#Band of brothers ships
ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
May I request band of brothers x reader and reader falling asleep on them?
Yes ofc thank you for your request my beloved! 💗
BoB reaction to you falling asleep on them
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genre: Romance; fluff
warnings: none
Description: BoB reaction to their s/o (you) falling asleep on them for the first time
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Dick Winters
Okay so I think he would he shocked at first seeing you lay your head right on his chest with ease., “What are they doing?” Is what he’s probably thinking in his head, once he finally hears your soft snores, then he’d notice that you’ve fallen asleep on him. He’s smile softly to himself, making sure to be extra quiet and careful not to wake you up. Honestly he’d be a little blushy at first too, just happy that you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep on him
Lewis Nixon
His breathing would just stop at first when you lay your head on his shoulder. Like omg? You got this man over here getting nervoussss when you do that. Like you got him scared to even move an inch. He’d even try slowing down his breathing because he didn’t want to wake you up. He’d be so sweet about it, he’d hold you in his arms and stroke your hair softly. I could also seeing him getting sleepy and falling asleep on you :,)
Carwood Lipton
He is so cute about it, he’d ask you if you’re alright, not realizing how tired you were. Once he realized you had fallen asleep on him his heart literally melted omg. And you better get that he was still as stone when you were sleeping, bc you’re his bae and you deserve a good sleep in his arms. He’d hold you so softly and feeling of your head on him would make him just content. He’d definitely fall asleep to just holding you so comfortably.
Joe Toye
A huge smile appears on his face when he sees you laying your head on him. He’s tries to play it off all chill but he’s lowkey so excited on the inside. He would wrap an arm around you and keep you secure, making sure that if anyone came by that they were quiet, and ofc making sure he was quiet himself. The cutest thing of all though is how sweet he is to you when you wake up from your short nap. “How are you pretty thing? Ya sleep okay?” UGH he’d be so cute about it. I think you just falling asleep on him would be his favorite thing about y’all’s relationship.
Joe Liebgott
Freezes in his spot when he sees you laying your head on him. “Are you okay?” He’d say, Looking at your face he would see how exhausted you looked and maybe thought that you weren’t feeling good or something was wrong. When you told him that you were just sleepy, and that’s why, he would be so sweet. Honestly he would’ve gotten so happy hearing that’s why you were laying on him. Asking you if you want his jacket or something he has for you to warm up in. Resting on him would be one of the most comfiest things ever. Plus he’d be rubbing your arms up and down, hugging you super tight and warm.
Bill Guarnere
A big ole smirk would come up on his face so quickly. “get comfy, doll” He would rub his arms down back and forth on your arm, keeping a tight grip on your body. He would be so warm and comfortable to fall asleep on, he would try and keep quiet the whole time, especially when he heard you snoring. I think he would really enjoy you taking a nap on him (LOL) , He would end up getting so sleepy, he’d try fighting it off at first but he’d end up giving up after seeing how comfortable you were in his arms.
George Luz
Oh boy, he’s a total angel about the whole thing, when he sees you lay your head on you it makes his heart beat 2x faster then it’s original pace like omg. If you look up at him, all you will see on his face is that huge bright smile of his staring back at you. On the outside he’d try to keep it cool, and not make too much of a scene, but in the inside he was literally FREAKING out, like he is totally frozen in his position because he would feel absolutely horrible to accidentally wake you up. I think he would stroke your hair really nicely, helping you go to sleep with his calming touch almost immediately.
Bull Randleman
Ugh he’s honestly the best person to fall asleep on after a long day. He’d be so nice about it, at first he’d ask you if you were okay, “Are you alright. darlin’?” and you’d reply back just saying you were sleepy or something like that, and he’d say, “Come er’ get some sleep, princess/prince” He’d hold you super soft and would be a total snuggle bug. You made his day just holding onto him tightly while sleeping. he’d be a little nervous at first, because he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you or wake you at first, He would just watch you, admiring you and seeing how beautiful you truly are. He’s just so happy he gets to be around you, you make him so happy.
