waru-chan8 · 7 months
hey! i read your post about pecco's (and other riders) red flags and i wanted you ask if jorge martin has done some controversial stuff also
i swear i'm not trying to start shit, you can just tell me no he has not done anything wrong :)
and also espargaro, they said he has had many "angry" moments before that with morbidelli i just wondered if you remember any
Hi again anon 👋👋👋👋
I didn't put them on the list because I didn't know their 'red flag' and to be honest I still don't know them that well. I only started following MotoGP in 2020 and there's still a bunch of lore that I don't know about a lot of riders.
What can I tell you about Martín is the following, he likes to drag people in the media either riders or teams (or Michelin yesterday). He is on the believe os 'I'm the best qualified for everything and I deserve the world'. He had been a bit shady with Ducati in the past, but apparently Ducati failed him. Overall is just his actitud (and living in Andorra). After that he is pretty green flag. He is supportive of other riders and I remember someone in the fandom said that they have seen him display support towards victims of homophobia in Madrid back in 2020 or 2019. He also doesn't forget who has helped him and he was so appreciative of Aleix and the help he gave him over the years.
Edit: I fucking forgot the flag! The fucking flag! Okay so every time Jorge is in the podium/wins, he carries a Spanish flag with a bull in it. It's a iffy symbol. It's know as the 'Toro de Osborne' and it's associated with a Spanish nationalism. It doesn't sit well in all Spain (lets say I seen it associated with the extrem right in politics although it not exclusive of them).
With Espargaró I'm going to assume it's only Aleix and not Pol (who is one of the greenest flags in the paddock with Rins (and maybe Joan pending the black face incident and him liking hunting and guns)). So Aleix is knows for his temper outburst. Like it's not the first time you see him screaming to a rider, marshal or even his mechanics, and before anyone attack him, he knows he is not the best and it's already working to solve it (we love a self-aware man). He used to be the rider that followed everyone and their mother in track to the a toe/slipstream, but now he gets mad when other people do that. There's a 'funny' incident with Petrux, where he got in between him and another rider and Petrux went to Twitter/X to show his displeasure, and Aleix pulled the data of the incident to prove that he actually was helpful and that helped Petrux to get a better lap time even if he didn't get directly to Q2 or passed from Q1 to Q2. He used to get in lot of troubles in social media due to comments and the way he speaks, no filter, with the truth upfront and not sugar coating things, but he is the same with the media. You either like him for that or you hate him, unfortunately, Pol usually gets dragged to that because people get confused with the brothers. He also was 'accused' of being pro-catalan independence, but he cleared that up. Out side the track, he is very vocal for the riders safety, takes care of a lot of riders and is friend of his friends.
As far as I know (again, I've been around only since 2020), it's the first time he got violent with another rider, and got to that extrem, Said that, apparently is not the first time that Morbidelli had been sitting on the racing line ans it's not the first time Aleix has encountered him. It's not an excuse for what he did, I'm just pointing out that both are wrong.
As always, anyone who has more info can jump and add stuff. I encourage to reblog and add to this, not just add in the comments or in the tags.
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bocadosdefilosofia · 10 months
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«La imaginación no es una facultad, es decir, algo situable entre otras facultades. Se diría que se la ha querido someter y para ello se le ha dado su parcela. No, la imaginación es un campo de libertad en la conciencia que, como el electromagnético, es un todo abierto que no tiene límites. Éste es el rasgo definitivo. Si fuera una facultad tendría sus normas, su manera de comportarse, su conducta típica: una anti-imaginación.»
Luis Martín Santos: Diez lecciones de epistemología. Ediciones Akal, pág. 20.  Madrid, 1991
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nando161mando · 2 months
Tal día como hoy de 1930 fallecía José Martín Arjona, periodista y destacada figura del anarquismo en Herrera (Sevilla).
On this day in 1930, José Martín Arjona, journalist and prominent figure of anarchism in Herrera (Seville), died.
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elbiotipo · 5 months
Más que Moreno que es medio loquito pero dentro de todo un Kirchnerista conservador (irónicamente, en Argentina en muchos casos ser conservador significa conservar el progreso) pero no lo veo filo-nazi, me preocupan más gente que está ganando tracción como Biondini y Cúneo que son anti-semitas en serio.
Lo que pasa es que Argentina la derecha actual, la que nos gobierna, dice ser patriota pero no lo es, y la gente se da cuenta. Es el estilo de derecha liberal a la cual solamente le interesa la guita, y son capaces de vender las Malvinas y la Patagonia por eso (porque casi lo hacen, ahora mismo estamos hablando, en esta semana quieren sacar una ley que hace eso justamente) La gente de derecha los vota porque odia al kirchnerismo y al peronismo en general. Pero tampoco les gusta mucho eso. Entonces salen tipos con Biondini, trayendo una derecha patriota casi extinta, y llaman la atención. Pero con eso también traen antisemitismo, fascismo, revindicación de la dictadura, y mil pestes más. O Cúneo que trae un peronismo supernacionalista, pero con un montón de conspiroparanoia de derecha. A esos si les tengo cagazo.
En cambio, la izquierda Argentina (a grandes rasgos, la centro-izquierda kirchnerista, la izquierda de los movimientos populares como Grabois, y la extrema izquierda troska que hasta ahora no ha tenido gran recepción) siempre ha sido patriota, defendiendo los recursos naturales, apoyando la cultura y la historia, etc. etc. pero con la inclusión de personas de todos los orígenes e identidades, raciales, de género, de sexualidad,lo que tanto llaman "ser progre". Como dije una vez, es chistoso que digan que lo de Malvinas es cosa de derecha, porque acá a la derecha le chupa un huevo, y son los comunistas que ponen carteles diciendo fuera ingleses de Malvinas. Y está bien, porque sí no queremos a nuestro país no vamos a mover un dedo en liberarlo. El amor por nuestra patria también es el amor por la Patria Grande latinoamericana, la de San Martín, y por el tercer mundo que sufre el imperialismo que sufrimos todos. Eventualmente, al menos para mí, por la revolución mundial.
