#Angel with the Scabbed Wings
k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 4 months
Marilyn Manson - Angel With the Scabbed Wings
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wearechaoz · 9 months
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gothkrislemcheslut · 4 months
lip syncing angel with the scabbed wings as i do my calc hw
word, big mood <3 i hate math and love that song so hard
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purity-culture · 1 month
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dweeeeb · 9 months
Motivational Music in the Morning ... #MarilynManson, #AngelWithTheScabbedWings ... From the Album #AntiChristSuperstar [Official Audio Track] (1996) MMitM1
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0nlyangel222 · 1 year
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
La fille qui n'aimait pas être amoureuse
Tout commence et tout finit en musique ici, aussi ai-je cherché des titres qui parlent de toutes ces choses lourdes et noires que j'ai traversées ces derniers temps, des chansons qui parlent de rancœur, de rage, de dépit, de frustration, d'autoaccusation / autodépréciation / autodestruction...
Et, étonnamment, j'en ai trouvé beaucoup moins que des chansons d'amour.
Un artiste en tout cas ne déçoit jamais quand il s'agit d'être grinçant, cynique et brutal, c'est Sa Majesté des Mouches Marylin Manson.
On avait été le voir à l’Élysée Montmartre, juste avant que "Antichrist Superstar" ne devienne LE gros truc dont on parlerait même au Congrès, au point que MM allait devenir à son tour une superstar à qui des cohortes de fans allaient hurler : "Hey, Mr Superstar, I'LL KILL YOU IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU".
Je me revois dans la fosse, perchée sur les épaules de Fred, c'était une fête et c'était l'étuve, MM vociférait le refrain de 1996 dans notre direction et on lui renvoyait tous ses phrases d'un geste large des poings, index et petits doigts dressés, comme un répons à l'église, et j'adorais ce type, j'adorais son personnage de monstre de foire échappé d'un cauchemar de David Lynch, et je crois même que tous les deux avaient dit la même chose, à quelques années d'intervalle : "Je montre l'Amérique que personne ne montre ailleurs" - en substance, celle des cadavres et des asticots. Je me sentais de cette famille-là - Marylin Manson, Lynch et son plan fameux sur l'oreille coupée, et "Eraserhead" qui m'avait inspiré, ado, la même fascination nauséeuse que les revues pornos que le mari de ma nourrice me montrait quand j'étais petite fille. 
Angel With the Scabbed Wings, autre époque, autre ambiance, je suis en train de rouler à 160 sur l'A11, quelque part entre Le Mans et Chartres, la banane jusqu'aux oreilles, prenant mon pied dans la vitesse et le déluge de saturation sonore, c'est l'année de la Licence Pro et je me dépêche parce que je sais que Khaled m'attend à Paris et qu'on va passer le weekend à s'envoyer en l'air, et il a beau me répéter au téléphone : "Sois prudente sur la route", il sait que je vais exploser les compteurs parce que c'est dans ma nature.
Des putains de bons souvenirs, ouais.
J'ai réécouté "Antichrist Superstar" dans la voiture, en allant sur mon lieu de stage ; un vendredi à 10h, la circulation était fluide et je n'étais plus dans le même espace temps que les autres : comme un film où tout le monde serait coincé dans une marmelade de carrosseries à chaque intersection, et quand j'arrive une brèche se dégage par miracle, et sans même avoir besoin de rétrograder je glisse comme une loutre devant des dizaines de placards d'affiches appelant à la grève générale contre le projet de loi sur les retraites.
Le Périph intérieur, un rêve.
The Beautiful People était une petite bombe qui fonctionnait toujours à 25 ans d'écart ; en silence, je l'ai dédicacée à Sexy et à son fan-club de collégiennes, supposant que pour tous ces Beautiful People-là, je ne devais sans doute pas dépasser le stade du Quasimodo rampant ; leur souhaitant bien du bonheur dans leur monde tout lisse de gagnants, leur monde merveilleux qui ne connaît ni la vieillesse, ni la souffrance, ni l'humiliation
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parce que, quoi qu'il arrive, je reste l'enfant du métal que j'étais à 19 ans - le métal du carter des moteurs trois-temps, le métal des guitares, celui des carlingues de F-16, celui du canon d'un 9 mm, le métal du couteau qu'un forain m'avait planté dans le dos, un soir, pour une embrouille dérisoire, le métal de la chevalière que portait le type qui m'a envoyée valser d'un coup de poing à travers la pièce, à 18 ans, et qui m'a éclaté le tympan avant de m'étrangler.
