#And Lurien at the same time
breadmecoshy · 1 month
I swear, the Pale King just organized a conveyor belt for the production of minions from the void and delegated his duties to them
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In my understanding, Lurien and the Collector were the two most reasonable specimens, so the King made them work. For free, of course, only out of a sense of love for its creator. And less autonomous samples became his kingsmoulds
Lurien was obviously entrusted with overseeing the City of Tears, but I think the situation is more interesting with the Collector
I think the King originally appointed him as a scientist who was supposed to study the effects and consequences of contact of living beings with the void. Is it possible to defeat the infection in this way or reduce its impact? It would be easy for him, since he himself is from the void
After all, he has his own tower with a study. But to be honest, the Tower of Love reminds me of one big room with soft walls for a madman, and it stands literally on the very edge of the city, isolated from it. I think the king initially saw that the Collector was not quite adequate, but he needed research, so he simply provided him with a tower with access to the Edge of the Kingdom so that he could catch unreasonable beetles there for research, and not cause problems in the city
The bug with the void flowing out of its eyes, in which we find the key to the tower, thinks that they have been together with someone for too long, and have become one. I think it was one of the assistants or workers in the tower who escaped when the influence of the void on the inhabitants of the tower became obviously detrimental. He locked the Collector up and took the key with him so that he could no longer "protect" everything he could reach
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ria-starstruck · 1 year
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love the hc that the dreamers we see in-game r just wearing funerary clothes bc it gives me the excuse to prettify lurien's design
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bluegekk0 · 3 months
I was imagining FPK awkwardly correcting someone who wrote his name as Wyrm instead of Vyrm (since "wyrm" is the spelling used by most bugs in Hallownest) and I realized I subconsciously made it mirror my own name.
I wasn't born in Poland so my name has an x in it, but the Polish version of the same name has an ks instead of x. So I always have to correct people since they don't realize it's spelled differently.
And this is exactly what I imagine FPK has to deal with, especially now that he embraces his name. He didn't mention it to anyone before since he was known as The Pale King to pretty much everyone, so he never bothered correcting anyone (and every time WL used the Hallownest spelling he chose not to correct her so that he wouldn't upset her). But now Vyrm is the name he goes by, so correct spelling is a bit more important to him. Grimm further encourages him to embrace that name in its intended form, especially since he was one of the few who knew its correct spelling and respected it (Lurien was also one of them, he is quite pedantic and cares about details so he made sure to respect the name's spelling if he ever used it in writing).
Juat thought it was a fun little parallel that happened by complete accident. Goes to show how much I subconsciously project onto him lmao
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somecallmekay · 24 days
A Date at the Ball
@wonderwyrm and I prepare for the ball, 700 words, Blue Moon Ball
Evenings in spring usually tended to be on the warmer side, and tonight was no exception. The gentle heat of the setting sun slowly withdrew as the cool air kept everyone at a comfortable temperature, which was certainly aided to some extent by the magics enchanted. 
The sky was awash with colours of the setting sun, painting a diorama of hues accented by champagne pink clouds, carefully guiding the observers gaze towards the marble pillars which served as the main entrance to the hall, which was bustling with life. 
Wizards, witches, dragons, angels, wolfkin, everyone showed up dressed in their best. The Blue Moon Ball was certainly an event not to miss, and everything has been going smoothly, much thanks to the host.
Most people showed up slightly ahead of time, and we're socialising outside, save for one figure. 
Wyrm was dressed in a brilliant white dress, sparkling in the evening sun, reflecting the setting sun, yet underlit with a menagerie of colours, matching his wizard's hat and shoes. Bright and shiny, yet far from gauche, they razzled and dazzled in the crowd like fresh snow. 
Suddenly, the floor beneath them darkened, darkened, and darkened until it became a pool of pitch black. The shade, while still attached to their feet, moved slightly to the side, then something started rising out of it. Dark tendrils of darkness reached up into the sky, then coalesced into a singular form, stitching themselves into a humanoid body. 
She chuckled,and extended her hand towards the shape. “You're so dramatic, Kay.”
The body accepted his hand, the shadows fracturing to reveal their date for the ball, who turned the hand over and kissed the back, far too dramatically. “What can I say, it is the day to go all out. What'd you think?” they said, and slowly turned around, showing their outfit. 
A black suit, black shirt, they wore no tie, their neck adorned with a silver necklace in the shape of a small hammer, and an onyx pendant. They wore several black and silver bracelets, and a silver ring on their right middle finger. Their head was completely black and only reflecting some light, as if made out of ink. The outfits were completely different, yet instead of clashing, they accentuated each other beautifully. 
“Sharp,”came the answer, “but a little too black, don't you think?” The question was, of course, a joke, and immediately met with a response from his date. “I mean, I'm a living shadow, might as well lean into it. Anyways, damn, is this place nice or what?”
And like that, hands in pockets, all the theatricalities gone, just two friends hanging out dressed pretty. 
“Yeah, Lurien really went all out for this.” Wyrm responded cheerfully. “You can really see how much work he put in.”
“Same could be said for yourself, you look beautiful.”
“Aww, thank you! Took me a moment to get the enchantment exactly right, but it really paid off I think. Check this out!” he exclaimed and did a quick twirl. 
