#oc: adamas
nonuggetshere · 3 months
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(ID start: Three pictures of a wyrm oc as a human, one headshot and two reference sheets. She's an older woman with pale white skin and darker purple-tinted markings on her limbs with stripes; her nose, forehead and ears are similarly tinted with stripes on her cheeks. She has long white hair brushed back and kept in a low, loose ponytail, some hair strands falling over her face. She has four spikes on her head resembling a tiara and a long tail with long while fur at the tip, long white claws and legs resembling two-toed hooves. She's wearing thick cloak lined with white fur underneath and a long fur collar; on one reference it's dark greyish blue and on the other it's mottled white, black and grey. She has thick, dark blue-grey layered clothing and white leather armour on her neck and limbs. She's scowling in all of the pictures. End ID.)
Adamas is Pale King's mother, though they had little time together as the flash flood took him from her much too early. She's an Arctic wyrm that had moved more towards the temperate climate area, and although not a god in her own right she is still an impressive wyrm with many years of experience, a former empress that has left her desire to rule in her younger years and chose to stay solitary, rearing many clutches by herself in her years before deciding the one the Pale King belonged to would be her last. Long after her children left to fend for themselves she was challenged for her territory by a younger wyrm and lost, mortally wounded she fled for the mountains where she dug into the ground and died, leaving her former body in hopes of survival. Now she lives there, in her old tunnels in the mountains, feeding off her corpse and any poor fool that ventures too close to her densite. She isn't opposed to one day travelling again, but for now she's quite content in her life.
She's a tough love type of gal, letting her children learn the hard lessons by their own mistakes but always being there to support them. More of a person that shows she loves you with her actions rather than words. She has a resting bitch face, good luck catching her smile. She's more of a traditional, tough wyrm, though unlike most of her kind she doesn't share their pride in her battle scars; not being ashamed of them but believing that having scars just shows you weren't strong or fast enough to get out of the danger's way and it's foolish to feel prideful over them.
The white armour she wears is made of the leather and scales she carved from her old corpse. She has two cloaks, the white/grey/black mottled one she wears on her hunts, allowing her to blend in with the rocky environment of the mountains and breaking up her silhouette.
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dairyfreenugget · 22 days
Furry (FaaF) AU species thoughts:
Pale King is a wyrm that took on a more anthropomorphic mammalian traits, but still retains his overall dragon look. So he basically looks like a fluffy drake. Still has monarch wings but they're a spell now instead of a boody part, and resemble classic dragon wings.
White Lady is a nature goddess that vaguely resembles something of a mix of a rabbit (or hare) and a deer. Still at least partly a plant though
Grimm is a mix of a jackal, bat and other various scavengers. Possibly some reptilian or dragon traits. Nightmare King Grimm is the same thing but a patchwork plush
Unn is still a slug but this time an anthropomorphic one. At least partly made of slime and has a see-through stomach filled with acid.
The Radiance is a mix of an owl and a dragon or perhaps a basilisk?
The moths in general are owls. They have just 4 limbs and use their wings like hands, but The Radiance has 6 limbs with separate wings and hands
Herrah, and by extension deepnestians, are an original species I made up for this. Imagine a cross between a star-nosed mole, wolverine, and a wolf with 8 small eyes and long whiskers who's also an obligatory carnivore, and you get her.
Hornet is just a mix of this and a dragon. Long shaggy fur and mane, big ass ears, long whiskers, possibly horns, and a star-shaped nose too
Monomon is a jellyfish with mechanical enhancements to help her live on land. Her face is a visor
Lurien is some sort of colourful birth, possibly a peacock or a parrot
I'm blanking out on the great five. I'm thinking a pig for Ogrim, maybe some sort of bovine for Hegemol?
Shade Lord is like a giant sea dragon/serpent, with plenty of fish traits, think deep sea creature. The vessels are basically a mix of this + PK and WL, so their traits are all over the place. The shades become more serpentine and fish-looking.
Flower/PV mostly has traits from PK and WL, save for their dark colouring, which they get from SL. They mostly resemble a cross between a deer and a dragon with big ears. Still carnivorous/omnivorous so they have sharp fangs. Got feet covered in scales and hooves, though sharper and almost looking like talons, especially ones on their hands.
