#Battler Egos
altegos · 7 months
Not As You Know Them Masterlist
An ongoing multi-universe fanfiction with various online and main media influences/inspirations. Involves various Youtuber Egos but not as you know them.
Started: February 2018 Current word count: 200,000+ Recommended Reading Order
NAYKT: Season One
Main plotline - The Majority of major events happen in here. Spin offs may make sense of some stuff you encounter particularly in the last third but not essential reading..
Spin Offs #1
Project Geminos - Jim Twin Origins
All That Glitters is Not Gold - Silver Shepherd Origins
Surviving Five Nights - Gen FNAF/FNAF the musical inspired story starring Madpat, Yan (Yanderiplier), and Rowan (Robo!Nate)
Spin Offs #2
Never Enough - Janus backstory
Jackieboy Man: Isolation - College superhero story with influence from Be More Chill, Spiderman, Buffy - also with Sanders Sides
Escape the Motherloving Nightmare - Escape the Night inspired muder game story that happens concurrently to the main plot, starring Madpat, Natemare, Abe the detective, and Dirk (Matpat ETN S3)
Spin offs #3
My Brother's Keeper - Estranged brothers perform jailbreak and befriend an inexcplicable stranger who seems as clueless about himself as everyone else. Also there's assassin!Remus (Sanders Sides). Starring Illinois, Yancy, and Siren (AU Paultin)
NAYKT: Season Two
Main Plotline - set several months after the end of S1's plotline
Through the Looking Glass - Illinois has been transported to an alternate universe where Bendy escaped Joey Drew Studios, and began a war with the ever growing army of Glitchtrap's followers.
Never Ends With Blood - Madpat origins - What happened when he interned at Joey Drew Studios? - starring Madpat, Shawn Flynn, eventual Natemare
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shiny-kaibernyte · 3 months
If you're taking requests, I love Drayton (favorite Dragon boy) and as a Fairy trainer, I'm super curious what the romantic (and friend) dynamics would be with him. So, I guess I'm asking for Drayton x Fairy reader content? 😅🩷
This gives me opposites attract vibes. The sweet Fairy type dynamic compared to Drayton being Drayton is a vibe I can get behind!
Pixie Wings | Drayton x Reader (Fairy specialist)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After growing up together traveling the unnova region side by side; when Drayton moved away to blueberry academy, he felt a small part of him was left behind. But fate seemed to have other ideas when a familiar face shows up to brighten his day.
Warnings: Lots of fluff with a little bit of Lacey hate
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers for The Indigo Disk Ending
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Why is Alcremie so cute? Like look at that lil guy, lil buddy so happy to be here 💗
Today was the day, the day you would travel to the blueberry academy. The school upon the sea! For the longest time, you had spent all of your time inside a stupid office building of a school. So when one of your closest friends and yourself both received letters of enrolment to the school; the stars aligned again! Though that didn’t stop the waves of nerves rushing over you. Seems you weren’t the only one feeling them, either.
Sitting on the plane, the nerves settled deeper and deeper in your gut as the mixture of excitement and dread flooded your every thought. Questions rolling around like the ocean tide below you, covering your mind like a cloud does the sun.
“What's got you so quiet?” A voice piped up from your side, “Nerves getting the better of you?”
With a deep sigh, you scrunch your noise, fingers placed on the bridge of it. “Sorry, sorry, I just keep thinking about everything that's going to happen when we arrive. I've never gone to a place like this. Sylveon was acting up all morning too, she isn’t much of a flying fan.”
“I get that, Mimikyu is the same, I can feel his ball shaking in my pocket.” A laugh escaped the both of you as the small talk wafted the clouds away from your mind. “I know you are going to be fine! You're the best damn fairy type trainer I know, and I know a lot of them! I went to a prep school for two years. You don’t get more fairy type than a blonde teen obsessed with make up.”
“That is very true.” The smile on your lips grew bigger as you leaned back into the plane seat, looking out the window to see your destination below. “I wish I could tell Drayton about this…”
“I know…”
Time went by quickly. Upon arriving at the school, a fellow Fairy type user gave you a tour of the building and the terrarium to boot. Teaching you all about the BB League and the other clubs around the school. A nice bonding session as well with your mutual feelings on fairy type Pokémon. She was nice, her outfit was cute too, though there was something you didn't quite get along with about Lacey. “And that about sums it up! To recap, the terrarium is split into four sections, the savannah biome is where the school entrance is! If you are a battler, the BB league is located inside to the right of the stairs. The elite four bases are spread out throughout the terrarium. Be careful when you go for the dragon trial, he, um, tends to get a little full of himself. Nothing new though. Just be advised to not fuel his ego any more than it already is.”
“Will do, thank you again for this. We look forward to seeing you at the trials!” You pipe up, disregarding the comment she made about her ‘friend’. With a small wave, Lacey spun on her heel and headed off for the coastal biome.
“Well, that was something.” Your friend piped up, trying not to laugh about how awkward that last part was. “Considering she calls everyone in the BB league club her friend, the way she speaks about the Dragon elite four members says otherwise. I mean she didn’t even use his name? How can we go off of toothpaste for a name?”
“I don’t know, but I'm sure we’ll meet him. Who knows, maybe it's a sibling rivalry sort of thing between them. Kinda felt like it to me.” You question, attempting to come up with any reason she may have been particularly pokey about one member and not the rest.