The lights of the dress went wild. Lights enchanted their glow, temporarily capturing the gaze of everyone around, and a round of polite applause followed. 
Kay was clapping the loudest, which wasn't saying much since golf claps aren't for noise, but regardless. 
“Bravo, beautiful. If they ever make a card game out of this ball, you're getting a holographic card just for that.”
“That might be the weirdest compliment I've gotten.”
“Gotten so far, the night is still young. Besides, the ball hasn't even sta-”
The massive doors into the building rumbled, and slowly opened, and a chime echoed through the grounds, signalling the ball had officially started. 
The shadow wytch paused. “huh. Colour me wrong I guess.”
Wyrm laughed, then offered his hand for their date to wrap their arm around. “Shall we then? My date?”
The teasing in her words was lightheaded, and instantly, she found a dark arm locked with hers. “After the Shadow Lillies and chocolates? Absolutely, darling.”
“Well, I did get a visit from someone who knew you'd like them. Tall, shadowy, black clothing.”
“I couldn't possibly imagine someone like that. Seriously, does their wardrobe have like, only one colour?”
They shared a laugh, just as they stepped into the halls. Oh yes, tonight was definitely a good night to go all out.
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progenycursed · 5 months
Progeny Cursed Chapter 14
A new type of pain confuses the Pure Vessel. What is done to stop it, just confuses them more. The Pale King voices his opinion on table manners. While Lurien learns tackling the Pale King is a bad idea.
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<hurt> ?<pulling pain>? *confused*<hurt>What that?
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<hurt> ?<pain>  Why hurt? Did heal. *shock*  ??<radiating pain>?? What mouth doing?
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?<hurt>? why hurting?
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?<pang> ?<Pulling pain>? ?<gnawing hurt>? 
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?<Twisting cramp>? What (I) doing? Didn’t order stop
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?<aching twinge>? What ‘eat’? Maybe. Okay. No.  ?<gnawing ache>? Want better
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?<shooting pain>? *shock* *annoyed*?<pain>?
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?<screaming pain>? <twisting>?<ATTACK> ?<MAIM>?<crushing>?<BITE>? ?<CONSUME>?<FEED>?
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<feeding><hunger> Thing approaching [growl] [snarl] *aggression*[threat]
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<feeding> <hunger> <hungry> <feed>
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&lt;ATTACK> Idea! <MAIM> <KILL> <feeding frenzied>
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{memories of strange pain} healing not stop pain}{weird uncontrollable mouth movements}{biting and eating wingsmold} Why wingsmold void not same as void? Sacred of void but okay with wingsmold void {thing approached while eating}{threatened it}
(You) will not bite
(You) ever eat?
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*nervous*no  *shock*irritated*
(You) bad liar
*annoyed* … Approximately 
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Answered one question
*chaos* MORE
*gasp* Answered 1 question! No more!
Answer question better
*mischief* all night 
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No mouth. Can’t eat. Merge
Merge? What merge?
Answered one question. Now SLEEP!!
Masterpost | Previous | Next
Void Translation Quick guide:  () a person  [] a void callout  {} memories ** emotions <> physical reaction  ~breath~
At last! It is done! Turns out the season of delays is running long for me. Shit just keeps happening. Really annoying shit. So, unfortunately, there might be more time between updates.
You all may have noticed the backgrounds changed between parts. That’s because I’m getting bored doing the backgrounds. I like the way they looked before, but its no longer fun to do them and are really slowing me down. I find myself dragging my feet when it’s time to work on them. Sketching, coloring, and shading are all still fun. But the backgrounds are just, tedious. So I’m going to start experimenting with them to try to make them more fun. Bear with me while I figure out what style will work best for me. 
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dairyfreenugget · 28 days
Furry (FaaF) AU species thoughts:
Pale King is a wyrm that took on a more anthropomorphic mammalian traits, but still retains his overall dragon look. So he basically looks like a fluffy drake. Still has monarch wings but they're a spell now instead of a boody part, and resemble classic dragon wings.
White Lady is a nature goddess that vaguely resembles something of a mix of a rabbit (or hare) and a deer. Still at least partly a plant though
Grimm is a mix of a jackal, bat and other various scavengers. Possibly some reptilian or dragon traits. Nightmare King Grimm is the same thing but a patchwork plush
Unn is still a slug but this time an anthropomorphic one. At least partly made of slime and has a see-through stomach filled with acid.
The Radiance is a mix of an owl and a dragon or perhaps a basilisk?
The moths in general are owls. They have just 4 limbs and use their wings like hands, but The Radiance has 6 limbs with separate wings and hands
Herrah, and by extension deepnestians, are an original species I made up for this. Imagine a cross between a star-nosed mole, wolverine, and a wolf with 8 small eyes and long whiskers who's also an obligatory carnivore, and you get her.
Hornet is just a mix of this and a dragon. Long shaggy fur and mane, big ass ears, long whiskers, possibly horns, and a star-shaped nose too
Monomon is a jellyfish with mechanical enhancements to help her live on land. Her face is a visor
Lurien is some sort of colourful birth, possibly a peacock or a parrot
I'm blanking out on the great five. I'm thinking a pig for Ogrim, maybe some sort of bovine for Hegemol?
Shade Lord is like a giant sea dragon/serpent, with plenty of fish traits, think deep sea creature. The vessels are basically a mix of this + PK and WL, so their traits are all over the place. The shades become more serpentine and fish-looking.
