#And it's like. Ok so you think Anne Rice was totally in the right to try to come down on iwtv fic then?
ante--meridiem · 1 year
I kind of expect some people to get mad at me for this but I do find it deeply ironic how I've recently seen fanfic writers of all people turn into staunch supporters of intellectual property.
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kaelio · 3 months
Macro/micro for the fetish thing 📏
Ok, I know this ask is because of that entry in Anne Rice's journal where she watched Jack & The Beanstalk (she misremembered, I'm pretty sure this was Jack the Giant Slayer) so she could mack on Ian McShane and was annoyed the giants in it weren't hot enough, but obviously this is relevant to me because I draw micro/macro applicable stuff for a couple fandoms, or I have anyway.
The answer to this is, however, complex! Yes, in a way, but also not really, in a different way.
So first off, I like to write pornography, but it can't really get me off if I was the one who wrote it. Same with fanart. It's a writing challenge with a smack of pay-it-forward, or the sex is inherent to something I am trying to capture, but if I write it myself I'm too close to it; I remember too much of the process or mentally go into editing mode.
But as a result I tend to think of fetishes as both multipliers and ingredients.
As a consumer, I tend to think of fetishes as multipliers. Like, something that you're totally neutral on is a 1x. Something you just can't stand at all, total horny-killer, is a 0x. Hypothetically there's no upper bound but, say, 3x would mean the story is 3x hotter to you because it features that fetish. An example for me would be scat. Hard 0x. The second I see it, I'm out. No matter what else is going on, the multiplier is 0; the story is at a level of 0 hotness. The earlier answer on oviposition is like a .1x. I haven't run into a story with it that was good enough to get me off, but Bloodchild got close, so I'm saying with the deftest of hands, it can work. Micro/macro is maybe like a situational 1.2x. It's a little bump but it's not going to be make or break per se. It could be in a story where it added nothing to me.
Because that's where we get into fetishes as ingredients.
When I'm thinking about an effective piece of erotica, it's got components, right? It's expressing some notion. It'll have different ingredients in it that make up the whole, that make for a cohesive work. I do think that micro/macro can enhance some recipes a bit, but more than that, it's a virtually essential ingredient to others. Let's say you're into werewolf porn. If the werewolf is like, same-entity-size.... I dunno. Like I guess. But isn't the werewolf theme usually leaning on some sort of power dynamic that the savage nature of the werewolf highlights? The werewolf is going to be 140 lbs? Sure you don't want it to be a bit more Big? Or, to make a different point, more Small? That might take you in a funnier direction, more like a comedy premise perhaps, but something's being communicated by the inclusion of some kind of noticeable size difference.
Let's now take it over to tentacle porn. God, I tried. I have on an occasional whim thrown my lot in with Kurt Eichenwald and it just does not take. I can't get off to it. I'd love it if I could. But anyway, let's say someone's being pointedly caressed by an octopus. You can't have that be just a regular-size octopus. Kind of pathetic. Obviously, that octopus has to be bigger than an octopus should be. "Well, what if you add more octopuses, like an octopus gangbang?" Sure, that might work for some people. But for me it comes off as lacking in confidence. Oh, you had to bring all your little octopus friends to nail this twink? Sad.
Now, I am a scaley straight-up. The only limiting aspect to this, for me, is that most scalies seem to have gotten into it from like... Spyro the Dragon? And they're really cartoony. Doesn't hit. As a kid, I had books on ancient Egypt, and I was intrigued by Sobek. Also we had a caiman. And my mother would find people in the classified ads who were trying to sell giant snakes and pay for her kids to go pet (but not buy) the giant snakes so we wouldn't be afraid of snakes, like she was, so as a child I was just overwhelmingly exposed to giant (16'+) snakes. My mother would go dump us off at places where big snakes were so we could observe big snakes, like reptile shows and the reptile house at the zoo. The result of this was super funny but suffice to say I am not afraid of snakes. (Not into vore though! Does nothing for me! Responsible owners don't live-feed.) I want to be super clear: I do not want to fuck animals, never have, but I did want to nail Bleu in Breath of Fire more than you can possibly imagine. However, if I'm doing scaley stuff in particular, one simply has to admit that micro/macro is the baking soda in that quickbread. It's not the part that makes that fetish work, but it's certainly more likely to turn out the way you intended if you put a little bit of it in there. When I made Cardassians huge in my DS9 redesigns, however, that was mostly in service of it being funny since I was a major bottom-Garak advocate, the bigger they are the funnier that is. Also like, whiny old queen giant lizardman is just fun and has room to spitball where like, I don't know, a more straightforward big hot lizard man would utterly bore me. It can't all be baking soda.
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effyrosemary · 6 months
oh my god unethical priest marius you're a genius!!!!! do you think armand resists the idea that letting his priest fuck him is totally okay in the eyes of god or is he relieved to finally let go and give into his baser desires.... or both! do you think it makes him less guilty or more? god and imagine if marius were to weaponize armand's guilt in order to keep him even more trapped, like yes you are so bad for this and i'm the only one who can absolve you. i'm so invested LOL if you have any hcs of how it would play out i'm aaalll ears
Omg! thank you! To answer your question:
I think it’s both kinda. I think for Armand it would be so liberating to finally give in to these desires, and I think the shame is also kind of what gets him off (it’s the classic “oh no this is so wrong, but it feels so good!”). But I also think that there’s still a small part of him that genuinely feels it’s wrong to do these sexual things. Armand desperately wants to believe in something, I think, and to have that stability so he can have a space for himself to rebuild and to trust again. (don’t get me started, I have this whole fic idea of Daniel trying to provide Armand with a cozy little home and emotional support and stability so Armand has a space to heal, but that’s another story for another day) But I also feel like Armand is very nihilistic in some ways, so maybe he feels guilty but he also goes against the guilt on purpose, to feel that hurt and to feel that shame, I don’t know if you’re following me hahah
And omg, Marius weaponizing the genuine guilt is so wrong and so deliciously GOOD. (idc! it’s fiction! they’re not real people! let us have our dirty thoughts OK!)
When I first saw “unethical therapist Marius” on @monstersinthecosmos I was so immediately hooked. (I then sent this anon bc I needed to talk about it lmao, I was still not familiar with tumblr again after being away for a long time and I thought maybe people will think I’m weird but now I say fuck it bc Anne Rice never shunned away from people thinking her stories/characters were strange/too much.)
Marius is always so seemingly in control, and I love when he’s fooling himself that he’s doing the right thing when he KNOWS he’s not. That’s also why I like Pandora and him together, she kinda sees through his mask. Spoiler: I still remember that one part in Blood Communion after Marius kills Arjun where they’re all sitting around the table and Marius is furiously talking to Pandora and Lestat says: “I had never seen him so angry”, in other words; Lestat has never really seen Marius’ mask break like that, except now that he is upset with/about Pandora. Or when he’s helped out of the ice by Pandora and Santino in QOTD where he childishly snaps at her and says “I can walk unaided, thank you!” when Pandora reaches out to touch him, and she just gives him a shove and is like ‘“Fine girl, walk then lmao”
He wants to be this voice of reason, this stability etc, and he is, but he’s also human. So I love it when those kind of characters secretly give in to their bad side and try to justify it! I also love it when usually reserved people finally snap and can’t control themselves anymore when they finally get what they want, it’s my favorite thing. (There is this beautiful fic by @0junemeatcleaver0 where Marius kinda loses his composure at some points and he gives in to what he really wants and it’s so good. Highly recommend that fic in general.)
I LOVE headcanons, please tell me if you have some! These are some of mine regarding priest!marius:
- Marius has to actively restrain his thoughts from going wild when he sees Armand on his knees, or when the boy is reaching up to clean a shelf and his shirt rises and Marius can see the silky skin of his lower back. He’s practically drooling :)
- Armand secretly kind of knows the relationship between them is wrong, but he tries to test Marius by experimenting. (Sitting next to Marius and accidentally letting their knees touch etc that sort of thing, playing it dirty but also safe you know)
- Armand gets turned on when Marius is preaching in front of the crowd (idk how that shit works I’m not even religious, I never grew up religious lmao! how bad I am!) because Armand loves to see Marius in a position of power, and he loves how the people of the church look up to him.
- Armand has definitely thought about sucking Marius off under his robes when he’s speaking in front of a church full of people.
- At night, when Marius can’t think of nothing but Armand’s shapely legs and his lovely mouth, he turns to his Bible with the stubborn will of A Good Man and tries to ignore the insistent throbbing between his legs. And he can manage it, at least for a while.
- But then one night, he walks in on Armand praying on his knees and he walks up to tell the boy to go on home because it’s late and he should get some sleep, and the boy looks up from where he’s kneeling and says in a small voice, cheeks blushing; “I can’t, father. I’ll have sinful thoughts when I’m trying to sleep, I need to pray first.”
- And Marius offers he can help Armand with these thoughts, if Armand is willing to learn how to be a proper man of God.
- Nothing gets Marius more worked up than the idea of Armand calling him ‘ Father’ when they’re getting dirty together, it drives him feral
Alors… as Armand once told David Talbot; “Look, I’m deranged x”
* English is not my first language so apologies if there are some typos. Edit: I can’t believe I forgot the word “not” in the previous sentence for DAYS I have No Brains
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myevilmouse · 4 years
How do you feel about people writing fiction That are heavily inspired by yours?
Hi Anon!  Thank you for this very relevant question!  I think in general it’s awesome to inspire others, considering my fanfic is heavily inspired by characters I don’t own and worlds I haven’t originated.  That’s the beauty of what we do.  In fact, on AO3, in that “Related Works” section, there are 4 fanworks that were inspired by my fic, and I wrote 4 fanworks that were inspired by other people’s fic and both those statistics make me proud.
