty... JK, loved writing this. As always this was supposed to be a simple one shot but my mind keeps trying to write full fucking series so this is long... My bad. Did not proof read, too excited to share it with you
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Kinda Sub!Konig, cuz the thought of a whiny whimpering mess of this man is just... Damn...
Sleep token - Alkaline
I know I am what I am, the mouth of the wolf the eyes of the lamb.
Konig integration to squad 141 had been quite stressful. As a lone wolf, entering a team, entirely constituted by a pack of wolves, he had been anxious. Fortunately, Price and the others had been kind, and after the first few days of weariness, especially from Ghost who clawed to his mate Soap like a demon hungry for a soul, he had settled in. When he realized Konig had no interest in him, he had calmed down, though Konig tried to remain a good few steps away from Soap through discussions. 
So after six months, Konig could say he was part of the team. He felt quite at home. Price as the leader of the group seemed to put him at ease, his usual lone wolf demeanor kept in check. He had been thrilled to see that Price had found a mate, after coming back from a long solo mission. Konig had remained respectfully away as well, making sure that the remaining mating frenzy of Price wouldn't overspill. 
No, what he hadn't expected, was that with her being part of the pack, she'd introduce you. A dear friend who just transferred from another base. They sat in the common room, everyone laughing and eating snacks. 
Konig sat beside you, the big man towering you. You threw a few glances at him once in a while, glances that he could feel on him. He tried to glance at you once in a while too. He was having a hard time focusing on the current conversation. You… smelt so sweet. He wondered how you'd taste- Konig's eyes widened. No! What was that? 
"Konig?" Price called. 
Konig snapped his head towards the captain, blinking. 
"Are you alright?" He asked, a glint of something in his eyes. 
"Ah, ja! I'm alright" he quickly answered, German accent tainting his voice. He rubbed the back of his neck, an awkward laugh past his lips. 
That had been the first distraction. After a good week of settling in, where he had watched from far away, sniffing a few times your scent that made him want to pop out his tail and frantically wag it. So he had tried to simply step back. He was acting like a pup in rut, and it simply wouldn't do. 
He walked into the empty common area as he closed his eyes and sighed. It took a fraction of a second to have your delicious scent ensnare him. He immediately looked at you as you sat on one of the couches, book in hand. You had glanced up and he nodded curtly at you before going to grab a cold drink from the fridge. 
He froze, eyes staring inside of the open fridge. You had called him. By his name. His ears almost popped out at the sound of you standing from the couch and stepping closer to him. He immediately straightened himself once he could feel you close enough. You looked up at him, arms crossed. 
"Konig…" you repeated. 
"Yes liebling?" He blushed under his hood at the pet name that had rushed through his mouth quicker than through his brain. 
"I.. why…" you tried to find your words. He closed the fridge, fully turning to you. "Did I do something wrong?" 
He blinked. 
"Bitte?" You frowned, confused at the foreign language. 
He noticed. Chuckling a bit. 
"I.. you didn't do anything…" he answered finally. 
"But. You've been avoiding me… is it… that you don't like me?" You tried again. 
His beautiful blue eyes widened. How could he possibly tell you that he was avoiding you because your scent made him want to cuddle with you as you pet him. 
"N..no… I'm sorry. I've been… distracted. You're okay.." he reassured. 
You seemed to relax, throwing a soft smile at him before turning back towards the couch. He watched closely how you rolled into yourself, your legs underneath you and you picked up your book. He had a hard time thinking. The lingering scent of you, the sight of you adorably sitting on the couch. He had to shake his head to bring himself back to reality. He picked up a cold drink before taking a long sip. 
So, after that. He went back to talking to you. He'd love to walk beside you, watching your small frame by his side as your voice blessed his ears. Oh god he loved it. It quickly became obvious that you two were close. Sometimes you'd even slip into his dorm to watch a movie with him or simply read on his bed as he worked on a report. It felt odd to watch him, sweatpants and t-shirt. Your eyes wandered to the bulge in his pants before quickly looking away, embarrassed. 
After a good two months you were almost inseparable. If someone needed one of you they knew they'd simply had to find the other. Konig had grown fond of you. You had both gotten more touchy. You'd hug him often and cuddle while watching movies. You had fallen asleep in his arms a few times in his bed, Price scolding the both of you, calling you both an HR nightmare. It didn't stop you from sneaking into his room. Konig had first been hesitant, refusing to put you in trouble but nothing a little nuzzling couldn't convince. 
The first time you had popped out your black dotted ears and fluffy white tail Konig had almost looked at you through a trance. 
"K-konig?" You worried. His pupils had dilated as he watched closely your ears twitch. His eyes quickly wrinkled, a huge smile forming underneath the hood as he begged to touch them and pet them. You had complied and he had absolutely been addicted to the softness and smallness. It made you giggle. You often found yourself letting them show as much as you could in the privacy of his dorm. 
Him, however, it had been a slip of control. You were both on the bed, a movie on the background as you wrestled for the last chocolate bar. He could easily take it, but he found the way your small hands touched him and his large ones roamed your body was too tempting. He has ended in between your legs, hovering you as he tickled you, your laughter filling his ears. You had started kicking away, trying to turn and roll away, but in a synchronized movement your hips and his met, his obvious large member grinding against your clit perfecty. 
A startled moan had escaped your lips. Your hands rushed to cover your mouth as you looked up at the mountain of a man with wide eyes. You were both frozen, eyes staring into each other's, just your quickened breaths. You had blinked before realizing two things poking at his hood. You had relaxed, curiosity taking control as one of your hands rested flat on your chest and the other reached up. 
It had the effect of a cold shower for Konig as he instinctively grabbed your wrist before your fingers could think of the touch. You had yelped from the strength of his grip. His eyes flashed dangerously, red shine in them, something rare even for a werewolf. He eyed you like a prey before rolling his hips against you again, making you whine before biting your lip. 
"Konig…" you called. 
It seemed to make things worse as he rolled his hips again, grinding slightly now, is cock only hardening. Your legs tightened around his waist as you tried not to moan. No.. he had to snap out of it. You felt the fur of his tail at your feet. 
"K..Konig, snap out of it!" You called, louder. 
His tail wagged at the sound of your voice. You weren't exactly scared. God you even felt the way your body warmed under his touch, your cunt growing wetter under his grip and the grinding. 
"Konig!" Your voice rang louder. 
This time, a growl that resembled a roar echoed in the hallway, making Konig blink. His eyes had immediately fallen back into their beautiful blue as he looked shocked by his own actions. He let go of you as if your skin was burning magma. Abruptly stood to take various steps back. 
"es tut mir wirklich leid…" he quickly spoke before exiting his room in a hurry. The smell of Price in the hallway was strong as you closed your eyes. 
Konig was furious at himself for letting himself lose control so much. He had scared you, he was sure. Price scolded him, growling in his voice that showed dominance, trying to reason with Konig. He had decided to avoid you for a while until a mission fell on the table. Fortunately you both knew that you could remain professional. Talking to each other for nothing more than missions briefings and gear Control. 
It was hell for him. And unbestowed to him, it was also hell for you. You wanted to reassure him that it was ok. He hadn't hurt you or scared you. That deep down you kinda wanted it too. It was simply… too soon. Perhaps the fact that you both avoided gazes and voices was what created the upcoming chaos. 
The battlefield was a dangerous place, but you were both used to it. No. What was not usual was how much Konig had his mind set on you. He kept gazing at you, making sure you were ok. It wasn't exactly compromising the mission. It was simply making his beast claw at the iron bars of its cage. 
"Konig, focus!" Ghost hissed at him. 
Konig frowned before turning his head forwards. Yes. He had to focus. Until you found yourselves in an empty building, just him and you. Until that enemy jumped on you, combat knife in hand, so close to your throat. It was pure instinct, sheer force that rushed through him. He had turned in a flash, throwing the man across the room. When the man's team arrived he lunged at them, claws and teeth ripping through skin and flesh. When every single one of them laid as corpses on the floor you gently spoke. 
"Konig… it's over." You called out. 
He had turned to you, remaining far away. He looked terrifying. Blood coating his maw and claws. Splatter tainting his fur. Your strong, frightening beast. You had raised your hands towards him to invite him closer to you as you still sat on the ground. He had closed the space to you, wrapping you in his arms as he lifted you into his lap. His deep low growl was constant, fear and rage making his heart pound in his ears. His beautiful blue eyes were gone, red irises fixated on you. 
His head had lowered to your neck where little droplets of blood lingered from the enemy's blade. Long licks against the wound made you shiver. 
"Konig.. I'm ok.. it's nothing, I promi- ah~" the end of your sentence was lost in a moan as he nibbled softly. A shock of electricity ran through your nervous system. He was so close. So close to marking you. 
He was lost again. But this was the fear of losing you. His mind wasn't set on marking you, you knew it. But that's all you had in mind. And you needed to hide it from him.
Thankfully the team arrived quickly after, founding the big beast holding you close in the middle of a massacre. Price had to coax him out into letting you go as you promised him you'd stay by his side for the rest of the time. You had the Intel in any way, all you needed was to evac. He had turned back but his eyes were still red, fangs still poking out. You had never left his side as Price and the team constantly kept an eye on him. 
Returning from the mission, Konig had been presented in front of Price and Laswell. He had been suspended for a few weeks, which he completely understood. He had remained with price after Laswell left. 
"I know you're close to her. But is there something more?" Price asked. 
Konig didn't answer, simply staring at the pen on Price's desk. 
"Konig." He called firmly. "Are you imprinting on her?" . 
Konig swallowed. Was he? No… he couldn't. You deserved better. So much better than just a monstrous beast like him. 
"It doesn't matter… I'm going to step back." Konig mumbled. 
Price sighed loudly. 
"If you imprinted on her, walking away isn't going to help at all." Price reminded. 
"I know. But as long as she's not imprinted on me, I'll be fine staying away." 
Price shook his head but the conversation ended. Konig had gotten up and left the base an hour later. 
You were furious when you saw him from across the bar. It had been two weeks. No text, no calls, no nothing. You finally fell eye to eye in the middle of a team's night out. You had watched him stand from the booth when the boys walked towards it. You had stopped in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do. You headed for the bar instead, sitting on a stool. 
Price had noticed the hurt in Konig's eyes immediately. He wanted to smack the large man for being so stubborn. He was scared to hurt you, yes. Price had been scared to hurt his mate too. But sometimes it is so much worse to stay away. 
The night went on as smoothly as it could. Konig kept throwing glances at you at the bar where you sat with Price's mate, your friend. 
"Konig, just go see her mate," Gaz said. 
Konig looked at the men sitting before shaking his head. 
"You're so stubborn." Ghost added. 
"You should listen to them…" Price's mate said as she approached the booth, closer to her man. "Before another tries to mark her…" she finished. 
Konig's head snapped towards where you sat. A boy was talking to you, smaller than him. He was about to stand when Ghost and Price pushed him back down. 
"Calm yourself down." Price's eyes flashed yellow. 
Konig realized his eyes were back to their hunting shade, fangs grazing at his lip. He was losing control again. 
"She's not yours." Ghost added. 
Price glared at Ghost as Konig instantly pushed past the both of them to walk towards you. 
You noticed the chaos arriving from the corner of your eyes. Konig striding towards you as Price and Ghost tried to catch up with him. You could see the red shiny eyes under the hood. Shit…
You took a step back from the man who was trying to find his friend in the same bar. Konig stood next to you in a flash, his hand, a hint of claws, gripping at the back of your shirt. 
"Konig." You warned. 
His bright eyes fell on you. You felt yourself crumble under the predatory gaze. God did you feel warmer all of a second. 
"Sorry.. I… was just looking for…" the boy stuttered. You put your hands on Konig's chest. 
"It's fine. Your friend is in the bathroom, went there a few minutes ago." You told him, the man nodding before walking away. 
