blitheringbongus · 7 months
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So I downloaded talking Angela for nastolgia reasons and got lost in puzzle games again-
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sho-sketches · 1 year
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happy new years!
my new years resolution to start drawing consistently (again) starting neOOOW!!
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silverislander · 9 months
i don't know what to be for halloweeeeeeeen im having a crisis of identity. drapes myself over the sofa dramatically
#like im SUPER excited but i have too many ideas and i like them all#either i could go as some sort of king/prince (recently bought a very cool crown but am not attached to the idea otherwise)#be a demon/tiefling (super fun idea but 1. i dont like how vague it is 2. i would have to buy almost all of it. horns tail etc)#i could maybe combine 1 and 2. demon prince. but i dont love that either! its vague i like specificity#or a creepypasta character maybe (would fulfill a childhood dream but i cant even pick which one id want to do most!)#i think what i need to do is go to spirit halloween and the thrift stores and just fuckin raid em and see what comes to me#bc i want to get started early!! also bc it would be fun#levi.txt#i also know my friends want to do a weekend bash like we did last year so i would have an excuse to do multiple costumes#but we usually do THEMES so ill have to fit the theme#rn i think im leaning towards doing smth creepypasta if only bc 1. its cheaper 2. i could probably reuse whatever clothes i get for it?#and ofc bc i have wanted to do a creepypasta costume since i was 12 years old and somehow never have#lj is out hes too much work. ej is too easy although hed be fun. somehow jeff is both bc its so damn hard to get a white hoodie#not jane/sally/nina for obvious reasons (do not put me in a dress so help me god) and im not too attached to ben#i dont think im good enough at sfx to go as clockwork which does make me a little sad. i loved her growing up it would be so fun#maybe i have to go as toby. thatd be rad i could do a reallly good job of that and i did love him too#yall i mightve solved it. post cancelled hbfsjhjsk
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a little something I started but probably won't ever finish - alternate first meeting steddie! post s3, pre s4
(context: in an effort to cheer up his perpetually grumpy new neighbor, Eddie broke out his old skateboard and immediately ate shit for it. Cue Red calling none other than Steve Harrington to solve the problem...)
Red was barely in the door when Harringron turned on him, jaw clenched and fingers twitching. Having those dark eyes focused so entirely on him nearly made Eddie dizzy.
His lips were moving and- oh shit. Eddie was totally supposed to be listening.
"Uh, what?"
"What are you doing hanging around Max?"
Eddie frowned. "We're neighbors?"
"So I'm being… neighborly? Is that illegal?"
"Neighborly is getting someone's mail while they're out of town. Not a super senior hanging around with a girl who's not even in high school yet."
"You better be fucking careful what you're accusing me of, Harrington, because to be honest, you don't look any better. Don't think I haven't heard your beemer pull up at all hours of the night. What the fuck is that about, huh? King Steve likes 'em young?"
Eddie's back hit the trailer before the last word even left his mouth. All the breath rushed out of him at once as Harrington pinned him with one arm across his shoulders.
"Don’t fucking say that," he seethed. "She's like my sister. I'm not- I wouldn't hurt her."
Eddie reached up to pat Harrington's arm placatingly, sending him as sweet a smile as he could muster.
"Hey, I believe you, man. I'm a little lost, sure, but I believe you." He sent a look to the trailer to his right. "Now can you let me down before Muriel sends Axel out to break your arm?"
Harrington followed his gaze and, upon seeing Muriel frowning from behind her curtains, dropped Eddie faster than if he'd told him he had the plague.
"We're in my kingdom now, Harrington," he said, grinning and waving in Muriel's direction. "These are my people. We take care of each other here. And Red's one of us, whether you like it or not."
Steve frowned, opened his mouth to respond, maybe even protest, but Eddie cut him off.
"I was just trying to make the kid smile, okay? So I got out my old skateboard, did a few tricks, busted my shit." He held up the ice pack he'd stolen from Red's fridge. "She called you 'cause she said you'd know what to do."
Harrington was quiet. Noticeably, he did not apologize for jostling Eddie's extremely sore wrist, but whatever.
"Did she?"
"Yeah, man, I tried to talk her out of it, but she seemed pretty confident you'd pick up. And here you are, so…"
"No, I mean- did she have fun?"
