#Becky Blake
expensivemistake · 25 days
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petition to bring back Nelson, Murdock & Blake (& North)
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thefightinfoggy · 3 months
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"...the Nelson and Murdock partnership endured..."
- Daredevil (1998) #1/2
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froggynelson · 1 year
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what if late vol 2 matt had whatsapp 😂😂😂
(has alt text)
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daresplaining · 2 years
Daredevil Beats Up Cap...and Everybody Else!
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It's been a while, but this July 4th I'm returning to one of my favorite traditions: blogging about FIGHTS!...specifically, of course, fights between the Scarlet Swashbuckler and ol' Winghead. This year, let's turn our attention to Daredevil volume 1 #155, in which Matt encounters a whole crowd of exciting guest-stars...and punches ALL of them.
Our story starts two issues earlier, in #153, when Mr. Hyde fast-pitches DD at a wall and knocks him unconscious.
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Hyde: "You may be good at whipping a sniveling coward like Cobra-- but I have you now-- and you'll not escape me again!" Matt: "Blast! Hyde recovered sooner than I'd hoped! Got to go limp-- roll with the-- unghh!" Caption: "The dull crunch of bone against granite..." Daredevil vol. 1 #153 by Roger McKenzie, Gene Colan, Mary Titus, Tony Dezuniga, and Denise Wohl
At least, that's the official diagnosis. However, here is a full plot synopsis of the two issues in question:
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Anyway, whatever mysterious event might have possibly caused it, poor Matt goes into #155 with a teensy little nagging headache.
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Matt: "Oh, man! Am I glad that's over! My head feels like it's going to split wide open! I don't think I could've faced another..." Becky Blake (off-panel): "Mr. Murdock? I hope I'm not too late, but..." Matt: "(Oh, no!) P-please...I'm sorry...but could you just go away?" Daredevil vol. 1 #155 by Roger McKenzie, Frank Robbins, Frank Springer, Bob Sharen, and Denise Wohl
This headache is...well...a pain. It stops Matt from shaving, breaks his concentration when he's swinging around as Daredevil, almost getting him killed, and worst of all, it nearly causes him to chase away The Becky Blake, who stops by the office in this issue to apply for the vacant assistant position. (Fortunately for all of us, The Becky Blake can't be chased away that easily.)
After a long, grouchy, miserable day at the office, Matt and his headache finally get some good news: Natasha Romanov is in town! Matt is sort of on the outs with his current girlfriend, Heather Glenn, since he was kind of indirectly responsible for her father's arrest and subsequent death, and hey, he hasn't seen Natasha since they broke up 30 issues ago. He instantly-- and I mean instantly-- ditches Becky (his new employee, who he was taking out to celebrate her new job) and Foggy (who is in the middle of announcing his engagement):
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Foggy: "I didn't have a chance to tell you earlier, but we've decided to go ahead and tie the kn-- Matt?" Matt: "That's great, Foggy. It really is. But I can't talk now..." Becky: "Matt?"
I could blame it on the concussion, but let's be honest, this is just normal Matt Murdock behavior.
But where, I hear you ask, are the fights? Where is Steve Rogers and his perpetually punchable face? I promise, this post is not just about Matt being a mess. As it happens, at this very moment, Natasha is hanging out with a few of her Avengers buddies...when suddenly, the Avengers Mansion intruder alarm starts blaring. The lights go out. And somebody starts throwing kicks.
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Hank: "Hey! Watch the merchandise! This blue, furry bod may not look like much-- but I call it home... unghh" Steve: "Look out! The Beast's down! But whoever that is, lurking in the shadows-- will answer to Captain America! (No! He grabbed me almost as if he knew...sensed somehow...that I was about to leap! But that's just not possible--! Nnnh)" Natasha: "You!"
That's right, it's Matt, whose little headache has taken an extreme turn for the worse. But though he may be concussed and delusional, you have to admit, he pulls this off with style, making this just about the shortest 4th of July FIGHT(TM) so far. (He spinning plates the shield! How great is that?). With one mighty, balletic heave at the nearest wall, Cap is down for the count. With Natasha's friends out of the way, Matt turns to his real target, and the only person in the room who presents a real challenge: the Black Widow herself. After a thrilling fight (a topic for another post!), Matt finally comes to his senses...and then falls into a coma.
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Matt: "Y-you're going to pay, Widow! I swear you'll p-pay...for all... all...the...pain! N-no--! I-- I can't...bear it...any longer... I-- Dear god! What have I done? Forgive me... Natasha...please...forgive--!" Natasha: "M-Matt--? Matt!"
