#Black clover sister Lily
marcus-vice · 2 years
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Yeah it’s official… asta is having the worst day of his life
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dumplingfaye · 2 years
just trying it out let me know if I should change to white permanently
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Yes they’re not paladins and that’s why I made them blue last time but I think it would be interesting if they had like no color other than their hair I even wanted to like drain their hair color but chose not to
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derekjay346 · 2 years
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If I had a nickel for every time a water mage that was extremely close with one of the Light Triad Trio was turned into a horror beyond human comprehension, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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funky-sea-cryptid · 11 months
there's a lot to say about black clover but one thing that's always fucking commendable and it's that every single woman in black clover has the capacity and the range to murder someone.
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tailyor · 1 year
Sister Lily 🖤🤍
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It's okay to repost art but please credit it and don't cut the watermark.
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the-black-bulls · 1 year
Asta: I have a girlfriend now.
Sister Lily, encouragingly: A girlfriend?
Asta: [reflexively gives a panicked peace sign]
Father Orsi: TWO girlfriends??
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blackcloverdatabase · 2 years
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Yuno’s Mom Meets Yuno’s Other Mom
I wonder if Yuno ever introduced his mom to Sister Lily? They would have twice the number of embarrassing stories to tell!
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Panel redraw from chapter 333💕
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
This isn't a request for a tickle fic so I hope you are okay with writing it! I just wanted to request a fic were Leo and Yuno had revealed the fact that they are in a relationship so Yuno takes Leo to hage so he can meet everyone!
Ahh, my weakness! *vibrates at an inhuman speed* I'm so normal about them I swear! aerajrjheakjreaj No but really- this is a delight of a prompt and I'm beyond happy to make it for you, anon! I hope you like it!
CW: Mild angst, mentions of homophobia VERY LIGHT SPOILER WARNING: Black Clover Eps. 71-72 (It's incredibly vague- there's no real details but I'm gonna put it out there just in case)
Cloud 9 (Taglist peeps):
“Come to Hage with me!”
When Yuno first offered the suggestion to Leopold, he was excited. It’d been some time since he’d seen his family, and the idea of sharing a part of himself with Leopold felt right.
Then excitement turned to unyielding anxiety in a matter of hours as he realized he had no idea HOW he was going to do that.
The planning wasn’t the difficult part- both Captains Fuegoleon and William were fine with it, and they even managed to rope Captain Yami into letting Asta and Noelle tag along. Letters were sent, and the responses have been nothing but positive from Sister Lily and Father Orsi . The actual trip was set.
It was the whole- you know- coming out thing. All this time later, and he still hadn’t told them. Yuno felt his stomach twist into a thousand knots as he watched Hage’s green hills get closer in the distance, willing himself not to shake.
“You’re gonna love it there! Our siblings are a riot, but they’ll get used to you pretty fast.” Asta was filling the mildly tense air with chatter, giving Leopold and Noelle the details about their family. A few times the redhead would look his way, smiling brightly at him. That helped- somewhat.
“You okay?” Leopold floated over on his broom, voice pitched low so the others wouldn’t hear him. “You look like you’re gonna puke.”
“Motion sickness?” Yuno offered, wincing when his voice shook..
“You’re nervous huh?” He smiled, bumping him gently. “I’m a bit too. Do you…do you think they’ll like me?”
“You’re like a second Asta. They’ll adore you.” Yuno grinned, earning a laugh and a light shove from Leopold. “Really- I do think they’ll like you. Both of you.” He nodded back to where Asta and Noelle were, their voices acting as background noise.
“Thanks.” Leopold leaned over, giving him a quick peck before returning to the original pair, Asta’s “WHERE HERE!” snapping him back to reality.
It’ll be fine. Yuno took a breath, forcing a smile. Everything is going to be fine.
He hoped.
“YUNO! ASTA!” Recca all but squealed upon seeing the three brooms above. “Everyone- Asta and Yuno are back!”
Within seconds of touching the ground, they were swarmed. Squeals of glee rang out from Arlu and Holo as they bull-tackled Asta, clinging to his legs and jumping up with grabby hands. Recca practically squeezed the life out of Yuno, her frizzy red hair almost to his chin- when did she get so tall? Sister Lily came out soon after, tears in her eyes as she hugged both of them just as tight. By the door, Father Orsi laughed, patting Nash on the head as they waited their turn to get their hugs.
