#CT 7565
shamelesslymkp · 9 months
REC: sheApunk89 - blessed with a wilder mind
URL: https://ift.tt/VTkuFdR Rex stared down at his cup. His legs felt boneless and he couldn’t get over the feeling that the deck-plating was about to splinter beneath him and he'd be dropped into the engine cooling vats. "Sir, I-" "Obi Wan, please Rex. Or Kenobi if it makes you more comfortable. I think it would be best if we attempted to phase out the use of titles for now." Rex took another deep breath through chest constructing panic and swallowed. "Kenobi then." OR: [the one where Rex is Force Sensitive, and it changes everything] (Words: 86,822) Part 2 of wilder mind !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:archiveofourown, +fandom:star.wars.-.all.media.types, +fandom:star.wars:.the.clone.wars.(2008).-.all.media.types, ::rating:general.audiences, ~author:sheapunk89, character:ct-7567.|.rex, character:cc-2224.|.cody, character:obi-wan.kenobi, character:ct-6116.|.kix, character:keeli.(star.wars), character:quinlan.vos, character:ahsoka.tano, character:anakin.skywalker, relationship:cc-2224.|.cody.&.ct-7567.|.rex, relationship:obi-wan.kenobi.&.ct-7567.|.rex, relationship:ct-6116.|.kix.&.ct-7567.|.rex, relationship:keeli.&.ct-7567.|.rex, relationship:ct-7567.|.rex.&.ahsoka.tano, relationship:ct-7567.|.rex.&.anakin.skywalker, ::category:gen, \no.archive.warnings.apply, ~ao3:hurt/comfort, ~ao3:force-sensitive.clone.troopers.(star.wars), ~ao3:force-sensitive.ct-7565.|.rex, ~ao3:angst, ~ao3:ct-7567.|.rex.needs.a.hug, ~ao3:continuing.my.abandoned.work, ~ao3:do.i.know.what.i'm.doing.with.my.life, ~ao3:i.do.not, ~ao3:links.inside, ~ao3:brotherhood, ~ao3:the.jedi.council.doing.good.work, ~ao3:alternate.universe.-.canon.divergence, ~ao
0 notes
greaterawarness · 3 years
ARC Training Program Ch. 5 "Attachments"
(Alpha finally starts giving the cadets names as he grows closer to them and others around him.)
Alpha walks into the once vibrant jungle with dense vegetation that has now faded back to nothing more than a bare simulation room with grey smooth surfaces. The cadets are scattered around the room trying to adjust to the sudden change. 7567 stands slightly shocked on an extended block from the wall that had just been a tree branch like he hadn’t realized how high up he was. The others slowly adjust to the plainness while giving Alpha their full attention. Alpha stares down at his datapad taking in the information while 2224 approaches him.
“Sir, permission to lead the next simulation?” the cadet stands at attention.
“That’s fine Cody.” Alpha starts to walk back to the observation room.
“Sir?” 2224’s voice is unsure which makes Alpha pause. He turns back to see all eight cadets wearing confused awkward faces. At least more than normal.
“You called me… Cody, Sir.” 2224 starts carefully. Alpha is glad he has his helmet on to hide his face as the realization dawns on him. In truth, Alpha has been slowly coming up with names for all his boys. He didn’t want to start giving them names until he had one for each of them. So far 1004, 4477, 8826, and 7567 were the only ones missing names. Alpha realizes that he hasn’t said anything for a moment, so he clears his throat.
“Yes, that’s your name now.” Alpha hopes he doesn’t sound as awkward and unsure as he felt. “If you don’t like it…”
“No, it’s fine Sir.” 2224 interrupts suddenly. “It’s just… why Cody?”
“Cody was the name of a Mandalorian that helped train us ARC Troopers. I thought you and he shared a likeness in some respects.” Alpha watches the cadet’s face closely. He was trying hard not to show any form of excitement, but it was there. “Now, Cody, get the others to the start and redo this simulation. I want to see some real results this time.”
“Yes, Sir!” Cody salutes as Alpha turns away. In the reflection of the window leading into the observation room Alpha can see the smile spreading across the cadet’s face. Alpha holds back his own smile despite his face already being hidden by his helmet. When he walks into the observation room, he finds Fordo staring at him with crossed arms.
“Commander.” Alpha grunts while stepping in front of the controls. He has the jungle simulation up again disrupting the cadet’s conversations over 2224’s new name.
“So, you’re naming them now, huh?” Fordo tilts head slightly.
“Why not? We both have names and so do most clones now.” Alpha commands a few of the torrents to aim fire at 1138. He takes cover behind a tree signaling 3636 for back up.
“Well, you know what they say about naming something? You start to get attached to it.”
Alpha watches closely as 1138 and 3636 take out the torrents. “And what if I do? We’re not Jedi.”
“No, no, you’re right,” Fordo begins walking towards the door before stopping right behind Alpha. “But unlike the Jedi we don’t get nice funerals surrounded by friends and loved ones. We get left behind as the squad advances. Will you be prepared to leave Codybehind if he gets shot down in battle?”
Alpha finds himself unable to answer. When the doors open, Shaak Ti walks in. She nods politely to Fordo as he walks out. Alpha crosses his arms and focuses on the simulation.