La salida ES la patria socialista. El problema es como la alcanzamos. Pero en este momento, y lo que es más grave, tenemos literalmente en todo el sentido de la palabra, vendepatrias en el poder, que venden nuestros recursos, nuestras tierras y nuestro futuros. A esos hay que enfrentarlos y no dejar que nos vendan las mentiras de la derecha que siempre busca enemigos falsos y no quiere cambiar la sociedad.
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ashleywool · 6 months
For the last few days, I’ve been getting really into How To Dance In Ohio and, my goodness, I adore the cast EP and have watched and re-watched every YouTube video about it I can! But, from what I could find, there isn’t a Wiki page or anything like that with information about the characters! If you can, I would love to know some fun facts (maybe pronouns, likes, dislikes, whatever else!) about the seven lovely autistic people we follow in the show!
I’m hoping to see it sometime next year! 💛
Hey there!
The Wikipedia page does exist, although it's still pretty sparse as the show is still in previews and there are rules about what the updates are allowed to be. Everything has to be substantiated by a published article on an established platform or a first-person interview.
Here's the character breakdown from the Equity Principal Audition, with some of my own notes added for context. I've included some of the nicknames we've come up with for the characters also, some of which are canon.
Johanna: 40s-50s, she/her, powerful mezzo-soprano. Caroline’s mother, perky and positive, keeps a watchful eye over her daughter, artsy mom vibes. (Note: it's pronounced "yo-HAH-na.") Also known as: Jo-Jo (pronounced "yo-yo;" not canon) Currently: played by Darlesia Cearcy, and understudied by Marina Pires. (Note also: Darlesia's name is pronounced Dar-LEE-see-ah.) Fun fact: Darlesia isn't much of a public social media user, but when I looked her up on Twitter, this is the first thing that popped up, from her time in Shuffle Along. If I were her, I wouldn't even bother with a headshot and resume anymore, I'd just hand casting directors a copy of that tweet. It pretty much says it all.
Terry: 40s-50s, she/her, powerful mezzo-soprano. Jessica’s mother, patient, loves leopard print, gives her daughter lots of space, cool mom vibes. Also known as: Ter-Bear. (not canon) Currently: played by Haven Burton, and understudied by Marina Pires. Fun fact: Haven plays my mom but she's only seven years older than me in real life. Marina P is four years younger than me. Best of all: when we were premiering in Syracuse, this role was also covered by an SU junior (Elana Babbit). She didn't get to go on, but if she had, I would've had a mother who was almost half my age!
Michael: 40s-50s, he/him, mid to high tenor. Marideth’s father, blue-collar, doing his best, is anxious in new social settings. Also plays: "Derrick," a pharmacy technician employee at Columbus Community College, who has a brief interaction with Caroline (and may or may not be a murderer). Currently: played by Nick Gaswirth, and understudied by Martín Solá.
Amy: 40s-50s, she/her, soprano. Drew’s mother, cultured, a housewife with a master’s degree, adept at managing her husband and son’s needs. Also plays: Shauna Parks, a super hawtt reporter from the Columbus Gazette. Currently: played by Melina Kalomas and understudied by Marina Pires.
Kurt: 40s-50s, he/him, mid to high baritone. Drew’s father, white-collar, conservative, a bit formal, has high expectations for Drew. Also plays: Hawkins, Mel's manager at Paws and Claws Pet Shop, who's kind of a douchebag, and Rick Jenkins, a blogger (not a reporter) who has no idea how to write about disability with any shred of respect. Currently: played by Carlos L. Encinias--who calls his collection of roles "The Villain Track" though I assure you is an exquisitely kind and funny anti-villain in real life--and understudied by Martín Solá.
Dr. Emilio Amigo: to play 50s, he/him, high baritone, Cuban-American. A clinical psychologist, founder and director of Amigo Family Counseling, great at his job, charismatic, full of empathy, recently divorced, at a crossroads. Currently: played by Caesar Samayoa, and understudied by Martín Solá and Carlos L. Encinias.
Ashley Amigo: to play 22, she/her, mezzo-soprano with a strong mix, of Cuban-American. Amigo’s daughter, a dancer recovering from an injury, is at a crossroads. Currently: played by Cristina Sastre, and understudied by Marina Pires and Marina Jansen.
Drew: 18, he/him, mid to high tenor, autistic. He needs structure, a bit formal, knows a lot about electricity and electrical grids, is looking for deeper connections in life, possibly romantic, on track to go to his dream college. Also known as: Drewby (by his mom; canon) Currently: played by Liam Pearce and understudied by Collin Hancock, Jean Christian Barry, and Hunter Hollingsworth.
Marideth: 18, she/her, alto with a strong mix, autistic. Raised by a single dad, loves to research facts, hates shoelaces, doesn’t like to be touched, is anxious in new social settings. Also known as: Wolf (not canon) Currently: played by Madison Kopec, and understudied by Marina Jansen and Ayanna Nicole Thomas. Fun fact: Marideth isn't the first canonically autistic character originated by Madison Kopec. I first heard of them back in 2019 when they were cast as Emma in a reading of a new musical called Indigo, which eventually had its world premiere last summer in (funnily enough) Ohio.
Caroline: 19, she/her, soprano with a strong mix, autistic. Perky and positive, goes to community college, is best friends with Jessica but is obsessed with her boyfriend. Also known as: Menace (not canon) Currently: played by Amelia Fei, and understudied by Ayanna Nicole Thomas and Marina Jansen.
Jessica: 20, she/her, full-voiced mezzo-soprano, autistic. Wants to live on her own, loves fantasy but is surprisingly practical, has a flair for drama. Also known as: Rachel Berry (obviously not canon as that's copyright infringement) Currently: played by Ashley Wool (yours truly) and understudied by Ayanna Nicole Thomas and Marina Jansen. Fun fact: Lol. 20. That's adorable. I'm absolutely not 20.