Still unsure about Ghost, but I'm probably gonna go with more rabbit and deer look for them than dragon. And maybe they'll look more like a sea serpent after taking over the mantle of the Shade Lord.
Lummis is a capybara, his parents are beavers. Still unsure about Petunia, but they give me fox or some sort of mustelidae vibes. Possibly a hybrid also, since originally they're a mix of two different mining bee species (pantaloon × tawny mining bee)
The buggycule's children are gonna look so fucking wild, man...
Dunno about Adamas (PK's mother), might keep her fluffy because she lives in cold, harsh mountains but she'd probably have far more dragon traits than her son
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mistfallengw2 · 3 months
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Learning quickness builds is quick and easy, they said
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tinyy-tea-cup · 1 month
adamas would abused his family if he had one -_- you spread lie when you draw him happy
OMG ANON HELLO 😍 thanks for your feedback! I literally don’t care! *throws it in the trash*
I know we don’t know much about Adamas’ character and that he’s been depicted as rlly mean and harsh. Believe me Adamas’ personality in RoR is not it but like… he makes me laugh alr 💀 we have been limited to the harsh, cruel side of Adamas so why can’t I depict him being happy? Why can’t I draw him loving his wife and hanging out with his son?
Find smth better to do than randomly pick ppl to bully 💀 get a life dude ur killing me
Also have a present 🥺💖
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mizz-sea-nymph · 1 year
Hades: somebody do something he’s dead!
Hermes: uncle sir what are we exaclty supposed to do?
Adamas dead on the floor
Persephone: check it’s pulse!
Amphitrite: that’s a good idea, except uh, he’s kinda dead- he looks like a rancid cucumber
Persephone: With ebola! A rancid cucumber with ebola who’s been murdered, bless its soul
Poseidon: I didn’t kill him
Ares: it just moved-
Amphitrite: see, he didn’t kill him, he just assaulted him, in a highly violent way
Poseidon: there’s a big difference
Aphrodite: like the wonders of ebola!
Zeus: alright alright stand back everyone leave the premises!
*suspenseful music*
Zeus: *pokes him with a lightning bolt to see if he’s actually dead*
Hades: that’s fucking it??
Zeus: what the fuck do you people want from me!
Zeus: I’m not Egyptian I can’t do that! Ask Anibus or that demonic Beelzeboob or something damm! You people are NEVER grateful!
Hermes: I’d be greatful if you’d finally fall down that flight of stairs and died-
Zeus: what-
Hermes: I said I’d be greatful if anyone in this room told me why we made ebola a thing!
Persephone: oh! Cause we all are horrible!
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I promise I’ll post sm productive soon 🦈
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sillystringsimpsons · 10 days
Kostas has one too many drinks, follows a strange young man to his home, and winds up in an even stranger situation.
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sibbydoo · 9 months
[🕸] Project: SWING!
SWINGtember 13 - Their Friend/s Find/s Out
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Of all the times Cario imagined his friends finding out about The Spi-borg, this scenario was far from what he had in mind: under collapsed table and shelf, Adama and Tom hunched against the wall, wide-eyed with something Cario could not read at first. Jake was in front of them, fierce, protective, he looked like he’d seen a ghost.
Cario struggled against the grip of Glass-Ock’s claw, but he shook at the thought of his friends being terrified of him. That was, until they all silently mouthed, “Are you okay?” Then Cario nearly wept in realization—they weren’t afraid of him, they were afraid for him. In the same, companionable concern that made up their friendship as lab-mates in LAB326.
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snowmantita · 2 months
Has Persephone ever met Adamas before and if so what does she think of him
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Hi nonny!
Sorry for the late reply, but I've been trying to connect Adamas with Persephone a bit! I hope you like it and that it's quite understandable.
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If you give Persephone a choice between her uncles, she will always choose Adamas because he is the one she interacted with in both her childhood and adult life.
Since Persephone was the firstborn, everyone on Mount Olympus was excited about the little goddess, except one, Adamas. As always, she spoke with a mocking and sarcastic tone, but Zeus gave her the baby to carry without further ado, Adamas was the first to recognize the resemblance she bore to Poseidon, but she looked at him in the eye and smiled.