Eddie shrugged. "I mean, she didn't look as miserable as usual. Laughed a couple times when I fucked up a dismount. What's up with that, by the way? The constant dispair?"
Harrington's whole body tensed, and Eddie was almost scared he was gearing up to punch him just for asking.
"You remember Billy Hargrove?" he replied, his voice tight.
Eddie couldn't help but sneer at the mention of that piece of shit. Wayne had always taught him not to speak ill of the dead, but that didn't mean he couldn't think some choice things about him. Like the fact that he was pretty sure the guy was rotting in hell for all the things he'd said to Jeff in the school halls.
"Unfortunately. What about him?"
"He was Max's older brother. Step-brother."
"Fucked?" Harrington supplied. Eddie nodded. "Yeah. So I just- I need to make sure another Hargrove doesn't come around. Sorry I got all... you know. I've been told I can be kind of intense."
"No shit," Eddie laughed. "No hard feelings, I guess. Since it's in Red's best interest."
"No hard feelings," Harrington echoed. "Thanks for looking out for her."
Then, something Eddie had never even dreamed of: Harrington stuck his hand out, clearly expecting a handshake.
It was over in a second, but Eddie's hand burned where Steve's had been.
"No problem. I'm kind of the park babysitter," Eddie replied. "Part of the job description."
Harrington lit up at that.
"I babysit too! Max and a few of her friends. 'S why I'm always around. I'm usually playing chauffeur for one of the other gremlins."
"That makes more sense than you having a torrid love affair with Susan."
"Yeah, she's not really my type," Harrington said with a smirk.
Eddie watched in shock as Harrington's eyes slowly, deliberately dipped up and down his form.
Talk about fucking whiplash. Eddie could still feel Harrington's strong arm against his chest, the brush of Harrington's nose against his own, the heat of Harrington's breath on his face. And now the king was checking him out?
"I see. Not into MILFs?"
Eddie was in the middle of making plans to staple his big stupid mouth shut when Harrington laughed.
"I'm more into brunettes."
And boy, didn't that seem pointed.
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boygirlswag · 2 years
the only post im gonna make on 9/11 is my friends bday post :) shes turning 18
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dhampir-dyke · 2 years
Honestly my job is kinda hilarious considering how severe my depression is- I can help take care of 15 people with varying degrees of injury and illness when I'm at work. But when I'm off I can't even take care of my one (1) self half the time
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!Celebrating your birthday with the BSD boys!
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(this is part 1)(pt2{tmrw})(pt3{Wednesday})
scenario:- its your birthday and you're celebrating with the bsd bois!
pairings:- dazai x gn!reader,kunikida x gn!reader, ranpo x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- headcannons
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↪️Dazai Osamu
*proceeds to throw around double suicide ideas*
But jokes aside,if you’re not that thrilled at the prospect of aging (and honestly valid) he’ll definitely hype you up.
Like this man CANNOT take a compliment to save his life
But DAM can he dish em out
Probably has a full day of fun activities planned
But if you’re more an introverted and indoor person hed organise a full fun day for just the two of you at his place,movies,presents,couple-y stuff;The Whole SheBang!
Thered definitely be some dangerous activities in there
But hey! Its dazai, he probably knows what hes doin rightt???(spoiler:he doesnt)
The day ends with fireworks (whether by like using actual ones or junichiros light snow ability,we may never know)
And he tells you that theres no one else he’d rather go out as beautifully as the fireworks with~
↪️Kunikida Doppo
Has a DETAILED schedule for your day
Ofc it consist of stuff that he KNOWS you’ll love
If you’re kinda down abt the fact you’re gettin older he’ll just tell you that it’s inevitable and that it is nothing to be worried about
If be sees that that didnt help,(buddy come on) he says that time seems to have frozen for you and that you look as beautiful as the day you met
Also when you guys cut a cake at the agency,he gives you a book-shaped package and asks you to open it in private
It was a book of poems, he’d been writing them since the day you first met.and lemme tell you,theyre sweeter and sappier than anyone would ever think him capable of writing
When you thank him for it he just kinda shrugs it off but you can CLEARLY see the blush creeping up his face and can hear the lil crack in his voice
Also uses doppo poet to make you a smol bouquet of your fave flowers
Could he have bought em from a shop? Yes. But did he wanna woo you? Also yes.