You turned to Konig, crossing your arms. 
"What are you doing?" You asked with a frown. 
"Why were you talking with him?" He asked, soft growls behind his words. 
Price and Ghost remained far enough to not listen to you two but close enough to intervene. 
"He asked me a question." You glared. "What's it with you who I talk to anyway?" You snapped. 
"Y/N.." he started. 
"You left. Why do you care?" You snapped again. 
Price shook his head, knowing exactly where this was going. 
Underneath his hood, Konig clenched his jaw. God he wanted to show you. Make you understand how much he cared, how much you meant to him. How unbearable it had been to be away from you, how he only came tonight because he knew you'd be here too. 
"You know what. Whatever. I'm going home captain." You said, grabbing your coat before walking away. 
When you walked through the door, Gaz stood behind Konig. 
"Konig, I swear to God if you don't ask her out I fucking will." 
Konig glares at him before something in his mind clicks. Images of you in someone else's arms, kissing another's lips. Letting another's cock- 
He rushed past the boys, hoping to catch up to you. As soon as the air of the night hit him he looked around, seeing you on your phone, probably calling for a cab. He walked to his car, jumping inside, speeding to stop in front of you with a screech. 
"Get in the car." He ordered through the open passenger window. 
You frowned, crossing your arms again. You were going to say something, brat at him, but he purposely growled softly. 
"Don't make me step out of the car to bring you in." He warned, German dripping in his voice. 
You swallowed, something about that growl making you shiver delightfully. Konig was a sweetheart. He'd cuddle and pamper you with anything you need, anytime. But this part of him. The one he let out on the battlefield, it made something kneel deep in you. 
You rolled your eyes, pushing the car door open before sitting in. Konig lunged forward grabbing your seat belt and putting it on, tightly pulling on it to make sure it was secure. It made your heart skip a beat. That, and the way he raced away towards your place. 
"Konig. What are you doing?" You scolded again. 
"I'm taking you back to your house." He stated. 
"Why? What if I wanted to go somewhere else?" You crossed your arms. 
He took a deep breath, hand slightly shaking on the steering wheel. 
"We need to talk." He said, keeping his voice steady. You remained silent, waiting for him to continue. 
"I.. Scheiße…" he cursed. 
"Konig. Pull over…" you asked softly. He obeyed, the car coming to a stop, as he killed the engine. 
"I… care. For you." He tried. You felt your heart swell at his words.
"Why did you leave…" you asked in a low voice, hurt lacing the sound. 
"I… was out of control. I got, suspended. I thought that, maybe, walking away would be better. You. Deserve better…" the last words lost in whispers. 
"I wasn't scared." You stated, Konig's head turning to you in shock. "I know you'd never hurt me. Ever." You turned to him with a smile. 
"Never." He growled. 
You smiled. 
"Do you… will you let me… court you… liebling?" He asked, looking away. 
"That's all I want Konig…" you answered, relief washing over you. 
A second later, two things poked under his hood, making you crack a chuckle. 
"Gottverdammt…" he mumbled. 
You chuckled again, leaning towards him. He kept his eyes on you as your hand rose to his head. Your fingertips touched his ears underneath the fabric as they twitched, Konig whining a bit. You smiled, not pushing further. 
"Let's go…" you said softly. 
The thrilling sensation of finally being able to take you out on dates and cuddle with you non stop made Konig giddy. After that night, he went to Price, asking him for advice on how to keep control with you next to him. Price had been a mix of happiness that you two were finally letting yourself go for it, and worried because he knew trouble would be brewing. Something along the lines of a Soap-Ghost, was about to start again. 
You were on cloud nine, it was amazing to be able to have Konig back next to you, finally letting himself show you how much he cared. At first he had refused too much physical contact. After a little while, he started with the small touches, hugs and cuddles. Something Price told him must have made something click in his brain, he was now much more controlled when you spoke. A simple 'stop', even lighthearted, made him freeze and step back. It almost made you miss the beast. 
You'd also spend a lot more time with the group, now taking your rightful place on Konig's lap as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Price and Ghost still eyeing Konig once in a while. If there's one thing that they noticed, it was the dark looks sent to Gaz when he sat slightly too close to you, or joked around too much. Something about the comment he made in the bar must have stuck to Konig. 
And it was true. Konig felt a ping of jealousy and possessiveness every single time Gaz looked at you or smiled… 
You were oblivious. You hadn't heard the comment. It was probably not true either. Gaz probably said that to make Konig realize how much he needed you, but the words kept circling in mind every time he was in the same room as you. 
And it had poisoned his mind. He'd cling more to you as time passed. He'd find himself nibbling at your neck without even realizing before you called out to him. He noticed the way your cheeks flushed a delightful pink. He tried to stop his painful erection every time. Too soon. He didn't have enough control on his wolf. Not with you. 
In the middle of that mess, you felt safer letting your tail and ears out. Only accentuating his fixation on you. He had also let his ears and tail out a lot more. You were so happy every time and he'd let you pet his ears, making his tail wag. He wasn't ashamed anymore. He'd be your perfect little puppy if that's what you wanted. 
Until it happened. After a very long and annoying two day field training with new recruits, Konig had walked into the common rooms, grumbling. The sweet scent of you immediately relaxing his tense shoulders. When he looked up he froze. The instincts and reaction was on the spot. His eyes flashing red at the scene before him. The way Gaz hovered over your shoulder, looking at the file on your lap. His mouth was so close to your neck. You could probably feel his breath on your skin. 
The growl erupting from his chest wasn't controlled. And it immediately caught your attention and Gaz's one. The boy took a step back immediately, hand raising in the air as surrender. You stood, skipping to Konig. 
"Konig…" you called softly. 
His gloved hand tangled in your hair, pulling softly as he nuzzled your neck, eyes glaring at Gaz. Gaz simply looked away. You decided to avoid the storm brewing by pulling Konig with you into the hallway straight towards his room. Cuddles would help calm him down. The door almost slammed shut behind the two of you. It made you shiver and bite your lip as you turned towards Konig. His hands met your waist, pulling you up before slowly bringing you down on the bed. 
You giggled, watching him pull off his hood. His beautiful face made you warm up. It had been a couple of weeks now that he felt comfortable enough to take off the mask and reveal himself to you. 
"Why was he so close to you… did he touch you?" He growled against the skin of your collarbone. You stifled a moan. 
"Of course not… Konig… he wouldn't dare… he knows I'm yours.." you reassured. 
"Not… fully…" he mumbled. 
You blinked, heat rushing through your body. 
"K-konig…" you stuttered. 
He rose from the bed, pulling you up to sit as he brought you to the edge. You watched in awe as he kneeled in front of you. 
"Bitte liebling…" he whined, hands on your ankle as his teeth grazed the skin of your thighs. Your stomach twisted at the sight, feverish shiver and wetness pooling in between your legs. The bunny in you wanted nothing more than to offer itself to his beast. 
"Let me.. mark you. Bitte…" he looked up, blue begging eyes. "Ich bitte…" 
You inhaled a sharp breath, hand meeting both sides of his face as your thumbs caressed the skin, soft stumble underneath your fingertips.
"Yes…" you whispered in a breath. 
His eyes lit up, red flashing at you as he rose to his feet to pull you back up on the bed again, taking his place in between your legs. 
"Are you sure schatz? I… I'm not… I…" he looked anxious for a second, the fear of losing control and hurting still lingered underneath the scorching need to have you. 
"Yes Konig… you're all I want… I need you to mark me…" you whined. 
His hand hid your eyes, making you gasp. You felt the way he transitioned, claws and fur now tickling your soft skin. It made the bunny react, tail and ears popping out. He removed his hand, letting you see his enormous frame. God he was large in human form, but the sheer size of him as a wolf was terrifying. 
You dropped a soft kiss on his maw, your ears plastering back. He whined, licking at your cheek, jaw, avoiding your neck to go for your collarbone. 
"Can… I..?" He asked, how voice graveled and claws pulling at your clothes. 
"Of course…" you giggled. 
The fabric tore to shreds, as he whined and his tail wagged frantically. You felt yourself burn. The mating frenzy overrides anything else in your mind. He lapped at your skin, traveling to your legs, thighs. He softly bit the plush flesh, not drawing blood but earning a gasp from you. He used his large maw and head to spread your legs, giving him access to your aching core. 
"K..Konig…" you begged. 
He licked softly at your cunt, not applying enough pressure to dip in your folds. 
"Konig!" You scolded, impatient. 
He obeyed, tongue pushing past your lips to lick at your wetness and lapping at your clit. 
The moan of relief and pleasure that escaped your lips made Konig's erection react, cock twitching.
His tongue didn't hesitate pushing at your entrance, making sure to stretch you slightly as you squirm underneath his large hands. He could break you. And the thought made you open your legs wider for him. You were already so close to your orgasm. He could smell it in your scent, feel it in the tremble of your body. His tail wagged happily, the thought of you cumming from his tongue making him feel proud and thrilled. Your hand dived down to his head, grabbing at the fur in between his ears as his ears fell back. He whined, tail now slamming on the bed as he wagged. 
Your breath quickened as you felt yourself so close to the edge. One last long lick made you throw your head back, a loud moan erupting from your throat. 
Konig let out something in between a growl and a whine against your squeezing count that made you jolt through your pleasure. He didn't stop, lapping greedily. You giggled in between moans and gasps. 
He finally stopped, straightening himself to hover over you. He still happily wagged his tail, his ears back as he licked his maw. You blushed and smiled as your hands met the sides of his neck. 
"Good boy…" you let out. 
He whined again, this time grinding his hips forwards as his hardened cock rubbed against your clit. You moaned. He was big. God… so large. He looked down at you, awaiting your orders, trying to hold himself from ravishing you. You rolled your hips against him, the friction making him pant. 
"Bitte schatz… bitte bitte bitte…" he whined. 
You bit your lip, nodding. 
"How… Do you want me?" You asked, unsure of which position would be best. 
"On your tummy…" he growled against your cheek, nuzzling you. 
You giggled again, rolling over. He licked at your back, small bites at your tail and ears before his hand snaked underneath your hips to pull you up to your knees. 
He looked down, his tip at your entrance, making sure to coat himself. He pulled away, opening his maw to let his drool fall on top of his member and your ass, watching it drip down to your entrance as your skin filled with goosebumps. When he finally put himself at your entrance, tip just slowly probing at the entrance he froze, waiting for you. 
"You choose… take your time…" he said, one hand bracing himself, the other on your hip. 
You wiggled your hips, his member in between your folds. When you felt yourself unable to resist any longer, you pushed back slightly, hit tip dipping into you as you gasped closing your eyes. You took your time, small movements forwards and backwards to ease himself into you, each inch only stretching you further. Konig whimpered above you, his hips trying their best to remain still and to not buck into you, his claws ripping at the bedsheets next to your head. You lowered your front, hips up and back arching to take him better. 
He finally bottomed out, you closed eyes, your lungs trying to keep up with your blood flow. When you finally felt yourself adjusted enough, you bucked back into Konig, a whine escaping him. 
"Please… Konig…" you whined as well. 
He struggled to fight himself, hips pulling back slowly before pushing forwards to dive into your drenched pussy again. You could feel how hard he was holding back. 
"Konig… please…" you urged. 
He allowed himself to slam himself slightly harder into you, making you moan loudly. He increased his pace, hips slamming into yours, the bed shaking. His hand underneath your front, right in between your breast, his hand clenching at the sheets right underneath your face. 
"Bite… if .. you need to…" Konig tried through moans and whimpers. His other arms were firmly wrapped underneath your hips so he had better access to you. You could feel yourself clench around him, count filling so full, Tip hitting your cervix in a mix of pain and pleasure. You felt the familiar coil in the pit of your stomach ready to burst. You glanced to the side, eyes catching a divine view. There in the mirror, you could see you, sprawled forwards on the bed in Konig's strong grip as his hips slammed into yours, his ears back and tail curled against his legs as drool fell from his maw, eyes flashing in between red and blue as he looked drunk from the mating fuck. 
