#Baby Smurf
purpleluckystar · 7 months
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Yeah, he's got mixed feelings about this. A bonus continuation of this comic!
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talaricula · 4 months
My wife to our son last night: "and now you sleep or I'm selling you to One Direction"
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akari77 · 4 months
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Various Smurfs drawing!💙
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steamboatdreamy · 25 days
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Three 1983 newsletters from the official Smurf Fun Club! (source)
The images are in poor quality, but I was especially struggling to read the Thanksgiving one, so I decided to edit clearer text on top so others could read too!
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raysomii · 1 year
Smurfette traumatising poor babies 😔
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Poor baby 😔
Don’t worry about Brainy he just getting ptsd-
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kadiwright · 6 months
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Been getting into Smurfs lately-
The Smurfs (C) Peyo
Art (C) @kadiwright
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tanunigans · 8 months
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Smurf dump because obviously I forgot to post them again.
Alchemist, Baby, Potter, Weaver, Wild, Reveler
A good army of good beans
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styxnstars · 1 year
Okokok so I'm gonna make a positive rant for a minute so bear with me...
Baby Smurf is THE CUTEST baby I've ever seen in cartoon media ever. 💙💙💙
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I don't normally like children, but he's so frickin adorable and I genuinely wanna raise him as my own. And I'm sure Johan would be more than happy to raise Baby Smurf with me (´꒳`)♡ We would be perfect parents!! 🩷
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And the way that Smurfette cares for Baby Smurf is so sweet, she's like a mother to him and it's so wholesome!! 💖 I hc Smurfette gives Baby Smurf to Johan and I every night since we both love him so much <3 We're not quite ready to have a child of our own, so we practice taking care of Baby Smurf! ^3^
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But I think the thing that really pulls at my heartstrings the most is how much of a softie Grouchy Smurf is towards Baby Smurf,,, 🥺🩵 The fact that he hates everything and everyone except Baby Smurf really goes to show how he genuinely feels about babies 💕 Like Grouchy took Baby with him to a literal forest bc he didn't want Feathers to take him back, how adorable and sweet is that?? 🥺😢😭💕💖🩷
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In short, Baby Smurf deserves all the love in the world and is the most precious baby bean ever 💕💕💕
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butterfrogmantis · 2 months
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A roaring, rushing sound. A warm, pleasant place, lingering for only a few moments and then ... cold. Darkness. Silence.
Then a low hum, slowly increasing in volume and clarity and he could see a hooded figure above him, as well as the inside of a complex stony cave.
"It worked ... can you hear me? Can you remember anything?"
"Rrrr" The confused reply came.
"Hm" The hooded figure took a small book out of a satchel tied about his waist and began taking notes, talking aloud to himself as he did so. "Day 1 - experiment seems to be a success. The skeleton is alive. Unclear how much - if any - memory it has. Unclear if it understands speech"
The hooded figure slipped the notebook back into his satchel and turned to face the rather confused figure lying where he'd left him.
"Listen skeleton, I am Necromancer Smurf. I have restored you. In return, you are to help me with my experiments. Do you understand speech?"
The skeleton's glowing yellow eyes blinked and he made a guttural noise from the glow about his throat.
Disappointing, Necromancer thought. Here he was accomplishing the forbidden arts and yet his first step would be to train his creation like a toddler. Still, the process of revival had sapped much of his strength, and this may be the time needed to restore it. After all, such greatness couldn't be rushed.
Sorcerer carefully descended into the cave, running a hand along the rocky wall for guidance. The old diaries he'd found from a Necromancer Smurf many centuries ago seemed to have implied he left the village for this very island. And perhaps this island held the next set of clues about the achievements he made in life. As morally questionable as he was, Necromancer had to have been a fascinating man, and if any of his findings were useful to the Smurfs then Sorcerer found it made sense to bring those discoveries back for examination.
At the end of the cave, Sorcerer brushed aside a piece of fabric that was hung like a curtain and held his torch aloft. Jackpot. Piles of old books, papers, rudimentary carved desks. Jars of bones and items of unidentifiable origins. Sorcerer made his way to one of the books and picked it up.
"Hm, that's strange. None of these books are dusty .."
