#Arthur Fleck x you
ledgerserious8 · 6 months
..My Masterlists..
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A Fact : Me as fan of heath ledger doesn't mean that i can't write for any another actor but most of this imagines is about him
My Wattpad..
Heath Ledger Imagines :
Break up with Him
Meeting your ex boyfriend
Roses from your lover
In the prison of the joker
Patrick want your heart
The joker fighting with batman
Heath survived because of you
Your boyfriend becomes playful
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Joaquin Phoenix Imagines :
Interview with him
Waking up your boyfriend
Your neighbor is arthur
Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) Imagines :
Trust Issues from Bruce
He's Your Home
He's fighting the joker for you
Your boyfriend is so sick
Smut Imagines (soon) :
Put A Love (Patrick Verona)
Birthday Gift (Bruce Wayne)
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Note : this post will keep getting updated or edited time by time in the future i will add a lot of characters and actors
Have 4 Nice Day..
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jokerislandgirl32 · 3 months
The Urge To Lean Over And Kiss Him Is Real…
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Can you imagine it? Because I can 🥰…
You could start by kissing his exposed neck and work your way up to his beautiful lips. The sunlight shining on his face as you close in for the kiss, he’d be smiling throughout the kiss, maybe giggling from the intimacy of the moment. He’d likely throw his arms around you and pin you to him in a bone crushing embrace. Tangling his hands in your hair (or gripping your scalp if you do not have hair 😊), and you’d be doing the same to his gorgeous locks. And when you’d finally pull away, you would both be breathless. You’d stare down at him, and he’d stare up at you. The sunlight reflecting on his face making his green eyes glitter with pure joy…
I hope you guys enjoy thinking about this as much as I have 😉!
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five-miles-over · 1 month
Can I get some Arthur Fleck x Doctor/Nurse reader headcannons where the reader works at the same hospital that Arthur goes to cheer kids up at?
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Thanks for your patience, @axelboneboy ! I hope you're having a great day so far.
Arthur Being with a Reader Who Works As a Doctor or Nurse At Arkham State Hospital Headcanons
You met Arthur during one of your rotations in the children's wing.
You typically worked there on Wednesdays, and spend the rest of the work week either in the clinic or in the emergency room
What impressed you about Arthur when you first met him was his willingness to embrace that childlike wonder and amuse the young patients. His ability to come to their levels and bring that playfulness made you think that maybe the man behind the clown makeup might not be so different.
So, after he finished his act and you wrapped up your patient rounds, you decided to approach him before he could go.
"I like your act..." You pretended to make yourself a cup of coffee in the staff break room. "Really funny."
Remaining in character as Carnival, Arthur gave a theatrical bow that made you chuckle.
"What's your name?"
"My name is Carnival," the clown answered, doing his best to sing the line from the song of the same name.
"I mean your real name...You do have a name?" You put your cup of coffee down and took a step closer. The clown flinched a little and you stopped. "Is it part of your job that you can't tell me?"
"No..." He laughed a little, and for the first time you heard his soft, gravely and shy voice. "I'm..My name's Arthur."
"Arthur..." You extended your hand out and introduced your name as well.
After that introduction, you and Arthur began to meet every Wednesday for about ten minutes until you both needed to get back to work.
You'd talk about your day, sometimes bitching about a rude patient or a certain colleague the way that work friends would
At some point, when you were in the children's wing while Arthur was working, he would incorporate you into his routine - he'd conjure up flowers out of his sleeve to present to you, he'd dedicate to you any of the songs he thought best like "Toe Knee Chestnut Knows I Love You"
And when you told Arthur about your work schedule, he would occasionally show up at the hospital if he knew you would be working late
He wouldn't interfere in your work or try to talk to you much during your shift, but he would use the staff break room to make you coffee or tea if you needed it.
He would leave you cute messages on latex gloves like 'Your grate' or 'You are very good at your job'
And at the end of your shift, Arthur would walk you home just to make sure you got there safely
The best part is that none of Arthur's caring nature and kindness to you changed after a particular Wednesday when, after you brought up about how you didn't want to cook dinner when you got home from work because you were already tired, Arthur asked you,
"Maybe...Maybe you could have dinner with me tonight?"
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jokeringcutio · 8 months
Helloooo I have a Halloween request for Arthur Fleck x female reader
I was thinking it could take place on Halloween while he's working for Ha Has, so he's walking home in his clown costume not realizing it's Halloween until he's passing a house/apartment party and gets invited inside by someone assuming he's their friend who also dressed as a clown. Maybe he goes along with it because he's never been to a party he wasn't performing at, but doesn't know how to act. Maybe the host pulls him to introduce to the reader and he has to come clean that he's not the guy everyone thinks he is. And she's just really sweet relieved because she didn't like the guy she thought he was, and tells him how she's never dated so people keep trying to set her up.
So they bond at the party and meet up for coffee or something later. Bonus points if they lose their virginity to each other and fall in love.
Sorry if that's too long or not specific enough. I just like a sweet, supportive, Disney princess type girl that brings out the best in Arthur and vice versa 💞
Arthur Fleck x Reader - Sweet Halloween (contains smut)
AN: Follow me for more Halloween Reader Inserts. More stories will follow this month.
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Fandom: Joker 2019 Pairing: Arthur Fleck (as Carnival) x Reader Rating: Explicit Summary: You mistake him for somebody else, but that might be the best thing that happened to the both of you, for you end up losing your virginity to each other.
Warnings: Sexual content, Virginity/First Time.
Those downtrodden streets with their faded yellow lights that made everything seem grey and bleak were familiar to Arthur. As he walked his usual route home, hands buried deep inside of his pockets, clown shoes kicking dirt and thrown-away wrappers and cans. He stared at the potholed pavement. There seemed to be more of a buzz around him, more noises. But he gave it no thought.
His Carnival costume hung loosely around him, his body too thin and too slender. He hadn’t had a good meal for the past God-knows how many weeks, and the lack of food was starting to have its effect on him. Arthur had grown easily tired and vexed and felt as if his hunger had left him completely. And so he kept his eyes pointed at the street, careful where to place his feet in case he might trip over the too-big shoes he had been too tired to swap for his ordinary pair. He would do it at home, he figured. He’d wash off the makeup there.
Being completely focused on the ground in front of his feet, he didn’t notice how he approached a house with an open door. A few young people stood on the porch, observing him as he neared. He felt their gazes, however, and made himself smaller than he was. His shoulders up high, hands even deeper inside his pockets and turned into fists – invisibly to their eyes. He tried not to draw too much attention to himself, eager to pass by without being picked on, laughed at, or even worse – beaten. He knew he was an easy target like this. And though the people he passed usually didn’t care, sometimes they would.
“Ah, there you are.” Before he had time to react, a gentle hand laid firmly upon his arm and he was ushered between the youngsters, pushed passed them, and into the house. It all happened so swiftly, that he had no idea how to react.
Soft hands pushed the small of his back, urging him into a hallway where they paused. Low thumps of music came from down the hall. There definitely was a party going on here. He tried to turn around and protest, but everything was happening way too fast.
“Josh, you can find Emma in the kitchen. She’s busy prepping the punch,” Arthur heard a female voice say from behind. It was a pleasant voice. One that sent sparks of warmth down his tummy.
He slowly turned around to face you, prepared for anything but you. A princess in every sense of the word. From your voice to your looks. You were even dressed in one of the prettiest dresses he had ever seen. Surely, if you were to come to work for Ha-Ha’s you’d be paid maximum wages. You’d have a booking every day. You-
You must be mistaken, he realized crestfallen as he watched you breathlessly. His shoulders slumped, his green eyes upon you. You didn’t want him here. You expected someone else. Some kind of Josh. What should he do? What should he do next?
There was a warm smile on your face. “Come on, let’s get going. I know you came just to see her, and I promise, no one is going to come in between the two of you tonight. This house got more than enough rooms for a bit of privacy.” You smiled at him and, once again, placed your warm hands upon him, pushing against his belly, probably to usher him in the direction of the kitchen. Then your eyes turned wide. Had you spotted he wasn’t Josh?
“Oh, gosh,” you gasped. “You really need to get some food in you. There’s some great apple and cinnamon pumpkin-shaped pies.”
So you hadn’t realized your mix-up, he thought. He followed your gaze as your eyes slid down his form. What must you be thinking of him, he wondered? This shabby clown, tired after a long day’s work. Your eyes darted lower and he followed your gaze. “Your shoes are so big. How can you walk without tripping?” The words spilled from your lips, melodious to his ears. Then your eyes sought his again. But instead of the judgment he had expected, your eyes sparked with joy and admiration. “They are amazing,” you said, warming his heart once more.
He blinked at you, confused. “I- I don’t think,” he started, voice too soft and being drowned out by the loud music that came down the hall. The realization came that you hadn’t heard him when you gave him a gentle pat on his shoulder and smiled.
“I know. Size matters! Well, you have an impressive girth,” you joked.
And then you were gone. The crowd had swallowed you, like a phantom. A ghost.
Arthur stood baffled. Had that just happened? As if in a dream, he glanced around him. The hallway was getting crowded as more people seemed to arrive at the party. He looked desperately but found no clue of you ever having been there. Had he entered the house himself? Had you been another delusion?
He leaned against a wall, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. Taking deep breaths, he tried to steady himself. Another delusion, he thought. Another dream vision.
But then, an unfamiliar girl came to stand next to him, dressed as a pirate in a very revealing short array. Her red bouncy curls danced around her when she reached up to pull him into a hug.
“Ah Josh, glad you could make it,” the girl said with a smile. Arthur could see how the lipstick on her lips cracked at the motion. “Come on over, there’s food and drinks waiting.”
Luckily, she let go when Arthur started to feel the hug was getting too suffocating, and then she gestured ahead, urging him to walk into the next room which appeared to be some kind of large hall, decorated as a ballroom. He felt the girl’s eyes upon him for a little longer, but when he glanced behind him she seemed to have turned away. He saw her at the far end of the hall. Not a vision then. But not the woman he had dreamed of either.
Carefully, Arthur, still dressed as Carnival the Clown, entered the festive hall. The chandeliers were adorned with bats and cobwebs. Tiny fake ghosts hung from the ceiling and pumpkins filled the corners, all with faces like clowns. He could not help but chuckle when he saw what a wonderful room he had walked into. Everywhere, people were dancing.
Had he held any hesitation, it vanished when he saw the pumpkin pies the princess of his dreams had told him about. They stood on a table in front of him, looking every bit as delicious as you had told. For once, he thought to himself, you deserve this. “Well,” he nasally said to himself. “I suppose one bite won’t do any harm. After all,” here he suppressed the upwelling laughter that threatened to leave his lips. “They invited me in.”
The Halloween party was in full swing, the room bathed in a dim orange glow from the flickering jack-o'-lanterns lining the walls. Laughter and chatter filled the air as costumed guests mingled and danced. You expertly wove through the crowd, your body swaying to the haunting beats of the music. You were no stranger to dancing; it was an outlet that allowed you to escape the challenges of your life.
As you moved across the floor, a man dressed as a clown caught your eye. The colorful frills of his costume juxtaposed against the dark atmosphere of the party. You’d seen him before. At the time you had believed him to be Josh, that friend that Emma had invited because she wanted to date him. You knew better now. The real Josh had appeared half an hour later. It made you realize you’d invited a stranger into the house.
But this stranger, this man dressed as a clown… he was fetching. There was something about him that lured you in. Now that you knew he wasn’t Emma’s to claim, you became bolder, more daring. Moving closer to him, you deliberately started moving along with him, feeling the beat of the song resonate within you. When he noticed you, his eyes lit up like fireworks, surprise and delight radiating from his gaze.
The clown began to challenge you with his moves, his hips gyrating to the rhythm of the music. He had good moves, you noticed. Every gesture was graceful, like dancing came as natural to him as breathing. The rotating of his hips, while his eyes rested firmly upon you, was an invitation you accepted without hesitation. You danced closer, enticed by the mystery behind the painted face. His movements were fluid and surprisingly graceful, drawing you in even more.
As the song continued, you found yourselves dancing together, his arm snaking around your waist as he twirled you effortlessly. Your bodies pressed close, the heat emanating from him warming you as his scent – a mix of cologne and something uniquely his – intoxicated you. A sense of desire bubbled within you, fueled by the passion of the dance and the enigmatic connection between you two.
He twirled you around again and then pulled you in close, until your back was pressed against his front. You could feel his hot breath tickle your ear. His fingers splayed on your tummy, holding you like a lover’s embrace as you sensually pressed your hips against his. Your bodies fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle, and you had to suppress a moan.
The sensation of your bodies colliding with each beat was overwhelming. The dance became a sensual exploration, your bodies speaking a language only the two of you understood. And when the song came to an end, you lamented the fact that Emma stood several feet away, beckoning you to help her bringing the snacks from the kitchen. You reluctantly pulled away, feeling the sudden absence of his warmth. "Sorry,” you whispered, unsure if he could hear you over the starting tunes of a new beat, “I need to go help a friend.”
You felt your heart pounding in your chest as you saw the Clown’s lips twitch into a smile. You assumed he had heard you, and quickly turned away, unaware of how the clown doubled over as he watched you go, grabbing his stomach as he tried to bite back the laughter that threatened to spill from his lips. He failed though, and in an attempt to escape the judging gazes from those around him, he turned around and pushed his way through the crowd.
By the time you returned with the snacks, your eyes wandered to find your mysterious dancing clown, but found no trace of him. Crestfallen, you put the snacks down on the table and scanned the room once more. Your clown seemed to have gone. But the tingling sensation deep inside of you still lingered, reminding you of the dance you had just shared.