The sound of a poke ball stopped your conversation dead in its tracks. Your Archaludon had decided he was bored with the conversation and wanted attention now. Sylveon may have been your first Pokémon, but Archaludon held a special place in your heart; being the only reminder of Drayton you had. It was his Duraladon after all, a parting gift he gave you. It may not have been a fairy type, but that didn’t stop you from putting a fairy tera on it. Just for argument's sake.
Sitting down on a random rock, you quietly feed Archaludon a poffin, keeping him entertained whilst your friend rummages through her bag, finally zipping it back up once she was happy with whatever she did. “Well, I'm a head inside. Lacey describing the science club got me all giddy. Joltik agrees with me.” A small chirp followed your friend's voice as her tiny joltik popped out from her hood. How you didn’t notice it this whole time is beyond you. With a silent wave, you watch her walk into the distance. You weren’t alone for long though
“Two new students in one day and no one told me!?” A voice chimed up from along the beach. A boy, taller than others you had seen during the tour. His hair was spiked up at the front in one big swoop, kind of like, toothpaste. Just like Lacey had said. Though you could only see the back of him. From his outfit, he definitely fits the bill of dragon trainer. 
That's when it hit you. Something about that hair seemed so familiar to you, and it hit you like a tauros. “Do my eyes deceive me!? Drayton? Drayton!! I can’t believe it!”
His neck snapped so fast, it was a surprise he didn’t give himself whiplash. The sound of your voice being music to his ears. Seems his feet began moving on their own; he didn’t even register he was moving till he was already hugging you tighter than a mousehold. “How are you here? What are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that!” You respond, wrapping your arms around him tighter, still trying to comprehend the fact he really was there with you. “You moved to the other side of Unova!”
Drayton’s laugh coated your ears, causing your already beaming smile to brighten even more. “Well I didn’t say exactly where, probably should have mentioned the ocean school part huh.”
“Yeah, I've missed you so much, Drayton. Things just haven't been the same without your lively presence.” He had no response to that, only a simple hum as he moved away from you, his hands on your shoulders, a smile on his face. 
That's when your entire team all decided to join Archaludon outside. Sylveon comes out first, running around Drayton’s legs, her blue coat fluffing up with every pass she makes. Your Archaludon was already watching the scene, if it had a tail it would be wagging. The sight of his old trainer and his current trainer looking so happy made the bridge happier than a yamper. Vanilla Alcremi came out not long after Sylveon, doing a little happy dance alongside your Hattereen. Silently your white florges admired the situation, being the newest of the team she simply watched, enjoying the reunion that was unfolding.
“Seems you were not the only one who missed me!” Drayton chuckled, running his hand along Archaludon’s side.
“Would seem that way. When Lacey described you earlier, you were not the person I pictured.” You admitted thinking back to what Lacey said.
Drayton smiled and pulled you into his side to allow the Archaludon to nuzzle into him, his arm around your shoulder. “Ah don’t pay Lacey any mind, she isn’t too fond of my fighting style, she thinks my attitude is unprofessional. Her words, not mine.”
“Well I think your fighting style is great, even if I can beat you no problem.” A cocky grin painted on your face, teasing him.
“Oh is that so!? How about we put that to the test, then?” Drayton offered his signature smirk appearing
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oakgreenoak · 26 days
WIP snippet time!
here's some Green and Leaf talking from a gameverse canonverse-adjacent wip!
“Red’s a better battler than me. You’re a better researcher than me,” Green groaned, flopping limply back in his chair. “What’s the point of me doing anything?”
Leaf pursed her lips for a moment, thinking how best to tackle Green’s crippling image issues this time. “Quit thinking of it as being second all the time, first off.”
He threw his hands in the air. “What is it, then?”
“It’s a balance,” she said, leaning onto the front of his desk. “I’m good enough at battling, but I don’t have the passion for it you and Red do. And Red, he’s smart, but you couldn’t really see him sitting inside doing labwork all day, could you?”
He tried to picture Red, bedecked as always in adventure gear, hunched over a desk looking at a spreadsheet, and snorted. “He wouldn't last an hour before running for the nearest cave.”
“My point is, you’ve got a unique skillset. Neither of us could do all of the things you can. Most people couldn’t, probably. Gives you an edge when you understand Pokemon on an intellectual and practical level.”
“I guess.”
“You know, the only other Champion-rank trainer I can think of that’s ever went into research is-”
“Gramps, I know,” Green sighed.
“And you see how successful he’s been,” Leaf says, straightening up.
“Yeah, yeah,” Green says, leaning forward to rest his head in his hands. “Then I’ll finally move out of your brother’s shadow and straight back into my grandfather’s.”
Leaf gave him an exasperated look. “Where’s all the self-confident ego you had when we were kids gone?”
“You know damn well how honest it was,” Green laughed bitterly.
Leaf rolled her eyes and checked her watch. “Well, that’s all the time I have for your pity-party today,” she said. “Seriously think about that research op, will you? If you stay cooped up in the gym all week again I’ll send Ethan after you.”
“Arceus forbid. See you, Leaf.”
“Smell ya later,” she chortled back, out the door before Green finished groaning.
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batbeato · 2 months
Really random question, but can you expand on your perspective in regards to Tohya?
Though he and Battler were once one person, after the events on Rokkenjima where Battler effectively died - ego death/depersonalization, basically? If I’m using the terms correctly - and the one became two, in a way.
Tohya was born anew from the relatively blank slate left behind (by this, I mean his amnesia).