When he comes to, Cap generously agrees to help Natasha rush him to the hospital. Beast and Herc are less enthusiastic, but this is not the first time that Matt has randomly attacked Steve for no apparent reason, after all, so maybe he's getting used to it. After an intense boxing match with Death (another topic for another post!), Matt comes out of the coma feeling much better. The concussion is identified as the cause of his random violence, and his life returns to its normal state of chaos. But I have to say... if it somehow gives him the power to singlehandedly take out Captain America, Hercules, and Beast, maybe Matt should consider getting concussed more often.
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bookcub · 9 months
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girlwholikestoread · 5 months
My least favorite to My favorite books I read in 2023
24. May The Best Man Win by Z.R. Ellor: I wanted to like this book so badly, I really did but this is probably the only book I read this year that I didn’t like. The story is about Jeremy Harkisis who is a transgender cheerleader and his ex-boyfriend Lukas who is the all-star football player; the two exes are both trying to earn the title of Homecoming King. Honestly I loved the idea of this story just wasn’t a fan of the direction. First I did like Jeremy for most of the book, honestly his attitude towards Lukas in the beginning of the book made me not want to root for them and he just seems so mean and selfish, I understand that was the point and usually I don’t mind reading about characters who are mean and selfish but learns their lesson at the end but, Jermey was just so unnecessary cruel to his friends despite all of them showing him support and kindness. I liked Lukas a lot and honestly he was the only reason I had any motivation to finish this book and I thought the ending was cute. Overall a big let down and Lukas deserve so much better.
23. Radiant Black, Vol. 3: Rogues’s Gallery: It was the first book I read this year because my brother insisted I read it. It was fine, I’m personally not a huge fan of the series but I think the story is pretty good. Overall I gave it 3 stars on GoodReads so not bad.
22. Blackwater by Jeannette Arroyo and Ren Graham: So this book was different…not in a bad way. I actually really liked this book but this went in a direction I did not expect. So the story about Tony Price who is a popular high school track star and a quiet boy named Eli Hirsch who has a chronic autoimmune disorder become unlikely friends. Seems like your standard romance, except it’s not. Eli has a special ability to see ghosts and most recently he’s been seeing a ghost of a fisherman, while that happens Tony gets bitten by a werewolf-like creator which turns him into one. The story was alright, I was a bit confused at times but I still mostly enjoyed it. The romance was also lacking. Tony and Eli have a few cute moments together but I wish there were more, and I wished there were more interactions between the side characters and the main character. Overall Loved the spooky art style, I would recommend this for Halloween.
21. The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta: I Devoured this book, I couldn’t put this down because I was so invested. The story is about our main character Micheal who throughout the book will grow up and start questioning his sexuality, gender expression, and his relationships. The story is formatted like a poem which I really liked. Seeing Micheal throughout his life from his adolescent years to his adult years, seeing him grow and form meaningful relationships was such a great reading experience. Overall beautifully written story, I hope Micheal and Kieran ended up together.
20. Husband Material by Alexis Hall: This book was great. I loved Boyfriend Material and immediately bought Husband Material once I finished the first book because I needed to know what was next for Luc and Oliver. This book did great continuing the story of all the couples from the first book, and showing that Luc and Oliver were made for each other. I especially liked Luc's shitty ex-boyfriend from college. I really wanted more information about that relationship and seeing Oliver stand up for his parents was so satisfying…but then the ending happened. Honestly I liked the ending, I thought it fit Luc and Oliver who always has an unconventional relationship so them deciding marriage isn’t for them makes sense, I just wasn’t a fan of the execution of them making that decision. Overall much like Sherk 2 perfect squeal.
19. The Princess and the Grilled Sandwich by Deya Muniz: This book is so fucking cute! I loved the characters, I loved the artstyle, I loved the cheese pun, I loved everything! This book is about Lady Camembert and how her before she passed wanted her to marry so she can get her inheritance and rights to her father kingdom, which could only be given to a man and he only had one daughter; she decided to disguise herself as a man and inherent everything but is forced to live a low-profile in order to not lose everything. However she breaks this rule and goes to a ball hosted by Princess Bri, they form a friendship and slowly start falling for each other; the only issue is that Bri believes that Camembert is a man. This story was cute, fun, engaging, and the ending was perfect! Overall I devoured this book like a grilled cheese sandwich.
18. Sorry Bro by Taleen Voskuni: This book was so good! This book is about Nareh who after ending her relationship with her boyfriend who, while wasn’t a bad person just wasn’t for her, decided she wants to explore her options dating with both men and women. During this she meets Erebuni and she becomes her wingwoman and helps her find a new guy or girl. However during this they both start following each other, with Nareh falling hard first. The book was great, it was a bit slow and I personally didn’t find her issues at work a compelling subplot but thought everything else great. I loved Erebuni and thought she was so sweet and understanding and like Nareh and her mom talk after she came out. Overall Sweet and Sapphic
17. I wish you all the best by Mason Deaver: This was the first book I read with a Non-Binary MC. We follow Ben De Backer who on Christmas day decides to come out to their parents as Non-Binary, this however doesn’t go as planned and they end up kicked out of their home on Christmas and have to call their estranged sister Hannah and her husband Thomas who they haven’t met yet. This leads to them having to live with her and start a new school where they meet Nathan Allan and start a friendship. This book made me cry a few times. Ben goes through a lot in a short period of time. Building a relationship with their sister, trying to make new friends, and figure out how they feel about their parents. This book is amazing and Ben and Nathan's relationship is so pure and it’s hard to find sweet innocent romantic connections in books nowadays but Ben and Nathan were so sweet. Overall this book felt like a hug on paper.