During her childhood, Persephone was always away from her siblings, but Adamas would sometimes help her escape to play. This simple gesture made her grateful to him, and even Zeus sometimes left his daughter with him to look after her.
When Adamas wanted to overthrow Zeus, Persephone told him that she would stay away. She also warned him not to ask Poseidon for help because she knew his ideals. The moment Adamas was taken to Beelzebub, Persephone sighed sadly, but she trusted the Lord of the Flies and just waited with her husband. When Adamas appeared in his new body, Persephone ran to embrace him. It was noticeable that Persephone saw him as a father figure, Adamas was much more present than her father.
Adamas doesn't want to admit it, but the only one he's nice to is Persephone.
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gabelesimp · 1 year
I got something for Tsukuyomi-
Tsukuyomi with the Greek Brothers
With Hades: "So, how long have you been fucking with my brother." " Umm...For about centuries." "Break his heart, I'll kill you." "Not if I can kill you first." (Hades jealous that Poseidon is always with Tsukuyomi~)
Poseidon: *making out noises*
Zeus: "My my... You're a hot one~ I finally know why Poseidon likes you~" "..."
*Tsu points his glass spear at Zeus.* "Don't."
Adamas: "...You stay away from my brother, you Shinto scum." "...No, I'll make him fuck me, just to spite you but I know that he wouldn't mind because you're irrelevant to him, Goblin boy."
@amphitriteswife >:D
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m0rb1dspade · 8 months
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Caelia Adamas - Sylph of Life, Derse - Lionness Mom
For the full hemospectrum
Caelia is a ditzy karen in personality, through and through. She acts kinda like a detached boomer in some ways and can be hella unself aware of her actions and how they effect others unless they are higher on the spectrum than herself. Even then, shes the type to be basically shouting while on the phone in public and to say something obnoxious at threatre only to bitch the person who complains out instead of taking any responsibility. Sort spoils her best friend, Gallus, too much bc shes crushing hard on him but also wont ever confess to him.
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nonuggetshere · 9 months
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cryscal · 10 months
Four Words Tag Game part 2!
@aether-wasteland-s has tagged me to hunt down four words in my writings: fortune, sigh, release and tremble. I hope you enjoy the results!
And a gentle, no-pressure tag to @elliehopaunt, @bigbad1880, @queerlilchinchin, @heavensfallenfaction and aaaaanyone else who wants to take a shot! I offer you admit, firm, pleasure, and throat. As always, any form of a word works.
fortune – Untitled bit from the same WIP as Past Perfect
“So ... you do tarot.” “Yep.” Mo acknowledged her new roomie’s not-question without turning from the spread of cards in front of her. “And it looks like you’re pretty serious about it.” This time her eyes did shift, flicking to the dozen decks and several books on the subject loading down one shelf of her tiny dorm bookcase. “Also true.” “But you say you’re not a fortune teller?” At last Mo turned to face Aihe, looking up at her lounging on her bunk. “I am not, no.” (Strong, assertive features, warm brown skin, bright brown eyes, one hand playing with the pounamu pendant her-- sigh –boyfriend gave her) “Why not? I kinda thought that’s what tarot is for.” Mo snorted, then gave the Maori girl a smile to soften it. “That’s what many people think. But if you need a name for what I do, call me a soothsayer.” Aihe’s smooth brow furrowed. “Isn’t that just another word for--?” “Nope.” Mo picked a card from the top of her deck and twirled it in her fingers. “Fortune telling implies telling someone about their future. But sooth just means truth.” “Oh.” (softly curved lips pressing the edge of her glass as she took a long sip of the wine they were sharing) “So you’re a truth speaker.” “I try to be.”
sigh – Past Present
“My real name wouldn’t mean much to you; you couldn’t pronounce it, for one thing. But I have used other names. You may call me Trishna.” “Trishna … Sanskrit for thirst.” “Or desire.” Yes. It fit her. “I’m sorry, Trishna.” “None could blame you for your rage, sweet one. I’m only grateful that you were able to leash it.” Dareios drew one more deep breath and let the words out on a shuddering sigh. “Not me. You.”
