#Argentine south
raulenjuto · 4 months
Patagonia argentina
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illustratus · 2 months
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Surrender of the General Dorrego Corvette by Edoardo de Martino
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The Southern Hemisphere, where it’s winter, has been really hot too
Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, and Australia had heat waves in the past few months. Now spring begins.
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It’s been a hot, brutal, record-breaking summer across much of the world, and it’s not quite ready to let go as late-season heat waves bake parts of the United States, the United Kingdom, North Africa, and the Middle East.
The long goodbye is a fitting cap to a season of deadly heat that contributed to severe drought in some areas and torrential rainfall in others. High temperatures also set the stage for wildfires in Greece and Turkey, Canada, Hawaii, and Louisiana.
But at least people north of the equator can look forward to some relief as autumn and winter set in. The 850 million people in the Southern Hemisphere, on the other hand, are emerging from some of their hottest winter temperatures on record and bracing for even more heat as the warmer seasons begin.
In fact, the weather was pretty much like summer in June, July, and August across parts of South America, Africa, and Australia. Peruvians went to the beach last month as temperatures reached 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Similarly balmy weather engulfed Paraguay and Chile. Buenos Aires, Argentina, reached 86°F, the hottest August temperature in at least 117 years. The heat was downright dangerous in Brazil as thermometers ticked above 100°F. Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology confirmed this month that Australia experienced its hottest winter since record keeping began more than a century ago. Even down near the South Pole, warmer air and water have led to the lowest sea ice extent on record around Antarctica.
“Some of these set new records by a large margin, also known as ‘record shattering’ extremes,” explained Michael Grose, a senior research scientist at CSIRO, Australia’s government science agency, in an email.
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You should follow Posta-punk on YouTube if you want to hear lots of Argentine post-punk and new wave artists, mostly from the 1980s:
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Brilliant Argentine Ants
As the name suggests, the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is native to northern Argentina, as well as Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and southern Brazil. Both within and outside their native range, they are highly adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats, including tropical and deciduous forests, grasslands, scrubland, and areas modified by human activities like farmland or urban centers. The primary restrictions to their range are the availability of water and average temperature; while L. humile can survive in temperatures as low as -5 degrees Celsius (23 degrees Fahrenheit), they are more commonly found in areas with a Mediterranean climate, between 7 to 14 degrees Celsius (44 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit).
Like most ants, L. humile is a eusocial species; they are found in large colonies made of tens of thousands of individuals, each with a specific role to perform. Workers forage for food, maintain the nest, and care for the colony’s larvae. Queens are responsible for reproduction, and within a colony there may be as many as eight queens for every one thousand workers. Individuals within each colony use chemical cues to identify each other as nest-mates, and communicate with a combination of pheromones and touch. In their native range, colonies generally remain independent, occupying an area no larger than a meter. 
Argentine ants can be highly territorial, and will defend their colony against any perceived threat. In addition to their strong mandibles, workers will spray a pheromone that irritates the target and raising the alarm to other workers. When the colony is actively under attack, brood carers will also relocate the queens and larvae to a safer location. Spiders, antlions, cockroaches, frogs, lizards, and birds are all common predators of L. humile. In turn, the Argentine ant readily preys on other insect species in a coordinated group effort. Other sources of food include nectar, honeydew, fallen fruit, and carrion.
Despite their aggression towards outsiders, some Argentine ant colonies are genetically similar that individuals are able to to mingle with one another and form “super-colonies”, which can extend over nearly a kilometer. This phenomenon, also called unicoloniality, allows colonies to share food and reproductive responsibilities, and significantly increases their foraging success. Outside their native range, the genetic makeup of Argentine ant colonies is so uniform that they form super-colonies extending well over 4,000 km (2,500 miles) and containing trillions of individuals. 
Though Argentine ant colonies can be quite large, the individual ants that make up these colonies aren’t very big at all. The queens, the largest members of the colonies, only weigh 0.0036 g. Males come in second at 0.001 g. Workers are the smallest, at a whopping 0.00043 g. All members of the species are a reddish-brown, though workers tend to be lighter than queens and males. Males are the only members of this species to posess wings, which are used for a courtship flight, travel to a new colony, or to fight with another male for access to a queen.