16. I’ll Be Home For Christmas by Mason Deaver: We loved a Christmas squeal! This takes place once Ben and Nathan have graduated and Nathan is attending college while Ben is taking time off school and living with roommates. Ben flys to Hannah house for Christmas Eve and plans to bring a surprise for Nathan by bringing his dog back home. Unfortunately their perfect gift plan ended up blowing up in their face when it snowed in and flights started being canceled. This short story is very sweet and does a great job showing us how Nathan and Ben are now. Ben’s determination to bring Nathan his beloved dog was so sweet and the ending was the perfect ending. Overall Ben and Nathan are a couple goals.
15. Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell: I loved space adventures with a hint of romance, it’s one of my favorite combos. This book was written by the same author of Winter Orbit and it takes place in the same universe, however this isn’t a sequel since Kiem and Jainan aren’t mentioned and we have new main characters. In this book we follow Tennal, an absolut flirt who is constantly getting himself in trouble and Surit a Lieutenant who is very by-the-book. After Tennal gets himself in trouble yet again he’s forced to join the military where he meets Surit and they are forced to work together and forced to sync; and syncing is a type of merging of the minds. However Surit doesn’t want to sync because Tennal has made it clear he doesn’t want to be controlled. This leads to them coming up with a plan to get Tennal out of the military while keeping Surit rank. While this is happening they start slowing noticing a power struggle within the military. This book had me on the edge of my seats and I couldn’t stop listening, the romance wasn’t much which is fine because the overall plot was so intriguing it made up for the lack of romance. Overall Space politics are confusing but in a fun way.
14. Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall: This is the funniest book I read all year. Hands down. Boyfriend Material is about Luc O’Donnell who is the child of two retired rockstars and because of this he’s constantly in the spotlight and usually for all the wrong reasons. Wanting to clear his image he needs to find a perfect boyfriend, which he does with a successful educated man named Oliver Blackwood. They enter a fake dating situation which benefits them both. Luc and Oliver's relationship moved along so naturally and Luc is so funny. All the side characters were great too and while I knew what the ending was gonna be I was still surprised on how it ended. Overall UK comedy is undefeated.
13. She Gets the Girl by Racheal Lippincott, Alyson Derrick: Sapphic slow-burns are perfect for the summer. In this story we follow Alex Blackwood who has lots of issues both in her family and her dating life and Molly who has a close relationship with her family but never had a real date or relationship. The two are polar opposites but come together to help each other out, Alex helps Molly get with her long time crush Cora Myers and it helps Alex prove to her ex that she’s a better person. Molly and Alex are so cute together, Alex encouraging Molly to come out of her shell was really sweet, and I related to Molly a lot. Overall Sweet, Sapphic, and I want to learn how to roller skate
12. Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli: This book was so cute. In this we follow Imogen Scott who is a huge Ally and very involved in queer media. She visits her best friend Lili who’s thriving in college making new queer friends and everything is great…except Lili told a small lie saying that her and Imogen are ex’s and that Imogen is bi. Not wanting to make her friend seem like a liar she plays along, however while doing that she starts falling for Tessa, who is one of Lili's new friends. Imogen is such a sweetheart and one of my favorite main characters, The cover is also one of my favorites this year. Overall “I’m not homophobic, I’m an Ally”
11. A Mark on My Soul by Jordon Greene: This is the only book I read that didn’t have a happy ending. In this we follow Noah who decides to come out as gay to his friends, family, and publically online. When this happens he gets a message from a “secret admirer” which turns out to be his best friend Parker who’s in the closet. This book ripped my heart in half and ended up sobbing my eyes out. I already knew how Parker's story ended because I accidentally spoiled the ending for myself but despite that I grew so attached to Parker and wanted him to be happy. This book was a hard read for me but I loved it so much. Overall Parker deserves better!