Flower/PV mostly has traits from PK and WL, save for their dark colouring, which they get from SL. They mostly resemble a cross between a deer and a dragon with big ears. Still carnivorous/omnivorous so they have sharp fangs. Got feet covered in scales and hooves, though sharper and almost looking like talons, especially ones on their hands.
Still unsure about Ghost, but I'm probably gonna go with more rabbit and deer look for them than dragon. And maybe they'll look more like a sea serpent after taking over the mantle of the Shade Lord.
Lummis is a capybara, his parents are beavers. Still unsure about Petunia, but they give me fox or some sort of mustelidae vibes. Possibly a hybrid also, since originally they're a mix of two different mining bee species (pantaloon × tawny mining bee)
The buggycule's children are gonna look so fucking wild, man...
Dunno about Adamas (PK's mother), might keep her fluffy because she lives in cold, harsh mountains but she'd probably have far more dragon traits than her son
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ruthlesslistener · 7 months
8, 33 and 35 for palewatcher
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
-Not to be cheesy but for both there's a strong element of 'you are the only person who sees me as myself and the only person who makes me feel grounded in this reality'. For my version of Lurien, at least, this is because he grew up very much a ghost living on the fringes of society- he's an immigrant's son who was hatched in Hallownest, never truely knowing his home culture and never fully fitting into the society built by the beetle tribe in what was to become the City of Tears. He was an awkward and lonely quiet child who grew up on tales of huge families and kinship in an empty house, in a society that did not offer any of those comforts to him, and shied away from those who offered it as a result- which was rare, because he was odd, he didn't fit in, and his lack of knowledge about his heritage quickly made him quite boring. He essentially spent his whole life up to meeting the Pale King either in the shadows or in the minds of estranged scholars as he ravenously devoured the scrolls and tablets his mentors mentioned in passing in the lecture halls he attended to, and then he met PK, and it was like a total transformation. NOTHING about what made him 'other' was a distinguishing feature to the Pale King. Only himself. Only his mind, his skill, his art, all the best parts of himself- and becoming Watcher moved him to a position where he was then capable of discussing things with collegues who were often just as odd as he was, such as Monomon and Isma. PK's monochromatic view of 'all mortal bugs are the same to me unless they make themselves stand out through the sharpness of their mind' put Lurien on equal grounds for the first time in his life, and that gave him the confidence to take the initiative to grow closer to PK, where actual love for the individual developed.
For PK, however, that grounding is much more literal. PK is a god who put himself into the mortal realm so that he could study them better, because he was fascinated by a life that he was inherently an outsider to. He is an individual (and even that is debated, since he gave his soul to the White Lady), but at the same time, he can never be a person like Lurien is, and juggling that duality is extremely difficult. Lurien, however, not only sees both aspects of his nature, he also understands them (and he also understands that he will never fully understand), and works with him accordingly. He's his tether point to the world of mortals, the lens through which he sees it- his 'humanity', essentially, if such an allegory can be applied here. He's the...bug version of his humanity?? Idk
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
-Both of them are terrible flirts because both of them are extremely fucking subtle about their flirting and neither of them bother to think of themselves over politics lmfaooo. Lurien staunchly refrained from flirting specifically bc he didn't want his emotions to jeopardize the fate of the City or a relationship he was (mostly) comfortable keeping platonic whereas PK was too busy worrying about the future and trying to Be The Perfect King Who Never Feels to. Well. Realize what Lurien meant to him. And then when he did, his chosen method of flirting was to basically just up the sugar daddy game he was already doing for Lurien to begin with, so Lurien didnt know what to think of it other than 'my king you really should not be doing this, what, this is far above your station and you know it' sjcjdhs
Which is a long way to say that both of them flirt via blood-oaths to their mutual passions and by offering servitude to each other and they're both happy to keep it that way. They're both incredibly reserved individuals, flirting is stuff like Lurien going to a work meeting in PK's stead when PK is too deep in a project to understand linear time, or PK offering to groom Lurien's wings after a stressful day despite wyrms not really doing the allopreening thing much. Stuff like that
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
-YEAH their relationship would be a secret for a while. Not really bc PK cared- he really, genuinely does not- but bc Lurien himself is an extremely private individual who holds a lot of anxiety around people's expectations and breaking social rules, even if he's technically above all of them as the literal most high ranking bug in the kingdom under both the actual gods of the place. This works for PK, because the beetle tribe is socially very monogamous so other bugs learning about their relationship would result in lots of gossip and questions he'd consider a headache to deal with, but Lurien would rather nobody but those in the 'inner circle' (Lucien, the Dreamers, Dryya bc she's the White Lady's favored mortal/mortal mate so she Gets It) to know about his love life, so that's how it is. Plus, even if he'd never act on his compulsions unless a god other than WL tried to touch Lurien, PK is territorial, so. It works out for them both djcjfjsj
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The Blue Moon Ball: Feast
Oh food glorious food, how I've missed you so. My mind tells me to try and maintain my composure, but my body has already taken off to the nearest spread. It looks like cheese, grapes, crackers, veggies, pinwheels, dip, all the typical light snacks one would find at a party. I begin to realize the severity of my starvation when I completely disregard the silverware, electing to take matters into my own hands by skewering the snacks with magically made icicles. Absolutely barbaric, I know. I end up crafting a chilled charcuterie kebab and scarfing it down. Did I look refined? Probably not, but at this point I'm too hungry to care much for manners. Ivory must also be starving because he detaches from my staff and starts picking at the vibrant berries. Where we live, our diets typically consist seafood, root vegetables, grains, and magical flora adapted to the climate of a frozen coast, so this dinner will be a welcome change of pace. After satiating ours stomachs on a base level, I can begin to truly appreciate the spread. The variety is astounding! I start to search for a real meal. I look at the dining table and see it stretched the length of the hall to an almost imperceptible length. At glance, it looks to be an enchantment that causes the room to loop on itself to accommodate every guest. How clever! I walk past the chairs and benches until I can find a spot that is open and somewhat close to Lurien. I let him get away once, not again. After walking for a bit, I finally spot him. He is surrounded by friends, all laughing while eating away merrily. It doesn't seem a seat is open in that particular circle, but one is available close enough to get in his sight. Moving quickly, I slide onto the bench next to a stranger.