Time slipped away, the evening deepening as laughter and chatter filled the air. You found yourself wandering outside to get some fresh air. The cool night breeze was a welcome respite from the heat of the party. You’d almost given up on finding him, almost convinced yourself that it didn’t matter, that this stranger you had met was someone you would never see again. But then, there he was.
Sitting on the porch and smoking, was the clown who had captivated you earlier. The sight of him stirred something within you – curiosity, desire, and an undeniable connection that you couldn't shake. You watched him for a moment, silently admiring his enchanting silhouette. Then you stepped closer to him.
"Hey," you called out softly, drawing his attention. “Are you alone?”
His eyes widened in surprise, the cigarette between his fingers momentarily forgotten. As he looked up at you, you caught sight of his vibrantly green eyes and your heart skipped a beat. So beautiful, you thought. You felt your cheeks flush.
"You're a really good dancer," you quickly said, smiling warmly at him.
The man seemed to hesitate, staring at you like a deer caught in headlights, but he quickly recomposed himself. His shoulders relaxed again. "Oh, uh, thank you." He seemed almost embarrassed by the compliment, his cheeks flushing beneath the white face paint.
"Mind if I sit with you?" you asked, gesturing to the empty spot beside him before bunching up your skirt. If you showed him a little leg, well, that wasn’t entirely an accident. You could tell he had seen it, that he must have spotted your bare legs underneath your skirts, perhaps even the outline of your panties, for his cheeks flushed and he quickly glanced away. But you’d seen his pupils dilate.
"Of course not," he replied, snuffing out the cigarette. For a moment he stared ahead while you settled down onto the wooden steps. The warmth of his body radiated through the thin fabric of your costume, sending shivers down your spine.
“I thought I'd dreamed you up." His words caught you by surprise and you stared at him with eyes open wide. When he finally turned to lock gazes with you, his lips carried a shy smile. Almost as if he was afraid to admit it.
“Not a dream,” you assured him. "Definitely real."
For a moment, his smile broadened, an imitation of your own, and you were lost in his eyes. Their depths, their vibrancy… This man made you feel warm and alive.
But then his smile faded like snow in the sun, and he tore his eyes away from yours. Shyly, he looked down at his hands.  A deep frown appeared on his face, twisting his features. "I'm sorry,” he said, voice hardly more than a low mumble. “I’d better go.”
He shifted, jumping up to his feet without a warning, but you grasped him by the sleeve, preventing him from stepping away. He turned to look at you, surprise visible on his face.
“Why would you leave now?” you asked, confused by his sudden change in demeanor. Didn’t he feel the same? You could swear he did. You’d seen it in his eyes, how the two of you had been lost in each other’s gaze.
The clown hesitated. You could see the thoughts running wildly inside his head, the deep frown when he licked his lips before he shyly admitted, “Because I am not who you want?”
“Nobody said that,” you smiled, the grasp on his sleeve diminishing until your hand just laid gently upon his arm. There was no pressure there. If he still wanted to leave, he could.
“But I,” his voice had turned nasal, like a whine. Whatever was going through that pretty head of his was making him worried. “I know you mistook me for a friend of yours," he finally admitted, a frown still on his features.
You shook your head and smiled, your hand slipping from his arm for a moment. But he did not run away. Instead, he remained rooted to the spot, standing there, looking down at you with eyes full of uncertainty. It was obvious he wanted to stay. And you did not want him to go.
Your hand reached out once more to gently touch his arm. "I want you to stay," you whispered.
In the dim light of the Halloween-lights, you could see how his eyes widened in surprise. You felt his body grow slack underneath your hand. "All right.”
Slowly, he sat down again. His hip slotted against yours, the warmth instantly returned, making you breathe a sigh of relief. He was here again, where he needed to be.
“My name's Arthur, by the way," he hesitatingly said, as if he were shy to introduce himself to you.
"Nice to meet you, Arthur," you replied, your heart racing as you studied his face. Beneath the makeup, there was a vulnerability that drew you in. Your thoughts raced, emotions swirling as you tried to make sense of the magnetic pull between you two.
"The boy I confused you with, he is Emma’s new friend,” you confessed, your gaze drifting to the ground. "She’s always dating, never able to go without a boyfriend for long, so I hadn’t really seen him yet.”
Arthur remained silent, just watched you, his gaze enough to encourage you. “She keeps trying to set me up, but it never feels right," you quietly admitted, feeling how Arthur shifted by your side. He placed his hands in front of him, fingertips touching.
“Truth is, I've never had a boyfriend before," you continued, voice a soft whisper. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I've never even dated.”
Your eyes gently slid back to seek his. He was still looking at your face, his eyes desperately seeking yours. And when your gazes met, you could tell there was a quiet understanding in his. A deep warmth.
“How come,” he started, but had to pause to clear his throat. His voice was hoarse, filled with emotion. “How come no one ever claimed you as their own? Who wouldn’t want you?” he asked you, warming you up inside because that was a high compliment. Who wouldn’t want you? Who would? Then again, you shrugged and shook your head.
With a small smile, you looked up at him again. “It’s not fully up to them, is it?” you said, a small smile curling your lips. It took him a moment to understand what you were saying, but then his lips curled into a smile as well, the red of his makeup curling upward even more.
“You didn’t want any of them,” he concluded, and you let out a sigh of relief that he caught your meaning.
“Never really felt a click with any of them,” you admitted. Your eyes drifted down to his hands. Carefully, you sought out his hand with your own, placing your palm on top of his. He allowed you to touch him, even waited till you liked up again before he flashed you another smile. Emboldened by his reaction, you gently squeezed his hand.
"I meant what I said earlier on,” you started, shyly but suggestive. “Maybe we could, uh, find some privacy inside?" Your voice was playful, teasing. "There are plenty of rooms."
Arthur's eyes sparked with mischief as he met your boldness head-on. "I'd like that." He returned the squeeze with his hand, then carefully rose, holding your hand in his own. He waited for you to lead the way, an unspoken invitation that sent a thrill through you. With your heart pounding, you led him back into the house, your warm hands still touching. You could hear his rapid breathing and realized he was excited too.
Upon entering one of the unoccupied rooms, you closed the door behind you and locked it, your heart pounding with anticipation. The room was clean enough, pleasant enough for sure. A cream-colored bed, ordinary and plain, invited you to take this further. If Arthur hadn’t wanted to go this far, he would not have followed you in, would he? And so you turned to face Arthur, who stood there, hesitantly shifting his weight from one foot to another.
"Go on," you urged gently, "take off your costume."
He looked at you oddly, as if you had said something preposterous, but then slowly started to unbutton his waistcoat. “You want to do more than just talk,” he murmured, and you blinked at him. For a moment he had you confused.
“I mean,” you started, suddenly feeling insecure. Where you going too fast for him? Was this the right thing to do? “Only if you…”
A deep groan tore from Arthur’s lips, interrupting you before you could finish. The waistcoat slid down his shoulders and without hesitation, he started to unbutton his fly. “You think I’d say no?” his voice was husky and low, thick with arousal. Hearing it sent a spark of lust deep down your core, making your pussy slick and moist at the sound of him.
“Oh no, my beauty,” Arthur continued, the words drawn and a low hum. His hand revealed his aching cock, firmly stroking up and down the hardened flesh. “No, pretty girl, I am going to make you all mine.”
Your mouth had turned dry at the sight of him. So eager. So wanting. “You’re beautiful,” the words spilled from your lips, earning you a groan as Arthur squeezed his cock hard.
“Don’t lie to me, princess. I am not much to look at,” he grunted, moving his hand up and down his shaft. His eyes never left your frame though, silently undressing you with his gaze. “Too thin, too meager. Not much of a man at all.”
“I disagree,” you said without giving it a moment’s thought. Your hands moved up your sides, slowly peeling the dress from your body, revealing all that you had hidden beneath it. His eyes lit up at the sight of your skin, then darkened with sinful desire. "You're more handsome than you give yourself credit for, Arthur."
He blushed at your compliments, his cheeks warming beneath the fading clown makeup. Despite his thin frame, you were drawn to him, captivated by the vulnerability in his eyes. The dress pooled at your feet, and then you stood there in just your underwear. His eyes roved over you, eager to take you all in. You loved it, loved the way his eyes took you in as if he wanted to remember all of you.
"Come here," you whispered, beckoning him closer. And when he was within reach, you cradled his face in your hands, looking deeply into his eyes before pressing a sweet, lingering kiss upon his lips, uncaring of the makeup that would surely smudge your own.
When you broke apart to catch your breath, the words that escaped you were a whisper.
"I want you to be my first, Arthur."
Something seemed to shift within him then, as if your words had unlocked a hidden desire. His restraint vanished, replaced by a hungry passion that matched your own. Arthur's hands found their way to your back, pulling you closer as he returned your kisses, tracing the contours of your body.
The two of you moved together as if you were dancing again. His body fit perfectly against yours, his hands led the way. You didn’t even notice that he had led you toward the bed until you felt the back of your knees bump against the mattress. His wig cap tumbled off his head, revealing brown curls underneath. It suited him, you thought. He was gorgeous.
Another kiss as his lips met yours hungrily. His hands ran past your skin, fondling your breasts eagerly, squeezing a bit too hard but making you feel exceptionally good.
Breaking the kiss you were sharing, you murmured against his skin. "Be gentle with me."
His green eyes sparked as he lay you down on the bed. The world outside the room ceased to exist; all that mattered now was this intimate connection between you and Arthur. The way his hands ran past your body and his fingertips danced down your skin, the way his scent enveloped you entirely like an embrace, the way he sunk deep into your core, letting out a shuddering moan.
If there had been pain initially, it soon ebbed away at his gentleness. He allowed you time to adjust, panting heavily above you while his eyes sought out yours. When you felt he was able to move again you gave an encouraging nod. He followed your command without a pause, gently thrusting his hips, first shallowly but deeper and deeper as time and your body allowed.
There was an experimental thrust of his hips, followed by another moan from his lips. His eyes squeezed close and his face contorted in ecstasy. As he slowly started to pick up a pace, murmuring obscenities about how good this all was, you suddenly realized that this might be his first time as well. As your bodies entwined and he gently rocked inside of you, you arched your back, spreading your legs to give him a little more access to rock deeper inside.
Arthur bit his lip and grunted. Another thrust, this time firmer, bolder. He hit a delicious spot deep inside and your walls fluttered around him as a result. It tore another deep moan from him. Again.
“There,” you pleadingly said, “there.” He obliged, seeking the right angle and thrusting inside of you with deep strokes.
“Is that good, princess?” You heard his low voice rasp. He sounded nearly dangerous now, voice drenched with lust. “Do you like my cock deep inside your pretty little cunt?”
“Y-yes,” you stammered, hardly able to speak as pleasure overtook your body. Your pussy clenched down hard on his cock, gripping him like a vice, making him grit his teeth and groan.
“Hmm, too tight, princess,” the low murmur sounded near your ear. He was bent over you, rutting into you like a frenzied animal. You loved this wild side of him, his forceful thrusts. They helped sent you over the edge.
The intensity of your shared passion was overwhelming, yet you both navigated your newfound intimacy with care and tenderness. Your breaths mingled, hearts racing in unison as you reached the peak of your shared experience, an exhilarating crescendo that left you both breathless.
Exhausted and content, you held each other close, your body pressed against Arthur's as he cradled you in his arms. As the adrenaline subsided, you looked into each other's eyes, warmth and affection radiating between you.
"Was this…your first time too?" You gently ran a knuckle past his cheek, caressing him as you softly whispered your question.
His green eyes held yours even as he nodded, barely able to speak as he muttered, "Yes...” A pause, a bob of his throat as he swallowed. And then an admission. “I love you so much."
He buried his face against your shoulder, cradling you close to his chest. His brown curls brushed past the skin of your jaw. A smile formed on your lips as you basked in the feeling of being held in the afterglow. It felt good to be held by this man. It felt good to have been pleasured by him and to know you’d given him pleasure in turn.
You knew that something truly special had just transpired, a moment of beautiful vulnerability shared between two souls in a world where such tenderness was all too rare.
“Happy Halloween,” you whispered.
~ Fin ~
AN: Hope you enjoyed it :) ♡ Support me on Ko-Fi ♡ Love you all
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tally-kiza · 7 months
hello! I was curious, if sometime in the future you could do a Arthur fleck x gender neutral reader, where the reader just gives arthur all the praise, love and care he deserves? Possible smut, if ur up to it 🤭. I think arthur would absolutely just melt at any type of praise, especially from his lover. I imagine he can’t help but cover his flushed face as he’s showered with kisses and love 😖😖😖 thanks for being an amazing author, luv ur work!
I may have forgotten about this ask until a week ago when I realized Arthur's birthday was coming up. 😂 I figured this would work very well for a little birthday fic. 👀👀
Mine And Only Mine
Word Count: 1774
November 21st.
A day you had been looking forward to all month.
Arthur’s special day. The first one that you would be celebrating together.
The heavy weight of a skinny arm slung over your waist beckoned you out of slumber. The fog of sleep lifted, replaced by the warmth of the man nestled against you. Your birthday boy, you thought with a sleepy grin. Your tired eyes cracked open, taking in the vision before you.