Eugene Roe
He’s having an internal breakdown when you just lay your head on him, you got him freaking out on the inside for real. He wouldn’t say anything to you about it though, he would just try his hardest to be natural, and he’d lean into you too, holding you by your shoulder and rubbing it slowly. He was nervous you could hear his heartbeat thumping out of his chest at first. But he still tried his best to be normal, and not make you uncomfortable in any way. Laying on him you’d almost fall asleep like immediately, there’s just something so warming about him, you just feel safe enough to sleep in his arms. While your sleeping, he thinks you look absolutely adorable. He’s ultimately glad that he’s with you right now.
Floyd Talbert
He is actually giggling on the inside like a little girl omg, also when you lay on him it’s just an ego booster, like out of all people, your laying on him, he definitely feels lucky, even though he knows his way around the ladies, all of that smoothness goes out the window with you. He just feels so happy when you lay on him comfortably, when he hears you snoring lightly, he can’t help but let out a small laugh and a huge smile. He just feels so nice with you laying on him, you are his favorite person ever.
Skip Muck
Okay so, I think he would be so so excited to be hanging out with you in general, so can you just imagine the look on his face when he sees you laying your head on his chest. Like his heart is ready to burst at any moment, don’t even get me started. I think he’d be so nervous to move, just because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable at all. He realizes that your sleeping when he hears your soft snores for the first time. He thinks you sound so so cute, like he falls in love with you a million times more when he hears that. Ugh he’s just so obsessed with you.
Don Malarkey
This sweet boy is more than happy for you to lay down on him. You’re sleepy? Well of course, lay down. His heart rate would go up by a bunch when you put your head on him, He can’t lie though, you feel so comfortable. I think he’d end up falling asleep first though and it’d be so cute, you’d look up to see him just snoring and he was passed out LOL, It’s just that he is so comfortable around you that he can fall asleep so easily, he doesn’t know why but he just does, oh and, something else that is absolutely adorable, is how even though he’s asleep, he will still stroke you hair so softly, just because he finds it so comforting holding you.
Babe Heffron
He is so happy when he sees you lay down on him, like his smile gets so big and his heart rate starts beating faster and faster. He would be so excited but nervous while you lay on him, he doesn’t want to disturb you or something that would make you get up, once he starts getting more comfortable with you laying on him, he’d wrap his arms around you and just hug you there, he’s super super sweet when you are laying down. And when he hears you snoring, ugh he thinks you are even cuter, he’d hold you for the rest of the time, just giving your the best forehead kisses and whispering the sweetest little things in your ear while you were asleep. “You’re my favorite, you know that right?”
Shifty Powers
Oh my, this sweethearts face would get so red when he sees you just laying down ask getting comfortable on his chest. He was honestly scared you could hear his heart beating because it was going so fast. He would timidly out his hand on your back and hold you gently. Honestly he’s the most comfortable person you could ever sleep with, Like just relaxing with him will make you instantly fall asleep. He’s so sweet the whole time, just rubbing your back and hugging in the best way ever. When he sees that your sleeping a huge smile appears on his face, he is in absolute awe of your beauty and he just loves you so much.
Frank Perconte
When he sees you laying down on his shoulder his body just rushes with love omg. He would be a little nervous at first but I think after awhile he would out of instinct just wrap his arms around you and hold you close, and in reaction to that I think he’d get really sleepy, like he’d be trying to fight sleep the whole time, just because he didn’t want to be rude. But when calls your name and you don’t answer back, He would look at you and see that you’re sleeping. He would he admiring you so hard, just thinking to himself how cute you are in his arms, before he finally fell asleep himself.
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suugrbunz · 3 months
Ships are open again, will start answering them march 17th. however, you can send them in. They'll be done most likely before the 18th.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Heyyy! I’m back from my holiday and I’ll be finishing work soon so I’m gonna be super freed up and ready to write loads of stuff, my requesrs are open so I’d anybody has any headcannon requests or BoB x reader feel free to spam my inbox :)
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brassknucklespeirs · 9 months
Hi :) I wrote in a month ago but thought I’d do so again as I’ve always so wanted a BoB ship and wanted to try again :) No worries if you can’t though :) I’m she/her, straight, with fluffy caramel hair and blushed cheeks. I wear lots of velvety and wide-fit, vintage clothing. Am very easy-going, observant, bluntly honest. Have always loved painting, expression through art. Have a real soft spot for deep warmth in people. Thank you, your writing is so so good, keep it up :)
Here we go, drum roll please. I ship you withhhhhhhh..........
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Now let me tell you, this came to me immediately.