Sometimes it sort of shifts for me, I mean. Whether Tohya is his own person, or struggles to differentiate between ‘Battler’ and himself - because by all means, Battler did and didn’t survive. They are and are not the same.
The mental trauma of what happened on Rokkenjima, followed by the physical trauma of practically drowning and then being struck by a car - that ‘killed’ Battler, lost him his memories. But physically, his body survived. His mind, if not his unique consciousness, survived.
Sometimes for me, he ‘was’ Battler - not an entirely individual person, and sometimes he still can’t view himself as ‘his own person’. Not, not exactly Battler - but he’s not not Battler? An unsteady sense of self, that sort of almost shifts?
It’s different from how you portray him, because Tohya is adamant he isn’t Battler. In ‘a fate outside the catbox’ especially, his sense of self grows strong.
It’s confusing to explain, sorry. That’s part of why I wanted to ask, since Tohya’s nature is so indistinct to me.
It’s just that the way you put the intricacy of Tohya’s nature into words for your fics, it’s so good. It just reads as ‘Tohya’ for me, but at the same time it’s different from how I see him? In a good way, I swear!
But, how did you reach that conclusion about his character, have such clarity in describing how Tohya is, how he feels? How he is separate from Battler…?
Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense, I’m all over the place, here.
Tohya is one of my favorite characters to puzzle over - as you can probably tell from the fact that 'a fate outside a catbox' exists (also it's really cool that you checked out my stuff beyond that, from your wording? thank you!). I appreciate the chance to ramble about him from this angle, actually.
I think in the end it comes down to two key aspects of Tohya: plurality and trauma, which are intertwined.
Plurality is the general idea of "one body holding more than one mind/being/identity/etc." but it can overlap with DID/OSDD. In this post I'm more specifically talking about dissociative plurality, more akin to DID. Tohya has the identity he creates after losing his memory - Hachijo Tohya - but also the identity and memories from the person he 'used to be' - Ushiromiya Battler. It's canonically shown that he has trouble accepting that he was Battler, to the point that it resulted in his wheelchair usage (only described as a "fit" in the text). I've seen people theorize that his struggle to accept Battler as his 'true identity' resulted in a suicide attempt that caused his wheelchair-user status, though I personally lean more towards that the stress of it all resulted in something like a stroke, or else more towards the idea of (unprocessed especially) trauma having profound physical effects on the body, or even both together in some sense.
For me, I feel like Tohya and Battler are separate in a large part because of this trouble Tohya has accepting Battler - both are present in the body (metaphorically), but Tohya is the one who has lived on, while only Battler's memories and emotions remain. If I was going to use system language, it might be like Battler has gone dormant. The life the body lived as Battler shaped Tohya: in Tohya's love of mystery novels, in the memories that Tohya has access to, in his feelings of guilt about the Ushiromiya family, and in his love for Ange. But at the same time, even if Tohya has inherited these things from Battler, he doesn't need to share the identity of Battler to have them or claim ownership of them. Rather, because of the trauma associated with Battler, Tohya's separate identity functions as a defense mechanism to disassociate from that trauma and protect him.
I like going at Tohya from a plurality angle, even though it's rare that I write Tohya as explicitly and emphatically plural. Tohya feels as though Battler is this entirely separate entity that he was suddenly saddled with, and he simply wants to be "one person" again, and for Battler to disappear. However, though Tohya tries to integrate Battler into his identity and accept that he "is" Battler, this approach ultimately results in failure. For Tohya, coexisting with the knowledge that he was once Battler, or even treating Battler as a separate person who used to own his body, seems to have allowed him to find more peace. He felt that Battler would take over his body, that Battler was a stranger to him, and that Battler was a threat to his existence. But once he meets Yukari, he doesn't become Battler. The narration says that he "was once Ushiromiya Battler", and Tohya refers to "the Ushiromiya Battler inside me" (comes off as very plural). Battler is a part of his past, and perhaps a part of him, but Tohya cannot become Battler again.
I mentioned the trauma angle before, and how Tohya rejecting Battler may function as a protective act for him, to disassociate from the trauma that Battler holds. Battler lost his entire family, witnessed his family's corpses, and also watched Beatrice/Sayo commit suicide and has to live with the knowledge that he failed to save her. Oh, and also Battler is Kyrie's child, not Asumu's. Considering what that did to Battler's psyche in Episode 4, it probably didn't have a good effect on Tohya either.
People who experience singular traumatic incidents can often feel as though they aren't the person they were before the trauma. People who experience violent crimes, sexual assault, serve in the army, etc. can feel disconnected and detached from who they were before. It can take very careful and slow work to properly integrate this trauma, and the person they became after the trauma, into the person's complete identity. You have to integrate not only the traumatic incident, but also what you have missed out on in terms of your life and growth and development because of the trauma. For Tohya, this means that he would need to integrate the Rokkenjima Incident, as well as all of the years he spent living as Tohya, into the identity of "Ushiromiya Battler". A difficult task, especially without the assistance of a mental health professional.
For me, Tohya's separation from Battler and my thoughts on identity(/plurality) and trauma led me to really support the idea of Tohya as a character distinct from Battler. As I've grown older (I say, as though I'm not still just in my 20s haha), I've started to feel like I'm an entirely different person from I was even a few years ago due to a lot of revelations about my identity and myself. I had such a different conception of who I was back then, even if I had the same body and shared some traits, that I feel entirely distinct from them. It's a really different situation from Tohya, of course, but because of that I think I can really understand the idea of having memories of who you used to be, but also not connecting to those memories as "yours", even if they inform a lot of the bones of your current self. It's... complicated. You were them, but are they you?