It made you burst, eyes closing shut as you crumbled in his arms, orgasm washing over you again. 
"Oh… good… so verdammt gut…"  he moaned in your ear. 
You felt the tears burn your eyes, overstimulation ensnaring your senses. Your ears barely picked up the sound of a worried Price calling for Konig at the door. Barely picked up on the ear piercing growl Konig produced as an answer. A deadly warning that if one of them dare to enter to interrupt his marking and nearly fucking breeding he'd tear them apart. He was too lost to care. Fuck the rest, it was you. Your scent, your pretty moans of his name, the smell of your salty tears and the way your perfect pussy squeezed him. 
You didn't hear Price ask the rest of the team to evacuate the rest of the building. Cursing that this was the second time this year and Laswell was going to yell. No. The feeling of Konig pounding you mercilessly was making you lose all sense of reality. The next orgasm creeped up on you, almost painful blurring your vision and making your ears ring. Everytime you could feel him wag his tail, almost beeping with joy that you were cumming around his cock, just for him. 
You were drooling yourself, the sound of him whimpering and moaning your name telling you he was close. He was going to mark you, the thought made your pussy clench tightly around him. His hips faltered, pounding your mercilessly. 
"Please… bitte bitte… ich bitte… can I cum… pleasepleaseplease…" he whimpered against your neck. 
You cried out a yes in between hiccups as he slammed roughly into you now. If he wasn't holding you firmly by the waist you wouldn't have kept in place. Your orgasm was nearing, creeping again around the corner as Konig panted loudly, cock burying itself so deep in you, you almost felt him in your belly. You chanted his name, both of you ready to release as he lunged forwards, teeth sinking into your neck painfully as you both came. You felt yourself lose focus, the world spinning around you at the force of your pleasure, only doubled by the marking. 
His hips bucked into you a few more times as he licked at the blood on your neck. You didn't register him pulling you with him to lay on your side. On the way he wrapped a blanket around you, more than him. He cuddled you tightly to him, cock still buried deep inside you. He whispered and mumbled nonsense German in your neck that only made you smile. You felt yourself drift off to sleep as the last thing you heard from Konig roared through your whole body. 
In the morning you didn't get up. You had tried but your aching muscles and the soreness made you unable to stand. Konig apologized profusely. He had gone back for a few rounds again during the night, having you mewling for him. You were so full of his cum your thighs could feel the stickiness and wetness in between them. You felt like he had gone through the mating and the feeling of breeding you all together. 
He had been absolutely adorable for the entire day, bringing you snacks and drinks, cuddling with you. Price had made sure that everyone avoided the common rooms and dorms, letting the freezing come to a stop while he dealt with angry HR's breathing down his neck. 
But you couldn't care less. As you laid down in konig's arms, his piercing blue eyes looking down at you full of love you couldn't care less about the rest of the world. 
"Konig…" you whispered. 
He hummed happily, eyes squinting. 
"I love you…" you let out in a breath. His eyes widened in shock before he hugged you tighter. 
"Oh liebling… I love you…" 
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sugaruapologist · 4 months
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 ‧₊˚ ⋅ jupi ・23 ・he/THEY/she ・geto brainrot ・nsfw 18+ content ・writer・ aot ・ jjk・ ff7r・ zelda  ‧₊˚ ⋅
> LOADING .  .  .
> MASTERLIST (mobile)
> TAGS (mobile)
> AO3
recent work: alkaline - chapter one: something changes [nsfw] [[ao3]]
previous work: spider’s eyes ft. tseng [nsfw] [[ao3]]
working on: 
> alkaline - multichapter roommate!geto fic [1 chpt]
> chapter one
> bad decisions - geto x reader mission smut [drafting]
> hedonist - geto fwb smut [drafting]
> romance - choso smut [draft]
> untitled - pt 2 of spiders eyes tseng smut [drafting]
> Finding God Before God Finds Me - 3 part angsty SatoSugu series (based on Bad Omens album) [draft]
asks and requests: open
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RULES: no translating, no plagiarism, no modifying. anyone can message me via ask box, tumblr dm, and twitter dm. 
must ask to be on taglist for fics and drabbles ♡
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
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2nd part of the recommendation list from my fav fics! (i had to split in two because tumblr was being a nightmare) have it in mind that they can either be on tumblr or ao3.
the (+) means it has a smut masterlists: [0.1] [0.2]
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━━ OBX 
↬ little village by @thegreatestofheck (jj x routhledge!oc) 
best thing that's ever happened to me.
↬ whipped by @ptersparkers (jj x reader) 
↬ wake by @obxsummer (jj x reader) 
↬ aftermath by @maybaenk (jj x reader) 
↬ once a cheater... by @sl-ut (s.cameron x fem!kook!reader; t.thornton x platonic!reader) 
↬ lucky by @↑ (k.carrera x f!reader) 
↬ two of the same by @jjmaybud (k.carrera x f!reader) 
i, too, want to get married with kiara carrera.
↬ skin by @↑ (p.heyward x reader) 
↬ kie loves you... but you're not hers by @infictionalwonderland (k.carrera x f!reader; jj x f!reader)  
↬ angels like you by @cryonme (p.heyward x reader) 
↬ the 7 times he realises he loves you by @fandomtravels (I can't tag this acc :/ it's glitching) (r.cameron x reader) 
━━ MCU 
↬ one heart by @ichorai (tasm!single parent!p.parker x single parent! x reader) (major angst!) 
ok so I stumbled upon this while I was in class and I was bored so I thought let's give it a go until I get to go home. terrible idea because I was holding my cries, can you believe it? this fic stole my heart and it's so well-written, I don't think there's anything like it, it talks about loss and grieving in the most realistic way possible, I almost felt inserted into the story. plz go read it it will be so worth it.
↬ on thin ice by @leahsficemporium (peter parker x reader)
learning how to skate with peter &lt;3
↬ like slow-slipping redemption by artist_artists (ao3) (tasm!p.parker × male mj) 
I don't understand how this one doesn't have more recognition. I was craving for a bi!peter fic and I found it's the best piece of work I've read, it played with my emotions and left me of the edge of my seat. it's set on a post-no way home universe and it features tasm!peter x male mj. it's a happy ending!!! plus it's not long, only 3 chapters.
↬ getting old by @kiss-inthekitchen (husband!tasm!p.parker x reader)  
↬ peter parker can't flirt by @curseofaphrodite (tasm!p.parker x marauder!reader)
it's a crossover btw marauders era + the amazing spiderman universe.
━━ TVD/T.O 
↬ apotheosis by atriums (klaus mikaelson x reader) 
it's finished and it has a sequel called alkaline.
↬ familia supra omnia by IAMiniquity (poly!mikaelsons x oc) (currently being updated) 
the best thing I've read in the originals universe, spent less than month reading it and I keep craving for more.
↬ treading on thin ice by @fitzs-trained-monkey (kol mikaelson x reader)
they write the best kol fics istg.  
↬ wasteland, baby! by trustsalvatore (kol mikaelson x oc) 
incomplete since 2020 :(((
↬ coming home by @acourtofwhatthefuck (azriel x reader) (series)
━━ MISC 
↬ troublemaker by @itsapeterthing (druig x avenger!reader)  
I will tell you one thing: I wasn't into a court of thorns and roses until I stumbled upon this one. yk when the writing grips you and chains you in a way that you can't leave? that's what happened to me. I was so addicted I read this whole series in three days at most. then I proceeded to read all of their work, you should do the same, you won't regret it it's so good. 
↬ resident healer by @15-dogs (newt scamander x reader)  
↬ no one knows by @pillow-titties (billy russo x reader) +
↬ no one knows p.2 by @↑ + 
↬ by your side by @alaynes-writings (paul atreides x reader)  
↬ stormy nights by @marvelmusing (aleksander mozorova x reader)  
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itskattkm · 11 months
New York New Rules Pt. 4
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Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut, mental health, blood
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Sorry for bad writing. I'm using a translator and hope you guys can enjoy it. Also, this is going to be a slow burn
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
I'm 11 minutes away and I have missed you all day
I'm 11 minutes away, so why aren't you here?
I think I missed you callin' on the other line
I'm just thinkin' all these thoughts up in my mind
Talkin' love but I can't even read the signs
I would sell my soul for a bit more time
You stain all on my body like you're red wine
You're the fuckin' acid to my alkaline
Stupid. Frail. Perplexed. Fearful. Offensive. Sharp and Hurt
„Y/N you rather feel nothing again" I said to myself as I stared at the ceiling of my room. I've probably been lying here for 15 minutes because 11 minutes ran at least three times in a row. In fact, this was one of my favorite songs. But why actually? I know that I have a feeling for the darkness. But why were pain and suffering so self-evident for me? No matter which movie I watched or which series. My darling was always the villain.
There are really people who just hate them because they have the title of villain. But why are they trying not to understand? What about Katherinen Pierce from the Vampire Diaries? This woman suffered and that only because she wanted to be loved and loved? She lost her family. Her child and was hunted for centuries. The man she loved hated her and didn't believe that the love between them was real. Maleficent... rejected and hunted because she was different? Kylo Ren, Star Wars... who let a big wait on his shoulders... not to forget that Luke wanted to kill him. Wanda Maximof... one of my favorites. What was wrong with creating your own world in which you could be happy? Especially if you had lost everything you had left.
Was I the evil one? Did I want to be the bad one? Sometimes I'm not sure but the feeling I felt when Tara looked at me and asked where I was during the attack... I won't forget this so quickly because at that moment I felt like one of the bad guys. But I also felt misunderstood.
Did Tara hate me? How did Tara think about me in general? Since I've been friends with Mindy, I've met her maybe five times. And we didn't talk much to each other. Most of the time our conversations were about the university. I tried to get closer to her. However, I always had the feeling that I was always failing with her. One second I thought I had full self-confidence but then a look into Tara's eyes and my brain shuts down. I had really never felt something like that before. Especially not towards a woman.
I always stayed away from relationships or physical contacts. As soon as it went in this direction, I always pulled back and hid in my bubble. However, there were days when I would have liked to go to the next bar with my dirty thoughts and have been looking for someone for a hot night.
But as I had analyzed myself so far and with the help of Dr. Stone, I knew what my problem was.
The music in my headphones stopped. I looked at my cell phone and saw that my alarm clock that I had set after talking to Sam was now active.
Should I? Shouldn't I?
"Fuck it," I said to myself and made my way to the Blackmoore. I would prove to them all that I am not Ghostface and if they do not meet me then I will also permanently delete these people from my life.
Slowly I played with the ring on my finger. It wasn't special. I didn't like fancy jewelry either. But this ring carried good memories with it and that's why I always wore it with me. When I saw the carpenters and their friends in front of the Blackmoore, I hesitated slightly. Everyone was sitting on the benches of the university and Mindy seemed to be holding a monologue. She was the only one standing in front of them and gestured around like crazy with her hands.
"Why am I doing this to myself?" I asked myself desperately and approached the group. Drier than I thought, I said "hi" when I entered the inner circle and drew all attention to me. There was a free place next to Quinn, so I sat down with her just as she opened her mouth but Tara was faster and said "you came?" I avoided her gaze and looked coolly at Mindy who looked at me with pinched eyes " Y/N Perfect timing..."
Mindy went to explain the rules and that we were in a franchise. I really famous myself to listen to her, but the voice in my head was too loud.
Don't look at Tara. You must never look her in the eyes again. Is she looking at you? Are the others watching you? Do the others know what happened at the police station? Do they know about my state of health? Did they thought I was Ghostface?
"Am I gonna die a virgin?"
Wait a minute? My full attention was back. I looked at Ethan and then at Mindy.
