#Book of First Kings
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David’s instructions to Solomon
1 When David was about to die, he instructed his son Solomon, 2 “I’m about to leave this world. Be strong and mature. 3 Fulfill your duty to the Lord your God. Obey his directions, laws, commands, rules, and written instructions as they are recorded in Moses’ Teachings. Then you’ll succeed in everything you do wherever you may go. 4 You’ll succeed because the Lord will keep the promise he made to me: ‘If your descendants are faithful to me with all their hearts and lives, you will never fail to have an heir on the throne of Israel.’
5 “You know what Joab (Zeruiah’s son) did to me and to the two commanders of Israel’s army—Abner, son of Ner, and Amasa, son of Jether. Joab killed them. When there was peace, he shed blood as if it were wartime. With their blood he stained the belt around his waist and the shoes on his feet. 6 Use your wisdom. Don’t let that gray-haired, old man go to his grave peacefully.
7 “Be kind to the sons of Barzillai from Gilead. Let them eat at your table. They helped me when I was fleeing from your brother Absalom.
8 “Shimei, son of Gera from Bahurim in Benjamin, is still with you. He cursed me repeatedly when I went to Mahanaim. But when he came to meet me at the Jordan River, I took an oath by the Lord and said, ‘As long as I’m king, I won’t have you killed.’ 9 Now, don’t let him go unpunished. You are wise and know what to do to him: Put that gray-haired, old man into his grave by slaughtering him.”
10 David lay down in death with his ancestors and was buried in the City of David. 11 He ruled as king of Israel for 40 years. He ruled for 7 years in Hebron and for 33 years in Jerusalem.
Solomon Establishes His Authority
12 Solomon sat on his father David’s throne, and his power was firmly established. — 1 Kings 2:1-12 | God’s Word Translation (GWT) The Holy Bible, GOD’S WORD® Translation Copyright 1995 by God’s Word to the Nations. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 40:14; Genesis 47:29; Leviticus 8:35; Deuteronomy 17:18; Deuteronomy 31:7; Deuteronomy 31:14; Deuteronomy 31:23; 2 Samuel 2:13; 2 Samuel 7:12-13; 2 Samuel 7:25; 2 Samuel 9:7; 2 Samuel 16:5; 2 Samuel 19:16; 1 Chronicles 3:4; 1 Chronicles 29:23; 1 Chronicles 29:26-27; 2 Chronicles 1:1; Matthew 3:4; Acts 2:29; Acts 13:36
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suntails · 2 months
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strength and nobility
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hualianschild · 4 months
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saw this on my tl and oh op is so right
credits to @/melondenden on X
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Say it with me kids
Andrew never thought he was hallucinating Neil
"you were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs"
His FEELINGS for Neil were supposed to be the side effect that would disappear once he was sober.
"I'm not a hallucination"
Andrew never thought he was, Neil misinterpreting this because Andrew speaks in riddles half the time is acceptable since he canonically has to have everything spelled out for him when it pertains to people's feelings toward him. I.e. being called a friend, thinking Andrew will choose Aaron over him, etc.
"you are a pipe dream"
This is both Andrew correcting Neil and a statement about his feelings toward Neil. A pipe dream is defined as an unrealistic and unattainable goal or an impossible hope. This sentence is as close to a confession of feelings as we get from Andrew. He WANTS.
This is the same scene, mind you, where Andrew says he hates Neil. And that's relevant because in order to hate something you have to care. This entire exchange happens in response to Neil expressing his desire to protect Andrew. When was the last time someone wanted to protect Andrew at their own expense? Insisted that Andrew was important?
"if it means losing you, then no"
Andrew knows Neil is real and here and he Wants him but Andrew is not delusional and knows that wanting things is pointless and only leads to pain.
"you are a pipe dream"
As much as this is a confession, it is also Andrew denying himself what he wants by declaring it impossible. Why hope for something when it's impossible anyway? When Neil finally finds out about Andrew's attraction to him he's shocked.
"you never said anything"
Why would he say anything to Neil or proposition him if it's impossible? Neil has said he doesn't swing and Andrew does not Want.
"nothing will come of it"
Andrew will not ask for something when he knows the answer is no. He's through being disappointed.
"I am self-destructive, not stupid"
For someone self destructive, this sure is an act of self preservation. Andrew won't pursue something pointless. He would rather pine and wait for it to pass than subject himself to trying to hold on to something he cares about. Not again. Never again.
"I know better"
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sweetvillainjude · 3 months
actually wild of holly black to write cardan’s arc so powerfully that I went from genuinely hating him and never believing I’d like him to thinking “ok so maybe he’s not awful ALL the time” to desperately rooting for him and furiously wanting him to be loved and happy over the span of three books. like tfota was WILD for doing that (and doing it so well)
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vashti-lives · 1 year
The new Martha Wells book-- Witch King-- is fucking delightful if you like slightly complex fantasy that doesn't hold your hand. This is a book that never ever commits the sin of explaining stuff to a character that should already know about it for the sake of the audience. Exposition only happens in ways that are natural and logical, which sometimes means stuff just isn't explained.