I can see this man being your biggest hype man, every time you come out in your velvety vintage clothes he's just like "My woman is INCREDIBLE" "Look at my girl in that outfit" "Taking my breath away"
George will for sure flaunt you like it's nobody's business. Bringing you up in conversations that have literally nothing to do with you because "oh yeah you talking about your grocery shop reminds me of how good my girl looked the other day when she went to the shops" Like honestly, he's so in awe of you
He LOVES to whisper little praising compliments that make your cheeks flush even more, he loves to see you blush for him, and he takes great pride in doing so
The jokester and the easy going gal, what could be wrong with that? Nothing i tell you.
This man cracks a lot of his jokes, no matter how bad, just so he can get you to smile for him, even if it's at the expensive of his terrible jests
Because he isn't always the most observant of people, he likes to know you're aware of things more than him. Like at several points of time, something would be going on and he'd come up beside you, resting his chin on your shoulder and is like "honey what's happening?" and you'll be able to tell him what's going on and more because you've seen all the other things that have led up to the situation.
It's always funny when you're together because someone says something like "do you recon i have a chance with this dame?" and at the same time as each other you answer completely contrasting things. George is like "yeah buddy, can only give it a go" and you're like "absolutely not" and then you'll both stare at each other and burst out laughing, completely forgetting that someone else is there
Again, this man will FLAUNT YOU. like you go into a pub to have a drink with some of the men and he'll keep you standing in front of him so everyone can see that you're there and you're stunning and that he's just the lucky guy standing behind you that gets to show you off.
He LOVES the fluffiness of your hair, and always find reason to ruffle it affectionately, even though sometimes it annoys you, but also it George so it's really hard for you to stay mad at him when he cracks some stupid joke that has you giggling on before you have a chance to snark at him
The only time you are able to get this man to shut up is when you're painting, like he gets so enamoured by watching you brush the paint across a canvas and he could jsut watch you for hours
he likes to give you ideas of concepts to paint like one day he asked you to paint something that expressed how you felt about him and you did exactly that and he was almost brought to tears by how beautiful he thought it was
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softguarnere · 1 year
Hey y'all, I just wanted to post a quick reminder that while I do accept requests for HCs and fics, I am no longer taking ship requests, and haven't been for a while. Sorry to anyone who sent them in the past few days - the fandom has tons of amazing writers and I'm sure you can find someone to create something amazing for you! <3
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lenabob · 11 months
Anonymous asked:
Hi :) May I request a Band Of Brothers ship? My pronouns are she/her, straight, 5’2. I have fluffy caramel hair and deep cheekbones, always wear wide-fit, velvety, comfy clothes and chunky vintage shoes.
I’m easy-going, blunt, straight-talking, sometimes quiet but am a total flirt when I like someone. I come across as calm and rational but my mind is often in overdrive, overthinking, and I need to get out of my head.
Love painting, tattoos, art therapy. Love cooking and eating. Absolutely adore my big dog.
I fall hard for real warmth and character and I fall hardest once someone has shown a flawed side of themself.
Thank you and no worries if you can’t do the ship :)
Hey guys…. So I know I haven’t been active for some hot minutes. For awhile, I was not mentally doing so great, but now I’m better. I am ready to get back into the game!
First off I just see it for some reason
it was literally the first person who came to mind when you said you are rational but are freaking out always
like that is literally Dick
you are the female version of Dick winters
I just see you guys being a support system for each other because of that.
you guys would be there for each other 100 % of the time
I also see you flirting with him and him being totally flustered
he would secretly enjoy it
I also think you guys would make cute dog parents
Dick winters is type of guy who loves big dogs and will go on runs with your dog
Even though, you guys are the same. I feel also he is not so artsy, so I just imagine you teaching him how to paint and him being all flustered of not getting it right away
Sorry for not answering your request right away, and sorry for also being rusty. However, I hope you enjoyed the ship I gave . As well, for other requests I will try to get through them. Love ya guys 💕
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Hi lovely! I was wondering If I could get another BoB ship from you whenever you aren’t busy? 💗I just love how descriptive your ships are and i couldn’t help but ask again! (i Also made quite a bit changes from my first one description LOL)
I’m a female (she/her) , i have big heart, i’m funny, I like to relax, but i also can be energetic. I love to chill and listen to music. I can have a bit of a short temper at times (I just think it’s because I don’t put up with peoples bs LMAO)
, I can also be very stubborn, i’m very loyal, like VERY loyal and I will always stick up for the people i love and go above and beyond to make the people around me happy. which I think that can also lead me to being hurt or misused by friends) I can be a little emotional at times, maybe a little dirty minded too lol,
i love to cook, i’m a dog lover (really just an animal lover at that), and i’m competitive and passionate. I’m a very driven person and if it’s something I want to do i’ll make SURE it gets done. I Make up my own rules and I don’t give into unfair ideas that are put up around me. I lead with my heart and my emotions and if that gets me into trouble then so be it.