It was a mess of limbs and hugs and kisses and ear shattering screams of glee from the youngest kids.. Yuno took it all in, nostalgia and warmth mixing in his chest as he reunited with his family. God, he missed them all so much.
“Welcome home, boys.” Orsi smiled when he managed to get in, hugging them both before patting their heads. “Though I should call you two men- after everything you’ve been through. Still; no matter how old you two get, you’ll always be the squishy cheeked babies I remember when you first arrived.”
“Father Orsi, come on! I’m so much bigger now since being a baby!” Asta huffed, unable to stay annoyed. Yuno laughed softly, willing his ears to stop burning. It didn’t help that Leopold was snickering in the background, clearly pleased.
“I suppose so- now, who are these fine people you two brought?” He asked, looking out towards Noelle and Leopold. Yuno’s stomach twisted once more, the anxiety he was just beginning to forget about piercing him like an arrow. Right- introductions. It was time.
“This is Noelle! Fellow Black Bull and royalty!” Asta cheerfully introduced Noelle, pulling her closer to the group. “She’s a really cool water mage! If you’re lucky- she might show you some tricks!”
“Dorksta- don’t go promoting me like I’m some sort of circus act!” Noelle fussed, cheeks red and mildly annoyed. From the group, some of the kids giggled. “Erm, it’s nice to meet you all.”
“Your girlfriend’s pretty, Dorksta!” Holo declared, making Noelle flush crimson with a squeak. Sister lily scowled him gently but Asta took it in stride, laughing with the rest of his siblings at the nickname. When the chatter died down, all eyes turned to Yuno and Leopold.
It’ll be fine.
“Leopold Vermillion! Nice to meet you all!” Leopold declared proudly, all smiles. The children were hooked almost immediately, eyes shining. “I’m Yuno’s-” He paused then, turning to the other. There was a question in his eyes. Is this okay?
Yuno felt his heart squeeze so hard it hurt. Leopold was giving him the chance to lie- to just say he was Yuno’s good friend. To work up the courage later and tell them another time. He was grateful for the redhead at that moment.
“He’s my boyfriend.” Yuno finished. Alas- as grateful as he was; he had to do it. Leopold had already agreed to keep it a secret in the past- he wasn’t gonna put him through all that again . “We’ve been dating for a while now.”
Faces morphed into surprise- Father Orsi’s brows shot up and Sister Lily blinked. Recca and Nash’s mouths formed into “o” shapes, while Arlu and Holo were too busy hovering around Noelle to notice. Even Asta looked surprised- and he knew already. Yuno waited, pleading with whomever was listening for- what- the ground to swallow him up? For lighting to strike him down? For Captain William to call and suddenly announce a task only Yuno could fill and save him from this awkward situation?
“Well, this was unexpected.” Father Orsi was the first to speak, his shock fading into  warmth as he came over, shaking Leopold’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Leopold.”
“I recognize the name- are you related to Mimosa Vermillion?” Sister Lily recovered just as fast, smiling brightly. “She’s a darling, that one.”
“Oh yeah- she’s mine and Noelle’s cousin.” Leopold fell into easy chatter with them, bright as the sun as they asked about his team and family. Recca wiggled past the adults to Yuno’s side, her hand finding his as she leaned into his arm.
“Is he good to you?” She asked. Yuno took a shaky breath before nodding.
“He’s very good. The best man I’ve ever met.” Recca’s hand squeezed his in return, her face softening to a happy grin.
“Okay. Then I like him.” She decided. Yuno felt his throat tighten some as he leaned over, kissing her brow.
Asta and Noelle were soon dragged into the chatter. Before long, everyone was comfortable around everyone.
All but Nash, who hovered just outside the group with a pinched expression.
“It was so HOT! And dangerous too- there were so many cliffs and rocks, and the ground was carved with lava!” Asta stood before the group, retelling his adventures to his siblings- complete with standing tall and raising his arms high to emphasize his point. “There were so many instances where I was sure I wasn’t gonna make it! One wrong move, and your future Wizard King would have been as cooked as a Hage Potato!”