"Weird overshare but that brings us to our current suspects. Ethan! A shy dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky"
So I wasn't the only suspect? I felt a slight feeling of relief.
" Quinn! The sexy sluty roommate"
Quinn looked at Mindy slightly irritated
"Sex positive but thanks?"
"How did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" She asked but Sam answers "we put an anonymous ad online"
And Tara replied "and her dad is a cop"
Mindy took a step towards Tara and said in an aggressive tone "and that makes it more likely that she is the killer because having a cop that is a great cover! Do you not remember how this movies work Tara?!"
Now Mindy gave everything. That reminded me too well of the many discussions we had about movies. Then Mindy even suspected her own girlfriend. Like wow… this whole thing was really serious.
"Never Trust the Love interest..." she said coolly and her look was serious. Suddenly there was a tension in the group. That sounded pretty deep... I mean in the first stab film it was also the love interest, among other things.
"Y/N!" Mindy called and smiled at me dirty. I sighed, pinched my eyes briefly and looked away from the group but Mindy came one step closer to me. "my dear friend Y/N... you are also new to our group," she began.
Did she say group? What did she mean by that? Was I part of the group?
"As your best friend, I know that you are going to therapy"
Oh no Mindy, please don't. Not again. Not again. Why me? Why?
"But you never told me why you are going to therapy... would you share the reason with us?" I avoided her eyes and looked nervously at the floor. My heart was beating so fast that I felt the pulse pounding in my ears. Again I played with the ring in my finger "Mindy she doesn't have to tell us anything..." said Tara after a short silent, low-key.
Surprised, I looked at her and our eyes met.
Relief. Relief? RELIEF!!! The first word that went through my head. Did Tara just defend me? Why had she done that? And there she was again. This gentle darkness, and the little white lights, like a light at the end of the tunnel that rested me to tell me here you are safe.
Stop it. I tore my eyes off her and stared at my ring. "okay then tell us at least where you were during the attack..." I looked at Mindy "home... and you are welcome to ask Maria when I entered the building and when I left it last. As I know her, she can even tell you the exact time" Mindy nodded in agreement to me, she knew Maria "okay. Good alibi. Nevertheless, you are suspicious. You don't like to socialize and maintain the good girl, reading books and sitting at home image"
Confused, I looked at Anika, was that something good or bad?
Anika said "that's not fair, if then we are all suspects, including you"
Mindy agreed with her and said to Sam "especially Sam" confused I looked to Sam, I had the feeling of not knowing something and because of the looks of the others I could see that I was right.
After that, I turned on the conversations of the others and tried to look at everyone unobtrusively. I started with Quinn. Quinn's emotions were neutral in order not to be completely present. Anika seemed very calm and attentive. Sam seemed tense. Chad hmmm I don't have to worry about him, he was fully focused on taking notes. I wanted to skip Tara and see Ethan directly, but our eyes met. Had she been watching me? After not even a second, I broke off the look of contact again by looking at my ring. Suddenly Quinn got up, then Anika moved to Mindy. The group disbanded.
"We have to stay together, that's the only way we are safe and can rule out who the killer is," said Mindy, "you could all come to us" said Sam and now also stood up.
Did she mean me with everyone, too? How exactly did they think of all this here now?
Confused, I asked her as if I hadn't even been present at Mindys Monologue "I don't… wait, I don't look through. What's the plan now?"
Chad replied when he got up "we're going to Sam and Tara... stay together... and try not to be killed" he didn't give me more information when he left. Chad, were you serious? Confused, I looked after the others when they were almost gone.
And then I suddenly noticed a person next to me. Before I could turn around, there was a hand on my right forearm. And then I was back in the tunnel... tried to get to the light. "Come to us tonight and we can tell you everything," Tara whispered to me, slowing down my nervous pulse. I could listen to her for hours when she talked to me like that. It was so reassuring. Warm. Pleasant. Right.
Her eyes fell on Sam when she nodded in agreement with Tara "maybe you can bring another pizza right away," she said and slightly raised the corners of her mouth. Tara pressed my arm slightly and looked at me at with bright eyes "by the way thank you for the pizza... after this hangover I needed it".
What was that feeling at once? Joy or nervousness? I had to smile unconsciously and nodded "special wishes?"
Tara snapped her finger and began to list different toppings and looked at Sam to see if she agreed with her "The main thing Jalapeños... registered" I said and stood up. "You have our address?" Sam asked again and I nodded in agreement. She raised the corners of her mouth again before putting her hands in her jacket and set off. Tara followed her.
Before my brain realized what my body was doing, I grabbed Tara's hand and hoped she would turn to me again
"Why did you help me earlier?"
And again this pure placid and sweetness to recognize in her face "what happened in the police station was just fucked up" we both had to laugh about her word choice and Tara's dimpels came to light.
Damn, how could Tara be so beautiful?
Okay, pull yourself together Y/N! How was that again with Tara? Never looking into the eyes again? Now I just wanted to sink into them and that even though I could never keep eye contact. Simp
"And I wouldn't want that either... if I imagined that someone would have done that to Sam..." she looked back briefly to the her. Sam stood a few meters away from us and waited for Tara "and see that as a leap of faith Y/L/N... don't spoil it" dryly I laughed and shook my head "I wouldn't even have a good motive" she squeezed my hand briefly.
Did we hold our hands all the time? How could I miss that? I mean... with this face you forget everything, she gave me a grin with sharp eyes and whispered "but there's always a motive" and then she disappeared.
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wyrm-in-a-closet · 7 months
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^reference if you need it
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formulawolff · 4 days
xii. the final verdict - t.w.
pairing: female!driver x toto wolff
word count: 3.3k
warnings: smutttttt, two idiots in love, YEARNING, LOTS OF YEARNING, lewis being a little shit, george is lowkey dumb sometimes, slightttttt use of daddy dom!kink, cursing, angst, poorly translated german, yadayadayada
prev. | next.
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night falls over the track, swathing it with a blanket of darkness. yet, three shadows make their way towards a crisp white building, a comfortable silence settling in. one of the figures carries a woman in his arms, her head nestled in his shoulder. 
“how are you able to carry her like that?”
“it’s not like she’s very heavy, george,” toto shrugs, motioning his head towards the door, “lewis, get the door for me, will you? it should be unlocked.”
“she leaves it unlocked?” lewis raises a brow, “that’s not very safe.”
“she usually leaves it unlocked this time of night,” toto huffs, “she probably did it out of habit.”
“is this the time you usually come over?” george inquires, propping the door open. 
“so many questions,” toto shakes his head, “and quiet down, will you?”
“yeah george,” lewis sticks a tongue out at his teammate, “the wittle baby is sweeping!” 
“she’s not a baby,” toto growls, strolling down that familiar hallway, “stay here for a minute. i’m going to get her in bed.”
“aye, aye, captain,” lewis salutes the team principal, “we’ll stay right here.”
as the team principal disappears behind her bedroom door, lewis shifts, turning to george, “george. he’s not falling in love. he loves that girl.”
“as if that wasn’t already obvious the second he scooped her up into his arms,” folding his arms across his chest, george surveyed the space, taking in the minimal decor and plain furniture, “no wonder she wants him over all the time. if i was basically living in a space like this, i would lose my mind.”
“should we help her decorate it?” lewis pauses, crossing over to the kitchenette. opening a few of the cupboards, a frown forms, “she doesn’t even have very many snacks. so much for making this a comfortable space. it’s not very homey.” 
“that’s what i was saying,” george mutters, “we should mention something to toto. maybe he’ll take her shopping.”
“maybe it’s a racing strategy? like she needs a blank space to clear her mind?” lewis inspects the fridge, lip curling in disgust, “to make things worse, she likes red bull!” 
“oh god,” george shudders, “throw it out! throw it–”
“what the fuck do you think you two are doing?”
the drivers freeze as toto stands before them, eyes narrowed into mere slits, the toe of his foot tapping against the floor. lewis glances over at george, the drivers sharing a panicked look as he clears his throat. 
“umm nothing!”
“right,” toto clicks his tongue, strolling towards the couch. he sits, letting out a shaky sigh as his head rolls back, fingers massaging his temples, “don’t worry. she has a shipment coming in soon with some decor. i ordered some things for the place. like you both said, i think she needs to make this a little more cozy.”
“you heard all of that?” lewis shifts uneasily, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“i heard everything,” toto tsks, “i think she’s okay. thank you both, for your help tonight. however, you do realize that she is a grown woman, right? you don’t have to play babysitter for me.”
“i was just a bit worried about you know?” lewis fiddles with a loose thread on his shirt, “i know she’s a grown adult, but i was just a bit nervous of what could have happened if she got too fucked up and said something she shouldn’t have.”
hmmm. lewis did have a point there. 
“i just wanted to make sure she got home safely,” george’s voice is low, “if she’s going to be my future teammate, i want to make sure she’s taking care of herself.”
at george’s statement, toto feels a smile form on his lips, “how kind of you, george. i appreciate that.”
“do you think she’ll sign with mercedes?” 
the inquiry is one that had been on toto’s mind frequently, more and more apparent as they got closer and closer to miami. now, it was all over. the lights on the track were shut off, the cleanup crew was well past finished, and the stands were completely empty. 
and toto needed an answer.
well, not now. not in her current state. 
he would have to wait until morning, when her mind was clear and senses alert. 
as of now, toto was only about seventy-five percent sure she would say yes. that she would depart from williams, take his hand, and follow him to mercedes. 
that twenty-five percent is what worried him. 
with the current momentum of williams, and the relationships she had established with the team, he knew it would be hard to leave. it would be hard to say goodbye to james, the one who believed in her, bringing her in when the other teams said no. it would be even more difficult to leave alex, as he was well aware of their sibling-like friendship. 
but the heart wants what it wants. right?
surely she would pick him. 
“i’m not sure,” toto murmurs, running a hand through his hair, “she has a lot of emotional attachment to williams.”
“but she loves you.” 
she loves you. 
at those words, a warm, cozy sensation rippled in his heart, sending waves of bliss crashing all over. yet, there was a twinge of disbelief. 
there was no way a woman like her loved a man like him.
a recently divorced father, who happened to be one of the busiest men on earth. he was constantly on the go. he was emotionally available at times, his exterior cold and brittle, like ice. he was too cruel. too matter-of-fact. the travel would be too much for her. she hated traveling, anyway. the jet lag, the sleepless flights, the perpetual feeling of not having a place to call home. 
yet, toto ached to know. to know when she said it. how she said it. the expression she bore as those words tumbled from those perfect lips. the way her voice sounded. he wanted to know every miniscule detail. 
he needed to know. 
“when did she say that?” 
“while we were waiting for the uber,” lewis’ eyes shine, glimmering with joy, “it was quite cute, actually. we were making fun of you, not really making fun, more like teasing. she got so defensive, telling us to quit it because she loved you. she said to not make fun of the man she loved.” 
“she was very adamant about it too,” george adds, his chuckle ringing through the space, “we asked her if she loved you, and she said ‘well of course i do. i love him. don’t tell him i said that, though.’”
“and you guys told me?” 
“i didn’t mean to,” lewis admits, “you just seem really distraught about the whole thing so i figured i would try to help ease your stress.”
well, that did the trick.
fighting a yawn, the team principal covers his mouth, “we can talk about it more tomorrow, after i come back. i’ll keep you two in the loop. don’t expect every detail, though.”
“i don’t think i want every detail,” george teases, yawning, “okay lew, i think it’s time for us to go. carmen is waiting on me.”
“have fun! don’t break your hips from–”
“lewis.” george hisses, “let’s go.”
