#Brett Hand x gn!reader
sin-sidejob · 2 years
Hi! If you don't mind taking requests, could you write headcanons for Brett Hand with a shy s/o that has crochet as their love language? Lol himbo lives in my head rent free and I'm always like "Hey I heard you offhandedly mention this is your favorite color, have a scarf I made"
No worries if you don't want to, thanks!
Brett Hand x GN!Reader:
Warnings: SFW, GENDER NEUTRAL, canon aligned depictions and material, BRETTS SIX PACK MAKES AN APPEARANCE, brett cries but it’s happy, food mention once, about coffee that Brett’s pouring no actual consuming of food or drink
Contents: SO PAINFULLY SWEET YOURE GONNA NEED TO BOOK A DENTIST APPOINTMENT, istg it’s so cute and y’all two are fools, brett needs love and cries when he gets it
Author note: this is so precious as a concept and thank you for submitting this request I literally fell in love with the idea when I first read this ask. Muah — all the kisses for you
Brett had always been accustomed to giving more love than recieving it. From his siblings, his parents, childhood friends and fraternity brothers. Even coworkers. But working with Cognito Incorporated opened his heart a bit with how he got to receive love, true affection back.
The one who cracked that well-guarded heart was you.
He was not immediately enamored by you. Not so say he didn’t find you incredibly awesome and cool, someone he immediately befriended and got along with. Brett just hadn’t fallen in love with you immediately.
That’s not to say it didn’t take long for him to actually develop feelings, strong ones, that had him pining after you wistfully in a manner that irritated the fuck out of each and every member of the gang. Andre was this close to just throwing a bunch of illicit drug recipes together in attempts to create a love potion or something adjacent.
He was this close to being nothing but a literally lovesick puppy, trailing and tripping over your feet and eager to get any meagre amount of attention and affection from you. Brett would literally lie his head on your knee or lap while you worked at your desk if he could, and just beam up at you.
He’s sick in the head. The good kind. Lovesick.
Throughout all of this, he thinks you’re just oblivious to him or don’t really know him. Think of him as a stranger. The truth is quite the opposite, with you being incredibly interested and intrigued by the man. Finding him charming and sweet, complete package looks and personality wise. No one’s got a bad word to say about him.
That and he’s the type to lend you an umbrella when it’s pouring when he’s only got the one between the two of you. That’s because he did.
You had stayed late working on a report for your department that got lost in the shuffle and needed to be expedited, forgetting the time and hurrying out only to find the parking lot in a down pour. While mentally bracing to make a run for it, you catch Brett Hand extending his umbrella and offering it.
“You can have it! My car’s closer than yours is, makes sense that way.”
And you’re about to offer just sharing it and walking together but the man carries on, rambling about how you can even keep it if you want and he flushes before dashing out, drenching himself in a mad dash for his car truly not parked to far away. Sadly, rain still dealt harshly on his button down.
Luckily for you, you got a glimpse of his shirt when drenched, understanding the appeal of wet t-shirt contests immensely now that you fell into a stupor just looking at his chest.
He tucks into his car, seating himself in the drivers seat and buckling before taking a second to check his mirrors — he’s that great of a driver? Where did he come from, an L.L. Bean catalogue?— and starts the radio before turning back to glance at you, sitting underneath the lip of the building entrance and shrouded from the rain. He waves.
You wave back.
Brett doesn’t pull out of the parking lot and he gets confused looking at you standing there before you realize with one of those “oh shit I’m being stupid” moments that you need to go to your own car, go on home, and he’s waiting to make sure you get out okay. As you unfold the umbrella and lift it overhead and step out into the rain, you make a note of visiting the cloning department to ask about Brett and whether he’s real or not.
You lose yourself in thought but make it to your car, stepping into the drivers seat in a mirrored motion similar to Brett and do your routine, turning the car on and checking the mirrors and backseat, turning the radio on then pulling up navigation. And as you tuck the closed umbrella against the shotgun seat, you glance back and see Brett scrolling through his phone and glance up to catch your eye and he smiles, waves again cheerily.
Good lord he’s not real. Did Hallmark start back up their cloning company again? It’s not Christmas yet.
You put the car in drive, passing his in the parking lot as you pull out to the main road leading to the highway for your route home. You try not to think of him when you sing along to the radio when the lyrics of love songs catch your throat.
Brett sees you alone the next week, not catching an eyeful of you between the rainy day and now. He can’t take his eyes off you and he nearly overflows the coffee cup in his hand in the communal kitchen.
You look so lovely and he’s trying to figure out what you have done with your hair and then the next he knows you are already on your way and walking up to him.
“Hi Brett.”
He’d shoot himself in the foot if he could.
You look amused at how his tone lifted in pitch when he saw you, bright smile unwavering and shift on your feet. “I wanted to thank you for the other day and wanted to make you something — and it’s completely fine if you don’t like it! I won’t be offended.” You’re lying through your teeth.
Brett flushes crimson, pretty pink on his tanned cheeks and tugs his lip between his teeth, smiling like a child and his eyes get wide with joy, thinking you at least have to like him somewhat to make him something.
“You didn’t have to do that! Going out of your way and everything, but I’m sure I’ll love it. I don’t know how there could be anything you could make that I wouldn’t love.”
While he’s berating himself for almost just confessing all his feelings, you’re trying to not let your heart unravel and pool at your feel like an upturned spool of twine.
You shift and remove your hands from behind your back, revealing a bundle of fabric in this lovely apricot shade. His favorite color — orange. It’s tied with a big bow, one of those wired ones from the craft store, something personal about it that has his tummy seizing and twirling at the same time. God he could cry.
He tunes back in, eyes glancing between the bundle of fabric in your palms and up to your lips that move, and he’s just entranced. Bewitched. Ensnared.
“- like to crochet sometimes, it’s fun and it keeps my hands busy and my mind empty. But I hope you like it, Gigi told me it was your favorite color and I wanted to repay you.”
“Can I hug you?”
You quite nearly drop the scarf you made for him when you hear Brett speak and hold yourself back from screaming yes but just manage a nod and a somewhat timid smile, muttering a sure that makes both of your grins wider.
He smells like old spice and old fashioned cologne, like hand cream and coffee, feels like a dream and his arms wrap around you and you want to cling to them and beg him to never let go.
Instead you don’t, you hug him back, and say nothing about the tears that flick at the collar of your shirt’s neckline and how he tugs you so close. You just run a hand through his hair and hum, unworried about the scarf pressed between you and your worries for if you’d ever get to be close to him.
You already were, and with the strong arms wrapped around you, you felt tied and strung to him, utterly hooked. With his head on your shoulder and feeling his watery smile there against your pulse, you had no worries. No loose threads.
You just felt him.
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yokiidokii · 1 year
How would the gang react to a reader who constantly says sorry ? like for every stupid thing at the end of a sentence due to being Bullied majority of their life . So now I their adulthood it’s just kinda automatic “oop I’m sorry” even when it’s not necessary
My smile is immeasurable- I do this so often you have no idea. I have absolutely been worried about not knowing if I was gonna do the request just right. This is not one of those times. I did have a surprising amount of trouble with it though? Despite it being something I myself do constantly lmao, ah well I hope I did it justice!
Also hi! I was in college so this is so very late and I’m so sorry about that <3 My prof mentally threw me around like a rag doll and I came out with my brain fried.
Warnings: I don't think any? Maybe some general allusions to anxiety just because of the prompt itself? Andre mentions weed but uh- nothing else! Relatively safe<3
I feel like she understands, I could see her thinking of it more in a like, a logical sense? Not like she doesn’t understand the more emotional side of it- she’s got her own issues. But in the like “Oh, usually when people do this it means they are scared of what people think and don’t like conflict. I’ll keep that in mind.”
She gets it, and I want to be absolutely clear- I cannot see her being one of those people saying “It’s fine.” Because like, for her it doesn’t feel like it ever really is? But she will be the person to help you feel like, it’s okay that you said it but know that you do not have to. You didn’t do anything wrong.
If you want to tell her the reason why you do this, apologizing and explaining she will feel for you. I mean we’ve seen her school experience, we had one friend and a buncha kids who were way older than you and treated her like shit. Also her father, very much her father.
She won't ever press you or act like you aren't trying harder to get better but she'll make sure in her own way that you know it's all gonna be okay one day.
One day you won't have to think about the past and everything will be okay <3
Andre may or may not have told you about his experiences with his family and how they really affected him.
You have probably also- at least once maybe seen him without drugs and how that can make him.
Long story short he is in no position to judge even if he for some reason wanted to.
Would offer you some weed
He means well and will not pressure you if you say no, though he will totally ask “Are you suuuureee?” because he cannot stress enough the wonders of medical marijuana
Whether or not you take it is up to you, but he will absolutely let you chill either in his office if you're at work or at his house- would come to your house to make sure your comfy if you need it<3
He is a loving man with lots of his own experience in this kind of regard and he will help you no matter what!
He is more than the drug guy though please literally let him be known for more than that he deserves it so any tips he's used to help himself out he will give to you.
A very caring man with his own issues and lots of advice and love to give if you'll have it~
Oh honey, this man? This man understands.
Brett will apologize after you do because both of you think that is is somehow both of your faults.
Though he will undoubtedly let you know in every way he possibly can that it is not your fault in any way and that he loves you.
He would absolutely mention therapy- it helps him! It might help you?
He would absolutely be holding your hand anyway and if you do apologize while it happens, he’ll squeeze it in his own and shoot you a quick “No need to be!” before continuing the conversation. He doesn’t wanna spend the whole time acknowledging it just in case putting too much attention on it in the open would embarrass you or make you feel worse.
But he will be there for you, and he will be listing off things that he’s learned to help him when he can’t stop doing it either.
I can see Myc start by just being a little bit sarcastic. Like he isn’t entirely sure why you do it just yet, but he doesn’t want you to be saying it and thinking that you did something wrong.
He gives those like “Oh yeah? You’re sorry?” and you know that if he had actual eyes, he would be giving you a look of ‘You really wanna do this rn?’.
And he will probably continue to do so even after he knows why.
He isn’t going to treat you differently per se, at least- he acts like he isn’t going to…
But you feel the tentacle that was already wormed around your waist squeeze just a little tighter before you end your sentence to remind you that you didn’t do anything, and you don’t need to apologize. 
I mean he gets it, he got bullied. He ended with a different outcome for himself, but he still understands. It sucks, and even if you don’t want to think about it or you don’t want to constantly feel like life is repeating itself over and over again but sometimes it’s just going to feel that way even if it isn’t.
Though Myc will be there to help you understand and work through all the woes of getting to inside your own head.
She would raise her brow at it at first.
Hit you with that “Honey you didn’t do anything wrong.” and make sure you know that it’s all okay.
Is teaching you how she ignores her haters constantly, if you say anything about it not being on the same level and you start apologizing again, she is going to lovingly slap you in the face with her words (She would not lay a hand on you ever-)
Comparing yourself gets a “tsk tsk” from her and a long list of all the parts about you she thinks are beyond stellar.
Gigi would be very honest -like the most honest maybe- about whether or not you actually have anything to be sorry about. 
If you do, she’ll accept your apology but try to figure out a way to do it in a way that won’t encourage you to do it when you don’t actually have to.
And when you don’t, she places a hand on her hip and gives you a look, eyebrow raised just lightly in a ‘really?’ sorry of fashion.
She’s not questioning it; she knows it happened. But she’s asking if you really wanna do it, you know that she will no doubt spend her time talking your ear off about not doing this again.
She does it with the upmost amount of love I promise- but like,,
Do you dare question her? I wouldn't
Okay. I don’t want to say Glenn doesn’t get it at first, but out of all of the people in the gang it feels right to say he might take the longest to adjust and learn how to handle it.
But just because he might not get it at first doesn’t mean he’s rude!!
It’s more of a “What? Why are you saying you're sorry? You didn’t do anything?” Kinda confused-
He’s a confused ol man, forgive him.
Though, he would understand the bullying thing like 100%
He’s no stranger to rude comments or being talked to as if he has no feelings, typical bully behavior even if he wouldn’t talk about it or call them bullies, just,,, assholes?
That and the feelings that come from thinking about those comments is something he understands, and something that he can try and a headspace he will gladly try to help you out of.
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
Hey hey hey :D what's UPPP? I have very important request. So, the 'gang' as Brett likes to call them, x reader. (Inside job x reader) Now, the reader is like, really sleepy. Sleeps all day everyday. I need the reader to be a clingy sleeper. I also low-key want the reader to like, invent a cloud he can sleep on. Like it's a real fucking cloud, but he just sleeps on it.
(he/they pronouns) 🤭
The Gang x GN!Reader
A/N: I did HCs so I hope that's okay!
He thinks it's really cute and will try to steal it from you. Not because he wants to be cheeky or mess with you, he's genuinely impressed you were able to make something that's like a real cloud.
Can't wrap his mind over the science of it, and when he tries to ask you, you're asleep so-
Will join you to sleep on it, if you make room for him.
He's not one for bragging, but he will tell everyone at work about it, in or outside of the gang. He's just excited you made something like this.
Can't say he would get annoyed that you spend most of your time on it, but he can only make so many excuses to JR/the higher-ups.
It's a bit of jealousy or pure impression for Reagan, she is extremely impressed but suprised in herself that she didn't think of it first.
Will join you in your cloud, and for the first time in her life, she sleeps well [/hj]
She pesters you on how you made it, and ngl, even if you don't tell her, she'll probably figure out how to make one.
She thinks it's the most amazing thing you've made.
Unlike Brett, she WILL brag about it to anyone who listens.
She's so haughty about it that the gang kinda has to stop her, but, in the end, she's very proud of you.
Isn't the biggest fan of laying in the cloud with you, but will find you in goofy poses to take pictures of you in. She may or may not post about it depending on how much you care.
Honestly, I don't know how much Myc would like the cloud.
He would probably find it weird.
Cue forward to a couple of weeks later when he gets high as shit and is floating around with you, fast asleep.
The gang would be like "Where the hell are Myc and [Y/n]" and boom, you two are conked out on the cloud.
Like Myc, he's going to get high as hell on your cloud.
If you three ever go missing, the rest of the gang has a pretty good idea of where you went.
He's obsessed with the cloud ngl.
It might as well be his cloud now too.
He's not one for crazy science, so I'm not sure how much he'd enjoy it ngl
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riddleymethis · 1 year
do you think we could maybe have the Gang’s reactions to the reader coming into work after having spontaneously cut their previously longer hair the night before? I swear I’m one listen to brother by kodaline away from doing it
please, and thank you
yes I absolutely can
The Gang's reaction to reader impulse cutting their hair shorter!
CW/info:Gn reader! Sfw!
Characters: Reagan, Gigi, Andre, and Brett (I'm sorry Myc and Glenn lovers idk how to write them at ALL)
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- barely questions it tbh?