My my mouth waters as I take in the options: chicken, pork, beef, lamb, fish, vegetables of all kinds, exotic fruit slices that look perfectly ripe, bread rolls of every variety and, oh be still my heart, CALAMARI! Ivory and I notice at the same time and immediately snatch the plate. Such golden crispy chewy goodness paired with thick zesty sauces. As we bite down, that oh so satisfying first crunch is enough to make the whole night worth it. Forget the waltz music, this is the real symphony we needed. The squid's flesh gives way to our teeth and we munch away blissfully. Calamari has always been our favorite. I'm not much of a chef, so making it ourselves has been... difficult, thus we typically depend on restaurants to get our fix. However tonight has increased my standards tenfold. No calamari will ever top this, not in a million years.
After I scarf down the last piece, I scan the table for something more novel but catch the gaze of the woman to my right (@these-detestable-hands) . She wears some brilliant combination of pirate apparel and ball clothes with a red and white polka dot sash. Though that isn't what stood out to me first. As I locked eyes with her, a horrified visage burned into my memory.
"You monster!" she shuddered in a low and tense tone, "That was my sister you just ate!"
Confounded my eyes finish observing her and spot her hair. Well, it isn't so much hair, but red octopus tentacles growing from her scalp. I immediately put the pieces together, and throw myself into a coughing fit out of shock.
As profuse apologies tumble out of me, her shell shocked grimace turns into a delighted grin as she begins to laugh unyielding. She pats my back saying,
"Oh calm down red-head, it was just a joke."
My horror subsides and I begin to chuckle a little which then grows into a contagious laughter I must have gotten from her. We both revel in the absurdity of the moment. As we calm down, she introduces herself,
"The name's Haley."
"Ah! A pleasure to meet you, Haley! My name is Seros. I apologize for the whole 'eating your sister' debacle. Think you can forgive me?"
She expels another hearty laugh. We have a delightful conversation over our meals and the time flies. It's not until we say our momentary goodbyes when I realize I have yet to meet with Lurien. I think I still have time. He seems to be up and mingling now! Ok, time to get some answers.
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vulturereyy · 1 year
Hi I come bringing asks of the favorite Lurimol
Give me a day in the life with them! What’s their routine like, small things they do for the other etc
Thank you so much for the ask !!! Lurimol beloved...
Their schedules are something I think about a lot, especially while they are both at the height of their careers. I don't have any specific times, but to start off:
Hegemol always wakes up first.
His duty as a knight has him start the day before the city awakens, much to Lurien's often-dismay. The two of them share a bed in Lurien's spire once they become official, and try as he might, Hegemol always wakes poor Lurien up as he shuffles off of it. If there isn't a protesting mumble, there's usually a hand reaching out toward Heg. Said hand is taken like a proper lord's and kissed on the back of it, though this only seems to drive Lurien further into the pillows.
Hegemol gets himself ready within an hour. He's a morning shower kinda guy; helps with his joint pain and wakes him up for the day. Aedmond, Lurien's butler, usually has some form of breakfast ready for him by the time he's done. (Heg insists Aedmond doesn't have to do this, Aedmond claims it's little problem, and by taking care of Heg he is taking care of his lord in turn.) Hegemol's favorite breakfast is a strawberry-clementine salad with poppyseed dressing.
Hegemol's duties for the day usually see him out of the spire, and can vary from day to day. During the start of their relationship, he'd have been training the Watcher Knights day in and day out, while also making the occasional patrol around his city. Hegemol and Lurien's schedules very rarely cross during the day.
Lurien, on the other hand... Aedmond is lucky if he can see his Lord awake before 2pm. Lurien is a night owl to the extreme, and often isn't going to sleep until around 4-5am (and even then, typically at the request of either butler or beloved.) Lurien refuses to schedule any appointments before 3pm, and if he has to get up before 2 for your stupid meeting, you *will* hear about it. Despite frequently working himself into insomniac episodes, Lurien is Hallownest's biggest grump if his sleep is interrupted.
Lurien's day starts with a cup of green tea in bed, double-steeped, and delivered by his faithful Aedmond who always seems to know when Lurien is finally shifting awake. (He'll never tell his lord it's because one of the bedposts rests on a loose shell board so he can hear it move.)