What can i say,he’s surprisingly romantic
↪️Edogawa Ranpo
Showers you with snacks
Literally AND figuratively
Also allows you to eat some of his(its your special day after all)
Gets you the most insightful and heartfelt gift but also something that you’ve wanted for a while
When you ask him how he knew youd wanted it,he launches into a huge explanation of how he used his special ability to analyse your body language and-yadayadayada
Please tell him ur impressed cos he loves hearin ur praises
Asks poe to write a birthday themed mystery and yall solve it together
(Ofc he doesnt out right asks,he just kinda dares poe that he cant write it...ranpo be ranpo-ing mann)
(But when poe finds out its for you he does it with even more determination than before!!{howww is that eveb possible???})
Karl also gives you a gift cos poe really likes you(you’re nice to him and say his stories are great) (future angst piece???)
Your day will end with a huge ass movie marathon
like u thought he gave u a lot in the beginning
But DAM boi is STOCKED
will feed you throughout the movie and cuddles you close
He just loves spendin this much time with you tbh🥺
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone who wants!
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master-of-stupidity · 1 month
Fuck it gonna put all my Tangled rants into a single thread that I'll just continue on if needed-
Oldest to newest btww (also spoilers most of these r about Eugene btw ik ik I'm a lil autistic spare me 💀)
That one part of Bruno is Orange but Eugene coded-
"Did you hear about that Father
Sent his own infant son away
And said "It's to *dangerous* for
you to stay so, I had to *save* you" "
I may be cringe but I am FREE
Yo omg ok so my brother is singin a Into the Woods song while I look at Tangled stuff n it made me remember a scene from the play where Gothel yells at the Prince "Rapunzel can think for herself!" n like- dude Cass said the same thing in Cassandra's Revenge to Eugene! Ooo girlll-
The way I would kill so many ppl if it meant getting a series about Lance n Eugene as kids like broooo imagineee-
Its crazy how like I'll be enjoying my day than suddenly I'll see a post of a mf going "Hey what if Eugene thought he was a yr younger cuz he was like a rlly scrawny kid?" Yeah ok sure n what if I hit u with a *metal pole*
My tangled ocs r so random its hilarious- like it goes from a bodyguard,a greedy businessman,a ringleader,n than that one serial killer who turns ppl into meat pies like how did we get here???? 😭🙏
I just remembered like just a few days ago my brother randomly said "vase" while playing Fortnite n my ass just said "vAHse" just to fck w/ him n like that kinda reminded me of that one scene of Eugene n Cass like damn they were sibling coded frrr lmao I miss em
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Wdym there was a scrapped Eugene n Lance childhood episode??🧍And WDYM it's literally everything I ever wished for and more???????? 😃
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Would love to see Eugene n Martin Kratt interact solely to see Martin be appalled n slowly lose his mind over how Eugene knows jackshit about animals 💀🙏
I think the Eugene genderbends look so weird to me because none of them kept the infamous goatee like cmon man don't be a coward give that girl some facial hair 🗣🗣
I should not be relating Heather's music to scenes from Tangled the Series yet here we r 😭
Omggg thinking about how Eugene proposing to Rapunzel in tts came from his abandonment issues n him literally not being able to see a life without Rapunzel omgg shut upppp leave me ALONEEE
Literally despise with every fiber of my being how the writers of the shitty Wreck it Ralph 2 movie had fcking RAPUNZEL of all ppl say "Do ppl assume all ur problems were solved just because a big strong man showed up?" They fcking HATEE the movie Tangled *so much* bro istggg
The way I wanna be bold n talk more about the "Over the Corona Walls" ep- esp about Staylan n Eugene n all the icky implications of that but I'm also so scared too cuz I fear ppl won't take me seriously or think I'm overanalyzing too much 😭🙏
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Lowkey not over the fact Eugene was willing to trap himself back in an abusive relationship, "leaving" the one person he HAS died for n would die for again, all to save his best friend like bro don't TALK TO MEEEE
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As u can tell I am totally normal n not at all ill about Eugene or this show 😁
What if I gave Eugene like- slight wedding trauma after the whole "Beyond the Corona Walls" incident??? I think it'd be kinda cool n in character ngll 🤭🤭
No but that prompt for the unaired Lance n Eugene episode STILL makes me so fcking ill bro stg can't STAND those mfss bro 😭😭
"And if I gave up on being *pretty* I wouldn't know how to be ALIVE" is SO Eugene coded idc idc idccccc
You think if I put Eugene Fitzherbert in The Amazing Digital Circus he'd be a walking dumpster fire considering he needs an identity to function n in TADC u like- quite literally don't have one??? 💀
Was listening to an audio last night n now I kinda wish we knew like- what Eugene's mom was actually *like* in a way considering I don't think her character was ever explored :((
Why is this plushie literally Eugene Fitzherbert omgg I want it nowwww
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To the ppl who only see others as their pfps lowkey rlly hope y'all just see me as jester Eugene Fitzherbert cuz that'd be rlly funny n I'd love that 💀🙏 like yes I truly am just Eugene in a jester fit yappin my ass off on twitter dot com LMFAOOO (btw follow me @/theratbatjester)
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ultra-raging-ghost · 3 months
What is your biggest accomplishment on the island?