Actually, the whole cave was rather clean. Suspiciously so, considering Necromancer had already been an older Smurf a couple of generations before. Perhaps it was something magical in the cave. Sorcerer flipped to a random page in the middle of the notebook he was holding and began to read.
"It grows weaker by the day, I fear my creation will not last much longer on small sacrifices alone. If it is to fail, then I am to commit the ultimate sacrifice. I am an old and weak Smurf now, and I refuse to let my accomplishments go in vain. I will sooner defy Death before I ever meet them in their kingdom."
Well that was ominous. What an earth was Necromancer's creation, let alone the ‘ultimate sacrifice’. Maybe one of the other books had the answer. Sorcerer was reaching for another one when a voice startled him.
“Hey! You there – oh my Smurf, you’re a Smurf!”
Sorcerer whipped around, knowing it couldn’t possibly be Necromancer himself - even Smurfs don’t live that long. But when the light of the torch fell upon the figure, Sorcerer wished it had been.
If it wasn’t for sheer shock keeping him rooted to the spot in sheer terror, Sorcerer might have fainted then and there. It was impossible. It was shocking. It was … amazing how this pile of bones was talking to him right now. A tall, skeletal figure with hollow sockets and glowing golden pupils loomed over him. Well partly skeletal. Sorcerer couldn’t help but notice the blue skin that still clung to some of his form. Had this … creature been a Smurf? “N-Necromancer?” Sorcerer croaked out quietly once he’d gotten over his initial shock.
“Necr- no no silly that was my old master, he’s long gone if you’re looking for that guy. But hey you’re a Smurf! And I don’t get many visitors – well some guys come to the island every few years or so but they always seem to run away for some reason, you must be different!”
The creature held out a bony hand in what looked like a friendly enough gesture.
“I’m Skeleton Smurf. Friends would call me Skelly - if I had any, actually that’s mostly what I call myself. I have to talk to myself here, I’d go CRAZY if I didn’t, do you have any idea how long I’ve been here? No me neither. A long time. Anyway it’s great to see another Smurf after so long!”
Sorcerer had stopped listening half way through because his mind and heart were racing with anticipation. He’d set out to bring books back to the village. He had no idea what Papa would have to say about this discovery.
“How do – erm hi, sorry”
Skelly turned his head. A shorter Smurf wearing beige that he’d not seen before was standing just behind him, fiddling nervously with the strap of his shoulder bag. He was very clearly addressing Skelly, but seemed nervous about his approach.
Since coming to the village a few weeks ago most Smurfs except Sorcerer and Papa had avoided him like the plague, so this was new. Skelly’s curiosity was peaked even before the stranger began speaking again.
“T’is awkward … err well when a’ heard Sorcerer had brought back a skeleton a while ago a was curious y’see, a just didn’t realise it t’were a er, well um…”
“Living one?” Skelly grinned, now turning to face the Smurf with the strange hat directly.
“Reet! A mean tha’s crazy – not you! Am sure yer a great fella, a just meant – ah, what am tryna say is - Am Archaeologist Smurf”
Archaeologist held out an awkward hand for the skeleton to shake.
“Youse can call me Archie, everyone else does. Tha’s my thing – archaeology; history, old pots, bones, am kind of an expert on all tha’”
“Ah I get it” Skelly’s yellow eyes glowed brighter for a second. A Smurf who was interested rather than terrified was a good start “You think I’m fascinating!”
“Err, well in an archaeological sense”
“Good, it’s about time someone recognised it” Skelly thrust his non-boney hand into Archie’s outstretched one and shook it enthusiastically “Call me Skelly – everyone else does! I like you Arch-of-ology Smurf, I think we’ll get on just fine”
“Ah, quite” Archie shook his wrist once the skeleton let go; Skelly had a surprisingly strong grip for a guy with no working muscle system. “Erm a ‘ope this isn’t too personal a question, Mr.Skelly, but do you ‘ave any idea ‘ow old you are?”
“Mm .. not really. Sorcerer gave me some numbers on his estimate but I wasn’t really listening, maths has never been my strong thing, why?”
Archie’s eyes lit up for a second.
“Ah, tell me – ‘ave you ever been carbon dated?”