I think interpreting Tohya as "Battler but after a bout of amnesia and lots of trauma" or "a person born from Ushiromiya Battler" can vary and depends a lot on one's concept of identity, as well as trauma. I wouldn't be opposed to the idea that, given the proper resources and support, Tohya would be capable of integrating his identity and becoming Ushiromiya Battler again. But I also feel like Tohya choosing a path of coexistence, where he accepts Battler as someone he used to be, but who isn't him now, and instead considers himself to just be Hachijo Tohya, is also fine. Whether Tohya integrates Battler into his identity and becomes Battler (or even perhaps considers himself to be both Tohya and Battler at once). or establishes himself as just Tohya, he would need to consider his relationship with the identity of Ushiromiya Battler and work to integrate the trauma that the identity of Ushiromiya Battler holds. (I feel like a large part of why Tohya is so terrified of Battler is because Battler represents trauma to him, even more than the idea of losing his identity to Battler.)
I hope this answers your question!
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mamasplat · 3 months
Well.....you said calem's mom could be abusive. Hit us with your worst because I'm so invested in calem right now.
(This is referring to my past discussions on Calem’s parents and this post specifically)
I’ve been workshopping this idea for a while as in my read and characterizations of the kalos cast I had one important question, “why is rival Calem so shut off?”
He’s afraid and defensive with any signs of his own vulnerability, he has the pride and ego of a damp masquerain, and he’s shown to find an odd sense of solace in characters like AZ, Emma, and even Lysandre because of it.
And while it’s easy to blame it on a societal system and naturally bred misogyny from his environment that makes him such a mess emotionally, I wanted another possibility. His father who is an npc you can speak to when in snowbelle city, sings nothing but jolly high praises of the boy…so i started looking at the other veteran trainer, his mom.
(Continue on below the cut at your own discretion, I’m not talking about anything too intense or explicit, but I am talking about abusive tendencies in parental bonds.)
Calem’s mother isn’t evil, she doesn’t hate her son, but she’s the furthest thing from maternal and when his father starts traveling again there’s no one to balance out his moms more…negative behaviors.
She’s a strong battler, entitled and not accepting of anything lower. Even from her own son when he was learning to battle. From his childhood to his late teens she’s a fearsome force buzzing in his ear. Hands gripping at his chin in his moments of simple losses, nails biting into his skin, making him look her in the eye. Making him admit failure with the phrase “boys don’t cry” muttered through gritted teeth as he bites his tongue to not admit she’s hurting him. Don’t make a fool of yourself, don’t fail me, don’t ruin our happy family because you can’t counter your type disadvantage. It pushed him to get better yes, but at a cost.
He never learns that it’s okay to lose, he never learns how to lose. His first loss in years comes by the hands of Serena, it makes him feel unaccomplished and defenseless, ready to write off every excuse for his earned loss he’s caught off guard when she smiles at him and truthfully says he fought well. Words he’s never heard when on the losing end of a battle.
His mom is an entitled woman, her kindness rarely seen nor earned even by her own bloodline. Without her husband, Calem’s father, by her side to help Calem grow and mature; she guides with a hand that’s far too heavy and leaves marks and bruises in its wake. Forming a depressive insecure shut in of a son who’s only true reason for going on his journey was to meet his neighbor and perfecting his tactics.
But he’s just a boy. A human boy. A human boy who should never be punished for losing or learning. And he learns that having feelings or expressing weakness is a bad thing that will only get him chastised and punished with no good reason.
As he finds some semblance of peace and self worth on his journey in the patient hands of his friends, he finds him and his mother may never see eye to eye. As she will never admit fault for his fragile mental past nor his dependency on winning for his life to have meaning. He was a sore loser heading down a path of shame before a graceful twist of fate sent a neighbor his way perfect to patch the void his upbringing left. Even if he often finds himself relapsed into old tendencies.
His father knows his mom’s hard on him, he tries to make up for it by spoiling his son at the drop of a hat. his mom wears the pants in her relationship and it’s likely she may never change.
If you hug Calem and tell him everything is okay there’s a solid chance he will break- he always strikes me as touch staved since he refused to let anyone truly get to know him until starting his journey.
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U still doing rbb headcanons? If you are, can you do some updated host headcanons (bc they are prob outdated since s3) or just terabrite headcanons please 🙏 🥺(I need more rbb content istg ) ( I am not mentally well /j)
Hello yes I do in fact have RBB headcanons for you :3
I'm going to have to put this under a read more as it's a lot (and it's mainly ramblings about powerset headcanons bc I have THOUGHTS on that) so strap in.
Hosts in general:
The hosts, who were originally human, basically got ‘blessed’ / ‘cursed’ (depending on how you see it) by their respective concepts and now both represent / are possessed by / basically are those concepts. They each have differing opinions on what happened but one thing’s for sure - they’re now wielders of Agility, Healing and Truth respectively
Each of the hosts have 3 different types of powers, with a different spread for each, and these powers often correspond to the powers of their weapons:
Powers that act on themselves
Powers that act on others
Area of effect powers
Some of these powers are passive (unconscious, happens all of / most of the time) but most are active (requires conscious activation)
They can use their powers without their respective objects, but it is a lot more effective if they do use em
They get funky particle effects when they use their power (as well as their hair and eyes glowing, especially with overusage - they've still got human bodies, so they do have their limits!)