J'ai passé le semestre à les écouter soupirer, critiquer tout ce qui bouge, parler des gens de ma génération comme si on était des Untermenschen - y  compris devant moi - les filles avec leur tête toute pincée, les mecs blasés comme des vieilles putes ; tous plus aigris qu'un quarteron de syndicalistes en rade du Grand Soir ; et pendant ce temps, moi je m'embrasais pour de vrai, sans faire de bruit et à l'insu de tous. Mais çà, vous ne l'auriez même pas vu, même pas si on vous l'avait mis sous le nez - oui, oui, çà vaut aussi pour toi, fringuant quinquagénaire - tellement c'est évident dans vos têtes qu'une femme de cinquante ans, c'est pas censé tomber amoureux et c'est pas censé pleurer, c'est même pas censé être jaloux, amer, ou furieux ; tellement pour vous, l'amour et le désir, c'est permis seulement si elle est jeune et belle, et si on ne vous le montre pas dans une série télé ou une publicité, vous ne croyez même pas que ce soit possible en vrai.
Vous n'êtes même pas capable d'imaginer ce qu'on ne vous met pas en scène, et c'est moi que vous avez regardée de haut toute l'année ?
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cryonline · 2 years
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thewilddoghaunts · 4 months
He is the angel with the stabbed wings
Hard drug face
Wanna powder his nose
He will devour the freshest crops
Dry up all the wombs with his rock and roll sores
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numetaltrash · 1 year
Have you ever tried listening to Marilyn Manson's music slowed? Angel with the scabbed wings becomes 10000x better, and I feel less guilty.
ive listened to his music sped up, but never slowed.. i should give that a try tho🤔🤔
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
𝔐𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔩𝔶𝔫 𝔐𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔫 – 𝔄𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔠𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔢𝔡 𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰
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specialneedz · 1 year
oouugg i love marilyn manson
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gothkrislemcheslut · 5 months
Tagged by @dilfsuzanneyk to :
"Spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are
tysm for tagging me!!
M - My Name Is by Eminem
A - Angel With The Scabbed Wings by Marilyn Manson
R - Ready For Love by Mindless Self Indulgence
I - I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams by Weezer
L - Like A Surgeon by Weird Al
Y - You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) by Dope
N - No, You Don’t by Nine Inch Nails
M - Mister Superstar by Marilyn Manson
A - About A Girl by The Academy Is…
N - No Rabbit In The Hat by Wednesday 13
S - Starfuckers, Inc. by Nine Inch Nails
O - Organ Grinder by Marilyn Manson
N - Numb by U2
S - She’s Gone Away by Nine Inch Nails
P - Professional Widow by Tori Amos
U - Unkillable Monster by Marilyn Manson
S - Sex Toys by BrokeNCYDE
S - Scaredy Cat by Marilyn Manson And The Spooky Kids
Y - You’re Pitiful by Weird Al
And I tag: @a-dope-fiend @alicecoopersbush @annacore13 @3asystreets @clandeztine @daddymikeyway @finallyhappy000 @intranara @littletroubledgrrrl @nice-tits-shitty-life @official-koolaid-man-cum-sock @offtheheezayy @peterpansexual19 @milfweirdal @microwavedsalmon @buried-freak @thejeordiewhite @mezt111 @teenagedchriist
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lxvebun · 1 year
request: As I asked earlier, and I hope I'm not bothering you, <3, is it okay if you can have Aizawa, Shigaraki, and Dabi react to their S/O picking their skin, and that they have scars and scabs from picking so much?
buns notes Hi angel! Thank you for requesting!! And for your patience. I did hawks instead of Aizawa, I hope you don't mind! And I hope you like this. It's written in my older headcanon format but honestly I had the best time writing when I wrote like this so in the future more fics may pop up in this format.
content: Dabi/Hawks/Shiggy x gender neutral reader. Fluff. Comfort. Not catched up on current events just pretend we're in a bnha reality where all is well *sobs* hawks has his wings! My old Headcanon format. Blood. Skin picking. Scratching. Scars. Kissing said scars. Staples. If I missed anything let me know! Very lazily proofread.
