#Charlie Degler
thena0315 · 2 years
Jurassic Kids
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i’ve been poking around the internet reading the original jurassic park screenplays for fun, and i’d like to make an official callout post for the jurassic park iii script for being EVEN MORE RUINOUS than what appears onscreen. 
evidence beneath the cut, especially egregious moments bolded very dramatically by yours truly--
CHARLIE, a three-year old boy, plays in a sandbox with his favorite toy dinosaurs. ALAN GRANT squats next to him and watches with great delight.
ELLIE SATLER stands over them, an INFANT in her arms -- a picture of the perfect family.
GRANT Oh, actually, Charlie, those two are herbivores. They wouldn't be interested in fighting each other. But these... (picking up two other dinosaurs) See, these are carnivores. And this one here -- see its claws -- this one here uses its claws to gouge at the throat of its opponent…
As Grant demonstrates with some GRUNT and GROANS of his own, he only succeeds in frightening the boy.
ELLIE (interrupting) Uh, Alan?
ELLIE He's three. Why don't you wait till he's a little older?
GRANT Oh, right. (back to Charlie) Happy dinosaurs.
He bounces them along the sandbox edge.
Then, the sound of a CAR ENGINE turning off and a door SLAMMING is heard.
ELLIE That must be Mark. (calling out) Mark, we’re back here!
Ellie and Grant turn to see --
MARK DEGLER coming through the gate carrying a briefcase. He's their age, handsome but not annoyingly so [lol, what a description], with a friendly, balance demeanor.
He and Ellie kiss tenderly on the lips.
ELLIE (CONT'D) Good day?
MARK Keeping the world safe. (re: baby) Here, let me take her.
Ellie hands off the baby.
ELLIE Mark, this is Alan Grant.
MARK Nice to meet you, Alan. I've heard a lot about you.
The two men shake hands, and we now realize it is Grant who is the stranger in this household. Little Charlie runs to his father, showing his dinosaur.
CHARLIE Daddy, this is a herbabore.
Grant smiles uncomfortably, a third wheel.
WINDEN to a PARROT in a large cage. Grant is teasing the bird with a cookie, holding a it just out of reach.
GRANT What's my name? Come on, Jack, say it. Is my name Alan? Say my name.
The bird doesn't respond.
GRANT (CONT'D) He used to know me. [sob!!!!!]
ELLIE Sorry, Alan it's been six years.
Grant shrugs, gives Jack the cookie, and heads towards the table. The three adults are finishing their dessert and coffee. The The children have been out to bed.
An awkward moment of silence. Uncomfortable smiles. Then --
MARK More coffee?
ELLIE (relived) Yes. Great.
Mark stands and collects their cups.
ELLIE (CONT'D) So, Mark's working at the State Department now.
GRANT Really? (To Mark) What do you do there?
MARK (with mock bravado) I could tell you about it, but than I'd have to kill you.
GRANT Indeed.
Mark smiles, nodding. Then he goes into the kitchen. Another uncomfortable silence.
ELLIE So what are you working on now?
GRANT We have a new site in Montana. At least until the money runs out.
ELLIE Anything good?
GRANT Raptors, mostly.
ELLIE My favorite.
Grant leans forward, realizing Ellie's one of the few people he can talk to about this.
GRANT You remember the sounds they made?
ELLIE I try not to.
GRANT We've done cranial scans, and raptors actually had a quite sophisticated resonating chamber. I have a theory that their ability to vocalize is the key to their social intelligence. The way they can work together as a team.
ELLIE You think they could talk to each other?
GRANT To a degree we never imagined.
And from the cage in the corner of the room...
JACK Bullshit!
Both look back at the parrot. ELLIE smiles.
ELLIE You taught him that.
Ellie and Grant head toward the rental car parked in the driveway.
ELLIE Good luck with the fund raising.
GRANT It was never easy, but before Jurassic Park, you could find money. Somewhere. Now fossils are out. Everyone wants to see a real live dinosaur.
ELLIE Times change Alan. But you're the still the best. I mean that.
GRANT The last of my breed.
A long moment passes between them as both consider where they've ended up.
GRANT (CONT'D) I'd better get going.
ELLIE Let me know if I can help, Alan. You’re bad about asking for help, but please ask me. Anything, anytime. [sob!!!!!!]
GRANT (deep down knowing he never will) Okay. Goodbye, Ellie.
ELLIE Goodbye, Alan.
Not sure what the right thing to do is, they finally end up with a friendly hug. They keep it short.
Grant gets in his car. Starts the ENGINE.
He's about to pull off when Ellie knocks on the window. He rolls it down.
ELLIE (CONT'D) When I met you, I thought that one day millions of years ago, all the dinosaurs became extinct. Wiped out. But you told me otherwise. When conditions changed, dinosaurs changed. They became other things. They evolved.