Arthur was facing you. His long dark hair was mussed and tangled, curled strands fallen in front of his face, slightly obscuring his handsome features. The midmorning sun rays casted him in warm light. You took a moment to take him in. The gentle curve of his pointed nose; strong cheekbones slowly becoming more full with your every home-cooked meal; prominent collarbones exposed by the open collar of his brown polo shirt, inviting you to kiss and lick. Gentle eyes now closed, minutely fluttering as he dreamed. His face was soft and relaxed. He looked younger, peaceful... almost happy. You wondered what he was dreaming about. His warmth seeped into your heart, making everything feel fuzzy. Arthur’s struggles, his mentality, his everyday stresses and worries, all of them were out of sight and out of mind when he slept, when he was cuddled closely against you. These early mornings were often the happiest you saw Arthur. 
But not today. Your Arthur deserved a birthday free of his usual stresses and anxieties, at least just one day. And you were determined to keep his struggles as far from his mind as you could manage.
You squirmed ever so closer, forehead resting against his. Arthur didn’t even stir. You softened; he must have been exhausted, writing late into last night trying to workshop some new jokes he had thought up. He worked so hard to achieve his brightest dream.
An inkling of an idea blotted in your mind. As softly as you possibly could, you pressed your lips to his forehead over the messy strands of his hair. And then another. And another. A smattering of smooches to his forehead, his hairline, the space between his brows. Arthur made a small noise, soft and cute. Arthur’s eyebrows twitched, but he didn’t quite stir awake. But there were more kisses where those came from.
Slowly you trailed kisses over his face. Gentle presses of your lips to Arthur’s eyelids, down the slope of his nose, over striking cheekbones, and the corners of his thin lips. But never quite on his lips directly; your first true kiss together had to wait until he was awake.
As you kissed, Arthur was slowly roused out of slumber. 
His breathing turned deeper, more regular. He made another soft noise, music to your ears, dimples deepening with a growing grin. You pressed a kiss to the crinkles at the corner of his eyes and smiled in turn. With a slight squint, Arthur’s tired eyes cracked open. They peered at you with mirth. 
“I thought I was just dreaming this up,” Arthur mumbled. His voice was low and creaky with sleep, but playfulness lingered at the edges. It stoked a small flame of warmth in your belly.
“What, this?” you teased, voice just as groggy, pressing another kiss to the scar just above his lip. 
His lips pursed. Still foggy with sleep, his eyes held little of their usual intensity as they locked with yours. “Yes,” he said softly. “And you.”
Your heart turned to putty in your chest. Arthur struck you off-guard so often with sweet words tinged with melancholy. 
“Not this time, handsome.” Eyes slipping closed, you kissed his lips directly. 
It started soft and tender, quiet lips on quiet lips, but Arthur being Arthur, it didn’t remain that way for long. His arm pulled you closer against him; your hand tangled in his messy curls. You molded against him like you were the matching pieces of a puzzle. Fitting together was what you were made for.
It was you who pulled away first. Arthur’s lips sought yours still, but you kept away from his tempting kiss as you both laughed. Your forehead rested against his. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
Green eyes stared into yours, wide with surprise. He sounded so small when he spoke. “You... remembered?”
“Of course,” you said, grabbing one of Arthur’s hands and lacing your fingers together. You pressed another peck to his cheek. “It’s your big day; how could I have forgotten?”
“No one’s ever... remembered my birthday before,” he whispered. The bed shook minutely and you knew he was bouncing his foot. Anxiety creeped at him still; you knew you couldn’t let it linger. “Even I forget some years.”
Your hand cradled Arthur’s face. His eyes were shiny and wet, and his eyebrows twitched with soft emotion as you kissed his forehead. 
“Oh darling, I’m so sorry,” you murmured. “But―” Another kiss, and yet another. “― I think that means we have a lot of birthdays to catch up on celebrating, don’t you?”
He closed his eyes. Voice thick with emotion, he whispered, “That would be nice. ...For years, all I have wanted was someone to share it with. I dreamed about it for so long...”
Arthur sniffled and kissed your wrist still cradling his face. “And now I do.”
Warmth filled your chest. “You do, Arthur. You do. I swear, you’ll always have me.”
After a beat, with a soft breath, he melted into you. The tension in him released; his body sagged against yours. Though his arms kept you pressed close against him. “You’re perfect,” Arthur mumbled. 
“I should be saying that about you,” you said, voice thick with adoration and love. You nuzzled your nose against his, gentle point against gentle point. “Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you...”
The lines around Arthur’s eyes crinkled; the shadows of dimples appeared around his shy, boy-like smile. Bashful was a look you always adored seeing on him; your affection only grew. 
You couldn’t keep your lips from brushing his nose. “Someone so endlessly sweet...” 
Then his scar. “With such a tender, gentle heart...” 
―The mole on his right cheek. “And the cutest jokes...”
―The sensitive shell of his ear, along with a soft bite that drew a small moan out of him. You smirked. “Not to mention, with that beautiful body.”
Arthur curled further into you. You could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks. Even after the months you’ve spent together, the intimate nights you’ve spent in bed, devoting yourself to his body, and he to yours, he could be so shy. The result of spending almost thirty-four years alone and craving for affection and attention, you supposed. He was still unused to it, in many ways.
It only spurred more loving. 
You brushed the hair out of his face as you tangled your hands into his greasy curls, fully exposing his beautiful features. Arthur’s broad forehead beckoned.
“I’ve never met someone like you before,” you said, with a smattering of kisses to his forehead.
One broad hand sneaked under your shirt, caressing your back, keeping you ever closer to him. Your skin electrified under his touch.
“You understand me like no one else has,” you sighed. One tender peck to his asymmetrical hairline. A second. Before your lips traveled south, pecking a trail down his nose again to connect with his lips. 
Your connection warmed your cheeks, matching Arthur’s own flush. Both of you smiled into the kiss. Arthur pressed all of his tender love against you. Your shirt was pushed up and his hand traveled up your back; his tongue slipped into your mouth, caressing your own. His lithe hips molded against yours and you swear you could feel the beginning stirrings of his erection. Your own arousal was stoked from embers. Fog clouded your mind, lost in this pleasure, in his love.
It was Arthur who separated first. His forehead thumped softly against yours. His cheek and lips were still flushed, and yours were probably just as bright. Voice thick with emotion, he whispered your name.
In response―”Yes?”
Green eyes were half closed, eyelashes fluttered as he stared downwards, away from your gaze. Shy again, after leaving you warm enough to melt a glacier. His smile grew, twitched, preening as he considered.
“Could you... could you keep going? ...I like hearing you say those things.”
Mirth and soft amusement filled you. “Yeah?” 
“I like it a lot.“ Arthur’s eyes were wet when they stared into yours. “...Please?”
How could you resist your gentle-hearted lover? “Of course I can, darling.”.
But before you could lay an ounce more of affection on him, he spoke, fingers softly wandering on your skin. “Y’know? I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like you either. I know it sounds silly but, my whole life, I’ve thought so much about my perfect person. Someone who would actually see me. Someone who could understand me. Someone kind.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “And you’re kind. So kind. It hurts sometimes.”
“Arthur,” you cooed, eyes pricking with tears.
He murmured your name again. You always adored the way it slipped off his tongue, not in an elegant roll, not like cascading water, but in the whisper of an autumn leaf floating on the breeze. “You’re my perfect person. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Gentle sun rays had slid in the window, lighting up Arthur from behind. His dark hair shimmered in multi-colored strands of copper, chocolate, auburn, chestnut, gold. His face was still cast in shadow, but he seemed to glow regardless. It was as much from his love as it was from the sunlight.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you either,” you soothed, voice thick as honey. “But we’ll never have to. I’m yours, Arthur. And only yours. We’ve only been each others’ for a few months, but I know in my heart, that’s not going to change.”
“Mine...” Arthur whispered, almost too quietly to hear as you returned to laying gentle kiss after gentle kiss on his face, soon followed by more further below. Relief, wistfulness, tenderness, joy, solace all swirled in his voice. His words caressed your heart as gently as any brush of his lips. As the sun rose higher in the sky and the chilly November day warmed, you made good on your promise to make this Arthur’s best birthday yet. To make up for every cold, lonely birthday he’s ever had before. And you would make good on this promise every year on November 21st. For as long as Arthur would have you. 
“...And only mine.”
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montimer · 10 months
Arthur fleck x gn!reader
Summary: You say that you have something for him and start rummaging through your pocket then giving him a heart shape with your thumb and index finger.
Just fluff
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He sees you go up to him w/ a big smile on your face. "I have something for you" you say excitedly, and start rummaging through your pocket. He looks at you curiously.
"Ta-da! It's my lil love for you!"
He stares at you, smile widening. He lets out a giggle.
How can you be so cute? What did he do to deserve you?
He gives you a hug saying thank you.
Hes so happy. You are the best thing that happened to him
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profeyandere · 3 months
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Masterlist || Joaquin Phoenix Masterlist || Wattpad
Word Count: 2.9k
Pairing: Arthur Fleck x Fem!OC
Warning: Anxiety attacks, mentions of drug addiction, swearing, fluff
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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The first and gloomy hours of the morning were always the hardest for everyone in the small city of Gotham, the city that never allows to rest, regardless of what day of the year it was or the situation that each of its inhabitants was suffering. A place known for its high crime rate and poverty was supposed to not promote human trafficking in it, no one in their right mind would want to live there unless they had enough money to squander it wherever they wanted in the most expensive and expensive places. Anyone could buy a nice apartment in the rich part of the city because that was where there was a lot more security, but there was always some crazy person who thought that settling there would be a good idea just to tell others about how he survived a city where crime reigned, even if it had never been the best option, it was not currently and would not be in posterity to settle there permanently; such a gloomy city, with so much tension and self-loathing, only needed a small trigger for everything it was known for negatively to increase to stratospheric and unsuspected levels or to fade as it had arrived. Its citizens suffered from hunger, sadness, and pain. Each and every one of them had a tragic and horrifying story behind them, whether at some point in their life, they had been insulted by their next-door neighbor for not having shared sugar or salt with him or her, or it was because of some traumatic event that had been considered horrifying enough for oneself that one's mind had completely erased it, even if in reality that person continued to remember it every night in their worst dreams or nightmares that prevented from resting for much more than two hours a day; Living in Gotham was a survival game in which only the strongest or the wealthiest won, and that was what caused the city to be immersed in its small, central chaos.
For Arthur Fleck that was life, a game of survival in which his smile and positivity could not fade no matter how hard the day was. For as long as he could remember, people had always seen him as the 'weirdo', as that classmate who it was better not to approach or talk to because of the strange stupidity that could come out of his mouth and that would cause a great stir in the classroom or as the adult who it is better not to talk to because of how bad he looked, mainly because his extreme thinness and the poor condition of his clothes made people assume that he was some kind of drug addict who could become violent at any moment if they approached him, even if in reality it was quite the opposite and they were only based on prejudices when it came to seeing the people around them. But that was Gotham, a place where it was better to watch your back before some lunatic got the brilliant idea of stabbing you in it. He just wanted to live quietly, with his mother in their small, run-down apartment, and fulfill his dream in that city where opportunities are scarce or non-existent, where everything could be served on a silver platter as soon as you were born, or where you had to work hard to get everything you wanted. Becoming a comedian was complicated, the mere idea of making people laugh was something that truly made him happy because, from a very young age, he had been told that his mission in this world was to make people happy. But making people truly happy was complicated; Gotham was not at its best for its citizens to forget their daily problems because of a joke from a complete stranger, even if the intention was the best of all.
"Hey! You!"
The scream coming from a strange clown that was traveling at high speed through the central streets of Gotham City caused many passers-by to look around with curiosity, seeing the aforementioned running through the crowd of people who were walking in the opposite direction to be able to recover the clown enormous yellowish plank that had been stolen by a group of teenagers who were barely around fifteen years old; people with some education who preferred to make others suffer rather than fix their own problems and face them properly. They all laughed and made fun of the poor adult who wanted to stand up to them, being shouted and called by the one who followed them. It was an embarrassing scene for Arthur. These types of injustices were very typical to see in the city, and no one was capable of taking the step to stop criminals who only wanted to annoy a worker who needed to get his money honestly, even if he was a clown who earned very little at throughout the month; Belonging to one of the lowest social scales in Gotham, no one would stop for a poor person, but if it was someone who worked for one of the most important companies in the city, then there would be someone who would stop those young people. Evidently, no one would do anything, no one would notice the poor clown who was running as if his life depended on that sign, except for an intense and curious look of amber tones that did do it, that did notice that underprivileged person and, very contrary to what many would think, he would help someone else under the false mask he always wore with the intention of scaring someone else.
Arthur Fleck, the clown who walked around Gotham with his fist over his heart and on the verge of an asthma attack if he suffered from that disease, shouted in an exasperated manner as he crossed the avenue without realizing that a huge shadow was looming over him with every step he took, without paying attention to the agile steps of that person who was chasing them over the buildings, ignoring any indication that someone else was trying to help him; No, at that moment it was only him against the group of criminals that seemed so slippery to him. The boys were so young, so agile, and he was already a man barely over thirty years old, with a deplorable physical condition and with the health of a small child; It was evident that he would not reach them unless someone gave him a hand.
"Stop them!" He exclaimed again, accidentally pushing a couple whom he simply looked over his shoulder at an apology before continuing his chase. At that moment he couldn't stop to apologize to the citizens he ran over. "Thieves!"