i also LOVE scary movies, true crime, all that stuff, i’m also a SUCKER for reality tv 😭 (tlc does have some good drama though) I would say im charming and it’s more of my talking and my smile that gets guys. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and maybe little ocd.
Imma southern gal who’s very short, (5.0) I think I have more of an innocent look (despite my wild attitude LMAO) I have big brown eyes, wavy light chocolate brown hair, big lips, only like a couple light freckles on my nose ( you can see them better in the summer) , button nose, and an olive skintone that has paled over time, I would say I have more of a petite/hourglass figure but I think my chest is what catches people’s eyes (Im a size DD LOL)
I have high standards, I can be very sympathetic, and I also can usually tell when people are in pain or when their vibe is off in general. I usually just joke or “laugh it off” and I can be very deadpan when something bothers me, or if it’s something that really hurt me I usually just shut down and become cold or distant. i’m an INTP, My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff ( even though I honestly thought I was a slytherin for so long 😭)
My love language is physical touch for giving and acts of service as receiving (it’s really just the little things and showing that you care about what I’m saying or just being thoughtful). I grew up with brothers so i love watching sports and playing them (We grew up in a very competitive household lol) i’m very very family oriented, I’m a sagittarius, I like to play the piano, and read and write in my free time. and In the summers I love to fish and swim at my boathouse. And springtime is my favorite season!
Make sure to take care of yourself and and stay hydrated, even rest if you need too! ❣️ Thank you in advance :)
Hi Love!! Thanks for submitting again!
I ship you with:
George Luz from Band of Brothers!
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ship theme song: Rum and Coca Cola by the Andrews Sisters
oof baby this man would bend over backwards to make you smile!
the first thing that stood out to him
besides your bustline
was your instant charm and friendliness
George, like yourself, grew up with lots of siblings
so he was constantly having to stand out to be heard
and i think he recognizes that scrappiness in you too :)
watching any kind of movie with you both is such a blast
you both provide your own commentary
and it is truly hilarious
especially during any kind of horror movie
"its just.. so bad it's good!" George will giggle
you've even gotten George to watch some reality tv with you recently
he thinks it's so damn funny
you both playfully joke about all the dumb characters in the shows
some days you both love going out and being around your people
you definitely make the cutest party couple!
but sometimes you both just really like to sit and chill together and listen to some good music
ngl your taste in music has definitely influenced his
he loves bragging about you to the boys
he'll show them pictures of you with your dog
or standing over a fantastic meal that you just made
you both enjoy making the people you love happy
unfortunately, not everyone deserves your time and energy
and you both learn that in your own different ways
but when you're sad or frustrated
a hug from George seems to lighten your mood right up!
and he's really good at hugging so please ask for more hugs
you and George can be childishly competitive together
like over how many friends you've pranked that week
or how many marshmallows you can fit in you mouth at one time
George is a big physical touch guy
you want hugs?
he gives the best hugs :)
when you play the piano, he can't help but sing along
he loves how family-oriented you are
and he can't wait to start his own family with you one day <3
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cherrirui-official · 4 months
I hope u guys don't mind me posting these au doodles while I work on things ahaha
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I also gave JD slightly longer hair in these doodles as a funny haha but I don't think it's funny anymore he looks genuinely good with his hair like that ahahaha I hope you're not mad at me for changing his au design a bit
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stopstopstopit · 1 month
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Band of Brothers | Winters + Speirs
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cinnamonrollsledge · 2 months
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Band of Brothers Part 8: The Last Patrol + Webgott
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duskspring · 14 days
Papa Emeritus, having recently gotten a 'I' added to his title with the birth of his brother, another one set to follow from a different woman a mere three months later, had felt practically sick when he first heard the news of the pregnancies. Not having the best childhood himself made him nervous to imagine any more children going through something like that at the hands of their father.
