#the og trio
botls · 9 months
not being dramatic i promise but this is actually the best exchange i’ve ever read
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iheartgirlzn · 2 months
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pairings: og three x gn!reader - separately
characters: annabeth, percy, grover
🍿 notes: GROVER MY UNDERRATED BOYYY (if u saw this before i edited it.. no u didn’t)
a movie date 100%
while painting or drawing
like y’know those couples on tiktok who switch their canvas’ every couple minutes
thats you two!!
only if you watched the movie at home ofc!
i also think that if you liked painting she’d want to include your interests
otherwise she’d take you (or you’d take her) to the cinema
i think she prefers books over the tv
but she loves watching a movie/new show every now and then
when the movies finished you two would go out for food at a restaurant or something and talk about the movie
but also about each other
because a date is about getting to know the other person!!
and she would listen to every single word you say
she’d just hope you’re doing the same
(and even if you’re already super close she always want to know more about you!)
i just think dates with her would be super sweet <33
the aquarium or the beach
i think
or somewhere nice
like a restaurant
but i think a beach date would be more his style
he’d take you there midday and you’d go swimming, get ice cream, sun bathe, etc
whatever you wanna do
as long as you spend time together
i also think you and him would already be friends before you start going out
but he’d still want you to tell him everything about yourself
like i said with annabeth
he’d always want to know more about you
dates are always fun with him :)
strawberry picking at camp
i think you two would have lots of fun with this as well!
just walking around and picking/eating the fruit you find and talking about everything and anything
but first he’d ask your opinion of where you wanted to go
and where a better than what you call home?
(but he’d try keep and your date away from the nymphs because they’re super nosy)
and if you haven’t eaten all the fruit by the time your done
(which would be surprising)
(chb fruit would taste amazing fight me)
you’d make a strawberry cake
grover would just be so sweet
anyways live laugh love grover!
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mydarlingdearestdead · 6 months
Okay Percy and Grover and Sally and Mr. D and everything else, WHAT ABOUT ANNABETH??
"Are you stalking me?" "Yes."
Her pushing Percy into the lake because she knew exactly what was going on (I mean, at least she apologised first)
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littlesilentrebel · 8 months
percy annabeth and grover holding hands and hugging in a circle jumping up and down squealing like middle school girls after hoo because they havent been together in several months and missed each other
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Annabeth: Grover, can i talk to you for a second?
Grover: yeah, what’s up? lemme guess. you and Percy are getting cozy and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Annabeth: what?! no, stop that. i know how to kiss. i’ve read books.
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demigods-posts · 1 year
Reasons why Son of Poseidon from The Lightning Thief musical is an amazing song:
1.) “What belongs to the sea can always return.” I don’t remember if this was an actual quote from the book, but it is a damn good one. Percy having the seashell from the very beginning and using it to return to the ocean later on is so cool. It’s almost like Poseidon knew they’d have to face Ares. Also, Poseidon giving Percy a seashell in the musical has the same energy as Poseidon giving Percy a sand dollar in the books lol 
2.) “And I know right now things are less than fine, but I think my dad may have thrown me a line.” The water-related puns are very Poseidon-coded, which it makes sense being that Percy is his son.
3.) “And better late than never to finally get a sign!” And then the call back to ‘Their Sign’ from earlier in the musical!
4.) “Who wins if the gods go to war? Ares, the god of war.” I remember being taken aback by this plot twist when I read it for the first time, and it hits just as hard in the musical. I think some people in the fandom forget that Percy Jackson has always been incredibly observant, emotionally intuitive, and intelligent, and moments like this remind us of that.
5.) “Well, he’ll have to get through me! We’ll take him down. We work well in three.” “Plus, a half-goat with a great goatee. Let’s do this!” I love how even when Percy is being a bit reckless and impulsive, his friends still got his back. Also, I’m just now realizing that ‘goatee’ was a pun lol
6.) “You’re the two best friends this screw-up ever had.” And then Percy returning the sentiment by labeling them his best friends is all I really need. I love this trio!
7.) “You may be a god, but you’re going down all the same!” Leave it to Percy to disrespect a god to their face when he knows the god doesn’t deserve it. Sally raised him right.