If the sword gets cracked they get physical ‘cracks’ on their skin (same with the instruments, probably?)
Though really the instruments only got powered up as a response to their gaining powers, as opposed to the swords giving them the powers
They can fuse their swords giving one of them combo abilities/moves while the other temporarily loses their abilities
I haven’t really thought of these combo moves yet, but I think DJ and Russo would give some level of super-intelligence, DJ and Sabrina could do rapid healing and perhaps even evolution / power boosts?
They tend to avoid doing this as it’s very disorientating for the host that loses their powers and exhausting for the host that gains one and let the Battler wield/fuse the decoy swords (see my old headcanons for an explanation on that) instead. It only happens if one of the hosts is compromised and it’s an emergency.
Yes they did make the megasword yes it went poorly for all involved (they can wield concepts, but their bodies can barely wield one, let alone 3…)
They’ve got a ‘Power Trio’ dynamic, following the expected roles (with some subversions)
DJ acts as one extreme: he’s the Superego / the Blue Oni / the pessimistic one
Sabrina acts as the middle ground: she’s the Ego / the Purple Oni / the reasonable one
Russo acts as the other extreme: he’s the Id / the Red Oni. / the optimistic one
Atypically however, DJ despite being the Blue Oni is more suited for combat whereas Russo as the Red Oni is more suited for intelligence
This sliding scale of intensity comes up a lot for them, with Sabrina almost always being in the middle with DJ and Russo being two extremes
S3 Specific:
This one differs depending on people so I’ll say it anyway: Russo and the clone in S3 (Recoded) are different people, Russo took the clone’s place at the end of the FB
Sneaky self promo, that was all explored in the GOSSIP animatic
Originally JP wanted to kidnap and replace Sabrina for Maximum Angst Power (bc DJ would’ve probably lost it if his wife went missing or started acting odd) but their clone of Sabrina (the Great Woman) failed and went berserk, so since Recoded worked they kidnapped Russo instead
They’re actually quite lucky they kidnapped Russo over Sabrina, because if Russo was in a similar situation to DJ and Sabrina during S3, he would’ve just walked right up to ‘Sabrina’ before ‘she’ could ‘go missing’ and proceed to use his powers on ‘her’
This actually happened in the Swap AU with DJ in Russo’s place
DJ Monopoli:
Passively has super-speed, super strength and super endurance (sword), actively can hover just a tiny bit off the ground (dynamic dashers)
He can also absorb / give energy out to others, either making them tired or giving them a boost in energy
He doesn’t have an area of effect power,,,but we’ll see if/what S4 gives him (I’ve seen people suggest portals so?? Maybe those??)
His powers tend to take the form of green electricity, which he can use to his advantage
This isn’t set in stone yet, but I’ve been toying with the idea of DJ having robotic legs, because constantly moving at superhuman speeds while still having human legs is kind of rough on said legs
(Don’t worry, he’s not the only member of the RBB cast who has replaced their legs.)
The easiest to get angry out of the hosts
Isn’t as good at getting his point across than the other two, so is willing to over explain things so people get what he means
The Fighter, and will usually be the one to attack any threats and do the physical combat, as well as acting as security if there are no current eminent threats.
This is how he ended up forced to dance by Albert when Albert broke into the studio during S2 - he was the first wall Albert had to break through, and Albert used most of his power on him
If he’s not with the other two doing Host Things, he’s probably in the music studio doing…music things
Also the most fashionable of the hosts, surprisingly enough. His wardrobe is filled with suits and he has little to no casual clothing.
Passively heals herself over time and can actively heal others wounds (from the sword)
Can also actively reverse said healing by opening old wounds (or just straight up attacking them, but that’s booooring. this is from the cyber shredder), or can use her powers to act as a painkiller / soothing mechanism
She can make a ‘healing dome’ where everyone in the area heals just a little bit quicker / is soothed
Her powers tend to take the form of purple plus-shaped particles
The Mage, the healer and planner of the group, but she would much rather be out there fighting monsters and doing the tough stuff
She’s still a really good fighter because of the fact that you can’t easily make a dent on her, she’ll just heal herself up
She’ll drop everything to make sure someone is safe and uninjured, but she’ll be mad about it! And will endlessly lecture the injured party because “STOP TRYING TO ATTACK THE ROBOTS WITHOUT ANY WEAPONS”
Strangely enough, is the scariest out of the hosts. No one knows how she pulls this off, but she just does
(It’s probably because her powers relate to people’s general wellbeing…whether that’s good or bad.)
The most paranoid, and the quickest to panic over something going wrong. She does her best to stay positive in the face of change, but she shows her weaknesses now and then
If you look at her you’d think she listens to lofi and pop. Nope, heavy metal
Somehow still doesn’t know the Great Woman exists
Passively has Truth Detection (different to lie detection - he can’t tell if you’re lying without actively using his powers on you, but he can always tell if you’re telling the truth), and can understand all languages
Battle Life SMP readers - that last one will be relevant soon!
Actively has Lie Detection, limited mind reading and mind control - said control is more effective over robots (hence, Robotic Resonators), but he can do it on people. It takes a lot out of him if he does though, even if he is using his Resonators
Area of effect power being able to reveal/see anything hidden in a room (sword)
His powers take the form of blue ‘dot’ particles as well as anyone under his power’s effect eyes turning blue
The Thief, the one who works in intelligence. He can’t stand for himself on a battle field, he’s extremely physically weak - but he’s very good with people, and even better at interrogating them / getting information he needs out of people
Simultaneously a mom friend and the stupid one
Theatre kid
Can accidentally be a little bit too positive, and is (ironically) prone to ignoring the darkness of a situation at times
If he does realise a situation is dire though, he will get serious fast.