This cup of tea in the morning is considered VITAL to Lurien's routine and if he does not get it you can consider the day lost lmfao. Strong green tea is the only way this bug wakes up.
Finally, once he's finished his tea and no sooner, Lurien is awake enough to stand, stretch, and make his way to his private bath. He always bathes in the evenings before bed, as warm water puts him to sleep (and Wyrm help you if you splash this man with cold water). Lurien's routine is far more intensive than Hegemol's is on days where he doesn't have to be anywhere. He will polish his carapace, file his claws and spurs, trim his bristles, wax his antennae, among other grooming and upkeep before he's ready to dress himself for the day.
Lurien's wardrobe is actually quite expensive despite appearing to only wear the same few sets of robes to the public. For a regular day with only a few meetings, his usual attire in layer order is:
A thin, long-sleeved white or black shirt with matching pants.
A long-sleeved white collared shirt, usually with some form of ruffled lace at the neck.
An embroidered waistcoat or tailcoat (custom tailored to also act as compression vests)
Black elbow-length gloves on all four of his hands, made from supple leather and padded slightly on the inside to minimize contact.
Black leg bindings and stockings, depending on if he is traveling or not. Lurien is still an old bug, and binding his lower legs helps reduce his aches.
A black silk cloak, the first of his outer robes
His usual sleeved blue cloak (in-game one, pre-tattered)
Often a draped hood with the city's crest.
And finally, his mask.
Usually, he will have his meal with Aedmond before he puts on his outer robes. Aedmond and Lurien are close friends despite their working relationship, and this is their time to catch up on the general goings-on. Lurien's 'breakfast' can vary, but his favorite is a seared vengefly steak and belfly egg quiche with an aluba roe garnish. Aedmond is content with an apricot salad.
Finally, Lurien's day is started. Because he wakes up so late, Lurien's window of time for scheduled meetings runs far longer than most city or royal officials. He will attend hearings, lectures, council meetings, and host his own between the hours of 4pm to midnight, with the hours of 9pm-12am almost exclusively being used for audiences at the spire. Lurien keeps odd hours because of his own destroyed sleep pattern, but also so the working class bugs of Hallownest can have a chance at his attention without risking time or geo.
Hegemol will often head back to his own apartment after he's finished with the day's work to get out of his armor, tidy it, and take a brief-but-effective shower to get all the sweat and grime off. When Lurien is booked, he'll use this time to steal a 1-2 hour nap in his own house, before returning to the spire once he's sure all of Lurien's meetings would be over.
Night is really their 'time.' Hegemol will get back sore from his toils, Lurien will always have tea ready (tea that he will make himself, as he always insists Aedmond stop 'serving' at a reasonable hour), or perhaps some sweet wine and brandy, and they will be happy to sit together or soak together in Lurien's private bath. A lot of their more romantic interactions are these small moments that they can steal away from the world, a lot of their love language is through just. quality time spent together. Hegemol almost always falls asleep if they're in the bath together, and Lurien will let him, only occasionally reaching over to keep the big beetle's head from falling into the water. He'll wake him when he's ready to get out.
Date nights can vary, but they still are done during ungodly hours of the night. Sometimes, Lurien will set up a series of wider lenses stemming from his telescope, so they can watch a pleasure house performance together from the spire. They'll take date nights in Hegemol's family's candy shop long after-hours (and once Heg's family catches on, they start leaving him and 'whoever his beloved is' dishes to reheat in the icebox). Sometimes, they'll clamber up to the roof of the spire and look out over the city. It's always something simple with them; their daily lives are filled with pomp and show just on the basis of their positions, but when they are together? They prefer the mundane.
Aedmond always makes them a feast for their anniversary though :>
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dumbbanana · 10 months
Out of curiosity, is gijinka'd Lurien's mask covering his eye because its messed up, or is it just a really fancy/potentially magical monocle?
(as an aside, I adore your dreamer designs and the occasional other gijinka'd characters you do - it really helps sell that they come from different backgrounds rather than making everything look all samey)
Hello hello! Thanks for your ask and so sorry for the wait!
Warning for eyes under the cut (at the very bottom of the answer)! Please ask to tag/let me know if I've missed a tag
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In my little brain, his mask is covering multiple eyes on that side of his face. Why does he have lots of eyes? Because it seemed cool to me and I like to headcanon him as a dragonfly which are bugs that are known to have very good vision and reaction time to pair with it. As such his eyes on that side of his face serve the same purpose 😁
As to specifics on why he covers his eyes, its not really to do with appearances (i.e. in Hallownest, him having multiple eyes wouldn't be considered odd). The main reason would be to correct his vision. After all, being able to see clearly for miles in all directions out of one side of your face and not the other would be extremely disorientating and distracting. I imagine he does exercise all his eyes regularly anyway so he can adjust accordingly in the event the mask comes off (e.g. when he needs to super focus and react to everything happening around him) .
So to answer your question, the mask would be closest to a monocle in that he wears it to make his vision more manageable, but it's probably closer to an eyepatch with a hole in it to allow for one eye to look around so he can still maintain his depth perception.
Thanks again for your ask! I'm always so happy to get asks about my silly drunk bug hooman designs and interpretations as well as to see others enjoying them! 🥃
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BMB day 1!
feat. @flowers-the-sun-witch, @wizblr-blue-moon-ball's Lurien and @hyper-lynx's Liam and Hemi. Keep in mind that because my interactions somewhat overlap with Liam's and Hemi's, there's a lot of dialogue that's the same between them. If that's an issue, I'm happy to change it though.