- not that he doesn't have any questions, he's just more concerned about how you're feeling rather than how your hair looks
- LISTENNN he's been friends with so many people in college and high-school. Most of there reactions to an emotional break down was cutting their hair or dying it impulsively
- After you reassure him you're doing fine and that it was just a spur of the moment thing, he's just very supportive! Says it looks very good on you!!
- even offers to help you style it bc he 100% owns like 15 tubs if hair gel
- Tries really hard to mind her own business and not be rude by asking but you can just. Feel her staring at your hair every 5 seconds
- "If you're gonna ask, just ask."
- "what the fuck happened to your hair?"
- she honestly can't judge you because she's pretty sure she's done the same thing when she was drunk before
- gives you a shitty little comb and tells u to at least try and brush down the uneven ends so it looks normal and offered to take you to her place after work
- she's not a professional or anything, but she can do something basic to make it look good. (Like have u seen her hair in the wedding episode... it's so cute)
- the moment she sees you she's like "OH MY GOD NOOO😭"
- You worry she doesn't like that it's short. She assures you it's not the fact that it's short, it's the fact that you impulse cut it in the messiest way possible
- drops everything she is doing to give you the cutest make over ever.
- actually makes you feel even more confident than before about your new appearance??
- she tells you next time you want to cut your hair to TELL HER and she will always find a way to make it work. She wants you to be happy!♡
- ok be real he probably cares the least bc his hair care routine is just like. The generic shampoo and conditioner and wash. No styling or anything
- so if you walked in missing like half your hair from the lower half bc you cut off he'd just be like "!! Nice cut!"
- might just impulsively walk up to you and start petting your hair without saying anything. He just wants to see how it feels
- HONESTLY... I rlly can't see him having a big reaction. He just. Does not care and would support it
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beybaldes · 11 months
And somehow I know that you and I would've found each other
roy kent x gn!reader
word count : 8.7k
summary : you and roy always end up finding your way back to each-other
content warning : taylor popped the fuck off with the speak now vault tracks especially timeless (another timeless fic coming out soon!!!!), slow burn that takes place over 36 years - dermatologists hate me! Roy’s sister is dubbed Molly yet again, I steal britanny brett for plot because I’m obsessed with @onceuponaoneshotfanfic and superstar (check it out now if you still haven’t, and if you have already, then reread it!!!!!!)
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It's 1991 and youre not old enough to understand why your neighbour, and best friends older brother Roy, has to move away. You're only 4 years old, and so is Molly, and Roy's only 9 - so you're not sure why he's going away, where he's going, or if he's ever going to come back.
All you do know is that you and Molly's little arms are wrapped tightly around each other and you feel like it's never going to be enough to fill the hole of Roy's absence.
It's a cool September morning and Roy knows that December 19th - the day he gets to come back home for Christmas - is exactly 107 days away, but not even the last dregs of summers warmth can make this moment something he's going to look back fondly on.
He's got blankie folded perfectly at the bottom of his backpack and your favourite teddy bear wrapped up in it. Even though he wouldn't discover it until he'd arrived at Sunderland, you knew it was there and that Roy would look after it, and it made everything feel just a little bit better.
When Roy's Grandad announces that it's time to go, he gives you and Molly one last hug, pressing a kiss to both of your heads and promising to write and call whenever he can. You and Molly chase the car until the end of the street, where it turns a corner and Molly's mum calls you back to the house; you linger long enough to watch Roy turn from one of your best friends into a blurry figure in the back of a car.
Ms Kent gives you and Molly ice lolly's from the freezer and puts on 'Cinderella' while you eat them. She then sits through 'Sleeping Beauty,’ ‘The Little Mermaid', and 'Beauty and the Beast' with the two of you until your tears have long since stopped and you've fallen asleep in each others arms.
The following morning, Ms Kent nearly has a heart attack when she doesn't find you in Molly's bed, but her worry is soon ended when she realises the door to Roy's room is half opened and you're quietly curled up in tear stained sheets. Slowly, she wakes you up, and when fresh tears spring to your eyes she's quick to pull you into her arms. As she rocks you gently in her hold, she promises you that the prince always returns to the princess; even if it takes breaking a curse or waiting for 100 years.
They always find each-other in the end and live happily ever after.
And 107 days is nothing when you're 4 years old, it's the blink of an eye and sticky melted ice lolly on your hands, it's your first ever school uniform and glitter from Christmas crafts that you cant get off you no matter how many showers you take, and it goes by even quicker when Roy comes home 10 days sooner then expected.
You don't see him for the first 5 days. Roy locked himself away in his room and refused to come out or speak to anyone. But when the sixth day, and the weekend, finally rolls around, you decide to do something about it.
For a 9 year old, Roy sure had a lot to think about. He never got to say goodbye to his grandad, and he wasn't going to teach him how to ride a bike, or see him score his first professional goal, or get married, and he didn't know how to explain that when he went back to Sunderland come new year, he wasn't going away in the same capacity granddad had.
No 9 year old should've been thinking of all that.
Roy hadn't been expecting any visitors, not that he wanted any, but when you barged your way into his bedroom, he couldn't bring himself to send you away.
"Go away." Roy had growled, hidden beneath blankie and curled tightly into himself. "I want to be alone." Roy hadn't meant a lick of it and you hadn't believed any of it either.
"No, you don't." Though you had to wriggle your little self into his arms, you did it, and beamed proudly against his pyjama clad chest when he let you cuddle up to him. Roy had hugged you tightly, pulling you closer to him and wrapping blankie tightly around you both. "I missed you, Royo."
"You packed Dave in my bag." Roy stated, not asking why, or whether you wanted the teddy bear back, or telling you that he'd actually left it in Sunderland for when he went back in a few weeks time.
"You need him more then I do." Roy just nodded his head at your words, willing himself not to cry at the guilt he felt over leaving you and Molly behind and thinking about something other then his grandad. "And, if you have Dave, and Dave is mine, then you have to come and give him back to me. You have to come back from sundayland."
"What's that?" You tilted your head up to look at Roy, and found him already looking at you, half a smile on his lips.
"It's nothing."
Both you and Roy fell asleep in his room, under the safety of blankie, talking about 'sundayland' and everything good about his time there. It wasn't until tea time that his mum found the two of you and dragged you down stairs for dinner, teasing Roy once you'd gone home that you definitely had a little crush on him.
Roy's transfer to Chelsea once the season is over is announced just before your 16th birthday and you swear it's the best birthday present you've ever gotten. He's newly 21 and he's got this shaggy mullet thing going on that really shouldn't be working for him, but it is. You can't keep your eyes off of him, and Roy pretends not to notice for what he tells himself is your sake. He knows it isn't.
When his car pulls up in the drive for the first time since the weekend he came down for Mollys birthday, you and Molly run out of the house hand in hand to greet him, crying his name. He lets the two of you crash into him and wrap your arms tightly around him, almost squeezing him to death when he finds himself sandwiched between the two of you.
Roy's barely been on home soil for 10 seconds when Molly pulls away from the hug to look up at her big brother with the best puppy dog eyes she can muster up at 16. "Will you buy us drinks to take to leavers?”
"Fuck off, buy your own." You don't unwrap your arms from around Roy while they bicker, quite enjoying the familiarity of the scene before you. It was almost too long ago to fathom the last time Roy had been home long enough to start a fight with Molly, and though you never thought you'd say it, it was really nice to see.
"Incase you lost some brain cells this season, you have to be 18 to buy alcohol, fuckhead." Roy just stared blankly at Molly, and ran his fingers up and down the length of your arm as you stayed curled in his side, thinking about how similar Roy and Molly really are when it comes down to it. "So, I need you to buy it for us."
"Ask mum to buy it for you."
Molly immediately scoffs, throwing her hands in the air and muttering under her breath that she was genuinely concerned that Roy had lost some brain cells from all the headers he'd done this season. "Don't you think I tried that, dumbass? Mum said no to both of us."
Roy's gaze turned to meet yours, surprised to find you already looking at him. "Please Royo, everyone else will be drinking at leavers." Roy could never say no to you, and he was convinced both you and Molly knew that and had concocted this scheme to get him to buy it for you. He didn't mind saying yes, at least not this time, at least not when it was you asking.
Molly ran back into the house with an excited cry, promising to return with all the money she'd owe Roy for the drinks plus some as a charitable donation for his kindness.
For the first time in almost a year, you and Roy where completely alone together. He spared a moment to look at you, really look at you; notice how your hair had gotten longer and that your sense of style had completely changed, that the early summer sun was already tanning your skin and that you still had your arms around him. Roy only tightened his grip on you, dragging you into and around the house with him until you made it to the living room.
His mum had repainted since he'd last been down to visit from Sunderland and there were new photos on the wall behind the settee; mainly of you and Molly on your last day of school and one of Roy at his last match playing for Sunderland.
"You look like a proper footballer now, Royo." Despite every other seat in the living room being free, you took purchase on the arm of the chair right beside Roy and pray no one thinks it's a sign of the bubbling feelings you have for him. You may only be 16 but you're sure you've been in love with Roy for the better part of your life. It's one thing for everyone to tease you about you and Roy having little crushes on each other as kids, it's a whole other thing for people to tease you for having a crush on him when you actually did.
Roy scoffed, taking a long swig from the beer he'd grabbed from the kitchen when he first got to the house, swallowing down his smile. "But not enough for you to stop calling me 'Royo,' apparently."
"You could be the most famous footballer on the planet and I'd still call you Royo." You reached up for his hair and ruffled it, laughing at the way he pulled away from your touch and went to flatten his hair back out almost immediately. "But I mean it, you look like the kind of footballer kids have posters of up on their walls, that they want to be when they grow up."
And you're entirely right. Somewhere up in Manchester, a 6 year old Jamie Tartt is pinning a poster of your Roy up on his wall and promising himself, and his dad, that all of his time and money spent on football practice will one day pay off  - that he's going to be one of the greats, just like Roy Kent.
"You'll always be my Royo, Roy. Even when you're super famous and don't remember me anymore." Your hand had somehow found it's way back into Roy's hair and he couldn't bring himself to move away from your touch. Since his sudden rise to fame, in which it seemed like he'd become an overnight sensation, he couldn't remember when he was last touched so gently. Touching only to touch, not because they wanted something from him or his name.
Roy couldn't keep in the smile that pulled at his lips. It faltered slightly at the fact he couldn't remember the last time he'd smiled, let alone genuinely, but it quickly returned and warmed his face when he meet your eyes. "And how could I ever forget the likes of you, yeah?"
Somewhere between shared words and glances, his hand had found yours and the two of you couldn't tear your eyes away from the other. "Dinners ready, guys." Molly was well known for her perfect timing, and despite some initial upset at the moment being taken from you, you knew it was for the better. Roy was Molly's brother, your best friends brother, who had 5 years on you yet.  Though you knew it was unlikely anything would ever happen between the two of you, moments like this made you think there was a small possibility something one day would. The thought wasn't one worth seriously entertaining. "Did I... interrupt something?"
"What? No way." You and Molly ran from the room hand in hand, giggles bubbling past your lips and exchanged, in hushed whispers, the conversation that Molly had just walked in on.
It was like Roy had never left as he followed the two of you into the dining room. He took his seat across the table from you like he always did and knocked his foot against yours every time he wanted your attention. Dinner was good and before he knew it you were half on top of him on the sofa, sneaking bites from his plate of dessert as everyone else partook in the worlds most heated game of Pictionary.
He gave a sharp nudge to your ribs when you stole the last bite but quickly soothed it over with the gentle drumming of his fingers against your skin. The pair of you talked in hushed tones for the rest of the evening about his transfer to Chelsea and everything he was looking forward to now that he was back in London, as well as all your plans for your super long summer before you started college in September.
It was only when Roy's mum turned to ask if you were going home or staying over that anyone had noticed the two of you cuddled up in the armchair in the corner of the room, both fast asleep. She didn't dare wake you, thankful to see her son at peace for the first time in what felt like years, instead placing a blanket over the two of you and ushering Molly up to bed despite her insistence that you come with her.
One day, she thought, the two of you would finally see yourselves in other people, realise that if love looks like that then the two of you must be in it, and with any luck she'd still be alive to see it. She knew Roy was stubborn enough to keep that from happening. Maybe he would't be this time; at least, not when it came to you.
When the rumours of Roy's relationship with Britanny Brett are confirmed by a quote she gives in an interview, he finds himself typing out an apology to you. He stares at his phone for 3 hours and the most he can type out is 'I didn't want you to find out like this, I'm sorry,' but he still doesn't send it. Roy's not entirely sure what he's apologising for.
It's the night before his 27th birthday and he's debating whether or not he should show up to the birthday dinner his mum has planned for him tomorrow. You'll be there. He knows it. But only because he knows that Molly dragged you back from uni with her just for the occasion. And for some reason that he can't quite place, or just doesn't want to yet, he feels bad about having to see your face and hear you talk about his girlfriend.
Although Brittany Brett is smoking hot, and they have really great sex, he's not sure he wants to take her home to meet his family. To meet you. Sure, she's a great footballers girlfriend, but he's a little worried about what the people who know him as just Roy will think of her.
When she appears on the other side of his door the morning of his 27th birthday, the first thing he says to her is 'you can't come to my birthday party' and he feels like he's 8 years old again and making mortal enemies in the playground at school. She doesn't acknowledge his comment, instead inviting herself in and making herself at home in Roy's living room, and he's never been more thankful for her 'too good for everyone' demeanour.
He drops her off at her house on the way over to his mums house later that evening. Roy decides he hates the way her perfume lingers in his car and has buried itself under his skin. He wants nothing more then for it to get away from him but there's still 20 minutes left of the drive and he knows the second you hear the car pull up you'll come running out the door and he won't have anytime to get the smell off of him.
When he pulls up on the doorstep of his childhood home 20 minutes later, only Molly comes running from the house to greet him. For a minute he thinks you haven't shown up to celebrate his birthday with him and he feels his heart break in two. He tells himself he doesn't know why. However, when he walks into the house and heads straight to the kitchen in search of a beer to calm his nerves, and help him forget about you, he finds you there, helping his mum with making his favourite dinner and a wide smile on your face.
You notice him lingering, shocked, in the doorway and pull him into your arms. There's less strength to your hold then he's used to but he feels grateful that you even want him in your arms after everything he's done. Now Roy really isn't sure why he's talking like that; like you've been hard done by from his relationship with Brittany Brett. To a degree he feels like he's cheated on you, but he can't have done because the two of you were never together. However, he doesn't let the thought linger, instead pulling you tighter against him and pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. Of course you'd be here, of course you would, but he finds himself holding onto you for a little longer then he probably should just to make sure you're really here and really staying.
Dinner is nice. It's a piece of simplicity he's missed every night since he was 9 years old and heading away to Sunderland for the first time. It's not often nowadays that he gets to eat dinner at a dining table surrounded by people he loves and who love him, so he relishes in every moment of it. He lets his hand brush against yours when he asks for the salt and he nudges your foot with his every-time he wants your attention. Being in this room, in this seat, with you, is like being 8 years old again and everything bad is yet to happen to him. Roy realises he likes the feeling of it more then he ever remembers.