Mel: 24, she/he/they, earthy alto, autistic. The oldest member of the group, a seeker into self-help and mindfulness, a natural leader, works at a pet shop. Also known as: Head of Reptiles (technically canon, but we also just like to imagine Mel as a mythical creature with a reptilian head) Currently: played by Imani Russell and understudied by Marina Jansen and Ayanna Nicole Thomas. Fun fact: way back in 2021, when they were casting the first reading of the show, my agent at the time submitted me for Mel--the character was initially conceived as a cis woman on the breakdown--but I had already gotten a callback for Jessica from my self-submission, and I had a gut feeling that there was somebody better out there for Mel. I couldn't have been more right--after Imani was cast, it was largely thanks to their creativity, insight and influence that Mel evolved into the distinctive non-binary icon (non-bicon?) we know and love today.
Remy: 18+ to play 16, he/she/they, mid to high tenor, autistic. Into cosplay, makes a How-To costume and makeup tutorial videos online. Currently: played by Desmond Luis Edwards, and understudied by Jean Christian Barry, Ayanna Nicole Thomas, and Hunter Hollingsworth. Fun fact: Dez's involvement in HTDIO is the ultimate "Cinderella story." In 2021, Jacob Yandura was running a summer camp in Florida, and Dez was a student there; upon finding out Dez was autistic, Jacob said, "hey, I think you'd be a good fit for this musical I'm writing." The first time I heard Dez sing at the rehearsals for the reading, I was like, "you're SEVENTEEN?! I quit." How many actors out there go from their third high school musical DIRECTLY to Broadway? Another fun fact: Dez created all the cosplay designs we used onstage in the Syracuse production. Check out his art account here!
Tommy: 22, he/him, mid to high baritone, autistic. Funny, self-conscious, studying to get his driver’s license. Currently: played by Conor Tague, and understudied by Hunter Hollingsworth, Collin Hancock, and Jean Christian Barry. Fun fact: In real life, Conor does not drive and is staunchly anti-driving.
Ok, I gotta shower and head to the theater for work notes, but I'll happily add more later!
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notasfilosoficas · 11 months
“El secreto de la felicidad es tener gustos sencillos y una mente compleja, el problema es que a menudo la mente es sencilla y los gustos son complejos”
Fernando Savater
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Fernando Fernández Savater Martín, es un filòsofo, profesor de filosofía y escritor español nacido en San Sebastián en junio de 1947, quien ha destacado en el género periodístico, en el campo del ensayo y también en la novela y el género dramático.
Realizó estudios en los marianistas de Aldapeta, pero a corta edad ya mostraba mucho interés por la lectura, en especial por las historietas y la lectura popular.
En la Universidad Complutense de Madrid estudió filosofía y poco tiempo después se dedicó a la enseñanza como profesor asistente de las facultades de ciencias políticas y de Filosofía en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Posteriormente ejerció como maestro en la Universidad de Educación a distancia y después en la Universidad del País Vasco.
Formación y trayectoria
Savater a compaginado su labor docente de filosofía y ética con la escritura de obras de ensayo divulgativo y acción (novela y teatro), alguna de las cuales como Ética para Amador (1991), Política para Amador (1992), El contenido de la Felicidad (1986), o El Valor de Educar (1997) han ejercido una notable influencia en España y en Latinoamérica, convirtiéndolo en un referente para toda una generación en España.
En su formación fue significativa la influencia de los filósofos de la escuela de Frankfurt, de Emile Ciorán y del pensamiento libertario de Agustín García Calvo. 
Codirigió la revista de pensamiento Claves y fue uno de los animadores culturales mas destacados de la transición española. Desde hace varios años ha publicado artículos en la prensa nacional y extranjera en la que aborda temas de actualidad. Su obra ha sido traducida a varios idiomas.
Pensamiento y estilo
Irreverente en sus declaraciones, ha dado a conocer en su abundante obra escrita, sus opiniones sobre temas como nacionalismo, la naturaleza del poder o las posibilidades renovadoras de la democracia.
Savater es un escritor multiforme, contradictorio, pero con todo, siempre conserva un estilo marcado y un espíritu alegre, pleno y decidido. Entre sus estudios mas específicamente filosóficos se cuentan sus diversas investigaciones sobre los objetos y los mecanismos de la ética. 
En sus obras, La tarea del héroe  e Invitación a la ética (1982), Savater plantea y expone las cuestiones fundamentales de su pensamiento ético, la exigencia revolucionaria de la no-instrumentalización del hombre y la afirmación de la capacidad de elección del sujeto humano, a pesar de la presencia de instancias tales como el azar y la fatalidad.
Siguiendo a Spinoza, propugna una ética del querer, en contraposición a una ética del deber, en donde los seres humanos buscan de manera natural su propia felicidad y la Ética ayuda a clarificar esta voluntad y a mostrar las formas para su realización.
Su filosofía política evolucionó desde el pensamiento negativo libertario y anti progresista que mantuvo en los años setentas, hasta el individualismo democrático, socialdemócrata, liberal y universalista de su etapa posterior.
Sus opiniones criticas al nacionalismo vasco, lo han situado en medio de diferentes polémicas. Estuvo amenazado de muerte por la ETA y vivió protegido con escolta. También le han supuesto críticas a posturas tales como el derecho aborto y a la eutanasia.
Fuentes: wikipedia, hermidaeditores.com, biografias.es, revistaliterariakatharsis.org, biogarfiasyvidas.com
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itchyeye · 1 year
Confession: I hate the fandom characterizations of a lot of TMA characters so I rarely read fic I didn't find in a fav writer's bookmarks and I actively loathe the twitter/tumblr tags. I hate MCR gerry. I hate Mary Sue Martín. I hate arcade carpet Michael. I hate what people have done to my evil boring stapler of a man Elias.