The sun is starting to get low in the sky when Flowers sees the entrance to the ball.
They'd been struggling to figure out where it is in the first place for the better part of half an hour – fight them, it's not their fault they have a terrible sense of direction – and their legs are getting tired. Logically, they probably could have taken a look at the address on the invite and teleported over, but considering they barely even know what the place looks like besides a few vague details, there's a not-zero chance that they'd have passed out by now.
Well, in any case, at least they've arrived.
At least, Flowers thinks they've arrived, judging by the massive gate ahead of them and the sprawling practically-a-city around them. They take a moment to stare at the intricately-designed buildings and decorations surrounding the plaza – it's a little bright, considering how late the event will be running. They trust they'll get used to it though. It's too beautiful not to look at, what with the almost mountainous clouds all around the city and the jagged outcrops of stone floating around the main island. Everything seems to almost glow, even though the only light visible is from the sun, which is quickly setting. Whoever made this place really outdid themselves with this one.
After a few seconds of gazing upon their surroundings, Flowers elects to visit the gardens. From what they can see, there is an abundance of flora that they haven't encountered yet in their admittedly few travels. They step through the gate and are immediately bombarded with plants and flowers and flora of every kind, some of which they have never even heard of; a little surprising, really, what with the amount of study they have done on this subject, but not an unwelcome surprise. Flowers settles against a rock outcrop, internally going over everything in this section of the gardens she knows of.
Flowers is snapped out of their thoughts by the sight of a figure before them. They jump, slightly startled, and wrack their brain to work out who this person is. They're dressed in an elegant white tunic and frilled pants, along with a pair of navy high-heeled shoes. Their hair flows around their shoulders, and if they turn a bit they can see a moon pin tucked into it. The host, they think.
"Oh, uh, hello there sir," Flowers stutters, still a little flustered by the host's sudden appearance. They smooth down their dress, suddenly aware of how little it suits this event. There's no going back now, though. "I like your outfit," they continue more evenly, flashing their invite from one of their pockets. Not for the first time, Flowers is glad that they know how to sew their own clothes. They'd probably go a little bit insane without pockets.
"Thank you," the host says, "Flowers, I assume? Just Lurien is fine, by the way."
"Yes, that's me. It's a pleasure to meet you." The two stand there in an awkward silence for a few moments, before Flowers speaks up again. "When will the ball start? I'm afraid I didn't bring a watch and time-related magic is not my thing."
Lurien thinks for a moment before responding. "It's about twenty minutes until the formal schedule commences," he says, "You're actually somewhat early."
"That is a relief," Flowers replies, "I think I will stay here for a while."
Lurien turns around for a second, then back to Flowers. "It appears that we have another guest here," he says, “I’ll allow you two a moment to become acquainted. There’s a matter I’ll need to attend to.”
Not a second later, a great eagle swoops dangerously close to the edge of the courtyard and begins to circle the courtyard. Lucien sighs, then lifts off to redirect the rider. "Oh gosh!" Flowers giggles, hand against her mouth, then, in a more controlled voice, "Oh my goodness."
The other person, who had apparently appeared in the few minutes they were talking to Lurien, shakes their head. "Some people…" They then blink, focusing on Flowers. “Well– ah, greetings!” The person gives a curtsy. “My name’s Liam.”
Flowers returns the gesture. “I’m Flowers, the Sun Witch. It’s nice to meet you!" After a short pause, they added "I like your dress.”
“Thank you~!” Liam twirled around a little. “Yours is very cute.”
Flowers smiles, but doesn't respond otherwise. They lean against the rock and watch Lurien guide the eagle, now a bright point in the darkening sky. They then turn their attention to Liam's dress. It's pink and somewhat round – very much unlike their own. Their ear twitched as they tried to think of what it reminded them of. After a moment, it clicked.
“I’ve not seen a dress of that style in a while. Lunar hibiscus, right?” they comment.
Liam's head tilts in their direction. "How did you—"
Flowers grins a little. “I don’t call myself ‘Flowers’ for no reason. The color’s pretty accurate, too. Though, those flowers are pretty rare on the island…”
“Ah, I’m not actually from here. I’m not even properly a wizard – that title belongs to my partner. I’m his plus-one.”
“Oh!” Flowers glances along the rim of the floating landmass. A little ways away is a person, sitting alone on an outcropping and staring into the sunset. “Is that him?”
“Yeah… He’s a little shy. I’m sure he’ll warm up when things kick off.”
Flowers nods, tapping their foot. “I hope the host is back soon… I hope everything’s alright with the bird situation.”
As if on cue, on a beam of light, Lucien appears next to the two guests. “I apologize for the wait, Mx. Flowers. I hope you’ll forgive my cutting your tour short for the moment, as the floor will open momentarily. I suggest you both make your way to the main hall and meet some more of the guests in the meantime.”
Flowers jumps (again! They should really get some spatial awareness at some point.) “Ah—! Of course, thank you.” They start to walk down the path toward the person on the rock. Maybe they could find another new acquaintance. Lucien, apparently satisfied, vanishes into light.