"probably my daughter"
2. What is your favorite memory on the island?
"Probably meeting my daughter for the first time"
3. have you ever felt like the protagonist of the story, if yes when? if no, why?
"Uhhh probably never protagonist? Maybe antagonist? No, idk? Neither of them i guess?"
4. if there is something in your story that must stay that is important what is it or what would it be
"Sunny? Probs? I guess?"
5. If you were to be recognized for something you did would it be something good or bad?
"Ive been told i have a pretty immaculate hole"
6. Would you be more motivated into completing something with a premium to be recieved at the end?
7. if there was a future out of the island, who would you take with you?
"I dont know if i want to leave at this point, probably sunny"
8. If you won a huge nomination what message would you give your supporters?
"Depends on what it is, if its for fattest ass ill tell em to fuck off but if its for best create machines ill say thx guys"
9. What advice would you give others to continue pursuing goals, what would be the first step?
"If you want it enough dont quit, but if you dont then quit while youre ahead"
10. before you go, our team was informed you submitted a job application for a high-ranking position
"Yes, i felt like i would be useful, im a good tool you can use me"
11. What help would you be to our superiors?
"I have a pretty good understanding of your economy system, i could hep fix it or provide aid with machines."
12. what is the ability that you are most proud of
"I have a lot of pride in the amount of logistics issues i solve with create and critical thinking of how i can conceptualize machines before i build them, i also have deep mod knowledge"
Cucurucho told him to sit there and wait while his responses are considered, and TPd richas to tubbo and said to pass the time with a friend!!!
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exx-bee · 1 year
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decided that i probably should just. Sit down and get some canon iterators designed. I had NO ideas for SoS or GW, so that’s why they aren’t here :-) (maybe ill design em soon? dunno)
they’re all inspired by different creatures in the game! some r easier to see than others lol :-]
left to right goes
moon, pebbles, suns, sig, and innocence.
more design rambling and heeadcanons under the cut!
I like to imagine that the Ancients thought that the different critters in the world were cute/funky, and thats why the iterators are designed with beasts in mind. Perhaps even a bit of an apology to the world for ruining the ecosystems slowly- making gods in the image of nature.
Moon is based on an eel lizard :-) i associate her super heavily with water. Moon is the oldest iterator, hence the fact she has a more “clunky” design. If she was Off the String, she would easily be the most durable. Imagine nokia phone. Her puppet is powered by hydraulics. I think that ancients not only used Iterators for solving the Great Problem, but also had specialized iterators for different purposes. I think Moon was, alongside housing Ancients and puzzle solving, proficient with astronomy. She WAS the Ancients space program /hj.
Five Pebbles is based on a Slugcat :-) not only because i find it ironic and funny, but because I think he was a sort of “blank slate” iterator. The ancients that lived in his city were very endeared towards him, and thought his puppet was so cute. This is partly why hes aggressive/neutral to the slugcats in canon. His specialty, alongside Everything Else, was Anthropology. He is the second youngest.
