#Chaos rambles
chaos-has-theories · 2 months
Palamedes thought Naberius was hot, I repeat
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I require 10k words of canon defiant morally questionable yaoi set in Ianthe's mind country manor STAT
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iamchaos1234 · 3 months
[Spoilers for S2 E14 of the owl house]
In this episode Luz is trying to deal with being apart from her mother on the anniversary of her dad's death day. This episode hurts my heart a lot, as I have unfortunately... gone through similar situations as Luz
But a smaller detail I notice some people miss is her reaction to the Abomiton's alarm going off after she set it off. She looks panicked, and yells "get out of my head!" Which is an odd response if you think about it. There's the possibility that what's happening here is it just sounds like her phones alarms. But in my opinion she responds like this because it sounds kind of similar to an ambulance. And her father passed away from some sort of illness and was brought to the hospital. So it can be assumed the sound of sirens similar to this would cause a sort of trauma response
This has been Chaos rambling, thanks for reading :)
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chaoticklesblog · 6 months
Hello, I'm just dropping in to remind everyone how absolutely LETHAL light knee tickles are. Yeah, squeezes can be bad, but light knee tickles are far, far worse. Nails scrabbling on the tops, backs, and sides of the knees? Softly? Slowly? Absolutely deadly and maddening. Do with this info what you wish...
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chaosandsuns · 7 months
The doctor doesnt mourn like normal people. They dont mourn in the long stretch of time and crying. They cant. They keep moving, they keep running because they have to save people, as many people as they can. They cant stop or slow down.
The doctor mourns in the little things.
Its in Donna showing him Rose's shirt, and his hearts skip two beats as he tries to breathe and dont show dont show.
Its in "Rose would know what to do" because really, rose wouldnt. But it would have been easier to know he isnt the only one whos experienced and still feels lost.
Its in seeing the daleks again and remembering them on that awful spaceship and jackjackjack and they know Jack is alive but they cant completely push it away, can they? The Daleks took away another person they cared for.
Its in walking past hospitals and thinking "maybe martha is working in that one", but she isnt, because we are on a different planet and time entirely. Still, its a nice thought that brings a smile to their face.
Its in walking past a DVD shop and turning to martha to laugh about it and forgetting she isnt there.
Its in seeing a funny hat and thinking how he should show Donna before remembering that she forgot.
Its in seeing a redhead walking down the street and feeling the relief-ache-dread that surges through them as they run the other way. Its silly, because it isnt donna, it cant be. but still.
Its in the little things. Fish fingers and custard even after the ponds are gone. Seeing a library and feeling a distinct pain, even if River is walking right next to him. Never looking at a raven the same.
So they mourn. All the time. And they run and they remember.
What more can they do?
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I'm Not Really Here. (Pt.1)
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Relationship: Anthony Lockwood x Fem!Reader
Genre: hurt/comfort, angst, reader whump
Requested: no
Word count: 1.6k
Part: 1/2
Summary: A mission goes terribly wrong. You and Anthony are left to face the consequences. !! PART 1 OF 2 !!
Warnings: swearing, blood, angst, creeps
It’s cold.
That’s the first thing to come to your mind as your vision swirls and flickers before you.
Something is cold.
Blood rushes to your ears as you try to lift your head, pounding headache pressing against your temples.
A very specific something on you is cold.
You try to lift your arms to support your head as the wail of your thoughts echo too loudly to focus.
Your wrists are cold.
And then, there’s a new thing that you become aware of. A sound.
Clink. Clink.
Where is it coming from?
Dazily, you’re finally able to pull your head up. Eyes closed as you try and still the intense roar grating through your mind.
God, why can't you move? And what the hell is that sound?
You shift.
Clink. Clink.
You shift again.
Clink. Clink.
It’s now when you realise that you’re not alone. At least, you can’t be.
Because you can’t be the one who handcuffed your wrists to the back of a chair.
Clink. Clink.
"..think we should start the process of extracting immediat…"
A voice faded into the room, trailing off as you twisted your head slightly to catch a glimpse of who had walked into the room.