agree agree agree agree agree agree
altho as a fellow 2000s goth i don't think it would be unrealistic for gerry to like mcr
the only thing we know about his canon music taste is that he liked mastadon as a kid
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so yes it's possible he was an anti-emo metalhead (idk how old you are, anon, did you live through this era? there was a great deal of strife in the black eyeliner community at the time) but one mastadon t-shirt doesn't really indicate that to me
so while i don't think he was scene/emo, it's also not like he was wearing a sisters of mercy shirt even though he is routinely described as "goth" by coworkers and bystanders
i personally prefer my gerry to like nu metal (what is now affectionately referred to as "mall goth") but this is because i like projecting
anyway this was not the main point of your ask i just like being a pedant about early aughts music subgenres and i love gerry keay
u are right on the money about everything else ESPECIALLY bowling alley carpet michael and onceler elias
kiss me
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berniesrevolution · 1 year
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Spectre Journal
As the late Samir Amin wrote in 2006, “the challenges with which the construction of a real multipolar world is confronted are more serious than many ‘alterglobalists’ think.” Sixteen years later, Amin’s call for nations to “delink” from the Western-led economic order appears more ignored by state elites in the global South now than ever before. Earlier this year in a speech at Davos, Xi Jinping reaffirmed that “China will continue to let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation,” while “uphold[ing] the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its center.” And Russia’s assaults on Syria and Ukraine, financially supported by its plunders in regions like Sudan, serve as a reminder that the rise of national powers supposedly challenging US hegemony provides no guarantee that conditions will be more favorable to the international left. Thus, as Aziz Rana recently noted, the left needs an internationalist framework that “universally and effectively joins anti-imperial and anti-authoritarian ethics,” and refuses both “an old, broken Pax Americana” and “a new multipolar order dictated by competing capitalist authoritarianisms.”
But praxis can only emerge from a precise theoretical understanding of the objective conditions of imperialism today. What characterizes this new multipolar order and the nature of inter-capitalist competition? As a whole, this emerging multipolar world of bourgeois states does not create better conditions to challenge global imperialism, but merely preserves and even heightens these capitalist dynamics. Martín Arboleda cautions against “fetishizing” the role of the state in facilitating imperialism today at the expense of accounting for the role of international actors, and so conversely, we must also not overstate the capacity of the state—even developmentalist ones—in resisting imperialism.1 The decline of US imperial power and the rise of multiple “poles” on the global stage only reshuffles which states are mediating the existing global relations of production, without reorganizing the latter differently, and without fundamentally empowering independent movements in each region. Identifying the most effective strategy for the global left to build power requires understanding how this new expression of imperialism works. Rather than seeing multipolarity as opening up space for revolutionary struggles against imperialism, I contend that contemporary multipolarity functions as a new stage of the global imperialist system, a departure from unipolar US hegemony without neatly falling back into the traditional mode of inter-imperialist rivalry as described by Vladimir Lenin and Nikolai Bukharin commenting on the last century.
Today’s multipolar imperialism represents an intensification of the world-system sketched out by Bukharin, which sees the internationalization of finance capital and the development of national capitalist groups as two aspects of the same process. While national economic blocs have been increasingly sidelined in favor of multinational institutions by neoliberal globalization, nonetheless we see the strengthening of the power of nation-states to help facilitate financial capital in further containing the working class. A Marxist theory of imperialism today must thus not overstate the dynamic of inter-imperialist rivalry without endorsing a perspective that capitalist states are now entering a stage of peaceful co-existence enabled by financial interdependence, or what Karl Kautsky called “ultra-imperialism.” This deeper intertwining of state and capital enables new and more complex dynamics between ruling elites. Even as value transfer from peripheries to core remains intact, we can now witness multiple geographies of inter-imperial relations, with different cycles and layers of collaboration and competition between different sectors of the ruling class. Now joined by an often invisible class of institutional investors, state elites draw from more sophisticated technologies of repression and control across geopolitical blocs, leading to an uneven development of global authoritarianisms to counter independent and popular movements. This widespread erosion of political democracy, as it takes diverse forms, is thus a central policy of imperialism today.
(Continue Reading)
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SOUTH AMERICA: ‘Archives of Terror’ Yield New Horrors by Darío Montero The so-called "archives of terror" discovered by a human rights lawyer in Paraguay over a decade ago continue to yield new information on the cooperation between the de facto regimes that ruled much of South America in the 1970s and 1980s. MONTEVIDEO, Sep 16, 2005 (IPS) - Paraguayan activist and lawyer Martín Almada visited Uruguay this week to hand over documents recently found in the archives of terror, which indicate that the number of Uruguayans who were detained in Paraguay during the dictatorial regimes was much greater than human rights groups had previously realised. In December 1992, Almada, who was held as a political prisoner and tortured in his country in the 1970s, came across a room full of official records in a police station near the Paraguayan capital. The hundreds of thousands of documents that he basically discovered by accident pertain to the torture and forced disappearances carried out by the dictatorship of Gen. Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989) in Paraguay. But the archives of terror are especially important because they contain secret documents shedding light on Operation Condor, a coordinated plan among the military governments that ruled Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay in the 1970s and 1980s, aimed at tracking down, capturing and eliminating left-wing opponents. Thanks to legal action by Almada, the archives of terror are open to public scrutiny. They are stored on the premises of Paraguay's Supreme Court, in the Centre of Documentation and Archives for the Defence of Human Rights.
"These documents also indicate that Korean Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church had links" to Operation Condor as well, he added.
After September 1977, "ties began to appear between Moon's sect and the local and Latin American Anti-Communist League. A finance company, Urundel, was even set up in Paraguay to serve as a bank for the repressive operations in that country," said Almada.
Jorge Guldenzoph, deeply involved with CAUSA and Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, given 10 years in jail for torturing
Jorge Guldenzoph, a young Interior Ministry official who is secretary of Causa Uruguay. Ten years ago Guldenzoph was still a student leader of the . . . Communist Youth movement when, he says, he “forswore Marxism”. LINK
BNN Breaking
Decades of Silence Broken: Former Uruguayan Intelligence Agent Sentenced for Dictatorship Crimes
February 22, 2024
Former Uruguayan intelligence agent Jorge Carlos Guldenzoph Nunez sentenced for dictatorship crimes.
The courtroom was charged with a palpable mix of apprehension and hope as survivors, now decades older, stood to recount their harrowing tales. They spoke of electric shocks, beatings, and other forms of torture that left indelible scars on both body and psyche. Approximately 50 survivors shared their testimonies, painting a vivid picture of the horrors inflicted upon them. The indictment against Jorge Carlos Guldenzoph Nunez highlighted his active role in the arrest, interrogation, and forced confessions of dissidents, laying bare the systemic cruelty that characterized the regime's approach to dissent. Guldenzoph Nunez's trial, which began in July 2020, was a culmination of years of tireless advocacy by victims and human rights organizations.