I think it’s kind of arrogant for fanfic writers to say we don’t want someone else playing in the sandbox we created, since we basically borrowed the sand from someone else, if you let me take the metaphor to extremes.  I suggest being flattered when someone writes something inspired by your work, even if you don’t particularly like it or agree with the characterizations or direction they took it.  Once you put your work out there, you’re in the same boat as George Lucas or JK Rowling or Anne Rice or [insert any content creator here].
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It’s also important to remember that “original” work we use to write fanfic is ALSO heavily influenced by others.  George Lucas didn’t invent the hero’s journey, nor many of the “trademark” Star Wars-y things that have come to be associated with that universe.  The idea of a child discovering he has special power is a super common thread throughout fiction, sexy vampires have been around since at least Sheridan Le Fanu (and probably earlier) and everyone, to one extent or another, is influenced by those who have gone before.
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Now, all that being said, “heavily influenced” definitely doesn’t mean plagiarism.  If someone is deliberately stealing my sentences or stories, that is totally uncool.  I’m not talking about the occasional four perfect words strung together that a person who reads your fic may subconsciously insert into their own, I’m talking about clear and unscrupulous theft.
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But as fic writers, we should also be careful not to worry too much about similar ideas in fic, and remember the “two cakes” theory.  Just because I want to write Luke Skywalker getting painted with edible body paint by Sabine Wren doesn’t mean someone else couldn’t have the same idea and want to write a similar premise for their smut.  It’s logical for that pairing.  Where it gets dicey is if the setup, scenario, details are all the same.  Then please still write it, but I want them to give me an “inspired by” credit please :)
I think it’s the ultimate compliment though, for someone to read something you wrote and then want to create something using your work as a launching point.  Someone could write a sequel or remix of my work and that would be super interesting and cool!  One of my “inspired by” fics is a “missing chapter” in someone else’s work, because I adored their AU but had a question like “but what if THIS happened TELL MEEEEEE!” that was never addressed in their fic.  In that case, I asked the author it if was OK to write that missing scene and was so thrilled they said yes, but ultimately, if someone says no, while it may be sort of uncool for you to proceed, it’s still fair game to my mind.  It’s fanfic.  If someone is writing fanfic of your fanfic, that’s no different than what we all are doing, rearranging the sand in the sandbox.
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hahaha you knew i was gonna use that gif in here right?!
I think also it’s important to remember you don’t have to LIKE what you inspire.  That’s the whole issue that some authors don’t seem to understand.  Just accept you inspired, and if it’s not your cup of tea, at least allow yourself to enjoy the fact that you have MOVED people to CREATE with your work, which is an amazing and beautiful testament to the quality of your own writing.  Be gracious and zen should you find something awful or substandard but the author wishes to credit your work with inspiration :)  We’re all just building sandcastles together.
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Thank you for this wonderful ask Anon!  I hope that answered your question <3
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rays-animorphs · 2 years
Book 10: The Android -- Part 1
In which I find out it's not a tarantula on the cover.
The Android? We're getting an android? Awesome.
Cover: is that Marco? Did he get a haircut? Ooh spider yes. Looks like a tarantula. Big fuzzy spider. Appropriately, I am starting the book with the orange cover with the big fuzzy spider on Halloween! My brain is not doing well today, so things might be weird or downright incoherent, we'll see.
Ah, he has cut his hair. I'm inclined to say Charise was wrong, he should have stuck with the long hair. (It's not a bad haircut, just kinda boring.)
Blech. Brain tapeworms sound so much worse than brain slugs.
I totally get Visser One taking a human form while she was leading the invasion, but it’s odd that she didn’t trade off bodies (since yeerks can do that, clearly) when she got promoted off of the Earth invasion or whatever. What advantage is there in her having a human host if she’s not actively part of invading the human world? Or is she still basically leading the invasion, just in a desk job from a distance kind of way?
Jake’s been the most insistent on not using morphs for personal/ non-Yeerk-related reasons, so it’d be really hypocritical of him to morph to go to a concert. Bet he’s going to do it anyways.
At least he’s a self-aware hypocrite, that’s something.
“I had not decided to uncover one of the greatest secrets of human history.” Well, that’s promising.
“Steven King meets Anne Rice creepy.” That’s not the most pop culture-y reference in these books, but it very much reminds me of why I always tended to prefer real not-on-this-planet fantasy. See, I don’t get pop culture references. And then I’m embarrassed that other people will judge me for not getting them. Even though it’s just me reading a book and who’s going to know. These days, I don’t care: either I know it or I don’t, whatever. And I’m confident that anyone worth knowing won’t be all weird about me having gaps in my cultural knowledge. But when I was in school? Yeah, that was a big deal to me.
(Edit: I realize it's a bit ironic that I'm calling a reference to authors pop culture. Still.)
(My brain stuff and mild headache have now gotten some nausea thrown in the mix, because why not. I’m going to bed as soon as I can reasonably manage it tonight.)
“Parental units”! So 90’s.
“pierced everythings” is it inappropriate to make dirty jokes about a kids’ series?
OK I have lived in some hippy places, what the hey is an “ecology bookstore”? That just means, like, has an unusually large collection of treehugger books, right, not exclusively tree-hugger books? Is that a viable business model?
“I’ve morphed much weirder things than dogs” does the lobster hold the “weirdest morph” record for Marco, or would that be the termite? The lobster was pretty weird.
And the cover promises a tarantula! Can’t wait.
Curious how a human being like Applegate, who can’t morph, can know that dogs can smell whether a dog is fed canned or dry food by how the dog’s human smells. I mean, that’s amazing, but also how the heck would you test for that?
Anyways, so that thing I never got around to talking about re: Jake morphing into his dog Homer in book one. The extreme emotional reactivity of dog-Jake made me think of the emotional reactivity of ADHD, and Tom telling him he was a bad dog and him being instantly completely dejected made me think RSD.
“Human happiness always has this little voice in the back of your mind going, “Don’t be too happy. Keep your guard up. Something bad could still happen.” Marco buddy. Are you sure that’s not just you?
Oof. <Why not?> I asked, a little wistfully. <Why not just get happy?>
“The smells were just overwhelming. And not always in a good way.” BO? Pot? Both?
“Erek”? That’s an odd spelling.
Why would they be surprised if they think he’s a Controller, he’s passing out fliers for The Sharing… (remembers title of the book) oh.
Well, I didn’t have a magazine growing up with articles like “How to Give Suppositories to Raccoons”, but Zoobooks probably had something about owl pellets at some point.
OK, Rachel doesn’t sound like she’s just making fun of Marco’s haircut because banter is how they interact, it sounds like she actually thinks it’s bad. Huh.
“Those are all fine plans, but how about if we just look him up in the phone book?”
What would this group do without Cassie?
“Goo of the Day” oh man, school cafeteria food. My mom basically rotated the same two lunches for me every other day, and it was still dramatically better than caf food.
Doing homework right before class is also a trip down memory lane.
“Three pages so far and I haven’t actually said a single thing.” I believe him.
See, the right teacher might respond really well to a paper on the theme of “the use of rhetoric to obscure a lack of content”
See, now I’m picturing Scientology as some sort of cover for a covert alien invasion, and it seems disconcertingly plausible.
I’m guessing Marco has actually rollerbladed and has not actually surfed or sky dived.
School sucked, and being out of school sucks in an entirely different way.
Actually, I mostly didn’t mind school while I was in it, up until I stopped being able to keep up. I did well. I got good grades. Mostly I had teachers who did a decent job of keeping it interesting. I didn’t really mind the lack of control over my own life, because that was just how things were. I didn’t like that I had problems on the friends front, but I didn’t see school as being responsible for that. In a lot of ways, an adulthood where I’ve been responsible for myself has been a lot harder on me. More stressful. More doubt about whether I’m good enough. (Edit: it's overall been happier, I have better relationships and better emotional management, I'm way way less lonely and I have more room for self-expression. I have struggled more with just, you know, doing stuff outside of school though.)
I’ve been thinking recently about how my interest in self improvement changed after I hit adulthood. Around middle school and high school, I was more focused on things like, you know, I want to be self-aware, I want to be curious, be creative, write a lot. At some point self-improvement became about getting things done, and I think I lost something when that happened. But there’s so much more to keep track of now.
The buses oh my goodness at my high school if you didn’t get to the bus stop right after class you’d be waiting for the second or third one. (This was public transit, not school buses.) After a little while of this I realized it was faster to just walk home, then later I started bicycling. It just was not worth it.
That’s also when I learned that while my parents knew how the metro worked, they didn’t know the actual bus system at all.
That’s a lot of anger but yeah, pretty understandable.
“Anger and hatred get you high.” I don’t think that’s just moralizing. It does feel good to be angry. It drives out less pleasant feelings. But you can’t keep it up forever, and you make terrible decisions while in rage mode, and often when you’re done being angry your life is worse than when you started.
Stories are largely about feelings. Sometimes the feelings are happy and triumphant, sometimes they’re cozy, sometimes they’re sad, sometimes they’re “ew that’s disgusting,” sometimes they’re fear, sometimes they’re anger.
Animorphs spends a lot of time on the dark side of the Force. (Not a criticism.)
Spock can fake being human by wearing a hat or tying a scarf around his ears, Ax probably can’t do that.
I guess the World Almanac didn’t have anything about haircuts.
Nonsense, Marco. Spiders aren’t insects.
I guess Marco’s teacher is the sort who is understanding about “the use of rhetoric to obscure a lack of content”
“Arachnids have eight legs and two body segments.” And Applegate keeps insisting Marco is the smart one.