Seven Red Suns is based on a King Vulture. This one is entirely vibe based, (alongside the fact that the first time i ran into a King Vulture was in my Spearmaster run) and i thought they looked cool! Suns was revered by his Ancients, but overall is kinda Stupid Silly. imagine an old man in the body of a 20 year old. Thats Suns. He specialized in bioengineering and biotechnology. It’d be fun if a lot of the biomechanical beasts in game originated from research done in Suns’ city. Suns is the middle child lmao.
No Significant Harassment was a strange one. Mix of a Dropwig, Stowaway, and Miros. Hes like a bug 2 me :-). He was very friendly with his Ancients, and they hated that. His City was abandoned pretty early on, due to the fact that many Ancients found that he wasn’t really taking the Great Problem into account. Sig focused in on communications and exploration. He’s the second oldest.
Unparalleled Innocence is, pretty obviously, based on a Chief Scav. They’re pretty vain and egotistical. They put great effort into making it as Difficult as Possible for Ancients to consult them on anything. They are ultimately so soso lonely, but dont care for solving the Great Problem. They kept their City running, but ultimately focused in on Archiving information- utilizing communications to get information and images from other Iterators, then turning them into Pearls. They are the youngest.
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gun-chucks · 4 months
hiiiii its been a while anywaysssss ive decided to take a crack solving trudys language again-
heres the canon symbols + a strong guess on M given the page context
H has me going fucking insane. its one of the canon letters in the story. and then yugo posted a singular trudy phrase which i have decoded below and. the H is different. but nothing else fits im going crazyyy. edit: i forgot theres capital letters. i remembered digraphs but not capitals. oops
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i went through and found all the pages with trudys language [i mightve missed one but i think i got em all] and wrote the according letters over it- theyre all slightly transparent so u can see whats underneath.
edit 2: the 5 line character doesnt exist its an O variant. we know this bc trudys sign keeps the same characters throughout the book, and it has a clear O later on. also the sort of lightning shaped one resembles S slightly, making me think its Z as S and Z can produce similar sounds [same with B and V in spanish] 👍
um yea anyways ill let you get to it. if yall find anything / figure out anything new lmk!! ill add onto this w the new info :]
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lilacmilkshakesx · 5 months
i’m bored so thoughts on episode 5 of pjo !
spoilers possibly (?)
omg the hug was actually insane like and the way percy relaxed when annabeth hugged him omgsjgdhd
was screaming for him to hug her back, like why r u js standing there 😣
grover has to be tired of them like genuinely
”it doesn’t have to be a thing, you know. that you hugged me.” it’s embarrassing how i cackled at that
their heads peeking up behind the barrier on the side of the road, they’re so cute
ares twitter beef is realest ever
annabeth saying she never watched a movie (did chuckle, icl) and percy basically offering for them to go to see one, oh em gee
”why would hephaestus make an amusement park?” “maybe he finds them amusing?” annabeth, the comedian u are 🫶🏻
annabeth getting distracted by the gears, i luv her
i must be stupid bc i will be so serious, i was lowk lost w the grover and ares interrogation stuff 😭 like its not that i didn’t like it bc aryan is such a good actor and edge is a good fit for ares, but the dots were not connecting in my head to how we got from point a to b
props to grover tho, he was sherlock holmes fr
[“What is Love” starts playing] i screamed.
the ride had me scared w them 😭
the entire scene before the golden throne, i sobbed. annabeth calling him ‘seaweed brain’ for the first time, them fighting back and forth
”you’re better at this than me. you just are. and you know it.” sick.
annabeth promising to save his mother and him asking for her to come back for him and HER SAYING HE DIDNT EVEN NEED TO ASK IM SO ILL I CANT ANYMORE OH MY GOSH
leah and walker r such good actors omg
”it’s okay. it’s okay.” percy reassuring himself and annabeth, the amount of emotion put into it, u would think its final season and he’s at his last breath and tbh, wouldn’t have it any other way ! anyways percabeth soulmatism and best at making me sob !
lowk had me fooled bc i thought in the silence, it would pan back to percy js like not being affected for some reason but then it pans back and he’s fully gold, i was bamboozled
annabeth’s speech omg
even the gods know athena was sick for allowing echidna and the chimera to go after annabeth
”he isn’t that way. he’s better than that.” oh so i’m in a ball on the floor
lowk thought she was abt to solve that thing, mechanic annabeth realness
after that whole tunnel of love thing, i can say these writers r sick and i was ripping my hair out whilst sobbing ☺️
oh em gee does grover know who stole the bolt ?!?! 😧
cannot wait for next week omgg, this show has not disappointed me yet and every new episode becomes my fav
also.. if this is what tlt season is like.. tlo is gonna leave me in shambles
side note: what is it w this show and flights of stairs metaphors or whatever ?? #foreshadowing..?? /j
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vshouse · 4 months
Well if I'm gonna make petplay post I might as well make one for fellow Foxes!! Here is Deerplay and Horseplay if you want.