“I’m surprised you didn’t. I bet Yuno didn’t have any problems in that heat- not with his wind magic.” Recca grinned at her brother, earning a small smile in return. “I bet you were cool as the snow climbing that volcano!”
“Oh no, I just got lucky.” Yuno shrugged.
“Don’t be so humble- he was amazing!” Leopold grinned, joining Asta in retelling their adventures of Mereoleona’s training camp. “He was all- ZOOM! And we were all: ‘Whaaaat’ and he was all- “I’m so cool, look at me.’”
“Yeah yeah! Definitely!” Asta agreed, earning a round of laughter from the kids. “Noelle looked cool too!”
“What? Oh- don’t just say those things, Dorksta!” She huffed, cheeks pink but clearly pleased. Arlu and Holo were  fast asleep against her lap, likely dreaming of the small water dragons Noelle created for their entertainment . Despite her earlier complaints about being an attraction, it didn’t take long at all for her to give in and play with them. Yuno felt a new appreciation for the water mage. “I guess you were kinda cool too…”
“Oh goodness- I can’t imagine going through that myself!” Sister Lily laughed around her tea mug, fanning away the imaginary heat. “You two have been getting so strong since you went to the capital.”
“That’s our boys!” Orsi agreed, raising a cup of what Yuno suspected wasn’t water. He didn’t mind though- it was nice sitting with everyone again. Though, there was still something wrong.
Throughout the day, Nash had been fairly quiet, not talking much at all during dinner or the time before. He’d always been a calmer soul, but Yuno couldn’t help but suspect he was angry. There was this clear tension radiating off of him that prickled at Yuno’s skin all throughout the day- especially tense during dinner when they were all sitting together.
Yuno tried to brush it off as discomfort of new people, but sitting here now- Nash nowhere in sight, his thoughts got the better of him.
Did Nash…not accept him?
Slipping away from the group, he went to find him, scared of what he’d find but determined to get to the bottom of it.
“Nash?” Yuno called out, finding his brother sitting on the back steps of the church. “There you are.”
“Oh, hey Yuno.” The younger boy looked back at him, his face and voice calm as ever. In his hands he was playing with a tree branch, picking at the bark and pulling at the leaves. “Got overwhelmed in there?”
“A bit. I actually came to find you.” Yuno began to walk over but stopped, suddenly unsure of himself. What if he sat down beside him and Nash walked away? Maybe he should…
“Why are you hovering? It’s not like we’re strangers.” Nash nodded at the spot beside him. Yuno flushed as he sat down, shamed. Why was this suddenly so difficult?
Silence hung between them, charged with something Yuno couldn’t quite put his finger on that did nothing to ease his nerves. He went to find words, but his throat felt tight, locking away his vocal cords. He needed to say it. “Nash…are you mad?”
Nash didn’t reply, though the slow pace he was working at with his stick sped up, growing slightly more aggressive. Ah, so he was.
“Are you mad…at me?” Yuno asked, feeling his heart sink when the picking grew. “Did I do something wrong?”
The stick shook. Nash’s calm expression grew pinched. “You didn’t tell us.”
There it was. Yuno bowed his head. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t- don’t apologize.” Nash tossed the stick aside, turning so he could face Yuno properly. “I don’t want an apology. I just want to know why. You know us- we’re your family! That’s never gonna change, so why…why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Nash huffed, shoulders drooping. “Did you not…trust us?”
“What- no, not at all!” Yuno winched, hating how sad his brother sounded. “It’s not that at all. I just…” He was about to ramble when he stopped, taking a breath. This was Nash- clever, understanding Nash. He might as well be honest. “I was scared.”
“Of us?” Nash blinked, tilting his head.
“Of how you’d all react.” Yuno nodded, turning to look at his knees. “Back at the capital, there are some incredible people there. But there’s also a lot of cruel ones too. Leopold- he came out before me, and I still think about some of the awful things said about him. Some were said about me too- both behind my back and to my face. I try not to care about them- they already have problems with me being a commoner, but…”
“You were scared we’d react the same way.” Nash spoke softly, voice barely over a whisper. Yuno winced, nodding.