Oh. Not a tarantula. Well. Still big and fluffy.
"Ah, good. With eight legs it won’t fall over like a human." I am amused by Ax’s priorities in physical form.
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Favorite conspiracy theory? Favorite tea? Favorite joke? How do you make your oatmeal? How many spoonfuls of sugar do you need to consume Cheerios?
Oooh these are some good ones! Thank you! ~(^♡^)~
My favorite conspiracy theories are the ones that history has already proven to be false. Like, ones that people definitely would have talked about back in the day, but now we look at them and go ‘lol, no.’ because historical hindsight is 20/20.
Like, just imagine some gullible Russian peasant in the 1600’s avidly trying to convice the guy at the bar next to him that like, but what if the Ruricks WEREN’T all dead and dmitri really did like fake his death, move to poland, and convert to catholicism?! Just like, think how wild that would be, bro. Bro are you listening? What if he’s really the 100% for reals brother of the Tsar. Woah.
Or some dickhead Englishman or salty Spaniard in 1533 being like, no way my dude the TRUE story behind King Henry VIII’s breakup with Catherine of Aragon and subsequently the Pope WASN’T that he was a horny bastard who couldn’t keep it in his pants and cared more about hypothetical male progeny than his actual wife and child– nah, man check this: the TRUTH was that Anne Boleyn was a WITCH who like, totally cast a spell on him. There was even proof and everything! Like you know how she always wears long sleeves that cover her hands like every other noble woman in this time period because it’s 15-fucking-33? Yeah man, she’s got like six fingers on one of her hands! AND a mole! on her neck of all places! Boom!!!! Totally witchy right?
Idk they’re just more amusing to me as historical footnotes, rather than the infuriating convos with real people they can be today.
I’m not much of a tea drinker, so probably just sweet tea. I am from the south after all. It’s just really nice to have a cold glass of it on a hot day. It’s even got this weird nostalgic attachment for me, having a big glass of it in the summer after coming in from the heat. Soothing.
If I’m getting fancy though, I like hibiscus tea with pomegranate and orange peel. It’s pink and delightful! And raspberry green tea is pretty good too.
My favorite jokes are usually pretty cheesy. Like, for the longest time the first one that comes to mind when I get asked this question has been this one:
Two muffins are baking in an oven. The first muffin turns to the second and says to them “Fuck man, it’s hot in here.”
Then, the second muffin turns to the first and exclaims “Holy shit, a talking muffin!”
I like jokes that poke fun at jokes themselves. Like we go in and with the set up we think we know the rules of the jokes universe, but it turns out that we didnt, and the whole scene is an anomaly! Idk, it’s probably not funny now that I’ve explained why I like it, but it still gives me a chuckle.
Milk, never water. Butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and a teeeeeeny pinch of salt. Or I’ll just buy instant brown sugar cinnamon from quaker lol. Still use milk though. Oatmeal made using water is grossbad.
I don’t put sugar in my cheerios actually. I usually buy the honey nut kind and those are sweet on their own.
I think that regular cheerios are OK without sugar for the most part, or at least edible. Plus I don’t like how the sugar pools at the bottom and makes the milk sludgy and impossible to drink. The only cereal I really put sugar on is plain rice krispies!
Thank you, this definitely helped alleviate the boredom!!!! ♡
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aliceaddellheidde · 3 years
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After a while in the car, we stopped in front of the red brick house with white windows. Niall nearly run out fromthe car. We went to the house. Robin hugged Gemma, Anne, and Harry. Louis leaped at them too and Liam shook his head. No one noticed me, so I was looking aroundthe corridor. I caught every detail.
„Time to eat.“ Anne said. We all followed her. In front of the dining room, Niall grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into the room. I always responded to the touch with pull, so I pulled away now as well because of my unhappy past. This probably will never change. Fortunately, he quickly went to the table. Liam, Louis and Gemma sat opposite. Anne and Robin sat at the end of the table. The only free chair was between Niall and Harry. Like really? One of them wants to date me, and the other behaves weird. It will be fun.
Anne came from kitchen with a big pot. ,,We have creamy carrot soup especially for you.” Robin laughed and smirked atLouis who was reached after ladle. But Anne's hand stopped him. ,,Guest first!” I took a soup and then napkin and spread it on my knees. I started eating. It was an excellent creamy, carrot soup. Almost like in the restaurant.
,,So, Zdenka, tell us something about you.” Anne said with a smile. Oh shit. Do not talk much. And do not forget about decent education!I placed the spoon in the plate, wiped my lips, folded my hands into the lap and looked at Harry´s mother „Well I do not know what you want to know. There is not much.” I admitted. I'm a terribly boring, do you want to hear that?,,Are you studying here? Or did you come to London for a holiday?” Robin asked. Really?,,No, I do not. I graduated few years ago. I work as an Au pair.” I smiled on him.
,,Where did you come from?” Liam asked ,,I am from Slovakia. It is a small state in Central Europe. I came to London two years ago.” You certainly have not heard about that state.,,How old are you?” Robin asked. I was surprised by the question. You does not ask for the age of lady!Anne looked at him with a raised eyebrow. ,,I'm 24 years old.” I answered. ,,Seriously? I would not say you are so old” said Harry and he smiled at me. ,,Everybody says it, to be honest, but thank you.” That was true. People were saying I'm looking like 16 years old. I started eating a soup.
,,And what did you study?” Robin asked again. I put the spoon in the plate, wiped my mouth and folded my hands into the lap. ,,Why are you doing this?” Niall asked. I wanted to answer him, but Robin asked the first one. So, it's a priority. ,,At high school, I studied as a social worker and at college I studied as a free time animator. So, since 15 I've been working with people.” And now solve what I actually studied.I laughed to myself. I smiled calmly and looked at Niall. He looked at me with those beautiful, blue eyes. Hey, bitch! Go back to the ground! Now!,,And this” I pointed on napkin - ,,is part of dining manners.”
I continued to eat soup. Damn! What if I offended them?Again I put a spoon and repeated that stupid ritual. ,,Excuse me, I did not mean to say that you have bad dining or something. It's just that I was taught to eat like that.” I apologized. ,,That's okay.” Anne said. Harry wanted to ask something. ,,For God sake, let the girl finish her soup!” she screamed at her son and I got scared too. But I had to laugh at it. This is not right! Oh my manners again.,,I'm sorry.” I whispered to Harry. He just raised his eyebrows. I shook my head and finally ate the soup.
Robin brought the new plates along with rice bowls. Then he returned with large roasts full of roasted chicken legs. ,,Finally a normal meal!” Niall exclaimed. He was pulling for food, as if he had never eaten. When he sat again, he unwittingly hitmy shoulder. ,,Sorry.” we said at once. When I finished my fifth piece, I noticed that only the last two pieces of meat remained on the roast. I was still a little hungry. I´m eating too much. Correctly I should eat one or two and not five. A stupid etiquette. If Mrs. Woodward had seen me now. She would be unhappy with me. But what am I supposed to do?
,,Take them Niall. I can see you looking at them.” Gemma said. ,,Will you mind if I take one?” I asked, but I regretted it. Now they look at you as a murderer. You better keep your mouth shut woman.I gulped.,,Ok, no. Niall take both of them.” I wanted to run away.I would not even think of such forwardness in the past.
Niall looked at me. ,,No, take it. It just made us feel surprised. You ate as much as Niall did. More than us.” Anne spoke and smiled at me. I blushed and lowered my head. ,,Excuse me, it's inappropriate. Niall justeat them.” I looked at him and smiled. He smiled at me too and put one piece on my plate. ,,But ...” I began, but he interruptedme. ,,Eat.” he ordered and I obeyed.
,,Does anyone want a dessert?” Anne asked. We both noded. Anne just shook her head and smiled. ,,You would be a great couple. I just do not know who would feed you.” If that was true. But who would be interested in me.Everyone started laughing. That's right, it's funny. I´m ridiculous.I was blushingagain. ,,Don´t worry. They always laugh from me.” he whispered in my ear with his Irish accent. I got goose bumps. I remembered one sentence that was in my unwritten guide.,,I was taught that every meal should be tasted during a visit, so if there are no allergies to it.” ,,That's what I totally agree with.” said Niall. ,,Clearly you agree. The more food, the better, right?” Anne smiled, placing pieces of banana cake in front of us. ,,When you eat this, you will be sick for sure.” Gemma said, shaking her head. ,,Harry, there's a banana in it.” Niall said and smirked on curly boy. He looked at the cake and ran into the kitchen. I started laughing. Niall watched me with a weird look, so I stopped. The loud laugh in society is not tolerated! Another note.
Harry returned with a full mouth. ,,At least shut your mouth.” his mother said. ,,Can´t.” he said sitting down. I started eat, but Harry was still trying to swallow all cake in his mouth.,,Try to drink. It will do better.” I said to him and I smiled again. He frowned, but he obeyed. ,,Will you tell me who taught you the ,,right dining”?” He asked. ,,The person I worked for.” ,,You worked for the Queen?” Yes, of course.,,No. Not for the Queen, but for someone who is important in certain social circles, where it was required of me.” You don´t need to know exact name. Girls can have their secrets.,,You really told us a lot.” Louis said. ,,It is not important where I worked.” I laughed. ,,Excuse me, please.” I got up and walked away to the toilet I sawin the corridor.
,,She is nice, but a little weird.” I heard Robin said. ,,What did you expect? She knows us from yesterday and today she is in our house.” Anne said. ,,That was your idea mom.” Gemma interjected. I didn't listening them more.
I walked out of the bathroom and Niall waited in the hall. I pulled away from the door so he could come in. He didn´t move, so I went back to the dining room.