“I can sense your unrest, Captain. What troubles you?”
“Nothing. Just… stressed about the boys training.” He sighs the last bit feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over him. She eyes him curiously.
“You carry much on your shoulders. Do not forget that you do not have to carry it alone.”
Alpha glances at the Jedi. She smiles softly at him before turning her head towards the simulation. Alpha stares a moment longer before doing the same. They stand in a comfortable silence while the cadets go through the simulation. After a time, Alpha begins pulling up the different monitors.
“What are you looking for?” Ti asks.
“4477. I lost track of him.” Again.
Ti closes her eyes while focusing through the Force. When her eyes open, she says, “There, in the upper east side.”
Alpha pulls up the camera pointed in that area. When the image appears they both squint until they can finally make out 4477 crouched down in a tree. A droid walks below scanning the ground for lifeforms. 4477 drops down stunning the droid before darting into the bushes unseen.
“Clever kid, I’ll give him that.” Alpha chuckles. “That one’s getting harder and harder to spot in these drills.”
“A useful skill to have.” Ti nods. She reaches down checking on the other cadets. After a moment she says, “Your cadets are improving more and more each day. But still, something troubles you.”
This again. “It’s really nothing.”
“Knowing you, if you’re this rattled its not nothing.” She arches her version of a brow at him. Alpha feels his lips twitch into a smile.
“Fine,” He sighs at last. “These cadets… am I getting to attached?”
“Ah,” she says as if she completely understands. Hell, maybe she does. “The hardest part of teaching.”
“Though, who am I kidding? I’m sure the great Shaak Ti would never grow to close to anyone. To good of a Jedi.” Alpha crosses his arms. He sees a flash of… somethingin her eyes before she quickly returns to her natural expression.
“I’ve had padawans, Alpha-17.” She says with a hint of ice in her words. Alpha chuckles. Hit a nerve, did I?
“Oh? And did you ever form attachments?” Alpha leans against the control panel now giving her his full attention. Ti stares down at the controls in thought.
“I did.” She lifts her eyes to him. Even though he still wears his helmet it felt like she was staring right into his eyes.
More softly he asks, “So, what happened?”
“When my last padawan’s training was complete I took her to coruscant to go through the trials and become a knight. And she did.” She looks back at the training cadets. Alpha stays silent feeling the tension in her words. “On her first mission she was sent to a planet filled with Jedi hating mercenaries. She was killed.”
The once comfortable atmosphere now feels like they were trapped in a pressurized room. Alpha uncrosses his arms failing to find the right words.
“And do you know what I did after receiving the news that my former padawan died on her first mission? I grieved. The grief felt suffocating at times, but I found my resolve in the fact that I must go on for the sake of myself and others. Now I carry her death and the death of all the others with me every day. So, no. I may not be that great of a Jedi after all, Alpha-17.” She begins to walk towards the door. Alpha doesn’t quite understand why he did what he does but it achieves its goal. He pulls his helmet off showing his face and by doing so it stops her in her tracks. This wasn’t the first time she’s seen Alpha’s bare face, but it is rare for him to remove his helmet out of his private quarters. Now, unable to hide his expressions and facial tells he feels naked before her. She can sense his unease and can clearly see it too. Alpha clears his throat awkwardly trying to pull a neutral expression on.
“I’m sorry Ti. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Alpha also hadn’t meant to call her Ti out loud. A smile spreads across her face before she turns back to the controls as if trying to hide it.
“I’m not upset, Alpha.” The comfort from before slowly settles between them again.
Trying to move past their last conversation, Alpha asks, “So, any ideas on what to name one of these guys? I’ve got a few in mind but still struggling with the rest.”
“Hm,” she lifts a hand to her chin in thought. “If you wouldn’t mind, 1138 reminds me a lot of one of my very first padawans. He died in a fierce battle. He was strong and very brave. I think he would be glad to share his name with 1138.”
“And what was his name?” “Bacara.” She smiles sadly with eyes looking towards the past. Alpha smiles softly. He finds himself reaching out to gently touch her shoulder.
“I think that’s a perfect name.” definitely better than Steroids that’s for sure. They find themselves staying like that for a few moments longer before the doors open and a cadet steps inside. Alpha takes his hand away and slips his helmet on as fast as possible. Ti occupies herself with the control panel. Alpha turns to see 1010 looking between Ti and Alpha before slightly tilting his head and smiling. “What are you doing? Get back out there and finish the simulation!”
“We did. Ten minutes ago.” 1010 gestures to the simulation room that has reverted back to a bare bland grey training room. The other cadets lean against pillars and blocks looking bored. Oh.
“I knew that.” He snarls at the cadet who already knows that he definitely didn’t know that. “Get back in the room. Now.”
“Yes, Sir.” He says before looking past Alpha to Ti and going, “General.”
“Cadet.” Ti says politely. 1010 smiles wider while returning to the others. Alpha shakes his head with a heavy sigh. He freezes when he feels a warm hand gently touch his left shoulder.
“I’ve distracted you long enough. I’ll leave you to your cadets.”
Alpha watches her walk out of the room. Now standing alone he smacks the side of his helmet. Get it together Alpha. He walks into the simulation room prompting the others to pop to attention.