“I know now it was irrational,, but at the time- when I first started figuring myself out and being with Leopold; I was just so…terrified. I couldn’t bring myself to say it in a letter- I needed to know in person how you’d all react. I didn’t want to come home and be treated like a stranger. That…that would hurt.” Yuno felt his eyes sting, his throat closing with unshed tears. “I’m sorry. I wish I had the courage to say it sooner, but…I didn’t. I’m sorry I made you think you couldn’t be trusted, and I’m sorry-”
“Stop.” Nash scooted over, resting his head against Yuno’s shoulder. “You’re shaking.” He took his hand in his own, two small warm ones holding Yuno’s icy limb. “Just breathe, Yuno.”
Yuno willed himself to do so, taking slow deep breaths one after another as he forced himself to calm down. He hadn’t realized just how close to a panic attack he was getting. Nash’s voice guided him back to reality, his hands still squeezing Yuno’s as the older boy collected himself. “Sorry…”
“Didn’t I just say to stop that?” Nash gave him a look, eyes softening after a moment. Silence passed before he spoke again. “You don’t have to apologize- it doesn’t seem like an easy thing to talk about. If anything- I’m sorry for getting so mad about it. Even if it took awhile, I’m glad you were able to tell us now.”
Yuno didn’t trust his voice, opting to squeeze Nash’s shoulder. Nash took this as a sign to continue.
“You know- I don’t even think that part is what made me upset. I’m really happy you found that Leopold guy, and I’m happy you and Asta are living your lives. I guess it’s just…everytime you and Asta come home, so much has happened. One minute you’re heading out to the capital, the next, you’re these powerful Magic Knights with cool abilities and war stories. I feel like there’s just so much..missing between. Like those old books someone donated that had chapters missing.” Nash dropped some, shaking his head. “That was probably stupid to listen to, huh?”
“Not at all. I think I get it.” Yuno nodded, finding his voice as he turned towards the skyline. “I’m sorry about that. Things happen so fast there, and when I go to write, I never know what to say. That and I’d hate to give Sister Lily a heart attack with the gorey details.” That earned a small smile from Nash. Yuno felt his chest loosen. “I’ll try to be better about keeping you guys updated. And I’ll try to visit more often.”
“Promise?” Nash peeked up at him. Yuno raised his pinky. Without hesitation, Nash curled his own around it.
“Promise.” Yuno gave it a little shake, the same way they did when Nash was real young. Just like that, the knots in his stomach vanished. He could breathe again.
“Thanks Yuno. Though, can I ask you something?” Nash leaned in conspiratory-like, brows furrowing. “What made you fall for him? Don’t get me wrong- he seems great, but he’s like a second Asta- just so…loud.”
Yuno snorted, hand slapping over his mouth as he shook with mirth. Nash grinned, giggling alongside his brother.
“I suppose that’s a good place to start.” Yuno got out once he recovered. The rest of the night he shared the tale with Nash, the tale of how he and Leopold came to be.
“There you are. We really do have a fondness for fields, don’t we?” Leopold laughed as he flopped down beside Yuno, the stars bright above and the air chilled. Yuno was lying on his back, hands tucked behind his head as he reflected on the day’s events. Overall- it all went well.
“That’s true. We’ll have to change it up soon. How about a beach day next time?” Yuno suggested, grinning when Leopold made a face.
“No way- I’m still finding sand in inconvenient places.” Shaking his head, he flopped backwards and into Yuno’s chest, snuggling close. “Thanks for inviting me out. Your family’s great!”
“Told you they’d love you.” Yuno hugged him close, skittering his nails against his back. “I’m glad you came. They’re gonna be talking about you and Noelle for months.”
“Hehe, better send some presents then. Gotta keep my “cool older brother” rep with the kiddos.” Leopold closed his eyes, melting against his boyfriend’s hand. “Hey…this is kinda dumb but..thanks for introducing me as your boyfriend. I would have gone with the whole friend thing if you weren’t ready to tell them, but…It made me really happy.”