The voice belonged to a rather… imposing man, whose stature simply towered over yours as he leant down, acrid breath mingling close to yours. Eyes, darker than a raven's feathers, gleamed cruelly under the flickering lights.
You wrinkled your nose distastefully as his scent overwhelmed you.
His mouth stretched into a wicked grin, revealing a mouthful of surprisingly brilliantly white teeth.
He pulled back, and you're finally able to breathe the somewhat cleaner air as he turned to his accomplice.
"Bring in the other one."
The feeble, puny accomplice scuttled towards the door, squeaking out a tiny, "yes sir!" as he backed away and disappeared behind the rotting wood.
Your eyes followed him out, before returning to the large, unpleasant figure before you.
Your head continued to pound.
At least you could see better.
You weren't sure if that was necessarily a good thing.
A familiar voice echoed from the passage.
"...et go! Once my fellow agents realise I'm gone, you'll really have it the.."
Suddenly it was no longer just your wrists that were cold. Deep fear began to settle itself in every limb.
The voice was right by the door now.
"..y're top notch agents! Best in their field, you won't stand a chance-"
Your skin prickled with nerves. Please, no, don't let it be-
The door swung open to reveal the voice.
"-at all! Especially Y/n, you'll never be able to capture her a-"
The voice broke off.
You stared at the shoes of the voice, dread pooling in your stomach.
"Y/n," the voice breathed.
You dragged your eyes from the floor to meet the voice's, praying that by some miracle, it just happened to be someone who sounded just like him, and somehow also wore the exact same scuffed business shoes with the little jam stain on the laces.
Your hopes were immediately dashed.
Lockwood's face seemed to be stuck in an expression of shock as he took in your appearance. You weren't really sure what you looked like, but the taste of something dirty; something metallic, on your tongue told you that something must look... wrong.
You could barely look him in the eyes. Would he be upset? Afraid? Disappointed?
Instead you swept your gaze over his own appearance - he didn't look too bad. Some bruises on his wrist from being gripped by the man's accomplice, and a split lip seemed to be the only injuries.
You visibly relaxed. The man caught on to that.
He stalked closer.
"Bring him here." he commanded.
The weasel of an accomplice squeaked, jerking his prisoner forwards. Lockwood stumbled on the uneven floor as he was pushed towards the man.
He slowly turned to look at the young man.
You knew Lockwood was too proud to back down from confrontation. But still, you prayed that he wouldn't make eye contact with him.
"And now who may you be, sir? I would expect you know who Y/n and I are, what business do you have with us?"
Briefly closing your eyes, you let out a small groan.
Lockwood stared boldly into the man's eyes. Not a flicker of expression, besides defiance, could be found on his features.
The man sneered down at him.
"Eh, here's Anthony Lockwood in th' flesh, yeah? Big ego, smart aleck, naive fucker of an agent."
Lockwood's eyes flickered dangerously.
"I wouldn't say naive; more so subtle in the art of deflecting blame and avoiding situations like these." he replied.
The man guffawed. "Couldn't avoid this one, eh?"
"Well, if you would just enlighten me on why you have Y/n and I in this dingy basement, we could resolve this a lot faster. It'll be like we were never here."
At the sound of your name, your head snapped up from where it had been lolling as your headache worsened.
A laugh.
"Ah, she's proper 'wake now, hey? Shall we get started then?"
Your vision pulled in and out of focus as you struggled to follow what was being said.
"I…" you rasped.
"Answer the goddamn question."
Lockwood bit his lip to prevent from asking you if you were okay. He knew that if he showed his worry, they would capitalise on that.
Your face stayed stoic as you spat on the floor next to you, cheek flaming from the contact.
Raising your eyes to the man, you glared.
"Yes." you grated out.
With a curt nod, the man grabbed Lockwood's arm and motioned for his accomplice to bring him a chair, which he then shoved the young agent onto. He then turned to you, dragging your chair across the cobblestone floor to face Lockwood's, the screeching of wood on stone echoing throughout the dank room.