10. The Long Run by James Acker: Ngl I almost DNF this book. I didn’t like the first 3 chapters and since I was listening to this book on audible I also wasn’t a big fan of Sandro’s VA, but chapter 4 is where I truly got invested and I’m so glad I keep reading because I ended up loving this book. In this story we follow Bash and Sandro, who are both finishing their last year of High School and after kissing at a Party they form a friendship. This is a true slowburn because even though they kissed in the beginning they stay mostly platonic and do “dude-bro” stuff. I also love that Bash never makes the fact he’s Bi a big deal, he just accepts that he fell for a guy and doesn’t care. Sandro and Bash are so cute together and I loved them so much. Overall Bash the Flash and the Italian Yeti are my OTP
9. Time Out by Sean Hayes, Todd Milliner, Carlyn Greenwald: I found out a lot of people don’t like this book and it honestly breaks my heart. In this we follow Barclay who's basically a sport legend in his school, at least he was until he decided to come out very publicly and the reception wasn’t what he was anticipating, because of this he leaves the Basketball team and help his friend Amy with school related politics where he also meets Christopher and together they help the voiceless have a voice. Barclay and Christopher's relationship is so sweet and wholesome I loved reading about them watching movies and kissing goodnight. I love non-sexual intimacy. Barclay is also great, he’s really kind and understanding given the circumstances of everything that happened to him. Overall everyone on GoodReads is wrong.
8. Snowflake Kisses by Jordon Greenee, Yayira Dzames: Skylar and Jacob are back! In this book we follow Skylar and Jacob who are spending their first Christmas together. Honestly this book is just vibes, no big conflicts, no third act breakup, no Jacbo’s dad, just pure sugary vibes. Seeing Skylar and Jacob have snowfighters, cuddle in the car, and get each other thoughtful gifts, everything was just so nice. Skylar's parents were also great and seeing them treat Jacob like family made my heart skip a beat. Plus I loved art. Yayira Dzames did an amazing job capturing the characters. Overall My favorite Christmas comic.
7. Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date by Ashley Herring Blake: Small confession, I wasn’t a big fan of Iris in the first two books (Delilah Green Doesn’t Care and Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail). However I ended up liking her a lot at the end of this book. In this we follow Iris who has given up on dating and sticking to casual hook-ups after her two failed relationships. Unfortunately for Iris who’s a romance author she suffered from writer's block and needed to find inspiration. We also follow Stevie, a struggling actress with anxiety issues trying to get her big break while helping her ex keep her community theater studio open. When Stevie finds herself in a web of lies her and Iris start a fake relationship, this helps Stevie prove to her friends that she doesn’t need her feeling protected and helps Iris find inspiration for her needed book; they of course start actually falling for each other. Iris and Stevie have amazing chemistry throughout the book and I loved how patient Iris is with Stevie when it comes to sex and intimacy. The consent checks and making sure they both enjoyed each other was so hot. Stevie such as sweetheart and I related to her when it comes to how she views sex and her anxiety and Iris is great too. Overall Stevie has my whole heart.
6. The Sun and Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure by Rick Riordan, Mark Oshiro: Fun fact I didn’t read any Percy Jackson books before this but I liked this anyways. We follow Nico di Angelo the son of Hades and his boyfriend Will Solace the son of Apollo as they travel through the underworld to find their friend Bob who was left behind in Hades Realm. Despite not reading anything Percy Jackson related I loved his adventure, Nico and Will bounce off each other perfectly and I wish there were more books where the main couple are already together because seeing these boyfriends act like boyfriends made my heart flutter. It was such a fun ride from beginning to end and I enjoyed it so much. Overall I should read Percy Jackson.
5. The First to Die at the End by Adam Slivera: This book destroyed me…so 5 stars. This is a prequel of They Both Die at the End, in this book we follow the first ever Decker and see Death-Cast go live for the first time. In this we follow Orion Pagan who lost his parents young and suffers from a deadly heart condition and while he has big dreams for his future he doesn’t see himself living long enough to achieve those dreams and we also follow Valentino Prince who moves to New York with his twin sister to start his molding career, however that’s cut short when he gets the call at midnight. I cried like 4 times reading this book, it was amazing. All the side characters were great and I love multiple POV’s in books. Overall I need more Death-Cast books.
4. Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake: Jordan Everwood is hands down my favorite character. This is the second book in the Bright Falls series and I couldn’t wait to read this one. We follow Astrid who just ended her engagement and is trying to focus on work, we also follow Jordan who helps her grandmother renovate her inn to avoid having to sell. After a not so great first interaction they find themselves working together to fix the inn for a reality tv show. As they work together they start to get to know each other and open up to each other about their family, relationships, and jobs. I loved Astrid in the first book and was so excited to see her story continue and I loved her and Jordan's connection. Overall “You deserve a destiny Jordan Everwood”.
3. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid: This book was so good! In this we follow Monique who has just been assigned to write the autobiography about famous Hollywood Icon Evelyn Hugo and her glamorous and scandalous life. Evelyn is probably the most complex character I’ve read this year, out of all the characters she felt the most human, she made mistakes and did things she regretted but also had moments of kindness and had to make really tough choices. I liked Monique however if I had to change anything I wish we focused on her more, but what we have is great. Overall I need this to be a movie.
2. Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo: This book has amazing writing, I stayed engaged the whole time and couldn’t stop listening. We follow Lily Hu who is a seventeen year old Chinese American living in ChinaTown. This story takes place in 1954 when the red-scare was a big threat for Chinese Americans. Due to this Lily faces many problems, her father may be deported, her friend group is changing, and she starts developing feelings for other women especially her friend Kath. She and Kath start going to an underground lesbian club called the Telegraph Club. This book was so good, I can barely put it into words. Overall Speechless
1. The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas: I loved this book! I knew this was gonna be number one because this was the only book I’ve ever dreamt about after reading. In this we follow Teo, a seventeen year old trans son of Quetzal who finds himself in a century old battle to the death. Teo has no training and is convinced he will not make it out alive. I adore everything about this book, the comedy, the characters, the world building, and the plot twist left me speechless. I cannot wait for part 2! Overall I already miss Teo, Niya, Sol, and Aurelio.
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pridepages · 1 year
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🌈 Happy Pride! 🌈
Good things come in sets of sixes as I spotlight some of my favorite rainbow reads.
✨ Category is: Favorites Read in 2023✨
Learn more about them under the cut!
Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake (RomCom, Rep: F/F, lesbian, bisexual)
Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore (YA gay remix of The Great Gatsby, Rep: M/M, transmen, sapphic characters, BIPOC mcs)
Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta (YA Scifi, Rep: F/F, bisexual, lesbian, BIPOC mcs)
Teacher of the Year by MA Wardell (Spicy/Sweet Romance, Rep: M/M, gay, unlabeled queer mc, BIPOC mc, neurodivergent mcs, ADHD mc, Jewish mc)
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli (YA coming out/romcom, Rep: F/F, bisexual, lesbian, nonbinary sc, Jewish mcs, BIPOC scs)
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera (Historical Romance, F/F, lesbian, BIPOC mcs)
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
Happy Bi Visibility Day 2022!
Happy Bi Visibility Day 2022!
Please note that this post only includes titles etc. not included in earlier Bi Visibility Day posts. (Exception made for books posted without a cover last year or whose pub dates significantly changed since last posting.) For even more bi goodness, make sure to check earlier Bi Visibility Day posts!  Books to Buy Now Middle Grade The Trouble with Robots by Michelle Mohrweis Eighth-graders Evelyn…
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Labyrinth AU - Sequel
Chapter 8
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AN: This chapter contains mentions of sex and fighting.
Over the years, Dave had seen many of your glares.  For instance, there was the time that he stole your toy and tried to convince your mum that it was his to no avail and then there was the time that he’d changed the TV while you were watching one of your favourite cartoons.
The glares that he had seen growing up paled in significance to the glare that he saw on your face as he appeared in front of the castle doors along with Drake and Horvath.  Dave also wasn’t expecting to see the same glare mirrored on Balthazar’s face.  With a start, Dave remembered that he hadn’t actually told his mentor what he was planning to do before he left.
“At least it’s not just you she’s angry at this time.” A small voice in Dave’s mind piped up helpfully, “She’s angry at Horvath and Drake for leaving too.”
The words were a little comforting but before Dave could attempt to placate you as his group drew closer, Drake spoke up.
“Judging by the look on your face (Name), I can safely say that angry sex is definitely on the cards tonight.”
“That’s my sister,” Dave growled out from behind clenched teeth.
“That’s my friend.”  Balthazar responded in the same manner and tone.
Drake chuckled sheepishly before darting in between you and Balthazar and running into the castle.  You and Balthazar both turned to watch him as he ran up the steps and away from the both of you.
A smile spread across your face and you cocked your head to the side.  Clearly, you were listening to something but Dave didn’t know what it was.
“Hero…” To his surprise, Dave thought he detected a pleading note in the king’s voice.
His heart sank a little when he noticed Balthazar looking at him with amusement.
“Tell you what,” you spoke as your grin widened, “if the both of you can endure what is coming for one hour without using your magic, consider yourselves forgiven.”
“What’s coming?” Dave demanded, “Is it another sorcerer?  How come Drake doesn’t have to deal with this?”
“Oh, he does.” You promised, your grin was starting to make Dave nervous now, “And don’t fret, it’s not another sorcerer.”
“Well then what…” Dave trailed off as he heard the thunderous sound of multiple footsteps.
“Hero…” Horvath tried again.
You shook your head once as you and Balthazar stepped to the side of the doors in front of you.  Dave blinked and then suddenly his vision was filled with hundreds of goblins.  Some of them were still wearing their armour and brandishing weapons.
Dave winced at the loud voices of the goblins and he raised his hands to cover his ears in an attempt to protect his hearing.  As he did so, he noticed you watching from atop the stairs.
“You are evil!” He mouthed, “Utterly evil.  I love you (Name).”