Primo had only summoned one single ghoul at that point, a means of proving himself as worthy of ascending to his title. Chain was all a summoner could ask for; loyal, a good companion and extremely helpful. Papa definitely felt good knowing he was both emotionally supported and physically protected at all time.
That’s when it clicked for him. With all his prayers to Lucifer centered around receiving the very best for the position, he summoned two more ghouls, one for each of his new brothers. They would be considered ‘Primo’s’, but follow every order to be there for the young ones.
Alpha would keep watch over Secondo. He teaches him to put on a tough front to prevent people from playing him for a fool. He’s strict, but righteous. Telling young Secondo tales from his centuries old life and earning his immense respect. He makes sure the future Papa stays on course, and even ahead, of his studies. He sculpts a strong mind.
Omega takes a different approach with Terzo. He comforts the sensitive boy when he’s upset or angry at the belittlement he has to constantly put up with. Him and Secondo bikker often and the quintessence ghoul tries teaching him how to properly handle conflict. Terzo would get much more rebellious in his teen years, even towards Omega. But at the end of the day the ghoul was not afraid to lay down the law when need be, knowing Terzo would always take him seriously in the end. He is much more emotionally mature than many give him credit for, and it’s all thanks to Omega.
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ithinkabouttzu · 10 days
Hello lovely 🩷
Could I request a ship? 🙈
I'm 4'9 although I like to say is 5'0, my hair is reddish brown with wavey strands and it lands a little pass my shoulders. I have brown eyes and long lashes, plus some freckles on my cheeks and an Italian nose.
I'm a little bit shy and quiet but I'm trying to express myself more. I really like making jokes and physical comedy is my favorite thing, I'll do the silliest things if it means someone will laugh. Behind all that, I have my ups and downs and sometimes I need to let it out and cry when that happens I usually get quiet and sleepy.
People say I'm very sweet, calm and peaceful and I guess some dislike it and some don't.
Well, I'm currently studying to become an English professor, I really enjoy being in a classroom and helping students but I also would love to do many things as I have a Gemini Venus and I guess it likes to roam around.
Thank you honey <3
Thank you so much for your request!! I’m so sorry this took so long to get to you!! I’m just assuming that you requested for BoB but let me know if i’m wrong!! Hope you enjoy! 🤍
I ship you with….
Bill Guarnere!
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Song recommendation:
- I have to say… This man, would be totally OBSESSED WITH YOU, okay???
- Like I have this imagine in my head that you and him knew each other way before the war, like maybe you guys grew up in the same area or your families were friends, either way this guy has had it BAD for you since primary school. Whether he really knew it or not.
- Like just imagine little Bill teasing you around and always asking you to play bc he had a secret crush on you 🥹
- ANYWAYYY time skip to pearl harbor when the US joins the war, he would IMMEDIATELY confess his feelings right after hearing what happened, he knew he would join up sooner or later but felt the need to tell you his honest feelings first, in hopes that you might like him back.
- He loves everything about you honestly, He thinks your hair is the most beautiful shade, and those pretty brown eyes.. WHOO! He swears if he could he would count every little freckle on your face (probs has tried before tbh) he finds them so attractive
- AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE!! He thinks you being shorter than him is so freaking cute, like he might tease you about it to get you all riled up but in reality he just loves how short you are compared to him. (and he also loves seeing you get all heated too)
- While he’s gone he would send you the sweetest letters, really just talking to you about everything that was going on at the moment, and also reminding you how much he missed you and wanted to be with you at that moment (which was a LOT)
- I personally think that y’all’s personalities actually mix together so well, you’re more of reserved and relaxed but you can still bring a good time with your jokes, and he would actually need ductape to shut him up but he can also be chill when you need him too. It’s so cute because both of you love to make the other laugh, even if that means being a fool for each other which is ADORABLE
- While Bill’s gone he would talk about you almost nonstop, like the guys would pretty much know everything about you by the time they get to England.