,,Zdenka wait.” he called after me. He said my name so beautifully. ,,Yes?” I turned to him. ,,I'd like to apologize to you for that in the hospital. I was hungry and tired, but that does not justify me. I just wanted you to know it was not because of you.” Why he has to be so adorable when he looks at me? Who would not forgive him. ,,Oh, Niall. Don´t worry. Nobody can always have a good mood.” I laughed and walked away.
The table was cleaned and everyone, except Gemma´s parents, sat in the living room. Liam said they had gone somewhere. I'm alone in the house with four crazy boys. Yippee. I forgot about Gemma. At least someone normal.I sat down on the edge of the corner seat, just as Harry walked into the room. ,,That guinea pig is hungry again. It's like Niall.” he murmured under his nose. ,,I've heard you!” Niall cried and walked inafter Harry. They both headed in my direction. ,,You have a guinea pig Harry?” I asked. ,,I don´t, it´s Gemma’s.” ,,Can I see it? I also had a guinea pig a few years ago.” I looked at Gemma. She got up from the chair and I quickly followed her. I walked aroundHarry and Niall. They both looked after me.
We went into a large, bright room with bed, wardrobe, table and a few shelves. ,,You have a nice room.” ,,This was my room. Now I'm living with a friend in the apartment. Fluffy was brought here by my mother, because he could not stay alone.” She picked a hairy creature as big as a little rat from cage and handed it to me. It had long hair that tickled my hands. ,,It´s beautiful.” I carefully sat down on the floor and began to pet it. ,,It remind me ofmy guinea pig.” Gemma smiled and watched as the Fluffy stretched over me and was slowly falling asleep. ,,He likes you.” ,,Yeah, animals like me. It is worse with people.” I sighed. ,,Harry likes you and Niall too. Just choose one.” She laughed. ,,Of course. Harry is your brother, and I think he's been doing this to every girl. I really do not know what he would got from me. And Niall is a sweetheart, but that would not work. I'm not good foranyone.” I said, ,,Maybe to Fluffy. He´s amazing.” We both laughed. ,,It's great when it starts screaming around the house for food. Gemma, rename him to Niall.” Harry's voice came from the door. I frowned at him because Fluffy woke up. He rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed. Moment later other boys came. Louis sat down next to Harry, Liam on the chair beside the table, and Niall sat down next to me on the floor. We touched with shoulders. He gently scratched Fluffy behind his ears and he fall asleep again.
My phone was ringing ,,One thing” from boys in the corridor ,,We found a Directioner.” Liam laughed. I put the guinea pig on the ground and ran over my phone.
,,Hello beautiful. What do you need?” I asked my best friend Rachel. ,,David invited me to dinner and I need to buy clothes. I can´t go there in jeans.” She was nervous. ,,All right. I will be there in minute.” ,,Thank you.”
I went back to room. ,,I don´t like to ruinfun, but my friend needs my help.” Niall sadly loveredhis head, but then he looked at me quickly again. ,,I'll giveyou a ride.” he said and was getting up from the floor. ,,It´s not necessary. I'll take a taxi.” He shook his head and left the room. ,,He´s terribly stubborn.” Gemma laughed and hugged me. Liam waved at me and Louis huggedagain. Harry was hanging on us. ,,You will choke her. We have to go.” Niall said from the door. Harry frowned at him. Then he let me gowith a kiss on cheek.
I left house with red face and there was still car ridewith Niall. He opened passenger's door for me, sat on his seat, I told him the address, and we drove away. ,,Did you have fun today?” he asked after a moment. ,,Yeah. I think it was quite good for the first time. I would like to stay longer, but unfortunately I can´t.” I answered silently. I would be so happyif that car ridehad lasted all day and I could watch Niall. His hair, a beautiful face, an amazing, irresistible smile, beautiful blue eyes and the perfect lips that must be incredibly soft... .
,,Hey Zdenka, are you listening to me?” he asked me. I blinked and returned to reality where Niall was lookingat me with a raised eyebrows. ,,Yes. Well, actually ... not really, sorry. I was thinking about something.” ,,Then I'll take you on one shot and maybe I'll learn something about your thoughts.” Niall said and began laughing. He pointed on my t-shirt with sign "One glass away from telling everyone what I think". ,,Nice t-shirt.” He was blushing a little. ,,Thank you.” Even I was blushing, but fortunately thanks to Mrs. Woodward, I was able to accept compliments. ,,Purple is my most favourite colour.”
We started to slow down and turned to a gas station. We went out and while Niall was tanking, I went to buy water. A moment later he entered, paid, and went back to the car. Some girl ran out of the car in our direction, followed by another two. ,,Niall! Niall! Will you give us an autograph?” He looked at meapologetically.,,They're your fans.” I shrug my shoulders and took step back.
Niall started signing. Then the girls noticed me. ,,Are you dating?” One of them asked. ,,No.” I shook my head. ,,We're just friends.” ,,That's good, because Niall is mine.” She laughed a little madly. ,,Not at all! He´s mine!” her friend called out to her. They started laughing. They took photos and left. We got into the car and Niall started to apologize. ,,It happens to the famous people.” I laughed. He started laughing with his typical laugh. ,,Surely your photos will be on the Internet. So you'll be famous too.” ,,Please. Nobody caresabout me.” ,,I don´t believe it. Such a pretty girl like you should be interesting foreveryone.” I looked out the window so he can´t see my red face. Seriously he said I'm pretty? Niall fucking Horan thinks I'm pretty! This was not just a hallucination.
His phone rang. ,,Will you take it, please?“ he asked, looking on the road. ,,I can´t pick your calls.” ,,And I can´t drive with the phone in my hand. Besides, Harry´s calling.” He glanced at the display and then at me. I rolled my eyes and accepted the call. ,,Hey Ni. Have you already taken that chick to her friend?” ,,Ehm Harry, it's me, Zdenka.“ I heard laugh on the other side. ,,Ah, and where is Niall?“ ,,He is driving.“ ,,Just tell him we'll meet in the studio when he dropsyou.“ ,,Ok, bye.“ He made muah soundinto the phone. He sent me a kiss? These lads are really weird.I shook my head and Niall looked at me curiously. ,,You have to go to studio after this.“ I told him and I returned the phone onits place. ,,We are there in a moment.“ What? How fast the ridewent. Maybe we'll see again. It was fine with them even when it was short.
He stopped in front of Rachel's house after few minutes. He stepped out of the car and opened car door for me. I took off my belt, took my backpack and stepped out. ,,Thanks for the ride.“ I hugged him. I did not care that hewas a world star. Try to resist when Niall James Horan is standing in front of you! He wrapped his hands around my waist and hugged me firmly. I felt his breath on my neck. I had goose bumps on whole body and I was barely breathing. I was like teenage girl. ,,You are welcome. Have a nice day with a friend.“ he whispered. ,,I'll try.“ He let me go, went back into thecar, waved at me and left.
I walked to the house with wide smile. Rachel did not have to ask anything, she knew what was happening. We went shopping in a small shopping centre. Rachel chose a long, knee length, green dress and a white shoes without a heel. We returned home an hour before David appeared in frontof her door. They went hand in hand on their dinnerand I put my headphones on and went home.
I took a shower and turned on a laptop. I found an email from Gemma. She wanted to know when I would stop again and that Harry still talks about me. I shook my head and wrote to her to say hi to that fool and I´ll call her. Then came Facebook message. Ni93 wrote to me:
Ni93: Hi 
Me: Hello
Ni93: We just finished in studio. How was shopping? You did not look very excited about it.
Me: Yeah, it was fine. I do not like shopping, but what wouldn´tyou do for the best friend. You might have had more fun in the studio.
He did not write anything for a long time, so I turned off my laptopand went to bed. I could not sleep. Finally, I got stuck in front of the tv. I watched the DVDs until the fifth at morning. Outside, the sun was already rising and I just stopped Iron Mana and Captain Americas in their fight. I crawled under the blanket and finally fell asleep.
0 notes
sirenluna · 7 years
The Car (A fan fiction for the 2003 film The Room
This is my idea for Tommy Wiseau’s prank sequel to The Room. In it Johnny’s suicide was interrupted by Lisa’s little sister Francesca who has been secretly in love with Johnny for the last 5 years. Together they escape San Francisco on a cross-country road trip where they learn about real love, how to heal a broken heart, mending a shattered life and starting over.
Francesca stayed in her room for as long as possible. Her older sister Lisa, the perfect one, was bringing home another guy. Lisa and Francesca were 3 years apart and could not be more different. Lisa was 18, blond, popular and bubbly while Francesca was 15, a brunet and a loner in every sense of the word. Lisa was everything their mother wanted her girls to be; hell bent on getting married to the perfect financially stable man before her 25th birthday. Francesca was the bane of their mother’s existence. She wanted nothing to do with the institute of marriage and dreamed of being an artist. The girls also hated each other will a nuclear capability.
Hold up in her temple of solitude, Francesca listened to her favorite band on her disk man and read Anne Rice’s ‘Interview with the Vampire’ on her bed. Her peace was interrupted by her mother.
Knock, knock, knock “Francesca, it’s time for dinner darling.” Her mother Claudette’s voice was calm but there was a hint of apprehension. She knew her youngest daughter was the wild card of the family.
“I’m not hungry!” Francesca called back.
“This is not a request dearest! Your sister is bringing home her new boyfriend and I want us to eat as a family.”
“Just eat without me! Lisa would like that better anyway!”
Claudette was losing her patience so she did the one thing that always worked, “Francesca, I’m going to count to 3.”
Francesca rolled her eyes, what was she? 6? Claudette started counting.