“It’s not dumb at all. And I appreciate you so much for that. Still…I wanted to tell them. Regardless of what happened, I wanted them to know you as my boyfriend. It was really scary, but I’m glad I did it. I feel so…relieved.” Yuno nodded,  satisfied with his choice of words as he played with Leopold’s braid. “Was it like that for you when you came out to your siblings?”
“Honestly? I can’t remember. When I came out, I was so scared of chickening out I busted into Fuegoleon’s office and shouted it at the top of my lungs. Sis must have heard me from down the hall cause she yelled back “Good for you!” and Fuegoleon wasn’t fazed in the slightest. I think they both already knew.” Leopold laughed at the memory, smiling to himself. “I’m so lucky to have the siblings I have. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
“Yeah…” Yuno hummed in agreement, letting that settle. It made him grateful for his siblings as well- and his comrades. How’d he get so lucky to find the people he met?
“So- it’s just the two of us now. Do you think anyone will be slipping out this evening?” Leopold asked, sitting up so they were eye to eye, a teasing grin on his lips. Yuno blinked before flushing some, feeling his eyes widen.
“What? I’ve been good- I’ve held back all day from doing it.” He leaned in some, green eyes sparkling with warmth. “Now or never, right?”
Yuno rolled his eyes with a soft laugh, flicking his bangs away. “You’re a dork. Fine, come here.” 
Leopold wasted no time pressing his lips against Yuno’s, pushing him back into the grass.
It was all as Yuno hoped it would be and more. He was so glad he came home.
Thanks for reading!
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azuvist · 2 years
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I joined a tarot Collab on twitter!
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dumplingfaye · 2 years
Black clover Spoiler colorings +(My edit)
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deltajellybean793 · 8 months
"Sister!!! Please marry me!!!"
Black Clover, Chapter 332
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tea-stained · 2 months
'aight ain't no shot sister Lily isn't 1. into some shit 2. some fucked up almighty being
My girl has that goddamn Holy Fist of Love spell or whatever the name is, she seems stronger than she lets on, I love her, but I'm just as suspicious of her as I was while watching for the 1st time...
Like, girlll, ain't no way you are in the church just because you want to, you're too much of an angel to actually be one. It's either from guilt or deception. And no shot that you can cast a spell like *that* on accident, unless you're fucked up levels of powerful.
She'll be the final boss, I tell y'all.
Anyway, can't wait 'till my wife shows up, I love Mereoleona so much, GOD DAMMIT, I NEED HER ASAP
mereoleona..... bbg ily..... please beat the bad stuff out of me and fill me with optimism and determination..... speak to me, mereoleona..... ily.....
ps if sister lily is what she says she is. god bless her i love her and sorry for ever doubting her. and if she isn't. god bless her and i love her
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 3 Poll WW
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(Wisteria and lily)
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priestesschan · 2 years
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Manga: Black Clover Mangaka: Tabata Yuuki
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silvyavan · 2 years
Black Clover theory about the 5 headed dragon legend, Astaroth and how Lucius shot himself in the foot by targeting Sister Lily
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Warning for my insane ranting and theorism but there are CONNECTIONS.
In the past few post timeskip chapters we've been given some important details:
Lucius had taken the hearts of several supreme devils, including Beelzebub and implemented them into humans.
Sister Lily views Asta as a little brother
In Yami's homeland, there's a legend about a heavenly maiden and a 5 headed dragon
Sister Lily and Beelzebub are now in Hino country
The Black Sea in Yami's hometown is considered a ripple between TIME and SPACE
This is all linked into, what could very well be the Astaroth reveal in the VERY NEAR FUTURE
Let's preface this with Beelzebub, Astaroth and Lucifero and how hearts work with devils. We've SEEN with Zagred that the hearts of devils are more like a core of sorts and the devils magic and soul likely resides in. We don't know whether or not those devils, upon having their hearts eaten, dissappear as egos or simply get put to hibernation.
Assuming that the personas of said devils are tied into their magic, the brainwashing and purification with paladin bullshit Lucius is pulling is likely trapping both Sister Lily and Beelzebub in the same shifest.
Astaroth is likely exempt from being locked up in the back of Lucius' mind, probably because the ego/soul either escaped or was transfered somewhere else as a last ditch resort of survival (this will be important a bit further down.)