release – Essence (BSG 2003 fic)
“And Laura--” He looked up and met her eyes. “--if you ever do need to talk, I'm here.” The dam very nearly broke then, with her hand in his and her vision filled with the tenderest look she'd ever seen on his face. It nearly broke, but she knew that if she started talking now, she would wind up shrieking her agony and fear and rage into his shoulder. His shoulder was strong; she wanted to trust it so badly ... This time she was the one who dropped her gaze to their hands. “Thank you,” she whispered. Those large hands surrounding her own squeezed briefly, then released. “Do you need anything else? A meal, perhaps?” She just stopped herself from shuddering. She'd had to take something in preparation for tomorrow's tests, something her stomach hadn't liked. “No, not right now, thanks. I'm fine.”
tremble – Past Present
“There’s no right answer, is there?” His voice sounded thick. “No matter who it was, they wouldn’t be worth your parents’ lives. And if there was no one, that’s worse.” The contempt in her eyes landed another telling blow. “Too bleeding right,” she sneered as she stalked past him. “Do what you’re going to do. I don’t care anymore.” Reg’s gaze shifted between Dare and Mo desperately, the strain of loyalties and uncertainty plain in his tween-aged face. Dare stood silent, only turning when he felt Mo rebound off his own ward, the barrier he’d set between the three of them and the door. No energy discharged to shock her, but the momentum in her stride turned into an equal and opposite reaction, knocking her to the floor. She regained her feet and reached out, touching the spot where his spell scintillated after her impact. Whipping around, she fixed him with an outraged scowl. Dare met her gaze and held it. “I know you don’t care,” he whispered. “But I do.” Mo hunched her shoulders, both fists clenched and trembling now, the card bending. She ground out three words in absolute, single-minded fury. “Take. It. Down.”
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mistfallengw2 · 7 days
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It's the booooyyyyy
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tinyy-tea-cup · 26 days
Drew the only mommy that is rlly nice and would bake cookies for you 🥲💖 (Happy Mother’s Day! She will be ur mother 😔💖)
YEP! Redesigned Narkissa 💀 I don’t want to make a ref sheet again so deal with it
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Ft. Her family 😔💖
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mizz-sea-nymph · 9 months
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Day 2: gifts
Gotta stop drawing before bed istg- I really hate the hands don’t look at them istg
Pov: Poseidon gifts her stuff like, human corpses, jewelry, stuff that he Dosent want (cause he can’t rock crowns haha loserrr) and stuff he sees that he thinks she might like
Request over from insta :D!
Might redo this one later but ig I’m on a schedule now 💀
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edow-keohise · 2 years
1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18... Adélie
Is this too many? Probably, oopsie daisy
I'll just put this under a read more
1. What are their best and worst qualities, what do they think are their best and worst qualities?
Well, I'm bad at telling what's the worst or best so I'll just list ones that are good/ bad
Adélie is very emotional, which is good because she can be very sympathetic and supportive and she's great at giving advice and stuff and it also makes being around her fun
But being so emotional also makes her quite vulnerable...
2. Meaning behind their name?
Well, she's named after the Adélie penguin
They're weirdos, freaks even, y'know there's one that successfully fucked the ground? Yeah, absolute mad fellas
3. What does their voice sound like?
I imagine her to have a deep voice, I'm thinking of like jazz singers... A very pleasant voice
7. What is their biggest insecurity?
Biggest... Uhm, well, she's always been scared of just... Not being a likeable person, someone you'd indulge in for a little something just to throw her away once you got what you want
She wants to be loved emotionally
I described it weirdly but I dunno how else to explain this so...
9. Main love language?
Physical affection and words of affirmation, she loves giving hugs and telling people how great they are :::)
13. Views on marriage? Dream wedding?
She'd love to marry and have a family, she doesn't exactly have a dream wedding, she's just hoping it'll be a positive experience she'll always remember
14. Family relationships?
Despite being a slacker and troublemaker underneath the knights and princes of hell, most of her relatives are chill with her, Iustitia is probably the only one to always be annoyed but I don't blame her
She's got a good relationship with her two siblings but she's most closest to Adamas and Naryadni
16. Other characters' views?
As I've said, her family finds her quite nice, Iustitia is close to punching her and she girlbosses, gatekeeps and gaslights with Adamas and Naryadni
Most people find her a bit irresponsible but ultimately think she's fun
18. Where do they see themselves in ten years?
Still working as a prince and knight but with her own family hopefully
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