Not going to work. Francesca thought
Seriously not going to work. She continued telling herself.
Damn. She caved and opened her door. Claudette looked up and down at her youngest. “Honestly Francesca, couldn’t you at least have brushed your hair?”
Francesca looked at herself in hall the mirror just outside her bedroom door. Her waive dark brown tresses looked right on par with her favorite bands. A result from her wash and wear styling. “I did brush it, yesterday.”
“You are giving me gray hairs young lady and what about your clothes?”
The teen looked down at her attire, ripped jeans with splatters of paint and a black and white stripped crop top that fell off one shoulder and featured a giant sunflower at the center of the stripes. Her shoeless sockless toes sported the black nail polish that could also be found on her fingernails. “It was good enough to wear to school today. If you have a problem with the feet I can throw my combat boots back on.” She shrugged.
Claudette was about to protest everything that was the sight before her when the doorbell rang. “They’re here, this will just have to do.” She dismissed and turned away from Francesca. Francesca stood there and rolled her eyes. She wished her father Edward lived closer so she could move in with him and still finish her 2 years of high school. But he was in LA and she loved her school too much to transfer.
Voices traveled up the stairs to where Francesca stood.
“Johnny, this is my mom” Lisa’s annoying sweet voice made Francesca cringe.
“It’s so nice to meet you Mrs…”
“Oh, please call me Claudette!”
The guys voice sounded overly eager to meet and please their mother and Francesca could tell he was just another puppy Lisa was slowly but surely manipulating into the man she wanted him to be. It made Francesca sick. “This is going to be a long night.” Francesca said to herself as she made her was downstairs to the formal dining room.
Turning the corner to from the stairs to the dining room, Francesca suddenly froze. That can’t be the guy Lisa brough home, could it? She thought. He had long black hair that was passed his shoulders, piercing blue eyes and flawless pale skin. He looked exactly like Anne Rice’s description of the vampire Louis. He was beautiful.
Lisa, in a phony show of sisterly love ran to Francesca and hugged her. “There she is!” once Lisa was close enough Lisa whispered something in her little sister’s ear that was the exact opposite of her public display of affection, “Be nice or I’ll kill you in your sleep.” Lisa pulled away from her sister and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Johnny, this is my baby sister Francesca.”
Johnny smiled as Francesca “Oh hi Francesca! It’s so nice to meet you, your sister has told me all about you. She says you are an amazing artist. I’d love to see your work sometime.”
Francesca stared dumbfounded. The living embodiment of her literary dream man was standing in front of her and speaking to her. He held out his hand to Francesca, she numbly shook his back and he turned his attention back to Lisa.
They sat for dinner and Lisa bragged about Johnny’s new position at a prominent San Francisco bank. Francesca almost choked on her sip of water. He was a banker? He sure didn’t look like one.
“Are you alright dear?” Claudette asked Francesca.
“Yea, I’m good. So how did you get into the banking world Johnny?” She asked the beautiful man holding her sister’s hand.
“Well, I originally wanted to be a musician. But the music scene is very competitive and felt it would be better to seek a career in something more financially stable.” He answered and Francesca almost gaged. His answer may as well have come with Lisa’s hand up his ass making his mouth move like a puppet. He wasn’t a banker, he was an artist like her. But he’d gotten sucked into the world of Lisa. That manipulative, sociopathic, fembot bitch. She would destroy him and Francesca knew it.
As dinner went on Francesca became more and more hypnotized by his sweet manor and attractive accent. What could it be? She wondered. It wasn’t French, or Nordic. It could be Russian but the annunciation was off. It was absolutely Eastern European thought. Francesca’s father took her on a special European trip every summer and she had many classmates from other countries in her art school. So, she was pretty good with accents.
Johnny was clearly older than Lisa who had only turned 18 four months ago. And Francesca wondered how long they’d been dating, so she asked. “How long have you guys been together?”
Lisa faltered. “We met on my birthday when I went out with the girls for brunch.” Francesca knew her sister was lying. But knew better than to push the issue in front of their mother who would have had a cow if she knew Lisa was seeing an older man while she was still legally a child.
“It was love at first sight.” Johnny told them all and kissed Lisa’s hand.
Dinner came to an end and Lisa walked Johnny out of the house. Francesca spied on them from the window at the front door as they kissed passionately before Johnny got into his white Mercedes and drove away.
Lisa breezed through the front door on cloud 9.
“So, love at first sight only 4 months ago?” Francesca asked her sister.
Lisa rolled her eyes, her good mood totally lost at the reminder that her little sister still existed. “What’s it to you weirdo?”
“Nothing except that, that…” Francesca pointed to the door, “Looks like something that’s been brewing a lot longer than 4 months. And something tells me he has no idea you’ve only been a legal adult for less than half a year.”
“It’s none of your business. He makes me happy and he’s sexy and he does whatever I want.”
“And how long before that bores the hell out of you?”
“You don’t know anything.”
“I know mom will shit kittens if she finds out how long you’ve been playing around with a guy who could literally go to jail if he dated you 5 months ago.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I’m sorry have you met me?”
Lisa knew she was defeated. Francesca was always the smarter one and she had figured Lisa out. “We’ve been seeing each other for 2 years.”
Francesca’s brain exploded. “You’ve been seeing him since you were 16?!”
“Say it a little louder brat, I don’t think they heard you in Fresno!”
“What were you thinking?! What’s the matter with him?!”
“He didn’t know ok? I told him I was 18 at the time.”
“How old is he?” Francesca could believe this. Her sister had been illegally dating an older man for 2 years.
“He’s 32.”
“Lisa, you’ve pulled some duzies before but this… he could go to jail. And he thinks your 20.” Francesca paused then something that here sister said hit her. “Wait, he’s not the only guy you’ve brought home in the last 2 years. Does he know that?”
“Of course not, what was I supposed to do? Tell mom about my older boyfriend? Besides he’s from Europe, by their standards I’ve been legal for years.”
“And that would be great if we were in Prague, but Lisa, if you care about this guy you need to tell him the truth. You could ruin his life…” more than you’re already going to just be being in it. Francesca kept the last part to herself.
“Why do you care? What are you in love with him?” Lisa threw in her sister’s face.
Francesca froze. Was she in love with her sister’s boyfriend? He was beautiful and different and looked like the novel characters she’d always fanaticized about. She cared that Lisa could get him in trouble. She had stared at him all through dinner. She found him attractive, no doubt about it but did she fall in love with him at first sight?
“Holy shit, you like him. That’s what this is about.”
“You’re delusional” Francesca said and turned away from Lisa.
“No, no, no. You don’t get to judge my choices and walk away when you’re lusting after my boyfriend.”
“Whatever Lisa. Just, do the guy a favor and tell him the truth about how old you are. He deserves to know he could have gotten arrested at any point in time over the last 2 years.” Francesca went back to her room, locked her door and went to her easel. Taking her paint pallet, she mixed a few colors together and started a new piece called ‘Him’.  It was a night scape featuring a man with long black hair looking back at the viewer. When she finished, he realized Lisa was right. Francesca had fallen in love with Johnny, her sister’s boyfriend.
5 Years Later,
Frankie stared out the window of her first-class airplane seat. She was making her annual visit to her home town of San Francisco, California. Three years ago, she had graduated from high school a whole year early and fled the golden coast to attend college at New York City’s School of Visual Arts. She made the decision to work harder than ever during her sophomore year of high school when her sister Lisa and Lisa’s boyfriend Johnny announced they were moving in together. Frankie had fallen in love with Johnny when Lisa had brought him home to meet the family for the first time. He was Frankie’s dream come true even if she was only 15 and Johnny was 32. She never told anyone about her love for Johnny of course, even though Lisa had sniffed it out that same night. She held it over Frankie’s head for the entire time Frankie still lived in their mother’s home in Nob Hill. It was a blessing to get away from them all, even Johnny. What good was it being so close to someone you love when they loved someone else and even worse, it was someone you hated.
Every Fall however, Frankie flew home for one reason, Johnny’s birthday. Every year she would make the painful visit to the man she loved, hug him, laugh with him, listen to his funny stories, smile with his friends then go back to New York for another year. She didn’t come home for Holidays or the Summers, preferring to work through them or spend time with her father. It was only Johnny’s birthday that kept her coming back. This would be the last visit however. She had graduated a year early again and was planning to drive from San Francisco to New Orleans where a friend was helping her open her own gallery. Frankie had already purchased a car, with the help of her father, that was waiting for her in San Francisco. It was a restored 1971 GTO Judge, midnight blue with black leather interior, her dream car. Her father had made sure the car was in excellent condition and fully ready to make the long drive to Louisiana.
As the pilot announced their final descent to the Bay Area, Frankie’s stomach was in knots. She decided this would be her last visit to San Francisco because in a month Johnny and her sister would be married. That was too much for Frankie to take. She would say good bye after the party this evening and never see them again.
After they landed, Frankie took her carry-on bag and headed towards the taxi stand where her father and her new car were waiting. Upon seeing Edward Frankie smiled and jogged over throwing her arms around the aging man.
“There’s my girl! Look at you, New York is sure rubbing off on you.” He said stepping back to appreciate his daughter’s vintage black sunflower covered dress, black motorcycle jacket and worn black combat boots. “Well here she is!” He said pointing at the car.
“She’s even prettier in person. Thanks dad.”
“Well you deserve it honey, I’ll drive you to Lisa’s apartment and take a cab from there.”
“You don’t want to stop by the party?”
“And risk running into that battle axe you call mother? No thank you. I like that Johnny fellow but he’s not worth seeing her ever again.”