They hear Liam fall into step behind them. "Um," he says, "The fastest path is to the right."
They glance back at him. “We need to collect your partner, don’t we? Besides, I need to compliment his dress, too.”
By the time both Flowers and Liam reach the rocks, the sun has fully set. The clouds around the islands, no longer glowing red and purple, swirl like dust.
She glances back at the other person. They are wearing a deep indigo dress, made with a soft fabric and, unlike their partner, no plants in mind. As they turn to face them, Liam speaks. “Hey, we’re supposed to go inside soon.”
Admittedly, Flowers is a little distracted for the rest of the conversation. All is fine, though; they go through the motions of introducing themself and compliment the other's— Hemi's, if they remember correctly— dress.
Hemi smiles at the compliment, but Flowers turns toward the door, from which they can hear the sound of it unlatching. “Ah, it seems it’s time to enter. Have a wonderful time, you two—!” they say, then head off.
This might be more fun than they thought.
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aridis · 1 year
So. I just started a new game file with the Hallownest Vocalized mod.
Here my first considerations:
Monomon's voice. First thing you hear is her reciting the ode to Hallownest and her voice is so soft- made me think of the atmosphere you feel in the fog canyon lovely choice for sure
Quirrel sounds really good: you know how in the original voicelines you could somehow hear him smile? Same here
Myla my beloved- ♡ The singing the stuttering, whoever voiced her you did a phenomenal job truly-
Cornifer sounds so silly luv him
Sly sounds like a scammer and honestly that fits him perfectly
Oh, False Knight, I think it's great you can hear the boss dreamnail lines while fighting them, I was smirking all the time while fighting him
Snail Shaman is such a lil cheeky critter
The Hunter needs coughing syrup
Unn (It's her lore tablets that "speak"?) sound so motherly, so nice
Zote, you little old prick, I want to punch him even more now-
Hornet. The hard "r" fits her really well + she sounds young, but the tone of her voice is so serious and solemn, that's exactly how I picture her
And last but not least the Dreamers: we already heard Monomon, but Lurien and Herrah- lovely, just lovely! (I'm totally being impartial it's not like they're my fav characters after all ahah-)
Seriously Lurien sounds perfect, I was afraid they would have given him a too high pitched or too deep voice but the one they choose is very neat
And thankfully they didn't make Herrah sounds snarly, I get she's "the Beast", but I personally prefer her having a normal voice
So...these are my first thoughts, after listening to some other voicelines I might upload with other thoughts.
There are a couple bugs (such as some voice lines entries for the Hunter's journal being incorrect) but the project was so ambitious that in all honestly I couldn't care less
I usually read quickly the dialogues, 'specially when I play in english, but with this mod I'm enjoying more the lore of the game
In conclusion, I suggest installing it; it's free, easy to install and it's a well-crafted mod, you can see they put a lot of passion and hard work in it :>
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violetdawn001 · 3 months
Perfectly NOT Fine: Chapter 3
Instead of Deepnest, the Knight went up through the City of Tears to escape. What would happen but being found and adopted by none other than the Watcher himself.
Tell me, what happens now? After all, the Knight has a twin in the White Palace down below....
Previous: https://www.tumblr.com/violetdawn001/741443039477858304/perfectly-not-fine-chapter-2?source=share
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Nothing was the same after that meeting in the White Palace. I told no one, of course, of what the king told me.
Yet that did little to prevent our household from putting facts together that someone threatened the Spire...and you.
You, my son, never noticed the threats. You were so full of excitement from your godmother and all the squires spending all their "free" time with you.
No, not free from duty, for they made loving you their duty.
A choice no one consulted me about.
While our household prepared for what could be, I turned my gaze to what had been...and what to do now.
His Majesty told me of his plans; Of how there were no costs too great...and not to fret for HE would pay them. Pay them with the sweat and blood of his own child. A vessel wearing a dead shell-ha! What a lie to mask the faces of living children! Despite the clear gravity of what His Majesty did and was doing... Dust clouds obscured the best path forward. On One Hand, I stand up to the King, Fight for the King's child, Speak out against this plan. Slighting the Pale King's Dignity and Opening the kingdom to rot. In other words, TREASON. On the Other Hand, I say nothing, do Nothing so that the citizens of the kingdom are saved. Dooming the Princeling to chains and Daming the Pale King to Hell. In conclusion, also TREASON. Strike the Body to save the Soul. Dam the Soul to Save the Body. Any action taken now will be TREASON. Treason, treason, TREASON, TREASON!!! *Soft Footsteps are heard* "?" "Meep! Meep!" I cannot begin to thank you, my son, for bringing me out of that storm. And for the realization of what loyalty I ought to hold most true.
Start Here/Cover:
Next Chapter: Please be patient. 😄
NOTES: Why does Lurien only hire smart people? His servants demanded three extra pages just so they could show how THEY were watching and had to do something!
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
Damn, Lurien's design is really good! Can you tell us something random about him?
Thank you!
Hmm. Might as well take this chance to talk about his personality a bit. His most prominent trait is that he's extremely dedicated to the City of Tears. Like, to the point of committing questionable actions in order to protect it, which started to be noticeable after he became its head post-infection.