No one brings up Brittany Brett, the way Roy smelt like her when you hugged him, the apology he never sent, or the way you cried in Molly and Ms Kent's arms when you found out he had a girlfriend. Dinner is peaceful and you and Roy share a slice of birthday cake on his Grandad's armchair, then fall asleep together there like he doesn't have a girlfriend and you don't have a broken heart.
His mum feels like she's got two children in her house and she wishes it would stay like this forever, as long as that meant Roy couldn't hurt your heart more then he already had. But Roy is stubborn, and she knows that. When she comes downstairs in the morning it's just you on the armchair with Roy's jacket over your shoulders like a blanket. You're hugging the material tightly against you as if it could ever replace Roy's presence, and even though you're still asleep, both of you know it won't.
When Roy sneaks out at 4am, the first thing he does is drive to Brittany Brett's house and breaks up with her. After all, there's no point being with someone when you know for a fact that you're in love with someone else.
Molly's dating this guy who doesn't let her speak to you, or Roy, or her own mum and you're scared for her life. In the two times you've managed to get a hold of her, you begged and pleaded with her to leave him. She's only 25 and so are you, you could run away together and start it all over and no one would know any different. Both times she said she wanted to be with him, that she loved him. All you want is your best friend back and for her to be safe, and rather selfishly, because you need her more then you've ever needed anyone.
Despite trying all day, you can't reach her, or her boyfriend, and you don't know who else to call. Ms Kent was the only real parental figure you'd had growing up, but it was pushing midnight and you didn't want to wake her up for the sake of your own comfort. Roy's number is below hers on your favourite contacts and you don't hesitate to ring it. You know he's got a match this weekend and practice tomorrow but you need someone and you have no one else to keep you from your own mind.
Roy's in some club in north London when his phone rings and his screen illuminates with your name and a picture of the two of you from last Christmas. It's one of the newcomers 21st birthday and he remembers being 21 and moving to Chelsea, moving back home, like it was yesterday. He's got 10 years on the kid who's just starting his career while he's going on aging out of it. It's almost enough to make him feel old.
He's quick to answer the phone, practically running out of the club to make sure he can hear you and he's already walking back to his car when he hears the suppressed sniffle to your voice. Roy can't see 100% past 9pm anymore so he doesn't drink when he goes out with the team, he knows it'll only make it worse, and for the first time ever, it's actually come in use.
It takes him 37 minutes exactly to drive from the club to your childhood home that's pressed brick by brick against his, and that's only because he made a pit stop to his own house on the way over. Every time he comes back here lately, it feels like some cruel trick of fate, that he can't have you but can have his entire life shaped by you.
He's banging his fist loudly against the door before he can take into consideration that your neighbours, one of which is his own mother, are likely asleep and wouldn't take too kindly to being woken up at this hour. When you open the door to a friendly face, you all but collapse into Roy's arms, already sobbing and heaving and trying to get the words out but not being able to do so. He scoops you up into his arms, years of intense football training allowing him to do it without second though, and carries you to your bedroom.
He placed you against the pillows and then kicks off his shoes, he definitely scuffed them up in the process but Roy couldn't seem to find the time to mind. Before you've managed to get a single word out Roy's stripped off the bulk of his suit, leaving him in just a shirt, boxers and socks. The image is kind of funny and if you weren't so devastated, you were sure you'd be laughing.
"What's wrong?" When Roy's hands gently wrap around your wrists to try and pull them away from your face and get a glance at you, you just start crying harder. "C'mon sweetheart, talk to me."
When he's met with more silence he pulls out his surprise weapon, a raggedy, old teddy bear, with matted fur that smells surprisingly like Roy. "Would it be easier to talk to Dave?" Finally your hands move away from your face to get a look at the teddy bear, not believing it's right in front of you when you know you haven't seen it since you were five yours old. It took a couple of minutes, lots of sniffling, and really willing yourself to say it, but eventually you did. Roy's arms around your and the soft touch of Dave's fur against your skin settling your nerves.
"My dad died this morning." Roy didn't hesitate to pull you into his lap, settling himself against your pillows as he brought you closer to him. "And I have no one to tell. Molly's boyfriend won't let her speak to me anymore, and I didn't want to burden your mum with it, and I just... I didn't know who to call or talk to and I know you were probably busy-"
"Hey, hey, don't. You did the right thing calling me. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, yeah?" Both of Roy's hands are cradling your face, forcing you to look at him and really listen to what he wants to say. "I'm here, okay? I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere."
You shuffle in his lap, turning enough that you can bury your head in the crook of his neck and wrap your arms around his shoulders. Roy's warm and surprisingly comfy, but you reckon that's more so because the skin of his thighs are pressing into the skin of yours and you're sure it's the closest you've ever been to him. You try not to think about how you wouldn't mind being this close to him more often.
The rest of the night is spent with you in Roy's arms, his hand running up and down your back, his other hand cradling your face and wiping away each tear that spills over. He lets you ramble and ramble about everything on your mind with no regard for the fact he's got practice at 8am tomorrow. Even when you fall asleep in his arms, tears staining his brand new shirt, practice is the furthest thing from his mind, so much so that he doesn't even remember sending  Di Matteo the text saying he wasn't well and wouldn't be able to make practice in the morning.
Roy wakes up a long time before you, and he finds he has to practically drag himself away from you and the bed. When his eyes blink open he sees the sight he's spent the better part of his life waiting to see: you're in his arms, fast asleep, looking entirely peaceful and for a minute he can pretend that this is his life. While the haze of sleep has yet to fade, he can act like he wakes up to you every morning, that you love him like he loves you, and that, if he wanted to, he could press kisses all over your face until you woke up and flashed him that bright beautiful smile of yours.
If he wanted to, he could press kisses all over your face until you woke up and you would greet him with a soft smile, pressing a kiss to his face in return and not caring if it landed against his lips, cheek, or jaw, because you know you'll be able to kiss the other places whenever you like.
Roy pulls himself out of bed and drags his feet all the way to your kitchen where he cooks the two of you breakfast. Nothing about it is rushed - he knows that he has nowhere to be but here, with you. He knows you've woken up when he can hear the gentle padding of your feet against your bedroom floor. Roy hears you walk down the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen, where you then cross the room to him, and wrap your arms around his waist. Dave is clutched in on of your hands and your head is pressed against the dimples of his shoulder blades, your other hand fiddling with the hem of the front of his T-shirt, so casually that any passer by would think this was routine. And even though it isn't, Roy takes the risk of placing his hand atop your own and lacing his fingers through yours. When he can feel you smile into his back, he thinks maybe he should've kissed you in the bedroom, that maybe you'd have liked it just as much as he would've.
It's another year after your dad died before Molly finds out. She doesn't show up to Christmas, or Easter, but she comes by one late spring afternoon when Ms Kent had invited you and Roy over for picky bits in the garden, with a bin bag full of her belongings and a black eye. If your hand wasn't holding Roy's so tightly you were sure he would've been right out of the door, driving off to find the prick and give him an even worse beating then he'd given his sister.
You pull Roy with you when you cross the garden to engulf Molly in a hug, both of you breaking down at the contact and apologies tumbling from both of your lips. Molly apologises for not being there when your dad died, and not attending the funeral, you force her to take back her apology while also shoving your own down her throat, apologising for not finding her, for not being there. The two of you only cry harder when Roy pulls the two of you, still hugging, into his embrace. It's warm and his hands are big and it makes you feel like you're a child again, and you suppose that in some ways you still are.
It takes almost half an hour for the two of you to calm down enough for any coherent words to get out, and the first ones that do is that Molly's pregnant and she needs somewhere to stay. Immediately you ask her to move in with you. It's perfect really, you're next door to her mum and you've got a room for her and for the baby (when it comes) now that your dads passed. Roy likes the idea even more; something about his three, soon to be four, favourite people being in one place taking his fancy.
The eight months between Molly showing back up and beautiful baby Phoebe being born seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. The soft, warm, yellow paint of phoebes nursery smears your memories of those months; everything about it is caked in the glow of the summer you have when you're 5 years old and have no care in the world.
You and Molly are best friends again and it's like you never missed two years of each others lives; everything just falls right back into place. The two of you do everything together and you wouldn't have it any other way, even when everything includes being in the room with her and Ms Kent when she's giving birth.
Roy, unluckily, is the only one not invited into the room, and he spends almost 6 hours pacing back and forth and back and forth and back and forth in the waiting room, waiting for some kind of an update on his sister and his niece. It's you that comes to give it to him. You're in blue scrubs that you pull off further with every step you take into the waiting room, running right into Roy's arms with the widest smile he's ever seen cross your face.
"She's beautiful, Roy. She's so beautiful." He just nods his head and allows you to take his hand and pull him in the direction of the room Molly and his mum are in. "I love her so much already and she's only been here for 5 minutes."
Roy understood what you meant as soon as he walked into the room. Molly was absolutely glowing, and cradling this tiny, tiny baby in her arms like she was terrified any movement at all might hurt her - she didn't even look like she was breathing less it hurt the baby.
"Do you want to hold her?" You whispered, nudging his foot with yours to gain his attention. "You won't break her, promise." You didn't give Roy the opportunity to answer, instead eagerly taking the baby off of Molly and walking over to Roy. His mum all but pushed him into one of the chairs they had in the room and lectured him on how to hold the baby correctly. Slowly, you lowered her into his arms, making sure he had a comfortable and safe grip on her before you removed your arms from the little Phoebe completely. "Isn't she amazing?"
Roy can already picture it and it's breaking his heart. You, and him, and a little baby wrapped in a blanket with eyes that don't yet know how to open. But, in the daydream he doesn't tell anyone about, you're holding the baby and his arms are around you, whispering how much he loves you into your ear and promising to do everything for that baby. Your baby. He doesn't yet know if a day like that is ever going to come; he'd have to get over himself first, and he doesn't see that happening anytime soon. For you, however, he just might try.
"Yeah, yeah she is."
Molly and little baby Phoebe have to stay in the hospital overnight, but can be discharged in the morning, and Molly doesn't let any of you stay with her. In fact, she demands the three of you head home and come back tomorrow, well rested to drive her and newborn Phoebe home.
The three of you pick up some chinese takeout on your way home and eat it around Ms Kent's dinner table. Molly's absence is so heavily felt that part of you feels thrust back in time to a year ago, when you didn't have any contact with her and didn't know if she was even alive, let alone okay. It shakes you to your core and you leave your dinner half eaten as you excuse yourself to the bathroom just to breathe. When you return to the table, you find that dinner has been cleared away, but Ms Kent is holding out a spoon for you, pointing you in the direction of the living room.
Roy's sat in his grandads armchair with the biggest bowl of ice cream you've ever seen and he opens up his arms to you when he feels you staring at him from the doorway. You didn't hesitate to sit with him, squished up in the seat that fit the both of you slightly better when you were kids, with Roy's arm around your shoulders. When you didn't take a large helping of ice cream for yourself, he nudged the bowl in your direction.
"When Molly came home, I'd get in bed with her each night." You whispered, only loud enough that Roy would be able to hear you. It felt embarrassing, to try and explain why you felt Molly's absence for one night so vastly, but you knew that if anyone would get it, it would be Roy. "For the first month or so, she'd ask me to stay with her, so she knew she wasn't alone and she was safe. So I did. And then one night she was like 'I don't need you in bed with me anymore, I think I'm okay now,' and I didn't know what to do." You stuck your spoon inside the ice-cream, stirring it around the bowl but never bringing the build up of vanilla on the spoon to your lips. "I got in bed that night and I couldn't sleep at all, so I went and knocked on her door and she was still awake. Told me she couldn't sleep either, and I got right back into bed with her." Tears pricked at your eyes and your spoon fell against the bowl. "I don't know what to do without Molly, Royo, I don't want to have to do without her again."
Roy quickly moved the half eaten bowl of ice cream to the coffee table, pulling you into him and cradling your head against his shoulder. "Molly's not going anywhere, babe, she'll be home in the morning. Everything's going to be okay."
Neither of you brought up how he called you babe, and his mum didn't bring up how you fell asleep cuddled up in the armchair like you did when you were kids. But when Roy brought Phoebe and Molly home the following morning, and Molly and Ms Kent had taken Phoebe upstairs to get her settled into her new home, he pulled you in for a hug.
"Told you so." He whispered in your ear, pressing a featherlight kiss to your temple. Then Roy grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers with his and pulling you up the stairs to join Phoebe in her new room. Dave was in his other hand and he continued to stand by you as you placed it in the crib with her, knowing that she needed Dave more then you or Roy did now.
All of you couldn't wait to watch this little girl grow up surrounded by people who loved her so, so much.
Roy gets transferred to Richmond just before Phoebe's 4th birthday and you tease him that he has a penchant for getting the best kinds of birthday present. He asks why you remember so clearly that his transfer to Chelsea 15 years ago was just before your 16th birthday, and you answer honestly that it was the only thing you'd wanted for your birthday that year - for Roy to be closer to home. You immediately get to tease him again as a blush coats his cheeks.
On his first day at Richmond, he gets you, Molly and Phoebe seats in the family box, says that they'll always be there if you ever want to come and watch him play, and you reply that you always watch him play.
"I've been playing professionally for half my life. Sunderland, Chelsea, and now Richmond. I've never seen you even glimpse at a football match."
You scoff immediately and Roy's slightly taken aback, you almost look angry at what he's saying and he doesn't know why because he's right. Not that it matters to him, but you just don't like football that much; he doesn't blame you or anything, each to their own, but he wishes you'd like it for him. "I've seen every game you've ever played."
"Yeah, right."
"Yeah, right." You turned to Roy, putting down the bag filled with Phoebe's first ever school uniform inside now that you'd made it back home. "I'm serious. I've watched every match you've ever played in. All of your games with Sunderland and Chelsea, and I'll watch all your games now that you're at Richmond." You turn to Roy with a tense crease in your brow and he's wishing he never brought it up. "You're important to me Roy, of course I'd watch every time you play."
"What's sundayland, babe?" Phoebe had ran into the living room when she'd heard the door go, excited that you and Roy returned home. Molly and you had called each other babe since you were teenagers, and Phoebe had taken to calling you babe over your actual name. It didn't help that Roy had let it slip a few time too, only reassuring her that she was calling you by the correct thing.
"It's nothing, pheeb's." You scooped the little blonde into your arms, resting her against your jutted out hip and beginning to wander through the house. "Where your mum? You need to try on your uniform."
"Can I give you a fashion show?" She asked, leaning her head against your shoulder in a way that had Roy thinking about the two of you with a kid again. He'd have to ask you out first, and with each year that passed, the possibility of him actually doing that seemed to get slimmer and slimmer.
"Of course you can, Pheeb's. Go get dressed. Me and your uncle Roy will wait in the living room."
You stuck to your word, watching every single match that Roy played in. Sometimes at Nelson road, sometimes with Molly and Phoebe, sometimes in Ms Kent's living room - but you always watched him play.