It's not as obviously accessible as The Murderbot Dairies is-- it's plot is a little more opaque, there's more moving pieces, it's less directly comedic-- but man I like it and Kai is in someways a similar protagonist to Murderbot. Powerful but vulnerable and often just a little out of his element. Lonely in the face of a lot of people who are afraid of him.
Its very much a found family story. Like, literally. The book goes back and forth between the past and the present. The parts of the narrative that are set in the past are about Kai meeting the people who become his family, and the parts of the narrative set in the present are about him going to find members of that family that have gone missing. Family is a theme that's always there.
In spite of the swap in narratives there was never a moment where I was listening to one half of these stories wishing I could get back to the other one-- they were woven together very well and I found them equally compelling.
Anyway I am very certain there are people who saw there was a new Martha Wells book, then saw it wasn't Murderbot and decided to peace out. Some people probably won't but I think it's worth trying. Tor released enough excerpts that you can get a feel for what it's like and decide if you'll like it or not. The mystery is fascinating and, like Murderbot, it's casually queer in a really good way. Martha Wells clearly loves her a lesbian power couple.
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gunsatthaphan · 7 months
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#to each their own.
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starrynightsxo · 14 days
*cardan coming out of his snakeskin with everything out*
the whole of elfhame:
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the fandom:
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l3irdl3rain · 5 months
never before seen baby baby Duncan video. thinking about how mobile he was when I first brought him home. and also how his tail had to work double time to try to keep him upright
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yeehawdickthree · 3 months
sometimes trc seems like a story about three of gansey’s best friends trying to get along
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m-arnie-xx · 10 months
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Coming back from the dead to remind y’all of this delightful, criminally underrated time in TTT where Lester-Apollo tells Zeus (in his head) to take his lightning bolt and shove it up his ass cloaca maxima
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God Grants Wisdom, Riches, and Honor
I have also given you what you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that there will not be any among the kings like you all your days. — 1 Kings 3:13 | Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. Cross References: 1 Kings 4:21; 1 Kings 10:23; 1 Kings 10:27; 1 Chronicles 29:25; 2 Chronicles 9:22; Matthew 6:33; Ephesians 3:20
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xysidhequeen · 8 months
It’s getting late (for me that is) but what about Jason first meeting with the rest of the council (Frostbite, Clockwork, Pandora and etc)?
You mean: Abominable Snowman, Benjamin Button and Mommy-sorry Step On Me? (Jason's crush on Wonder Woman did in fact transfer to Pandora)
Jason generally likes all of the council, and all of the council likes him in turn because he makes Danny happy.
He met Frostbite first. Danny took him to the Far Frozen to get checked out and to be sure the Baby Ghost was healthy and stuff. Jason had been forewarned and honestly, by that point, yetis were just one of those 'yeah that tracks' moments for Jason. Jason asked Frostbite, as a joke, if he could give him a piggyback ride. Frostbite picked him up, plunked him on his shoulder and booked it. 10/10 Jason had the BEST time. Definitely his favorite doctor.
Clockwork he met next, and it basically went:
Clockwork: I see you found your knight young king.
Danny: Yeah, thanks for WARNING ME
Jason: Who the is this fucker?
Danny: imagine a grandpa given unlimited power over time but retaining the 'stay off my lawn' energy but towards the time stream.
Jason: Ah
Clockwork: Wonderful. Off you two go
He then yeeted (yote?) Them through a portal because a member of the Flash Fam had severely fucked the timestream doing speedster shit. Luckily CW had smashed a hat on Jason's head first and he was in human form so the Flash fam member didn't recognize him. They were a bit too occupied with Danny yelling at them for fucking up and ripping them out of the speed force. The Flash fam member bought them lunch. (This was not the first or last time CW sent Danny to deal with the Flashes. They knew of him, and were all more than a little frightened of Danny. They think he's like. A speedforce demon or something. Theyre glad he eats burgers and not their souls) it was fun, even if they were stuck in the 40s for a bit until they cleaned everything up and got the Flash fam member back in the proper timeline. (You can imagine this as any of the Flash fam)
Jason met Pandora when she came to spar with Danny. And he just. Instant puppy crush. He watched this Amazonian woman beat the snot out of Danny and it was the best day of his life. If Fright Knight hadn't already claimed him as a protégé he would've been begging Pandora to train him. She thinks Jason is cute and is always happy to spar with him when she's around.
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bisexualchaosdemon · 6 months
The very first thing Noah says in trc:
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Gangsey after finding his body:
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melmos-basement · 3 months
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I never read anything Brandon Sanderson before and I picked up this copy of way of the kings out of curiosity. Why is it longer than the average copy of the bible .(/gen)
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sxnbleachedfiles · 6 days
its so funny bc we see them sharing a bed, going to a pride parade and looking at each others with the most love struck gaze and then you remember that their last interaction was “no, not now”
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