#Arathi Highlands
oldeazeroth · 4 months
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Arathi Highlands (37,74)
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wowscenery · 2 months
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azerothtravel · 8 months
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Waiting for Battle, Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands, November 6, 2005.
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Thoradin's Wall, Arathi Highlands
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chriselison · 4 months
World of Warcraft Episode 63! In this episode I finish up in Arathi Highlands! That was a quick zone! At the end of the episode I make my way to the new zone which we'll be starting next week!
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satyascarwash · 1 year
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this is for the WoW gays! a Quae and Kinelory doodle of mine from a few years back
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chewingdirt · 2 months
dealing with the sudden unstoppable urge to write a crackfic where plunderstorm is a canon pirate gathering that flynn convinces shaw to attend “for fun” and they fight over who steers the parrot and are so caught up in the serene beauty of the arathi highlands and then shaw suddenly gets all serious and says “what is that?” as he squints off toward something in the distance.
it’s a level 8 vulpera named DeepInU69 out for blood soaring over the hill in a fire tornado and barreling straight toward them is what it is.
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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WORLD OF WARCRAFT • LOCATIONS (92/?) Arathi Highlands (requested by @warcraftish​)
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wowlorecraft · 6 months
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Gnomish, Dwarvish, and Human leaders come together to discuss this for two purposes. The first is in the interest of Allied security. Troop and goods movement is integral in wartime, and it is pertinent to rebuild strong and fast after the last war
The second is national integration into the Alliance and straight up basic diplomacy. Dark Irons see opportunity in the Gnomish desire to fully and finally reinhabit Gnomeregan and request an extension to Shadowforge City. Fearful of the Horde's potential access to such a weak point, in this time of peace, the Alliance (through a network of spies and connections) find that the Blackrock Orcs, recently sated by the recent Kosh'arg and lead by Eitregg, a fellow Blackrock, would stay away from such a project so long as there are joint-rebuilding efforts. These would see Dark Irons, Blackrocks, and Black Drakes working together (not at all in a lovey-dovey hippy way) to rebuild and, indeed, beautify the mountain
Edit: With the terminus of the Aerie Peak line at Kirthaven coming into such close quarters with the Dragonmaw Orcs, Eitregg pacifies the unrest across the clans by reaching out to Gazlowe and the Bilgewater Cartel in order to contract a similar rail line, connecting Goblin, Troll, Tauren, and Orc centres on Kalimdor.
The unrest cannot be fully quelled, and this leads to conflicts Azeroth's champions can participate in. However, the expansion of the Grimrail is done in a sort of dick-measuring arms race: Between Horde and Alliance, between Gnome and Goblin, between Orc and Troll and Dwarf and Human, et cetera
With such a success, the Alliance start working on the second phase, bridging the span by connecting Stromgarde through Dun Algaz. The Stormpikes lead the charge, ever suspicious of the Dark Iron fraternization with the Orcs. However, while the Raventusk Trolls are (/wish to be) content in their village, the Vilebranches come to attack the construction happening across the Span. This speeds up the construction process but provides a constant PvP zone in Arathi Highlands (recalling back the olden days)
Reaching Stromgarde, the Wildhammers, Danillian Elves, and the Half Elves conspire with the Gilneans to extend the Tram both west- and north-ward. For the Alliance, this connects the two major continental ports and provides aerial manoeuvrability via the Wildhammers and increasingly sky-bound High Vale Elves
However, Durnholde has never been a stable stronghold, and its station frequently comes under attack by the Alteraci Syndicate (PvP n.2); likewise, Southshore both evolves and devolves into again a stand-off (with great peace potential) with the Forsaken.
This next bit is straight-up headcanon fiction: The extension through Southshore into Gilneas goes through Dun Modr, which gets cleaned up but requires the assistance of Calia Menethil. There, the spirits of Dwarves and Humans are restless (yadda yadda) request to be Lightborne undead. However, the Forsaken feel they have the right to that land (yadda yadda) PvP n.3 in Hillsbrad
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World of Warcraft Plunderstorm Is Clunky, Weird, And Wildly Promising.