The dictatorship in Uruguay, spanning from 1973 to 1985, left a deep and lasting impact on the nation's collective memory. It's estimated that 20% of the population was imprisoned at some point, with around 200 citizens murdered and an additional 191 disappearing without a trace. These numbers, while stark, barely scratch the surface of the pain and trauma experienced by those who lived through the regime's darkest days.
CIA, Moonies Cooperate in Sandinista War
“The UC is truly anti-Christian” and produces “a species of material and spiritual slavery.” Catholic Bishops in Honduras
The Unification Church and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action: the case of the UC
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in Central & South America
‘Illegal Aliens Joining Moonies’ – The Pittsburg Press
Moon’s ‘Cause’ Takes Aim At Communism in the Americas – Washington Post
Moon in Latin America: Building the Bases of a World Organisation – Guardian
Costa Rica
Uruguay condena a 10 años de prisión a Jorge Guldenzoph
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waru-chan8 · 2 years
What the fuck is doing, Martín? He's training Ducati to go to Honda if they don't give him the Factory Ducati? Dude, Ducati is waiting for you, you have until the end of August to prove yourself. Ducati is not being fair to Enea, and you are threatening them with leaving?
I hope you leave Ducati and Honda doesn't pick you just for this attitude of yours.
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roccinan · 2 years
I was wondering, who was doing that kind of work that's Rafael's and Keila's specialty during the cormorants time. Martín is the most suitable one, but still, he's not an expert, that kind of work was done by rio in the bank. and andrés clearly says they did robberies together. it's just interesting andrés has a 'cybersecurity expert' with him all the time except when he's with martín.
Hi anon! I think they might have hired someone different for each heist that required technology during that "era." Martin is an engineer and a genius, but he's not an IT engineer-- he's a structural/technical one. Like, Martin probably leaves all his tabs open, thinks he has a virus when his computer goes to sleep, and needs to call Rio for a two hour convo that ends with Rio telling him to turn the computer on and off again.
That's just the vibe Martin gives me asdfasd Him and Andres both have the faces of people who suck at tech. Bogota can probably use a phone, and that's it. Marseille seems like an anti-tech kind of guy.
Then again, Martin did help Andres set up the whole Alfredo Kessman website, so maybe he knows enough basic code to do whatever Keila was doing. But you and me could also create a website on weebly so there's that lol.
That said, maybe Martin knows a thing or two about cybersecurity? Maybe Sergio does too (but probably not or he wouldn't need Rio in la banda). I think their heists were mostly very hands-on, the kind where they knock out security guards or steal paintings in broad daylight, etc. And if need be, someone in the gang (and by someone, I mean Andres) seduces whoever's in charge of the cybersecurity of wherever they're robbing.
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blorbosexterminator · 2 years
Interesting that the old friend is the conscience of the group, which is a very anti-Martín thing. I wonder (extremely wishful thinking) if this is meant to be a contrast: light, superficially happy times with the golden team and this man trying to 'save' Andrés from himself, vs the darker more meaningful time with Martín, grandiose goals, heading towards self-destruction while creating the masterpiece. a kind of self-realization of andrés, what he actually wants. this isn't a romcom though 😅
Anon, please. If that is the case I would be so happy. Just more intentional parallels, keeping the berlermo storyline intact and unharmed by carelessness, and actually depicting why the fall out with the gang was inevitable because Andrés is inherently different from them, and like how his relationship with his wives were meant to be light, fleeting things, this is the case here as well.
In all honesty, other than being labeled the old friend, there's little similarity (as it appears so far) between Martín and Damian. He just seems more like a father-figure to me (watch as Pina throws away all storylines age-constraints and delves into the "limbo" head-first and Damian turns out to be Andrés REAL father). I've thought they might give him a Moscow-exit and starts the Andrés only spiraling downwards after it. Or a telenovela version where Damian runs off with Andrés' lover/wife.
But I really, really like your version: Damian having never truly accepted Andrés as he is and who keeps trying to save him from himself, regardless of what and who Andrés wants to be, and it marking the beginning of their end. (And the contrasts with Martín! Heart-eyes of course)
SYEJEK don't stress about it, anon, it IS a rom-com. That's literally what Pina is doing with this spin-off, a feel good, romantic comedy, French love film. Literal rom-com. For some fucking reason LMFAO.
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hala2021 · 1 month
Detrás de una máscara 
Hoy fui a la feria del libro con una amiga y compré un libro que me recomendó una compañera de trabajo. Se titula «Un mundo feliz», de Huxley. Según mi compañera, profesora en Lengua y Literatura, es un libro que habla de conspiraciones y mucho mejor que «1984». Y de ese tema quería hablar, de las conspiraciones. 
Bueno. Por empezar, quiero aclarar que voy a hablar de los movimientos conspirativos desde una mirada personal, jamás erudita y ni siquiera instruida en ese campo tan turbio que es lo secreto y lo que no se muestra. Yo sufrí las conspiraciones desde mi niñez. Mis padres ocultaban documentos, escapaban no sé de quiénes; mi padre tenía un arma en casa; solían dejarnos a mis hermanos y a mí solos, de pequeños; mi papá hablaba con un amigo de una causa que yo desconocía; él, amigo de un militar y de un policía, que decía que le hacía los documentos, etc. Por eso, el tema de las conspiraciones me toca de cerca. Sin embargo, esta vez quiero tratar el tema de una forma más personal, de pensar en la ideología que encierran los movimientos conspirativos. Y digo «movimientos» porque yo pienso que mi familia era solo como un grano de arena en un millón. Yo pienso que los conspiradores son anti Dios, es decir, guardan una ideología satánica que se opone al creador. Y por eso, todo lo que promocionan o subsidian se encuentra opuesto a la religión. Y un claro ejemplo es el aborto y la homosexualidad, dos cuestiones totalmente opuestas a las normas religiosas, y muy promocionadas hasta el hartazgo por organizaciones e Institutos educativos. Por otro lado, cada religioso se siente perseguido por otros que no son parte de su religión. Por ejemplo, los cristianos aseguran que son perseguidos; los musulmanes, también, y los judíos juran que son el centro del mundo en cuanto a la persecusión. En una palabra, cada religión contiene a millones de fieles que aseguran ser perseguidos, acosados e investigados por otros, a quienes no pueden definir ni ponerles un nombre. Eso por empezar. No obstante, también existe algo político y regional. El tan nombrado Occidente marca una clara división entre lo religioso y lo antireligioso. Por ejemplo, Estados Unidos es un gran defensor de Israel y del Sionismo, hasta el punto de entregar armamento a los sionistas para la masacre actual que se comete en Palestina. Y aliado a Israel se encuentran varios países como el Reino Unido. Sin embargo, seguro que tú dirás: «pero Israel es un país religioso, judío». Pues te equivocas, porque el Sionismo es característico de una política a favor de colonizar la tierra de Palestina y los sionistas atacan a los judíos ortodoxos que se oponen a esa colonización y opresión de los palestinos. Además, también existe un bloque de países aliados, quienes han mostrado una gran hostilidad por los países de Oriente, del otro lado de América, como China, los países árabes, Rusia, Corea del Norte, etc. 