You winked and crossed your arms as you leant on the railing at the edge of the balcony making no effort to hide your amusement.
“I love you too Dave.” You mouthed back, “Don’t worry.  You only have fifty minutes to go.”
Dave groaned. 
Three days later, Dave walked into the grandest ballroom he had ever seen in a suit that the goblins had created for him.  The ballroom was almost filled to the brim with people.  If Dave had to guess, he would say that they were dignitaries and nobles from multiple other realms.
Dave searched the ballroom for you, weaving around people to avoid bumping into them.  He glimpsed Balthazar, also wearing a suit, speaking intently with a woman who had mahogany brown hair that fell to her waist.  There were a few times where he needed to stop and introduce himself to the guests as Drake had advised him.
Speaking of Drake, Dave spotted the man lounging against the wall chatting animatedly with two elves.  Dave was pretty sure that they were elves because of the pointed tips of their ears although, he’d learnt that the fae were quite mischievous and they could also be shape shifters so Dave wasn’t entirely sure.
Drake pointed in his direction with his glass and the elves turned.  Dave lifted his hand in greeting before ducking out of sight in an attempt to resume his search.
“Looking for someone?”
Dave spun around to see Bennett and another very familiar face staring back at him with amazement on their faces.
Millions of thoughts raced through Dave’s mind at the sight of the two but when he opened his mouth, all that came out was “Huh?”
“Becky and I have been coming into this realm since we were twelve.  We actually met here because my mum is a dream walker.”
“We’ve been coming here every summer.” Becky added, “My dad’s a fae.”
Dave’s tongue darted out to wet his dry lips, “Becky?  Becky Barnes?”
“Oh, shoot!” Bennett smacked his forehead, “I forgot to introduce you.  Becky, this is…”
“Dave Stutler.” Becky breathed, “How in the world did you end up here?”
“Ah, about that…” Dave prepared to explain just how he had ended up in the labyrinth both times when a hush fell over the room.  Bennett poked him in the back and he turned around to gaze up at the beautifully decorated staircase that lead to the balcony where a goblin stood.  Dave had to hand it to the goblins.  They really knew how to organise a ball.
“PRESENTING THE KING, MAXIM HORVATH AND HIS QUEEN, (NAME) STUTLER!” The goblin bellowed before bowing and backing away amid a wave of applause.
“Your sister is the queen?” Becky exclaimed but Dave didn’t hear her over the applause.  His eyes remained fixed on the balcony and he watched as you and Horvath came into view.  His hand was wrapped around yours as he led you forwards.  Both you and the king were dressed regally in expensive looking clothes.  The realisation that you were queen of the labyrinth sunk in for Dave and he began to grasp the enormity of your role.
The applause grew even louder as the two of you descended the steps.  The crowd parted as you and the king stepped forwards, moving into the centre of the ballroom.  You smiled as you walked past Dave and Bennett.  Dave spotted a few marks on your neck and collarbone that looked suspiciously like hickies.  Dave shivered and chose to ignore their existence instead focusing on the intricately designed new sigils that decorated the skin of your arms.
He realised that you and Horvath had reached the centre of the room and you were now standing opposite Horvath with one of your hands resting on his shoulder and the other encased in his.  The band started playing and Dave watched mesmerised as the two of you danced.
Gradually, more couples made their way to the dance floor but they were careful not to move too close to you or the king.
Dave spent the ball explaining his adventures in the labyrinth to an awestruck Bennett and Becky.
“Dude,” Bennett gaped, “you are definitely participating.”  He held out his hand for a fist bump.
Dave smiled as he watched Horvath spin you into his embrace.  Anyone in that ballroom at that moment would have had to be incredibly unobservant to not be able to see the love that the two of you shared or the magic that danced around you both.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”  Dave bumped Bennett’s fist with his own.
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mills-regina · 2 years
part 13: upcoming sapphic releases i’m excited for!
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ackb · 1 year
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2022 Reading Challenge Report
Creating this spread in my journal has become a highlight of my year. Past efforts are here: 2019, 2020, 2021. Each year I spend a little more time on my mini cover drawings and each year I'm a little happier with how they turned out.
My reading goal for the year was 100 books and I barely made it: 101. I had to really book it to reach my goal (heh, see what I did there)
Some years it's sort of hard to pick my "Best Books", but this year it was relatively easy. Eight books in particular really stood out. I could have just left it at eight, but there were two additional authors that I came across this year that I read several books by and am quite sure I will continue gobbling up their oeuvres as long as I can. (I've never in my life seen that word as a plural—can that be right?) So as a 9th pick, I just named them both: Ashley Herring Blake and Alexis Hall. I read several of Blake's books this year that would have absolutely changed my life if they'd been around when I was a kid/teen and Hall is here because literally everything he writes is fucking hilarious.