The clown finally thought he saw a small ray of hope when he made sure that the young people were finally turning into one of the alleys of the street and, praying that this one would not have an exit, and they would be forced to stop and return the sign with which he had been working all morning, slipped clumsily on the soggy pavement and continued his run to reach them, without realizing that one of them was patiently waiting for him hidden between some of the boxes to attack him with his own sign. To everyone's surprise, before the hidden young man could even move to hit Arthur with his own sign, a strange weapon that none of those present could identify managed to destroy the sign before it hit the clown's face, causing the grimaces of surprise and fear appeared on the faces of those present; None of the kids had seen the armed clown, and there were no other people in that narrow place but them, or at least that's what they thought.
"What the fuck, man?" Said one of the teenagers strangely, thinking that the clown who was now lying on his knees in front of them had had something to do with the destruction of the board. "How did you do that? Which has been...?"
The entire group, including the adult who was trying to put together the pieces of the plank wet from the puddles of water around them, were enveloped by the darkness of the enormous shadow of the person who had come to the narrow alley to join the party. His soft whistle and his slow steps, with which the heels of his boots resonated, made the young people feel their hair stand on end, and a great shiver ran through their bodies, even more so when they became sure of who they had in front of them; that criminal, that whistle, that mask with small side horns, that intense pulse that he had to destroy whatever she wanted. Evidently, the boys, making sure who was threatening them with that amber gaze, ran in the opposite direction when they saw who they had in front of them, confusing Arthur into thinking that it had been him who had scared them away in some way; He had been so immersed in his attempt to reconstruct his sign that he didn't make sure who was standing behind him. He clearly noticed the shadow that covered the entire alley, so he turned his head slowly to meet the person who had scared away the young people, gasping when he saw behind him one of the most dangerous thieves in Gotham: Eclipse.
Eclipse was one of the villains that had emerged in the city a couple of months ago, one of the most threatening to tell the truth. Without distinction of age, without distinction of class, she always went after those she considered potentially rewarding targets for her person and extorted them intending to obtain money through threats and slight intimidation; very few had seen her, and people hardly talked about her because of the fear that the simple fact of mentioning her name caused in the hearts of those who knew her, and the only thing they could distinguish about her were her penetrating amber eyes that, before the little light in which she was usually found in Gotham City, they seemed to shine more intensely than the eyes of a feline and that his calm and impassive voice seemed like sharp daggers that he spat from his mouth and that stabbed into the skin of those who met him. They were with her.
"Look at this…" Her slightly threatening voice murmured that Arthur was unable to place. He had never heard her, so she was not a known person to him. "For such a happy man, you don't smile as much now, do you? Come on, clown, show what you have for me."
Eclipse's strange and exaggerated smile was slightly obscured by the woman's dark fiber mask, with which he could barely distinguish a feature of her other than the shape of her face or her amber eyes almost lacking pupils, causing my heart to jump. Arthur's heart was beating hard, and that uncomfortable lump in his throat that he hated so much appeared again for the fifth time during the week, being the first sign that that laughter that he hated so much began to come out from between his lips in such an exaggerated way that it replaced crying in situations of fear, stress, or anxiety. Seeing the sharp fangs of his attacker, his belt full of weapons that could perfectly harm him, and those boots just inches from his face that could leave a big mark on his face if he wanted to kick him, left him breathless. She could be on the brink of death, and he was just going to laugh about it. Just as Eclipse's smile had appeared, he vanished, hiding any trace of happiness or amusement as he saw the situation unfolding before his eyes. Arthur's outrageous laughter began to appear in a soft tone, at least at first, which he slowly increased as he saw death so close to himself; He would have suffered from robberies, from threats of all kinds, among which his own death stood out, but he had never suffered anything more than beatings or insults. He didn't think she could put an end to his own story.
"What are you doing?" Eclipse asked with confusion as he saw how the clown began to laugh. "Stop laughing. It wasn't a joke. Stop it! It's not supposed to be funny to you, damn it!"
Arthur couldn't stop, his attack prevented him from doing so. Contrary to what the villain expected the clown to do, he offered her a laminated card that Eclipse quickly took, turning her back to him so she could read it better due to the lack of light in the alley, while she listened to his scandalous laughter in the background and read what the card had written. It was there that the thief's pupils became more noticeable as she realized the anxious situation in which the clown found herself, which managed to confuse her at times because of how she was reacting contrary to how the rest of the population used to do, because which slowly turned to look at him to confront him, this time squatting in front of him while looking into his eyes, watching how the clown tried to cover his mouth and silence his laughter. It was a sad scene; A scared man laughed in the face of death.
"A disorder?" Eclipse questioned as she gently returned the card to its owner, being careful not to upset him further. "I don't know those things, does that mean you're crazy or something? Not in the sense that you have to be in Arkham, but you do need a person and all that stuff. Aren't there dogs that took care of that shit? You know, the ones that give you hugs and everything."
Arthur's rather hesitant nod made the villainess understand him better, at least in part, but her words failed to calm him down. She had never encountered a similar scene, and it was beginning to terrify her because she didn't know what to do or say.
"What am I supposed to do? There may be something..." Eclipse muttered, trying to get some answers to his questions so he could help the citizen dressed as a clown, watching as he hit his chest to calm down and grabbed his throat to avoid choking due to lack of breath.
The thief, seeing the way the clown looked at her with his enormous greenish eyes full of tears, felt something pushing her to place her small, thin hand on one of the trembling knees of the man who was still sitting on the ground while the other took one of his and placed it on her chest, allowing him to feel the soft beat of her heart through the black suit she was wearing at that moment. Her amber eyes collided again with his greenish ones, this time as if they were mutually in a trance that they hoped would not be broken in a short time, allowing him to guide himself with their breaths so that he could calm down, which he did as the minutes passed, listening to how the sound of his laughter diminished until it finally disappeared through coughs, causing the alley to once again be enveloped in a deep silence in which only the sound of the cars on the nearby avenue and the rapid footsteps of the inhabitants of the city could be heard.
"I have met people who have feared me, there are drunks who have pissed on themselves as soon as they see me, but no one has ever reacted like you," Eclipse murmured with some seriousness, remaining squatted in front of him, without making any gesture that denoted evil intentions towards him.
"And no one has ever calmed me down like you have," Arthur answered softly and shyly, feeling the thin material of the villain's fabric under his fingertips, receiving a frown as he believed he had acted badly. "Sorry."
"Don't say something like that again," the villain threatened, ignoring the gentle caress on his suit before removing the clown's hand from his person in the same way he did from him, standing up again to impose her haughty figure over his trembling one. "I'm one of the villains of this city, you have no right to say something like that. I am cruel, I must instill fear. You must fear me."
Eclipse's voice had tried to be threatening, scowling at him as he bared his teeth, in the same way an aggressive animal did.
"And you have calmed me down, that shouldn't be done by a villain," the clown said again, receiving a soft growl from the person in front of him. "You're not that bad."
At that moment, something seemed to change in Eclipse's eyes, and he saw in Arthur's eyes something more than fear towards her. Eclipse saw gratitude and happiness. Arthur saw surprise and remorse, she wasn't so bad after all.
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into-crazy · 1 year
lace and cigarettes
Arthur Fleck/Joker x Female Reader drabble
Summary: Joker watches you dance in your bedroom, it eventually leads to something steamy.
Warnings- mature language, NSFW, SMUT, sexual themes, fingering, hand job, ages 18+
This is just a little something spicy that I wanted to get off my mind. I was in a bit of a rush when I wrote this so I hope it's not too bad.
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Joker's laying comfortably on your shared bed in nothing but his white underwear and socks. Calmly smoking a cigarette while he watches you dance in a little lacy number.
A slow, sensual song is playing on the compact radio above the dresser. You are moving your hips to the rhythm of the tune. Grazing your hand all over your practically naked body, as the one-piece you're wearing leaves nothing to the imagination. He can see everything, out on display. You're merely decorated with the delicate fabric. Like a pretty present with his name written all over.
This was your idea and you had planned it out so well. While he was gone, you had set the station on the radio to the channel that plays all the good slow, seductive songs. Lit a few candles and placed them all around the bedroom. Then, you put on the sexy garment and patiently anticipated his arrival. Sure enough, Joker was very pleased with your lovely surprise when he had walked in.
Taking a drag of his cigarette, he slowly blows out the smoke. Gazing heavily at you from behind the flowy clouds, dancing so beautifully for him. His legs are spread and his other hand is resting by his side. But soon, he moves it to stroke around his lower tummy and eventually lower to palm his growing erection.
"Fuck kitten," he groans. "I'm so hard for you right now."
Your eyes flicker down to his crotch, and a smile forms on your face at the sight. Sure enough, his erection is straining hard against the fabric of his briefs. It sends tingles down your spine and a rush of heat to your core. This is exactly what you had wanted. For him to feel all the things he does to you when he's the one dancing and you are watching. Flip the roles around and watch him get turned on by you just as much as you always do by him.
Using one of your hands, you teasingly trail it down your body, all the way down to your barely covered pussy. Which is getting wet with your arousal. You make sure he's looking before tracing your fingers along your slit. "Mmhm, and I'm drenched for you. You always make me so wet."
"Oh yeah?" He nods. His hand slips into his underwear to stroke his length. "Why don't you climb on to this bed and let me take care of that for you? We'll take care of each other."
His voice is getting deeper and his eyes are becoming darker. He's completely under your trance. Mesmerized with the way your gorgeous body is moving, those alluring hips of yours rolling so invitingly. Painfully aroused by how you're teasing him by touching yourself in front of him. His dick is throbbing in his hand, precum has leaked out and left a small damp patch in his underwear. He doesn't know how much more of this he can take.
You bat your eyelashes at him innocently. "You wanna take care of me baby? Hm, you wanna touch me?" With your other hand, you grab and squeeze your breast. Pinching at your hardened bud that's poking up from under the lace.
"Yes," he hisses, licking his red painted lips. How much he wants to get his mouth on that sweet nipple of yours.
"You want me to touch you? Replace your hand with mine and stroke your hard dick?"
He screws his eyes shut and releases a shuddered moan. "Fuck.. yes."
You bite on your lower lip while looking at him seductively. "Oh Joker, I'd really like that. A lot."
"Well then get over here. Or I'll have to come over there, babydoll." Joker warns lowly. Taking one last drag of his cig before putting it out in the tray next to him.
He's much more confident than he's ever been before he ultimately became the Joker. Not afraid to voice what he wants, and certainly not afraid to express himself. He does so without any fears or questioning. Not anymore. Because he doesn't ever want to go back to those worries after experiencing what this is like. And you're definitely happy for him, supporting him in every step of the way. Sharing everything that comes along with it. All the fire, rage, and desires. You love that you've got to be there for his transition into this bolder version of himself. And you love who he's become now. As you've always loved him.
You smirk and climb on to the bed with him, sitting on his lap. He eagerly takes you into his arms, kissing you passionately. You reach into his briefs and pull out his aching cock. He moans against your mouth at the feel of your warm hand on him. Your thumb brushes over his red, leaking tip and his hips jerk up for more. You spit into your hand and begin to stroke his length. Joker curses under his breath, tossing his head back to release a symphony of gasps and moans.
After a few more strokes on his dick, he lifts his head back to look at you. Heavy eyes stare deep into your own. He then brings his attention to your pussy. With his hand, he moves the article to the side and pushes a finger inside of you. It slides in easily with how soaked you are, he adds another one. You moan aloud while he starts pumping them in and out of you.
As your chest rises and falls in front of him, his glance lands on your breasts. Using his teeth, he peels the fabric over one of your breasts to the side and sucks on the peaked bud. Smudging his face paint all over your skin in the process. He loves marking up your beautiful body any way he can.
You stroke him faster and he picks up the pace of his fingers. You're both focusing on making each other feel good. The combined sounds of your pleasure drowning out the music from the radio.
Joker switches up by curling his fingers against that spot which brings you closer to the edge. His thumb goes to your clit to rub tight firm circles. He brings his face up to your ear, "you close baby?"
"Y-Yes.. god I'm so close. Please, I wanna cum." You mewl. It's right there, so fucking close. You push yourself against his fingers, wanting it bad.
"Go ahead then. Cum all over my fingers, kitten." He whispers, lowering his mouth to your neck to kiss and suck hickeys into your sensitive skin.
With a couple more of his finger strokes, you finally reach your orgasm. Releasing a strangled moan of his name as you gush all over his hand. In your heightened state, you lightly squeeze the head of his cock, causing him to hiss in pleasure. He nearly blows his load right there. You continue jerking him, trying to get him to his own release. Which you can tell by the throbbing of his dick that he desperately needs it. As do you.
"Please.." you plead, "please cum for me."
He slips his fingers out of your pussy and grabs at your hips with both of his hands. Squeezing them while he cums with a low, long groan. A small spurt of his cum lands on your belly while the rest of it dribbles down your hand and his dick.
You slow down your movements to catch your breath. Joker immediately does the same. You sit there in each other's embrace for a few seconds. Basking in the warmth of your afterglows. Then, his eyes lock on to yours and you exchange breathy laughs before moving in for another kiss. Slow at first, but not too long before you're making out with fervor. Reigniting the fire in your bodies.
This is going to be a long, passion filled night for the both of you.
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galos-writing · 8 months
hey, y'all, uh sorry for my absence but i was so damn busy with uni im sorry T_T i had completed a request i received a long time ago but i accidentally deleted the message, fortunately i copied n pasted the request above the ff itself, so for whoever asked it to me, im so sorryyy and i hope the ff arrives to you Q-Q enjoyyy
Request: Hi! May I ask for Arthur Fleck x gn (*gender neutral) reader where the reader has green eyes and how would he react? Thank you!