8.) “Your meat is minced. I’m here to mince it.” And then having Ares sing about an action already taking place before he performs the action just like Clarisse did in ‘Put You in Your Place’ is an interesting way to shine a light on how similar children of Ares can be to their godly parent. 
9.) “You think the god of war is afraid of a little water?!” “How do you feel about a lot of it?” Percy coming up with witty comebacks that will either make the situation worse or turn the tide in his favor is so in alignment with his character, and I love the writers' attention to that detail. 
10.) “I’m the son of Poseidon. I never asked to be, but I’m the son of Poseidon. Now, face the tide inside me!” I feel like this song, particularly, this moment, is a callback to his first line in the musical/books: Look, I didn’t want to be a half-blood. Percy has come to terms with what his life is, and is starting to accept it. We love to see character growth. 
If it isn’t abundantly clear already, I love this song. I love that the trio has clearly grown from constantly fighting in ‘Lost’ to having each other's back in this song. I love the Ares-Clarisse similarities. I love Ares’ singing voice. I love the Sally and Hades cameo. I love it all.  
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
Sorry, but you can't convince me that Tamlin's dynamic with Lucien, who casually, in front of the malnourished human girl they were trying to impress, said Tamlin is basically incompetent with females, who used magic on Tam while arguing about the amount of effort he was putting to woo Feyre, is more unequal to Mr. This is my second, third, fourth, and fifth, oh by the way I can lock my sister-in-law in a house Rhysand.
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TLDR; i am more attached to the lost trio than the og trio
i don't know how this happened, but i find the lost trio much more, i don't know, entertaining(?) than the og trio. i also feel like the lost trio has like a counterpart to them in the og trio, so that's how im going to break down this opinion peice.
the first one i'm going to do is piper and annabeth. i chose piper for annabeth because in the books they are shown to be kind of like a direct parallel of each other, so thats my reasoning for piper as annabeth. that, and the only girls in both of their trios. i feel like i became more attached to piper since i got to see things from her perspective, i never really got that sort of thing in the original books. you are going to hear that a lot, but we only ever saw things from percy's perspective, and it was easy to get attached to characters but you were never as attached to them as you were to percy. i feel like we didn't ever get to see much from any other character's perspective, unlike tlh, where we get chapters from the three main characters perspectives. we get to see piper's personal frustration with the aphrodite cabin, or her traitor's guilt about what she's doing. we never got to see this kind of thing from annabeth, we kind of had to go with the social cues percy gave us, not annabeth directly stating. i feel more connected to piper because of how much more we got to see her emotions, and we were never told how she felt from a party that wasn't her.
next, i'll do leo and grover. they aren't a direct parallel like piper and annabeth, but i was originally going to compare jason to grover but their personalities feel too different, at least grover and leo have a little in common. i feel like we didn't see enough of grover to become properly attached. his story felt mostly wrapped up by book 4, and then his final ending in book 5 was like remembering you have leftovers from the night before. and even though he had some sort of cameo in every book, the cameos were always short. like that one family member that shows up to the function, grabs some food and leaves. and, once again, we get proper chapters from leo's view. we never really hear any sort of bad emotions from grover, the few times we did he seemed very general. like when he felt he'd never be as great of a hero as percy, or his fear of not getting his searchers license felt so general they were impersonal in a way. who knows how many demigods felt bad about themselves cause they thought they'd never amount to anything because of percy? or how many satyrs were afraid of not getting their license! were as we see leo dealing with what i assume is some form of survivor's guilt. like feeling that it was entirely his fault his mom died but he survived, it feels so personal. it makes you sympathize with him. i like leo more because of how brief grover is in most of the books.