The full list with metrics are after the jump:
My top 8 and other stand outs are in bold below
Non-Fiction (23)
Star Child: A Biographical Constellation of Octavia Estelle Butler, Ibi Zoboi
How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America, Kiese Laymon
(gn) The Drawing Lesson, Mark Crilley
The Art of Visual Notetaking: An Interactive Guide to Visual Communication and Sketchnoting, Emily Mills
(gn) Windows on the World, Robert Mailer Anderson, Jon Sack, Zack Anderson
All Boys Aren't Blue, George M. Johnson
Black Widow: A Sad-Funny Journey Through Grief for People Who Normally Avoid Books with Words Like "Journey" in the Title, Leslie Gray Streeter
(gn) WE HEREBY REFUSE: Japanese American Resistance to Wartime Incarceration, Frank Abe, Tamiko Nimura, Matt Sasaki (Illustrator), Ross Ishikawa (Illustrator)
(gn) Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts, Rebecca Hall, Hugo Martinez (Illustrator)
(gn) Kid Gloves: Nine Months of Careful Chaos, Lucy Knisley
(gn) Foundations of Chinese Civilization: The Yellow Emperor to the Han Dynasty, Jing Liu
Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America, Beth Macy
Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement, Tarana Burke
(gn) Go to Sleep (I Miss You): Cartoons from the Fog of New Parenthood, Lucy Knisley
Notes on Grief, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
(gn) The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History, David F. Walker, Marcus Kwame Anderson (Illustrations)
BLUU Notes: An Anthology of Love, Justice, and Liberation, Takiyah Nur Amin, Mykal Slack, eds.
(gn) Passport, Sophia Glock
Revolution in Our Time: The Black Panther Party's Promise to the People, Kekla Magoon
(pb) Nicky & Vera: A Quiet Hero of the Holocaust and the Children He Rescued, Peter Sís
Refugee High: Coming of Age in America, Elly Fishman
(pb) Afghan Dreams: Young Voices of Afghanistan, Tony O'Brien, Mike Sullivan
(pb) Wishes, Mượn Thị Văn, Victo Ngai (Illustrator)
Fiction (59)
Red at the Bone, Jacqueline Woodson
American Street, Ibi Zoboi
Husband Material, Alexis Hall
Rise to the Sun, Leah Johnson
(gn) The Last Session, vol. 1, Jasmine Walls, Dozerdraws (Illustrations)
The Galaxy, and the Ground Within, Becky Chambers
(gn) The Montague Twins: The Devil's Music, Nathan Page, Drew Shannon (Illustrations)
Record of a Spaceborn Few, Becky Chambers
Something Fabulous, Alexis Hall
Honey Girl, Morgan Rogers
(gn) Fantasmas, Raina Telgemeier
Purple Hibiscus, Chimamanda Ngoni Adichie
The Violence, Delilah S. Dawson
(gn) Coven, Jennifer Dugan, Kit Seaton (Illustrations)
Children of God, Mary Doria Russell (re-read)
Boyfriend Material, Alexis Hall
Skye Falling, Mia McKenzie
Liar & Spy, Rebecca Stead
The Sparrow, Mary Doria Russell (re-read)
A Psalm for the Wild Built, Becky Chambers
(gn) Oddball: Sarah Scribbles #4, Sarah Andersen
Girl Made of Stars, Ashley Herring Blake
Everything, Everything, Nicola Yoon
A Closed and Common Orbit, Becky Chambers
(gn) Slaughter House Five, Ryan North (adaptor), Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Albert Monteys (Illustrations)
Pretend I'm Dead, Jen Beagin
(gn) The Crossover, Kwame Alexander Dawud Anyabwile (Illustrations)
Don't Check Out This Book, Kate Klise, Sarah Klise (Illustrations)
Light From Uncommon Stars, Ryka Aoki
The Mighty Heart of Sunny St. James, Ashley Herring Blake
Hang the Moon, Alexandria Bellefleur
(gn) Alice in Leatherland, Iolanda Zanfardino, Elisa Romboli (Illustrator)
Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World, Ashley Herring Blake
Delilah Green Doesn't Care, Ashley Herring Blake
The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls, Anissa Gray
(gn) Across a Field of Starlight, Blue Delliquanti
Ain't Burned All the Bright, Jason Reynolds, Jason Griffin (Illustrator)
Count Your Lucky Stars, Alexandria Bellefleur
I Kissed Shara Wheeler, Casey McQuiston
(gn) The Bride Was a Boy, Chii, Beni Axia Conrad (Translator)
Payback's a Witch, Lana Harper
The School for Good Mothers, Jessamine Chan
(gn) The Sacrifice of Darkness, Roxane Gay, Tracy Lynne Oliver, Rebecca Kirby, James Fenner
Read Between the Lines, Rachel Lacey
The Ex-Girlfriend of My Ex-Girlfriend Is My Girlfriend: Advice on Queer Dating, Love, and Friendship, Maddy Court, Kelsey Wroten (Illustrations)
(gn) A Shadow in RiverClan, Erin Hunter
How to Find a Princess, Alyssa Cole
The Girl in the Well is Me, Karen Rivers
American Spy, Lauren Wilkinson
Stay With Me, Ayọ̀bámi Adébáyọ̀
(gn) Be Gay, Do Comics, Matt Bors, ed.