You don’t want to see Russo when he’s angry.
A little self conscious, but he’s better at dealing with it than some people (cough cough Kreek cough cough)
Has referred to the RBB participants as his kids. No one will ever let him live it down (and it’s not like Russo wants them to, they are his kids thanks very much)
He’s quite self conscious about the whole ‘getting kidnapped during S3’ thing. He blames himself for it and is overly apologetic about it, despite none of it being his fault
Enjoy :3
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themichelvictor-blog · 7 months
Spoilers for Invincible comic and season 2
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Man, they sure cut the scene in which Mark shows self awarness and human reaction, and replaced it with melodrama shit with PTSD. Which doesn't make much sense in the show as his ass got handed even before Omni-man fight by Battler Beast. Show really undermines Mark's actual character of teenager with an ego due to his powerhouse status and instead replace it with sad puppy who exists to soak up pain for entertainment of people and be nothing more than megaphone to themes. I was never a fan of Invincible, but I think it is tragic that book which mocked all superhero comic bs and melodrama is now a prime example of all tropes of TV superhero shows filled into one less than mid animated package.
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It's not the only scene, in the show Mark "goes serious" and threatens with his Omni-man heritage with music and close up, "subtlety" reinforcing his "dark side". When in the comic Mark casually mocks him and uses snark to out logic dude to free him. Which is pretty much who Mark is. Overpowered teenager with attitude and who use basic human logic. That's the appeal and show's Mark's exists either in ":( stop punching me I'm pathetic" or "I'm all angsty now, because we are serious show :|" when the comic shows his gradual growth into taking stuff serious (and fucking it up) way better and natural. For me, Invincible show represents people confusing sincerety with sad music and self importance. When in reality, cynicism and joking attitude can be the most sincere, in fact, it's kind of the idea with "the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy." being pretty much Invincible's appeal as satire of superhero stuff, while having some respect for it. Invincible show isn't sincere in slightest, otherwise Amber character wouldn't make 180 because of backlash and creator wouldn't say her controversial moment is "probably a mistake". Whole show just screams attempt of being Netflix melodrama during Daredevil success and using anti-Marvel status (no matter how idiotic it is) as selling point for folk who don't know better. We had same shit with Sherlock and with CDPR having a cult of simps post Witcher 3. Will it matter? Will show actually leave impact or just be dropped like other overhyped projects? I don't know, but I said my piece.
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sinnohstruggles · 3 months
//for ask game :D
Vs. Battle:
Battle Intro: "Oh- well hello, my love"
Victory: "Oh dear, you did really well!"
Defeat: "You've become an incredible battler, my darling"
Assist: "Always happy to give you a hand, Sunflower"/"Love, could you help me please?"
Taunt: "I'm sure the sight of this would give Atley or Tik a heart attack, wouldn't it?"
Reacting to taunt: "I- well- ...I probably deserve that"
Tie: "Oh, I believe we may be stuck... shall we call it as it stands?"
Perfect victory: "I hate to take this as an ego boost, darling... suppose I can give you training tips later"
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kob131 · 11 months
You’re having a serious intellectual bullying session ‘discussion’...with an eight year old girl?
Is that an admission you could only win an intellectual fight with a child or that your ego is so fragile that you need to soothe it by feeling superior to a little girl?
Seriously, even Battler, someone who watched his family get turned into ground beef, was less invasive about this topic than you.
‘Intellectual Rapist’ indeed.
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natekashiri-exe · 9 months
Ayo plural community, question for y'all
So for those of you with fictives of youtuber egos (a la Septic/Iplier/Battler Egos), how do y'all handle having multiple headmates with very similar faces/voices? Like for example, Dark and Host, or Anti and Henrik, or (in our case) Natemare and Phantom?
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altegos · 8 months
Through The Looking Glass Masterlist - NAYKT
>>Season 2 Masterlist<<
Summary: Illinois Harrison is at the end of his rope. The world is wrong and nowhere is safe. Two seedy underground super powers that everyone knows about but no one dares to speak of are on the brink of gaining control, and nobody is how or where they’re supposed to be. His only hope for figuring out the truth is to find the last person he wants to see and pray they can put aside their past so they can make things right.
01 - 02 - 03 - 
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Look at how happy George looks. His cute uwu smile. You know he's thinking of atrocious gore inside his head.
"That's a pretty good theory." <- George speak for "you stupid bitch anyone with half a brain would've thought about that, and it turned out to be a false conclusion because nothing is that easy"
This is just like when he built up Battler's ego at the docks so he could watch him crumble. I know that in like 5-6 pages Battler will be frustrated because his theory was not - in fact - good.
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nerves-nebula · 10 months
Tohya, my blorbo who literally only has 1 hour of screentime within an 160 hour novel
Okay, so we're initially led to believe that the only survivors of the massacre is Ange (battler's step sister who wasn't present during the massacre because she was sick), and Eva (battler's aunt who escaped to the other side of the island during the massacre)
However at the very end, after Battler discovered the truth, we find out that Clair/Beatrice and Battler did survive till the end of the massacre, with Clair helping battler on a motor boat that has been stowed away, and once both of them a have gotten far away from land, she jumps off clutching a gold bar to ensure she sinks (as again Clair has been very suicidal, and cannot envision a future for herself post-massacre)
Battler jumps after her trying to save her but ends up washing ashore days later, the experience of nearly drowning having caused him severe brain damage that made him lose his memory.