First impressions are very important after all
Archie (c) The Smurfs (and Sorcerer technically but adapted by me)
Necromancer and Skelly are mine
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hayladuane1346 · 1 month
♡•.Baby Smurf and Hally.•♡
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A drawing of baby Smurf along with my pony oc ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
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The Smurfs' guest appearances in Strong Kids, Safe Kids (1984).
The Smurfs (C) Peyo/IMPS/Lafig Belgium S.A.
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purpleluckystar · 9 months
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And when the rescue party eventually came, they found out Grouchy had everything under control :)
Rest in pepperonni Hotap. Maybe this time you'll learn your lesson.
My biggest contribution to the fandom yet, but certainly not the last!
(If you can't see the images well, just follow this link!)
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talaricula · 14 days
Baby smurf rolled onto his back for the first time yesterday! Multiple times! He does always start crying the second he lands on his back, prompting both grandfathers to remark that that is a normal reaction since he is a turtle just like mom.
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zanysmurf · 9 months
baby smurf has been a character in smurfs media for 40 years as of today btw
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Baby Smurf theory:
So, everyone knows that Baby Smurf was a mistake, right? That he wasn't supposed to be delivered? Ok, good, cuz my theory is about that.
I theorize that the reason why Baby Smurf's stork delivery was a mistake is that the grand majority of the Smurfs aren't old enough, or considered old enough, to raise a kid, and Papa is too old/too strung out to raise another (after 98 at the same time, I don't blame him).
Yeah, sure, they're at least 150 or so years old, but they've shown maturity levels closer to that of human teenagers/young adults than they do adults (which goes along with my headcanon that every 10 human years is equivalent to 1 Smurf year). And, sure, during the time period the Smurfs is supposed to take place in (I think it's the 1500s?), the age of adulthood was much different than it is now, but that doesn't change the fact that teens really should not be raising a child.
Now, I'm not saying that the relationships each Smurf has with Baby isn't adorable (especially Grouchy, who doesn't love a gruff guy with a soft spot?), but it can be a reasonable explanation for why he wasn't supposed to be there, besides some weird Smurf population limit.
Speaking of Grouchy, another reason that makes me believe the reason behind there being an age limit to raising a baby is because Baby was given back after Grouchy proved himself to be a loving, protective, and caring caretaker. If it was some sort of population limit that would've prevented Baby from being raised by the Smurfs, I'm not so sure he would've been given back, but if it was a problem of age/perceived maturity, then I can see why whoever sends the baby Smurfs would change their mind about taking Baby back.
As for why Papa is too strung out to raise another kid, besides him having already raised 98 is- He's still technically raising them. He's still guiding them down the right path and helping them as much as he can. Sure, he may not be as active of a role in their lives as he used to be, but that's mainly due to the fact that they're in their Smurf-teens. A lot of teens, especially at ages 15 and up, tend to stop going to their parents for things as often because they can handle themselves better than they used to. To give Papa another child while he's still struggling to raise his village is very reminiscent of Christian/Mormon families that keep having kids, despite being almost unable to take care of the ones they already have. He even acted kind of the same way, pushing the care of Baby onto the other Smurfs (especially Smurfette). Maybe he had good intentions, like he wanted his Smurfs to have the experience or for Baby to have a 'motherly' figure (which I don't see why it would be a problem if he didn't, after all the Smurfs don't have a motherly figure, and they turned out pretty decently), but it reads like a parent that's too stressed and exhausted from taking care of their older kids that they find themselves ill-prepared to take care of the younger ones. And turning their older ones into secondary parents in the process.
Wow, this went from a silly little theory to a rant really fast. Sorry about that 😅
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(Timeline: Season 3-4 of the 1980s cartoon show. Back in reality, Brainy wakes up in his bed.)
Smurfette: Oh, Brainy! You're awake!
Brainy: What happened?
Handy: You've been in a coma ever since you tried to jump Smurf Gorge!
Brainy: How long?
Clumsy: Two days ago...
Brainy: Two days? But we had so many adventures! More than 700!
Papa Smurf: (is holding Baby Smurf) Those were all coma dreams. None of them really happened.
Brainy: The Smurflings, too? (sobbing) We never experienced time travel? We never met present-day humans?! What about the Girls' Village?!?
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