The first time Molly let you take Phoebe to Nelson road was as your birthday present the same year Phoebe turned 6. You'd been pleading all year for Molly to let you bring Phoebe along to a home game, and she finally caved - on the condition you kept her ear defenders on all night and left if it got too much for her. Phoebe loved every minute of the match, screamed her little heart out just for the sake of joining in, even if she didn't know what people were saying; You were certain her cry of 'uncle Roy' every time she saw him with the ball was the loudest in the stadium.
When the match was over, a man with glasses found you in the stands, introduced himself as 'Higgins,' handed you two family lanyards with Kent plastered all over them, and asked you to follow him. You're barely in the changing rooms when Phoebe lets go of your hand, crying Roy's name and interrupting a speak from that new, American coach that Roy had complained about.
"Phoebe!" The blonde didn't wait up for you, running right at Roy and knowing he'd catch her when she flung herself the remaining foot into his arms. "What did I tell you?"
"I didn't know grandad fancied himself a cradle robber." You'd heard enough complaints to know the dig at Roy was from Jamie Tartt, the season loan from Manchester City. "Surely, someone like you isn't married to someone like Roy."
The twinge of disgust that slipped from the mans mouth when he said Roy's name had your blood boiling. "Why? Would you rather me with the likes of you instead?"
Jamie stood in dumbfounded silence as you turned back to Roy, your face entirely brightening, and his presence being totally ignored for the rest of your stay in the lock room. He wasn't used to that. He was trying to compliment you, say you were way out of Roy's league - maybe even ask for your number - but you didn't even spare him a second glance. In fact, now that your eyes were back on him, he wasn't entirely sure you were ever going to look away from Roy again. It made sense when he thought about it in bed later that night, even though he teased the fuck out of Roy and sometimes plainly treated him like shit, Roy Kent was one of the greats. Even Jamie Tartt knew that, and had known it since he was 6 years old - of course he'd managed to score someone like you.
Murmurs of Roy Kent having a secret spouse and daughter had filled Nelson Road before you'd even left the building.
It wasn't that Roy didn't want to talk about you. If he had the opportunity, he'd scream about you from rooftops, but being a footballer was a very public affair and he loved his privacy. Almost as much as he loved you.
The dog track didn't think they'd ever see your face again, not when Roy had growled at them after he'd guided you and Phoebe out of the changing room. Unfortunately for them, they would, under the worst possible circumstances.
You'd been on the edge of your seat the whole match. Roy's been benched for the first time in what you're sure is his entire career and doesn't come on until the 60th minute and when he does, you swear he's on fire. He's playing better then he'd ever played before, running faster then he's ever ran in the past few years, and he's slide tackling Jamie Tartt and getting the ball away from the goal. People are screaming his name and so are you.
And then he's not getting up.
And then he's still not getting up.
And then he's still not getting up, the cheers have died down, and everyone's waiting with baited breath while it's determined if they've just seen the end of Roy Kent's 30 year long career with their own eyes.
And then Roy gets up, and for a fleeting moment you think that maybe everything's okay, that Roy's okay, and he's going to carry on playing.
And then he's walking from the pitch, limping, and your sprinting from your seat in the family box and running up to the owners box. You don't have to say a word because Rebecca calls a member of security over to you, and asks with a kind smile for him to guide you down to the changing rooms.
You linger outside the door for about 5 seconds before you push it open. If you were anyone else, you'd were certain he would've yelled at you to get out, even though he didn't mean it, just for the sake of his image. But you weren't anyone else, you were you.
"I'm fine." You hadn't even made it fully into the room and Roy was already trying to make his pain seem less bad then it was. "I'm fine. Go watch the rest of the match. You might have to drive us back to yours though."
"Roy." He doesn't say anything as you cross the room and sit beside him on the bench. You slowly wrap your arm around his shoulders and tangle your fingers into his hair, pulling his head down to rest against your shoulder. "Don't. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, yeah? You're important to me, let me be here for you."
Roy kisses you and you instantly realise you'd have waited 33 more years for it, if that meant it would happen.
His lips are chapped, and his beard is slightly scratchy, and he's already breathless before he even leans into it but you don't mind. You find that his lips slant against yours perfectly and he slides you closer against him on the bench, using the hand he'd placed on your hip to give it a squeeze, eliciting an gasp from you. He takes the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth but he pulls away before it can escalate.
You hope to anything listening that he wants to kiss you again, because you're sure he's ruined the touch of everyone else's lips against your skin for you.
"I've been in love with you since I was 5 years old." Roy pressed his lips back to yours in a quick succession of kisses and you're sure that thats a good sign.
"Since you were 5 years old?" He asks, nudging his nose against yours, pressing his lips firmly to yours when they brush slightly as he speaks. "Fuck, did we waste a lot of time."
Roy's been the manager of Richmond for the last 4 months and you're thankful that there's no football on over Christmas. You get Roy practically all to yourself for three weeks and it's the best feeling ever.
Phoebes still in school until the 22nd, and you live together at Roy's house, so there's no chance Molly will walk in on the two of you or his mum will hear you through the walls - meaning 90% of his first week off work is spent having sex on every surface in the house, in every position imaginable.
The second week off is the main bulk of Christmas. You pick Phoebe up from school on the 22nd and she has a sleep over at your house. The 23rd is spent curled up on your couch, with Phoebe sandwiched between the two of you, watching Christmas movies all day and stuffing your faces with popcorn and hot chocolate. Phoebe spends the night again, and then the three of you drive down to Ms Kent's house at lunchtime on the 24th. Molly comes home from work around 6pm and the 5 of spend the rest of the evening in the living room, watching 'love actually' and 'the polar express,' until it's time for bed. Even though you and Roy have been together for nearly 3 years now, you sleep in Molly's bed with her and Phoebe, reminiscing on the christmas's of your childhood and giggling over them until you fall asleep.
When christmas morning finally comes, you and Molly are the last awake, Phoebe jumping all over the two of you and demanding you get downstairs as soon as possible to see what Father Christmas has left for her. You let Phoebe drag you down stairs even though you're barely awake and you crawl into Roy's lap, in his grandads armchair, at the first opportunity. He's already got a coffee made for you, just the way you like it, and a warm hand that he slips up the back of your tshirt to scratch gently against your skin as you watch Phoebe begin to open her mountain of presents.
"How many of these are from you?" You whisper, feeling Roy smile against your temple as you sip on your coffee, slowly waking up in his arms.
"Enough. They're not all for Pheeb's anyway." Roy picks you up enough to adjust your position in his lap, making it more comfortable for the both of you to sit and talk and watch presents getting opened. "Some for my mum, some for Molly, some for you."
"You're too kind to me, baby." You lean up enough to press a kiss to Roy's lips, ignoring the loud screech Phoebe lets out at the display of affection. "I got some stuff for you under there too, handsome."
"I don't see you under that tree, Father Christmas clearly mustn't have got my list." Even though you're not looking directly at Roy you can feel the smirk that is pulling at his lips.
Before you could comment on what that could possibly mean Phoebe was calling your name, sticking her hand out with a tiny, paper-wrapped box in her palm. "This one's for you, it says it's from uncle Roy!"
"For me, huh? Lets have a look then, shall we Pheeb's?" Phoebe abandoned her half opened pile of gifts to stand beside you, leaning over the arm of the arm chair and over your shoulder to get a prime look at the gift as you opened it. "Thank you, baby."
Roy pinched your hip teasingly, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he intently watched you carefully unfold the wrapping paper. "Open it first, you might not like it. I kept the receipt so... just say the word and we'll get it changed."
"It's from you, Royo, I'm sure I'll love it." You punctuated your words with a kiss to his lips, not realising just how much your words would ring true until you'd fully unwrapped the box; finding a navy blue, velvet ring box and tears in Ms Kent's eyes. "Roy..."
"I spent 36 years of my life not knowing you felt the same way about me as I felt about you." Roy took the box gently from your hold and opened it, taking the dainty and elegant ring from it and holding it between the two of you. "And I don't plan to waste another moment of my life without you by my side."
"Oi, you're supposed to let me fucking ask you first." A laugh bubbled past your lips despite the tears building in your eyes. "Will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?"
"Yes." Your hands found Roy's face before his could place the ring on your finger, pulling him into a hot and forceful kiss, tilting his head back with how much you leaned into it, into him. "Yes. Yes. Yes, please."
"You owe me £1, Uncle Roy."
Tears are shed and the rest of the gifts are opened. Christmas dinner goes by without a hitch, and before you know it the days nearly over and you find yourself in Roy's lap, in his grandads armchair, with one bowl of dessert between the two of you, like so many times before. Ms Kent is sat across from the two of you with her own bowl of dessert and she looks like she wants to say something about it. She doesn't, but only because she knows, and she knows that you and Roy know. This day was a long time coming and she's over the moon that it's come in her lifetime.
Roy's love for you was stronger then any will he had to remain stubborn, and after a life time of waiting, he'd finally found his way to you, and she was sure he would find his way to you in every lifetime; even if it took 100 years or breaking a curse. Like she'd told you on that cool September morning, the prince always comes back, and they always live happily ever after. And she was sure the two of you were going to as well.
an : if you made this this far I love you!!! I hope you enjoyed another super long Roy fic, feel free to leave some feedback or what your favourite part of the story was, or even a request from my summer sleepover prompts!! Mwah <333
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hxney-lemcn · 8 months
i wanted to ask if you could do brett hand x gn! reader but angst? like stuff with his family and its getting worse. hope its not a bad idea
have a good night/ day hun!!
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summery: reader tries to cheer Brett up. They find out just what is making Brett feel down and fluff ensues.
tw: toxic family relationships, hurt/comfort
a/n: ...teehee, so I'm pretty sure this was requested like...a year ago...uh...sorry for the late upload?? LMAO! If you're still interested here you go 💀
wc: 1.2k
Master List
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I couldn’t focus on the shitty 80’s movie playing when I had Brett curled into my side. I noticed he seemed to be down at work, and offered to host a sleepover. Yes it may be childish, but after learning about Brett’s shitty family and how he never really had a childhood, I thought it would be nice. 
Brett didn’t hesitate to agree. Although his demeanor was enthused, his brown eyes still showed unhappiness. Which led to our current situation. Watching classic 80’s movies and cuddling on the couch. I kept sneaking glances down towards the brunette, his eyes glued to the tv. His head rested on my chest, and my arms wrapped around his back.
At one point, his eyes started watering, which led me to pausing the movie. Clearly something was eating at him and I wasn’t gonna just watch him suffer. 
“Why’d you pause-”
“What’s wrong Brett,” I said, interrupting him. I wasn’t gonna let him bat around the bush.
“N-nothing, why do you ask?” He deflected, eyes darting all over the place. He was a terrible liar.
Bringing a hand up, I ran my fingers through his hair, which made him relax almost immediately. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” I soothed. “But I don’t want you to hold it in either. You can talk to me.” He fell limp, admitting defeat as I gently scratched at his scalp.
“It’s…” He stuttered slightly. “I-its my family.” I tensed when they came up. I’ve only met them once, and it was not a pleasant meeting. I mean, Brett literally took a bullet for his brother and he’s once again on their shit list. Which I could never understand. Brett was the sweetest man I had ever met! He listened, he cared, and he’d do anything to make his friends happy…well more like anyone happy (clearly coming from his family trauma), but still! He was an absolute sweetheart. 
All in all, I did not like his family. In fact, you could even say I hate them. I couldn’t tell Brett that though, as he still loved them dearly. Something they did not deserve. 
“What did they do this time?” I asked, trying to keep myself from letting my distaste show in my tone. 
Brett nuzzled further into the crook of my neck, “Just the usual, called me a disappointment and I never deserved to have even been considered for the 1st ranked sibling. How they don’t understand why I even bother to show my face around them anymore.”
I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I know family is important, but if my parents did that, I’d be out the door and never come back. I have no clue how Brett could be strong enough to endure his parents' neglect and emotional abuse. I know his family is important to him, but there's a certain point that people should just cut ties.
“Oh Brett,” I muttered, nuzzling the top of his head. “My sweetheart. My sweet little boy.” Brett’s hold on me grew a little tighter at the nicknames, and I felt tears hit my neck, but I paid it no mind. “You deserve so much better. They should be the ones begging for your love and attention, not the other way round. You are so accomplished, loved, and overall amazing. You’re a boss at the shadow government, you’ve got a team who loves you! …in their weird little ways of course. Not to mention that you are just a caring and loving person.”
Brett sniffled, “Then why are they so mean?”
My heart churned, feeling my own eyes water at just how beaten he sounded. 
“I’m not exactly sure of their history, but I assume it’s because that’s how their parents treated them,” I replied, trying to think how people could be so cold to their own children. “That and a mix of them not having the capacity to actually care for you and your siblings. When they look at you, they see a commodity, not a person.”
I winced as Brett let out a sob mixed with a whimper. Did I make it worse?
“But you’re not a commodity,” I muttered, pressing a kiss to his temple. “You’re an amazing, beautiful person who deserves the love you get and even more. I know you care for your family, but I think the best thing you can do is let them go. I mean you have a work family who do care for you, who want to see you succeed. I hope I’m not overstepping, but I feel like your family is holding you back. I know you can grow so much more if you learn that their affection and approval isn’t worth the pain and hurt. Because there are other people willing to give you that affection and approval.”
Brett let a sob escape him, his arms squeezing the life out of me, but I wasn’t gonna stop him. He was babbling things I couldn’t make out, but I think it was things of gratitude and love. I didn’t need to hear what he was saying to know that he was grateful. I was just glad I seemed to have gotten through to him.
“Th-they found someone to m-marry me off to,” He stuttered. “A-and I didn’t want to disappoint them, b-but I don’t want to marry them! I want to marry you! A-and I told them that, and that's when they started t-to insult m-me.”
My eyes widened at his bold proclamation, my hand halting its ministrations in his hair. They wanted to marry him off? I guess that wasn’t out of their reach. But he actually said no? Because he wanted to marry me?! I felt myself fluster at the thought. I couldn’t help but picture us standing at the altar, or podium, in front of the sea? Maybe in the woods? I wasn’t sure where, but a beautiful place, with us exchanging our vows of love, and then becoming wedded. 
I snapped out of it when Brett’s teary eyes met mine. They were big and watery, almost like a sad puppy. He seemed to be freaking out, eyes frantically searching mine.
I cupped his jaw, brushing my thumb over his cheek, “I would be honored to marry you.”
His eyes widened, cheeks warming under my touch, a bashful smile gracing his face. A tear fell down his cheek, and I wiped it away.
“I would be honored to marry you,” Brett emphasized. 
I chuckled, feeling elated, “I guess we’d be honored to marry each other.”
Brett giggled back, the brightest smile I’d ever seen on his face, “Yeah.”
Pulling his face down, I littered his face with kisses, causing his giggles to continuously fall out of his mouth. I nuzzled our noses before leaving one last kiss to his lips. He hummed in content as I wrapped my arms around his neck, the kiss being a slow, passionate, loving one. 