“okay,” lewis rolls his eyes, “see you, toto.”
as the two drivers exit the motorhome, the door clicking shut, the team principal clambers to his feet. fuck, today was completely and utterly exhausting. yet, he could finally hold you in his arms. he could finally just be with you. 
that alone was worth the trouble brought by the series of events that transpired this evening. 
pushing open the door, toto melts at the sight of you. 
you were lying on your hip, one pillow underneath your head while you held onto the other. your knee was bent, the other leg sticking straight out. in the dim light he can make out the glisten of drool, strands of hair tousled, messy and unkempt. 
yet, you were as breathtaking as ever. 
luckily, toto was able to get your clothes off of you with ease. it wasn’t the method he preferred, but he was grateful to be able to do those little things. he was more than willing to do anything you needed. all you had to do was bat those pretty little lashes and pout. 
that was his weakness. 
and you knew it too.
well, you were his weakness. 
as he settles on the edge of the bed, pulling his joggers off, he reaches out, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. 
did you know much he adored you? did he make that clear enough? were you aware of how completely and utterly weak you made him? 
“hi baby,” you mumble, your eyes still shut, “i missed you.”
oh god. 
what were you doing to him?
“hallo, miene liebe,” toto whispers, “wie fühlst du dich?”
his heart swells at your response, a chuckle rumbling in his chest, “so you have picked up on a thing or two.”
“come here,” you whine, shifting your body towards the middle of the bed, “you’ve been yapping with lewis and george all nighttttt.”
“did you hear any of that conversation?” momentarily, panic sets in, yet dissolves as you shake your head. 
“i just woke up. i figured you were talking to them. i heard the front door shut.”
“ah,” toto climbs into the bed, wrapping his arms around your frame, bringing you close, “were they being loud?”
“no,” your voice is thick with sleep as you nestle into his collarbone, “thank you for coming and getting me, toto.”
“of course,” his mouth connects with your temple, placing tender kisses all over, “i’ll always come get you. call me, and i’ll be there.”
“i promise,” taking your hand, he locks your pinkies together, “i pinky promise.”
“i didn’t know old people made pinky promises.”
“it’s your fault,” toto tuts, yet you can feel him smile against your skin, “you make a mess out of me, you know that? every time you’re near me, i’m just a mess. i can’t think straight. i can’t focus on anything other than you.”
“well, you’re gonna be a complete and total mess all the time then.”
“and why’s that?” he squeezes your hand gently, resting his chin on the crown of your head. 
“because i’m accepting your offer. i’m going to sign with mercedes.”
in that moment, toto wolff nearly crumbles completely.
although there’s a fiery sureness in your tone, brimmed with authenticity, he knows in his heart that he shouldn’t be so sure. 
yet, as you doze off in his embrace, he can’t shake the complete and utter bliss. 
after one last kiss, his mouth hovers by your ear, the words so gentle, bursting with an emotion that could only be described as one thing. 
“ich liebe dich, mein goldenes mädchen." 
a fiery pain sears through your skull as you stir, groaning. 
“good morning, my little lightweight,” a voice, his voice, an octave lower than normal, rumbles from behind, “do you need some water and tylenol?”
rolling over, you bury your head into his chest, grateful for the traces of cologne clinging to his shirt, “yes.”
“how many? i can order breakfast too.”
“i wouldn’t go that far yet,” the idea of food has you nauseous for a moment, “i think snuggles would be just fine.”
throwing your leg over his waist, your arm hangs loosely around his rib-cage as he lets out a laugh, “i can’t help you feel better if you’re on top of me, schatzi. you have to let me get up.”
“five more minutes.”
“as you wish, my golden girl,” a hand wraps around the base of your neck, his fingers kneading into your skin, “it’s only six thirty-four. you only slept for about three hours.”
“not like i can sleep in,” you exhale, grateful for the soothing gesture, “i have to meet with my parents in a couple of hours.”
“oh yeah? fun day ahead?”
“i guess,” you shrug, “as much as i love spending time with them, i just get so fucking sad thinking about the inevitable goodbyes. we probably won’t be able to see each other till our summer break.”
if you signed with mercedes, i would have your parents moved to brackley in an instant. you would never have to worry about those goodbyes for the rest of your life. 
yet, toto bites his tongue, “then how about you start getting ready, hmm?”
“because there’s a very attractive man in my bed with me and i don’t want him to leave me quite yet.”
you would never have to worry about that. ever. i could never leave your side. 
“is that so?” fingers grasp your chin, tilting it upward, “do i know him?”
“mhmm,” you hum, “his name is toto. toto wolff. you may know him, i’m not sure though.”
“i think so too,” he leans in, mouth ghosting over yours, “come here, baby.”
as your lips collide, your hands roam, tangling in his brunette locks. the kiss is passionate, laced with desperation, as if you were reuniting after months spent apart. it sucks the air out of your lungs, leaving you breathless as his tongue finds yours, teeth nearly gnashing together as the tension builds, the kisses growing more and more needy by the second.
every move is electric, sending a shiver down your spine as his mouth detaches from yours, down your jawline and on to your neck. he nips the heated skin, sucking lightly as your head rolls back, hips bucking forward. 
between your thighs, you feel his cock twitch, throbbing as you grind against it. 
“fuck.” he moans, jaw clenching as your hand glides along the waistband of his boxers, “you just can’t wait, can you?”
“no daddy,” the innocence notes, so pure, so sweet, drip in his ears, “i can’t wait. i need you to fuck me.”
oh fuck. 
he was going to ruin you. 
absolutely ruin you. 
“take these off,” fingers hook the band of your panties, “the shirt too. and bend over.”
your cheeks burn at the authority in his tone. fuck, you couldn’t get enough of this. of him. since brackley, you were craving a moment like this. a moment where the two of you could just lose all inhibitions, completely enamored with one another. 
sliding his boxers down his legs, toto kicks them to the floor. raising his arms, he peels off his shirt, tossing it. yet, as his attention shifts back to the bed, he nearly unravels right there.
your back is arched, your ass jiggling as you situate yourself on the bed, getting more comfortable. as he can’t help but stare, his heart flutters as he takes in the way your body flows. how your shoulders, toned and defined, ripple as his fingertips roam. how the curve of your ass sits perfectly below your waist. how your pussy looks from this angle, dripping as you anticipate his next move. 
fuck, this must be a dream. 
it had to be a dream. 
“you’re perfect,” toto murmurs, dropping to his knees, “absolutely perfect, my love.”
“my lo–” you begin, yet the words never leave your mouth.
his tongue finds your swollen clit, savoring the way the juices seep onto his tongue. hands spread your cheeks, granting him access to your weeping pussy. pleasure washes over you, your moans flooding the space, reverberating off the walls. 
however, that pleasure quickly fades as he pulls away, a whine rising in your throat. 
“what?” his voice is low as he taunts you, “what do you want, schatzi? tell me, what do you need?”
“i need you,” you whimper, wiggling your hips, “please, i need you.”
“and what do you need me to do?” his hands grip your ass, squeezing, “i won’t give it to you till i hear you say it.”
“i need you to fuck me.”
“braves mädchen,” the praise rolls off of his tongue, and for a moment, he’s guilty at how easy it is giving it to you, “good girl.”
licking his lips, toto relishes the lingering taste as spit accumulates in his mouth, falling onto his fingers. his hand glides along his cock, wetting it. 
the moment his tip pushes inside of you, your walls expanding, back arching instinctively, he loses it. 
as he pounds into your drenched pussy, you grip the sheets, knuckles turning white as a hand weaves into your hair, tugging on the roots, “do you have any idea how much i’ve missed you baby?”
“i-i’ve missed you too,” you grit your teeth as his tip brushes against your g-spot, the pleasure absolutely overwhelming, clouding your senses, “i’ve missed this so much, toto.”
“what is it that you called me last night?” 
oh fuck. 
he remembered. 
“i called you daddy.”
“that’s right,” he coos, the noises filling the room downright sinful as he plowed into you, hips slapping against your ass, “good girl. lewis and george heard your entire conversation with me, you know that?”
oh god. oh fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“but you know what? i don’t give a fuck what they heard. you’re mine, schatzi. all mine.”
with every thrust, stars burst in your field of vision, the pressure growing in your abdomen. the fabric of the sheet balled up in your hands as you held on, desperate for your climax. 
toto could sense that you were close with the ways your walls were squeezing his cock. the way your muscles strain, tensing up. the way your voice was practically crying out his name as he fucked you senseless. 
fuck, was he crumbling now, the control slipping away by the second. 
“i-i’m going to cum,” fuck, were you so pretty like this, exactly where he wanted you, teetering on the edge of your orgasm, “toto, you’re going to make me cum.”
“let go baby,” maintaining his pace, toto leans down, lips planting sloppy kisses all over your shoulders, down your back, “cum for me. you can let go. be a good girl and cum for me.”
the feeling that overcomes you is nothing like you had ever felt before. 
it’s euphoria, pure euphoria. 
seconds later, you feel him pull out, coating your back with his cum. collapsing into the bed, your chest heaves, inner thighs spasming. 
toto disappears momentarily, slipping into your bathroom. moments later, warmth envelops your back as he cleans you up, murmuring praises under his breath. they were in german, your heart swelling as he’s beside you once again, hands gliding along your body, savoring the way you feel against him. 
“nothing,” you melt as his gaze meets yours, “just you.”
in that moment, you swear you see stars shining in those mocha depths. you notice another emotion glinting, but you are unsure of what it could be.
well, you have an idea.
but you're far too nervous to ask.
“what about me?”
“you’re just beautiful,” he murmurs, “my beautiful girl.”
“about that,” you scoot closer, your head resting in the crook of his neck, “what are we?”
his chest vibrates as he speaks, “what do you want us to be?” 
“i want to be yours,” you whisper, so quiet that you were unsure if he even heard you, “as in i want to be your girlfriend. i want to wake up next to you every day. i want to come home to you every night. more than anything, your face is the first one i want to see after a race. i want to hold your hand as we walk to the podium. i want to be able to love you. i can’t do this anymore. i can’t just lie and act nonchalant. i want you, toto. i want you every day. every hour. every minute. every second.” 
toto finds himself at a loss for words, blood roaring in his ears as she sucks in a breath, her voice trembling, laced with the threat of tears. 
yet, they weren’t tears of sadness. it was more like a cathartic release, like she was finally confessing her deepest, well-kept secret. like she was finally allowing the walls guarding her heart to come crumbling down.
“i’m accepting your offer. i want to drive for mercedes. however, i can’t wait any longer. i can’t be away from you any longer than i have to. i want to start driving for mercedes as soon as possible.”
taglist: @younxii @toldyouitwasamelodrama @kravitzwhore @persona1lies @pucksandpower @k3ira13 @prettiest-at-the-party @martwll @annewithaneofthegreengable @zoeyjadetice2010  @sinners-98-world @laura-naruto-fan1998 @nebarious @joalslibrary @swifth0lic @statuewoman @strangegirl974 @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @m-1234 @whoisss @msbyjackal @annaaepf1 @paigelouise
as always, if i forgot to add you, or if you would like to be added to the taglist, let me know! thank you all for the endless support and love for this series! y'all are the sweetest! <3
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angelsanarchy · 3 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 34 {END}
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27 @shroomje
Oystein sat at the typewriter, drafting up a letter for Mayhem's fans. It had been at least nine months since Helvete was closed down, Varg had started his own label and had already put out a demo for his new band. They had auditioned all over Norway and beyond to find someone to re-record their album and they were in the final stages of putting it together.
Oystein didn't expect to fall so seamlessly into living with Y/n but life had been good. He felt like they lived a normal, surprisingly uneventfully fun life together. She decided that she wanted to quit her jobs and start studying in healthcare. He found it noble of her to want to focus on psychiatric care in such a time when people didn't take mental health serious in the slightest.
He had finally taken her home as his girlfriend for the holidays and his family was over the moon excited that they had finally gotten their stuff together enough to be a couple, no one more than his sister. She had made them matching bracelets to wear and made sure Oystein's was black.
Oystein had done exactly what Y/n had suggested and let the sting of Helvete closing burn off before he started looking at other buildings he could lease. Now that they were wrapping up the album, they planned to start the search for Helvete's new home.