Y haciendo un paréntesis con lo expresado en el párrafo anterior, seguro que pensarás que la solución se encuentra en aferrarse a una religión para escapar de los conspiradores. ¡Pues te equivocaste! Cuando piensas en destruir a alguien y no puedes hacerlo, lo primero que haces es hacerte su amigo para investigarlo. Es decir, atacarlo por dentro, desde los cimientos de su dogma, comunidad, templo u organización religiosa. Y por eso hoy presenciamos esa conspiración en la indiferencia de los países árabes en relación con la masacre en Palestina. Muchos conspiradores atacan desde las entrañas de los países más religiosos, como Irán, como lo hizo Salman Rushdie que publicó «Los versos satánicos» en ese país. Los casos de pedofilia en el Vaticano; las uniones con niñas entre algunas personas autodeclaradas «musulmanas»; los túneles de Jabad Lubavitch y las acusaciones de abusos de menores; etc. 
Y esta idea me vino cuando recordé la Unsam, una universidad pública ubicada en San Martín. Yo estudiaba Escritura y en aquel tiempo usaba mi «hishab» (pañuelo islámico que cubre la cabeza). No se pueden imaginar la discriminación que sufrí, tan grande. Burlas por parte de la profesora; compañeros que no querían unirse a mí en grupo, etc. Y no creo que el pañuelo en la cabeza haya sido el motivo de la discriminación que sufrí, sino que todo lo que marque una adhesión o relación con Dios es atacado por los conspiradores. Y pienso que estudian cada cuestión para hacer todo lo contrario. Desde comer jamón y promocionar ese alimento que contradice al Islam y al Judaísmo; hasta la ropa provocativa, como la minifalda; tener un perro, que no es bien visto en el Islam; la proliferación de la miseria, condenada por cualquier religión, que se caracteriza por la ayuda al pobre; los problemas con el agua, que impide la ablusión en el Islam; la persecusión a los cristianos, hasta el punto de escupirlos en la calle o defecar en la catedral, como lo hicieron las feministas en la Argentina; la prohibición de los símbolos religiosos en Francia; la rebelión en contra del hishab en Irán; la persecusión de los judíos en el Holocausto y actualmente en Israel, por parte de los sionistas; la exhibición de los símbolos satánicos como la cruz invertida; la promoción de la fiesta de Halloween, prohibida por los religiosos; la quema de la Biblia en épocas pasadas; etc., los ejemplos son millones. 
En una palabra, tenemos países aliados a ideologías anti Dios; persecusión de religiosos en varios países, incluso hasta la matanza de judíos en Alemania, así como de Palestinos, en su gran mayoría musulmanes, en Palestina ocupada. Movimientos sociales dentro de las religiones que crean enemigos imaginarios de otras religiones, para ocasionar peleas y enfrentamientos, como los musulmanes que hablan mal de los chiitas; los sionistas que hablan mal de los judíos ortodoxos y los tildan de antisemitas; los evangélicos que hablan pestes de los católicos; los católicos que tratan de «sectas» a otras religiones cristianas; países árabes aliados al Sionismo, que tratan a los árabes de Palestina como «terroristas»; las divisiones entre escuelas islámicas; divisiones entre cristianos; divisiones entre judíos ortodoxos, sionistas, reformistas, etc. Y hasta un budismo que no cree en Dios, todo un abanico de conspiradores que arrastran una sola ideología que los unifica: los antiDios. 
Por eso, llegamos a la siguiente conclusión: los conspiradores son antiDios, pero muchos están dentro de la religión, para atacarla y deshuesarla por dentro; están divididos por países, pero no todo el pueblo es cómplice con ellos; y se mantienen en secreto, unidos por logias oscuras y siniestras, camuflados de otra cosa; incluso hasta de santos. 
Bueno. Por hoy ya escribí bastante. Todavía recuerdo a la profesora que se burlaba de mí cuando entraba al aula con mi hishab, en la Unsam. Por eso decidí no usarla en la calle. Los antiDios están en todas partes, en todos los países y en todos lados, pero ocultos detrás de una máscara. 
