#Brennan and Lady
callsign-rogueone · 4 months
I’ve never made a moodboard before, but here’s a peek at my next fic, which will be for Brennan 🧡
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“Sorrengail is a strong rider and skilled mender, but above all, he is a good man. I could not have chosen anyone better to share the crown with when the day comes.”
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sea-buns · 10 months
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for all your d20 meme template needs
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introverted-bard · 11 months
The DMs reacting to Emily Axford’s dnd batshittery:
Aabria: YES!
Matt: Yes, and…
Brennan: No, but…
Murph, her literal husband: No, you absolute maniac.
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andi-o-geyser · 10 months
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Something is wrong in this city, and it's been such a slow burn that nobody even realizes they're dying.
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queenofthesandals · 1 year
The Ravening War Menu:
Apetizer (Colin & Raphaniel) : mini sandwiches with spiced apple butter, provolone cheese and lightly pickled radish 
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 Main dish (Deli & Karna): pastrami spiced steak on a sourdough baguette with honey-mustard sauce, pickles, onion rings and spicy chilli salsa 
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Dessert (Amangeaux): Pavlova with mango, peaches and grapes
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And that is how it looks all together: 
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honeyhauntart · 1 year
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oh.. i must have been grandfathered in! - raphaniel charlock (did not get grandfathered in)
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anghraine · 7 months
I find it deeply annoying that Darcy gets lumped in with Rochester and/or Heathcliff, but it is also slightly funny because I'm not sure any Austen lead would hold Rochester and Heathcliff in more undiluted contempt than Darcy.
(In fairness to Rochester, I don't like him but he's no Heathcliff either. IMO a lot closer to him than to Darcy, though!)
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captainzia · 1 year
My favourite Raphaniel moment so far ⚠️ SPOILERS FOR LATEST EP OF THE RAVENING WAR⚠️
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islandoforder · 1 year
obsessed with colin and deli being bros on a boat trip with the most tension being like “hey bud not sure i’m ready to share just yet” vs karna carving herself up while raphaniel purposefully leads the nations to out and out war and amangeaux tries desperately to sell herself back into marriage in order to survive
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prima-donna-worm · 1 year
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me watching the party defeat seven sexy women trying to kill them only for seven MORE sexy women to show up and try to kill them
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terapsina · 8 months
#2 for the book worm ask game!
(ask game)
2. Favorite fantasy book(s).
(Eeeeexcellent, I do love fantasy books. Though how I'm gonna narrow it to only a few I've got no idea. Okay. I'm going to remove the very obvious choices like Lord of the Rings (though it is one of my faves)).
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Monstrous Regiment. I love the entire Discworld series (especially The Witches) but I've also got a huge soft spot in my heart for Terry Pratchett's take on 'a girl dresses like a boy to go to war' (and thinks of everything except some spare socks in- erm... the right place). Along with Polly, the squad consists of a vampire, a troll, an Igor, a religious fanatic and two very, very close "friends" (and yes, the official summary put the friends in quotes too). And everyone has their own secret.
I love basically everything about this book and I can't tell you guys any of it because it would spoil all the fun.
The Goblin Emperor. This one's a story filled with light. Maia the half goblin son of the elven Emperor was never supposed to take the throne (or to ever even be at court. because racism). And then everyone ahead of him dies in a single "accident" and suddenly he's the new Emperor. Maia is a good person, and a kind one, and despite everything that gets thrown at him he keeps hold of that understanding of right and wrong and refuses to bend.
(I have to mention that the language of the writing is kinda hard to get into in the beginning, and the characters's have very complicated and long names, but once you get into it it really did enhance the story for me).
Good Omens. An Angel and a Demon try to stop the apocalypse and instead lose the Antichrist. I've loved that book for like a decade now and if I don't put it on a list of my faves that list would be a lie.
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The King of Attolia. Third in The Queen's Thief series and my favorite one out of all of them. I've always enjoyed Outsider POV in fics. And here is a book that just... proves why. We've got Eugenides and Irene, the Thief and the Queen, and we know them from the two previous books. And adore them. But the story isn't from their POV, it's from the POV of Costis, a Queen's guard who's suddenly gotten assigned to the King. The useless, weak, undeserving king that as far as Costis is concerned doesn't deserve to even kiss the Queen's boots. And it's hilarious to read the story from the eyes of someone who knows so much less than us. And so satisfying, as he begins to understand.
(I recommend the whole series and am personally glad to have read them in the published order but Megan Whalen Turner has stated that she wrote them in a way that allows you to jump in at any point you want).