Dc creators and consumers dni. My blog aint for you
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♡- Oh he's such a good boyfriend, you will never convince me otherwise. He's protective, he's sweet, he's your human heating pad, what could you possibly want more?
♡- and being such a good boyfriend, and his already perceptive eye. It makes that he usually knows what's going on before you tell him. From insecurities to other problems, if it's something he can fix, he'll do it without you having to tell him about it.
♡-so if you were planning on hiding it from him. You failed. he has already noticed the violent scratching, the picking at your skin and the frequent trips to the bathroom to rub the blood from under your nails almost immediately.
♡-He doesn't bring it up, he'll wait for you to be comfortable enough to do that. In the meantime he just helps you as subtle as he can with the knowledge he has.
♡-which is mostly holding your hands whenever he can, a win win for him really. You're unable to scratch at your skin, and he gets to hold you<3
♡-I believe he'd tell you stories of his own scars and habits as well to hopefully make you more comfortable around the topic. The staples stuck to his face are hard to miss, and as a nervous tic he does have a habit of fucking around with the ones on his wrists or jaw. Plucking them out and pressing them back in to the point blood starts to seep out. Not the most fun story to hear, but if it helps making you more comfortable, It's a small sacrifice really.
♡- it's hard to feel insecure about any scars you have being with Dabi. The most obvious reason being, he has them too, even more noticable than yours may be. And he's still the prettiest guy you have layed your eyes on.
♡-overall he tries his best to help as much as he can and as much as you allow him to<3
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♡-also a very good boyfriend, but in order to be your very good boyfriend, you need to tell him about the things that are troubling you, things you're insecure about, which you don't always do.
♡- luckily for you, it's hawks, walking heartthrob and probably the most charming person you've met. He can coax it out of you with lots of cuddles, sweet nicknames and ever sweeter kisses<3
♡-A lot of him helping you exists out of buying expensive cooling creams and ice patches for damage control after a bad day of scratching. And of course, his feathers help out too
♡- if the urge is there, or he notices you doing it subconsciously, one of his feathers will swat your hand away and replace it for you. That way you can't do too much damage to your skin.
♡-you rarely feel insecure about it with hawks, because he just wont let you<3 any bad talk or somber faces directed towards your scars gets wiped away when he presses a plethora of kisses to them. Try to hold him back, you cant!
♡- what kind of boyfriend would he be if he just let his pretty dove feel anything less than perfect?
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♡-he's been there and while his habit of scrating at his neck and wrists is more of an control coping mechanism there have been times where he scratched himself open and since he always picks at the same place, it has left some deep scars.
♡-scars that you've continously showed love towards, pressing gentle kisses when passing by or tracing over it. So please, do not be insecure about yours!
♡-in general any love and affection you show towards shigaraki, he tries his best to return tenfold. He's new to relationships, to love. And god is he in love with you. And he just wants to make sure you know that.
♡-that means repeating himself over and over again about how your scars do not make you any less beautiful, pressing kisses to your face to distract you, or challenging you to a mario kart game >:)
♡- he's very giddy about letting you borrow his his gloves! Although the gloves only covers half of your hands and you're still able to pick if you put some force in it but you dont have the heart to tell him that. It's the thought that counts<3
♡-he's not afraid of a little blood, and as hard as it may be for you, please do come to him when it gets bad. He's seen and been through a lot worse and promises you there nothing you can show him that will make him look at you in a bad light. Although he's not the best example, he rarely treats his skin after he picks, he would very much like to take care of yours. Even something as small as cutting your nails for damage control, or as big as helping you clean up the blood. he's always there and happy to to help<3
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Thank you for reading angels!<3
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docwritesshit · 4 months
The Chains that Bind us (HuskerDust)
Summary: Angel Dusts had another tough day at work, so Husk distracts him with a quick lesson on the art of poker
Authors note: Let me just say, I have only played Texas Holdem consistently so that's what you are getting here. Also, the capitalization on certain words is very intentional. You'll see what I mean while you read
Warnings: Abuse mention, alcohol, gambling/poker, sexual mentions but nothing vulgarly described
There were days few and far between Angel wouldn't come home with a new bruise with makeup caked in it, or a new already closed scab of some sort.