“Ok dad.” As they drove to Johnny and Lisa’s condo Edward shared his latest developments at work and how he was able to get Frankie the remaining funding she needed to open the gallery.
“That’s awesome daddy, thank you so much.”
“Anything for my little girl. Now are you sure you have enough to get you all the way to New Orleans?”
“I’m sure dad, I ran the numbers 3 times, that’s one more than Santa Clause.” She joked.
“Very good. Here we are.” They pulled up in front of the building and lucked out with a parking spot right in front. “You nervous?” Edward asked.
“Why would I be nervous?”
“Well I’d be nervous if I was seeing the person I love who’s about to marry my sister.” Edward gave his daughter an all knowing smile.
“What are you..?”
“Come on honey, you only fly out here for his birthday, most of your paintings are of a mysterious man with long black hair, and you’ve been obsessed with vampire novels since you were 10.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“He does look rather creature of the night-ish.”
“You’re losing it dad.”
“Whatever you say honey. Look Lisa isn’t my daughter and I’ve always hated the way she treated you so I don’t feel bad saying this. She’s totally wrong for him and he’s a good person. If they didn’t work out I wouldn’t be sad in the least.”
Frankie smiled, “Thanks daddy. I’ll call you tomorrow from the road ok?”
“You do that. I love you honey.”
“I love you too.” They hugged and parted ways. Looking up at the building Frankie decided she needed a little break before she faced them all again. Copping a squat on the front steps she opened her purse and took out a cigarette and lighter. She inhaled deeply as a familiar walking pattern came into view from down the street. If the signature swagger wasn’t enough of a giveaway, the head of hair blowing in the wind more than made up for it.
Frankie tossed her cigarette to the curb and smiled at Johnny. “Hey Johnny.”
“Oh, hi Francesca, it’s good to see you. You always make it for my birthday.”
“That I do. How are you?” He looked worn out. Like his usual carefree world had gotten hit with a harsh dose of reality recently.
“I’m good, have you spoken to your sister recently?”
“No Lisa and I never speak to each other unless we have to.”
“That’s too bad. She could use someone like you in her life. Especially lately.” Johnny’s tone was somber.
“What are you talking about?”
“Well, it’s… It’s nothing. Hey you look great! New York has been good for you. Look at you, you’re a woman.” He remarked innocently.
“Oh, so you noticed.” Frankie replied flirtatiously.
Johnny just smiled. “Let go upstairs, your sister put together a surprise party for me only it’s not really a surprise. Our friends suck at keeping secrets.”
Frankie laughed. “Let’s go then.”
“Yea let’s go” He repeated. Frankie loved his circular way of talking. It was clear that English wasn’t his first language and every time he spoke it was like he was translating every word mid-thought. It was sweet and endearing.
As they entered the front door everyone yelled surprise and started singing Happy Birthday. Johnny thanked everyone and held up Frankie’s hand, “Look who I found outside.”
“Oh, Francesca dear, I’m so glad to see you.” Claudette greeted her youngest child.
“Oh, hi mom.” Frankie greet back kissing her mom on the cheek. Then she saw her sister. “Great party Lisa.” Frankie congratulated her sister.
“Thanks sis, it’s always nice to see you on Johnny’s birthday.” Lisa replied condescendingly.
“Well if I’m going to spend $500 on a plane ticket it may as well be to see someone I like.” Frankie was used to the banter she and her older sister got into every time they saw each other. It was the second reason she stayed as far away from Lisa as possible.
Everyone started having their own conversations in different parts of the spacious living room until Lisa announce they should all out outside and get some air. Everyone listened of course and they all left the apartment. Outside Frankie noticed, all the guests were there outside except Lisa and Johnny’s friend Mark. Frankie never liked Mark. He had this air about him like a sleaze ball and she never trusted him. Then they appeared a little while later with Lisa looking flushed. Something was bad happening Frankie could feel it.
Then Johnny dropped the ultimate bomb. “Hey everybody, I have an announcement to make. We are expecting!” All the party guests erupted in applause and congratulations. Frankie felt like she’d been punched in the gut. They were having a baby? How could this happen?
She needed a drink. Holding a fake smile on her face she rushed towards the apartment, hell bent on getting another serving or 12 of champagne. As she approached, she overheard Lisa talking with 2 of her friends.
“…You’ve got to be honest with Johnny.”
“I agree with that”
“Look I’m going to tell him. I just, I don’t want to ruin his birthday.” Frankie knew Lisa’s voice when she was lying and that was it. What wasn’t she telling Johnny?
“When is the baby due?”
“There is no baby.”
“What?!” Her friends asked un unison. Frankie felt 2 things at once. One being relief that the man she had pinned over for 5 years was not having a baby with her nemesis, the second being horror at her sister’s colossal lie. Lisa’s next words only proved to deepen that horror.
Lisa and her friends had sat down at that point and Lisa divulged more of the story. “I told him that to make it interesting. We’re probably going to have a baby eventually anyway. You’re not going to tell Johnny, are you?”
Frankie couldn’t listen to anymore. she bolted into the apartment, found an unopened bottle of champagne, popped it open and started to chug. That fucking bitch! How could she do that to Johnny? He was the sweetest guy in the world! He didn’t deserve what Lisa was doing to him just to make things more interesting. Lisa had always been a self-serving brat but this was downright evil.  Torn between Telling Johnny what she had just heard and keeping out of it, Frankie polished off the rest of the bottle.
Everyone came back inside and Frankie decided she had to tell Johnny the truth about her sister. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to him. “Johnny, I need to talk to you.”
“What’s up Francesca?”
“Look there’s no easy way to say this…” Frankie was cut off by Lisa slapping Mark in the face. Johnny intervened asking what was going on and he and Mark got into a scuffle. Some of Marks words made Frankie wonder just how naughty her sister had really been. Maybe the baby lie was only a minor detail in the whole story. The men calmed down and Johnny reassured everyone.
“Alright, alright. Ok folks everything is fine. The fight is over. I’m sorry Mark.” He held his hand out to Mark in peace.
Mark hesitantly took Johnny’s hand “Yea, yea me too.” They shook hands and Johnny asked Lisa to clean up the little mess they had made. Then he disappeared. It was an hour before anyone saw Johnny again and over that hour Frankie saw Lisa getting cozier and cozier with Mark. What was wrong with her?  Mark was a douche bag and it was Johnny’s party. A party she had thrown. None of this made sense. At one point, they were dancing and it looked like they were about to screw in the middle of the room in front of everyone. That was when Johnny reappeared and all hell broke loose.
He grabbed Lisa’s shoulder and asked her, “What are you doing?”
In her usual callus tone, she answered Johnny “None of your business.”
Johnny pressed her further, “You’re my future wife, what are you doing Lisa?”
Mark piped in, “Just leave her alone man, she doesn’t want to talk to you.”
Johnny was furious. “Since when do you give me orders?”
“Since Lisa changed her mind about you. Wake up man, what planet are you on?”
Johnny’s eyes drifted away before calmly telling Mark that he should leave. Lisa tried to smooth things over by telling Johnny not to spoil the party. Mark responded by telling Johnny not to worry.
Johnny shrugged out of Marks touch “Don’t touch me mother fucker. Get out.” They got into another scuffle that Lisa tried to break up, announcing that they were acting like children.
Mark shouted something that had the whole party holding their breaths. “If you could keep your girl satisfied she wouldn’t come to me!”
So that was the big truth Frankie sensed was being held back. They shoved at each other some more when Johnny declared to the party that everyone had betrayed him and ended it with something that struck fear into Frankie’s heart.
“…I’m fed-up with this world!” he went upstairs and didn’t come back down.
Frankie went to Lisa, “What the hell was that?”
“None of your goddamned business.”
“You’re kidding me, right? You cheated on Johnny with Mark and pretended to be pregnant? What the hell is the matter with you?”
“How did you know…?”
“I heard you talking to your friends.”
Claudette interposed herself on her daughters budding fight. “Now girls, this is not the time or the place. Lisa has made some mistakes but this is her relationship Francesca.”
Frankie was stunned, “You knew?”
Claudette looked almost insulted, “Well of course I knew, Lisa confides in me unlike you. Off doing god knows what in New York with god knows whom. You are your father through and through.”
Frankie wanted to cry but wouldn’t give her mother or sister the satisfaction. “You two deserve each other.” She turned to Denny, “Hey Denny, can I crash on your couch tonight? I start my road trip tomorrow and I’ll be out before you even wake up.”
Denny was still recovering from all the drama but he agreed, “Sure, let’s go, I’ll set up the pull out now.” He wanted to get out of there almost as much as Frankie did. Down in Denny’s apartment which was right below Johnny and Lisa’s, he and Frankie sat in silence for a while.
“Can you believe all that?” Denny asked.
Frankie took a drag from her cigarette. “I hate to say it but I kinda can. Lisa’s always been evil. Even when we were kids.��
“But Johnny loves her, how can she do that to him?”
Frankie wasn’t sure if she should reveal what she wanted to tell Denny but, what difference would it make now? “Denny, do you know how old Lisa is?”
“25, Johnny threw her a huge party a few months ago.”
Frankie laughed and shook her head. “She’s 23. When Johnny first met her, she was only 16. She lied about her age so she could date him. I figured it out the night she first brought him home to meet our mother. I had tried to get her to tell him the truth but I guess she never got around to it. Looks like she’s gotten even better at lying over the last 5 years.”
Denny was stunned. “23? That’s crazy. Johnny could have gotten in real trouble.”
“Yea I know. Look I have to get a really early head start tomorrow, do you mind if I go to sleep now?”