Once he let go of your chair, he beckoned his accomplice towards a long wooden table at the back, where they began to murmur under their breath.
Metal clinked and scraped.
You hesitantly brought your eyes to meet Lockwood's.
'I'm so sorry,' you mouthed. 'The mission didn't go as planned. They caught me as I was leaving their office.'
He nodded, mouth twisting in dismay. You knew he was hiding his disappointment in his failed plan. Anthony Lockwood was nothing short of a perfectionist, and took immense pride in his mission plans. You knew this was a setback he'd take upon himself as his fault - something you would constantly try to convince him not to.
But now was no time for regrets. Not when the man had strided back over to them with a hand behind his back.
He stopped with a rather loud thud of his boot against the stone.
"Well. Two- no, one agent who owes me," he squinted at Lockwood, "and one agent who got in my way."
"He," the man gestured towards Lockwood, "is in serious debt with me, you see. And you.." he leaned over your chair, lips ghosting over your cheek, "you, little lady, you're just for fun…"
You flinched away, and his mouth stretched into a terrifying grin.
Lockwood strained to keep his hands to himself. You flashed your eyes warningly at him, but to no avail. He sprung up and forcefully shoved the man away from you.
"Get away!" he ground out.
The man stumbled backwards, the remains of his smile ghosting his face.
"Ah.. the little man is protective of this one. Cliff!" he barked. "Get that sheet and tear off a piece. Lockie here seems to have issues keeping his goddamn hands to himself."
The accomplice, who now had a name, scurried towards the man, clutching a strip of material which he swiftly bound around Lockwood's wrists, securing them to the back of the chair - despite the young man's struggles.
Once Cliff ensured there was little chance of the material knot slipping apart, he backed away to the corner of the room by the wooden table, head bowed.
The man, who had easily recovered from Lockwood's forcible shove, advanced towards him with a rather dangerous glint in his eye. The clink of metal behind his back sent a chill down your spine, pulling you from your hazy state once again.
Struggling against the bonds, Lockwood glared fiercely up at the man.
"No matter what you do," he grinded out. "I can take it. I don't care what the hell you do to me. I. Don't. Owe. You. Bloody. Anything," he cursed, his voice laced with threats.
The man's lips curled into an unforgiving smirk.
"Oh, I know," he said, leering closer to Lockwood's face. "That's why I'm doing it to her."
Your blood ran cold.
To… you? What was he planning to do?
Lockwood's eyes widened ever so slightly. "No. No, she's of no worth to you, she has nothing to do with thi-"
He was abruptly cut off by the man. "Ah, but Lockie, you said so y'self - Y/n is your best agent. Now, wouldn't it be a fine day if I could get my money, and a pretty, pretty girl mess a'ound with?"
His voice dripped with sleaze, and you cringed away from it on instinct.
Lockwood saw your eyes close, and he knew what you were trying to do. You always did this when you were afraid, or fearful; close your eyes and try to convince yourself that you weren't really there.
I'm not really here. I'm not really here. I am NOT really here. You chanted in your mind.
The man's putrid breath grazed over your face, and you cracked one eye open to find him staring face to face with you.
It didn't work.
"Ooh, the princess is fin'lly awake again. Ready to start, princess?" he taunted.
Your eyes flicked open, full of hatred and discontent.
The metal clinked behind his back once again, but this time, he brought it out to show you and Lockwood what it was.
"Well. Two li' agents who owe me. Now, which one wants to go first?"
also P.S apologies if there's grammer/writing errors😭
omg heyy my little raviolis and various pasta noodles,
how are you?! it's been so long and im SO SORRY. life is such a crazy deck of cards with wild twists and turns and unexpected trips to supermarkets at 12am cause you're craving ice cream. so valid tbh
I MISSED YOU!! and I've seen the requests and I promise that I will be answering those. xoxo
i hope this will tide you over till then though😌
have a good day/night,
- fictional_addiction (yes this is hufflepuff-haze still, changed my acc name!) 💛
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chaos-from-basil · 6 months
“God doesn’t make mistakes.” Wrong. God made wisdom teeth
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chaosandwolves · 3 months
Does anyone else feel 😬 about their old fics?