(gn) Cheer Up: Love and Pompoms, Crystal Frasier, Val Wise (Illustrator)
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, Becky Chambers
This Winter, Alice Oseman
The Bookish Life of Nina Hill, Abbi Waxman
(gn) Stone Fruit, Lee Lai
Heartstopper, vol. 4, Alice Oseman
(gn) Squad, Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Lisa Sterle (Illustrator)
(gn) Shadow Life, Hiromi Goto, Ann Xu (Illustrations)
Read with the kids and/or for Homeschool planning (19)
Front Desk, Kelly Yang
The Midwife's Apprentice, Karen Cushman
(pb) Blue: A History of the Color as Deep as the Sea and as Wide as the Sky, Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond, Daniel Minter (Illustrator)
The Wednesday Wars, Gary D. Schmidt
(gn) Twelfth Grade Night, Molly Horton Booth, Stephanie Kate Strohm, Jamie Green (Illustrator)
(gn) The History of Western Art in Comics Part One: From Prehistory to the Renaissance, Marion Augustin, Bruno Heitz (Illustrations)
(gn) Magical History Tour #4: The Crusades, Fabrice Erre, Sylvain Savoia (Illustrator)
A Year Down Yonder, Richard Peck (re-read)
A Long Way from Chicago, Richard Peck (re-read)
The Amber Spyglass, Philip Pullman (re-read)
The Night Diary, Veera Hiranandani
The Subtle Knife, Philip Pullman (re-read)
(pb) Prisoners of Geography, Children's Ed.: Our World Explained in 12 Simple Maps, Tim Marshall
The Great Brain at the Academy, John D. Fitzgerald
(pb) The 1619 Project: Born on the Water, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Renée Watson, Nikkolas Smith (Illustrator)
(pb) Unspeakable: The Tulsa Race Massacre, Carole Boston Weatherford, Floyd Cooper (Illustrator)
The Whale Rider, Witi Ihimaera
(pb) Mr. Watson's Chickens, Jarrett Dapier, Andrea Tsurumi (Illustrator)
The Golden Compass, Philip Pullman (re-read)
(gn) = graphic novel or graphic novel format (pb) = picture book
I read 101 books this year
Authors of color: 40 Black authors: 28 Cis-women, trans & nonbinary authors: 73 Graphic novels: 34 Queer characters: 47 (34 main characters) Audiobooks: 22 Picture books: 8
Read 25 Books by Black Women Authors: Only read 23
I think next year I won't do the Black Women Authors challenge. I hope I will still read as many or at least a significant number of books by Black women, and I think it's a really great idea. I'm going to resist doing it this year, though, because I noticed a crummy impulse in myself as I was keeping track of the books, like I was "getting credit" for reading books in this category and that feels kinda gross. We'll see how I do without striving for a cookie.
I would like to read more picture books in 2023, and maybe be a little choosier about the graphic novels I read. I really love graphic novels, but I read some clunkers this year. I was also pretty light on nonfiction and I'd like to read a little more this year. In any case, I know it will be another great year of reading! See you next year!
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bookbaran · 1 year
I bought The Swifts by Beth Lincoln, The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton, A Million to One by Adiba Jaigirdar, Fairy Tale by Stephen King, and A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers. Plus I just started by library book, Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail by Ashley Herring Blake. And I'm still reading What If? 2 by Randall Munroe.
There are too many good things! I don't know what to read!
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the-weed-and-read · 14 days
Just finished two wlw books that were 🧑‍🍳💋
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli (0 🌶️)
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake (3 🌶️)
I related so hard to Imogen… the bisexual angst and moral panic sums up my life nicely.
Claire and Delilah’s chemistry was very well done!
Both of these books made my little queer heart so happy and seen.
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hollywoodfamerp · 23 days
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Everyone please refollow the following accounts as the muns have reclaimed the roles:
Billie Eilish ( @eilishbillies )
Blake Lively ( @livelyeblakes )
Chloe Bailey ( @yeahchlo )
Jung Wooyoung ( @wooyvung )
Lee Felix ( @yvngboks )
Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch) ( @bvckybalboa )
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) ( @rhxariplxy )
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fazcinatingblog · 1 year
a clip of blake freeman discussing his animal theory came up on my facebook feed so i watched it again and i reiterate this is the funniest thing i've ever heard besides cameron james' electric dreams show
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