Now, Beelzebub and Astaroth are more alike and connected to each, similar to how in mythos Satan and Moloch are connected but instead were fuzed into Lucifero.
Both Beelzebub and Astaroth were demons who originated from Mesopotamiam/Ancient gods, Baal and Ishtar respectively. The affinities of space and time are both directly linked and dependent on each other. They're technically the only devils of the trinity who, SO FAR, haven't had direct interaction with humans outside of deals.
In ADDITION, both are in the same group of sorts, both as the evil trinity and supreme devils.
However, Astaroth is different in the point where in his description, he has two pets under his command - a viper in his hand while riding an INFERNAL dragon.
Now, we're not given any context into what these creatures can and can't do or what they represent, so artistic liberties in portraying them can be taken.
How does this connect to Sister Lily, the legend of the 5 headed dragon and Asta?
The legend of Benzaiten in Enoshima.
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The legend that Ichika talks about is LITERALLY the Enoshima land legend, which has a shrine made for MATCHMAKING.
Asta has been connected to the number 5 ALL the time in the series and wouldn't be surprising to have him connected to THIS dragon as well. And with the whole "holy maiden of beauty and benevolence" myth, that's where Sister Lily/Possessed Lily comes in. Literally down to rejected proposals.
The thing we need to look out for is that the legend says that the dragon was DORMANT in Enoshima, ie still there, and that the sea which turned black was a ripple between TIME and SPACE. The dragon is very likely still there and the reason why the sea is black.
The theory is, that, the dragon that Astaroth has is the SAME DRAGON in the black sea. And by Sister Lily and Asta fighting there, we'll likely get the Astaroth reveal.
And this is because we've seen foreshadowing in this with the VIPER.
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Zagred is described as a high ranking devil, so the likelihood of him being from the 5th gate, which Astaroth should reside in, is Plausible. In addition, Zagred isn't summoning the Tendrils/Viper, he's opening a gate from his world to this one. The Viper Tendrils are just busting out likely because they became feral at the loss of their owner.
How this connects to the Dragon is how Asta reacted to said Viper. We SEE how this magic reacts to both elf and human, even to YAMI, who's technically a kijin. It's hostile to EVERYONE.
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Note how Patri says that Antimagic works on Viper but remarks that Asta's UNSCATHED as a separate thing.
Asta isn't safe because of antimagic but because of himself. Antimagic was able to cut him free but when Asta was swallowed up, he wasn't in black form. The Viper didn't do damage because of Asta himself. The Viper, even if now feral, recognised Asta as Astaroth and knew not to attack. And we KNOW its not because of magic because it leeches life energy too, similar to Licita's curse.
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THIS, is where shit starts building up to a Sister Lily vs Asta on the Black Lake fight because it will parallel this moment.
Sister Lily and Asta start duking it out in the Black Sea but nobody can get in there or suffer adverse effects. ASTA gets thrown in there by Sister Lily to try and kill him for good but he comes out unscathed. And since the place is a ripple of Time and Space, the 5 headed dragon can feel "Astaroth", or maybe Asta's presence wakes it from its slumber.
And fucken busts out.
And Beelzebub fucken SEES this.
Astaroth's old ass pet reacting to this little dude. Who's name is Asta has goes memory dumpster diving. Who also is as old as when Astaroth disappeared.
And he starts making connections. THIS is how the reveal happens.
And THIS is how sister lily gets out of the brainwashing.
Beelzebub by mythos, is older than Astaroth but similar enough to warrant connection. It wouldn't be weird for Beelzebub, who looks like a 40 year old man with alcoholism, to be considered a "big brother" to Astaroth.
And sister lily stuck in the back of her own head suffering over hurting Asta and sees BEELZEBUB try and bust out. Which is how we get Siister Lily gets out of the brainwashing, Astaroth lore AND Beelzebub and sister Lily working together to save their "little brother".
Especially in helping all of them get BACK to Clover with extra help.
Imagine you're Lucius and you see Asta, previously assumed dead, Sister Lily and BEELZEBUB with extra help from Hino Country riding into battle on a FIVE HEADED DRAGON. I would just throw in the towel and start evacuation.
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