Oystein heard the front door open and didn't bother looking up from what he was writing.
"Hey baby, I picked up dinner because I did not feel like cooking tonight." Y/n greeted him putting the food on the table and dropping her bags on a chair. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him from behind and looked over the letter he was proof reading.
"What do you think?" He asked looking it over.
"I think Black Metal is about to get one hell of an album." She kissed the side of his face and he smiled as she bumped his glasses with her lips. He spun around in his chair and put his hands on her hips.
"How was your day beautiful?" He asked pulling her into his lap.
"It was exhausting. I want to get in the bathtub and just soak for like an hour." Y/n rubbed circles into Oystein's chest and his eyebrows went up.
"Sounds nice although you don't look nearly dirty enough for a nice long soak." Oystein teased gripping her hips a little tighter.
"Oh yeah? You want to help with that I'm sure." She smirked at him as she grinded her hips down into his semi-hard cock.
"You know me, I'm a helpful guy." She laughed at his response and she leaned down to kiss him.
"Your dinners going to get cold." She warned as she started to get off his lap but he held onto her wrist.
"That's what the oven is for." He reminded pulling her back onto his lap. She laughed running her hands through his hair.
"Are you gonna leave you glasses on if I let you fuck me?" Y/n teased making Oystein purse his lips at her.
"Let me? You think you get to let me fuck you?" Oystein gripped the back of her neck holding her in place. She bit her lip as he moved his free hand between her thighs and felt the damp spot on her panties. He pulled them to the side and started to play with her clit.
"I fuck you whenever, wherever I want because you belong to me." Oystein sucked a spot on her chest that was exposed. She started to thrust her hips into Oystein's hand but the closer she got, the more she needed him.
"Oystein..." He was equally desperate for her as he tossed her legs off of him and started to undo his belt buckle and jeans. Y/n scrambled to pull her dress over her head and step out of her panties. She practically hurdled his hips to straddle him in the chair. She lowered herself slowly onto him letting out a groan but there was no patience in Oystein's hips as he started pistoning his cock into her. She bounced on his thighs, the sound of her skin slapping his and her moans filled the apartment as she held onto him for dear life.
"F-fuck.." Oystein whined. Y/n put her hand around his throat and squeezed making him look up at her. His glasses were slightly fogged from having his head against her chest.
"You full so good baby. I want you to cum inside of me. I want it. Please." She begged and Oystein's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he continuously slammed his cock into her. When he did cum, Y/n swiveled her hips feeling his load dripping out of her and onto his thigh. He hummed as he tried to come down from his orgasm and she smiled. Once he was able to look at her, he chuckled at the fog covering his lenses. She pulled the glasses off and smiled giving him a sweet kiss.
"Hold on." He said making her throw her arms around his neck as he got up and shuffled them towards the bed. She laughed as his feet squeaked along the floor before she landed on her back on the bed. He silently went back to rubbing her clit and using his fingers to bring her to the same ending as he was. He wasn't sure what was his cum and her own release as it leaked onto the bedspread.
"Don't stop baby. I'm gonna cum." Y/n cried out and Oystein kept his eyes on her face as she came on his fingers, waiting for her to grip his wrist to stop him from overstimulating her.
The two of them lay next to eachother and smiled.
"I think that's the first time we've fucked at your desk." Y/n pointed out. Oystein nodded his head.
"All the time we've been here and we haven't fucked at my desk, kind of hard to believe." Oystein chuckled.
"Well that's your work station. I don't usually like to bother you when you're working on something." Y/n pushed some of his hair off his face and he smiled.
"If you think riding my cock is a bother, I'm clearly doing something wrong." He joked.
"We'll have to make a list of the places we have left to christen around here." Y/n looked around and Oystein agreed.
"We've got plenty of time for that...for now, I need your help getting out of my pants so we can heat up dinner." Oystein looked down at his legs and Y/n laughed seeing the mess of pants, underwear, loosened belts and boots around his ankles.
"You're a mess." She teased helping him take his boots off so he could slip his legs out of his pants.
"Yeah but you love it." He lifted her chin with his thumb and she smirked as he held her chin.
"I do...to hell and back." He smiled at her before kissing her sweetly.
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Alkaline pt. 1
Part 2,
A/N: decided to make this into a series. And I’m giving you all a last name because I FEEL like it so HA.
Warning: my writing per usual
Wednesday Addams x Fem!reader (umbrakenetic)
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She’s staring..
How rude..
Make her stop!
I don’t like her..
Throw her out the car..
She’s not to be trusted..
Let’s make her fear a little more..
The whispers chanted around you, your eyes stayed glued on the window and the passing trees as the lady your mother called your ‘Nanny’ stared at you. Wide eyed and alert with how close she had to be in the small car.
What kind of sixteen year old needed a Nanny?
She usually stayed at least ten feet away from you in hopes the shadows would not taunt and tease her. It didn’t help though, they would follow her around to torment her through her days inside your home much to her dismay.
She thought it was you, trying to chase her off with after your statement that you preferred loneliness than to be accompanied by the middle aged woman. She seemed to linger more after your comment to your mother as if she had betrayed you by telling her.
But it was not you, how could it be when you had bored figures following you all day? Though you did not appreciate her presence, you tolerated her for your mothers sake of you not being alone all your life. The shadows thought differently.
But what could you do? Sure, you could control the shadows around you but only if they allowed you to. They had their own mind much like ghost and did not like the idea of being told what to do in a condescending way.
So you did what you normally did, sat back and watched the chaos. They knew her intentions and made it their mission to torture the young woman sat three feet in front of you. You were glad they didn’t whisper everything to her like they did you, she would go insane within a week.
They thought that was to merciful, - if that’s what you call mercy - so they did what they did best; torment her. They’d pull her hair, move things out of place and even make them fall to scare her, they would throw things and whisper things to her that would have her breaking her neck to look behind her to see no one. Any sane person would have left already and you did not know why she hadn’t.
The money..
Ah. That’s right.
“Leave her be, we’ll be away from her in time.” You mutter quietly and they seem to move around at a faster pace around you. The lady tenses at the sight of your mouth moving very little while nothing but small noises came out.
No fun..
A small smile forms on your face at their rare obedience before your head turns toward her. Her body stiffens and she visibly gulps, eyes wide as she looks at you.
You felt bad for her. You remembered your first years of their taunts and whispers but now they seemed to tolerate your presence far more than anyone else.
There was a silence, an eerie one. Even for you. The only sounds that you could hear were the ones of her heavy breaths and the rumble of the car.
She gulped once again before forcing her features to soften.
“It’s good..” she started with the same smile the shadows did not like. Fake and deceiving they called it. “you’ll be able to see your mother throughout the year without any worries.”
That’s right. Your mother had decided upon herself to sign you up to be a student at Nevermore; a school for outcast. It worked out, especially after last years events.
She would replace the teacher who had caused chaos and destruction. - the shadows thought they’d enjoy her by your mothers description. - Though this time the school had made sure she was an outcast and not out to eliminate their students.
You hum in response before turning back to the window. You had no desire to conversate with the woman who only did so to get rid of your stare. She knew you hated speaking and she spoke too loudly.
“At least you won’t be alone..” she says slowly followed by a nervous chuckle clearly unaware of you brushing her off.
“She will definitely be better company than me.” Her way of saying she was ready to get rid of you was strange.
You barley turn your head and send her a glare that has her sinking further into her seat before scooting farther away and pressed up against the door.
We’re here!
It’s lovely..
Many places to hide!
Mamas here..
Your eyes travel back toward the window as their chants grew and the once bumpy road begins to smoothen out.
You had to agree, the sight was indeed lovely. It was a large castle. Dark and old, almost ancient with how busted up it looked but it also had some features more modern. Remodeling, you had assumed, to give the place a more welcoming feeling.
It did not.
The only thing out of place was the broken second tower, it was as if it had been struck by lightening so many times that they gave up on fixing it. A good theory.
As the car came to a halt you couldn’t help but notice the shadows in the windows, some new and some having left you to explore. New shadows meant new voices. You were happy for the company.
You also take notice to the large amount of cars in the area. People, a lot of them. You were not happy for that company.
You step out of the car as the driver rushes to the back to grab your things. You only spare him a glance before looking to the nanny who looked at the place in disgust almost. Clearly her taste were far different from yours, a horrible thing really.
While she wore bright colors you wore all black, the shadows didn’t like color. Especially when it was nearby too often, perhaps it was a reason they did not like her. She was around too often with her colorful clothes yet her personality lacked it, she was too much into fitting in.
You turn quickly before she wouldn’t notice your stare and make your way inside leaving her behind.
You begin to notice the other families as they bid their good byes to their children while others spoke to other parents.
More than likely flaunting their children’s successes or their own, or perhaps they enjoyed each others company and spoke of other things. Doubtful, but there was hope in the older generation.
Your eyes scan the large open area of people, the students were not in their respective uniforms due to it being opening day which was expected. After all you weren’t, the black sweat shirt and jeans only proving it further.
Suddenly you feel a presence beside you and the voices begin to grumble and disappear at her appearance.
“Isn’t this lovely.” She said as a mother passes by with a large group of teenagers your age as they scratch their heads, push each other and make noises you both found strange.
Yes, very lovely.
“Perhaps you’ll find some friends in such a school, people like you.” Her words were meant to be comforting but you couldn’t help but take offense. She was a normie - a choice you wished your mother did not make when choosing a Nanny - so she didn’t understand the struggle of fitting it, especially in a school full of freaks that also avoid you.
You found the thought strange, her fitting in. You imagined she was disliked by her friends with how dull and fake she was.
You glance down toward her with a scowl that makes her shiver even though she doesn’t look up at you.
You did not like her.
You decided to refrain from looking at her any longer and scan the area once again. It was open, it lead into halls inside and outside of the school, had areas to sit and a large fountain in the middle where people seemed to linger.
It was also dark in the corridor‘s, benches placed in the perfect places to hide away from prying eyes and stay out of the sun.
Yes, you were going to like it here.
Your eyes then land on familiar ones and you can’t help but feel relaxed at the sight.
Your mothers bright eyes squint slightly as she smiles at a large group of female students along with a woman who stood at an impossible height beside her.
An introductory, you had assumed based on the knowledge she was not only a teacher but a ‘dorm mom’ she called it.
Her eyes snap to yours and soften further making you feel yours do the same as a small smile forms across your face.
She looks back down to the girls and says something causing the group to glance toward you and your nanny as your mom moves toward you.
“Hello, dear.” She calls out with open arms you immediately let yourself fall into. Literally. The height on the woman was no joke. Yes you were taller than usual, lanky even, but she lacked height that you assumed was from your father.
So soft..
She smells good..
Whose this?
I like her.
Familiar and new voices sound through your ears as you straighten your posture and look down at the woman inspecting you.
“You look delightfully pale, as usual.” She said with a large smile. The teasing gesture you were so used to it made you soft, you had to admit. But only for her.
She was quite literally a ball of sunshine, a light manipulator. Opposite to you and your father. Convenient you had taken all of his genes.
“Have you been putting on extra sun screen?” She asks with slight concern. She knew how it had affected you more than most and you nod.
“I packed some as well.” You mumble as she reaches up and straightens your hair back. “As did I.” She smiles before a large figure steps beside her, the color they wore burning your eyes from the reflection of the sun making you suddenly remember why you all hated color.
You looked up to see the tall woman smiling down at you in a creepy way. Another fake smile you had to put up with, fantastic.
“You must be Y/N Tasseas.” She says in an almost calming voice. Perhaps she was that bad or your mother told her things already.
You simply stare up at her, examining her features. She was the opposite of you, more so than your Nanny who wore real color. She wore all white, her hair included. How odd.