Later on, the weirdest woman on earth and author Ikuko finds him and ends up taking him under her wing as he builds up a new identity as Tohya.
Even after he eventually regains his memories from when he was Battler he doesn't stop being Tohya, in fact, Tohya views these memories as separate from himself, afraid that Battler will someday steal his body from him, which is why he avoided Ange for so long, and why he became Ikuko's co-author and participated in the forgeries, thinking that killing the family from his foreign memories would put his mind at ease.
At this point "Battler" has ceased to be.
This is important for two reasons:
1) a huge part of Ange's grief is based on the fact that police never found the bodies of the massacre so she was stuck clinging to the hope that some of her family, mostly her brother, survived (is someone dead if a corpse doesn't exist? This links back to Scrodinger's cat box).
By meeting Tohya decades post-massacre, she finds Battler's body, confirms "Battler" is dead, and is able to fully let go
2) this makes the links Battler/Tohya and Beatrice/Clair together. See one of the themes that the author has put in all of his works is that of multiple identities, whether in the sense of the different roles one takes on in society or in a mental illness sense.
One thing I noticed is that the author doesn't play into the evil alter ego trope.
Tohya is afraid of Battler, not because Battler was an evil person (though he was flawed) but because he's afraid of losing the life he built and having to confront the trauma Battler comes with.
And despite how Clair plays Beatrice as the hammy main villain the more we learn of her that Clair/Beatrice never had much power to begin, with this all being an attempt to cope with the position, the identity, she has been forced into.
damnn that's all genuinely really interesting. that sounds really cool. thanks for ranting at me haha.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 months
Fun dynamic between ocs that I should do more often.
Jin - Jude: I think early on, I thought it would be interesting if Jin and Jude had this mentor, mentee relationship, given how Jin had went through a period of their life just being angry with the world and has zenned out since then ( still angry, but expresses it more healthily. Kinda). Not sure if/ how this can play out now with the timeline change but I think it would be cute if Jin is the one often looking out for Jude's mental health as he( Jude) become this guide for the Chosens. Of course, there's others that help Jude out, but of the older group, I think Jin is the one that Gets It. Even if Jin themselves isn't exactly the leader (?), they still look out for the younger Chosens, and Jude is no expectation.
Ames - Naomi: Being the same age really helps them get along I think. I think their friendship is awkward at first ( Naomi being shy, Ames not being easily trusting of strangers), but they are able to lean on each other as time goes on. Again, I think being the same age helps here. Also I think they remind each other of their respective crushes and that's very cute lol. Naomi is still non-confrontational unless she really feels like she has to. Ames, however, is always choosing violence and has to be held by the neck.
Naomi: ( sighs ) I know I should ignore them, but these die hard Leon fans can get so annoying.
Ames: We could kill them.
Naomi: Wha- NO!
Ames: I was joking......Mostly.
Kenji - Alexis: Fun fact I actually shipped these two waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the very early days of the Legendverse. Before it was called the Legendverse. Anyway it's Ray of sunshine + the storm cloud friendship that I like. I think at first Kenji was genuinely too much for Alexis when they met( when or how, not entirely sure), but I think they strike a good balance of energetic adventurer and anxious ( and depressed) traveler.
Alexis - Eva: Similar to above though they both get to trauma bond over Ghetsis. Recently I've actually been in favor of Alexis not really using his prosthetic arm as religiously as I originally saw it, but I do want to keep the fact that Eva helps with repairs/ upgrades ( with a doctor's approval of course). And given how Eva is Alexis' sister's girlfriend and future wife, I think it's necessary for them to hang out. Part of which involves Eva dragging Alexis out of his house for shopping. He WILL go shopping with her, there is no escaping it. She likes to tease him about being grumpy lol ( everyone does really hgvhvgvgvcg)
Danica - Kenji - Jin: in the early days of the Legendverse, I called this trio "the parent and their kids". Nowadays I'm a bit more averse to call Jin " the parent". But I still think these three have an insanely close bond with each other. Who's the responsible one often lands on ego has the braincell that day. All three of them are capable of some level of chaos lol. More often than not it is Jin ( being the oldest, and the fact that Amber will kick their ass if they aren't being somewhat responsible here-), but please note that Jin can be petty and competitive and will do dumb shit bc of it. I think these three are very used to Danica's Habits ( appearing next to them out of nowhere, void vomit, generally creepy shit) so they don't really blink an eye about it.
Amber - Kiran - Beryl: The Professors™. They all have different levels of how they operate which is fun. Amber is much much more outdoorsy and prefers field research above anything. Not to mention a more potent battler compared to the other two. Beryl is in the middle of the road, liking field research but also enjoying being in the lab. Kiran is still amazed that he even survived his journey through Sinnoh, they much prefer being indoors with a comfy bed( this still rings true post PLA btw hgbgjnnmbcc). I think the three have interesting conversations, being up and coming pokemon professors - it is amazing how passionate Amber and Kiran can be sometimes. Sometimes, sometimes, Beryl instigates some heated discussions between the two. For funsies.
And that's all for now. When writing this I realized some ocs I haven't really thought about interacting with some others. For example I've only really thought of Dante within the context of Jude and their friend group. How the other Chosens think of him could be something interesting. I think he would be particularly close with Wayne, though. I think they would have a few things in common.