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You were standing right in front of a vast apartment block completely dumbfounded, you couldn’t believe such a majestic building could erect in a trashcan of a city like Gotham. Indeed, the poor lifestyle was mirrored by the appearance of what would become your new home: broken windows, a neglected shared yard full of trash bags, roaches and sewer rats, and the paint outside grayed or even consumed in some spots. 
You made a face at the view, but it was all you could afford at the moment: you would have surely moved as soon as you would have found a job with a good salary. However, the luggage you were holding reminded you that you weren’t living somewhere better than this. You could almost dare to say your new home would be a mansion if compared to your parents’ house; even the rudest flatmate would be nicer than the ones who were supposed to love and support you no matter what, but that instead kicked you out, not even letting you collect all of your stuff. ‘Just your clothes’, they said, ‘and then get the fuck out.’. 
Their words were carved in your memory and will probably be forever, you took a deep breath to hold back tears. 
You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn’t hear the taxi driver behind you, until he honked, startling you. You turned to him, he was visibly pissed, angrily smoking his cigarette butt and then throwing it at your feet, not even putting it out. 
“Ya deaf, pal?! I fuckin’ said it’s 50 bucks! Ya gon’ pay me or not?”, he shouted at you, sticking his hand full of rings out towards you, expecting his money on his callous palm. You turned pale at how angry he was and quickly pulled out your wallet to give him his money. 
Your anxiety turned into full panic when you saw your wallet was completely empty. Fuck. You were sure your brat of a little brother stole all your money, oh how you wish you were still at your home to strangle him. 
“So?”, the taxi driver insisted, pressing on the accelerator to increase the price according to the taximeter. His judgmental beady eyes were scanning you while you started emptying your backpack, in a desperate attempt of finding a single cent in the bottom of it. Nothing, just old stuff, some comic book and clothes. You let out a defeated sigh that made him visibly angrier, and your lips quivered as you opened your mouth to speak the only words he was hoping not to hear. 
“I’m sorry, sir, I don’t…”
You got cut by a bony and shaky hand extending next to you, handing some banknotes at the taxi driver, who smirked and snatched them from it.
“H…Here…”, a thin male voice shyly stuttered before the money had been literally ripped off his hand. The driver filled his thumb with his gross saliva to start counting the bills, and when he was over he just left in a hurry, not saying a word. 
You were at a loss for words due to everything that happened so quickly, but you managed to snap out of your trance and looked at the guy who just saved you from an unpleasant situation. 
You were stunned when you saw the appearance of your saviour: a short and slender man who was still standing next to you, his arm was still extended and his eyes were wide open, staring off into space. He seemed to be in his mid-forties but you weren’t sure.
He flinched when you touched his shoulder, and slowly turned his head towards you. His eyes looked so sweet, but they were now so wide, still in shock at what just happened. 
“Hey…”, you softly called him, trying to calm him down by awkwardly stroking his shoulder. “A-Are you okay? I’m so sorry you had to get through this, really… I’m willing to give you back your money, for sure, sir.”, you kept telling him, your tone was soft to sooth him, and you sketched an embarrassed smile when he looked at you. He first babbled some letters, as if he was starting the engine of his brain to reconnect and formulate a correct sentence, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. His gaze soon flustered you, making you look away. 
“Well, then… It's been a true pleasure to meet you. Thank you again, sir.”, you politely saluted, grabbing your bags and walking to the entrance of the condo where the landlord was waiting for you. 
As weeks passed by, some threatening letters from your father didn’t manage to break the new cocoon of comfort you built up all for yourself. You were so proud of your job of house decorating that you couldn’t resist but invite some friends over. What an idiot you felt by seeing your fridge was empty, how were you supposed to have guests over with no food in the house? 
You found yourself forced to go emergency grocery shopping the day before their arrival. As you were walking to the grocery store, you had the crippling feeling of being observed, but the thing didn’t scare you too much: lots of people in Gotham were weirdos, or just envious bored fellas who enjoyed watching others to judge them without a reason. When you arrived at the cashier to pay for your stuff, your eyes met a familiar face: the nice nervous man who paid for your taxi! You instinctively smiled and poked his shoulder to catch his attention. When he turned around towards you, his cheeks turned a deep red as you joyfully waved at him. 
“We haven’t talked much since you helped me that day, huh?”, you giggled, holding your bag of groceries as you were walking out of the store, followed by Arthur. He didn’t respond, he was too flustered to speak. You turned to him, tilting your head, your face showed concern. For a moment, you decided to ignore your worry and resumed smiling, extending your hand at him.
“I’m (Y/N), by the way. (Y/N) (L/N). We didn’t manage to introduce each other. It’s a pleasure to know you. We do live in the same condo, right?”, you happily asked, patiently waiting for the man to shake your hand. But he didn’t. 
“I-I’m Arthur, Arthur Fleck… nice to know you too…”, he shyly murmured after a few seconds, trying to avoid eye contact. You worriedly looked at him again.
“Hey… are you okay? Did… did I say something that offended you?”, you asked, trying to approach him, but he stepped back. 
“I have something to confess to you. I, uhm… I followed you… like, stalked you for a while. It’s better you immediately know, I don’t want you to find it out by yourself and get even more scared…”, he admitted, making your face turn pale; that explained your feeling of being observed all the time. 
“... why?”, you just asked, feeling numb. You were confused, that man seemed so kind, silent and polite during condo reunions, you couldn’t believe someone like him could do something like that. But you appreciated his honesty, despite the fact you were definitely creeped out by him. 
“I… just wanted to make sure you were real. And, y’know, not just some… some kind of delusion.”, he bluntly answered, as his face turned even redder. “It’s just that…”, he kept saying, “ … you quite… caught my attention, not gonna lie. You feel like a fresh breeze in this trash-stuffed pit.”. 
His words hit you like a hammer, those were the first kind words someone outside your friends group had told you in weeks. Your eyes filled in tears, but you firstly refused to let them out, giggling. 
“I… I don’t know what to say… Just… Thank you so much, Arthur. I’m glad you’re my neighbor. You’re the kindest man I’ve ever met in a long time.”, you told him, touching his shoulder. Your words made him blush even more, but this time a relaxed and genuinely joyful smile appeared on his thin and scarred lips. 
“Why did you come to live here, though…? You’re so pure and joyful, your kindness doesn’t belong here…”, he asked, blushing a bit. His question upset you more than you wanted to admit.
“... my parents kicked me out because I refused to work for their shitty business. I wanted to escape that narcissistic and toxic environment to start all over again. And for now living here is all I can afford.”, you gloomingly explained. 
He got silent, nodding a bit. His silence made your anxiety grow more than when you announced to your father you had no intention to work for his company. 
Arthur noticed you were observing him, and stopped nodding. “ …what?”, he asked.
“What?? Aren’t you gonna say nothing?!”, you asked back, in full panic.
“What do you expect me to say? (Y/N), if there’s something I learned by living in this world is that insecure people will insult everything outside their range of comprehension. But believe me, it’s not worth your tears until you’re happy. That’s life.”, he just said, taken by a moment of confidence, he felt oddly comfortable by speaking so openly to you, for once he didn’t feel unfitting or out of line, he felt heard and he knew his words could be helpful to someone he cared for that was struggling.
“And, in all honesty, I wouldn’t be taken by surprise by your family situation, yet… by, uh…”, he kept going, struggling a bit to say what he was thinking of, but just by looking at you, he suddenly found the courage. He was feeling good by spilling all that out right now, and wanted that wellness to keep going. 
“Yet by the fact yours are the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen.”, he suddenly blurted out, making you heavily blush. You looked at him, you could see his wave of confidence disappear to make him blush as well, so much he had to pull on the collar of his shirt. 
After some awkward second of silence, you smiled. “Do you mind if we… get back home together?”, you asked. Your proposition took him by surprise this time, making him slowly nod. The two of you walked back to the condo, in complete silence, drowning in fluster, but so happy you had met each other at that moment.
Tags: @darknessisafriend @werewolf-and-go-wild @indieblair @pursuit-of-comedy @ajokeformur-ray @fly-like-a-phoenix @five-miles-over @hebimoonlightwrites @jokerflecker @callmejokerr
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promptthebear · 2 months
Hi sorry, I don’t rlly know how to request but I hope this makes a bit sense > _ < 👍
🧺Arthur Fleck Joker - Something about Easter, what they would do and would they do hide and seek? Idk surprise us! :3 🙌
Happy Easter too! ✨ 🪺
💐Celebrating Easter with Arthur Fleck 💐
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CW: Child abuse, parental neglect, food insecurity.
First off, I can’t imagine that Arthur really celebrated a lot of holidays growing up.
He probably had the typical crafts and class parties at school, which he enjoyed very much, but what would happen at home was kind of a toss up.
If Penny was lucid, and they had the money, I can see her being the type to go all out. Most food bank programs offer special meals or food related to those meals around the holidays. Penny would absolutely take full advantage of that, and do either a turkey or ham dinner with all the fixings.
Arthur remembers these moments fondly, sitting on the couch with a full belly and maybe watching a church service or something on TV while he and his Mom decorate eggs. Having food for days after between the dinner leftovers and the eggs, which for Arthur meant eating like a king at least for awhile.
However, if Penny was having an episode or worse if they were staying with one of her so called “boyfriends?”
Well, in those cases Arthur was lucky if the day passed without ceremony like any other.
Depending on the conditions of their place, Easter could mean he got one less beating on account of the holiday and the closest thing he’d get to dinner was dry crackers and a juice box that he managed to scrounge up from the cupboards, if that.
Arthur doesn’t like thinking about those times too much. It’s just another reminder of all the happiness he missed out on and is desperately trying to bring back into his life.
After meeting and having a relationship with you, he’d probably mention all of this at one point or another when the holidays start coming around.
Even if he’s still living with Penny, or if you have your own place, you’d probably go all out to compensate for his childhood.
You’d probably go as far as to plan an itinerary and a menu, which both confuses and delights Arthur.
Him??? You’re really doing all this for him??? But it’s too much trouble, too much work, at least let him help with the-
Shush baby boy, just relax and let your partner spoil you.
First on the agenda? Special Easter breakfast.
Whether you stay over from Saturday or come early Sunday morning, Arthur is woken up by the smell of pancakes and bacon.
As far as I’m concerned, Easter breakfast is almost as important as Christmas. Especially if you come from a Catholic family and were fasting for lent like mine did sometimes.
Arthur isn’t even off of his sofa bed before you’re putting a heaping plate in his lap.
For a moment, he’d be too stunned to speak. You’d really outdone yourself.
First off, there’s a whole pile of bacon, still steaming hot and cooked to a crisp just how he likes.
“You eat every bite of that, or else.”
It’s not a real threat because you give him a gentle poke in the ribs when you say it. Arthur knows you’re doing it because you care and want him to have a decent meal for once.
Next are the pancakes. Oh my god, the pancakes.
These aren’t your garden variety, maple syrup and butter kind of pancakes.
Like yes, you’ve included those things, but also you’ve gone the extra mile and added in fresh fruit and chocolate chips and even tried to make some into fun shapes.
There’s an “A” shaped one, as well as a bunny with a blueberry eyes and a strawberry nose, and best of all, a clown with banana slice and chocolate chip eyes, a raspberry nose, jam mouth and whipped cream hair.
They’re so pretty Arthur almost doesn’t want to eat them, but does in the end because he doesn’t want you to feel like he doesn’t appreciate it.
Of course, know you’re getting a kiss between each and every bite.
It’s while he’s eating that Arthur also notices the colourful eggs that are stashed around the apartment. He’d look over at you, eyes sparkling with delight and give you a big grin.
“Are we gonna do an egg hunt???”
He can’t remember the last time he’s done an egg hunt, if ever. Even on the good Easters, usually all they did was dye some eggs to eat later since Penny was usually too sick or didn’t have the extra money to commit to an egg hunt.
You’d smile back, and lean down to give Arthur a kiss on the forehead. “Mmm-hmmm, though don’t get too excited. There’s no chocolate in these ones but they’ll lead you to your next surprise”
It’s all Arthur can to do wolf down the last off his food before he’s off like a shot, tearing around the apartment like he’s setting an Olympic record for egg finding.
You love seeing him like this and the way the childlike wonder takes years off his expression and posture. This is Arthur at his most authentic and you want to cherish every second.
You tried to be as creative as possible when hiding the eggs, even in such a small place. There’s six of them in total and Arthur finds them all in about twenty minutes.
Like you said, the eggs don’t contain chocolate but instead are plastic shells that pop open with something inside.
Arthur would spread the contents out on the coffee table and discover that it’s basically a picture puzzle with the pieces cut into horizontal strips.
Immediately, he’s all business. He’d hunch over the coffee table and light a cigarette, his expression one of intense focus.
When you try to help or give him hints, he waves you off, determined to solve this by himself and make the most of your hard work.
So of course, you oblige him. If you’re in the apartment he shares with Penny you’d probably check in on her and make sure she has something to eat, explaining that you and Arthur will be going out for the day.
If it’s a place you and Arthur share by yourselves, then you’d start cleaning up the dishes and the kitchen while he works at the puzzle.
For once the two of you have the chance to bask in peaceful, domestic silence. While you’re excited to do all the activities you planned with Arthur, you know this is what the holidays are really about. Having these quiet moments together where you can just take it slow and not worry about what’s coming next or where you need to be.
You’d just be putting the last of the dishes away when there’s an excited cry from the living room.
You’d poke your head in through the kitchen door to find Arthur, grinning triumphantly around his cigarette with the completed puzzle on the coffee table.
The picture it makes is of Gotham Central Park, specifically the front entrance.