“Do you wanna continue the movie?” I asked after we pulled apart.
Brett’s eyes were glued to my lips, “Could…we do that again…please.”
I blinked, an explosive laugh falling from my lips, “Brett this isn’t our first kiss.”
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stilespeters · 1 year
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It started with a cowbell
pairing: Evan Peters x gn!reader
a/n: i actually started writing this before the videos and pictures of the wedding came out, but i added it into the story because its fitting
word count: 4579
summary: After performing at your best friend's wedding, you meet a shy guy. Who knew a cowbell could be the start of a blooming romance?
warnings: alcohol, cheesy pick up lines, fluff
taglist: @about-a-peters
I literally forgot who else wanted to be in the taglist so send me an ask if you want to be in it, i'll write it down properly
“Clare, everything ready?” you asked and Clare gave a thumbs up as she plugged in the guitar. Florence who stood behind the keyboard also gave a thumbs up, and Brett behind the drums did the same. You tapped the microphone in front of you to check if it was working. You were looking at the crowd in front of you and they all looked at the stage where you were standing on.
“Alright, can I get everyone’s attention, please?” you smiled as everyone went quiet and you scanned the room to spot the bride and groom. The room was lit with spherical lights, and the spotlight was aimed at the stage.
“Can I get an applause for the newlyweds? To my lovely best friend Noah, and his lovely wife?” Everyone clapped their hands and cheered as they looked at the bride and groom. You smiled when you saw how happy he looked and you continued. “Looking at you now is so weird considering it feels like we were in the playground just yesterday. It’s like a snap, and suddenly 20 years have passed.” you let out a sigh “I wish the beautiful bride the best of luck with him. As a person who spent almost their whole life with him, trust me you need that luck.” Laughter was heard from the crowd “Anyhow, let's get this party started.”
The guitar of Clare was heard and you grabbed the microphone in your hands as Florence began to play the piano. When Brett joined in with the drums and Clare and Florence vocalized harmonies in the background, it felt like you were flying. The way you swayed your hips and head to the rhythm and the way you smiled uncontrollably. This was where you belonged. On the stage. It didn't matter that it was at a wedding or bar.
Everyone was having a good time, and as you got to the riff, Clare walked to the front and did her solo on the guitar. You glanced around the faces who were dancing, and you saw that everyone was smiling and dancing.
Until you scanned the crowd to see two people in the back at the tables who didn't even glance at you. One being your ex, and the other being his new girlfriend. The cheers and joyful sounds were dozed off, and your smile faltered as you clenched your jaw. The girl was leaning in and whispered something in his ear, to which he laughed, and it looked like they had a blast with just the two of them.
However, you weren't gonna let them get to you, instead, you were going to sing your heart out. You closed your eyes and tilted your head upwards as the riff ended and you got to your part.
For the rest of the night, everything went smoothly. People were now more scattered around, and only a few stayed standing at the stage still singing.
Your other friend Terry had come up the stage to play piano for a while and you had stood beside him as you both sang. His voice didn't match the music at all, but you didn't really care because it was really funny. The Bride’s little brother was filming you two, and you knew you were gonna show it to Terry the next day when he was more sober.
That’s when Clare started playing the tune of uptown funk by Bruno Mars on the guitar, and a man in the front row started clapping his hands on the beat. He was exactly on beat, however his claps were almost muted due to the loud music. You got an idea and you walked to the front and stepped off the stage. He smiled at you as he continued clapping, and you grabbed an object that laid at the side of the stage. It was a cowbell.
You then looked at the man and handed him the cowbell and he knew what you were implying. As the beat kept going on, he started ticking the cowbell with a stick and you moved back to the stage.
You started singing again, and the man with the cowbell had the perfect rhythm and beat. You had never seen him before, but the way his face scrunched up as he kept hitting the right spot made you laugh. He was dedicated.
After the song was finished, you had a break. Flo, Brett and Clare were playing more soft music without lyrics, and you decided it was time to go to the bar. For the whole night, you only drank 2 champagne glasses, since you couldn't be drunk on stage. That would be unprofessional. Now it seemed like the right time to drink.
You sat down on a stool and sighed. Your voice was kinda sore from singing the whole night, and you ordered a drink.
After 3 drinks in, you looked around till you looked to your right, only to get a jumpscare of your ex and his girlfriend on top of each other. They were this close to tearing each other’s clothes off, and your face contorted in disgust. “Sweet jesus.” you muttered as she practically swallowed him whole.
You continued glaring at the couple until your view got blocked by a person who sat down next to you. His side profile was visible and you recognized him as the man with the cowbell.
He ordered a drink and you sipped your own. He didn't seem to notice you. “Hello.”
The man looked at you before looking around him. Seeing that no one else was within 4 meters around him, he realized you were talking to him. “Hey.” He had somewhat of an awkward smile.
“That was pretty impressive, you with the cowbell.”
He chuckled. “Thank you. That was pretty fun, I’ve never tried that before.”
You smiled back at him and raised your eyebrow suggestively “You should join our band, your instrument can be the cowbell.”
He smiled at that and you took a sip of your drink. “I mean, you got the rhythm. I’ve heard people play that instrument before and they couldn't even get one beat right.”
He didn't answer, instead he just gave you a another friendly smile. He then looked back at the stage and his attention was elsewhere. After a minute or so of silence, you sighed and took another sip of your drink. “I’m bothering you, aren't I? I’m sorry I’ll leave you to it.” You were about to stand up with your drink at hand but his hand on your arm stopped you. The man retrieved his hand quickly once he realized.
“No, no you’re not bothering me at all. I’m sorry if I made you feel like that.” He interjected and you felt a bit relieved. “You have an amazing voice by the way.” You noticed that his voice was very soothing. It was soft with a raw undertone.
“Thank you,” you felt your cheeks burn up. Not because a cute guy complimented your singing skills, but because you were always like that when someone complimented you. It was a plus that he was a cute guy.
“I’m Y/n by the way. You’re Mr…?”
“Mr Evan?” He laughed at that and shook his head. “I’m Evan Peters.”
You already felt the alcohol in your system do its thing, so you left your drink where it stood. Evan however did the opposite. He drank more of his drink and he then cleared his throat “You’re a friend of the Groom right?” He remembered your short speech before you sang and you nodded.
“Yeah, Noah and I go way back.”
“How did you meet?”
You chuckled at that when you remembered how you and Noah met. “We were neighbors and went to high school together. We met at the playground when I lost Pookie, a teddy bear I carried around everywhere. Noah found it near the sandbox and retrieved it for me. From there on out we became inseparable. It was true sandbox love.” you grinned as you closed your eyes, remembering the day like it was yesterday.
After a second, you opened your eyes and saw that Evan was looking at you. “What about you? You a friend of the bride?”
“Yeah, we met last year via mutual friends. I don't see her and the others that much because of work, but she has never stopped contacting me. Two months into our friendship she joked that if she were to get married, I'd be the first one she’d invite, and she kept that promise when an invitation arrived at my apartment.”
“Wow, I mean, I knew Sofia was a wonderful person, she was the first girlfriend of Noah who didn't bitch about me being his girl best friend. But hearing that she kept her promise makes me even happier for them. They compliment each other so well. They’re both amazing people.”
“Yeah, I spoke to Noah. He seems like a great guy.”
It was silent for a moment again, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It felt nice. The music in the background played at the perfect sound, not too loud and not too low. It was soft, and it was perfect for the atmosphere in the room. The lights behind the cabinets where the drinks stood, illuminated Evan’s face. And as he was looking down at his drink you scanned his face, and you noticed he wasn't just cute. He was really handsome. From the way his pupils were dilated to a mole that was on the tip of his nose.
He looked up at you and made eye contact. As he raised his eyebrow with a knowing smirk on his face, you quickly looked away and pretended you weren't staring at him. Your cheeks were starting to burn red and you heard Evan let out a chuckle.
You decided to talk about something so that you would feel less embarrassed. You adjusted in your seat and looked back at Evan again. You cleared your throat.
“So uhh, you said you didn’t see Sofia because of work, what kind of work do you do? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I uhh…” he began and he seemed to be thinking about something. He didn't want to scare you off by saying he was an actor. “I travel for work.”
“Really? That’s so cool.”
“Yeah, I get to see some really cool places.” He thought about the press tours he went on and the dozens of comic cons plus the locations of shooting his films and series. He wasn't gonna say that though. “What about you?”
You sucked the back of your teeth and avoided eye contact.
“At the moment I just take small gigs with my band. I love being on stage. I used to be a dancer. Until I had an injury on my ankle and they told me I could never dance professionally again,” Evan scanned your demeanor and he saw that you were picking your nails. “I’m so sorry, that must have been so hard.”
“Yeah,” you sipped the last remaining liquid in your glass. “Dancing and singing were both my passion, but although I loved singing, dancing was my whole life. Luckily I had Noah and my band when it all came crashing down, they helped me get through the tough times. I just know that the stage is where I belong. On the stage, I feel free. I wish I could be on the stage while dancing, but singing on stage is also amazing.”
“What style of dance did you do?” You looked up at him and saw he was genuinely curious. You had encounters where people wanted to get away from you as soon as you started talking, but there was no sign of discomfortness in Evan’s eyes.
“That’s so cool.” he mused and you nodded. “It is. Just standing on stage and performing a dance that’ll bring people to tears, is just so revelating.”
“Was it hard? Trying to commit to it?”
You nodded slowly “Yeah, it was. I used to practice everyday. I put so much dedication into training day and night, and my diet. I have low metabolism and they wanted me as light as possible so the other dancers could lift me. It was really hard to constantly eat the same stuff. Everything was definitely not easy, bellet sounds fun but it’s not all rainbows unfortunately.” Evan’s eyes softened at your words and he pressed his lips together. He had a look of sympathy for you, since he knew exactly what you were talking about. He himself was also tired of constantly eating the same thing for his diet. You and him weren't so different from each other.
“It sounds like you finally have a breath of fresh air.”
“Yeah, who knows it might've been for the better. If I didn't get that injury I would've probably been training right now. I wouldn't have had the opportunity to sing at my best friend’s wedding. I probably wouldn't even have this conversation right now with you.”you let out a chuckle and laughed.
“You talk to strangers a lot?”
“Only ones who don't scare me and look like a serial killer. If they look like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer I’m out,” you joked and Evan let out an awkward chuckle. “My mom always said to me that I shouldn't talk to strangers. But talking to strangers can sometimes be much more… liberating than talking to people you know. I will never see 9 out of 10 strangers I talk to again. Meeting new people is just so much fun. I can have meaningful conversations without getting attached because I’ll never see them again.”
Evan hummed at that. “I never saw it that way, but I see what you mean.” He took another sip of his drink as he leaned a bit forward and raised his eyebrow. “You never secretly fall in love with a stranger?” You bit the inside of your cheek and shook your head.
“Never, I have a policy that it never goes that way. I don’t get attached to them.”
He hummed at that. You had noticed he was more of a shy person. You had said more words than he did, however that was more of his personality contrasting yours. You had always been comfortable around strangers, but you didn't blame others for being more careful.
You opened your mouth to say something, but before any words could leave your mouth, a moan from the right. Evan and your head snapped to the sound and you saw that your ex was practically eating his girlfriend’s neck. Your smile once again faltered and you pressed your lips into a thin line. Evan looked back at you and had his brows raised while having a look of discomfort. “Looks like Noah and Sofia aren't the only ones getting lucky tonight.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled and you sucked the back of your teeth while narrowing your eyes at the couple. “That’s my ex. He’s the brother of Noah.”
“Really?” Evan’s eyes widened “Oh shit, sorry I uhh.”
“It’s fine, honestly I’m over it.” you wanted to vomit when they started laughing loudly. They were obviously drunk as well.
“They are very…” Evan tilted his head and squinted his eyes. “Passionate?”
“Yeah, he wasn’t like that with me at all.” He stared for a few more seconds and when he turned back to look at you, his eyebrows were raised and his mouth was slightly agape. He let out an awkward chuckle and shook his head. You however, couldn't take your eyes off of the couple and had a concerning look on your face. Eventually you looked back at Evan and sighed deeply.
“You know, the first thing he ever said to me was ‘If I were you, I’d want to have sex with me’.” You mimicked your ex’s voice and you heard Evan hiss as his brows knitted together.
“My god, that’s so bad. He actually said that?”
“Yup. I thought he was so funny, but thinking about it now, just makes me question if he really meant it. He’s always been full of himself, a total narcissist. It wouldn't even surprise me if he actually wants to bang himself.”
“That sounds horrible.” He couldn't help but chuckle as he thought about it and you joined him. “Yeah. The worst part is that I actually fell for it. I spent three and a half years with him. His last words to me were ‘Well I’m so sorry, Y/n. I shouldn't have slept with my pilates instructor, but we haven't slept together in weeks, what did you expect? When are you gonna get over the fact that you can't dance anymore? You can’t really blame me. A man has needs.’”
"What a douche." he replied and you took a sip of your drink and looked down.
“I’m laughing about it now, I’m belittling him in my spot. But the big difference between him and I is that he is on top of his career right now and I’m here, taking small gigs with my band. He has the girlfriend of his dreams, and I am talking to a stranger about corny pick up lines and how my ex fucked his pilates instructor,” your lips formed into a thin line and your eyes narrowed.
You let out a chuckle and looked back at Evan. You gulped as you scanned his face. You didn't see anything out of the ordinary that might indicate he was annoyed by you, but due to previous experiences you couldn't help but overthink. You didn't know what exactly was going on inside his head and that scared you. “I talk too much. The alcohol is getting to me, my filter is coming off. I’m annoying, sorry. I look like shit.” you chuckled but Evan shook his head and frowned.
“Stop saying sorry, okay. I enjoy listening to you.”
You looked up at him and scanned his face “You do?” He nodded.
“Yeah, like I said, I like your voice. It’s soothing. I like listening to you. I don't think you look like shit at all. I think you look very beautiful. I don't get why you’re talking down on yourself like that.” You didn't expect for those words to have such an impact on you. You couldn't remember the last time words did that to you. You smiled lightly.
“That’s very sweet of you.”
You broke eye contact and looked at your drink.
“Your ex though, he sounds like a total asshole.”
“Yeah, thinking about it now makes me cringe hard. Like, the pick up line was enough of a red flag, but at the time my favorite color was red. Pick up lines are super corny in general.”
You buried your face in your hands and groaned. “I fell for a stupid cheesy pick up line.”
Evan placed his hand on your shoulder and rubbed soothing motions. “Come on, they’re not all bad. Okay maybe your ex’s pick up line was bad, but there are probably good ones out there that actually work.”
“Well then Mr Peters,” you looked up from your hands, and folded them as you leaned your chin onto it. “Hit me with your best pick up line.”He sucked the back of his teeth and thought long and hard.
His eyes lit up “I’m not into watching sunsets, but I would love to see you go down.” You snorted and covered your mouth to muffle your laugh. “That one is so bad. Please don't tell me you used that on someone.”