I feel like my writing improved even within the last two months and when I read snippets from my old already posted ones I just see what I should've changed and doesn't sound good
I feel like that's very normal, that's why I don't delete my first posted fic, also cause I know there is always someone out there who really appreciates it
But when ppl read those older ones I'm like... I swear my writing has improved!
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r4mch0r1c · 6 months
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i lpve that this is an actual screenshot from the show. he just did that. love him
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ultimateaclrecovery · 1 month
My therapist asked me Tuesday if I thought part of why I keep debating whether to stay with my boyfriend or not (for those who missed it I broke up with him in March and then got back together a week later because I hadn’t actually given him a chance to respond to or change to the things I was unhappy about) was because I struggle with my making decisions in general.
And wow did that hit me like a ton of bricks. Now I’m no chidi from the hood place, but like I do agonize over a lot of decisions. (See my recent flight angst and every meaningless poll I’ve made here.) and it sounds weird but it was deeply relieving. It’s nice to know where a lot of the angst comes from. It also explains in part why the idea of breaking up with him feels like it would be a relief, because then the decision would be over and I wouldn’t have to make it anymore (in addition to the schedule relief) whereas staying together is more ongoing decision so the decision angst continues.
And not that that means we won’t break up still in the future, there’s a reason for the doubts after all but it’s nice to identify the source of some of the comfort and that it’s an okay source. Removes some of the meta worry (being worried about the angst, don’t have to worry about being stressed about the decision if you know you’re just stressed because decisions are hard)
She also brought up how we can’t ever be 100% sure of anything and that it’s okay to have things not be perfect.
So know I have made myself a little decision making spreadsheet to help me track how I feel about my boyfriend and whether or not I want to keep dating him. The hope being to stop the doom spiral from anytime something slightly upsets me and deciding that must mean he’s the worst for me and I need to break up with him and die alone. Because that’s not helpful or representative really of whether he’s a good fit for me or not.
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And maybe it’s slightly neurotic to rank how feel about interactions with my bf, but I love me some data. And laying things out clearly to really see patterns. And see what’s actually happen verses getting distracted by doom spiraling (or conversely letting one good moment (or good sex and all those feel good hormones) ) over shadow the rest
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the-chaos-axolotl · 1 month
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year
You know those children's books with see-through pages where you can like. Layer a shark together to learn anatomy?
I kind of want one that goes
The murdered soul of planet Earth
The hollow shell where 200 dead children used to be
The body of an underfed suicidal teen
Six layers of stolen toilet paper
One rude t-shirt
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iamchaos1234 · 2 months
[spoilers for all of The Owl House]
Short version: I love found family
Long version:
Eda, King, and Luz. The original three. One a witch, one a titan, one a human. Maybe King and Eda have always been close, since Eda found him on that island. But the progression of the three's bond throughout the series made me cry when I thought about it. It starts out as Luz just being a random human, a pawn they use to get back King's crown. Then Luz decided to stay, and it's quite clear Eda doesn't really care at the start. You can see how she clearly ignores Luz's wishes. But you see as season 1 goes on, Eda starts caring for her wellbeing and starts actually bonding and caring for Luz. But you really only see the full extent of Eda's newfound care for Luz in Agony of a Witch. Eda goes to save /her/ human from Lilith, despite knowing the dangers, despite knowing it was a trap, despite knowing her curse is getting worse and worse. And as her curse takes over, she thanks Luz. For being in her life. Luz fights ferociously to save Eda, stopping at nothing to save her Boiling Isles mom. Season 2, episode 1 Eda states that she uses the money they have to get special food for Luz instead of her apple blood, which she is shown to stop at nothing to get. You see the three's bond grow so much in season 2. Luz