You’d come over to Arthur and lean down to give him another kiss on the forehead.
“Good job babe, you did that so fast! How’d I get lucky enough to get someone who’s handsome and smart?”
Arthur would sit on the couch for a moment, eyes closed and basking in the praise like a cat in a sunbeam.
When he opens his eyes a few seconds later, he’d stub out his cigarette in a nearby ashtray and ask “Are we going right now?”
The way he says it is like a kid asking about Disney world, a little breathless and like he can’t quite bring himself to believe it.
That breaks your heart a little, in spite of the glow in the pit of your stomach.
It’s just a trip to the park. You’ve done it a million times or more with your family over the years, but once again this gives you a glimpse of the kind of life Arthur has had until you came along. Things haven’t been easy for him, and so he takes nothing good for granted, no matter how small.
You’d smile at Arthur and reach down to caress the side of his face with your hand
“Yeah, if you get ready in the next fifteen minutes we could probably make the 9:30 train”
Arthur would all but leap off the couch, grinning wide and with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Before you can react, he’s scooped you up into a massive bear hug that lifts your feet clean off the floor.
He’s squeezing you so tight it hurts a little, but you don’t mind. You squeeze back just as hard.
“Thank you so much for doing this” he’d murmur in your ear “I love you so much”
He’d punctuate that statement with a long, deep kiss where he almost leans you into a dip. He’d taste like smoke with a hint of maple syrup, which makes the warmth in your gut blossom and spread in a pleasant tingle across your body.
When the kiss breaks off you’re flushed, panting and unable to say anything more than a half mumbled “you’re welcome”
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ledgerserious8 · 6 months
Comedy For You | Arthur Fleck & Reader
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Warning : Don't copy my writing Don't steal my writing. All rights are reserved for my writing
Genre : Fluff And Sweet Interview
Summary : Arthur Getting Interviewed In Murray's Show But Not From Murray Himself..
Word count : 7.3k
Because Of Murray's Sickness The director decided to put a new beautiful journalist to make the episode of tonight
And That beautiful journalist was You...you was a smart person who can read the breaking news making reports visiting a lot of places and you was having good voice
Arthur was the guest of tonight of Murray's he was named by The Joker and he was wearing red suit with green tie and joker paint on his face
Tonight it's was his new door to be famous comedy clown so he need to be careful with his jokes to make everyone in Gotham loved him
So when he get out to the stage The crowds was clapping happily as Arthur sit on the chair and you was sitting on Murray's chair
Taking his place but not too long of time
Arthur don't need anything more then to be perfect He wanted to be perfect for this night it's now or never for him
So joker tonight it's not Murray who opened this episode because of his sickness We pray for him to get healthy soon But tonight I will be the presenter of the program and I hope we will have fun and laugh with you - you explained politely as the crowds clapped for your words
Arthur's Face Blushed when he saw your beautiful face your hair was very beautiful too making him melting
You was wearing very beautiful red dress with small white dots on it and white gloves covered your hands because it's was winter night for the show
He smiled as was waiting for Your questions to begin the jokes so he could please the crowds and make them laugh
But Arthur was nervous as the crowds was waiting to hear his jokes He wanted this night to be perfect as possible
So i heard that you're comedy clown who made shows on the stage - you started talking gently
It's mean it's not your first time being under the camera sight right? - you added as looking at him waiting for his response
Arthur was surprised with your calm tone your question was so calm, he was expecting some question about how he became a clown
Arthur took a deep breath, and he answered softly - "Yes i am a popular clown on stage, and this is the first time I'm appearing in front of the camera
It's not my first time but it's my first time in this big stage and show like Murray's show I want to entertain the people by my Jokes, by my performance." - he added
Good to hear that joker But it will be more good if you made us hearing your jokes - you explained politely making him smiled
Your beautiful smile with your white teeth..was making his heart beating so fast
Arthur couldn't hold his smile as you smiled and showed your beautiful, white teeth
"Yes, of course I will make you laugh - he thought into his mind
And I will try to provide the best jokes in front of the cameras." he explained calmly.
"I would love to do that, let me begin" - he continued with a slight blush
Arthur tried to breath normally, He was looking at the audience as he was ready to begin his jokes. His mind was trying to remember his jokes carefully, he needed to impress you, and the crowd
Arthur Opened His Notebook of jokes and started searching for good jokes. As you was waiting for him silently
The crowd was staring at him expectantly.
Arthur's mind was searching for jokes in his notebook he was a little nervous but he was focused on making good jokes
But He finally found a Joke
"Why do criminals love horror movies? - he asked you with the crowds.
Why?" - one of the crowds screaming from distance but you nodded silently to him to continue
A little bit smile was on Arthur's face as he was answering you and the crowds
"because the villain always wins" - he concluded making The Crowd started laughing happily and he was smiling in satisfaction.
The audiences laughed and clapped for his joke and Arthur was relieved and smiled at the audiences
You start laughing gently and softly Arthur noticed your laugh, it was beautiful and lovely.
His mind was searching again for another joke to make you and the crowds happy this night
But your words cut his thoughts
How about you made a joke about Murray I mean all the guests getting joked by him but nobody joke about him - you explained cutely in jokingly way making everyone laughing
Arthur laughed a little bit, as the crowds started shouting "yes" and clapping with laugh
"Yes i can do that" he replied to you made you smiled at him and he thought for a moment and thought of joke
The crowd was silent waiting for Arthur's joke about Murray they thought your idea was so smart
"How are Murray and his show similar? - he asked you calmly making your expression get into curious
They're both jokes" he concluded and that's The crowds started Laughing as Arthur was watching you laughed cutely at his joke
But you know why he's sick tonight and made me in his place? - you asked him calmly you was person can make jokes too
The crowd and Arthur was waiting for the punchline, he's wondering what you would say to him and he smiled a little bit but his body language turned to be nervous, he was thinking of what to reply to you
"Why?" - he asked you you with soft tone of voice
The audiences were waiting for you To give the punchline to Arthur too
It's because he can't stop laughing at himself - you give the punchline meaning Murray himself is joke as Arthur punchline
The crowd was laughing of this smart punch line and Arthur laughed softly as your punch line was so genius
He smiled cutely as he was nodding his head slightly as looking at you
"Smart one" - He added calmly
"I see you so creative when it comes to making jokes" - Arthur said softly with a little bit blush.
It's was true Because He wasn't expecting you to joke and that what made the joke so amazing for him
'Yeah thanks but actually Gotham should be lucky to find people who's joking" - you explained politely but seriously
You know this city is depressed and that's why Murray's show is here now - you added politely
Arthur nodded his head in agreement with you, as he was saying softly, "i agree." His face was showing signs of seriousness as he was trying to give the audiences a reality
"Indeed, Gotham is a depressed city and it needs more fun and light." - he continued then looked at the crowds
"I hope my jokes could help the city to get rid of this depression." - he added calmly.
The crowd was surprised by your answer as your answer was so wise and correct but Arthur liked a lot being interviewed by you
You was smart and beautiful face with beautiful body and perfect weight and tall
Arthur's heart was beating fast with love, he noticed your cute expression and that made him feel nervous because of you
"I know an other joke about the weather who want listen" - he asked you and the crowds together
"Oh me me me' - you replied with cute voice jokingly with him
Arthur was so surprised by your cute tone, it was so innocent and child And he started laughing softly as the crowds started shouting "Me too me too".
Arthur was smiling with happiness as he was laughing his mind was telling him that he have found himself in love with you
The crowds was looking at you with a cute impressed smiling face and he noticed it with delight
"Okay, here's the joke" - he replied excitedly and Arthur took a deep breath and began telling the joke
"What do you call a raincoat with a hole in it?" - he asked you as he waited for your answer
You didn't speak but you put curious expressions making him biting his bottom lip lightly trying to not feel high on his cheeks
Arthur couldn't avoid looking at your face as he was about to finish the joke as The crowds and her were looking expectantly your smiling face make him nervous and feel excited in one time
"A raincoat with one less hole then before" - he concluded and make The crowd started laughing again the crowds was surprised by the joke that he gave
And you was laughing too as hearing the crowds clapping for him happily and he was smiling softly by seeing the joy in the crowds
But he also saw your face with that beautiful laugh sound that made him more attracted to you as feeling nervous
Well thanks for this beautiful funny jokes You know everyone deserve to laugh but everyone deserve to get know too - you explained politely as put serious expression
And before this episode going to ended I'm going ask you a few questions that people want to know about you But i will ignore the questions about your name or age because you told me you don't want this - you finished as looking at him waiting for his response
The crowd was shouting "yes" after your announcement And Arthur is ready to answer any kind of question, he was still smiling and feeling proud.
"Alright, go ahead and ask me some question that I can answer and everyone will be thankful to you." - he replied nervously as you would ask him something about himself.
He took a deep breath trying to calm himself down as he knew it should probably be something that he would hate to tell
"Okay so what are your questions?" - he asked you softly
I won't ask you something you don't want okay? - you whispered as looking at him Reading his nervously
Arthur's face showed relief as he was nodding his head in agreement with you in a very softly way as you said you wouldn't ask him something he didn't want he gave a smile to you,
he was really nervous by you staring at him by your shiny eyes and that your soft smile was making him feel more and more attracted to you
As i said before Gotham is depressed city it's like the idea of being comedy is so rarely - you started softly
'So the first question saying how you was fighting this as you're comedy clown How you was trying to be famous." - you asked him calmly as looking at him
Arthur laughed when you said that humor was a rare thing in the depressed and dark city of Gotham he liked how you started your question
But Arthur stopped laughing for a moment to think about your question properly and give you good answer
"Well, as a comedy clown, I've always tried to be famous in this city and bring joy and laugh to the people - he explained calmly as his eyes was shining
"It was a very tough battle, but I fought hard to become popular as a comedy clown in the city." - he finished as smiling at you
Of course there's a lot of comedy clowns need to find a way to be like you Sitting here and make shows in Gotham just like you - you explained politely making him nodded to your question
So what do you have to say to help them as advice - you added calmly as wanted to know how his mind was thinking
The crowd was intrigued by your intelligent question Arthur loved how smart you is, as you knows that there are many people trying to be famous like him but he took a couple of seconds to think about your advice question.
"The advice to help their career in comedy is to be themselves" - he responded.
"And to also be creative and think of different creative ways of making jokes, and that will for sure create a new and exciting career for them." - he concluded as smiling at you but he had a strong feeling that you was going to ask him a hard question
Okay the last question Focus on it okay? But before i asked you - you explained seriously making him focus on you
'Are you a old fan of Murray's show like you watched all the episodes" - you added calmly
The crowds was silent, they were all watching with their eyes glued to him waiting for him to answer your question as Arthur's mind was thinking about the question you just asked him before the final question
"Yes actually, I've been watching Murray's late-night show since it first aired." - he explained calmly
Then his mind started thinking about your final question which seemed like a hard one for him
Well the last question said Who better in Presentation of the program Me or Murray Answer honestly - you asked him calmly as chuckled softly
The crowd was shouting "you!" as you asking him who is better at presenting the program between Murray and you
Arthur was so stunned by your beauty and also your question as he was smiling softly, your eyes alone could melt anyone as the crowd to shout your name
"You, you are better in presentation! You're more beautiful" - he answered in low tone
"You..You're more fun... and comedy than him." - he added softly with a little blush on his face.
Well now because the episode ended and I'm sure Murray now lying on his bed Look like a brown bear from Disney films - you joked making the crowds laughed
And we're enjoying a lot of the joker perfect jokes I believe you all should go to your houses now because the show is ending - you added jokingly to the crowds
The crowd is laughing really hard because of you as you was giving your punchline to their show's ending
Arthur laughed too as The crowd is waving to the screens and him was laughing softly with the crowd.
Arthur had never seen a better crowd before than this one. The crowd started waving their hands and saying good bye. He started waving back to them
"See you next time" - he said with a cute smile.
Arthur's mind thought that he just finished today's show perfectly with a lot of jokes
The lights of the studio shut down and the only thing that was lighting up the room was the camera flash lights making the both of you alone
Arthur was smiling softly and looking at you as you was also smiling softly he didn't know why he was feeling more nervous now than when the audience was there
Well actually thank you for accepting being the guest of this episode I hope you enjoyed a lot and I'm sorry if my jokes getting more then limit - you explained as looking at his face fixed with the light
I don't want you to take this personally and seriously because it's all for fun I'm working as a temporary journalist for this show now, and I wish Murray a recovery, and he know that my jokes about him is a joke and not a personal criticism - you finished making the point clear
Something in your heart was telling you that joker was having sensitive heart that anyone can break it
Arthur was impressed with your intelligence, your wisdom and your knowledge as a journalist he loved the way you was describing yourself and was making him see you in a new way.
Arthur was glad that you was being kind to Murray and that he was understanding that your jokes aren't personal criticism The way you was telling him to not take your jokes personally and as jokes was also making Arthur being impressed by your honesty
"It's okay, I have really enjoyed our time together" - Arthur said softly to you
Good to hear that from you have a good night now and by the way I'm y/n - you confessed politely making him smiled
"Arthur Fleck a pleasure to know you y/n" - he replied softly as his head was tilting a little bit towards your face as you was revealing your name to him his face had a soft, gentle smile that indicated his interest and pleasure in getting to know you
He started leading towards your chair as he was getting closer to you and he didn't want to make you uncomfortable but his face becomes closer to yours
"Please have a good night" - He whispered in a very soft and friendly tone as he was looking at your shiny eyes
You keep silent as your cheeks started getting redder by his manly voice making him smirking at your reaction but he leading back and standing up
No words left your mouth because Arthur started walking away leaving you alone with his joker suit and make up in the studio with the co-workers
Arthur was thinking about you after he left He know there's something he felt in his heart about you there's one thing that made him get meet you again is to be..