“I just did, on you.” you laughed a little louder this time. Evan joined in. “Come then, give me your best pick up line.”
You cleared your throat and looked at him suggestively and lowered your voice in a sexy tone. “My doctor told me I have vitamin D deficiency, wanna come back to my place and save me?”
He gasped and placed his hand on his chest for dramatic effect “My my my, how could I ever say no to that proposition? I’d cure you faster than the speed of light though, I got a big vitamin for you.” he placed emphasis on the word 'big' and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
You broke character and tilted your head back as you let out a laugh. You then looked away and sucked the back of your teeth as you shook your head. You tried to hide away a snort, but you just couldn't stop it from coming out of your throat. You ended up leaning forward this time Evan laughed with you. Your ex was long forgotten as you continued.
“You’re funny.” you mused and slowly your laughter died down. “So what’s the catch?”
“I mean, you’re an attractive guy with a good sense of humor. You look decent, you smell nice and you have a great taste in… well everything. What’s the catch? Did you run over a kid on the way here? Are you a spy? Do you work for the Russian government? Are you a serial killer? Who is in your trunk?”
“So many questions,” he laughed and you shook your head. “I blame the alcohol.”
He looked down at his hands and sighed. He bit the inside of his cheek and then looked back at you with an unreadable expression on his face. “I’m just… me.”
you tilted your head slightly “I like that, you being you.”
Evan had a smug look on his face. “Careful, I think you’re beginning to get attached to me.”
You gasped “I am not getting attached, okay, I have taste.”
Evan looked hurt as his mouth opened slightly “That is so mean, I called you beautiful just 5 minutes ago.”
You leaned a bit forward and laid your hand on his arm. “I’m kidding, I actually think you’re endearing.”
“Yes, your smile. It’s endearing, your smile makes me feel something. It captures a lot of emotions.”
“What does my smile make you feel? What emotions do you see?” he asked out of curiosity.
“I see…” you began and you scanned his eyes while squinting yours. “I see sadness. Your eyes stand vulnerable, something has happened that took out the joyfulness. Then again, I also see dedication, like a glint of hope and happiness. Your smile is genuine but it misses a spark. It misses a spark to ignite the fire in your eyes,” you continued. “A smile doesn't have to be happy necessarily. It’s the layers of emotion beneath the eyes that makes it… human. The emotions could be happiness for example. Pure joy. Whatever it may be, all smiles are beautiful. Your smile, however, makes me feel something.”
Evan’s eyebrows were raised. “Dang.” He didn't break eye contact. “For someone seemingly drunk you do have your way with words.”
You saw him fumble with his fingers on his lap, and you knew you touched a vulnerable string. “You’re right though.”
You didn't speak, instead you supported your head with your palm and gave him a supporting smile. “I look back at my life and I’m thinking: what the hell am I doing? This isn't me. I don't enjoy this. Sure I’m grateful for the countless opportunities I got to have in my line of work, and I love the experiences and the people I met along the way. But…” he stopped and you saw that he was conflicted. Whatever he did for work was clearly bugging him. You felt bad for him as you saw him fumble over his words.
“You don't have to tell me,” you began “But if you do, I’ll be listening to every single word. I mean, I don't think we're gonna see each other again after this. So, fuck it. What have you got to lose?"
Evan opened his mouth but before he could say anything, a presence was next to you. “Y/n!”
It was Florence. “I need your help, Clare is missing, and we need to pack in our equipment," she then noticed Evan who sat next to you and she looked back and forth between you two. “Oh I see you’re occupied.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I’ll search for her.” you looked at Evan and smiled. “Wanna tag along on this adventure?”
He pressed his lips in a thin line. “I think I’ll drink a couple of more of these and then I’ll come with.”
“You sure? Once I’m gone it’s pretty hard to find me.”
Evan opened his mouth again, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted again. This time by sounds on his right. “You like that, baby?” Your ex was feeding his girlfriend a drink, and it wasn’t even five seconds before Evan looked back at you and cleared his throat. You held your hand open for him to grab, and he gladly accepted.
“Let’s go.” you laughed at that.
"Clare!" you and Evan both yelled. You were walking through the hallways, trying to find any sign of Clare. "Maybe she's in the bathroom?" Evan asked.
"Maybe," you looked around. "She might ran off with Brett, Florence has tried to couple them together for over a year. Brett and Clare have great chemistry and lately they have been quite secretive."
You stopped walking and but your lip and you looked aat Evan. "Maybe they're hooking up."
As you wakked further down the hall, you suddenly stopped walking when you heard a noise. You held out your arm for Evan to gesture to him to stop, and as you focussed on the sounds, you recognized the voice of Clare. However, they weren't just normal sounds. It were grunts and moans.
"Everyone is getting lucky tonight." Evan chuckled and you snorted, following with laughter. "Florence is gonna lose her shit when I tell her that Clare is hooking up with Brett. Her dream is finally becoming reality." You knocked on the door twice and the moaning stopped. "Clare?"
"At least let them finish." Evan whispered and you swatted his shoulder playfully. "Clare we need to grab our equipment."
"I uhh, I'm coming!" Rummage was heard on the other side of the door.
Evan looked at you and couldn't keep in a snort even though he tried to hide it with the back of your hand. It made you join him and after a few seconds the door opened. You both looked in anticipation, expecting to see Brett and Clare do the walk of shame.
Only it wasn't Brett and Clare walking out. It was Clare and a girl you didn't recognize.
"Nancy?" Evan questioned dumbfounded and his jaw hit the floor. Yours was on the floor as well and you kept looking between the two women.
"Clare..." you were absolutely baffled as you pointed at them both, "I... you... you're..."
"Surprise..." she looked down and your brows were furrowed.
You were so shocked that you were at a loss of words. "This is the biggest plot twist I have ever seen in my entire life," you stammered and after a few seconds you let out yet another snort which resulted into laughter. Clare who was as red as a tomato started laughing as well, and you brought her in for a hug.
"I love you," you hummed and she let out a sigh of relief. Evan smiled as he looked at you hug Clare.
"Don't tell Florence and Brett please. I wanted to reveal it to them tonight."
"Of course." Clare sniled at that and grabbed Nancy's hand. Nancy looked at Evan. "Hey Ev, have a nice night you two." Together they smiled once again at Evan and you and then they walked away.
Your gaze remained on the backs of the two girl's, after they both disappeared behind the corner, you let out a sigh.
"Florence will absolutely lose her shit. I'm sure she'll be supportive, but knowing what kind of person she is, she's probably gonna have to adjust for a second. Her dream of Brett and Clare together is totally crushed."
After a while, Evan looked back at you and as you looked at one other, you both started laughing. You supported yourself on Evan by grabbing his shoulders, and you leaned in as your head hit his chest. "This night keeps getting better and better." Evan mused and you nodded.
After your laughter died down slowly, you leaned against the wall while Evan stood with his hands in his pockets in front of you. You looked at his shoes and you noticed his eyes lingered on your face. "What?" you looked up at him and his fingers went up to your face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" you felt your cheeks redden as he placed a stranded hair behind your ear. As his fingers touched the skin of your earlobe, your breath hitched. You felt somewhat of a tingle where his skin touched you, and you wondered if this was the thing people talked about when they said they felt abspark at the first touch.
"You have a beautiful smile."
You broke eye contact with him and looked down. Damn it, why is this man so charming?
After Evan's hand retrieved, you cleared your throat and looked back up at him. "I uhh, I should go help the others with their equipment."
Evan nodded, "Yeah, I should go back too."
It was silent for a few minutes, and you both looked at each other, his gaze lingering longer on you than yours on him. It felt like you were both realizing the night was coming to an end. You both knew that this was just another random encounter with a stranger. The possibility of you two seeing each other again after tonight was very low. The thing was, you were intrigued by him, you wanted to get to know him better. And truth was, he wanted to know you better as well.
"So-" you both spoke in unison.
"You go first-"
"After you-" you blushed and your cheeks hurt from how much you've smiled tonight.
"Listen, Y/n," Evan began feeling a bit more confident, "I know you have this whole policy thing going on, but I really liked talking to you tonight."
"I liked talking to you too."
He smiled at that, and he was somewhat relieved that you felt the same. However, he felt the magnitude of the situation when he remembered what he did for a living. His previous relationships have shown that dating while being in the spotlight isn't something fun or easy. He was afraid he could never give his all to a person because of that. He knew the roles he took as an actor were dark, and he knew that he stayed in a dark place for a long period of time. The effects that it had on him was very harmful to him in the long run, and he didn't want anyone else affected by that.
But as he scanned your face and saw the sweetness in your eyes, he just wanted to get to know you better. He wanted to give it a shot. Even though he was scared, he wanted to commit. He was also just a human who needed love and affection. Even if it's just for tonight and he won't see you again after that. The alcohol in his system made him even more confident than before, and he stepped closer to you. “You know what, I’m not ready for this night to end."
“Me neither," your breath hitched as he leaned his head a bit closer and you could feel his breath on your face. "The night is still young, wanna do something crazy?" you mused.
Evan gulped, his adam's apple wobbling, and he smiled down at you. "You know what, fuck it why not," the corners of his mouth curled up "What did ya have in mind?"
You didn't answer, instead you cocked your head and raised your eyebrows suggestively. You then laid out your hand for him to grab. For the second time tonight, he grabbed it gladly, and you guided him through the halls.
Something told you that you might be a little attached to this man.
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myc-ology-whore · 1 year
She'll Be Okay, Pt. 2
Reagan Ridley x GN!Reader
Read Pt. 1
So it's been several months since I posted the first part of this, and I apologise for that. I'm not quite as practiced as I was since it's been a while since I've written for this show, but I just binged all eighteen episodes to get me back into it, so hopefully I've at least kept things relatively accurate to the show.
As a refresher: (Y/n), Reagan's S/O, never got along with Rand. When Rand stole Reagan's position as CEO right out from under her, (Y/n) decided to take matters into their own hands, and now they've been detained at Cognito.
Thanks for your support!! <3
Reagan's sneakers slammed on the tiles with force as she ran toward Cognito's Underground Law Enforcement facility. It hadn't taken more than fifteen minutes after your arrest for word to spread around the company that the newly installed CEO had been murdered. Though it wasn't something anybody was particularly upset about, it was still startling to know that someone had just been killed in the building. Even if it wasn't, people love to talk; word was bound to get out at some point. However, not everyone knew who the killer was.
Sweat was beginning to bead on Reagan's brow as she turned a corner, rushing toward the elevators despite the aches in her calves from overuse. Gigi had heard of the shooting first out of your friend group, and she was quick to run to everyone else's offices to let them know. You were the only one missing, nowhere to be found, and unless this was some disturbing coincidence, they all could only think of one place you could be. Without thinking, Reagan had run off ahead of the group, though they weren't far behind; she heard their panting breaths and pounding footsteps just down the hall as she clicked the elevator button furiously, right on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
"Come on, come on, fuck! How are we one of the most advanced companies in the world, yet we can't get a fucking update on the lower level lifts?!" She slammed her fists against the metal doors, willing them to open, but the elevator only responded with a quiet beep as it hit the next floor. The gang finally caught up to her, all of them but Brett doubling over and resting their hands on their knees.
"Girl, I ain't-- I ain't never seen you run like that," Gigi remarked breathlessly, her heels in her hand. Smoothing her hair out as best she could, she straightened up and rested her hands on her hips. "You even outran Mister Olympian over here!"
She gestured incredulously at Brett, who was pacing nervously a few steps away. Reagan never took her eyes off the doors, her face desperate. "We have to find (Y/n)," she fretted, her whole body clammy from anxiety and adrenaline. "We... We have to..."
"Try to keep calm, Reagan," Andre comforted, placing a hand into her shoulder. He thought about offering her something to chill her out, but thankfully pushed the thought away. "We're gonna get there soon enough, you just have to keep it together, and--"
"It's here!" Reagan cried as the elevator dinged, signalling it's arrival. She forced the doors open faster as they just barely began to slide open, pushing them with all her might and not even waiting for her friends to pile in before pushing the button for the atrium level. Everyone crowded in beside her, barely managing to make room for each other in the tiny space before the doors were closed again behind them.
"Fuck, can't this thing go any faster?" Myc was pushing himself so tightly against the walls that he might as well have been crawling up onto the ceiling. "Hey, watch where you're stepping, mutant!"
"Now, you watch your mouth," Glenn barked back, glaring so hard that it looked like his eyes might pop out. "I can't help it none if there's no space to stand in here."
"Will both of you idiots shut up?" They looked to see Gigi glaring at them over Andre's shoulder, her eye twitching as she tried to restrain herself from shoving one of them. "We're all stressed and uncomfortable in here, alright?"
They grumbled something in response, continuing to glare at one another but keeping their mouths shut as they waited. After what felt like several minutes of tense silence, the doors opened up into a maintenance hall leading to the atrium. Reagan was gone in a flash, adrenaline helping her to ignore the feeling of her legs turning to lead from lack of exercise; the rest of the gang did their best to keep pace, but only Brett managed to remain right at her side.
"Reagan, Rae-dog," he huffed, nervous laughter permeating his voice. "You don't think (Y/n) is, uh... Well, they're not in trouble, are they? I mean, serious trouble."
"We work for the fucking Shadow Government, Brett! We erase people who get too out of line!" A sob wracked her body as she ran, making her stumble, but Brett snatched up her arm before she could trip. She sniffled as they fell to a jog, her best friend not allowing her to go any faster than that. "Thanks," she mumbled, "but I'm okay. We need to keep going."
"We have to!" Brett didn't argue any further, and let her lead the way to the detainment center on the second floor in the atrium, the others slowly catching up as they hit yet another elevator. "We're almost there," Reagan wheezed, easing into the lift; her energy was starting to fade, even though her mind was still steeped in anxiety. "Just... a little further."
They reached the second floor, and after a short trek down the hall, they arrived in the detainment center. Despite a murder just having taken place, things seemed calm; a few security guards milled about behind a window, and the assistant at the desk looked as though nothing interesting had happened all day. He barely moved when Reagan and the gang burst through the doors all sweaty and exhausted, merely flicking his eyes over at them.
Reagan swiftly made her way over to the desk, and the dead-eyed clerk raised a brow at her. "Can I help you?"
"Someone was brought in here earlier," she panted, leaning heavily on the counter. "(Y/n) (L/n)? We're here to see them."
"Sorry ma'am, but I can't let you in without the proper--"
"I have clearance, asshole!" Reagan slammed her company ID down on the counter with enough force to make the clerk jump in his seat. She sighed irritably and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sorry. This has been... a rough morning. Can we please just hurry this up?"
"Y-Yes ma'am," the clerk nodded, quickly moving to scan her card. His expression dropped with dread when something popped up on his screen, and he winced as he glanced up at her. "Uh, it says here--"
"Move, son," came a gruff voice, and another security officer appeared over the desk clerk's shoulder. He looked at the screen, then up at Reagan and the rest of the party, then sighed. "You're not supposed to be coming back here," said the guard, "but I've been talking to your friend back there. I'll let you back, but you won't have long, only a few minutes. You leave when I tell you to, understood?"