The Raven Tower. The story is from the viewpoint of a sentient, omniscient rock whose name is Strength and Patience of the Hill and it is the GREATEST THING EVER. The gods are real and must be very careful with their words, because if they speak a lie the reality will alter to make that lie the truth but if the lie is bigger than the power of the god... well. Inspired by Hamlet.
(the book also has a trans man as the main character; the other main character? The sentient rock is the narrator but the largest part of the story focuses on Eolo).
A Natural History of Dragons. The first book from The Memoirs of Lady Trent (and honestly it would probably be more honest to say that every single book from this series fits the category of fave but I'm putting up the first here because this isn't a series where you should skip ahead). The book focuses on the life of Isabella as narrated by her older self. This is the story how a Scirland lady bucked all tradition and became a world renowned expert on the Natural History of Dragons.
(this series has a piece of my heart and always will).
(and finally, here's some more of my favorite fantasy books that I also adore and would totally ramble about but I got tired of typing).
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chalkbird · 2 years
the seven 🤝 acofaf 🤝 neverafter
geese are fucking scary
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cast reactions to chirp having a wife and kid on the material plane
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bonus: oscar and surena:
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maddiesbookshelves · 5 months
A Natural History of Dragons, by Marie Brennan
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The memoirs of Lady Trent narrate the life and research of Isabella Trent, world-renowned naturalist now an old woman, whose wit and humor are merciless towards imbeciles. In the first tome, Isabella, first as a young girl and then a young woman, challenges class and period conventions to satisfy her scientific curiosity and accompany her husband on an expedition in search for dragons in Vystrana...
I was scared that the memoirs format was going to be boring to read, but it was actually the best way to tell the life story of a woman who has lived so many adventures, I really liked it. The good thing about memoirs is that it allowed Isabella's personality to shine, especially her humor, and to have some hindsight on what happened. The teases about future events that she reveals later in the series really make you want to read what's next
Volume 1 introduces themes and ideas that I thought were fleshed out better later in the series, and what I considered as small flaws (a lot of things were repeated so many times I started thinking "yeah, okay, I get it") are way less prominent
As for Brennan's worldbuilding, it's deceptively simple at first glance (Victorian era but make it fantasy), but actually had so many details that make it extremely rich. Everything is inspired by countries/cultures from the real world, but Brennan mixed a lot of them and I thought it was really well executed. And the further along you get in the series, the more details sprinkled in the first 3 books come together to form the final picture. When I got to the end of book 4, I wanted to scream because of how delightful and well put together the reveals were
French version under the cut
Les mémoires de lady Trent racontent la vie et les recherches d'Isabelle Trent, naturaliste mondialement connue et désormais vieille dame, dont l'esprit et le style empreints d'humour s'avèrent sans pitié pour les imbéciles. Dans le premier volume, Isabelle, petite fille puis jeune femme, brave les conventions de sa classe et de son temps pour satisfaire sa curiosité scientifique et accompagner son mari lors d'une expédition à la recherche des dragons de Vystranie...
J'avais peur que le format des mémoires soit un peu ennuyant à lire, mais en fait c'était la meilleure façon de raconter la vie d’une femme qui a vécu autant d’aventures, j’ai beaucoup apprécié. L'avantage des mémoires c'est que ça permettait au personnage d'Isabelle de nous dévoiler sa personnalité, notamment son humour, et d'avoir du recul sur certains évènements. Les références à des évènements qu'elle nous dévoile plus tard dans la série donnait vraiment envie de lire la suite
Le tome 1 introduit des thèmes et des idées que j’ai trouvées mieux développées dans les tomes suivants, et ce que je considérais comme de petits défauts (pas mal de choses sont répétées de nombreuses fois donc au bout d’un moment je me disais "oui, c’est bon, j’ai compris") sont beaucoup moins présents
En ce qui concerne le monde créé par Brennan, il paraît relativement simple au premier abord (époque victorienne mais version fantasy), mais en réalité, énormément de détails le rendent extrêmement riche. Tout est inspiré de pays/cultures du monde réel, mais mélange pas mal de trucs et j’ai trouvé que c’était très bien fait. Et au plus on avance dans la série, au plus les détails disséminés dans les ~3 premiers tomes s'emboîtent et le tableau final se précise. Quand je suis arrivée à la fin du tome 4 j'avais envie de hurler tellement les révélations étaient croustillantes et bien amenées
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pincheghosts · 10 months
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Too meta
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kermitcrimess · 11 months
PLEASE aabria i beg, make a sequel series to a Court of Fey and Flowers
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