- He’s so supportive of you when you’re feeling down!! I could totally see him just wrapping you up in his arms and telling you to just let it out and that everything is gonna be okay. He just wants to see you happy and feels so bad when you’re sad 😭
- He finds it so interesting that you want to be an english professor, I mean like you have to be SMART to have such a job, he really respects your work ethic and he would 100% support you to keep going!!
- Like just imagine him bringing you lunch or goodies during one of your breaks ;(( Like he would take time out of his day just to come see how you’re doing (your other co-workers/peers would be SO jealous might I add)
- And once you do finish your studying and become a professor he’s definitely gonna brag about it to all of his friends lol like just imagine him going on and on about how smart you are and how proud he is of you
- Both of you are pretty ambitious I think so I feel like y’all would do lots of stuff together in your and his free time, like maybe some of the hobbies that you guys can’t always do during a work week? I could see y’all traveling a lot too.
- For dates I think he would love to take you around town and just walk around, he doesn’t have to do much to be happy with you!! Just being in your presence is enough for him to be honest!
- I could see you and him as that one couple that has probably been dating FOREVER and just everyone comes to them when they need dating advice, like you and him probably fight like an old couple but are also crazy for one another 🤣
- OOOH and don’t let me forget how crazy he would get for anniversaries!! Like i’m sure he would go all out in getting you a present and a nice date for that night, or making the whole day or multiple days out of it!! He just loves you so much and wants to show you how much he cares for you
- Overall you just would just be the cutest couple ever 🥹 💗💗
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Thank you again for the request!! I hope you enjoy!! 🤍
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suugrbunz · 1 year
I need to set a boundary.
I am doing ships because I enjoy doing them. What I do not enjoy is being trauma dumped on repeatedly. I am human as well. I have my own past experiences that have shaped me just as yours have shaped you. Certain topics can make me spiral into memories I tend to ignore. My feelings exist just as loudly as your feelings exist. It is the human experience. A wonderfully grotesque experience.
The week I am making this has been a horrible week. I smashed my thumb in a car door, I was sick, and I spiraled into a breakdown last night and the night before that. I don't want pity from literally anyone. However, what I want is the acknowledgement that I am human and trauma dumping on someone is not okay. I am not going to complete a ship that entails me having to read about sexual assault. It triggers memories of my own and my disordered eating. This is creating an unhealthy environment for me. I have enjoyed becoming active here, again. However, I will have to discontinue my ships if this continues to occur.
Reminders; I do ships for BoB and The Pacific.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Love your work!! Was wondering if i can request a BoB ship if not thats ok!
I’ve got dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. I’m really pale but cant tan as i get burnt. But love being out in the sun. I’m around 5’7. I can act innocent but im really not, I’ve got a bright personality but am a people pleaser, it’s a bad habit of mine. I love being stubborn but my parents hate it. Honestly im a bit lazy but love to bake. I prefer to dress girly, like dresses and skirts but i still love my ripped jeans and combat boots. I love spending time with my friends and am constantly seeing them. I always fly to my dads every holidays. I value respect, trust and honesty such as “stab my back and ill stab yours”. I love to visit QLD because im Aussie but i always ask if we can travel somewhere. I love opal hunting, ice skating and i can rollerblade really well. I’ve been a netballer for 6 years and im a libra
Thank you if you decide to do me!! <33
thank you so much for your request, you sound like such an interesting person!! <3
I ship you with… Joe Liebgott!
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First of all I think Joe would think you’re absolutely beautiful. Like an actual Angel with your blonde hair and blue eyes.
he’d for sure call you a ‘doll’ and if Barbie was released in the 1940’s he would 1000% nickname you Barbie doll.
But anyway, Joe would be the type that if you walked past he’d go ‘wowwwww’ and slap his buddy on the arm. (Probably wouldn’t tell them about his crush on you at first because he doesn’t like competition as confident as he may try to act).
maybe you’d get into a conversation about being sunburnt? Like you, Joe doesn’t tan very well, he usually just burns, so it’s a good conversation starter, he’d probably tease you that you were blushing over him, but in reality your cheeks are just sunburnt!
overtime I think you’d persuade him to take care of his skin in the sun, and give him sun burn to take care of him. He’s in complete awe, and isn’t afraid to call you his girl super early on.
your bright personality mixed with your beauty is astonishing for Joe- he doesn’t want to wait to call you his and he falls extremely hard and fast for you.