“You’ll have to excuse Y/N, she’s not really a ta-“
“Aren’t you supposed to be dead?” You ask interrupting your mother who falls silent at your comment.
You watch her eye twitch twice as the shadows begin to bark out laughter around you, asking you to say more.
“Y/N!” Your mother says, turning toward you and hitting your chest. You don’t move and continue to stare up at her unblinking, which the shadows helped with as they guarded your eyes from the sun and air that passed by.
You wait for an answer that never seems to come but you could wait. You came up just above her chest so you didn’t have to crane your neck to look at her and you weren’t easily intimidated.
Who does she think she is..
Why won’t she answer..
Weems is upset..
Her glare suddenly left as quick as it came and turned into a smile. “No, I am not.” She says eyes never leaving yours. You had to admit she was brave. “Though I was injured in last years event, I have fully recovered since then.” She breaks the eye contact between you two the smile at your mother and you can’t help but feel your own form. Oh how you loved making people uncomfortable.
“Quite the expensive fate.” You mutter to yourself as your gaze travels back to the crowd that was growing larger.
A lot more people than before. This should be fun.
You grimace at sight and you can feel the area around you eyes darken, the shadows moving at a quicker pace at your sudden sour mood.
“It seems it’s time for our speech.” The principal says as she turns to your mother whose smile grows at the thought of her own personal introduction.
The taller woman walks off and your mother turns to you, she raises her eyebrow before giving you a wink.
“Lillie!” She says and your nanny jumps slightly before stepping forward. “Seems you won’t be needed for a while, why don’t you go home until this is over.”
Her face lights up and she nods eagerly. “Of course Mrs. Tasseas!” She says before glancing up at you with a smile. “Enjoy your time here, Y.N.” She says before rushing away.
You roll your eyes and look back to your mother. “She shouldn’t be needed at all.” You mumble as your mother pushes a piece your hair back into its place.
“Mhmm.” She says with a smile before turning on her heels and rushes after Weem’s who had already started her speech.
You take a shaky breath in to help calm yourself and the shadows, it helps little but they seem to settle down as you watch Weem’s usher your mother forward.
Tell us a story..
Story time!
We get stories?
“Later,” you mutter quietly as your mother begins talking. The more younger shadows seem to like when you tell them things they never got to hear before their death. “That’s for bedtime.”
A chorus of claps sound out causing you to do the same as your mother steps back with a smile. Perhaps you could tolerate the place for her.
“Yoko, this is your new dorm mom, Mrs. Tasseas.” Weem’s says as the girl opens her suitcase and looks back with a smile.
“And this is her daughter Y/N, your new roommate.” Her smile falls as you step forward looking through out the room.
She had posters taped all over the walls, most of the furniture red and her own items liter the place. You didn’t mind due to the fact the curtains were drawn and the place was dim. That’s all that mattered.
“Roommate, huh?” She asks stepping forward to inspect you herself over her sunglasses. Her eyes resembled those of a vampire that had been bred out of Pureblood, a normal color rather than the crimson it should have been.
She continue to stare you up and down, from the tightness of your tied shoelaces, to your black fingers, and to your face that seemed to be overly aware and sensitive to everything around you.
Wide eyes, stiff shoulders and clenched jaw. A strange sight for the teenager who was probably far older than you.
“You’re nightmares with be our dreams.” You mumble without looking away and she flinches back slightly when you buck at her.
You can’t help the smile that forms on your face when both your mother and Weem’s sigh. Yes, the girl had been warned before hand about your personality but that didn’t mean you had to show it so soon.
“Our?” She asked with a raised eye brow, completely ignoring your statement. A sudden dark presence forms behind you and the girl stares wide eyed at the faceless figure.
“Yes, our.” You repeat as a few more form around the room, staring at her without eyes before disappearing as quickly as they came.
She blinks once, twice, three times before smiling. “I like her already.” Though her tone seemed unsure and hesitant.
I call under the bed..
No fair!
Move it..
Your mother lets out a sigh of relief before smiling. “We’ll let you two get settle then.” Her entire being lightens up the room before leaving behind Weem’s.
“Okay, I can’t lie.” You hear Yoko say making you slowly look away from the door and to her. “You’re just a tad bit creepy.”
You knew the facade would leave when they did. Teenagers always seemed to do that when adults left.
You raise an eye brow in amusement. “That was the goal.” You reply before moving to the other side of the room, ignoring her items and posters. It was her room before you - perhaps for a long time - you didn’t exactly have to right to demand she move her things.
Besides it gave it a little life, it would simply be too dark for her if you had decorated it yourself.
“No, like, I’m used to creepy at this point,” she says as she plops herself down on her bed to watch you open your own suitcase that sat on your bed.
“I just got used to Wednesday, but you’re up ten notches compared to her.” The statement piques your interest.
“Wednesday?” You ask taking a seat on the bed to face her, hands in your lap as you stare at the girl watching her shift uncomfortably under your gaze for a moment.
“Yeah, our very own Lydia Deetz,” you try to create a mental image and form it into a figure in the middle of the floor.
Yoko stares in disbelief at her as the figure looks between the two of you. “Much shorter,” she says smiling growing as it shrinks. She stands and begins circling it and it’s head follows.
“Two pigtail braids and bangs, baggy clothes and a glare that looks like she wants to kill everyone.” You stare at the dark figure and Yoko narrows her eyes at it. “Close enough,” she decides while nodding.
“Expect she doesn’t do that.” She finishes and reaches a finger out and pokes it causing it to pop into a dark cloud of smoke that slowly dissipates into the floor.
“She’s more so scary - no,” she thinks for a moment before coming to her conclusion, turning to you slightly. “I’d say Intimidating, While you got this eerie feeling to you.” She says tilting her head slightly as she once again inspects you.
“You’re style is way different though,” she states and you glance down to your black and white converse, - the little color they allowed you to wear - it was a simple look, perhaps this Wednesday had a knack for dressing up.
“Curious.” You mumble before looking back toward your unpacked suitcase.
“Don’t sweat it though.” Yoko states as she pulls out her phone and begins angry texting. “I’m sure she’ll like you much more than the rest of us, you’re just like her.”
The term was starting to annoy you. Being compared to other with similarities to you was starting to get frustrating, especially when they’re slowly getting much similar.
Everyone was their own person, except you don’t let the social tower tell you what you can act like. You’d prefer to act how you wish to when you wish to.
She’s texting about you..
I thought we would like her..
I like her..
Tell her to stop..
You let out a quiet shaky breath before standing and pulling out the dark clothes to put into you closet.
“Let her, she’s not harming anyone.” You mutter quietly ignoring the glance Yoko gives you when you do so.
You couldn’t sleep. Both you and the voices restless in the new environment but that’s to be expected. You had the reassurance of the ones who were already here but that wasn’t enough, most left to sweep the halls searching for threats others stayed in a protective circle around you.
Still, it wasn’t good enough. You would have to do it yourself.
You tap the top of your phone. 3:43 good, no one would be up to find you wandering around.
You push the blanket back gently, your legs swing across the bed before your feet touch the cold floor. You glance toward Yoko’s bed to see her completely knocked out, sunglasses off and hair slightly freezy as she snores quietly.
You slip your socks and shoes on and grab the zip up jacket hanging off the side of your bed. You quickly yet quietly slip through the door and watch Yoko before shutting the door.
The late summer breeze immediately hits you as you step out into the open, you had shorts on seeing as it was still warm but you still couldn’t help but feel a little chilly as the wind passes you.
The circle gets tighter around you in the process, warming you up slightly.
You begin you trek across the school, inspecting every dark corner in the process to make sure nothing was hiding. It eased your nerves every time you saw that one did not have anything hiding in it.
It was a good time to go out and look for things in the shadows, though the moon was bright. A waxing gibbous, the night before a full moon where the werewolves would go out and run around like maniacs something you were not looking forward to.
Someone’s coming..
Dark hands reach out for you in the closet corner and you allow you body to fall into their grasp, the darkness taking over your completely.
Their whispers are hushed and panicked as they speak of whoever they saw while you just wait and watch feeling their arms tighten around you as the person nears.
The foot steps are quiet and careful and as it gets closer you still can’t help but notice how quiet they still are.
Suddenly a figure comes from behind a corner, pausing for a moment before stopping to look both ways and deciding to walk in your direction. The arms tighten even more, suffocating you in a sense as you take in a final breath.
Something was also following close behind, it moved quickly in an unusual way and the closer they got you saw it was a hand. A stitched up and decapitated hand. How very unusual.
Your eyes travel back to her to see the resemblance to Yoko’s description. Short, pigtails, baggy clothes and the look of a murderer.
You also noticed how much different she actually looked compared to you, Yoko was right about the style difference yet hers was also simple, the only difference being the white that went along with the black perfectly.
You hold your breath as she walks closer. Even the shadows get quiet in her presence before she passes you, unbeknownst to your dark aura and you let out a small sigh.
Unfortunately, the hand was far more observant than the girl. That or it had heard your silent sigh somehow.
She continues to walk as it stops and.. looks up toward you? The shadows growl and hiss silently as it begins to inch toward you.
Once in the dark corner it taps around the area of your foot before coming in contact with it. It freezes for a moment before feeling more. First the shoe laces, then the tongue and then your bare leg and that was enough to make it start to shake and scatter back.
It taps the ground frantically until the girl stops and glares down toward the hand.
“What is it, Thing?” She asks impatiently making it snap two times and point twice toward you dark corner.
You curse this ‘Thing’ silently as her eyes travel toward you and the whispers begin to grow louder. Hisses, growls and howls are heard making the hand shake and rush toward the girl who stared, wide eyed.
You noticed that it was more so readiness rather than fear in her eyes, as if she’s willing to fight off whatever could be lurking in the shadows. She was a fool, you decided.
We should have grabbed him when we had the chance..
Don’t go..
She’s pretty..
Let’s lock them both away to keep them silent..
You let out a sigh and the shadows seem to understand as their grip on you loosens and allow you to step out.
Her eyes snap from the corner to you as you step out, black smoke forming at the bottom of your feet before traveling in all directions. Her eyes look down to watch it pass her feet and Thing scurries up her leg to get off the ground.
They look back to you, your posture stiff under her gaze. The look in her eyes was almost dangerous as if it were begging you to try something she wouldn’t like. You had to admit, she did make you feel intimidated.
But what was worse was the first thing that left her mouth. “You do know there’s a curfew, right?”
She completely ignored the fact that she had missed passing you or the way you appeared from the darkness. She was more worried about the fact that you were out passed curfew as if she wasn’t. Yes, very curious…
“You are not a student?” You ask, head tilting slightly as dark hands grip the back of your shirt; ready to yank you back if she tried anything herself.
Her chin lifts slightly before humming, looking you up and down. The way she did it was different from the way Yoko did it, it made you sweat and your heart pound slightly. It made you want to go back into hiding, not a good look. You felt almost awkward, as if, for once, you didn’t know what to say.
“You must be Wednesday.” You say as the whispers pick up again repeating her name. If she heard them she doesn’t acknowledge it as she nods.
“You must be Y/N.” She says looking over you once again yet her expression never changes, much like your grandfathers. You knit your eye brows together and give her a confused look.
This amuses her. “Your roommate talks too much for her own good, she might even spill your secrets next.”
“I don’t have secrets.” You reply quickly and the shadows giggle before circling around her to inspect her themselves.
“Secrets only bring people who want to butt their noses into your business.” You state matter-of-factly and the girls gaze seems to grow intense. “And I don’t like people doing that.”
Your eyes meet hers for a moment, she’s searching for something. What exactly? You don’t know but you allow her to without breaking eye contact but decide to speak while she does so.
“Why are you out so late?” You ask unknowingly as you shift away from the corner slightly allowing her to see the hands that pull back in. If she were to intimidate you why not give it a shot yourself.
It didn’t work, she simply glanced at them before looking back to you. If she was scared she was good at hiding it.