GRANT A well-accepted theory.
ELLIE (simply) Alan don't be afraid to evolve.
Grant hears her, but Ellie knows it didn't really get through. A forced half-smile, than Grant waves goodbye.
Ellie watches as he drives off.
ERIC The lady you called, how do you know she can help us?
GRANT She's the one person I could always count on. And she's saved me more times than she realizes. I owe her everything.
A long beat as they walk.
GRANT (CONT'D) It's strikes me now I never told her that.
ERIC You should.
GRANT You're right.
[oh my god, is that alan EVOLVING? does this movie end on the vague suggestion that alan is going to shoot his shot and try to bust up ellie’s marriage? ... i know probably not. but MAYBE. also, i’m really glad that the movie added the “god bless you, ellie” line w/ all the world’s love in it.]
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tenaciousellie · 2 years
“i told you i’d come home to you.”
- @dr-alangrant post JP3
Ellie was feeling every emotion in that moment as Alan got off the plane with the other survivors of Isla Sorna. Alan had sworn to her that this was just a fly over, that’d he’d be home in two days tops. That this couple was paying big money for it and it’d help with the dig at least through the end of the year. She was reluctant to let him leave but knew they needed the money. But then when their oldest, Charlie said that Daddy was on the phone and she heard his screams along with the dinosaurs, she knew the flight turned into something else.
Thanks to her friend Mark Degler, who occasionally guest lectures at her university who is a full time employee of the Defense department, they had called almost every faction of the military there. Relief flooded through her when they got word that he and Billy were safe, and she dropped her kids off at her parents and went to get Alan.
But as she saw him, a little worse for wear, but still holding that smile he only had for her. She wanted to smack him honestly. But as soon as she heard his voice, she broke down, pulling him into a hug. “What happened??” 
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kingsmakers · 2 years
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Daisy Sattler + The Jurassic World Trilogy (2015–2022)
First appearances in the script
Jurassic World: Enter DAISY SATTLER, 18. A spunky blonde with a personality reminiscent of her aunt, Ellie. She wears multi-coloured shoes with a bright yellow backpack slung over her shoulder.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom: The personal assistant is DAISY SATTLER, 21. She’s switched out her typical tomboy attire for dress pants and a button-up blouse, blonde hair swept back from a fresh-faced complexion in a messy ponytail.
Jurassic World: Dominion: The door is answered by DAISY SATTLER, 25. She’s wearing a striped shirt and high-waisted jeans. There’s a white wedding invitation with gold writing on it on the side table right beside the front door.
Forever tag: @anna-phora @jvstjewels @starcrossedjedis @akabluekat @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @asirensrage @noratilney @bravelittleflower @villain-connoisseur @margoshansons @booty-boggins @sentineljedi @decennia @hiddenqveendom @honeyandsunflowers @arrthurpendragon @foxesandmagic @itscapokaybye @raith-way @drbobbimorse
Daisy tag: @luucypevensie @captainrcgers @heresthefanfiction
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deliriousgeek · 4 years
She’s the Alpha (Owen Grady x Reader) .1
Chapter 1:
Struggle of an Author Paleontologist
July 15th, 2001. On a Beach of Isla Sorna.
Alan Grant was breathless as he stood with the Kirby's. A man stood at the edge of the beach in a black suit. In his hand a megaphone. The image would have been found ironic if not for the current situation.
"Doctor Grant? Doctor Alan Grant?" He spoke through the megaphone.
Instantly Paul and Amanda Kirby ran towards the man yelling, 'That's a very bad idea', not wanting to attract more predators than necessary. They stopped as soon as they saw the Marine and ARMY vehicles swarm the beach.
As the vehicles stopped,  ARMY men jumped out and started calling out commands.
The sight of rescue pushed through like a wave, dousing Amanda, Paul, Alan, and Eric in relief.
"Wow. You have to thank her now. She sent the ARMY and the Marines!" Eric Kirby said, smiling.
Alan smiled in gratitude. "God bless you Ellie."
13 years later.
July 15th, 2014. Dayton, Ohio.
(Y/n)'s journal slammed shut as her head swelled with the irritation of no ideas or inspiration. She sat at her desk as the sunset rays coming in from the window danced across her face. A groan escaped from her mouth. Her head drooped from her balled up fists  to the cover of her journal. Three nonchalant raps on the door resonated through the quiet office room.
"Come in." She said.
As the door opened it revealed none other than the former paleobotanist Ellie Degler(ñee Sattler). With a smile she said, "Hey. You're dad wanted me to tell you that dinner's ready."
The blonde entering the room somewhat surprised (Y/n). (Y/n) raised her head.
"You're dad invited over a couple family friends for dinner. He said you could use some friendly faces to destress from work." Ellie explained.
