#Aunt Jane
sensitive-clothes · 24 days
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Doug & Jane go get Ice Cream
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tharkflark1 · 7 months
So um,,,
Did Golden Freddy clean up the mess or did Mike and Abby have to get rid of Aunt Jane’s body
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umbrarkzoo · 7 months
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save him
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fnaf-movie-countdown · 7 months
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Also it seems Aunt Jane isn’t dead???? Huh.
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jijimachu · 3 months
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Doodles for friends
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0xywave · 4 months
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fnaf movie stuff yay mostly. movie jeremike bc i'm crazy in the head
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vampvinylz · 7 months
i was rewatching the movie for the 100th time, and i got to the credits and noticed something that i decided to overanalyze and go full matpat on them. anyways.
josh’s (mike) name flickers purple (related to william) but lands on orange. (raised as a schmidt.)
elizabeth’s (vanessa) flickers and LANDS on purple (IS an afton. raised by afton)
pipers (abby) don’t flicker to purple at all. (step sister? not related to william. born and raised a schmidt.)
mary stuart’s (aunt jane) name flickers purple. the parent she’s related to was never addressed. she could be william’s sister for all we know. maybe all mike knows is that she’s the sister of his biological dad, but doesn’t know who his bio dad is
and matthew’s is purple obviously bc he’s the man the myth the legend
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lifeintheworldtocome · 6 months
if you like and dont reblog i will block you
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this is so funny to me i cant explain it
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dish-soapp · 7 months
I’m going to jail 😩🤯🤣
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flowerbloom-arts · 4 months
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Some random doodles I made some time ago but haven't posted.
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mikeandabbyau · 3 months
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Oh shut up Aunt Jane, hes doing a better job than you would
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mikeandikeschmidt · 6 months
FNAF Movie! Incorrect Quotes (Part 3)
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ABBY: I wanna walk home
MIKE: I'll join you. I'm always game for a brisk walk. Also, if I leave you alone, I'm pretty sure you'll die.
VANESSA: So, are we friends?
MIKE: I guess.
VANESSA: You sure?
MIKE: Sure.
VANESSA: ...Should we kiss?
Because there's still a small chance they could be siblings and I like their friendship
MIKE: You read my journal?
ABBY: At first, I didn't know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
VANESSA: Have I ever let you down?
MIKE: Do you want me to answer that or should I just glare?
ABBY: You promised you'd stop drinking milk in the shower!
MIKE: Stop trying to change me!
VANESSA: If Abby jumped off a bridge, would you do the same thing?
MIKE, sighing and getting ready to jump off: Yes. She can't swim.
ABBY: Mike, you love me, right?
MIKE: Normally I'd say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won't like.
[Shortly after what happened to Garrett]
MIKE's Teacher: You are very mature for your age.
Younger!MIKE: Thank you, it's the trauma.
MIKE: Everybody's tragic backstory gave them mad skills, and all I got was trust issues and anxiety.
CASSIDY: Are you the chosen one?
MIKE: I'm very much the guy who's here
DOUG: How much stuff do you need to be happy?
AUNT JANE: Gee, I don't know...how much stuff is there?
WILLIAM: Why do you think I'm incapable of doing anything nice?
VANESSA: Experience.
AUNT JANE: I love it when you get your comeuppance
MIKE: I love it when you shutuppance
ABBY: Hey, what does coffee taste like?
MIKE: Not as good as it smells.
ABBY: Oh, like shampoo.
MIKE: Why do people say, 'you'll understand better when you're older'?
MIKE: I'm older now, and I understand nothing
AUNT JANE: You're really aiming to be jerk of the year, huh?
MIKE: As reigning champion, are you nervous?
MIKE: Don't forget to take a scarf. It’s going to be pretty cold today
ABBY: I love you too.
VANESSA: What, I can't be in a bad mood? It's like people think, "Oh, Vanessa is such a nice girl, Vanessa is so happy-go-lucky! Vanessa can't be in a bad mood!" Well, you know what? Vanessa CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Vanessa is in a very bad mood.
AUNT JANE: Degenerate
MIKE: Blocked
AUNT JANE: Unblock me! I got to tell you something important!!
MIKE: Fine, unblocked
ABBY: Mike won't wake up after he took those pills. What do I do now?
CASSIDY: Did you try kicking him?