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When Blizzard pulled back that mysterious pirate curtain and told us all what patch 10.2.6 actually was, that is to say a pirate themed Battle Royale pvp mode with a 40 level long renown pass, I was uh, surprised. I had a lot of things in my head as to what the mysterious pirate patch with no PTR was going to be, none of them are what it actually wound up being. That, as it turns out, was for the best! Plunderstorm is a weird, flawed mode, but it's not the mode itself that I'm really excited about here! I'm excited for what the mode means, that being weird experimental things that hit us with little to no warning! There is so much content in WoW going unused. Whole zones worth of areas that never really got much to do in them. Plunderstorm is literally taking one of the most egregious ones, that fully remade Arathi Highlands map that never got used outside of the one Warfront, and sticking a whole mode in it! Blizzard could continue this streak of creativity in a myriad of ways, and better yet, not tell me about it! If we had had Plunderstorm datamined like we so often do all the wonder would have been sucked out of the thing. As a big goofy surprise it's some of the most excited I've been about this game in months. I really hope stuff like this continues!
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oldeazeroth · 7 months
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Arathi Highlands (20,43)
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wowscenery · 3 months
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azerothtravel · 1 year
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It Looks Peaceful From Up Here, Arathi Highlands, September 21, 2011.
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maxiecabphotography · 2 years
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Circle of West Binding, Arathi Highlands
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chriselison · 4 months
Episode 62 of my World of Warcraft playthrough. In this episode I continue questing in Arathi Highlands. I go back to Stromgarde to colect some badges, I slay a huge rock giant, kill some trolls and then finally slay Myzrael.
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mariamfitz · 2 years
A Night in the Arathi Highlands
Flashback to a night in the Highlands, prior to the rebuilding of Stromgarde. _____ Goosebumps appeared on Lady Mariam Fitzwalter's milky skin as a cool breeze swirled around her. Nighttime had finally settled for the night in the Arathi Highlands and the utter darkness invaded her senses. "No moon or stars out tonight," she thought to herself. Shivering, she prodded the unlit pyre before her and raised her hand outwards in careful determination. The conjured flame upon her palm crackled and swirled as she cast the flame towards the darkness. A sudden spark appeared and grew in intensity and color as the wood caught fire. The sudden brightness silhouetted the Lady's curvy figure as she meticulously sculpted the flames to her liking.
Laying down on her makeshift pallet comprised of various fine cloths and furs, Mariam sighed contentedly. There was never a moment that the woman regretted choosing fire as her preferred school of magic. As the fire lulled her to sleep and warmed her skin to the touch, she looked out at the vast hills and valleys stretched before her and inhaled deeply. The Highlands, now so painfully abandoned, once held many welcoming fires like her own. A sudden memory came unbidden to the forefront of her mind and the Lady closed her amber colored eyes solemnly...
"Lady Mariam, please be still!" the older man said admonishingly. "Your family will not stand for crooked seams, no matter how interesting the view is outside the window." 
The girl let out a frustrated huff, absently pulling her signature red hair behind her ears, and tried her best to be still. She had never seen so many people inside the city walls and she was fit to burst with excitement. Being born of a noble family in Stromgarde came with certain expectations. And, the young lass, along with all the Fitzwalters, were expected to make a strong showing at the Stromgarde Call to Arms.
The tailor set some final stitches in the hem of her dress and sat back on his haunches, nodding approvingly. "Aye, the epitome of Strom you are, young Lady Mariam." She looked down at herself, fitted in a new dress of the finest crimson mageweave available. Even though the lass be but a teen, she knew this Call to Arms was no ordinary one. She had overheard her father speaking to others in hushed tones about the impending war and a chill ran through her...
A twig snapped in the distance and Lady Mariam was on her feet instantaneously. Her fire having died down, she slowly scanned the surrounding darkness and was shocked to see a low golden glint of something metal moving towards her. Casting frost nova, the object stilled and a faint chuckle arose. "And, good evening to you, too, Mariam."
Mariam stilled, registering the timbre of Commander Jerome of Northfold's usually stoic voice. Releasing the breath she didn't know she'd been holding, she freed the Commander from the frost nova and eyed him suspiciously across the low fire. "Commander," she breathed while bowing deeply. "No need for pleasantries, Sir. If you tracked me all the way out here, you must need something." The Lady sat back atop her still warm blankets, absently pulling her tresses behind her ears. "So, please... enlighten me."
Original short story by @mariamfitz
DWC Day 2 - Orbit/Illusion
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