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draconscious · 7 months
🕯( can be for either thorton or noland — whichever one she's more opinionated about PFFT )
RANDOM & UNFILTERED INNER THOUGHTS / not accepting. (for now!!)
You feel as though you'll never understand him. How different can two people be? You remain rooted to the past--uncompromising sacred grounds and ancient, unchanging histories--while Thorton loses himself to a future full of bright screens and whirring, ever-shifting technologies, a burgeoning master of his own digital realm. (It's clear that neither of you have any interest in bridging this gap between worlds for now. He's just as stubborn as you are, and that's saying something.)
Because of these differences, you know that you're too rough with him sometimes. To his credit, Thorton is no pushover--he reigns over the Factory as a very capable battler, and he's fixed your Pokegear twenty-four times now. He may even be a genius, though you will never admit this to him--just imagining the consequential fallout from the Brain's swollen ego is enough to make you cringe.
Still, you can't deny that Thorton's passion for discovery is downright contagious and feeds into your own curiosity. What will his Scavenger find at the depths of the Den? Even though your guard remains raised, a good part of you shares in the Brain's enthusiasm. You're disciplined, but it's still hard not to let your mind run wild with the possibilities. Perhaps his company is rubbing off on you.
Fran snapped at you in private after you rudely shut down Thorton during his last visit. You've never seen your most stoic Gym Trainer so angry or flushed before. You think that she's taken a major liking to him...hm. Now there's an interesting development.
(How--and why--does Thorton style his hair like that, anyways?)
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whenthechickencry · 8 months
Umineko EP3. Replay Part 2
Obviously, it's at least partly just damage control but Natsuhi takes the role of Kinzo sooo often. Sad to basically headcanon someone who hated you into someone who understood you.
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Woah that was throwing Shannon to the wolves rather unprompted.... also she didn't need to put on a dress at all!
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Been a while since I started this chapter so I got shocked by the Kuwadorian hint but I guess the episode started with Baby Beatrice on Kuwadorian anyways.
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In other words, stop trying to look for an out Battler!
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Jeez Natsuhi, little you know they have the authority to dismiss you out of the island if they wanted.
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Interesting... Didn't realize Eva had any thoughts about Beatrice besides thinking she was bullshit but I guess it's not hard to imagine for someone whose efforts were constantly denied due to being a woman that seeing a female ruler of the island appear would be something they look forwards to....
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Um ah uh yeah sure
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The way Eva switched to a sad face in this conversation is pretty interesting to me - it seems she's pretty sympathetic to Kinzo's wife... no one else seems to have much an opinion on her.
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The scenes that draw attention to how Beatrice's mythology was created are pretty interesting. A lot of Kumasawa's stories are for that purpose too.
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You are trying so fucking hard for someone that doesn't like you Natsuhi.
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Natsuhi frames a lot of it as an offense to Kinzo and whatever but I am pretty sure a lot of her heartened defense is her own insecurities about being a politically kidnapped wife.
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Oh yeah, the game just says this directly later lol - also with how defensive she's being I think she might honestly suspect Krauss of having an affair but that's mostly just my interpretation I don't think anything in the game hints at it.
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Yeah. such as already having won the headship lol.
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This is exactly what happened when everyone 'acknowledged' Beatrice at the church during ep2 as well! Obviously besides asking for the headship - they already have that. but they did force the siblings to acknowledge her using her gold.
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The obvious intent of this scene is to hint you at towards how they convince people to be accomplices - just throw money at them.
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That's surprisingly harsh from Hideyoshi, though I think Eva probably needed to be told stuff like that more. Eva and Natsuhi are pretty obviously the only people that remotely give a shit about headship, Krauss' ego would be hurt by no longer being head too but he isn't aggressively defensive of it like those 2. They still would trade it for money, though, at least with enough convincing from their partners.
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Not really, her goal was to get caught by Battler! Or anyone really but preferably Battler.
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Kyrie's not really wrong here, though, when she added that condition she seemed to consider that basically a miracle - in reality, it was solved like 10 minutes into her plan.
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Oh Battler - Ronove and Beatrice are trying to guide you so hard but you refuse anyways. Battler really is kind of a naive sweet child at this point.
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"You are building a connected theory instead of making shit up on the spot! Good for you Battler!"
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Beatrice is giving away a bit of her game here though - she's no longer forcing Battler into the magic theory but into the one of the 18 is the culprit theory!
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They had a whole ass tangent before anyone even brought up witches again lmfao. Forgetting your role here a bit Beato!
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Yeah, you are getting it Battler.
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Battler's finally realizing the red is more for his benefit than anyone else's!!
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Hahaha.... I am sad now....
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Kinzo prevents that red haha, that's probably a little frustrating for Beato. Though I also think she wouldn't have repeated it anyways because giving him the harsh truth rn would probably break Battler.
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Not a horrible assessment of what witches are, though an unsympathetic one.
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It's pretty weird contrast to see this and ep2 Rosa - though I guess in that case she physically saw Beatrice in person and a couple hours later she explained the situation and in this case she didn't, and in episode 1 they didn't take the letter seriously at all so there wasn't time for her trauma to flare up again (or it did off screen)
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The fact that Kuwadorian Beatrice doesn't even seem 100% sure Kinzo is her father because of his delusions and gaslighting is so heartbreaking - she just wants to know basic details about herself and is denied.
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Beatrice is pretty clearly talking about both her life as Yasu and about her mother here I think.
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"Cage of flesh" is really sad wording when you think about what she felt about her body....
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