Also if I should do any others let me know I'm curious
[Minors and Ageless blogs wil be blocked]
Stuff to get:
Fox Ears and tail
A thin collar, put of the way of neck swivels and catching on things
Sweaters varying in thickness based on what type of fur you want to simulate
Air cooler for artic foxes and a space heater for those who like summer
Stuff to bite at I will be biting everything so you better get a place to put it
Restraints for a naughty fox bc we love to cause a bit of trouble and wil probably need to be held in place for punishment.
Collar with no bell, it attracts predators. Unless in you want to be the predator of course~
Makeup styles for foxes if you like makeup
Puzzles toys! Dont let my brain get bored or Ill solves puzzles you don't want
Gags. Trust me. You'll want ones hat can actually quiet me down. Bot being able to use words won't necessarily stop me from noise.
Nesting supplies or you'll never see all your shirts again instead of one at a time.
Quick to please and quick to brat, Foxes are always ready to escalate things
Nipping as a from of talking
Fuck em twice as hard as you demand their barks/yips/whines and you'll get them easy
Warm weather fox or cold weather fox? Big soft bed or cozy corner cage/cave or sunlamp on a cushion?
Runs a lot ! Likes to go fast!
Up all night to have fun and asleep all day bc fumkin tired, so hope you dont have a morning shift when they want all night to be bred with a litter
Wild Fox
Yips and snap teeth a lot so you have to handle with gloves, and patience
Sniffing and darting away and sniffing and darting away and sniffing and dart-
Don't forget the rabies shots
Ear and chin scratches with you attention seemingly not on me but if it actually leaves me I'll be grumpy
Scent marks your house openly when you take me home
Pet fox
Likes to do tricks only for you and doesn't show off
Except for the tricks you didn't train that make you look silly in front of others
Picky about food just because you've made it easy to want spoil foods
Tail Wags when happy!! but watch out: Can come with barks and wees!
Don't teach me a schedule and break it I scream have u ever heard a fox scream
I will ruin every toy you bring me but if you dont bring them I'll turn your things into chew toys
Hunts you playfully (and escalates it to trying to fuck you where I catch you. no I can't tell you're busy you're just carrying around a basket of clothes-)
Causing issues in public knowing you're just waiting to get home amd make them pay
Domestic Fox
Fox spouse if you can catch me
I clean better than I cook, but I always clear my plate
Only wants to bathe with you involved
Social with you other places, especially focused on you usually still, but very territorial about anyone home
Also territorial if you smell weird I have to fix it sorry
Dresses up in distracting ways to keep you from other, usually important, task
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thomthinks · 3 months
Guardian: Zhen Hun by Priest
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✓ I liked it.
I read this book at the beginning of 2024, and by now I don’t remember enough details to do a thorough review, so I’m going to keep this as spoiler free and as brief as I can:
The world is set in modern day China and is mixed with supernatural elements. At the start of this book, we meet “Guo Changcheng”. He’s your average Joe, and is mostly there to introduce the reader to the world and other characters.
Guo Changcheng is starting his work at the “Special Investigations Department”. On his very first day, he meets the director of the department, “Zhao Yunlan”. Director Zhao is the main character of this book. For their first case, they are investigating a suspicious suicide in a local university, where Zhao Yunlan meets “Shen Wei”, who is one of the professors and also the
✨love interest✨.
By the end of their first case, an important item is discovered. I’m trying to keep this spoiler free so I won’t elaborate much on that, but it’s one of the four “very important items to the plot”. We also get hints about the main villain.
The rest of the plot is pretty straight forward (for a mystery, that is). The special investigations department + Shen Wei solve different cases and discover pieces of the puzzle.