Denny nodded, “Yea, no problem. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Denny,” Frankie tossed and turned but couldn’t find the peace required to fall asleep. She wondered what was happening in the apartment above her head. She longed to go to Johnny and sooth him. Be a shoulder for him to cry on. But her sense of rationality made her stay put.
Ruckus erupted from upstairs. The distinct sounds of things being thrown around and broken permeated the thin walls of Denny’s place. Frankie sat up on the pullout and looked up trying to map what was going on. Then the loudest noise so far hit her from outside the windows to the front of the building. She ran to them and opened one wide. A TV lay smashed on the sidewalk.
Fear and adrenalin sent Frankie sprinting up the stairs to Johnny’s front door. It was unlocked so she pushed it open and peered in. “Johnny?” She called his name gently. There was no answer but she heard groaning from up in the bedroom. She slowly walked up to the spiral staircase and heard Johnny ask in agony, why this was happening to him.
Frankie’s heard thumped harder as she started climbing the narrow steps. The she heard his voice again,
“God, forgive me.”
Frankie saw him them with a gun in his hand that was about to enter his mouth.
“Johnny no!” She shouted, running at him and knocking the gun out of his hand. It fired a shot in the direction of the wall behind where Johnny stood on his knees.
“What are you doing?!” Frankie shouted. She dropped to her knees and grabbed his face.
“I want to die!” He shouted back and collapsed into Frankie’s hands. He sobbed and hollered like a wounded animal. Frankie sobbed with him rubbing his back in an attempt to sooth him. Johnny clung to her.
“It’s ok, It’s ok Johnny. I’m not going to let her hurt you again.”
The two culprits ran into the room after hearing the gun shot. “What happened?!” Lisa shouted.
Frankie turned her Lisa with the heat of a thousand suns in her eyes. “He tried to kill himself.”
“What?” Lisa was stunned. Mark just looked on with an equally stupefied expression on his face.
Frankie got up and turned to her sister with the gun in her hand. “Are you deaf as well as stupid? He tried to kill himself! Because of you, you fucking soul sucking cunt!”
“This wasn’t my fault.” Lisa said more to herself than anyone else. Frankie replied by slapping Lisa across the face. “I’m not mom Lisa, your stupid tricks don’t work on me.” She shoved the gun into Lisa’s hands. “Take this and get out of here.”
“What am I supposed to do with it?”
“I don’t give a shit! Do humanity a favor and use it on yourself!”
Lisa look like she was about to protest when Mark put a hand on her shoulder. “Come on Lisa, let’s get out of here.”
They left looking every bit like the guilty party they were. Frankie went back to Johnny. His tears had stopped falling and he had retreated into a catatonic state. Frankie dropped to eye level with him begging for a sign that he was still with her. “What can I do Johnny? Just tell me and I’ll do it.”
He closed his eyes, “Get me out of here, please. I can’t be here anymore.”
Frankie nodded, “Ok, ok.”
Denny bursed into the room “I heard a gunshot, what happened?!”
“I’ll tell you later, just help me get him up.” Together Denny and Frankie brought Johnny down to her car and loaded him into the passenger seat.
“Now will you tell me what happened?” Denny was desperate.
“Johnny tried to kill himself. I walked in on him just in time.”
Denny stood frozen. “Where are you taking him?”
“He asked me to get him out of here so that’s what I’m doing.”
“I’m coming with you.” Denny made a dash for the back seat but Frankie stopped him.
“Denny, you have school. I can take care of him and we’ll call you. When he’s ready to come back he will. But right now, he needs to get away from all of this.”
Denny looked scared for the man he thought of as his surrogate father. “Promise me you’ll call me.”
“I promise.” They hugged and Frankie got into the car. She started up the engine and turned to Johnny. “Any idea where you’d like to go?”
“I don’t care. Just drive.”
Frankie nodded and started down the street heading for the interstate.
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Discussion prompts : M/F writers with Romance and the Fantasy genre.
Of course, as the title suggests, I’m only talking about the Fantasy genre. Sci/Fi may also be included. Recently I’ve been reading two fantasy novels, one from a male author and the other from a female one. Just a quick premise: with this post I don’t mean to say that one is not as good as the other or is way better. Not at all. What I found is, in many cases they have a different take on the genre. Each with its flaws and good points. I will say this; If I can be honest, I myself am a woman, but in all my life as a reader I’ve always found difficult to find a female author I really liked. Again, it’s not a way to criticize female authors, I’m not against feminism and I care for women’s rights and their fights. This has nothing to do with it, it’s a matter of personal likings. My issue with many fantasy novels written by ladies it’s mainly one: the Romance. I know. I know. Not all fem. writers are about smooches, unrequited feelings and over the top love stories. J.K Rowling, Susanna Clarke, Suzanne Collins, Anne Rice,Robin Hobb are my favorite examples of this and are all writers I adore. All of them chose a take on their Fantasy and Sci Fi novels that was unique and made me love them. Their books, for me, are practically flawless. Yet, I have to confess that most times the books and sagas I enjoy more are those written by male authors. The simple reason for this is that it’s mostly in their books that I find the type of Fantasy I like. I want epic, I want magic, I want dark and gritty times and the great euphoria of victory, I want mistery and adventures, I want villains that can draw you in and make you say “I want to know you” , I want hope, I want fear, I want a long long road to walk alongside the protagonists, I want characters that can give me something, characters I want to know inside and out, that I want to love and hate. Romance actually comes very nearly at the bottom of my requirements for a Fantasy.
But romances are great of course. A good one gives even more depth to the novel and creates terrific conflicts. Good male fantasy authors are, from my experience, great at epic, building characters in depth (often huge casts of them), and are all for the adventure and great conflict. Yet a little romance is nice, and here the authors (one exception being made for Robert Jordan) I had experience with had the same approach to it as that of a striking-looking grizzly bear finding himself on a frozen lake with thin ice. Little grace and smoothness, cute in an awkward way. When the protagonist is a male one I have to adapt to his perspective on the object of his affections and sometimes it’s more difficult than reading something in a woman’s point of view. The main thing I’ve noticed is male authors tend to, sometimes, almost worship the protagonist’ s lady: she’s absolute perfection, the proper image of a goddess, while also being strong as a trunk and wild. Traits that are all very admirable of course, but realistic? Err. Not so much? Maybe male readers don’t feel that way. I’d have to ask some of them. Or you can tell me! The fact is, when I read the interactions between the male pr. and his love interest I almost feel that it would be better to skip that altogether and just plunge back into the action.
On the other hand we have other issues. Fantasy + Female writers + romance = I never know what I’m getting into. Strong points: good female writers have the same elegance and “power” in narrative as any male author. That is not in question and I never had anything to complain about a good fem. writer’s world-building and characters layout.
Again, the issue starts with romance: Worst cases I had were some very cheesy and fanfiction-worth romances (Angelini’s “Starcrossed” and following novels and others books of the same league - sorry not sorry: the romance was ridiculous and palm-face worthy) with a “sweep me off ma feet you hottie you” approach. Ok, it’s fantasy. But there are some things that need to stay realistical. Come on. The other scenarios I most encountered were: • a very good start: the male character is fascinating enough, giving the reader a real “I want to know how this relationship will play out” feeling; story is good, characters too, the protagonist is likeable and you can sympathize with her. Then, the big turn off: they end up together and all is said and done by the end of the first book if you’re lucky, or barely after like 200 pages. With other 2 or 3 more books programmed for the saga. I mean, it just doesn’t work for me: what am I supposed to look forward to then? You burned the rope too soon sister. Really ruined the hype. Have some patience and build it up please! Take time away from the couple and give me some action and adventure, don’t just submerge me in feels. At least make me hold my breath until the second book no? • opposite turn off: also good premises, this time the author takes her time with the love-building, makes you hold your breath and squeal with excitement. Until there’s a sudden rush and slam! You find yourself at the end of it all and evidently the author was either really fed up and just wanted to put an end to it or there were pressures from somewhere else - editors -; all the same there’s this quick epiphany for the lovers that leaves you with a feeling that there’s something missing (Trudi Canavan’s The Black Magician Trilogy is one such saga). OR: you wait and wait and wait… aaaaaaand nada. There may be an epiphany but it all ends in one of the two pulling a Divergent or just making a totally different choice for some greater good or for other delusional thinkings and it all just goes to Hela together with your patience. I mean, there’s a limit to everything you know? I can understand the Divergent ending, but lately this is becoming a trend. DON’T write a sad ending just because it feels more serious and you believe the readers will symphatize. 8 out of 10 we’ll just huff and mentally ask what were you playing at. The “happy ever after” may be a little exasperating and nobody is expecting you to keep to it just to make us feel satisfied, BUT there is such a thing called “Balance”.
And balance is something I don’t often find when it comes to romance, be it written by male or female authors.
But this is my thinking! If somebody feels like it, please intervene! :) tell me your thoughts, what books and authors you thought had a good or bad approach to romance or fantasy? Would you recommend some of them?
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aliceaddellheidde · 3 years
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I woke up at 9:23 in the morning. I went to the bathroom under the shower, and if I wanted to be in the hospital on time, I had to get dressed quickly. I did not even have breakfast.
I parked my car and went to the hospital where lads and Harry´s mom were waiting for me. „Where is your father?“ I asked Harry. „He stayed cooking lunch at home. What happened to you?” „I'm hungry.” Anne laughed and we walked down the stairs to Gemma's room. „Go without me.” Liam lifted his eyebrows. I pointed to a food automat. He shrugged, and he was gone.