“Alright boys, we’ll be running sprints next.” There is a collective of groans even from the more obedient ones. As the boys start gathering their gear to head to the indoor track, Alpha stops 1138. “What do you say about having the name Bacara?”
“Bacara?” 1138 repeats the name while wrinkling his nose as if something smelled bad. Alpha eyes him through his helmet.
“It was the name of a strong and brave Jedi. They were also trained by the greatest Jedi I’ve ever known. Anyone would be lucky to have it.” Alpha watches the cadets face slowly come to terms with it. Eventually he nods. “Good, Bacara it is then.”
Alpha sees excitement and intrigue grow on the faces of the others who haven’t been given a name yet. A clear flash of jealously burns across 1010’s. That put a smile on Alpha’s face.
Over the next few days Alpha begins giving out the clones names. He gives 3636 his name after successfully out witting everyone, including 1010, in a drill. He was more then happy to be given the name Wolffe. Alpha was a little hesitant to give 1010 his name. 1010 already put himself on a high pedestal, Alpha didn’t want his ego to grow any bigger. But the kid had skill and earned it after completing a training course in record time. Though it still made Alpha grit his teeth after giving the kid his name and he responds, “Fox huh… this is acceptable.”And then going about his business. Ti ended up helping again in naming 4477. Alpha was close to naming the kid Ghost before she pointed out how many other clones shared the name already. They finally settled on Thire, and the cadet was happy to take it. 1004 was the easiest to name because the cadet chose it himself.
“Gree?” Alpha repeated the name. “Like the species?”
“Yes, Sir. They’re my favorite species to read about.” 1004 says proudly. Alpha shrugs his shoulders.
“Fine. Gree it is.” and that was that. This left 7567 and 8826. Alpha could see how much it bothered 7567 no matter how hard the cadet tried to hide it. He could also see how unbothered 8826 was. Fordo and Alpha lean against the barracks wall talking quietly to each other while watching the cadets clean their gear.
“I don’t know… maybe Clumsy?” Fordo shrugs his shoulders while watching 7567 trip over a bag on the floor. Alpha shakes his head.
“No, he’s been doing better. A name like that might affect his confidence.” Alpha can feel Fordo’s stare but keeps going. “What about 8826?”
“I don’t know. I still like Lil’ Psycho for him.” Fordo chuckles to himself. Alpha rolls his eyes but doesn’t necessarily disagree. They look over at 8826 as he tells a story to Bacara and Wolffe.
“… and you should have seen the way I jumped over the droid!” 8826 goes on in his story. Wolffe rolls his eyes.
“We did see it, you plebe. We were there.” Wolffe says while Bacara continues to silently clean his blaster.
“Yeah? But did you see how fast I was going? I went NEYOOUUM!” He stands and moves his hand quickly as if to demonstrate his speed. Alpha and Fordo look at each other.
“That’s it.” They both say.
“Hey, 8826, you want a name?” Alpha calls across the room. The cadet looks over at them.
“If you’re giving them out.” He shrugs with a half grin.
“Good. Because from now on your names Neyoum.”
This causes the other cadets to erupt in laughter. 8826’s face pales.
“Sir, no.” he says with a face so grim it even brings Alpha and Fordo to laughter. “Sir, anything but that. Please.”
“Alright. Since you said please,” Alpha chuckles. He tilts his head thinking it over. “How about Neyo then.”
“Neyo works for me Sir!” the cadet sits with his cheeks growing a few shades of red. Bacara is still in a laugh that shakes his whole body prompting Neyo to smack him.
Fordo pats Alpha’s back as he regains himself. “Well, that was easy.”
“Yeah, but we still need to find one for 7567.” Alpha nods his head in the cadet’s direction. The cadet stares at his training blaster like someone just told him he had six weeks to live. Fordo taps the side of his helmet.
“We’ll have to come up with one later. Just got word the Generals are arriving.”
Alpha lets out an exhausted sigh. That’s right. The meeting. A bunch of the Jedi Generals are coming to form a plan of attack on the upcoming battle of Muunilinst and Hypori. All of the ARC troopers have been requested to be there. Alpha groans deep in his throat.
“My sentiments exactly but we need to change if we’re going to be on time. They want us in the new officer attire to look more professional.” Fordo snorts while making his way towards the exit. Alpha forces himself to walk out to the center of the room.
“Alright, listen up,” Alpha says loudly getting all of the cadets attention. “I have to go to a meeting for the next hour or so. You are to stay here. I don’t care what you do as long as you don’t leave this room or burn anything down. Are we clear?”
“Yes, Sir!” they say loudly. Alpha leaves the barracks to return to his quarters. The only time Alpha was ever out of his armor was when he was sleeping here on Kamino. Sometimes not even then. So peeling off his armor and pulling on a thin grey fabric uniform felt like putting on uncomfortable pajamas and parading around the city. Alpha walks out of his room while tugging at his collar. A chuckle gives him pause as Shaak Ti approaches him. If he felt naked before with his helmet off in front of her, he definitely does now.
“This is ridiculous.” He says while still struggling to adjust the collar.
“It’s good to see how well you can function in them. I hear they are about to issue these to all clones stationed in control towers.” She reaches up and helps him adjust the collar size.