There is a parallel to be made between him and Vyrm for this reason, but where Vyrm chooses to solve things peacefully and was forced to commit terrible acts out of desperation, Lurien is far more ruthless. As the head of the city, he wants to make sure the citizens are safe above all. The infection and the chaos that came after it became an opportunity for many bandits to exploit the city's weakness. By the time Lurien gained power to do anything about it, some of the city districts became notorious for criminal activity, and many of the thugs have their hideouts all across the city and outsids its borders. Thieves, murderers and other criminals fly right under the radar of his weakened guard, and this forces him to look for less than lawful methods to cull the bandit population.
This is best shown by his deal with Grimm; he's willing to work with another murderer to protect the city. Grimm periodically visits it in search of blood, inevitably leaving dead bodies behind. With Lurien's help, he gets access to a list of names of criminals he can hunt without consequences. He works more efficiently and faster than the city guard, which means Lurien can get rid of targets without attracting too much attention of the rest of the criminal underground. It's definitely a questionable method, and perhaps a lot of those criminals deserved a fair trial, but Lurien doesn't seem bothered about it. Anything to protect his beloved city.
I'm still brainstorming his backstory, but I want him to be very closely connected to the city from a young age, somehow. I mean, he basically married it when becoming the Watcher, so it's very clear that it means a lot to him. And I thought it would be interesting if he agreed to become the Dreamer not just because of his respect for FPK, but out of love for the city.
I talked before about his relationship with Vyrm, but I think this is a nice opportunity to mention if again. He definitely had a crush on him at some point, but it's possible that he was more attracted to Vyrm's love for his kingdom and his subjects rather than Vyrm himself. He definitely saw the king's beauty and he found him awe-inspiring, but whether or not it had a romantic undertone is still something he can't decide on.
His conflicted feelings are definitely rooted in his kind's customs. As I mentioned in the design reveal post, the males of his species clip their wings as a wedding ritual. This is deeply rooted in its culture, which unfortunately means that same-sex couples and relationships with other species are frowned upon among his kind, as they break tradition. Lurien definitely adapted Hallownest's more tolerant mindset, but deep down he felt ashamed of his feelings, which contributed to him never making them known to Vyrm or anyone else.
This post is already quite long, but if anyone is interested, I would love to answer more questions, especially some more specific ones! They help a lot with developing him as a character.
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asp1diske-art · 2 years
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“If you could go back in time, would you still become a Dreamer?”
Monomon: No Herrah: No Lurien: Yes
translated script under cut
Would I still become a Dreamer if I could go back to that time? Are you insane? Why would I try a way I already know will fail? Turn back the wheels of time only to repeat what you have done. Ridiculous. If I have a second chance, then I need to analyze why we failed. And this time, I will succeed. Even if the world is fated to end, I will try another way.
If I could go back, you say. I will make this clear: I have never regretted that bargain. Mm. Even so... I have no wish to become a Dreamer again. That has already failed this time. I want to believe there is a better way to save our brood. To leave a better world to that child as well.
If I could go back, would I still make the same choice. ...Yes. If there is no other way, then I will become a Dreamer once more. Even if it is only a temporary solution, even if it is doomed to fail. It does not matter to me. We considered the possibility of failure then, too. Even so, if we could stop the infection for just a little while, if we could hold the kingdom for just a little longer, then it was worth it. That was the best we could do. Though it ended in ruin, I have never regretted my choice.
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Of course, a certain someone will be furious to hear that I said so. She’ll probably call me ‘an obstinate fool’. Perhaps she will find a better way this time round. If nothing else, then I can buy some time until she does.
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asp1diske · 2 months
My friend is currently playing through hollow knight for the first time and just got to monomon. He was trying to decipher the tablets and was like what the hell is this?? So I was like there's this great artist who headcanons its monomon'a shorthand, and told him about your art and showed him, and he loved it and immediately wanted to dive more into your monomon.
But the thing is he's my souls buddy. We are currently doing a joint playthrough of all 3 games + bloodborne and ER, on the last dlc for ds2 now. Ds2 is his favorite game so I got to show him those as well and he was like WOAH THIS IS THE MONOMON PERSON'S? and loved them (he doesn't have a tumblr or else he'd reblog I'm sure)
His favorite bloodborne character is Eileen, and we talk about her a lot. So I told him I had new fanart to show him thats gonna make him cry and he was like oh? From where? And I was like you're never gonna believe it. It's the same person 😂
(Anyway he loved it again)
if he's interested in the archive script these might be of interest to him
this is my take on deciphering the archive script (it's a more direct translation compared other people's work)
this is a document i compiled on all the written languages in hallownest. while this one is in korean, it's readable with some effort with a translator (i recommend papago). more importantly, there is a transcript of the archive letters that i've traced from the game files. (i frequently reference them whenever i write the archive letters lol) i also have a table of recognizable pictograms and some notes on the tablet in lurien's secret room.
i don't have a lot on monomon compared to lurien (i am admittedly not normal about lurien) but i consider this and this to be the epitome of my interpretation of monomon. i headcanon monomon as an idealist and a philantropist. i think she was a kind and eccentric person. and i think that she was thoughtlessly, carelessly cruel to quirrel in that she had no idea just how much influence she had over him. (to quote the first comic, 'how could he dare say no'?)
tell your friend thank you for liking my art and good luck on hollow knight! and thank you to you as well for telling me this and for all the support you gave me <3 i hope you have a good day!
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