Comedy For You
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jokerislandgirl32 · 4 months
How Us Arthur Lovers Look At Him:
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Just like that….we look at him just like this lady in his daydream and we think exactly what’s in the thought bubble, 😂.
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skinnypaleangryperson · 11 months
A03, AO3 link
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jokeringcutio · 1 year
Could u please do reader x joker 2019?
Reader protects Arthur (before he turned into joker) from when his sign was taken and she beat the kids up and he won’t ever forget that moment. But now,Arthur turned into the joker, he returns the favour by saving her from bad guys?
And when he saves her, he walks elegantly towards her 😫✨ and says “I missed you, doll” 🫣🫣🫣😭✨
Title: Savior Fandom: Joker 2019 Pairing: Arthur Fleck (Joker)  x Reader Rating: Mature for safety. Warnings: Violence, (attempted) sexual assault, Crude Language, Clown beating, Blood, Murder. AN: I wrote two versions of this. A sweeter tale, after which I realized the prompt specifically said that the Reader beats those bad boys up – so I rewrote it. Now I really struggled with how the Joker saved the Reader in this. I’ve written several different scenarios, but none of them felt right. In the end, I decided to base it on personal experience and went along with something that happened to me and frightened me a lot while I was in university. And that was passing this certain school and the young men that tried to sometimes sexually assault you there. It never went as far as in this fic, though, thank the lucky stars. But I had to push the situation a bit more to get a more satisfying end to their lives >D
Be warned, the boys in the second part try to attempt to rape the reader (I won’t go as far as clothes being torn off etc, but they do try to drag her into an alley and scold her).
So if any of this triggers you, please, do not read and hold out for the sweeter fill of this prompt that I will be posting later on &lt;3
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~ Savior Fill : I Can Handle Myself ~
The boys ran past you with such haste, it was as if a train passed you. You followed them with your eyes, frowning, and inwardly cursed how rude they had been to nearly trample you on their way past you. But you didn’t have long to think angry thoughts, because a man rushed by, clearly in pursuit. A clown, you thought, eyes now wide. A clown with a green wig cap adorned with curly fake hair and ridiculously big shoes. It must make his steps that much harder. How did he manage to keep up, you wondered.
“Hey, stop them!” the clown shouted. But the boys were shouting back profanities and crossed the road. The clown was nearly hit twice by a car as he followed. One glance around you told you that no one had bothered to run after them. Though some people stood and watched, most seemed to ignore the weird scene. You didn’t hesitate a single moment, though, and ran.
It had been hard to cross the road, but once you were on the other side, you came to a halt and your eyes darted from side to side. Where had they gone to? Then you spotted the clown as his feet slipped from the pavement and he caught himself with his hands. He’d nearly fallen but scrambled up to his feet again before he dashed into one of the alleys. He disappeared out of sight, but you had memorized the spot and made your way over to it as swiftly as you could.
At the entrance of the alleyway, you stood still to observe something you had hoped you would never see. Five teenagers stood huddled around the clown. His bright yellow sign lay scattered upon the floor, broken as if smashed against something. The man was quiet but conscious. You could see how he tried to shield his body from the incoming blows. And your mind went haywire.
You didn’t even register how you moved in on the boys, you suddenly just stood behind them. One high kick was enough to hit the first one on his shoulder. The tall teenager turned around, clearly confused, but you gave him little time to retaliate. Instead, he met your fist eye-first, and stumbled backward, nearly tripping over the clown’s shivering frame.
At this point, the others boys had noticed your presence and they stopped their assault on the man. Instead, they turned to you. Eyes all dark and glowering, teeth shown. Like rabid dogs, you thought. But there was no time for thinking now.
You held your arms up in front of your face, hands curled into fists. A little hop to your step as you sprung side to side like you’d seen boxers do on the television.
“How about it, boys?” you whispered. You had wanted to sound cool, but something in your voice broke. It didn’t come out sad though, just a little husky. The boy whom you had dubbed their leader because he was taller and seemed to be the one to take initiative took a step closer to you. His eyes widened at the sight of you.
“Leave the clown alone,” you demanded, then ducked when the anticipated attack struck you right after. The boy’s knee was up to hit your chest, but you had seen it coming and darted out of its way. A fist was launched at your face, but either by sheer luck or good reactional skills, you managed to block it with your arms.
The move seemed to surprise the boy as much as it did you, because he took a second to recover before he tried to hit you again.
The others boys now joined in, the clown forgotten behind them. They inched closer to you with fists raised until a second boy launched himself at you, and all of a sudden, hands and legs were swung in your direction like a flurry.
You didn’t manage to dodge all of the blows, but you made a lucky move when you crouched down to avoid them, then kicked out your leg. Your foot hit an ankle, and one of the boys fell, taking the boy next to him with him by accident. With two down, you sprung up again and hurdled yourself at one of the remaining three. It was one of the smaller ones, an easier target. You tackled him to the floor in a tight hug, then let go of him the moment he lay down. Seated on top of him, you smashed your fist against his cheek, a blow that pushed his head into the dirt and the crumbling asphalt below. Then you moved off of him.
Just in time, it seemed. The two boys who still stood rushed forward to you. In a fit of panic, you reached next to you. The road was littered with garbage that had been torn from the many uncollected garbage bags, and your hand closed around something sharp. What the hell was it?
It didn’t matter. This was your life you were concerned about. With eyes closed, you flung the sharp object away from you, only to hear a gasp come from the boys. Had you hit one of them?
But when you opened your eyes, you saw they were unharmed. But they were gasping at something, eyes raised to the sky. You looked up to see your shot had cut one of the electricity cables that hung above the alley. The cable dangled dangerously above your heads, a crackling sound and sparks erupted from the cut end.
“Come on,” one of the boys then shouted, “Let’s go, let’s go!” The boy still on the ground jumped up to his feet. Blood seeped from a gash on his cheek. He threw you an accusing glare, but made no comment, before he turned away from you and the dangling electricity cable, then ran off.
The other boys followed until you were left alone in the alley. Alone apart from the shivering clown.
You ignored the cable above your head, as you did the shouts of someone in one of the apartments who was cursing that their television had stopped working. Hurriedly, you crawled over to the hunched form of the man, and then slowly bent over him. He kept his hands between his legs. Must have taken a few hard kicks to the balls, you thought. You felt pity for him.
If only you could have chased them off earlier. If only you could have spared him this fate.
“Hey,” you carefully started, your hand on the man’s shoulder. He didn’t shrug your hand away, but he did flinch when you first touched him. But then, as he heard your voice, his eyes opened and he looked up at you. Your heart nearly stopped beating, because the eyes that locked with yours were the brightest green you had ever seen. So pretty. Accentuated by the clown’s makeup and his hair, certainly, but ever so beautiful.
You could have asked him then if he was okay, but that would have been a superfluous question. Of course he wasn’t. He was beaten up, and bruised, his sign shattered. There was nothing you could do to help his bruises, you knew that. But perhaps there was a chance to bring him comfort, to soften those mental wounds he must have received so they wouldn’t scar as badly.
“Let me help you,” you whispered, again. Your hand slid to the man’s white-painted cheek.
He smiled.
You’d nearly forgotten the man you had once saved. The mysterious clown who hadn’t given you his name and hadn’t accepted any offers to help him. It had been as if he was scared of you. The way his shoulders raised when you spoke to him and how he avoided looking into your eyes. You had caught him looking at you though. Whenever you looked away his eyes would be upon you, and there’d be awe within them. As if he couldn’t believe that you were real.
But that was months ago.
When you met him again, you were on your way home. This particular street led you past a community college building, a place where young men often loitered about, hands in their pockets, leering at you when you passed by. You’d gotten used to the whistles and the comments. You thought it was normal until one of your fellow female students pointed out that they never called after her.
Passing this street didn’t always make you feel safe, so when you were particularly tired, you’d go the long way around to the train station. But today, you wanted to take the shortcut. A choice you instantly regretted.
“Oi, pretty girl,” one of the boys wearing a hoodie, hands in his pockets like they usually had, shouted the moment he saw you. He came heading your way, a weird lilt to his step. You instantly knew this wasn’t going to be okay. “Oi, come here,” he said.
Behind him, a friend of his emerged out of the shadows of the building. A crooked smile upon his face and an evil glint in his eyes. “I think you have a little time for us, don’t you?” the boy said.
Two more friends emerged and you quickly scanned the area. Somehow, you were all alone. No other students were behind you, just in front, but they had just rounded the corner and were long gone.
The streets seemed empty as it was already getting late. The setting sun shone over the street tiles, making them shimmer. With hands flexed, you made to turn around, but the first boy managed to corner you.
“Uh-uh, I don’t think so,” he said. You wrinkled your nose in disgust when you saw he had grabbed you by the arm. His grip was tight and unpleasant. You started to feel scared for being surrounded by these young men who clearly wanted a thing from you that you were unwilling to give them. “Here, baby, don’t be difficult. Now, you’re gonna be good to me and my friends?”
You flinched, certain of one thing. You were not going to make this easy for them.
With as much strength as you could muster, you pulled your arm back sharply. An attempt to bring your arm back to your belly, but the boy’s hand remained attached. It hadn’t worked.
With gritted teeth, you flung your knee up to aim at either his chest or his balls. You hoped to hit the latter. But once again the boy was too swift. He used your own arm to block the attack, which hurt darn much. You winced and bit back a cry at the pain you felt. Stupid, you thought. You probably had bruised your own arm.
Another attempt from you to twist out his hands, but the second boy gripped your shoulders from behind and forced your body still. You cursed, loudly. “Let go of me,” you said as loudly as you could. “Let go, or I’ll scream.”
This threat instantly triggered a third boy to cover your lips with his palm. “You try and fight back bitch, and we’ll fuck your cunt into a bloody mess.”
With eyes wide of shock, because how dare they scold and denigrate you like this? You noticed how the four of them started to drag you into the narrow alley next to the building. An alley, you knew, would mean the end of it. Because how many people passed this street? And how many of them would think to look in that alley on their way? Your chances to escape would be zero to none.
No, your mind screamed. No, this can’t be how it goes. This can’t happen to me.
You struggled with all your might, even if it were hardly possible to move within their arms. All it earned you was a hard whack against the head, and a kick against your shin. More bruises, you thought, panicking. You had to get out.
Just before they could pull you into the alley, you had the mind to bite the boy whose arm had circled around your shoulders and who covered your mouth in the hand. He cried out. Then suddenly his hands were gone, and he fell face-first next to you. His head inside the alley. His body was limp.
You looked at him confused. Had your bite done that? But then a second boy, this time to your other side, called out. A high-pitched yell of pain. Arms flailing, he fell down to the ground as well, leaving only the two boys behind your back.
Their hands let go of you, and finally you were able to turn around. There they stood, both boys with their backs turned to you. Their attention all upon a new man who had appeared behind them. A man in a red suit, stylish, if not for the many spots upon it. Had he spilled coffee, you wondered at first. But no, it would have been a lot of coffee. The spatters were too many and too far apart. Then what could it be?
The man stood face down, a cigarette held between his lips and fingers, the tip glowing. You could not see his face, but something about his posture seemed familiar. Like a distant memory was awoken upon the sight of him. You’d seen this man before, but where?
His other hand rested inside his pants pocket, lazily, elbow hooked. Nothing about him indicated what had just been done, so you didn’t notice it at first. Not until he blew a small cloud while the cigarette left his lips, and he finally looked up at you all. You saw the paleness of his face. Not natural, but made by makeup. Familiar, you thought again. But it couldn’t be him, could it? The blue triangles near his eyes. The green tangled hair.
This man was dressed as a clown, you realized. A clown you’d seen pictures of before on the television, and on the wanted posters all around the city. A villain recently sought after by Wayne and the authorities.
The Joker.
No wonder you had thought you recognized him. A man known to be ruthless. Cold needles spread all over your spine and you froze up with fear. You knew you had to go, to escape, to run fast and as far as you could before he ended your life like had the lives of so many others. His reasons were often left unknown. Not just Wayne’s men had been murdered, dozens more.
But then your eyes turned to the two boys on the floor and you realized the clown must have a gun. Red had started to spread, leaking from the chests of the boys down onto the street tiles below. Their clothes were stained with the red liquid that was now rapidly spreading.
They’d been shot.
Then the stains on the clown’s suit weren’t made by coffee at all. They were blood as well.
You looked up again in fear, eyes wide. But the Joker’s gaze was not upon you. It was fixed firmly upon the boys in front of you. His hand rested lazily in the pocket of his red pants. Probably where he is hiding the gun, you mused.
“I think you have something of mine there,” was all Joker needed to say for the boys in front of you to start stumbling backward. What was it? You wondered. What did they have? What had you found yourself entangled in? Their screams echoed throughout the alley as they turned on their heels to run. They made it past you, into the narrow street, but only made it in several paces before one by one, they were shot in the back. Cowardly, you thought, but they oh-so deserved it for what they had tried to do to you.
They fell forward, their bodies slumped. You didn’t know if they were instantly dead, or if their life was slowly slipping away from them. You didn’t care to watch. Instead, you turned your head back to the Clown Prince of Crime, a title given to him by the most ruthless and the most influential of all men in Gotham.