“I enjoy walking during the night, especially before it gets loud in the next.” She refers to the werewolves that were growing restless of the approaching moon.
A lie..
And that it was. She herself was walking the school to search for any unwelcome visitors, after last years events she couldn’t help herself. It made her feel nauseous knowing that the feeling in her was dread that it could happen again just by her mere presence at the school.
Who better than to investigate than the one who saved it herself?
“And you?”
“I’m looking for signs of any threats.” There was no need to lie, not ever. You didn’t see the point if people would figure out the truth eventually.
“Threats?” She asks as she follows you through the corridor, now walking to feet away to your left. “After hearing about last year we do not feel safe.” You mutter as your eyes scan toward the dark areas of the quad.
She stays silent as she follows you after all her intentions were the same as yours, you were just far more open about it.
“But then again no where is safe, dark things linger in dark shadows.” You mutter, much quieter than last time but with Wednesdays heighten senses she heard you.
“Yet, you just so happen to be lingering in the shadows.” She says and you look down to meet her hard gaze, it was questioning yet hopeful at the same time.
“It’s not impossible you could be those dark things.” She says and you can’t help the smirk that plasters across your face, the smug look makes Wednesdays eyes narrow. She was smarter than the rest, more observant.
“And linger I do,” you say look back forward, smirk still on your face. “But I simply only watch, that’s the way to learn who the dark things are that like to hide plain sight.” Your smirk falls as the whispers quiet down slightly, they we’re starting to grow tired.
“Have you found any yet?” This was her asking you if there was something she should be worried about. Maybe? It’s what it sounded like to you though. You simply shake your head as you look through out the quad, the dark areas clear of any shadows in your view. You imagine it’s far darker to Wednesday.
“Seeing as there are no threats here,” you state stopping suddenly making the much shorter girl stop as well. You were desperate to get away from her gaze, something you only found you doing with your mother. It was strange with anyone other than her.
The moon light hit her skin perfectly in the open area, she was pale but still had a good amount of color to her for her skin tone, freckles scatter her face and you wonder how many you would be able to count before leaving.
“I’ll leave you to your walk, Wednesday.” You don’t give her a chance to respond before walking toward a corner, hands begin reaching out as you near before pulling you in and it’s almost as if you weren’t there. She would have thought you weren’t if it were not for the fading black smoke that looked at her feet.
Wednesdays eyes linger on the area where you disappear, the internal conflict in her head began.
A sudden tap on her shoulder catches her attention and she looks down to see thing who does a sudden hand motion.
“Yes, she was strange.” She replies with a nod and he quickly begins moving again. “Perhaps in a good way, yes.”
He stops for a moment, clearly deep in thought before doing quick hand signals again. I think you should talk to her again.
The statement was simple yet it conflicted Wednesday entirely. Could she trust you? You were the one who said dark things aren’t safe.
“Perhaps I will, she seemed to scare you enough to have you hiding.” She says and the angry taps began. Wednesday would have smirked if it weren’t for his fingers that were pressing into her shoulders.
“I enjoyed the silence, perhaps I’ll hunt her down just to shut you up again.” The angry taps increased making the girls lips curl oh so little.
A/N: please tell me the conversation between them at the end was good? I found it difficult to write it but I already have future conversation ideas it’s just this one was weird and i didn’t know what to do.
I tried to make it a little awkward as they both aren’t used to being around people like them
Please give me your thoughts 🥲
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lunartexan · 1 year
(Note: I am not a chemist, just someone who enjoys science, if I made any errors please let me know, thank you and I hope you enjoy reading this)
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Ever wonder about this bad boy? While here's a quick crash course on it and some of it groups!
What is it?
The Periodic Table is an arrangement of rows and columns used to display and predict what elements exist and their properties based upon where they fall.
The farther right and down you go, the "heavier" the elements get as they have more Protons, going from 1 Proton for Hydrogen to as of now 118 Protons for Oganesson. Each Collum, excluding the Transition Metals and Rare Earth Series, have similar chemical properties.
Along with this, excluding the Transition Metals, as you go left to right the number of Valence Electrons increases by 1 up to 8 before flipping around back to 1. Valence Electrons can be thought of as the Hands of Atoms, being how they interact and react with each other; a free valence electron spot being a place another atom can bond to like an open hand, while an occupied valence electron spot is like a full hand slapping away other potential electrons.
Each valence group, along with the Transition Metals, builds up the base of all of Chemistry and the universe. So lets have a look at a few of them, shall we?
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The Alkaline-Earth Metals
The Alkaline-Earth Metals are the two first columns of the Periodic table, and are often sub-divided into the Alkaline Metals and Alkaline Earth Metals. Both groups however do share some properties, often being softer metals that are extremely reactive.
Most famously, they react with water to produce Hydrogen and some heat amount of heat. On the more reactive side such as Lithium and Sodium, this means upon contact with water they will explode, sending red hot metal flying with a violent blast. On the less extreme end such as Magnesium or Calcium, they can be used as ways to produce Hydrogen in small quantities.
Not only are they reactive with water, but also air, oxidizing rapidly in the air and in the case of Magnesium having an extremely violent and energetic reaction when lit on fire.
They also all like to bond with chlorine to produce salts such as Sodium chloride, or more commonly known as humble Table Salt.
After the neat uniformity of the Alkaline-Earth metals, we reach,
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The Transition Metals
The Transition Metals are not transgender metals, but rather a large collection of various metals that don't as neatly fit into rows or columns as the other Elemental groupings. Most notably, they have no Valence Electron Shell patterns, meaning you often have to search out the specific Transition Metal you are working with to know how many spots it has still open. They are by far the largest single group of elements within the Periodic Table, and chances are if you think of a metal it will be a transition metal.
It includes some famous stars such as Iron, Gold, Copper, Titanium, Lead, Zinc, Osmium, Tungsten, and Silver. As you can tell from the diverse cast of elements, all of these have wildly varying properties; take the strength and hardness of Iron and Tungsten compared Gold and Zinc as an example.
However they are not totally dissimilar as they are all still metals, meaning they share the properties of Metals. These include high thermal and electrical conductivity, liking to gobble up ions, are highly ductile (the ability to be pulled and bent into wire without breaking), form Cations (positively charged ions), and other such Metal traits.
Truly a party of metals, followed by,
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The Other Metals
As the name would suggest, these are some of the other metals and can be thought of as an extension of the Transition Metals.
However their proximity to the other groups gives a few of these metals such as Aluminum more unique chemical behaviors compared to the standard transition metals, which is why sometimes you'll see some disagreement and debate about which ones, if any, should be placed into the next group,
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The Metalloids
The Metalloids border between the Metals and the Non Metals, and as such are unique in having properties of both Metals and Non Metals.
Most famous of the Metalloids is arguably Silicon, which makes of the base of the modern world through its semiconductor properties in circuit boards and chips like the one bring used to allow you to read these very words.
Another famous, or perhaps infamous, Metalloid is Arsenic, used in as many poisoning murders for its toxic lethality as paintings and dyes for its beautiful vibrant green hue when turned into a pigment.
And if Arsenic is a bit too deadly for your liking, Gallium is always an option, used in old vacuum tube era computing and lighting. Along with its vintage past, it also has a melting point of 85.58°F or 29.76°C, just shy of room temperature; meaning if you hold a piece of Gallium in your hand, it will melt into a liquid - and unlike Mercury, it is non toxic making it far safer to play with, although it does stick to glass and stain objects so be careful if you do play with it to not let it touch something you don't want getting stained.
And as hinted just before, let us introduce the one and only,
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The Non Metals
The Non Metals are a small but extremely unique and important group. All of these elements as the name would suggest sharing the properties of being Non Metals, meaning they are all for the most part poor thermal and electrical conduct, have poor ductility, and form Anions (negatively charged ions).
If you are biologist of any kind, you may also notice this group contains many elements crucial for organic life; the three most important of which without doubt being Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen.
Along with Nitrogen and a few other elements, these elements firm the basis of all life on Earth. From the air you breathe being a Nitrogen-Oxygen mix, to your cells being based on Carbon, to the very DNA that created you. All of it based on Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen.
And while Oxygen may have taken the honor of the name of Oxidation, it has nothing on the next group,
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The Halogens
The Halogens, due to missing just one election to be totally stable, are some of the most violently reactive elements on the entire Periodic Table, with Fluorine even known to be able to eat through glass if given enough time.
It might be surprising to hear then that the Halogens also produce some of the most chemically stable compounds known on Earth, such as Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), A.K.A., Teflon. This is because when these elements create compounds they become stable, meaning to break them apart you need an equal amount of energy to do so, and the energy requirement for Halogen compounds is often massive, making them chemically hardy.
Outside of Teflon and eating glass, the less reactive of the Halogens also are used in medicine as a way to sterilize an area. Most commonly and famously used would be Iodine, which not only has a beautiful purple hue, but is also used in surgeries to sterilize equipment and areas before operations, saving countless lives from infections every day.
In contrast to the reactive Halogens, we have next,
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The Nobel Gases
The Nobel Gases like any true Nobels with wealth and status don't like to get involved in the common peasantry's squabbles. In the world of chemicals and elements, this means their full valence electron shells don't stubbornly refuse to chemically react with any other element, and the compounds they do form are often unstable and want to fall apart back into a Nobel Gas and whatever common element it wound up stuck with.
While this lack of reacting does make them rather boring from a reaction perspective, it does make them extremely useful when you do not want things chemically reacting by acting as a buffer between other elements; most easily seen in high end car lights, often filled with Xeon or other Nobel Gases to make sure no matter how hot the light gets it doesn't react chemically and degrade.
Along with protecting lights, they can also be used for lights. Due to their unreactive nature in even high energy environments, it makes them perfect to be used to fill a sealed glass tube that has power shot through it; otherwise known as a Neon Light. However despite the name, not all Neon Lights are filled with Neon, only the orange-red ones are. Other colors such as blues and greens come from the other Nobel Gasses depending on their spectrum emissions.
And on light and degradation, last but not least we have,
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The Rare Earth Metals
The Rare Earth Metals can be and often are split into two smaller groups, the upper Lanthanide series and the lower Actinide series.
The upper Lanthanides are all rather chemically similar, meaning they can often be treated somewhat interchangeably in a chemical sense. Their most notable use is without a doubt their ferro magnetic properties, making some of the most powerful magnets on Earth barring electro-magnets. Neodymium magnets are by far the most famous of them, being known to be able to leap across across tables and smash fingers if not handled carefully, while holding up hundreds of pounds of weight.
In contrast, the lower Actinide series is the domain of many of the Radioactive elements and sees the boundary line between the natural and artificial elements. All of them are radioactive to various degrees with decreasing half life lengths.
It is here Thorium and Uranium is found, being the heart of both terrifying bombs and the cleanest sources of energy known to mankind. Beyond Uranium, all the elements are artificial and must be made by humans in breeder reactors.
Despite their association with atom bombs and nuclear reactors, many of these elements also have far more mundane uses. Americium is used in common household Smoke Detectors, saving untold numbers of lives and dollars in property through early warnings of smoke and fire. Other ones are used by NASA and other space agencies in Radioisotope thermoelectric generators or R.T.G.s, used to power spacecraft like Voyager 2 and the Mars Curiosity Rover thousands of miles away from Earth where conventional solar panels would be too heavy, unwieldy, and inefficient so far away from the Sun.
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
Might rename "SWK is MK's stone egg dad au" to something else since I love clever au names.
I wanna keep the same "egg"-vibe as the "slow boiled stone egg au" so I suggest;
"SWK is MK's stone egg dad au" -> "century stone egg au"
"Century eggs" are a way of preserving eggs by burying them in the ground with special alkaline minerals, and originates in China.
And the au is kicked off by Wukong deliberately triggering the Stone Egg process by burying himself about 400+ years before the events of the canon LMK series, creating MK in the process.
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