#Brian w. Foster
lt-sarai · 11 months
Just heard critical role pulled all the content containing Brian w. Foster (for good reason, Ashley Johnson has a restraining order on him). I don't really care about most of it; I never really watched Talks Machina, and I've already watched all the episodes of Between The Sheets I care about...
But man. Even though I've already seen it I'm sad to be losing Undeadwood. That shit was amazing. That's something I would eventually revisit.
I wonder if someone saved it...
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I don't watch Critical Role, so I apologize if this is coming out of nowhere, but someone who I was following on Instagram posted something regarding the Brian Foster situation and yeah.......
A part of me wishes I could say that I was surprised that another guy who worked on something popular turned out to be an objectively awful piece of shit, but I'm really not.
What his victims went through was absolutely horrific. And what's frustrating about this whole thing is that he's been doing this type of shit for a decade. So once again, you have another "Open Secret" situation, where everybody knew what type of person Foster was. But instead of firing him on the spot, they just let everything fester until they couldn't ignore it anymore.
I hope Ashley Johnson and every person who was ever abused by this monster gets closure.
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criticalpolls · 1 year
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zero-body · 2 years
70, 82, 112 for the book ask game :)) - @adhd-academia
Thank you for the ask! Took me a while to answer this, I had some trouble with my last few exams and didn't have enough free time to devote to this.
70. your favourite poetry collection
First off I have to say I've mostly read poetry from the Slavic area and because most of them don't have translations/I don't know how well they were translated, I am going to propose a book originally written in English despite my limited English poetry knowledge.
After a quick look around my shelves a little booklet stood out, and it's Blackened White, a relatively obscure book by Brian W. Foster. I will admit I got it at first because of my fascination with Critical Role (which has in the meantime dimmed considerably). Brian was this edgy talk show host and I've watched a lot of the show before looking him up and finding out his other facets of work. His music made me cry so I also got the book.
It describes a period of his life soon after he first moved to LA. There is talk of addiction, abusive relationships and overall struggles spawned from his life choices.
Its edgy, uncensored and could use an editor (which he didn't have as it is self-published) but its made me feel things and that's all I really ask for with poetry.
82. a book featuring the chosen one trope
This one is easier to answer since I spent a lot of my early teens in the fantasy genre. I will not explain the choice as much as I'm sure there are reviews out there, and I am keeping to the classics.
My two favourite are The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, and Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher. I've read them when I was young and if I were to revisit them I am sure I'd find something wrong with them but as of now, I have not touched them in years. I don't have clear enough memories of them to write a review, only the feeling of pure joy I felt while burrowing through them, putting my life on hold for a day or two and experiencing someone elses.
112. a book about war
The last book I have to share is a simple one. One I've read back in middle school and, depending on your educational system, it may have even been required reading.
It's The Day of the Bomb by Karl Bruckner. It was sweet and sad and it made me cry. I can think of a few other books on war / war events but this one hit me like a brick like no other.
If you haven't read any of the books I mentioned, try this one. It deserves to be read.
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marksandrec · 1 year
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2486
(Dialogue from CryptoNature on twitter.)
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cellobotomy · 1 year
alright y’all it is CRUCIAL that you do not take the news of bwf’s behavior toward ashley and use it to say janky shit about all addicts.
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I get why critical role wanted to delete all the content that had brian w foster in it but at the same time the digital archivist in me is like... you can’t...just DO that...?
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l-herz · 1 year
I'm not going to say anything other than please respect Ashley and her privacy. As always, stand with victims.
Horrible news. Hope she's doing well and is in a safe situation.
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ID: part of a news article which reads "The Last of Us star Ashley Johnson filled a domestic violence restraining order against ex-boyfriend Brian Wayne Foster"
I haven't read the full article because quite frankly I don't know what information she doesn't want shared, so I clicked off it. Let's all just accept that even without the disturbing details she provided to police, we support her. And that the abuser has to be known since he's unfortunatly someone who used to be part of cr. He deserves zero sympathy and im sure will get none
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shiverandqueeef · 1 year
why is the critical role fandom out of all her fandoms covering up the abuse and trying to protect his reputation? search the ashley johnson tag and all the blogs with CR icons are saying to not talk about it, don’t read it, never mention it again, and I even saw one post that said everyone should pretend to still like Brian “for her privacy”
You've grossly misinterpreted the intentions behind those posts. The goal isn't to cover up abuse or protect his reputation. It's to respect her right to privacy. Ashley Johnson has not made any statement or volunteered this information to the public in any way. We only know about it because requests for restraining orders in California are public documents, and tabloid "journalists" like Mike Walters regularly trawl though court documents for the exact purpose of finding famous names. Not reading his article means not giving the web site traffic/rewarding him monetarily for exploiting and exposing someone's personal business. Not reading the restraining order details is being suggested for the same reason you would encourage other fans not to go looking for leaked celebrity nudes.
(i have not seen the post you mentioned about pretending to like bwf and can't really comment on it)
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Day 105
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dailyliamobrien · 1 year
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godsandcrows · 1 year
Travis' obsession with werewolves overrules all and I am HERE FOR IT
"Would I happen to know where we're at in the moon cycle?"
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johannamation · 2 years
Fanart for Undeadwood, the zombie western tabletop 4-part miniseries on YT run by Brian Foster, and starring Matt Mercer, Marisha Ray, Anjali Bhimani, Travis Willingham and Khary Payton.
It’s a great spooky streaming show, with shockingly high production value and elaborate costumes and sets!
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its-yashas-strong-arms · 11 months
i understand why CR has deleted everything with Brian in it & support the decision. but i'll miss yeehaw game ranch & talks & undeadwood
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garr9988 · 11 months
Forgive me if this is a bit uncouth of me to say given the subject matter, but of the several things this Brian Foster situation brings to light, one that comes to my mind because I'm very much in this space is the importance of thorough archiving and encyclopedic recording of information (i.e. uploading videos to Internet Archive and putting everything on a wiki-or-equivalent as detailed and credited as possible). Almost every, if not every, Talks Machina episode has, as far as I'm aware, been removed from YouTube because he was its host - and with it, all the information that was caught in the crossfire because it happened to be in the same video as him.
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muppetcube · 1 year
I love the cr cast sm
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