"Yes, thank you so much," Reagan agreed, nodding vigorously. "I just need to see them."
The guard left the room on the other side of the window and came to the door leading from the waiting area to the corridor connecting the entire holding wing. He held the door open and waited for everyone to pass through, then began leading the group down the hall to the cells. "My name is Grouper," the guard introduced as he walked. "I'm head of security here. I was the one who found your friend in the CEO's office."
"Is it really true?" Andre spoke up. "Did they really... kill him?"
"Mm, seemed damn proud of it, too," Grouper huffed. "Said it needed to be done. Can't say I disagree with 'em, but I wasn't gonna lose my job over it... or worse."
Reagan walked closely with the guard, at the forefront of the group. "Are they okay? Were they hurt?"
"Only one that got hurt was that asshole Rand Ridley," the guard snorted. He paused to fiddle with his keys as he reached the end of the hallway; a heavy-looking metal door was the only thing standing between (Y/n) and the group now. Reagan felt herself growing impatient as Grouper finally found the key he was looking for. She took a sharp breath as he unlocked the door, and held it unconsciously as it creaked open. "Here we are."
All the air left her lungs when (Y/n) came into view. They were sitting on a metal bench in the very first cell, eyes closed and head leaned back against the wall. Their hands were still cuffed behind their back, but otherwise, they looked completely at ease where they sat, their clothes still unmussed aside from a speckling of red across their stomach. "(Y/n)!"
. . . . .
You opened your eyes immediately upon hearing her voice, and stood as you saw her and the rest of your friends entering the room. "Reagan? Guys? What are you doing here? I didn't even know you guys could get back here!"
"Grouper let us back," Reagan blubbered, her eyes already seeping tears as you approached the bars of your cell. She pulled you tightly against them as soon as you were within reach hugging you despite your inability to hug back at the moment. "(Y/n), I was... I was so worried! How could you run off on me like that?"
"Seriously, dude," Brett agreed, coming to clap a hand on your shoulder between the bars. "We'd never have let you go if we knew you were gonna get yourself arrested!"
"Brett, I think you're the only one who didn't suspect that," said Andre, patting your arm from Reagan's other side. "Anyway, how'd you do it? There wasn't anyone around to stop you or anything?"
"Y'know, Andre," you laughed awkwardly, pressing a soft kiss to Reagan's forehead as she continued to grapple you through the bars, "I feel like this isn't the best time to talk about something like that, for several reasons."
"Still, you certainly could've been more subtle," Gigi griped. "If you'd just sat your ass down and waited for a minute, you could've brainstormed with us and not gotten yourself an express ticket to Shadow Prison X."
"I told you we shoulda just poisoned his coffee," Myc laughed. "Now look at you."
"Yes, this situation is absolutely fucking hilarious, Myc," Reagan snapped, tears streaming down her face when she finally pulled away from you to glare at the mushroom. "(Y/n) could be sent to Shadow Prison any minute now, and you're laughing? Some fucking friend you are."
"Hey, I never claimed to like any of your skanky asses," Myc sneered back, but Andre set a hand on his stem before he could go any further.
"Myc, c'mon man," hissed the scientist. "You're gonna get us kicked out of here."
"So what? I told 'em not to leave, and look where not listening to me got them..." Myc scuttled up to the bars, jabbing a flagella through to poke at your chest. "Right fucking here."
If you didn't know him better, you might snap back at him right now, but the mycelian was your friend. "I'm sorry, Myc. I did what needed to be done, though."
"Yeah, well we coulda done it together, dipshit," he grumbled, poking at you again. "Then you wouldn't've gotten caught."
"You can't know that though, buddy," you chuckled. Looking over each of your friends, you went on, "I am sorry - I would've saved some action for you guys, but I just felt the need to take the glory on this one."
"Selfish bastard," said Glenn, shaking his head. "And I was gettin' all fired up in the war room thinkin' about how we coulda taken him out..."
"I know, I know..."
"You're stupid, you know that?" You looked down at Reagan, whose hands were still fisting your button-up. "I hated Rand, you know that better than anyone, but... I still loved him. Not as much as I love you, not after what he did, but still." She closed her eyes and took a deep shuddering breath. "You really killed him..."
"Reagan," you soothed, voice soft, "you know it was for the best. He never could've run the company like you're going to. This is what you're meant for, you know. You didn't need him."
"I know that," she nods, sniffling. "He was still my dad, though."
You frowned, looking away. "I'm... sorry."
"No, no," she replied quickly, shaking her head. "You... You did right... I think? I don't know. Everything's just so confusing now."
"It's my fault."
"No, it wouldn't be so hard to know what I'm feeling if Rand wasn't such an asshole," she sighed, running a hand down her face. "I feel... relief? Guilt? Grief, of course, but... not as much as I thought I would. And... love." She looked up at you, grabbing your chin and gently turning you to face her again. "I love you, and I know you did it because you love me, too."
"Of course I do," you said, leaning your head as close to hers as you could through the bars. She leaned up to meet you, and your foreheads touched, but anything else would've been awkward - especially with your friends surrounding you. "I love you more than anything, Reagan. I'd do whatever it takes to make you happy."
"Jesus, would you can it with the mushy stuff already?" You glared over at Myc out of the corner of your eye. "This crap's making me nauseous."
"I'll just... go ahead and take him out," Andre laughed nervously. He came up to give you a friendly punch on the shoulder first, though. "You'll get out of this, man. We'll see you soon."
"I hope so," you smiled, rolling your eyes as Andre began leading the mushroom back out into the hallway. Gigi and Glenn approached too, their expressions sympathetic. "Don't look so sad, guys," you huffed, shaking your head. "You're bringing down my mood in here."
Gigi reached out to tap your cheek, a fond smile on her face. "You're just a ray of sunshine 'till the end, aren't you?" Her face falls a bit when you smile back. "I just hope things work out. It'll be a lot quieter around here if you don't make it out of this, honey."
"You stay strong, soldier," Glenn ordered from beside her, his face stern. "If you don't walk out of here on your own, we're not gonna let you go without a fight, y'hear me?"
"Loud and clear, Dolphman," you chuckled. As they turned to leave, you looked to Brett, who remained silent at Reagan's side, thoughtful. "Hey," you called softly. drawing him from within his head. "You alright, man?"
He was quiet for a moment, looking between you and Reagan, who'd buried her face in your chest again. He nodded to her, since she was looking away. "I'm just worried that... that things won't be the same again, if something happens to you. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but..."
"Things'll move on," you answered easily, resting your chin onto your girlfriend's head. It hurt you to think about it, but you knew Reagan was strong and determined. There was no way she'd fall apart just because you got 'disappeared'; you'd always been far more into her than she was into you, of that you were certain, and you liked it that way. It meant that if anything ever happened to your relationship, she'd bounce back. "I'm not so important around here that things'll stop moving forward when I'm gone. I'm just--"
"You are important," Reagan murmured into your chest, peering up at you with wet eyes. "You're the most important thing in the world to me, (Y/n), way more important than my shitty dad. I don't know what I'd do without you, I'd... I'd--"
She cut herself off with a sob, and you found your heart clenching as she wiped her tears away on her sleeves helplessly. "Reagan--"
"I can't lose you, too!" That shut you up. She sniffled and tried to catch her breath, her lips trembling as she tried to find her words. "I don't hate you for killing Rand, I don't, but he was still important to me, (Y/n). If I lose both of you in such a short span of time, I'll... I'll break."
Her cries overtook her, and you looked over her head helplessly at Brett, who looked just as lost as you did. Regardless of how well either of you knew her, Reagan didn't often cry; dealing with it wasn't easy, to say the least.
Brett set a hand on her shoulder, and let out a short sigh of relief when she didn't immediately shake him off. "Reagan, we still don't even know if they're actually going to be... taken away," he said carefully. "Just breathe for a second, take it easy."
"Reagan," you mumbled, watching as she tried to pull herself together. Guilt was starting to overwhelm you; you'd killed him for her, to prevent him from hurting her anymore, but if killing him hurt her too, then what was the point? "Reagan, I didn't mean for this... I didn't want... I just wanted to--"
Grouper cleared his throat from where he stood by the door, drawing your attention. He tapped his watch, then pointed his thumb at the camera situated in the corner of the room. You sighed, looking back down at Reagan, who'd also seen the guard's gesturing. She met your eyes, hopelessness swirling within her gaze, and your stomach twisted into a knot.
"We, uh... don't have much time left."
"No, we don't," she replied, touching your face tenderly. "Oh, (Y/n)... wasn't there some other way you could've made things better? I would've taken ice cream, you know."
You laughed abruptly at that, shaking your head. "I'll keep that in mind, next time," you snickered, ignoring the sinking feeling in your chest saying that there probably wouldn't be a next time. Reagan seemed to be hearing the same voice, her expression saddening more by the second. "Hey," you clucked, frowning at her, "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'll be with you no matter where I'm at."
She grimaced. "Don't talk like that," she chided. "You'll be with me here, in the office, saving the world from catastrophe together." She paused, a look of quiet determination taking over her features. "I'm not going to let you rot in here."
You raised a brow. "Is that a promise?"
Reagan grinned in return. "You can count on it."
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Brett tittered nervously, not liking the plotting energy that was beginning to surround his friends. "I'm sure everything will work out fine. It's not like it's really an issue for the Shadow Board, right? I mean, they didn't like Rand, did they? So why would they be mad?"
"Whatever happens," Reagan said, her hands cupping your face, "I'm not leaving you behind, (Y/n)."
. . . . .
Alright folks, that's it for now. Frankly, I'm aware this isn't half as good as what I had down before, but I'm not feeling particularly inspired by this one. I liked where I left it before, truthfully, so I hope this isn't terrible. I feel like it was just a whole lot of nothing, but I just can't think anymore lol. I hope this isn't too terrible, but if it is, well, blame the writer's block.
I do have some other stuff in store that I'm more confident in, stuff that holds up to the old stuff I was writing on here. It's mostly Myc, but if you put in a request for another character, I'll see what I can do. Anyway, have a good night, y'all - I think I'm off to bed.
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samrsgyi · 1 year
My master list
One Chicago:
Chicago fire:
Kelly severide
Stella kidd
Sylvie Brett
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Blake gallo
Chicago PD:
Jay Halstead
Erin Lindsay
Kim burgess
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Hank voight
Hailey Upton
Chicago Med:
10 Cloverfield lane:
(No frank that bitch is disgusting)
Cloverfield Paradox:
Ava Hamilton
Mina Jensen
Ernst Schmidt
Life (2017)
9-1-1 Lone star:
TK( Male!Reader or GN!Reader, he's gay people)
Carlos(Male!Reader or GN!Reader)
Station 19:
Demon slayer:
A/n- FORGOT TO MENTION!!!!! For Chicago fire I will do Stellaride x reader any gender. It's gonna be poly remember I am taking requests. I could also do brettsey x reader. On Cloverfield poly relationship I could do Beth x Rob x reader. Jason x lily x reader
Hud x reader x Marlena. For demon slayer! (This one is not really poly but I'll give it a shot) Uzui x his wives and reader. Tankana x reader. ZenNezu x reader. AoIno x reader. I can make all these poly platonic or affectionate if only you guys want.
That's it. My hands hurt so bad.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Hi, would you be willing to write nsfw and sfw dating headcanons for Brett? Gender neutral is best but if you need it, can you make it for an afab reader? Thank you so much!
Brett Hand x GN!Reader: SFW dating headcanons
Warnings: canon-typical violence + shenanigans, SFW, talk of food, families, sickness and illness
Content: just canon typical shenanigans + behavior, domesticity, Brett Hand
- Brett’s literally the sweetest person ever, and when he’s in love? Infatuation and the most endearing type of affection possible.
- he’s a bit clingy, both with regular attention and affection and with sexual attention/affection. He doesn’t do too much PDA, keeping it mild like a hand on your hip or pecking a kiss, or kisses, on your forehead or cheek if not lips. If it’s more lax and around friends, he’ll have his hand drift a little lower if not nestle in one of your back pockets and won’t me afraid to kiss a little lower on your face at your jaw.
- if you don’t like PDA much if at all, he completely respects it! He doesn’t want to push your boundaries beyond the limits or make you uncomfortable. He’d be fine just holding your hand! He loves doing that if he’s being honest, running his thumb over your knuckles and just rambling absentmindedly with whatever is on his mind while he plays with your hands.
- Brett’s definitely the type to memorize tidbits and information about yourself. Hell, he’s probably got a google doc or a notes app full of stuff beyond just your birthday and favorite color. He’s got your food orders and favorite food places, your ick-foods, allergies, the exact shade of your eyes and how they look in the sun, what type of wedding rings he’d think you’d like, date ideas, jokes and inside jokes y’all have. He struggles to remember every single detail about you, but he’ll be damned if he didn’t try.
- he even notes down factoids and little things about you, like he's writing the bullet points of a Wikipedia article about you, trying to memorize just how you wear your hair, which color tone of jewelry you frequent, the story behind the scar on your knee. He jots it all down and it's a long list, that keeps getting longer. But it's so sweet it's practically cavity-inducing, craving to know all of you in every facet and aspect.
- he makes everything fun, whether your time shared and spent together are dates out mini golfing, bar hopping, clubbing, or just having dates in the comfort of home. He couldn’t care less where he was or what he was doing, as long as he was with you. He just likes being with you. You’re all he needs.
- his favorite type and choice of date?? Cooking at home with you, goofing around in the kitchen and eating dinner across from you in the comfort of home, only to clean up and dance with you barefoot in the kitchen to something softly playing over the speakers. Dancing in the refrigerator light is high key his favorite way to end a day, with you in his arms and swaying to the beat.
- he doesn’t fight often because he’s more resigned as a person. It can be difficult to have him open up truly and push back if his boundaries are neglected due to how he’s so much of a people pleaser and he’d hate to hurt your feelings, even if his own are hurting. It takes some time for him to heal internal wounds and be able to be open and fully share what he’s feeling.
- he is super spontaneous too like he enjoys the hell out of doing sudden dates. He would absolutely crush that date trend of going into target and getting things for your partner you think they'd like, like something in your favorite color, your favorite drink and snack, something for you two to do together. this man is spouse material good lord
- speaking of marriage material, please talk about future plans with this boy. Not too soon unless you wanna' get married like you're contestants on 90-day fiance but still if you've been together for a bit, already considering moving in, talk about how you eventually want to marry him and how you intend to spend the rest of your life with him. Brett will cry and hug you for a solid hour - that's not in jest I believe he will actually do it. Just sitting there cuddling and blubbering about how he's so happy and relieved and he wants to marry you too and then he's rambling about ring sizes and that he knows a guy who can get y'all's rings and hitched within the hour.