ABBY: Just like you suggested
CASSIDY: Then I'm out of ideas.
ABBY: Hey, if you put "violently" in front of saying what you're doing, it becomes 100% funnier
VANESSA: Violently dances
MIKE: Violently sleeps
WILLIAM: Violently stabs people.
MIKE: ...Violently worries about the previous comment.
MIKE: I don't know about this, Abbs, it's pretty dark in there.
ABBY: Don't worry, I got this.
ABBY: *stomps her feet then her Skechers light up*
VANESSA, walking in: What are you doing?
MIKE: Abby's making me watch this horror film about two ex-convicts who try to rob and murder a neglected child.
*Home Alone plays on the TV in the background*
AUNT JANE: If you were my husband, I'd poison your coffee
DOUG, internally: If I were your husband, I'd drink it
[When Vanessa was a kid]
WILLIAM: *sharpens knife* We got ways of making you talk.
WILLIAM: *cuts piece of cake*
VANESSA: ...can I have some?
WILLIAM: Cake is for talkers.
ABBY, at 3 a.m.: If you work on a farm and your job is to take care of the chickens, then that means you're a chicken tender
MIKE, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling:
[Basically, the career counselor scene]
WILLIAM: I can excuse killing children, but I draw the line at not being able to hold a job
MIKE: You can excuse killing children...?!
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laurrrelise · 1 month
random thought what the hell happened to aunt jane’s body at the end of the fnaf movie.
like did mike just walk in and see her and think “welp i better get rid of the body”?
did the golden freddy kid come back and take her out?
did she not actually die and just decided to get up and walk out after definitely remembering being knocked out by an 8 foot tall bear robot?
so many questions so little time
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cherrytimemachine · 6 months
Notes I have after watching the movie again:
- When Mike was telling Vanessa about Garrett, she kept looking away, not even saying anything like “I’m sorry for your loss.” She seems to have known that her dad was responsible by her actions, but did she find out before that moment, or did she only just realize what the connection was when Mike told her the story?
- Abby specifically said it was Golden Freddy who told her what happened to Garrett, so he somehow knows the specifics of what happened. When he told her this is uncertain.
- Vanessa stared at the picture of the children and the yellow rabbit in one scene, and I wonder if it was her who drew it, or perhaps GF? It would have to be someone who knows that the kids were playing with Spring Bonnie.
- Vanessa knows that Mike can change what happened in his dreams. Did she have some sort of dream experience when she was there? Or does she understand the feeling of wishing she could go back in time and change something from her past?
- GF is actively changing Mike’s dream and he knows what Mike wants, despite what he says to the kids. How does GF know what he’s thinking?
- Golden Freddy never attacked Mike in his dream, only the other children.
- It’s left ambiguous whether Aunt Jane died in the movie. If GF left her alive, did he do that on purpose? If so, did he do it because he didn’t want to kill her for personal reasons, or because she was Abby’s family? Would he have spared Mike’s life if the other children hadn’t been there to handle him?
- Vanessa showed up exactly when Mike was about to die. How did she know Mike was in danger? Did someone warn her? Was she hanging out there and heard him pounding on the door?
- GF disappears after Abby gets into the building and isn’t there to attack Abby. He leaves just as she’s about to be taken hostage by the other kids. Why wasn’t he forced to help like the other kids?
- When Vanessa shot William, she looked upset that she did, like it pained her to hurt him. She wasn’t really afraid, she was sad that her dad put her in the position where she had no choice but to hurt him.
- At the end, when the spotlights were turned on the picture and Afton, how did they point in the right direction? Mike flipped the breaker to turned the lights back on, but the spotlights came on at specific times. Did Golden Freddy turn the lights on? The lights seemed to work the same way as they did when the ghosts were manipulating them.
- Afton actually cried in pain when the GF ghost was watching, even reaching out for help. He let his guard down in front of this one child, while before he’d held it in to try and remain in control. Did the pain become too much to hide, or did he show weakness on purpose?
- GF kept on staring as Afton writhed in pain, not even smiling at his torment, only shutting the door without a word, without a hint of emotion or breaking eye contact.
- Vanessa is only listed in the credits by her first name, not even the last name Shelly.
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skruttet · 7 months
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jijimachu · 2 months
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Man I wonder what the comic will be about 😭🤦🏻
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