Husk knew. He fucking knew and it killed him seeing that spider still going back, under no control of his own and out of fear for his own life, his own soul.
He knew the feeling though. He was on a leash hunself. Alastor made sure Husk was aware of the thin ice he slid on, always quick to brandish more of his sharp teeth when talking with the little cat. The ghost of the shackle he had around his neck squeezed more when Alastor was around, reminding him puppet strings that encircled the bartender, making him dance around like a fucking show pony.
Husk huffed when Angel came back from another day at work, rubbing his eyelids as the spider all but collapsed onto the bar stool, resting his head on the bar top while his hands held the back of his head.
Husk sighed, tapping the bar top right next to the pornstars’ ear. The spider looked up, bags under his eyes heavier than Adam’s head that had to carry all his ego.
”You good, Angel?” The cat asked. The spider sighed low in response, head back down on the counter.
”Val had me do stripper shots right after a few gang bangs, and I'm sore all over.” Angel Dust responded. Husk sighed, pouring the dude his usual, sliding it over to him. Angel looked at the glass, and took a sip, sitting up in his stool a bit more.
“Thanks, kitty.” Angel said. Husk scoffed at the nickname Angel gave him, forcing the small lift of his lips back down.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s my job.” He replied. The actor smirked, leaning his cheek into his palm with his elbow anchored to the counter.
”Y’know… You never told me how things were when you were an overlord.”
Husk bristled at the sudden comment, looking away and reorganizing the shelves for the upteenth time that day.
”Yeah, what about it?” He asked, tone a bit more snappy. Angel chuckled, eyelids drooping a bit.
”Aww~ c’mon, can’t a few friends share some old stories?” The spider smirked more, leaning forward more. “I wanna know what’s under that wall of steel you have over your heart. It’s only fair.”
Husk rolled his eyes, his wings tensing around him as he glared at the sinner on the other side of the bar top.
”Oh yeah, what’s in it for me?”
”Other than the way you usually… provide for other people.”
Angel huffed, tapping his fingertips to the rim of his glass as he thought. Husk folded his arms over his chest, tail beating against the wall behind him in a soft rhythm in tune with Angels incessant fidgeting. The spider finally smiled, snapping his fingers at the cat.
”I’ll take you up on that offer to teach me poker.”
Husk raised an eyebrow. He vaguely remembered shit talking about Angel poker skill when Charlie brought out exercises with board games. Something about humility and sportsmanship, he wasn’t entirely sure. He does recall how even Sir Pentious bested the poor spider, though it may have had something to do with his egg minions sneaking cards into his deck when he thought no one was looking. He did say he would teach the spider the basics of it, but nothing really happened.
”… fine. Let me get tipsy first though, I’m too sober for this.” the cat relented. The spider whooped, taking his drink and going over to the couch in the lobby as Husk made his own drink, rifling through the tables drawers and pulling out a deck of cards.
Husk trudged over to the couch, drinking the whiskey and sighing in content as the sting went down his throat, the familiar burn now settling on his tongue. God, the things that would be so much better in his life if he only ever felt that feeling…
Angel flicked the cat's wing, making Husk hiss and recoil. The spider smiled, sitting on the other side of the table, tossing the deck to Husk. Husk narrowed his eyes.
”We both know I can’t shuffle for shit. Besides, I like seeing your hands at work~” Angel said. Husk clicked his tongue, setting his drink down and shuffling the cards, trying extra hard not to fall on bad habits and count them.
The cards were mixed up as good as they were gonna get, and he started to deal with them.
”In poker, there are a lot of things at play, most only at the mercy of fate itself and probability.” He started to explain, sliding Angel two cards and taking two cards for himself.
”First is Texas Hold’Em. Cause it’s honestly the easiest game for me to explain the hierarchy of the combinations of the ways you could win for me.” Husk said, snapping his fingers and stacks of different colored chips appeared before him and Angel. The spider jumped, and looked at him with raised eyebrows.
”You can summon that on a whim?? How come this only just came up?” He asked, smirking.
Husk shrugged, separating the stacks and sliding Angels over to him. “Did you ever ask before?”
Angel chuckled, running a hand through his hair. He hadn’t… he hadn’t asked a lot about the cat, honestly.
Why hadn’t he?
The spider shook his head of those thoughts, and tilted his head as Husk told him the different chips' value.