“Thanks.” He says now that he doesn’t feel like he’s being strangled. She smiles softly before walking with him towards the meeting room. “Will you be joining us?”
“I will. From what Master Mundi is saying I will be accompanying him and a few other Jedi to Hypori.” She explains. He gives a hm. As they walk Alpha spots a familiar face walking down the corridor with 99.
“CT-7567, what are you doing out of the barracks?” Alpha frowns at the cadet. 7567 just stares back at Alpha to shocked to speak from seeing him out of his usual armor. Alpha clears his throat loudly. “I’m waiting.”
“It’s my fault Sir. I came by the barracks needing help carrying some boxes. 7567 was kind enough to help me out.” 99 says. Alpha softens his expression at 99 before hardening it again at 7567.
“Back to the barracks the second you are done helping 99.” He orders. 7567 can only nod with eyes still wide with shock. He silently follows 99 down the corridor. Alpha rubs his face tiredly. When he hears a laugh from Ti, he arches a brow at her. “Something funny?”
“I’ve never seen you so uncomfortable before.” She says as they continue walking. Alpha fidgets in his uniform.
“Yeah, well…” he trails off unable to argue with her. when they make to the meeting room, he makes out the other ARC Troopers all as uncomfortable as Alpha in the new officer uniforms. He turns his gaze over to the Jedi filling the other parts of the room. Masters Mundi, Windu, Secura, and K’kruhk along with a hand full of others Alpha didn’t recognize huddle around each other in their jedi robes. Alpha keeps looking through the faces trying to see everyone he recognized when he spots a boy standing with a scrunched-up face of constant disapproval. Alpha feels himself chuckle before approaching the boy.
“Didn’t know they let kids in here?” Alpha snorts with a grin. Skywalker looks him over with a raised brow. Then a smile spreads on his face as he realizes who Alpha is.
“I’ll have you know I’m a Jedi Knight now.” He says standing a little taller. Alpha chuckles while crossing his arms.
“Oh? And who in their right mind decided that?”
“I did, Captain. Along with the rest of the Jedi council.” Another familiar voice comes from behind him. Alpha turns to see General Kenobi approaching them. He reaches out and shakes the Jedi’s hand. “Good to see you again.”
“You as well.” Alpha crosses his arms as they stand around each other. “But what I really want to know is who came up with this uniform?”
“That you’ll have to take up with the Admirals I’m afraid.” Kenobi laughs slightly. He reaches up to stroke his beard.
“Oh, I don’t know Master. I rather like the outfit.” Skywalker says making Alpha roll his eyes.
“Outfit? It’s a uniform.” Alpha corrects him but the kid just smiles.
“Call it whatever you want. Either way it brings out your eyes.”
This time its Kenobi’s turn to roll his eyes. At that moment Windu walks towards the holotable letting everyone know they are about to begin. Alpha stands next to Skywalker taking in how much he’s grown since the last he saw him. while the briefing goes on, he notices the kid yawning. Alpha nudges him slightly before leaning closer to say, “If you watch Commander Fordo closely, you’ll see him roll his eyes from time to time. I think he’s forgetting he’s not wearing a helmet.”
They watch Fordo for a moment before he rolls his eyes at something Secura says. This makes both Alpha and Skywalker laugh earning a harsh glare from Kenobi. They straighten up and try to act professional but snicker every time Fordo makes a face or rolls his eyes again. Maybe the briefing won’t be too bad after all.
Read the full story HERE ON AO3!
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</3 no captain Rex in Skywalker Saga
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Oxygen Therapy Equipment Market to Grow at a CAGR of 6.63% During the Forecast Period | TechSci Research
Growing prevalence of respiratory diseases is expected to drive the growth of the global oxygen therapy equipment market during the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Oxygen Therapy Equipment Market By Product Type (Oxygen Source Equipment v/s Oxygen Delivery Devices), By Oxygen Source Equipment (Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Concentrators, Liquid Oxygen Devices, Others), By Oxygen Delivery Devices (Oxygen Masks, Nasal Cannula, Non-Rebreather Masks, Others), By Mobility (Stationary v/s Portable) By Application (COPD, Lung Cancer, Pneumonia, COVID-19, Others), By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Homecare, Others), By Company, By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, The global oxygen therapy equipment market was valued at USD8.87 billion in 2020 and is further expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.63% during the forecast period.
Oxygen therapy equipment are actively used during surgery processes when the patient is under anesthesia and post-surgery processes to provide adequate amount of oxygen supply to the patients. Also, oxygen therapy equipment are used in several respiratory conditions such as lung cancer, COPD, COVID-19, among others. The growing incidences of these diseases coupled with a significant increase in the number of surgical procedures is expected to fuel the market growth through 2026. However, high cost of oxygen therapy equipment, majorly the cost of oxygen source equipment, is higher as compared to the delivery devices which can slow down the market growth over the next few years. Moreover, incidences such as product recalls by FDA can further restrict the market growth over the next five years.
Browse over 149 market data Figures spread through 110 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Oxygen Therapy Equipment Market"
Global oxygen therapy equipment market is segmented on the basis of product type, mobility, application, end user, region and company. Based on application, the market is further fragmented into COPD, lung cancer, pneumonia, COVID-19 and others. COPD dominated the overall oxygen therapy equipment market in 2020 with a share of 33.60% owing to rising number of cases of COPD across the globe due to tobacco smoking habit and increase in the geriatric population. Based on mobility, the market is bifurcated into stationary and portable.