The Joker stood where he had been standing. The only change was his now raised arm, a smoking gun aimed at where the boys once had run. Your heart nearly stopped of fear, and you hardly dared to keep your eyes upon him. Surely, he would shoot you next. Whatever this was, whatever this had been, he would probably assume you were part of the group. Had they stolen something from him? Did he want it back enough to kill them for it? Why should he spare you?
With your eyes averted, nearly closed while you trembled in fear, you heard his steps upon the tiled street. His soles slipped upon the glistening tiles, still wet from the rain earlier today, before the sun had started to peek through the clouds.
You heard how he walked towards you, taking his time, a cigarette in his hand, still burning. Then he brought it to his lips and took a long drag before he exhaled slowly. Little clouds of white swirled up from his lips to disappear into the early summer sky while he tilted your head with one finger, forcing you to lock eyes with his own.
They were the purest green you had ever seen. It was within that instant that you recognized him as the clown whose life you had once saved. Eyes that had once been filled with terror and disbelief, but had been ever so green that they had drawn you in. Eyes that had once looked at you as if he could not believe you were real. The gaze in them was the same. That look that told you he had a hard time believing that you existed.
But why?
This man had once been hunched over, frightened for his life, trembling. But now it was you who was in his place. And something in his gaze softened. You saw the recognition in his eyes and thought he must have spotted yours.
His fingers upon your chin tightened. The way he studied you while he moved your face with his hand, tilting it from side to side as he took you in the sight of you, made something in his eyes change. His gaze became more intense, darker.
Then his head dipped forward and his lips were planted against yours. The taste of bitter smoke and something unique to him invaded your senses. It felt pleasant. Unexpected, but heartwarming. A butterfly rose in your chest and wanted to fly, hot flames licked the insides of your belly. And this man had done all that with just one kiss.
And then he withdrew, but his eyes remained focused upon your lips. As if he was hungry for more, a craving you shared with him. He seemed to be catching his breath, his chest moved rapidly up and down, while his fingers finally slid free from your face so he could place his hands on your hips. You placed your hands on his chest and looked up at him, lips parted in a silent sigh, a quiet invitation for him to kiss your lips again. The Clown Prince of Crime happened to be your very own clown.
“I missed you, doll,” he murmured, voice hoarse and low. He had no idea how much you had missed him. "I think you'd be a lot safer in my arms, don't you?" he hummed, and you didn't think to go against him.
The newspapers reported you missing the very next day.
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tally-kiza · 1 year
A New Addition
You come home to a very pleasant surprise from Arthur. Words: 2025
(This was supposed to be a 500ish word drabble. And I had 3 drawings to work on that should take priority over this. But the muse struck and I ran with it. Oops, haha.)
Your apartment is quiet when you arrive home. Tall lamps cast the living room in warm inviting light, the windows shutting out the oppressive darkness of night. You make a small noise of surprise as you kick off your shoes in the entryway and deposit your keys on the console table. Arthur always gets home before you; normally when you yourself arrive home from work, Arthur will be puttering away either in the living room or kitchen, either collapsed on the couch watching a vintage film or cobbling together an early dinner for the two of you.
But all you’re met with is silence. 
“I’m home! Arthur?” you call out. 
A distant splash of water. “In here!” he calls, a smile in his voice.
Ah. You assume you’ll find him soaking in the tub, smoking through half a pack, as he is often wont to do after a stressful day at work. You’d joined him in the tub on those nights more than once even, when he chose to relax in other ways, and eagerness sparks in your tummy at the thought that you might get to have some more fun with him tonight.
But as you approach the bathroom door down the hall, slightly cracked open a few inches, you find a completely unexpected surprise on the other side.
The first thing your eyes catch are the sleeves of Arthur’s pale yellow button-down rolled up to his elbows, the top few buttons popped open, and his hair pushed back out of his face. His expression is caught somewhere between a squint of concentration and tender joy. The sight alone of his handsome visage alone is enough for butterflies to flutter within your chest. The second thing you notice is how he’s leaning over the pedestal sink, massaging lathered soap into the water-slickened fur of a small, squirming kitten.
“Oh, goodness,” a wide smile overtakes your face as you dart to Arthur’s side. “Arthur...”
Arthur’s crows feet crinkle as his smile turns shy. A strand of his bangs falls in front of his face.  “Surprise?”
It mustn’t have been more than a couple months old. The kitten was a skinny little thing, with long white fur with large black patches. Wiry whiskers were bent, a small corner of its ear missing. You could just spy that it had little white paws, a stark contrast from black legs. The kitten squirms and splashes further in the small water-filled sink, though as Arthur’s thumbs move to massage behind its ears, it quiets. Its blue eyes squint half-shut and it almost sags against his hands. You’ve never seen a cat look so relaxed.
Arthur must’ve been fully focused on the kitten since the moment he got home, if he hadn’t even changed into his house clothes or turned on his favorite oldies radio station.
 “Where’d you find this lil’ guy?” you coo.
“Cardboard box in an alleyway. I spotted him on the way home from work. He looked hungry. And dirty.” The cloudy water was a testament to that. 
Arthur continues, voice growing softer. He doesn’t meet your eyes. “He was all alone...”
“And you couldn’t leave him,” you finish when he trails off. 
He worries his bottom lip. 
A warmth blooms in your chest. Arthur had always struggled connecting with his peers, you knew this, on both a social level and empathetic. You’d talked about it at length together often late at night when he couldn’t sleep and attempted to find solace in your arms. How he’d spent so many years waiting for anyone to see him. To show that they cared. Of the fluffy black cat he used to daydream about, one that lived with him and Penny, who would listen to him when no one else would. When he lacked companionship with others, at least he’d always found comfort knowing that animals wouldn’t care about his quirks. (“Quirks.” Your words, not his. You’d vehemently disagreed with him when he’d described himself as “fucked up,” instead.)
Arthur had seen a creature in need and reached out to help it. Just as he’d always needed. He’d found a cat just like the one he’d always dreamed of. 
Your heart melts in your chest into a lovesick puddle. You lean into him and connect your lips with his in a tender kiss. A small noise of surprise hums in his throat, before his eyes flutter shut and he deepens your connection. His sopping hand caresses your flank and hip, thoroughly soaking your shirt with suds, though neither of you hardly even spare it a moment's notice.
You break away first and wrap your arms around his middle, resting your head on his shoulder. Arthur’s eyes remain closed, though you can feel more than see the heat of the flush on his face.
“You’re very sweet, you know that?” you sigh.
Arthur ducks his head, silently preening as he always does whenever he’s under the spotlight of your compliments.
Water splashes; the kitten mewls, restlessness renewing without Arthur’s full attention. Without hesitating, Arthur switches his focus back to it. He fills a small cup you hadn’t noticed before with fresh water and gently pours it over the kitten, carefully rinsing off the suds of the soap. As he works, like before the kitten drifts back into that happy, squinting state. Its pupils become quite dilated. 
You assist Arthur how you can, mostly chatting with him while watching him work. Has he fed the kitten yet? Yes, as soon as he got home, along with a bowl of water. Did he have a collar or identification? No―and after a bit more prodding from you: even the box he’d found him in was unmarked. And questions of Arthur’s day as well―did his gig at the grand re-opening of a two decade old mall go well? It went fine, he’d said, though it went unsaid how he’d felt unnecessary there. (It was a big enough event as is; it didn’t need a clown like him there. Most of the burgeoning crowd of Gothamites had ignored him, as they often did whenever he worked with crowds. But it hadn’t stopped him from putting on his best happy face and working as hard as ever to garner attention and smiles.)
Before long, Arthur’s draining the water in the basin and drying off the kitten with a small, cream-colored towel. He works carefully, especially as he gently dries its face and ears. Impossibly, your heart melted further, all your blood rushing to the flush on your face. The kitten's fur sticks out in all directions, its eyes wide as saucers of milk. A far cry from its previous tranquil state. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say this cat wanted to go back into the bath. As Arthur worked, however, you could tell he was mulling something over. There was a tenseness in his face, a knot in his brows, a distance in his eyes.
You tuck a piece of his bangs back. Arthur startles back into awareness, green eyes darting to yours.  “Tell me what’s on your mind?”
He averts his gaze again and goes silent for a few long moments. You give him the time to work out putting his thoughts into words. Long enough to finish drying the kitten and wrap it fully in the blanket. It looks not dissimilar to a burrito, with its little fuzzy head poking out. It blinks owlishly.
In one quick breath, like he has to get it all out before he loses his nerve, Arthur blurts, “Can we keep him?”
You ought to be taken aback; the two of you aren’t exactly living paycheck to paycheck, but finances get tight sometimes and you know caring for a cat on top of that would only strain your wallets further. But... the hopefulness written on his face, more plain than the text in any book, with shining eyes and a vulnerable heart, crushes any resistance you may have. It’s crystal clear how much he cares for the little bundle of fur in his arms. 
Soft purrs fill the silence as you think; Arthur’s gentle petting lulling it back into pleased relaxation.
You soften, a smile tugging at your lips. “Well, I certainly can’t separate the two of you, can I? I think he loves you already.”
Arthur’s face lights up, an eager smile spreading wide and his brows shooting up in near disbelief. “Really?”
With a tug to his arm, you lead him into your shared bedroom to sit on the edge of the bed together. The kitten doesn’t seem to mind as he’s repositioned in Arthur’s arms and subsequently set down on soft, forest green bedding. 
“We can pop down to the pet store tomorrow for supplies,” you say. Your hold on his wiry arm slides down to intertwine your fingers with his. Arthur beams impossibly brighter. “But in the meantime, I think we have enough cans of tuna to tide this little guy over.”
“Yeah... Y’know, I’ll take good care of him,” he says, as if still trying to convince you. As if you’d think he was burdening you. By now, the kitten had wriggled out of his wrap and had taken it upon himself to explore the strange new world of your bed. “You won’t have to worry about him making a mess, or bothering you―”
“Arthur.” He freezes. You squeeze his hand tighter. Grounding him. “I want this just as much as you do. You don’t have to worry about taking this all upon yourself. We’re a partnership, remember?”
Almost more to himself than you, he responds quietly, “I know. Sorry.”
Not for the first time, your heart breaks. He apologizes so much. He’s gotten better about it over your two years of dating, but you still ached for him every time it happened. How often has he had to apologize to his mother, his peers, his coworkers just for expressing his worries? You pull him into a tight hug; if only you could squeeze away all his pain and sorrows. Arthur’s arms settle around you loosely, though he buries his head in the crook of your neck.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” you remind him.
He nods back silently, Adam’s apple bobbing. His hold tightens around you. Even if he struggles expressing it, you know he tries to take it to heart, couple it with the advice his new therapist often gives him, a patchwork chisel to cobble away at his insecurities.
The poignance is broken by the pricks of sharp tiny claws digging into your thigh as the kitten takes it upon itself to join the conversation. He crawls into your lap as your hug with Arthur breaks off. You try and fail to smother a wince of pain. Arthur laughs softly at the kitten's antics, and you playfully scowl at him. To your relief, it mewls at him and crawls into his lap instead. He doesn’t react to the pricks of claws on his legs, instead taking it into his arms once again to resume petting and scratching it behind the ears.
“So,” you breathe, “any ideas for a name? I don’t think he can just stay, ‘that kitten,’ forever.”
Arthur’s smile quirked up again, bashful this time. “I did have one idea. I like it a lot.”
“What about... Francis?”
“Franc― Oh,” understanding dawns on you as the kitten's bright blue eyes dart to you again, and you chuckle. “I see. Francis. Frank. Ol’ Blue Eyes, himself, huh?”
Playfulness glints in Arthur’s eyes and he shrugs with one shoulder. “It suits him, don’t you think?”
You look hard at the kitten that weighs at most 6 pounds sopping wet, with frazzled fur and twitching whiskers, looking about as far from Sinatra’s jovial dignity as a living creature could get. Then up at Arthur again, the sheer amount of love radiating off him for this tiny feline he’d only found two hours ago. 
Warmth blooming within your chest and a lovestruck grin pulling at your lips, you lean against Arthur, and stroke your preening kitten alongside him. Francis. To stroke Francis.
“Yeah. I think it sounds perfect.”
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montimer · 1 year
Arthur x gn reader
Summary: you are insecure about you're body, Arthur will change ur opinion.
Warning: a bit angst,fluff,comfort
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You were feeling insecure. You didn't feel good in ur body. How could Arthur love you?
It kept you up at night. Hes perfect,and ur not. He deserves better.
It made you cry. Why? Why are you like this?
You heard ur door open. Shit
"Y/n? Are you alright,i heard something?" His sweet voice hit ur ears. You were showing ur back to him. "Im fine" you managed to say, tears still falling from ur eyes.
You hoped he would leave, oh but you knowed he wouldn't. He was more concerned now.
"Are you sure?...Y/n,talk to me please."
You finally turned to him. Ur eyes were full of tears. You looked so broken.
He quickly went to you and hugged you close. His head was full of toughts. Why are you crying? What or who made you cry? Was it him..? And most importantly,were you hiding it from him?
Once you calmed down you explained to him why you were crying
He would be mad at himself. Did he not made it clear enough how much he loves you? All of you.
So he would kiss you. All over ur body.
He keeps on telling you how much he loves you. How he thinks and knows that you are the most beatiful person in the whole world. That you are his one and only.
After a while you'll stop doubting and instead you start giggling and smiling.
He would start to tell you sweet nothings.
Hes so happy he made you feel better. He promises, you never have to worry about these things ever again. There is no way he would leave you for anybody else. You are perfect.
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