Maybe if he’s only used to seeing you in more comfortable clothes, he’s blown away to see you so girly!!! He adores that you love to dress up, and he probably can’t keep his hands off you, waist, hands, hips, butt, boobs- he loveeeeeesssss your boobs.
very respectful at first, won’t lay a finger on you unless you make it clear to him/ ask him to.
This might be a little confusing at first? Bcs he’s saying all these lovely things to you, but he seems nervous to hold your hand?!
When he honestly opens up about being a little nervous on one of your early dates, it’s a huge green flag and I think he recognises how much you value honesty.
might go a little too far with the honesty and call you a people pleaser, it can be a bit upsetting, but Joe just wants the best for you and hates himself after something slips out of his mouth wrong.
After the war, Joe is keen to settle down with you and start a family- he never considered the prospect of travelling before?! Seeing so many parts of Europe during the war put him off for a little while, but I think with some persuasion you can start to show him the good in the world again.
He’d beg you for babies.
accidentally would stare at your boobs and your friends might notice this oops- but he makes really good friends with your friends. As you do with his friends, which I think would be super important for the two of you.
if you think you’re stubborn then you’ve got a whole new thing coming with Joseph Liebgott. He’s the KING of stubbornness. But just flash him some puppy eyes or pout and you can easily get your way.
“Awww, kid, don’t look at me like that, you know I can’t say no…”
As a libra it’s stated you can ‘smooth out the peace’ which I think is very fitting to say you’d be in a relationship with Liebgott.
Super fun and romantic relationship, I think he’d enjoy anything with you, whether that be walking around or just lounging in bed together. I think he needs a lot of quality time with you, and that’s his love language.
finds your accent so sexy, probably forgets to listen because he’s that taken away with how hot you are.
would flirt sooooo fucking good with you, especially once he’s had a couple to drink, he’s got you wrapped around his little finger when he’s being a flirtatious little devil.
needs cuddles and reassurance when he’s feeling down. Either that or it comes out as frustration, but he loves you so dearly he hates taking things out on you, so I think he’s super careful and doesn’t do this a whole lot.
loves you dearly and he’s super protective over you, but not in an overbearing way.
Probably tries to come ice skating once or twice- bur he prefers to watch with a soft smirk on his face about how proud he is that he got with you.
Can’t skate, nonono, it would be hilarious to watch- like Bambi on ice.
but yeah, a genuinely fun relationship, there’s a lot of respect and understanding of each others boundaries; and I think your personalities would make way for a super genuine and enjoyable relationship.
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brassknucklespeirs · 2 years
You have my description already, bestie! 💖
Sorry this took so long babyyy, been so much going onnnn
this one was hard aye, i had three very reasonable ideas but i decided to ship you with CARWOOD LIPTONNNNNN (MUMMA LIP IN THE HOUSE)
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now hear me out, this man is your day one, your love at first sight, your all or nothing lad. I can see you guys doing the whole locking eyes and just both freezing, likely in a pub or something. Let's say you're a replacement for Easy, friends and fellow trooper who trained with lil Babe Heffron and Lip comes to introduce you guys to the company when you make it to England. You're standing amoungst the men and so your small frame isn't really seeable from where he's standing but once he dismisses y'all, everyone starts wandering off except you who decides it might be a good idea to introduce yourself for the sake of being one of the few women around. You start walking towards him after saying bye to Babe but he hasn't quite figured out the person walking towards him is a woman, kinda just watching you come closer thinking you're one of the lads. When you fully meet eyes once you're right in front of him and look up, he realises and kinda straight away goes pink in the face, as do you. Like you just stand there not saying anything to each other until you freak out a little at feeling awkward and throw your hand forward at him, introducing yourself to which he responds. You both go even darker pink in the cheeks when you realise how long youve been shaking hands for and it's just very like awkward but also weirdly very comfortable if that makes sense. Like it is a situation that usually would feel awkward but you've kinda thinking like, huh i could get use to this guy being around.