The stationary equipment segment dominated the market in 2020 on account of the fact that the patients are mostly confined to their beds during treatment which supports the growth of stationary oxygen therapy equipment. However, the sudden outbreak and spread of COVID-19 has increased the popularity of homecare and portable oxygen therapy equipment such as oxygen cans and oxygen concentrators which can be used at home. This in turn is expected to drive the growth of portable oxygen therapy equipment during the forecast period.
Some of the major competitors in the market are Koninklijke Philips N.V., Invacare Corporation, Inogen Inc., NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd., Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited, Allied Healthcare Products, Inc., Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation, Linde Healthcare, Smith’s Medical, Inc., Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA., among others. The companies are focusing on extensive research and developments activities to stay competitive in the market. Other competitive strategies include formation of alliances and partnerships.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7565
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“North America dominated the global oxygen therapy equipment market in 2020 and is expected to continue its dominance over the forecast period also on account of growing prevalence of several respiratory problems such as COPD, Lung Cancer, Asthma, among others in the region. Additionally, the region has a well-established healthcare infrastructure, thereby fueling the market growth. Also, the presence of key market players like Invacare Corporation and Inogen, Inc. in the region is further supporting the market growth.,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Oxygen Therapy Equipment Market By Product Type (Oxygen Source Equipment v/s Oxygen Delivery Devices), By Oxygen Source Equipment (Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Concentrators, Liquid Oxygen Devices, Others), By Oxygen Delivery Devices (Oxygen Masks, Nasal Cannula, Non-Rebreather Masks, Others), By Mobility (Stationary v/s Portable) By Application (COPD, Lung Cancer, Pneumonia, COVID-19, Others), By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Homecare, Others), By Company, By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, has evaluated the future growth potential of global oxygen therapy equipment market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth.
The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in global oxygen therapy equipment market.
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Oxygen Therapy Equipment Market to Grow at a CAGR of 6.63% During the Forecast Period | TechSci Research
Growing prevalence of respiratory diseases is expected to drive the growth of the global oxygen therapy equipment market during the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Oxygen Therapy Equipment Market By Product Type (Oxygen Source Equipment v/s Oxygen Delivery Devices), By Oxygen Source Equipment (Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Concentrators, Liquid Oxygen Devices, Others), By Oxygen Delivery Devices (Oxygen Masks, Nasal Cannula, Non-Rebreather Masks, Others), By Mobility (Stationary v/s Portable) By Application (COPD, Lung Cancer, Pneumonia, COVID-19, Others), By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Homecare, Others), By Company, By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, The global oxygen therapy equipment market was valued at USD8.87 billion in 2020 and is further expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.63% during the forecast period.
Oxygen therapy equipment are actively used during surgery processes when the patient is under anesthesia and post-surgery processes to provide adequate amount of oxygen supply to the patients. Also, oxygen therapy equipment are used in several respiratory conditions such as lung cancer, COPD, COVID-19, among others. The growing incidences of these diseases coupled with a significant increase in the number of surgical procedures is expected to fuel the market growth through 2026. However, high cost of oxygen therapy equipment, majorly the cost of oxygen source equipment, is higher as compared to the delivery devices which can slow down the market growth over the next few years. Moreover, incidences such as product recalls by FDA can further restrict the market growth over the next five years.
Browse over 149 market data Figures spread through 110 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Oxygen Therapy Equipment Market"
Global oxygen therapy equipment market is segmented on the basis of product type, mobility, application, end user, region and company. Based on application, the market is further fragmented into COPD, lung cancer, pneumonia, COVID-19 and others. COPD dominated the overall oxygen therapy equipment market in 2020 with a share of 33.60% owing to rising number of cases of COPD across the globe due to tobacco smoking habit and increase in the geriatric population. Based on mobility, the market is bifurcated into stationary and portable.
The stationary equipment segment dominated the market in 2020 on account of the fact that the patients are mostly confined to their beds during treatment which supports the growth of stationary oxygen therapy equipment. However, the sudden outbreak and spread of COVID-19 has increased the popularity of homecare and portable oxygen therapy equipment such as oxygen cans and oxygen concentrators which can be used at home. This in turn is expected to drive the growth of portable oxygen therapy equipment during the forecast period.
Some of the major competitors in the market are Koninklijke Philips N.V., Invacare Corporation, Inogen Inc., NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd., Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited, Allied Healthcare Products, Inc., Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation, Linde Healthcare, Smith’s Medical, Inc., Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA., among others. The companies are focusing on extensive research and developments activities to stay competitive in the market. Other competitive strategies include formation of alliances and partnerships.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7565
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“North America dominated the global oxygen therapy equipment market in 2020 and is expected to continue its dominance over the forecast period also on account of growing prevalence of several respiratory problems such as COPD, Lung Cancer, Asthma, among others in the region. Additionally, the region has a well-established healthcare infrastructure, thereby fueling the market growth. Also, the presence of key market players like Invacare Corporation and Inogen, Inc. in the region is further supporting the market growth.,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Oxygen Therapy Equipment Market By Product Type (Oxygen Source Equipment v/s Oxygen Delivery Devices), By Oxygen Source Equipment (Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Concentrators, Liquid Oxygen Devices, Others), By Oxygen Delivery Devices (Oxygen Masks, Nasal Cannula, Non-Rebreather Masks, Others), By Mobility (Stationary v/s Portable) By Application (COPD, Lung Cancer, Pneumonia, COVID-19, Others), By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Homecare, Others), By Company, By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, has evaluated the future growth potential of global oxygen therapy equipment market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth.