I went to the food vending machine and was about to put coin in. ,,Young man, it´s out of service.” said nurse from door. ,,Thank you so much.” I mumbled sarcastically. I was hungry and irritated. I leant against the wall and was hypnotizing door with the number 18. ,,Hello, you were yesterday with Miss Styles, did not you?” A man's voice came next to me. I looked at him. It was the Gemma´s doctor. ,,Yeah. Why?” ,,Just tell her to wait here for me, okay?” He did not wait for the answer and left. After a few minutes Harry came out from the room and held door for Zdenka. ,,What happened?” Liam asked me. ,,It´s broken. I'm hungry!” ,,Don´t be afraid. We´ll have great lunch in a while.” he said. ,,I hope so. We have to wait for the doctor here.” I noticed Harry's hand around Zdenka's waist. I wanted to scream on him to leave her be, but I controlled my anger. She is not mine. I looked at Zdenka and frowned. Again, I looked at Harry beside her. Then she shook his hand away and sat down on a chair. Gemma sat beside her. They started whispering.
,,Miss Styles, I'm glad to see you smiling again. You feel better?” The doctor asked. ,,Yes, I'm fine. Can I go home now?” ,,Of course, just sign up here and ..." I stopped paying attention to their conversation and looked on a poster on the wall. ,,And Zdenka, Sophia is looking forward to you. I´ll call you.” I heard the doctor say. What is he talking about? Who is Sophia? And he has her number? How? He took the signed papers, shook Anne's hand and left.
,,So, lets go.” said Gemma. They both stood up. Harry came back to her and tried to catch her around the waist. She pushed Louis between them to avoid him. He's going after her, and she's gladly ignoring him. I smiled at it in my mind. Perhaps she will not be on a list of girls for one night.
In the elevator, we argued who would go with whose car. Liam finally decided that Gemma, Harry, Louis, and Anne were going in Harry´s car. I'm with him and Zdenka. Great. I walked slowly through the parking lot, I did not want to go. Two members of my crew went in front of me. ,,Can I sit in front?” Zdenka asked. ,,Sure. I don´t care.” said Liam, turning around to me. They talk about my car without me. ,,Great!” She squeezed the door handle and the alarm started screeching. ,,For fucking God, woman! I still have to open a car!” I screamed. She looked at me apologetically. ,,I'm sorry.” She looked at Liam. ,,You know what Liam? I'll sit on backseat, okay?” He smiled at her. Fuck! Now she thinks I'm a complete idiot. I could have her so close and I screwed it. Really great Niall!
They waited until I opened the door and then we sat in. The ride was completely silent. Nobody said anything. Occasionally I looked at Zdenka during the ride in the mirror. She looked as if she wanted to cry, but she tried to hide it. My conscience was angry with me. You are idiot Niall! A stupid jerk. I kept repeating it in my head.
After a few minutes in the car, we stopped in front of a nice brick house with white windows. I parked car next to Harry´s and I stepped out. I waited for Liam and Zdenka and we went in. In the corridor Robin hugged Gemma, Anne and Harry. Louis leaped on them, too and Liam shook his head. I saw Zdenka nowhere. I turned around and saw her standing at the front door. She looked at the entire hall. She was looking everywhere but the action in front of her. She may not feel comfortable. Or she just wants to keep away from me. She is acting like little scared child. Isn´t she adult yet? She does not even look like it. My thoughts were disturbed by a voice of Harry´s mom.
,,Time to eat.” Anne said from kitchen. We all followed her. The last one was Zdenka. I grabbed her by the shoulder in front the door to the dining room and I pushed her into the room. She jumped under my touch. I caught the smell of food and stepped to the pre-set table and sat down. Liam, Louis and Gemma sat opposite me. There was a free chair on my left side and then Harry was on next chair. Anne sat on my right side at the top of the desk. Robin sat opposite her at the other end of the table. When Zdenka sat between me and Harry, Anne went for a soup.
She came back with a big pot. Louis's eyes widened. ,,We have creamy carrot soup especially for you.” Robin laughed watching the carrot fool and he reached after ladle. But Anne's hand stopped him. ,,Guest first!” She handed it to Zdenka. She took it. Then she took the napkin from desk and spread it on her knees. It is no strange at all. She slowly began to eat. I followed her. She enjoyed every single spoon. Liam kicked my foot beneath the table and I looked away from her. For a while only noises of eating could be heard.
Anne interrupted silence. ,,So, Zdenka, tell us something about you.” She said with a smile. Zdenka looked around her, carefully putting spoon on the plate, wiping her mouth, even it was not dirty, folding her hands into the lap, and quietly answered: ,,Well, I do not know what you want to know. There's not much.” ,,Are you studying here? Or did you come to London for a holiday?” Robin asked. Zdenka shook her head. ,,No, I do not. I graduated few years ago. I work as a child sitter.” What? She has already finished college? So she's about 23 years old. I thought she was 20.
,,Where did you come from?” Liam asked ,,I am from Slovakia. It is a small state in Central Europe. I came to London two years ago.” ,,How old are you?” Robin asked. Anne looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. ,,I'm 24 years old.” Zdenka said and blushed a little. ,,Seriously? I would not say you are so old.” said Harry, smiling at her. Douchebag. She smiled as well. ,,Everybody says it, to be honest, but thank you.” She began eating her soup again.
,,And what did you study?” Robin asked again. And again she put the spoon in the plate, wiped her mouth and folded her hands into the lap. ,,Why are you doing this?” I asked her. She turned to me to answer, but then she turned away and looked at Robin. ,,At high school, I studied as a social worker and at college I studied as a leisure time animator. So, since 15 I've been working with people.” What can be so difficult to organize free time to study it at college? She smiled and turned to me. ,,And this” she pointed on napkin - ,,is part of dining manners.”
She began eating soup, but after a while she stopped and repeated her strange ritual. ,,Excuse me, I did not mean to say that you have bad dining or something. It's just that I was taught to eat like that.” she apologized. ,,That's okay.” Anne said. Harry wanted to ask something. ,,For God sake, let the girl finish her soup!” she screamed at her son. Zdenka smiled, but then she was getting serious. ,,I'm sorry.” she said to Harry. He only looked at her with incomprehensible expression. She shook her head and finally ate the soup.
Anne took the pot and the plates away and Robin brought the new one along with rice bowls. Then he returned with large roasters full of roasted chicken legs. ,,Finally a normal food!” I exclaimed. I was so hungry that I threw myself on it. When I sat again, I unwittingly hit Zdenka in shoulder. ,,Sorry.” we said at once. I ate five pieces, the others only two and Zdenka just finished ... fifth? Who would said that. The last two pieces of meat remained on the roaster.
,,Take them Niall. I can see you look at them.” Gemma said. ,,Will you mind if I take one?” Zdenka asked. She still wants to eat? Where does it go? Even Gemma and Anne did not finish their food, and she did not have the slightest problem. And she's still hungry. We will be great friends. I smiled at thought of it. They all looked at her. ,,Ok, no. Niall take both of them.” she said quietly. My name sounded beautiful in her accent.
I looked at her. Then Anne spoke. ,,No, take it. It just made us feel surprised. You ate as much as Niall did. More than us.” Zdenka blushed and lowered her head. ,,Excuse me, it's inappropriate. Niall just eat them.” She looked at me and smiled. God, you're oppress this young girl. I smiled at her too, and I put one piece on both of our plates. She was staring at me with surprise. Not only her, but also Harry and Louis. Gemma gave her a weird look. I will not let her starve here. It's not my food, so what. ,,But … .” she began, but I interrupted her. ,,Eat.” I ordered. It was done in a few minutes.
,,Does anyone want a dessert?” Anne asked, looking only at me. I energetically nod and Zdenka next to me too. She´s not serious! Anne just shook her head and smiled. ,,You would be a great couple. I just do not know who would feed you.” And you got it Harry. Even your own mom does not think you're good for Zdenka. But I do. Everyone started laughing and she was blushing again. ,,Don´t worry. They always laugh from me.” ,,I was taught that every meal should be tasted during a visit, so if there's no allergies to it.” ,,That's what I totally agree with.” ,,Clearly you agree. The more food, the better, right?” Anne smiled, placing pieces of banana cake in front of us. ,,When you eat this, you will be sick for sure.” Gemma said, shaking her head. ,,Harry, there's a banana in it.” I said to her brother. He looked at the cake and ran into the kitchen. Zdenka started laughing. The first time I heard her laugh. It was interesting.
Harry returned with a full mouth. ,,At least you shut your mouth.” his mother said. ,,Can´t.” he said sitting down. I started to eat and Zdenka followed me. ,,Try to drink. It will do better.” she said to Harry and she laughed again. He frowned at her, but he obeyed. ,,Will you tell me who taught you the ,,right dining”?” he asked. ,,The person I worked for.” ,,You worked for the Queen?” ,,No.” she laughed. ,,Not for the Queen, but for someone who is important in certain social circles, where it was required of me.” ,,You really told us a lot.” said Louis and rolled his eyes. ,,It is not important where I worked.” she smiled. ,,Excuse me, please.” She got up and walked away.
,,She is nice, but a little weird.” Robin said. ,,What did you expect? She knows us from yesterday and today she is in our house.” Anne asked. ,,That was your idea mom.” Gemma interjected. They started talking about Zdenka and where she worked and why she did not want to say anything. I went to toilet. I met her in the hall. She was just coming out of the bathroom. We were finally alone. She saw me and pulled away from the door so that I could come in. I did not even move. She walked back to the others.
,,Zdenka wait.” I finally pronounced her name correctly. ,,Yes?” She looked at me and smiled. ,,I'd like to apologize to you for the hospital. I was hungry and tired, but that does not justify me. I just wanted you to know it was not because of you.” ,,Oh, Niall. Don´t worry. Nobody can always have a good mood.” she smiled even more and walked away.
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