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diarioelpepazo · 2 months
En este cumpleaños 248 de don Vicente Salias, autor de la letra de nuestro himno nacional, Gloria al Bravo Pueblo, llegamos al ocaso de marzo 2024. Por la ocasión y el tema, vaya esta crónica a la espera de que su ritmo sea de agrado y provecho general... [caption id="attachment_106881" align="aligncenter" width="402"] Rafael Bolívar Coronado, autor del Alma Llanera. Foto Cortesía[/caption]  Luis Carlucho Martín Afirmar que marzo es el mes musical venezolano puede lucir osado, pero hay una serie de sucesos que avalan la premisa. Así como se dice que Lara es el estado musical de Venezuela, es una verdad que marzo es génesis de celebraciones y conmemoraciones en torno a la música que nos representa, que nos ha dado a conocer, que nos identifica y que realza nuestras costumbres y folklore. Y Caracas está en el centro de la atención, porque en ella nacieron y murieron grandes de la música, no solo clásica y formal sino tradicional, además de que la capital sirvió como escenario para estrenos de piezas y obras musicales que trascendieron en la historia nacional. Además, fue en marzo cuando se oficializó al joropo como patrimonio cultural… Hagamos un recorrido histórico para confirmar lo expuesto. Intentos de formalidades Historiógrafos dedicados al estudio de la música ubican su origen formal en Venezuela hacia la segunda mitad del siglo XVII, con los primeros métodos de enseñanza rítmica desde las aulas del Seminario Santa Rosa de Lima, fundado en octubre de 1673 por el obispo fray Antonio González de Acuña. Eso es lo formal, y, como todo en la época, monopolizado por el poder eclesiástico; a pesar de que ya había una serie de manifestaciones y tradiciones añejas que llevaban la música como vehículo vinculante para transitar la historia. Es 1920 se pretende una reconsideración histórica con respecto al proceso musical en el país, denominado nacionalismo musical venezolano, basado en el realce de la identidad nacional, con el que se valora el esfuerzo de tres grandes músicos de esos días: los caraqueños Juan Bautista Plaza (19 de junio de 1898) y José Antonio Calcaño (precisamente de marzo 23 de 1900), además del guatireño don Vicente Emilio Sojo (8 diciembre de 1887). Gloria al Bravo Pueblo Un verdadero “marzista” (si existiera el término), por nacer y morir en marzo, fue don Juan José Landaeta Arévalo, autor de la música de nuestro canto épico anti opresor, Gloria al Bravo Pueblo, la canción que se hizo himno nacional por decreto de Antonio Guzmán Blanco en 1881. La letra, de Vicente Salias, canta la sublevación de un pueblo, obstinado de la opresión imperial española, y es una instigación a la hidalguía y la voluntad de un país todo que, a costa de lo que sea, lucha y logra su libertad, siguiendo el ejemplo que Caracas dio. Landaeta nació y murió en la capital venezolana el 10 de marzo de 1780 y el 26 de marzo de 1812 –días después del terremoto–, respectivamente. (Aunque hay otra versión no confirmada acerca de su muerte: ejecutado por José Tomás Boves el 10 de diciembre de 1814). De cortísima vida, pero de prolija aportación por su inspiración liberadora mostrada siempre desde sus tendencias musicales y sus ritmos alegóricos a la rebeldía, este hijo de pardos había mostrado mucha empatía con el movimiento independentista. Casualmente, su socio en la emblemática pieza patriótica, Gloria al Bravo Pueblo, el polifacético Vicente Salias, también es de marzo. Vio luz en Caracas el 23 de marzo de 1776. Además de excelso compositor, fue periodista, escritor y médico. Su sentido antisistema y libertario como miembro principal de la Sociedad Patriótica de Caracas lo enfrentó al poder de entonces y a los 38 años de edad, el 17 de septiembre de 1814, enfrentó la pena de muerte en el paredón de fusilamiento del castillo San Felipe en Puerto Cabello, a manos de las fuerzas españolas, bajo las órdenes de Juan Manuel Cajigal. Alma Llanera y caraqueña Nadie pudo haber sospechado, ni siquiera sus autores, Pedro Elías Gutiérrez y Rafael Bolívar
Coronado, que su zarzuela Alma Llanera, estrenada en el Teatro Caracas el 19 de septiembre de 1914, formaría parte de la identidad nacional, tanto que después de varios arreglos se considerara el segundo himno. Bolívar Coronado, en su condición de periodista y compositor, nacido el 6 de junio de 1884 en Villa de Cura, pero formado desde niño en la intelectualidad caraqueña, junto a Pedro Elías Gutiérrez, nacido en Caracas el 14 de marzo de 1870, dieron vida a tan popular y pegajosa composición. Gutiérrez fue de gran aportación para el desarrollo de la actividad musical nacional con obras como Sinfonía, que abrió las puertas del Teatro Municipal de Caracas. Estudió en la academia musical de Bellas Artes, actual escuela de música José Ángel Lamas. Además de zarzuelas dominó los valses y la ejecución de varios instrumentos que conoció de manera autodidacta. Inició en la Banda Marcial del extinto Distrito Federal (actual Banda Marcial Caracas) de la que fue su director por casi 40 años desde 1909. La Onda Nueva Uno que no nació en Caracas, pero sí desarrolló todo su potencial musical, incluso de exportación, en la sultana del Ávila desde que tenía 14 años de edad, fue Aldemaro Romero, quien vio luz en Valencia el 12 de marzo de 1928. Como muestra de agradecimiento hacia la tierra que le permitió desarrollarse y cultivarse, logra su primera producción de antología y de huella histórica, culminada 8 años más tarde, y la bautiza Dinner in Caracas, un LP auspiciado por RCA Nueva York. Posteriormente, junto a la magia del percusionista El Pavo Frank, Romero entremezcla con una especie de joropo caraqueñizado o modernizado, con tiempos más veloces que dan vida a una rica fusión, la Onda Nueva, con la que inmortalizó su país y su obra, que rebasó los límites de la mera ejecución del piano, ya que dirigió orquestas de varios países, fue presentador de radio y TV, y productor del famoso Festival de Onda Nueva. Dejó más de 250 composiciones de varios géneros, fundó la Filarmónica de Caracas, ganó el Premio Nacional de Música en 2002 y obtuvo tres doctorados Honoris Causa en la UC, UCLA y LUZ. 15 de vida y muerte El 15 de marzo es de sentimientos encontrados: En 2002 muere el hijo ilustre de su Canchuchún florido, don Luis Mariano Rivera, uno de los más grandes folkloristas criollos que no dejó más en su legado porque según decía “tarde llegó luz a mi pensamiento poco educado”. Su producción musical inició a los 48 años de edad. Imagínense lo que hubiese parido este talento criollo cuya música traspasó fronteras. Pero en 2014, el 15 de marzo es festivo, porque se reconoce al joropo como Patrimonio Nacional en categoría de Bien de Interés Cultural. Ese ritmo alegre y movido que surge del arpa, cuatro y maracas, a veces con bajo y bandola, es la carta de presentación musical nacional. Y a pesar de sus raíces llaneras, no se queda solo en esa región. Ha tenido evolución y con sus diferentes maneras de bailarlo (valsiao, zapatiao o escobillao), se diseminó por todo el país: occidental, oriental y central, donde destacan el tuyero, el mirandino (ambos con buche) y el aragüeño; por eso, autores, directores y compositores caraqueños, lo han hecho centro de sus producciones, porque decir joropo es decir Venezuela. PD: El 23 de marzo de 1949, nació en Marín, Yaracuy, el gran Orlando José Castillo, Watusi, con excepcional carrera como vocalista y compositor. Es parte de la historia de la salsa mundial y el primer criollo en brillar en los mejores escenarios de la meca salsera, Nueva York. Hoy, residenciado en Milán, sigue produciendo y poniendo a bailar al mundo. Gracias, sonerazo... Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo
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ahmadsparks17 · 4 months
How I Improved My Ira In One Day<p><img loading="lazy" src="https://farm6.static.flickr.com/5468/6948274212_eb2ce7707c.jpg" style="clear:both; float:left; padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px; max-width: 305px;"> In March 1948, Gold led a parade of 10,000 folks in a parade and rally to support the emerging Jewish state. Below an agreement reached by the merger conventions, leadership elections for the brand new York City locals of the merged IFWU happened 40 days later. Gold and IFWU Vice President Irving Potash were convicted of those additional antitrust prices. After a number of defendants were granted their own separate trials and charges in opposition to others dropped, the court docket reached its verdict on December 16, 1937. Gold was convicted of violating the Sherman Antitrust Act and sentenced to one year in prison. The union was indicted and convicted for violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. It was the primary conviction of a labor union official or labor union underneath the Sherman Act. Circuit Courtroom of Appeals upheld his conviction. Financial Statements of the United States Authorities for the Years Ended September 30, 2009 and 2008 U.S.</p><br/><p><img style="clear:both; float:left; padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px; max-width: 305px;" alt="Gold Silver Ira - Gold Choices" src="https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xqlEKDiIQw8/WJ4ot4pIVpI/AAAAAAAAHsc/vikX6PnqaGQ_E0o5FnooyDYRUfysuWU1gCK4B/w1280-h720-p-k-no-nu/Home%2BDelivery%2BGold%2B%2526%2BSilver%2BIRA%2B%25C3%25A2%25C2%2580%25C2%2593%2BThe%2BInvestor%2527s%2BHighwire%2BAct-718923.jpg" loading="lazy"> A deeply divided 2nd Circuit Courtroom of Appeals upheld his conviction. Choose Lee Seiu Kin dominated that there was "no triable defence" and "little doubt that it's defamatory to counsel that the plaintiff is guilty of criminal misappropriation". At the peak of his career as a labor chief, Gold resided within the Bronx, the place he ran unsuccessfully for judge in 1928; he received certainly one of the lowest vote-totals in the historical past of recent York state judicial elections. The Royal Deaf and Dumb Faculty in latter years was identified because the Royal School for Deaf Kids (History of Place). In May 1935, his union close to bankruptcy, he approached David Dubinsky, President of the ILGWU, for an infusion of funds. The contracts managed by the Joint Council expired on February 1, 1936. Gold confronted a troublesome job: In just six months, he had to rebuild the locals which had remained with the IFWU while preparing the union for a strike in the depths of a depression.</p><br/><p> Rosen (Tom Everett Scott) is the club's lawyer, who Clay says payments $1,200 an hour. Created in April 1993, Medifund helps the poor and needy to cowl their medical payments. González Martín-Moro, J.; Prieto Garrido, F.; Gómez Sanz, F.; Fuentes Vega, I.; Castro Rebollo, M.; Moreno Martín, P. (April 2018). "Which are the colours of the gown? Evaluation of an atypical optic illusion". December 12, 1944; "Furriers Approve Pact." <a href="https://lexius.co.uk/blog/index.php?entryid=259907">https://lexius.co.uk/blog/index.php?entryid=259907</a> . The Joint Board made its advice to the employers all the identical, who-aware of Shachtman's opposition-promptly rejected it.</p><br/><span style="display:block;text-align:center;clear:both"><iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wBQp2hVooDk?cc_load_policy=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="How to Transfer Your TSP to a Gold IRA (c) by N/A"></iframe></span><p> The Joint Board faced a crisis, nonetheless. Gold was business manager of the brand new York City Joint Council for two years. The stridently anti-communist labor leader, Matthew Woll, had been positioned answerable for a 3-person committee of AFL Government Council members charged with helping the IFWU and breaking the NTWIU. Enterprise funds are used for companies provided to the public on a user charge basis, just like the operation of a commercial enterprise. As the original authors of the photograph that sparked the viral phenomenon, Bleasdale and her companion Paul Jinks later expressed frustration and remorse over being "completely ignored from the story", together with their lack of management over the story, the omission of their function in the discovery, and the industrial use of the photograph.</p>
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
The heirs of Gotham
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0S5WvaK
by Rowboat_Writes
Martín finally returned to Gotham only to repeatedly meet two rather careless kids. For enough money who is he to fuss about being a baby sitter?
But the kids have more about them then what meets the eye. Causing more than a few strange and suspicious instances while he’s on missions.
Will Martín figure what’s going on? Will he die due to blood pressure issues given to him by these funky kids? What will become more important to him, the kids safety or his orders?
Find out here, or don’t!
Words: 934, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Gotham is a telenovela (REAL)
Fandoms: Gotham (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Martin (Gotham), Barbara Lee Gordon (Gotham TV), Dick Grayson, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Ivy Pepper (Gotham), Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Gotham City Residents, Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Oswald Cobblepot & Martin & Edward Nygma, martin & dick grayson, martin & Barbara Lee Gordon, Jim Gordon & Martin, martin & everyone
Additional Tags: Martín becomes a babysitter for Robin and batgirl, rouge!martin, Post-Canon, Young Dick Grayson, young Barbara Lee Gordon, Barbara Gordon is Batgirl, Dick Grayson is Robin, Chaotic Children, gotham hijinks, Gotham City is Terrible, Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Martín is the mockingbird, Anti-Hero, Children adopting a big brother figure without him realizing, What am I doing, Work In Progress
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0S5WvaK
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