The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in global oxygen therapy equipment market.
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shamelesslymkp · 9 months
REC: sheApunk89 - every little thing you want nobody to know
URL: https://ift.tt/9jWikXD The Kaminoan's taught them from the very beginning about shielding and building walls around their thoughts. The Jedi are very powerful, it would be unseemly for you clones to distract them with your trivial thoughts. Rex didn’t appreciate the sentiment, but he did appreciate the training. He knew, somehow, that it was very, very important that he be able to keep this to himself. OR: [the one where Rex is Force Sensitive, and it changes everything] (Words: 16,422) Part 1 of wilder mind !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:archiveofourown, +fandom:star.wars.-.all.media.types, +fandom:star.wars:.the.clone.wars.(2008).-.all.media.types, ::rating:teen.and.up.audiences, ~author:sheapunk89, character:ct-7567.|.rex, character:cc-2224.|.cody, character:obi-wan.kenobi, character:anakin.skywalker, character:keeli.(star.wars), relationship:cc-2224.|.cody.&.ct-7567.|.rex, relationship:ct-6116.|.kix.&.ct-7567.|.rex, relationship:keeli.&.ct-7567.|.rex, relationship:obi-wan.kenobi.&.ct-7567.|.rex, relationship:ct-5597.|.jesse/ct-6116.|.kix, ::category:gen, .m/m, \no.archive.warnings.apply, ~ao3:force-sensitive.clone.troopers.(star.wars), ~ao3:force-sensitive.ct-7565.|.rex, ~ao3:episode.remix, ~ao3:alternate.universe.-.everyone.lives/nobody.dies, ~ao3:fix-it.of.sorts, ~ao3:brotherhood, ~ao3:emotional.hurt/comfort, ~ao3:cody.is.the.best.bro, ~ao3:keeli.is.bae, ~ao3:ct-7567.|.rex.needs.a.hug, ~ao3:jedi.cleaning.up.their.karking.messes, ~ao3:my.emotional.support.fic.is.back.babyyyy, ~ao3:repost.by.original.author
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greaterawarness · 3 years
Brothers Ch. 6 "Retired Commander and Captain"
(A slow morning for Cody and Rex.)
Cody was up by 0600 like most mornings. When he was in the army, he would consider 0600 sleeping in. He supposes he’s gone a little soft since being out. His morning routine was nothing glamorous. He normally showers but today he’s skipped that step, shaves, spends a small amount of time making sure his hair is in order, then dresses in sensible clothing. Today he plans on going for a run, so he wears breathable workout clothes.
“What are you doing? Come back to bed…” A sleepy voice calls. Cody walks out of the bathroom and leans against the doorway with a smile. Obi Wan is turned on his side with their red sheets resting at his waist. His usual neat and tidy hair now sticks in every direction.
“Can’t. Promised Rex I’d kidnap him for a run.” He walks over to sit on the bed. Obi Wan reaches out to gently touch Cody’s wrist. Cody leans forward planting a gentle kiss on Obi Wan’s forehead. “Go back to sleep. I should be back before you finish getting ready.”
Obi Wan grabs his shirt when he starts to pull away. He presses his lips to Cody’s before falling back on his pillow and rolling to his side of the bed.
“Very well. Run an extra mile for me.” He yawns while pulling the sheets up to his shoulders.
“Always do.” Cody pushes himself off the bed. Before leaving their room, he walks to his closet out of habit. He checks on his Mandalorian armor making sure it was still in tip top shape as if it would change from his last inspection before bed. With there being no changes, he leaves their room.
Cody and Obi Wan live in a luxurious spacious apartment. Only riveled by Padme’s and Skywalker’s. He walks across their pristine white marble floor to their white clean kitchen. Everything is sleek and modern just how they liked it. After leaving the Jedi Order they both developed a certain taste for things. Ahsoka had called it being boujee. Whatever the hell that means. He starts the caf so it will be ready when Obi Wan wakes and for when he gets back from his run. He leaves their apartment and makes his way down to the lobby.
“Morning Wooley.” Cody says as he passes his brother behind the main desk. After Obi Wan purchased this building, he gave a few jobs to the 212th. They’re simple jobs but his men seem to enjoy it. It doesn’t hurt that they all congregate in the speakeasy in the back. Easy to make 212th meetings if you work in the building.
“Early as ever Sir. Want me to pull your speeder around?” He asks.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just call a cab.” Cody says. When he’s on the street he hails the cab while taking in the sun’s rays. Cody always loved Coruscant in the morning. Wasn’t as busy as during the day or rowdy like at night. Though, things definitely got more interesting when the sun went down. Cody sits in the back of the cab admiring the buildings as they passed. Rex didn’t live to far and he could have walked it but knowing Rex he only has a finite time to reach him before the man collapses back into deep sleep. When the cab parks in front of Rex’s building, Cody slips out and pays the man. Before walking inside, he can’t help but glance at Skywalkers building only a block further down. Most people in this area are Senators or work in high-ranking positions. Not even on the handsome funds that Cody and Obi Wan pull in from the Jinn clan could they afford a place in this area.