(Y/n) nodded and put her head back down on her journal in frustration. Noticing (Y/n)'s rather gloomy state Ellie let herself in and leaned against the door.
"What's been botherin' you?"
(Y/n) groaned at the cause of her poor work outcome. Normally she would say that everything was fine and dismiss the person who asked, but this topic was really getting on her nerves.
Raising her head she said. "I can't write! There's no inspiration. I have nothing to say or conclude about the latest fossil dig." Her face contorted to a frustrated sight.
There was a pause and the room was quiet, as if (Y/n) had something more to say but couldn't get the words out. Ellie knew there was something else. For the most part (Y/n) was an emotionally reserved person. She wouldn't allow the things that really got to her escape their cell in her mind unless it was damaging to her mental health. That much Ellie knew about the girl she practically helped raised.
Ellie looked at her with an inquisitive face as a mother would to her stubborn child . "Is there something else?"
(Y/n) looked at Ellie, her frustration dissolving. After a brief moment of silence a "No." came from her lips. Ellie was still suspicious, but nonetheless nodded and opened the door.
"If you say so," Ellie turned before closing the door. "Don't let your father see that face. Or else he'll bug you about it till he finds out what's wrong." With that she closed the door and proceeded down the stairs.
(Y/n) knew she couldn't hide the real reason frustration. It would be let out eventually. So she stood up and glanced at the letter laying on her desk, the InGen seal was vibrant on the white paper it sat on. With a sigh she place it in her journal, to hide it if someone were to come in, and left the room to enter an eventful dinner.
Dinner was perfect. The cheerful atmosphere, the laughter filling the room, the company from all of the guests was perfect. It was all perfect, except for (Y/n)'s mood. While the others around the table reminisced at the stories that were being told (Y/n) picked at her plate and occasionally nodded or smile at the tales only to throw the attention away from her sad aura.
Everyone at the table took note that (Y/n) wasn't very talkative tonight. Her face displayed a look that confirmed she was in deep contemplation. Whenever (Y/n) had that look, everyone knew that it meant something mind boggling consumed her thoughts. The laughter died down to slight chuckles. Around the table sat the smartest people known to the paleontology world. Alan Grant sat at the head of table. Next to him his good friend and once student Ellie Degler (Sattler), next to her sat her husband Mark Degler, then their son Charlie Degler. On the other side of Alan sat Ian Malcolm, Sarah Malcolm, and Kelly Malcolm. Finally at the end of the table, opposite her father, sat (Y/n).
"Why are you so quiet?" Kelly leaned in and whispered to her friend.
(Y/n) blinked. "What?"
Kelly rolled her eyes. In a hushed tone she said, "You're really quiet and you have that face on."
"Face? I don't have a 'face'. You're imagining it."
"Don't lie to me. I know that face. It's the 'I'm-(Y/n)-I'm-independent-and-emotionally-mature-so-I-won't-tell-anyone-what's-bothering-me' face." Kelly said in a mock tone. "Also, you're picking at your food. You don't do that. You love food." Kelly said matter of factly as (Y/n) wouldn't meet her eyes.
(Y/n) absentmindedly let her right hand rest on the table, the utensil resting on the edge of her plate. It was a subliminal sign of defeat. Kelly's gloating features softened and she placed her left hand atop (Y/n)'s right hand.
"What's wrong?" It wasn't Kelly's voice that asked the question but none other than Kelly's father, Ian Malcolm.
With his voice shooting right across the table to (Y/n) everyone turned their attention to her. Both young ladies' eyes darted to him. An alertness spread through (Y/n)'s body. Her eyes shifted from Ian's intent gaze to her father's puzzled and concerned stare. To which she quickly averted.
Charlie raised a brow. "(N/n) 'you good?"
(Y/n) took in a breath and nodded while saying, "Yeah I'm fine. 'Just frustrated over my book."
As if.
The real reason (Y/n) was so caught up in her thoughts was because of that letter from InGen. Merely a couple days ago she had received a letter saying the CEO of InGen, Simon Masrani wanted to extend his welcome to her. He had welcomed her to not only see, but if she enjoyed her visit possibly endorse InGen's latest attraction, Jurassic World.
Hope y’all enjoyed it :) lemme know your thoughts!
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a very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse. REPOST WITH THE INFORMATION OF YOUR MUSE, INCLUDING HEADCANONS, ETC. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!  when you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
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NAME.  William “Billy” Thomas Brennan AGE.   25 SPECIES. human GENDER. cis male ORIENTATION. pansexual PROFESSION. currently an associate professor working under doctor alan grant at his current dig site in the fort peck lake, montana. 