“White is one buck, blue is two, red is five, and black is ten. Got it?”
Angel hummed in acknowledgement, listening closely as Husk explained how the rules worked, how he would be the big blind and have to start the ante up with only one or a few more chips, depending on how far into the game you are and how many people are playing.
Husk took a sip of his drink, throwing two white chips in, and knocked on the table
”That means a check. Meaning I ain’t got shit and don’t want to raise the ante. Now, if you have something like a high card or a high pair, you would typically raise but I like to see what the deck has to offer before I do anything.” The bartender took a card off the pile and put it to the side.
”You always burn a card before you pull the three cards,” he explained, taking three more cards one at a time and setting them one by one on the table. Angel nodded, taking a quick glance at his cards and leaning forward to get a better look at the cards on the table.
Angel hesitantly threw in a red chip, and Husk lips tilted up, his eyebrows raised a bit.
”Big spender, huh? That shows confidence. Or arrogance. With you, could be one or the other.” He commented, and matched Angels bet with a red chip of his own. Angel huffed.
Was this how he was back when he gambled a lot?
The slander spider got his answer after six rounds of the game. Husk was one to get under one’s skin, pull at their faults as they played. He taught Angel Dust as they played, and even folded once and let Angel win a round. But he… To put it bluntly, was a bit of an ass.
Angel snapped a bit after losing for the third time in a row, glaring at the cat.
“Aw… is the little actor mad the only thing he’s good at here is bluffing?” He teased, tail swishing behind him. Angel snarled,
”Oh yeah? Big talk for someone who lost their-“ Angel’s lips sealed themselves, and shook his head. Husk stiffened, his tail stopped swishing. Angel grimaced.
”Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed that-“
Husk held up a hand to silence the rambling, and sighed.
”No, no. I was asking for it. Sorry. Old habits die hard, eh?”
Angel sighed, going over to sit next to Husk, leaving space between them.
“Still, that was shitty of me to say.” he said. Husk hummed, rapping his knuckled under his chin.
”Yeah, no. You see why nobody missed me when good ol’ Al put the collar on me and pulled harshly. I was a dick back then.”
Angel scoffed, and rolled his eyes.
”Yeah, we’re in hell. I’ve seen dicks, of both variety’s, more than I see my own room daily. You’re not the only asshole here.” Angel said. Husk grunted, his wings shuffling a bit.
”That’s not the whole thing… I was a nuisance. The only reason I wasn’t dealt with before Al came is because no one wanted to deal with my cocky ass.”
Angel snorted, and Husk shot him a look, before smiling a bit.
“Alright, poor word choice on my part. Point is, no one wanted to waste their energy on me. I wasn’t feared, or respected. My presence was tolerated and annoying to deal with so they just didn’t bother.”
Angel pulled his lips in a tight line, eyes narrowing as Husk described his experience.
”Oh please, most of the overlords are annoying nowadays. Have you seen the Vs lately?”
Husk barked a laugh, looking at the spider next to him.
”I have… and I have a desire to maul one of them,” he said. Angel chuckled, placing a dainty hand on his shoulder.
”If you do get the chance, make sure it sticks.” Angel responded. Husk smiled lazily, placing a claw over Angel's hand.
”Will do, angel.”
Husk ignored the way he saw Angel's makeup smeared, exposing the fresh bruise on his shoulder. He would talk about it when he needed to.
Being under the thumb of an overlord who treats others like a plaything or a pawn would be demoralizing for anyone. Being the plaything is a whole different story. Husk could feel the ebbs of the phantom metal hanging from his neck. He wouldn’t pretend to know the extent of what that sleazy moth makes Angel go through. He won’t push about how he saw the way his shoulders sagged more today, and knowing the weight had more to it than just tiredness.
Angel had his own struggles, his special hell tailored for him by the one who owned his soul. His own chains made be of the same smoke that fucker breaths, but they held more weight than Hush could comprehend.
The least he could do was to distract him from the weight of his own chains, even if it meant that Husk helped him carry the weight of it. He lessened his load, why not return the favor?
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starlight-archer · 4 months
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Faebruary x Funguary
DAY 4: Orchid Mantis x Cystolepiota
DAY 5: Hornet x Filoboletus Manipularis
DAY 6: Scab Beetle x Angel Wings
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