There are many twists and turns, and the mysteries are all pretty interesting.
This was the first book I read by Priest and I did NOT have high expectations, but by the end I was super invested. After I finished the series, I was obsessing about it for weeks. I’ll definitely pick up other books by Priest.
If you haven’t realized by now, Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei are the main couple. They don’t get together fast, but I wouldn’t call this an slow burn either. There aren’t much ups and downs in their relationship, and while there is a lot of potential for angst…uh.. love wins?? I guess? They’re really devoted to each other. Don’ let nothin come between ‘em.
If you’re looking for drama and angst throughout the story, you’ll have better luck elsewhere. But even though it has a happy ending, this couple can and WILL emotionally wreck you at the end.
Funnily enough, Shen Wei went from the character I hated with a passion, to the character I was reading the rest of the book for.
We get introduced to many characters and they all get to shine in their own arcs, in different parts of the story, Which is great.
I should mention that the artwork in the book are good and I quite adore them.
Unfortunately for spice 🌶️ readers, and fortunately for younger readers, there are no explicit scenes. The adult parts are fade to black and implied.
Oh! And there’s a talking cat! 🐈‍⬛
Overall, this book was incredibly fun and brought me much joy. There was mystery, fantasy, supernatural, and queer romance. It seriously exceeded my expectations.
I think that's all. Can't remember if there was anything else i wanted to mention, so... *shrugs*.
If you’d like to talk, feel free to message me. I should warn you that I might take a while to reply, because I’m an adult human person with a life (and several mental illnesses, lol), but I would love to chat!
Anyways, thanks for reading.
Farewell for now ~
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
none of this is necessarily canon but alll of it COULD be n im doodling every idea i get bc i know ill be too busy to later
1. just some outfits yippee
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2. Cataclysm is very determined but also is a huge liability so I feel like Belos would have mixed feelings
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3. potential solution for Belos' conundrum in pt. 2, plan A: murder solves everything except when it doesnt because you made a homunculus out of the bones of an immortal space godchild
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4. potential solution for Belos' conundrum in pt. 2, plan B: direct their destructive energy & hope they don't accidentally learn the power of friendship from wild witches
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a few more thoughts
for the record I dont think Caty has a bile sac (tho we dont know for sure how TC's magic works) and therefore I think they mostly do glyphs.
They remember some basics from before they died (TOH has established that bones hold memories & theres no reason they wouldn't use most of Caty's bones all in one Grimwalker for the test run) but not any of the really high level stuff Collector would know.
They also have enough starchild still in em that they don't age, so they just accumulate a lot of glyph knowledge over time anyways, mostly self-taught via fucking around and finding out.
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luinhealthcare · 19 days
I have a question I've been curious about!! What made each of the Link's choose to work in healthcare?
A lot of them got into it due to role models or others in their lives being in the field as well, generally, but here’s the specifics as best as I know it right now! :)
Time has a past he doesn’t really talk about all that much, but a mentor of his was a healer, and he wanted to pursue that field as a result. Surgery presented the most challenge, though the medicine side was fascinating for its puzzle solving. He opted for surgery, though, as he feels he can do more direct interventions that way.
Warriors took inspiration from Lana, going into nursing school while in the military.
Twilight got thrown into healthcare when EMS was the only job he could find given his circumstances at the time. He met Midna doing EMS and the rest is history. He can’t imagine being in any other field.
Sky was a pilot in the military. The guy’s a natural in the air. When leaving the military, he was either gonna be doing civilian/private work or continue medical stuff, which he’d already been doing in the military - that was his assignment, not necessarily his choice, but he loves doing it, so he just stuck to it in the civilian field.
Healthcare runs in the family for Legend, so he’s continuing the legacy.
Hyrule wanted to find work that was exhilarating and accessible to him, given his circumstances, and he adores his work.
Wind was inspired when his little sister was severely ill with a respiratory illness and he watched the respiratory therapists and other providers help her get better.
When Dot decided to do nursing, Four said “sure, why not” and tried it out and really enjoyed it, so here he is.
Wild’s still trying to figure things out. A hospital job was the first one he could get so he could afford to eat and live. Naturally, now that he’s friends with all the others, they’re gonna be a huge influence on determining his path.
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