Cody walks through the lobby and nods at the stern man behind the front desk. He meets his eyes before looking back to his screen. Cody punches in the code that grants access to the lift and rides it up to Rex’s floor. When he approaches Rex’s front door, he can already hear the madness on the other side. Cody grins before knocking. After a few moments the door opens when a blue twi’lek girl appears.
“Good morning Luna. I’ve come to kidnap your father.” Cody says. The teenager turns her face inside.
“Dad! Uncle Cody’s here!” She yells. She steps aside so Cody can walk in. While Obi Wan and Cody preferred a modern home that mostly consists of white marble and sleek finishes, Rex liked a more rustic feel. While the wall facing outward to the city is made of almost entirely of glass the other walls are exposed brick with exposed wood beams and columns. His floors, when not covered in scattered toys or clothes, are a light hardwood. It definitely felt more homy then Cody’s.
“You off to school?” Cody asks when the door shuts behind him.
“Yeah, just waiting on the gremlin to get ready.” She says, crossing her arms.
“That’s not a nice thing to call your brother.” Cody eyes her.
“Sorry,” She nods. “I meant to say bantha.”
Cody has to hold back a laugh. Luna slides across the floor in her long school socks to retrieve her datapad. Cody almost jumps when a woman rushes down the stairs holding a human toddler in her arms. Her blonde curly hair bounces with every jerk of her head. Cody crosses his arms with a smile waiting Morrigan to notice him. Her frantic busy eyes scan the kitchen island that is cluttered in papers, cups, and toys.
“My keys… where are my keys?” She asks with her one free hand held out frustratedly. Cody takes this time to walk forward. She stares at him slightly taken off guard before calming back down.
“I believe,” Cody starts while reaching for the thing in the toddler’s hands. “I’ve found them.”
Morrigan closes her eyes relieved.
“Thank you, Cody.” She says placing a hand on his shoulder. “You must be here for Rex.”
“Yes, I had planned on kidnapping him.” Cody explains. He leans against the messy kitchen island. She gives a sarcastic eyeroll.
“Good luck. I’m afraid my nine year old has beaten you to it.” She walks over to her bag to rummage through it. As if speaking his name summoned him, Rex walks down the stairs with his son slung over his shoulders.
“I don’t want to go!” Bjorn yells but shows no real struggle. Rex lets out long sigh.
“I know,” He says while setting the boy down. Bjorn’s a spitting image of his father. Well, Cody guessed all clones really, but he was Rex’s boy through and through. “But you have to. Otherwise, mum and I are going to go to prison!”
The boy rolls his eyes. He tries to walk away but is stopped by Rex’s hand. Rex pulls out a pair of glasses and puts them on Bjorn’s face.
“No buts. You’re wearing them.” Rex waves a finger at the boy with a stern eye. Bjorn says nothing while grabbing his school bag and walks over to his eldest sister.
“Be safe! Don’t take your eyes off each other!” Morrigan calls when the two eldest children walk towards the front door.
“We know!” They yell back before closing the door behind them. With two out of the three kids gone the adults took this moment to breathe. Rex looks to Cody for the first time.
“Sorry that you had to walk in on our hectic mornings.” Rex says looking more tired than he did when they left to go home last night.
“Don’t worry about it. Love any chance I get to see my favorite nieces and nephew.” Cody says. Morrigan shifts her daughter while slinging her bag over her other shoulder.
“Well, I’m off to work. I’m running late as it is. Cody, try not to kill my husband. I do enjoy his company.” She says walking past him. She walks for the door making Rex chuckle.
“Love?” Rex calls.
“Yes?” She turns back around.
“I’m not sure how your meeting is going to go while holding Serin.” Rex crosses his arms. Morrigan pauses realizing her daughter is still in her arms. She shuffles over and hands her to Rex before giving him a quick kiss and rushing for the door. Rex calls out “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
Morrigan responds by letting out a loud and sarcastic laugh while running out the door. Rex shakes his head while smiling at Serin who is content just sitting in Rex’s arms.
“If its just you and Serin we can go for a run another day?” Cody offers. Rex lets out a tired sigh.
“Nah, we’ll bring her along.”
After getting little Serin situated in a stroller Cody and Rex do a short stretch in front of Rex’s building. After they feel warmed up, they start jogging. When Cody goes for a run with Obi Wan they usually start out much faster and go for longer but ever since becoming a dad Rex has lost a bit of his steam. They run a few blocks before stopping at a crosswalk. Rex leans over with his hands on his knees breathing heavily.
“You okay?” Cody raises a brow at him.
“Don’t judge me Cody… I’ve got three kids…” He breathes before straightening up and pushing the stroller as he continues to run. Everything is so different now then it was when they were in the army. Before he and Rex ran a tight ship. Nothing got past them, and they were constantly working to keep their bodies and minds in top physical condition. Now, they’ve learned to take it easy and take things as they come. Not that they’ve gone completely soft. Cody and Rex still pride themselves on their combat skills and marksmanship.