helps King through his identity crisis, and tries her very best to help him figure out who he truly is. At the end of season 2 Eda's concern for her two children is so great, she just wants them to be safe. They shouldn't have to go through this, since they are just children. But Luz is so desperate to help, to fix her mistake, to redeem herself for her part in this horror. In Clouds on the Horizon you can see Luz's concern for Eda and her plan. Both King and Luz are terrified, because Eda talks like she may never come back. After the Day of Unity when the Collector is taking King you can see just how desperate Luz is to save her found family, her brother and her mom, she wants so badly to save them, just to make sure they are okay. You can see how emotional both are, King thanking Luz, then for her wellbeing shoving her through the portal. Throughout Thanks to Them you can see all of that sadness and want and guilt well up in Luz, not even knowing if her owl mom and little brother are alright. Then, there is Watching and Dreaming. When they all reunite, they are so happy, just so thankful to see the others okay. Then there is the battle with Belos. Eda and King can only watch, as Luz saves the Collector from Belos. Which kills her, and she can't even get the words to tell them as she fades away. In the in-between realm, her inner thoughts say she should have thanked them. Just as they had to her. The absolute fury and anger from Eda and King is insurmountable. They went from a ragtag group, to a family. A true family. Their anger is so great they shift to forms we never have seen or see again, only showing themselves in their absolute despair over Luz's death. When Luz is revived their extreme joy and relief is so great, and it shows.
A witch, a titan, and a human. A mother, a son, and a daughter
Titan I love found family 😭 don't even get me STARTED on Hunter-
This has been a Chaos rant, thanks for reading ;)
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the-chaos137 · 1 month
enjoy my chaos beans it’s angst and fluff and just *chefs kiss* one of my longest fics so far <33
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chaosdeprived · 1 month
the gay brain needs to be studied,, bc why did i watch the abigail 2024 movie twice already (pls go watch it if you can !) and my mind kept thinking about joey x sammy fics,, (also someone should get on that)
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I would like to know the Pizza tasks in your au
Hope you will help me know the tasks on the original levels like Painted Canyons and Masterpiece Mansion. I’m making this just for fun and I may take some time.
--Mod Response--
Howdy! I tried my best to come up with some fitting tasks for the new levels!
Painted Canyons:  [Terminal Velocity] - Continuously fall through portals for 30 seconds. [What Portals?] - Complete the level without entering any paint portals. (Can’t collect all items in the level this way) [Radio] - Find the secret radio hidden in the level. (Two of these are direct references to Portal :b)
Pyra-Midnight: [Too Hot to Handle] - Kill 20 enemies in one firemouth transformation. [Slowsand] - Complete the level without losing health to quicksand. [Light the way] - Relight all the torches in the tombs.
Siren’s Song: [I Can’t Hear You] - Never get hit by a Siren’s Music Note. [Treasure Guys] - Same as base game crust cove [Strike!] - Take out 10 enemies in a row with the barrel
Confectionary Woods: [Flutterby] - Taunt next to a butterfly (replacing Bee Nice) [Sugar Rush] - Destroy all cupcake blocks in the level. [Bullseye] - Same as base game Gnome Forest, just against a Geroblin.
Pain Ball: [Perfect Shot] - Don’t miss more than 3 shots with the paintball gun. [SPLAT] - Take out 3 enemies with one charge shot. [Friendly Fire] - Trick an enemy into shooting another.
Masterpiece Mansion: [Picture Perfect] - Same as Unflattening from the base game [Washed Up] - Permanently defeat a Painted Vigert enemy using the fire sprinklers. [Vigert’s Mansion] - Collect all hidden gem points in the level. (Gems are shaped like ghosts and are a reference to the gems in Luigi’s Mansion 3)
All the other levels would just have the same achievements as the base game but modified as needed for theming. (And the time for the John Gutter speedrunning one would probably need to be extended.)
I’ll open up the ask box to make future questions like this easier to submit. Thank you for your question, and I’m excited to see what you’re making from this!
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chaosandwolves · 16 days
Not only of like 10?
Why do you have those tabs???
Why won't you show me ALL posts of the ppl I follow???
Is there a setting I'm missing???
Or is tumblr just getting more shitty?
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