#But at the same time...
im-not-a-l0ser · 7 months
Richie and Ruth singing "I'm tweeting all about it," Kinda ruins their character. There's no way in hell they use Twitter.
All us nerds are here on Tumblr. They're blogging all about it.
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queenangst · 11 days
have to rotate where i complain about the job hunt but man im literally on indeed every single fucking day . i set the date filters to "last 24 hours" so i don't see the same stuff. applying to jobs so i can save up to move n work in my actual industry. qualified if not overqualified and get rejected or ghosted. i check my actual industry. theres little work and it's mostly senior, yet at the same time everyone is getting laid off left and right. i open indeed. i apply to more jobs. the pay sucks but what does it matter i need to work. i hear back from places that seem to treat people bad, i pass. i just want a job i can tolerate, for now, that pays fine and doesn't treat me like absolute garbage . i know it'll work out but every day i hate it
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youphoriaot7 · 9 months
There's a very loud banging in Cellbit's head when he wakes up. He rolls over, grimacing, trying to block it out, but to no avail. The faint thudding continues, loud and somewhat...desperate. The knocks are also audibly outside now, likely on the front gate of the castle—and they won't let up, the rhythmic pattern of thuds consistent and never-ending.
Finally having had enough, he rolls out of bed, grabbing a jacket as he passes the wardrobe. Whoever is doing that is going to pay for waking him up so fucking early.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" he hollers in frustration, taking the stairs two at a time as he works his way down to the front room. The banging increases the further down he gets; someone is definitely at the front gate.
Yanking the lever to manually open the gate—he really needs to fix the wiring, he just hasn't had the inspiration to do it without Richas—he scowls, glancing up. "You better have a damn good reason for waking me up so early, Fit," he grumbles.
He glances up, finally meeting the other man's tired eyes. He seems panicked in a way Fit rarely is, and Cellbit's eyes dart over his face in confusion. "...what's wrong?"
Fit swallows hard. "It's Pac."
Cellbit's face hardens. "I'll be out in two seconds," he responds curtly, holding up a finger before racing back up his stairs. He grabs his shoes, his warpstone, his communicator—shoves the latter two in his pocket and the former on his feet—and hurries back downstairs to slip through the front gate.
Fit raises an eyebrow. "That was quick."
Cellbit gives him a half-hearted shrug. "Desperate times," he mumbles. "Now, c'mon. Where are we warping to? You can explain on the way."
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buttercupshands · 4 months
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silly little redraw
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gojoux · 9 months
Gojo bid farewell to everyone in the afterlife, is he actually joining or nah? There are still a few things more to cover, and my boy should have gotten a better end, at least?
AND is he saying goodbye to his friends in the afterlife or to US? I'M SORRY I JUST CAN'T
rambles under the cut.
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Inumaki should say "don't die" into his ear or something 🥲
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Gege is sick on the head. We got sealed Gojo and dead Gojo this week.
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Two pretty best friends sharing the same death anniversary :(((
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should i get into f1 just for that charles leclerc guy
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justanotherspeck · 1 year
missing ted hours
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nejitenotp · 1 year
I feel like in Stellarlune, every character was the most themselves they've been out of all the 10 books, yet also managed to destroy all their actual [accurate] characterizations
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mayullla · 11 months
When you thought that something might flop but is actually doing better than something you thought would be a hit (but it never does) 💀💀💀
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So I have this law.
The Law of Striptease states that those showing the most amount of skin has the right of way, and all others must yield accordingly.
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cookii-moon · 1 year
So I might have turned Jay into a cat boy
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I would apologize but I'm not sorry
Have you seen cats. They're such goofy creatures the energy is perfect for him.
Everybody else doing a trauma% mutation speed run meanwhile he's out here having the time of his life.
What he playing tho- Oh my god is he playing Splatty 3?!?!?! no waayayay
Anyway bye off to juggle my three or four hyperfixations and try to figure out yet another AU except this time said AU is extremely complicated and months in development yayy
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nothings-wholey · 1 year
You're worth it, friend... in my vision at least. [Sorcerer Anon]
...thank you.
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blusical · 11 months
I'm seeing more "Bedard doesn't wanna be in Chicago"/"Pull a Lindros" discourse... again -_- And tbh, everytime I see it, I think of the folks who wanted Bedard to join the Canucks instead of Chicago. And every time I think *that*, I immediately think of the Canucks' owner, who may or may not also be a piece of shit himself.
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jacky-rubou · 2 years
I read the whole gravity falls ten years later zine yesterday and the last story has been in my mind rent free ever since I read it. it's so sad. I almost cried. I feel like I could cry just thinking about it...
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 2 years
i'm honestly so torn about the concept of sonic staying in camelot at the end of satbk and becoming king
on one hand: FUCK YEA!!!! sonic being treated like the king he is and deserves. he gets to fully rely on others to help him instead of doing literally everything himself (not that he never did, but he tends to put everything on his shoulders so no one else can get hurt. just an observation). also lansoni 🖤💙
but on the other hand: that's.......that's not sonic's home. he doesn't belong there, he wouldn't abandon his home, his family and friends, to be in what one would call a fairy tale. that's just not who he is
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bear-of-varley · 1 year
Nintendo pull the trigger and go ahead with a live-action Zelda movie, who are your main cast (Link, Zelda, Ganon, etc.)
The problem is that I don't watch any movies or tv shows to know who is "it" rn. Illumination has a reputation for being really into the celebrity voice actor trope (blegh). I'm also going to assume illumination would play it safe and adapt something close to the original Loz. I don't really have high hopes with illumination tbh so I'm hoping either the rumors aren't true or they prove me wrong.
What is funny is that the consensus is Tom Holland for Link. I don't know enough about male actors, esp young ones all I know are him and Timothee Chalamet. The ideal casting is no one but come on, they're not gonna do that.
Uhh for Zelda, for some reason I think Carey Mulligan would be a good pick but I don't think she voice acts? I did see a joke about Zendaya doing it. I've never seen her act so maybe? Jennifer Lawrence? I don't know if British Zelda will be the norm though. There's some Zelda incarnations I can see having the British accent (oot, TP though oot is a master of disguise) and some who aren't (ww, skyward sword). If we're doing British who can do American, maybe Millie Bobby Brown.
Ganondorf...I'd kill for it to be Mark Hamill please be Mark Hamill but it won't be. They'll probably go for someone storied with an occasional dip into voice acting like Patrick Stewart.
Impa (assuming they're going for older): Helen Mirren or Meryl Streep. If you can't get them then Imelda Staunton. I rest my case.
Beedle: uhh what's his name? The dude who played the raccoon who did that movie with Lady Gaga? Bradley...Bradley Cooper! Yes, the stuff of nightmares. Or just hire Gru himself and get Steve Carell on it.
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