They decide to end their run early when Serin starts to get fussy. They now walk at a comfortable pace after stopping to buy the child a juice box. Cody and Rex drink one of their own.
“So,” Rex says after they toss their drained juice boxes. “What are we going to do about that batch of clones?”
That batch. Cody knew exactly what he was talking about. Cody lets out a sigh through his nose.
“I could use some guys like that. It’s hard to find younger clones so willing to run into battle.” Cody starts.
“True but running headfirst into danger isn’t always a good thing.” Rex says making Cody laugh.
“Ironic coming from you!” Cody says wincing when Rex elbows him.
“All I’m saying is that they seem a little to eager.”
“What do you expect? They’re too young to have seen any battle but to old to not remember life and training on Kamino. They trained for a Republic that already didn’t want them.” Cody snorts. They fall silent for a moment. Memories of the days after the war. When it first ended everyone was so happy. It may have only been one real battle but so many clones and Jedi had died. Everyone celebrated and the clones were seen as heroes. For a time. Then the Jedi who had fought beside so many of the clones turned away from them. Some completely abandoning squads on random planets trying to wrangle up any remaining separatists. The anger from those times still burns in Cody and Rex.
As they contemplated on the past, they can hear the shouting of protests. Cody and Rex exchange looks before continuing on. They find a large crowd surrounding a stage built of crates with a few clones standing on top.
“We fought their war and look how they treat us?” A clone yells. Cody stops to stare at him. He looks familiar. “Clones only earn a small percentage compared to any other species on Coruscant but we far outnumber any other species when it comes to homelessness! We’re denied basic rights!”
Cody is both surprised and pleased to see that the crowd is a good mix of nonclones and clones. Serin starts to get fussy again, so they start to walk on. As they walk away from the rally, they can hear them chanting “We fought your fight now give us rights!”all the way down the block.
They decide to take a rest on a park bench and let Serin stretch her legs.
“That was Slick up there, wasn’t it?” Rex asks. Cody nods. He holds a twig that Serin hands him before she waddles off.
“I just hope he keeps it peaceful.” Cody sighs. Rex lets out a snort.
“He’s not wrong though. Some clones are lucky and get decent jobs and live a normal life. Most aren’t. unless they want to live like us working as bounty hunters and mercenaries. We do okay but this life isn’t for everyone. It’s most certainly not one I want my children.”
Cody looks over at Rex who keeps his eyes on his daughter.
“Bjorn looks just like us. What happens when he’s older and he can’t get a job because his face resembles mine? Serin… well I tell myself she’ll do fine because she’s a girl and she takes after her mother thank the Force. But I do worry about them.” Rex scoops his daughter in his arms and holds her close. She doesn’t appreciate this and squirms out of his arms to continue playing.
“I hate to break this to you Rex old boy, but your son is probably going to become a bounty hunter just because he has your wife’s attitude.” Cody says making Rex laugh.
“Oh, don’t I know it too?” Rex shakes his head. His face settles into a sad smile. “Still… I want him to have a choice.”
Cody lets out a breath while leaning back.
“Then I guess we’ll have to hope Fox and Padme can pull through.” Cody looks up at the sky before staring at Rex when he lets out a pfft.
“Never thought you would be saying that did ya?” Rex snorts making Cody laugh.
“Fuckin’ Fox man… who knew?” Cody shakes his head. When they fall silent again Rex leans on his knees.
“So, what are we going to do about that batch?” Rex asks again. Cody leans his head back with his eyes closed.
“I don’t know…” He groans. “Wolffe has probably already recruited them but… then they have the Force sensitive ones and I’m sure Skywalker will throw a fit if he doesn’t get them.”
“Yeah, probably. He and Ahsoka were fighting about it the other night. But they were drinking so it quickly turned into who’s fault it was who crashed the last ship.” Rex says with his chin perched on his hand.
“… It was Anakin, wasn’t it?”
“It’s always Anakin.” Rex nods making Cody chuckle. They sit in silence again while watching Serin play.
“You don’t think that day we ran into that batch wasn’t a bit…”
“Perfect?” Rex finishes for him. “Yeah. I know.”
“I mean all three of us were recruited for the job and then the batch is there for no apparent reason, and they were carrying blasters which according to our research none of them can afford. Seems like that whole event was planned.” Cody watches Rex carefully. His face is unchanging but deliberately still. “It has her fingerprints all over it.”
“I know.” He says softly.
“That means those boys are probably in over their heads. It might be best if we cut off all ties with them. Save ourselves a headache.” Cody says aware of how stiff Rex is next to him. It’s so apparent that Serin walks over to try and mess with his face. He loosens up so not to bother her.
“I’ll deal with it, Cody.” He says sternly. He stands with his daughter in his arms. He puts her back in her stroller telling Cody it was time to go. Cody doesn’t push the subject any further. Rex has a complicated history after the war. It often comes back to haunt him. Cody walks beside his friend feeling bad for even bringing her up. They would have to come up with a plan for that batch another day. Today Cody was only focused on getting back to the apartment to catch Obi Wan before he left for the senate.
Read full story HERE at AO3
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