So everything starts with that and is followed with the constant glances at each other, the smiling and the need to talk to one another at random times when you can. You randomly stumble upon each other in the crowd of locals in Holland and you both refuse to leave each others side from that point, hands somehow ending up linked together as he was afraid to lose you in the sea of people. You get very use to him grabbing your hand after this instance, holding it in his own when you're walking somewhere or sitting on the back of one of the trucks etc. Half the time, one of you won't even notice because it's just so comfortable. The blossoming of the relationship itself doesn't take long at all and you both end up in each others company one night in one of the towns you were staying in. You both just kinda sat in silence for a while, tired as hell from such a long few days until Lip turns to you and asks you about something you miss about home. You reply that you miss dancing, being able to let the music control your body, and just generally swaying around a dance floor. He kinda smiles this lopsided smile before standing up and offering you his hand. You're confused as hell and ask him what he's up to and he replies saying something about how he doesn't have music or a dancefloor but he can certainly try his best. You smile and grab his hand before dancing with the man under the moonlight for a good while. You end up with you head on his chest as you're both swaying together, his arms wrapped around you as he rests his chin on your head. You look up at him suddenly, kinda overwhelmed with emotion, like you just needed to look at his face and visualise him in the moment to see if he was even real. He smiles down at you as you just stare in awe at his face. His smile kinda drops slowly as he kinda gets this mesmerised look on her face before he starts leaning forward towards you. Just before your lips touch he stops and asks ' can i kiss you?' cause he 100% is a gentleman like that. You just chuckle and lean forward the rest of the way, answering his question with a kiss of your own. Let's just say, yall were already pretty inseparable but now it's a whole other level of joined at the hip.
this man is the kinda guy who has a very subtle physical touch love language, whereas yours is much more obvious. Where his are usually actions with his hands such as soft shoulder taps and hands to your hips and caressing of your cheek and fingers in your hair while your the other side where you'll push yourself up against him as if he's the worlds warmest human heater in a snow storm (this did indeed happen for real though, sharing a foxhole in bastogne and being constantly in his lap, twisted up in each others arms), or arms wrapped around his waist, kisses on his face etc etc. You compliment each other a lot and kinda adapt and also take on each others physical actions, you start to do the fingers in the hair, a single hand on his shoulder, etc while he has started going in for a full wrapping of his arms around your waist and tugging you to him when he can. gosh it's just dreaming and ngl also a bit steamy like you guys get to a point where you can't keep your hands off each other and it what starts as the innocent need to just be physically close to each other often turns into not so innocent touching hehe
Right so Lip is known to be the momma hen of the company right? you are his back up, not even like a side kick, you're more like his own personal secret weapon. Someone talking out of term? Sends in his woman. Someone not wanting to follow orders? Sends his woman. Someone need taking down a few notches? Sends in his woman. bUT ALSO- Someone needs a womanly embrace because they're genuinely scared and need comfort?... depending on the man, he'll send in his woman (never in a million years would Lip send her to hug Bill or Floyd, because one is a fight waiting to happen and the other is just a hard no). You're just like the bite to Lip's bark in a way and he absolutely adores it. Can totally picture someone coming to him and explaining a situation that he's needed for to sort it and he just kinda shakes his head and looks down for a moment before looking back up at whoever came to him and sighing before saying 'we're gonna need to call in the big guns'. the big guns obviously being you. He would also 100% use it as a threat. Like we all know lip is a sweet natured man and barely ever snaps at anyone, it's more like he's just gently firm with things. but sometimes when he's tired and especially those weeks where he was sick after bastogne, he doesn't even bother anymore and will just be like 'don't make me get her...' and people will straighten up immediately.
Lip gets this thing where he often gets a little starry eyed with you. Like you'll be sitting together somewhere or standing and having a conversation and you'll be chatting away about something random and he'll start with listen and then quickly transition to a softened stare at your face. I can imagine him doing it on the several occasions where you've been going off at someone and like he'll just watch and be like wow what a woman, that's my freaking baby and then kinda snap out of it when he sees you jump forward at someone. He'll mutter an 'oh shit' and then he'll rush to you and grab you by the hips to hold you back from smacking the crap outta someone, giving you a stern look when he's telling you to calm down but later that night you'll end up laughing about it together while cuddling in bed.
Just in general, the match is perfect cause you have you, the little spitfire and him, the human sized teddy bear, both with hearts of gold and idk you would just treat each other with such care and respect that everyone around you would just be like damn there goes those two, strongest couple around.
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softguarnere · 2 years
Hi y'all, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to be taking ship requests anymore. I'll finish writing the ones in my inbox, but from now on I'll only be taking requests for headcanons and one shots 💕🕊️
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