- he is so whiny when he's sick but I bet it's like once a year, if that, he takes such good care of himself but when someone in the gang sneezes in his face he takes it in stride and then gets laid up at home. Taking care of him is like taking care of a sick kindergartner but its fun, its Disney movies, cuddles all day, grilled cheese and tomato soup with that dollop of sour cream and pepper on the top, blanket forts, and setting him off to sleep at 8:30pm with a double dose of Delsum and sleepy time tea
- marry this man.
- Brett is so doting when sick too because he's got all the holistic remedies + the whole CVS over-the-counter pharmacy of cold medicines and sinus relief and tummy ache relievers. He's probably also got the industrial or commercial-size first-aid kit.
- If you ever skin your knee or sprain an ankle that man is hauling you up in his arms bridal carry and just making casual conversation while he takes you to the nearest doctor or nurse's office, no matter if you insist you're fine, and dotes on you and tells you how proud he is of you.
- he also excels in pep talks and affirmations, recording you tapes to play should he be away from you in case you want to hear his voice. He'll text you to not pick up his call so he can leave you voicemails sometimes, telling you about his day and asking about yours as if you're actually on the phone, and he ends the second half of the voicemail telling you how much he loves you, how happy he is to have you in his life, how thankful and grateful he is, etc etc
- Brett rushes to open the doors for you, and will even carry you over puddles that way your shoes and legs don't get wet. he'll have his arm around your waist and make sure he's on the side facing the road when walking on sidewalks, having you on his opposite side and safer in case something were to happen. You get his handkerchiefs and his umbrellas, the second half of his sandwich, the share of his fries, and control over the aux in his car when going places.
- he makes you mix CD's and playlists for certain moods, moments, memories, and loves to go to concerts with you. Brett'll stand behind you with his arms around your waist and head on your shoulder or on top of yours depending on height so you get a better view and he can still be close.
- He is a wreck when meeting your friends or family, knowing how important they are to you but you're just like ??? Sir, you are the perfect man how could they not like you ??? and then he's trying not to cry and begging for a hug meanwhile it's in the middle of a fast food restaurant and you two are about to order lunch. Idiot, marry him.
- Brett is the type to fawn over babies and pets in public and its even worse if its the both of you because then there's the conversational point of the two of you having a family and that man could not have bigger heart eyes, practically begging to have a baby or adopt one or have Reagan or the cloning department make y'all one
- it's tempting but like, perhaps move in or marriage first then extend bloodlines
- regardless, this man is ultimate dating material, marriage material, long haul ride or die. Brett is so choice, I'd highly recommend picking one up.
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
The "gang" as Brent likes to call them, reacting to the reader being trans? Ftm, because on their first day everybody was misgendering them even though they said they were a guy.
If you don't want to do it, that's a-okay with me <3 I'm also so glad you're happy about your new job, I bet you'll do great once there are kids <33
A/N: AHHH thank you!! And I love writing trans masc readers so ofc I will do this. Thank you for requesting sm, I really enjoy writing your requests, they're always nice to see in my inbox.
The Gang x Trans Guy!Reader
TW: Misgendering, slight transphobia
I don't think that Cognito, Inc would tolerate any sort of hate toward anyone based on who they are or etc, but it's going to happen, so obviously there'd be some sort of issue.
Oh boy, the second she figures or you tell her that you're trans, and that you were getting misgendered, she gets extremely upset.
I feel that Reagan is on the trans spectrum, [my own hc being that she uses she/they and would consider herself nonbinary] so she understands a bit what's going on.
She doesn't allow any sort of transphobia at Cognito, Inc, so she'll have you tell her who said something to you.
If it's a lot of people, even if they aren't doing it on purpose, she'll either take it up to JR or take it upon herself to make pins or lanyards with everyone's name and pronouns.
She's very pushy about this. She's not going to allow anyone to further misgender you, on purpose or not.
If she does find anyone doing it on purpose, they're either going to get fired or yelled at. Or both.
Brett's going to be one of those people who when he meets you, and you tell him that you're trans, he's going to be like, "Oh really, I thought you were like, a cis guy."
Brett grew up in what I think is a very religious, conservative family, but living in DC, it's very hard to not run into queer or trans people, so he's going to learn a lot very quickly.
He's like Reagan where he will not allow anyone to misgender you.
As you two get closer, he might ask you some questions, to understand better what it does mean to be trans, but he's just curious and wants to help.
Uh, he might be one of the people misgendering you.
He would be one of the people to say that "In my time-" 
There may or may not have to be an intervention.
I feel like even though he's a dick if he's explained things and is sat down and talked to, he'll understand more.
Also, he might get threatened to be fired so that helps.
He might misgender you here and there, but he will try.
She upon meeting you might misgender you once, but after you correct her, never again.
She's like Reagan where she won't let anyone misgender you.
She's literally the #1 ally over here.
If you have issues with anyone or anything you go to her and she fixes it within minutes. No one messes with you. Or her.
Bro, he's high as shit when you first meet so he might or might not misgender you. He apologizes profusely though, and he does mean it, the dude feels bad.
When he gets closer to you, he will help you transition.
The dude would literally make you your HRT.
If you come to him saying that you're getting misgendered by someone else, he might not be the best at confrontation, but he will have the rest of the gang help him out.
He's literally a talking mushroom.
When you come out to him when you first meet, he's like "Cool".
I don't think talking mushrooms necessarily have a concept of gender, so he rolls with it.
But since he lives around humans, he has some concepts and after talking to him about it, he understands a lot more.
If he finds out that anyone is misgendering you, he's not going to be very nice. He will retaliate, and what is that person going to do? Nothing. Myc's not going to get fired for giving it to someone, he's like, [to our knowledge] the only mushroom there.
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insidereagan · 2 years
heyy its me again 🤭🤭 i liked the assassin reader x brett a lot so im here to ask for more!
brett hand x assassin reader (gn or masc is fine!) going on cliche dates like picnics and theres so many cutesy things that reader would bring and brett just stands there shocked that reader brought so much!1!1!
i love ur writing a lot! thank you and have a good day/night!!!🫶
yes ofc!! thank you sm :))
im sick rn so sorry this isn’t the best and it’s so short haha
gn reader and sfw!!
I feel like Brett would get really nervous on big dates, so he’d definitely prefer smaller ones, like picnics, or just having dinner at your house!
he’d definitely do cooking courses with you, and you’d take it in turns to cook for the other!
then one day, you surprise brett with a picnic at his favourite forest. you take him I’m the car, and drive there.
when he gets out, he gets very excited and is so grateful that you did all this for him, in fact he starts stimming on the spot which makes you smile.
you sit down together, in a quiet spot, you took out a large picnic basket, and a few minutes later, you notice brett’s eyes start to water.
“hey, hun you okay? it’s okay if this is too overwhelming for you, we can leave,” you assured him, and he shook his head.
“n-no, it’s not that. you just do so much for me, and i don’t do that for you,” he answered, almost fully crying now.
“brett, honey no. you make me so happy, you don’t need to do anything to prove that you love me,”
brett looked up at you, tears in his eyes and you pulled him into your lap.
you opened the picnic basket, and took out jam sandwiches, chips and a delicious cake.
“n-no, y/n this is too much! really,” he said, as you kissed his forehead.
“no, nothing is too much for you, love. I love you so much,”
“thank you,” he mumbled, smiling slightly. you handed him a sandwich, and his face lit up while he ate it.
“a i didn’t know you were such a good cook, y/n!” he said, and you smiled back at him.
you two chatted while eating, and yoy could see how much it meant to brett. He was so shy around yoy at first, but you could see he was coming out of his shell a bit.
One you’d finished your food, you and him went on a walk through the woods, and he clutched your hand tight.
the two of you saw quite a few birds, plants, and that kind of thing. then, you stopped in a beautiful flower field.
a few minutes after you stopped in the field, Brett handed you an amazingly made flower crown
“I-I made this for you, y/n. thank you for such a lovely picnic,” he smiled, as he placed the crown on your head and kissed your forehead.
“Oh my goodness, brett thank you so much. I love you, honey,”
“I love you too, babe,” he chuckled, peppering more kisses onto your face.
hope this was okay!! sorry it’s not the best lol
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Grief Stricken
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader
Square: Fox
Summary: Your perfect life is shattered into a million pieces after your beloved Fives is murdered. Overcome with grief, you decide to take out your revenge on the man responsible for his death.
Please Hold My Hand
Pairing: Clone [insert] x Fem!Reader
Square: Relax
Summary: Today is your yearly gynecological exam and you’re less than excited about it, but your boyfriend is there to make it better.
Locks of Love
Pairing: Tup x Fem!Reader
Square: Tup
Summary: After a long deployment, Tup returns home and joins you for a picnic in the field where you two first met. While enjoying the spring weather, and each other’s company, you ask him to braid your hair.
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader
Square: Fives
Summary: A horrible smell leads to a precious discovery. You and Fives have been enjoying your life together, but everything is about to change now that you’re pregnant. While your hormonal imbalance rages, Fives must hang on for dear life as he’s dragged through the stages of fatherhood. Luckily, the 501st has his back and comes to the rescue more than once.
Dancing Your Way Through The 501st
Pairing: 501st x Jedi!Fem!Reader
Square: "What are you doing here?"
Summary: You’re not sure who you want to go home with tonight, so you challenge your favorite 501st boys to woo you on the dancefloor.
Lean On Me
Pairing: Kix x Fem!Reader
Square: Kix
Summary: You're out dancing with your friends when you sustain a knee injury, and Kix comes to your rescue.
A Man's Worth
Pairing: Tup x Fem!Reader
Square: Obsession
Summary: Your date-night with Tup is interrupted when your stalker finds you and won't leave without you. Tup heroically comes to your defense, but it is overpowered by the assailant, and you are taken away. After your rescue, Tup struggles with his insecurities and self-worth as he tries to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Pairing: Kix x Fem!Reader
Square: "Leave me alone."
Summary: Kix comes home to find you hiding in a pillow fort.
Queen of Hearts
Pairing: Vampire!Fox x Fem!Reader
Square: "Your eyes sparkle."
Summary: On your way home from work one early morning, you catch Fox drinking a man's blood in a back alley, and it changes your life forever.
Fortunately Unfortunate
Pairing: Jesse x GN!Reader
Square: Tradition
Summary: Jesse’s number is drawn in a lottery, forcing him to participate in a cross-training event with the 212th, and he’s not happy about it. However, his view of the training mission changes when he crashes into your life, literally.
Of Frogs and Clones
Pairing: Hardcase x Fem!Reader
Square: Mystery
Summary: It's the clone's last night in the barracks together as soldiers and Hardcase drinks a mysterious liquid from Jesse's duffle that turns him into a frog. With the help of his brothers and the Right To Love Matchmaking service, they work against the clock to find him "true love's kiss" and turn him back into a human.
Dancing Lights
Pairing: Wolf!Wolffe x Fem!Reader
Square: Smile
Summary: During a mission on a frigid planet, you get lost in a blizzard and Wolffe becomes desperate to find you before you freeze to death. Once he does, he’s forced to reveal a secret part of himself in order to protect you from a territorial pack of wolves.
Puddles and Paddles
Pairing: Brett (OC) x Fem!Reader
Square: Party
Summary: On your way to a party for Tungst's promotion to ARC trooper you take some time to play in a puddle, but when Brett gets wet, he decides to teach you a lesson when you get to your destination.
Combat Cold Cuts
Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader
Square: Tech
Summary: Your favorite team of Navy SEALs just docked and are looking for some good food.
Caution to the Wind
Pairing: Wrecker x Fem!Reader
Square: Wrecker
Summary: For her birthday, Omega asks you and Wrecker to ride the roller coaster with her at the fair.
The Last Notch
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader
Square: Regret
Summary: In a dystopian Star Wars universe where clones aren't just soldiers, but also pleasurable objects used to help finance the war, Fives starts to question his role in the Erotic Bingo lottery system when he meets you and discovers something more fulfilling than sex.
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years
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Dream a Little Dream
Opposites — Dinger Holifield x fem! reader
Hocus Pocus
Halloween — Max Dennison x fem! reader
Dani No! — Max Dennison x fem! reader
The Chronicles of Narnia
My King — Edmund Pevensie x gn! reader
Playful — Edmund Pevensie x gn! reader
Weird Science
Movies — Wyatt Donnelly x gn! reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Daydreams Become Reality — Inumaki Toge x demi! gn! reader
Inside Job
Domestic Daydreams — Brett Hand x gn! reader
Marry Me — Brett Hand x gn! reader
Red Dead Redemption
Love is Love, at The End of The Day — Mary-Beth x fem! reader
Star Wars
To Fight For What You Love — Luke Skywalker x gn! Bounty Hunter! reader | Part Two
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Falling For U— Josuke Higashikata x gn! reader
Doctor Who
Catching Up — Eleventh Doctor x gn! reader
Just Let Me Help — Eleventh Doctor x gn! reader
Love Is Scary — Eleventh Doctor x gn! reader
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Beneath the Mask — Abyss Razor x gn! reader | Part Two | Part Three
Cloud Nine — Rayne Ames x gn! reader
a Small act of Kindness Goes a Long Way— Abyss Razor x gn! reader
Fire Emblem Awakening
Right Here — Stahl x gn! reader
Demon Slayer
Looking Out For You — Giyū Tomioka x gn! hashira! reader
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grungelovingrat · 2 years
So I'm not the best at writing fanfics w/o some sort of idea on what I'm doing so here's around some ideas for you dear reader for requests!
EDIT AGAIN: I'm so sorry but as of late i haven't had any inspiration to write any kind of fanfic 😭 if you sent in a request i am so so sorry but if i do end up coming back i will try my hardest to write it for you <3
Werewolf By Night
Any other Marvel show/movie basically
(except for Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, The Defenders, The Punisher, and The Falcon and The Winter Solider. I haven't watched them yet.)
Bittersweet (Alphonse x Seth x Reader)
Just Alphonse
Just Seth
I haven't really listened to Faust's audios, my apologies 😭
SCREAM (1996)
Billy Loomis
That's it- 🧍
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Brett Hand 💕💕
Reagan Ridley
Gigi Luigi
(I might add more fandoms when I think of 'em, my brain's kinda dead atm-)
basically any songs from these playlists I will (try to) write a fic to!
Since I don't post much about my ocs I'll just post a picture, name, gender, sexuality, and an age and you can just chose which one interests you!
(most of them I saved the photo a long time ago so credit to the og artists from Picrew!)
Jay - Male -Bi-romantic - 28
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Ace -Bi-gender- Pansexual - 24
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Eli -Female- Bisexual - 23
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Jordan -Non-binary - Pansexual - 31
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Murray - Male - Gay - 25
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Rouge - TransMasc- Gay - 20
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That's all for now but I might end up adding more later!!
Y'all's favorite gay rat,
Caspa 💜
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idecidedtowriteig · 2 years
I write fluff or angst, just no NSFW.
No pedophilia, or incest either.
Fandoms I can write for
Inside Job
Characters I can write (so far)
Gar Logan
Rachel Roth
Brett Hand
Regan Ridley
Peter Parker
Series (None so far)
Fics so far:
Gar logan x gn! Reader:
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