BODY TYPE. fit with some muscles, barest hint of abdominal muscles EYES. brown, wide,  HAIR. usually short (curly when longer than a few inches),  brown (though often dyed for theatre productions) SKIN. tan, scared from acne as a teen, wrinkles and freckles from the sun  HEIGHT. 5′7′’ WEIGHT. 162 lbs
SPOUSE.  alan grant, ellie sattler ( verse dependent ) CHILD(REN). charlie and kait degler ( verse dependent ), and currently unnamed boy SIBLINGS. alyssa dugal ( eldest ), paul brennan ( youngest ) PARENTS. alexander ( alive ) and sarah ( alive ) ANY PETS ? mostly cats as they’re lower maintenance than dogs, but since becoming a student of alan’s he’s started a small collection of dogs ( not that he’s entirely upset about that, though they all love alan more than they love him )
PHYSICAL PROWESS. able to complete spartan races with little to no difficulty, has completed the spartan trifecta three times in one year SPEED.  average speed, built more for long distance ( endurance ) running  INTELLIGENCE.  high, has a tendency to spend hours doing research on whatever happens to catch his attention, though is more skilled with his hands than his mind, school is difficult for him because it requires intense memorization
COLOURS. dark greens SMELLS.  plants, wet soil, atmosphere ( small after it rains ), ocean, argan oil, old books FOOD. fresh fish ( he prefers local fish but will take what he can get ), double fudge brownies DRINKS.   water, blue gatorade, ales, some gins
SMOKES ?   not since first year university DRUGS ?   not since first year of university DRIVER LICENSE ?  Yes EVER BEEN ARRESTED ? once, we don’t talk about it
TAGGING: whoever wants to do it :)
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kingsmakers · 4 years
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Not another goddamn oc
Daisy Sattler (Jurassic World)
It was always amazing to Daisy that her aunt Ellie was able to see the original Jurassic Park. She and her cousin Charlie would talk about it, despite the fact that his mum wasn’t up for discussion on the topic. Daisy’s enthusiasm for dinosaurs rivalled a younger Ellie’s - she’s got her vlogs, ‘Dinos with Daisy’, and a blog full of colourful infographics.
None of that prepared Daisy for the reality that was Jurassic World. When the starstruck girl scores a ticket through her connections, she’s thrilled at the opportunity to explore the world of dinosaurs for herself. Even Charlie thought it was a bad idea, but who was Daisy to give up a childhood dream?
Then the quirky dinosaur factbook stumbles across Zach Mitchell, possibly the least enthused person in Jurassic World. What begins with arguments and awkward flirtation becomes a fight for survival when the park proves just as deadly as its predecessor. Maybe Charlie was right this time, after all.
Forever tag: @poe-tato-dameron @drbobbimorse @itsjustgracy @prophecy-grrl @thanksbutnoshanks @ocfairygodmother @dakotajohnsom @perfectlystiles @darkwolf76 @villanele @foxesandmagic @oreostars @dovesgrangers @ohmyzukka @moirei @princes-jasmine @butcherofblackwater @fiercefray @lostiintheocean @papergirlverse @iron-parkr
Daisy tag: @fallingintoimagination
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kingsmakers · 4 years
I need to know everything about your dino daughter Daisy
I don’t really have “everything” haha but here’s the ideas I have so far:
Daisy is 16 years old and the same age as Zach Mitchell. 
According to the timeline, Ellie Sattler’s eldest son Charlie Degler was born the same year/year before. So considering he and Daisy are the same age, they’re extremely close and have more of a sibling relationship.
Daisy’s dad is Ellie’s older brother. Daisy also has a brother of her own, Dylan Sattler. He’s around 22-23 years old.
Daisy is a little genius actually, she’s already graduated from high school and is on a gap year because she felt self-conscious about being the youngest one at her college or uni by like 2 years.
Daisy runs a blog/vlog called ‘Dinos with Daisy’. She has cute and colourful infographic and does short, under 5 minute videos chatting about a certain type of dinosaur each week.
Daisy is super bubbly and friendly, she’s really easygoing and connects well with others.
Gray thinks Daisy is A++
Daisy is actually fairly good with firearms. Her brother used to take her out shooting so when ACU goes down, Daisy acquires a fallen gun and is like “yes hello I am the protector of this squad now”.
Daisy is eventually going to get a ragdoll cat called Rascal, who lives up to his name and hisses every time Owen Grady sees him.
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pxperhearts · 7 years
Things to do:
drafts, as always (currently at 14, which isn’t bad cause the queue is at 14 too)
about pages. there’s 4 left to flesh out and at this point like, im gonna go watch botw vids at some point to get everything I need cause I know it’ll be awhile before I finish the game
mobile versions of directory & abouts
Muses that will be added (relatively) soon:
charlie & kaitlyn degler (ellie’s kids)
rue from threads of fate
john smith from disney (moving him here from an old blog)
Birthdays this month:
10th: jefferson hatter
23rd: jesse wells
25th: milah
26th: frederick
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