L. humile has a unique mating system among ants. Mating occurs within the nest, and because of the large number of queens in any given colony there may be multiple reproductively active pairs at any given time. Males mate with multiple females when they can, though they die shortly after their first copulation-- sometimes having been attacked by their own mate. All this happens in the late spring or early summer, though the queen will not lay eggs until the following spring. However, 90% of queens are executed by workers before the reproductive season. Most of these queens are those who are less than a year old and have yet to produce a brood. If a queen survives, she begins laying eggs a year after being inseminated, and will continue laying 20 to 30 eggs a day throughout the year. Once she is reproductively active, queens can live for several years. Worker Argentine ants, like most other ant species, are sterile and only live for 10 to 12 months.
Conservation status: Argentine ants have no special conservation status. Instead, they are considered a highly invasive species: colonies have been established on 6 continents, and are highly detrimental to the environment. In almost every area they have been introduced, native ant species were nearly or completely wiped out.
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Phillip Herbst
Javier Chiavone
Alex Wild
Christine Broccard-Bell
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workersolidarity · 6 months
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Argentina, which has experienced three defaults in recent years and lives with inflation of 185%, is preparing on Sunday for the inauguration of a new president, Javier Miley, who is remembered by voters for his promises to pull the country out of the crisis.
The Libertarian economist-turned-politician promised to convert Argentina to dollars, cut public sector spending, carry out large-scale privatization, and remove restrictions on foreign trade.
In foreign policy, Miley intends to focus on the West, not wanting close rapprochement with BRICS. Moreover, the leaders of the United States and Israel will not even come to his inauguration.
Experts interviewed by RIA Novosti are skeptical about the prospects for the implementation of these promises, believing that the politician will have to reconsider his radical views taking into account realities:
▫️ While Miley’s foreign policy rather resembles “confusion,” the understanding will soon come that there is a harsh economic reality.
▫️ a course towards rapprochement with the United States will not bring economic benefits to Argentina: everything that Argentina supplies to the world market is supplied by the United States itself.
▫️In foreign policy, priorities may be revised in the medium term, because Brazil and China (both BRICS countries) are key trading partners.
▫️The new president does not have a majority in parliament, he will have to negotiate and compromise.
▫️ Reduction of ministries may result in an unbearable burden for the budget due to the payment of compensation to officials.
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rosalinaluvsfood · 2 months
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loveisinthebat · 2 years
Your daily dose of Bat
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charliemk1 · 11 months
by soy sissi on Flickr.Perito Moreno glacier, Parque Nacional Los Glaciares – Patagonia, Argentina.
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threefootcrow · 11 months
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by soy sissi on Flickr.Perito Moreno glacier, Parque Nacional Los Glaciares - Patagonia, Argentina.
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raulenjuto · 5 months
Vista desde la ruta de los 7 lagos
“Desde el puente” © Raúl Enjuto Aguilar, 2015 Esta foto está disponible también en mi sitio https://www.instagram.com/p/CVtgNcUMqVi/
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leomssis · 7 months
the one thing that annoys me about b*rca fans claiming that they “made” messi is that it completely ignores the fact that his playing style isn’t solely spanish…
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'New scenario' opens for Argentina with BRICS invitation, Fernandez says
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A "new scenario" opens for Argentina with the invitation for the South American country to join the BRICS group of developing nations, outgoing President Alberto Fernandez said on Thursday.
The comment from the center-left leader comes at a time of a deepening economic crisis in the South American nation, rocked by triple-digit inflation and a steadily deteriorating peso currency, ahead of October's high-stakes general election.
Fernandez stressed that joining the bloc would be a "great opportunity" to strengthen the nation's economy.
Argentina's current government would like to join BRICS - a group currently made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - because of the bloc's geopolitical and financial importance during a difficult global context, Fernandez said in a speech.
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"Antes Que Rías" by short-lived 1980s Buenos Aires, Argentina-based post-punk and gothic rock band El Corte off of their second and final album El Camino Contrario, from 1987
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just-a-speck · 9 months
of course!!!
also thank you for the compliment on my url!!! you're very nice :))
idk what you can tag me as (idk if you have a system or anything) but my name's levi and i'm cool with lev as a nickname!!
Don't Mention it, it is pretty.
Ig I'll stick with lev for now I might come up with something someday
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workersolidarity · 6 months
📹 Scenes of supporters of Argentine President-elect Javier Milei gather outside the National Congress, where he is being inaugurated Sunday, December 10th, 2023.
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