lastly, jason to percy. they aren't the best parallel, like, at all, but they'll have to suffice. i don't think this is a real thing, but reading so many things from percy pov, i felt almost like a fatigue of reading it. at least with jason we get breaks. and unlike most readers, i actually found jason's perspective more entertaining. i don't know why, though it might have to do wiht the fact that i act a lot more like jason than percy, so there was almost a built-in connection. and percy kind of states the way he feels, and we already know most of what he had gone through, unlike the first ever interaction we have between jason and his past. he talks to lupa, and has this sort of context mental structure. he talks about how he has this feeling he isn't allowed to be weak when talking to lupa, he suppressed his emotion and he doesn't even know he did that. it feels almost like that joke where you say something traumatic under the guise that it's funny, and when they react weirdly you think, that didn't happen to you? jason doesn't even know he was taught to supresss weakness, and does it subconsciously, whereas percy expresses his emotion, even the ones that are weak. we also put percy on a gold pedestal, but jason didn't get that treatment from the fandom, since he was a demigod who felt he was better than the hero we read about first. jason just feels more relatable for the people who felt like they needed to hide anything that made them weak, or the ones who felt shunned by a large group of people. i am more attached to jason because he has subconsciously routed these ideas so deep in his brain, they are still there when hera steals his memories.
overall, i feel like the lost trio is more relatable to me than the og trio.
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iamchaos1234 · 2 months
[spoilers for all of The Owl House]
Short version: I love found family
Long version:
Eda, King, and Luz. The original three. One a witch, one a titan, one a human. Maybe King and Eda have always been close, since Eda found him on that island. But the progression of the three's bond throughout the series made me cry when I thought about it. It starts out as Luz just being a random human, a pawn they use to get back King's crown. Then Luz decided to stay, and it's quite clear Eda doesn't really care at the start. You can see how she clearly ignores Luz's wishes. But you see as season 1 goes on, Eda starts caring for her wellbeing and starts actually bonding and caring for Luz. But you really only see the full extent of Eda's newfound care for Luz in Agony of a Witch. Eda goes to save /her/ human from Lilith, despite knowing the dangers, despite knowing it was a trap, despite knowing her curse is getting worse and worse. And as her curse takes over, she thanks Luz. For being in her life. Luz fights ferociously to save Eda, stopping at nothing to save her Boiling Isles mom. Season 2, episode 1 Eda states that she uses the money they have to get special food for Luz instead of her apple blood, which she is shown to stop at nothing to get. You see the three's bond grow so much in season 2. Luz helps King through his identity crisis, and tries her very best to help him figure out who he truly is. At the end of season 2 Eda's concern for her two children is so great, she just wants them to be safe. They shouldn't have to go through this, since they are just children. But Luz is so desperate to help, to fix her mistake, to redeem herself for her part in this horror. In Clouds on the Horizon you can see Luz's concern for Eda and her plan. Both King and Luz are terrified, because Eda talks like she may never come back. After the Day of Unity when the Collector is taking King you can see just how desperate Luz is to save her found family, her brother and her mom, she wants so badly to save them, just to make sure they are okay. You can see how emotional both are, King thanking Luz, then for her wellbeing shoving her through the portal. Throughout Thanks to Them you can see all of that sadness and want and guilt well up in Luz, not even knowing if her owl mom and little brother are alright. Then, there is Watching and Dreaming. When they all reunite, they are so happy, just so thankful to see the others okay. Then there is the battle with Belos. Eda and King can only watch, as Luz saves the Collector from Belos. Which kills her, and she can't even get the words to tell them as she fades away. In the in-between realm, her inner thoughts say she should have thanked them. Just as they had to her. The absolute fury and anger from Eda and King is insurmountable. They went from a ragtag group, to a family. A true family. Their anger is so great they shift to forms we never have seen or see again, only showing themselves in their absolute despair over Luz's death. When Luz is revived their extreme joy and relief is so great, and it shows.
A witch, a titan, and a human. A mother, a son, and a daughter
Titan I love found family 😭 don't even get me STARTED on Hunter-
This has been a Chaos rant, thanks for reading ;)
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litrallymad · 2 years
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<3 so much love for these three
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heroesofolympus-0508 · 8 months
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Credit to the artist @soia-jpg
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4 days til chalice of the gods i am so fucking excited i am going feral
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bookish-girl · 2 years
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Most beautiful fanart I‘ve ever seen my god. I love the original trio with all my heart.
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Julian: Think of me as your Yoda. Except instead of being little and green, I wear a flannel and I’m awesome. I’m your bro. Your Broda.
Amelia and Alonso: ????????????
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Grover: and what do we say when we feel like this?
Percy: that’s show biz baby
Grover: NO
inspired by this post
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